The surface modification effect on the interfacial properties of glass fiber-reinforced epoxy: A molecular dynamics study - De Gruyter

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The surface modification effect on the interfacial properties of glass fiber-reinforced epoxy: A molecular dynamics study - De Gruyter
Nanotechnology Reviews 2022; 11: 1143–1157

Research Article

Jiangang Deng, You Song, Zhenbo Lan, Zhuolin Xu, Yanming Chen, Bing Yang, and
Huali Hao*#

The surface modification effect on the interfacial
properties of glass fiber-reinforced epoxy:
A molecular dynamics study                                 control of the interfacial properties of such composites
#received December 29, 2021; accepted January 5, 2022                   through surface modification techniques.
Abstract: In this work, the effect of common functional                  Keywords: functional groups, interfacial failure, confor-
groups, namely hydroxyl, formyl, carboxyl, and amine                    mational change, steered molecular dynamics, atomistic
groups on the interfacial behavior of surface-modified                   scale
glass fiber-reinforced epoxy is investigated at molecular
scale. The interfacial properties of the epoxy/silica coated
with different functional group systems are quantified
by performing pulling test using the steered molecular                  1 Introduction
dynamics simulations. It is found that the system with
hydroxyl groups has a relatively lower interfacial inter-               Glass fiber-reinforced (GFR) epoxy resin has been widely
action, exhibiting an adhesive failure mode. When partial               used as insulating materials, adhesives, electronic packing
hydroxyl groups are replaced by carboxyl, amine, and                    materials, and matrix for functional composites because
formyl groups, respectively, the interfacial interactions               of its thermal stability, lightweight, superior mechanical
are increased and these systems exhibit a cohesive failure              properties, excellent resistance to corrosion, and out-
mode where failure happens in the epoxy close to inter-                 standing electrical insulation [1,2]. GFR epoxy compos-
face. A relatively higher force is required for the adhesive            ites have revealed significant applications in a variety
debonding, while more energy can be dissipated for the                  of engineering fields such as automobile, automotive,
cohesive debonding. Because the increased interfacial                   aerospace, and construction [3]. However, glass fiber
interactions can prevent the mobility of polymer chains,                has poor adhesion with epoxy matrix. It has been found
and delay the propagation of micropores in the matrix,                  that most failure cases of GFR epoxy composites are
leading to the epoxy matrix with a high ability of energy               correlated to the weak interfacial bonding between glass
absorption. Our work provides an insight into how func-                 fiber and epoxy matrix [4,5]. The durability of reinforced
tional groups affect the interface debonding behavior of                 epoxy composites is highly dependent on the interface
glass fiber-reinforced epoxy, offering a guideline for                    interaction. Therefore, an appropriate control over the
                                                                        interfacial characteristics is required in order to achieve
                                                                        the optimum performance of GFR epoxy composites for
                                                                      their safe and reliable applications.
# Co-first author.
                                                                             The surface of glass fiber, modified by using alkali
                                                                        treatment, acetylation, electroplating, plasma treatment,
                                                                        and grafting, has been widely adopted to improve the
* Corresponding author: Huali Hao, School of Power and Mechanical
Engineering, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei Province, 430072,           interfacial adhesion between glass fiber and epoxy matrix
China, e-mail:                                      [6,7]. For example, the surface polarity of glass fiber can be
Jiangang Deng, You Song, Zhenbo Lan, Zhuolin Xu: Wuhan Nari             improved by plasma treatment, where large numbers of
Limited Liability Company of State Grid Electric Power Research         functional groups are introduced leading to an improve-
Institute, Wuhan, Hubei Province, 430074, China; State Grid Electric
                                                                        ment in the interfacial bonding [8]. Numerous direct and
Power Research Institute, China
Yanming Chen, Bing Yang: School of Power and Mechanical
                                                                        indirect experimental methods have been developed to
Engineering, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei Province, 430072,           quantify the interfacial properties of fiber-reinforced com-
China                                                                   posites. The most common method to investigate the

