Three-dimensional multiple-relaxation-time discrete Boltzmann model of compressible reactive flows with nonequilibrium effects

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Three-dimensional multiple-relaxation-time discrete Boltzmann model of compressible reactive flows with nonequilibrium effects
Three-dimensional multiple-relaxation-time
discrete Boltzmann model of compressible
reactive flows with nonequilibrium effects
Cite as: AIP Advances 11, 045217 (2021);
Submitted: 20 March 2021 . Accepted: 01 April 2021 . Published Online: 18 April 2021

  Yu Ji (吉雨),       Chuandong Lin (林传栋), and        Kai H. Luo (罗开红)


Double-D2Q9 lattice Boltzmann models with extended equilibrium for two-dimensional
magnetohydrodynamic flows
Physics of Fluids 33, 035143 (2021);

A multiple-relaxation-time collision model for nonequilibrium flows
Physics of Fluids 33, 037134 (2021);

Extended lattice Boltzmann model for gas dynamics
Physics of Fluids 33, 046104 (2021);

AIP Advances 11, 045217 (2021);                      11, 045217

© 2021 Author(s).
Three-dimensional multiple-relaxation-time discrete Boltzmann model of compressible reactive flows with nonequilibrium effects
AIP Advances                                                                                   ARTICLE 

    Three-dimensional multiple-relaxation-time
    discrete Boltzmann model of compressible
    reactive flows with nonequilibrium effects
    Cite as: AIP Advances 11, 045217 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0047480
    Submitted: 20 March 2021 • Accepted: 1 April 2021 •
    Published Online: 19 April 2021

    Yu Ji (吉雨),1           Chuandong Lin (林传栋),2,a)            and Kai H. Luo (罗开红)3,b)

      Center for Combustion Energy, Key Laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of Education,
      Department of Energy and Power Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
      Sino-French Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Sun Yat-sen University, Zhuhai 519082, China
      Department of Mechanical Engineering, University College London, Torrington Place, London WC1E 7JE, United Kingdom

         Electronic mail:
         Author to whom correspondence should be addressed:

    Based on the kinetic theory, a three-dimensional multiple-relaxation-time discrete Boltzmann model (DBM) is proposed for nonequilibrium
    compressible reactive flows where both the Prandtl number and specific heat ratio are freely adjustable. There are 30 kinetic moments of the
    discrete distribution functions, and an efficient three-dimensional thirty-velocity model is utilized. Through the Chapman–Enskog analysis,
    the reactive Navier–Stokes equations can be recovered from the DBM. Unlike existing lattice Boltzmann models for reactive flows, the hydro-
    dynamic and thermodynamic fields are fully coupled in the DBM to simulate combustion in subsonic, supersonic, and potentially hypersonic
    flows. In addition, both hydrodynamic and thermodynamic nonequilibrium effects can be obtained and quantified handily in the evolution
    of the discrete Boltzmann equation. Several well-known benchmarks are adopted to validate the model, including chemical reactions in the
    free falling process, thermal Couette flow, one-dimensional steady or unsteady detonation, and a three-dimensional spherical explosion in an
    enclosed cube. It is shown that the proposed DBM has the capability to simulate both subsonic and supersonic fluid flows with or without
    chemical reactions.
    © 2021 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license

    I. INTRODUCTION                                                          nonequilibrium effects as well as the complex interplay between the
                                                                             chemical reaction and fluid flow. Moreover, these processes cover a
         Reactive flows encompassing a wide variety of nonlinear,            wide range of spatial and temporal scales.3–6 In order to study the
    unsteady, and nonequilibrium processes are common in nature and          reactive flow in detail, experimental techniques have been widely
    industry.1 In fact, more than four-fifths of mankind’s utilized energy   used.7,8 However, experiments for supersonic and hypersonic reac-
    is generated from the exothermic reactive flows.2 In the past few        tive flows are difficult and expensive to conduct; and the measure-
    decades, considerable research has been devoted to reactive flows,       ments are usually global quantities only. On the other hand, numer-
    including supersonic and hypersonic flows related to the super-          ical simulations provide a convenient tool for relevant research and
    sonic aircraft, rocket engine, detonation engine, supersonic com-        become more and more reliable and cost-effective.
    bustion ramjet, etc. However, there are still many problems that               The supersonic reactive flow modeling approaches can gen-
    have not been solved due to the complex physical and chemical            erally be classified into three groups. The first group is the con-
    processes involved, such as high compressibility, strong flow dis-       ventional simulation methods based on the continuum assump-
    continuity, and combustion instability. In addition, these processes     tion, such as direct numerical simulation,9 large eddy simulation,10
    are usually accompanied by the hydrodynamic and thermodynamic            and Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (NS).11 These conventional

AIP Advances 11, 045217 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0047480                                                                                  11, 045217-1
© Author(s) 2021
AIP Advances                                                                                       ARTICLE  

