Tropical plants Catalogue 2022-2023 -

Page created by Jane Hughes
Tropical plants Catalogue 2022-2023 -
Tropical plants
Catalogue 2022-2023
Tropical plants Catalogue 2022-2023 -
Tropical plants
                              Catalogue 2022-2023

At Evanthia we do
everything we can to get
growers off to a good start
with a successful crop.

                              Cover: Monstera deliciosa Tauerii
Tropical plants Catalogue 2022-2023 -
Pieter Lock                                                                                                                      Pieter’s personal favourites
    Manager Sourcing at Evanthia
                                                                                                                                     Pieter Lock travels the world to select the best sources for our extensive
                                                                                                                                     product range, featuring high demand, extraordinary and rare items.

    “Evanthia offers plants from all over                                                                                            Evanthia’s customers can count on our solid network and stable supply.
                                                                                                                                     Let’s take a closer look at a few of Pieter’s personal favourites.

    the world, with a good dose of expertise
                                                                                                                                     1 Aloe                                       2 Calathea                                  3 Coffea arabica
    and service at your fingertips.”                                                                                                    You will find lots of fascinating
                                                                                                                                        sun-loving houseplants and superb
                                                                                                                                                                                   Calathea truly earns its nickname
                                                                                                                                                                                   as ‘living plant’, as it closes or rises
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  In itself, Coffea arabica is already
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  a gorgeously glowing houseplant:
                                                                                                                                        outdoor plants in our renewed Aloe         its leaves at night and uncurls or             compact, bushy with attractive
                                                                                                                                        range. These stunning succulents           lowers them again in the morning.              shiny, dark green leaves. With
                                                                                                                                        are known for their thick leaves           Especially for the varieties with              excellent consumer care it might
    “The market for green plants is developing rapidly.                                                                                 arranged in rosettes, but every item       distinctive patterns or leaf colours           even produce its scented flowers
    Tropical houseplants have been trending for a while                                                                                 is different and surprising. Whether       on topsides and reverses, this funny           and coffee bean containing fruits.
    now and by the looks of it, this will continue to be                                                                                it’s an interesting spiralling growth      night habit gives an even more                 Opportunities are endless as Coffee
    the case for years to follow. At Evanthia we have                                                                                   habit, spikes, striking leaf colours or    significant effect. View our Calathea          Culture is trending. It goes beyond
    noticed this by skyrocketing product demands and                                                                                    markings, Aloe captures you with           range on page 12.                              the daily ritual, and this gives the
    the massive growth of our Tropical Plants department                                                                                its own unique features. Check the                                                        Arabic coffee plant so many leads to
    in recent years. We support our growers worldwide                                                                                   assortment list on page 30 or our                                                         build creative marketing concepts.
    and team up with retailers, enabling us to develop                                                                                  website                                                                      Page 13.
    and learn from each other. Together we are aiming for
    optimising the market and extending the product life
    cycle of our products, creating an excellent market
    position for all parties involved.”

    “At Evanthia NO is never an     will find it at Evanthia.
    option. We have a strong        Looking for a specific
    global network of plant
    collectors, with valuable
                                    species or variety that
                                    is not mentioned in our
                                                                                                                                                      1                                             3                                              5
    partnerships based on many      catalogue or on our
    years of close cooperation.     website? This doesn’t
    They venture out into what      mean we can not get our
    are often inaccessible areas    hands on them too! We
    and remote corners in their
    quest to find the best seeds.
                                    have the connections and
                                    are happy to team up with
                                                                                                                                                                              2                                               4
    We work with different          you to make a planning for
    production locations all        your unique product range.
    over the world and manage
    all processes for producing     Evanthia has become a
    high quality starting           one-stop-shop for anyone
    material for commercial         who has or wants to start a
    production. Moreover,           business in tropical plants.       material from seeds, even     Let’s continue to share our
    Evanthia’s product range is     It all starts with a tiny little   for the most difficult-to-    mutual knowledge and
    so wide, you will be amazed     seed or young plant. We            germinate products like       experiences with green
    by the opportinities and        offer raw seeds and optimise       Strelitzia. In addition to    plants and identify trends      4 Cordyline                                                        5 Eucalyptus
    great alternatives in case of   seeds ourselves with special       seed-raised items, we offer   in the market together. This       Spectacular vibrant foliage to shine throughout the                Stunning pale to bluish-green leaves, neat and airy
    an unforseen shortage of a      coating or pelleting. For          a wide range of products      will enable us to offer new,       year. Our frost tender collection of Cordylines, features          branches, a lovely aromatic scent… Eucalyptus fits
    certain product.                some seed items it may             as tissue culture young       successful products and            various striking colours and are tough enough to handle            perfectly into today’s bouquets and displays and is a
                                    be more challenging to             plants. Tailored technical    to connect with parties            drought and cool circumstances. They make for great low            preferred item for commercial production of both cut
    In this new catalogue you       grow young plants yourself         advice and personal service   throughout the entire chain.”      maintenance, care-free houseplants and are well-suited             foliage and pot plant production. From E. cinerea to E.
    will find the highlights of     than for others. Evanthia          are a natural part of our                                        to offer in patio containers as well as for landscaping.           globulus and from E. citriodora to E. stuartiana… with over
    our product range. From         has lots of experience and         partnership with you.                                            Discover the line-up on page 14.                                   10 different species, there is lots to choose from. More info
    Alocasia to Zamia, you          can supply young plant                                                                                                                                                 on page 16.

4   Tropical Plants | Pieter Lock                                                                                                                                                                                        Pieter’s personal favourites | Tropical Plants    5
Tropical plants Catalogue 2022-2023 -
Legend                                         Contents


                                                                              HIGHLIGHTS     8    Fatsia                      17
                                                                              Alocasia       8    Grevillea                   17
                                              Young plants
                                              from seeds                      Alpinia        9    Hypoestes                   18
                                                                              Araucaria      9    Juncus                      18
                                                                              Asparagus      10   Monstera                    19
                                              Young plants
                                                                              Beaucarnea     12   Musa                       20
                                              from tissue
                                              culture                         Calathea       12   Pachypodium                 21
                                                                              Chamaedorea    13   Philodendron                22
                                                                              Chlorophytum   13   Pilea                       24
                                              Young plants
                                              from cuttings                   Coffea         13   Radermachera                24
                                                                              Cordyline      14   Schefflera                  24
                                                                              Ctenanthe      15   Strelitzia                  25
                                                                              Cyperus        15   Syngonium                   26
                                                                              Dizygotheca    15   Yucca                       27
                                                                              Dracaena       16   CONTACT                     28
                                                                              Dypsis         16   ASSORTMENT LIST            30
                                                                              Eucalyptus     16   TERMS & CONDITIONS          34

                                Always informed
                                Keep an eye on our website and social media


                                  Follow us ___

6   Tropical Plants | Legend                                                                                        Contents | Tropical Plants   7
Tropical plants Catalogue 2022-2023 -

    Alocasias are fashionable exotics with
    impressively large leaves on sturdy
    stems. Evanthia offers an interesting
    line-up of varieties, each with its own
    characteristics. Foliage and stems vary
    in terms of texture, shape, size and
    colour. With the right care, Alocasia is
    one of the fastest-growing houseplants
    out there. Our Alocasias are available
    as tissue culture young plants with a
    rapid growth cycle.
                                                                                                                                        Alocasia                                    Alocasia
                                                                                                                                        wentii                                      zebrina
                                                                                                                                        • Compact habit                             • Distinctive zebra-striped pattern on its stems
                                                                                                                                        • Heart to arrow-shaped leaves              • Large arrow-shaped, glossy leaves
                                                                                                                                        • Hardier than other Alocasias
                                                                                                                                        • Glossy foliage with green topsides and
                                                                                                                                          purple reverses

                                                                                                                                        Alpinia                                                            Araucaria

     Alocasia                                  Alocasia                                      Alocasia                                   Alpinia                                                              Araucaria
     cucullata                                 lauterbachiana                                Sarian                                     zerumbet Variegata                                                   excelsa
     • Compact habit                           • Spear-shaped, long and slender leaves       • Compact habit                            • Vibrant green and yellow striped leaves                            • Decorative, pine-like evergreen foliage
     • Bright green, heart-shaped leaves         with wavy edges                             • Arrow-shaped leaves with wavy edges      • Uniform plants that easily form shoots                             • Easy to grow and adaptable to various climates
                                               • Dark green to purple topsides and reddish   • Dark green foliage with striking light   • Resistant to most pests and diseases                               • Ask our team for the timing of new harvest
                                                 reverses                                      coloured veines

8   Tropical Plants | Alocasia                                                                                                                                                                                               Alocasia, Alpinia & Araucaria | Tropical Plants   9
Tropical plants Catalogue 2022-2023 -

     With Asparagus fern you can go in
     so many different directions, it might
     dazzle you. Asparagus is a true all-
     rounder, reliable, easy to grow and
     useful in a wide variety of situations…
     not to mention all the different shapes,
     forms and growth habits.