   Open Access. © 2022 Jiangang Deng et al., published by De Gruyter.        This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License.
The surface modification effect on the interfacial properties of glass fiber-reinforced epoxy: A molecular dynamics study - De Gruyter
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interfacial properties is through fiber pull-out test, which     structure is employed to represent glass fiber in this
consists of debonding, bridging, and followed pull-out          work. The scope of this work is to first model the initial
process, occurring on atomic, microscopic, and macro-           structures of the cross-linked epoxy and modified silica
scopic levels at the interface [9,10]. The knowledge of         with different functional groups introduced on the sur-
the sequences of events occurring on these different levels      face. The physical properties of the cross-linked epoxy
is extremely important to understand the nature of the          and silica are predicted and compared with experimental
interfacial properties. Moreover, the interface region that     results so as to validate the reliability of the modeled
controls the stress transfer between fiber and matrix is         structures and selected forcefield. Subsequently, the
primarily dependent on the level of interfacial adhesion        bilayer structure is composed based on the equilibrated
[11]. The interfacial adhesion is confined to a several hun-     cross-linked epoxy and silica structures. The interfacial
dred nanometers-wide boundary region at the interface of        properties of epoxy/silica functionalized with different
fibers and polymer matrix, known as the interphase [12].         functional groups are studied by performing the pulling
The failure of GFR epoxy initiates from the failure of          test using the steered MD simulations. The interfacial
interphase. The intrinsic of the surface modification of         properties such as the force, energy, and displacement
glass fiber is to modify the failure behavior of interphase.     for interface failure are quantified. Finally, the conforma-
However, due to the limitation of experimental character-       tional change of interface is captured to figure out the
ization, how the functional groups affect the failure of         location of interface failure. The reason for the variation
interphase is still ambiguous, making it difficult to control     in interfacial properties of epoxy/silica systems with dif-
the interfacial properties of GFR composites. The effect of      ferent functional groups is figured out; and the mechanism
functional groups on the interfacial debonding that occurred    of interface failure for surface-modified GFR epoxy com-
at the early stage of fiber pull-out is still unknown, and the   posites is discussed. Such understanding of the interac-
underlying reason for the variation in failure mechanism        tions between glass fiber with different functional groups
for surface-modified GFR composites is unrevealed.               and epoxy matrix at atomistic scale can provide valuable
     Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations can depict the         theoretical support for interface control of GFR epoxy
microstructure evolution, including the rearrangement           composites.
of atoms, the change in polymer chain conformation,
and the intra- and inter-molecular interactions [13,14].
MD simulations have become a powerful approach for
exploring the dynamical processes of conformational             2 Computational details
changes and predicting mechanical properties [15]. The
relationship between interfacial structures and properties      The atomistic simulations start with the construction of
can be revealed by MD simulation approach. For example,         full-atomistic models of cross-linked epoxy and silica
the optimal chemical functionalization groups grafting          with different functional groups in Accelrys Materials
on carbon fiber to improve the mechanical properties of          Studio [18]. The interfacial models are constructed using
carbon fiber-reinforced polypropylene have been suc-             Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simu-
cessfully determined by MD simulations [16]. The inter-         lator (LAMMPS) [19]. The equilibration and dynamic
face adsorption mechanism of surface-modified carbon             deformation are carried out using the parallel MD code
fiber-reinforced epoxy has also been validated by MD             LAMMPS. The details of the model construction and
simulations [17]. It has been found that oxygen atoms on        simulation procedures are presented.
the surface of the epoxy matrix are first accumulated on              The critical step in MD simulations is the selection of
the carbon fiber surface; the molecular chain of epoxy is        an appropriate forcefield because the forcefield deter-
then driven towards the carbon fiber surface with func-          mines the accuracy of the predicting properties related
tional groups [17]. The details of how functional groups        to atom interactions of materials [20]. The conventional
affect the interfacial bonding between fiber and polymer          polymer consistentforcefield (PCFF) is chosen. The poten-
matrix can be figured out by MD simulations.                     tial energy of PCFF comprises a set of covalent-related
     The objective of this work is to investigate the effect     interactions such as the bond interaction between pairs
of functional groups on the interfacial behavior between        of bonded atoms, the angle interaction between three con-
glass fiber and epoxy matrix at molecular scale, quanti-         secutive bonded atoms, the dihedral interaction, and the
fying their effects on interfacial failure. As silica is the     improper interaction between quadruplets of atoms and
major composite, accounting for more than half of the           non-bonded interactions. Specifically, the covalent-related
weight fraction in commercial S-glass fiber, the silica          potential energy depends on the bond lengths, bond
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angles, torsion angles, and improper out-of-plane angles.           diaminodiphenyl sulfone (DDS), the properties of the
The non-bonded potential energy is determined by the van            resultant cured epoxy resins are much sought after,
der Waals interactions and Coulomb interactions. These              including an improved glass transition temperature and
interactions dominate the mechanical behaviors of the               excellent chemical resistance [22]. In this study, the high-
molecular materials. The PCFF has been successfully used            performance epoxy resin DGEBA and curing agent 4,4′-
to predict the structural, conformational, and vibrational          diaminodiphenyl sulfone (44DDS) are selected as the
properties of a broad range of molecules in condensed               representative. The β-cristobalite is served as the starting
phases, and it also has an experimentally comparable pre-           conformation for the creation of silica. This is because
cision in predicting molecular properties in condensed              silica structure is constructed via the melt-quench tech-
phases [21]. This potential has been successfully applied in        nique and the β-cristobalite can undergo a direct phase
the simulations of a wide range of organic and inorganic            transition to the liquid state as the temperature rises
materials including silica and epoxy resin. In this work,           higher than the melting point [23]. The silica structure
PCFF is used to cross-link epoxy resin and to describe the          is obtained by heating the crystalline β-cristobalite to
interactions within the cross-linked epoxy and silica, as           high temperature for melt and then cooling down to
well as between epoxy and silica. Although some covalent            room temperature [24].
bonds can be formed between functional groups on glass
fiber and epoxy, the non-bonded interactions make a domi-
nant contribution to the interfacial adhesion. Because the
introduced functional groups on the surface glass fiber by           2.1 Cross-linking of epoxy
surface modification method is mainly to improve the wett-
ability between glass fiber and epoxy. Thus, the interfacial         The molecular structures of DGEBA and 44DDS are shown
interaction between epoxy and silica governed by the non-           in Figure 1. DGEBA reacts with the curing agent 44DDS to
bonded interactions is considered in this work.                     form a cross-linked structure. The details of the polymer-
     The default high performance epoxy resin, diglycidyl           ization mechanism are shown in Figure 2(a). The epoxide
ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA), is used in a wide variety of          groups in DGEBA molecules can be activated and the
applications, including as the matrix phase in composite            C–O–C bonds in the epoxide group are broken with the
systems. When cured with an aromatic diamine, such as               formation of a reactive CH2 site [25]. The activated CH2 site

