Page created by Jimmie Wolf
                                       PROPOSED CHILD DAY CARE

Proposed Child Day Care
480 & 490 Morris Avenue
Block 505, Lots 1 & 2
City of Summit, Union
County, New Jersey

Prepared For: Primrose

September 11, 2020
Revised: December 10, 2020
SE&D Job No. T-19313

John R. Corak, PE
Project Manager
NJ P.E. License #54973

Matthew J. Seckler PE, PP, PTOE
NJ P.E. License #48731

                                  92 Park Avenue, Rutherford, NJ 07070
S T O N E F I E L D E N G I N E E R I N G & D E S I G N , LLC                                                                PROPOSED PRIMROSE SCHOOL
                                                                                                             CITY OF SUMMIT, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY

                                                                  TABLE OF CONTENTS

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.............................................................................................................. 1

INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 2

METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................................................... 2

2020 EXISTING CONDITION .................................................................................................... 3
              2020 Existing Roadway Conditions ............................................................................................................... 3
              2020 Existing Traffic Volumes ......................................................................................................................... 4
              2020 Existing LOS/Capacity Analysis............................................................................................................. 5

2022 NO-BUILD CONDITION ................................................................................................... 5
              Background Growth .......................................................................................................................................... 5
              Other Planned Development Projects .......................................................................................................... 5
              2022 No-Build Traffic Volumes ...................................................................................................................... 6
              2022 No-Build LOS/Capacity Analysis .......................................................................................................... 6

2022 BUILD CONDITION ........................................................................................................... 6
              Trip Generation.................................................................................................................................................. 6
              Trip Assignment/Distribution.......................................................................................................................... 7
              2022 Build Traffic Volumes .............................................................................................................................. 7
              2022 Build LOS/Capacity Analysis ................................................................................................................. 7
              Comparative Level of Service (Delay) Tables ............................................................................................. 8
              Vehicle Gap Acceptance ................................................................................................................................... 9

SITE CIRCULATION/PARKING SUPPLY ................................................................................. 9

CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................................................................... 12

S T O N E F I E L D E N G I N E E R I N G & D E S I G N , LLC                                   PROPOSED PRIMROSE SCHOOL
                                                                                CITY OF SUMMIT, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY

                                                                TECHNICAL APPENDIX


Morris Avenue and Gates Avenue

Morris Avenue between Gates Avenue and Beverly Road

Figure 1 – Site Location Map
Figure 2 – 2020 As-Counted Traffic Volumes
Figure 3 – 2020 Existing Adjusted Traffic Volumes
Figure 4 – 2022 Base Traffic Volumes
Figure 5 – Other Planned Projects Future Traffic Volumes
Figure 6 – 2022 No-Build Traffic Volumes
Figure 7 – “New” Primrose-Generated Parent Traffic Volumes
Figure 8 – “New” Primrose-Generated Staff Traffic Volumes
Figure 9 – 2022 Build Traffic Volumes


2020 Existing Traffic Conditions
2022 No-Build Traffic Conditions
2022 Build Traffic Conditions



S T O N E F I E L D E N G I N E E R I N G & D E S I G N , LLC                            PROPOSED PRIMROSE SCHOOL
                                                                         CITY OF SUMMIT, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY


     The revised Traffic Impact Study was prepared to update the September 11, 2020 issuance of the Traffic
Impact Study based on discussions with the Planning Board. The following is a summary of the revisions:

      1. The office component of the development is no longer proposed. Accordingly, the site’s overall trip
             generation projections have decreased from 166 total trips during the critical weekday morning peak
             hour to 159 total trips during the weekday morning peak hour.
      2. This application previously sought a parking variance of eleven (11) parking spaces from the City’s
             parking requirement. Without the office component, this application now complies with the parking
             requirement. 31 spaces are required, and 39 spaces are proposed.
      3. The student drop-off and pick-up transaction time was increased to 10 minutes. This transaction time
             was utilized in recalculating the Poisson distribution to determine the 95th Percentile likelihood of
             simultaneous drop-offs and pick-ups. The maximum number of simultaneous drop-offs/pick-ups was
             determined to be 18 parent-vehicles during the morning peak hour.
      4. The overall projected maximum parking demand has decreased from 39 parked vehicles to 32 parked
      5. Traffic Counts were performed on December 2, 2020 and adjusted based on NJDOT data that was
             collected pre-COVID and before construction began on the Morris Avenue railroad overpass between
             Kent Place Boulevard and Springfield Avenue. A gap acceptance study was prepared based on field
             measured values. The gap acceptance study was utilized to calibrate and model the typical vehicle
             behavior of drivers on this specific roadway network during pre-COVID periods.
      6. A Level of Service/Volume Capacity Analysis was conducted at the intersection of Morris Avenue and
             Gates Avenue. Based on the analyses conducted, the proposed Primrose School would not have a
             significant impact to the Level of Service on the adjacent roadways.
      7. A comparison of parking supply at operating Primrose sites of similar licensed capacity on standalone
             lots with no nearby on-street parking has been included.

S T O N E F I E L D E N G I N E E R I N G & D E S I G N , LLC                          PROPOSED PRIMROSE SCHOOL
                                                                       CITY OF SUMMIT, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY


      This Traffic Impact Study was prepared to investigate the traffic and parking characteristics of the proposed
Primrose School on the adjacent roadway network. The subject property is located along Morris Avenue
between Gates Avenue and Webster Avenue in the City of Summit, Union County, New Jersey. The site
location is shown on appended Figure 1.

      The subject property is designated as Block 505, Lots 1 and 2 as depicted on the City of Summit Tax Map.
The site has approximately 249 feet of frontage along Morris Avenue, approximately 170 feet of frontage along
Webster Avenue, and approximately 35 feet of frontage along Gate Avenue. The existing site contains two (2)
buildings, previously occupied by an office building and a furniture store. The existing access to Lot 1 is provided
via two (2) full-movement driveways along Webster Avenue, and the existing access to Lot 2 is provided via
one (1) ingress-only driveway along Morris Avenue and one egress-only driveway along Gates Avenue. Under
the proposed development program, the existing buildings would be renovated and redeveloped with a 14,970-
square-foot child day care facility to be operated by the Primrose School. Access is proposed via the existing
ingress-only driveway along Morris Avenue and the egress-only driveway along Gates Avenue. The two (2)
existing access points along Webster Avenue would be closed.


      Stonefield Engineering & Design, LLC has prepared this Traffic Impact Study in accordance with the
recommended guidelines and practices outlined by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) within
Transportation Impact Analyses for Site Development. A detailed field investigation was performed to assess
the existing conditions of the adjacent roadway network. A data review was completed to identify the existing
traffic volumes at the study intersections to serve as a base for the traffic analyses. Capacity analysis, a
procedure used to estimate the traffic-carrying ability of roadway facilities over a range of defined operating
conditions, was performed using the Highway Capacity Manual, 6th Edition (HCM) and the Highway Capacity
Software (HCS7) for all study conditions to assess the roadway operations.

      For an unsignalized intersection, Level of Service (LOS) A indicates operations with delay of less than 10
seconds per vehicle, while LOS F describes operations with delay in excess of 50 seconds per vehicle. For a
signalized intersection, LOS A indicates operations with delay of less than 10 seconds per vehicle, while LOS F
describes operations with delay in excess of 80 seconds per vehicle. The Technical Appendix contains the
Highway Capacity Analysis Detail Sheets for the study intersections analyzed in this assessment.

S T O N E F I E L D E N G I N E E R I N G & D E S I G N , LLC                        PROPOSED PRIMROSE SCHOOL
                                                                     CITY OF SUMMIT, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY



      The proposed Primrose School is located along Morris Avenue between Gates Avenue and Webster
Avenue in the City of Summit, Union County, New Jersey. The subject property is designated as Block 505,
Lots 1 and 2 as depicted on the City of Summit Tax Map. The site has approximately 249 feet of frontage along
Morris Avenue, approximately 170 feet of frontage along Webster Avenue, and approximately 35 feet of
frontage along Gate Avenue. Land uses in the area are a mix of commercial, educational, and residential.

