Trampoline Motion Decomposition Method Based on Deep Learning Image Recognition

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Trampoline Motion Decomposition Method Based on Deep Learning Image Recognition
Scientific Programming
Volume 2021, Article ID 1215065, 8 pages

Research Article
Trampoline Motion Decomposition Method Based on Deep
Learning Image Recognition

 Yushan Liu,1 Huijuan Dong,2 and Liang Wang 3

 Institute of Physical Education., North Minzu University, Yinchuan, Ningxia 750021, China
 Hebei Sport University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050021, China
 Baoding Vocational and Technical College, Baoding 071000, China

 Correspondence should be addressed to Liang Wang;

 Received 21 April 2021; Revised 21 May 2021; Accepted 4 June 2021; Published 23 June 2021

 Academic Editor: Shah Nazir

 Copyright © 2021 Yushan Liu et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
 which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
 The automatic segmentation and classification of an unknown motion data stream based on given motion classes constitute an
 important research problem with applications in computer vision, animation, healthcare, and sports sciences. In this paper, the
 scenario of trampoline motions is considered, where an athlete performs a routine consisting of sequence of jumps that belong to
 predefined motion classes such as somersaults. The purpose of this study was to make theoretical discussions on the turning
 starting time and starting technique of trampoline somersault based on image recognition and point out that the appropriate
 turning starting time of trampoline somersault is the event when the spring net of the trampoline recovers and applies force to the
 human body, and the overturning start exists in the latter half of the take-off action. It is considered that how to obtain the ideal full
 reaction force of the net facing the human body is the flip starting technique. This work analyzes the key steps and events for
 trampoline somersaults and the application of artificial intelligence for the recognition of actions in the healthcare and sports
 fields. The effectiveness of the proposed study is shown through experimental results. The study can facilitate the process of
 recognition of trampoline somersault.

1. Introduction recognition technology can solve this problem well, because
 it will first store a large number of images and then obtain
In recent years, the integration of artificial intelligence with the most intuitive data information through the arrange-
sports field is gradually increasing [1–3]. The use of artificial ment and comparative analysis. When people need to
intelligence to simulate the real sports training has gradually identify the results, they can also directly obtain reference. At
become the key technology to improve the training level of the same time, the process of image recognition by naked
athletes and increase the teaching efficiency of school eyes is often very short and cannot save image information
physical education. It has become a key research topic in for long time. However, image recognition technology has a
sports training and teaching to correct the wrong move- very long processing flow and can save data for a long time.
ments and determine the correct movements [4]. When the relevant personnel need the image data infor-
 There are great differences between computer image mation, they can obtain it directly from the computer system
recognition technology and human image recognition. [9–11].
Human recognition is to compare and analyze different Worldwide, the training of the trampoline is still in the
images by naked eyes and obtain the corresponding infor- stage of exploration and experience accumulation. At this
mation elements directly. Moreover, the number of images stage, according to the performance characteristics of the
that can be recognized is relatively small, and with the trampoline and the requirements of competition rules, this
continuous extension of recognition working time, the ac- paper examines the key link of trampoline somersault, the
curacy of recognition will be affected [5–8]. However, image turning start time and its action technology, and finds out
Trampoline Motion Decomposition Method Based on Deep Learning Image Recognition
2 Scientific Programming