    methods are good at capturing the main hydrodynamic character-               be compressible, thermal, and, at the same time, coupling the
    istics. However, they lack the ability to describe thermodynamic             chemical reaction naturally. In addition, the model should take
    nonequilibrium effects under highly nonequilibrated conditions,              hydrodynamic and thermodynamic nonequilibrium effects into
    such as the shock or detonation front.12,13 The second group is              consideration.
    the microscopic methods, like molecular dynamics.14 The molecu-                    In recent years, the discrete Boltzmann method (DBM) has
    lar dynamics gets rid of the local equilibrium assumption and thus           been constructed to model and simulate nonequilibrium systems,
    can be used to study the detailed hydrodynamic and thermody-                 with various velocity and time–space discretization schemes.31–35,39
    namic properties.15–17 On the other hand, the computational cost             The DBM and LBM can be viewed as two distinctive classes of dis-
    of molecular dynamics is usually prohibitive and the computational           crete numerical methods based on the Boltzmann equation. Despite
    domain is always limited. The third group is the kinetic method14            sharing the same origin and some similarities, the objectives, numer-
    based on the Boltzmann equation, which removes the limit of the              ical implementation, and capabilities of the LBM and DBM are dif-
    local equilibrium assumption. A kinetic method, the lattice Boltz-           ferent. Basically, the LBM aims to recover the macroscopic behav-
    mann method (LBM), simulates the evolution of probability distri-            iors of the flow system and acts as an alternative method to the
    bution functions in a discretized phase-space, which can be related          continuum-based Navier–Stokes solver. On the other hand, the
    to macroscopic quantities by moment relationships. The LBM has               DBM is a discrete Boltzmann equation solver that aims to keep
    been successfully applied to simulate a variety of complex flows,18          some kinetic features that go beyond the macroscopic behaviors.
    including reactive flows.19–36 Merits of the LBM include the algo-           Numerically, discretization in space, time, and particle velocities
    rithm simplicity and locality, which lead to excellent performance           is inter-dependent in the LBM algorithm. In the DBM, however,
    on parallel clusters.                                                        discretization in space, time, and particle velocities is decoupled,
          The key to dealing with reactive flows in the LBM is how               which allows a variety of numerical methods to be applied. As a
    to describe the energy and species mass fractions by LB formula-             result, the LBM requires different models for different types of flows
    tion and couple them consistently. Current LBM formulations for              (e.g., incompressible, compressible, thermal, or reactive), while a
    reactive flows can be divided into two categories. The first cate-           uniformed DBM framework can simulate all types of flows. More-
    gory is the hybrid method, in which the flow simulation is accom-            over, the DBM can capture both hydrodynamic and thermodynamic
    plished through the weakly compressible LBM solver, while the                nonequilibrium effects explicitly.
    transport equations for energy and species are solved by a finite                  To some extent, the mathematical framework of the DBM is
    difference scheme. In 2000, Filippova and Häenel proposed an                 similar to the rational extended thermodynamics (RET), which is
    LBM for reacting flows at a low Mach number with variable den-               also capable of explaining nonequilibrium phenomena. The RET
    sity.20,21 Later, Hosseini et al. modified the LBM solver and success-       proposed by Ruggeri and Sugiyama40,41 is motivated by the Boltz-
    fully simulated premixed and non-premixed flames with a detailed             mann equation. Different from the kinetic theory, the RET focuses
    thermo-chemical model.22,23 In 2020, Shu et al. developed a sim-             on the relations of the moments and forms a hierarchy of the bal-
    plified sphere function-based gas-kinetic flux solver for compress-          ance laws. To achieve the closure of the moments, the RET truncates
    ible viscous reacting flows.37 This model applies the finite volume          the hierarchy by adding restrictions from the universal principle. In
    method to discretize the multi-component NS equations and com-               this respect, the RET theory still belongs to the continuum approach
    putes numerical flux at the cell interface by using local solution           but is applicable to the nonequilibrium state. On the other hand, the
    of the Boltzmann equation. Although these models can handle the              DBM is a kinetic approach and possesses kinetic features beyond the
    variable density, they lose the simplicity and the parallel efficiency       macroscopic equations.
    of the pure LBM scheme.24 The other category is the pure LB                        Since 2013, several DBMs for reactive flows have been pro-
    formulation. In 1997, with the assumption of irreversible infinite           posed.31–35,39 In 2013, Yan et al. proposed the first DBM for com-
    fast chemistry reactions, Succi et al. adopted the conserved scalar          bustion.31 Very recently, Lin et al. proposed a two-dimensional
    approach to describe the temperature and concentration fields.19             model for detonations and investigated the main features of the
    Similarly, in 2002, Yamamoto et al. assumed that the temperature             hydrodynamic and thermodynamic nonequilibrium effects.36 How-
    field does not affect the flow field and simulated diffusion flames          ever, these formulations are two-dimensional but realistic reac-
    with a double-distribution-function LBM where the flow, temper-              tive flows are a three-dimensional (3D) phenomenon and some
    ature, and species fields are represented by two sets of distribution        important patterns and structures cannot be obtained from two-
    functions.25,26 Later, Lee et al.27 and Chen et al.28,29 also utilized the   dimensional models. In 2017, Gan et al. proposed a 3D DBM for
    double-distribution-function LBM to solve the low Mach number                compressible flows without reaction based on the single-relaxation-
    flows. Instead of using two sets of distribution functions, in 2012,         time Boltzmann equation, fixing the Prandtl number Pr = 1.42 In
    Prasinari et al. extended a consistent LBM38 by introducing correc-          this work, we extend the model to 3D reactive flows and present a
    tion terms, recovering the third- and fourth-order moments, and              multiple-relaxation-time (MRT) method to make the Prandtl num-
    describing the temperature field.30 In conclusion, these pure models         ber adjustable. Moreover, the hydrodynamic and thermodynamic
    are all limited to low Mach number flows. However, for supersonic            nonequilibrium effects can be investigated to study the nonequilib-
    and hypersonic reactive flows, high compressibility is an important          rium behaviors.
    factor.                                                                            The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In Sec. II,
          Briefly, the aforementioned LBMs mainly focus on low Mach              we formulate a 3D MRT DBM for reactive flows based on a
    number reactive flows, which cannot make the best of the kinetic             three-dimensional thirty-velocity (D3V30) model. Through the
    theory. To establish an LBM for reactive flows possessing more               Chapman–Enskog multiscale analysis, the reactive NS equations are
    kinetic information beyond the NS equations, the LBM should                  recovered and the nonequilibrium effects are derived in Sec. III.

AIP Advances 11, 045217 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0047480                                                                                       11, 045217-2
© Author(s) 2021
AIP Advances                                                                                                       ARTICLE        

    Section IV presents numerical tests, and Sec. V provides a summary                                     S14 − S8            1     ∂ux ∂uy ∂uz      ∂uz
                                                                                                  Â14 =             4ρTuz [       (     +    +    )−     ]
    and conclusions.                                                                                          S8             D + I ∂x      ∂y   ∂z    ∂z
                                                                                                             S10 − S14           ∂uz ∂ux
                                                                                                           +            2ρTux (      +     )
                                                                                                                 S10             ∂x     ∂z
                                                                                                             S11 − S14           ∂uz ∂uy
         In the Bhatnagar–Gross–Krook (BGK) model,43,44 a single                                           +            2ρTuy (      +     ),               (6)
                                                                                                                 S11             ∂y     ∂z
    relaxation time τ determines all discrete distribution functions
    approaching their equilibria at the same speed, and the Prandtl num-
                                                                                             where ρ, T, p(= ρT), and uα are the density, temperature, pres-
    ber is fixed at Pr = 1. To overcome this shortage, we construct an
                                                                                             sure, and velocity, respectively. Here, D = 3 stands for the number
    MRT DBM to make the Prandtl number adjustable, which takes the
                                                                                             of dimensions and I represents the extra degrees of freedom.
                    ∂f                                                                            The discrete equilibrium distribution function satisfies the fol-
                       + V ⋅ ∇f = −S(f̂ − f̂ eq ) + R + F + A,        (1)                    lowing moment relations:
                                                                        eq ⊺
    where f = ( f 1 , f 2 , . . . , f N )⊺ and feq = ( f 1 , f 2 , . . . , f N ) stand for
                                                         eq   eq
                                                                                                                           ρ = ∑i f i = ∑i f i ,                               (7)
    discrete distribution functions and their equilibrium counter-
    parts in velocity space, respectively. f̂ = (f̂ 1 , f̂ 2 , . . . , f̂ N ) and f̂ eq                                             eq
                                                                                                                      ρuα = ∑i f i viα = ∑i f i viα ,                          (8)
         eq   eq        eq ⊺
    = (f̂ 1 , f̂ 2 , . . . , f̂ N ) denote kinetic moments of discrete distribution
    function and their equilibrium counterparts, respectively. Here, the
    subscript N = 30 is the total number of discrete velocities. In fact,                           ρ[(D + I)T + u2 ] = ∑i f i (vi2 + η2i ) = ∑i f i (vi2 + η2i ),             (9)
    the terms in moment space are transformed from those in velocity
    space by a transformation matrix M, which is a square matrix with
    N × N elements in terms of discrete velocities. The elements of the                                                                             eq
                                                                                                                   ρ(δαβ T + uα uβ ) = ∑i f i viα viβ ,                      (10)
    transformation matrix are given in the Appendix. Specifically,

                                          f̂ = Mf,                                    (2)                                                           eq
                                                                                                           ρuα [(D + I + 2)T + u2 ] = ∑i f i (vi2 + η2i )viα ,               (11)

