Towards Modeling Human Motor Learning Dynamics in High-Dimensional Spaces

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Towards Modeling Human Motor Learning Dynamics
                                                                           in High-Dimensional Spaces
                                                                     Ankur Kamboj, Rajiv Ranganathan, Xiaobo Tan, and Vaibhav Srivastava
arXiv:2202.02863v2 [eess.SY] 26 Mar 2022

                                               Abstract— Designing effective rehabilitation strategies for             concluded that two principal postural synergies accounted for
                                           upper extremities, particularly hands and fingers, warrants the             more than 80% of the postural data collected from various
                                           need for a computational model of human motor learning. The                 grasp postures, suggesting that most of the grasping postures
                                           presence of large degrees of freedom (DoFs) available in these
                                           systems makes it difficult to balance the trade-off between                 can be explained by just two underlying motor synergies,
                                           learning the full dexterity and accomplishing manipulation                  a substantial reduction from the 15 DoF data that they
                                           goals. The motor learning literature argues that humans use                 recorded. We build on this idea of motor synergies to develop
                                           motor synergies to reduce the dimension of control space.                   a dynamical model of human motor learning (HML).
                                           Using the low-dimensional space spanned by these synergies,                    The need for HML models for physical as well as robotic
                                           we develop a computational model based on the internal model
                                           theory of motor control. We analyze the proposed model in                   rehabilitation has been outlined in [7]. While several learning
                                           terms of its convergence properties and fit it to the data collected        mechanisms have been proposed for HML processes [10], it
                                           from human experiments. We compare the performance of the                   has mostly been viewed in the literature as an adaptation
                                           fitted model to the experimental data and show that it captures             in motor tasks, and consequently, several computational
                                           human motor learning behavior well.                                         models of HML have been rooted in adaptive control theory.
                                                                   I. I NTRODUCTION                                    For example, Shadmehr et al. [11] proposed the idea of
                                                                                                                       dynamic internal model in HML that adapts to the changed
                                              Motor impairments after a neurological injury such as                    limb dynamics because of a force field imposed on the
                                           stroke are one of the leading causes of disability in the United            hand. Similarly, Zhou et al. [12] leveraged iterative model
                                           States [1]. Impairments of upper extremities in particular,                 reference adaptive control to model human learning through
                                           including hand and finger function, are common, with 75% of                 repetitive tasks. However, most of these works only deal with
                                           stroke survivors facing difficulties performing daily activities            motor learning in relatively low-dimensional spaces.
                                           [2], [3]. Critically, impairments after stroke include not only                Pierella et al. [13] study motor learning of a novel task
                                           muscle and joint-specific deficits such as weakness and                     in high DoF motor systems where multiple solutions are
                                           changes in the kinematic workspace [4], but also coordi-                    available. They develop a dynamic model of motor learning
                                           nation deficits such as reduced independent joint control                   that relies on the formation of internal models only at the
                                           and impairments in finger individuation and enslaving [5],                  end of a trial. We develop similar models for motor learning
                                           [6]. Thus, understanding how to address these coordination                  tasks studied in this paper; however, this work is distinct from
                                           deficits is critical for improving movement rehabilitation.                 [13] in two key aspects: (a) the motor learning tasks studied
                                              A key step in addressing these coordination deficits in                  in this paper involve higher DoFs, which require the use
                                           the upper extremity and promoting rehabilitation is the                     of synergies for efficient modeling, and (b) our setup deals
                                           development of a computational model of learning that takes                 with continuous feedback, which leads to faster learning but
                                           place in human motor systems [7]. These motor systems                       presents modeling and estimation challenges.
                                           involve large DoFs; for example, the hand alone has over                       In this paper, we develop a computational model of HML
                                           25 joints and 30 muscles, which gives rise to the incredible                in high-dimensional spaces using the context of learning
                                           dexterity that we possess when grasping and manipulating                    novel coordinated movements of hand finger joints. Our
                                           objects. A key challenge to motor learning in such high-                    model is based on the internal model theory of motor
                                           dimensional spaces is to balance the exploration required to                control [14] and leverages the idea of motor synergies
                                           learn full dexterity induced by the high DoFs and learning                  for efficient learning using low-dimensional representations.
                                           just enough dexterity to generate desired motion. The motor                 Based on the evidence in the motor learning literature [15],
                                           learning literature has argued that the human nervous system                the model comprises fast forward learning dynamics and
                                           uses a small number of motor synergies, which are defined as                slow inverse learning dynamics. We analyze the model using
                                           a coordinated motion of a group of joints/DoFs, to control                  techniques from adaptive control theory and singular per-
                                           the high-DoF body motor systems [8]. Santello et al. [9]                    turbation analysis, and establish its convergence properties.
                                              This work has been supported by NSF Award CMMI-1940950.                  Finally, we fit the proposed model to experimental data and
                                              A. Kamboj, X. Tan, and V. Srivastava are with the Department of Elec-    compare the fitted model with the experimental data to show
                                           trical and Computer Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing,   that it captures human motor learning behavior effectively.
                                           MI 48823 USA. {ankurank, xbtan, vaibhav}
                                              R. Ranganathan is with the Department of Kinesiology, Michigan State        The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
                                           University, East Lansing, MI 48823 USA.                   outlines the experimental setup that we leverage to build our
motor learning model as well as some data preprocessing                         joints. This makes learning the optimal (minimum energy)
techniques we adopted in the paper. Section III describes                       synergistic motion of finger joints particularly challenging.
the proposed computational model and is followed by its                            The data glove records finger joint angles which are used
convergence analysis in Section IV. In Section V, we fit                        to update the cursor position. Therefore, using standard
our model to experimental data and evaluate its performance                     techniques from adaptive control [19], we write (1), in
with the human data. We conclude and provide some future                        terms of filtered increments in joint angles δq and filtered
directions in Section VI.                                                       increments cursor positions δx, as

