Trends in inputs of anthropogenic noise into the marine environment - Contributors: Ana Širović (convener), Karen Evans (lead member), Carlos ...
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Chapter 20 Trends in inputs of anthropogenic noise into the marine environment Contributors: Ana Širović (convener), Karen Evans (lead member), Carlos Garcia-Soto (co-lead member), John A. Hildebrand, Sergio M. Jesus and James H. Miller. 297
Chapter 20: Trends in inputs of anthropogenic noise into the marine environment Keynote points • The main anthropogenic noise sources heavy industrial use, such as the Gulf of in the ocean include vessels, industrial Mexico, the North Sea and the North Atlan- activity, including seismic exploration and tic Ocean. renewable energy development, and sonar. • Areas where anthropogenic noise is ex- • Anthropogenic noise levels vary across pected to increase include the Arctic, as space and time, the primary drivers being the area opens up to shipping, and Africa, levels of human activity and propagation as investment in the region expands. characteristics in the region. Noise does • Understanding of the impacts of anthro- not persist once the sound source has pogenic noise on marine biodiversity is been removed from the environment, al- increasing, in parallel with a growing rec- though impacts can potentially persist. ognition of the need to monitor and pos- • Areas with the highest levels of anthro- sibly reduce the noise entering the marine pogenic noise are those characterized by environment. 1. Introduction The last few decades have been characterized gas exploration and extraction, the chapters of by an increased awareness of the impor- the first Assessment addressing those activi- tance of sound to marine life and a greater ties are relevant here. understanding of the potential impact of The United States Navy was an early source anthropogenic noise on such life. In the past of ocean ambient noise data, making record- 10 years, there has been an increased effort ings that offer insight into ambient sound at in some regions to develop guidelines and frequencies below several hundred hertz (Hz) standards for monitoring and regulating the from the 1950s onwards (Ross, 2005). In ad- contribution of anthropogenic noise to the dition to individual or small group research marine environment. While anthropogenic efforts, over the last decade, acoustic data has noise was not addressed as a stand-alone begun to be collected by ocean observing sys- chapter in the first World Ocean Assessment tems on a regional scale, starting with Neptune (United Nations, 2017), it was the focus of a Canada, now part of Ocean Networks Canada, meeting of the United Nations Open-ended and the Australian Integrated Marine Observ- Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and ing System. Those observing systems began the Law of the Sea.1 Increasing awareness of deploying hydrophones and collecting acous- its impacts warrants specific consideration in tic recordings in 2008 and 2009, respectively. the present Assessment. The current chapter More recently, the development of metrics and therefore presents a broad overview, including guidelines has also led to advances in impact a description of the main sources of anthro- assessments and modelling of ambient sound pogenic noise in the marine environment and using alternative data sources that serve as the current state of knowledge on the status of proxies for major sources of anthropogenic such anthropogenic noise. In addition, as the noise, such as Automatic Information System main contributors of anthropogenic noise in- (AIS) and impulsive noise registry data (e.g., clude shipping, energy generation, and oil and 1 See A/73/68. 299
World Ocean Assessment II: Volume II Sertlek and others, 2019; United States Nation- to implement the standards has limited their al Oceanographic and Atmospheric Admin- application. The relatively high cost of deploy- istration (NOAA) (2020) CetSound: Cetacean ment and recovery of underwater devices and and sound mapping project). even costlier installation of cabled systems are At the same time, challenges remain in the an additional impediment to data collection. measurement of ambient noise and modelling From the modelling perspective, challenges of acoustic propagation, as well as in the un- include the lack of the fine-scale reliable data derstanding of the impact that noise has on on environmental conditions needed for accu- animal populations. Measurement challenges rate models and the low spatial and temporal include the collection of calibrated data and resolution of measured data for the validation the lack of standardization for both measure- of models. Finally, with regard to impact, work ment and reporting. The American National is under way to improve understanding of the Standards Institute/Acoustical Society of hearing sensitivities of many species, in par- America and the International Organization ticular baleen whales, the cumulative effects for Standardization (ISO) have issued stand- of multiple noise sources and the impacts at ards for measurement of underwater noise the level of populations; however, practical from ships, but the need for arrays of sensors difficulties remain. 2. Description of the environmental status Sound is an efficient means of communication Sound levels in the ocean, reported in units in the marine environment as sound waves of decibels (dB), are calculated by referencing travel very well through water, at speeds ap- the measured sound pressure levels (in units proximately five times higher than in the air. of pascals) to one micropascal (dB re 1 µPa). Nevertheless, the acoustic power is diminished Sound pressure levels are typically measured as sound travels away from the source. Differ- as instantaneous peak or peak-to-peak values ences in absorption and spreading losses at or by calculating the root-mean-square of different frequencies mean that lower sound sound pressure for longer duration signals. frequencies travel further than higher frequen- Those differences in measurements result cies. In addition, the properties of the environ- in sound pressure level differences of up to ment affect sound propagation, ocean bottom 4.5 dB. It should be noted that, since sound and water properties affect the sound speed levels in air are calculated relative to 20 mi- and bottom topography affects the direction cropascals, ocean and air sound levels are not of sound travel. In