The von der Leyen Commission: One year on - STATE OF THE UNION 2020 - - European ...

The von der Leyen Commission: One year on - STATE OF THE UNION 2020 - - European ...

The von der Leyen Commission:
                  One year on



The von der Leyen Commission: One year on - STATE OF THE UNION 2020 - - European ...


ACHIEVEMENTS  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3
A new course for Europe .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4

1. The first 100 days .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5

Leading the green and digital transitions  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5

Becoming the geopolitical Commission  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8

Protecting EU citizens .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 9

2. Europe’s unprecedented response to an unprecedented crisis .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 10

Fighting a global health crisis .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 11

Repairing the economy and preparing for the future .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 12

3. A better Europe after the pandemic  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 15

TIMELINE .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 18

The von der Leyen Commission: One year on - STATE OF THE UNION 2020 - - European ...
The von der Leyen Commission: One year on - STATE OF THE UNION 2020 - - European ...

One year ago, the von der Leyen Commission                 The next step was to act swiftly and kick off the
made Europe a promise: we promised to be                   recovery of our economy. NextGenerationEU –
bold and daring, whenever we saw the need for              the recovery plan proposed by the Commission,
action at European level. In the early days of the         agreed by the European Council and submitted to
mandate, the new Commission set a new and                  the European Parliament and all Member States
ambitious course for the European Union.                   – breaks new ground in the EU’s history. It is the
                                                           centrepiece of the most powerful long-term EU
We presented the European Green Deal and                   budget ever designed, and together they are
its first building blocks, putting our Union on the        worth EUR 1.8 trillion of firepower.
path towards climate neutrality. We came up
with a package to make Europe a global leader in
digital innovation. We presented an industrial             We have adapted to unforeseen
strategy to define a new way forward for
                                                           and dramatic circumstances
industry in Europe during the green and digital
transition. In a fast-changing geopolitical context,       while sticking to the principles
Europe needs to transform its economy towards              and aspirations outlined in our
a green and digital future, and to strengthen              political guidelines 1 year ago.
its competitiveness on the global stage. We
therefore created the most ambitious roadmap
possible towards these goals.
                                                           In putting this plan together, we have adapted
                                                           to unforeseen and dramatic circumstances while
Then came the coronavirus pandemic – with
                                                           sticking to the principles and aspirations outlined
the human tragedy, the lockdowns and the
                                                           in our political guidelines 1 year ago. The twin
economic backlash. This crisis called for a truly
                                                           green and digital transitions are now even more
European response, and we have responded
                                                           firmly at the core of our programme, with new
with the greatest collective mobilisation in our
                                                           resources to accelerate the transformation. We
Union’s history. At first, the Commission worked
                                                           are not just repairing the damage to our economy;
to organise a concerted and coordinated
                                                           we are building better for the next generation.
European response to the emergency –
procuring and distributing protective equipment,
repatriating stranded Europeans and securing
doses of a future vaccine. This was uncharted
territory for the European Union: we reacted
           boldly when our citizens’ health and
                  safety called for EU action.

                                Frontline workers have performed their duties heroically,
                                citizens have accepted sacrifices to their fundamental
                                freedoms and unprecedented measures have been taken
                                to stem the spread of the virus.

The von der Leyen Commission: One year on - STATE OF THE UNION 2020 - - European ...

1. The first 100 days
During the first 100 days, the von      for how to make Europe the first          Our generational challenges
der Leyen Commission laid out a         climate-neutral continent by              – the twin green and digital
unique set of aspirations to address    2050 while at the same time               transitions – have become
the great challenges of this genera-    enhancing growth, providing new           even more urgent now than
                                        and better jobs and improving             they were before the crisis
tion. Sixty-four proposals have been
                                        people’s well-being. Climate change       began. The time for the
agreed by and with the other EU in-     and environmental degradation are         green transition is now. The
stitutions since 1 December 2019.       existential threats to Europe and the     investment wave that we
These include the building blocks       world. To overcome these challenges,      are about to unleash will
of a new growth strategy for            Europe needs a new growth strategy        have the European Green
Europe, structured around three         that transforms the Union into a          Deal as its compass.
pillars: the European Green Deal, a     modern, resource-efficient and            Likewise, the coronavirus
Europe fit for the digital age and an   competitive economy that works            crisis and subsequent
economy that works for people.          for people.                               lockdowns have shown
                                                                                  that access to digital
                                                                                  solutions is essential for
LEADING THE GREEN AND                                                             people and businesses alike
DIGITAL TRANSITIONS                     A new growth strategy,                    – and that the lack thereof
                                                                                  can turn into a source of
                                        structured around three                   new inequalities.
Eleven days into its mandate, the von   pillars
der Leyen Commission presented
the European Green Deal. With
this initiative, the EU has embarked
on the greatest transition by design
in history, setting out a roadmap

                                           CLIMATE PACT AND
                                             CLIMATE LAW

                          PROMOTING                                INVESTING IN SMARTER,
                         CLEAN ENERGY                                MORE SUSTAINABLE

               PROTECTING                                                      STRIVING
                 NATURE                                                      FOR GREENER

                                        The European
             FROM FARM
              TO FORK
                                         Green Deal                          ELIMINATING

                                                                       ENSURING A JUST
                                                                      TRANSITION FOR ALL
                 LEADING THE
                GREEN CHANGE

                               MAKING HOMES ENERGY          FINANCING
                                    EFFICIENT             GREEN PROJECTS

The von der Leyen Commission: One year on - STATE OF THE UNION 2020 - - European ...