      Morris Avenue (CR 651) is classified as an Urban Minor Arterial roadway with a general north-south
orientation and is under the jurisdiction of Union County. Along the site frontage, the roadway provides one
(1) lane of travel in each direction and has a posted speed limit of 35 mph, with a 25-mph restriction when
children are present. Curb and sidewalk are provided along both sides of the roadway, shoulders are not
provided along either side of the roadway, and on-street parking is periodically permitted along both sides of
the roadway. Morris Avenue provides north-south mobility within Summit, from Springfield Avenue (CR 512)
at its southern terminus to River Road (CR 649) at its northern terminus, for a mix of commercial, educational,
and residential uses along its length.

      Webster Avenue is a local roadway with a general east-west orientation and is under the jurisdiction of
the City of Summit. Along the site frontage, the roadway provides one (1) lane of travel in each direction and
does not have a posted speed limit. Curb is provided along both sides of the roadway, sidewalk and shoulders
are not provided along either side of the roadway, and on-street parking is permitted along both sides of the
roadway with two (2) hour restrictions in effect from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Webster Avenue provides north-
south mobility within Summit for predominately residential uses along its length.

      Gates Avenue is a local roadway with a general east-west orientation and is under the jurisdiction of the
City of Summit. Along the site frontage, the roadway provides one (1) lane of travel in each direction and does
not have a posted speed limit. Curb is provided along both sides of the roadway, sidewalk and shoulders are
not provided along either side of the roadway, and on-street parking is permitted along both sides of the
roadway with two (2) hour restrictions in effect from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. along the westerly side of the
roadway and a no parking restriction is in effect from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. along the easterly side of the
roadway. Gates Avenue provides east-west mobility within Summit for predominately residential uses along its

      Morris Avenue and Webster Avenue intersect to form an unsignalized T-intersection with the eastbound
approach of Webster Avenue operating under stop control. The northbound approach of Morris Avenue

S T O N E F I E L D E N G I N E E R I N G & D E S I G N , LLC                           PROPOSED PRIMROSE SCHOOL
                                                                        CITY OF SUMMIT, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY

provides one (1) shared left-turn/through lane and the southbound approach of Morris Avenue provides one
(1) shared through/right-turn lane. The northbound approach of Webster Avenue provides one (1) shared left-
turn/right-turn lane. A crosswalk is provided across the westerly leg of the intersection.

      Morris Avenue and Gates Avenue intersect to form an unsignalized T-intersection with the eastbound
approach of Gates Avenue operating under stop control. The northbound approach of Morris Avenue provides
one (1) shared left-turn/through lane and the southbound approach of Morris Avenue provides one (1) shared
through/right-turn lane. The northbound approach of Gates Avenue provides one (1) shared left-turn/right-
turn lane. A crosswalk is provided across the westerly leg of the intersection.

      Along the site frontage of the proposed development is a bus stops that services NJ Transit Bus Route 70,
which provides service to Newark, and various points of interest throughout Essex, Union, and Morris


      Manual turning movement counts were collected during the typical weekday morning and evening time
periods to evaluate existing traffic conditions and identify the specific hours when traffic activity on the adjacent
roadways is at a maximum and could be potentially impacted by the development of the site. Turning movement
counts were collected at the intersection of Morris Avenue and Gates Avenue. Specifically, manual turning
movement counts were conducted on Wednesday, December 2, 2020 from 6:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and from
3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Based on the review of the count data the weekday morning peak hour occurred from
7:45 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. and the weekday evening peak hour occurred from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. As explained
herein, the proposed Primrose School is expected to experience its peak trip generation from 7:45 a.m. to
8:45 a.m. and from 5:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. Therefore, the peak hours of proposed activity have been analyzed
to provide an understanding of the proposed Primrose School’s impact on traffic along the nearby roadways.
The 2020 As-Counted Traffic Volumes are summarized on appended Figure 2.

      Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, traffic volumes and traffic patterns have been impacted relative
to pre-COVID conditions. Therefore, Stonefield reviewed publicly available traffic data in the site vicinity. The
following sources were reviewed:

             1. New Jersey Department of Transportation Daily Volume from 04/24/2017 through 04/26/2017
                    along Morris Avenue between Gates Avenue and Beverly Road

             2. New Jersey Department of Transportation Daily Volume from 12/13/2011 through 12/15/2011
                    along Morris Avenue between Gates Avenue and Beverly Road

S T O N E F I E L D E N G I N E E R I N G & D E S I G N , LLC                           PROPOSED PRIMROSE SCHOOL
                                                                        CITY OF SUMMIT, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY

             3. Turning Movement Count conducted in November 2017 at the intersection of Morris Avenue and
                    the Celgene Driveway

      Please note that the Morris Avenue railroad overpass between Kent Place Boulevard and Springfield
Avenue was under construction from 2015 to 2017. Therefore, the NJDOT data from 2011 was considered
the data that is most reflective of typical traffic conditions. The 2011 Morris Avenue traffic volumes were then
increased by 0.60% annually for nine (9) years. The growth rate was obtained from the North Jersey
Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA) Plan 2045 Demographic Forecast growth table. The 2020 As-
counted traffic volumes were subsequently balanced with the grown NJDOT volume data. The 2020 Existing
Adjusted Traffic Volumes are summarized on appended Figure 3.


      A Level of Service and Volume/Capacity analysis was conducted for the 2020 Existing Condition during the
study peak hours at the intersection of Morris Avenue and Gates Avenue. Under the existing condition, turning
movements at the unsignalized intersection are calculated to operate at Level of Service D or better.



      The 2020 Existing Condition traffic volume data was grown to a future horizon year of 2022, which is a
conservative estimate for when the proposed Primrose School is expected to be fully constructed. In
accordance with industry guidelines, the existing traffic volumes at the study intersections were increased by
1.00% annually for two (2) years. These volumes are summarized on appended Figure 4. The 1.00%
background growth rate was obtained from the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) Annual
Background Growth Rate Table.


      To evaluate the future traffic conditions, it is important to consider the potential site-generated traffic of
other projects that could influence the traffic volume at the study intersections. Other planned development
projects include those that are either in the entitlement process or have recently been approved for building
permits in proximity to the proposed development. Based on consultations with Burgis Associates, Inc., it is
understood that the Celgene Corporation’s West Campus is expected to impact traffic volumes on Morris
Avenue along the site frontage. Stonefield has reviewed the Traffic Impact Study prepared by Langan Engineering
& Environmental Services, Inc., last revised September 12, 2018. Appended Figure 5 illustrates the site-
generated traffic associated with the Celegene West Campus assigned to the study area network.

S T O N E F I E L D E N G I N E E R I N G & D E S I G N , LLC                          PROPOSED PRIMROSE SCHOOL
                                                                       CITY OF SUMMIT, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY


      The site-generated trips associated with the Celegene West Campus were added to the 2022 Base Traffic
Volumes to calculate the 2022 No-Build Traffic Volumes. These volumes are summarized on appended Figure


      A Level of Service and Volume/Capacity analysis was also conducted for the 2022 No-Build Condition
during the study peak hours at the intersection of Morris Avenue and Gates Avenue. Under the no-build
condition, turning movements at the unsignalized intersection are calculated to continue to operate at Level of
Service D or better.


      The site-generated traffic volume of the proposed Primrose School was estimated to identify the potential
impacts of the project. For the purpose of this analysis, a complete project “build out” is assumed within two
(2) years of the preparation of this study.


      It is noted that data contained within the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition was considered for the
proposed day care center. However, in reviewing the specific data that has been collected by the ITE, the vast
majority of the day care centers studied are significantly smaller than the proposed Primrose School and
therefore may operate differently than how Primrose intends to operate the site. Specifically, only 4.5% of the
89 sites studied with regards to the weekday morning peak hour operations were of sites greater than 10,000
square feet, whereas 51 of the 89 sites (57%) studied were less than 5,000 square feet. Considering that the
proposed site is 14,970 square feet, it appears that the data may not be accurate for the proposed use.
Therefore, Stonefield sought to utilize data specific to the proposed user to ensure accurate trip generation

      To estimate trip generation for the Primrose School associated with student drop-off and pick-up, student
check-in and check-out data from operating Primrose Schools in Berkley Heights, NJ and Mountainside, NJ was
reviewed. Specifically, data from January 6, 2020, January 7, 2020, and January 8, 2020 at each facility was
summarized over the course of the 12-hour operation period. The data was summarized in 15-minute intervals
to identify the weekday morning and evening peak hours. The weekday morning peak hour occurred at 7:45
a.m. and the weekday evening peak hour occurred at 5:15 p.m. As some students are siblings, there were
instances that a single adult checked multiple students into or out of a facility. In these instances, only one (1)

S T O N E F I E L D E N G I N E E R I N G & D E S I G N , LLC                                  PROPOSED PRIMROSE SCHOOL
                                                                               CITY OF SUMMIT, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY

trip in each direction was tabulated. Additionally, the data was normalized based on the licensed operating
capacities at each facility. The Berkley Heights facility has a licensed operating capacity of 201 students and the
Mountainside facility has a licensed operating capacity of 194 students. The proposed facility intends to have a
licensed operating capacity of 200 students.

