The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada's Older Population. And What We Need to Do About It.

Page created by Marie Andrews
The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada's Older Population. And What We Need to Do About It.
The Underappreciated
Burden of Influenza
Among Canada’s
Older Population.
And What We
Need to Do
About It.

November, 2018
Updated January 2022
National Institute on Ageing
Immunization Series

Suggested Citation:
National Institute on Ageing. (2021). The underappreciated burden of influenza among
Canada’s older population. And what we need to do about it. Toronto, ON: National Institute
on Ageing White Paper.

Copyright © National Institute on Ageing
at Ryerson University,
Ryerson University, Toronto

ISBN 978-1-926769-83-7
ISSN 2561-4827 (Print)
ISSN 2561-4835 (Online)

Mailing Address:

National Institute on Ageing
Ted Rogers School of Management
350 Victoria St.
Toronto, Ontario
M5B 2K3

Disclaimer: The NIA has developed this document to provide a summary of general information about the
burden of influenza and the benefit of the influenza vaccine, as well as provide evidence- informed
recommendations to support uptake of the influenza vaccine. The NIA’s work is guided by the current
evidence. This document can be reproduced without permission for non-commercial purposes, provided
that the NIA is acknowledged. Funding for this report was generously provided by Sanofi Canada in the
form of an unrestricted educational grant. All of the research, writing and recommendations herein have
been independently produced by the NIA on the basis of sound evidence.
NIA White Paper: The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada’s Older Population

About the National
Institute on Ageing
The National Institute on Ageing (NIA) is a            The NIA further serves as the academic
public policy and research centre based at             home for the National Seniors Strategy
Ryerson University in Toronto. The NIA is              (NSS), an evolving evidence-based policy
dedicated to enhancing successful ageing               document co-authored by a group of
across the life course. It is unique in its            leading researchers, policy experts and
mandate to consider ageing issues from a               stakeholder organizations from across
broad range of perspectives, including                 Canada and first published in 2014.
those of financial, physical, psychological,
and social well-being.                                 The NSS outlines four pillars that guide the
                                                       NIA’s work to advance knowledge and
The NIA is focused on leading                          inform policies through evidence-based
cross-disciplinary, evidence-based, and                research around ageing in Canada:
actionable research to provide a blueprint             Independent, Productive and Engaged
for better public policy and practices                 Citizens; Healthy and Active Lives; Care
needed to address the multiple challenges              Closer to Home; and Support for Caregivers.
and oppor tunities presented by Canada’s
ageing population. The NIA is committed to
providing national leadership and public
education to productively and
collaboratively work with all levels of
government, private and public sector
partners, academic institutions,
ageing-related organizations, and

About the National Institute on Ageing                                                            02
NIA White Paper: The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada’s Older Population

Authors and Reviewers
The background research for this report was            Dr. Allison McGeer – Medical Director,
undertaken by Julie Dunning (NIA Policy                Infection Prevention and Control, Sinai
Analyst). It was written by Dr. Samir Sinha            Health System and Professor of Laboratory
(Director of Geriatrics, Sinai Health System           Medicine and Pathobiology and at the
and University Health Network; Associate               Dalla Lana School of Public Health,
Professor of Medicine, Family and                      University of Toronto.
Community Medicine, Health Policy,
                                                       Dr. Janet McElhaney – HSN Volunteer
Management and Evaluation, University
                                                       Association Chair in Healthy Aging; VP
Toronto; Co-chair, NIA), Julie Dunning,
                                                       Research and Scientific Director; Health
Ivy Wong (NIA Senior Policy Advisor),
                                                       Sciences North Research Institute; Professor,
Stephanie Woodward (Former NIA
                                                       Northern Ontario School of Medicine.
Executive Director) and and Michael Nicin
(NIA Executive Director). This report was
                                                       Dr. Jacob Udell – Cardiovascular Division,
edited by Allan McKee (NIA
                                                       Women’s College Hospital & Peter Munk
Communications Officer). This report was
                                                       Cardiac Centre, Toronto General Hospital;
updated by Cameron Feil (NIA Research
                                                       Assistant Professor of Medicine, University
Coordinator) and Natalie Iciaszczyk (NIA
                                                       of Toronto.
Policy Analyst).

Expert Reviewers                                       Expert Reviewers for Previous and
We would like to sincerely thank our expert            Revised Version
reviewers for their thoughtful feedback
and guidance on the content and final                  Dr. Jeff Kwong – Program Leader,
recommendations of this report. Any                    Populations and Public Health Research
opinions or errors reflected in this report            Program, ICES; Scientist, Public Health
are of the NIA alone.                                  Ontario; Family Physician, Toronto Western
                                                       Hospital; Interim Director, Centre for
Dr. Michael Gardam – Medical Director,
                                                       Vaccine Preventable Disease, University of
Infection Prevention and Control, Women’s
                                                       Toronto; Professor, Department of Family &
College Hospital and Associate Professor of
                                                       Community Medicine and Dalla Lana School
Medicine, University of Toronto.
                                                       of Public Health, University of Toronto

                                                       Colin Busby – Research Director, IRPP

Authors and Reviewers                                                                                03
Table of

  02                     03                       05
  About the National     Authors and              Executive
  Institute on Ageing    Reviewers                Summary

  07                     14                       The Influenza
                                                  Vaccination – Still
  Background             Vaccination – A Public   Our Best Defence
  and Context            Health Success Story     Against Influenza

  24                                              25
  Comparing Influenza
  and COVID-19 Vaccine
                         24                       Vaccination Policies
  Uptake among Older     Other Means              and Outcomes in
  Adults in Canada       of Prevention            Canada

                         33                       35
  32                     Health Care Provider     Vaccination Rates for
  Vaccination Rates      Influenza Vaccination    Health Care Providers/
  in Canada              Policies in Canada       Health Care Facilities

  42                     47                       56
  Vaccine                Evidence–Informed
  Hesitancy              Recommendations          References
NIA White Paper: The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada’s Older Population

