Time for legal protection - Decapod crustaceans and cephalopods: Sentient, and still suffering - Spring 2020

Page created by Byron Phillips
Time for legal protection - Decapod crustaceans and cephalopods: Sentient, and still suffering - Spring 2020
Spring 2020

Time for legal
Decapod crustaceans and cephalopods:
Sentient, and still suffering

             Chris Packham: Patron | Ban trophy hunting | fundraising
             Join a local group | General licences | OneKind Brownies           1
Time for legal protection - Decapod crustaceans and cephalopods: Sentient, and still suffering - Spring 2020
Of all the campaigning topics                                           in the next few months, watch
we work on here at OneKind,                                             this space.
farmed animal welfare
                                                                        The way we treat animals we eat
continues to be one of the
                                                                        on land is one issue, but what
most important areas of our
                                                                        about those that are farmed,
work. What we choose to
                                                                        or also caught from the wild?
consume as food has a huge
                                                                        Species such as octopus, squid,
impact on the lives of sentient
                                                                        cuttlefish, nautilus, lobster,
                                                                        crab and crayfish have no
We want a Scotland where                                                legal protection at all, with no
farmed animals have good                                                controls on how they are kept,
lives, where less and less animal                                       transported or killed. Scotland’s
products are consumed, and          a major priority in a Good Food     animal welfare legislation will
plant-based diets continue          Nation, because, quite frankly,     be updated this year and so this
to grow. We also want to see        food produced at the expense        is the perfect time to ask the
Scotland become a world-leader      of animal suffering is not good     Scottish Government to include
in farm welfare standards,          food.                               these species and classify them
because it’s the right thing                                            as protected animals. More on
to do for the animals, and for      Last year we commissioned a         this issue, and details of our other
Scotland’s reputation around the    report about why farmed animal      areas of work, in this edition of
world.                              welfare matters in Scotland.        our magazine.
                                    We want to help consumers,
The Scottish Government has         animal welfare advocates,           Thank you for all your support,
a Good Food Nation agenda           food producers and politicians      helping us grow over the coming
and has proposed legislation to     grow their recognition of farm      year to give an ever-more
require Scottish Ministers and      animals as individuals and as       powerful voice to Scotland’s
selected public bodies, such as     sentient emotional beings, rather   animals.
councils and health boards, to      than just simple units of food      Bob Elliot
set out a statement on food         production. We hope to publish      Director | OneKind
policy. Animal welfare should be    and present this important report

Contact us
We’d love to hear from you. Whether you have a question about one
of our campaigns or just want to help out, please get in touch.
50 Montrose Terrace,                www.onekind.scot
Edinburgh EH7 5DL                   Facebook: onekindfb
Tel: 0131 661 9734                  Twitter: onekindtweet
email: info@onekind.org             Instagram: onekindscotland
Registered charity no. SC041299     cover image: Pixabay
Time for legal protection - Decapod crustaceans and cephalopods: Sentient, and still suffering - Spring 2020
Chris joins OneKind as Patron
Last month, we were delighted to welcome wildlife TV presenter and
conservationist, Chris Packham, as patron to OneKind.

Well-known for fronting popular wildlife TV              “That’s why I’m pleased to have joined Scotland’s
shows, such as BBC Springwatch, Chris is a great         leading animal welfare campaigns charity OneKind
ambassador for wildlife and has taken an active role     as patron. OneKind are a great evidence-based
in promoting our animal welfare campaigns to his         charity doing important work not only to end
many supporters.                                         cruelty to Scotland’s wildlife, but also companion
                                                         and farmed animals. Their successes include
In particular, Chris has been very supportive of our
                                                         helping to bring bans on the use of wild animals
campaign to end wildlife killings, inviting us to have
                                                         in Scottish circuses and the use of snares to kill
a display at his photography event in Edinburgh
                                                         mountain hares, and encouraging the Scottish
and discussing the importance of our campaign to
                                                         Government to bring in compulsory CCTV in
the audience.
                                                         Scotland’s slaughterhouses. OneKind effects real
Talking about his decision to become patron of           change for Scotland’s animals.”
OneKind, Chris commented:
                                                         We’re very excited to have such a passionate and
“Wildlife is routinely being persecuted in Scotland.     excellent ambassador to our charity, as Bob Elliot,
Tens of thousands of wild animals are killed each        OneKind Director comments:
year in Scotland’s countryside with cruel, outdated
                                                         “Chris Packham has continuously fought for
and indiscriminate traps. It’s time the Scottish
                                                         conservation causes and animal welfare. I’m
Government puts an end to these wildlife killings
                                                         incredibly pleased that Chris is joining us and will be
and sends a message that wildlife are not ‘vermin’
                                                         supporting our animal welfare campaigns to help
or ‘pests’, but sentient animals capable of feeling
                                                         end cruelty to Scotland’s animals.”
pain, that deserve our protection and conservation.
                                                         Welcome to the OneKind team, Chris!