      To estimate trip generation for the Primrose School associated with staff arrival and departure, staff
schedules from operating Primrose Schools in Berkley Heights and Mountainside were reviewed. Specifically,
staff schedules from the Mountainside facility on February 26, 2020, February 27, 2020, and February 28, 2020
and staff schedules from the Berkley Heights facility on February 3, 2020, February 4, 2020, and February 5,
2020 were reviewed. The staff schedules were utilized to establish an average percentage of the staff on-site,
based on the maximum daily staff level, in 15-minute intervals.

      Table 1 provides the weekday morning and weekday evening trip generation volumes associated with the
proposed development.

                                                                 Weekday Morning       Weekday Evening
                                                                     Peak Hour             Peak Hour
  Land Use                                                      Enter   Exit  Total   Enter   Exit  Total
  Primrose School – Student drop-off/pick-up                     74      74    148     69      69    138
  Primrose School – Staff                                        11       0     11      0       9     9
  Total                                                          85      74    159     69      78    147


      The trips generated by the proposed development were distributed according to the existing travel pattern
along the adjacent roadways and the access management plan of the site. The "New" Primrose-Generated
Parent Traffic Volumes are illustrated on Figure 7, the "New" Primrose-Generated Staff Traffic Volumes are
illustrated on Figure 8.


      The site-generated trips were added to the 2022 No-Build Traffic Volumes to calculate the 2022 Build
Traffic Volumes and are shown on appended Figure 9.


      A Level of Service and Volume/Capacity analysis was conducted for the 2022 Build Condition during the
weekday morning and evening peak hours at the proposed site driveways as well as at the intersection of
Morris Avenue and Gates Avenue.

S T O N E F I E L D E N G I N E E R I N G & D E S I G N , LLC                          PROPOSED PRIMROSE SCHOOL
                                                                       CITY OF SUMMIT, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY

      Turning movements at the unsignalized Morris Avenue driveway are calculated to operate at Level of
Service B during the weekday morning and evening peak hours. Turning movements at the unsignalized Gates
Avenue driveway are calculated to operate at Level of Service A during the weekday morning and evening peak
hours. The westbound left turning movement at the unsignalized intersection of Morris Avenue and Gates
Avenue is calculated to operate at Level of Service B during each study peak hour. The northbound approach
at the unsignalized intersection of Morris Avenue and Gates Avenue are calculated to operate at Level of
Service F during the morning peak hour. Please note that the average delay for the northbound approach is
calculated be less than one minute during the morning peak hour. Tables 2 through 5 report the Level of
Service and delay time for turning movements at the site’s driveways and the studied intersection.


WB (Westbound) approach is the Morris Avenue approach
X (n) = Level of Service (seconds of delay)

                       Weekday Morning                          Weekday Evening
 Lane Group               Peak Hour                               Peak Hour
 WB Left                   B (10.8)                                 B (10.4)

EB (Eastbound) approach is the site driveway approach
X (n) = Level of Service (seconds of delay)

                       Weekday Morning                          Weekday Evening
 Lane Group               Peak Hour                               Peak Hour
 EB Left                    A (9.3)                                 A (9.3)

WB (Westbound) approach is the Morris Avenue approach
NB (Northbound) approach is the Gates Avenue approach
X (n) = Level of Service (seconds of delay)

 Lane Group          2020 Existing  2022 No-Build                                   2022 Build
 WB Left                B (10.1)       B (10.3)                                       B (10.3)
 NB Left/Right          D (27.0)       D (30.4)                                       F (55.5)

S T O N E F I E L D E N G I N E E R I N G & D E S I G N , LLC                           PROPOSED PRIMROSE SCHOOL
                                                                        CITY OF SUMMIT, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY

WB (Westbound) approach is the Morris Avenue approach
NB (Northbound) approach is the Gates Avenue approach
X (n) = Level of Service (seconds of delay)

 Lane Group           2020 Existing 2022 No-Build                                      2022 Build
 WB Left                 A (9.7)       B (10.1)                                          B (10.1)
 NB Left/Right           C (19.4)      C (21.5)                                         D (33.4)


      Vehicular gap acceptance in the vicinity of the proposed development was observed and data was collected
to determine local operator characteristics of the surrounding roadway network. Video recordings were
conducted simultaneously with the turning movement counts to capture turning movements at stop-controlled
approach of Gates Avenue at its intersection with Morris Avenue. The gap acceptance data was analyzed to
identify the prevailing critical gap. The critical gap refers to the minimum time-gap in traffic that a motorist will
accept in order to complete a turning movement. The critical gap was determined using the Raff method,
which is provided within the Traffic Engineering Handbook, 7th Edition published by ITE, and is defined as “the
gap for which number of accepted gaps shorter than it is equal to the number of rejected gaps longer than it.”

      Per the results of the gap acceptance analysis, left-turning vehicles conservatively require a critical gap of
5.5 seconds. This value was utilized within the capacity analyses contained herein. The calculations associated
with the gap acceptance analysis can be found within the Technical Appendix.


      A review was conducted of the proposed Primrose School using the Site Plan prepared by Stonefield, last
revised December 10, 2020. In completing this review, particular attention was focused on the site access,
circulation, and parking supply.

      Access is proposed via one (1) ingress-only driveway along Morris Avenue and one (1) egress-only driveway
along Gates Avenue, which are both operational in the existing condition. As the existing driveways will be
maintained, proper sight distance at each of the driveways will be maintained. The two (2) existing access points
along Webster Avenue would be closed. The existing one-story building proximate to Webster Avenue would
be demolished and the existing two-story building would be renovated and expanded. In the proposed
condition, the building will be located along the Morris Avenue frontage of the subject property. Parking would
be provided in the southeast corner of the subject property. The existing parking lot, which serves Lot 1 would
be replaced with a playground for the day care center.

S T O N E F I E L D E N G I N E E R I N G & D E S I G N , LLC                        PROPOSED PRIMROSE SCHOOL
                                                                     CITY OF SUMMIT, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY

      Regarding the parking requirements for the proposed development, the City of Summit Ordinance requires
a minimum of three (3) spaces plus one (1) space per employee for day care center. For the proposed
development with 28 Primrose School employees, this equates to 31 required spaces. The site would provide
39 total parking spaces, inclusive of two (2) ADA accessible parking spaces. Accordingly, this application is
compliant with the City’s requirements. The spaces would be nine (9) feet wide by 18 feet deep in accordance
with industry standards. The spaces closest to the day care entrance would be utilized for pick-up and drop-
off operations.

      Based on a review of the check-in and check-out data at the existing sites studied, the proposed Primrose
School would be expected to have a maximum of eleven (11) simultaneous student drop-offs during the
morning peak hour. Accordingly, a maximum parking demand of eleven (11) spaces relating to student drop-
off is expected. Alternatively, to statistically determine the expected parking demand associated with the
random arrivals of parents throughout the entire day on 15-minute intervals, a Poisson distribution was utilized.
A 95% confidence interval was considered as per established traffic engineering standards, the duration of pick-
up/drop-off transactions was conservatively assumed to be 10 minutes, and the number of drop-off/pick-ups
were based on the rolling peak hour parent trip generation on 15-minute intervals from the Mountainside and
Berkeley Heights sites. Based on the Poisson distribution a maximum parking demand associated with parent
drop-off and pickup would be eighteen (18) spaces occurring between 7:45 AM and 8:00 AM.

