Translating resource revenues into effective services & infrastructure

Page created by Neil Owen
resource revenues
into effective
services &
                        Midterm evaluation of
                        the Open Contracting
                        Partnership’s work funded
                        by the BHP Foundation

                        Summary report
                        André Petheram
                        Scarlet George
                        Walter Pasquarelli
                        Natalia Carfi
                        Loren Treisman
                        Richard Stirling

                        September 2020

of Contents
3    Executive summary       20   Recommendations
3    Introduction
                             25   Conclusion
4    Project findings
4    Impacts                 26   About
4    Intermediate outcomes   26   Oxford Insights
5    Obstacles to future     26   Open Contracting
     progress                     Partnership
6    Our recommendations     27   Annex 1:
     to OCP                       the development of the
7    Conclusion                   BHP Foundation project
8    Introduction            27   2017
10   Methodological note     27   2018
                             28   2019
11   Progress since 2017
                             30   2020
11   Impact areas
13   Outcomes identified
17   Barriers to progress
     since 2017

In March 2020, Oxford Insights was contracted                Moreover, we have traced a range of very
to conduct a midterm evaluation of the Open                  strong intermediate outcomes that show
Contracting Partnership (OCP)’s work under                   civil society organizations (CSOs), journalists,
the Translating Resource Revenues Into                       businesses and government officials engaging
Effective Services & Infrastructure project.1 This           intensively with public contracting issues, in
is a project funded by the BHP Foundation                    many cases by using the open contracting
(BHPF), running from the end of 2017 until                   data being disclosed. There is a tangible
2022. It supports OCP’s work in an initial fifteen           commitment to further and deeper reforms.
countries, with three more later added to the
project.2 It is intended to: “transform public               By building on the recommendations
contracting in resource rich countries through               in this report, we expect that OCP will
‘open contracting’ to promote:                               successfully be able to achieve its planned-
                                                             for further impacts in the remaining years
    i) accessible, user-friendly open data                   of the Translating Resource Revenues Into
       along the entire ‘deal flow’ of public                Effective Services & Infrastructure project.
       contracts; and
                                                             This evaluation considers OCP’s work in:
    ii) better business and civic engagement
        to put that data to work across
                                                                 — Chile;
                                                                 — Colombia (national government);
                                                                 — Argentina (federal government);
At the midpoint of the project, OCP’s
                                                                 — the City of Buenos Aires;
progress towards these goals has been
                                                                 — the UK (central government);
                                                                 — Afghanistan;
                                                                 — Nigeria (federal government);
Firstly, OCP has noted impact in two
                                                                 — Australia;
areas that clearly demonstrate how open
                                                                 — Honduras;
contracting data can be put “to work across
                                                                 — Mexico (federal government), and,
government” to design more effective
                                                                 — Mexico City.
approaches to procurement.
                                                             We would like to acknowledge the BHP
                                                             Foundation for being a funder of this project.
1   BHP Foundation. Project summary: Translating Resource Revenues into Effective Services & Infrastructure.
2   The initial grant document lists fifteen countries: Argentina, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Honduras, Mexico, the USA,
    Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Tunisia, Afghanistan, Australia and the United Kingdom. Ecuador, Ethiopia,
    and Malaysia were added to the project at a later date; see Open Contracting Partnership (2017). Full proposal for
    the BHP Billiton Foundation.
3    Open Contracting Partnership (2017). Full proposal for the BHP Billiton Foundation.
    file/d/1UoMInK8jdcINoJMyIaaM8jkCYct3yLGx/view, p.4.


IMPACTS                                                      We believe that future impacts, meanwhile,
                                                             are most likely to emerge in the areas of:
OCP has seen impact in two areas
during the BHP Foundation project, both in                      — Healthcare and infrastructure and
Colombia:                                                         construction (that is, capital projects,
                                                                  where the physical results are visible to
    — Firstly, using open contracting data to                     the public), most consistently identified
      re-design the procurement of school                         by interviewees as promising use cases
      meals in Bogotá has seen the number                         for additional attention, and;
      of suppliers of school meals rise from                    — Open Contracting Lift projects,6
      12 to 55, and resulted in savings of 10-                    where focused theories of change
      15%.4                                                       contain clearly-defined metrics through
                                                                  which OCP expects to show impact,
    — Secondly, among entities using
                                                                  as a result of sustained action by
      Colombia’s transactional and
                                                                  government and CSO partners.
      transparency-focused e-procurement
      system, SECOP II, competition
      increased between 2018 and 2019.                       INTERMEDIATE OUTCOMES
      The average number of bidders for
      individual tenders rose by 21% over                    Beyond these actual and possible areas
      this time. Meanwhile, more potential                   of impact, we noted multiple areas of
      suppliers tried to offer business to                   progress made against OCP’s aims to open
      the government, with the number of                     more data and “put it to work.” Across the
      tenderers rising from 6571 to 7443.5                   project,7 these can be summarised thus:
      The procurement agency Colombia
      Compra Eficiente (CCE) used                               1 OCP has contributed to 16 publishers
      contracting data to carefully track                         from BHP Foundation project countries
      competition levels, while also setting                      opening up contracting data in a format
      out guidance on increasing competition                      that meets the Open Contracting Data
      to government agencies.                                     Standard (OCDS), important steps
                                                                  towards encouraging data use;
                                                                2 OCP has fostered a clear awareness of
                                                                  the value of open contracting data within
                                                                  civil society, journalism, government,
                                                                  and beyond, meaning that there are,

4   Open Contracting Partnership (2018). The deals behind the meals.
5   Open Contracting Partnership (2020). Open for business: Colombia’s data-driven procurement reforms increase
6   See
7   This list does not exhaust every outcome we tracked in all locations: we identified many more that were not as
    common across the project. For example, in Nigeria, there is evidence of stronger collaborative relationships
    between CSOs working on open contracting, and between CSOs and government. There is also growing trust
    between CSOs and government in Afghanistan.