     As one of the fastest growing and
     least demanding plants, these glorious
     greens are highly adaptable to various
     climates. They are fairly drought
     tolerant and can handle relatively cool
     temperatures and shady to bright light
     conditions (avoiding direct sunlight).
     You can grow them as long-lasting cut                                                                                                 Asparagus                                     Asparagus                                       Asparagus
     foliage, in pots and even – since some
                                                                                                                                           myriocladus                                   plumosus nanus                                  Pyramidalis
     are quite root hardy – for landscaping.                                                                                               • Finely textured with a bushy, compact       • Fast-growing, with an extensive climbing      • Bushy, upright habit with a dense
                                                                                                                                             habit                                         habit                                           pyramid-like growth
     Go for a hanging or upright focal point
                                                                                                                                           • Strong woody stems and fluffy bright        • Delicate appearance with tiny, fine           • Forms shoots of lacy, fern-like plumes
     and pick sturdy or soft and fuzzy items
                                                                                                                                             green tufts                                   needle-like leaves                            • Makes for a great houseplant
     for your range. There is so much to
                                                                                                                                           • Can be grown as houseplants and cut         • Great as houseplant and cut foliage
     choose from.                                                                                                                            foliage

     Evanthia offers starting material in the
     widest range of ornamental Asparagus
     and has build up a lot of technical
     knowledge and experience, to help you
     get started.

      Asparagus                                 Asparagus                                     Asparagus                                    Asparagus                                     Asparagus                                       Asparagus
      Cwebe                                     falcatus                                      meyerii                                      smilax                                        Sprengerii                                      virgatus
      • Finely textured compact plant with an   • Robust plant with vigorous growth           • Bushy, compact plant with upright habit    • Low growing, with a climbing and            • Upright habit, later on more cascading        • Bushy, well-branching with an upright
        upright habit                           • Dark green, sickle-shaped leaves            • Long, plume-like stems, resembling           creeping habit                              • Long arching branches filled with delicate,     habit
      • Needle-like foliage that turns more     • Can be used as houseplant and cut foliage     foxtails                                   • Distinctive, tiny oval-shaped leaves on       feathery foliage                              • Tiny, soft thread-like leaves arranged like
        reddish/copper over time                                                              • Can be used as houseplant, garden plant,     long trailing branches                      • Great for indoor and outdoor pots, in           little brooms at the stems
      • Decorative houseplant and cut foliage                                                   in hanging baskets or as cut foliage       • Suited as hanging plant, a guided climber     hanging baskets and as cut foliage            • Mainly grown for cut foliage production
                                                                                                                                             and cut foliage

10   Tropical Plants | Asparagus                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Asparagus | Tropical Plants          11
Tropical plants Catalogue 2022-2023 -

     • Robust, drought-tolerant semi-succulent
     • Decorative fountain-like leaves
     • Tolerant to a wide range of growing

                                                                                           Calathea                               Calathea                                      Calathea
                                                                                           Medallion                              orbifolia                                     ornata

                                                          Beaucarnea / Nolina


     • A wide range of varieties                                                           Calathea                                                        Calathea
       from tissue culture                                                                 rufibarba                                                       vittata

     • Distinctive leaf colours and
                                                                                           Chamaedorea                            Chlorophytum                                  Coffea
     • Stylish and easy houseplant

                                               Calathea                         Calathea
                                               Freddie                          makoyana

                                                                                           Chamaedorea                            Chlorophytum                                  Coffea
                                                                                           elegans collinea                       ochidastrum                                   arabica
                                                                                           • Compact, slow-growing palm
                                                                                                                                  Princess Mabel                                • Bushy and compact coffee plant
                                                                                           • Fresh green feather-shaped foliage   • Striking foliage plants with orange stems   • Decorative shiny bright green foliage
                                                                                           • Great adaptability                     and deep green leaves                       • Interesting plant with a great story to tell
                                                                                                                                  • Upright, clump forming habit
                                                                                                                                  • Easy care, air-purifying houseplant

12   Tropical Plants | Beaucarnea & Calathea                                                                                                     Calathea, Chamaedorea, Chlorophytum & Coffea | Tropical Plants                  13
Tropical plants Catalogue 2022-2023 -
Cordyline                                                                                                                                Ctenanthe

     • Clump-forming and trunk-                                                                                                               • Decorative, leathery
       forming varieties                                                                                                                        variegated foliage
     • Great for landscaping                                                                                                                  • Bushy, lively houseplant
     • Vibrantly variegated or                                                                                                                • Easy to combine with
       solid colours year round                                                                                                                 Calathea production
     • Low maintenance, frost-
       tender plants
     For more details on product level,               Cordyline                                       Cordyline                                                                                   Ctenanthe                                Ctenanthe
     please check our website.                        Pink Passion                                    Can Can                                                                                     oppenheimiana                            setosa
                                                      • Forms a trunk over time                       • Clump-forming habit

                                                                                                                                              Cyperus                                                             Dizygotheca

      Cordyline                           Cordyline                           Cordyline                           Cordyline
      Festival                            Peko                                Red Heart                           Red Star
      Burgundy                            • Forms a trunk over time           • Forms a trunk over time           • Forms a trunk over time
      • Clump-forming habit

                                                                                                                                               Cyperus                                                            Dizygotheca
                                                                                                                                               alternifolius Zumula                                               elegantissima
                                                                                                                                               • Decorative, fresh green, grass-like foliage                      • Decorative reddish green saw-tooth leaves
                                                                                                                                               • Versatile as house plant, cat grass and (water) garden plant     • Versatile houseplant
                                                                                                                                               • Robust and easy care                                             • Easy to combine with Schefflera production

      Cordyline                                       Cordyline                                       Cordyline
      Salsa                                           Southern Splendour                              Torbay Dazzler
      • Clump-forming habit                           • Forms a trunk over time                       • Forms a trunk over time

14   Tropical Plants | Cordyline                                                                                                                                                                                        Ctenanthe, Cyperus & Dizygotheca | Tropical Plants   15
Tropical plants Catalogue 2022-2023 -
Dracaena                                                                                Dypsis
     • Tough and resilient
       tissue culture &
       seed varieties
     • Colourful, striped
     • Great air-purifying
                                                                                                                              Eucalyptus                        Eucalyptus                                Eucalyptus
       houseplant                                                                                                             populnea                          pulverulenta Baby Blue                    stuartiana

                                     Dracaena                     Dracaena                    Dypsis
                                     fragrans Burley®             fragrans Charley            lutescens
                                                                                              • Fresh green feather-shaped
                                                                                              • Strong and robust

                                                                                              • Air-purifying, easy care
                                                                                                house plant                  • Relatively easy to
                                                                                                                             • Large, decorative
                                                                                                                               deeply lobed
     • Stunning pale green to
                                                                                                                               glossy leaves
       bluish green leaves
                                                                                                                             • Versatile as garden
     • Neat and airy branches with
                                                                                                                               plant, container
       an aromatic scent
                                                                                                                               plant and house
                                                                                                                                                     Fatsia                     Fatsia                                 Fatsia
     • Versatile as cut foliage and                                                                                            plant                 japonica                   japonica                               japonica
       pot plant                                                                                                                                                                Spider’s Web                           Variegata

