Trends in Outdoor Swimming Report - Outdoor Swimmer ...

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Trends in Outdoor Swimming Report - Outdoor Swimmer ...
Trends in

   TRENDS REPORT February 2021
Trends in Outdoor Swimming Report - Outdoor Swimmer ...
Outdoor Swimmer has been publishing inspiring content
about all aspects of swimming outdoors since 2011.
Trends in Outdoor Swimming Report - Outdoor Swimmer ...
                         I am delighted to present      a range of issues such as climate change,
                         our first “Trends in Outdoor the environment and pollution. It could make
                         Swimming Report”. I hope       you a more caring person as well as a healthier
                         you find it as fascinating     and happier one. We also learn that it could
                         to read as we did in putting   provide you with a career.
                         it together.                      I want to share one finding from our survey
                            This year, 2021, marks      with you in this introduction. We asked: “How
                         10 years since I launched      important is outdoor swimming to your sense
H2Open Magazine, and four years since we                of identity?” People could answer from (1) Not
rebranded to Outdoor Swimmer. While there               Important to (5) Most Important. The average
have been plenty of ups and downs along the way,        came in at 3.8 with 64% ascribing it 4 or 5 and just
2020 presented us with our biggest challenges yet.      6% of people saying it wasn’t important. I find this
I’m proud of how the Outdoor Swimmer team               amazing. Outdoor swimming is not something you
stayed focused on producing timely and relevant         do. Being an outdoor swimmer is something that
information to swimmers in a fast-                                      you are. It is something that shapes
changing environment. The events                OUTDOOR                 your life and the decisions you
of last year also prompted us to dig           SWIMMING                 make, from what you eat and wear
deeper and take an in-depth look                    IS NOT              to where you go on holiday and,
at trends in outdoor swimming,                SOMETHING                 for some people, even where they
and the impact of the coronavirus           YOU DO. BEING choose to live. Outdoor swimming
pandemic. We wanted to improve               AN OUTDOOR is important. We hope this report
our understanding of who swims                SWIMMER IS                helps raise awareness of this in
outdoors and why. As you will see,            SOMETHING                 governments, National Governing
outdoor swimming is an activity that        THAT YOU ARE Bodies, Sport England (and its
brings its participants a long list of                                  equivalents around the world),
benefits and much joy. It’s uplifting to be part of     health authorities, tourist boards, local and regional
such an exciting, vibrant and positive sector.          authorities and anywhere else that has a decision-
   An argument for learning to swim is that it could    making role that can impact outdoor swimming.
save your life. However, our findings suggest that         The other audience for this report is those who
this may be the tip of the iceberg when it comes to     work in sectors that supply products and services to
reasons to learn to swim. We show, for example,         outdoor swimmers throughout the world. We know
almost everyone who swims outside says it supports 2020 was a massively challenging year for everyone,
their mental and physical health, it keeps them fit     and financially more difficult for some than others.
and is important for their social lives. Being able to  I hope our findings give you cause for optimism
swim gives you access to a lifetime supply of self-     in 2021 and will be useful in supporting your
administered mental and physical health support,        marketing and product development in this sector.
a means to exercise at almost any age and it is a          If you have questions or suggestions for further
source of great friendships. Moreover, becoming an areas of research in future reports, please be
outdoor swimmer may change how you think about in touch.

Swim wild and free
Simon Griffiths,
Founder & publisher, Outdoor Swimmer

                                                                                           TRENDS REPORT February 2021
Trends in Outdoor Swimming Report - Outdoor Swimmer ...
Yvette Helinski

                      Executive                                           of female swimmers
                                                                          has increased, and
                                                                                                  companies and swim
                                                                                                  travel businesses have

                                                                          women appear to         suffered most with
                                                                          be swimming more        very few outdoor
                                                                          frequently than         swimming events
                                                                          men. In addition,       going ahead and most
                                                                          swimmers care about     travel cancelled. The
                       Both anecdotal                                     the environment and     first lockdown was
                       evidence and the          Firstly, there is a      take active measures    devastating for many
                       available data paint a    growing recognition      to improve the          swimming coaches,
                       picture of growth in      of the importance of     quality of the water    but some managed
                       outdoor swimming          swimming outside for     they swim in and the    to recover during
                       around the world in       mental and physical      surrounding areas.      the second half of
                       2020, especially in the   health and for general     However,              the year. Product
                       UK and the Republic       wellbeing. Secondly,     despite the growth,     suppliers first saw
                       of Ireland.               and perhaps related      businesses serving      demand evaporate
                         Two big themes          to the first, has been   outdoor swimmers        and then, for certain
                       emerge from our           a big jump in interest   have been affected      products at least,
                       survey of swimmers.       in winter swimming.      by the coronavirus      come flooding back.
                                                 We also observed         pandemic in widely
                                                 that the proportion      different ways. Event

Trends in Outdoor Swimming Report - Outdoor Swimmer ...

                                                               estimated they                 STATISTICS
                                                              spent £200 each,
                                                               on average, on
                                                                                           We estimate participation in
                                                              swim-related kit
                                                                   in 2020              outdoor swimming in the UK has
                                                                                         increased by between 1.5 and 3
                                                                                                times since 2019

                                          of swimmers increased
                                                                                            Female participation in
                                                                                             outdoor swimming has
                                                                                         increased from roughly 50%
                                           how much they swim                               in 2017 to 65% in 2020
                                              outside in 2020
                                                                                            52% of people who tried
                                                                                        outdoor swimming liked it more
                                                                                              than they expected
                                                                                           (and 47% liked it as much
                                          60% of swimmers                                      as they expected)
                                          are worried about
                                          pollution and the                             75% of new outdoor swimmers
                                           risk of getting ill                           said they wanted to continue
                                                                                          swimming outside through

                                                                                         69.4% say outdoor swimming
                                                                                        is essential or very important to
                                                                                               their mental health
                                    of outdoor swimmers
                                      started to support                                  43.4% say “health and
                                     their mental health                                wellbeing” is the main reason
                                         and general                                         they swim outside
                                                                                         70% of people say that being
With direct retail                                                                      an outdoor swimmer has made
being extremely         caution. There                                                   them more concerned about
challenging in 2020,    is widespread                                                          water pollution
many pivoted to         recognition that
increase their online   outdoor swimming                                                     When they travel for
sales. Unpredictable    is something that                                                non-swimming reasons, 78%
demand also caused
supply chain issues.
Meanwhile, despite
                        people want to keep
                        doing once they
                        discover it. However,
                                                             of outdoor swimmers
                                                                                        look for opportunities to swim
                                                                                                 in open water

having to delay         we are clearly not                 say that cold water is not
opening and put         yet out of the woods               a barrier to swimming as
in place extensive      with coronavirus and                   often as they like
Covid-measures,         this will continue to
venues have had a       present challenges
great year.             to businesses and
  Looking forward,      individuals going
we see a mixture        into next year.
of optimism and

                                                                                                       TRENDS REPORT February 2021
Trends in Outdoor Swimming Report - Outdoor Swimmer ...
A mixed year for outdoor