                                       f̂ eq = Mf eq .                                (3)                                                                     eq
                                                                                                 ρ(uα δβχ + uβ δαχ + uχ δαβ )T + ρuα uβ uχ = ∑i f i viα viβ viχ ,            (12)
                                           ⊺                                ⊺
    Similarly, R = (R1 , R2 , . . . , RN ) and F = (F1 , F2 , . . . , FN ) stand for
    the reaction and force terms in velocity space, respectively. R̂ = MR
    and F̂ = MF stand for discrete reaction and force terms in                                      ρδαβ [(D + I + 2)T + u2 ]T + ρuα uβ [(D + I + 4)T + u2 ]
    moment space, respectively. S = diag (S1 , S2 , . . . , SN )⊺ is a diago-                                       eq
                                                                                                            = ∑i f i (vi2 + η2i )viα viβ .                                   (13)
    nal matrix that consists of relaxation coefficients Si determining
    the speed of f̂ i approaching f̂ i . The additional term  = MA                         Here, α, β, and χ denote the direction that can be x, y, or z. Based on
                                                       ⊺                                     physical considerations and following the model proposed by Bour-
    = (0, . . . , 0, Â12 , Â13 , Â14 , 0, . . . , 0) is used to modify the collision
    operator so that the discrete Boltzmann equations could recover the                      gat et al.,45 we introduce a single additional variable I to represent
    correct reactive NS equations via the Chapman–Enskog analysis in                         non-translational degrees of freedom and utilize a free parameter
    terms of                                                                                 ηi to describe molecular rotation and/or internal vibration energies.
                                                                                             The specific heat ratio is defined as γ = (D + I + 2)/(D + I).
                   S12 − S6           1    ∂ux ∂uy ∂uz     ∂ux                                     According to Eqs. (3) and (7)–(13), the discrete equilibrium
          Â12 =            4ρTux [      (    +    +    )−     ]
                      S6            D + I ∂x    ∂y   ∂z    ∂x                                distribution functions can be expressed as
                     S9 − S12
                                                                                                                              f eq = M− 1 f̂ eq .
                                      ∂uy ∂ux
                   +          2ρTuy (     +    )                                                                                                                             (14)
                        S9             ∂x   ∂y
                     S10 − S12         ∂uz ∂ux                                               To ensure the matrix M invertible and get better stability, we
                   +           2ρTuz (    +     ),                                    (4)    improve the discrete velocity model D3V30 proposed by Gan et al.42
                        S10            ∂x   ∂z
                                                                                             Instead of using one parameter, we adopt four parameters va , vb , vc ,
                                                                                             and vd to determine the magnitude of four sets of discrete velocities,
                   S13 − S7           1    ∂ux ∂uy ∂uz     ∂uy                               respectively, in terms of
          Â13 =            4ρTuy [      (    +    +    )−     ]
                      S7            D + I ∂x    ∂y   ∂z    ∂y
                                                                                                                ⎪ cyc : va (±1, 0, 0),                   1≤i≤6
                     S9 − S13         ∂uy ∂ux                                                                   ⎪
                   +          2ρTux (    +    )                                                                 ⎪
                        S9            ∂x   ∂y                                                                   ⎪ cyc : vb (±1, ±1, 0),                  7 ≤ i ≤ 18
                                                                                                           vi = ⎨                                                            (15)
                     S11 − S13                                                                                  ⎪
                                                                                                                ⎪ cyc : vc (±1, ±1, ±1),                 19 ≤ i ≤ 26
                   +           2ρTuz (
                                       ∂uz ∂uy
                                          +    ),                                     (5)                       ⎪
                                                                                                                ⎪       anti
                        S11            ∂y   ∂z                                                                  ⎩ vd ⋅ vi ,                              27 ≤ i ≤ 30,

AIP Advances 11, 045217 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0047480                                                                                                                  11, 045217-3
© Author(s) 2021
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    with ηi = η0 when i is an odd number; otherwise, ηi = 0. Here, cyc                          change of energy with the varying rate,
    denotes a fully symmetric set of points. The antisymmetric part vanti
    (27 ≤ j ≤ 30) is proposed to guarantee the existence of M− 1 and, in                                                       E′ = ρQλ′ ,                            (22)
    this paper, is chosen as                                                                    where Q indicates the chemical heat release per unit mass of
                     ⎡ ⎤          ⎡ ⎤          ⎡ ⎤         ⎡ ⎤                                  fuel and λ indicates the mass fraction of chemical product.
                     ⎢−1⎥         ⎢−2⎥         ⎢2⎥         ⎢1⎥
                     ⎢ ⎥          ⎢ ⎥          ⎢ ⎥         ⎢ ⎥                                  From Eq. (9), we obtain the temperature after the chemical
                     ⎢ ⎥ anti ⎢ ⎥ anti ⎢ ⎥ anti ⎢ ⎥
            vanti   =⎢   ⎥, v28 = ⎢ 2 ⎥, v29 = ⎢−1⎥, v30 = ⎢−2⎥.                                reaction T ♢ = T + τT ′ with the varying rate of temperature
                     ⎢ ⎥
                       1          ⎢ ⎥          ⎢ ⎥         ⎢ ⎥                  (16)
                                                                                                T ′ = 2Qλ′ /(D + I).
                     ⎢ ⎥          ⎢ ⎥          ⎢ ⎥         ⎢ ⎥
                     ⎢ ⎥          ⎢ ⎥          ⎢ ⎥         ⎢ ⎥
                     ⎢2⎥          ⎢−2⎥         ⎢−1⎥        ⎢1⎥
                     ⎣ ⎦          ⎣ ⎦          ⎣ ⎦         ⎣ ⎦                               Now, we can derive the force term,
    More forms of the antisymmetric part can be found in Ref. 42.                                             1 eq
                                                                                                          Fi = [ f i (ρ, u† , T) − f i (ρ, u, T)],
                                   eq                                                                                                eq
         In Eqs. (7)–(9), we see f i can be replaced by f i according to the                                                                                          (23)
                                                                  eq                                          τ
    conservation laws. However, in Eqs. (10)–(13), replacing f i with f i
    may lead to the imbalance between left and right sides. The differ-                and the reaction term,
    ences are actually departures of high order kinetic moments from
                                                                                                          Ri = [ f i (ρ, u, T ♢ ) − f i (ρ, u, T)].
                                                                                                              1 eq                    eq
    their equilibria and can be utilized to investigate the nonequilibrium                                                                                            (24)
    effects. We define the following nonequilibrium quantities:
                                                                                       The discrete forms F i and Ri satisfy the relation
                                         eq                    eq
                            Δi = f̂ i − f̂ i = ∑j ( f j − f j )Mij .            (17)
                                                                                                                   ∬ FΨdvdη = ∑Fi Ψi ,                                (25)
    Moreover, we introduce the symbols                                                                                                  i