the corresponding theoretical basis. It has positive practical football, diving, and trampoline [15]. However, these
significance for the athletes to train the trampoline som- studies mainly focus on the macro direction and strategy of
ersault and improve the technical level of the action. Based the application of artificial intelligence and physical edu-
on the analysis of the image data of the world’s elite athletes, cation teaching. In addition, they do not conduct in-depth
performance characteristics, and relevant provisions of the excavation and research on the specific application
trampoline competition rules, combined with the research framework and technology.
results of gymnastics and acrobatic somersault, we theo-
retically discussed the turning start time and action tech-
nology of trampoline somersault. The proposed research can 2.1. Characteristics of Trampoline Somersault under the
be helpful for the future training of trampoline somersault Requirements of Rules. Trampoline is a recreational and sport
and development of trampoline. However, the application of exercise device. Compared with gymnastics and acrobatic
artificial intelligence especially computer vision in the field somersault, the spring coefficient of trampoline somersault is
of sports action recognition is more in the experimental far greater than that of the tumbling board. Therefore, the
state, lacking systematic and clear technical guidance. The time of jumping in the air is longer and the turning space is
innovations of the proposed work are as follows: larger. It is much easier to complete the same difficult
 somersault on a trampoline than on gymnastics and acrobatic
 (i) To construct a perfect application framework in the flip board. However, with the development of trampoline, the
 field of sports action correction. long time and large space of tumbling have brought tram-
 (ii) To analyze the key steps, and realization ways of poline athletes not only plentiful flipping space-time condi-
 artificial intelligence simulation in the sports action tions but also the challenge of how to complete more difficult
 correction field in detail. movements. In the competition rules, there are more difficult
 (iii) To provide technical guidance for the extensive points in the final score of a set of movements. It is an in-
 development of artificial intelligence technology in disputable fact that the movement is characterized by high
 the field of physical education teaching and sports difficulty and complex technique.
 2.2. Characteristics of Artificial Intelligence Technology.
2. Application of Artificial Intelligence and Thanks to the rapid development of modern sensor tech-
 nology, the multiperception of artificial intelligence tech-
 Virtual Reality Technology in Trampoline nology has gradually developed from the original vision and
 Action Decomposition Image Recognition jerk perception to a comprehensive perception system with
 multiple senses such as vision, hearing, touch, movement,
Using artificial intelligence-based systems, users can restore
 and force and can provide users with more comprehensive
the vision, hearing, touch, force, and motion perception in
 and real perception environment. Similarly, artificial intel-
the virtual environment to the greatest extent. The inte-
 ligence enables users to simulate different application sce-
gration of artificial intelligence technology and modern
 narios through professional equipment according to their
physical education teaching can visualize the three-di-
 own needs, so that users can communicate, contact, and
mensional dynamic information observed by computer,
 even create simulation scenarios more naturally and truly.
which is conducive to the observer and athletes to objectively
 Artificial intelligence can simulate and develop scenarios
evaluate the sports action and, finally, optimize and perfect
 that are difficult or impossible to achieve in real-life ap-
it. After fusion, it can help these sports effectively avoid
 plications. Various scenes can fully activate the human
sports risks, reduce training costs, and eliminate the impact
 brain’s imagination of the outside world and expand the
of the weather. In a word, the emergence of artificial in-
 imagination space of human beings. Artificial intelligence
telligence technology can break the limitation of traditional
 equipment can simulate the real scene of the outside world
sports on movement correction, simulation training, and
 to the greatest extent and help users to truly perceive the
other hardware conditions. Moreover, it can optimize the
 virtual world and get familiarity with the environment [16].
sports and training experience of sports participants at the
lowest cost.
 At present, there are some researches on the integration 2.2.1. Artificial Intelligence-Based Image Recognition
of artificial intelligence technology and the sports field. Ma Mechanism. Image recognition is the capability of a com-
et al. combined the multiperception, interactivity, im- puter system to identify people, places, objects, and actions
mersion, and other characteristics of artificial intelligence in images. It uses computer vision techniques with artificial
with some activities in physical education teaching and intelligence and machine learning algorithms to recognize
summarized the application strategies of sports action images through a camera system. While human and other
comparison and remote interaction technology [12, 13]; Xi animal brains recognize actions and objects with comfort,
analyzed the convenience of artificial intelligence for sports computers-based image recognition requires machine
teaching field and summarized the defects and improve- learning algorithms such as deep learning algorithms. Deep
ment schemes of artificial intelligence in the field of sports learning algorithms can function by use of comparative 3D
teaching [14]; Wu further conceived the application models, appearances from different angles using edge de-
methods of artificial intelligence in specific sports such as tection, or components. Image recognition algorithms are
Trampoline Motion Decomposition Method Based on Deep Learning Image Recognition
Scientific Programming 3

