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UFO-ViT: High Performance Linear Vision Transformer without Softmax Jeong-geun Song Kakao Enterprise po.ai@kakaoenterprise.com PREPRINT arXiv:2109.14382v1 [cs.CV] 29 Sep 2021 Abstract Vision transformers have become one of the most im- portant models for computer vision tasks. While they outperform earlier convolutional networks, the complexity quadratic to N is one of the major drawbacks when using traditional self-attention algorithms. Here we propose the UFO-ViT(Unit Force Operated Vision Trnasformer), novel method to reduce the computations of self-attention by elim- inating some non-linearity. Modifying few of lines from self-attention, UFO-ViT achieves linear complexity without the degradation of performance. The proposed models out- perform most transformer-based models on image classi- fication and dense prediction tasks through most capacity regime. 1. Introduction Recently, several results of transformers[10, 37, 42, 32, Figure 1: ImageNet1k Top-1 Acc. vs. FLOPS. Xmeans 19, 14, 12] have shown many breakthroughs in vision tasks distilled model. as well as in natural language processing. The vision transformer[10] shows better scalability with large dataset by removing inductive bias of CNN-based architectures. In We suggest simple alternative self-attention mechanism recent studies, transformer-based architectures renew the to avoid those two major drawbacks. It is called Unit Force state of the art on image classification, object detection and Operated Vision Transformer, or simply UFO-ViT. This semantic segmentation[2, 26, 41, 49, 51], and generative method eliminates softmax function to use associative law models[23, 13, 11]. of matrix multiplication. It is not a kind of approximation Transformer-based models have been shown competi- but similar to low rank approximation. It has been presented tive performance compared to earlier state-of-the-art mod- at Performer[19] and Efficient Attention[31] earlier. Here els. Despite their great successes, the models using self- we suggest another mechanism to drop the softmax function attention have well-known drawbacks. One is that self- by two-step L2 -normalization, called XNorm. It can com- attention mechanism has time and memory complexity pute self-attention with linear complexity, exploiting asso- quadratic to N . When computing self-attention, QK T ∈ ciative law as mentioned above. RN ×N is multiplied to value matrix to extract pairwise Unlike previous results of linear approximation meth- global relations. It could be critical issue on the tasks that ods, UFO-ViT achieves higher or competitive results on require high resolution, i.e., object detection or segmenta- benchmarks of vision tasks compared to the state of the tion. If width and height is doubled, self-attention requires art models. It is detailed in Section 4, including results 16 times of resource to compute. Another major issue is on ImageNet1k[9] and COCO benchmarks[25]. It has been about data efficiency. ViT[10] has to be pre-trained using obtained without any extra dataset like JFM-300M or Ima- large extra dataset to achieve competitive performance com- geNet21k. pared to CNN-based architectures. Our approaches have contributions as follows: 1
1. We propose novel constraint scheme, XNorm, which duce the computation except using small channels. Zhang generates unit hypersphere to extract relational features. et al.[50] propose the nested self-attention structure. They Detailed in Section 3, it prevents self-attention from being split the patches to several blocks and apply local attention dependent to initialization. Furthermore, it has O(N ) com- to them. At the end of the stage, blocks are flatten and plexity, handling high resolution input efficiently. pooled by convolution with stride 2. Above this, various 2. We demonstrate UFO-ViT can be adopted to general patch merging methods are introduced[3]. purpose. Our models are experimented on both image clas- Different methods to integrate convolutional layers[19, sification and dense prediction tasks. Even it uses linear 41, 14, 12, 44, 15] are introduced too. LeViT, designed self-attention scheme, UFO-ViT models outperform most by Graham et al.