The Shift in Turkey's Foreign Policy - Sofia Maria Satanakis, Katrin Süss

Page created by Kathy Webb
Sofia Maria Satanakis, Katrin Süss

                                                                                                                FOKUS | 3/2021

The Shift in Turkey’s Foreign Policy
Introduction                                    to the Alliance. As a result, the US reacted      For the EU, a fully functioning transatlantic
                                                by removing Turkey from the F-35 fighter          Alliance – which Turkey is an integral part
For almost 20 years, President Recep Tayyip     jet program.2 The country’s military actions      of - is of paramount importance because
Erdoğan and his Justice and Development         in northern Syria in the autumn of 2019           NATO will continue to represent the main
Party (AKP) have dominated Turkey’s             were also heavily criticised by the Alliance.     framework for European security. The
political scene. Under the “zero problems”      Furthermore, President Erdoğan repeated-          importance of close EU-NATO cooperation
doctrine, initiated by former foreign           ly threatened to reject defence plans for         on all defence-related issues and the ef-
minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, Ankara’s initial      Poland and the Baltic countries (also known       fective addressing of the complex security
objective was to improve relations with         as Eagle Defender), if the Alliance did not       challenges facing both sides of the Atlantic
all its neighbours. While the country was       classify the Kurdish People’s Protection Units    cannot be overstated.
considered an example of a moderate and         (YPG militia) as a terrorist organisation.3 Fi-
modern Muslim state, merely a decade            nally, the opening of Turkey’s borders to the     The gas dispute in the Eastern Mediterra-
ago, during the so-called “Arab Spring”, the    European Union (EU) back in February 2020,        nean
situation began to change, especially after     causing a new influx of migrants trying to
the failed coup attempt in 2016. A nowa-        cross into neighbouring Greece, led to addi-      Greek-Turkish relations are especially
days more assertive and nationalist Turkey      tional tensions between the two NATO allies,      difficult and have been marked by various
is increasingly at odds with its Western        who already share a complicated past.             crises over the past decades, one of them
allies over Libya, Syria, the South Caucasus,                                                     concerning natural oil and gas reserves
and in the Eastern Mediterranean.1 The          Tensions further intensified when the US          and maritime rights in the Mediterranean
shift in Turkey’s foreign policy as well as     imposed sanctions against Turkey over             region. Tensions between the two neigh-
its increasing military assertiveness is best   the S-400 purchase under the Countering           bours ran high with Turkey surveying for
seen in the country’s involvement in the        America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions           potential energy reserves in an area Greece
gas dispute with Greece, the Libyan crisis,     Act (CAATSA).4 The sanctions put a ban on         claims to be part of its continental shelf.7
the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between           all US export licenses and authorisations         The EastMed Gas Forum (EMGF)8, establis-
Armenia and Azerbaijan, and not least in        to Turkey’s Defence Industry Directorate as       hed by Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Egypt, Israel,
its troubled relationship with NATO. The        well as an asset freeze and visa restrictions     and Jordan in order to create a regional
aim of this paper is to provide a compre-       on the organisation’s president, Ismail           gas market, and Turkey’s exclusion from
hensive overview of the aforementioned          Demir, and other high ranking officials.5         the negotiations, as well as the maritime
shift in Turkey’s foreign policy.               The timing of the sanctions (more than            deal between Turkey and the Government
                                                a year after the delivery of the missile          of National Accord (GNA) in Libya9, further
Relations with NATO and the US                  system) could further complicate relations        inflamed Mediterranean geopolitical tensi-
                                                with Ankara for the new US administrati-          ons. After a brief easing of relations, where
Turkey is one of NATO’s oldest member           on – Joe Biden has often been critical of         both sides expressed their readiness to
states and the most important troop             Erdoğan’s policies in the past. Nonetheless,      take up talks under the NATO umbrella, the
contributor to missions and operations          appreciating Turkey’s geostrategic value          dispute intensified again. In autumn 2020,
next to the United States (US). Due to its      and in an attempt to avoid additional             Turkey announced that the Oruc Reis sur-
special geographic location - being at the      confrontation, President Biden is expected        vey vessel would continue operations near
crossroads between Europe and Asia - the        to explore areas of potential US-Turkish          the Greek island of Kastellorizo, which is
country is also of considerable strategic       cooperation, particularly against Russia. In      located just two kilometres from the Tur-
importance to the Alliance. Although            close coordination with the EU, he might          kish mainland.10 Eventually, both Greece
NATO would undoubtedly be weaker                try to alter Turkey’s foreign policy course in    and Turkey have been conducting military
without Turkey, the country is increasingly     an attempt to preserve a solid diplomatic         drills and sending war ships to the region,
turning into a source of insecurity.            and security relationship.6 Efforts to restore    and the Mediterranean quickly became
                                                relations with NATO allies (which have            a multi-stage theatre for demonstrating
In recent years, Turkey’s foreign policy has    been strained during the term of Donald           military power and engaging in geopoliti-
become more independent and confron-            Trump) will be high on Biden’s agenda -           cal competition, confronting the EU with a
tational: Turkey procured the Russian air       and Turkey is one of those allies. However,       particularly difficult mediator role.11
defence system S-400 (2017), which, if          with topics like human rights and the rule
deployed, might give Russia access to in-       of law expected to return to the centre           The crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean will
formation about NATO air defence systems        of US foreign policy, friction with Ankara        remain a pressing issue for various reasons:
and could thus pose a considerable risk         seems almost inevitable.                          With energy taking up the largest share in