to some extent, stronger systems of         OBSTACLES TO FUTURE
    accountability within countries;            PROGRESS
  3 Investigations based on contracting
    data that have been supported, funded,      Despite these successes, a number of
    or influenced by OCP have resulted in       obstacles remain. The most problematic
    distinct changes in government policy       are that:
    or personnel;
                                                  1 OCDS is often regarded as difficult to
  4 Partly as a result of OCP advocating
                                                    implement and too complex for regular
    for open contracting data, providing
                                                    use, and partners are not always
    technical support for its disclosure, and
                                                    persuaded of its value;
    persuading officials of its benefits, new
    cultures of transparency are potentially      2 In some cases, there are problems
    growing within certain governments;             with how government entities
                                                    input data into procurement
  5 OCP country managers have built
                                                    reporting systems and procurement
    strong interpersonal relationships with
                                                    management information systems,
    their partners, making them trusted and
                                                    meaning that the data ultimately
    responsive advisors; and,
                                                    published is low quality or incomplete;
  6 During the coronavirus pandemic,
                                                  3 It is not always clear what useful
    CSOs and journalists have paid
                                                    “corrective action” looks like, especially
    intensive attention to emergency
                                                    in terms of using data as the basis for
    procurement, in some cases using
                                                    pursuing savings or managing contracts
    newly-released data to conduct
                                                    more effectively; and,
                                                  4 Political changes threaten the
                                                    development of open contracting


In relation to its general work in BHPF    5 Introduce more sector-specific and
countries, we recommend that OCP should:     procurement-specific expertise
                                             to support data use within
  1 Clarify the most promising specific      government, so that government
    and local uses for open contracting      officials directly see the value of
    data in each country, and promote        open contracting data.
    them as priorities for future impact
                                           6 Invite partners to document and
    with local partners.
                                             then submit individual cases of
  2 Collaborate with in-country              governments taking specific
    partners to write local theories         decisions (“corrective actions”)
    of change, focusing on specific          because of people using open
    impact areas and identifying the         contracting data, allowing OCP
    data that will show progress and         to publicize these as appropriate.
    impact (that is, set out local key       Examples might include
    performance indicators, or KPIs).        governments resolving problems on
  3 Focus on making clearer arguments        infrastructure projects or canceling
    for introducing the Open Contracting     tenders, as a result of internal data
    Data Standard (OCDS), as people          use or civil society pressure.
    sometimes doubt its value.             7 Prepare specific strategies for
  4 Prioritize funding and supporting        dealing with political disruptions
    new tools and platforms through          and changes of administration, so
    which open contracting data              that reforms are not reversed.
    can be accessed by people              8 Conduct research into “cultural
    without expertise in data analysis,      change” within government,
    so that there are more “data             whereby officials become
    intermediaries” in focus countries.      significantly more understanding of
                                             the value of transparency, with data
                                             publication becoming habitual and


None of the obstacles we identified during       CSOs consistently collaborate to improve
our evaluation are insurmountable. In most       data quality and to identify problems, and
cases, OCP is already taking strong action.      when government officials habitually use open
The team is widening their focus and             contracting data as an invaluable part of their
investments to ensure that their partners have   own decision-making.
access to high-quality data - and crucially,
information - and have the tools they need       There is progress here. Governments are
to tell compelling stories about government      indeed introducing new, data-based systems
contracting. And the coronavirus pandemic        within their procurement processes. But
has revealed a strong global audience for        supporting different use cases inside and
procurement issues, with many more actors        outside of government is a delicate balancing
conducting investigations into contracting       act. Every data point that a procurement
issues than we would have been able to           officer willingly discloses becomes, in theory,
interview in this evaluation.                    raw material for a scandal uncovered by an
                                                 investigative journalist. How OCP manages
Despite these varied successes, there is still   this tension across its various engagements
a risk that government leaders primarily see     will be crucial to achieving impact in the
open contracting as a means by which citizens    remaining years of Translating Resource
can hold them to account, and therefore as a     Revenues Into Effective Services &
threat to them. Open contracting will become     Infrastructure.
truly sustainable when governments and
                                                 Since March 2020, we at Oxford Insights


have conducted a midterm evaluation of                            — improved public integrity; and/or,
the Open Contracting Partnership (OCP)’s                          — increased business competition.
project funded by the BHP Foundation
(BHPF) under the Translating Resource                         Crucially, OCP aims to demonstrate
Revenues Into Effective Services &                            “documented impact” in these areas when
Infrastructure project.8 The project runs                     the program is complete. OCP defines impact
from the end of 2017 until 2022, supporting                   precisely: it requires “quantitative results
OCP’s work in eighteen countries.9 It is                      through rigorous evaluative measurement
intended to “transform public contracting                     such as hard data analysis.”11
in resource rich countries through ‘open
contracting’ to promote:                                      As the BHPF project is at its midpoint, OCP
                                                              does not expect to see the full range of
     i) accessible, user-friendly open data                   impacts that are projected to result from
        along the entire ‘deal flow’ of public                its interventions. OCP’s grant agreement
        contracts; and                                        sets out an expectation of one instance of
     ii) better business and civic engagement                 impact in year two of its BHP project - that
         to put that data to work across                      is, before this evaluation - with one instance
         government.”10                                       of further impact appearing in years three
                                                              and four each, and two in year five. OCP
Over the five years of the BHP Foundation                     demonstrated impact in Colombia in year
project, OCP expects that, when open                          one of the BHP project, with new and
contracting data is used by businesses,                       open procurement processes leading to an
governments and citizens, this will result in:                increase in the number of suppliers of school
   — improved service delivery;                               meals to the Bogotá Education Secretariat.12
   — better value for money;                                  No new impact emerged in year two. During
                                                              this evaluation, in year three of the BHP
                                                              project, OCP identified impact in a second

