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2019 Report Card t h e T r u m p A d m i n i s t r at i o n ’ s p e r f o r m a n c e o n R e f u g e e a n d H u m a n i ta r i a n P r ot e c t i o n Overall Grade: F As Refugees International issues its second report card on the Trump administration’s per- formance on refugee and humanitarian protection, the United States and other governments continue to confront enormous humanitarian challenges. There are now more than 70 million refugees and internally displaced people around the world, and many millions more displaced by natural disasters made worse by climate change. Thus, it is important that Refugees Interna- tional evaluates the Trump administration’s progress on refugee and humanitarian protection in seven key areas. Last year, President Trump and his administration received a failing grade. This year is no different; indeed, performance has only gotten worse. The Trump administration continues to undermine U.S. refugee law and longstanding U.S. humanitarian policy through cruel practic- es toward families seeking asylum, weakening the U.S. asylum process, and crippling the U.S. Refugee Admissions program. Overseas, President Trump continued restrictions on lifesaving humanitarian aid—including aid to refugee women and girls—failed to lead efforts to end con- flicts inflicting humanitarian suffering, and separated the United States from broad-based global efforts to improve global responses on migration and refugees. T rump administration P erfo r m a n c e at Ho m e Asylum F U.S. Refugee Admissions Program F Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and Other Forms of Humanitarian Protection F T rump Administration P erfo r m a n c e Ove r s e as Humanitarian Funding F Diplomacy to Save Lives D Refugee Women and Girls D Strengthening the Multilateral System of Refugee, Migration, and Humanitarian Response F
Contents 5 introduction 5 Grading criteria 6 Trump administration performance at home Asylum U.S. Refugee Admissions Program Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and Other Forms of Humanitarian Protection 13 Trump administration performance Overseas Humanitarian Funding Diplomacy to Save Lives Refugee Women and Girls Strengthening the Multilateral System of Refugee, Migration, and Humanitarian Response 22 Conclusion
Intr od u ct i o n • Proposals for massive cuts to U.S. international humanitarian assistance. In our 2018 Report Card, Refugees Interna- • The absence of presidential leader- tional noted that governments around the ship on efforts to respond to or even world confronted humanitarian challenges of recognize massive human rights viola- enormous proportion. Sadly, those challeng- tions and forced migrations in places es have increased since then. There are now like Myanmar. more than 70 million refugees and internally displaced people (IDPs) around the world. The actions of the Trump administration Because the United States has long played have been discouraging. But as we wrote in a critical role in helping to meet the needs last year’s report, there is little that prevents of refugees and IDPs, it is appropriate and President Trump and his administration from important that Refugees International evalu- changing course and substantially improving ates the Trump administration’s progress on U.S. practices to bring them into conformity refugee and humanitarian protection. with both international refugee law and best practices. We have evaluated the Trump administra- tion in seven critical areas both in the United States and overseas. As was the case last year, the Trump administration has received an overall failing grade for its policies and Gradin g Crit e ria performance. However, as the analysis in this For many decades, the United States has led report card demonstrates, the poor perfor- the international community in supporting ref- mance of the Trump administration has fur- ugees and displaced people and in uphold- ther deteriorated over the past year. In short, ing international humanitarian principles. This policies that already merited a failing grade is reflected in dozens of laws, expressions of have gotten worse. policy, generous funding, and statements by U.S. officials. In assessing the performance Over the past 12 months, the Trump adminis- of the Trump administration, Refugees Inter- tration has continued and accelerated mea- national sets out three broad categories for sures to eliminate protections for refugees review: and asylum seekers under U.S. law, as well as weaken the international system of human- 1. U.S. Commitment to International itarian and refugee response. These have Humanitarian Leadership: Examples included: of this commitment over many decades are varied. It appears in the Refugee • Systematic efforts to effectively end Act of 1980, the bipartisan legislation asylum for large numbers of credible overwhelmingly enacted by both claimants at the U.S. southern border. houses of Congress, in which the U.S. • Continued and stepped up effort to government declared that it is the cripple the U.S. Refugee Admissions “historic policy of the United States Program. to respond to the urgent needs of • Rejection of international compacts persons subject to persecution in their on enhanced protection and manage- homelands.” A strong and bipartisan ment of migrants and refugees en- willingness by the U.S. Congress dorsed by an overwhelming majority to generously fund refugee and of other governments. humanitarian assistance also reflects the U.S. commitment. Finally, President | 5