                                       SECTION 1              swimming coaches

               2 Foreword              10 HOW THE             l Spiky demand, supply       l Winter swimming,
                                       CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC chain issues, loss of          mental health and
               4 Executive             AFFECTED OUTDOOR       retail outlets               wellbeing are the big
                 summary               SWIMMING                                            themes for 2020
                                       l The pandemic has     SECTION 2                    l Winter swimming

               8 Background            encouraged more        16 WHO SWIMS                 l Health and

               WHAT DO WE MEAN BY      people to swim outside OUTDOORS AND WHY?            wellbeing
               OUTDOOR SWIMMING?       l Boon for venues      l The proportion of

               l Who should read       l Connecting through   women swimming               SECTION 3
               this report?            Facebook               outside is increasing        24 OUTDOOR
               l Our objectives in     l Media coverage       l The pandemic was a key     SWIMMERS AND
               creating this report    l Conclusion           driver in starting people    THE ENVIRONMENT
               l How have we created   l Swimming holidays    on their outdoor             l Becoming a swimmer

               this report?            and events the biggest swimming journeys            pushes people to
                                       casualties in 2020     l Despite the growth         care more about
                                                              in numbers, 25% of           the environment
                                                              swimmers have reduced
                                                              participation because
                                                              of coronavirus

Trends in Outdoor Swimming Report - Outdoor Swimmer ...
                             32 BLACK AND ETHNIC       APPENDICES                  47 Appendix 5
SECTION 4                    MINORITIES IN              41 Appendix 1              Motivations to travel
28 SWIMMERS                  OUTDOOR SWIMMING           Frequency of               Part 1: What would
AND TRAVEL                   l Removing barriers        participation in outdoor   motivate you to take a
l Plans on hold for 2021?    to participation           swimming related           swimming related trip in
                                                        activities                 your own country?
SECTION 5                    SECTION 7                  42 Appendix 2              Part 2: What would
30 SWIMMERS                  34 WHAT HAPPENS            Where do you normally      motivate you to take
AND GEAR                     NEXT FOR OUTDOOR           swim when there are no     a swimming related trip
l Are swimmers taking        SWIMMING?                  pandemic restrictions      in another country?
‘skins swimming’             l Are there downsides      in place?                  50 Appendix 6
too literally?               to growth?                 44 Appendix 3              Summary demographic
l What items of kit do you   l Will swimmers stay safe? How has being an outdoor   information
frequently use in winter?    l What will 2021 offer?    swimmer changed how you
                             l Closing remarks          feel about things?         50 Acknowledgements
                                                        45 Appendix 4              50 Contacts
                                                        Barriers to outdoor

                                                                                                                                   Katia Vastiau

                                                                                                     TRENDS REPORT February 2021
Trends in Outdoor Swimming Report - Outdoor Swimmer ...
     We take the broadest possible
     definition of outdoor swimming to
     include any swimming that takes
     place in water that isn’t covered
     by a roof. This covers a large range
     of activities and participants from
     swimming in remote and untamed
     bodies of water, to triathlon style
     racing, long distance challenges
     such as English Channel crossings
     and cold water dipping. We most

                                                                                 Katia Vastiau
     definitely include lidos in our
     definition as we’re well aware
     those places inspire a unique
     devotion from their fans.
       Other terms we might use,
     loosely, but not completely              This report looks at trends
     interchangeably include:               and participants’ attitudes in all
                                            these areas of swimming.
     l Open water swimming –
     primarily referring to events
     and racing, often in wetsuits.
                                            WHO SHOULD READ
                                            THIS REPORT?
     l Wild swimming – swimming in
     unsupervised locations in seas,        Our aim with this report
     rivers and lakes etc.                  is to provide relevant and
                                            up-to-date information for
     l Marathon swimming – either           anyone involved in the world
     the 10km marathon swim distance        of outdoor swimming, from
     and Olympic distance open water        swimmers to brands offering
     event, or longer (solo) swims          products and services to
     across large bodies of water           swimmers, businesses
     such as the English Channel            interested in entering this
     or Catalina Channel.                   space or associating with it
                                            and organisations whose work
     l Winter swimming and cold             is in some way connected to
     water swimming – swimming              outdoor swimming. In addition,
     outside, in natural water              the findings in this report are
     temperatures in winter, either         relevant to people who care
     for recreation or in competition.      about societal health and
                                            wellbeing (including mental
                                            health), the environment, the
                                            importance of blue spaces
                                            and the value of being active
                                            in nature.

Trends in Outdoor Swimming Report - Outdoor Swimmer ...
THIS REPORT                         HOW HAVE WE
We researched and wrote
                                    CREATED THIS
this report in order to:            REPORT?
l Improve our understanding         The core of this report is based
of the scale and rate of growth     on findings from our “Attitudes
in outdoor swimming around          to Outdoor Swimming Survey”
the world.                          that we ran in November
                                    and December 2020, and
l Understand more about why         through which we collected
people swim outdoors and the        2196 responses. This was
benefits of outdoor swimming        supplemented by separate
to individuals and society.         surveys of businesses connected
                                    to outdoor swimming, desk
l Learn about what swimmers         research and interviews with
think about a range of topics       key players in the sectors.
from their kit choices to travel
destinations and support for           Thanks are due to Swim
environmental activism.             England who helped refine the
                                    survey questions and shared it
l Collect evidence for the          with their database, ensuring
benefits of investing in and        a large response.
supporting outdoor swimming.

l Increase our knowledge of
how the coronavirus pandemic
impacted outdoor swimming.

  We hope this report helps
broaden and deepen readers’
understanding of outdoor
swimming and will be a
valuable guide to businesses
and organisations connected
to this wonderful activity. We
intend to publish updates to
this report annually to track
the changing shape of outdoor
swimming around the world and
look forward to working with
all stakeholders in the outdoor
swimming space to track trends
                                                                               Katia Vastiau

and collate data and empirical
evidence as, hopefully, ever more
people take to the water.

                                                              TRENDS REPORT February 2021
Trends in Outdoor Swimming Report - Outdoor Swimmer ...
Section 1:
        How the coronavirus
        pandemic affected
        outdoor swimming
        The pandemic has                          Lives Survey. This survey is sent   charts opposite show Google
                                                  out to around 175,000 people        searches for three relevant key
        encouraged more                           and gathers data on sport and       phrases, “outdoor swimming”,
        people to swim                            physical activity. The findings     “wild swimming” and “open
                                                  are then scaled to produce          water swimming”.
        outside                                   estimates at a population level.       As well as a higher peak
        Let’s start with the positives.           At the time of writing, Sport       level (38,300 searches in 2020
        The consensus is that outdoor             England had only released data      compared to 22,400 in 2019
        swimming is growing, that it has          on open water swimming for          and 25,600 in 2018) it’s worth
        been growing for a number of              the period up to November 2018      noting that the 2020 peak came
        years and that the coronavirus            to 2019. The survey asks what       in August rather than July as it
        pandemic gave it a boost. In              activities people have done         did for the preceding two years.
        fact, every single one of the             in the previous 28 days. For        Total searches throughout
        respondents to our survey of              outdoor swimming, it estimated      the summer period (May to
        swimming-related businesses               participation at 444,900. This      September) were 90% higher in
        said they thought the pandemic            suggests a pre-Covid baseline of    2020 than 2019 (and 83% higher
        had made outdoor swimming                 just under half a million people    than in 2018).
        more popular and 87% think it’s           who frequently participated in         Globally, the trend is similar,
        growing rapidly.                          outdoor swimming. Based on          although this isn’t surprising as
          To build a picture of how               our subsequent research, when       almost two thirds of searches
        much outdoor swimming has                 figures for 2020 are released, we   are from the UK. The only other
        grown and how many people                 fully expect this number to be      English-speaking country where
        swim outside, we turned first to          significantly higher.               we saw significant growth in
        Sport England and their Active               Next, we looked at Google. The   relevant Google searches was

