Turning off the Tap for Fossil Carbon Future Prospects for a Global Chemical and Derived Material Sector Based on Renewable Carbon - Unilever

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Turning off the Tap for Fossil Carbon Future Prospects for a Global Chemical and Derived Material Sector Based on Renewable Carbon - Unilever
Turning off the Tap for Fossil Carbon
Future Prospects for a Global Chemical and Derived
Material Sector Based on Renewable Carbon

Authors: Ferdinand Kähler, Michael Carus, Olaf Porc and
Christopher vom Berg
April 2021
This and other reports on renewable carbon are available at
Turning off the Tap for Fossil Carbon Future Prospects for a Global Chemical and Derived Material Sector Based on Renewable Carbon - Unilever
Ferdinand Kähler                                         Olaf Porc

                  Ferdinand Kähler holds master’s                           Olaf Porc is working for nova-
                  degrees in mechanical engineering                         Institute as part of the policy and
                  from RWTH Aachen University                               economy department since the
                  and in sustainability sciences from                       beginning of 2020. He supports
                  Bochum University of Applied                              various projects with research,
                  Sciences. He supports nova-                               data acquisition and analysis. His
                  Institute since several years in the                      main focus is mainly on the work
                  fields of life cycle assessment of                        in the field of techno-economic
                  bio-based       chemicals/materials                       evaluation and topics considering
and chemical, energetic and mechanical processes         bio-based feedstocks and applications. During his
in addition to other sustainability assessment           master’s degree in crop science, he gained expertise
methodologies. Addi¬tionally, he supported several       in agriculture and botany, which he incorporates into
studies on material flows to investigate the role of     many areas of his work.
carbon in the economy.

Michael Carus                                            Christopher vom Berg
                     Physicist, from 1983 to 1994,                          Christopher vom Berg is working
                     he worked for the IT industry,                         for nova since 2017. He is deputy
                     environmental institutes and the                       head of the policy & economy
                     solar industry. In 1994, he co-                        and member of the sustainability
                     founded nova-Institute and has                         department.     He    has     been
                     been functioning as owner and                          involved in various projects about
                     Managing Director since then.                          regulatory    and    sustainability
                     More 30 years of experience in                         aspects for the chemical industry
                     the field of bio-based economy,                        and on methodological aspects
including work on biomass feedstocks, industrial         of CCU in life-cycle assessments (LCA). In his daily
biotechnology and all kinds of bio-based materials,      work, he is contributing to several national and
and since about 10 years in Carbon Capture and           European projects with focus on policy, regulation,
Utilisation (CCU). Main focus of his work are bio-       sustainability assessment and LCA for bio-based
and CO2-based chemicals and materials with a             materials, chemicals and renewable CO2. Since 2020,
focus on strategies, technology, markets, policy and     Christopher strategically supports the development
sustainability. In 2020, Carus initiated the Renewable   of the RCI.
Carbon Initiative (RCI).

This study has been carried out on behalf of Unilever plc.

The authors are part of nova-Institute’s Economy & Policy and Sustainability expert groups. More reports of
expert group members are available at www.renewable-carbon.eu/publications

All services of nova-Institute are available at www.renewable-carbon.eu
Turning off the Tap for Fossil Carbon Future Prospects for a Global Chemical and Derived Material Sector Based on Renewable Carbon - Unilever
renewable carbon strategies
nova-Institute is a private and independent research institute, founded in 1994; nova offers    nova-Institut GmbH                nova
                                                                                                                             for Ecology and Innovation

research and consultancy with a focus on the transition of the chemical and material            Chemiepark Knapsack
                                                                                                                               for Ecology and Innovation

industry to renewable carbon. What are future challenges, environmental benefits and            Industriestraße 300
successful strategies to substitute fossil carbon with biomass, direct CO2 utilisation and      50354 Hürth, Germany
recycling? What are the most promising concepts and applications? We offer our unique
                                                                                                T +49 (0) 22 33 / 48 14-40
understanding to support the transition of your business into a climate neutral future.
                                                                                                F +49 (0) 22 33 / 48 14-50
Our subjects include feedstock, technologies and markets, economy and policy, sustainability,
communication and strategy development. nova-Institute has more than 40 employees.

  Latest market reports on renewable carbon
  •    Bioeconomy is not alone – from Bioeconomy to Carbon Management. 2021-04
  •    nova-paper#13: Bio-based products: Green premium prices and consumer perception of different
       biomass feedstocks. 2020-12
  •    nova-paper#12: Renewable Carbon – key to a sustainable and future-oriented chemical and plastic
       industry. 2020-09
  •    Can the European Union’s kerosene demand be met by the amount of biomass produced in the EU?
                         These reports and more are available at www.renewable-carbon.eu/publications
Turning off the Tap for Fossil Carbon Future Prospects for a Global Chemical and Derived Material Sector Based on Renewable Carbon - Unilever
Table of Contents
1		Executive summary................................................................................................................6
2		The role of carbon in our daily lives.......................................................................................8
3		The use of carbon in today’s Chemical and Derived Material sector................................12
4		Carbon demand from the Chemical and Derived Material sector in 2050........................18
5		The material value chain of fossil carbon – and how to replace it with
		renewable carbon.................................................................................................................22
6		What policy framework is needed to phase out fossil carbon?.........................................27
7		References............................................................................................................................32
Turning off the Tap for Fossil Carbon Future Prospects for a Global Chemical and Derived Material Sector Based on Renewable Carbon - Unilever
List of Figures

Figure 1: Products from the Chemical and Derived Material Sector in our Daily Lives............8
Figure 2: Renewable Energy and Renewable Carbon for a Sustainable Future
		(nova-Institute 2020)...................................................................................................10
Figure 3: The role of embedded carbon in the overall carbon footprint
		(nova-Institute 2019)...................................................................................................11
Figure 4: Current global demand for carbon embedded in organic chemicals
		and derived materials by type of carbon feedstock
		(nova-Institute 2021, based on various sources)......................................................12
Figure 5: Amount of carbon embedded in products from the global organic
          chemicals and derived materials (nova-Institute 2021,
          based on various sources).........................................................................................14
Figure 6: Type of feedstock for embedded carbon in each product group
          (nova-Institute 2021, based on various sources)......................................................16
Figure 7: Production value of organic chemicals in the EU-27 + UK in 2018
		by end-user application (nova-Institute 2021, based on Prodcom 2018)...............16
Figure 8: Scenario for the future global demand of embedded carbon for
		chemicals and derived materials in 2050 (nova-Institute 2021)...............................18
Figure 9: Selection of main steps from raw materials and feedstocks through to
		        petrochemical products, their derivatives and everyday products
		        (Petrochemicals Europe 2018)...................................................................................23
Turning off the Tap for Fossil Carbon Future Prospects for a Global Chemical and Derived Material Sector Based on Renewable Carbon - Unilever
Renewable Carbon for Chemicals and Derived Materials