The Shift in Turkey’s Foreign Policy

                                                                                                             FOKUS | 3/2021

the country’s overall imports12, Turkey sees    panies responsible for drilling in contested   The reasons why Turkey is actively
securing its share in a growing contest         waters in the Mediterranean.16 The main        engaged in the civil war in Libya are of
over this region as vital.13 Additionally,      reasons for this are concerns that President   geostrategic as well as of economic nature.
even though the dispute between Turkey          Erdoğan would retaliate by reinforcing ties    While Turkey is increasingly isolated in the
and Greece over exclusive economic zones        with Moscow, reducing counter-terrorism        Eastern Mediterranean, its involvement in
(EEZ) is long-standing, the mounting            cooperation or even by encouraging more        Libya poses the possibility of an advanta-
tensions during 2020 clearly showed that        migrants to pass through to Europe –the        geous geostrategic repositioning of the
a military collision between NATO allies        continued Turkish adherence to the mig-        country.22 Moreover, economic ties bet-
is not just a remote possibility. Regarding     ration deal of 2016 remains of paramount       ween Libya and Turkey have been strong
Cyprus, Ankara argues that it should not        importance to the EU.                          in the past. Not only the vast natural re-
be allowed to exploit its gas resources until                                                  sources, such as oil and gas reserves, made
a deal with the Turkish Cypriots is reached.    Turkey and Libya                               Libya an appealing economic partner,
However, the possibility of a mutually sa-                                                     but also the potential in the construction
tisfactory agreement regarding the status       Turkey’s engagement in Libya is yet            market has attracted Turkish firms during
of the divided island remains very slim. In     another example of the shift in Ankara’s       the Muammar al-Ghaddafi era.23 However,
case of a renewed escalation of the gas         foreign policy, stretching from Eurasia to     after the fall of Ghaddafi and due to the
dispute, a deadlock situation could arise,      the Eastern Mediterranean.17 In Novem-         “Arab Spring” uprisings in 2011, Turkey
which would have a negative impact on           ber 2019, President Erdoğan convinced          had to withdraw from the majority of its
both EU-NATO relations and on Turkey’s          the UN-backed GNA to sign a maritime           economic projects in Libya, which resulted
bilateral relations with individual states.     agreement, declaring the naval corridor        in an estimated loss of $19 billion.24 Since
                                                between Northeast Libya and Southwest          then, Turkey has repeatedly tried to resu-
The diverging interests of the EU member        Turkey an exclusive economic zone,             me negotiations and took advantage of
states vis-à-vis Turkey have revealed once      which violates the maritime boundaries         the precarious situation in Libya in 2018,
more the difficulties the Union faces in        of Greece and Cyprus.18 In return, Ankara      which ultimately led to an agreement
adopting a unified and solid approach           promised to provide the GNA with mili-         between the two countries. In the face of
towards Ankara. Pushing for a more              tary equipment and training personnel.         the current Turkish national crisis, with a
independent European security policy and        However, this was not the first time that      declining foreign direct investment (FDI),
