The White House Versus the Senate - Where Next for U.S. Climate Policy? - Impax Asset Management

The White House Versus the Senate - Where Next for U.S. Climate Policy? - Impax Asset Management
Winter 2021 | A Newsletter for Sustainable Investors

INSIDE                              The White House Versus the Senate —
                                    Where Next for U.S. Climate Policy?
                                    By Joseph Keefe, President of Impax Asset Management

                                    The Democrats’ failure to wrest control of the      elements linked to job creation, in line with
                                    U.S. Senate from the Republican majority —          the approach in the Biden climate plan.
NEW PAX INSIGHTS                    pending the outcome of two special elections        Infrastructure spending could potentially
                                    in Georgia — will pose significant challenges       create employment across the country,
CONVERSATION PIECES                 for President-elect Joe Biden to pursue his         including in Republican-leaning areas where
                                    climate and energy policies with legislation.       senators will come under political pressure
                                    However, the White House wields significant         to support additional fiscal stimulus. While
                                    executive power and can accomplish at               legislation is unlikely to be passed before
                                    least some of the Biden agenda without full         Inauguration Day, work on the shape of the
                                    cooperation from the Senate.                        package has already begun.

                                    The Biden election platform included a climate      Moreover, the White House retains significant
                                    plan to invest $2 trillion over four years in       executive powers that a Biden presidency
                                    clean energy, low-carbon transport, building        will exercise in pursuit of its climate and
                                    energy efficiency and infrastructure. The plan      energy objectives.
                                    targets zero-emissions power generation by
                                                                                        In a November 4 tweet, the President-elect
                                    2035 and a net-zero economy by 2050, and it
                                                                                        confirmed that his administration would
                                    is oriented heavily toward job creation.
                                                                                        rejoin the Paris Agreement. It can do so
                                    If the Republican Senate leadership reverts to      without congressional approval, and such a
                                    its strategy during the Obama years — out-          move would be positive for the international
                                    right refusal to work across the aisle on any       climate effort. While other leading countries
                                    legislative proposals — then a significant          and regions have doubled down on their
                                    portion of this agenda likely will be compro-       commitments to tackle climate change,
 Editor: Tracey Bentley
                                    mised. Even without an outright obstruc-            a lack of leadership from the U.S. has
 Layout: Dorset Norby Star          tionist strategy led by Majority Leader Mitch       undoubtedly slowed progress.
 General Fund Information:          McConnell, with the Senate staying in Repub-
                                                                                        On the domestic front, the measures spelled
 ( 800.767.1729                     lican hands it is likely that appropriations will
 Shareholder Account Information:
                                                                                        out in 2015 by the Obama administration to
                                    nevertheless remain an ongoing constraint.
 ( 800.372.7827                                                                         meet its Paris goal — a 26-28% reduction in
                                    However, given that the U.S. is facing              greenhouse gas emissions by 2025, compared                    significant ongoing economic disruption             with 2005 levels — were designed to be
                                    caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, there              achievable through executive action alone.
                                    is a serious prospect of some of the Biden
                                                                                        The Biden White House will likely restore some
                                    climate plan passing the Senate in the form
                                                                                        version of Obama’s Clean Power Plan, which
                                    of elements embedded in an early COVID
                                                                                        attempted to reduce power sector emissions
 This newsletter is printed by an   relief and recovery effort.
 FSC and SFI certified printer on                                                       and promote renewables. It could also take
 FSC and SFI certified, and 30%
 post-consumer waste paper.         A COVID recovery bill under a Biden                 additional emissions reducing executive
 Printed using soy and vegetable    presidency will likely look very different          actions, such as improved vehicle energy
 based inks.
                                    from recent stimulus proposals and will             efficiency standards and reductions in methane
 PAX009595 4/21                     almost certainly include environmental                                   C O N T I N U E D o n B AC K PAG E
The White House Versus the Senate - Where Next for U.S. Climate Policy? - Impax Asset Management
The Physical Risks of Climate Change: Building a
Resilient Response
By Ian Simm, Founder and CEO of Impax Asset Management