1 Executive summary

The climate crisis is accelerating at an unprecedented      be found in the diverse products of our modern-day
rate, with global warming, greenhouse gas emissions         lives, improving efficiency and comfort. The demand
and deforestation causing food insecurity, global           for carbon embedded in organic chemicals and their
health concerns and biodiversity loss.                      derived materials is 450 million tonnes (Mt) per year.
                                                            85 % of this demand is generated by fossil-fuel-
Greenhouse gas emissions linked to the use of               based resources, 10 % by biomass and only 5 %
fossil-based energy sources such as oil, coal and           by recycling. To create long-lasting and sustainable
natural gas are the main factor contributing to             change, three sources of renewable carbon have
climate change. It has become evident that we               been identified that can substitute the utilisation
can no longer ignore the consequences that our              of fossil carbon that is extracted from the ground:
current production methods have on the planet.              biomass, recycling, and CCU (Carbon Capture and
Increasing pressure from governments, investors             Utilisation; captured CO2, from industrial processes
and other stakeholders to transition to renewable           or the atmosphere).
energy sources has accelerated the development
of solar power, windfarms and hydroelectricity, and         The demand for embedded carbon is set to rise.
of new technologies such as electromobility and             Increasing population, higher incomes and a growing
green hydrogen. These innovations, however, are not         middle class will drive the need for products and thus
being implemented fast enough. To decarbonise the           also for carbon. By 2050, nova-Institute estimates
energy sector by 2050, and ensure the achievement           that the demand for carbon embedded in organic
of the goals set out under the Paris agreement, it is       chemicals and derived materials will increase
essential for the industry to completely phase out its      to 1,000 Mt per year. To achieve this demand
use of fossil fuels.                                        sustainably, sharing, reusing and recycling play the
                                                            main role in keeping carbon in a closed loop, in line
But is that enough? Does it solve the climate problem?      with the Circular Economy. Chemical and mechanical
                                                            recycling industries will be largely responsible for
This report provides an analysis of the CO2 emissions       innovating their processes to better reuse and recycle
that originate from the carbon embedded in                  carbon. Since keeping the entire carbon in a cycle
commonly used products and commodities. It also             is technologically not possible, additional renewable
shows how the chemical and material sectors can             carbon sources such as biomass and CO2 capture
enact systems change to reduce their environmental          and use become necessary. For both options,
footprints. Plastics, rubbers, textile fibres, detergents   sufficient land is available for either cultivation of
and personal care solutions are often derived from          biomass or the production of the required renewable
the basic elements of organic chemistry, which are          energy for CCU. With these three renewable carbon
by definition dependent on carbon. At the end of their      sources (recycling, biomass and CCU) combined, it
lifecycle, today, most of the embedded carbon ends          will be possible to keep using all the products we
up in the atmosphere in the form of CO2.                    are used to without the need for any additional fossil
                                                            carbon sourced from under the ground.
For the first time, the amount of carbon needed
annually for the production of chemicals and derived        For the first time since the beginning of the industrial
products – broken down to several application               revolution, which was only possible due to the
areas – has been calculated. This carbon can later          access to cheap fossil carbon sources, we are able

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Turning off the Tap for Fossil Carbon Future Prospects for a Global Chemical and Derived Material Sector Based on Renewable Carbon - Unilever
Renewable Carbon for Chemicals and Derived Materials

to completely decouple the chemical and derived              of the chemical industry, within a timeline that is in
materials industries from virgin petrochemicals.             accordance with our climate targets.
Technologies, as well as investment capital, are
available for the transformation from fossil to              As outlined already, the chemical sector uses 67 Mt of
renewable carbon of the entire economy.                      renewable carbon annually, covering 15 % of the total
                                                             demand of embedded carbon (450 Mt). The authors
Contrary to energy, it is not possible to decarbonise        predict that the demand for embedded carbon could
chemicals and products. The renewable carbon                 reach 1000 Mt by 2050. In other words, renewable
family is the only pathway to a sustainable future for       carbon production will have to be increased by
commonly used materials such as plastics, fibres,            a factor of 15 by 2050 to cover the needs of the
surfactants and other materials based on organic             chemical and material sector. This highly laborious
chemistry, and the industries that produce them.             task will require cross-sector collaboration: industry,
Adequate carbon management can aid companies in              governments and consumers.
achieving their emission targets and allow them to
resolve potential questions such as:                         This report aims to raise awareness of the need for,
                                                             and the technical, industrial and political feasibility
•    In a given situation, what is the best choice from      of, the biggest transformation of the chemical and
     the renewable carbon family? Biomass, CO2               derived material sector since the industrial revolution.
     capture or recycling?
•    Which renewable carbon source is the most
     sustainable, efficient and socially acceptable
     solution for a certain application in a given region?
•    Is it biomass from wood, sugar beet or
     metropolitan biogenic waste?
•    Is it captured CO2 from fossil power plants, from
     fermentation or from the atmosphere (direct air
•    Or is it recycled carbon from old plastics via
     mechanical or chemical recycling?

Once the need for transitioning the entire economy
towards the use of renewable carbon is established,
these are the questions to be addressed on a case-
by-case basis taking into account the desired use
and available infrastructure.

The exclusive use of renewable carbon as feedstock
is a key condition for the chemical industry to
achieve climate neutrality. The use of renewable
carbon in the chemical and derived material industry
is what decarbonisation is in the energy sector.
In this report, a comprehensive policy framework
for carbon management is discussed, which is
necessary to realise the revolutionary transformation

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Turning off the Tap for Fossil Carbon Future Prospects for a Global Chemical and Derived Material Sector Based on Renewable Carbon - Unilever
Renewable Carbon for Chemicals and Derived Materials

2 The role of carbon in our daily lives

Climate change is among the most severe problems of                    for our hair, the clothes we wear and the detergents
our time. 92 % of global warming impacts are caused                    used for our laundry; to the vehicles we use to
by carbon-containing greenhouse gas emissions.                         commute, the electronics we use to communicate,
Out of these, 80 % are of fossil origin1.In total, 89 %                the packaging our cooking ingredients are wrapped
of the carbon extracted from the ground is utilised                    in, the dishwasher tabs that help wash our plates,
for energy and fuels, whilst 11 %2 is employed for                     the insulation of our houses and the solar panels on
cement, chemicals and derived materials. The latter                    our roofs – all of these products include substances
will rise tremendously by 2050, as explained in                        derived from the chemical and derived material
chapter 4. The process of “decarbonising” the energy                   sector, see Figure 1. The large variety of properties
sector and expanding the use of renewable energies                     that allow for such broad application can be traced
is ongoing in many countries. However, removing                        back to a single element: carbon, the backbone
the carbon from the chemical and derived material                      of life on Earth. Together with other elements (e.g.
sector is not an option. These commodities surround                    hydrogen, oxygen, etc.), carbon forms chemical
us in manifold ways and many of them contain                           compounds processed in the various pathways of
carbon. From the carpet we set our feet on in the                      the chemical industry into a wide range of industrial
morning, the toothbrush in our mouth, the shampoo                      and consumer goods. However, most of the carbon