strategic autonomy, France insisted on          Turkey pursued an agreement with Libya         a plummeting lira, as well as the inaction
showing solidarity with Greece and Cyprus       that would define the boundaries of both       of the government during the COVID-19
(France’s joint military training exercises     countries’ continental shelves. Ankara has     pandemic, the active involvement in Libya
with Greece, Italy and Cyprus are a case in     tried to reach such an agreement already       could potentially offer Turkey significant
point).14 Paris is concerned that President     in 2010, which was then rejected by Libya.     medium-term economic advantages.
Erdoğan’s reinsertion of Islam into politics    Turkey continued to pursue its ambitions       These include possible lucrative gas disco-
could spread in North Africa, encourage         and used the unstable situation in 2018 to     veries as well as opportunities to establish
Islamist militias, and consequently damage      its advantage, widening its interests and      a long-term exclusive relationship with
the French sphere of influence. Germany,        influence in the region. It was not until      Libya’s Central Bank. The latter would turn
home to Europe’s largest Turkish diaspora,      November 2019, when Libya agreed to the        Istanbul into a hub for regular and irregu-
is encouraging a constructive dialogue-         demands in return for military support.19      lar financial services linked to the Libyan
based approach, whereas the Baltics are                                                        economy.25
in favour of a smooth relationship with         In early January 2020, shortly after signing
Turkey; being a long-standing NATO ally,        the agreement, the Turkish parliament de-      Although Turkey sets high hopes on the
Ankara plays an important role in their         cided in an emergency session to deploy        cooperation with Libya, it remains ques-
national security. Other EU member states       troops to Libya, despite harsh criticism       tionable whether it will yield the much-
like Spain or Italy seem to prefer a more       from the European Union and NATO that          needed strategic leverage. Moreover, the
balanced approach. The latter has, for          such a military involvement could further      growing impatience of various internatio-
example, conducted separate military            destabilise the country.20 The operation’s     nal actors such as France is putting further
drills in the Eastern Mediterranean not         first and foremost objective was to put an     pressure on Turkey.26 However, not all
only with Greece and France but, also with      end to the enduring attacks by the Libyan      European states are as sceptical towards
Turkey.15                                       National Army (LNA) and their attempt to       Turkey. Italy, for example, is aware of the
                                                overthrow Tripoli, the capital of Libya.21     need to protect its economic and security
Therefore, although Greece and Cyprus           In late spring 2020, the Turkish forces, as    interests in Libya, which is why it sets a
have the theoretical backing of the EU, the     well as Syrian militants that were deployed    more conciliating tone towards Turkey. The
bloc has so far refrained from stringent        by Turkey to fight in the Libyan conflict,     separate military drills Rome conducted
action against Ankara, apart from limited       together with the GNA succeeded and            with Ankara, as well as with Athens and
sanctions targeting individuals and com-        ended the struggle over Tripoli.               Paris, being a case in point.27