8    BHP Foundation. Project summary: Translating Resource Revenues into Effective Services & Infrastructure. https://
9    The initial grant document lists fifteen countries: Argentina, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Honduras, Mexico, the
     USA, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Tunisia, Afghanistan, Australia and the United Kingdom, with Ecuador,
     Ethiopia, and Malaysia added to the programme at a later date; see Open Contracting Partnership (2017). Full
     proposal for the BHP Billiton Foundation.
10 Open Contracting Partnership (2017). Full proposal for the BHP Billiton Foundation.
   file/d/1UoMInK8jdcINoJMyIaaM8jkCYct3yLGx/view, p.4.
11   Open Contracting Partnership (2019). 2019-2023 Strategy.
     uploads/2019/05/OCP-strategy-19digital.pdf, p.28.
12 Open Contracting Partnership (2018). The deals behind the meals.

case in Colombia, seeing an increase in
competition among suppliers using the
SECOP II procurement system.13

Beyond these impacts, this evaluation
examines what short-term outcomes have
resulted from OCP’s activities. It also asks
a) whether there is qualitative or anecdotal
evidence of additional impacts that are
already emerging and b) what areas OCP
should focus on in the future to foster and
trace impact.

In this public report, we summarise our
findings and recommendations across all
the locations we evaluated. We have also
submitted detailed country-focused reports
to OCP to help guide their decisions in
upcoming years.

13   Open Contracting Partnership (2020). Open for business: Colombia’s data-driven procurement reforms increase


We began our evaluation in March 2020,              Our main research was qualitative: we
delivering the final report on 31 August 2020.      conducted desk research and over 50 semi-
As far as possible, we captured outcomes            structured interviews between March and
and events as they continued to emerge              August 2020. At the start of the project,
during the course of the review. The main           we considered the viability of quantitative
reason for this was to include developments         research (that is, analyzing numerical
in open contracting resulting from the 2020         procurement outcomes across locations,
coronavirus pandemic. While the interviews          seeking to identify areas of impact), but
for our main evaluation largely concluded           agreed that this would likely duplicate much
at the beginning of June 2020, some of              of the ongoing work conducted by OCP’s
our findings relate to investigations ongoing       own data analysts.
during August 2020. We therefore evaluated
OCP’s work during the period between                Due to the ongoing 2020 coronavirus
27 November 2017 (when the BHP grant                pandemic, we held interviews remotely,
agreement was signed) and 24 August 2020            having initially planned to travel to selected
(the start of the week of our final review of the   countries. We sought interviewees from
report).                                            across sectors and organizations, including
                                                    OCP country managers, OCP’s civil society
At the start of the project, we worked              partners, journalists and civil servants. At
with OCP to narrow down a list of focus             the very least, we wanted to ensure a good
countries from among the fifteen original           balance of government and civil society
project countries, to allow in-depth analysis       interviewees. A limitation of our evaluation
in the time available for our evaluation. This      is the very small number of private sector
evaluation is therefore based on research           interviewees that we reached.
relating to:
                                                    Finally, once we had drafted our reports,
   — Chile;                                         we shared summary versions with our
   — Colombia (national government);                interviewees, inviting them to add comments,
   — Argentina (federal government);                point out errors, and suggest new directions
   — the City of Buenos Aires;                      for OCP, before incorporating these into our
   — the UK (central government);                   final reports.
   — Afghanistan;
   — Nigeria (federal government);
   — Australia;
   — Honduras;
   — Mexico (federal), and,
   — Mexico City.

since 2017
OCP defines “impact” carefully, as                          nature and variety of suppliers. With the
measurable quantitative change in:                          new framework agreements in place, and
                                                            information regarding the new contracts
       “indicators tracked to measure                       made transparently available via the SECOP
       improved service delivery, better value              II platform, Bogotá saw a fourfold increase
       for money, improved public integrity,                in the number of direct suppliers of school
       or increased business competition                    meals, and savings at around 10-15%.15
       from public spending because of open
       contracting”.14                                      OCP was not directly involved in this reform:
                                                            it was solely due to CCE and Bogotá’s
They have identified two impacts in the BHPF                education secretariat, we heard. Nevertheless,
project, both in Colombia.                                  this was a crucial early demonstration of open
                                                            contracting’s possibilities.
1 Using open contracting data to re-
  design the procurement of school                          2 Among entities using Colombia’s
  meals in Bogotá has seen the number                         transactional e-procurement system,
  of suppliers of school meals rise from                      SECOP II, competition increased
  12 to 55, and resulted in savings of                        between 2018 and 2019.
                                                            By analyzing data from SECOP II released
As reported in April 2018, the Colombian                    according to the Open Contracting Data
procurement agency Colombia Compra                          Standard (OCDS), OCP determined that
Eficiente (CCE) and Bogotá’s education                      between 2018 and 2019:
secretariat established two framework
agreements: one for foodstuffs and one to                       — the average number of bidders for open
assemble and distribute the meals. Using                          tenders rose by 21%;
contract data captured in Colombia’s
                                                                — more potential suppliers tried to offer
SECOP II procurement system, CCE and the
                                                                  business to the government, with the
education secretariat were able to understand
                                                                  number of tenderers rising from 6571 to
what minimum and maximum prices should
                                                                  7443; and,
be. They also gathered information on the
                                                                — direct awards fell from 77% of all
                                                                  awards to 71%.16