                                Cursor                                                                   δx = Cδq.                        (2)

                                                      Target                    Here, the evolution of δx and δq is governed by the dynamic
                                                                                                       χ̇ = −aχ + x                     (3a)
                                                                                                      δx = −aχ + x                      (3b)
                                                                                                       ˙ = −aδq + u,
                                                                                                      δq                                (3c)
                                                                                where a is sufficiently large.
                                         Data glove

Fig. 1: Artistic rendering of the experimental setup with the subject wearing   III. A DAPTIVE C ONTROL - BASED HML C OMPUTATIONAL
the data glove.                                                                                       M ODEL
                                                                                   Motor learning literature [8], [9] suggests that humans
        II. BACKGROUND & E XPERIMENTAL S ETUP                                   control the high DoF body motor systems using a small num-
                                                                                ber of coordinated joint movement patterns called synergies.
   In this section, we present the experimental paradigm                        For example, four synergies spanned more than 80% of the
leveraged in this paper to model HML in high-dimensional                        finger joint configurations required to generate the American
spaces. We also discuss techniques for preprocessing of data                    Sign Language (ASL) Alphabet [20], [21]. We assume that
collected from these experiments.
                                                                                the mapping matrix C = W Φ, where Φ ∈ Rh×m is a
   Motor (re)-learning is central to the rehabilitation of                      matrix of h basic synergies underlying coordinated human
individuals with hand and finger impairments and/or paresis.                    finger motions, and W ∈ Rn×h represents the contributions
It is generally accepted that the mechanisms underlying                         (weights) of these synergies during a particular hand mo-
re-learning during rehabilitation are governed by general                       tion. We assume that Φ is an orthonormal matrix, i.e., the
principles of motor learning based on the learning of novel                     synergies contributing to the hand motions lie in orthogonal
tasks by healthy subjects [16], [17]. We focus on the motor                     spaces. We further assume these synergies to be known (see
learning experiment presented in [18] wherein healthy sub-                      Section V-A for details). While our motor learning model
jects learn a novel motor task. Each subject wears a data                       is in a high-dimensional space, these synergies reduce the
glove, which records the movements of the 19 finger joints.                     size of the learning space and enable efficient learning by
A body-machine interface (BoMI) uses a matrix to project                        reducing the amount of desired exploration.
the 19-dimensional finger movements onto the movement of
                                                                                   It is believed that motor learning in humans involves
a cursor on a 2-D computer screen; see Fig. 1. Specifically,
                                                                                the formation of internal models [11], including models for
the BoMI projects finger joint velocities u ∈ Rm to cursor
                                                                                forward and inverse learning. The forward model predicts the
velocity ẋ ∈ Rn using a matrix C ∈ Rn×m such that
                                                                                outcomes of motor actions (hand joint movements), whereas
                                ẋ = Cu.                                 (1)    the inverse model predicts the motor actions required to gen-
                                                                                erate certain outcomes. In this section, we adopt techniques