      As staff arrival and departure is less random than parent arrivals, the data collected at the Mountainside
and Berkeley Heights locations were utilized to generate a parking demand at 15-minute intervals for 28
employees. It is noted that this calculation conservatively assumes that all 28 employees utilize their own
vehicles, and no employees carpool, get dropped off, take mass transit, or walk to the facility. The expected
peak parking demand of 28 cars for employees would occur from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

      It should be noted that the parent drop-off/pick-up and employee parking for the day care would not have
simultaneous peaks in parking demand. Table 6 and appended Exhibit 1 show the expected peak parking
demand over the typical weekday with an expected cumulative peak parking demand of 32 parked cars
occurring at a time from 4:15 PM to 4:30 PM. As such, the parking supply of 39 spaces would be sufficient to
accommodate the demand of the site. It is noted that no credits for staff utilizing transit or carpooling
occupancies have been applied.

S T O N E F I E L D E N G I N E E R I N G & D E S I G N , LLC                                       PROPOSED PRIMROSE SCHOOL
                                                                                    CITY OF SUMMIT, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY


                                  Drop-off/Pick-up              Primrose Employee        Total Parking
  Time of Day                     Parking Demand                 Parking Demand            Demand
  6:30 AM                                 7                              4                     11
  6:45 AM                                 9                              4                     13
  7:00 AM                                13                              6                     19
  7:15 AM                                15                              6                     21
  7:30 AM                                17                             10                     27
  7:45 AM                                18                             10                     28
  8:00 AM                                15                             14                     29
  8:15 AM                                13                             16                     29
  8:30 AM                                10                             21                    31
  8:45 AM                                 7                             21                     28
  9:00 AM                                 5                             23                     28
  9:15 AM                                 4                             24                     28
  9:30 AM                                 2                             26                     28
  9:45 AM                                 2                             26                     28
  10:00 AM                                1                             27                     28
  10:15 AM                                1                             27                     28
  10:30 AM                                1                             27                     28
  10:45 AM                                1                             27                     28
  11:00 AM                                1                             28                     29
  11:15 AM                                1                             28                     29
  11:30 AM                                1                             28                     29
  11:45 AM                                1                             28                     29
  12:00 PM                                1                             28                     29
  12:15 PM                                1                             28                     29
  12:30 PM                                1                             28                     29
  12:45 PM                                1                             28                     29
  1:00 PM                                 1                             27                     28
  1:15 PM                                 1                             27                     28
  1:30 PM                                 1                             27                     28
  1:45 PM                                 1                             27                     28
  2:00 PM                                 1                             26                     27
  2:15 PM                                 2                             26                     28
  2:30 PM                                 3                             26                     29
  2:45 PM                                 4                             26                     30
  3:00 PM                                 5                             25                     30
  3:15 PM                                 6                             25                     31
  3:30 PM                                 7                             22                     29
  3:45 PM                                 8                             22                     30
  4:00 PM                                 9                             21                     30
  4:15 PM                                11                             21                    32
  4:30 PM                                11                             17                     28
  4:45 PM                                13                             17                     30
  5:00 PM                                15                             15                     30
  5:15 PM                                17                             13                     30
  5:30 PM                                16                              8                     24
  5:45 PM                                13                              8                     21
  6:00 PM                                 8                              6                     14
  6:15 PM                                 4                              5                     9
  6:30 PM                                 0                              0                     0

S T O N E F I E L D E N G I N E E R I N G & D E S I G N , LLC                                                                 PROPOSED PRIMROSE SCHOOL
                                                                                                              CITY OF SUMMIT, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY

      Finally, as the Primrose School operates facilities proximate to the proposed location, the licensed
capacities and parking supplies of the nearby facilities in Mountainside, Old Bridge and Florham Park were
reviewed. Table 7 presents a comparison of the licensed capacities and parking supplies of the existing and
proposed facilities.


                     Site Location                                           Licensed Capacity                                  Parking Supply
                      Mountainside                                                  194                                               33
                       Old Bridge                                                   210                                               40
                      Florham Park                                                  213                                               37
             Proposed Summit Facility                                                      200                                              39

             As shown in Table 7, the Primrose Schools in Mountainside, Old Bridge, and Florham Park operate
with similar licensed capacities and parking supplies. For reference, aerial exhibits showing the aforementioned
operating locations are provided in the Technical Appendix. This comparison serves to further justify that the
proposed parking supply would be sufficient to support the Primrose School operations.


      This report was prepared to examine the potential traffic impact of the proposed Primrose School. The
analysis findings, which have been based on industry standard guidelines, indicate that the proposed driveways
and access points would operate at acceptable Levels of Service and would operate efficiently. The site
driveways and on-site layout have been designed to provide for effective access to and from the subject
property. Based on industry data and data collected from nearby sites operated by the intended end-user, the
parking supply would be sufficient to support this project.

T:\2019\T-19313 Primrose Schools - Morris Avenue & Webster Avenue, Summit, NJ\Calculations & Reports\Traffic\Reports\2020-12 TIS\2020-12 TIS.docx




The ability of a roadway to effectively accommodate traffic demand is determined through an
assessment of the volume-to-capacity ratio, delay and Level of Service of the lane group and/or
intersection. The volume-to-capacity ratio is the ratio of traffic flow rate to capacity for a given
transportation facility. As defined within the Highway Capacity Manual 2010 (HCM 2010),
intersection delay is the total additional travel time experienced by drivers, passengers, or
pedestrians as a result of control measures and interaction with other users of the facility,
divided by the volume departing from the corresponding cross section of the facility. Level of
service is a qualitative measure describing operational conditions within a traffic stream, based
on service measures such as speed and travel time, freedom to maneuver, traffic interruptions,
comfort and convenience.

For an unsignalized intersection, LOS A indicates operations with delay less than 10 seconds per
vehicle, while LOS F describes operations with delay in excess of 50 seconds per vehicle. For a
signalized intersection, LOS A indicates operations with delay less than 10 seconds per vehicle
and LOS F denotes operations with delay in excess of 80 seconds per vehicle.

                            Level Of         Signalized Delay Range        Unsignalized Delay Range
                            Service         (average control delay in      (average control delay in
                             (LOS)                  sec/veh)                       sec/veh)

                               A           50

Source: Highway Capacity Manual 2010


Intersection Morris Avenue and Gates Avenue
Survey Date 12/2/20
Project Name Primrose Schools
Job Number T-19313

   Time               Class                       Morris Avenue                                Morris Avenue                                Gates Avenue                Grand
                                          EBT            EBR           Total          WBL            WBT            Total          NBL            NBR           Total    Total
  6:30 AM        Passenger Car             23             0             23             0              31             31             3              0             3        57
     to              Truck                 1                            1                             1              1                                           0        2
  6:45 AM            Buses                 2                            2                             2              2                                           0        4
                      Total                26             0             26              0             34             34              3              0              3      63
  6:45 AM        Passenger Car             43             1             44              0             55             55              1              2              3     102
     to              Truck                 3                            3                             1              1                                             0      4
  7:00 AM            Buses                                              0                             2              2                                             0      2
                      Total                46             1             47              0             58             58              1              2              3     108
  7:00 AM        Passenger Car             59             1             60              1             60             61              2              3              5     126
     to              Truck                 1                            1                             1              1                                             0      2
  7:15 AM            Buses                 2                            2                             3              3                                             0      5
                      Total                62             1             63              1             64             65              2              3              5     133
  7:15 AM        Passenger Car             87             0             87              0             70             70              1              1              2     159
     to              Truck                 4                            4                             3              3                                             0      7
  7:30 AM            Buses                 3                            3                             1              1                                             0      4
                      Total                94             0             94              0             74             74              1             1              2      170
  7:30 AM        Passenger Car             94             2             96              0             94             94              3             12             15     205
     to              Truck                 7                            7                             1              1                                            0       8
  7:45 AM            Buses                 3                            3                                            0                                            0       3
                      Total               104             2             106             0              95            95              3             12             15     216
  7:45 AM        Passenger Car            143             2             145             4             125           129              2             10             12     286
     to              Truck                 4                             4                             3             3                                            0       7
  8:00 AM            Buses                 1                             1                             5             5                                            0       6
                      Total               148             2             150             4             133           137              2             10             12     299
  8:00 AM        Passenger Car             86             1              87             4             114           118              4             12             16     221
     to              Truck                 2                             2                             5             5                                            0       7
  8:15 AM            Buses                                               0                             3             3                                            0       3
                      Total                88             1              89             4             122           126              4             12             16     231
  8:15 AM        Passenger Car            106             4             110             2             119           121              3             4              7      238
     to              Truck                 4                             4                             4             4                                            0       8
  8:30 AM            Buses                 1                             1                             1             1                                            0       2
                      Total               111             4             115             2             124           126              3              4              7     248
  8:30 AM        Passenger Car             99             4             103             2              97            99              5              3              8     210
     to              Truck                 8              1              9                             4             4                                             0      13
  8:45 AM            Buses                 1                             1                             4             4                                             0      5
                      Total               108             5             113             2             105           107              5              3              8     228
  8:45 AM        Passenger Car             85             4              89             2             101           103              0              4              4     196
     to              Truck                 3                             3                             2             2               1                             1      6
  9:00 AM            Buses                                               0                             1             1                              1              1      2
                      Total                88             4             92              2             104           106              1              5              6     204