Reflecting on Climate Week 2020, I’m                                                      Key barriers to the development
struck by what a crucial period we                                                        of actionable decisions include the
are entering for our global response                                                      availability of suitable models and
to climate change. In advance of the                                                      comprehensive data sources and the
COP26 conference in November 2021,                                                        need for disclosure by companies of the
efforts to tackle this critical problem                                                   physical location of key assets. Impax is
are intensifying, and if the outcomes are                                                 working with our peers in the financial
to be deemed a success, it’s essential                                                    sector to improve the dialogue with
that action is targeted, well-resourced,                                                  environmental scientists in this area; I’m
coordinated and timely.                                                                   hopeful that investors will be able to
                                                                                          access better analytical tools in the
Against the backdrop of repeated
                                                                                          near future.
extreme weather events around the
world, the year since Climate Week 2019                                                   As more investors become aware of
has seen school children on strike, an                                                    the potential impacts of physical risks,
unprecedented wave of public climate                                                      there is likely to be greater pressure on
demonstrations around the world and                                                       companies to disclose these risks and
sustained media coverage of climate                                                       their approach to managing them. In
issues. It’s clear: Climate change is                                                     many countries, and in part as an effort to
already here and intensifying, and so are                                                 implement the recommendations of the
the risks. Everyone is affected — either                                                  Task Force on Climate-related Financial
firsthand, through floods, hurricanes,                                                    Disclosures (TCFD), regulators are already
drought or extreme temperatures, or                                                       actively encouraging the development
through interconnections in global               "It’s clear: Climate                     of consensus around relevant metrics.
financial, economic and social systems.                                                   An important recent example of this is
                                                 change is already here                   the UK’s Climate Financial Risk Forum,
There is a growing consensus that the
                                                 and intensifying, and                    which made its initial recommendations in
physical risks of climate change can no
                                                                                          June and is now embarking on its second
longer be viewed as a distant problem.           so are the risks."                       phase of work.
As Impax outlines in a new report, they
pose material and immediate risks to                                                      The next decade will be decisive. We
investors. One study from the Grantham                                                    believe that as a changing climate
                                             resilient. Yet, despite rapidly mounting
Research Institute of Climate Change                                                      continues to alter the very fabric of
                                             evidence of the need to act, many
and the Environment at the London                                                         economies, societies and environments
                                             investors are only now beginning to
School of Economics and Political                                                         across the world, the investors that
                                             consider physical climate risks and the
Science estimates that the “climate                                                       can act now to both manage physical
                                             potential impact on their portfolios.
value at risk” of global financial assets                                                 climate risks and understand the
                                             For physical climate risk to be assessed     opportunities to invest in resilience
could reach up to a staggering US$24.2
                                             and quantified using financial metrics,      stand to be in the most secure position
trillion by 2100. Additionally, the Carbon
                                             investors need to understand the degree      over the long term.
Disclosure Project recently reported that
                                             of uncertainty of model projections and
215 of the world’s largest companies                                                      Read the full report here:
                                             be prepared to alter investment choices
expected almost US$1 trillion of value at                                                 climate-risk.
                                             as our understanding of future risks
risk from climate change within the next
                                             improves. Financial decision-making
five years.
                                             always relies on the forecasting of future
Early action to assess, manage and           events and trends, and while climate risk
price the risk transparently and             presents some additional forecasting
comprehensively will most likely be          difficulty, we do know enough to make
justified if investments are to remain       a start.                                     Based on 2016 USD values

2 | CONNECTION – Winter 2021
The White House Versus the Senate - Where Next for U.S. Climate Policy? - Impax Asset Management
Pinpointing risks                                                                        Conversation
        As the physical risks of changing climate continue to increase, we have
        expanded our engagements on the topic. In October, we teamed up with
        the New York State Common Retirement Fund to encourage S&P 500
companies to disclose the locations of their physical assets, such as facilities
                                                                                          The Impax Invest in Women
                                                                                          Symposium was a smashing success
reserves, buildings and installations, whose loss or impairment would impact              thanks to a fantastic agenda and
financial results.                                                                        thought-provoking insight from world-
                                                                                          class panelists. Here are some snippets.

“Flooding, droughts, rising sea levels and other extreme weather events are posing
increased risks not only for companies, but their investors, financial markets and the
                                                                                                 Embrace the (diversity)
global economy,” says Impax Senior Vice President for Sustainable Investing Julie
                                                                                          data. We have years and years
Gorte. “Investors need to understand the nature of companies’ physical risks so they
can take steps to manage them, or adapt to them, and to price the risks properly in       of research, and the data
investment portfolios.”                                                                   doesn’t lie. This is not about

In July, we filed a petition for rulemaking with the U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission requesting the agency require companies to disclose precise location           competitiveness.
                                                                                          social impact; this is about

data. See that request at:                                                — Rana Nawas, Founder and host of
                                                                                         		 “When Women Win”

                                                                                         “       Cognitively diverse
                                                                                          teams fight more, and they
                                                                                          take longer to make decisions,
                                                                                          but they make better decisions
                                                                                          and they make more money.
                                                                                          — Daniel Crosby, New York Times
                                                                                         		 bestselling author

                                                                                         “       Women have been told
                                                                                          our whole lives that we are
                                                                                          risk-averse. We are not. We

New Pax Insights                                                                          are risk-aware. Women want
                                                                                          to understand risk before they
Recent perspectives from our experts are available at                                                                      we will take it.
                                                                                          take it. Once we understand it,

                                                                                          — Sallie Krawcheck, Pax Ellevate
                     The Investment Case for Sustainability: The Rise of                 		 Global Women’s Leadership Fund
                     Resilience                                                          		 Co-founder and Consultant

                     A steady stream of new studies shows evidence of
                     sustainability’s outperformance in investment.                               Companies are looking
                                                                                          at ESG metrics not because ESG
                     Read article here:
                                                                                          it’s financially relevant.
                                                                                          is cute or trendy but because

                                                                                          — Mindy Lubber, CEO of Ceres

                     The Value of the (Shareholder) Vote: Not Zero
                     Julie Gorte highlights the principles underpinning a
                                                                                                 Over a million people
                     Department of Labor proposal related to proxy voting.                left the workforce in
                                                                                          September; 80% of them were
                     Read article here:                        women.
                                                                                          — Kweilin Ellingrud, Senior partner at
                                                                                         		 McKinsey & Co.

