Page created by Aaron Jimenez
UAiNSIGHT                                                                MARCH | APRIL 2023

                                                                                                                 MARCH | APRIL 2023


                                                                                          The Senior Lounge will look out onto an outdoor
                                                                                         deck and a view to the west, across Tremont Road.

Upper Arlington City Council is readying     •     Fitness/exercise spaces                      Wexner Medical Center to lease the
to consider a significant step toward        •     3 gymnasiums (1 multi-purpose)               available space in the building, adding
fulfilling a long-anticipated wish of many   •     Senior lounge                                additional services and amenities for the
residents – a community center to call       •     Child watch                                  community.
our own. Over the years, various surveys,    •     E-sports room                                     If the final design and budget is
studies and anecdotal feedback cited         •     Walking/running track                        approved by Upper Arlington City
the lack of a community center as a          •     Program classrooms                           Council in March 2023, construction will
top concern. A resident-led task force,      •     Multi-purpose room/meeting space             begin in April 2023 and is anticipated
formed in the summer of 2019, placed               /outdoor deck                                to take approximately two years to
renewed focus on the issue, concluding       •     Outdoor multi-purpose terrace                complete, with a tentative Spring
by the close of 2020 that a community                                                           2025 opening date. This construction
center was needed, and the City was in            The building also includes
                                                                                                timeframe may be impacted if
a position to make it happen without         approximately 40,000 square feet
                                                                                                construction materials supply chain
any increase in City income or property      of leasable office space. The City is
                                                                                                disruptions continue or worsen.
taxes. To be sure of the community’s         currently in negotiations with the OSU
support, on the May 2021 ballot City
Council asked residents if the City              The indoor pool will be on the main level, with direct access
should build a community center. Almost          to a multi-purpose event/party space & locker rooms.
80% of voters replied with a resounding
“Yes.” With this clear directive in hand,
the City began an extensive process to
design and prepare for construction of
the community center.
      Upper Arlington’s new Community
Center will be a 150,000 square foot
facility spanning five floors plus a large
mezzanine. The facility will include:
•     Entry/lobby, indoor pool, event/
      party space, locker rooms
UAINSIGHT MARCH | APRIL 2023 - BI-MONTHLY NEWS FROM THE CITY OF UPPER ARLINGTON, UPPER ARLINGTON SCHOOLS & UPPER ARLINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY                               MARCH | APRIL 2023                            CityiNSIGHT                          3
                                                                               has raised almost $8 million in private funds to support
                                                                               the construction of the Community Center.
                                                                                    After voters approved the Community Center
                                                                               project in May 2021, the City engaged a team to
                                                                               design (led by MSA Sport), construct (a partnership
                                                                               between Elford and Continental Building Systems),
                                                                               and manage (with Pizzuti Solutions acting as the City’s
                                                                               owner’s representative) the project. Early design work
                                                                               included extensive community engagement, revisiting
                                                                               the original feasibility study, and efforts to take the
                                                                               project from a program concept to a complete
                                                                               building design.
                                                                                    Initially, the size of the building increased as more
                                                                               space was added for common areas, mechanical
                                                                               equipment, expansion of the fitness floor and storage.
     The Community Center will be financed by a combination                However, dramatic changes in the construction market
of long- term debt, existing accumulated City surpluses, and          nationally and in Central Ohio led to significant cost increases
private donations. The primary repayment source for the debt          that exceeded the City’s financial capacity. The City worked
will be Tax Increment Financing (TIF) revenues
generated by recent development projects in Upper
Arlington. In 2021, City Council approved, and the
voters endorsed this financing plan as part of the
Community Center vote. The specific details of how
much debt will be issued and how much of the City’s
existing fund balance will be used to fund the
construction will be determined once the final
construction figures are known. Per the plan approved
by Upper Arlington voters in May 2021, the debt for
the Community Center portion of the project will not
exceed $54 million. Debt for the private office portion
                                                           One of three gymnasiums will feature flooring
of the project will be separate. As of mid-February
                                                           that allows for a variety of programs and activities.
2023, the Upper Arlington Community Foundation

                                                                      with the design and construction teams to engage in a value
            City Council Review of                                    engineering process that removed some lower value spaces.
               Construction Bids                                      The most important result of this value engineering process
Following the detailed design process for the Community               was that the team was able to remove one floor from the
Center, the City issued a request for construction bids early         building and bring the facility below the threshold for high
this year, with the results to be shared with City Council in         rise construction standards. Additionally, the team worked
March. In preparation for this important step in the process,         to minimize the need for underground spaces, sought more
the Community Center team attended the February 13 City               efficient options for mechanical systems, and closely evaluated
Council Meeting, to provide Council and the community a               finish options in the building.
refresher on this exciting project, what is planned, and to                The result is a Community Center that is more efficient,
map out the anticipated next steps.                                   concentrates on those uses that are most important to UA
     The schedule for Council’s consideration of the                  residents, and is groundbreaking in its ability to provide a
construction bid results is as follows:                               comprehensive set of indoor services without reducing a
•    Monday, March 6 - Introduction of Ordinance                      community’s greenspace.
•    Monday, March 20 - First Reading, Public Hearing                      Watch for details of a groundbreaking ceremony this
•    Monday, March 27 - Second Reading, Public Hearing,               spring that will include some exciting announcements from
     Council Action                                                   the Upper Arlington Community Foundation. In the meantime,
                                                                      if you wish to learn more about this project, please visit
     Meetings begin at 7 pm, at the Municipal Services
Center, 3600 Tremont Road. It’s also possible to watch a
livestream of the meetings on the City Council section of our
website, at
4        CityiNSIGHT                                                 MARCH | APRIL 2023          

    FROM CHAMBERS |                                    Highlights of City Council & Its Policy Decisions