                                             “Open water swimming is
                                            the saviour of our sanity in
     “There’s been a massive               2020. The number of people                         “I think it’s
        uptake in outdoor                  outdoor swimming in Wirral                          boomed.”
       swimming. Numbers                       is through the roof!”                        Chris Malpass,
       are through the roof.”                                                              organiser of the
                                             Liam Hanlon, organiser of the
                                                                                          BLDSA Windermere
                                            Across Mersey Swim (one of the
             Leon Fryer,                                                                        swim
                                           few outdoor swimming events that
                                                  took place in 2020)

the Republic of Ireland.
                                                           Just taking the search term
                                                         “wild swimming” and the
                                                         period April to October, there
                                                         were 71,000 searches in 2020
                                                         compared to 36,600 in 2019
                                                         – an increase of 94%.
                                                           Another angle we looked at
                                                         was social media activity. The
                                                         Social Media Analysis Toolkit
                                                         (SMAT at reveals
                                                         the number of uses of specified
                                                         key words or phrases – see chart
                                                         on next page.
                                                           Superficially, there is little
                                                         difference between 2019 and
                                                         2020 based on the combined
                                                         total, but that’s because
                                                         mentions of “open water
                                                         swimming” decreased, while
                                                         those of wild swimming and
                                                         outdoor swimming increased.
                                                         This makes sense in a year when
                                                         most races were cancelled

                                                           “It’s growing and
                                                          growing, and there
                              “There was already
                                                          is a big increase in
                             long-term growth in
                                                         demand for outdoor
                           outdoor swimming and
                                                         swimming coaching.”
                        Covid accelerated the change.”
                                  Rosie Cook,              Dave Candler, CEO STA
                                founder and CEO
“I’m seeing more                 Deakin & Blue

people swimming
 than ever in my                                          “It’s exploded.”
                                                         Dan Bullock, founder
Bryn Dymott, lifelong                                        Swim for Tri
  outdoor swimmer

                                                                        TRENDS REPORT February 2021
and the phrase “open water
     swimming” is more closely
     connected to racing than the
     other two.

     But while many events were
     cancelled, this didn’t put off
     swimmers flocking to open
     water swimming venues. Despite
     having to operate with booking
     systems and reduced capacity,
     we know many of these were full
     to capacity through the summer.
     For example, Bill Richmond,        in Yorkshire, says: “Our Tuesday      Whether or not that was because
     who runs TriFarm, a swimming       evening sessions were all taken       so many people had discovered
     venue in Essex, told us: “In the   up. We ran four sessions with         outdoor swimming in the
     immediate 6-8 weeks after the      25 people each and all 100 slots      meantime was not addressed
     lockdown was released, we were     were full. Last year, we’d be         by Sport England, but it’s an
     absolutely inundated. We were      lucky to get 80 swimmers on           interesting speculation. What
     sold out with 150 swimmers a       a good night.”                        we do know is that lots of people
     day during the week, and 200          Some of this surge was driven      tried outdoor swimming and, as
     per day at the weekend. At least   by pool swimmers, desperate to        we shall see later, many of these
     double a normal year.”             swim anywhere and therefore           may now be permanent converts.
        At Queenford Lakes, an          willing to try swimming in lakes
     outdoor swimming venue in          and rivers while pools remained       CONNECTING
     Oxfordshire, they reached 95%      closed in lockdown. Sport
     of the swims they’d had for the
                                                                              THROUGH FACEBOOK
                                        England published a Covid-19
     previous year by the first week    Briefing covering the period          Another place we’ve seen growth
     in August, despite opening five    3 April to 25 May looking at          is with informal Facebook groups.
     weeks later and limiting the       people’s attitudes to physical        By “informal”, we mean groups of
     number of swimmers in the          activity. One of the questions        swimmers connecting through
     water. Katia Vastiau, Queenford    was: “What physical activity are      the social media platform that
     Lakes safety team, says: “Most     people most looking forward to        aren’t formalised as clubs with
     sessions were fully booked.”       resuming once restrictions are        paid-for membership and a
        NOWCA, whose lake               lifted.” In top place, on 14%, was    constitution. Several swimmers
     management system is used          “gym work in general”. Second,        told us that there were big
     at venues around the country,      at 13%, was swimming. The             increases in membership of their
     also say they’ve seen an overall   report also highlighted that          local groups. Stephen Gould,
     increase in membership during      people had concerns about             who swims in Oxfordshire, says
     2020. Other venues have            returning to pools, and once the      that membership has increased
     reported an increase in numbers    tightest restrictions ended and       by 64% in 14 months across 12
     of between 30 and 50% on           pools started to re-open, (pool)      Facebook swimming groups
     2019. Leon Fryer, who runs         swimming numbers did not              that he monitors for a personal
     swimming sessions at two lakes     recover to the levels expected.       project. Bryn Dymott, another

             1800              1820                1840                1860                1880              1900