Time for legal protection - Decapod crustaceans and cephalopods: Sentient, and still suffering - Spring 2020
legal protection

It’s time we protected ALL of
Scotland’s animals
Did you know that not all of Scotland’s animals are afforded legal protection?

Octopus, squid, cuttlefish and nautilus                transport and slaughter without stunning. Lobsters
(cephalopods) and lobster, crab and crayfish           can commonly be seen crammed together in barren
(decapod crustaceans) are sentient beings capable      restaurant tanks, awaiting slaughter. Subjected to
of experiencing pain and suffering, yet they are not   noise, bright lighting, and with their claws bound
afforded any legal protection in Scotland.             with elastic bands, these naturally solitary animals
                                                       may suffer from stress, injury, overheating and
We are calling on the Scottish Government
to introduce legal protection for crab, lobster,
octopus, squid and other species of decapod
crustaceans and cephalopods. Scotland’s
                                                       Octopus farming
animal welfare legislation will be updated this        The introduction of octopus farming in the
year and so this is the perfect time to ask the        Mediterranean in recent years is alarming and
Scottish Government to include cephalopods and         many people are concerned about the rearing of
crustaceans as protected animals under the             these highly intelligent and complex animals in
2006 Act.                                              aquaculture systems.

Sentient                                               Boiled alive
There is a significant body of evidence that           As food processors and
cephalopods and decapod crustaceans experience         restaurants are not required
pain and suffering. These animals may not have         to take account of decapod
backbones, but there is still ample evidence that      crustaceans’ welfare needs,
they are sentient. Lobsters have advanced central      lobsters and crabs can
nervous systems while, for cephalopods, scientists     still legally be boiled alive.
go further and describe them as have a well-           Scientific evidence has shown
developed nervous system and a complex brain.          that crabs may take up to
                                                       three minutes to die.
These animals suffer considerably at the hands of
humans as there’s no legislation protecting their
                                                       Packaged alive
welfare needs.
                                                       In November 2015, a
Barren restaurant tanks                                supermarket in South
                                                       London was found to be
Science shows that decapod crustaceans and
                                                       selling live crabs pre-
cephalopods can experience suffering connected
                                                       packaged in clingfilm;
with capture from the wild, being kept in captivity,
                                                       slowly suffocating and

4       © Pixabay/Paul Whittaker
Time for legal protection - Decapod crustaceans and cephalopods: Sentient, and still suffering - Spring 2020
completely immobilised. The RSPCA was powerless                                            © Shutterstock/
                                                                                           Vladimir Wrangel
to take legal action as the Animal Welfare Act 2006
– which protects animals in England and Wales –
also only covers vertebrates.

Shipped live
In 2018 we discovered that Amazon UK offered live
Canadian lobster through the post. Despite public
outrage and media coverage, Amazon still lists live
lobster on its website.
                                                       enclosure during the night and squeezed himself
Worryingly, the third-party seller of these lobsters
                                                       through the narrow pipe to freedom.
claims that there’s no evidence that these animals
feel pain.
                                                       OneKind lobbying
Attempted escapes                                      We have repeatedly called for octopus, squid,
                                                       cuttlefish and nautilus lobster, crab and crayfish
When crabs and lobsters are caught, taken out of
                                                       to be included under Scotland’s animal welfare
water and handled, they make vigorous efforts
                                                       legislation. In 2019 we collaborated on a post-
to escape. They also often shed limbs, an escape
                                                       Brexit animal welfare manifesto with 41 other UK
response known as autotomy, which is likely also
                                                       organisations that recommended the inclusion
to be a response to pain. Reports of octopuses
                                                       of cephalopods and decapod crustaceans in
escaping are not uncommon, and, in fact, they
                                                       the domestic legislation; responded to Scottish
have the reputation of ‘escape artists’. In 2016,
                                                       Government’s animal welfare Bill, recommending
    an octopus, called Inky, held captive in a New
                                                       the inclusion of these species; and have met with
         Zealand aquarium, made news headlines
                                                       MSPs to encourage them to support our proposal to
             globally when he escaped through
                                                       include these animals as ‘protected animals’ under
                        a drainpipe back into the
                                                       the 2006 Act.
                             ocean. Inky moved
                                   the lid of his      Our wonderful supporters have also been writing
                                                       to Minister for Rural Affairs and the Natural
                                                       Environment, Mairi Gougeon, to show their support
                                                       for our proposal and to local seafood restaurants to
                                                       enquire into their chosen method of slaughter.

                                                             Take action
                                                        If you’d like to help with this campaign, please
                                                        email or contact our Campaigner eve.massie@
                                                        onekind.org for a letter template!