14 Open Contracting Partnership (2017). Full proposal for the BHP Billiton Foundation.
   file/d/1UoMInK8jdcINoJMyIaaM8jkCYct3yLGx/view, p.41.
15   Open Contracting Partnership (2018). The deals behind the meals.
16 Open Contracting Partnership (2020). Open for business: Colombia’s data-driven procurement reforms increase

During this time, CCE used its contracting                          works projects as well as building
data to track progress against its targets,                         schools, for example) as especially
while also offering guidance to government                          promising areas.
agencies on increasing competition, and                             — Work in Chile to identify irregularities
providing advice to suppliers on how to                               in healthcare procurement has
submit strong tenders. They published                                 already contributed to a change
monthly public reports on their progress.17                           in leadership in the healthcare
                                                                      buying agency CENABAST, and
There are some caveats here: only around                              ongoing monitoring of coronavirus
10% of national and subnational public                                procurement has drawn the
procurement runs through SECOP II. The                                attention of the National Economic
changes only appear between two years;                                Prosecutor’s office.18 It will be
there is insufficient data on previous years.                         fascinating to know whether
Moreover, emergency procurement during                                measurable systematic changes
2020 because of the coronavirus pandemic                              follow in the next two years.
will presumably push the proportion of
direct awards upwards again. OCP will                               — In Nigeria, Afghanistan and
need to distinguish emergency and non-                                Honduras there are strong cultures
emergency procurement in 2020 to continue                             of citizens monitoring infrastructure
to measure further changes in competition.                            and construction projects. Using
Nevertheless, it has worked closely with                              OCDS or the Open Contracting
CCE over the years of the BHPF project,                               for Infrastructure Data Standard
providing support on technical elements                               (OC4IDS) to support grassroots
of data disclosure and offering examples                              accountability initiatives is an
of best international practice, for example.                          opportunity to focus on the effects of
OCP can therefore fairly claim to have                                widespread data use.
contributed to this impact.                                     — Open Contracting Lift projects
                                                                  have clearly-defined metrics through
3 We identified further areas with                                which OCP expects to show impact.19
  strong potential for future impact in                           An interviewee in Buenos Aires,
  upcoming years.                                                 where increased SME participation in
                                                                  government contracts is the goal, said
     — Sector-specific impact is a strong                         that they believed that this trend was
       possibility. Across all our interviews,                    indeed underway.
       interviewees most commonly identified
       healthcare and infrastructure
       and construction (that is, capital
       expenditure, including large public

17   Ibid.
18 Albert, C. and Jara, M. (2020). Los datos que analiza la FNE por posible colusión: sector público paga $500 por
   mascarillas que antes costaban $13. CIPER.
19   See


1 OCP has contributed to 16 publishers                       A wide range of interviewees drawn from
  from BHP Foundation project countries                      civil society, media organizations and
  opening up contracting data in a format                    civil services, emphasized how the Open
  that meets the Open Contracting Data                       Contracting Partnership has, through its
  Standard (OCDS), important steps                           in-country workshops, international learning
  towards encouraging data use.                              events, articles and in-person advice,
                                                             helped them understand the potential
Over the years of the BHP Foundation grant,                  and affordances of open contracting, and
OCP has contributed to multiple countries                    what specific discoveries can be made by
opening data according to OCDS. We                           analyzing open contracting data.
stress that this is a crucial outcome. The
existence of extensive and high-quality open                 Where journalists have shown interest in open
data remains an important condition for any                  contracting, OCP has funded collaborative
progress on data use.20                                      events across countries; then, when ideas for
                                                             specific investigations have emerged, OCP
Interviewees told us that OCDS offered a                     has offered feedback on their ideas (the Red
discrete and tangible goal that governments                  PALTA journalist network, for example). In
could work towards, seeing a clear reward                    some governments and oversight or audit
in the fact of having implemented it. OCP                    bodies, advice from OCP is supporting
has advocated for its introduction in                        decisions on what metrics to track to
discussions with senior civil servants, shown                understand irregularities in procurement
its possible uses and impacts, and supported                 (Chile and Colombia, for example).
implementation by offering technical help
(mostly through the OCDS Helpdesk) and                       Some interviewees even went on to say that
advice on how to overcome political challenges.              “journalists and citizens are demanding more
They have also provided support to CSOs and                  openness” (the City of Buenos Aires): or
private sector actors successfully campaigning               that, before open contracting, “there was a
for governments to introduce OCDS.21                         sense of subservience” among the public, but
                                                             that they are now more expectant of good
2 OCP has fostered a clear awareness                         government (Nigeria). It is not yet clear how
  of the value of open contracting                           widespread this effect is, however.
  data within civil society, journalism,
  government, and beyond, meaning                            Accountability, in this context, refers to:
  that there are, to some extent,
  stronger systems of accountability                            — more press coverage of contracting
  within countries.                                               issues;

20 ‘Extensive and high-quality’ can broadly be taken as meaning: a large proportion of procurements disclosed in
   OCDS, including a large proportion of buying entities; data covering multiple years; data on all five procurement
   stages included; few missing data fields; and, few errors in data inputs.
21 The 16 publishers currently listed by OCP are: Afghanistan: National Procurement Authority; Argentina: Gobierno
   de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires; Argentina: Dirección Nacional de Vialidad; Australia: Department of Finance;
   Australia: New South Wales; Canada: Montreal; Chile: ChileCompra; Colombia: Colombia Compra Eficiente;
   Honduras: Comisión para la Formación de la Alianza Público-Privada; Honduras: Oficina Normativa de Contratación
   y Adquisiciones del Estado; Kenya: Makueni County; Mexico: Jalisco - Secretary of Planning, Administration, and
   Finance; Mexico: Nuevo León (OCDS & OC4IDS); Mexico:; United Kingdom: Crown Commercial
   Services; United Kingdom: Scotland - Scottish Procurement and Commercial Directorate.