long-term outdoor swimmer,                      Search phrase 2018 2019     2020
says that 10 years ago there                    			                     (to 14/12/20)
were maybe 10 other outdoor
swimmers in a 15-mile radius of                 Outdoor swimming                     3160                 4060                 5320
where he lives. “There are now                  Wild swimming                        763                   1550                2400
five or six local Facebook groups               Open water swimming                 5340                   6410               5800
for swimmers, some of which                     Winter swimming                       718                   562                2580
have more than 500 members,”                    Cold water swimming                  324                    377                 720
he says. Keri Hutchinson created                Totals                              12323                 14978               16820
a Facebook group for like-
minded swimmers in Cardiff,                     Number of stories found by Google by search term.
the Barrybados Bathers, several
years ago. At the beginning of
lockdown, membership suddenly       MEDIA COVERAGE                                                         countries. From this, it appears
jumped from around 250 to           The growing interest in outdoor                                        growth in the Republic of Ireland
more than 600. This prompted        swimming is reflected in an                                            has also been strong. Language
concerns about safety and           increase in mainstream media                                           differences mean the tools
liability to such an extent that    coverage. The table above shows                                        we’ve used won’t capture trends
Keri no longer felt she could       the approximate number of news                                         across Europe, but brands active
remain a group admin. Some,         articles found by a Google search                                      in these markets told us they
such as the OSS Windsor and         for each of the last three years.                                      have seen good demand for
Maidenhead Facebook group,          We shouldn’t read too much into                  “Wild Swimming”
                                                                                                           entry-level outdoor swimming
which has 766 members, has          the precision of these numbers                  in books written in    products, suggesting a similar
stopped taking new members.         as Google gives slightly different                English up to the    pattern. Elsewhere, while there
                                                                                      end of 2019 from
A pinned post on their page         results each time, but the                         Google Ngram
                                                                                                           is steady long-term growth in
says: “We are not accepting new     general trend corresponds to our                       Viewer          outdoor swimming, Covid hasn’t
members during lockdown as the      perception, and that of the many                                       had the same impact. Swimmers
river is very busy. Please come     people we’ve spoken to, that                                           from the US say there has been
back later.”                        there is increased mainstream                                          some growth with regular pool
   Colin Hill, who created the      media attention in all things                                          swimmers trying to maintain
Great Swim Series and now runs      outdoor swimming. Swim coach                                           swim fitness in open water, but
swimming sessions in Ullswater      Dan Bullock, for example, said:                                        that these have returned to
out of Another Place Hotel in       “You can’t get it out of the press!”                                   the pool as soon as they could.
the Lake District, says outdoor                                                                            Australia and New Zealand
swimming has changed beyond         CONCLUSION                                                             were hit by the first coronavirus
recognition since he was first                                                                             wave during their winter, which
organising events. “Nobody was      Overall, we estimate that the                                          possibly resulted in a different
swimming outdoors then. Now I       number of people swimming                                              response to outdoor swimming.
see individuals and small groups    outside in the UK this summer                                             Finally in this section on
almost every morning. I also have   was around 1.5 to 3 times that of                                      growth, we take a step back and
more people who were never          previous years, which potentially                                      look at the frequency of use of
swimmers as youngsters coming       means there were more than                                             the phrase “wild swimming” in
for tuition. The Lake District      one million regular outdoor                                            books written in English up to the
used to be about tea shops.         swimmers. The nature of our                                            end of 2019 from Google Ngram
Now people are coming here          research means we’ve primarily                                         Viewer. Clearly, its use has
to swim.”                           looked at English speaking                                             increased substantially since the
                                                                                                           mid 2000s, but the phrase is not
                                                                                                           new with uses being recorded
                                                                                                           more than 100 years ago.

       1940               1960                1980                    2000

                                                                                                                  TRENDS REPORT February 2021
SWIMMING HOLIDAYS                    swim holiday companies to            tuition from private or endless
     AND EVENTS THE                       maintain engagement with their       pools or in public spaces were
                                          customers.                           forced to stop. Some turned
     BIGGEST CASUALTIES                      Alice Todd from SwimQuest         to YouTube to produce land-
     IN 2020                              has managed to remain                training videos to encourage
     While participation has              optimistic despite the               their customers to retain
     increased, event organisers and      cancellations. “People are           some swimming fitness while
     swimming holiday businesses          realising the barriers to entry to   cooped up at home. However,
     have had a horrendous year.          outdoor swimming are low (both       even though this retained
     Despite venue operators              in physical ability and cost) and    connections to customers, in
     demonstrating that outdoor           there is less stigma about adults    most cases it didn’t replace lost
     swimming can be adapted to           not being able to swim and           income. One coach described the
     operate safely under most of         wanting to learn. Exercise isn’t     impact of the first lockdown as
     the restrictions put in place to     scary and swimming is inclusive      “devastation” for his business.
     contain the pandemic, events         in terms of body shape and size.     Another, that operates out of a
     and holidays face additional         Hopefully this means outdoor         privately owned endless pool,
     constraints around travel and        swimming will continue to grow.”     was unable to work for more
     accommodation. Consequently,                                              than five months.
     the majority of outdoor              A MIXED YEAR FOR                        After Boris Johnson’s
     swimming events in the UK were       OUTDOOR SWIMMING                     possibly off-the-cuff remark
     cancelled and very few people                                             in Parliament that outdoor
     managed a swimming holiday.          COACHES                              swimming would be allowed
       As Thomas Bevan from               The majority of outdoor              coming out of the first lockdown,
     SwimTrek explained: “The             swimming coaches operate             even though pools remained
     biggest issue has been               independently, as self-employed      closed, there was something of
     unpredictable travel restrictions,   or as small businesses. The          a turnaround for coaches. Jason
     and being unsure trips would be      closure of pools in the first wave   Tait, who runs South West Swim
     able to run. However, in general     of lockdowns stopped many            said he has had his busiest year
     our product lends itself well        of these from working. Even          ever for one-to-one sessions,
     to being Covid-secure, as it’s       those who provide one-to-one         although he couldn’t run group
     outdoors, with small groups in
     relatively remote locations.”
       Several organisers
     demonstrated impressive
     resilience and creativity in
     rescheduling events to that
     brief period towards the end
     of summer when restrictions
     were most relaxed and devising
     Covid-secure processes. These
     included online briefings and
     rolling starts. The latter proved
     so popular as an alternative to
     the mayhem of mass starts that
     some organisers may retain
     them post Covid.
       We also saw an explosion
                                                                                                                   Luke Schuberth

     of virtual events and swim
     challenges, which enabled
     both event organisers and

sessions. He found that whereas       source of income as soon as          accessories supplier, reported
in previous years he had              the most extreme lockdown            that overall sales were down
swimmers turning up for maybe         measures were lifted.                by 85% between April and
one or two sessions before               Along similar lines, Olympic      November compared to the
they did an event, this year          marathon swimming silver             same period in 2019.
it was different.                     medallist Keri-anne Payne, who          Other businesses have been
   “There was no pressure to do       runs courses to qualify coaches,     able to pull through with a
events and that seemed to make        says she has “seen a massive rise    mixture of government support
coaching sessions more relaxed.       in the people wanting to become      through furlough schemes and
Swimmers were more willing to         outdoor swimming coaches.” This      emergency funding, as well as,
take the time necessary to work       year, she hopes to qualify more      in some cases, strong sales in
on improving their technique          than 100 new coaches. Typically,     selected areas. In fact, sales of
over the longer term and tended       she says she works with three        some products have done so well
to book more lessons – often six      types of people:                     that it resulted in supply issues.
or more.”                                                                  This was the case at Decathlon,
   However, Paul Fowler, from         l Swim teachers looking to           which saw triple digit growth in
100% Swimming, had a different        add more strings to their bow        demand for wetsuits and other
experience: “We had a lot of          and perhaps having more time         kit for open water swimming
people who just wanted an             this year to gain additional         (and watersports in general). On
induction to open water. They         qualifications.                      the other hand, sales of goggles
didn’t want stroke improvement.       l People who love outdoor            and swimwear for pools sunk.
They just wanted to know how          swimming, who are frequently            Sam Chapman, international
to access the water safely and        asked to take other people           Marketing Manager for Zone 3,
simply enjoy outdoor swimming         swimming, and want to make           says that overall the year has
as a meaningful activity.”            sure they are doing it safely, and   been good, especially at the
   As things began opening up,        possibly creating a business.        entry level end of the market
coaches found they had to put in      l People looking for a career        with wetsuits between £100 and
place new procedures to remain        change, moving away from a           £200 selling well. Other wetsuit
Covid-secure. Dan Bullock, who        hectic lifestyle to spend more       brands provided similar reports,
runs Swim for Tri, put a positive     time in open spaces. They may        and also spoke about supply
spin on it. “The extra admin and      be adding outdoor swimming           issues. This showed up on social
Covid procedures have been a          to a series of complementary         media where we several times
hassle,” he says, “but they’ve also   activities such as paddle            saw swimmers complaining
forced us to streamline some          boarding, yoga and therapy.          about not being able to get hold
processes so we’ll probably                                                of neoprene accessories such as
retain some of the changes. In        SPIKY DEMAND,                        gloves and socks.
addition, he says, “it was worth      SUPPLY CHAIN ISSUES,                    The closure of traditional
hanging in there. People wanted                                            offline retail outlets and the
us to survive. Swimming is a          LOSS OF RETAIL OUTLETS               absence of events clearly
lovely sport and there is a lot of    Every business serving the           impacted sales potential
sincere goodwill.”                    outdoor swimming community           and forced businesses to
   In some cases, the pandemic        is unique and each faced its         increase their efforts at online
was the impetus for a career          own set of issues this year.         sales. For some, such as Andrea
change. We spoke to one person        For some, it’s been a disaster.      Hall, who creates swimming
who was made redundant from           We heard from one, a business        art, this proved to be a
their regular job during the first    offering outdoor swimming            successful strategy.
lockdown. Already a qualified         experiences, who just said: “It
coach, outdoor swimming               killed our business. We have not
coaching moved from being a           traded since March and have
weekend hobby to a full-time          no funding.” Another, a kit and