Time for legal protection - Decapod crustaceans and cephalopods: Sentient, and still suffering - Spring 2020
trophy hunting

Trophy hunting belongs in
the history books
You may remember two years ago
when the images of American hunter,
Larysa Switlyk, posing with wild animals
that she had killed in Scotland, were
circulated across social media.
The story was picked up by many media outlets
and OneKind was quoted calling for an end to
trophy hunting in Scotland. We reached papers and
online media including The Scotsman and the New
York Times. We also appeared on Sky News and
BBC 1 Scotland’s Sunday Politics Show to discuss
why hunting Scotland’s wild animals is completely      Why is this ban important?
unacceptable.                                          Trophy hunting is cruel and inflicts pain and
                                                       suffering on not only the target animal but may
Import/Export ban                                      also inflict this suffering onto their offspring. As an
Scotland’s outrage that our beautiful wild animals     example, the killing of female lions may cause their
were being targeted in the name of ‘sport’ led to      young to starve, while the killing of the dominant
First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon’s statement that the   male lion may lead to infanticide as new males
Scottish Government was reviewing the situation        compete to lead the pride.
and whether a change in legislation was necessary.     A ban on imports and exports would send a clear
While the Scottish Government has introduced           message to the international community that the
change in legislation, in November 2019 the UK         British public do not support trophy hunting in any
Government opened a public consultation on             form, and help to focus minds on finding alternative
proposals to ban trophy hunting imports and            humane and effective ways of protecting wild
exports.                                               animals through the promotion of human-wildlife
                                                       coexistence. It would also set us on the right path
As this ban would apply to Scotland’s imports and
                                                       for a ban on trophy hunting in Scotland.
exports, we have been active in urging the public
and MPs to support it, as part of the Ban Trophy       A recent poll has shown that UK citizens are
Hunting campaign group.                                overwhelmingly in favour of a ban on trophy
                                                       hunting, with 86% in favour of a universal ban.

Time for legal protection - Decapod crustaceans and cephalopods: Sentient, and still suffering - Spring 2020
Open letter                                              “killing wildlife for fun is a dying
Along with the nine other animal welfare                 business” Chris Packham
organisations of the Ban Trophy Hunting campaign,
we signed an open letter to Secretary of State,
Theresa Villiers, to advise on the importance of a      Celebrity support
ban on the import and exports of trophy hunting         The Ban Trophy Hunting campaign has the support
and asked Villiers to support the implementation        of many celebrities, including OneKind patron, Chris
of a ban. The consultation has now closed and the       Packham, actors Joanne Lumley and Judi Dench,
responses are being considered.                         and explorer, Ranulph Fiennes.
We also supported the Ban Trophy Hunting petition       Chris Packham commented:
to Boris Johnson, urging him to follow through on
                                                        “Trophy hunting has had its ugly day in the sun…
his 2019 comments calling for an end to barbaric
                                                        We still hear those involved in trophy hunting trot
trophy hunting.
                                                        out the tired old lie that its about conservation. But
                                                        killing wildlife for fun is a dying business and this
      Take action                                       is just another way for them to try to justify their
                                                        desire to kill for pleasure”.
 Close to 100,000 have signed the petition and
 there’s still time to sign online at:                  Meanwhile, Joanna Lumley called trophy hunting
 http://bit.ly/onekindtrophy                            ‘the lowest of the low’ and added that killing
                                                        animals for fun ‘is just disgusting.

Recent hunting incident
In January of this year, an American hunter,
Rebecca Wolfe Spradley, posted photos of her
recent trip to the Scottish Highlands. The photos
show her laughing while the blood of the killed
deer, her ‘trophy’, is smeared across her face by the
person leading the hunt, and then subsequently
posing with the blood still on her face. Rebecca
plans to return to Scotland this October and has
invited others to join her.
Trophy hunting is not the type of tourism we should
be encouraging in Scotland. This cruel practice
belongs in the history books and we continue to
work with like-minded organisations to make sure
this is the case.

Time for legal protection - Decapod crustaceans and cephalopods: Sentient, and still suffering - Spring 2020
Scottish General Licence
changes are a mixed bag
It is against the law to trap or kill wild birds in Scotland and elsewhere in the
UK. Like most laws, however, there are exceptions and in the case of wild birds,
Scotland’s environment agency, Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) issues a suite of
licences to allow people to carry out activities that would, otherwise, be illegal.