City Council Retreat
On January 31, City Council gathered
for a day-long retreat. Typically held at
the start of each year, Council Retreats
provide an opportunity for members to
work together outside the formalities
associated with a City Council
Meeting, to take stock of recent
accomplishments and to establish a new
set of priorities for the coming months.
     When reflecting on 2022, it was
agreed that much had been accom-
plished to move the community forward,
while maintaining the City’s strong finan-          FROM LEFT: Michaela Burriss, Jim Lynch, Brendan King (President), Kathy Adams,
cial position and remaining committed                   Brian Close (Vice President), John Kulewicz, Ukeme Awakessien Jeter
to processes that allow and encourage
resident participation. Some projects            helped reshape and improve the                Columbus – to establish a guiding
that stood out include:                          Fairlington Heights condominium               framework for future redevelopment
•    The progress made on planning for           project on Fishinger Road.                    projects that best benefit the City
     the Community Center, as Staff and      •   The positive, cumulative impacts of           and surrounding neighborhoods.
     the design team worked through              a proactive economic development         •    Northam Tennis - part of the current
     the detailed design process,                program, that helped generate the             Northam Park improvements plan,
     conducted “value engineering”               highest level of income tax revenue           Northam Tennis facility upgrades
     exercises to contain costs and              in the City’s history.                        recently fell victim to inflationary
     continued to include residents at                                                         market conditions, with costs far
                                                  Council’s focus turned to establish-
     different decision points.                                                                exceeding the budget. In 2023,
                                             ing priorities for 2023, with members
•    The detailed study and extensive                                                          Council and Staff will revisit this
                                             developing a master list of projects.
     community engagement process                                                              issue to determine project scope
                                             Council then worked through a
     used to review and ultimately                                                             and establish a new timeline.
                                             discussion process to identify a list of
     rezone the Henderson Road office                                                     •    PMOD Development Priorities –
                                             Tier 1 projects they consider critical to
     district to a Planned Mixed Office                                                        with the new zoning in place for
                                             the future success of the City and that
     District (PMOD).                                                                          the district surrounding Arlington
                                             should be notably advanced in 2023.
•    The richness of information                                                               Centre Boulevard, the City wants
                                                  The top four projects to emerge
     uncovered by the 2023 Community                                                           to be ready for any redevelopment
                                             from this process are:
     Survey relative to residents’ satis-                                                      projects that may come forward in
                                             •    Community Center – as outlined
     faction with City services, how their                                                     the months ahead.
                                                  on page 2, much is expected to
     local government and its leaders
                                                  be accomplished in 2023 on this
     operate, while bringing to light                                                          Tier 2 projects include a review of
                                                  landmark project, as it moves from
     broader areas of concern, such as                                                    the City’s procurement practices, further
                                                  planning to construction.
     a desire for greater diversity in UA                                                 enhancement of the City’s diversity,
                                             •    Henderson Road Study - the
     and the impacts of growth in the                                                     equity and inclusion practices, and a
                                                  commercial area running along
     region.                                                                              review of electric aggregation to see if
                                                  the south side of Henderson Road
•    Preparations for shared use paths                                                    reviving such a program would be of
                                                  represents the largest remaining
     to be constructed on Lane Avenue                                                     benefit to residents.
                                                  redevelopment opportunity for the
     and Riverside Drive, providing a                                                          To view a summary from the
                                                  City. Expected to begin this fall,
     connection to the Quarry Trails                                                      Council Retreat, visit the Meeting
                                                  the study will entail an extensive
     Metro Park, which has included                                                       Agendas and Minutes section of
                                                  visioning and community
     successfully securing grant monies                                                   the City Council webpage, at
                                                  engagement process – undertaken
     to support both projects.                                                  
                                                  in cooperation with neighboring
•    How the public review process
UAINSIGHT MARCH | APRIL 2023 - BI-MONTHLY NEWS FROM THE CITY OF UPPER ARLINGTON, UPPER ARLINGTON SCHOOLS & UPPER ARLINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY                           MARCH | APRIL 2023                           CityiNSIGHT                                        5

2 0 23 C A P I TA L I M P RO V E M E N T P RO G R A M
As spring approaches, plans for the                                                          completed in 2022 for the City’s
2023 Capital Improvement Program           Fishinger Road                                    Sidewalk Maintenance Program, the
are moving into high gear. Read on for     Reconstruction & Waterline                        second cycle is expected to result
highlights of this year’s projects.        Long awaited improvements to Fishinger            in fewer repairs and a substantially
                                           Road began toward the close of                    lower cost.
Street Reconstruction                      2022, enhancing the connectivity and         •    The 2023 Sanitary Sewer repairs will
Program                                    aesthetics of this major thoroughfare.            complete improvements based on
Street reconstruction projects comprise    Phase I runs from Mountview Road to               City video inspections.
full pavement replacement, new curb        Tremont Road. Phase II – scheduled
                                                                                            Full details of the 2023 Capital
and gutter and driveway approaches.        to begin in 2023 – will complete the
                                                                                        Improvement Program can be found
For 2023, sections of the following        project, running from Mountview to
                                                                                        on our Construction Projects page at
streets are scheduled for this extensive   Riverside Drive. The two phases include
work: Haviland, Malvern, Suffolk and       full street reconstruction, new curb
Welsford roads, Merriweather Drive,        and gutter, improved LED streetlights,
Oakridge Court.

Street Maintenance Program
                                           new sidewalks and a shared-use path.
                                           Concurrent with these improvements, a
                                           new waterline will be installed along this
                                                                                            BI-MONTHLY NEWS FROM THE CITY OF UPPER ARLINGTON
Sections of 13 streets are scheduled       entire section of Fishinger.
for street maintenance work, which                                                           Emma Speight, Community Affairs Director
comprises street resurfacing and spot      Other Highlights                                 Phone: 614-583-5045 |
curb and gutter repairs: Abington,         •   A shared-use path will be installed
Ashdowne, Barrington, Canterbury,              along the north side of Lane
Somerford, Westover, West Devon,               Avenue, between Asbury Road and
Wickford, Wickliffe and Willowbrook            Riverside Drive. This will connect to               City of Upper Arlington
roads. Adner Court, Greensview Drive,          a future shared-use path heading                       3600 Tremont Road
South Parkway.                                 south on the west side of Riverside                 Upper Arlington, Ohio 43221
                                               Drive to the Trabue Road bridge,                      Phone: 614-583-5000
Wakefield Forest Traffic                       providing direct access to the
Calming Measures                               Quarry Trails Metro Park.                  
The Wakefield Forest neighborhood          •   With the first five-year cycle
will receive additional
traffic calming
measures, including

                                                                                            | PLAY  UA Financial
improvements to the
intersection of
Trentwood and Mount                                                                           Assistance Program
Holyoke roads,
pedestrian crossing                                               “…[PLAY UA] helped me give more “normal” to my son
improvements at                                                    and helped him fit in with his friends. It is part of the
Northwest Boulevard                                             reason I chose to move to UA and why we love living here,
and Trentwood Road,                                                        with the support of our community.”
traffic-calming on
Brandon and Mount                                               UA Parks & Rec is committed to eliminating barriers for
Holyoke roads, and                                              individuals and families, so that everyone can enjoy their
one-way westbound                                               programs and facilities. Don’t let a financially challenging
geometry                                                        situation prevent you from enjoying summer at the pool or the
improvements at                                                 many programs offered throughout the year.
Northwest Boulevard
and Trentwood Road.                                             Learn more about PLAY UA and how to qualify today:
6         CityiNSIGHT                                                   MARCH | APRIL 2023                                          

                               CITY MANAGER UPDATE                                                                                            Steve Schoeny