                                Δvα vβ = ∑i ( f i − f i )viα viβ ,              (18)
                                                                                                                   ∬ RΨdvdη = ∑Ri Ψi ,                                (26)
    linked with the viscous stress tensor,
                         Δ(v2 +η2 )vα = ∑i ( f i − f i )(vi2 + η2i )viα ,       (19)   with        Ψ = 1, vi , (vi ⋅ vi + ηi 2 ), vi vi , (vi ⋅ vi + ηi 2 )vi , vi vi vi and
                                                                                       (vi ⋅ vi + ηi 2 )vi vi , respectively. Substituting Eqs. (7)–(13) into
                                                                                       Eqs. (23) and (24) results in F̂ = MF and R̂ = MR, respectively,
                             Δvα vβ vχ = ∑i ( f i − f i )viα viβ viχ ,          (20)   and the elements of the force and reaction terms are given in the
    related to the nonorganized energy fluxes, and                                           To describe the dynamics of detonations and compare with the
                                                     eq                                previous study on the instability of detonations, we consider a simple
                      Δ(v2 +η2 )vα vβ = ∑i ( f i − f i )(vi2 + η2i )viα viβ ,   (21)   model of a chemical reaction between two perfect gases, assuming
    associated with the flux of nonorganized energy flux. Physically,                  irreversible, one-step Arrhenius kinetics,
        f v2 is defined as the translational energy in the α direction,
    2 ∑ i iα
                                                                                                                 λ′ = K(1 − λ) exp(−
       i                                                                                                                                       ),                     (27)
            1    eq
                f v2                                                                                                                        T
            2 ∑ i iα
    and                  is its equilibrium counterpart. The nonequilibrium
    part    1
              Δ     is
                    the nonorganized energy in the α direction, which                  where K is the rate constant and Ea is the activation energy.
            2 vα vα                                                                          The DBM employs larger velocity stencil and introduces
    corresponds to the molecular individualism on top of the collective
    motion. Clearly, the DBM can provide the above nonequilibrium                      higher-order moments, by which the hydrodynamic and thermody-
    information beyond traditional NS equations.                                       namic fields are fully coupled. It is also worth mentioning that we
          The force and reaction terms are the variation rates of the                  utilize the matrix inversion method here instead of the commonly
    distribution functions resulting from the external force and chem-                 adopted polynomial approach where equilibrium distribution func-
    ical reaction, respectively. The two terms are derived based on the                tions are expanded upon the terms of the macroscopic quantities
    following assumptions:                                                             due to the following merits. The number of discrete velocities of
                                                                                       the DBM equals exactly the number of required kinetic moments
      (1)      Over a small time interval, the change of the distribution              of equilibrium discrete distribution functions, while the polynomial
               function due to the external force and the chemical reaction            method always requires more discrete velocities because the discrete
               can be treated as the change of the equilibrium distribution            velocity sets of the latter should have enough isotropy to recover the
               function, which is the leading part of the distribution func-           hydrodynamic equations correctly.47,48 Consequently, the presented
               tion when the system is not too far from the equilibrium                method is more efficient. Additionally, in the DBM, each kinetic
               state.46                                                                moment computed by summation of the discrete equilibrium dis-
      (2)      The effect of the external force is to change the hydrodynamic          tribution functions is exactly equal to the one calculated by integral
               velocity u with the acceleration a. In a small time interval, the       of the Maxwellian function. Furthermore, the discrete Boltzmann
               velocity becomes u† = u + aτ.                                           equations are expressed in a uniform form, and thus, the DBM is
      (3)      The temporal scale of the chemical reaction is much smaller             easier to code. The DBM code is parallelized on the UK National
               than that of fluid flow, and the chemical reaction leads to the         Supercomputing Service ARCHER and runs efficiently.

AIP Advances 11, 045217 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0047480                                                                                                          11, 045217-4
© Author(s) 2021
AIP Advances                                                                                               ARTICLE       

    III. THE CHAPMAN–ENSKOG ANALYSIS                                                 and the sixth to the fourteenth relations of Eq. (35), we can derive
          In this section, we show the main procedure of the                         the following quantities:
    Chapman–Enskog analysis. With respect to an expansion parame-
                                                                                                    (1)            ∂ux   2ρT ∂ux ∂uy ∂uz
    ter ε, which is a quantity of the order of the Knudsen number,49 we                       S6 f̂ 6     = −2ρT       +      (   +    +    ),                  (40)
    introduce the following expansions:                                                                            ∂x    D + I ∂x   ∂y   ∂z

                                   (0)         (1)        (2)
                            fi = fi      + fi        + fi        +⋅⋅⋅ ,       (28)
                                                                                                    (1)            ∂uy   2ρT ∂ux ∂uy ∂uz
                                                                                               S7 f̂ 7    = −2ρT       +      (   +    +    ),                  (41)
                                                                                                                   ∂y    D + I ∂x   ∂y   ∂z
                                ∂   ∂   ∂
                                  =   +    +⋅⋅⋅ ,                             (29)
                                ∂t ∂t1 ∂t2
                                                                                                    (1)            ∂uz   2ρT ∂ux ∂uy ∂uz
                                                                                               S8 f̂ 8    = −2ρT       +      (   +    +    ),                  (42)
                                                                                                                   ∂z    D + I ∂x   ∂y   ∂z
                                       ∂   ∂
                                         =     ,                              (30)
                                      ∂rα ∂r1α
                                                                                                                  (1)            ∂ux      ∂uy
                                                                                                             S9 f̂ 9     = −ρT       − ρT     ,                 (43)
                                         Ai = A1i ,                           (31)                                               ∂y       ∂x

                                             Fi = F1i ,                                                            (1)           ∂ux      ∂uz
                                                                              (32)                          S10 f̂ 10 = −ρT          − ρT     ,                 (44)
                                                                                                                                 ∂z       ∂x