For widely controlled species such as corvids (the       focusing on the welfare hazards of the system and
crow family, including crows, magpies, jackdaws          the conditions on the existing licences. We said, as
and rooks), SNH issues general licences which no-        we have repeatedly said over the years, that Larsen
one needs to apply for individually. These licences      traps – small ground level cage traps that use a
are published online by SNH and users simply need        magpie or crow as a decoy to lure in others – and
to be aware of, and comply with, their conditions.       larger multi-cage traps – typically seen on grouse
Anyone wishing to control the listed species may         moors and also using a decoy bird – should be
do so as long as their purpose is an approved one –      banned as they impose severe stress on both decoy
such as conserving protected wild birds, protecting      and captured birds. If this was not to happen, we
livestock or crops, or preventing the spread of          called for stricter inspection regimes and guidance
disease.                                                 on humane killing – our field officer once witnessed
                                                         a gamekeeper flailing at trapped crows with a
Animal welfare and conservation bodies have long
                                                         stick inside the catching area, causing distress and
criticised this general licence system on a number
                                                         injury to several birds. We also called for a ban on
of grounds: it puts wild birds at risk of suffering
                                                         lethal control during breeding seasons, to protect
and ill-treatment; there is a lack of evidence for the
                                                         dependent chicks who are left to starve if their
need to control all of the listed species; and some of
                                                         parents are killed.
the species that may be killed are of conservation
concern. Legally, licences must be based on the          Moving away from the trapping issue, we pointed
principle that there is no satisfactory alternative to   out the lack of welfare standards applicable to
controlling the species concerned and it was this        the shooting of birds under general licence – still
issue that led Wild Justice, spearheaded by Mark         no shooter competence test and no requirement
Avery, Chris Packham and Ruth Tingay, to bring a         to check that shot birds have actually been killed
ground-breaking challenge to the English general         outright, rather than left on the ground to suffer
licence system.                                          and die.
SNH believes that its approach to licensing is           The newly-issued Scottish general licences include
legally sound but has still taken the opportunity to     15 changes to the species lists:
review the Scottish general licences. OneKind met
                                                         •   GL01 (conservation of wild birds) – removal
with officials to raise welfare concerns and also
                                                             of rook and great black-backed gull from the
contributed a response to the SNH consultation,

Time for legal protection - Decapod crustaceans and cephalopods: Sentient, and still suffering - Spring 2020
“We also called for a ban on lethal control during breeding
        seasons, to protect dependent chicks who are left to starve if
        their parents are killed”
                                                         Some of the GL changes are a step in the right
                                                         direction but, while they respond to some of the
                                                         legal and conservation concerns raised by critics,
•   GL02 (prevention of serious damage to
                                                         the welfare problems remain. OneKind’s position
    agriculture) – removal of great black-backed
                                                         remains that the law makes it too easy to take and
    gull from the licence
                                                         kill our wild birds. In addition, our Public Petition
•   GL03 (public health and safety, prevention           PE01762, currently lodged with the Scottish
    of disease spread) – removal of carrion crow,        Parliament, calls for an independent review of the
    hooded crow, rook, jackdaw, magpie, jay,             welfare issues surrounding the trapping and
    woodpigeon, collared dove, great black-backed        killing of all wildlife in Scotland.
    gull, herring gull and lesser black-backed gull
    from the licence
•   GL04, which allowed the control of birds on
    grounds of air safety, has been withdrawn.
An important change is a new
requirement for trap operators to
register with SNH in order to use
four different types of trap - Larsen
traps, Larsen mate traps, Larsen
pod traps, and multi-catch cage
crow traps. This means that there
will no longer be any question
as to who is responsible for an individual trap.
At present, trap registration is by landholding
(and overseen by Police Scotland) and the lack
of operator information has made enforcement
difficult when breaches have been identified. SNH
says the aim is to have “direct contact with those
trapping under our general licences which will lead
to clearer understanding of user responsibilities and
aid communication in future.”
Consideration has been given to species on certain
Special Protection Areas and Special Areas of
Conservation and SNH has decided that people can
still use the general licences in these areas, subject
to additional, site specific conditions. No additional
permissions will be required in these protected areas.

                                                                             © Pixabay/Alexa_Fotos               9
Time for legal protection - Decapod crustaceans and cephalopods: Sentient, and still suffering - Spring 2020
Advocates for Animals
Protecting animals requires laws and policies to change. This regular feature
by Libby Anderson, OneKind’s Policy Advisor, gives you the gritty detail on
OneKind’s advocacy for animals in a specific area.

Scottish parliament
addresses animal welfare
The Animals and Wildlife (Penalties, Protections and      A new power allowing animals taken into care by
Powers) (Scotland) Bill completed its first Stage in      the Scottish SPCA or council officers to be re-homed
the Scottish Parliament on 12 March, with a debate        on the strength of a notice to the owner, rather
on the General Principles of the Bill.                    than a court order, also offers great potential to
                                                          benefit animal welfare. It will reduce the time that
For some, it’s hard to get excited about this rather
                                                          many animals, such as puppies seized from dealers,
technical Bill, mainly designed to address anomalies
                                                          have to spend in shelters, often experiencing stress
and concerns in the area of enforcement. But it has
                                                          and lack of socialisation despite the care provided
potentially far-reaching effects, all of them positive.
                                                          for them.
The headline measure is the increase in penalties for
                                                          OneKind has also seized the opportunity of
animal welfare and wildlife crimes, which are going
                                                          an animal welfare Bill – a rare event, sadly – to
up to a maximum five-year prison sentence and an
                                                          highlight other areas that need the oxygen
unlimited fine for the most serious offences. This
                                                          of parliamentary scrutiny. We are delighted
responds to widespread public revulsion at the most
                                                          that the Committee has shown interest in our
serious acts committed by some humans against
                                                          recommendations for additional measures to
animals. This type of cruelty is not common,
                                                          be used alongside sentencing, such as empathy
but some truly terrible stories emerged in the
                                                          training courses. Witnesses giving evidence to
consultation on the Bill and encouraged MSPs to
                                                          the Committee, including OneKind, also called
support measures that will have a truly deterrent
                                                          for greater information-sharing on convictions
effect in future.
                                                          (disqualification orders, fixed penalty notices, fines
At the other end of the offence scale, the Bill           and custodial sentences) and we are pleased that
provides for fixed penalty notices (FPN) for minor        the Committee has supported these suggestions.
technical animal health and welfare breaches, with
                                                          Other issues opened up in the course of the
FPN for wildlife offences likely to be introduced at
                                                          Bill include options to enhance detection and
Stage 2. OneKind supports these provisions as long
                                                          prosecution by expanding the powers of the
as FPN are not used in cases where animals have
                                                          Scottish SPCA in wildlife cases, and by facilitating
actually suffered, because we want to see the overall
                                                          the use of video evidence. In too many cases,
level of enforcement increased and people are
                                                          NGO evidence is ruled inadmissible and illegal acts
made aware of their responsibilities to their animals.
                                                          against sentient wild animals go unsanctioned.