Executive Summary                                      average of 3,500 deaths each year. 6
                                                       Influenza and pneumonia are the 7th
While Canada recommends an influenza                   leading cause of death in Canada 7 and the
vaccination target of 80% for those aged 65            leading cause of death among vaccine
years and older 1, only approximately 70% of           preventable diseases. 8
older Canadians (and 40% of Canadians in
general) receive the influenza vaccine each            The negative consequences of influenza are
year , which is lower than other developed
                                                       likely underestimated, as it is difficult to
countries such as New Zealand, the United              accurately determine the extent and degree
States, and the United Kingdom. What 3
                                                       to which influenza affects other health
makes matters worse is that vaccination                complications including overall mortality.
rates among older Canadians have also                  For example, when the cause of death is
stagnated in recent years, and may even be             due to a complication, or to an underlying
decreasing, despite the additional risks               condition which was worsened by influenza,
posed by COVID-19 and higher reported                  it is not necessarily understood that this is a
intention to get vaccinated.    4
                                                       direct consequence of influenza. Despite its
                                                       severity, popular misconceptions regarding
Over the next two decades, Canada’s                    the seriousness of influenza persist, with
population aged 65 and older is expected               many people often dismissing its symptoms
to double. Influenza rates could also climb
                                                       as being ‘just a cold’.
during this period because those aged 65
and older, as well as those living with                Vaccination is overall the best way to
chronic health conditions, are                         prevent influenza. However, older adults
disproportionately affected by influenza. As           and people living with chronic conditions
a result, we expect that serious influenza             respond less robustly to vaccination. One of
outcomes will become more prevalent.                   the most important ways to reduce rates of
Nevertheless, we still do not fully                    influenza among this population is through
understand the burden of influenza among               widespread influenza vaccination or herd
those infected with the virus, even though             immunity, which is when enough of the
influenza and its related complications have           population is vaccinated, the chance of
a significant impact on the Canadian health            becoming infected lowers for everyone.
care system and society in general.
                                                       Compounding the problem is that Canadian
In Canada influenza contributes to an                  health care institutions and providers have
average of 12,200 hospitalizations and an              inconsistent and inadequate vaccination
                                                       policies and outcomes that contribute to

Executive Summary                                                                                     05
NIA White Paper: The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada’s Older Population

low provider uptake of the vaccination                 3. Continue Working Towards Developing
as well. During the 2016-17 ‘flu’ season, only            Better Influenza Vaccines
53% of health care providers in hospitals              4. Include Influenza Vaccination in Clinical
were vaccinated against influenza.     9
                                                         Guidelines for Older Adults and for
                                                         Treating Chronic Conditions
Influenza vaccine therefore faces a policy             5. Provide Clinical Education and Support
and practice mismatch. Both the variable                 for Primary Care Providers and
effectiveness of the vaccine from year to                Pharmacists to Deliver Vaccinations
year and the requirement for an annual                 6. Universal Funding for Influenza
vaccination raises unique policy and                      Vaccinations Needs to Be in Place to
communications challenges for influenza                   Ensure it is Accessible to All Canadians
compared to other vaccinations.                        7. Highly Recommend the Influenza Vaccine
                                                         for all Health Care Providers and Mandate
This white paper will provide a concise                  it for Providers and Residents in
summary of the current scientific                        Long-Term Care Homes
evidence to inform future policy solutions.            8. Develop Better and Mandatory Reporting
Showcasing these findings will create a                  of Influenza Vaccination Rates
stronger appreciation for the benefit of               9. Co-administer Influenza with COVID-19
influenza vaccination and other measures                  Vaccines
in preventing influenza, as well as its
often related but unattributed                         While Canada recommends
                                                       that 80% of older adults
complications including functional loss
and all-cause mortality.

The report makes the following 8
                                                       and health care providers
                                                       get vaccinated, only
evidence-informed recommendations to
support policy and practice approaches
for health authorities and organizations
                                                       40% of Canadians
towards supporting both influenza                      aged 18 years and older 11,
                                                       70% of older adults,
prevention and vaccination across Canada:                                      12

1. Improve Influenza Prevention Practices              and approximately
                                                       50% of health care
  More Generally
2. Promote a Life-Course Vaccination
  Schedule that includes Older Adults                  workers are vaccinated
                                                       against influenza.

Executive Summary                                                                                     06
NIA White Paper: The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada’s Older Population

Background and Context

Why is Influenza an Important Societal Issue?

Each year, influenza epidemics cause 1 billion cases of influenza, 3-5 million cases of
severe influenza-related illnesses, and lead to 250,000 to 500,000 deaths worldwide. 14
Influenza, together with all causes of pneumonia, is the 7th leading cause of death in
Canada, 15 and is the leading cause of death among vaccine-preventable diseases. 16

                                                                       Top 10 Leading Causes
                 cer                                  uri
                                                     inj                     of Death (2019)

           C a n               s e               a l
   1                  D  ise
                                        n t ion
             e a rt             n i nte
   2       H              s / u                               a s es
                 i d ent                                D ise
           Acc                                   t ory
   3                e                    s pir
               o  k                  R e
           Str                  e r
   4                  i c Low
             h r on
   5       C                                 o nia
                   e t es           n e um
               b                 P
   6       Dia             and
                   e n za            ase
               l u               s e
           Inf             ’ s di
  7               e i me
  8                   e
             u i cid          a se
           S               e
  9               e y  dis
 10        Kid

Background and Context                                                                            07
NIA White Paper: The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada’s Older Population

                                       In Canada
                                 Influenza cases peak during our November
                                to March ‘flu’ season.   18

                             Influenza has been reported to cause an average
                            of 12,200 hospitalizations annually. 19

                          Influenza has been reported to cause an average
                         of 3,500 influenza-related deaths annually. 20

Although most Canadians do not perceive                  always tested for influenza when seeking
influenza as a serious threat, (perhaps                  medical attention. In addition, people
because most ‘flu’ cases experienced are                 who do seek medical attention may do
mild ), it can lead to severe illness resulting
                                                         so specifically for a secondary complication
in hospitalization or death and can be                   or an exacerbation of a pre-existing
particularly hazardous to young children                 condition, and these visits may never be
and adults aged 65 years and older. 22 This is           attributed to influenza, despite its role in
because these populations are at an                      the complication. 26 Influenza also has a serious
increased risk of secondary complications                economic impact on work productivity, 27
such as pneumonia. 23 Older adults, in                   leading to an estimated
particular, are at increased risk due to the             1.5 million lost work days each year. 28
potential worsening of their underlying
chronic medical conditions. 24
                                                         Influenza also has a
The burden of influenza is also a challenge              serious economic impact
                                                         on work productivity, 27
to assess because its related complications
and exacerbating effects are often not
linked to the original influenza or                      leading to an estimated
                                                         1.5 million lost work days
influenza-like illness. 25 Furthermore, it is
difficult to determine whether mortality is
related to influenza because people are not
                                                         each year. 28

Background and Context                                                                                  08
NIA White Paper: The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada’s Older Population

 Respiratory infections(including                                        Respiratory infections

 influenza, colds, and other
                                                                         (including influenza, colds,
                                                                         and other respiratory

 respiratory infections) have the                                        infections) have the
                                                                         second-highest indirect
 second-highest indirect costs in                                        costs in Canada totalling

 Canada totalling $2.8 billion in                                        $2.8 billion in 2008 alone. 29

 2008 alone.