Trump has articulated the importance based on humanitarian need, consistent of international humanitarian leadership with the principle of humanity (i.e., himself. At the United Nations General the belief that profound humanitarian Assembly in 2017, for example, the suffering must be addressed wherever it president declared that “the United is found). States continues to lead the world in humanitarian assistance,” noting efforts in South Sudan, Somalia, northern Nigeria, and Yemen, as well as on a range of health, gender, and human rights-related T rum p Ad m in ist rat ion initiatives. Pe rform an ce at H ome 2. U.S. Commitments to Protecting Refugees: These are most clearly reflected in U.S. accession, during the Asylum Lyndon Johnson administration, to the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status G r a d e : F ( U n s at i s fa c t o ry— fa i l i n g of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol, which grade) include the prohibition against returning Under U.S. law and the 1951 Convention any individual to a country where his or Relating to the Status of Refugees and its her “life or freedom would be threatened 1967 Protocol, asylum provides protection on account of his [or her] race, religion, for individuals fleeing their countries of origin nationality, or membership of a particular due to persecution based on race, religion, social group or political opinion.”1 U.S. nationality, political opinion, or membership commitments are also reflected in the in a social group. It is a critically important Refugee Act of 1980, which established safeguard against return to persecution. an annual process for refugee admissions Individuals already present in the United to the United States. There is also U.S. States may request asylum, and asylum may asylum law, by which individuals already also be requested at ports of entry. in the United States or seeking entry at U.S. borders are considered for asylum The Trump administration has undermined based on a fear of persecution in their protection for asylum seekers over the past home countries. year in three overarching and dramatic ways. 3. U.S. Commitments to Lifesaving The president and others in his administration Humanitarian Aid Based on Need: In have also inappropriately cast aspersion on 1984, in justifying its decision to provide asylum seekers and the asylum system to humanitarian aid to famine-affected promote more restrictive policies.2 Ethiopia, the Reagan administration declared that “a hungry child knows First, the Trump administration has no politics.” Indeed, U.S. officials have implemented policies that inhibit asylum long endorsed a commitment to ensure seekers from accessing U.S. territory and that life-saving and life-sustaining exercising their right to ask for asylum. Since humanitarian assistance should be only late January 2019, through the “Remain in 1. “Convention and Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees” (UNHCR, 1967), 66c2aa10/convention-protocol-relating-status-refugees.html. 2. Alexia Fernández Campbell, “Trump Described an Imaginary ‘Invasion’ at the Border 2 Dozen Times in the Past Year,” Vox, August 7, 2019,; Hamed Aleaziz, “A Top Immigration Official Appears to Be Warning Asylum Officers About Border Screenings,” BuzzFeed News, June 18, 2019, 6 | 2019 Report Card: The Trump Administration’s Performance on Refugee and Humanitarian Protection
A protester holds a sign during a demonstration outside of the James R. Browning U.S. Courthouse in support of restoring protections for asylum seekers. Photo Credit: JUSTIN SULLIVAN/Getty Images. Mexico” policy, U.S. officials have summarily interviewed tens of thousands of asylum “While waiting in Mexico for court seekers who have sought refuge at the U.S. southern border and then promptly returned dates in the United States, asylum them to Mexico to await adjudication of seekers often lack access to food their cases by U.S. immigration judges. The and shelter and have great difficulty administration has failed to put in place adequate safeguards to ensure that those finding attorneys.” returned to Mexico will not be subject to violence and persecution. Moreover, while waiting in Mexico for court dates in the United States, asylum seekers often lack access to The “Remain in Mexico” policy supplements food and shelter and have great difficulty another Trump administration practice called finding attorneys, whose engagement can be “metering,” which forces asylum seekers to critical to gaining asylum. The Department of wait in Mexico for weeks or even months Homeland Security has separated families, before they can even register their asylum sending some members to Mexico and claims. These asylum seekers—women, men, keeping others in the United States.3 and children—are being turned away by border officials without any protection and forced to wait in Mexican border cities until 3. Grace Meng, “‘We Can’t Help You Here’: US Returns of Asylum Seekers to Mexico,” July 2, 2019, port/2019/07/02/we-cant-help-you-here/us-returns-asylum-seekers-mexico. | 7
A man holds a baby up to the border wall between Mexico and United States. Photo Credit: HERIKA MARTINEZ/AFP/Getty Images. they are called from informal waitlists.4 After administration to send asylum seekers to being called and registering their claims, they Guatemala, a country that is not safe and will often wait additional weeks and months lacks capacity to process asylum claims in Mexico during the adjudication process. as required under U.S. law. In addition, the president has asked the attorney general In August 2019, the Trump administration to issue regulations that would add fees to began to ban asylum for anyone who asylum applications and preclude asylum transited through a third country that is party seekers from working legally during their to the Refugee Convention, the 1967 Refugee asylum proceedings.6 Protocol, or the Convention against Torture. This policy is being challenged in court on The administration has justified these the ground that it violates U.S. law, which policies as ways to screen out claims that only limits asylum seeking by those “firmly are unlikely to succeed and to deter those resettled” in a transit country.5 Finally, the without a genuine need for asylum from Trump administration has recently negotiated making the arduous and dangerous journey a so-called “Safe Third Country” agreement from Central America to the United States. that, if implemented, would enable the But the policies discriminate against asylum 4. “Metering Update: August 2019,” August 2019, 5. Miriam Jordan, “A Day After It Was Filed, New Trump Asylum Policy Gets Hit in Court,” The New York Times, July 16, 2019, sec. U.S., 6. “Presidential Memorandum on Additional Measures to Enhance Border Security and Restore Integrity to Our Immigration System,” The White House, April 29, 2019, tional-measures-enhance-border-security-restore-integrity-immigration-system/. 8 | 2019 Report Card: The Trump Administration’s Performance on Refugee and Humanitarian Protection