We love...
Humane Wildlife Solutions
We’re quite happy to share the OneKind office with
all kinds of creatures and beasties but if they were
to become a problem there is only one company we
would contact.

Humane Wildlife Solutions             Founder/owner Kevin Newell who        •   Deterring urban foxes from
(HWS) are a humane, non-lethal        has over 10 years experience of           entering certain areas
alternative to pest control. They     working within wildlife protection
                                                                            •   A gull helpline – fully insured
can help overcome wildlife            states: “This passion for wildlife
                                                                                and only ever acting under
conflict on both domestic             started for me as a teenager
                                                                                license, HWS offer a site
and commercial properties by          working as a volunteer at a
                                                                                survey to establish if a full
repelling and deterring, rather       wildlife rescue centre in Essex and
                                                                                removal service is actually
than using the current methods        quickly spread to other private
                                                                                needed. They can then carry
offered by traditional pest           wildlife work from monitoring wild
                                                                                preventative methods before
control services of trapping          animals to helping create and
                                                                                gulls become a problem
and killing. With clients across      clean up their environments.
the entire UK and offering an
                                      “It’s this passion for wildlife and
international consultation service,
                                      the environment, which has
they are experts in carrying out                                            “We believe we can all
                                      made me come to the decision
assessments and preventative
                                      to put my wildlife knowledge          live side by side, humans
measures. HWS will not use                                                  and wildlife. If there is
                                      to good use and help others
poisons, pesticides or other
                                      overcome wildlife conflict, with      conflict, then we will help
harmful chemicals making them
family, garden and pet friendly.
                                      ideal outcomes for both the           you overcome this by
                                      wildlife and clients involved.”
HWS Commercial Pest Control                                                 using humane methods
Services can even offer your          Services they offer include:          only.”
business a boost to its reputation    •    Repelling/deterring cats,
or environmental status as their           which can include making
service is eco-friendly and safe           your garden cat-proof
around food in restaurants,                and acting as a mediation
grocery stores and storage areas.          between neighbours and cat

            HWS can be contacted on 0777 136 1226 or visit: humanewildlifesolutions.co.uk


Our members, supporters and the public raise the
£300,000 we need each year to continue funding our
investigations and campaign work. We really appreciate
every gift we receive and couldn’t continue our work
without your support.
We’d also like to say a huge thank you to each one
of you who supported our Christmas appeal with
Hessilhead. You have raised over £8,500. It was
overwhelming for us in the office during December,
with so many donations and cards arriving each
day. While your gifts mean so much to both
Hessilhead and us, your kind words and wishes
kept spirits high in the office. While we are always a
motivated team, having your support and knowing
that you have taken the time to respond and write
to us was a reminder that you, our supporters,
truly are the backbone of OneKind. Your Christmas
gifts will help Hessilhead continue rescuing and
rehabilitating injured foxes and abandoned cubs,
giving them the best chance of survival when
                                                         Sometimes those closest to us struggle for gift ideas
released and support our campaign for a real
                                                         so this takes that worry away from them!
hunting ban.
                                                         Setting it up is simple and once it’s complete,
There are lots of ways you can get involved and
                                                         Facebook will automatically transfer the money you
raise awareness as well as vital funds towards our
                                                         raise to us, making it such an easy way to support
work. Here are some of the things you can do to
                                                         our work.
help protect Scotland’s animals.
                                                         Use this link to create your own Facebook fundraiser:
Facebook fundraiser                                      www.facebook.com/fund/onekindfb/
Raise money and awareness to help end cruelty to
Scotland’s animals from the comfort of your own          Easy Fundraising
home. Perfect for those who are on the go most of        There are lots of schemes whereby companies will
the time or feel unable to take part in a sport or a     donate a percentage of what you spend online
specific event but want to do something to show          to your chosen charity. One of our supporters,
their support for Scotland’s animals. It’s also great    Ethne got in touch to let us know that she recently
for those who don’t want or need gifts for their         booked a holiday through Easy Fundraising, who
birthday or anniversary, but still want to celebrate!    are donating 4% back to us (at no extra cost to


Ethne). That means that just by booking her holiday    •     Edinburgh Marathon Festival – standard
as normal, OneKind will receive a donation of £88.           entries are now closed but you can still take part
Thank you so much Ethne.                                     by running for OneKind. Registration is just £20.