                                         Ri = R1i ,                           (33)
                                                                                                                   (1)           ∂uz      ∂uy
                                                                                                            S11 f̂ 11 = −ρT          − ρT     ,                 (45)
    where the part of distribution function            = O(ε ), the tem-
                                                                  fi      k                                                      ∂y       ∂z
    poral derivative ∂t∂k = O(εk ), the spatial derivative ∂r∂1α = O(ε),
    A1i = O(ε), F1i = O(ε), and R1i = O(ε) (k = 1, 2, . . .). By substitut-                        (1)          4ux ∂ux ∂uy ∂uz            ∂ux
    ing Eqs. (28)–(33) into Eq. (1), we can obtain the following equations                   S12 f̂ 12 = ρT[         (   +    +    ) − 4ux
                                                                                                                D + I ∂x   ∂y   ∂z         ∂x
    in consecutive order of the parameter ε:
                                                                                                                 ∂ux ∂uy              ∂ux ∂uz
                                         0       (0)        eq
                                                                                                           −2uy (     +     ) − 2uz (    +    )
                                   O(ε ) : f̂          = f̂ ,                 (34)                               ∂y      ∂x           ∂z   ∂x
                                                                                                           −(D + I + 2)    ] + Â12 ,                           (46)
                             + Ê ⋅ ∇1 )f̂(0) = −Sf̂(1) + Â + F̂ + R̂,
                      1   ∂
               O(ε ) : (                                                      (35)
                                                                                                   (1)           4uy ∂ux ∂uy ∂uz           ∂uy
                                                                                             S13 f̂ 13 = ρT[         (   +    +    ) − 4uy
                             ∂ (0)                                                                              D + I ∂x   ∂y   ∂z         ∂y
                                           + Ê ⋅ ∇1 )f̂(1) = −Sf̂(2) ,
                   O(ε2 ) :     f̂ + (                                        (36)
                            ∂t2        ∂t1                                                                             ∂ux ∂uy           ∂uy ∂uz
                                                                                                           − 2ux (        +    ) − 2uz (    +    )
                                                                                                                       ∂y   ∂x           ∂z   ∂y
    with Ê = MVM−1 . Equations (34)–(36) are expressed by the vector
    equality and consist of N scalar relations. Substituting the moments                                                     ∂T
                                                                                                           − (D + I + 2)        ] + Â13 ,                      (47)
    of Eqs. (7)–(11) into the first five relations of Eq. (35), we can obtain                                                ∂y
    the following macroscopic equations on the t 1 = εt time scale and
    r1 = εr space scale:
                                                                                                   (1)           4uz ∂ux ∂uy ∂uz           ∂uz
                                                                                             S14 f̂ 14 = ρT[         (   +    +    ) − 4uz
                                         + uα
                                                  = 0,                        (37)                              D + I ∂x   ∂y   ∂z         ∂z
                              ∂t1    ∂rα      ∂rα
                                                                                                                 ∂ux ∂uz               ∂uy ∂uz
                                                                                                           − 2ux (     +     ) − 2uy (    +    )
                                                                                                                  ∂z      ∂x           ∂z   ∂y
                           ∂jα ∂ρ(δαβ T + uα uβ )                                                                        ∂T
                               +                  = ρaα ,                     (38)                         − (D + I + 2)    ] + Â14 .                          (48)
                           ∂t1       ∂rα                                                                                 ∂z
                                                                                     The additional terms in Eqs. (46)–(48) are determined in
              ∂ξ ∂ρuα [(D + I + 2)T + u ]
                                          = 2ρuα aα + 2ρλ′ Q,
                                                                                     Eqs. (4)–(6), which are used to modify the collision terms so that the
                  +                                                           (39)
              ∂t1          ∂rα                                                       NS equations can be correctly recovered. In the case that the system
                                                                                     is isothermal, the additional terms can be eliminated.
    where jα = ρuα is the momentum and ξ = (D + I)ρT                                       The above quantities f̂ i are the exact solutions of nonequilib-
    + (j2x + j2y + j2z )/ρ is twice the total energy. Combining Eqs. (37)–(39)       rium quantities on the level of the first order accuracy. Similar to the

AIP Advances 11, 045217 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0047480                                                                                                    11, 045217-5
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AIP Advances                                                                                           ARTICLE      

    above derivation of t 1 = εt scale, the macroscopic equations on the                            ∂jα ∂p
                                                                                                       +   +
                                                                                                               (ρuα uβ + Pαβ ) = ρaα ,                     (61)
    t 2 = ε2 t time scale are derived by the first five relations in Eq. (36),                      ∂t ∂rα ∂rβ
                                               = 0,                         (49)
                                           ∂t2                                                   ∂ξ ∂(ξ + 2p)uα     ∂    ∂T
                                                                                                    +           −2    (κ    − Pαβ uα )
                                                                                                 ∂t     ∂rα        ∂rβ ∂rβ
                        ∂jx ∂ f̂ 6
                                    ∂ f̂ ∂ f̂
                                                (1)        (1)
                                                                                                       = 2ρuα aα + 2ρλ′ Q,                                 (62)
                            +      + 9 + 10 = 0,                            (50)
                        ∂t2   ∂x1    ∂y1  ∂z1
                                   (1)   (1)               (1)                                            ∂uα ∂uβ 2 ∂uχ              ∂uχ
                        ∂jy ∂ f̂ 9
                                    ∂ f̂     ∂ f̂
                                   + 7 + 11 = 0,                            (51)              Pαβ = −μ(       +    −      δαβ ) − μB     δαβ ,             (63)
                        ∂t2   ∂x1    ∂y1      ∂z1                                                         ∂rβ   ∂rα D ∂rχ            ∂rχ

                                                                                    and the dynamic viscosity μ, the bulk viscosity μB , and the thermal
                                     (1)          (1)        (1)                    conductivity κ are defined as
                        ∂jz     ∂ f̂ 10      ∂ f̂ 11    ∂ f̂ 8
                            +     +     +     = 0,                          (52)
                        ∂t2   ∂x1   ∂y1   ∂z1                                                                             ρT
                                                                                                                     μ=      ,                             (64)
                                   (1)          (1)        (1)
                        ∂ξ ∂ f̂ 12  ∂ f̂ ∂ f̂
                            +      + 13 + 14 = 0.                           (53)
                        ∂t2   ∂x1    ∂y1  ∂z1                                                                           2   2
                                                                                                             μB = μ(      −   ),                           (65)
    With the aid of Eqs. (37)–(48), the final equations can be written as                                               D D+I

                                     ∂ρ ∂jα                                         and
                                       +    = 0,                            (54)                                 D+I        ρT
                                     ∂t ∂rα                                                                  κ=(       + 1) ,                              (66)
                                                                                                                   2        Sκ
                                                                                    respectively. Furthermore, the Prandtl number,
                      ∂jα ∂p   ∂
                         +   +   (ρuα uβ + Pαβ ) = ρaα ,                    (55)
                      ∂t ∂rα ∂rβ                                                                                        cp μ Sκ
                                                                                                                 Pr =       = ,                            (67)
                                                                                                                         κ   Sμ
                   ∂ξ ∂(ξ + 2p)uα     ∂      ∂T                                     is adjustable in the model. In conclusion, we modify the collision
                      +           −2     (κβ     − Pαβ uα )
                   ∂t     ∂rα        ∂rβ     ∂rβ                                    operator by the additional term so that the NS equations can be
                        = 2ρuα aα + 2ρλ′ Q                                  (56)    recovered correctly. Specifically, we can find that the nonequilibrium
    in terms of                                                                                                   Δvα vβ = Pαβ                         (68)
                              ρT 2δαβ ∂uχ ∂uα ∂uβ                                   is just the viscous stress tensor, and
                      Pαβ =      (          −     −     ),                  (57)
                              Sαβ D + I ∂rχ   ∂rβ   ∂rα                                                                       ∂T
                                                                                                          Δ(v2 +η2 )vα = −κ       + Pαβ uα                 (69)
    where Sxx = S6 , Syy = S7 , Szz = S8 , Sxy = S9 , Sxz = S10 , and Syz = S11 .                                             ∂rβ
          Here, we explain the reason for the additional term. Mathemat-
                                                                                    is related to the thermal conductivity (see Ref. 51). As we can see, the
    ically, we can adjust the relaxation coefficients independently. From
    the point view of physics, the coefficients are not completely inde-            diagonal matrix S controls the speed of f̂ i approaching its equilib-
    pendent for the system with isotropy constraints.50 From the deriva-            rium counterpart f̂ i and the elements of the matrix Si are related to
    tion, we can see that S1 , S2 , S3 , S4 , and S5 have no influence on the       the thermodynamic nonequilibrium manifestations. S1 , S2 –S4 , and
    equation due to the conservation laws. However, in order to recover             S5 are related to mass, momentum, and energy conservation, respec-
    the NS equations in the continuity limit, the terms referring to the            tively. Actually, the values of the above coefficients have no effect on
    stress tensor and the energy flux should be coupled, respectively,              the flow system due to the conservation laws. S6 –S11 are related to
    which leads to                                                                  dynamic viscosity and S12 –S14 are linked with heat conductivity in
                                                                                    the NS equations. Finally, S15 –S24 are associated with nonorganized
                        S6 = S7 = S8 = S9 = S10 = S11 = Sμ ,                (58)    energy fluxes and S25 –S30 correspond to the flux of nonorganized
                                                                                    energy flux.
    related to viscosity, and