seekers from particular countries. In addition, asylum claims, the authority to handle these and most crucially, they block asylum seekers determinations.8 The administration has regardless of the merits of their claims and insisted that immigration judges fast-track put them at risk of persecution or other asylum cases and has recently appointed abuses by traffickers or drug cartels. This to the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA), is a clear violation of international treaty which hears appeals in asylum cases, among obligations and U.S. asylum law. It is also others, immigration judges who have de- unsurprising since President Trump has nied asylum cases at much higher rates than called asylum law “ridiculous” and labeled all immigration judges nationally.9 The attorney asylum seeking “a scam.”7 general has also issued decisions that over- turn BIA rulings granting asylum to those who seek refuge from gender-based violence and because of harm targeting them as members “The [Trump administration’s] of particular families.10 These decisions put policies discriminate against asylum asylum seekers at grave risk. seekers from particular countries.” Third, the Trump administration has contin- ued to detain asylum seekers inhumanely and unnecessarily. In an April 2019 decision, the attorney general ruled that even asylum Second, the Trump administration has made seekers who had established a credible fear it much more difficult for those who manage of persecution were ineligible for a bond to ask for asylum to have it granted. The hearing by an immigration judge.11 In August administration has unreasonably toughened 2019, the administration published a rule that the standards used by asylum officers con- would expand and prolong family detention sidering the threshold “credible fear” de- and revoke standards protecting children in termination. For example, prior guidance to custody.12 Using immigration detention as a officers on considering trauma and cultural punishment is illegal, and holding children background when determining credibility has hostage to deter asylum seekers—as appears been withdrawn. The administration has also to be the case—is unconscionable. Detaining given border patrol officers, whose priori- asylum seekers is all-the-more troubling in ty is enforcement and not consideration of light of effective alternatives to detention.13 7. Ian Kullgren, Ted Hesson, and Anita Kumar, “Trump Weighs Plan to Choke Off Asylum for Central Americans,” Politico, May 30, 2019,; Emily Cochrane, “Pushing for Tighter Borders, Trump Asks Jews for Support,” The New York Times, April 6, 2019, sec. U.S., 8. Mica Rosenberg and Kristina Cooke, “New Training Document for Asylum Screenings Reflects Tougher U.S. Stance,” Reu- ters, May 4, 2019,; Julia Ainsley, “Ste- phen Miller Wants Border Patrol, Not Asylum Officers, to Determine Migrant Asylum Claims,” NBC News, July 29, 2019, https:// 9. Tal Kopan, “AG William Barr Promotes Immigration Judges with High Asylum Denial Rates,” San Francisco Chronicle, August 24, 2019, sec. Politics, es-with-14373344.php. 10. “AG’s Decision Ignores Precedent and is the Latest Attempt to Restrict Asylum,” American Immigration Lawyers Associa- tion, July 29, 2019, 11. AILA et al., “Attorney General Barr Strips Bond Eligibility from Asylum Seekers: Matter of M-S-Analysis and Q&A,” National Immigrant Justice Center, April 17, 2019, lum-seekers-matter-m-s-analysis-and-qa. 12. “Apprehension, Processing, Care, and Custody of Alien Minors and Unaccompanied Alien Children,” 84 Federal Register 44392, August 23, 2019, 13. “Beyond Detention. A Global Strategy to Support Governments to End the Detention of Asylum-Seekers and Refugees, 2014-2019” (UNHCR), ernments-end-detention-asylum.html; “The Real Alternatives to Detention” (AILA, LIRS, NIJC, WRC, and MRS, June 2019), | 9
Moreover, as several of DHS’s own reports While refugee resettlement is a solution for have shown this year, conditions in detention only a small percentage of the world’s refu- are appalling.14 Detaining asylum seekers this gees, it can be a critically important solution way dehumanizes them, as does the presi- for especially vulnerable refugees as well dent’s references to asylum seekers as “in- as refugees in other special circumstances vaders,” and his jokes about violence against (such as those who have been in protracted them.15 Incendiary comments such as these situations). Moreover, a U.S. commitment to have led to hostility toward those seeking refugee resettlement signals a willingness protection in the United States. to share responsibilities with governments— such as Turkey, Jordan, Uganda, Ethiopia, and many others—hosting many hundreds of thousands and even millions of refugees. “Using immigration detention as a Since taking office, however, the Trump punishment is illegal.” administration has reduced refugee admissions dramatically, to the lowest levels since the start of the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program in 1980. It has done this despite the well-documented social and The U.S. Refugee Admissions economic benefits of the resettlement of Program refugees for the United States16 and despite the fact that purported threats posed by G r a d e : F ( U n s at i s fa c t o ry— fa i l i n g refugees have been wildly exaggerated.17 grade) In FY2018, the Trump administration came nowhere near reaching the then record-low Since passage of the Refugee Act of 1980 ceiling of 45,000 it had announced, admitting (unanimously in the Senate and by a huge only 22,491 refugees (also an historic low). bipartisan majority in the House), the United For FY2019, the Trump administration States has successfully resettled more than announced a ceiling of 30,000 refugee 3 million refugees under the U.S. Refugee admissions, another historic low. Admissions Program. Under this program, the president, after consulting Congress, annually The Trump administration has also determines how many refugees the United dramatically reduced the percentage of States will resettle from countries of tempo- resettled refugees from Muslim-majority rary refuge around the world. Other countries countries, despite the fact that such refugees also resettle refugees as part of an interna- make up a substantial proportion of refugees tional effort to share responsibility. worldwide.18 In 2016, the final year of the 14. “DHS Needs to Address Dangerous Overcrowding and Prolonged Detention of Children and Adults in the Rio Grande Valley” (Officer of Inspector General, July 2, 2019), pdf; “Concerns about ICE Detainee Treatment and Care at Four Detention Facilities” (Officer of Inspector General, June 3, 2019), 15. J. M. Rieger, “When a Rallygoer Suggested Shooting Immigrants in May, Trump Made a Joke,” Washington Post, August 26, 2019, sec. The Fix, may-trump-made-joke/. 16. Hamutal Bernstein and Nicole DuBois, “Bringing Evidence to the Refugee Integration Debate” (Urban Institute, April 2018), 17. Dan De Luce and Julia Ainsley, “Trump Admin Hyped Terror Threat from Refugees, Former Officials Say,” NBC News, September 5, 2018, pose-major-n906681. 18. “Global Trends: Forced Displacement in 2018” (UNHCR), 10 | 2019 Report Card: The Trump Administration’s Performance on Refugee and Humanitarian Protection