[14] applies multi-stage networks to trans- of state-of-the-art models based on transformer at lower ca- formers, inspired by common structure of early CNN-based pacity and FLOPS. Especially, our models perform well in networks. Xiao et al.[44] have found that to replace lin- lightweight regime. ear patch embedding layers to convolutions helps the trans- 3. We propose new module which can process input im- formers capture the better features. At XCiT[12], El-Nouby age dynamically. It means the size of weights are irrele- et al. introduce local patch interaction. By adding two vant to the input resolution. It is useful at dense prediction depthwise convolutions[6] after XCA, XCiT achieves bet- tasks like object detection or semantic segmentation which ter performance. From another point of view, alternative usually requires higher resolution compared to pre-training self-attention method is introduced by Chu et al[8]. Their stage. For MLP-based structures[35, 36], post-process is model uses global attention and local attention together. required if the model is pre-trained on different resolution. For data efficiency, our models are mostly inspired by in- trinsic optimization strategies XCiT[12] presents. But UFO 2. Related Works scheme is not based on their method, as detailed in follow- Vision transformers. Dosovitskiy et al.[10] has shown ing paragraph. potential of transformers in vision. After the achieve- Efficient self-attention. Instead of architectural strate- ments of ViT, DeiT[37] introduced the most efficient train- gies, several approaches are proposed to directly solve ing strategies for vision transformer by detailed ablation O(N 2 ) problem of self-attention mechanism. They are studies. They have solved the data efficiency problem of summarized to some categories; Special patterns[20, 5, 33], ViT successfully and most of concurrent transformer-based exploiting associative law[7, 31], using low rank factor- models have been following their schemes. ization method[40], linear approximation through sampling In further researches, various architectural strategies to important tokens[24, 46], and using cross-covariance matri- improve training stability have been presented. Touvron ces instead of Gram matrices[12]. Although detailed meth- et al.[38] propose two simple modules to train deep vision ods are quite different, our UFO scheme is mainly related transformer models. One is class attention layers, which is to utilizing associative law. additional self-attention modules for the class token only. Proposed modules help the class token aggregate features 3. Methods from the patches by detaching them from main modules. Another is LayerScale module. They claims that it helps The structure of our model is depicted in Figure 2. It is a larger transformer models generalize better by scaling resid- mixture of convolutional layers, UFO module, and a simple ual connections. Simple modified version of that has pre- feed-forward MLP layer. In this section, we point out how sented at ResMLP[36], which is LayerScale with the bias our proposed method can replace the softmax function and term. While MLP-based models are not directly related to ensures linear complexity. our models, we adopt Affine modules to our model for scal- ing normalized heads and residuals. Module Type Complexity Hybrid architectures. To solve several limitations of ViT[10] O(N 2 d) transformers, designing schemes used in CNNs are re- Linformer[40] O(kN d) visited on further works. Liu et al.[26] propose the shifting window and patch merging. It generates hierarchical fea- Efficient Attention[31] √ d) O(hN Axial[20] O(N N d) tures by grouped attention and gradually merges the patches XCiT[12] O(N d2 ) to shrink the input resolution. This methods help self- UFO-ViT O(hN d) attention modules learn local structures as well as reduce the computation. Tokens-to-token ViT, introduced by Yuan Table 1: Complexity of self-attention methods. h means et al.[48], aims similar problem with different approaches. hidden dimension of key-query-value. They present the method overlapping tokens to correlate patches locally. But they do not use special tricks to re- 2
