Ticks & Tick-borne Illnesses in Alabama - Alabama Department of Public Health

Page created by Deborah Fisher
Ticks & Tick-borne Illnesses in Alabama - Alabama Department of Public Health
A L A B A M A           A & M           A N D           A U B U R N      U N I V E R S I T I E S

                                 Ticks & Tick-borne
                                        Illnesses in Alabama

What is a tick, why do ticks
bite, and why does it matter?
Ticks are very small external
parasites that feed by sucking
blood from animals (hosts),
including mammals, birds,
reptiles, and amphibians. Most
ticks go through four life stages:
egg, six-legged larva, eight-legged
nymph, and adult. After hatching
from eggs, ticks must consume
blood at every stage to survive,
and most ticks prefer a different          Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, James Gathany

host at each life stage.                Figure 1. Lone star tick (top left), black-legged tick (top
                                        right), American dog tick (bottom right)
In Alabama, there are several
tick species, some of which carry       What species of ticks are found
illness-causing bacteria that can       in Alabama, and what hosts
be transferred to the hosts on          do they bite?
which they feed. While we do not        The lone star tick, Amblyomma
know the percentage of infected         americanum, is the most abundant
ticks in Alabama, we do know            tick species in Alabama. Adult
that many people become ill             females are easily identified by a
from them every year.                   single white dot in the center of
All people who spend time               their brown bodies, the feature that
outdoors, either in their backyard      lends to their name. Lone star ticks
or the wilderness, are at risk of       aggressively seek human and pet
exposure to ticks and contracting a     hosts and may transmit disease.                                The American dog tick,
tick-borne illness. Hikers, hunters,                                                                   Dermacentor variabilis, is an
outdoor workers, and other groups       The black-legged tick, Ixodes
                                        scapularis, is an abundant tick                                abundant tick species in Alabama.
are more likely to be bitten by ticks                                                                  Adults of this species commonly
because their activities usually take   species in Alabama. This species is
                                        also known as the deer tick. This                              attach to human and pet hosts and
place in prime tick habitat. Horses,                                                                   may transmit disease.
dogs, cats, and other pets that         name should not be interpreted as
spend time outdoors can be bitten       meaning that it only feeds on deer                             The brown dog tick, Rhipicephalus
by ticks and infected with a tick-      or is the only tick species found                              sanguineus, is found throughout
borne illness. If those pets come       on deer. A reddish-brown body                                  Alabama and commonly infests
inside, they can bring ticks into       distinguishes adult females of this                            homes, animal pens, and dog
your home and put you at greater        species. Black-legged ticks will                               kennels. They can spend their
risk of being bitten.                   readily attach to humans and pets                              entire life cycle indoors. Controlling
                                        and may transmit disease.                                      infestation in a home can be