Figure 1: (a) Multiscale structures of glass fiber-reinforced epoxy composites. (b) Molecular structures of DGEBA and 44DDS monomers of
cross-linked epoxy.
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Figure 2: (a) Mechanism of cross-linking reaction between DGEBA and curing agent 44DDS. Parts of epoxy groups are open and activated to
react with amine primary hydrogens in 44DDS resulting in the formation of secondary amine. The secondary amine can continue to react
with opened epoxy groups. Finally, a cross-linked structure through the reaction between the open epoxy group in DGEBA and amine groups
in 44DDS is formed. (b) The cross-linked epoxy structure.

reacts with primary amine hydrogens in 44DDS, resulting              equilibrated system is heated to 400 K for cross-link.
in the formation of secondary amine [26]. The secondary              The condensation reaction occurs between the hydroxyl
amine in turn reacts with open epoxide groups. A cross-              groups in open epoxide groups of DGEBA and hydrogens
linked network is formed through the reaction between                in amine groups of 44DDS at 400 K. The cross-linked
open epoxide groups and the amine groups.                            structure is obtained with a cross-linking degree of
     We start to construct the cross-linked epoxy structure          85%, as shown in Figure 2(b). Next the condensation
by packing activated DGEBA (C–O–C bonds in epoxide                   reaction occurs within DGEBA monomers where the
groups are broken and the hydroxyl groups are attached               unreacted open epoxide groups change to inactivated
at the activated CH2 site.) with 44DDS using the amor-               epoxide groups through the condensation reaction
phous cell module in Materials Studio. The stoichiometric            between hydroxyl groups, meaning that DGEBA mole-
mixing ratio of DGEBA to 44DDS is 2:1 with 400 mono-                 cules are ended with epoxide groups. The system is
mers of DGEBA and 200 monomers of 44DDS. A cubic                     finally cooled down to 300 K for equilibration in NPT
primitive cell with a length of 6.4 nm is constructed.               ensemble. After equilibration, the obtained cross-linked
The energy and geometry of the system are minimized                  structure is served as the initial structure of epoxy resin
by the conjugate gradient method and then equilibrated               with a size of 6.4 nm × 6.4 nm × 6.4 nm.
at 300 K in the canonical (NVT) ensemble for 1 ns followed               The physical properties of epoxy resin are predicted
by another 1 ns equilibration in the isothermal–isobaric             in LAMMPS. The cross-linked structure obtained from
(NPT) ensemble at 300 K and 1 atm. Subsequently, the                 Materials Studio is first minimized and equilibrated for
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1 ns in NVT ensemble at 300 K, then equilibrated for                    2.2 Construction of silica model
another 1 ns in NPT ensemble at 300 K and 1 atm. The
purpose of doing NVT before NPT is based on algorithmic                 The β-cristobalite has a lattice constant of 7.16 Å with
stability. Velocity generation in MD simulations can crash              an oxygen-to-silicon ratio of 2:1 shown in Figure 3(a).
if coupled directly with a barostat. The equilibration is               The crystalline β-cristobalite system is cleaved on (001)
often done under NVT for a period to get the velocity                   plane. The dangling oxygen atoms on the (001) surface
distribution reasonable, followed by NPT. The root-mean-                are all saturated by the hydrogen atoms and dangling
square displacement (RMSD) is checked; it is found that                 silicon atoms are saturated by hydroxyl groups, as shown
the value of RMSD at the end of 500 ps is almost constant               in Figure 3(b). The density of the surface hydroxyl groups
indicating that the system is equilibrated. The density of              is about 7.9/nm2, located in the range of the experimental
the cross-linked epoxy is about 1.14 g/cm3, located in the              results [28]. It is found that the surface of silica is
range of 1.1–1.4 g/cm3 tested by experiments [25,27]. The               covered, to some extent, with hydroxyl groups during
glass transition temperature (Tg) and Young’s modulus (E)               the formation processes; and the overall coverage of
of the cross-linked epoxy are predicted. Specifically, the               hydroxyl groups on a surface ranges from 0 to 9.4/nm2
equilibrated structure is heated to 690 K and then cooled               in experimental tests [29]. The silica is first equilibrated at
down to 200 K at a temperature step of 30 K with a cooling              300 K in NVT ensemble for 1 ns, then equilibrated in NPT
rate of 0.5 K/ps. At each temperature, an equilibration of              ensemble at 300 K and 1 atm for another 1 ns with the
500 ps is performed using NPT ensemble at 1 atm, so that                periodic boundary condition. The equilibrated system is
the predicted results can be directly compared with experi-             then heated to 5,000 K for melting and equilibrated for
mental data. The specific volume as a function of tempera-               1 ns in NPT ensemble. Next the equilibrated silica is
ture is obtained to evaluate Tg of cross-linked epoxy. The              cooled down to 300 K at a rate of 5 K/ps and equilibrated
tensile deformation of the system is performed at 300 K and             at 300 K at 1 atm for 1 ns. The density of constructed silica
1 atm where the system is deformed along z direction with a             is about 2.18 g/cm3, close to the experimental data [30].
fixed strain rate of 108/s. The system is equilibrated for                    In order to study the effect of functional groups on
about 50 ps following each step of deformation. The stress              the interfacial bonding, half of the number of hydroxyl
under a specific strain is obtained from the average stress              groups on the surface of silica are randomly substituted
for the last 5 ps equilibration. The value of E is predicted            by functional groups such as formyl groups, carboxyl
from the stress–strain curve.                                           groups, and amine groups with a density of 4/nm2. The