                                                                                           TRENDS REPORT February 2021
Section 2:
     Who swims outdoors
     and why?

     The proportion of                now runs courses for people
                                      wanting to become outdoor
                                                                         also appears to have increased
                                                                         since we last asked the
     women swimming                   swimming coaches, says about       question in 2017. Then, the
     outside is increasing            two thirds of the people she
                                      has qualified are women.
                                                                         average age of women was
                                                                         47.7, while men were two years
     In a reader survey we did in        Norma MacLeod, from             older at 49.6. This has now
     2017, exactly half the people    Immerse Hebrides, says: “The       shifted to 49.8 for women and
     who responded were women,        rise in recreational swimming      53.2 for men. In fact, only 13%
     in our 2018 survey it was 55%.   is huge but it’s mostly women. I   of our survey sample are below
     In our 2020 survey, 65% of       sent out a general survey of my    40, while 20% are above 60.
     respondents were female.         services and to determine the        However, while younger
     We are not the only ones to      effects that sea swimming has      people didn’t respond to
     have noticed the growing         had on their lives: 92% of the     our survey, other evidence
     participation of women in        returns were from women.”          suggests increasing numbers
     outdoor swimming. One coach         We will also see later that     are taking part in outdoor
     we spoke to said that on a       there are differences in           swimming. Ricky McMinn,
     recent introduction to outdoor   men’s and women’s attitudes        General Manager at West
     swimming session, all of the     to outdoor swimming and            Reservoir in Hackney, shared
     participants bar one were        motivations for doing it.          data showing that 12% of
     women. Keri-anne Payne, who         The average age of swimmers     their swimmers are under

30 and an additional 30% are         a go. Almost 20% said they
                                               between 31 and 40 years old.         started swimming outdoors to
                                               Laura Owen Sanderson, founder        help their mental health and
                                               and director of We Swim Wild,        wellbeing – and it turns out
                                               runs the #Waterloggers project,      this is an important theme for
                                               which asks participants to take      all swimmers. Other reasons
                                               twice yearly samples from their      people gave for starting outdoor
                                               local waterways to be tested         swimming were “encouraged by
                                               for microplastics and other          a friend” (14%) and “just felt like
                                               silent contaminates. A quick         giving it a go” (15%).
                                               scroll through the list of people       As Jane Hansom from Sponge
                                               involved suggests many fall into     PR, an agency specialising in
                                               younger age groups. A similar        sports and travel, put it, “2020
                                               search on Instagram reveals          provided a brilliant sampling
                                               that users of relevant hashtags      opportunity for outdoor
                                               such as #wildswimming and            swimming.” Our survey suggests
                                               #outdoorswimming look                many new swimmers will stick
                                               younger than the average             with it as very few had a negative
                                               revealed by our survey –             experience and over half enjoyed
                                               although this naturally reflects     it more than they expected.

   How                                         the demographic of Instagram
                                               too. At the very least, it reveals
                                                                                       Here, and as we shall see
                                                                                    later in the report, there is a

 much did                                      a passionate and committed,
                                               and potentially influential,
                                                                                    divergence between men’s and
                                                                                    women’s experiences. Among

 you enjoy
                                               following of outdoor swimmers        women, 56% said they enjoyed
                                               in younger age groups.               outdoor swimming more than
                                                                                    they expected and fewer than
  outdoor                                      THE PANDEMIC WAS                     1% said they enjoyed it less than
                                                                                    they expected. The corresponding

                                               A KEY DRIVER IN                      figures for men were 45% and 2%.
                                               STARTING PEOPLE                         Interestingly, a mere 2%
                                               ON THEIR OUTDOOR                     of new swimmers said they
                                               SWIMMING JOURNEYS                    stopped swimming outside as
                                                                                    soon as pools re-opened. This
                                               Roughly 1 in 5 of the people who     perhaps reflects a point made

                   More than
                                               completed our survey started
                                               outdoor swimming in 2020, and
                                               23% of those said their local
                                                                                    by swimmer Stephen Gould who
                                                                                    said: “Outdoor swimming is a
                                                                                    one-way journey”. Once people

                   expected                    pool was closed and they were        discover outdoor swimming, they
                                               desperate to swim anywhere           stick with it. This is reinforced
As much as                                     they could. A further 30% had        by another finding from our
 expected                                      been thinking about it for a while   survey, that almost half of
                               Dave Welensky

                                               and circumstances in 2020 gave       respondents to our survey have

             Less than
                                               them the push they needed
                                               to give outdoor swimming
                                                                                    been swimming outdoors for five
                                                                                    years or more.


                                                                                                    TRENDS REPORT February 2021
Despite the growth                                                        WINTER SWIMMING,
                                                                               MENTAL HEALTH AND
     in numbers, 25%                                                           WELLBEING ARE THE BIG
     of swimmers have                                                          THEMES FOR 2020
     reduced participation                                                     The two themes that jump out
     because of                                                                most strongly from both our
                                                                               survey and discussions with
     coronavirus                                                               swimmers are the growing
                                                                               popularity of winter swimming
     While we’ve seen that the                                                 and the increasing recognition
     pandemic, pool closures and                                               of the importance of outdoor
     other measures have been an                                               swimming to people’s mental
     impetus towards increased                                                 health and general feelings
     outdoor swimming participation,                                           of wellbeing. The two are of
     one in four people say they                                               course related with cold water
     have reduced the amount they                                              immersion in particular being
     swim outside in 2020. Further                                             associated with boosting your
     research would be needed to                                               mood. We are not the only
     fully unpick the reasons behind                                           ones to spot this. For example,
     this but factors include health                                           Norma MacLeod from Immerse
     worries (especially for those with                                        Hebrides told us: “The top
     underlying health conditions or                                           scoring reason for continuing
     living with vulnerable people),                                           sea swimming was for overall
     travel restrictions, advice
     from Swim England and other
                                                   If you                      general health and mental
                                                                               health reasons.”
     organisations during the first
     lockdown not to swim outdoors,
                                                 started in
                                                                               WINTER SWIMMING
     and financial hardship. While
     celebrating the overall growth
                                               2020, how do                    Let’s look first at winter
     in outdoor swimming, we should
     keep in mind that this year has
                                               you feel about                  swimming and what people who
                                                                               started in 2020 think about it.
     been extremely challenging
     for some people.
                                                  outdoor                         While we were aware that
                                                                               winter swimming had become
        Meanwhile, 30% say their
     outdoor swimming was largely
                                                swimming?                      more popular, this figure still
                                                                               surprised us. Three quarters of
     unaffected by coronavirus                                                 new outdoor swimmers say they
     while a further 45% say they’ve                                           want to continue through the
     increased how frequently they                                             winter, and we did this survey
     swim outside. Here, as in several                                         in November when UK waters
     other cases that we’ll explore
     later, there are marked
     differences between
                                                            Want to continue
                                                                               were already chilly. Still, evidence
                                                                               from elsewhere supports this
                                                                               finding. From our discussions