                                                Eucalyptus                           Eucalyptus
                                                cinerea Silver Dollar                citriodora

                                                                                                                                                                                • Decorative, fern-like evergreen foliage
                                                                                                                                                                                • Easy to grow and adaptable to various climates
      Eucalyptus                                Eucalyptus                           Eucalyptus
                                                                                                                                                                                • Well-suited as a hedge, full grown tree, container plant and low
      globulus                                  parvula                              polyanthemos                                                                                 growing house plant

16   Tropical Plants | Dracaena, Dypsis & Eucalyptus                                                                                                                                          Eucalyptus, Fatsia & Grevillea | Tropical Plants       17
Tropical plants Catalogue 2022-2023 -
Hypoestes                                                                                                     Monstera

     • Decorative, colourful                                                                                                                       Monstera is a remarkable statement plant and enjoys
       blotched foliage                                                                                                                            extreme popularity. Its striking leaves instantly impress and
                                                                                                                                                   inspire. With aerial shoots and a strong climbing habit it
     • Easy to grow and quick to                                                                                                                   takes over any interior, turning it into a true tropical decor.
                                                                                                                                                   Monstera deliciosa Tauerii has large, heart-shaped leaves
     • Great for mixed displays                                                                                                                    with lots of perforations and notches. Tauerii is a dwarf-
                                                                                                                                                   type Monstera deliciosa and develops its leaf perforations
       indoors and outdoors                                                                                                                        particularly early. This plant tends to set earlier than other
                                            Hypoestes                                Hypoestes
                                                                                                                                                   Monsteras. It’s great for both cut foliage and potted plant
                                            Confetti Compact Pink                    Confetti Compact Red                                          production and available as seeds and young plants from

                                                                                                                                                   Monstera adansonii is smaller than the dwarf type Monstera
                                                                                                                                                   deliciosa and has fresh green, heart-shaped leaves. Unlike
                                                                                                                                                   other Monsteras, M. adansonii only develops leaf perforations
                                                                                                                                                   and no leaf notches. The holes are visible at a very early
                                                                                                                                                   stage. Evanthia offers Monstera adansonii as tissue culture
                                                                                                                                                   young plants.

                                                                                                                                                   We have Monstera deliciosa also available as
                                                                                                                                                   tissue culture young plants.

      Hypoestes                                             Hypoestes
      Confetti Compact Rose                                 Confetti Compact White


                                                                                                                   Monstera    Monstera
                                                                                                                   adansonii   deliciosa Tauerii
                                                            effusus Spiralis
                                                            • Unusual spiralling evergreen stems
                                                            • Easy to grow, hardy perennial
                                                            • Well-suited as houseplant and (water) garden plant

18   Tropical Plants | Hypoestes & Juncus

      Musa                                                         Musa                                                         Musa                                             Musella
      ensete Maurelii                                              basjoo                                                       Oriental Dwarf                                   lasiocarpa
      • Vigorous growth habit                                      • Cold-tolerant banana with a vigorous growth habit          • Compact habit with a symmetrical growth        • Dwarf banana with a conical trunk
      • Large upright leaves with a dark reddish colour flow       • Slender reddish trunk with huge, shiny green leaves        • Thick stem full of large bright green leaves   • Grey/green, leathery leaves and large, fragrant flowers in spring/
      • Ideal for patio containers and landscaping                 • Great for borders or container plantings and landscaping   • Well-suited as air-purifying houseplant          summer

                                                                   • Produces small, inedible bananas over time                                                                  • Great for landscaping and patio containers


      Musa                                                                                                                                                                       Pachypodium
      Dwarf Cavendish                                                                                                                                                            lamerei
      • Dwarf-type banana with a compact habit and a short trunk                                                                                                                 • Decorative, easy to grow succulent
      • Huge, paddle-shaped green leaves with reddish blotches                                                                                                                   • Tolerant to a wide range of growing conditions
      • Produces small edible bananas over time                                                                                                                                  • Well-resistant to pests and diseases
      • Mostly grown for indoor use

20   Tropical Plants | Musa                                                                                                                                                                             Musa & Pachypodium | Tropical Plants            21

     Philodendrons are true tropical beauties with many different          maintenance houseplants with great air-purifying
     appearances, sizes, shapes and colours. Our Philodendron              qualities. Evanthia has a broad range of Philodendron
     range contains climbing varieties, with long woody stems              varieties available as seed and young plants from seed or
     and highly decorative leaves and non-climbing varieties               tissue culture. Check our website or ask our team for our
     with a bushy, upright habit. They make for stylish, low-              Philodendron cultivation manual.

                                                                                                                                                    Philodendron                     Philodendron                      Philodendron
                                                                                                                                                    minima                           Prince of Orange                  selloum
                                                                                                                                                    • Vining, with a very vigorous   • Oval-shaped leaves change       • Vigorous, non-vining growth habit
      Philodendron                       Philodendron                       Philodendron                                                              growth habit                     colour over time                • Large, deeply lobed leathery leaves
      Atom                               Florida Beauty                     Green Wonder                                                            • Heart-shaped, deeply cut,      • Varying from yellowish to       • Can grow to colossal size
      • Non-vining with a compact,
                                         Green                              • Long, slender stems with a fan of broad, green leaves on each stem
                                                                                                                                                      glossy green leaves              bright orange and copper to
                                                                                                                                                    • Great for hanging baskets or     dark green
        upright habit                    • Rich green, very deeply          • Hand-shaped leaves grow wide apart, creating lots of volume
                                           incised leaves                                                                                             trained along a moss pole      • Compact, upright habit
      • Leathery dark green leaves                                            quickly
        with a firm structure            • Strong climbing and
      • Wavy-edged leaves become           spreading habit
        more lobed over time

      Philodendron                       Philodendron                       Philodendron                         Philodendron                       Philodendron                     Philodendron                      Philodendron                            Philodendron
      hastatum Grey                      Hope                               Imperial Green                       Imperial Red                       selloum Narrow                   Shangri-La                        Xanadu                                  Zebra
      • Strong climbing habit            • Dark green, glossy, ruffled      • Densely growing, leathery          • Densely growing, leathery        • Long, narrow green, heavily    • Quick to finish split-leaf      • Upright, bushy habit                  • Remarkable white stripes on
      • Elongated, shiny leaves            foliage                            leaves fan out from the centre       leaves fan out from the centre     serrated leaves                  Philodendron from tissue        • Compact and tidy                        dark green oval leaves
                                         • Excellent basal branching and    • Large, oval-shaped foliage         • Colour starts bright reddish/    • Easy care, self-heading          culture                           appearance                            • Leaf pattern intensifies with
      • Colour-changing from pale
        grey to dark green to metallic     a neat appearance                  with a fresh lime-green              green and turns more dark          Philodendron                   • Bushy, robust plant with lots   • Large, elongated oak-like,              age
        bluish                           • More resistant to bacterial        colour                               over time                                                           of stems                          deep green leaves with wavy           • Non-vining, compact habit
                                           diseases                         • Non-vining, self-heading with      • Non-vining, self-heading with                                     • Non-vining, self-heading          edges
                                         • Leaves turn deeply lobed at        a compact habit                      a compact habit                                                     variety with a compact habit
                                           an early stage                                                                                                                            • For Europe exclusively
                                                                                                                                                                                       available at Evanthia

22   Tropical Plants | Philodendron                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Philodendron | Tropical Plants            23
Pilea                                                     Radermachera                                                         Strelitzia