Figure 3: (a) The lattice structure of β-cristobalite. (b) The initial model of silica where the surface is covered by hydroxyl groups. It is
obtained by cleaving on (001) surface of β-cristobalite and then the dangling oxygen on (001) surface are statured by hydrogen atoms and
dangling silicon atoms are statured by hydroxyl groups. The density of hydroxyl groups on the silica surface is about 7.9/nm2. (c) The initial
models of silica where the surface is covered by formyl group (COH), carboxyl group (COOH), and amine group (NH2), respectively. Such
structures are obtained by replacing partial hydroxyl groups in (b). The density of these functional groups is about 4/nm2.
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silica models with different functional groups are equili-               to those tested by experimental and computational
brated at 300 K and 1 atm in NPT ensemble for 1 ns. The                 approaches [34].
RMSD is checked, and it is constant at the end of 500 ps,
which indicates that the system is in an equilibrated
     Radial distribution function (RDF) analysis is among               2.3 Construction of epoxy/silica structure
one of the most important methods for revealing the
structural features of a system and is calculated to quan-              The equilibrated epoxy, silica with different functional
tify bond types. RDF is the probability density of finding               groups on the surface, and a vacuum layer with a thick-
atoms A and B at a distance r averaged over the equili-                 ness of 2 nm are sequentially placed in order from bottom
brium trajectory. Figure 4 shows the partial RDF of dif-                to top with the formation of the complete simulation sys-
ferent silica systems. In the silica system with hydroxyl               tems. The interlayer separation between silica and epoxy
groups, the Si–O bond in inner silicon oxygen tetrahe-                  is initially selected to be 5 Å, which is subsequently
dron (bulk Si–O) and in silanol groups (Si–OH) are                      adjusted by the repulsive and attractive forces at the inter-
about 1.58 Å, as shown in Figure 4(a). This has a good                  face during equilibration process. The periodic boundary
agreement with the value (about 1.61 Å) measured by                     conditions are applied in x, y, and z directions to avoid the
X-ray diffraction [31,32]. The length of bulk Si–O bond                  finite-size effects. The vacuum layer added is in order to
in silica models covered with formyl, carboxyl, and amine               avoid the interfacial interaction caused by the periodic
groups are similar to that in the silica models covered with            boundary condition in z direction. The interactions between
hydroxyl groups as shown in Figure 4(b). The bond length                epoxy and silica mainly consist of non-bonded interactions
of Si–N in the silica model covered with amine groups is                including the Coulomb interaction and van der Waals inter-
around 1.68 Å, consistent with the value of 1.69 Å mea-                 action. The constructed epoxy/silica system is first energy
sured by experiments [33]. The length of Si–C in the                    minimized, and then equilibrated at 300 K in NVT ensemble
silica model covered with formyl and carboxyl groups                    for 1 ns, followed by another 1 ns equilibration at 300 K and
are 1.98 and 1.93 Å, respectively, in Figure 4(c), similar              1 atom in NPT ensemble. Finally, the RMSD is checked, and