deep waters, special envi- directly comparable. Higher acoustic imped- ronmental conditions can result in the efficient ance in water relative to air further contributes propagation of sound in a deep channel or the to a difference in measurements between convergence of sound at regular distances those environments. As a result, a correction (Jensen and others, 2011). Unique propaga- of 61.5 dB is required to compare airborne tion conditions, such as the waveguide effect sound levels with those made underwater. or the Lloyd mirror effect, can contribute to When reporting noise levels, the calculation the intensification of sound near the surface of power spectral density requires further (Jensen and others, 2011), and bathymetric normalization by the bandwidth of the signal shielding can create large variability in sound and is thus typically reported in units of dB re intensity among nearby locations (McDonald 1 µPa2/Hz. Background ocean ambient sound and others, 2008). levels in the absence of noise are not uniform 300
Chapter 20: Trends in inputs of anthropogenic noise into the marine environment across different frequencies, but range from and behavioural effects, as well as impacts on 60 to 70 dB re 1 µPa2/Hz at frequencies below mortality, when that was reported in the past. 100 Hz and decrease to below 40 dB re 1 µPa2/ An important extension of those studies on Hz at frequencies higher than 10 kilohertz the impact of noise on individuals, however, (kHz) (Wenz, 1962). Particle motion, another is an understanding of the consequences of component of sound waves, is more challeng- acoustic disturbance at the level of popula- ing to measure, but is an important consider- tions, including cumulative effects (National ation when evaluating the impact of sound on Academies, 2017). fish (Popper and Hawkins, 2019). Major contributors to the ocean soundscape 2.1. Marine traffic as a contributor include geophysical sources, such as wind, to ocean noise waves, ice, volcanoes and earthquakes; biolog- ical sources, such as marine mammals, fishes The dominant sources of sound emanating and invertebrates; and anthropogenic sources. from marine vessels are cavitation and tur- There are multiple sources of anthropogenic bulence generated by propellers, but machin- noise in the marine environment; the main ones ery is also a substantial component of the include vessels (e.g., merchant ships, fishing acoustic energy contribution, transmitted and vessels and recreational and cruise ships), radiated through the ship’s hull (Ross, 1976). industrial activity (e.g., offshore energy gen- The flow noise generated as a ship advances eration, including seismic exploration activity, through the water adds, at a lower level, to the coastal development and mining operations) vessel’s contribution to ambient noise. The and sonar (e.g., sonars used for fishing and levels of contribution from the various compo- for military and scientific purposes). In some nents depend on a series of physical variables, cases, the production of sound is intentional including the ship’s dimensions, tonnage, and critical for the activity in question, as with draft, load and speed, as well as wind and sea seismic exploration and sonar, while in others conditions, in as far as they interfere with the it is incidental, as with shipping and coastal ship’s movement in the water. development. Anthropogenic noise levels are variable across space and time, two primary Marine traffic covers merchant shipping, drivers being levels of human activity present cruise liners, military vessels, ferries, fishing and acoustic propagation characteristics in boats and coastal boating for recreational pur- the region. poses. Merchant shipping includes container ships, oil tankers, dry bulk carriers, general An overview of the main anthropogenic con- cargo ships and passenger liners. Different tributors to ocean ambient sound, the level for ship classes have distinct noise signatures each source and the main frequency range that also depend on ship speed and length is provided in the table below. Following the (Ross, 1976; McKenna and others, 2013). For approach taken in other reviews of ocean example, a modern commercial container ship noise, seismic survey activity is considered at a typical operating speed of 12 metres per separately from other industrial activities, as it second (m/s) has sound levels of 195 dB re is a major contributor at low frequencies over 1µPa at 1 m with most acoustic energy below large scales, with impacts that are substantial- 100 Hz (Gassmann and others, 2017). In the ly different from those of other industrial noise case of smaller vessels (e.g., those below 20 sources. A review of the impacts of noise on m long, such as passenger and fishing boats, marine life is also provided. Among possible recreational high-speed boats, jet skis, etc.), impacts considered here are physiological radiated sound levels are lower (128–142 dB re 301
World Ocean Assessment II: Volume II 1 µPa at 1 m; Erbe, 2013) with a power spec- the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Pacif- trum including acoustic energy above 1 kHz ic Ocean (Ross, 2005; McDonald and others, (Erbe, 2013), resulting in propagation ranges 2006; Širović and others, 2013; 2016). In the shorter than those of commercial shipping. Arctic, where shipping traffic is substantially lower, ambient noise at low frequencies is Merchant shipping noise is often the main largely driven by environmental factors, such anthropogenic contributor to ocean noise at as sea ice cover and wind conditions (Roth and frequencies below 200 Hz (Wenz, 1962; Frisk, others, 2012). In coastal waters, near busy har- 2012; Roul and others, 2019). Globalization of bours and beaches, small and medium-sized the economy has resulted in a steep increase fishing vessels, recreational boats and small in merchant shipping throughout the world in ferries can also be important contributors the past 30 years. The global volume of sea- to anthropogenic noise (Samuel and others, borne trade has steadily increased (except in 2005; Merchant and others, 2012). 