              What is Influenza?
             How Does it Work?               Influenza, or the ‘flu’, is caused by two
                                types of constantly mutating viruses – influenza A
                               and influenza B, 30 and typically infects the nose,
                              throat, and lungs. 31 It is most contagious when you
                             have symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, or
                            anything that may send the virus into the air. It is              39.5º

                           thought that the ‘flu’ can also be spread if people
                          touch doorknobs, phones, remotes, or someone else’s
                         hands who has influenza. 32

                    The influenza virus is able to mutate, or change, very
                   quickly – which is why there are constantly new
                 strains that emerge throughout the influenza season. 33

               Some of the symptoms of influenza include a fever of
             over 38°C, achy muscles, chills and/or sweats,
            headache, dry and persistent cough, fatigue/weakness,
          nasal congestion, and a sore throat. 34

Background and Context                                                                                09
NIA White Paper: The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada’s Older Population

Populations at Higher-Risk for Influenza

Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) and Public Health Ontario
(PHO) consider those living with chronic conditions to be at increased risk of
influenza-related complications including hospitalizations and death.

                            Those living with the following
                          chronic conditions are considered
                         at increased risk      Heart or lung conditions (including asthma and
                                              chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder)
                                             Conditions that compromise the immune
                                              system, especially cancer
                                           Kidney disease
                                         History of stroke
                                        Blood disorders
                                       Neurologic and neurodevelopmental conditions
                                     Morbid obesity (Body Mass Index (BMI)>40). 35, 36

                      Other groups at increased risk for
                     complications of influenza37      People aged 65 years and older
                                                                 Children under 5
                                                               Pregnant women
                                                              Indigenous individuals
                                                             Long-term care residents

Background and Context                                                                       10
NIA White Paper: The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada’s Older Population

In Ontario, over 65%                                   respiratory conditions including pneumonia
                                                       and influenza, other acute respiratory
of those who had a                                     diseases, and chronic lung diseases. 44

reported direct influenza                              People living with diabetes are also

complication had one or                                considered to be at increased risk for

more underlying medical
                                                       influenza-related complications. 45 People
                                                       living with diabetes have been found to be

risk factors. 38                                       more likely to be hospitalized and die. 46
                                                       Diabetes may weaken the immune system
In Ontario, over 65% of those who had a                and make it harder to fight off infections,
reported direct influenza complication had             while it may also make it harder to control
one or more underlying medical risk                    blood sugar. 47
factors. 38 Research has found that patients
living with cardiovascular disease have an             Chronic lung diseases, neuromuscular
increased risk of adverse events from                  diseases, neurological diseases, cancer and
influenza infection including pneumonia,               chronic kidney diseases are also associated
heart attacks, hospitalizations, and                   with an increased risk of death from
death. 39,40,41 A 2018 study suggested that            influenza. 48 Those with chronic lung
hospital admissions for heart attacks were             diseases and chronic obstructive pulmonary
six times higher a week after laboratory               disease, who also have influenza,
confirmed influenza when compared to                   experience increased risk of death, hospital
controls. 41a It was also higher after infection       admission and admission to an intensive
with other respiratory viruses. 41b It is further      care unit, respectively. 49
thought that some of the costs associated
with treating heart disease in general may             A Disproportionate Influenza Burden for
be due to the increased hospitalizations               those aged 65 years and older
due to cardiovascular complications that
occur during the influenza season. 42                  In Canada, the prevalence of high-risk
                                                       medical conditions for influenza
Obesity, defined as having a Body Mass                 complications (i.e. heart disease, lung
Index (BMI) over 30, has been found to be              diseases, diabetes, cancer, or kidney
associated with an increased risk of                   diseases) ii, increases dramatically with age.
complications due to influenza including               In Ontario, for those aged 20-64,
respiratory-related hospitalizations. 43 The           approximately 30% have one of these
association was most strongly related to               medical conditions, this rises to

                                                            Based on NACI recommendations
Background and Context                                                                               11
NIA White Paper: The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada’s Older Population

approximately 53% of those over age 50,                 lead to influenza complications. Adults
and to over 70% among those over aged 65                aged 65 years and older accounted for
and older. 50                                           about 18% of Canada’s population and 21%
                                                        of Canada’s laboratory confirmed cases for
The presence of chronic conditions                      influenza A and influenza B infections
increases the likelihood of complications               during the 2019-20 influenza season. Yet
from influenza, including increased                     older Canadians accounted for the clear
hospitalizations and higher mortality                   majority of Canada’s influenza-related
rates. 56 For those who were hospitalized               deaths, with 70% of all reported influenza
with influenza in Ontario, over 65% had an              deaths during the 2019-20 influenza season
underlying condition; while approximately               occurring among those aged 65 years and
85% of those who died from complications,               older. 57a
had underlying risk factors. 57
                                                        The highest rates of complications have
Older adults bear the greatest burden of                been reported in those aged 70 and older
influenza due to having a higher prevalence             with an underlying condition. 58
of high-risk medical conditions that can

   Why Are Older Adults Particularly
 Vulnerable to Influenza? Introducing
the Concept of Immunosenescence.                          Older adults naturally have diminished
                               immune system functioning as they age, and are more likely to
                              contract influenza and less likely to respond well to the vaccine. 51

                           Immunosenescence refers to changes that occur in the immune
                          system as people age, which results in an increased risk of infectious
                         disease and decreased protection from vaccination. 52 There have
                     been attempts to better address the lack of effectiveness in adults
                   aged 65 years and older including using new vaccines that have
                  been developed to address the changes in immune function. 53
                Another way to increase protection for individuals aged 65 years
              and older, is indirectly through herd immunity (i.e. vaccinating
            those around them). 54

Background and Context                                                                                12
NIA White Paper: The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada’s Older Population

                                 For those who were                                          decline can occur very quickly during a
                                                                                             hospital stay. 59 Studies have found that as
                                 hospitalized with                                           many as one-third of older adults leave

                                 influenza in Ontario,
                                                                                             hospitals with a reduced ability to carry out
                                                                                             their activities of daily living. 60

                                 over 65% had an
                                                                                             Indeed, it has been shown that prolonged
                                 underlying condition;                                       stays in hospitals can lead to a ‘cascade of

                                 while approximately 85%                                     dependency’ where immobility leads to
                                                                                             poor outcomes including significant
                                 of those who died from                                      functional loss that in some cases requires