On 14 January, the Commission                behaviour, from the individual to the
announced the European Green Deal            largest multinational.
investment plan, to mobilise private
money in support of the green transition.    On 11 March the European Commission                On 20 May, we presented
The investment plan also includes                                                               a comprehensive new
                                             adopted a new circular economy
                                                                                                biodiversity strategy to
the Just Transition Mechanism,               action plan, with a view to making                 bring nature back into our
which will ensure an inclusive and           our economy fit for a green future,                lives and a farm to fork
prosperous road ahead. The transition        strengthening our competitiveness                  strategy for a fair, healthy
towards climate neutrality will provide      while protecting the environment, and              and environmentally
opportunities and challenges for regions     giving new rights to consumers.                    friendly food system.
and sectors. While some will reap the                                                           The two strategies are
benefits immediately, for others it will     The second pillar of our new growth                mutually reinforcing,
take longer.                                 strategy is a new push to make Europe              bringing together nature,
                                                                                                farmers, businesses
                                             a global leader in digital innovation. On
                                                                                                and consumers to work
To ensure a more even distribution of        day 81, the Commission announced its               towards a competitively
opportunities, the Commission has            agenda for shaping Europe’s digital                sustainable future.
proposed to mobilise at least EUR 100        future, opening up new opportunities
billion through the Just Transition          for businesses while focusing on
Mechanism to help those regions,             trustworthy technology for citizens. This
industries and workers that will             second pillar encompasses everything
face the greatest challenges relating        from cybersecurity to digital education,
to the green transition. We will succeed     and from supercomputing to global
only if citizens and communities are         competitiveness, with two specific
empowered to become agents of the            strategies on data and artificial
transition.                                  intelligence.

                                             The Commission and the Member States
                                             have also defined a common approach
We will succeed only if                      to ensure the secure deployment and
citizens and communities                     functioning of 5G networks in the
are empowered to become                      EU, thereby broadening connectivity
                                             while creating jobs and opportunities.
agents of the transition.
                                             According to estimates1, artificial
                                             intelligence and robotics alone could
                                             create almost 60 million new jobs
On 4 March, the von der Leyen                worldwide in the next 5 years.
Commission proposed a European
climate law, to transform political          Technologies     such      as      artificial
promises into legal obligations. We          intelligence, 5G networks and super-
set a legal commitment to achieving          and quantum computers have the
a climate-neutral EU by 2050 and a           potential to revolutionise our way of
mechanism to keep everybody on track.        life, and to create new and exciting
                                             opportunities for all European
On the same day, we launched a public        industries (such as artificial intelligence
consultation on the future climate           to help analyse medical symptoms),
pact for regions, local communities, civil   increasing job opportunities while
society, industry and schools. Together,     also enhancing the EU’s global
they will design and commit to a set         competitiveness.
of pledges to bring about a change in

The von der Leyen Commission: One year on - STATE OF THE UNION 2020 - - European ...

                                                    Around a quarter of industrial and service robots are
                                                    produced by companies headquartered in Europe. A
                                                    European approach to the digital transformation
                                                    deepens our democratic foundations, respects
                                                    fundamental rights and contributes to a sustainable,
                                                    climate-neutral and resource-efficient economy.
                                                    Citizens can only feel confident and empowered in a
                                                    trustworthy environment where they know their privacy
                                                    is respected.

Technologies such as artificial intelligence, 5G    European industry can lead the way in the transition
networks and super- and quantum computers           towards climate neutrality and digital leadership. On
have the potential to revolutionise our way of      day 101, the von der Leyen Commission presented a new
life and to create new and exciting opportunities   industrial strategy to empower European businesses
for all European industries, increasing job         to achieve their ambitions while strengthening their
opportunities, while also enhancing Europe’s        global competitiveness.
global competitiveness.

      20 %                          35                  99 %                       80 %
       of the total EU           million jobs in         of all European         of all exporting small
     economy relates to             industry             firms are small           businesses sell to
     European industries                                and medium-sized         other Member States

                                                           The foundation of Europe’s economy is the
No one will be left behind,                                ability to reconcile the market with the social
whether women or men, whether                              aspect, growth with fairness and disruptive
                                                           innovation with age-old values. On day 45, the
from the east, west, south or                              Commission launched a first-phase consultation
north, whether young or old.                               of social partners – businesses and trade unions
                                                           – on the issue of a fair minimum wage for
                                                           workers in the EU, which will act as a stepping
A more integrated and fully functional single              stone towards a strong social Europe for just
market would provide European businesses with              transition. No one will be left behind, whether
opportunities, and would generate additional               women or men, whether from the east, west,
annual growth of EUR 183–269 billion for                   south or north, whether young or old.
manufacturing and EUR 338 billion for services.
This represents a rise of approximately 12 %
in the EU’s gross domestic product. The single
market is a success story that continues to provide
prosperity and opportunities for EU citizens and
businesses alike.

The von der Leyen Commission: One year on - STATE OF THE UNION 2020 - - European ...