— civil society organizations undertaking                 In Chile, for example, following a project
     more targeted and informed                              funded by OCP to investigate competition
     investigations of government                            in procurement, Observatorio Fiscal looked
     contracting;                                            deeper into health procurement. They noticed
   — government officials understanding that                 multiple purchases being directed towards
     open contracting data can be used                       GlaxoSmithKline, the former employer of the
     to correct problems in procurement                      director of the health procurement agency,
     (“internal” accountability).                            CENABAST. He was asked to resign after the
                                                             story became public.22
The next step is ensuring that this data use
systematically leads to governments and                      In the United Kingdom, Tussell, a private
oversight or audit bodies taking corrective                  company that tracks the UK’s OCDS data and
actions to improve procurement systems: that                 the EU’s Tenders Electronic Daily data, noticed
is, that the feedback loops are completed.                   that a contract for marine freight shipping had
There are some very good instances of                        been awarded to a company with no ships.
governments responding to specific issues                    The contract was canceled after sustained
identified by journalists or officials, but this is,         public attention. OCP published a use story
broadly, not yet routine or formalized.                      soon after the event, demonstrating a strong
                                                             response to this kind of case.23
3 Investigations based on contracting
  data that have been supported, funded                      4 Partly as a result of OCP advocating
  or influenced by OCP have resulted in                        for open contracting data, providing
  distinct changes in government policy                        technical support for its disclosure,
  or personnel.                                                and persuading officials of its benefits,
                                                               new cultures of transparency are
CSOs, journalists and the private sector have                  potentially growing within certain
identified clear irregularities in procurement                 governments.
by using open contracting data. These cases
amount to an impressive set of examples.                     Some interviewees (in Afghanistan, Buenos
They clearly show how contracting data is                    Aires, Colombia, Honduras, and Nigeria,
being used by a range of stakeholders to                     for example) commented that a focus on
hold governments and officials to account,                   open contracting has normalized the concept
with governments then resolving inefficiencies               of transparency, or created a “shift in culture”
and instances of corruption. In some cases,                  in government.
these investigations were directly inspired
and supported by OCP; in others, they                        In Afghanistan, various people said that
emerged independently of OCP but clearly                     the concept of releasing data is no longer
demonstrated what can be done with                           controversial in certain agencies or within
contracting data.                                            the “political elite”; a remarkable shift
                                                             within a historically opaque bureaucracy.

22 Elgueta, E. (2019). Irregularidades en Cenabast finalmente hacen caer a Juan Carlos Corbeaux. El Mostrador. https://
23 Evans, M. (2019). How we uncovered a controversial Brexit contract using open contracting data. Open Contracting

This change began before OCP’s work                            future engagements - and future OCP hires
in the country, but recent focus on open                       - recognizing and developing this element of
contracting has possibly intensified it. One                   success will be crucial.
person argued that open contracting has
the potential to transform the nature of                       However, this observation also reflects
governance in Afghanistan, bringing an                         a potential vulnerability: if OCP is less
emphasis on participatory policy-making by                     accessible in certain countries due to
encouraging citizen oversight of government,                   capacity constraints, how can it ensure
and challenging officials’ “topdown”                           that its partners take on and develop this
assumptions. In Colombia, an interviewee                       persuasive and advisory interpersonal role?24
said that introducing OCDS had embedded                        OCP should consider that its remit for training
the principle of transparency in government;                   and documentation might include offering
in Buenos Aires, the understanding of the                      strategies for trust-building and interpersonal
importance of open contracting has strongly                    advocacy.
increased across agencies.
                                                               6 During the coronavirus pandemic,
The depth and precise nature of this                             OCP partners in civil society and the
change is worthy of further research, as it is                   media have paid intensive attention
potentially a significant outcome of OCP’s                       to emergency procurement, in some
and its partners' work.                                          cases with direct OCP support, while
                                                                 some partner governments have also
5 OCP country managers have built                                taken care to maintain transparency
  strong interpersonal relationships with                        principles during the pandemic.
  their partners, making them trusted
  and responsive advisors.                                     The coronavirus pandemic has demonstrated
                                                               that there is a large and diverse set of
This was a common theme, and should not                        users for contracting data, across OCP’s
be underestimated. Multiple interviewees                       BHPF focus countries. In some cases,
across various countries (including Chile,                     procurement agencies have moved quickly
Nigeria, and the United Kingdom)                               to release coronavirus-specific contracting
emphasized the ease of communicating                           data through dedicated portals (Colombia
with OCP country managers, making OCP a                        Compra Eficiente25, ONCAE in Honduras26,
regular reference-point for problem-solving                    and AGEOPS in Afghanistan, for example27)
and advice on specific issues. This implies                    and websites (Nigeria’s Bureau of Public
that much of OCP’s broad success is due to                     Procurement28). Other publishers have
individuals’ credibility in informal settings. For             been less proactive, notably in the UK,

24 Of course, in many cases OCP partners will be taking on this role, but it will be fruitful for OCP to carefully focus
   on what this involves and how to support it further.
25 Colombia Compra Eficiente (2020). Herramienta de Control Ciudadano COVID-19.
26 ONCAE (2020). Observatorio de Precios para Insumos de la Emergencia.
27 NPA (2020). AGEOPS, COVID-19.