Figure 4: (a) The partial RDF of Si–O bond in silica model with the surface covered by hydroxyl groups. The length of the Si–O bond in silanol
group (Si–OH) and in silicon oxygen tetrahedron (referring to bulk Si–O) is 1.58 Å, close to that measured by experiments. (b) The partial
RDF of bulk Si–O bond in different silica models where the length of Si–O bond is close. (c) The partial RDF of Si–N and Si–C bonds in silica
models with the surface covered by formyl, carboxyl, and amine groups. The length of the Si–N bond is about 1.68 Å. The length of the Si–C
bond in silica with formyl and carboxyl groups are 1.98 Å and 1.93 Å, respectively, close to that measured by experiments.
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it is constant at the end of 500 ps, indicating that the system      F is collected every 0.1 fs. The initial length of the
is in an equilibrated state.                                         spring is equal to the initial displacement between
      The interfacial bonding energy of bilayer materials is         the COM of epoxy and silica. As the value of COM for
calculated based on the formula [26]:                                epoxy and silica along x and y directions are nearly the
                                                                     same, the variation in the distance between the COM of
                         (Eepoxy + Esilica ) − Ebilayer
            Ebonding =                                         (1)   epoxy and silica along the z direction can be regarded as
                                                                     pulling displacement (d). This means that there is relation-
where Ebonding is the interfacial bonding energy of the              ship of d = (Rt − R0)⋅ n. The free energy change is equal to
epoxy/silica system; Eepoxy is the potential energy of the           the work done on the system in a reversible isothermal
equilibrated epoxy system; Esilica is the potential energy           process and equal to the integral of an externally applied
of the equilibrated silica system; Ebilayer is the potential         force over the coordinate. During SMD simulations, the
energy of the equilibrated epoxy/silica system and A is              free energy change is defined as the potential of mean
the interface area.                                                  force (PMF). The SMD simulations are performed in NVT
     The interfacial debonding behavior of different bilayer          ensemble at 300 K. Because SMD simulations require an
systems is studied by pulling test using steered molecular           empty volume along one Cartesian axis, the system has
dynamics (SMD) simulations. The SMD simulations, based               free space to stretch without colliding with its periodic
on the principles of atomic force microscopy technique,              images [37]. To avoid this problem, a vacuum slab is
can provide the conformational change in atomistic scale             added, and the NVT ensemble is used for SMD simulations
and energy variation during dynamic deformation [35]. In             to avoid a barostat control that can reduce the empty space
SMD simulations, the center-of-mass (COM) for epoxy and              added. The conformational changes in interface are cap-
silica is attached by a virtual spring. The atoms are dis-           tured with OVITO.
placed by applying a constant velocity (v) to them. A
restoring force is applied to the atoms and the magnitude
of the force is related to the spring constant (k). The epoxy
and silica are debonded along z direction under equivalent
                                                                     3 Results and discussions
opposite force perpendicular to the interface. The virtual
spring force is determined by ref. [36]:
                                                                     3.1 Physical properties of cross-linked
                 U = k[vt − (Rt − R0)⋅ n]2                     (2)       epoxy
                            F = −∇U                            (3)
                                                                     Figure 5 shows the partial RDF of bonds in epoxide
where t is the time; n is a unit vector for the direction of         groups and the cross-linked bonds between DGEBA and
pulling; Rt and R0 are the displacement at t and the initial         44DDS. During the cross-linking process, the C–O bond
displacement between the COM of epoxy and silica,                    in the epoxide group is broken as shown in Figure 5(a).
respectively. U and F are the potential energy and virtual           The length of C–C and C–O bonds is 1.48 and 1.43 Å,
spring force, respectively. As shown in equations (2) and            respectively, as shown in Figure 5(b). The C–N bond is
(3), the pulling force applied is dependent on the spring            formed between DGEBA and 44DDS for cross-linking; its
constant and the pulling velocity. If the spring constant is         length is about 1.53 Å as shown in Figure 5(c). The bond
too small, the interface cannot be debonded. Otherwise,              lengths of C–C and C–O in open epoxide groups are 1.58
if the spring constant is too large or the pulling velocity is       and 1.43 Å, respectively. These results are close to the
too fast, there is a problem to sample the interaction               experimental data, which are 1.47, 1.54, and 1.43 Å for
between fiber and epoxy along the pulling displacement.               C–N, C–C, and C–O bonds, respectively [38]. The variation
On the other hand, the velocity cannot be too small,                 in C–C bond in epoxide groups and open epoxide groups is
considering the simulation time. Taking all these into               correlated to the change in the type of linkage for the
consideration, we use the velocity of 1 Å/ps and a                   carbon atoms. The types of carbon atoms according to
spring constant of 100 kcal/(mol · Å2) to ensure the                 the PCFF forcefield are changed when the epoxide groups
high simulation accuracy and reasonable computa-                     are open and cross-linked with amine groups.
tional cost of simulations. The epoxy and silica are                     The physical and mechanical properties of the cross-
debonded along z direction under equivalent opposite                 linked epoxy have been predicted and compared with the
force perpendicular to the interface. The pulling force              experimental data for validation. Figure 6(a) shows the
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Figure 5: (a) The schematic diagram of bond change during cross-link. (b) The partial RDF of bonds in the epoxide group. The lengths of C–C
and C–O bonds are 1.48 and 1.43 Å, respectively, close to those measured by experiments. (c) The partial RDF bonds in open epoxide
groups. The lengths of C–C and C–O bonds are 1.58 and 1.43 Å. The cross-linked C–N bond between DGEBA monomer and 44DDS monomer
is about 1.53 Å.