BECOMING THE GEOPOLITICAL                               not only with the World Health Organization
COMMISSION                                              and nations from across the planet, but also
                                                        with global health actors such as GAVI, the
                                                        Vaccine Alliance and CEPI, and with civil
             The European Union has a unique
                                                        society organisations such as Global Citizen. It
                asset in global affairs, beyond
                                                        was a marathon of global solidarity, and we were
                   its economic and financial
                                                        proud to have been a leading force in making this
                     strength:    we   are    an
                      unparalleled   'convening
                      power'; we are at the
                                                        Throughout this work, we have made sure
                      centre of a global network
                                                        that treatments and a future vaccine are also
                      of alliances; we are a
                                                        accessible to low-income countries, which
                      pillar of the multilateral
                                                        could not otherwise afford to pay for it. It is in
                     system; we can rally broad
                                                        this spirit that we joined the COVAX Facility, which
                    coalitions in support of a
                                                        aims to guarantee fair and equitable access to a
                 common cause; and we know
                                                        vaccine for every country in the world. Caring for
              how to bring regional powers and
                                                        others makes Europe strong too.
         rival nations around the same table.
                                                        Since day 1, the von der Leyen Commission has
We have put this convening power at the service
                                                        defended European interests and values on the
of our friends in need and of the common good
                                                        international stage – working to strengthen
– during the first 100 days of our mandate and
                                                        climate action, to defuse trade disputes, to
beyond. When a devastating earthquake ravaged
                                                        address crises in our neighbourhood and to
Albania, we mobilised the entire international
                                                        reform the multilateral system.
community to raise funds for the emergency
and the reconstruction. Countries that usually do
not even talk to one another joined forces for a        President von der Leyen chose Africa and the
common cause.                                           African Union’s headquarters in Addis Ababa as
                                                        the destination for her first foreign visit. On day
                                                        100, we presented a new ‘strategy with Africa’
                                                        to bring our partnership to the next level. The
With the start of the pandemic,                         strategy proposes to boost cooperation in the
the need for a coordinated global                       areas of sustainable growth and jobs; the green
response became obvious – and the                       transition; the digital transformation; peace,
                                                        security and governance; and migration and
von der Leyen Commission explored                       mobility.
new ways of putting the EU’s
convening power to use.                                 On day 67, the Commission adopted a new
                                                        methodology for EU accession negotiations,
                                                        to make them more credible,
We worked closely with multilateral institutions,       predictable and dynamic,
national governments and non-governmental               all with a stronger
organisations to raise resources for a cure and a       political steer. This
vaccine. Together with this diverse international       cleared the way
coalition, we launched the Access to COVID-19           for the European
Tools (ACT) Accelerator, a global cooperation           Council to open
platform to accelerate research, development            accession
and the equitable distribution of medicines and,        negotiations
eventually, a vaccine. We worked hand in hand           with Albania

The von der Leyen Commission: One year on - STATE OF THE UNION 2020 - - European ...

and North Macedonia, the draft              interests, in full compliance with
negotiating frameworks for which have       international law.
already been submitted to the Council
by the Commission. The European
Commission stood in full solidarity with
                                            PROTECTING EU
our friends in the Western Balkans          CITIZENS
during the coronavirus crisis, providing
immediate and long-term support             Still within its first 100 days, the
and including them in many initiatives      European Commission presented
normally reserved for the Member            its strategy for equality between
States.                                     women and men in Europe, notably
                                            to address persistent gender-based
Together with the leaders of our six        violence and stereotypes. This strategy
Eastern partners, we have agreed            sets out key actions for 2020–2025
on a new set of priorities to shape the     and commits to including an equality
Eastern Partnership’s second decade.        perspective in all EU policy areas.         Europe’s role in the
                                                                                        world as a credible
This agenda can make the entire
                                                                                        leading development and
European continent more resilient to all    Protecting EU citizens means protecting
                                                                                        humanitarian partner
sorts of shocks, from economic crises to    their health. Before the pandemic hit       continues. Our ‘Team
climate change.                             Europe, and as announced in the political   Europe’ approach –
                                            guidelines, the European Commission         combining the resources
Globalisation is not a one-way street.      launched an EU-wide public consultation     and expertise from the
The EU is sponsoring a root-and-            on Europe’s beating cancer plan             European Commission, the
branch reform of the World Trade            as early as 4 February. Every year,         Member States and the
Organization, precisely to enable           3.5 million people are diagnosed with       EU financial institutions –
                                            cancer in the European Union. 1.3 million   has already yielded more
our Union to continue reaping the
                                            people die of the disease annually, yet     than EUR 36 billion to
opportunities of global openness                                                        address the emergency
and integration, while addressing the       evidence indicates that over 40 % of
                                                                                        response and consequent
vulnerabilities of our economic and         cancers are preventable.                    humanitarian needs,
political systems.                                                                      strengthen health, water/
                                            The focus moved dramatically when in        sanitation and nutrition
We want to find an agreement that           the following weeks, the coronavirus        systems and mitigate
fixes the Organization's dispute            virus spread in Europe and was              the economic and social
settlement system. Yet, as the              characterised as a pandemic. The            impacts of the coronavirus
                                            mandate took a different turn, calling      pandemic worldwide.
system is currently not working, the
Commission has decided to strengthen        for leadership to face a public health
its trade enforcement rules: in the event   crisis, and what would soon become an
of a trade dispute, we are ready to use     economic crisis.
countermeasures that protect European

The von der Leyen Commission: One year on - STATE OF THE UNION 2020 - - European ...