                                 complications, had                                          older patients to have additional
                                                                                             rehabilitative care or to move to a long-term
                                 underlying risk factors. 57                                 care home. 61 The decline of independence
                                                                                             and functional ability among older patients
                                 Influenza increases the risk of                             while in hospital can be exacerbated
                                 hospitalization among older adults, which                   by influenza. It has been found that
                                 can be devastating for their health. Any                    influenza can impact a person’s ability to
                                 hospitalization (due to ‘flu’ or in general)                perform their activities of daily living,
                                 can severely affect an older adult’s ability to             as well as cause weight loss, pressure ulcers,
                                 live independently because functional                       and infections. 62

                                                           Figure 1: Prevalence of selected medical conditions by age55









                                           20-29   30-39   40-49   50-54      55-59        60-64      65-69      70-74       75-79   80-84   85+
                                                                                  AGE GROUPS

                                      Diabetes     COPD            Asthma                 At least one cardiovascular condition

                                      Immunocompromised            At least one high-risk condition

                                 Background and Context                                                                                            13
NIA White Paper: The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada’s Older Population

Vaccination –
A Public Health
Success Story
Some of the challenges of improving                       It is because of how well vaccines work that
influenza vaccination rates may ironically be             people have forgotten how severe many
due to the public health success of                       once common diseases were. This is
vaccinations in general. Vaccines have been               especially true for diseases that have been
estimated to prevent 2-3 million deaths                   entirely or almost completely eradicated.
annually worldwide. 63                                    However, more frequent travel of people
                                                          around the world means that some of these
Vaccines have been                                        diseases that were once eradicated may

estimated to prevent                                      make their way back into Canada as they
                                                          are just a ‘plane ride away’ (e.g. polio). 64
2-3 million deaths
annually worldwide. 63

                 Eradicating Smallpox
                through Vaccination                   Smallpox was an infectious disease that
                                                      caused painful, red blisters, with
                                    epidemics killing millions of people worldwide, including
                                   over 3,000 Canadians annually. 65 The smallpox vaccine
                                 was the first that was widely used and smallpox became
                               the first human infectious disease to be eradicated, back
                             in 1979. 66 Smallpox was easier to target because it had
                           very distinct clinical features that were well recognized
                          and feared. 67 Smallpox remains the only human infection
                        to ever be eradicated. 68

Vaccination – A Public Health Success Story                                                               14
NIA White Paper: The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada’s Older Population

How do Vaccines Work?

In general, vaccines use a tiny amount of              This occurs when there are enough people
dead or weakened virus/bacteria or toxin.              in the community immunized against a
This helps the body to build ‘antibodies’              disease that there is an overall decrease in
which are like memories in the immune                  the risk of the disease for everyone.     74

system. 69,70 Vaccines do not cause the                Vaccination protects you from getting sick if
disease itself, because the virus they use is          you are exposed to the influenza virus,
too weak to cause harm, but strong enough              which then protects others because you are
that the immune system’s reaction to it will           less likely to spread the virus.     75

help it protect against infection later.      71

Humans naturally form immunity when                    Herd immunity is particularly important as
infected with influenza, but because the               it protects vulnerable groups who cannot
virus changes rapidly, previous infection is           yet be immunized, such as infants (who
usually not effective in preventing or                 cannot be immunized before 6 months of
lessening the severity of influenza in the             age), cancer patients undergoing
future. 72 There are some vaccines                     chemotherapy, the older adults who are
that protect against one disease with a                more likely to experience
single injection (i.e. influenza vaccine) and          immunosenescence, and other people who
there are some vaccines that cover multiple            cannot be immunized for medical reasons. 76
diseases with a single injection (i.e. measles,
mumps, and rubella). 73

Herd Immunity

Vaccines are not only a protection
mechanism for an individual, but they can
also help an entire population through
‘herd immunity’ or ‘community immunity’.

Vaccination – A Public Health Success Story                                                           15
NIA White Paper: The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada’s Older Population

The Influenza
Vaccination – Still Our
Best Defence Against                                                   Vaccination is the best defence against

                                                                       influenza. 83 Public health agencies all over
                                                                       the world recommend influenza vaccination
                                                                       as a key defence against the ‘flu’. The World
                                                                       Health Organization (WHO) recommends
Vaccination is the best                                                that pregnant women, children aged 6-23

defence against                                                        months old, older adults and people living
                                                                       with chronic conditions should be priority
influenza. 83                                                          groups for vaccination. 84

        How does the Influenza Vaccine
       get to the Providers in Canada?
                                                                   First, the World Health Organization
                                  ( WHO) determines which virus is most likely to cause
                                 infection in the upcoming season. 77 Then the WHO distributes
                               the strains and reagents to the influenza vaccine
                             manufacturers and continuously monitors the quality of the
                            vaccine that is produced for distribution. 78

                        Influenza vaccine manufacturers across North America and
                       Europe participate in safety checks and processes before
                     their vaccines are distributed. 79 The Government of Canada
                   purchases influenza vaccines for the provinces and territories
                  through Public Works and Government Service Canada. 80
                The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) helps coordinate
              the distribution of the vaccines and works with a Federal/
             Provincial/Territorial (FPT ) committee to address vaccine
           supply issues. 81 PHAC carries out surveillance for any adverse
         effects from the vaccine. 82

The Influenza Vaccination – Still Our Best Defence Against Influenza                                                   16
NIA White Paper: The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada’s Older Population

It also recommends that health care                                    Why Do We Need to Get a ’Flu Shot’
providers (HCPs) be vaccinated as they are                             Every Year?
potential sources of influenza infection 85
and are more likely to be in contact with                              The influenza vaccine differs from other
individuals at higher risk, such as infants,                           vaccinations because the circulating viruses
older people and people living with                                    mutate each season (and throughout the
chronic conditions. HCPs and people who                                season). This means that every year a new
live with children also have an increased                              vaccine is created for the upcoming
risk of contracting influenza. 86 HCPs may                             influenza season. 88 The effectiveness of the
develop asymptomatic or very mildly                                    influenza vaccine depends on how well the
symptomatic infections, which is                                       World Health Organization selecting the
particularly problematic because they may                              vaccine strains predicts what viruses will be
not appear sick, but are still able to pass it                         present that season, and how much the
to the vulnerable people (i.e. frail elderly)                          influenza viruses mutate in the six months it
they care for. 87                                                      takes to make influenza vaccines. Overall,
                                                                       influenza vaccine effectiveness is about 60%
                                                                       in healthy adults. 89 However, it varies
                                                                       substantially from year to year, and
                                                                       differs for different strains. For example,
                                                                       vaccine effectiveness varied from 10% to
                                                                       60% between the 2004-05 and 2016-17
                                                                       seasons. During the 2019-20 season, the
                                                                       overall estimated effectiveness of the
                                                                       influenza vaccine was 53%. 90