where ministries have been criticized for not                 and II procurement systems for it to be
following requirements that contract notices                  usable. In Nigeria, though, the Bureau of
for direct awards be published 30 days after                  Public Procurement (BPP)’s simple list of
the award.29                                                  coronavirus-related contracts has been used
                                                              by investigative journalists from Dataphyte
OCP has arguably contributed to                               and the International Center for Investigative
procurement agencies’ steadfastness on                        Reporting to identify unregistered companies
transparency principles during the crisis.                    receiving government contracts.31
For example, Colombia Compra Eficiente’s
guidance to procuring entities directly                       Investigations into coronavirus-related
refers to OCP advice on the importance                        contracting have prompted governments
of transparency during emergency                              and oversight agencies to take action on
procurement.30 In other cases, OCP has, over                  irregularities. In Argentina, La Nación Data
years, consistently encouraged procurement                    reported on suspiciously high prices being
agencies to disclose data. Coronavirus                        paid for foodstuffs during the pandemic,32
contracting transparency can be understood                    leading to 15 officials’ being dismissed from
as a spillover effect of this advocacy.                       the Ministry of Social Development.33 In Chile,
                                                              the Investigative Journalism Center (CIPER)
The coronavirus-specific data released has                    documented the government paying CLP$500
not always been directly useful for data users,               per unit for masks that used to cost $12.80
however. In Colombia, we heard from one                       per unit. The National Economic Prosecutor’s
investigative journalist that it was easiest                  office is opening a preliminary investigation.34
to build their own contracts database by
manually inputting information from PDFs                      These cases show how, during the
of contracts. While CCE’s coronavirus                         pandemic, the feedback loops between
transparency portal did help them identify                    data disclosure, data use and authorities’
what contracts they wanted to examine,                        reactions have accelerated. It is possible that
they could not download data from it directly.                coronavirus has strengthened these feedback
Moreover, there were too many errors in                       loops, and deepened the global market for
the data downloaded from the SECOP I                          contracting data use.

29 Kinder, T. and Plimmer, G. (2020). UK government paid £1.7bn to private groups for coronavirus contracts. Financial
30 Colombia Compra Eficiente (2020). Guía de Transparencia en la Contratación Estatal Durante la Pandemia del
   en_la_contratacion_en_la_pandemia_covid-19.pdf, pp.3-5
31 ICIR. (2020). INVESTIGATION: COVID-19 response projects worth N534.98 million awarded to unverified contractors.
32 Cabot, D. (2020). Total, paga el Estado. La ineficiencia en las compras que genera sobreprecios y corrupción. La
   Nación Data.
33 Pallaro, B. (2020). Compras del Estado. Entre la falta de transparencia y la ausencia de controles en tiempo real. La
   Nación Data.
34 Albert, C. and Jara, M. (2020). Los datos que analiza la FNE por posible colusión: sector público paga $500 por
   mascarillas que antes costaban $13. CIPER.

Barriers to
progress since 2017
1 OCDS is often regarded as difficult              This would help resolve a further issue,
  to implement and too complex for                 wherein OCDS is introduced into
  regular use, and partners are not                environments where data is already
  always persuaded of its value.                   relatively open. In Chile and Colombia, the
                                                   additional added value of an OCDS API over
This was a common refrain during our               the data that is available through the Chilean
interviews. Many people said that the nested       government’s Data Warehouse (to which
JSON format was off-puttingly complex for          CSOs have access if they sign a license) or
many potential users in civil society and          the SECOP II platform in Colombia is often
government, and stressed the need for              unclear. In these places, open contracting
simpler and quicker ways to analyze the            investigations tend not to use OCDS data.
large-scale data available through OCDS.           More broadly, for government officials across
One interviewee captured the point neatly:         countries, OCDS implementation can be
the analyst “who only knows about Excel”           seen as an expensive and difficult project,
is excluded from using much OCDS data.             where the benefits are not clear compared
The problem is exacerbated in places               to the costs.
with relatively low data literacy, such as
Afghanistan, Colombia, Honduras, and               Finally, one interviewee questioned the
in some agencies in the UK. While OCP              purpose of the standard when the quality of
does advocate for data to be disclosed in          data feeding into it is low in the first place
CSV format, these releases are often not           (that is, through the whole procurement
in simple tabular structures and remain            management information system). They
challenging for many users.                        referred to inconsistent units being used
                                                   and misclassifications of goods making
During interviews, the OCDS Helpdesk               analysis very hard. This person - and other
emphasized that the purpose of OCDS, and           interviewees - worried that OCDS was being
the JSON structure in particular, is not to        implemented so that senior civil servants
be accessible to all users; rather, it is to act   and ministers could show that they had
as a basis for the creation of intermediary        ticked a “checkbox” of transparency, but
analytical tools. There is a risk that this        then ignore the serious question of how to
message is being lost. Before and during           ensure minimum data quality standards.
OCDS implementation projects, OCP may              To avoid this in the future, our interviewee
need to be more careful about sustaining           strongly recommended that OCP design
a clear narrative about what the standard          a more visible way of exerting pressure on
should be used for. Outlining clear use cases,     governments over the issue of data quality.
specific to OCDS, will help overcome this, as      This is discussed further below.
we recommend below.