Figure 4: Centroids generating harmonic potentials. Each patch, represented as a particle, is interfered by parabolic potentials generated from h clusters. Figure 2: Overview of UFO-ViT module. Note that affine XNorm, is defined as follows: layers[36] are following each module. A(x) = XNdim=filter (Q)(XNdim=space (K T V )) (3) γa XN(a) := qP (4) h i=0 ||a||2 where γ is a learnable parameter and h is the number of embedding dimension. It is simple L2 -norm, but it is ap- plied along two dimensions; Spatial dimension of K T V and channel dimension of Q. That is why it is called cross- normalization. Using associative law, key and value are multiplied first and query is multiplied after. It is depicted at Figure 3. Both Figure 3: UFO module. multiplication has complexity of O(hN d), so this process is linear to N . (To compare with other methods, see Table 1.) 3.2. XNorm 3.1. Theoretical Interpretation Replace softmax to XNorm. Key and value multiplied N ×C directly in our process. It is same with linear kernel method, For an input x ∈ R , traditional self-attention mech- generating h clusters. anism is formulated as follows: n X p T [K T V ]ij = T Kik Vkj (5) A(x) = σ(QK / dk )V (1) k=1 Q = xWQ , K = xWK , V = xWV (2) XNorm applied to both query and output.: q̂0 · k̂0 q̂0 · k̂1 · · · q̂0 · k̂h where A denotes the attention operator. q̂1 · k̂0 q̂1 · k̂1 · · · q̂1 · k̂h σ(QK T )V cannot be decomposed to O(N × h + h × A(x) = . (6) .. .. .. N ) because of non-linearity of softmax. Our approach is .. . . . eliminating softmax to compute K T V first with associative q̂N · k̂0 q̂N · k̂1 · · · q̂N · k̂h law. Since applying identity instead causes degradation, we q̂i = XN[(Qi0 , Qi1 , · · · , Qih )] (7) suggest simple constraint to prevent it. T T T Our proposed method, called cross-normalization or k̂i = XN[([K V ]0i , [K V ]1i , · · · , [K V ]hi )] (8) 3
Model Depth #Dim #Embed #Head GFLOPS Params (M) Res. Patch Size UFO-ViT-U 12 192 96 4 1.0 5.6 224 16 UFO-ViT-T 24 192 96 4 1.9 10.0 224 16 UFO-ViT-S 12 384 128 8 3.7 20.7 224 16 UFO-ViT-M 24 384 128 8 7.0 37.3 224 16 UFO-ViT-B 24 512 128 8 11.9 63.7 224 16 UFO-ViT-L 12 384 128 8 14.3 20.6 224 8 UFO-ViT-XL 24 384 128 8 27.4 37.3 224 8 Table 2: UFO-ViT models. where x denotes the input. Finally, projection weight scales Above formulation is generally used to approximate po- and aggregates them by weighted sum. tential energy of molecule at x ≈ 0. For multiple molecules, using linearity of elasticity, h X n [Wproj A(x)]ij = wmj q̂i · k̂j (9) X m=1 F=− ki · x (15) i=1 In this formulation, relational features are defined by co- It is similar equation to Eq.9 except that above formula sine similarity between the patches and the clusters. XNorm is not normalized. (Note that wmj terms are static. They are restricts the query and clusters to be unit vectors. It prevents irrelevant to each batch so do not perform significant roles their values to suppress relational properties, by regulariz- in this simulation.) Assume that small number of k are too ing them to narrow range. If they have arbitrary values, the large. The shapes of their potentials are wide and deep. region of attention is too dependent on initialization. (See Eq.14.) If a certain particle moves around them, it is However, this interpretation is not enough to explain why not easy for it to escape. In this case, only two cases exist. XNorm has to be L2 -normalization form. Here we intro- 1. Collapsed. The particles are aligned to the direction of duce another theoretical view, considering simple physical the largest k. 2. Relational features are neglected. A few simulation. particles with large x are survived from collapsing. Details of XNorm. Considering residual connection, the This is exactly same case as mentioned at previous part. output of arbitrary module is formulated as follows. XNorm enforces all vectors to unit vector to prevent this xn+1 = xn + f (xn ) (10) situation. In other words, XNorm is not normalization, but constraint. where n