                                                                       In addition, the effectiveness of the vaccine
                                                                       wanes over time. It has been found that as
                                                                       the time since the influenza vaccine was
                                                                       administered increases, the effectiveness of
                                                                       the vaccine decreases. 91

The Influenza Vaccination – Still Our Best Defence Against Influenza                                                 17
NIA White Paper: The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada’s Older Population

                         How the Influenza
                        Vaccine Works
                                                         Influenza viruses are covered by proteins
                               called ‘hemagglutinins’, which have a head and a stalk portion.
                             If the head of the hemagglutinin locks onto a human cell, it
                           can enable the influenza virus to spread by replicating itself.
                          The influenza vaccine uses a dead or weakened version of the
                        flu virus to get the immune system to produce antibodies,
                      which are Y-shaped molecules. 92 Antibodies bind to the head
                    of the hemagglutinin, which then stops it from being able to
                  infect our cells. 93 It is the head of the hemagglutinin that
                 changes every year and this is what we have to vaccinate
               against. 94 This means that the antibodies that our body made
             last year after receiving the influenza vaccine (or being
           infected by influenza) may no longer be effective, and this can
          cause us to still be susceptible to getting sick from
        this year’s upcoming strains of influenza. 95

                                      The flu virus is a sphere covered
                                      by numerous proteins know as
                                      hemagglutinin, which resembles
                                      a lollipop.

       The flu shot prompts our bodies to
       make antibodies, which block the
       hemagglutinin head from locking into
       our cells, preventing illness.

The Influenza Vaccination – Still Our Best Defence Against Influenza                                 18
NIA White Paper: The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada’s Older Population

What are the Different Types of
Influenza Vaccines

The Influenza Vaccine - How is it Made?                                Most influenza vaccinations are made to
                                                                       protect against three viruses: an influenza A
Each year, extensive research is conducted                             (H1N1) virus, an influenza A (H3N2) virus,
by scientists to determine which influenza                             and an influenza B virus. 98 These are called
strains are most likely to occur in the                                ‘trivalent’ vaccinations. There are also
upcoming influenza season and then the                                 ‘quadrivalent’ influenza vaccinations which
vaccine is formulated to protect against                               are designed to protect against four
those strains. 97                                                      different influenza viruses. 99

     Inactivated Influenza                                               Adjuvanted, Inactivated
    Vaccines (IIV)       In this                                       Influenza Vaccines      These vaccines
                                       vaccine, the                                                    include an
           influenza virus has been killed;                                   adjuvant, which is a substance
          there are both trivalent                                          that aims to elicit a stronger
        (protects against three strains                                    immune response in the
      of influenza) and quadrivalent                                     recipient. 101 This type of vaccine is
     (protects against four strains                                     targeted to those aged 65 years
   of influenza) versions. 100                                         and older. 102

        High-dose Inactivated                                                      Live Attenuated
      Influenza Vaccine                                                           Influenza Vaccine
                                            The high-dose
         influenza vaccine contains the three                                           This vaccine is made from
        influenza strains that are predicted                                        weakened influenza viruses
       for the upcoming influenza season. 103                                     and is given through a nasal
      The high-dose vaccine contains four                                        spray and is approved for
    times the amount of dose of the                                             those aged 2-59. 105
   standard-dose influenza vaccine.
  This vaccine is being targeted to
 those aged 65 years and older.104

The Influenza Vaccination – Still Our Best Defence Against Influenza                                                19
NIA White Paper: The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada’s Older Population

                        New and
                       Emerging Findings

    • In 2018, NACI conducted a literature review comparing the efficacy and
      effectiveness of the high-dose to the adjuvanted influenza vaccine in adults aged
      65 years and older. The review had four conclusions: (1) there is good evidence that
      the high-dose vaccine offers superior protection compared to a standard dose in
      older adults; (2) there is fair evidence that adjuvanted vaccine may be effective
      reducing hospitalization for influenza and influenza complications in older adults
      compared to the unvaccinated; (3) there is insufficient evidence that the
      adjuvanted vaccine is more effective than those who received an unadjuvanted
      trivalent inactivated vaccine; and (4) there is no evidence on how the high-dose
      vaccine directly compares to the adjuvanted vaccines. 106

    • NACI’s 2021 recommendation at the public health program level for adults aged 65
      years and older is that any of the available influenza vaccines should be used for
      public health programs. However, both the high-dose trivalent and quadrivalent
      high-dose vaccines provide greater protection among older adults compared to
      their standard dose equivalents.                107

    • A recently published study comparing adults aged 65 years and older in the United
      States during the 2017-18 and 2018-19 influenza seasons found that the use of
      enhanced influenza vaccines, both the high-dose and adjuvanted flu vaccines,
      provided a higher and level of protection against influenza related hospitalizations
      compared to standard dose influenza vaccines. Furthermore, this study found that
      older adults receiving the adjuvanted influenza vaccine had significantly fewer
      influenza-related medical encounters compared with individuals receiving the
      standard and high-dose influenza vaccines during the 2017–18 and 2018–19
      influenza seasons in the United States. 107a

    • For the upcoming 2021-22 influenza season, Alberta, New Brunswick, Prince Edward
      Island and Yukon will provide high-dose influenza vaccines to all adults aged 65
      years and older 109, 109a,109b,109c, while Ontario has purchased and will offer either the
      high-dose or adjuvanted influenza vaccines. 108 Some provinces also fund enhanced
      influenza vaccines but only for certain groups of older adults, such as British
      Columbia and Manitoba, where the high-dose vaccine is offered free of charge to
      individuals aged 65 years and older who live in long-term care, assisted living, and
      in Indigenous communities. 109d, 109e

The Influenza Vaccination – Still Our Best Defence Against Influenza                               20
NIA White Paper: The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada’s Older Population

Spotlight on Current Research around
the Influenza Vaccine in Canada

INVESTED – INfluenza Vaccine to Effectively                            vaccine (TIV ), is more effective at reducing
Stop cardio Thoracic Events and                                        death and heart/lung disease-related
Decompensated heart failure Trial                 110
                                                                       hospital admissions.