     men, where 37%                                          through winter    with venues, we know there is
     have increased their                                                      demand for winter swimming
     outdoor swimming,                    Hope to be back
                                                                               sessions and many venues
     and women, of whom                    next summer
                                                                               extended their season in 2020,
     49% have upped the                                                        with several planning to stay
     frequency of their
     outdoor swimming.                                      2%
                                                      Stopped as soon
                                                                               open through the winter until
                                                                               those plans were thwarted by the

                                                      as pools opened

Peter Springett
second lockdown. At Queenford        drop from the 7000 they had in          When we analysed our data
Lakes, in Oxfordshire, Katia         October. Paul Fowler, who runs       more closely, we found that
Vastiau says that they reopened      swimming sessions at Activities      women are more attracted to
after the second lockdown            Away in Lincolnshire, says “winter   winter swimming than men,
and every session they put on,       swimming is through the roof.”       with 79% planning to continue,
keeping to the same Covid-safe          Helen Bowker-Steer,               while the percentage of men was
procedures as in the summer,         Commercial Manager, Royal Life       66%. Katia Vastiau says that
has been fully booked. Ricky         Saving Society, told us: “There’s    winter swimming at Queenford
McMinn, General Manager of           been a massive upturn in people      is more popular among women,
West Reservoir Sports Centre in      wanting to continue running safe     who make up around 70% of the
Hackney, which opened for winter     outdoor swimming sessions past       total at a typical winter session
swimming for the first time in       the end of summer this year.”        compared to an even 50:50
2020, says they had on average       (A key point Helen wanted to         split in the summer. At West
more than 1400 swimmers a            highlight was the importance of      Reservoir, around 75% of the
week, which is a better than he      keeping open water lifeguards        winter swimmers are women.
expected. Since re-opening after     acclimatised as the water cools.     Juliet Hume, operations director
the second lockdown, they’ve         A lifeguard in cold water shock      at Henley Swim, says that 80%
registered around 6000 swims         would be unable to perform           of the swimmers who signed up
for December, a surprisingly small   a rescue.)                           for their winter Brass Monkeys

                                                                                         TRENDS REPORT February 2021
swim challenge are women.
                                                                     It’s worth spending a moment
                                                                   comparing the two charts to
                                                                   the left, showing frequency of
                                                                   outdoor swimming in winter
                                                                   and summer. Note that 63%
                                                                   of female swimmers say they
                                                                   swim outside once per week or
                                                                   more often in winter compared
                                                                   to just 44% of men. Almost one
                                                                   third of male outdoor swimmers
                                                                   never indulge in cold water
                                                                   swimming. Naturally, both men
                                                                   and women swim outside more in
                                                                   summer, but women swim more
                                                                   frequently than men both in
                                                                   winter and summer.
                                                                     We will have more on kit
                                                                   choices later but as a small aside
                                                                   here, we found that 50% of
                                                                   swimmers say they use a wetsuit
                                                                   for winter swimming and that
                                                                   breaks down as 64% of men and
                                                                   44% of women (the figures for
                                                                   summer are 50% and 31%). For
                                                                   both men and women, the more
                                                                   frequently they swim outside,
                                                                   the less likely they are to wear a
                                                                   wetsuit (see graphic, below left).
                                                                     Finally, on the subject of
                                                                   winter swimming, we asked
                         Do you wear a                             whether cold water was a
                                                                   barrier to swimming outside
                        wetsuit when you                           as much as people would like.
                                                                   Perhaps unsurprisingly, given
                        swim outside in                            the discussion above, 45% of

                                                                   women and 36% of men say

      MEN      WOMEN

                                          53%   49%

                                                       30%     28%

         2-3 times                    Once       2-4 times   More than 4 times
         per month                  per week     per week        per week

the cold is not a barrier, and   summer, 48% say the cold is not
     fewer than 8% of both say        a worry. The figures are similar
     it’s a big worry.                for women (28% and 52%).
        We dived into the data more      A possible direction
     closely on this one and cross-   of causation here is that
     referenced it with people’s      people who choose to wear
     use of wetsuits in summer and    a wetsuit do so because they            Women are
     winter. It turns out that the    are worried about the cold.             more attracted to
     swimmers who worry about the     It is possible however, that
     cold most are those who wear     wearing a wetsuit causes you            winter swimming
     wetsuits in summer. Of men who   to be more concerned about              than men
     wear a wetsuit in the summer,    the cold. Another factor could
     only 23% say the cold is not a   be that some people wear
     worry. In contrast, among men    wetsuits for the speed and            six aspects of their lives:
     who don’t wear wetsuits in       performance benefits, and those       physical fitness, physical health,
                                      swimmers are less interested in       mental health, general sense of
                                      recreational winter swimming.         wellbeing, confidence in other
                                      We’d need to do detailed              areas of life and their social life.
      Does the cold                   interviews with swimmers
                                      to be sure.
                                                                            We gave the options to answer
                                                                            as “essential”, “very important”,
   stop you swimming                     When we talk to people who         “fairly important” and “not at
     outside as much                  don’t yet swim outdoors, they         all”. The chart below show us
                                      frequently tell us that the cold is   the level of importance outdoor
      as you would                    a barrier. It turns out that once     swimming plays in people’s lives.
         like to?                     people start swimming, they              While there are again gender
                                      find it less of an issue than they    differences, it is clear outdoor
                                      thought it would be.                  swimming plays a key role across
                                                                            all these areas of people’s lives.
           Not at all                 HEALTH AND                            It provides substantial support
                                                                            to their mental and physical
                   35.6% Men          WELLBEING
                 44.5% Women                                                health and more than 70% say
                                      We asked our survey                   outdoor swimming is essential or
Sometimes                             participants how important            very important to their general
   39% Men                            outdoor swimming was across           sense of wellbeing.
38.4% Women
                17.7% Men
              11.1% Women