temperature dependence of the specific volume for the                   fiber mainly affect the conformational change in epoxy
cross-linked epoxy during the cooling process. The spe-                during debonding, a reasonable selection of forcefield to
cific volume of the cross-linked epoxy at each tempera-                 describe the epoxy properties is important.
ture has been calculated from the average density of the
system for the last 50 ps of equilibration. The abrupt
change in the slope of the curve determines Tg. The inter-
sect of the extrapolations denotes that Tg of the cross-linked         3.2 Interfacial properties of epoxy/silica
epoxy is about 489 K, located in the range from 460 to 530 K               systems
tested by the experimental approach [22,26,39]. Figure 6(b)
shows the stress–strain curve of the tensile deformation for           The effect of interfacial properties between epoxy and
the cross-linked epoxy. Young’s modulus is about 4.4 GPa.              functionalized silica is investigated by performing the
This is located in the range of experimental results and               pulling test. The pulling force and PMF as a function of
close to other computational results [40,41]. All these indi-          pulling distance are shown in Figure 7. In the pulling test,
cate the reliability of PCFF in terms of predicting the                the force first increases linearly with pulling displace-
mechanical properties of the modeled cross-linked epoxy.               ment, and the functional groups effect can be negligible
As the functional groups introduced on the surface of glass            as shown in Figure 7(b). The force, then, increases

Figure 6: (a) The curve of specific volume as a function of temperature for the cross-linked epoxy. Tg of the cross-linked epoxy is about
489 K, close to the experimental result. (b) The stress–strain curve of the cross-linked epoxy under a fixed strain rate of 108/s. Young’s
modulus is about 4.4 GPa.
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Figure 7: (a) The schematic diagram of pulling for epoxy/silica systems. (b) The curve of pulling force as a function of pulling displacement.
(c) The curve of PMF as a function of pulling displacement. When the PMF reaches the first peak, the pulling force can be negligible
indicating the failure of the interface. (d) The curve of interfacial interactions (Einter) as a function of pulling displacement for different
systems during debonding.

nonlinearly to reach the maximum. The maximum force                     at the point of PMFpeak. Moreover, when the interface is
(Fmax) is different, indicating that the functional groups               completely debonded, the interaction between epoxy and
affect the force for the interface failure. The maximum                  silica with hydroxyl groups is reduced to zero, while that
                              OH        NH2    COH    COOH              between epoxy and silica with formyl, carboxyl, and amine
force has a relationship Fmax     > Fmax    > Fmax > Fmax  . The
pulling displacement for the different systems at the                    groups still exists. This indicates that the surface modifica-
point of Fmax is similar, around 1.1 Å. After pulling force             tion of glass fiber changes the interface failure mode.
reaches the maximum, it reduces significantly with the                        The interfacial bonding energy, the value of Fmax,
increment in pulling displacement. The value of PMF as a                PMFpeak, and corresponding d0 for different bilayer sys-
function of d is shown in Figure 7(c). PMF first increases               tems are shown in Table 1. The interfacial bonding
linearly, and then increases progressively to reach the first            energy for different systems has a relationship of
peak; PMF finally keeps increasing with fluctuation. It is                  OH
                                                                        Ebonding > Ebonding     COH
                                                                                             > Ebonding    COOH
                                                                                                        > Ebonding . The relationship
found that when PMF reaches the first peak, the pulling                  of the interfacial bonding energy in different systems is
force is almost reduced to zero. The value of the first                  consistent with the relationship of Fmax. The epoxy/silica
peak PMF (PMFpeak) in different systems has a relationship               with hydroxyl groups system has the highest force for
of PMFCOH                         COOH          OH
          peak > PMF peak > PMF peak > PMF peak . The corre-            debonding, but the lowest absorbed energy. For the
sponding pulling displacement (d0) of the systems has                   surface-modified silica, the variation trend of max-
a relationship of d0NH2 > d0COH > d0COOH > d0OH . The change            imum pulling force is approximately consistent with
in interfacial interaction (Einter) between epoxy and                   that of interfacial bonding energy and PMF. For example,
silica with different functional groups during debond-                   compared with the system with carboxyl groups, the system
ing is shown in Figure 7(d). It is clear that the inter-                with amine groups requires higher force and energy for
facial interaction is increased when partial hydroxyl                   interface debonding. In order to understand the reason
groups on the surface of silica are replaced by formyl,                 for the difference, the evolution of interfacial structures
carboxyl, and amine groups. There is a relationship                     during pulling is captured.
of Einter      COH
           > Einter     COOH
                    > Einter     OH
                             > Einter . The Einter reduces and               The conformational changes at different displace-
then reaches a stable value from the point of PMFpeak. This             ments are represented to figure out the reason for the
indicates that the bilayer system is completely debonded                change in force and energy. Figure 8 shows the
The surface modification effect on the interfacial properties of glass fiber-reinforced epoxy: A molecular dynamics study - De Gruyter
1152          Jiangang Deng et al.