                                                                                                                                    Strelitzia, a.k.a. Bird of Paradise, is a popular subtropical   Strelitzia nicolai has a somewhat different plant structure.
                                                                                                                                    foliage plant, well-known for its exotic large, upright,        The leaves of S. nicolai are fewer but larger than the reginae
                                                                                                                                    banana-like leaves and extraordinary flowers. It makes for a    types. It has blue/white flowers. Strelitzia’s long-lasting
                                                                                                                                    great houseplant and can be used outdoors during warmer         flowers usually appear 3 to 5 years after germination.
                                                                                                                                    periods as well.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Evanthia has Strelitzia starting material available all year
                                                                                                                                    Strelitzia reginae is the most common and widely used           round, as seed and young plants from seed. Growing plugs
                                                                                                                                    Strelitzia for pots and cut flower culture. It grows striking   from Strelitzia seeds can be quite challenging. Evanthia has
                                                                                                                                    orange/blue flowers nestled within its greyish green leaves.    tons of experience and is happy to do the work for you. For
                                                                                                                                    ‘Mandela’s Gold’, formerly known as Kirstenbosch Gold, is       a quick and easy start, order Strelitzia young plants. Ask our
                                                                                                                                    a rare reginae type Strelitzia with yellow/blue flowers.        team for the Strelitzia cultivation manual for commercial

      Pilea                                                    Radermachera
      peperomioides                                            sinica
      • Distinctive, round leaves                              • Decorative with lots of shiny green foliage
      • Low growing and compact                                • Fast-growing, compact and bushy plant
      • Sculptural houseplant from cuttings                    • Grown as a compact house plant, as a bonsai or with a tall trunk


     • Lots of glossy foliage
     • Easy care, formable
     • Adapts well to various

                                                Schefflera                               Schefflera                                  Strelitzia                                    Strelitzia                               Strelitzia
                                                actinophylla                             arboricola                                  nicolai                                       reginae                                  reginea Mandela’s

24   Tropical Plants | Pilea, Radermachera & Schefflera                                                                                                                                                                                  Strelitzia | Tropical Plants   25
Syngonium                                                                 Yucca

     • Fast-growing, with a strong                                             • Decorative desert plants to bring textural
       climbing habit                                                            contrast outdoors
     • Leaves change shape and                                                 • Robust, cold hardy and drought resistant
       colour over time                                                        • Summer / autumn flowers attract friendly
     • Great for hanging baskets                                                 pollinators to the garden
       and easy to prune to a
       compact houseplant

                                     Syngonium                     Syngonium                                                  Yucca
                                     Golden                        Neon                                                       gloriosa Variegata

      Syngonium                                  Syngonium                      Yucca                                         Yucca
      Pixie                                      White Butterfly                rostrata                                      filamentosa Color Guard

26   Tropical Plants | Syngonium                                                                                                                        Yucca | Tropical Plants   27
     EVANTHIA                                                          ALWAYS INFORMED
     Oranjesluisweg 32                                                 Keep an eye on our website and social media
     2691 MS ’s-Gravenzande
     The Netherlands
     +31 174 715 100                                                   Follow us ___
                                                                                                                                       How can we
     Short lines and personal contact, that is what the service
     of Evanthia is all about. Whether it concerns guidance for
     selecting your product range, commercial issues, special
                                                                       requests or intensive cultivation advice, we’re here for you.
                                                                       With us you know who you are dealing with. We are happy
                                                                       to connect you with our team.
                                                                                                                                       help you?

      Carl Keijzer                               Jeroen Persoon                               Pieter Lock                               Koen de Jongste               Marcella Hempelmann            Ron de Lange
      Sales Manager                              Sales Manager                                Manager Sourcing                          Sales Support                 Marketing / Communication      Managing Director

           +31 651 290 111                           +31 174 715 123                               +31 174 715 119                          +31 174 715 129               +31 174 715 106

           +31 651 290 111                           +31 682 970 427                               +31 643 359 103                          +31 620 027 686     


                                                                                                                                       our team
                                                                                                                                       We are growing! Check out
                                                                                                                              for job openings
                                                                                                                                       at Evanthia.
      Niels van den Burg                         Michelle van der Ende                        Daphne van der Hoeven                                                   Louis Kester                   Nico Grootendorst
      Sales Support                              Sales Support                                Sales Support                                                           Commercial Director            General Director

           +31 174 715 108                           +31 174 715 104                               +31 174 715 121                                                        +31 174 715 118

           +31 682 598 848                           +31 682 591 154                                                                      +31 612 972 801


28   Tropical Plants | Contact                                                                                                                                                                                  Contact | Tropical Plants   29
Assortment list                                                                                          Seeds
                                                                                                                                            Young plants
                                                                                                                                            from seeds
                                                                                                                                                                      Young plants
                                                                                                                                                                      from tissue
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Young plants
                                                                                                                                                                                                       from cuttings

A     Adenium obesum Basic Pink                  Asparagus setaceus plumosus nanus   p11           Cordyline australis Red Heart                     p14   Eucalyptus globulus                                     p16

      Adenium obesum Border                      Asparagus setaceus Pyramidalis      p11           Cordyline australis Red Star                      p14   Eucalyptus nicholii

      Adenium obesum Deep Red                    Asparagus medeoloïdes smilax        p11           Cordyline australis Salsa                         p14   Eucalyptus parvula                                      p16

      Adenium obesum Color Hybrid Mix            Asparagus densiflorus Sprengerii    p11           Cordyline australis Southern Splendour            p14   Eucalyptus perriniana

      Adenium obesum Picotee                     Asparagus virgatus                  p11           Cordyline australis Torbay Dazzler                p14   Eucalyptus polyanthemos                                 p16

      Adenium obesum White                       Bauhinia purpurea
                                                                                           B       Ctenanthe oppenheimiana                           p15   Eucalyptus populnea                                     p17

      Agapanthus praecox African Blue            Bauhinia variegata                                Ctenanthe setosa                                  p15   Eucalyptus pulverulanta Baby Blue                       p17

      Agapanthus praecox African White           Beaucarnea / Nolina recurvata       p12           Cyperus alternifolius Zumula                      p15   Eucalyptus stuartiana                                   p17

      Agapanthus praecox Getty White             Beaucarnea / Nolina guatemalensis
                                                                                               D   Dictyosperma album rubrum                               Eucalyptus websteriana

      Agapanthus praecox Peter Pan Blue          Calathea Color Beauty
                                                                                           C       Dizygotheca elegantissima                         p15   Fatsia japonica                                         p17
      Agapanthus praecox Queen Anne Blue         Calathea Freddie                    p12           Dracaena fragrans Burley®                         p16   Fatsia japonica Spider’s Web                            p17

      Alocasia cucullata                   p8    Calathea leopardina                               Dracaena fragrans Charley                         p16   Fatsia japonica Variegata                               p17

      Alocasia lauterbachiana              p8    Calathea makoyana                   p12           Dracaena draco                                          Ficus benjamina

      Alocasia Sarian                      p8    Calathea Medallion                  p13           Dypsis lutescens                                  p16   Ginkgo biloba
      Alocasia wentii                      p9    Calathea orbifolia                  p13
                                                                                               E   Eucalyptus cinerea Silver Dollar                  p16   Gloriosa lutea

      Alocasia zebrina                     p9    Calathea ornata                     p13           Eucalyptus citriodora                             p16   Gloriosa rothschildiana

      Aloe broomi                                Calathea rufibarba                  p13

      Aloe claviflora                            Calathea vittata                    p13

      Aloe ferox                                 Camellia japonica

      Aloe gariepensis                           Camellia sinensis

      Aloe hereoensis                            Chamaedorea elegans collinea        p13

      Aloe Mix

      Aloe reitzii
                                                 Chamaedorea seifritzii

                                                 Chamaedorea tenalla metallica
                                                                                                                                                           Laying the
      Aloe striata                               Chamaerops humilis                                                                                        foundation for
      Aloe variegata                             Chlorophytum orchidastrum           p13

      Alpinia zerumbet Variegata           p9
                                                 Princess Mabel