Influenza can lead to many complications                               The INVESTED trial is enrolling individuals
and/or death in those living with heart                                aged 18 and older with at least one heart
disease. It has been found that                                        disease risk factor and a history of a heart
influenza-related death is more common in                              attack (within the past year) or prior
individuals living with heart disease than                             hospitalization for heart failure (within the
individuals living with any other chronic                              past 2 years). The trial will randomly assign
condition. People who have heart disease                               participants to either receive the standard
who then get influenza are more likely to                              QIV vaccine (or receive the high-dose TIV
have a heart attack. Those who have heart                              form of the vaccine or receive the high-dose
failure are more likely to be hospitalized.                            form of the vaccine. iii This is a high-dose
Vaccination has been shown to reduce the                               trivalent vaccine that is currently available
risk of major cardiac events.            111
                                               Furthermore,            for those aged 65 years and older but is
there is already some evidence to suggest                              considered investigational for anyone
that the high-dose vaccine can decrease                                younger than 65.
 the likelihood of influenza infection for
individuals living with heart disease.                                 For more details about the INVESTED Trial
                                                                       please visit
The INVESTED trial taking place
across the United States and Canada is
looking to determine which of the two
formulations of influenza vaccine, either
the standard quadrivalent influenza vaccine
(QIV ) or the high-dose trivalent influenza

The Influenza Vaccination – Still Our Best Defence Against Influenza                                                  21
NIA White Paper: The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada’s Older Population

Influenza Vaccination Internationally
                                                                       Only 59% of WHO member countries

Canada’s influenza                                                     reported having a national influenza
                                                                       immunization policy (as of 2014). 116 Among
vaccination rate iv for                                                those countries that did have a national

older adults aged 65                                                   policy in place, their programs targeted
                                                                       specific risk groups (as defined by the WHO)
years and older is                                                     including pregnant women, young children,

lower than other                                                       those living with chronic conditions, older
                                                                       adults, and health care workers. 117 High or
developed countries                                                    upper middle income countries were more
                                                                       likely to have a national policy. 118 In
Canada’s influenza vaccination rate of                                 addition, these countries were more likely
70%     112
              for older adults aged 65 years and                       to have introduced national policies around
older is in the top third of other developed                           other vaccines. 119
countries, well above the OECD average of
51%. 113 Canada lags behind Ireland, Greece,
New Zealand, and South Korea. 114 It is
important to note that among OECD
countries, only South Korea has achieved
the World Health Organization's target
vaccination rate of 75% for older adults. 114,115

     The OECD Indicator for influenza refers to
vaccination rates among the elderly, defined as the
number of people aged 65 years and older who are
vaccinated against influenza in a given country

The Influenza Vaccination – Still Our Best Defence Against Influenza                                                  22
NIA White Paper: The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada’s Older Population

   Figure 2: Percentage of Population aged 65 years and older who
   have Received a Seasonal Influenza Vaccination for OECD Countries115





        50                                                                                                  Average






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This figure was retrieved from The 2019
Canadian influenza vaccination rate for adults aged 65 years and older was 60.2%, extracted from the 2019
Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS). However, we believe that 70% vaccination rate is a more accurate
estimate of influenza vaccination among adults aged 65 years and older. This figure was taken from the Public
Health Agency of Canada’s 2019-20 influenza vaccination coverage estimates, which can be retrieved from
sonal-influenza-vaccine-coverage-in-canada-en.pdf )

The Influenza Vaccination – Still Our Best Defence Against Influenza                                            23
NIA White Paper: The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada’s Older Population

Comparing Influenza                                              Other Means of
and COVID-19 Vaccine                                             Prevention
Uptake among Older
                                                                 Immunization alone
Adults in Canada                                                 is not enough.
COVID-19 has greatly impacted Canadians                          Immunization alone is not enough. In
of all ages. Canada has recorded almost 3                        addition to influenza vaccination, there are
million cases of COVID-19 and nearly 33,000                      other important steps that may prevent
deaths since the beginning of the COVID-19                       influenza from spreading. These include:
pandemic. Approximately 93% of these
                                                                        Regular and thorough hand-washing
fatalities have occurred among Canadians
aged 60 years and older. However,                                       Coughing into sleeves
Canadians aged 60 years and older have not
hesitated to get COVID-19 vaccines. 115a                                Avoiding touching one’s face with
                                                                        their hands

In fact, Canadians aged 60 years and older                              Disinfecting commonly touched
have consistently had the highest                                       surfaces (i.e. doorknobs)
vaccination rates in comparison to other
                                                                        Strengthening one’s immune system
age groups. As of January 2022, 96% of
                                                                        (i.e. through healthy eating and
Canadians aged 60 years and older have                                  physical activity)
received at least one dose of a COVID-19
vaccine and 94% have received two                                       Avoiding interactions with others who
                                                                        are feeling ill 120
doses. 115b

                                                                 All of these measures will help prevent the
Moreover, Canada achieved 90% coverage
                                                                 spread of not only influenza, but other
in a short period of time—from
                                                                 infections and illnesses as well.
mid-December 2020 and mid-June 2021—
suggesting that there is the potential to
                                                                 Antiviral medications can also be used to
achieve high rates of influenza vaccination
                                                                 control cases of influenza. The Association
among older adults as well. 115c
                                                                 of Medical Microbiology and Infectious
                                                                 Disease Canada (AMMI Canada)
                                                                 recommends that treatment with antivirals

Comparing Influenza and COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake among Older Adults in Canada                                 24
NIA White Paper: The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada’s Older Population

begin as soon as possible after symptoms
occur, with better effects if started within
                                                       Vaccination Policies and
12 hours (versus 48 hours). 121                        Outcomes in Canada
AMMI also supports the selective use of
antivirals for prophylaxis, for example using           The State of Influenza Vaccination

them to protect high-risk groups who                    Policies and Outcomes in Canada

cannot be vaccinated. 122 The Ministry of
Health and Long-Term Care in Ontario                    Influenza vaccination is recommended for

recommends that residents of long-term                  all Canadians aged 6 months of age or

care homes, their families, formal                      older– with particular recommendations for

caregivers, and visitors be educated on                 groups that are at higher risk of influenza

vaccination policies and recommendations,               complications or hospitalizations (i.e. those

including education in proper hygiene. 123              aged 65 years and older, pregnant women,

There are policies that recommend wearing               and those living with chronic conditions). 125

masks to control the spread of influenza –
especially for those who may be infected                A total of 11 provinces and territories

asymptomatically and for the protection of              provide universal public funding for

those who are unvaccinated. 124                         influenza vaccines. 126 While all jurisdictions
                                                        provide public coverage for people aged 65

AMMI also supports the selective use of                 years and older to access influenza vaccines,

antivirals for prophylaxis, for example using           Ontario is the only province that provides

them to protect high-risk groups who                    older adults with publicly funded enhanced

cannot be vaccinated. 122 The Ministry of               vaccines in the form of the high-dose