    It’s a big
    7.7% Men
   6% Women

                                                                                            TRENDS REPORT February 2021
Although there is widespread       back centuries. For example:        also impact upon indices of
     support for the idea that outdoor     “As early as 1750, published work   health.” They go on to describe
     swimming, and particularly            recommended sea swimming            a scientifically plausible
     swimming in cold water, provides      for the treatment of a range of     mechanism by which CWI could
     mental and physical health            diseases, with winter considered    reduce depressive disorders and
     benefits, the scientific literature   the best time to engage in          reported one experiment on rats
     is sparse. In a paper titled: “Cold   the activity.”                      where swim training reduced
     water immersion: kill or cure?”,        The paper further states:         “depression-like symptoms.”
     published in Experimental             “These health benefits are            As is often the case in science,
     Physiology in August 2017,            believed to be a consequence        the paper concludes that more
     Professor Mike Tipton and his         of the physiological responses      research is needed and our
     co-authors reviewed the existing      and biochemical milieu that         current level of knowledge does
     evidence on both the dangers          occur from exposure to cold         not yet “unequivocally support
     and potential benefits of cold        water. Physiological changes        the use of cold water adaption
     water immersion (CWI). They           occur acutely during CWI, with      for therapeutic purposes.”
     found that belief in the benefits     repeated bouts of CWI adaptive        Separately, there is a
     of cold water swimming date           responses develop that may          published case study supporting

                    What is the main reason
                     you swim outdoors?
                                                       For races
                 Health &                                                                   The challenge

                   32.8% Men                             10% Men                               18.4% Men
                  30.9% Women                           4% Women                              15.5% Women

the fact that cold water            vegetation) and blue spaces
swimming specifically can help      (bodies of water). We know that
with mental health (BMJ Case        regular physical activity, such
Reports, Open water swimming        as swimming, can reduce the          Nearly everyone
as a treatment for major            occurrence of chronic diseases
depressive disorder, August         by 20 to 40% (Swim England,          who swims
2018) and in 2020 a team from       Value of Swimming report).           outside believes
Cambridge University revealed          Whatever the science says,
that a group of frequent            it’s clear most swimmers             it is beneficial
cold water swimmers had an          perceive there are multiple          to their physical
elevated level of the protein       health and wellbeing benefits
RBM3, which they labelled as        to the activity as we can see        and mental health
the “cold-shock protein.” This      if we examine the number of          to some degree
protein has been found to have      people from our survey reporting
protective effects against brain    that outdoor swimming is “not at
cell deaths linked to Alzheimer’s   all important” to these various      Many of the people we spoke
and prion diseases (progressive     life factors (see opposite).       to for this report commented on
neurodegenerative disorders)           The remarkable thing is how     the health and wellbeing aspects.
in mice. It’s not known whether     small these percentages are.       Colin Hill, for example, says in
the same mechanism works in         A mere 1% of women said that       the groups he takes swimming,
humans but the widespread           outdoor swimming was not at all    people always talk about the
reporting on these findings         important to their general sense   health and wellbeing benefits of
seem to be, in part, behind the     of wellbeing. Nearly everyone      outdoor swimming. “It’s become
recent growth in interest in        who swims outside believes it      part of the Zeitgeist,” he says.
outdoor swimming.                   is beneficial to their physical      On a related subject, we asked
   However, as Tipton and co.       and mental health to some          people to tell us the main reason
point out, it is possible that,     degree. The implication here is    that they swam outside. Here,
rather than the cold, some other    that places like lidos and sea     for once, men and women agreed
mechanism is responsible for the    pools, that allow people to swim   that health and wellbeing topped
health benefits that appear to be   outdoors safely but are only       the list.

linked to outdoor swimming. This    borderline commercially viable,
could include the exercise itself   are deserving of government
and exposure to green spaces        funding given the massive health
(open land that is primarily        benefits they support.

Connect with
                                                                       It’s Social
                                                                       4.3% Men
                                                                       9% Women

    16.3% Men                         18.3% Men
   21.7% Women                      18.8% Women

                                                                                      TRENDS REPORT February 2021
Section 3:
                    Outdoor swimmers
                    and the environment
Alison Boyes

hours across the nine English
                               water companies.”
Becoming a                        A CSO is a Combined
swimmer pushes                 Sewer Overflow. In a
                               combined sewer system,
people to care                 rainfall runoff mixes with
more about the                 domestic sewage. If the
                               flow in these combined
environment                    sewers is too high, then
Not surprisingly, swimming     CSOs, carrying untreated
in natural waters changes      sewage, can spill into the
how people feel about them.    environment. Untreated
More than 70% of people        sewage is only permitted
say that being an outdoor      to be dumped into rivers in
swimmer has made them          exceptional circumstances –
more concerned about water     but, the Guardian and others
pollution and only 1% have     argue, this many discharge
become less concerned.         incidents looks routine
   The issue hit the           rather than exceptional.
mainstream press when             The problems were earlier
the Guardian published         highlighted by Marinet, an
an article on 1 July 2020      independent non-profit
highlighting the large         campaigning organisation,
amount of untreated sewage     which published a report
that runs into England’s       in early 2020 called Sand,
rivers each year. It said:     Sea and Sewage. In it, they
“Guardian data reveals         argued that UK bathing
6,508 inland CSOs released     waters are not as clean
untreated sewage into rivers   as the EU Bathing Water
204,134 times in 2019. The     Directive’s grading system
spills discharged for 1.53m    suggests. It says UK
                               sewerage infrastructure
                               is woefully inadequate
                               and that the country

                                          TRENDS REPORT February 2021
performs poorly against other                                        Yorkshire, decided they
     European countries. Moreover,            Does pollution               wouldn’t. The Ilkley
     it claims the Environment                                               Clean River Group ran a
     Agency engages in legal             and the risk of getting              successful campaign to
     but manipulative sampling
     practices to paint a better
                                         ill stop you swimming                improve the water quality
                                                                              in the River Wharfe,
     picture than is really the case.    outside as much as you               a popular swimming
                                               would like to?                spot. It was announced
                                                                            in December 2020 that a
                                                                          stretch of the river will now
     There are hopes that this issue                                    be awarded bathing water
     will be tackled through new                                        status. This is the first time
     legislation in the form of the
     Environment Bill 2019-21 which
                                                         Not at all      bathing water status has been
                                                                         awarded to a river in the UK
                                                             41% Men
     includes a requirement for                            40% Women     and it means the Environment
     water companies to produce                                         Agency will be required to test
     management plans that they            Sometimes                   the water regularly and provide
     will submit to the Secretary            45% Men                   water quality information to the
     of State for the Environment.         48% Women                   public. The decision paves the
     These plans will set out how                          Often       way for campaigners to have
     the companies will manage                             10% Men     other inland swimming spots
                                                          7% Women
     and develop their drainage and        It’s a big                  designated as bathing waters. In
     sewerage systems. We shared            worry                      a press release, the group said:
     their campaign to encourage            4% Men                     “We expect the designation to
                                           3% Women
     swimmers to write to their MPs                                    trigger a clean up of the sewage
     asking them to support                                            system, including investment in
     an insertion into the bill that                                   the sewage infrastructure.”
     will require these plans to
     report on “the quality and                                        HIDDEN POLLUTION
     impact of the discharges               How does
     of the undertaker’s
     drainage system and
                                         being an outdoor              It is not just the pollution that we
                                                                       can see or smell that’s a problem.
     sewerage system.”                   swimmer change                Laura Owen Sanderson created
       Given the above, it is
     perhaps surprising that as
                                        how you feel about             We Swim Wild to highlight
                                                                       issues with the environment.
     many as 40% of swimmers            wildlife and nature            In particular, she is working her
     say they that concerns                                            way through a list of adventure
     about pollution are not a            conservation?                swims during which she collects
     barrier to swimming in any way                                    water samples to test for
     – perhaps these are the lucky                                     micro-plastic pollution. As part
     ones that have easy access to                  More               of We Swim Wild, she launched
     well managed swimming venues
     where the quality is regularly               concerned            #WaterLoggers to bring in other
                                                                       volunteers to collect water
                                                          54% Men
     checked. On the other hand,                                       samples from their own local
                                                        58% Women
     60% do worry to some degree                                       swimming spots. Her aim is to
     about pollution. A question                                       build a picture of the extent
     to consider is: Should we, as         About the                   of micro-plastic pollution
     a society, tolerate polluted            45% Men                   across the UK and then push
     waterways at all?                      42% Women                  the government to take action
       Some swimmers in Ilkley,                                        to do something about it. She
                                                         1% Men
                                                        0% Women