Ticks & Tick-borne Illnesses in Alabama - Alabama Department of Public Health
difficult once this species                                          “questing,” on the tips of grasses       treated quickly. Dogs may also get
 is established. Brown dog ticks                                      and shrubs along a well-used path.       spotted fever infections if bitten
 prefer dogs, but will feed on                                        Ticks cannot fly or jump; but when       by an infected tick.
 humans and other mammals.                                            hosts brush past, ticks can quickly
                                                                                                               Lyme disease. This is the most
 They may transmit disease.                                           climb onto their clothing or fur.
                                                                                                               commonly reported vector-borne
 The Gulf Coast tick, Amblyomma                                       When a tick finds a prime location       illness for humans in the United
 maculatum, is found in Alabama                                       on a host, it cuts into the skin,        States, with approximately 300,000
 and looks similar to the American                                    inserts its feeding tube (hypostome),    cases reported per year. Over the
 dog tick. The species prefers to feed                                and begins feeding.                      past 10 years, the Southeast has
 on large hosts such as livestock,                                                                             experienced a tremendous increase
 deer, and coyotes. Gulf Cost ticks                                   What happens when ticks                  in the number of reported cases.
 may attach to humans and pets                                        are attached?                            Typical symptoms appear within
 if given the opportunity and
                                                                      During feeding, a tick will slowly       days or weeks after being bitten
 may transmit disease.
                                                                      suck its host’s blood for several        by an infected tick and may
                                                                      days. If the tick contains an            include fever, headache, chills, stiff
 How do ticks find and stay                                           infectious organism (pathogen),          neck, fatigue, mental fogginess,
 attached to hosts?                                                   it could be transmitted to the host      depression, swollen lymph nodes,
 Ticks find their hosts by sensing                                    during this time. At its next feeding,   muscle aches, and joint pain. A
 animals’ breath, odor, heat,                                         an infected tick can transmit            telltale sign of Lyme disease is an
 vibrations, or shadows. They                                         pathogens to a new host,                 expanding red skin rash (figure 4),
 also can find hosts by waiting, or                                   potentially causing illness.             called erythema migrans, located
                                                                                                               anywhere on the body. This rash
                                                                                                               may have a central area of clearing,
                                                                      What illnesses can ticks cause?          giving it a “bull’s-eye” appearance
                                                                      Spotted fever. This illness caused       (figure 5). Most, but not all, of those
                                                                      by the spotted fever group of            infected present a rash, but the
                                                                      Rickettsia bacteria is the most          rash may not be at the location
                                                                      commonly reported tick-borne             of the bite.
                                                                      illness in Alabama. The best known       Lyme disease is treated with
                                                                      and most severe form of the illness      antibiotics. If caught early enough,
                                                                      is Rocky Mountain spotted fever.         recovery is usually quick. If
                                                                      Symptoms begin to present in a few       treatment is not immediately
                                                                      days to 2 weeks after infection and
                                                                      include fever, headache, muscle
                                                                      pain, lack of appetite, nausea,
                                                                      vomiting, and abdominal pain.
                                                                      Most people develop a spotted
                                                                      red rash, typically around the wrists
                                                                      and ankles at first. This rash can
                                                                      spread to the entire body (figure 3).
                                                                      Spotted fever infections are
                                                                      treated with antibiotics. These
                                                                      illnesses, like Lyme disease, are
                                                                      difficult to diagnose because
                                                                      of their nonspecific symptoms.
                                                                      This is particularly true when the
                                                                      rash is absent, which happens in
                                                                      approximately 10 percent of cases.
 Figure 2. Brown dog tick (top), Gulf Coast tick (bottom)
                                                                      These infections can cause lifelong      Figure 3. Spotted fever rash. Photo courtesy of the Centers for
 Photos courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,   health problems or be fatal if not       Disease Control and Prevention
 James Gathany