Figure 1: Products from the Chemical and Derived Material Sector in our Daily Lives

1 based on IPCC (2014) and Olivier et al. (2017)
2 10 % of the total final energy consumption used by the chemical sector. Hence, it’s the largest industrial energy consumer, ahead of iron
  and steel, and cement. 90 % of primary oil and natural gas demand occur in “Other industry”, “Power”, “Transport”, “Buildings”, and
  “Others”. (Pales and Levi 2018)

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Turning off the Tap for Fossil Carbon Future Prospects for a Global Chemical and Derived Material Sector Based on Renewable Carbon - Unilever
Renewable Carbon for Chemicals and Derived Materials

     What is Renewable Carbon?
     “Renewable Carbon entails all carbon sources that avoid or substitute the use of any additional
     fossil carbon from the geosphere. Renewable carbon can come from the biosphere, atmosphere or
     technosphere – but not from the geosphere3. Renewable carbon circulates between biosphere,
     atmosphere or technosphere, creating a carbon circular economy.”4

consumed by the chemical and derived material                           medium-term, however, this also includes fuels for
sector is made from fossil fuels – as is the case for                   long-distance shipping and trucks.
the energy and fuel sectors. This poses a large issue,
as the fossil carbon extracted from the ground (oil,                    Chemicals, plastics, detergents and other
gas and coal) eventually ends up in the atmosphere,                     products
contributing heavily to global warming. More than                       Currently, the chemical sector consumes 14 %
50 % of the extracted fossil carbon is released into                    of global oil and 8 % of global natural gas supply,
the atmosphere as CO2 within a short amount of time;                    that represents 723 megatons (Mt) of pure carbon
this includes plastic and rubber products that are                      (equivalent to 2,655 Mt of CO2)5. The largest share
incinerated, or detergents and cleaning agents that                     of the chemical manufacturing industry, be it plastics
simply biodegrade. The remaining percentage initially                   or detergents, is still fed by virgin fossil resources.
remains in the technosphere in the form of products,                    However, decarbonising chemicals is not possible, as
and, depending on logistics and infrastructure,                         carbon is a key element of many chemical compounds.
will later also be incinerated or biodegrade (in the                    Therefore, the future share of the global oil and gas
environment and landfills) over decades to centuries.                   demand for carbon-based products will sharply
In the context of the circular economy, ever larger                     increase. Organic chemistry, by definition, is the
parts will be recycled in the future. Only then will the                branch of chemistry that utilises carbon and carbon-
influx of emissions into the atmosphere end.                            based materials, therefore no feasible replacement
                                                                        exists. Renewable carbon sources include: carbon
Energy                                                                  from recycling (technosphere), where it is kept in
For the energy sector, the strategy to phase-out                        technical cycles; carbon from biomass, which has
fossil fuels is called “decarbonisation”. Fossil energy                 been taken up from the atmosphere and is bound by
sources, namely coal, gas and oil, are replaced                         plants (biosphere); and carbon from CO2 which either
by renewable ones: solar power, wind turbines or                        comes directly from the atmosphere or is extracted
hydrogen production together with electric cars,                        from exhaust gases (technosphere), see Figure 2.
direct use of hydrogen and fuel cells. In the long-
term, only a limited number of fuel types will continue
to require carbon (mainly aviation fuels). For the

3     Link to RCI glossary to follow
4     For more information see nova-Paper #12 (Carus et al. 2020b) and the Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) (nova-Institute 2021)
5    Shares of global oil and gas consumption of for petrochemicals according to Pales and Levi (2018). According to BP’s Statistical Review
     2019 (Dudley 2019), the global annual consumption of oil was 4,662 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe) in 2019. 14 % of this
     corresponds to around 650 Mtoe, which contain an amount of 560 Mt of carbon, equal to 2,050 Mt of CO2. Also according to BP, global
     annual consumption of natural gas is 3,309 Mtoe of which 8 % or 265 Mtoe is used for petrochemicals. This corresponds to 226 Mt of
     natural gas (1 Mtoe = 0.855 Mt natural gas, according to BP) or 165 Mt of carbon (carbon content = 73 % based on own calculations),
     which corresponds to 605 Mt of CO2.

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Turning off the Tap for Fossil Carbon Future Prospects for a Global Chemical and Derived Material Sector Based on Renewable Carbon - Unilever
Renewable Carbon for Chemicals and Derived Materials

Figure 2: Renewable Energy and Renewable Carbon for a Sustainable Future (nova-Institute 2020)

                         Scope of the report: Embedded carbon for
                          organic chemicals and derived materials
   This report addresses carbon contained in                     extraction and processing provide a class of
   organic chemicals and derived materials that                  materials with extraordinary properties. However,
   conventionally use high shares of virgin fossil               those groups of substances are out of scope
   resources. These include:                                     because they are generally not based on and do
                                                                 not include carbon. It should be noted that a large
   •   Plastics, mainly thermoplastics, but also
                                                                 share of the energy required for their processing
       thermosets and elastomers or rubber;
                                                                 today is fossil-based but will be replaced by
   •   Man-made fibres such as polyester; and
                                                                 renewable energy in the course of decarbonisation
   •   Organic chemical substances such as ad-
                                                                 of the energy sector.
       hesives, solvents, detergents, paints, etc.

   Inorganic chemicals are not in the scope of the               Furthermore, only the carbon-based materials
   study, even though they provide a large share of              whose precursors originate from the chemical
   chemicals and derivatives. Important inorganic                industry (“derived” materials) were considered.
   chemicals include nitrogen-based fertilisers,                 Accordingly, wood used for construction and
   which are indispensable for providing secure food             furniture is excluded as well as cotton fibres.
   supply; phosphates, which are essential for many              Chemically processed wood is included, e.g. a
   food additives; and sulfuric acid, that is used in            wide range of chemicals from wood chemistry as
   many applications. In regard to materials, metal              well as cellulose fibres.

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Renewable Carbon for Chemicals and Derived Materials

  The CO2 emissions associated with chemistry and                 materials. More than two thirds of the carbon
  derived materials come from two main sources.                   footprint of these products is composed of
  Firstly, emissions from production, resulting                   embedded carbon. Moreover, the share of carbon
  directly from the energy use of fossil carbon, that             related to production will decrease in the future,
  are often quite visible and well recorded. Secondly,            when fossil fuels are replaced by renewable
  embedded carbon6, as many organic chemicals                     energies. The amount of carbon required for the
  and their derived products consist largely of                   product itself, however, will remain constant. In
  carbon. The embedded carbon becomes relevant                    the long-term, the demand for chemicals and
  at the end of products’ lifecycles, as sooner                   derived materials will grow, as shown in the future
  or later most of it ends up in the atmosphere.                  scenario introduced in chapter 4. Hence, the
  However, as we edge closer to 2050, by applying                 importance of embedded carbon will increase as
  the Renewable Carbon strategy outlined in this                  well. Industry efforts, therefore, must go beyond
  study, more and more of the embedded carbon                     energy, and substitute embedded fossil carbon.
  can be kept in a circular loop, avoiding its release            For this reason, this report focuses on embedded
  into the atmosphere.                                            carbon in chemicals and materials, and provides
                                                                  a roadmap for replacing fossil with renewable
  Figure 3 shows the distribution between the                     carbon, an often-ignored aspect of climate change
  embedded carbon and the production-energy                       mitigation.
  related carbon for six major chemicals and

  Figure 3: The role of embedded carbon in the overall carbon footprint (nova-Institute 2019)

  6    The “embedded carbon” is also called “hidden carbon”, because the related potential CO2 emissions at end-of-life of the
      product are only barely visible.