Here, n = 2 and m = 19. Let q ∈ R be the vector                                 from adaptive control theory to develop models of forward
of finger joint angles and thus, q̇ = u. The subjects need                      and inverse HML dynamics.
to move the cursor to a target point, and a new target
point is prescribed once the current target is reached. To                      A. Adaptive Control-based Model of Forward Learning
this end, subjects need to learn coordinated finger joint                         In the context of the experimental setup described in
movements that are consistent with the (unknown) projection                     Section II, forward learning entails learning the forward
matrix C. This experiment naturally involves motor learning                     BoMI mapping matrix, i.e., the mapping matrix C. Suppose
in high-dimensional spaces, with the output being in the                        that at time t, human subject’s (implicit) estimate of matrix
low-dimensional screen space. Each subject participated in                      C is Ĉ(t). Correspondingly, the estimated change in cursor
eight sessions, each comprised of 60 trials. In each trial,                               c ∈ Rn for a change in finger joint angles δq ∈
                                                                                position δx
the sequence of target points were randomly selected from                         m
                                                                                R is
4 points located at (0.5, 4.5), (2.5, 0.5), (2.5, 2.5), (4.5, 4.5)                                      c = Ĉδq,
                                                                                                        δx                                (4)
units on the screen. Due to the large nullspace of C, this
task is redundant in the sense that a desired cursor movement                   where Ĉ = Ŵ Φ, and Ŵ (t) ∈ Rn×h is the parameter
can be achieved with multiple synergistic motions of finger                     estimate matrix, which determines the weight the human
subject assigns to each synergy. It follows from (2) and (4)     which results in
that the estimation error                                                                               
                                                                   u̇ = − η (Ĉ ⊤ Ĉ + µI)u − kP Ĉ ⊤ ex
                          c = −W̃ Φδq,
                 ǫ = δx − δx                              (5)                                                  
                                                                      = − η (Φ⊤ Ŵ ⊤ Ŵ Φ + µI)u − kP Φ⊤ Ŵ ⊤ ex .           (9)
where W̃ (t) = Ŵ (t) − W ∈ Rn×h is the parameter
estimation error.                                                It should be noted that we do not anticipate that human
   It is well known in adaptive control literature that the      subjects can explicitly compute RHS of (9). However, we
gradient descent for Ŵ on 12 kǫk leads to estimation error      assume that they can implicitly determine RHS of (9) by find-
converging to zero. Accordingly, we select                                                                                2
                                                                                                              ˙ − kP ex +
                                                                 ing the direction of steepest descent for 1 x̂
              ˙        1   2
             Ŵ = −γ∇Ŵ kǫk = γǫδq ⊤ Φ⊤ ,                 (6)    µ      2
                                                                   kuk . We posit (9), with η as a tunable parameter, as a
                       2                                         2
                                                                 model for human inverse learning dynamics. Additionally,
                                               ˙                 the regularization parameter µ determines the optimality of
where γ > 0 is the forward learning rate, Ŵ ∈ Rn×h ,
       ⊤                                                         the learnt u.
and (.) represents the transpose. We posit (6), with γ as a
tunable parameter, as a model for human forward learning            Definition 1 (Persistently Exciting Signal): A signal vec-
dynamics. This model is consistent with the error-based          tor ω(t) is persistently exciting if there exist α1 , α2 , δ > 0
human motor learning paradigm and similar models have            such that
been used in literature; see e.g., [13], [22].                                Z t0 +δ
                                                                      α2 I ≥          ω(τ )ω(τ )⊤ dτ ≥ α1 I, for all t0 ≥ 0.