1985 and 2009), reaching 10.7 billion tons in 2017 (United Nations Conference on Trade Ambient noise levels from distant shipping and Development (UNCTAD), 2018). Mean have not been linked to lethal, tissue-damag- annual growth of 3.8 per cent was projected ing or other direct physical injury in marine for the period 2018–2023; however, that could mammals (although see chap. 6D for other be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. In threats to marine mammals caused by ship- addition to a steady increase in the volume of ping). Shipping and small craft noise has been trade, vessels are also spending more time at associated with wide-ranging impacts on the sea, with an increase of 5 per cent recorded in survival, physiology and behaviour of individ- 2017 (UNCTAD, 2018). The total gross tonnage uals, with potential consequences for the sur- has also increased in line with the volume of vival of populations and communities across trade. Overall increases in merchant shipping a number of marine taxa. In marine mammals, are highly correlated with increases in ocean those include increased stress levels in North sound pressure levels, which rose by approxi- Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) (Rol- mately 3 dB re 1 µPa2/Hz per decade over the land and others, 2012); changes in the foraging 10–50 Hz band throughout the last decades of behaviour of humpback whales (Megaptera no- the twentieth century (McDonald and others, vaeangliae) and their vocalizations during the 2006). That increase appears to have plateau- breeding season (Blair and others, 2016; Tsujii ed since the start of the twenty-first century and others, 2018); changes in harbour porpoise (Frisk, 2012, and references therein). (Phocoena phocoena) behaviour (Dyndo and others, 2015); and changes in calling behaviour The “distant shipping” component of ambient and the masking of or reduction in communi- noise, which arises when signatures from cation space (Parks and others, 2010; Putland individual vessels are indistinguishable in the and others, 2018). In other taxa, the impacts data, but appear as increased acoustic energy include increases in stress levels for a number at frequencies below 100 Hz (Wenz, 1962) at of fish species (see, for example, Nichols and a given location and time, strongly depends others, 2015; Simpson and others, 2016a), po- on ship distribution at that moment. Shipping tentially resulting in an increased predation risk is unevenly distributed by latitude, with higher in some species (Simpson and others, 2016a), densities in the northern hemisphere along a reduced ability of fish and coral larvae to heavily used shipping lanes. As a result, high select suitable habitats (Simpson and others, levels of ambient sound (80–90 dB re 1 µPa2/ 2008; 2016b) and the masking of and reduction Hz or more) at frequencies dominated by in communication space (Putland and others, shipping (10–100 Hz) are typically found in 2018; Weilgart, 2018 and references therein). 302
Chapter 20: Trends in inputs of anthropogenic noise into the marine environment 2.2. Seismic exploration as a Marine areas of all continents except Antarcti- ca are undergoing active seismic exploration. contributor to ocean noise The Gulf of Mexico has among the highest The use of sound to image sub-sea floor ge- levels of activity in the world, with deepwater ological structures is the predominant marine exploration the dominant source of low fre- geophysical technique employed by the off- quency ambient noise in that region (Wiggins shore oil and gas industry. Seismic reflection and others, 2016). High activity has also oc- profiling provides information about potential curred in the North Atlantic (Nieukirk and oth- oil and gas deposits several kilometres below ers, 2004), the South Atlantic (Miksis-Olds and the sea floor. To generate the high levels of Nichols, 2016; Haver and others, 2017) and the sound needed to penetrate the solid earth, North Sea (Hildebrand, 2009). Seismic survey large arrays of airguns are towed behind sur- activity was increasing in the late 2000s and vey vessels. Each airgun releases a volume of early 2010s owing to increasing prices of crude air under high pressure, creating a high inten- oil, in particular in such areas as the South At- sity sound pressure wave. Typically, an array lantic and the Mediterranean Sea (Maglio and of airguns used in the seismic industry will in- others, 2016). The global average number of clude from 25 to 50 individual guns (Dragoset, active seismic vessels increased from 40 in 2000). The acoustic pressure signal of airgun 2004 (Hildebrand, 2009) to 75 by 2014 (based arrays is focused vertically, producing a signal on seismic crew records), with the highest 12–15 dB stronger in the vertical direction for levels of activity recorded in the Gulf of Mex- most arrays. The peak source level for those ico, Europe, Asia Pacific and Africa. However, arrays is impossible to calculate at a standard following a decline in crude oil prices in 2015 1 m reference but, according to a simplified and 2016, the number of active vessels had de- estimate, if it is considered as a single source, creased to 58 by mid-2018 (GeoTomo, 2018). it can reach 260 dBpeak re 1 μPa at 1 m (Turn- The impacts on marine life of sound produced er and others, 2006). Seismic operations can during seismic exploration surveys have been be limited in duration (weeks to months) but, documented across a number of taxa, ranging depending on bathymetry, can affect entire from zooplankton to marine mammals. Mc- ocean basins as low frequency signals propa- Cauley and others (2017) reported zooplank- gate over significant ranges. ton depletion immediately following seismic Seismic surveys can also be conducted for operations, concurrent with an increase in research purposes, including outside of areas dead zooplankton comprising a variety of that are subject to commercial surveys, such species. Controlled experiments on scallop as in the Southern Ocean. High resolution larvae showed that they exhibit significant geophysical surveys are also conducted in developmental delays and developmental coastal areas for the construction of critical in- malformations if exposed to seismic airgun frastructure, such as bridges, ports and, more pulses (Aguilar de Soto and others, 2013), recently, offshore wind farms. Those surveys while adult scallops were observed to have employ sound sources such as sparkers and disrupted reflexes (Day and others, 2016). Uniboom that are less powerful (210–230 dB Seismic operations may also be implicated re 1 µPa at 1 m) than airguns and operate in in the stranding of giant squids (Guerra and a higher frequency band (0.5–2.5 kHz; Gontz others, 2004). Fish have been observed to and others, 2006). While those surveys tend exhibit behavioural and physiological changes to be localized in both time and space, their as a result of seismic operations (Weilgart, impact may be relevant for sensitive inshore 2018 and references therein), with changes species and ecosystems. in fish catch rates also reported (Løkkeborg, 303