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Renewable Carbon for Chemicals and Derived Materials

3 The use of carbon in today’s Chemical and Derived
  Material sector

The amount and type of feedstocks currently used as                   In order to determine the amount and composition of
embedded carbon in products of the organic chemical                   embedded carbon in organic chemicals and derived
and derived materials sector is shown in Figure 4. The                materials, a comprehensive list of petrochemicals
figure displays only the amount of carbon actually                    was analysed for their carbon contents. Furthermore,
contained in the products (“embedded carbon”),                        several studies have been evaluated to determine
measured in million tons of carbon (Mt C). This is in                 carbon flows from biomass and recycling. This allows
contrast to the often-cited carbon footprint, which                   us to quantify the amount of embedded carbon in
quantifies greenhouse gas emissions from production                   organic chemicals and derived materials for the first
to disposal in CO2 equivalents.                                       time ever, which amounts to 450 Mt of carbon per year.

Figure 4: Current global demand for carbon embedded in organic chemicals and derived materials by type of carbon feedstock
(nova-Institute 2021, based on various sources7)

7 The composition of fossil resources (share of oil, gas and coal used in the chemical industry excluding the production of ammonium),
  absolute figures for fossil-based thermoplastics, thermosets, solvents, additives & explosives, and other chemicals for the year 2013
  are based on Levi and Cullen (2018). Figures for bio-based thermoplastics, thermosets, and solvents and additives, figures for rubber
  products, total man-made fibres, and bio-based man-made fibres for the year 2020 are based on Skoczinski et al. (2021). The composition
  of bio-based feedstocks and the amount of other bio-based chemicals for the year 2010 is based on Piotrowski et al. (2015). Figures
  for total recycling are based on Hundertmark et al. (2018). Figures for recycled man-made fibres are based on Textile Exchange (2020).
  Carbon content of each substance is determined by experts from nova-Institute, using weighted averages, based on production volumes
  stated in the mentioned publications.

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Renewable Carbon for Chemicals and Derived Materials

Table 1: Current global demand for carbon embedded in organic chemicals and derived materials by type of
carbon feedstock (nova-Institute 2021, based on various sources)

         Carbon Feedstock                  Annual amount of carbon                          Share

  Fossil                                             380 Mt C                                84.5 %

  Crude Oil                                          257 Mt C                                57.3 %

  Natural Gas                                        114 Mt C                                25.1 %

  Coal                                                  9 Mt C                                2.1 %

  Biomass                                              47 Mt C                               10.4 %

  Plant Oils                                           11 Mt C                                2.5 %

  Natural rubber                                        9 Mt C                                2.0 %

  Starch / sugar                                        7 Mt C                                1.6 %

  Bioethanol                                            7 Mt C                                1.6 %

  Other biomass                                        13 Mt C                                2.8 %

  Recycling                                            23 Mt C                                5.1 %

  Total                                              450 Mt C                                100 %

The vast majority of this embedded carbon (378 Mt C         Around two thirds of the annual demand for embedded
or 85 %) is derived from fossil resources, see Table 1.     carbon for chemicals and derived materials is used
Crude oil is the most important feedstock (257 Mt C),       for polymers and rubber (291 Mt C). The remaining
followed by natural gas (113 Mt C) and coal (8 Mt C).       share is used for organic chemicals (155 Mt C).
Of the remaining 15 %, 10 % or 45 Mt of carbon is           Thermoplastics are the most sought after group
given by biomass and 5 % or 22 Mt is derived from           of plastics with an annual demand of 189 Mt of
recycling. The amount of embedded carbon from               carbon. These are mainly used in packaging, that
CO2-based resources is currently negligible, but is         accounts for 45 % of all thermoplastics use. Man-
expected to rapidly grow in the coming years.               made fibres (including synthetic and cellulosic) are
                                                            the second largest group in plastics with an annual
To highlight the importance of carbon in our daily lives,   carbon demand of 53 Mt C. Rubber accounts for
the use of products based on organic carbon from the        26 Mt C, and thermosets for approximately 23 Mt C.
chemical and derived materials sector is classified by      Within organic chemicals, solvents, adhesives and
end-user application in Figure 5.                           explosives together make up for 59 % of embedded

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Renewable Carbon for Chemicals and Derived Materials

Figure 5: Amount of carbon embedded in products from the global organic chemicals and derived materials (nova-Institute 2021,
based on various sources8)

carbon demand or 94 Mt C respectively. From this                    96 % and 97 %), whilst others have significantly
group, solvents (e.g. used for paint, dry-cleaners or               lower fossil shares (e.g. rubber with 52 %). The
detergents) account for 50 Mt C, and additives (e.g.                share of bio-based carbon is significant for “organic
found in fuels, tires, plastics etc.) for 39 Mt C.                  chemicals” (17 %), but lower for polymers (7 %).
                                                                    Product groups that largely use bio-based carbon
To phase-out fossil resources in the chemical and                   as feedstock include rubber (48 %), and solvents &
derived materials sector, the technological pathways                adhesives (26 %). Recycling is important for polymers
can differ depending on the unique requirements for                 and rubber (8 % of embedded carbon), and higher
each product group. The type of feedstock required                  than the bio-based carbon share (7 % of embedded
for each product group is shown in Figure 6.                        carbon), but currently does not play a significant role
                                                                    as a feedstock for chemicals (amount of chemical
The share of virgin fossil-based carbon resources                   recycling negligible thus far). Product groups with high
for chemicals and derived plastics is dominant and                  shares of feedstock from recycling are in particular
comparable (83 % and 85 % respectively). This share                 man-made fibres (10 %) and thermoplastics (9 %).
varies widely within product groups, with some groups
such as “other organic chemicals” and thermosets                    The findings disclosed above give an unprecedented
depending heavily on fossil resources (respectively                 view on carbon supply for the chemicals and derived

8 Figures based on the sources stated in Figure 4. End-user applications for thermoplastics based on Geyer et al. (2017). End-user
  applications for thermosets based on Mordor Intelligence (2019). Applications of man-made fibres based on The Fiber Year Consulting

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Renewable Carbon for Chemicals and Derived Materials

                                     Product groups explained

      Polymers are chemical compounds consisting of repeating structural units (monomers) synthesised
      through the process of polymerisation or fermentation. Plastic materials are composed of a blend
      of polymers, additives and fillers, whose granulates are ready for industry use. Polymers can be
      subdivided based on their chemical and physical properties. Thermoplastics become mouldable
      when heated and are commonly used for everyday objects. They can generally be recycled efficiently.
      Man-made fibres are used to produce textiles such as clothing or carpets. This group includes
      synthetic and cellulosic fibres. Natural fibres, including cotton or flax, are excluded. Thermosets
      tend to be used in more specialised materials and resins, but can also be found in everyday objects
      like worktop surfaces, car parts or boats. These cannot yet be efficiently recycled. Adhesives
      consist of thermosetting polymers, among others. High-performance adhesives based on epoxy
      or polyurethane are used in aircrafts, automobiles, bicycles, boats, etc. Rubber (or elastomers)
      polymers can be subdivided into natural and synthetic rubber. Large amounts of rubber are used for
      tyres; however, it is also used for gloves, dampeners or gaskets.