                                S12 = S13 = S14 = Ŝκ ,                     (59)
                                                                                    IV. NUMERICAL TESTS
    related to heat conductivity, and then Eqs. (54)–(56) reduce to
                                                                                        To validate the proposed model and showcase its performance,
                                     ∂ρ ∂jα                                         we show simulation results of some classical benchmarks. First,
                                       +    = 0,                            (60)
                                     ∂t ∂rα                                         we simulate the free falling process with a chemical reaction to

AIP Advances 11, 045217 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0047480                                                                                               11, 045217-6
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AIP Advances                                                                                                         ARTICLE      

      FIG. 1. Free falling process in a box with chemical reaction and external force. (a) Velocity vs acceleration; and (b) temperature vs heat release. The symbols denote the
      DBM results, and the lines represent the theoretical solutions.

    investigate the model in the flow field coupled with a chemical reac-                      = Δy = Δz = 10−3 as the spatial step and Δt = 10−4 as the temporal
    tion and external force. Then, we simulate the thermal Couette flow                        step. Reaction parameters are K = 5 × 102 and Ea = 8, and relaxation
    to verify that both the specific heat ratio and Prandtl number are                         coefficients are Si = 104 .
    adjustable. Furthermore, we simulate a 1D detonation to show that                                Figure 1(a) plots the vertical velocity uz vs various accelera-
    the model is capable of describing supersonic flows and measuring                          tion a = az ez with fixed chemical reaction heat release Q = 10 at time
    the nonequilibrium effects. Finally, a spherical explosion is modeled                      t = 0.5. The theoretical vertical velocity in the external force field
    to demonstrate the ability of the proposed model to deal with a 3D                         is uz = az t. Figure 1(b) illustrates the temperature T vs chemical
    configuration. In this work, we utilize the third-order Runge–Kutta                        heat release with fixed acceleration az = 10. The theoretical solution
    scheme for the time derivative in Eq. (1) and the second-order                             for temperature after the chemical reaction is T = T0 + (γ − 1)Q.
    nonoscillatory and nonfree-parameter dissipation difference scheme                         From the above pictures, we can find the simulation results match
    for the space derivative.52                                                                well with the analytical ones, which shows good performance of
                                                                                               the model to describe the effects of the external force and chemical
    A. Chemical reaction in the free falling process                                           reaction.
          The exothermic chemical reaction in a free falling box is simu-
    lated as the first numerical test. At the beginning, the box is filled                     B. Thermal Couette flow
    with the chemical reactant and the initial physical quantities are                              To validate that the model can be used with the adjustable
    density ρ0 = 1, velocity u0 = 0, and temperature T 0 = 1.0. Since the                      specific heat ratio and Prandtl number, the thermal Couette flow
    field is uniform, we use only one mesh to simulate the process, and                        is simulated here. The initial configuration is a viscous fluid flow
    thus, the computational domain is N x × N y × N z = 1 × 1 × 1, where                       between two infinite parallel flat plates, and the physical quantity
    the periodic boundary is used in each direction. We choose Δx                              of the flow is ρ0 = 1, u0 = 0, and T 0 = 1. The plate below the flow is

      FIG. 2. Temperature profiles of thermal Couette flow. (a) Temperature distribution for cases with various specific heat ratios. (b) Temperature distribution for cases with
      various Prandtl numbers. Symbols denote the results of the DBM, and solid lines represent the exact solutions.

AIP Advances 11, 045217 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0047480                                                                                                                  11, 045217-7
© Author(s) 2021
AIP Advances                                                                                         ARTICLE       

    stationary with temperature T L = 1, and the top plate moves along        We carry out the simulation with va = 1.0, vb = vc = 4.5, vd = 0.1,
    the horizontal direction with a constant speed ux = 1 and tempera-        η0 = 2.7, and Si = 5 × 103 . Different grid resolution δn (denotes the
    ture T U = 1.1. The distance between the plates is H = 0.1. We carry      number of grid points per half-reaction length) is employed to find
    out the simulation with Δx = Δy = Δz = 10−3 , Δt = 10−4 , va = vb = vc    an appropriate resolution for computation effectiveness.
    = vd = 1.6, and η0 = 2.1, and the grid mesh is N x = N y = N z = 1 × 1          As common practice, we use the peak pressure, which is the
    × 100. Periodic boundary conditions are utilized in the x and y direc-    maximum pressure at the precursor explosion, to validate the per-
    tions, and the nonequilibrium extrapolation method is applied in the      formance of the numerical schemes.54,56–58 Figure 3 shows temporal
    z direction. The analytical solution to the temperature profile along     histories of the peak pressure under different resolutions. As one
    the z direction is                                                        can see, all the results oscillate periodically for t > 20. The solu-
                                                                              tion with the lower resolution δ50 yields a poor result. With the
                                          z  μ   z    z
                   T = TL + (TU − TL )      + u2x (1 − ).             (70)    increase in the resolution, the higher resolutions δ75 and δ100 behave
                                          H 2κ H      H                       similarly. To further validate the accuracy of the DBM, we com-
          Figure 2(a) shows the comparisons of the DBM simulation             pare the maximum, minimum, and the period of the oscillations
    results and exact solutions of the temperature along the z direction      of the DBM (Pmax , Pmin , T period ) = (99.05, 57.5, 7.25) with the pre-
    with different specific heat ratios γ = 3/2, 7/5, and 4/3 and fixed       dicted peak pressure (Pmax = 98.6) in the literature54 and the results
    Prandtl number Pr = 1.0, where collision parameters Si = 2 × 103 .        (Pmin , T period ) = (57, 7.25) in Ref. 58. The data show that the DBM
    It is evident that the simulation results agree excellently well with     captures the detonation phenomenon well and both the amplitude
    the analytical ones. Figure 2(b) plots the temperature distribution       and period agree well with the reference solutions in Refs. 54 and 58.
    with various Prandtl numbers Pr = 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0, where colli-         Figure 4 illustrates profiles of the detonation wave: (a) pressure and
    sion parameters Si = 2 × 103 and Sμ = 4 × 103 , 2 × 103 , and 1 × 103 ,   (b) temperature at time t = 77 with resolutions δ75 and δ100 . Obvi-
    respectively. The specific heat ratio is 7/5 for the three cases. The     ously, the results are, in general, in good agreement with Fig. 4.4 in
    simulation results also match well with the exact solutions for           Ref. 57.
    various Prandtl numbers.                                                        In addition to the unstable detonation, we simulate a stable
                                                                              detonation with the following parameters: f = 1.0, γ = 1.4, Q = 1.0,
    C. One-dimensional detonation                                             and Ea = 8.0. The pre-exponential parameter equals K = 122.77. The
                                                                              physical domain is set to be 0 ≤ x ≤ 500, and the initial location of
         In order to make the calculation simple and explicit, all            the ZND detonation front is set at x = 5. For stable detonations, δ100
    the quantities have been made dimensionless by reference to the           is used. The parameters adopted are va = vb = vc = vd = 1.8, η0 = 2.0,
    unburned state ahead of the detonation front. The reference length
                                                                              and Si = 2 × 102 .
    scale xref is chosen such that the half of 1D Zel’dovich, von Neu-
                                                                                    Figure 5 illustrates profiles of the detonation wave at time
    mann, and Döring (ZND) induction length is unity,
                                                                              t = 160. The symbols stand for the DBM results, and the solid lines
                                           ρ̃                                 represent the ZND solutions. The numerical results behind the
                                       ρ=     ,                               detonation are (ρ, p, T, ux ) = (1.3895, 2.1930, 1.5829, 0.5781). Com-
                                                                              pared with the ZND solutions (ρ, p, T, ux ) = (1.3884, 2.1966, 1.5786,
                                           p̃                                 0.5774), the relative errors are (0.079%, 0.16%, 0.27%, 0.12%),
                                    p= ,
                                              √                       (71)
                                     T̃            ρ̃0
                                 T=      = T̃          ,
                                    T̃ 0           p̃0
                                      ũ        ũ
                                 u=      =√           .
                                     c0         γT̃ 0