Displaced Syrian children living in an olive grove in Atme, Syria. Photo Credit: AAREF WATAD/AFP/Getty Images. Obama administration, some 47 percent of refugees resettled in the United States were “The United States has abandoned from Muslim-majority countries. In the first nine months of FY2019, that percentage was its leadership on resettlement at a only 11 percent.19 Between October 2018 and time when the number of refugees July 2019, fewer than 650 refugees arrived is at the highest level in recorded in the United States from Syria, Somalia, and history.” Yemen combined—countries all suffering from war and humanitarian crisis.20 The administration has also slowed to a trickle the admission of Iraqis, many of whom assisted U.S. forces, and recently closed The United States has abandoned its lead- U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services ership on resettlement at a time when the international offices that process applications number of refugees is at the highest level allowing refugees to join family members in in recorded history. The administration’s the United States.21 FY2020 budget request also drastically cuts funding for services for refugees. In recent 19. “Refugee Admissions Report,” (Refugee Processing Center, July 31, 2019), gee+Admissions+Report+FY2019_07_31.xls. 20. Arrivals by Nationality (Refugee Processing Center, 2018), ty+-+Map+7-31-19.pdf. 21. “Where Are the Refugees? Drastic Cuts to Refugee Resettlement Harming Refugees, Communities, and American Leader- ship” (Refugee Council USA), | 11
Demonstrators participate in the March for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) Justice at a protest outside the White House. Photo Credit: SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images. weeks, some administration officials have Temporary Protected Status reportedly suggested settling no refugees at all in the United States in 2020.22 The admin- (TPS) and Other Forms of istration is also reportedly preparing a new Humanitarian Protections policy that would allow state and local juris- dictions to deny entry to refugees who have G r a d e : F ( U n s at i s fa c t o ry— fa i l i n g been approved for resettlement in the United grade) States.23 This measure is not only unneces- sary and probably illegal (as the Refugee Act Under U.S. law, Temporary Protected Status already has a provision relating to consulta- (TPS) provides humanitarian protection in tion with states and localities on distribution the United States to foreign nationals from of refugees), but it will also strand refugees designated countries who are unable to oversees, hurt American communities re- return home due to conflict, natural disasters, vitalized by resettlement, and dangerously or other extraordinary conditions. The Trump undermine maintenance of unified national administration’s efforts to revoke TPS for immigration policies. approximately 320,000 individuals from some of the most crisis-affected countries in the world—including El Salvador, Haiti, 22. Ted Hesson, “Trump Officials Pressing to Slash Refugee Admissions to Zero Next Year,” Politico, July 18, 2019, https:// 23. Julia Ainsley, “Trump Admin Weighs Letting States, Cities Deny Entry to Refugees Approved for Resettlement in U.S.,” NBC News, August 21, 2019, try-refugees-approved-n1044801. 12 | 2019 Report Card: The Trump Administration’s Performance on Refugee and Humanitarian Protection
and Sudan—many of whose children have of violent crimes (including domestic American citizenship, have been halted, violence) and human trafficking.26 The at least for time being, by the federal administration has also mandated that those courts.24 Though the administration has denied applications be deported.27 This has recently extended TPS for Syria, it has not discouraged these survivors from applying for re-designated Syria for TPS, thus failing to protections especially established for them protect Syrians recently arrived in the United by Congress. The administration has also States. Legislation providing TPS status delayed adjudication and increased denials for Venezuelans passed the House with of applications for Special Immigrant Juvenile bipartisan support, but the Senate has not Status (a visa for abused and abandoned acted and the administration has refused to children) and attempted to limit eligibility to designate Venezuela despite engagement those who applied before turning 18.28 with the Venezuelan crisis and professed concern about displaced Venezuelans. In the case of El Salvador and Honduras, TPS beneficiaries have been living in the T rum p Ad m in ist rat i on United States as law-abiding residents for nearly two decades; returning them to their Pe rform an ce home countries would impose extraordinary burdens and unnecessary risks on them and Ove rse as their families. In addition, as of 2017, some 273,000 American children had parents from El Salvador, Honduras, and Haiti who were Humanitarian Funding TPS holders and who now face deportation.25 Without extension or other arrangements to G r a d e : F ( U n s at i s fa c t o ry— fa i l i n g recognize these equities, many of these fami- grade) lies would be torn apart or the parents forced As has been the case in each of the years of into undocumented status. this administration, President Trump’s budget proposal for 2020 has included dramatic cuts The administration also has a dismal record to lifesaving U.S. assistance to those around regarding other humanitarian protections the world experiencing humanitarian crises, for the most vulnerable. The administration despite the fact that such funding constituting has prolonged adjudication and increased far less than 1 percent of the federal budget. denials of applications for visas providing The Trump administration has also unreason- legal status to immigrants who are victims 24. “Temporary Protected Status (TPS),” Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.,; D’Vera Cohn, Jeffrey S. Passel, and Kristen Bialik, “Many Immigrants with Temporary Protected Status Face Uncertain Future in U.S.,” Pew Research Center, March 8, 2019, tus-in-us/. 25. Robert Warren and Donald Kerwin, “A Statistical and Demographic Profile of the US Temporary Protected Status Popu- lations from El Salvador, Honduras, and Haiti,” Journal on Migration and Human Security 5, no. 3 (September 2017): 577–92, 26. Yael Schacher, “Abused, Blamed, and Refused: Protection Denied to Women and Children Trafficked Over the U.S. South- ern Border” (Refugees International, May 21, 2019), and-refused-protection-denied-to-women-and-children-trafficked-over-the-us-southern-border. 27. “Practice Alert: Issuances of NTAs in Denied Humanitarian-Based Immigration Cases,” American Immigration Lawyers Association, June 21, 2019, manitarian-based-case. 28. Mica Rosenberg, “For Migrant Youths Claiming Abuse, U.S. Protection Can Be Elusive,” Reuters, March 7, 2019, https:// | 13