                                                 Coffea arabica                      p13
                                                                                                                                                           your crop together.
      Araucaria excelsa                    p9
                                                 Cordyline australis
      Ardisia crenata Crispa Red
                                                 Cordyline australis purpurea
      Asparagus densiflorus Cwebe          p10
                                                 Cordyline australis Can Can         p14
      Asparagus falcatus                   p10
                                                 Cordyline Festival Burgundy         p14
      Asparagus densiflorus mazeppa
                                                 Cordyline Festival Raspberry
      Asparagus densiflorus meyerii        p10
                                                 Cordyline indivisa Peko             p14
      Asparagus densiflorus myriocladus    p11
                                                 Cordyline australis Pink Passion    p14

30   Tropical Plants | Assortment list                                                                                                                                                 Assortment list | Tropical plants   31
Assortment list                                                                                       Seeds
                                                                                                                                          Young plants
                                                                                                                                          from seeds
                                                                                                                                                                     Young plants
                                                                                                                                                                     from tissue
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Young plants
                                                                                                                                                                                                    from cuttings

                                                                                                 Philodendron hastatum Grey                       p22    Schefflera actinophylla                                p24
                                                                                                 Philodendron selloum Hope                        p22    Schefflera arboricola                                  p24

     From seed                                                                                   Philodendron Imperial Green

                                                                                                 Philodendron Imperial Red

                                                                                                                                                         Senecio kleinia

                                                                                                                                                         Strelitzia reginea Mandela’s Gold                      p25

     to success.                                                                                 Philodendron minima                              p23    Strelitzia nicolai                                     p25

                                                                                                 Philodendron Prince of Orange                    p23    Strelitzia reginae                                     p25

                                                                                                 Philodendron selloum                             p23    Syngonium podophyllum Golden                           p26

                                                                                                 Philodendron selloum Narrow                      p23    Syngonium podophyllum Neon                             p26

                                                                                                 Philodendron bipinnatifidum Shangri-La           p23    Syngonium podophyllum Pixie                            p26

                                                                                                 Philodendron Xanadu                              p23    Syngonium podophyllum White Butterfly                  p26

                                                                                                 Philodendron Zebra                               p23    Trachycarpus fortunei
                                                                                                 Phoenix canariensis                                     Tupidanthus calyptrata

                                                                                                 Phoenix roebelenii                                      Washingtonia filifera                                          W
                                                                                                 Pilea peperomioides

                                                                                                 Punica granatum Nana
                                                                                                                                                  p24    Yucca filamentosa Color Guard

                                                                                                                                                         Yucca filamentosa
                                                                                             R   Radermachera sinica                              p24    Yucca rostrata                                         p27

G                                                                                                Ravenala madagascariensis                               Yucca gloriosa Variegata                               p27

      Gloriosa superba                         Moringa oleifera
                                                                                                 Rhoeo discolor                                          Zamia furfuracea
      Gossypium herbaceum                      Musa ensete Maurelii                p20

      Grevillea robusta                  p17   Musa ensete

H     Hypoestes phyllostachya Confetti
      Compact Pink
                                         p18   Musa basjoo                         p20

                                               Musa acuminata Dwarf Cavendish      p20
      Hypoestes phyllostachya Confetti   p18
      Compact Red                              Musa Oriental Dwarf                 p21

      Hypoestes phyllostachya Confetti   p18   Musa velutina
      Compact Rose                             Musella lasiocarpa                  p21
      Hypoestes phyllostachya Confetti
      Compact White
                                         p18   Pachypodium geayi
J     Jacaranda mimosifolia
                                               Pachypodium lamerei

                                               Passiflora caerulea

      Jatropha podacgrica Red
                                               Passiflora edulis
      Jatropha podacgrica Yellow
                                               Passiflora ligularis
      Juncus effusus Spiralis            p18

K     Kentia forsteriana
                                               Passiflora quadrangularis                                                                                        This is one of
M                                                                                                                                                               three catalogues.
                                               Philodendron bipinnatifidum Atom    p22
      Monstera adansonii                 p19
                                               Philodendron Florida Beauty Green   p22
      Monstera deliciosa
                                               Philodendron Green Wonder           p22                                                                          In addition to this catalogue, we also have
      Monstera deliciosa Tauerii         p19                                                                                                                    catalogues for Cut flowers and Pot & bedding plants.

32   Tropical Plants | Assortment list                                                                                                                                              Assortment list | Tropical plants   33