2 Alabama Cooperative Extension System
Ticks & Tick-borne Illnesses in Alabama - Alabama Department of Public Health
cells, much like the parasite that
                                                                                                         causes malaria. Symptoms may
                                                                                                         never develop in some people.
                                                                                                         Others may develop fever, chills,
                                                                                                         sweats, headache, body aches,
                                                                                                         loss of appetite, nausea, fatigue,
                                                                                                         and anemia. If not treated early,
                                                                                                         problems can become severe and
                                                                                                         cause fatality. Dogs may become
                                                                                                         infected with babesiosis as well.
                                                                                                         Tularemia. This is caused by a
                                                                                                         bacterium transmitted by ticks
                                                                                                         and deer flies, or by handling
                                                                                                         an infected animal’s carcass
                                                                                                         such as when skinning a rabbit
                                                                                                         without gloves. (Rabbits are
                                                                                                         common carriers of this disease.)
                                                                                                         Symptoms appear within 3 to 5
                                                                                                         days after being bitten and include
Figure 4. Rashes caused by Lyme disease. Photo courtesy of the Bay Area Lyme Disease Foundation.         chills, headache, muscle aches,
                                                                                                         vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and
                                                                                                         swollen lymph nodes. Skin ulcers
received, infection can spread to                               Ehrlichiosis. This is another            also may develop; they occur in
other parts of the body, and cause                              emerging tick-borne illness that         about 80 percent of cases. It is
serious chronic medical issues.                                 is more common in the South,             not uncommon for symptoms to
                                                                particularly in dogs. Symptoms           disappear for 1 to 3 days and return
Because Lyme disease can be
                                                                commonly occur within 5 to 10 days       for 2 to 3 weeks. This disease can be
mistaken for other illnesses, such
                                                                of infection and may include fever,      fatal but is successfully treated with
as arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease,
                                                                headache, muscle ache, lethargy,         antibiotics if diagnosed early.
ALS, fibromyalgia, mental illnesses,
                                                                confusion, nausea, and vomiting.
and more, it is important to watch                                                                       Tick paralysis. This is one of a few
                                                                Less than 30 percent of infected
for other symptoms and educate                                                                           tick-borne conditions not caused
                                                                adults develop a body rash. Serious,
yourself. Remember, too, that                                                                            by a pathogen. The illness is caused
                                                                lifelong illness and possible fatality
horses and dogs can acquire this
                                                                can occur if antibiotic treatment is
disease from tick bites.
                                                                not administered quickly.
Southern tick-associated rash
                                                                Anaplasmosis. Symptoms typically
illness (STARI). STARI, also known
                                                                occur within 1 to 2 weeks after
as Masters disease, is an emerging
                                                                a bite from an infected tick and
tick-borne illness found particularly
                                                                include fever, headache, lethargy,
in the South. While symptoms
                                                                chills, cough, nausea, abdominal
are similar to Lyme disease, not
                                                                pain, muscle pain, and confusion.
much is known about its cause or
                                                                A rash is rare with anaplasmosis
long-term effects. Symptoms occur
                                                                infection. Early antibiotic treatment
within approximately 7 days of
                                                                can be successful, but long-term
infection and include fatigue, fever,
                                                                complications and death are possible.
headache, and muscle and joint
pain. A red bull’s-eye rash may form                            Babesiosis. Unlike other tick-borne
on the skin at the location of the                              illnesses in Alabama, babesiosis
bite. Antibiotics are used                                      is not bacterial, so it does not
in treatment.                                                   respond to antibiotics. It is caused
                                                                by a parasite that infects red blood     Figure 5. Bulls-eye rash caused by Lyme disease and STARI
                                                                                                         Photo courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

                                                                                                                   Ticks & Tick-borne Illnesses 3
Ticks & Tick-borne Illnesses in Alabama - Alabama Department of Public Health
an allergic response within 4 to        When the illness is not diagnosed
                                                                           6 hours of ingestion. Symptoms          early, treatment can be difficult,
                                                                           include upset stomach, diarrhea,        and chronic symptoms may
                                                                           hives, itching, and anaphylaxis. A      develop. Education is key to
                                                                           blood test confirms the condition,      preventing lifelong illness.
                                                                           and avoiding red meat is the only
                                                                                                                   Pets are at risk of becoming
                                                                                                                   infected with some of these
                                                                           These are not exhaustive                illnesses. If your pet spends time
                                                                           descriptions of each illness, and       outdoors, check them regularly
                                                                           there are other tick-borne illnesses    for ticks and be on the lookout
                                                                           you and your pets could be infected     for signs of lethargy, arthritis,
                                                                           with. You should further educate        lameness, fever, fatigue and change
                                                                           yourself on the characteristics and     in appetite. Because illness is
                                                                           symptoms of them all. Be aware          more difficult to detect in pets,
                                                                           of how you feel if you are at risk      it is important to closely watch
                                                                           of coming into contact with ticks.      their behavior. See a veterinarian
                                                                           Individuals that acquire these          immediately if you have reason to
                                                                           diseases may not develop all the        believe they are infected.
Figure 6. Lone star tick (top) Photo courtesy of Gerald Homes,             symptoms listed, and the number
California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo, Bugwood.org.
Tick attached to skin (bottom)                                             and combination of symptoms can         When are ticks active and which
                                                                           vary greatly from person to person.     illnesses do they transmit?
 by a neurotoxin produced in a                                             Having more than one illness            Because of the warm, southern
 female tick’s salivary glands and                                         at a time, or co-infection, also is     climate, ticks in all life stages may
 transmitted during attachment and                                         possible. See a doctor immediately      be active year-round in Alabama.
 feeding. Symptoms usually occur                                           if you suspect infection. The “wait     The table on page 5 shows when
 within 2 to 7 days and include                                            and see” approach could be very         each tick species is most active
 headache, vomiting, fatigue, and                                          harmful to you. Many tick-borne         throughout the year and what
 loss of muscle function. Treatment                                        illnesses are successfully treated if   illnesses they have the ability to
 requires removal of the tick, after                                       symptoms are recognized during          transmit.
 which symptoms go away within                                             the early stages of infection.
 hours to days. If untreated, it can
 lead to respiratory failure and
 death. Children in rural areas
 during the spring, especially those
 not checked around the neck,
 scalp, and other areas upon coming
 indoors, are at greatest risk of
 getting tick paralysis.
 Alpha-gal allergy. Also known
 as the red meat allergy, this is an
 emerging illness in the Southeast,
 and like tick paralysis, is not
 caused by a pathogen. This allergy
 is induced in some people when
 the saliva of an attached lone star
 tick causes the immune system
 to produce antibodies specific
 to alpha-gal—a carbohydrate
 found in red mammalian meat.
 After this occurs, when a person
 eats red meat, the meat triggers
                                                                           Figure 7. Tick on a dog