often trained on millions of prelabeled pictures with guided clearer and more understandable. At the same time, it meets
computer learning. Image recognition works by detecting the needs of people not only in the application of image
salient sections called features, which are the areas inside the recognition but also in the application of image recognition
image that contain the most distinct information about the technology. In our daily life, people’s eyes are the best
object or image. The most informative features in an image pattern recognizer, so the ordinary pattern recognition
are selected and localized, while the less informative points technology is doomed to be unable to meet the needs of
are ignored. For this purpose, a classification algorithm is people’s daily life, but after combining with artificial in-
used that takes an image as input and outputs what the telligence, pattern recognition has achieved better perfor-
image contains. Mostly supervised learning algorithms are mance. For example, the analysis and imaging of complex
used that are trained to learn the differences between image stereo images, artificial intelligence, and pattern recognition
classes. For example, if the goal of an image recognition can help us process such images more conveniently and
system is to detect a cat, the image recognition algorithm efficiently.
needs to be trained with hundreds of images of cats and
hundreds of images of backgrounds that do not contain any
cats [17–19]. 2.2.4. Research on the Process of Image Recognition Technology
 in Artificial Intelligence. Human brain image processing
 is similar to computer image processing. In the computer
2.2.2. Analysis of the Technical Principle of Image Recognition image processing, the information is obtained first and
Technology in Artificial Intelligence. In artificial intelli- then converted into a computer readable form and the
gence, the technical principle of image recognition relevant programs and tools are used to process information.
technology is to use a computer to process pictures and The second step is to store the image. After the image is
then extract the discriminant features of the pictures for stored, we can use the image for simple processing, sharpen
further processing. Image recognition technology is not the important information of the image, and make the image
complex in the technical principle. If a person is regarded information more prominent. The third step is to extract the
as a computer, so every time people look at each other can relevant information of the image and further process the
be said to have completed an image recognition process, image according to the keywords and needs of people. On
and then people, according to the impression of others in
 the computer, there are many software programs and
their brain, analyze, search, and memorize other people’s
 methods for processing picture information. People can
information. Computer image recognition process is choose the tools and methods according to their own needs,
using the same principle. The only difference is that, in and at the same time, they can also choose the region and
artificial intelligence-based image recognition technology, characteristics of the picture for processing. In the devel-
the image on the computer provides information de- opment of the computer, the most prominent image pro-
pendent on the number. According to the principle of cessing should be in photoshop (PS), which is a relatively fast
image recognition technology, artificial intelligence is and stable software for image processing and also has a very
combined with a computer algorithm, so that the infor- large development prospect. In the PS image processing, you
mation of the image can be extracted and analyzed. In the can operate the image arbitrarily as long as you select the
image with large amount of information, the recognition processing area, and you can carry out relevant operations
efficiency of image recognition technology may be re-
 on the image. Then the processing process and method of
duced due to redundant information. Therefore, while
 image processing technology in artificial intelligence are very
analyzing images on computer, we should also find a similar to those of the computer processing process. The
better, simpler, and more convenient information ex- image processing technology in artificial intelligence also
traction method to make image recognition simpler and needs to have pictures before the subsequent work of pic-
faster. tures can be carried out. The difference is that the image
 processing technology in artificial intelligence is more in-
2.2.3. Analysis of the Composition Principle of Image telligent than the computer processing method. For the
Recognition Technology in Artificial Intelligence. Pattern rec- technical realization, the image processing technology in
ognition is mainly used in image processing technology to artificial intelligence is more convenient, and the operation
process different types of plane pictures and three-dimen- is more convenient and simpler. It is believed that, in the
sional pictures, to analyze pictures and objects. Image later stage of the development of science and technology, the
recognition technology is mainly based on pattern recog- image processing technology in artificial intelligence will
nition and development of three-dimensional images. In the develop into a processing technology which is more suitable
field of modern medicine and architecture, the use of this for public use.
technology is more prominent such as to analyze the three- Technology has changed the complexity of computer
dimensional structure of the human body and examine the image processing and can also achieve the same versatility,
health status of patients. In the field of architecture, the which is very convenient for our daily application [20, 21].
traditional building structure is mainly based on the plan. Therefore, a comprehensive analysis of the image processing
With the development of modern science and technology, technology in artificial intelligence [22–26] will be better
architects can use pattern recognition to make the archi- recognition of technology after the traditional image pro-
tectural plan stereoscopic and make the architectural image cessing technology [27–32].
4 Scientific Programming