World Ocean Assessment II: Volume II 1991; Løkkeborg and others, 2012). Seismic much lower than those associated with seis- operations have been observed to have a neg- mic surveying (Richardson and others, 1995). ative impact on baleen whale communication The impacts of that production noise can be (Di Iorio and Clark, 2009; Cerchio and others, restricted to areas near facilities, but persist 2014). While a number of impacts of seismic during the active life of the facility, which can exploration on marine life have been observed, last for years (ibid.). Based on data collected controlled exposure experiments have report- along the North Slope of Alaska and the adjoin- ed no observable impacts on the development ing coast of Canada, ships actively engaged in and survival of southern rock lobster (Jasus drilling activity have high radiated sound levels edwardsii) embryos and Dungeness crab lar- with a maximum broadband source pressure vae (Metacarcinus magister) (Pearson and oth- level calculated from the root-mean-square ers, 1994; Day and others, 2016) and a limited of pressure across the 10 Hz–10 kHz band of effect on the copepod Calanus finmarchicus about 190 dBrms re 1 μPa at 1 m (Richardson (Fields and others, 2019). and others, 1995). 2.3.2. Other industrial and construction 2.3. Industrial activity as a contributions to ocean noise contributor to ocean noise The range of activities in this category is ex- A comprehensive review of underwater noise tremely broad. Pile-driving and power-gener- from industrial activity was completed in 2003 ating wind turbines are often found in deeper by the National Research Council (NRC) of the waters, while dredging, coastal development United States of America. Below is a summary and associated construction, shipyards and of the main findings of that report and of the daily harbour functions located near the shore research in the area of ocean industrial noise contribute noise in shallow waters. Deep published since 2003. For the purposes of seabed mining is still largely limited in scope the present chapter, non-seismic oil and gas because of prohibitive costs (Miller and oth- industry contributions have been separated ers, 2018; Thompson and others, 2018), but from other industrial activity that contributes may expand in future. The compound impact to marine noise. of various industrial activities, for example, a combination of terrestrially based, shoreline or 2.3.1. Industrial noise from the oil and gas nearshore sound sources, on the marine envi- industry ronment is poorly understood. Nevertheless, As well as through seismic surveys, the pur- that broad range of industrial activities pro- pose of which is to explore for oil and gas, the duces a range of source levels and acoustic oil and gas industry also contributes noise dur- patterns described in detail below. ing the drilling and production phases. Oil and Pile-driving typically consists of thousands of gas industrial activities occur worldwide from impacts by large hammers occurring about latitudes 72° north to 45° south. Activities as- once a second to drive stabilizing structures sociated with seismic surveys and oil and gas for above-water structures into the seabed. production are present along the coastlines of Pile-driving noise source levels are substan- all the continents of the world except Antarc- tial, with peak source levels ranging from tica (NRC, 2003). The noise levels associated 226 to 248 dBpeak re 1 μPa at 1 m (Bailey and with oil and gas production and associated others, 2014; Miller and others, 2017). There activities, such as the installation of pipelines, are a number of techniques for reducing prop- the generation of energy on platforms, pipeline agated noise levels from pile-driving, including flow and support vessel activity, are typically the use of freely rising bubble screens (Würsig 304
Chapter 20: Trends in inputs of anthropogenic noise into the marine environment and others, 2000), fixed air bubble screens use (Carstensen and others, 2006) and has (Rustemeier and others, 2011) and Helmholtz the potential to cause hearing impairment in resonator screens (Lee and others, 2012). De- marine mammals and fish close to the noise ployment of those techniques has the poten- source (Madsen and others, 2006; Casper and tial to reduce received sound levels away from others, 2013). The noise generated by pile-driv- the activity by up to 20 dB, although average ing has been observed to increase metabolic reductions are in the order of 5 dB (Buehler rate in some fish and mussel species (Spiga and others, 2015). and others, 2016; Bruintjes and others, 2017), as well as to alter fish swimming and school- Operating offshore wind farms produce noise ing behaviour (Mueller-Blenkle and others, levels of about 150 dB re 1 μPa at 1 m (Nedwell 2010; Herbert-Read and others, 2017) and and Howell, 2004; Hildebrand, 2009). That can elicit responses in squid (Jones and others, represent a 5–25 dB increase in overall ambi- 2020). Vibrations of the seabed resulting from ent sound levels at nearby locations (within ap- experiments designed to simulate pile-driving proximately 1 km) (Norro and others, 2011). As have also been observed to have a negative with oil and gas facilities, the noise associated impact on the growth and body condition of with wind farm construction, largely stemming bottom-dwelling mussels (Roberts and others, from pile-driving activities, is limited in dura- 2015). While fish and marine mammals can tion, but can affect large areas of the ocean. detect sounds from operating wind farms at Once the wind farms are operational, noise distances of a few kilometres, it is not known if generated by the operation will affect a smaller those sounds cause any disruptions to their bi- area, but will last throughout its exploitation. ological functioning, although they were shown In recent years, there has been renewed inter- to disrupt crab settlement (Pine and others, est in commercial operations for extracting 2012). economically valuable metals from the deep sea, including in hydrothermal vent locations 2.3.3. Ocean noise from sonar worldwide, with exploration undertaken in the Different types of sonars are used for mapping Mid-Atlantic Ridge area around the Azores (see the ocean bottom and detecting and localiz- also chap. 18). The levels of sound those activ- ing various objects in the water column (e.g., ities contribute to the deep sea are unknown. plankton, fish or submarines). Sonar is used by Anthropogenic noise from dredging consists the military, the commercial, charter and recre- of sound from ship-borne machinery and me- ational fishing communities, and the scientific chanical motion, for example from suction and research community, among others. The type earth-moving devices, as well as the possible of use is different within each of those groups. use of explosives. Noise levels recorded during dredging range from approximately 163 dB to Sonar use in the military is primarily focused 190 dB re 1 μPa at 1 m, depending on the type on anti-submarine warfare and involves two of dredging operation (Greene, 1985; Nedwell types of sonar: low-frequency active (LFA) and others, 2008; Robinson and others, 2011; sonar and mid-frequency active (MFA) sonar. Reine and others, 2012; McQueen and others, LFA sonar operates in the 100–500 Hz band, 2020). with an overall source level of 230–240 dB re 1 µPa at 1 m, allowing detection over long ranges Those various industrial activities can have dif- (hundreds of kilometres). MFA sonar operates fering impacts on marine life. Impulsive noise at frequencies of 2–8 kHz, has a source level of such as that created by pile-driving has been 235 dB re 1 µPa at 1 m (Hildebrand, 2009) and observed to disrupt harbour porpoise habitat operates over ranges of tens of kilometres. The 305
World Ocean Assessment II: Volume II United States Navy has four ships dedicated and others, 2000), although it has been report- to LFA sonar use, and there are approximately ed that LFA sonar does not affect the behav- 300 MFA sonars in active service in the world’s iour of herring (Doksæter and others, 2012). navies (Hildebrand, 2009). The use of MFA sonar has been implicated in the stranding of multiple species of ceta- In non-military uses, the sonars most fre- ceans (Balcomb and Claridge, 2001). Beaked quently encountered on vessels include “fish whales appear to be particularly sensitive to finders” and other echo sounders, called multi- that type of sonar, which has been associated beam sonars and side-scan sonars, operating with both physiological damage (Fernández at single or multiple frequencies. Sonars not and others, 2005) and behavioural changes in used for military purposes generally operate several beaked whale species (Tyack and oth- at lower source levels than military sonars ers, 2011; DeRuiter and others, 2013; Moretti and, in most cases, their beams are directed and others, 2014). Overall, however, responses downwards under the vessel track, or across vary by population, and there is some indica- the track in the case of multibeam sonars. The tion that beaked whales regularly exposed to typical operating frequency of a fish finder MFA sonar may acclimate to the sound (Ber- is between 15 and 200 kHz. The multibeam naldo de Quirós and others, 2019). Presence mapping sonars typically used by the research of MFA sonar has been observed to alter the community operate at frequencies ranging behaviour of baleen whales (Goldbogen and from 12 kHz for deepwater systems to 400 others, 2013) and multiple odontocete species kHz for shallow-water systems, with narrow (Sivle and others, 2012). Beaked whales also directional beams (approximately 1 degree) appear to be sensitive to other forms of sonar, and source levels between 232 and 245 dB re with observed changes in their behaviour doc- 1 μPa at 1 m (Hildebrand, 2009). umented in the presence of an echo sounder The use of LFA sonar has been restricted by deployed for scientific purposes (Cholewiak some countries owing to concerns about its and others, 2017). impact on divers and marine mammals (Miller 306
Chapter 20: Trends in inputs of anthropogenic noise into the marine environment Main sources of anthropogenic noise Frequency of Source level main energy Industry/sector Sound source Sound type (dB re 1 μPa at 1 m) (kHz) Commercial shipping Medium-sized ships Propeller/cavitation Continuous 165–180a
World Ocean Assessment II: Volume II 3. Description of economic and social consequences and other economic or social changes During the discussions of the United Nations economic factors has not been well studied in Open-ended Informal Consultative Process the past, but an increased interest in anthropo- on Oceans and the Law of the Sea on an- genic noise in the ocean may lead to a greater thropogenic underwater noise in 2018, the focus on the human consequences of the in- importance of addressing the socioeconomic crease in noise. impacts of such noise was stressed. It has While anthropogenic underwater noise may been shown, for example, that the presence of be most obviously connected to the achieve- seismic airgun surveys reduces catches of ga- ment of Sustainable Development Goal 14 did and sebastid fishes (Hirst and Rodhouse, (Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, 2000). That may result in short-term economic seas and marine resources for sustainable loss for concerned fisheries during seismic development), it is also linked to a number of surveys. The impacts of noise on species that other Goals.2 Ensuring access to affordable, are of particular social, economic and cultural reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all relevance may have socioeconomic effects on (Goal 7) is likely to lead to localized, short-term coastal communities, in particular if they alter increases in anthropogenic noise levels in the the availability of commercially or recreation- ocean during the construction of offshore wind ally important marine species. A similar de- farms, but could result in an overall reduction cline of social and economic benefits may be in anthropogenic noise associated with a de- expected in association with the displacement crease in the need to exploit fossil fuels. The of marine mammals that are the focus of tour- successful implementation of Goal 11, on sus- ism activities. In addition, the displacement tainable cities and communities, and Goal 12, of marine animals may affect traditional and on responsible consumption and production, cultural practices of indigenous communities could ultimately affect overall anthropogenic that rely on artisanal fishing and subsistence noise in the ocean if the achievement of those hunting. The area of interactions between an- goals