      Organic Chemicals are an important output of the chemical sector. Solvents and additives
      represent the largest group among these. Solvents are used for a variety of applications, such
      as paints and coatings, manufacturing of pharmaceuticals, household care, cosmetics, adhesives,
      printing inks, polymer manufacturing, industrial cleaning, agrochemicals and lubricants. The umbrella
      term additive refers to substances that are added in small quantities to other materials to alter their
      specific properties. Additives can be used in fuels, tyres, plastics, paper, and many more. Within
      other organic chemicals, methanol, propylene and ethylene have the largest production volumes.
      These also have very broad application fields, including agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics,
      organic dyes or surfactants (for soaps/detergents).

materials sector. However, for some applications,          are included in NACE class C20: “Manufacture
the data available lacks detail. The wide diversity        of chemicals and chemical products.” The
of “organic chemicals,” and their broad range of           corresponding production value in the EU-27 + UK
potential uses, make it difficult to determine clear       in 2018 is depicted in Figure 7. Double counting is
end-user applications. In an attempt to tackle this        avoided for intermediates produced by the chemical
issue, a closer look at organic chemicals is provided      industry that are later processed to end-user
in the following section.                                  products.

The European Union’s market can be examined                The figures prove that the production of organic
in further detail due to increased data availability.      chemicals has a large economic value of € 162 billion
Detailed statistics are available from the Prodcom         annually. Within this group, “paints & varnishes”
statistics that use the “Statistical Classification of     form the largest subset, followed by cosmetics
Economic Activities in the European Community”             applications in “perfumes & toilet preparations” and
(referred to as NACE classes) for the accounting of        “soaps & detergents”.
several manufacturing industries. Organic chemicals

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Figure 6: Type of feedstock for embedded carbon in each product group (nova-Institute 2021, based on various sources9)

Figure 7: Production value of organic chemicals in the EU-27 + UK in 2018 by end-user application10 (nova-Institute 2021, based
on Prodcom 2018)

9 Figures based on the sources stated for Figure 4
10 NACE class C20 “Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products”, except for sub-class C20.6 “Manufacture of man-made fibres”.
   “Other chemical products” include additives, animal & vegetable fats/oils, biofuels, etc.
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Conclusion                                               supply of carbon is crucial for society and for the
The data gathered in this chapter provides an overview   economy. Many of these applications, however, only
of the types of feedstocks used for embedded carbon      use marginal amounts of renewable carbon, and
in products from the chemical and derived material       most rely heavily on fossil feedstocks. The available
sector. The predominant type of feedstock is of virgin   data clearly shows that there is still a long way to
fossil origin (85 %), see Figure 4. The determination    go for achieving a fully renewable-based chemical
of carbon in different end-user applications (see        and derived material sector. The next chapters will
Figure 5 and Figure 7) shows that these products are     provide further detail on how the path towards a
prominent in endless areas of life. Hence, a reliable    systemic transformation could be achieved.

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4 Carbon demand from the Chemical and Derived
  Material sector in 2050

The previous section shows the strong dependency                 of factors. Some of the most relevant parameters are:
on fossil carbon feedstocks in the global chemical               projected population growth and projected wealth
and derived materials sector. A future pathway                   increase in population-rich countries. The global
towards a more sustainable supply of feedstocks                  population is estimated to reach 9.7 billion by 2050,
is examined in the following section. A scenario for             with particularly large population growth expected
2050 that includes the total phase-out of additional             in Sub-Sahara Africa, Northern Africa and Western
fossil carbon resources is outlined, and a possible              Asia11. This corresponds to an annual growth rate
future composition of carbon supply is determined.               of +0.75 %. In regard to wealth increase, a growth
Subsequently, the consequences of such a                         of the global middle-class is expected. In their
transformation are discussed.                                    latest projections12, the company BP approximates
                                                                 an income growth of +1.9 % p.a. These income
The total global demand for carbon from the chemical             increases for the growing global middle-class will
and derived material sector is influenced by a multitude         lead to a higher demand for chemicals and products

Figure 8: Scenario for the future global demand of embedded carbon for chemicals and derived materials in 2050
(nova-Institute 2021)

11 According to UN DESA (2019)
12 According to BP (2020)

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derived from them. Forecasts for the future growth                   out or improved, so that landfilling is prevented
rates for the chemical and derived materials sector                  and incineration of waste is reduced to a minimum.
range from +1.1 % over 2.7 % up to 4.2 % per year13.                 Mechanical recycling processes and upstream
                                                                     separation processes are being further enhanced,
While these figures clearly forecast a strong growth                 and applied to valorise a variety of different waste
in material demand, the amount of carbon required                    streams. Waste fractions, that today are incinerated,
to meet this demand can be partly mitigated through                  are made available to chemical recycling in the 2050
increases in efficiency and effectiveness. A sharing                 scenario. Advances in these technologies lead to a
economy with digitalisation and artificial intelligence              highly improved circularity rate in the chemical and
can play a large role in this, as well as more                       derived materials sector.
ambitious repair and re-use commitments, process
optimisation, and new technologies that emit less                    But even an optimised use, collection and recycling
carbon compared to established alternatives. These                   system can never keep carbon fully in the cycle, due
changes could advance the process of decoupling                      to losses, emissions and low-quality fractions. In
income and carbon consumption.                                       addition, there are stock effects due to long-lasting
                                                                     products. Therefore, even in a highly developed
Taking the above considerations into account, an                     recycling economy, additional sources of carbon will
annual growth rate of +2.7 % of the chemical industry                be required.
until 2050 is assumed for our scenario. With the data
compiled in the previous chapters, this growth rate                  Biomass provides an important share of carbon
leads to an annual demand of 1,000 Mt of carbon                      supply for chemicals and derived materials in our
as a feedstock for the global chemical and derived                   2050 scenario. Today, the worldwide annual supply
material sector. Figure 8 shows the feedstock used                   of biomass is 12.3 billion tonnes.14 Biopolymers
for embedded carbon for chemicals and derived                        (excluding rubber) only use 0.034 % of this worldwide
materials as well as the example 2050 scenario we                    biomass supply. All bio-based chemicals and derived
have developed. It is assumed that fossil fuels are                  materials use 0.86 % of the annual bio-based carbon
totally phased out and that supply of carbon is met                  supply15. In the 2050 scenario depicted above, the
55 % by recycling, 25 % through carbon based on                      demand for bio-based carbon would rise from 50
captured CO2, and 20 % with bio-based carbon.                        to 200 Mt C. This corresponds to a share of 3.4 %
                                                                     of today’s biomass supply. However, the global
The total phase-out of virgin fossil carbon requires                 supply as well as the production chain is expected
a wide-ranging shift towards renewable carbon                        to change. Global biomass supply could rise from
sources. The most important source is recycling.                     today’s 12.3 billion tonnes to 18 or even 25 billion
Globally, waste collection systems are being rolled                  tonnes, based on different scenarios that all act