3. Simulation Experiment and Result Analysis system will provide feedback on the action of the moving
 personnel according to the set program.
After getting the 3D reconstruction model provided by the A complete set of trampoline movements is character-
system, the participants can directly see the virtual policy ized by its movement and floating upward. The rhythmic
results of their actions. Through communication with the connection and transformation between the athletes’
coaches and the comparison of excellent athletes’ action movements include two feet take-off, back sigh, sitting, and
completion, this paper analyzes the unreasonable points in bouncing. As shown in Figure 1, there will be no long pause
their movements, to correct them in future training. Besides, and intermediate jump in the middle of the whole set of
using the established and perfect system to expand the movements. All kinds of forwarding and backward som-
function, an automatic comparison interface can be estab- ersaults and turns as well as some nonrotation movements of
lished to automatically compare the movement changes in athletes coordinate with each other to form a complete
the process of a training cycle and the action comparison trampoline action. Team trampoline events require athletes
between itself and other excellent athletes and assist manual to show a complete set of movements to show the beauty of
analysis of action essentials. First of all, we can collect the body posture and the accuracy of technical movements,
technical action images of elite athletes in related fields for including the ideal height and control of the body. In a set of
three-dimensional reconstruction, to obtain the complete actions, not only can there be repeated actions, but also they
three-dimensional pose data of such athletes. Then, cannot be interrupted. If there is an interruption, the action
according to the three-dimensional posture data extraction after the interruption will not be given points. In the actual
technology provided in this paper, the effective characteristic competition, the score of trampoline action is mainly di-
information of three-dimensional posture data of excellent vided into skill score, difficulty score, and synchronous
athletes is quantified. Thirdly, the information obtained score. Among them, the skill score is mainly determined
from mining is taken as the system standard. In the last, the according to the athlete’s action completion, while the
standard is established. The quasi model database is used to difficulty score is mainly calculated by the number of
enrich the standard action model in the system database. In turnover cycles of the movement, and the synchronous score
this technical condition, the more the number of excellent is the score of the synchronization of the routine performed
athletes’ technical movements entered is, the more it can by two athletes. As a result, gymnastics trampoline has
help the later users learn from more excellent movements. become a special sports competition, and the development of
After comparing with the actions in the database, the system a competitive sports event on the field is an inevitable result.
will score the user’s action scores according to the scoring The trampoline set consists of 10 single movements. A
system in the competition, so that the users can obtain the complete set of technical links should be composed of
evaluation results more directly. preparation posture, prejump, last prejump, take-off,
 Firstly, the preprocessed image is transformed by scale- completion of overturning action, falling, net touching re-
invariant feature transformation, and the feature points bound jump (at the same time, it is the take-off of the second
whose position, scale, and rotation are invariant are detected action). In the same way, when the last action is completed, it
by the operator. Secondly, the feature points of the detected includes the following links: falling, net touching rebound,
image are matched by nearest neighbor matching algorithm, jumping, buffer stops, etc., as shown in Figure 2.
and the matching measure is the Euclidean distance between From this, we can see that there is an overlapping link in
the feature points. Thirdly, to eliminate the error matching the technical link between each action, that is, the touch net
caused by the nearest matching two secondly, RANSAC rebound jump link. From the technical aspects of a single
algorithm is used to enhance the consistency of random action, the task of net contact rebound jump is to buffer the
samples. Fourthly, SFM method is used to filter the data rebound strength. But from the connection movement
from two-dimensional information to obtain the three- technical link, this link’s task becomes through the lower
dimensional point cloud structure. Then the matching point limb muscle, and the joint’s strength flexes and stretches,
pairs between multiple images are used to estimate the causes the net surface to produce the maximum distortion,
parameters of the topological camera and obtain the final and thus obtains the ideal take-off effect. Generally speaking,
three-dimensional structure. it is the end of the previous action and the beginning of the
 For the application of virtual sports scene simulation, the next action. This overlapping part is the main feature and key
system application focuses on the interaction between the part of trampoline technique. From this point of view, in the
virtual scene and the real scene of athletes. The immersion of practice of a complete set of movements, we must grasp
the virtual scene is the key to determine whether the par- every link of net contact rebound, so that the buffer of every
ticipants can get a sense of reality. Therefore, the application passive net touch rebound becomes an active and powerful
of the virtual scene simulation direction mainly lies in the take-off, which is the key problem of an active connection. In
rendering of 3D reconstruction. Therefore, designers should the transition from single-action practice to complete set of
strengthen the comprehensive analysis and quantification of actions practice, many athletes are often thrown “flying
a certain kind of motion and establish a simulation physical around” by rebound force because they do not grasp this link
engine based on a huge database. In the process of using the well and they do not take-off actively. This has a great re-
system, the 3D reconstruction technology is used to accu- lationship with the fact that the athletes do not timely change
rately obtain the technical action data of the user and input it the passive buffer of net rebound take-off into the main
into the simulation physical engine of the system, and the dynamic take-off. To solve this problem, the best way is to
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 Figure 1: Dynamic work diagram of trampoline.