results in changes in global shipping. thropogenic noise and its impact on social and 4. Key region-specific changes and consequences 4.1. Arctic Ocean consequences for local Arctic communities and marine animals of changes in shipping The opening up of shipping channels in the and, in particular, associated changes in sound- Arctic as a result of decreases in sea ice scapes to more anthropogenically driven ones caused by climate change has started to re- are largely unknown (Ho, 2010). Oil exploration sult in increased ship traffic through the Arctic in the Chukchi Sea began in the mid-2000s, Basin (Eguíluz and others, 2016). While it is still but further exploration and development were a rather uncommon path, the Arctic is likely to abandoned when the region’s reserves were become a more common shipping and tour- found to be insufficient to warrant additional ism route in the future, as sea ice continues investment (Shell, 2015). Offshore oil and to recede (Smith and Stephenson, 2013). The gas development in the Canadian Arctic is 2 See General Assembly resolution 70/1. 308
Chapter 20: Trends in inputs of anthropogenic noise into the marine environment currently not allowed, with a review of the ban 4.4. Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea, due in 2021 (Nunatsiaq, 2016). Bay of Bengal, Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and Persian Gulf 4.2. North Atlantic Ocean, Development in Africa, including an increased Baltic Sea, Black Sea, number of new ports, is contributing to a rapid Mediterranean and North Sea expansion in shipping in the region (Tournadre, 2014), which is in turn increasing anthropogen- The North Atlantic is a busy shipping route all ic noise in areas that were previously relatively year round (Vettor and Soares, 2015). Seismic noise-free. Seismic exploration continues exploration noise is seasonally present in the offshore from Australia (Paumard and others, polar areas of the North Atlantic (Klinck and 2019). others, 2012; Haver and others, 2017). A rapid expansion of offshore wind farm development 4.5. North Pacific Ocean in the North and Baltic Seas has resulted in the presence of nearly 90 operational wind farms, New offshore wind projects are being devel- as of 2018, and continued development in the oped off Japan, the Republic of Korea, Taiwan future is predicted (Xu and others, 2020; Rusu, Province of China, and China (Yang and others, 2020), which will result in substantial increases 2018; Li and Yuan, 2019). As part of that pro- in noise during the building phase (Miller and cess, Japan is also starting to define acoustic others, 2017). The main noise hotspots in the monitoring parameters. Similarly, offshore Mediterranean are the areas around major har- wind projects have been proposed, but not yet bours. In addition, the Ionian Sea and the Adri- permitted or constructed, off the west coast atic Sea, as well as coasts along north-western of the United States (Bureau of Ocean Energy Africa and in the eastern Mediterranean, have Management, 2020). Some areas along the seen a recent increase in oil and gas explor- west coast of the United States, as well along atory surveys (Maglio and others, 2016). An the Hawaiian island chain, are designated as increase in seismic activity in the Black Sea is marine sanctuaries and could be protected also a possibility (Broad, 2014). from direct development. 4.3. Gulf of Mexico, South Atlantic 4.6. South Pacific Ocean Ocean and Wider Caribbean Seismic exploration continues offshore from Australia and New Zealand (e.g., Cheong and The number of vessels conducting seismic Evans, 2018; Urosevic and others, 2019). Oth- surveys has decreased in the Gulf of Mexico, erwise, the South Pacific remains relatively but expanded off the Atlantic coast of South free from anthropogenic noise sources, with America (GeoTomo, 2018; United States Energy little shipping and industrial development. Information Administration (USEIA), 2020), po- tentially increasing noise levels at low frequen- 4.7. Southern Ocean cy over the past decade. Large discoveries of offshore oil by Guyana (Cummings, 2018) may The Southern Ocean has seen an increase in lead to higher levels of seismic exploration and cruise ship traffic in recent years, both in the industrial activity in the area. Noise associated Antarctic Peninsula region, which has had some with vessel traffic is ubiquitous throughout the cruise ship traffic in the past, and in Eastern Caribbean (Heenehan and others, 2019). Antarctica and the Ross Sea, both previously 309
World Ocean Assessment II: Volume II unexplored (Sánchez and Roura, 2016). Overall, noise sources, with little shipping and industrial however, the region has had few anthropogenic development (Dziak and others, 2015). 5. Outlook Anthropogenic noise in the ocean is largely without a consensus on a global approach that driven by shipping, oil and gas exploration, fills the knowledge gaps related to anthropo- and, at the more local or regional level, coastal genic noise impacts. Taking those considera- development. Population growth, migration to tions into account, for example, in 2014, IMO coastal areas, increased industrialization and adopted the Guidelines for the reduction of tourism and other developments will result underwater noise from commercial shipping to in an increase in activities that contribute to address adverse impacts on marine life. anthropogenic noise, unless accompanied by The importance of anthropogenic noise has mitigation efforts. A number of such efforts been acknowledged by various United Nations have been initiated. The Scientific Committee entities. In June 2018, anthropogenic noise of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) was the main topic of the nineteenth meeting has endorsed the goal of reducing ocean ambi- of the United Nations Open-ended Informal ent sound by 3 dB in the next decade and 10 dB Consultative Process on Oceans and the Law over the next 30 years. IWC is actively engaged of the Sea. The presentations and discussions with the International Maritime Organization during the meeting covered, inter alia, a review (IMO) on discussions regarding strategies to of the sources of anthropogenic noise, the ef- achieve those reductions. One step may be to fects and socioeconomic impacts of noise, and reduce noise from shipping, a major anthro- cooperation and coordination among States pogenic noise contributor at low frequencies to address anthropogenic noise. Among other