                               City Ends 2022 With a Strong Financial Position
                                  With the City’s largest     construction package. And I hope you will be able to join us this spring
                                  capital investment on       for our Community Center groundbreaking.
                                  the horizon, the year-end
                                  financial report provided   Won’t You Be Our Neighbor Podcast
                                  to Council by Finance
Director Brent Lewis on January 23, was welcome               We are beginning the second year of our podcast, and I have to say I’m
news. Thanks to the cumulative effects of a proactive         as excited as ever about this fun and interactive way to highlight the
economic development program, total income tax                many incredible residents we have in this community. To get the year
receipts exceeded $41 million, a record high, and             off to a great start, we met with Pastor Vicki Zust of St. Mark’s Episcopal
essentially double the revenues we received in 2015.          Church to about Megan and Harry, Schisms and Quantum Physics
     The City’s primary operating account – or General        in a truly divine episode! Then Margie Pizzuti joined us to discuss
Fund – received a little over $29.6 million of income         everything from Celestials to Folk Music and to take a deep dive into
tax revenues, approximately 13% over projections.             her love of Hallmark RomComs. In mid-February, Mark Ricketts of
Other revenue sources also remained strong, bringing          National Church Residences joined us for a chat about Disco, The Piano
total General Fund revenues to $50.5 million, just shy        Man (Billy Joel) and affordable housing!
of 11% over projections. Concurrently, our various                 If you’re yet to give us a try, tune in to find out what you’ve been
departments continued their commitment to operating           missing!
well within their means, resulting in a combined $3.3
million of unspent funds by year’s end.
     Put these two impressive figures together, and
the City’s already strong fund balance grew by
                                                                           See Yourself in the Future
approximately $8.4 million, an increase of over 37%.                          Community Center
     The February 13 update to City Council on the
Community Center included a snapshot of how we
intend to fund this historic project. Thanks to the
significant fund balance increase, the City will be able
to increase its use of cash from $9 million to at least
$14 million, while issuing bonds totaling $62.5 million
for both the Community Center and office space
portions of the project.
     To say that Upper Arlington’s Community Center
will be a world class facility is an understatement – I
truly believe it will serve as inspiration for many other
communities considering how to combine recreation
and community gathering spaces within dense, mixed-
use redevelopment opportunities.                                Together... community starts here! A community center is coming
                                                                to Upper Arlington. Celebrate with us by including a photo of your choice in the
     At the Council update, it was clear the entire team
                                                                  Community Center mosaic. The mosaic will be revealed in the Spring of 2023
working on this project is extremely proud of their
                                                                   and installed in the inter-generational Community Center for all to enjoy.
work, and excited to have finally reached the point
where we will start to see the Community Center rise             With a tax-deductible gift of $250, include the photo of your choice with your
from the ground. Several members of the design and             family, friends, or teammates in this limited time only opportunity. Proceeds from
construction management team are Upper Arlington                 this gift support the Upper Arlington Community Center Capital Campaign.
residents, and this is clearly more than just a normal
                                                                                              UPPER ARLINGTON
project for them.
                                                                                              COMMUNITY CENTER
     I encourage you to stay tuned over the month                                             CAPITAL CAMPAIGN
of March, as Council considers and votes on the                                In Partnership With the Upper Arlington Community Foundation

UAINSIGHT MARCH | APRIL 2023 - BI-MONTHLY NEWS FROM THE CITY OF UPPER ARLINGTON, UPPER ARLINGTON SCHOOLS & UPPER ARLINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY                                MARCH | APRIL 2023                         CityiNSIGHT                          7

 UA Parks & Rec Launches New Brand
 The City’s Parks & Recreation Department is launching a new brand this
 Spring and UA households will soon be receiving a much improved
 Spring/Summer Activity Guide that serves as the brand’s official launch.
      For some time, the team has wanted to develop an identifying look and
 feel. The Community Center design process provided the perfect time to
 develop the new brand. When you receive your copy of the Activity Guide,
 you will see the brand in action in several ways. Not only has the design
 been refreshed, the programs, events and services have been reorganized
 within three overarching pillars that reflect the department, and simplify the
 user experience:
 •    Enrich – opportunities for education, enhancement, instruction and
      education available through recreation programs
 •    Experience – where people can encounter, meet, view, listen and enjoy
      community events, galleries and performing arts activities
 •    Explore – showcasing the places, facilities and destinations that we can
      all enjoy in different ways, from our parks, shelters and rental facilities to
      our outdoor pools and tennis facilities

 We hope you like the new look and that it inspires you to try our programs!

Community Relations Committee Updates
2023 Innovation Small Grant                         is buried in Wyandot Park; the               will receive $500 to support their
Program Recipients                                  Newark Earthworks, one of the                hUmAn Connection Festival
The Community Relations (CRC)                       World’s Ancient Wonders, built by            (Celebrating Cultures & Diversity)
Innovation Small Grant Program                      the Hopewell Native Americans who            taking place at the UA High School
was established in 2022 to support                  lived in this area from 1-400 AD.            on March 9, featuring performances
community-based, innovative                    •    The Upper Arlington Civic                    that highlight cultural diversity and
approaches to fulfilling the CRC’s                  Association will receive $5,000 for          inclusivity through music, dance
Purpose, Mission and Vision. That year,             their plans to relaunch a welcome            and lyrical expression, as well
two grants were awarded – to Rainbow                event for new residents, tentatively         as an exhibit space showcasing
UA for their UA Pride event, and to                 scheduled for the fall.                      student-led clubs and community
the Upper Arlington Schools for their          •    St. Mark’s Episcopal Church will             participants, sharing food,
Longest Table community discussion.                 receive $1,000 for their inaugural           photography, traditions and other
     We are pleased to report an                    Culture and Artisans Fair on                 interactive opportunities.
increase in interest for the 2023 grant             Saturday, May 6. Held in partnership
cycle, with 10 applications received. Of            with Community Refugee and               Annual Observances
these, five programs were successful:               Immigration Services (CRIS), many        Calendar
•    The Upper Arlington Historical                 of the artisans participating in the     The CRC website houses a 2023
     Society will receive $3,000 to                 event will be refugees who are           Observances and Holidays Calendar
     support their History Speaks                   building a new life in the Central       that includes national holidays,
     presentation series. In February, the          Ohio area.                               significant celebrations and observances
     Series featured the Story of James        •    Rainbow UA will receive a grant of       for different religions, and notable
     Preston Poindexter, a conductor on             $2,500 for this year’s UA Pride event.   national, month-long observances. We
     the Underground Railroad and the               This marks a 50% reduction in grant      encourage UA civic groups, businesses
     first Black member of Columbus City            monies, as event planners work to        and residents to refer to this calendar
     Council. Future events include: the            grow and make UA Pride fiscally-         when scheduling meetings, events
     Sells Brothers Circus, which used              sustainable for the long-term,           or other activities. Visit the Resources
     to winter in the area and featured             through fees and sponsorships.           section of the CRC website, at
     Native American Bill Moose, who           •    The Upper Arlington Schools    
8        CityiNSIGHT                                                MARCH | APRIL 2023         

                                                                                             K-1, 2106 (if applicable).
                                                                                         •   Addresses and dates for each
                                                                                             location in which you resided during
                                                                                             2022 and any previous tax year
CITY NEWS AND USEFUL INFORMATION FOR RESIDENTS                                               filings being submitted