2 In some cases, there are problems                 suggested that OCP survey its partners
  with government entities inputting                asking them to name the five things they
  data into procurement reporting                   need for open contracting data to be
  systems and procurement                           usable, and build this into a “minimum
  management information systems,                   quality standard” that should apply to any
  meaning that the data ultimately                  contracting data that the government
  published is low quality or incomplete.           releases. This should be understood as a
                                                    quality mark rather than a data standard,
This has been an issue in Nigeria,                  designed to publicly hold governments to
Afghanistan, Colombia, and Chile, we                account on data quality. OCP publicizing
heard. While there is an established process        governments’ performance against this could
by which contracting authorities should             help prevent governments from implementing
be uploading data on contracts for it to be         the structure of OCDS but ignoring data
disclosed in a central location like AGEOPS         quality, this person emphasized.
in Afghanistan or NOCOPO in Nigeria,
procurement officers often do not follow            Broadly, focused attention on this issue
this properly. This means that the data             will benefit OCP; it will certainly arise in
disclosed is frequently incomplete or low           future engagements. At the least, it is worth
quality. An interviewee in Chile stressed that      considering a short project asking what kinds
data quality is the single largest restriction      of sanctions and/or persuasive approaches
on their ability to analyze contracting data.       have been most useful for compliance, in the
For example, units of measurement and               experience of OCP’s partners.
quantities are entered very inconsistently,
meaning that it is very difficult to understand     3 It is not always clear what useful
how much of a particular item is being                “corrective action” looks like, especially
purchased in aggregate.                               in terms of using data as the basis
                                                      for pursuing savings or managing
Explanations for this have varied. “The               contracts more effectively.
incentives are very low” to enter high-quality
and complete data into the system, we               What happens next when you have clear,
heard in Chile. In Nigeria, we heard that           data-based analysis in front of you?
individual ministries claim that their internet     Suggesting sanctions or punitive action, or
connection isn’t good enough to upload              the reversal of the problem which has been
data, or that they lack the training to do so. In   identified, might often be the result. This was
both Afghanistan and Nigeria, interviewees          the case for CENABAST in Chile, following
reflected that procurement officers had             the dismissal of its director after Observatorio
been “afraid” of what disclosing data would         Fiscal’s investigation into low competition in
reveal publicly. In Afghanistan, however,           health procurement. But open contracting
the situation has apparently improved as            data can be used more strategically by
procurement officers have become more               procurement agencies, and this is not always
used to the idea of data transparency.              clear to them.

One person said that OCP should develop             For example, understanding the relative
more visible ways to hold governments to            size of suppliers is the first step towards
account for data quality in general. They           understanding how a government might

exert commercial leverage over these              Elections and political turmoil have presented
suppliers in pursuit of savings. Equally,         themselves as serious obstacles to data
identifying that departments are disparately      disclosure, and even moments for regression.
buying similar goods and services at a range      For example, changes of government in
of prices can justify a cross-governmental        Mexico and Argentina, and elections in
sector-specific strategy.                         Afghanistan and Nigeria have arguably
                                                  distracted decision-makers from open data
One person, reflecting on the priorities of new   and procurement reform as priorities.
governments in Latin America, provocatively
suggested that OCP should remove words            Where civil servants are political appointees,
like “transparency”, “accountability” and         and therefore change along with
“openness” from their campaigning lexicon.        governments, the rupture can be severe.
The language of efficiency will appeal to         This is the case in Argentina, for example;
contemporary decision-makers, they argued.        there are no official handovers between
Where they have huge debts and deficits           teams, and institutional memory can be very
following the coronavirus crisis, this will be    swiftly lost. The case is similar in Mexico.
yet more powerful. Another interviewee, in        OCP does plan for governmental transitions,
Argentina, also referred to the need to make      having contributed to a transition memo
the “storytelling” around OCDS stronger,          in Mexico, and also supported introducing
with a focus on “saving money” and making         legal mandates for open contracting so that
“government smarter”, to win the political        requirements to publish data are consistent
argument inside government. Of course,            between administrations. Nevertheless, the
many such framings have potentially divisive      vulnerability remains. OCP might consider
political connotations and must be chosen         whether it can go even further in identifying
carefully to have an appeal across party and      how to create consistency between regimes.
ideological lines.                                For example, this could include establishing
                                                  a common organizational strategy for
A similar reflection focuses on the examples      handling political change or maintaining
OCP uses to make the case for open                documentation that can be quickly
contracting. Interviewees in the UK and           disseminated with new officials.
Australia - both countries that perceive
themselves as having low levels of corruption     OCP has been broadly successful at
- suggested that using examples of countries      handling political difficulties in the UK,
with higher corruption rates and recent           though in this case there is a permanent
institutional change could be counter-            civil service. Here, the team has maintained
productive. In Whitehall and Canberra,            relationships with people at a range of
government officials can point to their long      levels in the civil service, and thereby
institutional stability and apparently low        ensured a continued base of support within
corruption rates to suggest that the context is   the government until procurement reform
simply different.                                 becomes a priority amongst the leadership.
                                                  They have also maintained close attention
4 Political changes threaten the                  to deepening capacity among civil society
  development of open contracting                 and journalists.


1 Clarify the most promising specific              in procurement was cited by interviewees
  and local uses for open contracting              as especially helpful. Other specific focus
  data in each country, and promote                areas could include citizen monitoring, data
  them as priorities for future impact             publishing, SME inclusion, and empowering
  with local partners.                             women-owned businesses, we heard.

Broadly, we suggest that there is further          2 Collaborate with in-country partners
work to be done to demonstrate the                   to write local theories of change,
various purposes and affordances of open             focusing on specific impact areas
contracting data use, especially when it             and identifying the data that will
involves using OCDS data. This is often seen         show progress and impact (that
as complex and hard to use.                          is, set out local key performance
                                                     indicators, or KPIs).
Telling stories about data use (likely based
on the work of data intermediaries, as             With use cases and impact targets chosen,
recommended below) will be more focused            a shared understanding of these goals
and tangible if centering on specific use          across civil society and government will
cases. Interviewees in Australia, for example,     provide a consistent focus for stakeholders’
powerfully made this point. The examples of        future activities. Co-creation and review from
Observatorio Fiscal on health procurement          partners will ensure that the goals are realistic
in Chile, on school meal provision in              and appropriate, and will help determine the
Colombia, and on infrastructure monitoring in      level of investment needed to achieve them.
Honduras, exemplify it well, as will the stories
emerging from OCP’s Lift projects.                 This approach, involving more regular
                                                   tracking of intermediate indicators at the
However, some countries lack such specific         country level, allows for more agility and
“flagship” cases, and use remains relatively       flexibility as OCP moves towards impact:
general. Across our interviews, healthcare,        OCP will be able to adapt its approach
infrastructure and construction were regularly     according to a continual review of what is
cited as sectors where open contracting            working and what is not. Building in scope
could realize its potential. It might support      to quickly identify unexpected changes,
a more commercially-minded approach                manifested by single “corrective action”
to government buying, some people                  cases, for example, can also allow for
said. Of course, the pursuit of corruption         rapid changes of emphases and effort to
was also a common theme. OCP’s Latin               capitalize on these.
American training on identifying red flags