and x denote current depth and the input image. If To show this empirically, we have demonstrated that we assume that x is the displacement of certain object and other normalization methods cannot work well. For detailed n is time, then above equation is re-defined as: results, refer to our ablation study(See Table 4). Feed-forward layers(FFN). In attention module, FFN xt+1 = xt + f (xt ) (11) cannot be ignored. However, there is simple nice interpre- ∆x tation. FFN is static and not dependent to spatial dimension. f (x) = (12) Physically, this type of function represents driven force of ∆t harmonic oscillator equation. Most of neural networks are discrete, so ∆t is constant. (Let ∆t = 1 for simplicity.) Residual term expresses veloc- F = −k · x + g(t) (16) ity, and it has same value with force where ∆t = 1. This performs the role of amplifier or reducer, which In physics, Hooke’s law is defined as dot product of elas- boosts or kills the features irrelevant to spatial relation. ticity vector k and displacement vector x. The elastic force generates harmonic potential U , a function of x2 . Phys- 3.3. UFO-ViT ically, the potential energy interferes the path of particle To build our UFO-ViT model, we adopted some architec- moving through it. (To easily understand, imagine a ball tural strategies from earlier vision transformer models[14, moves around a track with parabola shape.) 44, 12, 38]. In this section, we introduce several archi- tectural optimization techniques. Overall structure is illus- F = −k · x (13) trated at Figure 2. 1 2 Patch embedding with convolutions. Recent several U= kx (14) 2 researches[14, 44] claim that vision transformers are trained 4
well with convolutional patch embedding layers, instead of Method Top-1 Acc. (%) linear projection. Adopting their strategy, we use convolu- Baseline(Linear Embed+XNorm) 81.8 tional layers at the early stage of our models. XNorm → LN[1], GN[43] Failed Positional encoding. We use positional encoding XNorm → Learnable p-Norm 81.8 as learnable parameters, which Dosovitskiy et al. has XNorm → Single L2Norm Failed proposed[10] earlier. Using positional encoding does not Linear Embed[10] → Conv Embed 82.0 affect ablation study, but we have decided to add it to pre- +Tuned Hyperparameter 82.8 pare same experimental environment. Multi-headed attention. Following the original[39], Table 4: Ablation study on ImageNet1k classification. our modules are multi-headed for better regularization. γ The results of ablation study on UFO-ViT-M. Note that sin- parameter in Eq.3 is applied to all heads to scale importance gle L2Norm means applying L2Norm to only one of query of each heads. and key-value interaction. The learnable parameter p of p- Local patch interaction. It is not special idea re- norm is initialized by 2. cently to design the extra module to extract local features for self-attention module. We choose the most simplistic method among them, 3 × 3 depthwise separable convolu- tions. Adopting LPI proposed in XCiT[12] early, we use stacked two Conv-BN[22]-GELU[18] layers. Feed-forward network. Like traditional transformer- based models, our model uses a point-wise feed-forward MLP with 4d hidden dimension. Class attention. In ImageNet1k experiments, we use the class attention layers presented in CaiT[38]. It helps the class token gather spatial information. To reduce compu- tation, Class attention is computed on class token only. It is same with the original paper. Note that class attentions consist of UFO modules, while CaiT uses the normal self- attention module for class attention. Hyperparam Model Value UFO-ViT-S, L, XL 5e-4 learning rate UFO-ViT-M 4e-4 UFO-ViT-B 3.5e-4 UFO-ViT-S, L 0.05 Figure 5: Memory consumption according to the num- weight decay[27] UFO-ViT-M, XL 0.07 ber of input tokens. Maximum GPU memory allocated UFO-ViT-B 0.09 using UFO-ViT-M model with 64 batches. It is linear to UFO-ViT-S, L 0.1 the number of input tokens. We use torch.cuda API drop path[21] UFO-ViT-M, XL 0.15 PyTorch[29] library provides. UFO-ViT-B 0.2 UFO-ViT-S/L 1.0 Implementation details. Our setup is almost same with grad clip[28] UFO-ViT-M, XL 