 Figure 2: Continuous prejump of trampoline.

regard the net touch rebound jump as a part of the actual
action in the single-action training. Only when the action is
completed can the touch net rebound link be effectively
turned into a powerful take-off again. On this basis, it will be
easier to practice in sections, that is, to divide the 10
movements in the set into several small segments and
practice them separately. Finally, it will be much easier to
carry out the whole set of exercises, as shown in Figure 3.
 Besides, through the analysis, we also found that there is
an inevitable internal relationship between the movements. Figure 3: Schematic diagram of the last jump of trampoline taking
We can observe the interaction between these movements in off and doing a somersault.
training. To sum up, there are two forms of this connection
and influence: one is that when a certain action moves safety platform. The problem of two weeks of front som-
forward and backward (longitudinally), it will affect the air ersault has appeared. At this time, if the coach only em-
trajectory and landing point of the next action, thus affecting phasizes the backward somersault and does not consider the
the stability of the action. Second, the left and right (lateral) internal relationship between the movement connections,
displacement of a certain action will directly affect the the improvement effect will be very unsatisfactory. If the
stability of the next action. Sometimes the displacement may front somersault is improved, try to make the front som-
not be obvious and can be easily ignored, but it has a great ersault not having a slight forward displacement, and the
influence on the next action, which is enough to cause the problem of backward somersault moving back can be easily
failure of the action. This kind of connection and influence is solved. The influence of left and right displacement is also
often seen in the usual training. the same.
 The reason for the forward and backward displacement
is that the athlete is eager to do the action, resulting in
forward and backward movement of upper body during 3.1. Decomposition and Recognition Process of Trampoline
taking off. The cause of the left and right displacement may Action Based on Image. The combined morphological op-
be due to the strength differences between the legs when eration can eliminate part of the background in the video
taking off and the length difference of the legs. Therefore, image, and the morphological features can be well preserved
special attention should be paid to this connection in to obtain the silhouette image of the human body, which is
training. If we only look for the reason from the obvious very similar to the background subtraction technology. Then
wrong action itself and do not consider the influence of the the operation formula of combined morphology can be
previous action, the effect will be very unsatisfactory, such as expressed as follows:
forward somersault 2 weeks, twist 180 degrees, and som- G(x, y) � F(x, y) · B(x, y) − F(x, y), (1)
ersault 2 weeks. The athlete has a slight forward displace-
ment when doing the front somersault, but the backward where G(x, Y1 ) represents the image processed by the
somersault obviously moves backward and even falls on the combined morphological operation, f(x, Y1 ) represents a
6 Scientific Programming