                                                                                               The City’s Finance Department is
Public Meetings                             Event organizers are encouraged
                                                                                         also available for in-person assistance,
CITY CLERK’S OFFICE        614-583-5030     to start their applications early. For
                                                                                         and taxpayers can drop off their infor-
A full list of public meetings can be       details and to access the application
                                                                                         mation at convenient, secure drop boxes
found on our Events calendar, at            form, visit https://upperarlingtonoh.
                                                                                         at either the RITA/Worthington location If you are  
                                                                                         or the Municipal Services Center Kenny
interested in receiving City Council
                                                                                         Road parking lot – please include a
meeting agenda updates, send us an          2022 Income Tax Filings                      phone number or email address in case
email, at            Deadline: Tuesday, April 18
                                                                                         there are questions.
City e-News                                 All residents aged 18 years and over
Don’t be the one who didn’t know!!          must file an annual income tax return
                                                                                         Statewide Tornado Drill
Get timely service news and special         with the City, regardless of whether any
                                                                                         9:50 am, Wednesday, March 23
project updates from the City by e-mail:    tax is due. The City uses the services of
                                                                                         As part of Ohio’s Spring Severe Weather
•   City Insight - weekly e-news on City    the Regional Income Tax Agency (RITA)
                                                                                         Awareness Week, Franklin County
    services, special projects & events     for the processing of UA income taxes.
                                                                                         Emergency Management and Homeland
•   Activity Link - monthly updates from    As an extra service for RITA taxpayers,
                                                                                         Security will participate in the annual
    Parks & Recreation                      RITA provides onsite municipal income
                                                                                         statewide tornado drill. This is a timely
•   Sentinel - monthly program updates      tax return assistance each spring free of
                                                                                         reminder of how important it is to have
    from the Senior Center                  charge at its various locations. Agents
                                                                                         an emergency plan – both at home and
                                            can answer questions, take payments
Visit the Connect section of our website,                                                at work – and to practice it.
                                            and assist with RITA municipal income
at to register.
                                            tax preparation. RITA’s Worthington of-
                                            fice, located at 760 Lakeview Plaza Bou-     Fire Hydrant Flushing
Community Special Event                     levard, Suite 400, is providing in person    April 17-May 5
Applications                                taxpayer assistance Monday-Friday, from      FIRE DIVISION 614-583-5100
Deadline for Events Held July 1-Sept 30:    9 am-4 pm. Please bring all necessary        Fire hydrant flushing will occur week-
Monday, April 17                            documents, including:                        days, April 17-May 5. This is part of an      •     W-2 Forms from all employers, and      annual fire hydrant maintenance
An application and permitting process             any W-2G Forms and 1099-MISC           program that keeps hydrants in operable
is in place for community special events          Forms.                                 condition.
that require use of City property and/      •     Federal Form 1040, Federal                  Most residents will notice no
or City logistical and planning support.          Schedules C, E & F, Federal forms      difference in their water supply, but a few

                                                      Seasonal Positions with UA Parks & Rec
                                                      UA Parks & Rec is looking to secure the many seasonal employees
                                                      needed for a successful summer of youth camps, days at the pool, tennis
                                                      programming and more. We offer competitive salaries, free training for
                                                      lifeguards, recruitment bonuses & more. Positions include:

                                                      •   Lifeguards & Various Pool Positions
                                                      •   Summer Camp Leaders & Managers
                                                      •   Seasonal Parks Maintenance Workers
                                                      •   Northam Tennis Operations Staff
                                                      •   Rental Facility Support Staff
                                                      •   Safety Town Teachers & Classroom Assistants

                                                      Apply today:
UAINSIGHT MARCH | APRIL 2023 - BI-MONTHLY NEWS FROM THE CITY OF UPPER ARLINGTON, UPPER ARLINGTON SCHOOLS & UPPER ARLINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY                                MARCH | APRIL 2023                             CityiNSIGHT                          9

could experience water discoloration            all aspects of safety. Registration begins     •   If non-load-bearing walls and/
after flushing has taken place. Refrain         at 6 am, on Wednesday, March 22 for                or soffits are removed, altered or
from doing laundry on the day hydrants          residents, and at 6 am on Friday, March            added
are flushed in your area. Before                24 for non-residents. The cost is $125,        •   Adding a porch or covered entry
resuming laundering, partially fill             and children entering kindergarten and         •   Building a fence or replacing an
washers on the cold setting until the           first grade are eligible, but must be five         existing fence
water runs clear Run a sample of water          years of age prior to September 30,            •   If roof decking, exterior sheeting
into a transparent container to check           2023. Please note that classes fill quickly.       or framing is replaced, along with
for settling or discoloration. Once the                                                            shingles or siding
water is clear, the washer can be spun          Change Your Clock,                             •   If an exterior wall and/or header
out to drain the tub for a normal laundry       Change Your Battery®                               framing is altered during window
load. Turn on all faucets and allow water       Sunday, March 12                                   replacement
to run until it appears clear. Some may         To kick off Daylight Savings Time, clocks
experience staining of clothes despite          “spring forward” at 2 am, Sunday               Friends of UA Parks
these notices. Clothes should be kept           morning. The Fire Division reminds                       
damp or wet to prevent the stains from          you this is a good time to change the          Friends of Upper Arlington Parks is a vol-
setting. “Rust removers” or “rust fighters”     batteries in your home’s smoke alarms.         unteer group that works with the City’s
are carried among cleaning products at          To stay safe, replacing batteries in all       Parks & Forestry Division on invasive
grocery and hardware stores.                    smoke alarms should be done at least           plant control projects and native plant
     Visit the Fire Prevention page on our      once a year. In addition, smoke alarms         restoration in UA Parks. The group meets
website to view this year’s schedule and        should be tested once a month and if an        regularly throughout the year on Satur-
map.                                            alarm chirps, warning the battery is low,      day mornings from 9 am-Noon. Here are
                                                replace the battery right away.                dates for the Spring:
2023 Wall of Honor Program                                                                     •    March 25 - Thompson Park
3 pm, Sunday, May 21                                                                           •    April 15 - Thompson Park (includes
                                                Building Permit Reminders
The City of Upper Arlington and the                                                                 planting bare-root saplings)
                                                DEVELOPMENT                 614-583-5070
Upper Arlington Historical Society                                                             •    April 22 - Miller Park
                                                If you have plans to remodel part of your
are pleased to announce that Robin Hess
                                                home, our Community Development
Comfort and Joanie Igel Dugger have                                                            Float Builders
                                                Department can help with an important
been selected for induction onto the                                                           Information Session
                                                first step: checking to see if your project
Wall of Honor in 2023.                                                                         UA CIVIC ASSOCIATION
                                                requires a permit. Examples of projects
      Both women shared a dedication                                                           If your neighborhood is planning to
                                                that require a permit include:
to the betterment of the UA Schools.                                                           enter a float in the 2023 Fourth of July
                                                •     Constructing a deck
Robin served on the Board of Education                                                         parade, learn the tricks of the trade from
                                                •     Finishing or altering a basement
for 11 years and as Board President for                                                        the UA Civic Association by watching
                                                •     If framing is removed/added to a
two years, playing a pivotal role in the                                                       their float builder video, available in
                                                      kitchen/bathroom or the layout is
facilities master planning project that                                                        early April.
led to a monumental transformation of
the district’s educational facilities. Joanie