0.7 DeiT[37]. However, we use small learning rate and larger UFO-ViT-B 0.5 weight decay for up-scaled models for training stability. Table 3: Hyperparameters for image classification. All (See Table 3 for more details.) The learning rate follows the other hyperparameters are same as DeiT[37]. linear scaling rule[47], scaled per 512 batch size. We train our model for 400 epochs with the AdamW optimizer[27]. Learning rate is linearly warmed up during first 5 epochs and decayed with a cosine schedule after that. 4. Experiments Ablation study on UFO-ViT-M. Our ablation study fo- cus on the importance of XNorm, and architectural opti- 4.1. Image Classification mizations which have explained in Section 3.3. We have ex- Dataset. For image classification task, we evaluate our perimented various normalization methods. Most of other models using ImageNet1k[9] dataset. Extra dataset or dis- normalization methods do not decrease the loss. It can be tilled knowledge from convolutional teacher is not used. the one of implicit evidences to prove that our theoretical 5
interpretation is reasonable. Interestingly, applying single L2Norm also shows bad performance. All results are de- tailed in Table 4. Comparison with the state of the art models. We ex- perimented three models which have same architecture de- signing schemes with DeiT[37]. (See Table 5.) As summa- rized in Figure 1, all our models have shown higher per- formance and parameter efficiency than most of concur- rent transformer-based models. Additionally, our proposed model has advantages on complexity and data efficiency, while original ViT[10] requires larger extra dataset like JFT- 300M or ImageNet21k for competitive performance. Top-1 Params FLOPs Model Res Acc (M) (G) RegNetY-1.6G[30] 78.0 224 11 1.6 DeiT-Ti[37] 72.2 224 5 1.3 XCiT-T12/16[12] 77.1 224 26 1.2 UFO-ViT-T 78.3 224 10 1.9 ResNet-50[17] 75.3 224 26 3.8 RegNetY-4G[30] 80.0 224 21 4.0 DeiT-S[37] 79.8 224 22 4.6 Figure 6: Visualized UFO-module outputs. UFO Swin-T[26] 81.3 224 29 4.5 schemes cannot be visualized like traditional N × N self- XCiT-S12/16[12] 82.0 224 26 4.8 attention maps. Instead, we visualize tensor length map of UFO-ViT-S 81.8 224 21 3.7 UFO-module output from UFO-ViT-M pretrained on Im- ResNet-101[17] 75.3 224 47 7.6 ageNet1k. All maps are extracted from first layer which RegNetY-8G[30] 81.7 224 39 8.0 gathers most of spatial information. This map is scaled at Swin-S[26] 83.0 224 50 8.7 (0, 1). Red means the value is close to 1. XCiT-S24/16[12] 82.6 224 48 9.1 UFO-ViT-M 82.8 224 37 7.0 RegNetY-16G[30] 82.9 224 84 16.0 classification, we use same hyperparameters for all models, DeiT-B[37] 81.8 224 86 17.5 learning rate of 1e-4 and 0.05 weight decay. All experi- Swin-B[26] 83.5 224 88 15.4 ments are performed on 3x schedule. Input resolution is XCiT-S12/8[12] 83.4 224 26 18.9 fixed to 800 × 1333 for all experiments. UFO-ViT-L 83.1 224 21 14.3 Evaluation on COCO dataset. We compare to EfficientNet-B7[34] 84.3 600 66 37.0 CNNs[17, 45] and transformer-based vision models on ob- XCiT-S24/8[12] 83.9 224 48 36.0 ject detection and instance segmentation tasks. For fair UFO-ViT-XL 83.9 224 37 27.4 comparison, the experimental environment is same for all results. All models are pre-trained on ImageNet1k dataset. Table 5: Comparison with the state of the art models. Our models significantly outperforms CNN-based mod- Note that the properties of the other models are taken from els. Also they achieves higher or competitive results com- original papers. pared to state-of-the-art vision transformers with lower ca- pacity. But XCiT[12] shows slightly better results with same design space. It might be that XCiT models have 4.2. Object Detection with Mask R-CNN larger embedding space d. UFO-ViT-B performs slightly worse than UFO-ViT-M on bounding box detection task, Implementation details. Our models are evaluated on but better on smaller bounding boxes and overall instance COCO benchmark dataset[25] for object detection task. segmentation scores. All detailed results are reported on We use UFO-ViT as backbone and Mask R-CNN[16] as Table 6. detector. This implementation is based on mmdetection library.[4] The training schemes, like multiscale training and data augmentation setup, are same as DETR[2]. We use 16 NVIDIA A100 GPUs at training, for 36 epochs with 2 batch size per GPU using AdamW optimizer. Unlike image 6