13 The reference scenario provided by IEA (2018) predicts a doubling of the demand of thermoplastics per capita until 2050, which
   corresponds to +1.3 % p.a. BP (2020) foresees an increase in the non-combusted use of fossil fuels of +1.1 % p.a. in the business-
   as-usual scenario and +2.7 % if the trends of the past 20 years are extrapolated. Roland Berger (2015) estimates a growth of +3.6 to
   4.2 % p.a. for 2011 to 2035 for the global chemical sector.
14 The demand is dominated by feed (60 %) and food (12 %), followed by bioenergy and -fuels (16 % and 2 % respectively) and materials
   (10 %, mainly wood), according to Carus et al. (2020a).
15 The amount of bio-based carbon for organic chemicals and derived materials is 50 Mt C p.a., see Figure 4. Assuming a carbon content
   of 47.5 %, the worldwide supply of bio-based carbon is 5.8 bln tonnes C. Hence, 50 Mt C correspond to 0.86 % of global supply.

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within a sustainable framework16. The share of bio-                     electricity are necessary18. If this electricity was
based carbon needed for chemicals and derived                           produced with photovoltaics in deserts, it would
materials would correspondingly end up between                          require an area of 62.000 km2, which would translate
1.7 and 2.3 % of the global biomass supply. With                        to roughly 0.4 % of the total subtropical desert area.
growing efficiency (e.g. in the process chain of
converting biomass to biopolymers), higher utilisation                  In the future, the decision of which renewable carbon
of agricultural side-streams (e.g. wheat straws) and                    source to use in a specific situation can be decided
waste-streams (biowaste and wastewater sludge) for                      through effective carbon management. Policy should
bio-based products, the demand for primary biomass                      support a general market shift towards renewable
for chemicals could be further reduced. Hence, a                        carbon, without regulating individual renewable
share of 1 to 1.5 % of global primary biomass supply                    carbon streams as this would lead to undesirable
for bio-based chemicals and derived materials                           consequences such as non-level playing fields,
is expected. Improvements in yields, efficiency                         incentives for non-optimal solutions and barriers for
and technology are realised through new breeds,                         unsupported options. Which renewable carbon source
precision agriculture, and the use of gene editing and                  is best suited for a particular case should be decided
GMOs (e.g. for organisms in bio-industrial process                      based on feedstock availability, technology and
lines). Furthermore, through the shift in transport from                market conditions, as well as specific environmental
internal combustion engines to electric vehicles and                    issues. This depends on regional factors, concrete
hydrogen, significant agricultural areas will become                    applications and production pathways.
available that are today used for biofuels.
                                                                        There is no one-size-fits-all or universal solution.
Another renewable source of carbon, presented in the                    Whichever source used, however, must be renewable
2050 model is captured CO2 as a feedstock (Carbon                       carbon. The renewable carbon source that is most
Capture and Utilisation, CCU). With the use of green                    cost-efficient and sustainable in a given situation
hydrogen (from renewable sources), the carbon in                        depends on many regional and product-specific
CO2 can be converted into valuable substances. CO2                      factors. To transform the chemical industry, it will
can either be sourced from direct air capture (DAC)                     be necessary to consider renewable carbon on a
or from industrial point sources17. To replace fossil-                  global scale, but on a local level, an understanding of
based hydrocarbons, hydrogen is produced in large-                      context will be necessary to identify the best source
scale electrolysers that are powered by renewable                       of carbon for a particular application. Sharing, re-
solar and wind power. In the 2050 scenario depicted                     using and recycling carbon should be a priority
above, 250 Mt C are sourced annually from CO2 as                        everywhere, even if this is easier to achieve in highly
a feedstock. To replace this amount of fossil-based                     industrialised metropolitan areas than in rural areas.
carbon with carbon from CO2, around 15 PWh of                           Sustainable wood use will remain an important

16 Different scenarios deployed by Piotrowski et al. (2015). In the 2050 “Business-as-usual” scenario, global biomass supply is 18.17 Gt
   (dry matter) annually, in the “High” scenario 25.15 Gt.
17 In light of the decarbonisation of the energy sector, point sources of CO2 like fossil powered plants will not be available anymore in
   the future. However, some point sources will still be available like industrial fermentation facilities or other industrial processes like
18 In a recent study, Kätelhön et al. (2019) describe a scenario for 2030, where 22 important chemicals have a production volume of
   1000 Mt. This results in 520 Mt of carbon (own calculation). To replace fossil-based feedstock only with technologies that have a high
   TRL today, 32.0 PWh of electricity are required or 0.06 PWh per Mt C. This results in 15 PWh, if chemicals containing 250 Mt C were
   produced. Assuming a typical PV-yield of 250 GWh / km2 / yr, this corresponds to 62.000 km2 of desert land.

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renewable carbon source in Nordic countries (e.g.       The shift towards the exclusive use of renewable
Northern Europe), but only to a lesser extent in the    carbon sources from virgin fossil carbon requires
South (e.g. Northern Africa or Brazil). Agricultural    advances in each of the following fields: sharing,
improvements like precision farming, regenerative       re-using, collecting, recycling, biomass and CO2
agricultural practices and fertility enhancements, as   Utilisation. To support this transformation, political
well as GMOs (where appropriate and allowed), will      and societal openness in regard to science and
help harvest more biomass from less land, and do        technology is needed, supported by R&D funds,
so even more sustainably. This creates space for        private sector innovations and investment, and
industrial crop cultivation without having to expand    various other support schemes. Furthermore, for the
arable land. Where solar and wind power is often        acceptance of many novel technologies by the public,
produced in surplus, it is possible to produce green    consumers appeal and a strong market demand are
hydrogen, that can be used both for energy and for      crucial. The following sections explore the potential
the production of basic chemicals such as methane,      technological and political challenges.
methanol, formic acid, and even naphtha and waxes.