2. Europe’s unprecedented response to
an unprecedented crisis
               The coronavirus pandemic            States have teamed up to purchase medical
                has shaken Europe and the          equipment; mobile health teams have been
                 world to the core. What began     despatched to answer the most urgent needs;
                  with isolated cases quickly      more than 600 000 stranded EU citizens have
                  turned into an emergency         been repatriated from beyond the borders of
                 that affects every country,       the European Union; and public and private
                region and person. Since the       investment, at European and national levels,
              beginning of the year, nearly        has been mobilised to find a vaccine for
           150 000 lives have been lost in         everyone across the world. This crisis has
       the EU because of COVID-19; many            shown European solidarity at its best.
more have lost their lives in other parts of the

And yet hundreds of thousands of lives             The great majority of public
have been saved. If the European Union and         health, mobility, tourism and
its Member States had not acted swiftly            economic measures were de-
and decisively to protect EU lives and
livelihoods, the tragedy would have been much
                                                   signed to address the immediate
greater. Frontline workers have performed          public health crisis directly.
their duties heroically, citizens have accepted
sacrifices to their fundamental freedoms and
unprecedented measures have been taken to
stem the spread of the virus.                      The Commission has pulled out all the stops
                                                   to fight the pandemic and its economic fallout:
                                                   828 measures have been adopted since
                                                   March, including 373 State aid decisions giving
Europe has become the beating                      European companies a lifeline. The great
heart of world                                     majority of public health, mobility, tourism
solidarity.                                        and economic measures have been designed
                                                   to address the immediate public health crisis
                                                   directly. Meanwhile, the Commission has
Europe has become the beating heart of             worked to make our economies, our societies
world solidarity. Hospitals have welcomed and      and our Union more resilient to the challenges
treated patients from across borders; Member       of tomorrow.


FIGHTING A GLOBAL HEALTH                     containment
CRISIS                                       measures’ set out
                                             common principles and
                                             accompanying measures
Saving lives was our first priority. We
                                             for exiting lockdown in a
delivered urgently needed aid through
                                             coordinated way.
numerous humanitarian air bridges
organised by the Commission. We brought
                                             In line with the EU's vaccine strategy,
Member States together to jointly procure
                                             the Commission and some Member States
medical equipment. Strategic rescEU                                                          Thanks to the
                                             are conducting intensive negotiations
stockpiles and distribution hubs were                                                        Coronavirus Global
                                             with several vaccine developers to build
established to serve as a common European                                                    Response, led by
                                             a diversified portfolio of vaccines for EU
reserve for vital medical equipment.                                                         the Commission,
                                             citizens at fair prices. And the Commission's
Equipment such as life-saving ventilators,                                                   a total of EUR 15.9
                                             communication on short-term EU                  billion in pledges has
masks and disinfectants was channelled
                                             health preparedness for COVID-19                been raised.
through the European Emergency
                                             outbreaks outlines key measures to be
Response Coordination Centre to those
                                             taken in the coming months.
Member States most in need.
                                             The Commission has safeguarded the
In addition, under the newly created
                                             integrity of the single market. As long
Emergency Support Instrument, some
                                             queues of trucks started to form at border
10 million masks to protect healthcare
                                             crossings inside the EU, the Commission
workers were purchased and delivered in
                                             created the ‘green lanes’ system to ensure
batches over the summer to countries that
                                             that essential goods could be transported
requested them. We sent medical teams
                                             swiftly across borders, and acted against
from across the continent to hospitals
                                             disproportionate internal restrictions that
in Milan and Bergamo in Italy. We made
                                             were creating new shortages.
medical imports cheaper by waiving
customs duties. We helped scientists
gather and share their data. We gave         All the while, the EU has provided as much
additional resources to the most promising   information as possible to its citizens.
research projects. And, through the EU       The EU has developed a new online tool
Civil Protection Mechanism and its           – ‘Re-open EU’ – that brings together
Emergency Response Coordination              information on travel, transportation and
Centre, we organised and coordinated         tourism restrictions across all Member
369 flights to repatriate close to 82 000    States. ‘Re-open EU’ has been used by tens
EU citizens and 10 000 non-EU citizens       of millions of people in Europe and beyond.
stranded abroad.
                                             The EU has also led the global response
In the area of public health, the EU         to the crisis. Throughout the pandemic,
achieved what no Member State could          President von der Leyen has kept in
have done alone. Guidelines on testing       constant contact with G20 leaders and
methodologies and free movement of           other international partners. Together with
healthcare professionals, medical devices    the World Health Organization and
and protective equipment, along with         many other partners, we have set up a new
voluntary contact tracing applications,      collaborative framework – the Access to
guaranteed that best practices were          COVID-19 Tools Accelerator – to accelerate
shared and scaled up. The ‘European          the development and deployment of
roadmap towards lifting coronavirus          vaccines, treatments and tests.


Thanks to the Coronavirus Global Response, led                   outlined in the communication on the global EU
by the Commission, a total of EUR 15.9 billion in                response to COVID-19, presented in early April.
pledges has been raised.                                         One team for a stronger EU in global affairs.