B. Adaptive Control-based Model of Inverse Learning Dy-                        t0
namics                                                                                                           ˙ ∈ L∞ ,
                                                                    Assumption 1 (Properties of the Input): δq, δq
   The inverse learning concerns identifying coordinated fin-    and δq is persistently exciting.
ger joint movements that drive the cursor to the desired            To ensure that δq is persistently exciting, a noise ξ is
position. If the mapping matrix C is known, then the             added to the inverse dynamics (9) giving
following proportional control will drive the cursor to the                                                      
desired position xdes                                            u̇ = − η (Φ⊤ Ŵ ⊤ Ŵ Φ + µI)u − kP Φ⊤ Ŵ ⊤ ex + ξ, (10)
            udes = kP C † (xdes − x) = kP C † ex ,        (7)                    R t +T
                                                                 where α2 T ≥ t00 ξ(τ )ξ(τ )⊤ dτ ≥ α1 T , for all t0 ≥ 0,
where C † is the pseudo-inverse of C, x is the current cursor    and some α1 , α2 , T > 0.
position, and kP > 0 is the (scalar) proportional gain. We          Remark 1: Since δq is the filtered change in finger joint
refer to the difference between the desired and current cursor   angles, it is reasonable to assume δq and its derivative
position as the Reaching Error (RE) and denote it by ex .        to be bounded. Additionally, since humans use exploratory
   Since the mapping matrix C is not known, C † in (7) can be    noise for motor learning [13], assuming δq to be persistently
replaced by Ĉ † , where Ĉ is computed using forward learning   exciting is also reasonable.
model. It may not be reasonable to assume that humans            We refer to (3c), (6), and (10) together as the HML dynamics
can compute the pseudo-inverse of their implicit estimate        model.
Ĉ. Therefore, we postulate that human subjects determine
control input (7) through gradient-descent based learning. To        IV. A NALYSIS    OF THE A DAPTIVE C ONTROL - BASED
this end, we let                                                                    MODEL OF HML DYNAMICS
                        1 ˙            2    µ     2
          u̇ = −η∇u         x̂ − kP ex + kuk ,                      We now analyze the proposed model of HML in equations
                        2                   2
                                                                 (3c), (6), and (10). The motor learning literature suggests that
where u ∈ Rm , and x̂ is the estimated cursor position           the forward learning dynamics evolve on a faster timescale
based on subject’s estimate of mapping matrix Ĉ(t). Here        than the inverse learning dynamics; see [15] for plausible
η > 0 is the inverse learning rate, and µ > 0 is the             neural mechanisms underlying this timescale separation.
regularizer weight. Note that these learning dynamics for u      Consistent with the literature, our fits in Section V-B suggests
minimizes the difference between the estimated and desired       kP ≪ η ≪ γ, i.e., δq and Ŵ dynamics evolve on a
cursor velocity subject to a regularization constraint for u.    faster timescale. Decomposing equations (1) and (4) into n
Upon simplification, these dynamics reduce to                    equations (one each for cursor motion along axes), we obtain
                                                                ˆ i = Ĉi δq for all i ∈ {1, . . . , n}. Similar expression can
               1 ˙            2   µ      2
         ∇u       x̂ − kP ex + kuk                               be written for Eq. (1). We analyze each of these equations
               2                  2                              separately, and for ease of notation we will drop the index
                      1                2    µ    2               i. Defining the slow variable ēx = kP ex ∈ R, we get
             = ∇u        Ĉu − kP ex + kuk
                      2                     2
             = Ĉ ⊤ (Ĉu − kP ex ) + µu                                ē˙ x = kP (ẋdes − ẋ) = −kP Cu = −kP W Φu.         (11)
                  ⊤                    ⊤
             = (Ĉ Ĉ + µI)u − kP Ĉ ex ,                 (8)        Let f1 : Rm × R × R1×h → Rm , f2 : Rm → R, f3 :
Rm × Rm → Rm , g : R1×h × Rm → R1×h be defined by                     where α1 = λmin (C ⊤ C + µI) > 0 is the smallest eigenvalue
                                                                      of the matrix in the argument, and u⊤ C ⊤ = Cu since it is
        f1 (u, ēx , Ŵ ) = − ((Ĉ ⊤ Ĉ + µI)u − Ĉ ⊤ ēx )           a scalar. The set S = {(u, ēx ) | V̇ = 0} does not contain