4 Alabama Cooperative Extension System
Ticks & Tick-borne Illnesses in Alabama - Alabama Department of Public Health
Where can you be exposed                   over the entire body. Especially           illness. Proper removal is incredibly
to ticks?                                  focus on dark, moist places that           important, because improper removal
Ticks are commonly found in the            bend and fold:                             can increase your risk of infection.
following habitats:                        • hair/scalp                               To properly remove and dispose
• tall grasses and prairies                • in and around ears                       of a tick, grasp the tick as close to
                                                                                      the skin as you can get with sterile
• shrubs and brush                         • under the arms                           tweezers or a tick tool (figure 8)
• low-lying branches                       • inside belly button                      and pull upward on the tick with
                                                                                      a steady, even tug. After the tick is
• leaf litter                              • around waist under waistband
                                                                                      removed, wash and disinfect the
• rotten logs or stumps                    • groin area                               area on the skin where the tick
• wooded areas and their edges             • where bras pull snug to skin             was attached. Wash your hands.
                                                                                      Dispose of the tick by submersing
• moist/humid areas                        • inside of thighs                         it in rubbing alcohol for more than
• beaches and dunes                        • around the knees and ankles              1 day, wrapping it tightly in tape
                                                                                      and throwing it away, or flushing it
• areas of lawn adjacent                   • in between fingers and toes
  to woods or fields                                                                  down the toilet.
                                           For indoor/outdoor cats, check for
• stone walls and woodpiles                ticks all over, particularly around
  where small mammals live                                                            These are the don’ts
                                           the ears and eyes. For dogs, also          of tick removal:
Be on the lookout for brown dog            check everywhere, especially
                                           around the face, ears, neck, armpits,      •    Don’t try to scrape off a tick.
ticks on your pets and in your
home, furniture, animal pens,              thighs, belly, tail, and toes.             •    Don’t twist or squeeze the tick;
and dog kennels.                                                                           this can cause the mouthparts
                                                                                           to break off in the skin.
                                           How is a tick properly removed
Where are the most common                  from the body?                             •    Don’t burn a tick with a hot
places to find ticks attached                                                              match while it is still attached.
on the body?                               If you find an attached tick on
                                           yourself or your pet, remove it as         •    Don’t apply a substance such as
Immediately after coming in from           soon as you can. The longer the tick            nail polish remover, petroleum
outside, you should check yourself,        is attached, the greater the chance             jelly, gasoline, or soap to the
significant others, and pets for ticks                                                     tick in an attempt to kill it while
                                           it will transmit disease or cause
                                                                                           it is still attached.