    Adopting the notations in Ref. 53, the symbol ∼ stands for dimen-
    sional quantities and subscript 0 denotes the unburnt state.
          Previous research indicates that the overdrive factor f (the
    square of the ratio of imposed detonation front velocity to the
    Chapman–Jouguet velocity), the specific heat ratio γ, the heat release
    Q, and the activation energy Ea are all related to the stability of the
          In this part, we first simulate an unstable 1D detonation with
    the following parameters to verify the effectiveness of the model:
    f = 1.6, γ = 1.2, Q = 50, and Ea = 50. Given the above dimensionless
    values, the pre-exponential parameter equals K = 230.75. The initial
    condition is given by the theory developed independently by ZND.
    The physical domain is set to be 0 ≤ x ≤ 800 with an inflow at the         FIG. 3. Temporal histories of the peak pressure in the unstable detonation under
                                                                               different resolutions. The dashed, dotted, and solid lines denote the resolution δ50 ,
    left boundary and an outflow at the right boundary. The periodic
                                                                               δ75 , and δ100 , respectively. The dashed-dotted line stands for the predicted peak
    boundary condition is imposed on the upper and lower boundaries.           pressure in Ref. 54.
    The initial location of the ZND detonation front is set at x = 8.

AIP Advances 11, 045217 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0047480                                                                                                    11, 045217-8
© Author(s) 2021
AIP Advances                                                                                                             ARTICLE       

       FIG. 4. Spatial profiles of (a) pressure and (b) temperature in the unstable detonation at time t = 77. Dashed lines denote the resolution δ75 , and solid lines stand for δ100 .

    respectively. The results of the DBM have a satisfying coincidence                            respectively. The kinetic moment is the nonorganized energy in the x
    with the ZND theory.                                                                          direction and the exact solution of the equilibrium kinetic moment
           Figure 6 displays the kinetic moments and nonequilibrium                               is f̂ 6 = ρ(T + u2x ) [see Eq. (10)]. The squares and triangles denote
    quantity around the detonation wave at time t = 160 in order to                                            eq
                                                                                                  f̂ 6 and f̂ 6 , respectively. The solid line represents the exact solution.
    demonstrate the capability of the DBM of capturing the nonequi-                               As we can see, the nonorganized energy reaches the maximum at
    librium effects. Figures 6(a) and 6(b) illustrate the kinetic moment                          the front shock. The difference between the kinetic moment and the
                                                        eq      eq 2
    f̂ 6 = ∑ f i vix
                     and the equilibrium counterpart f̂ 6 = ∑ f i vix within                      equilibrium counterpart is just the nonequilibrium quantity Δxx =
           i                                                             i                                  eq
    412 ≤ x ≤ 428 and a more detailed domain where 424.4 ≤ x ≤ 424.7,                             f̂ 6 − f̂ 6 and is demonstrated in Figs. 6(c) and 6(d). In addition, the

      FIG. 5. Physical quantities of the stable detonation: (a) pressure, (b) density, (c) temperature, and (d) horizontal velocity. The symbols represent the DBM results, and the
      solid lines represent ZND solutions.

AIP Advances 11, 045217 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0047480                                                                                                                        11, 045217-9
© Author(s) 2021
AIP Advances                                                                                                     ARTICLE     

      FIG. 6. Kinetic moments and nonequilibrium quantity around the detonation wave. (a) Kinetic moments within 412 ≤ x ≤ 428, (b) kinetic moments around the front shock
      within 424.4 ≤ x ≤ 424.7, (c) nonequilibrium quantity Δxx within 412 ≤ x ≤ 428, and (d) nonequilibrium quantity Δxx around the front shock within 424.4 ≤ x ≤ 424.7.

    corresponding analytical solution by Eq. (40) is illustrated. The sym-                 the spherical shock wave expands in the enclosed box and contacts
    bols stand for the solutions of the DBM, and the solid line represents                 with the wall when t = 0.005. Afterward, the shock wave is reflected
    the analytical solution. Obviously, the results of DBM are, in general,                and propagates inwards with the increase in time. As we can see, the
    in good agreement with the analytical solutions. It can be found that                  shocks are well captured in the DBM.
    there exist nonequilibrium effects in the reaction zone. In particu-                         Figure 8 illustrates the temporal histories of the mass and ener-
    lar, around the front shock, the nonequilibrium effects are obvious.                   gies in the explosion process. The total reactant mass decreases and
    This result is physically reasonable. At the front shock, the chem-                    the total product mass increases gradually due to the chemical reac-
    ical energy is continuously released and due to the rapid change                       tion in the initial stage (0 ≤ t ≤ 0.011 54). After the chemical reac-
    of physical quantities, the system departs from its thermodynamic                      tion ends (t > 0.011 54), the reactant density equals zero. The total
    equilibrium state.                                                                     mass remains constant in the whole evolution. Figure 8(b) shows in
                                                                                           the evolution, the chemical energy decreases gradually and is trans-
    D. Three-dimensional explosion                                                         formed into the internal and kinetic energies, while the sum of all
          In this part, we consider a 3D spherical explosion in a box with
    parameters: γ = 1.2, Q = 2.0, and Ea = 1.0. At the initial time, the sys-
    tem is at rest and the√  density and temperature are given as follows:
    (ρ, T) = (2, 2) for       (ix − 0.5Nx )2 + (iy − 0.5Ny )2 + (iy − 0.5Nz )2
    ≤ 0.1Nx and others (ρ, T) = (1, 1) with periodic boundary condi-
    tions at the surfaces. This configuration is symmetrical and can be
    utilized to verify the model by checking whether the mass and energy
    are conserved. We carry out the simulation with Δx = Δy = Δz
    = 10−4 , Δt = 10−6 , va = vb = vc = vd = 1.6, η0 = 3.5, and Si = 105 , and
    the grid mesh is N x × N y × N z = 200 × 200 × 200.
          To demonstrate the evolution process of the spherical explo-
    sion, we choose several typical snapshots of the pressure isosurfaces
    at various times in Fig. 7. Since the computational system is sym-
    metrical, only half of the system is depicted for clear illustration.
    Figure 7(a) shows the initial configuration, and (b) and (c) display                    FIG. 7. Snapshots of the pressure isosurfaces in the spherical explosion process:
                                                                                            (a) t = 0, (b) t = 0.0025, and (c) t = 0.005.
    the evolution process at time t = 0.0025 and 0.005, respectively. First,