                                                  UA Click2Fix
served as Executive Director for the UA
Education Foundation, growing it into a
model for communities across the state.
      An induction ceremony to honor             Visit the AppleApp or GooglePlay
Robin and Joanie is scheduled for the            store and search UA Click2Fix to
afternoon of Sunday, May 21. Watch for           download our new smartphone
additional details in the May/June UA            reporting app. Residents can use the
Insight, or visit             app to submit requests or notify the
                                                 City of issues such as potholes, street-
                                                 light outages, damaged street trees,
Safety Town Registration                         etc. You can also view the construction
Sessions: June 12-16, June 26-30, July           update map and contact staff using
10-14, July 17-21                                the app’s Directory. Call Public
POLICE                    614-583-5150           Service at 614-583-5350 if you have
Safety Town is a popular summer                  any questions.
preschool program that teaches children
CITY SERVICES CITY SERVICES CITY SERVICES CITY SERVICES   CityiNSIGHT                                                   MARCH | APRIL 2023            

                                                 Sustainability Fair
                                                 10 am-2 pm, Saturday, April 1
                                                 Tremont Library
                                                 Public Works Division .................................614-583-5350
                                                 The City’s Public Works Division will be participating in
                                                 Upper Arlington Library’s Sustainability Fair, scheduled
                                                 for Saturday, April 1, with the following activities:

                                                 E-Waste Collection: As you head to the Sustainability
                                                 Fair, look for our e-waste collection in the parking lot.
                                                 •     Accepted items include: Computers, laptops,
                                                       phones, stereo equipment, small kitchen
                                                       appliances, cameras, and all cords
                                                 •     Not Accepted: TVs & monitors, light bulbs, large                the length of time that trash and recycling containers can be
                                                       appliances, items containing Freon, and any                     out at the curb in advance of and following your collection day.
                                                       chemicals or household hazardous waste.                         Per UA Streets and Services Code §935.02, containers or
                                                                                                                       materials for collection should not be placed at the curb any
                                                     Before or after this event, you can always take                   earlier than 6 pm of the day preceding your collection day
                                                 advantage of our e-waste drop-off location, at our Public             but must be out ready for collection by no later than 7 am
                                                 Service Center, 4100 Roberts Road, open 7 am-4 pm                     of collection day. Following collection, containers must be
                                                 Monday-Friday.                                                        removed from the curb and returned to their regular storage
                                                                                                                       location by 7 am of the next day.
                                                 Styrofoam Collection: Also to be found in the parking
                                                 lot, we’ll be collecting old styrofoam. It must be clean,             Correct Placement of Containers – For ease of access,
                                                 and please remove all stickers and tape. We will not                  trash and recycling containers should be placed at least three
                                                 accept packing peanuts, food containers, plates, cups or              feet apart from other items, and away from parked cars, so that
                                                 egg cartons.                                                          the collection crews have unobstructed access. Place contain-
                                                       The rest of the year, you can drop styrofoam off at             ers so that the lid openings are facing into the street.
                                                 Hilliard’s Operations Department parking lot, at 3770
                                                 Municipal Way. The drop-off is available 24/7. Visit                     For full details, visit our Solid Waste Services page at
                                        for details.          

                                                     See page 19 for additional details on the Library’s
                                                 Sustainability Fair.                                                             2023 Solid Waste Holiday
                                                                                                                                     Collection Delays
                                                 Solid Waste Reminders                                                  Since Local Waste collection crews follow some, but not all
                                                 Please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with                 City holiday observances, here’s a rundown of the Solid Waste
                                                 some reminders on various solid waste requirements                     collection delays for 2023:
                                                 that residents should follow, so that you are doing your               • Memorial Day: Monday, May 29 – All zones have a
                                                 part to ensure the program’s ongoing success.                               one day delay
                                                 Screening Requirements - Households should                             • Independence Day: Tuesday, July 4 – Tuesday-Thurs-
                                                 keep trash and recycling containers out of view from                        days zones have a one day delay
                                                 the street, except when putting them at the curb before                • Labor Day: Monday, September 4 – All zones have a
                                                 your collection day. Options are to store the containers                    one day delay
                                                 in an enclosed structure, such as your garage or shed. If              • Thanksgiving Day: Thursday, November 23 –
                                                 you are unable to store them inside, containers should                      Thursday zone collected on Friday
                                                 be stored to the side or rear of the residence and steps               • Christmas Day: Monday, December 25 – All zones
                                                 should be taken to screen them from street view. This                       have a one day delay
                                                 can be accomplished with a natural landscaped barrier
                                                                                                                        • New Year’s Day: Monday, January 1, 2024 – All zones
                                                 or with fencing that is a minimum of 42 inches in height.
                                                                                                                             have a one day delay
                                                 Full details of this requirement can be found within
                                                 §7.15(A)4 of the Unified Development Ordinance.
                                                                                                                        For a full list of the City’s holiday observances, visit the Event
                                                                                                                        Calendar on our website, at
                                                 When to Put Containers at the Curb – In an effort
                                                 to preserve community aesthetics, the City also restricts
SchoolsiNSIGHT                                                                                                                    LI
                                                                                                                                       N G TO N

                                                                                                                       P E R AR

                                                                                                                                                  HOOL S
  B I - M O N T H LY N E W S F R O M U P P E R A R L I N GTO N S C H O O L S
                                                                                                  MARCH | APRIL 2023

                                                                                                                                      .   1918

   Search Announcement
Ohio native Robert Hunt, Ph.D., has            vision of our students, staff, families and   more evident to me what makes this
been named the next superintendent of          community for our next superintendent         place so special. It’s the people that get
the Upper Arlington Schools following          — he is an accomplished educator and          to interact with our students every single
an extensive and thorough search               a visionary leader who truly believes in      day.”
process by the Upper Arlington Board of        supporting all students and building a             Dr. Hunt has held numerous
Education.                                     strong relationship with our community.”      roles in public school districts in the
     The Board took action at a special              Dr. Hunt has spent the majority of      state, starting as a middle school
meeting on January 30 to approve a             his career in the state of Ohio, where he     English teacher and athletic director
contract with Dr. Hunt, effective July 1.      most recently served for nine years as        and later becoming a high school
The meeting was followed by the first          the superintendent of the Chagrin Falls       administrator. He was named the 2021
of several community open houses               Exempted Village School District near         Ohio Superintendent of the Year by
in the coming months to meet Upper             Cleveland. He holds a bachelor’s degree       the Buckeye Association of School
Arlington’s next superintendent.               in elementary education from Kent             Administrators and has also received
     Dr. Hunt will be coming to Upper          State University, a master’s degree in        the prestigious Martha Holden Jennings
Arlington from the Barrington 220              educational administration from Ursuline      Foundation Ohio Superintendent
Community Unit School District,                College, and a Ph.D. in educational           Outstanding Performance Award, which
northwest of Chicago, where he                 administration from Kent State University.    recognizes exceptional leadership with
currently serves as superintendent. He               “This is an absolute tremendous         a commitment to deep learning and
has nearly 12 years of experience as           honor, and I am humbled to serve as           excellent teaching.
the superintendent in school districts in      the next leader of the Upper Arlington             Over the next several months,
Ohio and Illinois and has served 27 years      Schools,” Dr. Hunt said at the Board          Dr. Hunt will be working with Interim
in public education.                           meeting on Monday. “You have built            Superintendent Kathy Jenney, Ed.D.,
     “We are very excited to welcome Dr.       an incredible educational environment         and the rest of the Upper Arlington
Hunt to Upper Arlington and back to the        from a program to facilities for young        Schools staff as he prepares to transition
Buckeye State,” said Board of Education        people. Today I had the opportunity
President Lori Trent. “Dr. Hunt reflects the   to interact with staff and it just became                CONTINUED ON PAGE 13
12        SchoolsiNSIGHT                                                   MARCH | APRIL 2023    