On 4 May, the European Commission kick-started
a global pledging effort that by the end of the
                                                                 REPAIRING THE ECONOMY AND
month had raised EUR 9.8 billion for universal
                                                                 PREPARING FOR THE FUTURE
access to affordable coronavirus vaccination,
treatment and testing, and support for health                    What began as a public health crisis has morphed
systems worldwide.                                               into a major economic shock. To prevent mass
                                                                 lay-offs, the Commission set up a EUR 100 billion
Later, on 27 June, on the initiative of President                European instrument to support short-time work
von der Leyen with Global Citizen, in a landmark                 – Support to mitigate Unemployment Risks
moment for global solidarity, the ‘Global Goal:                  in an Emergency (SURE).
Unite for our Future’ pledging summit and
concert brought together artists, scientists and                 To further cushion the blow, the Commission
world leaders to ensure universal access to                      applied – as promised in its political guidelines
coronavirus medicines.                                           – the full flexibility of the EU’s State aid rules,
                                                                 and activated for the first time ever the general
This helped to mobilise an additional EUR 6.15                   escape clause of the Stability and Growth Pact.
billion to provide universal access to affordable                The Coronavirus Response Investment
coronavirus vaccination, treatment and                           Initiatives (CRII) – worth up to EUR 54 billion –
testing, strengthen health systems and support                   were set up in record time to provide liquidity to
the economic recovery of vulnerable countries.                   businesses and support to the healthcare sector.

The European Commission has so far concluded
talks with six pharmaceutical groups to secure                   The Coronavirus Response
doses of a future vaccine for Europeans.                         Investment Initiatives – worth up
                                                                 to EUR 54 billion – were set up in
In our external action against the coronavirus,
we have always acted as 'Team Europe'. This                      record time to provide liquidity
means that the European Commission, the EU                       to businesses and the healthcare
financial institutions and the Member States have                sector.
joined forces to achieve a shared set of goals, as

       EUR 575 bn         EUR 100 bn        EUR 70 bn       EUR 3 045 bn          EUR 240 bn        EUR 200 bn

          National           SURE - EU        Direct EU      National liquidity      European       EIB - European
         measures             financial        support           measures,           Stability        Investment
      taken under the      assistance for   including the   including schemes       Mechanism         Bank Group
      flexibility of EU   short-time work        CRII         approved under      pandemic crisis    financing for
      budgetary rules         schemes                           temporary,          support for       businesses
      (general escape                                        flexible, EU State   Member States
           clause)                                                aid rules

                                                Total: EUR 4.2 trillion


The European Union and its Member States                    Council, EU leaders – on the basis of the
have acted resolutely to support workers                    Commission’s proposal – reached agreement
and businesses. The Commission triggered                    on a major recovery package. It is made up of
the general escape clause of the Stability and              the EU’s long-term budget worth EUR 1 074
Growth Pact to leave Member States maximum                  billion – agreed by the European Council, subject
flexibility, which will allow them to support               to the European Parliament’s consent – topped
everybody - their healthcare systems and staff,             up with an additional EUR 750 billion recovery
as well as the people so severely affected by the           instrument, NextGenerationEU. It will support
crisis. The total firepower mobilised so far has            Member States in kick-starting the recovery,
reached EUR 4.2 trillion, which represents more             facilitate public and private investment with a
than 30 % of the EU’s gross domestic product.               special focus on the twin transition, and help
                                                            learn from the crisis.
The magnitude of the crisis has been such that,
despite a swift and decisive public response, the           The Commission will borrow EUR 750 billion
EU economy will experience a recession this                 on financial markets, channelling the funds to
year. The necessary measures to contain the                 Member States via the EU budget, as grants
spread of the virus have slowed down social and             and loans. According to a model simulation, it
economic life – almost to a standstill in some              is estimated that the investment mobilised will
cases. In 2020, the EU economy is expected to               raise real EU gross domestic product levels
contract by 8.3 %. All Member States have been              by around 1.75 % in 2021 and 2022, rising to
hit differently, and this risks creating divergences        2.25 % by 2024. This investment wave will create
between our economies. At the same time, the                up to 2 million jobs by 2022. A EUR 672.5 billion
impact of this crisis will be felt by all.                  Recovery and Resilience Facility will support
                                                            essential investment and reforms in the Member
Unemployment is set to rise to 9 % in the                   States through grants and loans.
EU in 2020, disproportionately hitting women,
young people, low-skilled workers and those in              By reinventing the way it works, the European
temporary work. Poverty, social exclusion and               Union is rediscovering its true vocation. We have
inequalities are likely to rise, underlining the            given unprecedented firepower to the EU
importance of an inclusive and fair recovery                budget. We have agreed to use the European
for all. The economy is expected to rebound                 Commission’s very strong credit rating to raise
to positive growth in 2021, but the outlook is              resources that will be used by all Member States,
uncertain and how the public health situation               including those in greatest need and with limited
evolves will prove crucial. The EU is taking no             spending capacity. By doing so, the European
chances: the recovery plan proposed by the                  Union is reviving the founders’ original idea:
Commission is unprecedented in its design and               prosperity in each European country depends on
ambition.                                                   prosperity in all other European countries. Our
                                                            unity is our strength.

The EU is taking no chances: the
recovery plan proposed by the
Commission is unprecedented in
its design and ambition.

The Commission’s recovery plan for Europe
will repair the damage and secure the future
for the next generation. At the July European


The reinforced budget for 2021–2027 will                   In addition, the Commission has adjusted its
drive the green and digital transitions, building          2020 work programme in response to the
a fairer and more resilient economy. More than             crisis. While focusing on initiatives that deliver an
half of the overall budget will be invested in             immediate and impactful response to the crisis,
modernising the European economy, to make                  the Commission is also delivering on its strategic
it fit for our 2050 climate-neutrality goal and for        priorities.
the digital age.

Prosperity in each European country
depends on prosperity in all other
European countries. Our unity is
our strength.