ably denied critical assistance to vulnerable foreign assistance funds for Central Ameri- communities around the world. ca.30 These measures, which undermine both fundamental humanitarian (and strategic) Seeking to cut foreign assistance: Unveiled objectives, were strongly opposed by key in early 2019, the Trump administration’s members of both parties on Capitol Hill. And 2020 budget proposal called again for though the targeted funds came from de- unprecedented cuts—about 30 percent—that velopment rather than humanitarian funding would dramatically reduce U.S. food aid, accounts, the humanitarian implications for “zero out” a critical refugee emergency fund, Central Americans were obvious. and significantly reduce contributions to maternal and child health, and peacekeeping activities, among other reductions. The Diplomacy to Save Lives U.S. Congress has soundly rejected these kinds of proposed cuts in prior years, and G r a d e : D ( U n s a t i s f a c t o r y, t h o u g h Refugees International hopes and expects m i n i m a l ly a c c e p t a b l e ) that this will be the case again. In 2018 and Failure of presidential leadership in 2019, the Trump administration attempted to humanitarian crisis prevention and make rescissions—the cancellation of monies response: As was the case last year when provided by Congress—of billions of dollars we reported on this issue, among the in foreign assistance. While these rescissions humanitarian crises currently causing the did not directly target humanitarian aid, greatest suffering are those in Myanmar, such cuts to development support and other Syria, and Yemen. President Trump is programming would have devastated the responsible for none of them, but U.S. overall capacity of operational organizations presidential leadership could be critical in the field. Thankfully, Congress and the to mitigating future suffering. To date, the NGO community forcefully and successfully president’s actions—and failures to act—have pushed back, but this was yet another been extremely damaging to vulnerable demonstration of the administration’s populations in these countries. perspectives on foreign assistance. Myanmar: The brutal expulsion of some Denying critical assistance to vulnerable 700,000 Rohingya in 2017, and the killings of communities: Having been denied its pre- many thousands more by Myanmar’s security ferred funding reductions by Congress in the forces, were incidents of ethnic cleansing, legislative process, the Trump administration crimes against humanity, and abuses among has at times proposed and implemented dev- the most egregious in modern history. Senior astating funding freezes to key foreign aid American officials, including Vice President programs and used questionable tactics to Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike circumvent legislative authority. Reprogram- Pompeo and his predecessor, Rex Tillerson, ming of State Department and USAID funding have publicly decried these atrocities, with has been used as a tool by the president to the vice president invoking President Trump’s punish countries,29 most notably in the case name in a call for UN Security Council of targeting FY2017, FY2018, and FY2019 action.31 In November 2018, the vice president 29. Julian Borger, “Trump Plans to Cut Central America Aid, Blaming Countries for Migrant Caravans,” The Guardian, April 3, 2019, sec. World news, cuts. 30. Camilo Montoya-Galvez, “U.S. Cuts Millions in Aid to Central America, Fulfilling Trump’s Vow,” CBS News, June 18, 2019, 31. “Remarks by the Vice President to the UN Security Council,” The White House, September 20, 2017, https://www.white- 14 | 2019 Report Card: The Trump Administration’s Performance on Refugee and Humanitarian Protection
Police officer in Rakhine state, Myanmar. Photo Credit: MIN KYI THEIN/AP Photo. told Myanmar’s de facto leader, Aung San Most significantly, President Trump himself Suu Kyi, that “the violence and persecution has been silent on the horrendous atrocities by military and vigilantes that resulted in committed by the government of Myanmar. driving 700,000 Rohingya to Bangladesh is The absence of presidential leadership without excuse.” He further asked her about undermines any international effort to progress toward accountability for those convince Myanmar to create conditions that who perpetrated such crimes.32 In addition, may ultimately permit the Rohingyas’ return some Myanmar security officials have been in safety and dignity. And when a Rohingya subjected to targeted sanctions, including a civil society leader visited the White House as visa ban against Commander-in-Chief of the part of the U.S.-hosted Ministerial to Advance Myanmar Armed Forces Senior General Min Religious Freedom and asked what the Aung Hlaing. United States might do to help the Rohingya, the president’s response was to ask, “Where But these actions have been slow, do not go is that exactly?” nearly far enough, and do not represent a serious or comprehensive strategy designed Moreover, and despite a careful State to promote accountability and return of Department review of abuses committed Rohingya refugees in safety and dignity from by the Myanmar military, it is inexplicable Bangladesh to Myanmar, with respect for that the Department has failed to state the their human rights. obvious conclusion that the armed forces are responsible for crimes against humanity. Nor has the State Department offered any 32. John Geddie, “Pence Issues Sharp Rebuke to Myanmar’s Suu Kyi Over ‘Persecution’ of Rohingya,” Reuters, November 14, 2018, | 15