                 f2 (u) = − W Φu                                      any trajectory of the reduced system except for (u, ēx ) =
            f3 (δq, u) = − δq + u/a                                   (0, 0). Hence, using LaSalle’s invariance principle, the origin
                                                                      of reduced system (14) is globally asymptotically stable.
            g(W̃ , δq) = − W̃ Φδqδq ⊤ Φ⊤ .
Then the model of HML dynamics (3c), (6), (10), and (11)              B. Faster Timescale Forward Learning Dynamics
can be equivalently written as                                           The boundary-layer system associated with (13) is defined
                                                                      in the fast timescale τW = t/εW as
                      u̇ = η f1 (u, ēx , Ŵ ) + ξ            (12a)
                    ē˙ x = kP f2 (u)                         (12b)                      dW̃
                                                                                             = g(W̃ , δq)                      (16a)
                       ˙ = a f3 (δq, u)                                                  dτW
                    δq                                        (12c)                      dδq   εW
                     ˙                                                                       =      f3 (δq, u),                (16b)
                    Ŵ = γ g(W̃ , δq).                        (12d)                      dτW    εδ
   Rewriting system (12) in the new timescale t 7→ kP t, and          where the slow-varying states u, ēx are considered frozen.
employing the change of variables W̃ = Ŵ − W, where W                   Lemma 2 (Stability of the Boundary Layer System):
is the vector of the true weights on synergies, we get the            Under Assumption 1, for the boundary layer system (16),
singularly perturbed system defined by                                the equilibrium point at (0, u/a) is globally exponentially
                     εu u̇ = f1 (u, ēx , W̃ ) + ξ/η          (13a)        Proof: The lemma can be proved using standard
                       ē˙ x = f2 (u)                         (13b)   adaptive control techniques [23], which leverage the radi-
                          ˙ = f3 (δq, u)                              ally unbounded Lyapunov function Vb (W̃ , δq) = W̃ W̃ ⊤ +
                    εδ δq                                     (13c)    εδ
                                                                                 u ⊤
                     ˙ = g(W̃ , δq),                                  εW δq − a       δq − ua and Assumption 1.
                 εW W̃                                        (13d)
                                                                      C. Coupled Forward-Inverse Motor Learning Dynamics
where εu = kP /η, εδ = kP /a, εW = kP /γ, and we have                    We now show the stability and convergence of our pro-
        ˙ = Ŵ ˙
used W̃          . It can be verified that (u, ēx , δq, W̃ ) =       posed HML model using singular perturbation arguments.
(0, 0, u/a, 0) is an isolated equilibrium of system (13) in              Theorem 1 (Stability of the HML Model (12)): For
the absence of noise ξ. Moreover, the functions f1 , f2 , f3 , g      εW ∈ (0, ε∗ ), for ε∗ sufficiently small, and under
are locally Lipschitz and their partial derivatives up to             Assumption 1, the trajectories of HML model (12)
the second-order are bounded in their respective domains              asymptotically converge to an O(kξk) neighborhood of the
containing the origin.                                                origin.
                                                                           Proof: With the inclusion of persistently exciting noise
A. Slower Timescale Inverse Learning Dynamics                         ξ, the reduced system associated with (13) is an O(kξk)
  Ignoring the noise term in u dynamics, the reduced system           perturbation of the system (14). Using similar techniques as
associated with (13) is                                               in [24, Theorem 11.3], the Lyapunov functions in Lemmas
                                                                      1 and 2 can be used to construct a composite Lyapunov
    εu u̇ =f1 (u, ēx , 0)
                                                                     function. Then, the theorem can be established using this
            = − (Φ⊤ W ⊤ W Φ + µI)u − Φ⊤ W ⊤ ēx               (14a)   composite Lyapunov function and arguments similar to [24,
      ē˙ x =f2 (u) = −W Φu.                                  (14b)   Lemma 9.3].