      \\sedfs01\ShareOne\T\2019\T-19313 Primrose Schools - Morris Avenue & Webster Avenue, Summit, NJ\Field Notes & Photos\Counts\2020-12-07\Volume Summary PM Print             12/10/2020

Intersection Morris Avenue and Gates Avenue
Survey Date 12/2/20
Project Name Primrose Schools
Job Number T-19313

   Time               Class                       Morris Avenue                                Morris Avenue                                Gates Avenue                Grand
                                          EBT            EBR           Total          WBL            WBT            Total          NBL            NBR           Total    Total
  3:30 PM        Passenger Car             89             6             95              4             91             95              6              4             10     200
     to              Truck                 6                            6                             7              7                                            0       13
  3:45 PM            Buses                 2                            2                             1              1                                            0       3
                      Total                97             6             103             4             99            103              6              4             10     216
  3:45 PM        Passenger Car             80             2             82              2             100           102              1              2              3     187
     to              Truck                 1                            1                              8             8                                             0      9
                 School Buses                                           0                                            0                                             0      0
  4:00 PM            Buses                 2                            2                              2             2                                             0      4
                      Total                83             2              85             2             110           112              1              2              3     200
  4:00 PM        Passenger Car            100             2             102             1             123           124              1              5              6     232
     to              Truck                 2                             2                             5             5                                             0      7
  4:15 PM            Buses                                               0                             1             1                                             0      1
                      Total               102             2             104             1             129           130              1              5              6     240
  4:15 PM        Passenger Car            112             1             113             1             118           119              3              3              6     238
     to              Truck                 4                             4                             7             7                                             0      11
  4:30 PM            Buses                 1                             1                             1             1                                             0      2
                      Total               117             1             118             1             126           127              3              3              6     251
  4:30 PM        Passenger Car             94             4              98             0             105           105              0              4              4     207
     to              Truck                                               0                             5             5                                             0      5
  4:45 PM            Buses                                               0                                           0                                             0      0
                      Total                94             4             98              0             110           110              0              4              4     212
  4:45 PM        Passenger Car             81             2             83              9             100           109              2              5              7     199
     to              Truck                 1                            1                              4             4                                             0      5
                 School Buses                                           0                                            0                                             0      0
  5:00 PM            Buses                 1                            1                              1             1                                             0      2
                      Total                83             2              85             9             105           114              2              5             7      206
  5:00 PM        Passenger Car             95             6             101             5             104           109              5              6             11     221
     to              Truck                 3                             3                             4             4                              1             1       8
  5:15 PM            Buses                                               0                             2             2                                            0       2
                      Total                98             6             104             5             110           115              5              7             12     231
  5:15 PM        Passenger Car             99             0              99             2              98           100              2              4             6      205
     to              Truck                 1              1              2                             2             2                                            0       4
  5:30 PM            Buses                                               0                                           0                                            0       0
                      Total               100             1             101             2             100           102              2              4              6     209
  5:30 PM        Passenger Car             88             2              90             2             101           103              5              4              9     202
     to              Truck                 2                             2                                           0                                             0      2
  5:45 PM            Buses                 2                             2                             1             1                                             0      3
                      Total                92             2             94              2             102           104              5              4              9     207
  5:45 PM        Passenger Car             70             0             70              4             104           108              4              5              9     187
     to              Truck                                              0                                            0                                             0      0
  6:00 PM            Buses                 1                            1                              1             1                                             0      2
                      Total                71             0             71              4             105           109              4              5              9     189
  6:00 PM        Passenger Car             84             5             89              1             101           102              4              0              4     195
     to              Truck                                              0                                            0                                             0      0
  6:15 PM            Buses                 1                            1                                            0                                             0      1
                      Total                85             5             90              1             101           102              4              0              4     196
  6:15 PM        Passenger Car             67             1             68              3              69            72              5              2              7     147
     to              Truck                                              0                                            0                                             0      0
  6:30 PM            Buses                 1                            1                              1             1                                             0      2
                      Total                68             1             69              3             70             73              5              2              7     149

      \\sedfs01\ShareOne\T\2019\T-19313 Primrose Schools - Morris Avenue & Webster Avenue, Summit, NJ\Field Notes & Photos\Counts\2020-12-07\Volume Summary PM Print             12/10/2020

Intersection         Morris Avenue and Gates Avenue
Survey Date              12/2/20
Project Name         Primrose Schools
Job Number           T-19313

AM Peak Hour
Intersection Peak Hour: 7:45 AM to 8:45 AM
                              Morris Avenue                                   Morris Avenue                                 Gates Avenue                    Grand
                         EBT             EBR           Total          WBL            WBT            Total          NBL            NBR            Total       Total
               Vol       455              12            467            12            484             496            14             29             43         1006
              PHF        0.77            0.60          0.78           0.75           0.91           0.91           0.70           0.60           0.67        0.84
           % Truck       4.0%                          4.1%                          3.3%           3.2%                                         0.0%        3.5%
             % Bus                                     0.6%                          2.7%           2.6%                                         0.0%        1.6%


PM Peak Hour
Intersection Peak Hour: 5:15 PM to 6:15 PM
                              Morris Avenue                                   Morris Avenue                                 Gates Avenue                    Grand
                          EBT            EBR           Total          WBL            WBT            Total          NBL            NBR            Total       Total
               Vol        348              8            356             9            408             417            15             13             28          909
              PHF         0.87           0.40          0.88           0.56           0.97           0.96           0.75           0.65           0.78        1.09
           % Truck                                     1.1%                                         0.5%                                         0.0%        0.7%
             % Bus                                     1.1%                                         0.5%                                         0.0%        0.7%


     T:\2019\T-19313 Primrose Schools - Morris Avenue & Webster Avenue, Summit, NJ\Field Notes & Photos\Counts\2020-12-07\Volume Summary TMC Peak Hour   12/10/2020


New Jersey Department of Transportation
                                                    Daily Volume from 12/13/2011 through 12/15/2011
Site Names:      112069, , Morris Avenue-.6, 20000651__, Summit City                                               Seasonal Factor Type:         2 Urban Other Roadways
County:          UNION                                                                                             Daily Factor Type:            2 Urban Other Roadways
Funct. Class:    Urban Minor Arterial                                                                              Axle Factor Type:             16
Location:        Bet Gates Ave and Beverly Rd                                                                      Growth Factor Type:
                      Sun 12/11/2011       Mon 12/12/2011       Tue 12/13/2011            Wed 12/14/2011          Thu 12/15/2011          Fri 12/16/2011           Sat 12/17/2011
                   ROAD    W         E   ROAD   W        E   ROAD    W         E       ROAD    W        E     ROAD     W         E     ROAD     W        E      ROAD     W        E
     00:00                                                                                  55     33      22      66      36       30
     01:00                                                                                  30     11      19      26      15       11
     02:00                                                                                  16      7       9      29      11       18
     03:00                                                                                  18     10       8      18      11        7
     04:00                                                                                  47     20      27      37      19       18
     05:00                                                                                 131     57      74     122      60       62
     06:00                                                                                 397    201     196     385     199      186
     07:00                                                                               1,385    651     734   1,339     659      680
     08:00                                                                               1,353    742     611   1,312     713      599
     09:00                                                                               1,148    614     534   1,103     611      492
     10:00                                                     1,049     555     494       921    476     445
     11:00                                                     1,145     626     519     1,146    617     529
     12:00                                                     1,112     576     536     1,141    599     542
     13:00                                                     1,055     548     507     1,107    574     533
     14:00                                                     1,328     518     810     1,193    582     611
     15:00                                                     1,816     689   1,127     1,596    797     799
     16:00                                                     1,390     644     746     1,380    669     711
     17:00                                                     1,377     641     736     1,385    623     762
     18:00                                                     1,263     640     623     1,217    548     669
     19:00                                                       849     399     450       906    439     467
     20:00                                                       591     313     278       574    266     308
     21:00                                                       429     208     221       486    283     203
     22:00                                                       259     122     137       284    137     147
     23:00                                                       135      75      60       138     71      67
    Volume                                                    13,798   6,554   7,244    18,054 9,027    9,027   4,437   2,334   2,103
  AM Peak Vol                                                                            1,530    769     766
  AM Peak Fct                                                                             0.87   0.84    0.79
  AM Peak Hr                                                                              7:30  7:45     7:30
  PM Peak Vol                                                  1,895     722   1,246     1,596    823     812
  PM Peak Fct                                                   0.93    0.90    0.86      0.96   0.89    0.87
  PM Peak Hr                                                   14:45   15:15   14:45     15:00 15:15 14:45
  Seasonal Fct                                                 1.053   1.053   1.053     1.053 1.053    1.053   1.053   1.053   1.053
   Daily Fct                                                   0.888   0.888   0.888     0.877 0.877    0.877   0.915   0.915   0.915
    Axle Fct                                                   0.489   0.489   0.489     0.489 0.489    0.489   0.489   0.489   0.489
   Pulse Fct                                                   2.000   2.000   2.000     2.000 2.000    2.000   2.000   2.000   2.000