Table 1: The interfacial properties of different epoxy/silica systems, including the functional groups density, interfacial bonding energy
(Ebonding), the maximum pulling force (Fmax), the PMF for debonding (PMFpeak), and the corresponding pulling displacement (d0)

Model         Functional group density             Fmax                      PMFpeak                 d0              Ebonding
                                                   (kcal · mol−1 · Å−1)      (kcal · mol−1)          (Å)             (kcal · mol−1 · nm−2)

System 1      OH                                   177.60 ± 5.70             939.68 ± 30.24          7.96 ± 0.11     262.17 ± 3.13
System 2      OH                 COH               164.77 ± 7.57             1,255.78 ± 30.41        10.95 ± 0.01    80.12 ± 3.68
              4/nm2              4/nm2
System 3      OH                 COOH              155.97 ± 2.35             982.25 ± 29.24          8.73 ± 0.25     77.63 ± 1.25
              4/nm2              4/nm2
System 4      OH                 NH2               169.47 ± 2.92             1,223 ± 28.11           13.19 ± 0.08    168.79 ± 2.37
              4/nm2              4/nm2

conformation of the epoxy/silica system with hydroxyl                     more micropores formed (Figure 9e). The number of
groups system at different pulling displacements. After                    micropores is much larger than that in the system with
the force reaches the peak, with the continuous incre-                    formyl groups at the same displacement. The coupled
ment in displacement, micropores are generated between                    effect of formation and growth of micropores leads to
epoxy and silica as shown in Figure 8(b). These micro-                    the failure of interface with a few polymer chains bonded
pores grow (Figure 8c) resulting in the debonding                         to silica (Figure 9f). However, after the micropores formed
between epoxy and silica at the point of PMFpeak (Figure 8d).             in the system with amine groups (Figure 9g), the size of
The interface fails at the contact surface between epoxy and              some micropores is reduced with the increment in dis-
silica; the debonded interface is relatively smooth as shown              placement as shown in Figure 9(h). A great number of
in Figure 8(e). The conformational change in the epoxy/                   polymer chains are still bonded to silica when the inter-
silica with formyl, carboxyl, and amine groups during                     face fails as shown in Figure 9(i). This indicates that a
pulling is shown in Figure 9. Different from the system                    stronger interfacial interaction can prevent the mobility
with hydroxyl groups, the interface fails in the epoxy close              of polymer chains, inhibit the generation and growth of
to the interface for these surface-modified systems. Speci-                micropores, and even repair the micropores.
fically, the interface failure of the system with formyl                        For a better understanding of the conformational
groups is mainly due to the localized growth of micropores                change in epoxy during deformation, the radius of gyra-
as shown in Figure 9(b). When the interface fails, some                   tion (Rg) of the epoxy is quantified and calculated by:
polymer chains of epoxy are still bonded to the silica as
shown in Figure 9(c). For the system with carboxyl                                            Rg =      ∑mi(ri − rcm)2                       (4)
                                                                                                      M i
groups, the growth of micropores is associated with

Figure 8: The structural evaluation of the interface in the epoxy/silica with hydroxyl groups. (a) The initial equilibrated system; (b) the
generation of micropores; (c) the generation and growth of micropores; (d) the conformation at the point of PMFpeak where the interface fails
at the contact surface between epoxy and silica; and (d) the conformation when the epoxy and silica are completely debonded.
Surface modification effect on GFR epoxy: A molecular dynamics study                1153

Figure 9: The structural evaluation of the interface in different systems. For the system with formyl groups, (a) the formation of micropores;
(b) the growth of micropores; and (c) the failed interfacial structures at the point of PMFpeak. For the system with carboxyl groups, (d) the
formation of micropores; (e) the generation and growth of multi micropores; and (f) the failed interfacial structures at the point of PMFpeak.
For the system with amine groups, (g) the formation of micropores; (h) the reduction in micropore size; and (i) the failed interfacial
structures with a great number of polymer chains in epoxy still bonded to silica.

where M is the total mass of epoxy; rcm is the COM posi-                Figure 10(a). However, it reduces significantly to reach
tion of the group; ri is the position of atom i; mi is the              the minimum value. This rapid reduction is correlated to
mass of atom i; and the sum is the overall atoms in the                 the failure mode. When the interface between epoxy and
epoxy. This parameter can be used to evaluate the degree                silica is debonded, the motion of polymer chains in epoxy
of compression and stretch for polymer chains. Figure 10                is no longer constrained by the interfacial interactions,
shows the curves of Rg as a function of pulling displace-               and Rg reaches the minimum at the point of PMFpeak.
ment d. The Rg of the system with hydroxyl groups first                  The Rg of the system with formyl groups is first increased
increases, and then almost keeps constant as shown in                   followed by a decrease as shown in Figure 10(b). The
1154          Jiangang Deng et al.

Figure 10: Rg of epoxy as a function of displacement during pulling for (a) the system with hydroxyl groups; (b) the system with formyl
groups; (c) the system with carboxyl groups; and (d) the system with amine groups. Rg increases obviously at the beginning stage of pulling,
consistent with the linear increment in pulling force. When the interface fails, Rg reaches the local minima.