Health and Long-Term Care in Ontario                    quadrivalent and adjuvanted influenza

recommends that residents of long-term                  vaccine. 108 Four jurisdictions - Alberta, New

care homes, their families, formal                      Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Yukon

caregivers, and visitors be educated on                 - offer the high-dose vaccine to their entire

vaccination policies and recommendations,               populations aged 65 years and older as part

including education in proper hygiene. 123              of their publicly funded seasonal
                                                        influenza vaccine programs. 109,109a,109b,109c
There are policies that recommend wearing               In other jurisdictions, only certain groups of
masks to control the spread of influenza –              older adults such as residents of long-term
especially for those who may be infected                care settings may be eligible for publicly
asymptomatically and for the protection of              funded high dose vaccines, as is the case in
those who are unvaccinated.     124                     British Columbia and Manitoba. 109d,109e

Other Means of Prevention                                                                                25
NIA White Paper: The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada’s Older Population

A total of 11 provinces                               The Ontario program was found to be
                                                      cost-effective because it reduced reported
and territories provide                               influenza cases, and the use of health

universal publicly funded                             services such as physician visits,
                                                      hospitalizations and mortality.       129

influenza vaccines. 126
                                                      Canada’s provinces and territories also
The provinces that currently do not provide           differ in how they deliver influenza
universal funding for influenza vaccines are          vaccination. In general, vaccination is
British Columbia and Quebec. In these                 offered at doctor’s offices, flu clinics, public
provinces, the influenza vaccine is funded            health centres, workplaces, schools,
for people living with certain chronic                hospitals, institutions, and pharmacies.
conditions (i.e. cardiovascular disease,              Enabling pharmacists to offer influenza
asthma, diabetes) and for those in                    vaccinations is a relatively new initiative in
long-term care homes. 127 In British                  Canada, which was designed to improve
Columbia, it is also funded for those aged            access and uptake. Alberta and British
65 years and older, while in Quebec is it             Columbia introduced this policy for
funded for those aged 75 years and older.             pharmacists during the 2009-10 influenza
Quebec no longer recommends the                       season, New Brunswick in 2010-11, Ontario
influenza vaccine for healthy adults aged 60          in 2012-13, and Nova Scotia in 2013-14. 130
to 74 years, but these persons can also get           Pharmacists can now also administer
the vaccine free of charge if they would like         influenza vaccines in Manitoba, Prince
to get it. 127a                                       Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador,
                                                      and Saskatchewan. 131 Pharmacists can now
Ontario was the first province to implement           offer the influenza vaccination
a large-scale Universal Influenza                     in in 11 of Canada’s 13 provinces and
Immunization Program (UIIP), which was                territories. 131a
found to be associated with decreased
mortality, hospitalizations, emergency
department use, and doctor’s office visits
                                                     Pharmacists can now offer
when compared to other provinces in                  the influenza vaccination
Canada. 128
                                                     in 11 of Canada’s 13
                                                     provinces and territories.

Vaccination Policies and Outcomes in Canada                                                              26
NIA White Paper: The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada’s Older Population

       Influenza Vaccination Policies
     by Province (2020-21)         Influenza vaccines are provided at public health
       clinics, physician’s offices, travel clinics, or pharmacies in certain provinces. 120

  Province/              Who can administer the            Universal
  Territory              influenza vaccination?            Funding?

  Alberta                Alberta Health Services,          Yes
                         family doctors &                  Alberta also funds high-dose
                         pharmacists 134                   influenza vaccines for all adults
                                                           aged 65 years and older

  British                Public health clinics,            No
                         pharmacies, physician’s
  Columbia                                                 But, funded for:
                         offices, and travel clinics 135
                                                            Persons with morbid obesity
                                                            Indigenous people
                                                            Children under 5
                                                            Pregnant women
                                                            Persons 65 and older
                                                            Residents of nursing homes or
                                                            chronic care homes
                                                            Health care workers
                                                            Household contacts of people at
                                                            Persons with weakened
                                                            immune systems
                                                            Essential community services (i.e.
                                                            first responders)
                                                            People living with chronic
                                                            conditions such as: cardiac,
                                                            pulmonary, diabetes, asthma,
                                                            renal, liver, anaemia or
                                                            hemoglobinopathy, HIV patients,
                                                            immunosuppression and
                                                            cancer, neurologic or
                                                            neurodevelopmental conditions
                                                            British Columbia is now funding
                                                            high-dose influenza vaccines for
                                                            adults aged 65 years and older
                                                            who are living in long-term care

Vaccination Policies and Outcomes in Canada                                                      27
NIA White Paper: The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada’s Older Population

   Influenza Vaccination Policies
  by Province (2020-21)       Influenza vaccines are provided at public health
clinics, physician’s offices, travel clinics, or pharmacies in certain provinces. 120

    Province/             Who can administer the         Universal
    Territory             influenza vaccination?         Funding?

                          Public health offices,          Yes
                          doctor’s offices,               Starting in the 2017-18 influenza
Manitoba                  pharmacies, immunization        season, Manitoba is funding the
                          clinics 136                     high-dose influenza vaccine for
                                                          people aged 65 years and older
                                                          who are in long-term care homes. 137

                           Seasonal influenza             Yes
New                        vaccine will be provided       New Brunswick funds the
Brunswick                  in New Brunswick               high-dose influenza vaccine for
                           through: primary care          all adults aged 65 years and older.
                           providers, Public Health
                           nurses, New Brunswick
                           Extramural Program
                           health professionals and
                           pharmacists 138

                          Public health, health care,     Yes
Newfoundland              occupational health services    Individuals are able to receive
and Labrador              and physician’s offices and     their flu shot free of charge from
                          pharmacies 139                  family physicians. If they go to a
                                                          pharmacy they may need to pay a
                                                          fee for receiving the flu
                                                          vaccine. 139a

Northwest                  Nurses or doctors 140          Yes
                                                          Northwest Territories is now funding
                                                          the high-dose vaccine for adults aged
                                                          65 years and older who are living in
                                                          long-term care homes. 140a

 Vaccination Policies and Outcomes in Canada                                                      28
NIA White Paper: The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada’s Older Population

     Influenza Vaccination Policies
    by Province (2020-21)        Influenza vaccines are provided at public health
       clinics, physician’s offices, travel clinics, or pharmacies in certain provinces. 120

  Province/              Who can administer the           Universal
  Territory              influenza vaccination?           Funding?