frame image in the original video, and G(x, Y1 ) represents c(x, Y1 ) at each pixel to obtain the edge image I(x, Y1 ) with
structural elements. Through (1), the area in the original gray information and then accumulate all the edge images
image that is darker than the background and smaller than into one image, not every binary image into one image. 0 and
the size of the result element can be removed. The appro- 1 are the only two gray values of the binary image e(x, Y1 ). If
priate structural elements can be selected and the remaining the pixel value of the binary image e(x, y)corresponding to
background image can be obtained through the closing the edge image I(x, y) is 1, then the gray value range at this
operation so that the target extraction can be completed by point is more than that of the binary image.
subtracting it with the original image. If the edge image is accumulated for the target image, the
 In the video image of human trampoline action, one image information center already contains more edge in-
frame of the image cannot fully describe an action. Gen- formation of the image. So it is not necessary to extract the
erally, it is necessary to extract multiple image features to edge features, and the directional gradient histogram can be
display human action completely. Due to the difference of directly solved at each point of the accumulated edge image.
action rate, the frame number of each video image may be The calculation of the grid-based directional gradient
different even for the same action. To deal with these two histogram is to solve the directional gradient of all points in
kinds of rate changes, considering the characteristics of rate the cumulative edge image. The cumulative edge image is
changes, the gray features of each edge image in the same divided into Ie spatial grids, and the histogram vector on
time window are accumulated into the same image, and the each grid is calculated. One of the scale feature vectors is
features are extracted by using the accumulated edge image extracted and used as the action feature. The local shape of
to represent the human trampoline action. the target is counted, and then the feature vector of the
 The operation flow of cumulative edge image is as fol- cumulative edge image is obtained.
lows: a frame of video image processed by morphological
gradient operation is represented by C(x, Y1 ), the edge
detection image obtained by using edge detection operator 3.2. Trampoline Movement Recognition Based on Dynamic
on C(x, Y1 ) is represented by E(x, Y1 ), which is a binary Time Warping. Action expression has temporal persistence;
image, the edge image obtained by multiplying C(x, Y1 ) and that is, action can be a set of static actions in a certain period.
E(x, Y1 ) on each pixel is I(x, Y1 ), and the gray image is The movement process of the human body can reflect the
represented by I(x, Y1 ). It means that for the gray infor- changing trend of movement through the change of joint
mation s on the edge points if the pixels are outside the edge, angle curve, which can be called the joint angle time series.
the gray value is 0; the cumulative edge image is represented The motion characteristics can be defined as follows:
by HF, y, 1, and its scale is consistent with the size of Action feature � A1 , A2 , . . . , AM , (3)
C(x, y, t) and inning purpose of obtaining H(x, y, t) is to
accumulate all I(x, Y1 ) in a video image on a certain time where the time series of a certain joint angle is represented
window. by line vector a; the row vector with the number of motion
 For H (x, y, T1 ) initialization, all pixels are set to 0, and features is represented by a, and the range is 1 ≤ m ≤ 16I. If
the time condition is t � 0; based on edge detection, edge the time-varying one-dimensional signal can be understood,
image e(x, y) can be obtained on the first frame of the it evolves into the classification problem of time-varying
morphological gradient image g(x, Y1 ) of the video time feature data by simple action recognition. From the past
window; the gray image I(x, y) is obtained by multiplying data, we can see that when the examinee freely displays
gradient image g (x, y) and edge image e(x, y); cumulative martial arts motions, the same movement, it is hard to rule
previous I(x, Y1 ) and previous frame are compared on all out the potential of being similar to a because of distinct
pixels edge image H(x, y, T1 ); the gray value of the pixel waveforms and amplitudes Therefore, action recognition is
with larger gray value will be taken as the new value of realized by comparing the similarity of time series; that is,
H(x, y, T1 ) action at the edge detection step until the whole Wushu action decomposition judgment is realized by
image is complete. comparing the distance between different length vectors.
 The image operation is completed. The comparison of similarity between curves is the focus
 The main idea of this method is to compress the in- of the time series change trend. Because there are uncer-
formation in the video sequence into a frame image to tainties in the video feedback system and testers, which will
express the action. The information contained in the ac- lead to data deviation and fluctuation, the following formula
cumulated edge image is huge. The formula of accumulating is used to smooth the sequence:
edge image at the point FX, Y1 can be described as follows: x + x2 + · · · + xn + xn+1
 xi � 1 . (4)
 I(x, y) � G(x, y)E(x, y), n
 H(x, y, t) � max(H(x, y, t − 1), I(x, y)). RT is an integer greater than 0. To sum up, this paper ex-
 tracts the feature vector of martial arts action features in
 The cumulative edge image is to multiply the binary video images by accumulating edge images and then cal-
tattoo e(x, Y1 ) and the morphological gradient image culates the time series of martial arts actions by using the
Scientific Programming 7

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