                                  EUR 1 824.3 billion

EUR 1 074.3 billion
Multiannual financial                                                      EUR 750 billion
framework                                                                  NextGenerationEU
The EU’s 7-year budget                                                     COVID-19 recovery package front-
                                                                           loaded over the first years
                                                                           EUR 750 billion
                                                                             EUR 390 billion in grants
                                                                             EUR 360 billion in loans
                                                                           Capital raised on financial markets


3. A better Europe after the pandemic
Our generational challenges – the twin green
and digital transitions – have become even more             The Commission has worked
urgent now than they were before before the                 closely with multilateral
crisis began. The time for the green transition
is now. The investment wave that we are about               institutions, national
to unleash will have the European Green Deal as             governments and non-
its compass. Likewise, the coronavirus crisis and           governmental organisations
subsequent lockdowns have shown that access
to digital solutions is essential for people and
                                                            to fight the pandemic.
businesses alike – and that the lack thereof can
turn into a source of new inequalities.
                                                            We have sought cooperative solutions whenever
The work on the Commission’s strategic priorities           possible, and we have not refrained from speaking
has never stopped, in spite of the pandemic. On 20          the language of firmness when it was necessary.
May, the Commission presented a comprehensive               We have worked to place our relationship
new biodiversity strategy to bring nature back              with China on a more solid footing, with more
into our lives, and a farm to fork strategy                 reciprocity and a level playing field in trade,
for a fair, healthy and environmentally friendly            investment and beyond. The EU–China Summit
food system. The two strategies are mutually                was an opportunity to deepen our cooperation
reinforcing, bringing together nature, farmers,             – from the coronavirus crisis to climate action –
businesses and consumers to work towards a                  and to discuss our disagreements, including on
competitively sustainable future.                           human rights and the situation in Hong Kong.

On 8 July, the Commission adopted the EU's                  We have supported the UN Secretary-General’s
strategies for energy system integration                    call for a global ceasefire, and we continue to
and hydrogen. The latter addresses how to                   take a leading role in mobilising the international
transform the potential of the decarbonisation              community in situations of concern, co-organising
of industry, transport, power generation and                major conferences on Venezuela, Sudan or
buildings across Europe into reality, through               Syria.
investments, regulation, market creation and
research and innovation. The work to achieve                The von der Leyen Commission has worked non-
climate neutrality by 2050 continues.                       stop to reach an agreement on a new partnership
                                                            with the United Kingdom. We have engaged
The vision of the von der Leyen Commission                  constructively in negotiations to achieve a
was to become geopolitical. The pandemic has                mutually beneficial result and protecting the
highlighted to a greater degree than ever the               European interests. In parallel, the full and
necessity of doing so: the EU will only successfully        timely implementation of the Withdrawal
recover if our partners around the world also               Agreement remains our priority.
recover. The Commission has worked closely with
multilateral institutions, national governments
and non-governmental organisations to fight the
pandemic. We have led the global cooperation
to secure resources for a cure and a vaccine.
We have been driven by the belief that good
healthcare must be a universal right, not a
privilege for those who can afford it.

The EU's role in the world as a credible leading             On 1 July, the European Commission launched the
development and humanitarian partner continues.              youth employment support, a bridge to jobs
Our ‘Team Europe’ approach – combining                       for the next generation, focused on vocational
the resources and expertise of the European                  training and education, apprenticeships, support
Commission, the Member States and the EU                     for youth employment and funding.
financial institutions – has already yielded more
than EUR 36 billion to address the emergency                 Security ranks as the highest priority for and
response and consequent humanitarian needs,                  concern of people in the EU. From combating
strengthen health, water/sanitation and nutrition            terrorism and organised crime to cybersecurity,
systems and mitigate the economic and social                 from preventing hybrid threats to increasing the
impacts of the coronavirus pandemic worldwide.               resilience of our critical infrastructure, the EU
                                                             security union strategy unveiled on 24 July
The European Commission has kept EU citizens                 will help strengthen security in our physical and
at the heart of its decision-making and has looked           digital environment over the next 5 years. The
after their interests in a whole variety of different        Commission has also presented a new action
ways, notably in the following areas.                        plan on preventing money laundering and
                                                             terrorist financing.
It adopted its first-ever EU strategy on
victims’ rights on 24 June, with the overall                 The Commission has put forward the first EU
objective of ensuring that all victims of crime can          strategy to protect children from sexual
rely fully on their rights, no matter where in the           abuse, a crime that has demonstrably been
EU the crime took place. The strategy focuses                exacerbated during the coronavirus crisis by
firstly on empowering victims to report crime,               physical isolation and increased online activity,
claim compensation and ultimately recover from               along with new strategies to combat the illegal
the consequences of the crime; and secondly on               drugs and firearms that fuel organised crime.
working together with all relevant actors on
victims’ rights.