     The General sales and delivery terms apply on the sales and                   when the products are handed over to the haulier or leave the         8. If the Buyer is in default or otherwise falls short in fulfilling                what was agreed;                                                    7. Both parties are obliged to ensure that any damage is limited            the quantity of harvested product of the varieties of the holder
     delivery of seeds, plants and growing material of floricultural               delivery location for the purpose of transport, regardless of             one of his obligations, all reasonable charges in obtaining                  c. Whether the delivered items comply with the agreed quality              as much as possible.                                                    of the plant breeder’s rights traded by the Buyer. Furthermore,
     products and are filed with the Chamber of Commerce in The                    whether or not transport takes place from the delivery location           satisfaction, both legal and extralegal, will be at his expense.                standards or, in case no quality standards were agreed upon,        8. Each possible claim regarding compensation for damages                   the Buyer specifically grants the auctions permission to provide
     Hague under number 24240812 on March 08, 2021.                                and whether the Buyer or the Seller pays the transport costs.         9. The Seller reserves the right not to carry out, or no longer to                  to the standards that can be expected to be set for normal              pursuant to these General Terms expires, if and as soon as one          information to the holder of plant breeders’ rights and/or its
                                                                               2. After consultation with the Buyer, the Seller will determine               carry out, orders or agreements if previous deliveries have not                 use and/or trade activities.                                            year has passed since the delivery of the products in question          representative concerning the quantity of product traded by it
     To all services and products from the seed technology                         the delivery date. Delivery dates indicated are not considered            been paid for by the Buyer or the buyer has not fulfilled or is          9. Complaints regarding visible defects, including those regarding             when the claim has not been submitted to the Seller in writing.         at the auction under the code “other”.
     department the General Conditions of Sale and Delivery of                     deadlines. If a delivery date is agreed on, the Seller will               at risk of not fulfilling his obligations to the Seller. The Seller is       the quantity, size or weight of the products delivered, must be        9. Seeds of floriculture products and edible horticulture or the
     Evanthia Seed Technology apply. These General Terms and                       endeavour to maintain that date for delivery. If the Seller               not responsible for any damage to the Buyer as a result of not               indicated to the Seller within two days after delivery and the             floriculture products produced from seeds are under no               Article 15 Special guarantees given by the Buyer to the Seller
     Conditions are filed with the Chamber of Commerce in The Hague                cannot deliver on the agreed date or within the agreed                    carrying out orders.                                                         Seller must be informed in writing within eight days.                      circumstance intended for human and/or animal consumption.           A. International sanctions
     under number 24240812 on March 08, 2021.                                      period, he will inform the Buyer as quickly as possible. After        10. The Buyer located in a different EU Member State than the                10. Complaints regarding non-visible defects must be indicated             10. Compensation can only be paid if the complaint has been                 1. The Buyer guarantees:
                                                                                   consultation with the Buyer, the Seller will determine the                Netherlands will inform the Seller in writing of his correct VAT             to the Seller immediately after detection (within two days at              submitted in accordance with Article 10, if there is evidence              a. that it complies with and will continue to comply with
     In case of any contradiction between the Dutch version and the                delivery date.                                                            identification number. Furthermore, the Buyer shall provide all              the latest) and the Seller must be informed in writing within              that it was justified and if culpable or deliberate negligence on              each relevant country’s sanction regulations that apply
     translation, the Dutch version shall prevail.                             3. If the Buyer receives the products ordered before the agreed               necessary information and documents that the Seller requires                 eight days.                                                                the part of the Seller is involved. Moreover, compensation will                to the implementation of the concluded agreement
                                                                                   delivery date or period as indicated in paragraph 2, the                  as proof that the products have been delivered in a different EU         11. Complaints always have to be communicated to the Seller at                 be limited to that part of the delivery to which the complaint                 (“Sanction Legislation”),
     Article 1 Area of application                                                 resulting risk is entirely for the Buyer.                                 Member State than the Netherlands. The Buyer will indemnify                  such a time that the Seller is able to check the delivered items.          relates.                                                                   b. that it will not directly or indirectly sell, transfer or
     1. These general terms apply to all offers, sales, deliveries and         4. If the Buyer receives or wishes to receive the products ordered            the Seller for all claims resulting from and all negative                12. Complaints must also be indicated to the Seller at such time                                                                                              deliver the sold goods or make them available in any
        agreements made by the Seller regarding seeds, plants and                  after the agreed delivery date, the risk of any loss of quality           consequences of the Buyer not or not entirely complying with                 that the Seller can check the plant material. For this purpose,        Article 13 Transfer of ownership, retention of ownership and                       other manner to natural persons, legal entities, groups,
        cultivation material of ornamental plant products and plant                resulting from longer storage will be entirely for the Buyer.             the provisions in this article. The Seller reserves the right to             the Buyer must also keep a record of the use of the products              surety                                                                          government organisations or other organisations that
        material of nutritional horticulture products, including the sale      5. Any extra costs due to taking earlier or later delivery of the             increase the price payable by the Buyer with the VAT rate that               and, if the products are resold, of its buyers. If the Buyer does      1. Except for the terms of paragraph 2 of this article, ownership of               have been sanctioned under the Sanction Legislation,
        and delivery of fertilizers and crop protection, etc. (hereinafter:        products as referred to in paragraph 3 or 4 of this article will be       would apply to the delivery in question in the event of delivery             not submit its complaint within the specified periods of time,            the products is transferred to the Buyer at the time of delivery                and
        products). Any terms of the Buyer of any type and by any name              charged to the Buyer.                                                     within the Netherlands.                                                      the complaint will not be considered and the Buyer’s rights will          under article 5 of these General Terms.                                     c. that the obligations set out in a) and b) of this article
        are not applicable unless expressly agreed in writing.                 6. If, after a certain storage period that may be considered              11. In the case of liquidation, bankruptcy or moratorium of the                  cease.                                                                 2. The Seller will retain ownership of the products he has                         will also be imposed on any party to which it resells or
     2. Divergent provisions must be agreed expressly and in writing.              reasonable in view of the type of product, the Buyer has not              buyer, the Buyer’s obligations to pay will be immediately                13. A complaint must at least include:                                        delivered and will retain or acquire ownership of the products                  supplies products it has bought from the Seller.
        Inasmuch as they do not replace the provisions of these                    received the product and the risk of loss of quality and/or               claimable and the Seller is authorized to put any further                    a. An extensive and precise description of the defect;                    arising from them until the agreed price has been paid in full        B. International anti-corruption legislation
        General Terms, they are deemed to supplement these terms.                  spoilage of the products leaves no other option, the order will           execution of the agreement on hold or to annul the agreement,                b. The storage location of the cultivation material to which the          by the Buyer and the Buyer has completely fulfilled all his other        1. The Buyer guarantees:
     3. A copy of these General Terms and Conditions is made available             be deemed to have been cancelled by the Buyer, in which case              without prejudice to the Seller’s right to claim damages.                       complaint refers;                                                      obligations to the Seller on any grounds.                                   a. that it at all times complies with each relevant
        to the Buyer by the Seller, or the Seller refers the Buyer to them,        the Buyer is obliged to pay the damage incurred by the Seller         12. If payments in instalments were agreed, the entire outstanding               c. A listing of the facts on the basis of which it can be              3. If there is any doubt in the mind of the Seller regarding the                   country’s anti-corruption regulations applicable to the
        stating in writing that these Terms and Conditions can be                  as a result.                                                              sum becomes immediately claimable when a payment is not                         determined that the products delivered by the Seller and               ability of the Buyer to pay, the Seller will be entitled to defer               implementation of the concluded agreement (“”Anti-
        downloaded from the Seller’s website.                                  7. Should in a seed order, the quantity as ordered deviate from               received on time without the need for serving notice. What is                   those rejected by the Buyer are the same.                              performances until the Seller has stood surety for payment or                   corruption Legislation”),
     4. To all agreements with and/or offers for sale aimed at Buyers              the standard quantity as used by the Seller or a multiple of              defined in paragraph 7 is similarly applicable.                          14. In case of a permanent dispute between parties it is possible             to terminate the agreement by cancellation, if the Buyer has                b. that it strictly prohibits any offer to and any acceptance
        domiciled outside the country of residence of the Seller, for as           this, then the seller is at liberty to supply the nearest higher                                                                                       to have the items (re) examined by Naktuinbouw (NAK                       not provided surety for payment within fourteen days after                      by the Buyer’s staff or board members of any items
        far as this is not deviated from below, the International Seed             quantity.                                                             Article 8 Force majeure                                                          Horticulture), domiciled inRoelofarendsveen (Netherlands) at              being ordered to do so, notwithstanding the terms of article                    or services that can be expressed in monetary terms,
        Trade Federation Rules and usages for the Trade in Seeds for           8. At execution of their obligation to supply, the Seller will make       1. Force majeure refers to any circumstances that prevent                        the request of one of the parties, on condition that the loser            4, paragraph 1. In both cases, the Buyer will be liable for the                 such as gifts, travel, entertainment, etc. that are clearly
        Sowing Purposes are applicable.                                            the utmost effort at all times.                                          honoring of the agreement and that cannot be attributed                       shall pay. The Buyer must in any case pay the relevant costs              expenses incurred by the Seller.                                                intended as an incentive to act in a specific manner in
                                                                               9. Under decent honoring of the supply obligation, by the Seller             to the Seller. This will also include, if and as far as the                   in advance. The re-examination is carried out on the basis of          4. The items as delivered by the Seller, which come under the                      connection with an existing agreement or the conclusion