AIP Advances 11, 045217 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0047480                                                                                                           11, 045217-10
© Author(s) 2021
AIP Advances                                                                                                            ARTICLE           

                                 FIG. 8. The temporal histories of physical quantities. (a) Density; (b) internal, kinetic, chemical, and total energies.

    energies remains unchanged. Figure 8 indicates that the mass and                           from the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Coun-
    energy of the system are conserved. It is shown that the proposed                          cil under the project UK Consortium on Mesoscale Engineering
    DBM has a satisfying performance for simulations of 3D reacting                            Sciences (UKCOMES) (Grant No. EP/R029598/1) is also gratefully
    flows.                                                                                     acknowledged.

    V. CONCLUSION                                                                              APPENDIX: TRANSFORMATION MATRIX AND KINETIC
          In this paper, a 3D MRT DBM is presented for reactive flows
    where both the Prandtl number and specific heat ratio are freely                                  The equilibrium distribution function is
    adjustable. There are 30 kinetic moments of discrete distribution
    functions, and an efficient discrete velocity model, D3V30, is uti-                                           m D/2 m 1/2         m∣v − u∣2 mη2
                                                                                                     f eq = ρ(       ) (      ) exp[−          −     ].                           (A1)
    lized. The NS equations can be recovered at macroscales from the                                             2πT     2πIT            2T      2IT
    DBM through the Chapman–Enskog analysis. Unlike existing LBMs
    for reactive flows, the hydrodynamic and thermodynamic fields are                                 The transformation matrix reads
    fully coupled in the DBM to simulate combustion in subsonic, super-
    sonic, and potentially hypersonic flows. In addition, the nonequi-                                                    M = (M1i , M1i , . . . , M30i )⊺ ,                      (A2)
    librium effects of the system can be probed and quantified. In this
                                                                                               with elements M 1i = 1, M 2i = vix , M 3i = viy , M 4i = viz , M5i = vix      2
                                                                                                                                                                                + viy2
    model, the reaction and force terms added into the discrete Boltz-
    mann equation describe the change rates of discrete functions due                          + viz + ηi , M 6i = vix vix , M 7i = viy viy , M 8i = viz viz , M 9i = vix viy , M 10i
                                                                                                  2       2

    to the chemical heat release and external force, respectively.                             = vix viz , M 11i = viy viz , M12i = (vix   2
                                                                                                                                              + viy2 + viz2 + η2i )vix , M13i = (vix

          The DBM has been validated for several typical applications.                         + viy + viz + ηi )viy , M14i = (vix + viy + viz + ηi )viz , M 15i = vix vix vix ,
                                                                                                  2       2      2                   2      2       2      2

    The capability of the DBM to simulate the flow field fully cou-                            M 16i = vix vix viy , M 17i = vix vix viz , M 18i = vix viy viy , M 19i = vix viy viz ,
    pled with a chemical reaction and external force is verified using                         M 20i = vix viz viz , M 21i = viy viy viy , M 22i = viy viy viz , M 23i = viy viz viz ,
    the free falling reacting box. The case of the thermal Couette flow                        M 24i = viz viz viz , M25i = (vix2
                                                                                                                                   + viy2 + viz2 + η2i )vix vix , M26i = (vix2
                                                                                                                                                                                + viy2
    demonstrates that both the specific heat ratio and Prandtl number                          + viz + ηi )vix viy , M27i = (vix + viy + viz + ηi )vix viz , M28i = (vix + viy2
                                                                                                  2       2                      2       2      2     2                      2
    are adjustable. Furthermore, the DBM is shown to accurately sim-                           + viz2 + η2i )viy viy , M29i = (vix
                                                                                                                                   + viy2 + viz2 + η2i )viy viz , and M30i = (vix  2
    ulate supersonic flows and quantify the nonequilibrium effects in
    1D detonation. Finally, the main features of a spherical explosion                         + viy + viz + ηi )viz viz .
                                                                                                  2       2      2

    in an enclosed box are successfully captured to showcase the ability                              According to Eq. (3), the kinetic moments of the discrete
    of the DBM to deal with a 3D configuration. In conclusion, a new                           equilibrium distribution function take the following forms:

                                                                                                                                                            eq ⊺
    3D DBM for reactive flows featuring full coupling of flow and com-                                                                   eq    eq
    bustion fields has been developed and successfully validated. This                                                      f̂ eq = (f̂ 1 , f̂ 2 , . . . , f̂ 30 ) ,              (A3)
    opens up possibilities for exploring a variety of reactive flows at sub-
                                                                                                                    eq         eq              eq              eq      eq
    sonic, supersonic, and hypersonic speeds with both hydrodynamic                            with elements f̂ 1 = ρ, f̂ 2 = ρux , f̂ 3 = ρuy , f̂ 4 = ρuz , f̂ 5 = ρ[(D + I)
                                                                                                              eq                        eq                  eq                   eq
    and thermodynamic nonequilibria.                                                           T + u2 ], f̂ 6 = ρ(T + u2x ), f̂ 7 = ρ(T + u2y ), f̂ 8 = ρ(T + u2z ), f̂ 9
                                                                                                             eq               eq               eq                                eq
                                                                                               = ρux uy , f̂ 10 = ρux uz , f̂ 11 = ρuy uz , f̂ 12 = ρux [(D + I + 2)T + u2 ], f̂ 13
                                                                                                                                     eq                               eq
    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                                                                            = ρuy [(D + I + 2)T + u2 ], f̂ 14 = ρuz [(D + I + 2)T + u2 ], f̂ 15 = ρ(3ux
                                                                                                               eq                           eq                       eq
                                                                                               T + u3x ), f̂ 16 = ρ(uy T + u2x uy ), f̂ 17 = ρ(uz T + u2x uz ), f̂ 18 = ρ(ux T
        This work was supported by the National Natural Science                                               eq                    eq                        eq
    Foundation of China (NSFC) under Grant No. 51806116 and the                                + ux uy ), f̂ 19 = ρux uy uz , f̂ 20 = ρ(ux T + ux uz ), f̂ 21 = ρ(3uy T + u3y ),
                                                                                                       2                                                2
                                                                                                  eq                             eq                           eq
    Center for Combustion Energy at Tsinghua University. Support                               f̂ 22 = ρ(uz T + uz u2y ), f̂ 23 = ρ(uy T + uy u2z ), f̂ 24 = ρ(3uz T + u3z ),

AIP Advances 11, 045217 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0047480                                                                                                                      11, 045217-11
© Author(s) 2021
AIP Advances                                                                                                       ARTICLE     

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