Nova Scotia
                          Pharmacies, doctor’s offices,   Yes
                          Public Health clinics, and in
                                                          Nova Scotia is now funding the
                          some workplaces 141
                                                          high-dose vaccine for adults aged
                                                          65 years and older who are living
                                                          in long-term care homes. 141a

                          Community Health Centres
Nunavut                                                   Yes
                          or Iqaluit Public Health 142

Ontario                  Pharmacies, doctor’s             Yes
                         offices, public health units,    Starting in the 2018-19 influenza
                         workplaces, long-term care       season, Ontario began funding
                         homes, hospitals, and            the high-dose influenza vaccine
                         community health centers 143     for adults aged 65 years and
                                                          older. Ontario now offers either
                                                          the high-dose or adjuvanted
                                                          influenza vaccines to adults aged
                                                          65 years and older. 144

                                                          Both the high-dose and
                                                          adjuvanted influenza vaccines are
                                                          made available through primary
                                                          care providers, participating
                                                          pharmacies and retirement
                                                          homes, long-term care homes and
                                                          hospitals. 144a

Prince                   Flu vaccination clinics,
Edward Island            pharmacists, family               Yes
                         physicians, or nurse             PEI is now funding the high-dose
                         practitioners 145                vaccine for all adults aged 65
                                                          years and older. 145a

Vaccination Policies and Outcomes in Canada                                                    29
NIA White Paper: The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada’s Older Population

   Influenza Vaccination Policies
 by Province (2020-21)           Influenza vaccines are provided at public health
         clinics, physician’s offices, travel clinics, or pharmacies in certain provinces. 120

   Province/              Who can administer the          Universal
   Territory              influenza vaccination?          Funding?

                        Integrated health and             No
Quebec                  social service centre             But, funded for:
                        update where vaccinations           Persons with morbid obesity
                        will be offered 146
                                                            Pregnant women
                        Pharmacists can also                People aged 75 years and older
                        administer influenza                Residents of nursing homes or
                        vaccines.                           chronic care facilities
                                                            Health care workers
                                                            Household contacts of people
                                                            at high-risk
                                                            People living with chronic
                                                            conditions such as: cardiac,
                                                            pulmonary, diabetes,
                                                            renal, liver, anemia or
                                                            hemoglobinopathy, HIV patients,
                                                            immunosuppression, cancer, and
                                                            nueurological or
                                                            neurodevelopmental conditions
                                                          The vaccine is no longer
                                                          recommended for healthy adults
                                                          aged 60-74 or healthy children 6-23
                                                          months - however, they can receive
                                                          the vaccine free if they wish.

Saskatchewan               Public health clinics,
                                                          Saskatchewan is now funding the
                           pharmacies, physician’s
                           and nurse practitioner’s       high-dose vaccine for adults aged
                           offices 147                    65 years and older in long-term
                                                          care homes. 147a

Yukon                      Community health centres       Yes
                           and pharmacies 148             Yukon is now funding the
                                                          high-dose vaccine for all adults
                                                          aged 65 years and older. 109c

 Vaccination Policies and Outcomes in Canada                                                     30
NIA White Paper: The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada’s Older Population

          Research has                                  care settings, influenza vaccination should
                                                        be part of patient care plans. 154
          found that                                    Furthermore, when transferring patients,

          in provinces
                                                        information about their vaccinations should
                                                        also be provided to the institution they are

 where pharmacists are                                  being sent to. 155

 able to administer the                                 The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

 influenza vaccine, more                                (MOHLTC) in Ontario supports the use of
                                                        influenza vaccines as its main preventive
 people are vaccinated.                        149
                                                        measure against influenza in long-term care
                                                        homes (LTCHs) and recommends that
                                                        all LTCH residents should be vaccinated. 156
Research has found that in provinces where
                                                        A study found an almost 20% reduction
pharmacists are able to administer the
                                                        in outbreaks in LTCHs when over 90% of
influenza vaccine, more people are
                                                        residents were vaccinated versus homes
vaccinated. 149 Pharmacists have successfully
                                                        where fewer than 70% of residents were
increased access to the vaccine as they are
                                                        vaccinated. 157 The MOHLTC also
conveniently located and accessible to
                                                        recommends influenza vaccination for
many individuals, and are more likely to
                                                        all visitors to LTCHs. 158
have longer hours, not require an
                                                        In 2012, health authorities in British
appointment, and have shorter wait
                                                        Columbia were the first to implement a
times. 150,151,152 The pharmacy option may be
                                                        “vaccine-or-mask” policy. 159 This policy
especially effective among those in some
                                                        requires all employees of the health
high-risk populations who may be averse to
                                                        authorities, students, physicians, residents,
visiting doctor’s offices and prefer to visit
                                                        contractors, vendors, and volunteers to be
pharmacies, such as smokers. 153
                                                        immunized or to be masked during
                                                        influenza season. 160 This policy has further
Influenza Vaccination Policies for
                                                        been expanded to include all visitors in
Residents/Patients in Institutions
                                                        health care facilities. 161 All staff must report
                                                        through an online reporting system
The Public Health Agency of Canada
                                                        whether they have been vaccinated. 162
recommends that in acute and long-term

 Vaccination Policies and Outcomes in Canada                                                            31
NIA White Paper: The Underappreciated Burden of Influenza Among Canada’s Older Population

Vaccination Rates                                     Among Canada’s 10
in Canada                                             provinces, Nova Scotia
Current Influenza Vaccination Rates in
                                                      consistently achieves the
Canada – Not Up to Our Own Standards                  highest overall
                                                      vaccination coverage -
Only 40% of Canadians                                 with increases from
aged 18 years and older                               47% during the
were vaccinated against                               2014-15 flu season to
influenza.                                            49% in 2018-19.                       166

Only 40% of Canadians aged 18 and older
                                                      There is considerable variation in influenza
were vaccinated against influenza during
                                                      vaccination rates across Canada. Among
the 2020-21 season, 154 a significant
                                                      Canada’s 10 provinces, Nova Scotia
improvement from 29% in 2013, 163a
                                                      consistently achieves the highest influenza
but significantly lower than the Canadian
                                                      vaccination coverage–reaching 49% of the
government target of 80%. In addition,
                                                      its population aged 12 and older in
these most recent rates show that
                                                      2018-19. 166 Prince Edward Island and New
influenza vaccinations have actually
                                                      Brunswick also had relatively high influenza
decreased during the COVID-19
                                                      vaccination coverage above 40% in
pandemic, down from 42% during the
                                                      2018-19. 167 Quebec consistently has the
2018-19 and 2019-20 seasons.      154
                                                      lowest coverage, decreasing from 26% in
                                                      2015-16 to 21% in 2018-19. 168
Vaccination rates in key at-risk groups
                                                      Newfoundland, Manitoba, Saskatchewan,
such as older adults (70%) and people
                                                      Alberta, and British Columbia all had
aged 18-64 living with one or more
                                                      influenza coverage rates between 34% and
chronic conditions (41%) are higher than
                                                      39%. 169 Historically, coverage was further
the average among the general
                                                      found to be much higher in provinces that
population. 154 However, declining
                                                      have universal funding provisions. 170
vaccination rates among older adults in
every province except Newfoundland and
Labrador is a worrying trend. 165

Vaccination Rates in Canada                                                                         32
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