 Collected by: NJDOT
 Created 02/16/2012 1:58:59PM                            ROAD AADT 16,552                      W AADT 8,173                       E AADT 8,380               DV03: Page 1 of 1


      Primrose School
 480 & 490 Morris Avenue         FIGURE 1
City of Summit, New Jersey   Site Location Map
   Traffic Impact Study
Morris Avenue
                                                                                                    484 [408]
                                                     498 [423]                                      12 [9]

                                    [356] 467                       [348] 455
                                                                       [8] 12

                                                                                          [15] 14
                                                                                           [13] 6
                                                                                24 [17]

                                                                                          [28] 20

                                                                                                       Gates Avenue


Existing Roadway
Proposed Driveway
Existing Private Driveway
AM [PM] Peak Hour Volumes
                                                                                                                      not to scale
Signalized Intersection

                                             Primrose School
                                                                                      FIGURE 2
                                        480 & 490 Morris Avenue
                                                                                2020 As-Counted Traffic
                                       City of Summit, New Jersey
                                          Traffic Impact Study
Morris Avenue
                                                                                                    789 [643]
                                                     812 [667]                                      20 [14]

                                    [790] 808                       [772] 787
                                                                      [18] 21

                                                                                          [24] 23
                                                                                          [21] 10
                                                                                41 [32]

                                                                                          [45] 33

                                                                                                       Gates Avenue


Existing Roadway
Proposed Driveway
Existing Private Driveway
AM [PM] Peak Hour Volumes
                                                                                                                      not to scale
Signalized Intersection

                                             Primrose School
                                                                                        FIGURE 3
                                        480 & 490 Morris Avenue
                                                                                  2020 Existing Adjusted
                                       City of Summit, New Jersey
                                                                                     Traffic Volumes
                                          Traffic Impact Study
Morris Avenue
                                                                                                     805 [656]
                                                     828 [680]                                       20 [14]

                                    [806] 824                       [788] 803
                                                                      [18] 21

                                                                                           [24] 23
                                                                                           [21] 10
                                                                                 41 [32]

                                                                                           [45] 33

                                                                                                        Gates Avenue


Existing Roadway
Proposed Driveway
Existing Private Driveway
AM [PM] Peak Hour Volumes
                                                                                                                       not to scale
Signalized Intersection

                                             Primrose School
                                        480 & 490 Morris Avenue                        FIGURE 4
                                       City of Summit, New Jersey               2022 Base Traffic Volumes
                                          Traffic Impact Study
Morris Avenue

                                                    67 [12]                         67 [12]

                                      [68] 8                       [68] 8


                                                                                       Gates Avenue


Existing Roadway
Proposed Driveway
Existing Private Driveway
AM [PM] Peak Hour Volumes
                                                                                                      not to scale
Signalized Intersection

                                            Primrose School
                                                                                  FIGURE 5
                                       480 & 490 Morris Avenue
                                                                            Other Planned Projects
                                      City of Summit, New Jersey
                                                                            Future Traffic Volumes
                                         Traffic Impact Study
Morris Avenue
                                                                                                    872 [668]
                                                     895 [692]                                      20 [14]

                                    [874] 832                       [856] 811
                                                                      [18] 21

                                                                                          [24] 23
                                                                                          [21] 10
                                                                                41 [32]

                                                                                          [45] 33

                                                                                                       Gates Avenue


Existing Roadway
Proposed Driveway
Existing Private Driveway
AM [PM] Peak Hour Volumes
                                                                                                                      not to scale
Signalized Intersection

                                             Primrose School
                                                                                         FIGURE 6
                                        480 & 490 Morris Avenue
                                                                                    2022 No-Build Traffic
                                       City of Summit, New Jersey
                                          Traffic Impact Study
Morris Avenue
                                                    38 [37]
                                                    38 [37]                        38 [37]

                                     [32] 36

                                                                               [37] 38
                                                                               [32] 36
                                                                   [69] 74

                                                                                         Gates Avenue


Existing Roadway
Proposed Driveway
Existing Private Driveway
AM MID [PM] SAT Peak Hour
                                                                                                        not to scale
Signalized Intersection

                                            Primrose School                    FIGURE 7
                                       480 & 490 Morris Avenue              "New" Primrose-
                                      City of Summit, New Jersey         Generated Parent Traffic
                                         Traffic Impact Study                   Volumes
Morris Avenue
                                                    0 [5]
                                                    5 [0]                           5 [0]

                                      [0] 6

                                                                                 [5] 0
                                                                                 [4] 0
                                                                   [9] 0

                                                                                         Gates Avenue


Existing Roadway
Proposed Driveway
Existing Private Driveway
AM [PM] Peak Hour Volumes
                                                                                                        not to scale
Signalized Intersection

                                            Primrose School                     FIGURE 8
                                       480 & 490 Morris Avenue               "New" Primrose-
                                      City of Summit, New Jersey           Generated Staff Traffic
                                         Traffic Impact Study                    Volumes
Morris Avenue
                                                     933 [734]                                         915 [705]
                                                     43 [37]                                           20 [14]

                                    [874] 832                       [856] 811
                                      [32] 42                         [18] 21

                                                                                             [66] 61
                                                                                             [57] 46
                                                                                   41 [32]
                                                                         [78] 74

                                                                                             [45] 33

                                                                                                          Gates Avenue


Existing Roadway
Proposed Driveway
Existing Private Driveway
AM MID [PM] SAT Peak Hour
                                                                                                                         not to scale
Signalized Intersection

                                             Primrose School
                                        480 & 490 Morris Avenue                         FIGURE 9
                                       City of Summit, New Jersey               2022 Build Traffic Volumes
                                          Traffic Impact Study

Proposed Primrose School
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Summit, New Jersey
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Count Conducted: 12/02/2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            SE&D Job No. T-19313
Gates Avenue and Morris Avenue
City of Summit, New Jersey

                                                                                                                                                                                    GAPS (SECONDS)
TIME                       0 - 1.99                                   2 - 2.49      2.5 - 2.99           3 - 3.49            3.5 - 3.99     4 - 4.49    4.5 - 4.99       5 - 5.49         5.5 - 5.99            6 - 6.49       6.5 - 6.99    7 - 7.49      7.5 - 7.99     8 - 8.49         8.5 - 8.99        9 - 9.49   9.5 +
Gap Accepted                   0                                         0                  0                 0                  0             0             2                  0                3                 2               3             4              1                3              2               1         3
Gap Rejected                   68                                       23                  29                10                17             9             4                  5                1                 1               5             1              1                0              0               0         0

                                                                                                                                                   Left Turn Gap Acceptance Per Raff Method



                                    Cumulative Number of Gaps







                                                                 0 ‐ 1.99        2 ‐ 2.49        2.5 ‐ 2.99       3 ‐ 3.49     3.5 ‐ 3.99   4 ‐ 4.49   4.5 ‐ 4.99    5 ‐ 5.49       5.5 ‐ 5.99       6 ‐ 6.49     6.5 ‐ 6.99     7 ‐ 7.49   7.5 ‐ 7.99   8 ‐ 8.49   8.5 ‐ 8.99       9 ‐ 9.49       9.5 +
                                                                                                                                                                                Gap Length (sec.)
                                                                                                                                                                    Gap Accepted                 Gap Rejected