                                                                                                     CONNECTION – Winter 2021 | 3
The White House Versus the Senate - Where Next for U.S. Climate Policy? - Impax Asset Management
Shareholder Corner: IRA Contributions
It’s January, you can make a 2021 IRA            taxable income. Typically, taxes are         Individual Retirement Arrangements,” at
contribution! And, if you haven’t yet, you       paid when funds are withdrawn,     , or call the IRS at
can still make a 2020 contribution until         presumably in retirement, when you may       (800) 829-3676 to order a copy.
April 15, 2021. Contribution limits didn’t       be in a lower tax bracket.
                                                                                              You can open a new IRA or Roth IRA or
change this year. If you are under the
                                                 Subject to income limits, contributions to   you can make a contribution to an existing
age of 50, typically you can contribute
                                                 Roth IRAs are not tax deductible. Since      account through online account access
the lesser of 100 percent of your earned
                                                 these funds were already subject to          at For assistance,
income or $6,000. If you are 50 years
                                                 income tax, after holding a Roth IRA for     or for other options, please call Investor
of age or older, you can contribute the
                                                 five years, certain types of withdrawals,    Services at (800) 372-7827.
lesser of 100 percent of your earned
                                                 including those taken in retirement, can
income or $7,000.
                                                 be made on a tax-free basis.                 Please note that the information above
Subject to deduction limits, Traditional                                                      does not constitute tax advice. State
                                                 For more information about your
IRA contributions generally are made                                                          tax regulations may differ from federal
                                                 eligibility or the differences between
on a tax-deferred basis, which means                                                          tax regulations. Always consult your tax
                                                 Traditional and Roth IRAs, please see
that you may be able to deduct some                                                           advisor before making any tax-related
                                                 IRS Publication 590A, “Contributions to
or all of your contribution from your                                                         investment decision.


emissions from the oil and gas sector.           Biden administration will also likely move   accelerant, its absence will merely slow,
The White House could also advance               aggressively to reverse the extensive        rather than reverse, the sector’s growth.
its climate agenda through the federal           rollbacks of environmental regulations
                                                                                              Certainly, the inability of the Democrats
government’s enormous procurement                that occurred under Trump appointees.
                                                                                              to gain a majority in the Senate — if that
spend. This could extend to the
                                                 It is worth bearing in mind that the         is confirmed by one or two Republican
U.S. military, which has increasingly
                                                 clean energy sector has managed to           victories in the Georgia special elections
expressed concern about the security
                                                 thrive despite four years of indifference,   — will disappoint advocates for clean
implications of climate change.
                                                 at best, and opposition, at worst, from      energy and climate action. But there
The president can also wield                     the Trump administration. Technology         is much a Biden administration can do
significant influence through personnel          cost reductions, supportive state-level      to address climate change and other
appointments, and the appointment                policy and strong demand from corpo-         sustainability challenges facing the U.S.
of former U.S. Senator John Kerry to             rate consumers responding to customer        and the world — challenges that a
lead climate change efforts from the             pressure have all helped renewables          re-elected President Trump would likely
White House is a positive sign that the          grow significantly with extremely limited    have ignored. Thus, there is reason to
President-elect means business when              federal support. While ambitious legisla-    be cautiously optimistic but optimistic
it comes to a robust climate agenda. A           tive support would provide a significant     nevertheless.

                               You should consider a fund’s investment objectives, risks, and charges and expenses carefully
                               before investing. For this and other important information, please obtain a fund prospectus by
                               calling 800.767.1729 or visiting Please read it carefully before investing.
30 Penhallow Street
                               An investment in Pax World Funds involves risk, including loss of principal. Past performance
Suite 400
                               does not guarantee future results.
Portsmouth, NH 03801
800.372.7827                  RISKS: Equity investments are subject to market fluctuations, the Fund's share price can fall because
                              of weakness in the broad market, a particular industry, or specific holdings. The Fund does not take
                              defensive positions in declining markets. The Fund’s performance would likely be adversely affected
                              by a decline in the Index. Investments in emerging markets and non-U.S. securities are generally less
                              liquid and less efficient than investments in developed markets and are subject to additional risks,
such as risks of adverse governmental regulation, intervention and political developments. There is no guarantee that the objective
will be met and diversification does not eliminate risk. Funds that emphasize investments in smaller companies generally will
experience greater price volatility. Investing in non-diversified funds generally will be more volatile and loss of principal could be
greater than investing in more diversified funds.
Pax World Funds are distributed by ALPS Distributors, Inc. There is no affiliation between Pax World Funds, ALPS Distributors
Inc. and the companies listed within the articles in this newsletter.
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