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5 The material value chain of fossil carbon –
  and how to replace it with renewable carbon

The chemical industry is the backbone of the modern          There are therefore two different strategies for
world. Almost all everyday products largely derive           replacing virgin fossil-based products, both of which
from chemistry. As shown in the previous chapters,           are important for the transformation and should be
the chemical industry today relies almost entirely           developed in parallel.
(85 %) on virgin fossil carbon as a building block for its
products. Fossil carbon comes from oil, natural gas          Strategy 1: Drop-in
or coal, and eventually ends up in the atmosphere,           The drop-in strategy uses existing structures of the
contributing heavily to climate change. As mentioned         chemical industry, such as refineries and chemical
previously, the largest challenge for the chemical           parks, to initiate the raw material transformation at
industry is to convert its feedstocks from virgin fossil-    the feedstock level. Instead of naphtha, methane,
based to renewable-carbon-based.                             ethane, propane methanol (see Figure 9) from fossil
                                                             sources such as oil, natural gas and coal, the raw
The use of renewable carbon in the chemical and              materials could be obtained from biomass, CO2 and
derived material industry is what decarbonisation is in      chemical recycling. The end product stays the same,
the energy sector: a key to climate change mitigation.       while the feedstock becomes renewable, and the
But how can we ensure this change happens? Are               existing processes and infrastructure largely remain
the technologies that can enable this change already         in place. In this case, large amounts of virgin fossil
developed and mature? Is there enough arable land            carbon can be substituted quickly.
for biomass? Can we really harvest CO2 from the air?
Can recycling turn old plastics into food packaging
                                                             Strategy 2: Dedicated
and detergents?
                                                             The dedicated strategy cares little for existing
Before looking at these issues in more detail, let‘s         structures of the large-scale chemical industry.
first look at the major challenges in this fundamental       Instead, it builds entirely new structures with new
transformation. The chemical industry is a key for a         processes to create new raw materials, through
variety of other industries and products. It is a highly     biotechnology, wood or electro chemistry. These
interconnected, integrated industry and has been             products often use biomass or CO2 more efficiently
optimised in many ways over decades. Figure 9 gives          and show properties that are not found in any
a depiction of a variety of chemicals and the industries     petrochemical counterpart. However, this would
that use them to optimise their products (e.g. energy        require a large amount of time and resources for
efficiency or even special properties of the products).      building up production capacities, and place the
If this system is to be fundamentally changed, well-         products on the market. Dedicated strategies include
considered strategies are required. Comprehensive            replacing petrochemical plastic packaging with
carbon management needs to take full account of              paper, cellulose or natural fibre packaging.
the structure of today‘s chemical industry, preserve
or repurpose industrial assets where possible, and           Both strategies are necessary to achieve the
replace those that have no future in a renewable             transformation. While the first is mainly suitable for
carbon world.                                                bulk chemicals, the second could be deployed for
                                                             small-volume special applications. The first strategy

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                                                                                                                                          PETROCHEMICALS MAKE THINGS HAPPEN                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           www.petrochemistry.eu

      Consumer                                         Engine                  Footwear,                                                                       Sports                                                  Unbreakable          Acrylic          coatings,                                                                                 Chewing                                        Food                Pharma-                                                                                   Building &
                                                                                                     Paper                                Adhesives                                        Furniture                                                                                                                                                                          Fuel
      electronics                                      coolant                   tyres                                                                       equipment                                                    glass             paints            textile,                                                                                   gum                                        packaging             ceuticals                                                                                construction

         Glass                                                                                                                                                                                                              Food,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Home
                                                        Agro-                                                                             Electric &
      reinforced                                                                             Coatings,                                                                                                                     pharma-                                                                                                                      Engine          Detergents,                                                                                                                                furnishings,
                                                      chemicals                                                                           electronic         Automotive                  Construction                                                                                                                                                                                              Automotive             Furniture
       plastics                                                                             adhesives,                                                                                                                    ceuticals,                 Coatings,                                                                                        lubricants       agrochemicals                                                                                                                                  sports
                                                                                                                                          appliances                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Coatings, inks,
                                                                                         inks, detergents,                                                                                                                cosmetics               adhesives, inks,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  equipment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  adhesives for
                                                                                         pharmaceuticals,                                                                                                                                           detergents,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                professional use,
                                                                                             chemical                                                                                                                                            pharmaceuticals,
                                                                                             synthesis                                                                                                                                               chemical
                                                                                                                                                                                          Electric &                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               processing
      Automotive                                      Detergents                                                                                             Disposable                                                    Engine                    synthesis                                                                                         Gardening                                   Electrics &              Sports                                                    Building &                     Thermal
                                                                                                                                                              nappies                                                      coolant                                                                                                                    implements                                   electronics            equipment                                                  construction                   insulation

      Automotive,        Food                          Medical                                                                                                                                                             Marine
                                                                                                                                                               Food                                                                        Kitchen                                                     Unbreakable          inks, paints,                                                                                                           Sports
       luggage         packaging                      equipment                                                                                                                             Textile                       industry,                         Sportswear                                                                                Automotive                                         CDs              Detergents                                                   Textile                         Fuel
                                                                                                                                                             packaging                                                                    appliances                                                      glass               lacquers,                                                                                                           equipment

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       PMMA                   Solvents                       Higher olefins
                                                                              Synthetic                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 MTBE (Fuel ether)
                                                                               rubbers                                                     Plastics
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Isobutyl          Acrylic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Plasticisers     n-Butylacetate
                                                                                                                                                                                       Superabsorbents                                                       acetate           esters                  MMA         Isophorone
                                                                               Acrylate                                                  Vinyl acetate                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         MDI
                                                    PVC plastics                                Solvents                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Methyl diphenyl diisocyanate
                                                                              elastomers                                                   monomer                                                                                                                                                                                                            n-Butenes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Ethyl                                                                                                       Isopropyl
                                                                                                                                                                                         Polyacrylate                                    n-Butanol         Isobutanol        Acrylic acid                     Acetone
                                                                                Ethyl             Ethyl            Ethyl                                                                                                  hexanol                                                                                                       acetate
                                                    Vinyl chloride                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Nylon                                                                                              Phenolic           Poly-
                                                                               acrylate          acetate          amines                  Acetic acid                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                resins          urethane

                     Polyethylenes                                                                                                                         Polypropylene                 Acrylic acid                                            Butyraldehyde                                                         Isopropanol                                                                                                                                                                                        Formaldehyde
                                                      Ethylene                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Epoxy
                     (LDPE, HDPE,                                                             Ethyl alcohol                             Acetaldehyde                                                                                                                                                                                                                Butyl                         Polycarbonate                       Solvents
                                                      dichloride                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         resin
                        LLDPE)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     rubbers

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            MTBE                          Bisphenol A                  PMMA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         (Fuel ether)                                                                                                                                 Chemical intermediates

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Phenolic resins                    MMA