UA Schools Volunteers honored with
Arkin Service and Leadership Awards
Upper Arlington Schools is privileged
to have many volunteers and residents
who make a significant difference for the
Upper Arlington Schools community.
The Dr. Robert Arkin Service and
Leadership Award was established in
2017 in honor of Dr. Arkin, who spent
12 years serving the students, staff
and residents of Upper Arlington as
a member of the Board of Education.
The Arkin Award recognizes those
individuals who go above and beyond
to help the district reach its vision
of uniquely accomplished students            Aimee Moulakis White
prepared to serve, lead and succeed.         Aimee Moulakis White is a longtime volunteer for Upper Arlington Schools, most
     Congratulations to the new              recently as the chair of the historic Upper Arlington Legacy Capital Campaign.
recipients of the Dr. Robert Arkin Service   Through her tireless work, she raised more than $8 million to augment the $230
and Leadership Award!                        million bond-levy endorsed by Upper Arlington voters in November of 2017 and
                                             go above and beyond bricks and mortar by supporting programming that impacts
                                             students’ daily academic and co-curricular experiences.

Upper Arlington Schools Medical
Advisory Team
Beginning in the fall of 2020, Upper Arlington
Schools worked closely with local experts in public
health, infectious diseases and the mental health
of school-age children to monitor Upper Arlington
health data and what was happening in the country
and around the state. Honored with the Dr. Robert
Arkin Service and Leadership Award in December of
2022 were: Naeem Ali, MD, chair; John Ackerman,
Ph.D.; Sara Bode, MD; Shandra Day, MD; Ayaz
Hyder, Ph.D.; Efthimios Parasidis, JD; and Laura
Pomeroy, Ph.D.

                                                                       Jennifer Overmyer and Todd Walter
                                                                       Receiving the Dr. Robert Arkin Service and Leadership
                                                                       Award for their service as co-chairs of Citizens for UA
                                                                       Schools were Jennifer Overmyer and Todd Walter.
                                                                       They led the volunteer effort behind the successful
                                                                       community campaign for Issue 5, the November 8, 2022
                                                                       operating levy that funds daily operations of the district
                                                                       and maintains current academic programming so that
                                                                       the district can continue providing the current quality of
                                                                       education for Upper Arlington students.                   MARCH | APRIL 2023                                  SchoolsiNSIGHT                           13

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11                                                   SUPERINTENDENT UPDATES
to the role of superintendent in Upper                                                                     Kathy Jenney, Ed.D.
Arlington beginning on July 1. At that
time, Dr. Jenney will step down as
interim superintendent and remain
                                                                         New Profile of an Engaged Learner
on the district administrative team                                      Reflects Our District’s Vision for Our
to continue to offer support until her
retirement on July 31.
      “Successful schools are a
partnership between school and
                                            In January, Upper Arlington Schools
community, and that exists here today,”
                                            unveiled its Profile of an Engaged
Dr. Hunt said at Monday’s meeting.
                                            Learner, an important focus of the
“My focus will be to build upon that
                                            2019-2024 Strategic Plan.
moving forward - to spend this transition
                                                 The Profile of an Engaged
listening and learning about what makes
                                            Learner was developed with input
Upper Arlington so special … and then
                                            from students and staff from across
working with the Board of Education and
                                            the district, and then solidified by a
this amazing team to lead in the next
                                            districtwide work group of educators
iteration of what will benefit our young
                                            representing all of our schools. It
                                            reflects our whole child philosophy
      As Dr. Hunt becomes a Golden
                                            — and our commitment to well-being
Bear, so too will his family — including
                                            and diversity, equity and inclusion
wife Shannon, a high school teacher;
                                            — by articulating the skills and
and their two elementary-age children,
                                            characteristics that we believe will
Emerson and Hawken. They also have
                                            prepare our students to serve, lead
two older children — Ashton, who will
                                            and succeed in Upper Arlington and
graduate from the University of Dayton
this spring with a teaching degree, and
Braden, who is looking to transfer to a
                                            •   Solution seeker
college in Ohio this fall.
                                            •   Creative
      “We cannot wait to join this                                                          Black History Month
                                            •   Skilled communicator
community because when we come, we                                                          During the month of February, our
                                            •   Open minded and empathetic
come to be a member of a community as                                                       schools honored Black History Month
                                            •   Responsible and resilient
much as we come to lead and be a part                                                       by providing opportunities for our
                                            •   Well-balanced
of the school,” he shared.                                                                  students to learn about the contributions
      The selection of Dr. Hunt as the                                                      and experience of Black Americans
                                                  This year, a working group of
district’s next superintendent is the                                                       throughout the history of our country.
                                            educators from across the district will
culmination of a months-long search                                                         I’d like to thank our staff members and
                                            be continuing their work on the profile
process, involving feedback from more                                                       students who have dedicated time and
                                            and how teachers, administrators and
than 1,000 students, staff, families                                                        effort to honoring Black History Month
                                            other staff members can support these
and community members as to their                                                           in our schools — which supports our
                                            skills and characteristics. We will also be
vision for the next leader of the Upper                                                     continuing commitment to diversity,
                                            working with students from all levels —
Arlington Schools.                                                                          equity and inclusion.
                                            elementary, middle and high school — to
      “On behalf of the Board of
                                            capture their ideas for how they can
Education, we truly thank the many,
                                            develop these skills and characteristics           Kathy Jenney, Ed.D. is the interim
many community members who took
                                            during their time in Upper Arlington.            superintendent of the Upper Arlington
time last fall to share their vision for                                                      Schools. You can reach out to her at
                                                  You can find more about the Profile
our next leader,” Trent said. “We look                                                
                                            of an Engaged learner in the Quality
forward to many opportunities ahead for
                                            Profile, our district’s annual accountability
everyone to get to know Dr. Hunt and to
                                            report to the community — which will be
work together so that our school district
                                            arriving in mailboxes this spring.
can be the best it can be.”
14       SchoolsiNSIGHT                                                        MARCH | APRIL 2023    

BITES From the Apple
‘Memory Mission’ Takes Potts to                    “This experience is
                                             a great example of why
Guatemala to Build a School
                                             we, as a district, lead
                                             with a commitment to
                                             service and to providing
                                             our students with
                                             opportunities to give of
                                             their time and resources
                                             to others.”