         T:\2019\T-19313 Primrose Schools - Morris Avenue & Webster Avenue, Summit, NJ\Calculations & Reports\Traffic\Analyses\Gap Acceptance\Gap Acceptance

HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report
 General Information                                                                       Site Information
  Analyst                                AJL                                                   Intersection                         EXAM

  Agency/Co.                             SED                                                   Jurisdiction

  Date Performed                         12/8/2020                                             East/West Street                     Morris Avenue

  Analysis Year                          2020                                                  North/South Street                   Gates Avenue

  Time Analyzed                          Existing                                              Peak Hour Factor                     0.84

  Intersection Orientation               East-West                                             Analysis Time Period (hrs)           0.25

  Project Description                    T19313


                                                                           Major Street: East-West

 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments
  Approach                                          Eastbound                      Westbound                           Northbound                           Southbound

  Movement                                U         L         T    R      U         L           T       R         U     L            T      R         U       L        T    R

  Priority                               1U         1        2     3      4U        4           5       6               7            8      9                10        11   12

  Number of Lanes                         0         0        1     0      0         0           1       0               0            0      0                 0        0     0

  Configuration                                                    TR               LT                                              LR

  Volume, V (veh/h)                                          787   21              20          789                      23                 10

  Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)                                                        0                                   0                   0

  Proportion Time Blocked

  Percent Grade (%)                                                                                                           0

  Right Turn Channelized                                No                               No                                   No                                  No
  Median Type/Storage                                              Undivided

 Critical and Follow-up Headways
  Base Critical Headway (sec)                                                      4.1                                 5.5                 5.5

  Critical Headway (sec)                                                          4.10                                 4.80                5.50

  Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)                                                     2.2                                 3.5                 3.3

  Follow-Up Headway (sec)                                                         2.20                                 3.50                3.30

 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service
  Flow Rate, v (veh/h)                                                             24                                               39

  Capacity, c (veh/h)                                                              724                                              202

  v/c Ratio                                                                       0.03                                             0.19

  95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)                                                      0.1                                              0.7

  Control Delay (s/veh)                                                           10.1                                             27.0

  Level of Service, LOS                                                             B                                               D

  Approach Delay (s/veh)                                                                 0.9                                 27.0

  Approach LOS                                                                                                                D

Copyright © 2020 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved.            HCS7™ TWSC Version 7.1                                                    Generated: 12/9/2020 9:03:56 PM
HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report
 General Information                                                                       Site Information
  Analyst                                AJL                                                   Intersection                         EXPM

  Agency/Co.                             SED                                                   Jurisdiction

  Date Performed                         12/8/2020                                             East/West Street                     Morris Avenue

  Analysis Year                          2020                                                  North/South Street                   Gates Avenue

  Time Analyzed                          Existing                                              Peak Hour Factor                     0.91

  Intersection Orientation               East-West                                             Analysis Time Period (hrs)           0.25

  Project Description                    T19313


                                                                           Major Street: East-West

 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments
  Approach                                          Eastbound                      Westbound                           Northbound                       Southbound

  Movement                                U         L         T    R      U         L           T       R         U     L            T      R       U     L        T     R

  Priority                               1U         1        2     3      4U        4           5       6               7            8      9            10        11   12

  Number of Lanes                         0         0        1     0      0         0           1       0               0            0      0             0        0     0

  Configuration                                                    TR               LT                                              LR

  Volume, V (veh/h)                                          772   18              14          643                      24                 21

  Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)                                                        0                                   0                   0

  Proportion Time Blocked

  Percent Grade (%)                                                                                                           0

  Right Turn Channelized                                No                               No                                   No                              No
  Median Type/Storage                                              Undivided

 Critical and Follow-up Headways
  Base Critical Headway (sec)                                                      4.1                                 5.5                 5.5

  Critical Headway (sec)                                                          4.10                                 4.80                5.50

  Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)                                                     2.2                                 3.5                 3.3

  Follow-Up Headway (sec)                                                         2.20                                 3.50                3.30

 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service
  Flow Rate, v (veh/h)                                                             15                                               49

  Capacity, c (veh/h)                                                              785                                              299

  v/c Ratio                                                                       0.02                                             0.16

  95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)                                                      0.1                                              0.6

  Control Delay (s/veh)                                                            9.7                                             19.4

  Level of Service, LOS                                                             A                                               C

  Approach Delay (s/veh)                                                                 0.5                                 19.4

  Approach LOS                                                                                                                C

Copyright © 2020 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved.            HCS7™ TWSC Version 7.1                                              Generated: 12/10/2020 11:22:40 AM
HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report
 General Information                                                                       Site Information
  Analyst                                AJL                                                   Intersection                         NBAM

  Agency/Co.                             SED                                                   Jurisdiction

  Date Performed                         12/8/2020                                             East/West Street                     Morris Avenue

  Analysis Year                          2022                                                  North/South Street                   Gates Avenue

  Time Analyzed                          No-Build                                              Peak Hour Factor                     0.84

  Intersection Orientation               East-West                                             Analysis Time Period (hrs)           0.25

  Project Description                    T19313


                                                                           Major Street: East-West

 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments
  Approach                                        Eastbound                        Westbound                           Northbound                           Southbound

  Movement                                U         L         T    R      U         L           T       R         U     L            T      R         U       L        T    R

  Priority                               1U         1        2     3      4U        4           5       6               7            8      9                10        11   12

  Number of Lanes                         0         0        1     0      0         0           1       0               0            0      0                 0        0     0

  Configuration                                                    TR               LT                                              LR

  Volume, V (veh/h)                                          811   21              20          872                      23                 10

  Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)                                                        0                                   0                   0

  Proportion Time Blocked

  Percent Grade (%)                                                                                                           0

  Right Turn Channelized                                No                               No                                   No                                  No
  Median Type/Storage                                              Undivided

 Critical and Follow-up Headways
  Base Critical Headway (sec)                                                      4.1                                 5.5                 5.5

  Critical Headway (sec)                                                          4.10                                 4.80                5.50

  Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)                                                     2.2                                 3.5                 3.3

  Follow-Up Headway (sec)                                                         2.20                                 3.50                3.30

 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service
  Flow Rate, v (veh/h)                                                             24                                               39

  Capacity, c (veh/h)                                                              706                                              181

  v/c Ratio                                                                       0.03                                             0.22

  95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)                                                      0.1                                              0.8

  Control Delay (s/veh)                                                           10.3                                             30.4

  Level of Service, LOS                                                             B                                               D

  Approach Delay (s/veh)                                                                 1.0                                 30.4

  Approach LOS                                                                                                                D

Copyright © 2020 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved.            HCS7™ TWSC Version 7.1                                                    Generated: 12/9/2020 9:05:50 PM
HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report
 General Information                                                                       Site Information
  Analyst                                AJL                                                   Intersection                         NBPM

  Agency/Co.                             SED                                                   Jurisdiction

  Date Performed                         12/8/2020                                             East/West Street                     Morris Avenue

  Analysis Year                          2022                                                  North/South Street                   Gates Avenue

  Time Analyzed                          No-Build                                              Peak Hour Factor                     0.91

  Intersection Orientation               East-West                                             Analysis Time Period (hrs)           0.25

  Project Description                    T19313


                                                                           Major Street: East-West

 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments
  Approach                                        Eastbound                        Westbound                           Northbound                       Southbound

  Movement                                U         L         T    R      U         L           T       R         U     L            T      R       U     L        T     R

  Priority                               1U         1        2     3      4U        4           5       6               7            8      9            10        11   12

  Number of Lanes                         0         0        1     0      0         0           1       0               0            0      0             0        0     0

  Configuration                                                    TR               LT                                              LR

  Volume, V (veh/h)                                          856   18              14          668                      24                 21

  Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)                                                        0                                   0                   0

  Proportion Time Blocked

  Percent Grade (%)                                                                                                           0

  Right Turn Channelized                                No                               No                                  No                               No
  Median Type/Storage                                              Undivided

 Critical and Follow-up Headways
  Base Critical Headway (sec)

  Critical Headway (sec)

  Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)

  Follow-Up Headway (sec)

 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service
  Flow Rate, v (veh/h)                                                             15                                               49