     Article 2 Definitions                                                         is also understood delivery with a small deviation in size,              circumstances prevent honoring of the agreement or                            an acknowledged sample. The result of this (re)examination is             reservation clause by virtue of paragraph 2, should only be sold                of an agreement,
     1. ‘Seller’ refers to: the natural or legal person engaged in                 packaging, quantity or weight.                                           impede this unreasonably: pest and diseases, strikes in other                 binding for both parties, without prejudice to the right of both          on or used within the framework of ordinary activities. In case             c. that it will not directly or indirectly offer, promise or give
        delivering products as indicated article 1, paragraph 1, and           10. The Seller is allowed to deliver sold objects in instalments.            companies than the Seller’s own company, wild-cat strikes or                  parties to present disputes about the consequences of this                these are sold on, the Buyer is obliged to insist on a reservation              anything to any political party, campaign, government
        concluding transactions regarding such products, in the                    Should the objects be delivered in instalments, then the Seller          political strikes in the Seller’s business, a general shortage of             result to the bodies as mentioned in article 16.                          clause from their customers.                                                    body, civil servant or any public institutions, state-owned
        broadest sense, including the purchase and sale of products,               is authorized to invoice each instalment separately.                     required raw materials and other affairs or services that are             15. Complaints with regard to a part of the delivered items cannot         5. The Buyer must store the products delivered under retention                     companies, organisations, international institutions, etc.
        the rental and/or sale of products he has cultivated himself,          11. Unless expressly stated to the contrary in these Terms and               required for accomplishing the agreed performance; non-                       be any reason for the Buyer to reject the entire delivery.                of ownership with due care and clearly marked as the Seller’s                   or their staff, with the aim of acquiring or retaining an
        reproducing flowers or plants.                                             Conditions, the delivery is furthermore subject to the Incoterms         foreseeable delays at suppliers or other third parties of which           16. The Buyer is obliged to check the delivered quantity of the               property.                                                                       improper advantage in connection with the agreement
     2. ‘Buyer’ refers to: the natural or legal person with whom the               of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris which are              the Seller is dependent and general transport problems.                       delivered batch on receipt or to arrange for such a check to be        6. If the Buyer fails to meet its payment obligations or is                        or the Seller,
        Seller enters into any agreement regarding the products                    in force on the date on which the agreement is concluded.             2. If the Seller cannot carry out the delivery because of force                  made, and to report any identified deviation in quantity to the           experiencing or is at risk of experiencing financial difficulties,          d. that it will not offer, promise, give or accept anything
        indicated in article 1, paragraph 1.                                                                                                                majeure, the Seller must inform the Buyer of the circumstances                Seller in accordance with paragraph 8 of this article.                    the Seller may recover the products delivered under retention                   from a business contact in connection with the
                                                                               Article 6 Packaging/carts/pallets                                            in writing as soon as possible.                                           17. Issuing a complaint does not suspend the Buyer’s obligation to            of ownership that are still on the Buyer’s premises. The Buyer                  agreement and its implementation or the Seller unless
     Article 3 Offers and prices                                               1. Single-use packaging will be charged at cost and returns not           3. In the event of force majeure, the parties will agree a change                pay, regardless of any justification of a complaint.                      will at all times give the Seller free access to its sites and/or               there are reasonable grounds to do so and such action
     1. All offers are non-binding unless otherwise agreed in writing.            accepted.                                                                 to the purchase agreement or complete or partial dissolution                                                                                            buildings to inspect the products and/or to exercise its rights.                is reasonable in the context of day-to-day business and
        An offer will be valid for a maximum of 30 days.                       2. All packaging except single-use packaging remains the                     of the purchase agreement. In these cases, the seller is not              Article 11 Information provision                                           7. Until such time as ownership of the products passes to the                      otherwise complies with local legislation, and
     2. The agreement is deemed to have been created by written                   property of the Seller.                                                   obliged to pay any kind of damages.                                       1. Any information as provided by the Seller of any nature is                 Buyer, the Buyer may not pledge or otherwise encumber the                   e. that it will notify the Seller immediately if it becomes
        confirmation of the offer by the Buyer, unless the Seller              3. The Seller is entitled to charge the Buyer an agreed user fee for      4. If the parties cannot agree on a change or dissolution within 10             entirely free of engagement. Descriptions, recommendations,                products.                                                                       aware of any situation in connection with the agreement
        objects in writing within five days after the Buyer has sent              reusable packaging and other durable material, to be indicated            days after the written notice of the circumstances in question,              and illustrations in brochures and leaflet are adjusted as                                                                                                 and its implementation that may be in breach of Anti-
        confirmation.                                                             separately on the invoice.                                                either of the parties may bring the matter before the court                  accurately as possible to experiences and practical tests.              Article 14 Contractual protection or protection under breeders’                    corruption Legislation.
     3. If an agreement is created by the intervention of agents,              4. The Buyer is obliged to return the packaging to the Seller at             competent in accordance with article 16 or may seek dispute                  However, on the basis of this information the Seller does not           rights of original species                                                  2. If the Buyer fails to comply with its obligations arising from
        travelling representatives and/or other intermediaries, these             his own expense and in good condition, within 30 days from                resolution.                                                                  accept any responsibility for any different results in the grown        1. Starting material and plant material of species protected by a              this article or fails to do so in time or properly, the Seller
        will bind the Seller once they have been accepted in writing by           delivery or immediately after planting. If it has been agreed                                                                                          product. The Buyer has to decide themselves whether the                    breeders’ right applied for or granted in the Netherlands or any            will have the right to suspend the implementation of the
        the Seller.                                                               that the Seller is to collect the packaging, the Buyer must            Article 9 Unforeseen circumstances for the Buyer                                items are suitable to be used for the intended cultures and/or             other country or by a contractual transfer provision may not be             agreement with immediate effect or to terminate the
     4. Prices are exclusive of VAT and additional expenses, including:           ensure that the packaging remains in good condition until the          1. In the event of unforeseen circumstances that are so serious                 can be used in the local circumstances.                                    used to produce or further reproduce the species. Moreover,                 agreement without further notice of default. The Seller will
        transport charges, packaging costs, cost of quality control and/          date indicated by the Seller and store it so that the Seller may          that the Seller may not reasonably expect that the purchase               2. In the information as provided by the Seller ‘immune’                      illegally propagated starting material and plant material may               not be obliged to pay for any resultant damage suffered
        or phytosanitary inspection, import duties, government and                collect it in a normal manner.                                            agreement concluded will remain in effect unchanged, the                     means:the variety is immune to a specific disease (immune                  not be:                                                                     by the Buyer, whereas the Buyer will be fully liable for any
        other official levies, and fees under breeders’ rights and any         5. The Buyer may not keep the packaging in use or allow it to be             parties will agree a change to the purchase agreement or                     being an absolute concept); under ‘resistant’ is understood:               a. treated for the purpose of reproduction;                                 damage suffered by the Seller as a consequence of the
        other fees, unless otherwise agreed in writing. If no price is            used by third parties.                                                    complete or partial dissolution of the purchase agreement.                   the ability of the plant to resist or delay the development                b. brought into the realm of commerce;                                      Buyer’s failure to comply with this article.
        agreed on, the Seller’s price in effect at the time of delivery will   6. If carts, rolling containers or reusable pallets are supplied with     2. If the parties cannot agree on a change or dissolution within 10             of a specific disease; by ‘tolerant’ is meant: the ability of the          c. traded further;
        apply.                                                                    the products, the Buyer must immediately return identical                 days after the written notice of the circumstances in question,              plant to sustain a specific disease or damaging environment,               d. exported;                                                          Article 16 Dispute settlement
     5. The Seller is entitled to adjust the price reasonably to a level          carts, rolling containers or reusable pallets with the same               either of the parties may bring the matter before the court                  with minor adverse effects on its growth and production; by                e. imported, or kept in stock for one of these purposes.              1. Dutch law applies to all agreements to which these general
        to be determined by him, if his expenses have increased                   registration method (such as a chip or label), unless otherwise           competent in accordance with article 16 or may seek dispute                  ‘susceptible’ is understood: the inability of the plant to hinder or    2. The starting material delivered may be used by the buyer only            terms apply in whole or in part.
        significantly since the price was set.                                    agreed. It is not permitted for the Buyer to use them for his             resolution.                                                                  counteract the growth or development of a specific disease or              to cultivate end products at the Buyer’s business and may be          2. Unless arbitration was mutually agreed by both parties, any
     6. Unless otherwise indicated, prices are in euro (€).                       own purposes or give them to third parties.                                                                                                            damaging environment.                                                      used by the Buyer only under the relevant species name and               dispute will be settled by the civil judge with jurisdiction to
     7. If the Buyer cancels the agreement, he will immediately owe            7. After usage, the Buyer commits to return the supplied                  Article 10 Guarantees and complaints                                                                                                                       brand name if applicable.                                                hear and determine at first instance at the location of the