                                             Congratulations to these
                                             Golden Bears on their                               best attorney awards, and Safia
                                             impressive accomplishments!                         Malhotra and Rachel Thyer received
                                             •   Upper Arlington High School                     best witness awards.
                                                 Mock Trial brought two teams to            •    Tremont Elementary School student
After overseeing the completion of               the Franklin County Municipal                   MengDe Dai earned a silver medal
the construction process for Upper               Court for the Ohio Center for                   in the iCode Global Hackathon
Arlington’s new schools, Chief Operating         Law-Related Education’s district                Finals. MengDe was the only
Officer Chris Potts had the unique               competition. One of the teams,                  participant from the United States to
opportunity to help build a new school           Team Ginsburg, advanced to the                  win a medal in the Blockly Advance
in Guatemala as part of an educational           regional competition in February.               division.
service trip.                                    Five UAHS students were honored            •    Tremont Elementary School student
     For more than 20 years, Lifetouch,          with individual awards for their                Pierce Landauer is one of only 14
the school photography company, has              performance. Danny Petronella, Fabi             students nationally who achieved
sponsored “Memory Missions” like this            Corso and Maggie Nowak received                 a perfect score of 20 on the
to build environmentally responsible
schools in Guatemala.
     For a week in January, Potts was        Sign up to Receive UA
part of a team of 40 educators and
Lifetouch employees from across the
                                             Schools e-newsletters!
country and Canada who traveled to
                                             Upper Arlington Schools remains committed
Guatemala. They worked alongside the
                                             to keeping all stakeholders informed of what is
local community, including children, and
                                             happening throughout the district and receiving
nonprofit organization Hug It Forward, to
build a three-room “bottle” school using     and responding to feedback from stakeholders.
plastic bottles stuffed with inorganic            Community members can sign up to receive
trash to fill the walls of the school.       the monthly district e-newsletter
     “To be able to help to provide          that is currently sent to families and staff at the end
these children, teachers and families        of each month. Please visit
with a better learning environment is to subscribe
something I will carry with me for my        to the e-newsletter. Current
entire life,” Potts said. “During our time   families with children in the schools and current
there, we were able to go into the homes     staff members do not need to take
of these families and walk alongside the     any action, as they are automatically subscribed to
children on their one-hour journey to        these emails.
and from school each day.                     MARCH | APRIL 2023                             SchoolsiNSIGHT                     15
    WordMasters Challenge, a vocabulary competition involving            The new inductees will be recognized during the
    nearly 125,000 students annually.                                summer at the Upper Arlington High School Open House
                                                                     sponsored by the Upper Arlington Alumni Association.
Summer Academy Returns for 2023
Upper Arlington Schools is proud to offer an exceptional             BECS Registration Open — and Space Is Limited!
summer school program for our students for the summer                Burbank Early Childhood
of 2023. Summer Academy 2023 will offer comprehensive                School (BECS) is our high
academic and well-                                                   quality, tuition based childcare
being programming                                                    for children ages 2 to 5. BECS
to students who will                                                 is accepting registrations for
be entering grades 1                                                 the 2023-2024 school year for
through 12 in the fall.                                              children ages 2 to 5.
     Course schedules                                                     For more information,
for Summer Academy                                                   please visit
2023 will be available                                               burbank or call 614-487-5155.
at www.uaschools.
org/SummerAcademy.aspx beginning on Wednesday, March 1,
and registration will open on Tuesday, March 21.
     All courses will be offered free of charge for 2023 thanks to
federal funding.

Kindergarten Registration Open for 2023-2024
                                                                      2022-23 SCHOOL DATES
The Upper Arlington Schools community is looking forward to           Spring Break
welcoming the Golden Bears Class of 2036! Children who will be        Monday, March 13 - Friday, March 17
5 years of age on or before September 30, 2023, are eligible for
kindergarten during the 2023-2024 school year.                        No School for Students; Staff Report Per Schedule
      The district is                                                 Monday, March 20
pleased to offer a full-day
kindergarten program                                                  No School for Students and Staff
for the families of Upper                                             Friday, April 7
Arlington. Full-day
kindergarten in Upper                                                 No School for Students; Staff Report Per Schedule
Arlington Schools gives                                               Monday, May 1
younger learners more
opportunities to learn and                                            Election Day: No School for Students; Staff
grow socially, emotionally                                            Professional Learning Day
and academically.                                                     Tuesday, May 2
      Information about starting the registration process is
available now at We              Early Dismissal (K-12) and Last Day for Students
strongly encourage families to complete the registration process      Thursday, May 25
by Friday, March 24, 2023, for staffing and planning purposes.
      For more information on kindergarten registration and           Staff Report Per Schedule
a map of the elementary attendance areas, please visit our            Friday, May 26
                                                                      UAHS Commencement
Nominations Sought for UA Educator Hall of Fame                       Sunday, May 28 at 9:30 am
The Upper Arlington Schools Educator Hall of Fame is accepting        The Jerome Schottenstein Center
nominations through March 31 for outstanding retired educators.
     The Educators Hall of Fame recognizes the best of the best       Memorial Day; All Offices Closed
among retired teachers and administrators of all grade levels,        Monday, May 29
preschool through grade 12. Criteria and nomination materials
are available on the district’s website,           For the full 2022-2023 school year calendar, visit:
16       SchoolsiNSIGHT                                                        MARCH | APRIL 2023         


                                                                Students, staff and community members put their creative minds to
                                                                work in January to brainstorm possibilities for the future of Wickliffe
     In January, elementary students celebrated a big           Progressive Elementary School’s outdoor play and learning spaces,
     milestone — the 100th day of the school year.              including the castle playground.

      UAHS Athletic Hall
          of Fame
     Upper Arlington High School welcomed 12 new
     inductees in January who have made outstanding
     contributions to the impressive history of the school’s
     athletic program. The sixth class of inductees and their
     families were recognized during a girls and boys varsity
     basketball double-header at Upper Arlington High
     School and a ceremony the following morning in the
     Performing Arts Center.

     Congratulations to the inductees and their families:
     Jax “Mo” Black (Class of 1992); Bill Cook (Class of
     1957); former coach Paul W. “Pete” Corey; friend of
     the program and “Voice of the Bears” Dan Donovan;
     Steve Dusseau (Class of 1998); Bob Jencks (Class of
     1959); Cathleen (Aschinger) Pugh (Class of 1980); Tom
     Saunders (Class of 1964); former coach Dan Sebastian
     (Class of 1960); Sam Sebastian (Class of 1989); Sarah
     Wall Fortier (Class of 2002); and Artie Wolfe (Class of
     1958).                        MARCH | APRIL 2023                                 SchoolsiNSIGHT                                 17


     Barrington Elementary students made special              Thanks to the generosity of the Wickliffe Progressive Elementary School
     deliveries in December to fulfill the wish lists of 68   community, more than 100 gifts for 28 children were sent off to Heart to
     senior citizens through LifeCare Alliance.               Heart Food Pantry in December.