                                                   THE EU
                                        SECURITY UNION STRATEGY
                                        Protecting everyone in Europe

      A future-proof               Tackling                                                 A strong
                                                               Europeans from
         security                  evolving                                                 security
                                                                terrorism and
       environment                 threats                                                 ecosystem
                                                               organised crime
     Critical infrastructures                                      Terrorism and            Cooperation and
    protection and resilience                                      radicalisation        information exchange

                                Modern law enforce-
          Cybersecurity                                           Organised crime       Strong external borders

                                 Countering illegal                                     Strengthening research
     Protecting public spaces
                                  content online                                            and innovation

                                                                                         Skills and awareness


The Commission has stepped up the fight                     set in the first 100 days, particularly the green
against misinformation, disinformation                      and digital transitions. NextGenerationEU and
and foreign interference by working with                    the new long-term EU budget will give us the
online platforms, civil society, academia and               means to meet the expectations of citizens. The
researchers. Together with the European External            coming months and years represent a pivotal
Action Service, it outlined all of these efforts and        moment in European history and for future
the next steps in a joint communication. This will          generations.
not only reinforce public trust in the Union, but
also protect people living in the EU from potential
economic and bodily harm due to scams and fake              The coming months and years
coronavirus cures.                                          represent a pivotal moment in
The work of the European Commission in the
                                                            European history and for future
next 12 months will be crucial for the years and            generations.
decades to come. The coronavirus pandemic has
once again shown that Europe’s strength lies
in its unity, and that the great challenges that            At the beginning of its mandate, the Commission
we face are bigger than any single country can              envisioned a green, prosperous and healthy
deal with.                                                  future. Now is Europe’s moment to power on, to
                                                            realise that future and to deliver on its citizens’
The investments through our strategic priorities            expectations.
will kick-start our recovery and build a
stronger Union for the next generation. The
Commission will double down on the priorities


  Political priorities
  Response to the coronavirus crisis
  Negotiations with the United Kingdom


                                                                         Launch of the European
                                                                         Green Deal, setting out a
                                                                         roadmap for how to make
                                                                         Europe the first climate-neutral
                                                                         continent by 2050


                        8.1                                               14.1
Meeting between President Ursula
                                                                          The European Green Deal
 von der Leyen and British Prime
                                                                          investment plan to mobilise EU
          Minister Boris Johnson
                                                                          funding and stimulate public and
                                                                          private investments needed for
                                                                          the transition to a climate-neutral,
                                                                          green and inclusive economy
                                                                          The Just Transition Mechanism,
                         19.1                                             a key tool to ensure that the
                                                                          transition towards a climate-neutral
    Berlin International Conference
                           on Libya                                       economy happens in a fair way,
                                                                          leaving no one behind

                              21.1                                        First-phase consultation of social
                                                                          partners – businesses and trade
    Meeting between President Ursula                                      unions – on a fair minimum wage
     von der Leyen and US President                                       for workers in the EU
                      Donald Trump
                            31.1                                   Secure 5G networks: the Commission
                                                                   endorses the EU toolbox agreed by
                The United Kingdom                                 Member States
           leaves the European Union

       The EU starts facilitating the repatriation
             of citizens to Europe, as part of its
         response to the coronavirus pandemic                  3.2
                                        4.2                    Presentation of the Commission’s proposal
                                                               for a Council recommendation on directives
         Public consultations to shape Europe’s                for the negotiation of a new partnership
                  ‘beating cancer’ action plan                 with the United Kingdom

                                                                      New methodology for EU accession
                                                                      negotiations – to make them more
                                                                      credible, predictable and dynamic, as the
                                                                      first element in the Commission’s renewed
                                                                      enlargement strategy

EU and international donors pledge
 EUR 1.15 billion for reconstruction
 after the earthquake in Albania                                            19.2
                                                                             Publication of the agenda to shape
                                                                             Europe’s digital future, a strategy
                                                                             on data and a White Paper on
                                                                             artificial intelligence, opening up
                                                                             new opportunities for businesses,
                                                                             while focusing on trustworthy
                                                                             technology for citizens

The European Commission receives a
mandate to begin negotiations with
              the United Kingdom

                                  4.3                                   5.3
   With the European climate law, the                                   A new gender equality
  Commission proposes a legally binding                                 strategy for 2020-2025 sets
      target of net zero greenhouse gas                                 out key actions to ensure equality
                      emissions by 2050                                 between women and men in

 A new EU strategy paves the way for a
 stronger, more ambitious partnership
                          with Africa

                                                                                    A new industrial strategy
                                                                                    prepares the green and digital
                                                                                    transformations of
                                                                                    European industry

   A new circular economy action
      plan aims to create a cleaner
       and more competitive Europe                                        The Commission calls for a decisive
                                                                          coordinated economic response to the
                                                                          coronavirus crisis

                                                                          The new Coronavirus Response
                                16.3                                      Investment Initiative (CRII) to help
                                                                          Member States fund their individual
    An advisory panel on coronavirus
     brings together epidemiologists and                                  responses
virologists from different Member States

    A temporary restriction is introduced                                     18.3
       on non-essential travel to the EU
                                                                             The Commission proposes new
                           (until 30 June)
                                                                             policy objectives for the Eastern

     A temporary framework enables Member
  States to use the full flexibility under State aid              20.3
  rules to support the economy in the context of                  The general escape clause of the Stability
                         the coronavirus outbreak                 and Growth Pact is activated

  ‘Green lanes’ are implemented to ensure the
     availability of goods and essential services                               26.3
                                                                                European Council members give the
                                                                                green light to accession talks with
                                        30.3                                    Albania and North Macedonia
               First meeting of the EU-UK Joint
         Committee on the implementation and
        application of the Withdrawal Agreement


                                                        Launch of the new instrument for
                                                        temporary Support to mitigate
                                                        Unemployment Risks in an Emergency
                                                        (SURE) worth EUR 100 billion
 A European roadmap sets out
    the path towards common
       lifting of containment
                                                                The global EU response to
                     measures                                   coronavirus, to help partner
                                                                countries’ efforts in tackling the
                                                                pandemic, with the EU contribution
                                                                reaching EUR 15.6 billion