You can register with Easy Fundraising here:           •     Zipslide the Clyde is back, taking place on
https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/ and donate to            Sunday 30th August. Spaces are limited so get
OneKind without spending a penny more.                       in touch to book your place now.
                                                       •     Kiltwalk – There are four locations and three
Events in 2020                                               distances to choose from. What’s more, The
Our events calendar is filling up for 2020 and we            Hunter Foundation will boost whatever you
are delighted to have people already signed up for           raise by a massive 40%.
Kiltwalk, Zipslide the Clyde, DogJog, Edinburgh half
and full marathon, among others. Event participants
raise over £5,000 each year, which goes directly
                                                              More info
towards our campaigns. Not only that, but you can
                                                           There are lots of other events you can take part
achieve a personal goal while raising funds and
                                                           in so head to our website www.onekind.scot/
awareness for Scotland’s animals.
                                                           get-involved/raise-money/challenge-yourself/ or
                                                           email me at lauren.semple@onekind.org

Local groups
Our events tend to get a little quieter around Winter as the days grow
shorter and the cold sets in. However, this hasn’t stopped our volunteers
and supporters from getting out and about in aid of OneKind. Here’s
some of what they’ve been up to over the last few months …

Team Edinburgh                                           Finally, our Campaign and Volunteer Officers
Our Edinburgh group have been a busy bunch of            (Eve and Sarah) were asked to go along to host
bees. Long-term volunteer Iris stepped up to host        a OneKind talk at the Open Door’s Gentleman’s
our stall at the Edinburgh Greenpeace Eco Fair in        Afternoon. They took along a presentation looking
November. We had a wonderful response from               at our campaigns to put an end to the killing of
supporters offering to help out and (alongside the       Scotland’s wild animals and had a wonderful day
help of Holly, Vicki, Aleks, Jane, Ellie and the two     answering questions from the audience.
Anne’s) she had a wonderful day representing
OneKind and collecting signatures.                       Social Media
Meanwhile, regular OneKind fundraiser Carine             We’ve been talking a lot recently about the power
hosted her final Plant Swap fundraiser of 2019 in our    behind our social media volunteers. You may
Montrose Terrace office. We treated visitors to mulled   remember our volunteer Andrew, who initiated our
wine and bagged a few plant babies for ourselves.        Caged Farm Animal Demo last year? In December

14                                                 Plant swap
he got in touch with us to make us aware of a UK
wide competition that was running for charities to
win £1000 towards their cause. We quickly took
advantage of Andrew’s notification and sent out
a plea to our database, asking people to vote for
us to bag one of the 120 prizes available from
Ecclesiastical Insurance group. We were delighted
to learn that our supporters had swiftly jumped to
our assistance and we were awarded the money just
before Christmas. An exciting example of how you
can get involved from home!

Team Galloway
Team Galloway were out and about again over             Baking the world a better place!
Winter, this time setting up camp at the Gatehouse      They say the way to someone’s heart is
of Fleet Christmas Fair. Edna and Pete got in touch     through their stomach … and it’s definitely
with us to ask for help in hosting a festive stall,     the way to ours! Over the Winter, both our
complete with tombola, petitions and OneKind            own Glasgow Uni group and the Edinburgh
merchandise.                                            Student Voice for Animal Rights hosted bake
                                                        sale events to raise money for OneKind. They
Team Lewis                                              popped into our office and bulked up their
Edinburgh’s loss was the Isle of Lewis’s gain when      tables with our cute nature buddies to sell on
our volunteer Kirsty moved back up North. Kirsty        the day.
got straight to work, building a new community
of animal lovers and OneKind supporters and
in December she coordinated a demonstration
against the use of live reindeer in a Christmas
                                                    cold conditions, Ahmad, Allan, Frances, Joan, Verity,
display. The result was positive, with the venue
                                                    Helen, Rene and Kerr all came along to drive petition
agreeing not to repeat the event next year.
                                                    signatures and sell last-minute gifts. As a group
Not content with just one event in December, Kirsty we collected 50 new signatures to go towards our
also signed her Mum up as a OneKind volunteer and Caged Farm Animal Campaign.
the two of them hosted an awareness stall at the
                                                    Our volunteers and supporters have already started
Stornoway Christmas Fair. What a champ!
                                                    hosting and planning events for 2020. Have an idea
                                                    or want to get involved? Let us know by dropping
Team Glasgow                                        us an e-mail at info@onekind.org. We list all our
Glasgow volunteers put on their hats and scarves    upcoming events on our website and on Facebook.
to brave the wet weather and help run our Glasgow We also have a dedicated OneKind Volunteer
Vegan connections stand for Christmas. Despite the Facebook page (OneKind Volunteers)!