  Lemma 1 (Stability of the Reduced System): For the re-                    V. M ODEL F ITTING AND C OMPARISON          WITH
duced system (14), the equilibrium point at the origin is                             E XPERIMENTAL DATA
globally asymptotically stable.                                         In this section, we discuss the methods used in designing
     Proof: Consider the radially unbounded Lyapunov                  the BoMI mapping matrix and finding the model parameters
function                                                              by fitting data from human subject experiments. We then
                           εu ⊤     1 2
             V (u, ēx ) =    u u+     ē .                           show the performance of our proposed HML model by
                            2      2kP x                              comparing it with the experimental data.
The time-derivative of V along the reduced system (14) is
                                                                      A. Designing the Forward BoMI Mapping Matrix
                ⊤    1
      V̇ =εu u u̇ +    ēx ē˙ x                                         To design the forward BoMI mapping matrix, Ran-
                    kP                                                ganathan et al. [25] collect hand posture data during a free
         = − u⊤ (Φ⊤ W ⊤ W Φ + µI)u + u⊤ Φ⊤ W ⊤ ēx                    finger exploration phase, in which subjects freely choose
           − W Φuēx                                                  arbitrary hand postures per their discretion. They perform
        = − u⊤ (C ⊤ C + µI)u + (u⊤ C ⊤ − Cu)ēx                       Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on the collected hand
                        2                                             posture data. The first two principal components account for
        ≤ − α1 kuk ,                                           (15)   more than 80% of the variance in the joint movement data
Session 1 Trials (Subject)           Session 1 Trials (Model)                     Session 8 Trials (Subject)                                                              Session 8 Trials (Model)
      6                                    6                                  6                                                                                   6