        25% of the gross sale value of the products to be delivered as a          packaging clean to the Seller, that is to say free of (residue of)     1. The Seller guarantees that the products to be delivered on the            Article 12 Liability                                                       3. The Seller is entitled to access to the business of the Buyer            Seller, except when the applicable rules of the law selected
        cancellation charge.                                                      crop protection products. Should the packaging not be clean               basis of the order will comply with the requirements set out in           1. All liability regarding non-timely delivery is hereby excluded,            or lots under the Buyer’s control where the starting or plant            in article 16, paragraph 1 are imperative and force parties to
     8. In the event that the products in question prove to be                    when returned to the Seller, then the Buyer is answerable for             the applicable regulations of Dutch testing authorities in effect            unless the ultimate agreed delivery date is exceeded by more               material delivered by the Seller is located to view and/or assess        declare a different judge as competent.
        unsaleable, or saleable only at a lower price, as a result of said        the costs involved in having the packaging cleaned. The Buyer             at the time of concluding the agreement.                                     than seven days.                                                           said material. The Seller will inform the Buyer of his arrival in a   3. However, in the case of a dispute, parties will in the first
        cancellation, the Buyer will be liable for any price differences          is also responsible for any damage as a result of packaging that       2. The Seller does not guarantee the genuineness of the products             2. If the delivery date is exceeded by more than seven days,                  timely manner.                                                           instance attempt to arrive at a solution by mutual agreement
        and other damages incurred by the Seller.                                 is returned without having been cleaned.                                  that are generally known to branch back.                                     the Seller must be given written notice, whereby the Buyer              4. The Buyer is obliged to provide immediate access to his                  or through mediation, before parties put the dispute to an
     9. Both parties are obliged to limit damages as much as possible.         8. In the event of damage to reusable packaging, carts, rolling           3. The Seller does not guarantee the growth and blossoming of                   set a reasonable period for the seller to fulfil his obligations           business and the crops to inspection authorities carrying out            arbitration committee or to the civil judge.
                                                                                  containers, pallets, etc., the Buyer is obliged to pay the cost           the products delivered.                                                      nonetheless.                                                               inspections on behalf of the owner of a protected species             4. If the Seller and the Buyer are not domiciled in the same
     Article 4 Conditions of sale                                                 of repairs or replacement and any additional rental charges            4. The Buyer will at all times be provided with all requested                3. The Seller is not liable for damage caused by force majeure as             delivered to him. The Buyer must also provide immediate                  country, then the ‘United Nations Convention on the
     1. Orders for plants and/or cultivation material that is not yet fully       resulting from late returns.                                              cultivation information to the best of the Seller’s knowledge                indicated in article 8, paragraph 1.                                       access to his records, e. g., invoices, that are relevant to such        International Sales of Goods’ (the Vienna Sales Convention)
        grown at the time of purchase will be accepted subject to the                                                                                       and abilities, by or on behalf of the Seller, but without any             4. The compensation as paid by the Seller for any possible                    inspection.                                                              is also applicable, for as far as this does not divert from these
        normal cultivation average of good plant material with a good          Article 7 Payment                                                            liability on the part of the Seller.                                         damages suffered by the Buyer in case of a complaint                    5. If the Buyer finds a mutant in the protected species, he must            terms and conditions and for as far as these are not in violation
        appearance.                                                            1. The Seller is entitled to request an advance of 50% on the             5. The Seller enters the crop protection products it has used in its            submitted in conformity with article 10 and/or in case of proof            immediately inform the holder of the breeders’ right by                  with the imperative law in the country of the Seller.
     2. Partial or complete failure of the cultivation or harvest of              invoice amount from the Buyer.                                            own records. The Buyer may obtain copies of these records on                 of default by Seller as a result of late delivery as meant in article      registered letter.
        starting material, seed harvest or partial spoilage during             2. Payment must occur within thirty days after the invoice date.             request.                                                                     12, paragraphs 1 and 2, will not exceed the invoice value of            6. At the written request of the holder of the breeders’ right, the      Article 17 Applicability of the appendix
        storage for any reason will release the Seller from the obligation     3. The Buyer is not entitled to reduce the purchase price he is to        6. If seller has indicated a germination rate for the delivered                 the delivered, to which the apparently appropriate complaint               Buyer will provide the holder of the breeders’ right, within          In addition to these general terms and conditions, the ‘regulation
        to deliver and his other obligations, unless attributable to gross        pay by any counterclaim he may make.                                      seeds, then this is exclusively based on reproducible laboratory             relates, provided this is due to the Seller’s responsibility or            two months of receiving the request, with test material of the        regarding surcharge percentages to be charged in the case of
        negligence on the part of the Seller.                                  4. The Buyer is not entitled to suspend the fulfilment of its                tests. No direct relationship can be assumed between the                     culpable negligence. The Seller is under no circumstances                  mutant, free of charge.                                               diverting germination rates’ as included in the appendix has to be
     3. The Seller is also entitled to assure a replacement delivery,             payment obligation in the event of a complaint he has                     germination rate as indicated and germination of the seed                    answerable for any kind of consequential loss, lost turnover or         7. The Buyer is aware that the finder of a mutant, being a               declared applicable with respect to the agreement. This means
        which will occur on the same terms as originally agreed.                  submitted to the Seller regarding the products delivered,                 when used by the Buyer. The stated germination rate only                     loss of profits.                                                           significant derived species, in the protected species, requires       that this appendix is thus part of the agreement to which the
     4. The Buyer has no right of damages, if the Seller makes a                  unless the Seller expressly agrees with the suspension in                 indicates the germination power of the seed at the time of                5. In the event of a partial failure of the harvest as a result of the        the permission of the holder(s) of the breeders’ right regarding      present general terms and conditions are also applicable.
        reservation in relation to harvesting and processing conditions.          exchange for a guarantee.                                                 testing and for the circumstances under which the test was                   products delivered for the Buyer, the compensation owed by                 the ‘parent species’ to exploit the mutant.
     5. If the delivery of a type that has been ordered is not possible        5. All payments will be made at the offices of the Seller or by              conducted. Germination is amongst other things subject to the                the Seller for the damage incurred by the Buyer will not exceed         8. In particular, the Buyer is aware that the finder of a mutant         Article 18 Final clause
        for any reason, the Seller will be entitled to deliver a type that        deposit or transfer to a bank account to be indicated by the              location, growing measures or climatic conditions as occurring               a percentage of the purchase price of the products delivered,              requires the permission of the holder of the breeders’ right          If and inasmuch as any part or provision of these General Terms
        is equivalent as much as possible or to cancel the order if the           Seller.                                                                   at the Buyer’s place of business.                                            which is at most equal to that portion of the harvest that has             regarding the ‘parent species’ to carry out the actions indicated     proves to be contrary to any compulsory provision of national
        type ordered cannot be delivered, or the Buyer does not accept         6. Payment must be made in euro (€) unless otherwise indicated            7. Any possible guarantee from the side of the Seller becomes                   failed for the Buyer. If, when damage is reported, the Seller              in paragraph 1 regarding all material of the species, including       or international law, it will be deemed not agreed on and these
        a different type; the Seller will endeavour to deliver a different        on the invoice, in which the Seller is entitled to charge rate            defunct if the Buyer processes the items or has these                        and Buyer jointly or a third party determines the percentage               harvested material (hence also flowers, plants and/or plant           General Terms will otherwise bind the parties. The parties will
        type.                                                                     fluctuations on to the Buyer.                                             processed, repackaged or has these repackaged or uses these                  of deviating, diseased or weak plants, this percentage will                parts).                                                               then confer to arrive at a new provision corresponding as much as
                                                                               7. If the Buyer does not fulfil his payment obligation in time, he           inappropriately.                                                             determine the Seller’s maximum liability. The Buyer is obliged          9. The Buyer is obliged to provide all co-operation desired by           possible to what the parties intended.
     Article 5 Delivery and transport                                             will be deemed to be legally in default. The Seller will then be       8. The Buyer needs to investigate the bought items at delivery                  to ensure that the damage as a result of deviating, diseased or            the seller, including co-operating in collecting evidence, in
     1. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the place of delivery is the          entitled to charge interest at 1% monthly from the date that the          or as soon as possible after delivery. In doing this, the Buyer              weak plants is limited as much as possible.                                the event that the Seller becomes involved in proceedings
        Seller’s storage location or processing site or any other location        Buyer is in default of fulfilling the payment obligation indicated        has to check whether the delivered goods comply with the                  6. Damage compensation may not be deducted by the Buyer                       regarding breeders’ rights or other industrial property rights.
        to be specified by the Seller. All risks of the delivered products        in paragraph 2, with a partial month being counted as a whole             agreement, namely:                                                           from any outstanding account payable to the Seller and does             10. The Buyer grants permission to wholesalers, auctions,
        and all associated rights and obligations pass to the Buyer               month. The Seller is also entitled to charge the Buyer for the            a. Whether the correct items were delivered;                                 not entitle the Buyer not to pay the invoice amount, or not to             importers and/or exporters to provide information to the holder
        at the time of delivery or, if transport is involved, at the time         exchange rate loss incurred by the Buyer’s default.                       b. Whether the quantity of the delivered items corresponds to                do so by the invoice payment date.                                         of plant breeders’ rights and/or its representative concerning

34   Tropical Plants | Terms                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Terms | Tropical plants                       35
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