Craig Hannah

               is funding the campaign from       swimming. Preliminarily results
               her own resources and says         for a survey they carried out this   More than 70% of
               she receives about 50 to 60        summer suggest that around
               enquiries each week from people    75% of people who responded          people say that
               wanting to become                  said they picked up litter from      being an outdoor
               water loggers.                     their swimming sites. In addition,
               “You would think I was giving      20% were members of a general        swimmer has
               away gold dust,” she says.         conservation organisation            made them more
               “Everyone wants to protect         while 7% were part of a formal
               and know about their own local     environmental group at their         concerned about
               swimming spots.”                   own swimming site.                   water pollution
                  This is backed up by              Being an outdoor swimmer
               environmental science              also increases people’s concern
               researchers Louisa Wood from       for climate change, ethical
               CEFAS (Centre for Environment,     sourcing of products, recycling
               Fisheries and Aquaculture          and nature conservation, with
               Science) and Ross Shackleton       significant numbers feeling more
               from the University of Lausanne    concerned about all of these,
               who are working on a project to    with barely any becoming
               measure the value of the non-      less concerned.
               material benefits we obtain from     See Appendix 3 for more of
               interacting with nature through    our survey results relating to
               activities such as outdoor         environmental issues.

                                                                                             TRENDS REPORT February 2021
Section 4:
     Plans on hold for 2021?

     We know coronavirus crushed
     the travel and tourism industry
      in 2020. We wanted to know
     what it has done to swimmers’
     attitudes to travelling. Will
     people be cautious or is there
     a flood of pent-up demand
     waiting to be unleashed?
        Before finding out how
     swimmers feel, we turned to
     Alistair Turner, author of the
     IBTM annual Global Trends
     Report, which looks in detail at
     the worldwide travel business
     industry. We were looking          means the supply and demand              Putting aside the question of
     for some insight into wider        equation is incredibly turbulent.     how people feel about travelling
     sentiment towards travel in the    It will take time to settle down as   at the moment, we asked what
     wake of coronavirus and other      the market returns and we see         would motivate them to take
     industry factors. His view is      a clearer picture of the choices      a swimming related trip both
     that the data he’s seen suggest    – in terms of carrier, price and      in their own country and in a
     people are mostly cautious         destination – for travellers,”        different country. Exploring
     about leaving their homes, areas   says Turner.                          wild swimming spots, taking
     and countries at the moment           When people do travel, it          part in swimming challenges
     (even if they were allowed to).    seems they will be more likely to     and meeting groups of other
     But that this confidence is        look for family escapes in rural      swimmers all scored highly.
     intertwined with the rates         areas rather than city breaks         Taking part in indoor swimming
     of infection and spread of         – which may be good for some          events didn’t excite. The full
     the coronavirus.                   outdoor swimming businesses           results are in Appendix 5.
        If and when restrictions are    at least.                                We also asked our readers
     eased, there is a big question        This hesitancy was reflected       if they look for opportunities
     over the cost and availability     among swimmers in our survey,         to swim when they travel for
     of flights and accommodation.      with nearly 1 in 5 saying they        other purposes (see above).
     “What we do know is that a lot     can’t see themselves travelling       The results demonstrate how
     of the low budget airlines have    in the next 12 months. On the         important swimming is to
     gone into liquidation, and even    other hand, a similar number are      people who do it.
     some of the bigger airlines have   keen to travel and are looking
     had to rely on massive national    at options while about a third
     government bailouts to ensure      want to travel but aren’t ready
     their longer-term futures. This    to commit.

Alice Gorrod

                How do you feel about
               swim related travel in the
                   next 12 months?                                    I want to travel but
                                                                     don’t want to commit
                                                                           33% Men
                                                                         38% Women

                        I can’t wait. I’m
                        already booked!
                            9% Men
                           6% Women
                                                                                                                I can’t see myself
                                                                                                        travelling in the next 12 months
                                                                                                                     22% Men
                                             I’m excited to go and                                                  21% Women
                                            I’m looking at options
                                                                               I need a lot of
                                                   25% Men
                                                                        reassurance before travelling
                                                  21% Women
                                                                                  9% Men
                                                                                10% Women

                                                                                                                  TRENDS REPORT February 2021
Section 5:
     Swimmers and gear

                                                                                                                 Pip Raud
     Are swimmers                         ‘costume’ is associated with        less surprising than those for
                                          women’s swimwear. Men wear          swimming costumes once we
     taking ‘skins                        trunks, jammers or budgie           appreciate that a significant
     swimming’ too                        smugglers. We perhaps worded        part of the outdoor swimming
                                          the question badly. The second      community are more likely to
     literally?                           explanation is that not everyone    engage in recreational wild
     Our survey questions on kit          wears a costume (or a pair of       swimming, and doing head-up
     revealed something a little          trunks) under their wetsuit.        breaststroke to enjoy the views,
     strange: only 90% of people said Some wear nothing, others might         rather than head-down freestyle.
     they wore a swimming costume         wear a tri-suit. But it doesn’t       Wetsuit use showed the
     in summer.                           mean they are swimming naked.       biggest difference in use
        In the winter, it was only 88% of    Despite that, when we asked      between men and women, with
     people (after adjusting for those how much do you intend to spend        50% of men saying they use a
     who don’t swim outside in winter). on swimming kit in the next 12        wetsuit in summer compared
     This raises the question: is 1 in 10 months, one respondent did say:     to 31% of women. In the winter,
     of our readers a skinny-dipper?      “Nothing. I’m a skinny dipper, so   these numbers are 64% and
        The truth is probably less        that’s it for me.”                  44%. The only other item
     exciting. Firstly, there was a big      Regarding goggles, those         of kit with similar levels of
     gender difference, with 97%          are worn by 93% of men and          discrepancies between genders
     of women saying they wear a          83% of women in summer,             was for changing robes (45%
     costume and only 78% of men.         and marginally fewer of each        of men to 61% of women)
     The reason – for some people,        in winter. These numbers are        perhaps because it’s easier

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