      4                                    4                                  4                                                                                   4

      2                                    2                                  2                                                                                   2

      0                                    0                                  0                                                                                   0

          -2    0    2     4    6      8       -2   0    2     4   6      8                  -2                      0       2       4         6         8                          -2            0        2        4        6        8
                     (a)                                 (b)                                                                 (c)                                                                           (d)

                           Fig. 2: Cursor Trajectories: Cursor trajectory data from human experiments and the fitted model.

and are used in the mapping matrix C to map the movements                                                    1
                                                                                                                                                        Model                        80

                                                                                        Reaching Error
of hand finger joints to cursor movement in x and y direction.                                                                                          Subject

                                                                                                                                                                       FME (%)
To reduce the dimension of the learning space, we construct
a synergy matrix Φ using the first four principal components                                                                                                                         40
from the above PCA. While our model can work with any                                                                                                                                20
number of synergies, we choose four synergies since they are
                                                                                                             0                                                                         0
sufficiently representative of the free finger movements (see                                                    0           20       40       60            80                               0                    50                     100
Section III), and the higher number of synergies requires a                                                                         Trials                                                                       Trials
higher exploration/excitation noise.                                                                                                 (a)                                                                          (b)

                                                                              Fig. 3: Performance Measures: (a) RE for the subject (red) and for the
B. Fitting HML Model to Experimental Data                                     fitted model (blue) as a function of trials. (b) Evolution of FME for the
   We refer to the Euclidean norm of the cursor position at                   subject as a function of trials, showing only the first 100 trials.
the end of movement and the target point as Reaching Error
                                                                                                                                  Session 1                                                                      Session 8
(RE). End of movement is defined as the time when the                                       0.5                                                                                      0.5
                                                                               First Mode

                                                                                                                                                                        First Mode
cursor reaches inside a 0.15 units radius circle of the target
or after 2 seconds of the start of the movement, whichever                                        0                                                                                   0

is earlier. It can be numerically verified that for the HML                             -0.5                                                                                        -0.5
model, RE follows an exponential trend with the rate of                                     0.5
                                                                                                         0               5           10            15         20
                                                                                                                                                                                           0           5            10           15         20
                                                                              Second Mode

                                                                                                                                                                      Second Mode
convergence η. Therefore, for the experimental data, RE is
computed by averaging over similar trials (trials with same                                     0                                                                                     0

start and end points) across sessions, followed by smoothing
                                                                                       -0.5                                                                                   -0.5
using a 10-trials moving window averaging. The learning                                                  0               5           10            15         20                          0            5            10           15         20
                                                                                                                                 Joint Index                                                                   Joint Index
rate η in the inverse learning dynamics (9) is determined
by fitting RE as an exponential function of trial index k,                    Fig. 4: Modes of Mapping Matrix: Evolution of SVD modes of the forward
i.e., RE = α exp(−ηk) + c. For our experimental data, the                     mapping matrix from Session 1 to Session 8.
estimate of η is 0.04522 with the goodness-of-fit parameter
R2 = 0.9019. With the estimated inverse learning rate, we                     at the same time indices as the human data for a direct
select the forward learning rate γ as a minimizer of the norm                 comparison. We use Forward Model Error (FME) [13] to
of the difference between finger joint trajectories from human                quantify the convergence of the subject’s estimate of forward
data and the model. To this end, we perform a grid search                     mapping, Ĉ = Ŵ Φ, to the actual forward mapping matrix,
over γ ∈ [0, 10], and find the optimum value of γ to be equal                 C = W Φ, which is defined by
to 0.262.
   Other variables are heuristically selected as: kP ∼                                                                                                  C − Ĉ                                        W − Ŵ
O(10−3 ), decreasing over sessions, and µ = 0.3. ξ is selected                                                                   FMEk =                                                    =                             .
                                                                                                                                                          kCk                                          kW k
as a zero-mean white noise with variance Ssession (0.01 +
e−0.1t ), where t is the time index within the session and                      Fig. 2 compares the actual trajectories obtained from the
Ssession is decreasing over sessions. For these parameters, the               human data with that coming out of our proposed model.
HML model is compared with the experimental data in the                       Results show that our model can mimic the motor learning
next section.                                                                 of human hand motions very closely. Noisy trajectories in
                                                                              the beginning are due to high exploration noise in the initial
C. Performance Measures: Comparing with Human Hand                            trials; they look straighter as the trials progress and the
Data                                                                          subject/model learns the mapping. The evolution of both
  We simulate the HML model with the parameters esti-                         FME and RE with the trials is shown in Fig. 3. Both
mated above. The model is simulated at 100 Hz, while the                      FME and RE decrease with trials and the behavior of the
data glove samples finger joint positions at 50 Hz. Therefore,                fitted model is consistent with the experimental data. Fig. 4
the trajectory data from the simulation model is sub-sampled                  compares the SVD modes of learned forward mapping Ĉ
with the SVD modes of actual mapping matrix C. Results                           [9] M. Santello, M. Flanders, and J. F. Soechting, “Postural hand synergies
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                                                                                     10 115, 1998.
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and thus Ĉ converges to C with high accuracy.                                       mechanisms of human motor learning,” in Progress in Motor Control.
                                                                                     Springer, 2013, pp. 1–21.
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