in the open ocean (Wenz, 1962; Frisk, 2012; things, it was noted that the application of a Roul and others, 2019). Shipping noise can be precautionary approach to the management of reduced by modifying propeller blades to make noise impacts had been proposed at both the them quieter and by isolating engines and oth- regional and global levels and that cross-sec- er noise contributors on the vessel so that the toral cooperation was needed for identifying noise generated by them does not propagate and mitigating impacts.3 through the ship into the ocean. Those technol- ogies already exist but need wider implemen- Given that sound is a form of energy, its intro- tation. Alternative measures being considered duction into the marine environment is regard- that can be implemented without technological ed by many as a form of contamination, owing advancements include decreasing ship speed to its potentially deleterious effects. In its res- or diverting ship traffic away from sensitive ar- olution 12.14, the Conference of the Parties to eas for marine life, such as marine sanctuaries, the Convention on the Conservation of Migra- parks or reserves. In the oil and gas industry, tory Species of Wild Animals recognized the new alternatives to the use of airguns in explo- impact of anthropogenic underwater noise on ration surveys, such as marine vibrator tech- marine species and encouraged further study nology, are being investigated. Even with new and mitigation of such noise. It also endorsed technological advances, adequate protection guidelines on environmental impact assess- of the marine environment cannot be reached ment for marine noise-generating activities 3 See A/73/124. 310
Chapter 20: Trends in inputs of anthropogenic noise into the marine environment that had been developed in collaboration the impacts of anthropogenic noise on ceta- with the secretariats of the Agreement on the ceans (NOAA, 2020). Those national efforts Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea, to document noise sources should result in Mediterranean Sea and contiguous Atlantic an increased ability to map variability in sound area and the Agreement on the Conservation levels across the region. At the same time, of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic, North East such initiatives are leading to increased ef- Atlantic, Irish and North Seas. Furthermore, it forts to standardize data collection and meas- welcomed related technical support informa- urements. For example, the International Quiet tion (Prideaux, 2017).4 Ocean Experiment, a collaborative internation- al science programme aimed at promoting re- A number of States have been developing their search, observation and modelling to improve own guidelines for managing ocean noise. the understanding of ocean soundscapes and The European Union has a mandate from its the effects of sound on marine organisms, has member States to measure and report an- established working groups on data collection thropogenic noise under descriptor 11 of the and data management standardization. Marine Strategy Framework Directive adopted in June 2008. The aim of the Directive is to Sound has also recently been identified as achieve good environmental status by 2020, an Essential Ocean Variable by the Biology with each member State determining how that and Ecosystems Panel of the Global Ocean might be achieved. Under the Directive, there Observing System (GOOS) (GOOS, 2020). has been a proliferation across the region of Ocean sound is recognized as a cross-discipli- ocean noise-targeted projects, including noise nary variable as it includes such geophysical registers or databases with specifications on sources as wind, bubbles, ice, earthquakes impulsive noise activity. Examples of those and volcanoes. That global recognition and registers include the Baltic Marine Environ- incorporation of observing systems into new ment Protection Commission impulsive noise initiatives should contribute to an increase in register and the Agreement on the Conserva- monitoring of anthropogenic noise, as well as tion of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterra- to a better understanding of its contributions nean Sea and neighbouring Atlantic Area noise to ambient sound and of possible changes in register for the Mediterranean and Black Seas. soundscapes over time, in particular in relation Canada is building the Marine Environmental to changing ocean use and climate change. Research Infrastructure for Data Integration High levels of noise in the ocean can have a and Application Network, 5 a database on variety of consequences for marine life. A underwater acoustics and vessel tracking, theoretical framework to evaluate the con- including visualization and analytical tools to sequences of acoustic disturbances at the provide information to managers, the public level of populations is available for marine and researchers. In the United States, meas- mammals, but should be applicable to other ures for comprehensively managing the im- taxa as well (Pirotta and others, 2018). Such pact of noise on marine species are set out in an approach can be used for management the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric purposes, but also offers a framework to Administration Ocean Noise Strategy (Gedam- investigate the proximate mechanisms of ke and others, 2016), which also includes the phenomena that induce changes at the individ- use of mapping tools to assist in evaluating ual level and guide future data collection and 4 Detailed information on the CMS Family Guidelines on Environmental Impact Assessments for Marine Noise-generating Activities is available at 5 See 311