 Tick Species              Months Active                                   Illnesses Transmitted
 Lone star                 Nymphs and adults: March to October             alpha-gal allergy
                                                                           southern tick-associated rash illness
                                                                           tick paralysis
 Black-legged              Nymphs: March to June                           anaplasmosis
                           Adults: September to March                      babesiosis
                                                                           Lyme disease
 American dog              Nymphs and adults: April to September           ehrlichiosis
                                                                           Rocky Mountain spotted fever
                                                                           tick paralysis
 Brown dog                 Nymphs and adults: all year                     canine babesiosis
                                                                           Rocky Mountain spotted fever
 Gulf Coast                Nymphs: December to April                       spotted fever rickettsiosis
                           Adults: May to August                           tick paralysis

                                                                                             Ticks & Tick-borne Illnesses 5
Ticks & Tick-borne Illnesses in Alabama - Alabama Department of Public Health
•   Don’t touch the tick with            Follow these guidelines                 Follow these guidelines for pets:
     your fingers.                        while outside:
                                                                                  •     Use a brush to facilitate full
 •   Don’t wash the tick down a           •   Walk along the center of a                body checks.
     drain; it can crawl back up the          trail to avoid questing ticks
                                              at trail edges.                     •     Consult with your veterinarian
     drain and into your home.
                                                                                        for effective tick control
                                          •   Do not sit on rotten logs                 products such as oral
 How can tick encounters and                  or stumps; that is where ticks            medication, impregnated
 bites be prevented?                          seek refuge.                              collars, or topical treatments.
 There is currently no vaccination        •   Wear protective gloves when         •     Prevent tick-borne illnesses
 against Lyme disease or other tick-          handling dead animals.                    in your pets—this may also
 borne illnesses for humans.                                                            prevent illness in you!
 It is incredibly important, therefore,   Follow these guidelines
 to take preventative measures            immediately after coming indoors:
 year-round when you are outside.         •   Carefully examine clothing,
                                              gear, and pets. Ticks can ride
 Follow these guidelines                      into your home on something
 before going outside:                        and attach later.

 •   Wear light-colored long pants        •   Tumble clothes in a dryer on
     and long-sleeved shirts. Tuck            high heat for a half an hour to
     the shirt tail into the pants, and       kill undiscovered ticks.
     tuck the pants legs into socks.      •   Conduct a full body check
 •   Put long hair in a bun or pull           in the shower or by using           Figure 8. Tick tool and tweezers to properly remove ticks

     it up into a hat.                        a partner or a mirror. You
                                              should do this for several days
 •   Wear close-toed shoes.                   following potential exposure
                                              or make it part of your
 •   Use repellents that contain
                                              daily routine.
     greater than 20 percent DEET
     on exposed skin and clothing.        •   Check skin for any bumps,
                                              scabs, or dirt specks that might
 •   Treat clothing and gear with             indicate a tick, especially on
     products containing 0.5 percent          the scalp. If you feel something,
     permethrin. This is the most             don’t squeeze or press it.
     effective preventative measure
                                              Check it.
     when used according to
     the label.

6 Alabama Cooperative Extension System
Ticks & Tick-borne Illnesses in Alabama - Alabama Department of Public Health
  Danger Zones

                 Ticks & Tickborne Illnesses 7
Ticks & Tick-borne Illnesses in Alabama - Alabama Department of Public Health

Emily Merritt, Research Associate, School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences,
and Arnold Beau Brodbeck, Regional Extension Agent, Forestry, Wildlife
and Natural Resource Management
Adapted and used with permission from CIS 1013, University of Idaho
Cooperative Extension System, Mary Ann Lawrowski, author.
For more information, contact your county Extension office.
Visit www.aces.edu/directory.
Published by the Alabama Cooperative Extension System (Alabama
A&M University and Auburn University), an equal opportunity
educator and employer. Everyone is welcome! August 2016, ANR-2315
© 2016 by the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. All rights reserved.

Ticks & Tick-borne Illnesses in Alabama - Alabama Department of Public Health Ticks & Tick-borne Illnesses in Alabama - Alabama Department of Public Health
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