Backbone Params (M) APb APb50 APb75 APm APm 50 APm 75 ResNet50[17] 44.2 41.0 61.7 44.9 37.1 58.4 40.1 PVT-Small[41] 44.1 43.0 65.3 46.9 39.9 62.5 42.8 Swin-T[26] 47.8 46.0 68.1 50.3 41.6 65.1 44.9 XCiT-S12/16[12] 44.3 45.3 67.0 49.5 40.8 64.0 43.8 UFO-ViT-S 39.7 44.6 66.7 48.7 40.4 63.6 42.9 ResNet101[17] 63.2 42.8 63.2 47.1 39.2 60.1 41.3 PVT-Medium[41] 63.9 44.2 66.0 48.2 40.5 63.1 43.5 Swin-S[26] 69.0 48.5 70.2 53.5 43.3 67.3 46.6 XCiT-S24/16[12] 65.8 46.5 68.0 50.9 41.8 65.2 45.0 UFO-ViT-M 56.4 46.0 68.2 50.0 41.0 64.6 43.7 ResNeXt101-64[45] 101.9 44.4 64.9 48.8 39.7 61.9 42.6 PVT-Large[41] 81.0 44.5 66.0 48.3 40.7 63.4 43.7 XCiT-M24/16[12] 101.1 46.7 68.2 51.1 42.0 65.6 44.9 UFO-ViT-B 82.4 45.8 67.4 50.1 41.2 64.5 44.1 Table 6: Object detection performance on the COCO val2017. 5. Conclusion lab detection toolbox and benchmark. arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.07155, 2019. 6 In this paper, we propose the simple method to make self-attention have linear complexity without loss [5] Rewon Child, Scott Gray, Alec Radford, and Ilya of performance. By replacing softmax function, we Sutskever. Generating long sequences with sparse remove quadratic operation by associate law of ma- transformers. arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.10509, 2019. trix multiplication. This type of factorization usually 2 causes degradation of performance in earlier researches. [6] François Chollet. Xception: Deep learning with UFO-ViT models outperform most of existing the state- depthwise separable convolutions. In Proceedings of of-the-art results of transformer-based and CNN-based the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern models at image classification. We have shown that recognition, pages 1251–1258, 2017. 2 our models can be deployed for general purpose well. Our UFO-ViT models show competitive or higher [7] Krzysztof Choromanski, Valerii Likhosherstov, David performance than earlier results on dense prediction Dohan, Xingyou Song, Andreea Gane, Tamas Sar- tasks. With further strategies like multi-stage structure, los, Peter Hawkins, Jared Davis, Afroz Mohiuddin, we expect UFO-ViT to be more efficient and perform better. Lukasz Kaiser, et al. Rethinking attention with per- formers. arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.14794, 2020. 2 [8] Xiangxiang Chu, Zhi Tian, Yuqing Wang, Bo Zhang, References Haibing Ren, Xiaolin Wei, Huaxia Xia, and Chun- [1] Jimmy Lei Ba, Jamie Ryan Kiros, and Geoffrey E hua Shen. Twins: Revisiting the design of spa- Hinton. Layer normalization. arXiv preprint tial attention in vision transformers. arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.06450, 2016. 5 arXiv:2104.13840, 1(2):3, 2021. 2 [2] Nicolas Carion, Francisco Massa, Gabriel Synnaeve, [9] Jia Deng, Wei Dong, Richard Socher, Li-Jia Li, Kai Nicolas Usunier, Alexander Kirillov, and Sergey Li, and Li Fei-Fei. Imagenet: A large-scale hierarchi- Zagoruyko. End-to-end object detection with trans- cal image database. In 2009 IEEE conference on com- formers. In European Conference on Computer Vi- puter vision and pattern recognition, pages 248–255. sion, pages 213–229. Springer, 2020. 1, 6 Ieee, 2009. 1, 5 [3] Chun-Fu Chen, Quanfu Fan, and Rameswar Panda. [10] Alexey Dosovitskiy, Lucas Beyer, Alexander Crossvit: Cross-attention multi-scale vision trans- Kolesnikov, Dirk Weissenborn, Xiaohua Zhai, former for image classification. arXiv preprint Thomas Unterthiner, Mostafa Dehghani, Matthias arXiv:2103.14899, 2021. 2 Minderer, Georg Heigold, Sylvain Gelly, et al. [4] Kai Chen, Jiaqi Wang, Jiangmiao Pang, Yuhang Cao, An image is worth 16x16 words: Transformers Yu Xiong, Xiaoxiao Li, Shuyang Sun, Wansen Feng, for image recognition at scale. arXiv preprint Ziwei Liu, Jiarui Xu, et al. Mmdetection: Open mm- arXiv:2010.11929, 2020. 1, 2, 5, 6 7
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