Jones Middle School staff and students continued a long-standing tradition
of preparing a holiday meal for the Home for Families Dowd Center in          The Windermere Elementary School flight crew welcomed
Columbus.                                                                     students to their global education kickoff assembly ­in
                                                                              November — with stops throughout North America.

  Mrs. Miller’s 2nd grade class and Mr. Diehl’s 5th grade
  class at Greensview teamed up on a service-learning           International Baccalaureate students hosted a potluck in November with
  project with the Ronald McDonald House in December. A         their friends from the Individualized Needs Center at Upper Arlington
  highlight was a special visit from Henry, a therapy dog.      High School to share dishes representing family traditions and cultures.
18        SchoolsiNSIGHT                                                        MARCH | APRIL 2023     

Treasurer’s Notes
Andrew L. Geistfeld
Upper Arlington                                      With that commitment in mind,           and is structured so that it will not impact
Schools is                                     the Board of Education has approved           the district’s general fund.
committed to                                   moving forward with a capital project              By responsibly planning for future
being a good                                   reserve fund to proactively plan for          financial needs related to our facilities,
steward of our                                 future maintenance expenses for our           we are honoring our commitment
community’s                                    facilities. Just as homeowners plan and       to the community to keep our focus
investment in                                  save for eventual home maintenance            on providing the highest quality of
our schools,                                   needs, the district will set aside $750,000   education for our students.
and we take this                               annually in permanent improvement                  I encourage community members to
commitment very seriously. Effective and       funding to prepare for eventual               learn more about our district’s finances
efficient use of our financial resources is    maintenance needs for our facilities          through the many resources available on
crucial to ensuring that we can provide        such as new HVAC systems or the               our website. If you have any questions,
the high-quality educational experiences       replacement of a turf field once it has       please feel free to contact me at
that our students deserve and our              reached its expected lifespan. This is
community expects.                             something that we had discussed during
     Every year, we rely on external, third-   the facilities master planning process
party review of our finances by the state
auditor’s office. This process involves a
team from the auditor’s offices spending             2023 UPPER ARLINGTON BOARD OF EDUCATION
a significant amount of time delving into
our financial records and reviewing our                    FROM LEFT: Vice
practices.                                          President Nancy Drees,
     I am pleased to share that our                    President Lori Trent,
district has again earned a clean audit                   Jenny McKenna,
opinion for the 2021-2022 fiscal year,                Lou Sauter and Nidhi
recognizing our commitment to effective                             Satiani
and accountable financial practices
for our community. You can find the
fiscal year 2022 audited financial report
from the state on our website at www.
     Our community can also get a closer
look at our fiscal year 2022 financial
information in the 2022-2023 Financial          Thanks to a partnership with the City of Upper Arlington, Board of Education
Update, which will be available this            meetings take place in the Council Chamber of the City’s Municipal Services
spring on our website. This report serves       Center, 3600 Tremont Road. In general, the meetings begin at 6 pm on the second
as a companion piece to our Quality             Tuesday of each month. Some exceptions apply, and last-minute scheduling
Profile, our annual accountability report,      changes are possible. Please refer to for the most up-to-date
by providing a deeper dive into our             information.
district’s finances. It details the sources
of our funding, how that money is used
                                                Upcoming Board of Education Meetings:
                                                •     Tuesday, March 7, 6 pm — Council Chamber
and other topics that may affect district
                                                •     Tuesday, April 11, 6 pm — Council Chamber
finances in the future.
                                                •     Tuesday, May 9, 6 pm — Council Chamber
     Responsible planning for future
financial needs is an important part of
                                                At the Board of Education’s organizational meeting in January, the Board selected
what we do as a district. This is a crucial
                                                Lori Trent to serve as president and Nancy Drees to serve as vice president for the
part of our commitment to being a good
                                                2023 calendar year. The Board also approved a schedule of meetings for 2023,
steward of our community’s investment
                                                which is available at For additional information on the
in our schools.
                                                members of the Board of Education and its policies, please visit the website listed
Library iNSIGHT
                                       MARCH | APRIL 2023

 B I - M O N T H LY N E W S F R O M T H E U P P E R A R L I N G T O N P U B L I C L I B R A R Y

Explore Greener Living at Our Sustainability Fair
Kick off Earth Month with a                                                                 ambassadors! This presentation
Sustainability Fair at the Main                                                             will be in our Youth Department at
Library on Saturday, April 1 from                                                           11 am.
10 am-2 pm.                                                                                      Visit with representatives from
      This special event is                                                                 over a dozen organizations in our
co-sponsored by Sustainable UA,                                                             atrium, including Friends of the UA
and celebrates the sustainable                                                              Parks, Drive Electric Columbus, and
initiatives happening in our                                                                SWACO.
community. Visit with local                                                                      In our parking lot, we’ll have an
organizations, do hands-on                                                                  electric car tour, electric bike testing,
activities, and attend presentations                                                        e-waste recycling, paper shredding,
on greener living. We’ll also offer          biodiversity and making natural             and more.
recycling, tasty treats from Littleton’s     landscapes the new norm. She’ll speak           For a complete schedule of the day’s
Market, and much more.                       at our Sustainability Fair at 2 pm in the   events, visit or scan this
      The day’s headliner is Catherine       Friends Theater.                            QR code.
Zimmerman, award-winning                          Another of the day’s highlights is
documentary filmmaker and                    an Animal Encounter presented by the
environmental educator. Her videos           Ohio Wildlife Center. Patrons of all ages
include global warming documentaries         can learn about the Center’s work, the
for CNN Presents and New York Times          history of Ohio native wildlife and how
Television. The goal of her work is to       to coexist with our wild neighbors. OWC
fire up the movement toward creating         will even bring along some live animal

Turn Your Passion for Art into a Business
Artists and crafters who want to make a hobby into something        Mirolo Barn, and one at the UA Municipal Building. Visit
more won’t want to miss our Arts & Crafts Entrepreneurship or scan this QR code for the complete
series.                                                             schedule, including program
     Presented in partnership with the City of Upper Arlington’s    descriptions, dates and times,
Parks & Recreation Department, this series of five programs         and locations. Registration
features a variety of local entrepreneurs offering guidance on      is now open at
topics like pricing strategies, marketing, merchandising, and
     Speakers include Dr. Jennifer Schlueter
of Columbus College of Art and Design,
designer Sarah Martin, Elaine Grogan
Luttrell of Minerva Financial Arts, award-
winning artist Rebecca Rea, and two-time
Emmy winning filmmaker Matt Hubbard.
     Three programs will be held in the Main
Library’s Friends Theater, one at the Amelita
You can also read