      “All co-ordinators are supported by our events and volunteer officer”

Getting involved with OneKind
               Every week we get lots of e-mails from people that
               want to help out and get involved with our work.
               Despite being such a small team, we always try to get back to each
               enquiry on a personal level. We understand that not everyone is
               comfortable/able to do face-to-face events or volunteering. As a result,
               we like to find out about each person that e-mails; how did they come
               across OneKind? Are there any campaigns that they’re particularly
               interested in? Where they’re based? To help everyone along, we thought
               we’d give a couple of answers to frequently asked questions:

               There aren’t any events in my area. How do I get
               them started?
               Why not form a OneKind local group? We can help you do this by
               getting in touch with people in your area for you. You just need to
               decide on a time and a place. We can send you some suggested
               meeting itineraries and lots of materials to get started. Our local
               volunteer groups plan & host their own events, whether it be signature
               collection, fundraising, or campaign awareness activities. We’ll help you
               book stalls at fairs, and even cover the cost for you.

               I’m looking to help or get work experience in
               animal welfare. Can I come in to work with one of
               your office team?
               Due to our size, we’ve found this difficult in the past and we’re not taking
               office volunteers at the moment. We really struggle as a small team to
               support office volunteers, as our roles tend to be quite reactive. We would
               want to give people something that’s rewarding for both parties. Before
               people can be shown all the systems we use, they need to pick up more of
               the basic (less exciting) jobs that the team do. Despite our best efforts to
               highlight this, we find that most people want to get stuck into the gritty
               stuff quickly and we can’t facilitate this at this time.
               We ARE always on the lookout for letter/e-mail writing support (which
               can be done from home).

      Get in touch with Eve, our Campaigns Officer, to find out more: eve.massie@onekind.org

A tasty collaboration
Herbivore Kitchen limited-edition OneKind Easter Brownies

We love supporting and working alongside cruelty-free brands and local
businesses. As part of our Easter fundraising, we’re delighted to announce that
we’ve teamed up with Herbivore Kitchen, baker of delicious cruelty-free brownies.

Owner, Alison, introduced            out some new flavours in the
Herbivore Kitchen to Scotland        kitchen, creating a limited-edition
years ago after initially testing    selection of OneKind brownies.
out her range at Edinburgh’s local   We loved Alison’s idea of
Leith Market. Once a month, the      incorporating tastes inspired by
market plays host to a vegan fair    childhood classics and are excited
and this is where she identified a   to reveal that the following case
gap in the market for plant-based    of four will be available on the
cakes that didn’t compromise         lead up to Easter:                    only gifting your loved ones (or
on taste. Alison’s goal was to       - Party Ring                          yourself) a sweet treat, you’re
create a selection of goodies that   - Pink Wafer                          also helping us give Scotland’s
consumers wouldn’t be able to        - Snickers                            animals a voice against cruelty
pick out as vegan. The result was    - Cream Egg                           and persecution.
her delicious chocolate-packed
                                     For every box of the limited-         What’s more, all brownies are
brownies, which aren’t only dairy
                                     edition brownies that Herbivore       posted out in a compostable
free, but also wheat free too!
                                     Kitchen sell, they will kindly        inner to extend their shelf
We were delighted when               donate 10% of the takings to          life, reflecting the company’s
Herbivore Kitchen agreed to test     us. This means that you’re not        commitment to the environment.

                  Head to their website you order yours! www.theherbivorekitchen.co.uk

in the news

Animal welfare breaches uncovered
at Edinburgh research laboratory
Just last month, The Ferret reported a number of animal welfare breaches at
Charles River’s Elphinstone Research Centre in Tranent.
                                                        non-compliance in animal experiments and we’d
                                                        welcome a statement on the course of action they
                                                        plan to take to reduce these instances.
                                                        “Ultimately, OneKind seeks an end to the use of all
                                                        animals in experiments through the process of the
                                                        replacement, as the most effective of the principles
                                                        known as the 3Rs, replacement, reduction,
                                                        refinement. There should be increased investment
                                            © Peta      in alternatives to animal testing, such as isolated
                                                        cells and tissues, computer and mathematical
Whistleblower                                           models to predict the effects of chemicals and
A whistleblower to PETA alleged a number of             drugs and designing experiments for human
welfare breaches in the case of rats and mice,          volunteers.
including a horrifying instance where approximately     “The breaches reported are serious in nature and
between 50-54 live rats, including pregnant             we hope will lead to appropriate sanctions by the
females, were crushed to death in a rubbish             authorities and a thorough review of practices in
compressor. Between 100-120 live rats in total were     the laboratory concerned.”
accidentally placed in the rubbish compressor, and
those that had not died immediately, were later         Alternatives
euthanised due to their injuries.
                                                        OneKind has campaigned for alternatives to
                                                        animal testing since our formation in 1912. There
Chemical gas
                                                        is an opportunity for the UK to lead the way in
In another incident, five rats were mistakenly forced   the development of alternative techniques and
to inhale a dose of chemical gas that was above the     technologies to replace animal use and we urge the
maximum limit. As a result, the rats engaged in self-   UK Government to invest in humane alternatives.
mutilation, with one female chewing her toe off.
OneKind Campaigner & Press Officer, Eve Massie
was quoted in The Ferret on the breaches,
commenting:                                                “The breaches reported are
“Recent Home Office figures reveal 3.52 million
                                                           serious in nature and we hope
procedures were carried out on animals in Britain          will lead to appropriate sanctions
in 2018. The Home Office regularly documents               by the authorities”