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Polycarbonate                 Solvents                                                                                                                                                          Phenol                  Acetone
                                                                                                                           Solvents                                                                                           resin                                                                                                                           Isobutylene                                                                                                                                            Polymethyl methacrylate
                                                 SBR                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        (PMMA)
                         Unsaturated                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Solvents
                                                rubber                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Cumene
                                                                             DEA                                                                                                                                Bisphenol A              PMMA
                                                                                                                 Ethylene                                                                                                                                                                                Propylene                                                                                                                                                                                                           Methyl
                    ABS, SAN       Polystyrene                                              Polyesters         glycol ethers                                                                                                                                     Polyester                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 methacrylate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        glycol ether      Polyurethane
                     plastics        plastics                          MEA         TEA                           acetates                                                                                                                                         resins                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     (MMA)
                                                                                                                                                                   NBR                 Acrylic              Phenolic resins             MMA
                                                                                                                                                              Synthetic rubber         fibres                                                                                                                                                            NBR              SBR                     Polystyrene                                                                                       Flexible PVC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Nitrite          Styrene                                          ABS/SAN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (Mono)         Propylene                                                                                                          plastics
                                                                                            (Mono) ethylene       Ethylene glycol                                                                                                                                                                   Propylene glycol                                   synthetic        butadiene
                                  Styrene                              Ethanolamines                                                  Diethylene glycol      ABS              SAN                                                                                Propylene        Glycols                                    Polyols
                                                                                                glycol                ethers                                                                                     Phenol                Acetone                                                          ethers                                          rubber           rubber                                 SBR
                                                                                                                                                           plastics         plastics                                                                               glycol       (di-, tri-, …)                                                                                                                                   Unsaturated     Polyurethane                         Polyester     Plasticisers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          butadiene rubber

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Styrene                               TDI
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Toluene         Solvents         Paraxylene     Orthoxylene
                                Ethylbenzene                                                             Ethylene oxide                                               Acrylonitrile                                       Cumene                                                            Propylene oxide                                                    Butadiene

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Benzene                                       Toluene                             Xylenes

                                                       Ethylene                                                                                                                                                                        Propylene                                                                                                    C4 stream                                                                                                         AROMATICS                                        Methanol

                                                       STEAM CRACKING                             CATALYTIC REFORMING                                                                                 STEAM CRACKING                                                                                     PROPANE DEHYDROGENATION                                                        STEAM CRACKING

                                                NAPHTHA                                                                                                                                          ETHANE                                                                                                                                            PROPANE/LPG                                                                                                                      METHANE

                                                            REFINING                                                      ASSOCIATED GASES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          PROCESSING

                                                                                                                                                        CRUDE OIL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      NATURAL GAS

Figure 9: Selection of main steps from raw materials and feedstocks through to petrochemical products, their derivatives and
everyday products (Petrochemicals Europe 2018)

would entail adapting the plants of the large-scale                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        biomass (e.g. for fermentation) is often predestined
chemical industry, chemical parks, integrated sites                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        for the second pathway. The reality, however, is not
and oil refineries, that have been optimised over                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          as black and white as it seems, and one can find
decades, to the new raw materials and intermediate                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         any combination between renewable carbon source,
products of renewable carbon. This requires                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                process and application that makes sense under
considerable investment in structural changes, as                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          certain conditions.
well as the development and integration of new
technologies (e.g. electrochemistry).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Only together
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           What is clear is that this transformation must be
The second scenario is heavily influenced by research                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      worked upon and implemented with high levels of
and innovation, as it often involves the creation of                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       collaboration, all along the value chain: from renewable
production routes (e.g. biotechnology) for products                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        raw materials via new processes and intermediate
with different new, and improved properties. This is                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       products, to final outputs and how to treat them at the
especially true for fine chemicals with lower volume,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      end of their lifecycle. From the raw material supplier
but that allow for higher quality products.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                to the brand manufacturer and trader, the entire
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           value-added chain must be implemented, physically,
While chemical recycling and large-volume CO2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              but also on a political, social and economic level, and
utilisation are usually more suited to the first pathway,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  supported by marketing. It should be noted that the

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renewable products will be more expensive. Carbon           conversion, so they can be used further. For instance,
will never be as cheap as it was in the fossil fuel age,    oleochemical, natural rubber and lignin applications
as fossil carbon did not have to bear its external costs.   qualify in this respect as do numerous novel bio-
Carbon products will increase in value, meaning that it     based components such as organic acids and furan-
will be worthwhile to use them for longer time frames;      based products. Washing, cleaning and care agents,
share and re-use them where possible; and to collect        as well as polymers based on these new components,
and recycle them where not.                                 frequently outperform existing products with regards
                                                            to health and environmental benefits. Additionally,
Recycling                                                   industrial biotechnology may aid in manufacturing
Developing technologies to share, re-use and recycle        complex molecules, using short and gentle processes
products will be essential to keep carbon in the loop.      and made-to-measure production organisms. Lignin,
Today, mechanical processes are predominant in              for instance, a by-product of wood processing, has
recycling. However, these have limitations in terms         been little used to date, however, in the future it could
of what types of waste-streams they can recycle             be used in the production of aromatic compounds
and the quality of the recyclates. The full potential       and asphalt.
of recycling can only be unlocked with additional
innovative processes such as chemical recycling.            Already today, significant quantities of chemicals –
In this way, practically all waste fractions, especially    between 10 and 15 % depending on the world region
mixed ones, can be recycled and turned into high-           – are produced on the basis of biomass. Of course,
quality feedstock. First, however, large investments        any further expansion of biomass production must
need to be made to implement the necessary                  pay strict attention to food security and biodiversity
capacities of chemical recycling plants. In Europe,         loss. Still, experts see potential for sustainable
investors are waiting for politicians to give the go-       expansion and, above all, prospective yield, efficiency
ahead with clear framework conditions.                      and storage improvements. Despite sometimes
                                                            unfavourable public perception, food crops are often
With mechanical and chemical recycling, large parts         a good choice for industrial utilisation. This is due
of the carbon (but not all) remains in the cycle. In        to the fact that they produce very high yields per
addition to recycling, other sources of renewable           hectare, and often provide protein-rich by-products,
carbon are needed to close gaps in the cycle and            therefore, they make for highly efficient and potentially
minimize the losses. These sources are biomass and          sustainable land-use solutions. Another option is to
direct CO2 use.                                             use the land and facilities that are currently used for
                                                            biofuel production, as the demand for liquid fuels is
Biomass                                                     set to dwindle over the next few decades due to the
The biomass breaks down into either primary biomass         rise of electric cars and hydrogen drives. Advanced
from fields and forests, or secondary biomass               biodiesel (HVO) is almost identical to naphtha and
derived from biogenic waste and side streams (e.g.          ethanol, and can easily be used to produce ethylene,
generated by the agriculture and forestry sector, the       a building block for PE and PET.
food, feed and chemicals industries, the production
of wood and paper, and private households). Utilising       There are also some promising approaches for
this kind of “organic waste” will be key in transitioning   the use of marine biomass, such as micro and
to a bio-based circular economy.                            macro algae. These have not yet penetrated mass
                                                            markets, however, they are used for products such
The utilisation of biomass makes particular sense           as cosmetics and food supplements. Today, the total
wherever functional and complex molecular                   volume of marine biomass lags far behind agricultural
units of the biomass remain intact after chemical           and forestry systems.

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