View of shelters in South Sudan where internally displaced people live in a UN-hosted Protection of Civil- ian site (PoCs). Photo Credit: Refugees International. views on the appropriateness of a formal negotiating with Turkey a limited buffer zone investigation of whether the crime of between Turkey and Syrian-Kurdish forces genocide has been committed. This silence in northeast Syria. However, it has failed is further evidence of the U.S. lack of global to commit adequate diplomatic resources leadership on this issue. toward efforts to address the humanitarian catastrophe in Idlib in Syria’s northwest. This Syria: While the Trump administration has has given Russia and the Syrian regime a free slowed its disengagement from northeast hand in the region. In late April 2019, they Syria, its policy approach continues to lack launched a brutal military campaign that has coherence—in large measure due to conflict killed hundreds of civilians and displaced between apparent disinterest from President more than half a million people. Many more Trump and concerns among senior officials remain under threat in Idlib, where two-thirds that the United States should not hastily of the nearly 3 million civilians depend on disengage. The resulting uncertainty led humanitarian assistance.33 other major donors to temporarily suspend a much-needed recovery assistance for Yemen: In Yemen, there are more than 24 the civilian population in places like Raqqa, million people in need of assistance and the former capital of the Islamic State. The protection, according to the UN Office for administration has been partially successful in the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.34 33. “Harsh Winter Conditions, Ongoing Hostilities Have Forced Even Greater Displacement of Civilians in Syria, Emergency Relief Coordinator Tells Security Council,”, January 30, 2019, 34. “Yemen: 2019 Humanitarian Needs Overview,” ReliefWeb, February 14, 2019, men-2019-humanitarian-needs-overview-enar. 16 | 2019 Report Card: The Trump Administration’s Performance on Refugee and Humanitarian Protection
The Trump administration has consistently Refugee Women and Girls failed to bring pressure to bear on the Saudi- led coalition to end abuses against civilians G r a d e : D ( U n s a t i s f a c t o r y, b u t harmed by military operations. President m i n i m a l ly a c c e p t a b l e ) Trump vetoed three joint congressional resolutions prohibiting his administration Women and girls are particularly vulnerable from selling weapons worth billions to to abuses in humanitarian crises and already Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. existing inequalities are often worsened The president did this despite reports during displacement. As during the first half that the Saudi-led coalition has engaged of Trump’s presidency, his administration in indiscriminate bombing and killed continues to impose policies that either roll thousands of Yemeni civilians. The continued back or threaten important global gains for administration support to Saudi Arabia will the protection of women and girls. likely exacerbate the dire humanitarian situation in the country where some 20 million Yemenis are food insecure and nearly 10 million of them are “one step away from “[The Trump] administration famine.”35 Moreover, by late 2018, more than 85,000 Yemeni children under five are continues to impose policies estimated to have died from starvation.36 that either roll back or threaten important global gains for the South Sudan: In Africa, there are several protection of women and girls.” critical humanitarian and displacement crises, but the continent and its humanitarian challenges have received little attention from the Trump administration. Among As Refugees International highlighted in those challenges is South Sudan. Given last year’s report card, in January 2017, the significant prior U.S. engagement in South administration reinstated and expanded Sudan and the U.S. role in helping to bring what had been known as the Mexico City independence to the country, the absence of Policy, also known as the Global Gag Rule. continued U.S. engagement has been sorely The misnamed “Protecting Life in Global felt. Despite a fragile peace agreement, food Health Assistance” policy blocks U.S. insecurity levels and displacement remain financial assistance to foreign NGOs that among the highest in the world. The position advocate for or provide information, referrals, of U.S. Special Envoy to Sudan and South or services related to legal abortion, even Sudan remained vacant until earlier this year, when such activities are financed by non- when the post was filled—but only for Sudan. U.S. government funds.37 According to The risk of famine and further atrocities research conducted by Stanford University, remains high, yet the United States is largely the policy actually leads to an increase in absent. unintended pregnancies and abortions.38 The International Women’s Health Coalition 35. “10 Million Yemenis ‘One Step Away from Famine’, UN Food Relief Agency Calls for ‘Unhindered Access’ to Frontline Regions,” UN News, March 26, 2019, 36. Palko Karasz, “85,000 Children in Yemen May Have Died of Starvation,” The New York Times, November 21, 2018, sec. World, 37. “Global Gag Rule,” Center for Health and Gender Equity, UPDATED_May_2017-003.pdf. 38. Ruthann Richter, “Latest Ban on U.S. Global Funding Ignores Science, Researchers Say,” Stanford Medicine News Center, February 24, 2017, | 17
recently conducted a study on the effects In June 2019, Senior Advisor to the President of this policy and found that after two years, Ivanka Trump, presented the United States the policy has affected $9 billion in funding Strategy on Women, Peace, and Security and has made a broad range of crucial to Congress, as mandated by the Women, health services inaccessible to some of the Peace, and Security Act, which became law in most marginalized communities around the October 2017. world, including survivors of gender-based violence.39 The strategy recognizes that women and girls are disproportionally and uniquely affected In early 2019, the administration took the by conflict, have untapped potential, and policy even further. The U.S. government should be afforded significant participation in now will not fund foreign NGOs that use any peace processes, which is the other reason monies—even if those monies do not come the administration received a D rather than an from the U.S. government—to support other F. According to the strategy, “In many conflict- organizations that provide information on affected and fragile settings around the abortion.40 world, malign