We understand that OCP is moving more                       example, understanding exactly how
closely towards a more use-case-focused                     investigations rely on OCDS data, how OCDS
monitoring approach, especially in the                      specifically has made these investigations
project design for their Lift projects. This is             more effective and/or easier, and which other
the right direction to take, and also provides              audiences will find this narrative particularly
an opportunity to experiment with different                 appealing. It will also involve using the
methods in different countries. For example,                language of civil servants: creating business
OCP might consider the merits of the “most                  cases and showing the likely return on
significant change” evaluation methodology.                 investment of OCDS, for example.
This is useful for monitoring people’s
perceptions of change and reacting to                       Finally, OCP should keep in mind the
unexpected outcomes in complex situations.35                possibilities that OCDS introduction may
                                                            ultimately not be the best way to disclose
3 Focus on making clearer arguments                         contracting data in certain cases. This will
  for introducing the Open Contracting                      continually encourage a lively argument
  Data Standard (OCDS), as people                           for its adoption, or ensure its judicious
  sometimes doubt its value.                                application. One person argued for the
                                                            development of an “OCDS-lite”: in the
Our evaluation has suggested that the                       format of a single table with just a few
specific added value of introducing OCDS                    crucial fields, so that implementation would
is not always clear to partners, especially                 be quicker and use simpler.36
when there are quicker and easier routes
to analyzing contracting information. One                   4 OCP should prioritize funding and
interviewee said that the time taken to                       supporting new tools and platforms
implement OCDS can be very unappealing to                     by which open contracting data
senior government officials.                                  can be accessed by people without
                                                              expertise in data analysis, so that
Re-emphasizing the argument that it is a                      there are more “data intermediaries”
starting point for data intermediaries, who                   in focus countries.
can go on to create new tools, products, and
services, will be important. In some cases,                 OCP should not assume that new OCDS use
this can involve local GovTech companies,                   cases will emerge organically: they must be
from whom governments might purchase                        carefully supported. In Chile, Observatorio
licenses to use OCDS-based management                       Fiscal’s Public Buying Observatory provides
information systems; OCP might even offer                   a very strong example of OCP’s ability to do
investment capital. In Latin America, the                   this (though it was not based on OCDS data).
many CivicTech CSOs may also be helpful.
                                                            We suggest that there are three potential
In part, this is an issue of storytelling                   elements to such work. Firstly, converting
appropriate to the audience at hand: for                    data to (or releasing data in) simplified

35 See for theories of change and
   en/plan/approach/most_significant_change for most significant change.
36 OCP’s “Usability checklist” and tabular data collection spreadsheet are steps towards this. But our interviewee was
   considering an even simpler format:
   JSs98QKdJJioE/edit#gid=110864222 and

formats like CSV. Secondly, supporting                         medicine purchases? Could civic monitoring
intermediaries to create intermediary tools:                   of infrastructure projects run alongside the
this is often more time- and resource-                         reform of major project management within
intensive than expected, potentially requiring                 government? Open contracting data can be
grant funding. Thirdly, and crucially, promoting               used as the basis for category strategies and
the new tools’ benefits and training end-                      significant savings, and government officials
users on their use. In our own experience,                     need to see this more clearly. This will also
this whole process requires concerted effort                   help OCP develop more context-specific
over significant periods of time to work, with                 examples of successful reforms, diversifying
the final phase requiring a sustained focus                    the perceived narrative focus away from
on marketing intermediary platforms to the                     corruption cases.
relevant user groups.
                                                               Targeting different user groups with different
One successful example beyond this                             advice formats and use cases will also likely
evaluation is OpenUp in South Africa: a civic                  be fruitful here. For example, government
tech organization that creates public tools                    officials may respond more strongly to private
based on open government data.37 Beyond                        business cases, white papers, and even slide
their development of intermediary tools, their                 decks, rather than public blogs. Meanwhile,
success lies in the close relationships that                   journalists will be more keen to access
they have established with a wide range of                     training on translating potentially complex
end-users. That is, they have forged links                     technical issues into compelling public stories
between citizens, civil society, government                    (OCP has been notably strong on this).
officials and journalists. This enables them
to directly support the use of data in their                   6 Invite partners to document and
campaigns and news stories, for example.                         then submit individual cases of
                                                                 governments taking specific
5 Introduce more sector-specific and                             decisions because of people using
  procurement-specific expertise to                              open contracting data, allowing OCP
  support data use within government,                            to publicize these as appropriate.
  so that government officials directly                          Examples might include governments
  see the value of open contracting data.                        resolving problems on infrastructure
                                                                 projects or canceling tenders, as
A focus on specific sectors and use cases                        a result of internal data use or civil
will also allow OCP to deepen its work, by                       society pressure.
bringing in category-specific expertise that
can show the advantage open contracting                        There are multiple cases of journalists and
can offer to government officials and                          civil society organizations investigating
ministers. If there are price variations in                    specific issues that they have discovered by
medicine costs, for example, can OCP offer                     assessing contracting data. It is also possible
its partners access to people with experience                  that these kinds of results are occurring
of planning and negotiating large-scale                        without OCP knowing about them. While

37; CODE in Nigeria provide another good example, at https://www.connecteddevelopment.
   org. See also Treisman, L. (2014). Access to information: bridging the digital divide in Africa. The Guardian. https://

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