reduction of Rg is correlated to the constraint of polymer             3.3 Failure mechanism of surface-modified
chains from the silica is reduced with the growth of                       GFR epoxy
micropores. The micropores generated in the epoxy close
to the interface cause the increment in Rg. When the                   The functional groups introduced on the surface of glass
interface fails, Rg reaches to the minima due to a signifi-             fiber change the interfacial interaction, significantly affect-
cant release of constraint. For the system with carboxyl               ing the interface debonding behavior. As shown in Figure 11,
groups, the Rg fluctuates obviously before the interface                there are two types of debonding failure mode for GFR epoxy
fails in Figure 10(c). This is correlated to the formation             at nanoscale: adhesive failure at the interface between
and growth of multi micropores at the contact surface                  epoxy and glass fiber, and cohesive failure in the epoxy
between epoxy and silica and in the epoxy near the                     matrix. Generally, higher stress is required for the adhesive
interface. The Rg of the system with amine groups first                 failure mode, while more energy is absorbed for the cohesive
increases and then reduces slightly in Figure 10(d). The               failure mode. Because the increased interfacial interactions
reduction is correlated to the formation of micropores.                between epoxy and silica can prevent the debonding that
However, different from the system with hydroxyl, formyl,               occurred at the contact surface between epoxy and silica,
and carboxyl groups, the Rg keeps growing with the                     the matrix has the lowest strength, causing a cohesive
increase in the displacement after the point of PMFpeak.               failure mode. A stronger interfacial adhesion prevents the
This is mainly correlated to the increased number of                   mobility of polymer chains, inhibiting the generation and
polymer chains bonded to silica, where there is still a                growth of micropores near the interface, leading to more
strong interfacial interaction between epoxy and silica                micropores generated in the matrix far from the interface.
when the interface is completely debonded. Generally,                  More energy can be absorbed for the interface debonding.
Rg first increases rapidly when the force grows linearly at             For example, the introduction of amine groups on the sur-
the beginning stage. The reduction in Rg is correlated to              face contributes to the improvement in the ability of energy
the constraint release from silica caused by the generation            absorption, resulting in a much larger displacement for
and growth of micropores near the interface. However,                  interface debonding. Such failure mode is expected because
a strong interfacial interaction promotes the growth of                GFR epoxy composites have a high ability of energy absorp-
micropores within the epoxy matrix far from the interface,             tion and the components made up of such composites can
leading to an increment in Rg.                                         avoid the catastrophic failures caused by the localized
Surface modification effect on GFR epoxy: A molecular dynamics study             1155

Figure 11: The surface-modified GFR epoxy composites exhibit two types of interface debonding: adhesive failure mode and cohesive failure
mode. The introduction of functional groups significantly affects the interface failure mode. The strong interfacial interactions between
epoxy and silica prevent the debonding at the contact surface between epoxy and silica, leading to a cohesive failure mode.

failure, making them reliable. Moreover, the cohesive failure        the interfacial bonding between fiber and matrix include
of interface debonding can make it difficult for fiber pull-out         mechanical interlocking, physical binding, and chemical
that initiates from debonding between epoxy and glass fiber.          bonding. Our simulated work on the physical binding
Additionally, when the interfacial debonding occurs in the           effect between glass fiber and polymer matrix lay a foun-
epoxy close to the interface, methods can be applied to              dation to realize precise control over the interface adhesion
improve the properties of epoxy. For example, the cross-             of GFR composites. For the example of surface modification
linking degree of the epoxy matrix can be improved to                technique of plasma treatment, our results provide a guide-
decrease the speed of micropore growth. The reinforcements           line for the selection of the atmosphere parameter. A
such as carbon nanotubes [42] and graphene [43] can be               nitrogen atmosphere can be selected to introduce the
added to inhibit micropore growth in the matrix for opti-            amine groups on the silica surface for surface modification
mizing the performance of GFR composites.                            of glass fibers.
     In this work, we mainly consider the non-bonded
interactions between glass fiber and epoxy matrix. In
practice, the glass fiber surface modification changes
not only the interfacial interaction but also the surface            4 Conclusion
morphology of fiber and chemical reactivity along the
fiber-matrix interface [44]. The surface roughness and                The surface modification techniques with the introduction of
the chemical bonds between epoxy and surface-modified                 different functional groups have been widely applied to
glass fiber are not considered, because the main purpose              improve the interfacial bonding between the glass fiber
of modification of the surface characteristics of glass fiber          and epoxy resin. However, as the underlying mechanism
is to improve the compatibility or wettability between               is still not fully understood, the surface modification is still
glass fiber and epoxy matrix. The naturally hydrophilic               based on the trial-and-error approach to obtain the optimum
epoxy is not inherently compatible with hydrophobic                  performance of GFR epoxy. The enhancement of interfacial
glass fiber. Composites with improved wettability can                 properties for GFR epoxy by surface modification is limited.
have superior interfacial bonding. Moreover, the effect               In this work, the effect of functional groups on the interfacial
of roughness on interfacial adhesion is complicated. An              behavior between epoxy and silica at atomistic scale has
increment in surface roughness of glass fiber contributes             been studied. The DGEBA and 44DDS are cross-linked to
to the mechanical interlocking between fiber and polymer              form epoxy resin. The interfacial properties of the epoxy/
matrix. However, with a further increase in surface roughness,       silica systems have been predicted by the pulling test using
the fiber is damaged with a reduction in mechanical                   SMD simulations. Based on the findings, several conclusions
properties. Compared with the non-bonded interfacial                 can be drawn:
interactions, the chemical bonds at interface and the                1) The epoxy/silica system with hydroxyl groups requires
surface roughness are more difficult to be controlled.                     the highest force, but the shortest pulling displacement
For surface modification techniques, the factors affecting                 and the lowest energy for interface debonding. The
1156          Jiangang Deng et al.

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