       Round 2 of negotiations on
      the future relationship with the
                      United Kingdom
                                                                Package to support the
                                                                transport sector

      Measures to support the
        agricultural sector

                        4.5                                       6.5
     During the Coronavirus
                                                                  A videoconference
  Global Response pledging
                                                                  takes place between
      event, EUR 7.4 billion in
                                                                  EU and Western
pledges is raised from donors
                                                                  Balkans leaders
      worldwide for universal
            access to vaccines

                              7.5                                   8.5
    Action plan for a comprehensive                                 The EU humanitarian air
        Union policy on preventing                                  bridge is set up to transport
            money laundering and                                    humanitarian workers and
                terrorist financing                                 emergency supplies to some of
                                                                    most critical areas around the

                                      13.5                    15.5
   The Commission presents guidance on how                    Round 3 of the negotiations
to safely resume travel and reboot Europe’s                   with the United Kingdom
                tourism in 2020 and beyond

   The EU biodiversity strategy
     for 2030 addresses the five
       main drivers of biodiversity
         loss, and ensures the full
  implementation of EU legislation                                       26.5
                                                                         Videoconference meeting takes
      The farm to fork strategy
                                                                         place between leaders of the
      to enable the transition to a
                                                                         EU and Japan
  sustainable EU food system that
     safeguards food security and
   ensures access to healthy diets
                                                                 The Commission presents
                                                                 a new recovery instrument,
                                                                 NextGenerationEU, embedded
                                                                 within a powerful, modern and
                                                                 revamped long-term EU budget


                                                              Round 4 of the negotiations with the

                                                              United Kingdom

         High-level meeting between President
          von der Leyen, President Michel and
         President Sassoli and the British Prime                         17.6
                       Minister Boris Johnson                            EU vaccine strategy

                                                                         White Paper on levelling the
The ‘Re-open EU’ web platform is                                         playing field as regards
  established, containing essential                                      foreign subsidies
       information allowing a safe
   relaunch of free movement and
            tourism across Europe

                                                                         Eastern Partnership leaders’


   The 22nd EU-China Summit
takes place via videoconference
                                                            Launch of the EU strategy on
                                                            victims’ rights (2020-2025)

   The ‘Global Goal: Unite for
 our Future’ pledging summit
      organised by the European
  Commission and Global Citizen
       mobilises EUR 6.15 billion
                                                                       EU and Republic of Korea
    in additional funding to help                                      leaders discuss how to foster
   develop and ensure equitable                                        global cooperation in the
 access to coronavirus vaccines,                                       recovery phase
            tests and treatments

                                          repatriation of
                                       close to 78 000 EU
                                       citizens and 10 000
                                          non-EU citizens
                                     to Europe is facilitated by
                                         the European Civil


                                                                   The youth employment
                                                                   support package is based on 4
                                                                   building blocks: reinforcing the
                                    2.7                            Youth Guarantee, training policy,
       Restricted round of negotiations                            apprenticeships and additional
                with the United Kingdom                            measures
                                                                   The European skills agenda
                                                                   for sustainable competitiveness,
                                                                   social fairness and resilience sets
                                                                   out objectives for upskilling and
                                                                   reskilling for the next 5 years


                                  9.7                                     Powering a climate-neutral
The Commission adopts a communication                                     economy: an EU strategy for
  to help national authorities, businesses                                energy system integration is
   and citizens prepare for the inevitable                                published
changes that will arise at the end of the                                 A hydrogen strategy for a
         transition period with the UK                                    climate-neutral Europe is published
                                                                          The first interinstitutional meeting
                                                                          takes place on NextGenerationEU
                          15.7                                            and the 2021-2027 multiannual
                                                                          financial framework
             The EU-India Summit
                    takes place via
                                                              EU leaders agree on the recovery
                          23.7                                plan and multiannual financial
       Round 6 of the negotiations                            framework for 2021-2027
          with the United Kingdom

 Within hours of the deadly explosion
 in Beirut, the EU’s Civil Protection
      Mechanism is activated. Twenty
  EU Member States and participating                              21.8
         countries respond with in-kind                           Round 7 of the negotiations
emergency assistance, including nearly                            with the United Kingdom
       300 search-and-rescue experts

                                27.8                                   31.8
  The Commission signs its first contract                              The Commission confirms its interest in
       with a pharmaceutical company,                                  participating in the COVID-19 Vaccine
AstraZeneca, which will allow the purchase                             Global Access Facility (COVAX)
  of a vaccine against COVID-19 for all EU                             for equitable access to affordable
                            Member States                              COVID-19 vaccines and, as part of
                                                                       a Team Europe effort, announces a
                                                                       contribution of EUR 400 million in
                                                                       guarantees to support COVAX

                   Round 8 of the negotiations
                      with the United Kingdom


64 agreed                   210 pending                   36 pending
proposals                   proposals                     proposals
                            (of which 19 announced        related to the
                            for withdrawal)               coronavirus response


828 decisions
and other legislative or non-legislative acts using oral, written and
empowerment procedures, including 373 State aid decisions

PRINT   ISBN 978-92-76-21205-8   doi:10.2775/993325   NA-03-20-539-EN-C
PDF     ISBN 978-92-76-21181-5   doi:10.2775/795951   NA-03-20-539-EN-N
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