actors deliberately target and attack women and girls, often with impunity, As we indicated last year, there is an for various forms of violence including, but exception to these prohibitions in the case not limited to, physical and sexual violence, of humanitarian and disaster-related foreign torture, mutilation, trafficking and slavery.”41 It assistance accounts, which is one of the goes on to note that, “Most survivors never reasons Refugees International has awarded receive justice and instead, face considerable the Trump administration a D rather than challenges in gaining access to the medical, a completely failing grade. But much non- psychological, legal and economic support emergency funding, which has been affected that is needed to help them rebuild their by the prohibition, builds resilience for lives.” However, there is no mention of sexual women and girls who may find themselves in and reproductive health in the strategy, humanitarian emergencies. leaving out a vital part of women’s recovery from conflict. In a separate action, for the third year in a row, the United States withheld funding Further eroding U.S. leadership on women’s completely from the UN Fund for Population protection worldwide, in April 2019 the Activities (UNFPA), the lead UN agency administration stood alone in vetoing a ensuring that women and girls who have version of what became UN Security Council fled conflict obtain access to critical sexual Resolution 2467, which condemns sexual and reproductive health services, as well violence against women and girls during as services relating to preventing and wartime and recommits UN member states responding to gender-based violence. The to provide the necessary support to survivors terminated U.S. funding to UNFPA had of such violence. The United States was the also included support for humanitarian and only country in the world to vote against disaster response. the resolution.42 Instead of recognizing that 39. Vanessa Rios, “Crisis in Care: Year Two Impact of Trump’s Global Gag Rule” (International Women’s Health Coalition, March 2019), 40. “The Mexico City Policy: An Explainer,” The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, August 15, 2019, al-health-policy/fact-sheet/mexico-city-policy-explainer/. 41. “United States Strategy on Women, Peace and Security,” The White House, June 2019, wp-content/uploads/2019/06/WPS-Strategy-FINAL-PDF-6.11.19.pdf. 42. Allison Herrera, “A UN Resolution Condemning Sexual Violence Against Women Should’ve Been Uncontroversial,” Public 18 | 2019 Report Card: The Trump Administration’s Performance on Refugee and Humanitarian Protection
R, a 13 year-old Rohingya girl, is seen in silhouette in her tent in Kutupalong refugee camp in Bangladesh. Photo Credit: WONG MAYE-E/AP Photo. women and girls who are victims of rape recorded incidents of sexual violence against should be afforded sexual and reproductive women and girls include the Democratic health services necessary to heal and Republic of the Congo, followed by India, regain their lives, the United States strong- South Sudan, Burundi, and Mozambique and armed the removal of the phrase “sexual Zimbabwe.43 and reproductive health.” The United States signed on once the phrase was removed, The decisions made by this administration but the initial veto and subsequent change in will directly affect the abilities of the U.S. language were deeply disappointing. government, and the capacity of UNFPA and other aid agencies, to provide women and These actions are even more alarming girls with critical sexual and reproductive considering the escalation of widespread assistance in the context of conflict, disasters, crimes of violence against women and girls. and in rehabilitation programs. The number of reported incidents of sexual violence globally, both in and out of wartime, doubled in the first three months of 2019 compared to the same period in 2018. So far in 2019, the countries with the highest Radio International, April 24, 2019, lence-against-women-shouldve-been. 43. Sam Jones, Hilary Matfess, and Melissa Pavlik, “Fact Sheet: Sexual Violence in Conflict,” Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project, June 19, 2019, | 19
Venezuelans cross the Simon Bolivar international bridge from Venezuela to Colombia. Photo Credit: LUIS ACOSTA/AFP/Getty Images. Strengthening the Multilateral principles and approaches to deal with the growing challenges of international migration. System of Refugee, Migration, and Humanitarian Response The United States supported neither. While the Trump administration participated in two G r a d e : F ( U n s at i s fa c t o ry— fa i l i n g years of negotiations on the GCR and offered grade) support for much of what was included in the final agreement, the United States In December 2018, UN Member States voted ultimately voted against the UN resolution overwhelmingly to approve two landmark that approved it. Explaining its rationale, the international arrangements: the Global administration noted its objection was due to Compact on Refugees (GCR) and the Global language in the resolution that runs counter Compact on Migration (GCM). The GCR aims to U.S. sovereign interests, including that it to strengthen the international response to “calls upon” member states to implement large movements of refugees and protracted the GCR.44,45 Out of all UN Member States, refugee situations. The GCM is an agreement only Hungary joined the United States in among governments to establish common voting no. Governments around the world, 44. See the resolution that “affirms” the Global Compact on Refugees: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, “Res- olution Adopted by the General Assembly on 17 December 2018” (UNHCR, January 10, 2019), unhcrannual/5c4088f44/resolution-adopted-general-assembly-17-december-2018.html. 45. The US explanation for its “no” vote: “Explanation of Vote in a Meeting of the Third Committee on a UNHCR Omnibus Resolution,” United States Mission to the United Nations, November 13, 2018, in-a-meeting-of-the-third-committee-on-a-unhcr-omnibus-resolution/. 20 | 2019 Report Card: The Trump Administration’s Performance on Refugee and Humanitarian Protection