  Capacity, c (veh/h)                                                              724                                              267

  v/c Ratio                                                                       0.02                                            0.18

  95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)                                                      0.1                                              0.7

  Control Delay (s/veh)                                                           10.1                                            21.5

  Level of Service, LOS                                                             B                                               C

  Approach Delay (s/veh)                                                                 0.5                                 21.5

  Approach LOS                                                                                                                C

Copyright © 2020 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved.            HCS7™ TWSC Version 7.1                                              Generated: 12/10/2020 11:23:49 AM
HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report
 General Information                                                                       Site Information
  Analyst                                AJL                                                   Intersection                         BAM

  Agency/Co.                             SED                                                   Jurisdiction

  Date Performed                         12/8/2020                                             East/West Street                     Morris Avenue

  Analysis Year                          2022                                                  North/South Street                   Gates Avenue

  Time Analyzed                          Build                                                 Peak Hour Factor                     0.84

  Intersection Orientation               East-West                                             Analysis Time Period (hrs)           0.25

  Project Description                    T19313


                                                                           Major Street: East-West

 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments
  Approach                                        Eastbound                        Westbound                           Northbound                           Southbound

  Movement                                U       L         T    R         U        L           T       R         U     L            T      R         U       L        T    R

  Priority                               1U       1        2     3        4U        4           5       6               7            8      9                10        11   12

  Number of Lanes                         0       0        1     0         0        0           1       0               0            0      0                 0        0     0

  Configuration                                                  TR                 LT                                              LR

  Volume, V (veh/h)                                        811   21                20          915                      61                 46

  Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)                                                        0                                   0                   0

  Proportion Time Blocked

  Percent Grade (%)                                                                                                           0

  Right Turn Channelized                              No                                 No                                   No                                  No
  Median Type/Storage                                            Undivided

 Critical and Follow-up Headways
  Base Critical Headway (sec)                                                      4.1                                 5.5                 5.5

  Critical Headway (sec)                                                          4.10                                 4.80                5.50

  Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)                                                     2.2                                 3.5                 3.3

  Follow-Up Headway (sec)                                                         2.20                                 3.50                3.30

 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service
  Flow Rate, v (veh/h)                                                             24                                               128

  Capacity, c (veh/h)                                                              706                                              191

  v/c Ratio                                                                       0.03                                             0.67

  95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)                                                      0.1                                              4.0

  Control Delay (s/veh)                                                           10.3                                             55.5

  Level of Service, LOS                                                             B                                                F

  Approach Delay (s/veh)                                                                 1.1                                 55.5

  Approach LOS                                                                                                                F

Copyright © 2020 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved.            HCS7™ TWSC Version 7.1                                                    Generated: 12/9/2020 3:48:01 PM
                                                                      BAM - Test (5.5s headway).xtw
HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report
 General Information                                                                     Site Information
  Analyst                                AJL                                                 Intersection                         BPM

  Agency/Co.                             SED                                                 Jurisdiction

  Date Performed                         12/8/2020                                           East/West Street                     Morris Avenue

  Analysis Year                          2022                                                North/South Street                   Gates Avenue

  Time Analyzed                          Build                                               Peak Hour Factor                     0.91

  Intersection Orientation               East-West                                           Analysis Time Period (hrs)           0.25

  Project Description                    T19313


                                                                         Major Street: East-West

 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments
  Approach                                        Eastbound                      Westbound                           Northbound                       Southbound

  Movement                                U       L         T    R      U         L           T       R         U     L            T      R       U     L        T     R

  Priority                               1U       1        2     3      4U        4           5       6               7            8      9            10        11   12

  Number of Lanes                         0       0        1     0      0         0           1       0               0            0      0             0        0     0

  Configuration                                                  TR               LT                                              LR

  Volume, V (veh/h)                                        856   18              14          705                      66                 57

  Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)                                                      0                                   0                   0

  Proportion Time Blocked

  Percent Grade (%)                                                                                                         0

  Right Turn Channelized                              No                               No                                  No                               No
  Median Type/Storage                                            Undivided

 Critical and Follow-up Headways
  Base Critical Headway (sec)

  Critical Headway (sec)

  Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)

  Follow-Up Headway (sec)

 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service
  Flow Rate, v (veh/h)                                                           15                                               136

  Capacity, c (veh/h)                                                            724                                              259

  v/c Ratio                                                                     0.02                                            0.53

  95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)                                                    0.1                                              2.8

  Control Delay (s/veh)                                                         10.1                                            33.4

  Level of Service, LOS                                                           B                                               D

  Approach Delay (s/veh)                                                               0.6                                 33.4

  Approach LOS                                                                                                              D

Copyright © 2020 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved.          HCS7™ TWSC Version 7.1                                              Generated: 12/10/2020 11:24:49 AM
HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report
 General Information                                                                      Site Information
  Analyst                                AJL                                                  Intersection                      1BAM

  Agency/Co.                                                                                  Jurisdiction

  Date Performed                         12/9/2020                                            East/West Street                  Morris Avenue

  Analysis Year                          2022                                                 North/South Street                Site Driveway

  Time Analyzed                          2022 Build                                           Peak Hour Factor                  0.84

  Intersection Orientation               East-West                                            Analysis Time Period (hrs)        0.25

  Project Description                    T-19313


                                                                          Major Street: East-West

 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments
  Approach                                         Eastbound                      Westbound                           Northbound                      Southbound

  Movement                                U        L         T    R      U         L           T       R         U     L        T       R       U       L        T    R

  Priority                               1U        1        2     3      4U        4           5       6               7        8       9              10        11   12

  Number of Lanes                         0        0        1     0      0         0           1       0               0        0       0               0        0     0

  Configuration                                                   TR               LT

  Volume, V (veh/h)                                         832   42              43          933

  Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)                                                       0

  Proportion Time Blocked

  Percent Grade (%)

  Right Turn Channelized                               No                               No                                 No                               No
  Median Type/Storage                                             Undivided

 Critical and Follow-up Headways
  Base Critical Headway (sec)

  Critical Headway (sec)

  Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)

  Follow-Up Headway (sec)

 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service
  Flow Rate, v (veh/h)                                                            51

  Capacity, c (veh/h)                                                             677

  v/c Ratio                                                                      0.08

  95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)                                                     0.2

  Control Delay (s/veh)                                                          10.8

  Level of Service, LOS                                                            B

  Approach Delay (s/veh)                                                                2.5

  Approach LOS

Copyright © 2020 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved.           HCS7™ TWSC Version 7.1                                               Generated: 12/9/2020 9:12:00 PM
HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report
 General Information                                                                      Site Information
  Analyst                                AJL                                                  Intersection                      1BPM

  Agency/Co.                                                                                  Jurisdiction

  Date Performed                         12/9/2020                                            East/West Street                  Morris Avenue

  Analysis Year                          2022                                                 North/South Street                Site Driveway

  Time Analyzed                          2022 Build                                           Peak Hour Factor                  0.91

  Intersection Orientation               East-West                                            Analysis Time Period (hrs)        0.25

  Project Description                    T-19313


                                                                          Major Street: East-West

 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments
  Approach                                         Eastbound                      Westbound                           Northbound                     Southbound

  Movement                                U        L         T    R      U         L           T       R         U     L        T       R       U      L        T     R

  Priority                               1U        1        2     3      4U        4           5       6               7        8       9             10        11   12

  Number of Lanes                         0        0        1     0      0         0           1       0               0        0       0              0        0     0

  Configuration                                                   TR               LT

  Volume, V (veh/h)                                         874   32              37          734

  Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)                                                       0

  Proportion Time Blocked

  Percent Grade (%)

  Right Turn Channelized                               No                               No                                 No                              No
  Median Type/Storage                                             Undivided

 Critical and Follow-up Headways
  Base Critical Headway (sec)

  Critical Headway (sec)

  Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)

  Follow-Up Headway (sec)

 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service
  Flow Rate, v (veh/h)                                                            41

  Capacity, c (veh/h)                                                             703

  v/c Ratio                                                                      0.06

  95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)                                                     0.2

  Control Delay (s/veh)                                                          10.4

  Level of Service, LOS                                                            B

  Approach Delay (s/veh)                                                                1.6

  Approach LOS

Copyright © 2020 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved.           HCS7™ TWSC Version 7.1                                            Generated: 12/10/2020 11:25:47 AM
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