World Ocean Assessment II: Volume II model development. Considering that those (Simpson and others, 2008) may lead over time consequences occur among commercially to a reduction in catches, and higher mortality and recreationally important species, as well may decrease fishery yields. For species that as those that are relied on for subsistence, are the focus of tourism activities, those activ- there is potential for negative social and eco- ities themselves, for example whale watching, nomic impacts. For example, a reduction in the may result in increased noise and can cause recruitment of commercially important fishes impacts (Erbe, 2002; Holt and others, 2009). 6. Key remaining knowledge gaps Several challenges remain in evaluating the hearing response of large baleen whales. In relative increases and possible impacts of an- addition, environments can be subject to mul- thropogenic noise in the ocean. A fundamen- tiple sources of noise over large scales, with tal problem is the lack of knowledge regarding the potential to affect multiple species at the baseline ocean ambient noise. Given that no same time, which can compound any effects recordings are available from time periods (Shannon and others, 2016). At the current prior to human activities, there is limited un- stage, the precautionary approach has been derstanding of the marine soundscapes that followed in many regulations that are based on marine life evolved with or the extent to which insufficient data. However, it will be essential they might have adapted to anthropogenic to expand the ability to integrate effects and noise inputs. The best proxy are regions out- impacts across different scales and sources side the influence of human development and in order to allow for a realistic assessment of activity, which may exist in isolated basins, the impact of anthropogenic noise on marine such as areas of the Southern Ocean, or were animals. present until recently in parts of the Arctic. Finally, substantial effort is needed to stand- However, on the basis of best estimates, many ardize monitoring approaches, measurements regions of the ocean have ambient noise levels and archival frameworks or systems for acous- at low frequency (10–200 Hz) at least 20–30 tic recording approaches and associated dB higher than primordial levels. collected data. The American National Stand- Another major gap is in the understanding of ards Institute/Acoustical Society of America the impact of noise on marine ecosystems. standard (2009) and the ISO standard (2016) To date, most work has been focused on the for measurement of underwater noise from impact of a single stressor on a particular spe- ships in deep water require multiple sound cies, the result of which may not be directly ap- measurements by arrays of sensors and, in plicable to populations (Gill and others, 2001). practice, have been rarely applied. Among oth- It is unclear, and very difficult to study, how the er work currently under way, ISO is developing combination of noise and other stressors (e.g., standards on soundscape measures and mon- shifting food webs, changing water tempera- itoring, which will include underwater data, and tures and habitat destruction) affect marine standards are being developed through the populations. A framework has been developed Acoustical Society of America standards pro- to assess the consequences of disturbance on cedures regarding towed array systems and populations, but often too many key parameter data archiving. In future, standards for other values are missing to enable an evaluation at parts of the acoustic monitoring effort, such the population level (King and others, 2015). as fixed recordings, calibrations and ambient For example, very little is known about the sound data, should also be developed. 312
Chapter 20: Trends in inputs of anthropogenic noise into the marine environment 7. Key remaining capacity-building gaps Thus far, the monitoring and modelling of an- noise. AIS is a localization and identification thropogenic noise have been concentrated in system developed for ship collision avoidance areas of North America and Europe, with some that, over time, has been adopted and mandat- concentrated monitoring also taking place ed across vessels of a broad range of sizes. off the coast of Australia. However, across- Ships are most comprehensively monitored in the-board capacity-building in the area of the the developed world, owing to relatively good Indian Ocean and its adjacent seas, including spatial coverage by AIS receivers. The move to monitoring, impact assessment and devel- satellite-based AIS that is under way will en- opment of management frameworks, would able broader data coverage, and timely inter- help to increase understanding of the changes national collaboration to use those data might taking place in the environment. Since sound be an opportunity to bridge some capacity travels broadly across ocean basins, and an- gaps in modelling across States. Enhanced thropogenic noise sources are found world- cooperation and collaboration activities with wide, there is a need for increased collaboration developing States would facilitate the sharing and cooperation across all States and regions, of best practices and best available technolo- as well as greater sharing of information and gies necessary to build national and regional technology. One example of differences in programmes, not only to monitor the effects technological availability relates to AIS for of anthropogenic underwater noise, but also ship tracking. Knowledge of ship positions is to provide the information needed for well-in- essential for accurate mapping of underwater formed policy decisions. References Aguilar de Soto, Natacha, and others (2013). Anthropogenic noise causes body malformations and delays development in marine larvae. Scientific Reports, vol. 3, No. 1, p. 2831. srep02831. American National Standards Institute/Acoustical Society of America (ANSI/ASA) (2009). Quantities and Procedures for Description and Measurement of Underwater Sound from Ships–Part 1: General Requirements. American National Standards Institute/Acoustical Society of America New York. Bailey, Helen, and others (2014). Assessing environmental impacts of offshore wind farms: lessons learned and recommendations for the future. Aquatic Biosystems, vol. 10, No. 1, p. 8. Balcomb, Kenneth C. III, and Diane E. Claridge (2001). A mass stranding of cetaceans caused by naval sonar in the Bahamas. Bahamas Journal of Science, vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 2–12. Bernaldo de Quirós, Y., and others (2019). Advances in research on the impacts of anti-submarine sonar on beaked whales. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, vol. 286, No. 1895, art. 20182533. Blair, Hannah B., and others (2016). Evidence for ship noise impacts on humpback whale foraging behav- iour. Biology Letters, vol. 12, No.8, p. 20160005. Broad, William J. (2014). In taking Crimea, Putin gains a sea of fuel reserves. The New York Times, 17 May 2014. Bruintjes, Rick, and others (2017). The impact of experimental impact pile driving on oxygen uptake in black seabream and plaice. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, vol. 27, No. 1, art. 010042. 313
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