UN organizations, civil society groups, political opposition with a U.S.-supported international financial institutions, the private effort to provide cross-border assistance from sector, and others are all working toward the Colombia into Venezuela. effective implementation of the GCR while the United States sits on the sidelines. To be clear, sustaining the principles of neu- trality and independence in the provision of The United States also voted against humanitarian aid would not constitute accep- the adoption of the GCM. This was not a tance of the political status quo in Venezuela; surprise since the administration withdrew nor would it require that the United States from negotiations on the Compact back avoid actions to promote political change in 2017. U.S. engagement had made great in Venezuela. But humanitarian action must sense as the United States is host to the not be leveraged for political ends, in large largest number of migrants in the world. In measure because the politicization of aid in withdrawing from the diplomatic discussions this manner makes it likely that parties to a around GCM and opposing its adoption, the conflict will limit access to those in need; po- United States has abdicated responsibility liticization also threatens the safety of human- for an important global agreement that will itarian aid providers. play a key role in developing programs of cooperation between governments, common approaches on provision of assistance, and measures to combat human trafficking, “Humanitarian action must not be among other initiatives. leveraged for political ends.” While both documents are clearly designed to encourage consensus on critical issues facing humanity, neither document is legally binding, making the U.S. decision to isolate As we indicated in last year’s report, a itself based on claimed concerns about sov- third principle, known as impartiality, has ereignty especially disappointing. also guided U.S. policymakers, however imperfectly, over many years. In the area Refugees International remains concerned of humanitarian response, impartiality by the Trump administration’s politicization means that life-saving and life-sustaining of humanitarian aid. U.S. administrations humanitarian assistance to vulnerable have historically embraced the principles of populations should be delivered “solely on neutrality, which means that that humanitarian the basis of need, without discrimination assistance providers should not take sides between or within affected populations.”46 in political conflicts, and independence, And as we also reported last year, the which means that humanitarian action must Trump administration disregarded this be separate from political objectives of one principle of impartiality when it ended U.S. side or another in a conflict. For this reason, contributions to the UN Relief and Works Refugees International and many other Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). international organizations and NGOs were To be sure, administration officials made profoundly concerned by the United States’ post-hoc claims about UNRWA effectiveness willingness, early in 2019, to tie Venezuela’s and management (and those would be fair concerns to raise in the context of a 46. All three of these principles: neutrality, independence, and impartiality are reflected in the “Good Humanitarian Donor- ship Principles,” first accepted by the administration of George W. Bush, which helped establish the intergovernmental Good Humanitarian Donorship Initiative. “Principles and Good Practice of Humanitarian Donorship,” Good Humanitarian Donorship Initiative, | 21
principled debate on UNRWA), but it was around the world. If left unmonitored and unquestionably clear, based on a number unchecked, these sentiments will lead to a of statements, including by the president world that is not only less compassionate, but himself, that the aid was cut because the less equipped to deal effectively with human- administration opposed positions espoused itarian challenges that are so compelling and by the Palestinian political leadership.47 will impact societies in both the global south The withdrawal of support has had tangible and north. humanitarian consequences for life- sustaining assistance to children, women, and men in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and the West Bank and Gaza Strip. “As bad as last year’s performance by the Trump administration was, this year’s performance is even C o nc l u s i o n worse.” Over the past two years, day in and day out, the country and the world have witnessed a range of practices and policies from the That is why we at Refugees International White House that exhibit full-spectrum hostili- believe so strongly in our responsibility to ty towards some of the world’s most vulnera- bear witness to the practices and the policies ble people. Refugees International believes it of the U.S. administration, and to report and is critical to account for the totality of the ad- advocate around lifesaving assistance and ministration’s decisions and actions in a com- protection for refugees and other displaced prehensive and singular document. Hence, persons. That is why we began last year to this report card. It is quite one thing to read issue this report card and will do so annually about a policy in isolation, or even several in in the years to come. We believe strongly that sequence; it is quite another to read about all the conversation around humanitarianism and of them in one place. This document shows refugees can be moved in a more responsi- a continuum of cruelty that should shock the ble and compassionate direction. conscience of all Americans and call them to question what is being done in their names. The world is watching the United States and We expect a common reaction among read- this administration. And so are we. ers who care about these issues to be: We didn’t know it was this bad. And make no mistake: As bad as last year’s performance by the Trump administration was, this year’s performance is even worse. Its effects are rippling around the world be- cause the influence of U.S. policies doesn’t stop at the water’s edge. The president’s an- ti-refugee and anti-asylum rhetoric has been adopted and amplified by other politicians 47. Noa Landau and Amir Tibon, “Nikki Haley: U.S. to Withhold Funding for UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees Until They Join Peace Process,” Haaretz, January 2, 2018, sec. U.S. News, rwa-funding-until-palestinians-join-peace-talks-1.5630281; Arshad Mohammed, “U.S. Withholds $65 Million in Palestinian Aid After Trump Threat,” Reuters, January 16, 2018, 22 | 2019 Report Card: The Trump Administration’s Performance on Refugee and Humanitarian Protection
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