Join OneKind Today!
                                                       Full name (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms)

                                                       Home address


                                                       Telephone                         Email address

Membership                                             Please donate
update                                                        £10             £15 £                          /month

                                                       Or £                       /year (minimum £60)

We really can’t thank you enough for your              Please debit the following account the 5th of each
support. We are such a small team that your gifts      month or year as indicated above until further notice.
have such a large impact on our ability to keep
                                                       Originator Identification Number 248189
giving animals a voice.
                                                       Name of bank                            Address of branch
Members contribute more than £65,000 per year
towards our campaign and investigation work,
but more than that, you are demonstrating that         Name of account holder(s)
the public demand better protection for animals.
Your support allows us to engage the public and
highlight issues that they may not have been           Sort code
aware of.
                                                       Account number
By welcoming new members, we will be able to           Instructions to your bank or building society. Please pay OneKind Direct Debits from
                                                       the account detailed in the instruction subject to the safeguards assured by the
fund even more campaigns, working tirelessly           Direct Debit Guarantee.

until all of Scotland’s animals have the protection
                                                      How Would you like us to communicate with you?
they deserve. We feel privileged that you trust us
                                                            Mail           Email           Phone
to take your compassion for animals and turn it
into effective change. Thank you.                      Signature
If you haven’t joined us already but would like                                                              I am a UK taxpayer. Please treat
                                                                                                             this and any future gift to OneKind
to find out more, you can head over to our                                                                   on or after the date of this
                                                                                                             declaration as a Gift Aid donation,
website onekind.scot or email me at                                                                          until I notify you otherwise
                                                       Date           /       /                          Signature
                                                      Please complete and return to:
                                                      OneKind, 50 Montrose Terrace,
                                                      Edinburgh EH7 5DL
                                                      To join OneKind by making a one-off                Date         /      /
                                                      donation please call us on 0131 661 9734
make a one-off donation
to our campaigns
Donations allow us to lobby more politicians and
decision-makers, and get support from even more
members of the public.
Full name (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms)                                                                Scotland’s Animal
                                                                                          Welfare Commission
Home address                                                                              underway
                                                                                          We were delighted to welcome the Scottish
                                                                                          Government’s announcement of Scotland’s
                                                                                          first ever independent Animal Welfare
  Postcode                                                                                Commission.
Telephone                                Email address                                    The Commission, which will be chaired by
                                                                                          Professor Cathy Dwyer, Professor of Animal
                                                                                          Behaviour and Welfare at Scotland’s Rural
                                                                                          College, will focus on protecting wild and
Your gift                                                                                 companion animals, while also providing
         £10               £25                 £50 £                       other          scientific and ethical advice to the Scottish
          I enclose a cheque/CAF voucher/postal
          order made payable to OneKind
                                                                                          We’re also very excited that OneKind’s Policy
                                                                                          Advisor, Libby Anderson, will be one of the 11
          I would like to make my gift by credit/debit card
          or CAF charity card                                                             selected commissioners. Working in a personal
                                                                                          capacity, Libby’s expertise and knowledge will
                                                                                          be an invaluable asset to the Commission.
Card number
                                                                                          The Commission will look at the following
Security code                                Issue Number
This is the last three                                                                    areas:
numbers on the                                                 (Maestro/VisaDelta only)
signature strip
                                                                                          •    how the welfare needs of sentient
Valid from                 /        /           Valid to            /       /
                                                                                               animals are being met;
                                                                                          •    how the welfare needs of sentient
Cardholder signature                                 Date
                                                                                               animals are being met by devolved policy;
                                                           /       /                      •    possible legislative and non-legislative
                                                                                               routes to further protect the welfare of
      Tick this box if you would prefer not to receive a receipt
                                                                                               sentient animals;
How would you like us to communicate with you?                                            •    the research requirements to provide
       Mail              Email               Phone                                             an evidence base for future policy

      I am a UK taxpayer. Please
      treat this and any future gift to
      OneKind on or after the date of this
      declaration as a Gift Aid donation,
      until I notify you otherwise               Date                  /    /

20 complete and return to:
OneKind, 50 Montrose Terrace, Edinburgh EH7 5DL
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