The Shift in Turkey’s Foreign Policy

                                                                                                               FOKUS | 3/2021

Turkey’s involvement in the Nagorno-           Azerbaijan puts Ankara in the position of a      conflict into zones of influence. Further-
Karabakh Conflict                              direct opponent to the Armenian sup-             more, the fact that the pipelines, which
                                               porters, which are, from the Turkish point       connect Azerbaijan with Turkey and supply
Armenia and Azerbaijan have been en-           of view, the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk         the European Union with oil and natural
gaged in conflict for more than 30 years,      Group – the US, France, and Russia. Additi-      gas, closely pass by the conflict zone raises
dating back to the collapse of the USSR.28     onally, Turkey shows ambitions to become         additional international interest and draws
Prior to that, in the Joseph Stalin era, the   an influential international actor alongside,    once more Brussels attention on Turkey’s
region of Nagorno-Karabakh had been            and competing with, the United States and        actions.40 However, the EU’s engagement
placed in the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist      Russia. A Mutual Assistance Agreement            in this conflict should not be determined
Republic, although the majority of its         as well as the establishment of a Strategic      by its troublesome relations with Turkey,
population was, and remains, Armenian.29       Partnership between Ankara and Baku              but rather through the resolutions of the
Later, in 1991, the Armenians of Nagorno-      signed in 2010 settled the legal aspects         UN Security Council.41
Karabakh declared their independence,          of the involvement. These documents lay
which resulted in a war with Azerbaijan, as    down that both countries can conduct             What is particularly alarming with regard
the latter refused to alter its borderlines.   joint military exercises and show active         to Turkey’s new foreign policy strategy,
The war was won by the enclave with            support in case of an intrusive intervention     is that Ankara decides to send foreign
Armenian support and was temporarily           by a third party. Similar agreements exist       militants, namely Syrian proxy fighters, to
brought to a hold by a cease-fire in 1994.     also between Russia and Armenia.35               act on their behalf in foreign battles. This
Nonetheless, the region was never recog-                                                        bluntly illustrates the country’s growing
nised as an independent country – not          The battle came to a halt when a peace ag-       influence in Syria, where Ankara is in direct
even by Armenia – and is up until today        reement, initiated by Moscow, was signed         opposition to Moscow. This competitive
considered as part of Azerbaijan by the        by the Azerbaijani and Armenian leaders.         constellation was observed repeatedly
United Nations.30                              Nonetheless, Baku left the battlefield as a      during the past year. The conflicts in Libya
                                               clear victor, while Armenia has suffered a       and the South Caucasus, for example, can
On July 12th, 2020, the combat flared up       bitter defeat. However, the real winner of       be interpreted as an expansion of the dis-
again when the Armenian military atta-         this war is Turkey.36 This triumph represents    pute between Ankara and Moscow in Sy-
cked Azerbaijani troops causing several        a substantial geopolitical shift for Ankara,     ria. The active involvement of Turkey in the
causalities.31 More than two months later,     which is not least due to the establishment      Libyan crisis can be connected to Russian
fighting between the two opponents star-       of a road between Nakhicivan (an Azerbai-        airstrikes in Syria, which caused fatalities in
ted once again and lasted for six weeks.       jani enclave) and Azerbaijan that crosses        the Turkish camp in early 2020.42 However,
This time, however, the military conflict      Armenia and therefore creates a direct way       in Syria as well as in other conflicts where
was different. Turkey actively supported       of transportation between Ankara and             they are opposing parties, both countries
Azerbaijan and remained consistent with        Baku.37 While Turkey has gained signifi-         are aware of the necessity to maintain
its recent battle strategy, as demonstrated    cant influence in this region, especially        constructive cooperation. In the South
in the Libyan conflict – providing military    in Azerbaijan, the peace agreement and           Caucasus, for instance, both Ankara and
equipment, especially high-tech drones,        in particular the way it took place was a        Moscow have overlapping interests, such
training, and deploying Syrian militants.      diplomatic success for the Kremlin. About        as establishing a new, more cooperative,
The counter party, Armenia, was suppor-        2,000 Russian peacekeepers are deploy­           Armenian government. Moreover, Turkey’s
ted by Russia through military assistance,32   ed to protect the remaining Armenian             involvement in the conflict helped Russia
such as a military base in Gyumri, an          population, as well as to patrol the corridor    gain more influence in Armenia, as it has
Armenian city.33 This active involvement       that was established to connect Armenia          pursued since 2018. Another aspect of this
transformed the local dispute into a regio-    to Nagorno-Karabakh. However, the treaty         unique partnership is the fact that both
nal one.34                                     expires after five years and then both           countries aim to disassociate themselves
                                               Armenia and Azerbaijan are able to voice         from the West. For Russia, strengthening
Turkish interests in the conflict are mani-    their withdrawal.38                              Turkey is a risk it is willing to take, espe-
fold. Ties between Ankara and Baku have                                                         cially when this in return means excluding
always been strong based on a shared           The involvement of Turkey in yet another         the US from its battlefields.43 The above
culture and Turkic language, as well as the    war once again demonstrates the shift in         briefly illustrates the complexity of the
fact that Turkey has actively supported        Turkey’s foreign policy and puts the coun-       rivalry between Ankara and Moscow.
Azerbaijan after the separation from the       try at odds with Russia.39 It is not the first
Soviet Union and with its integration into     time for Ankara to find itself as the rival in   Conclusion
international organisations. Moreover, an      a foreign (proxy) war against the Kremlin.
active interference in the conflict is also    This is also the case in Libya as well as in     There has been a striking shift from
in alignment with the new Turkish foreign      Syria, where Russia and Turkey (similar to       Turkey’s “zero problems with neighbors”
policy strategy. The effective support of      Nagorno-Karabakh) have split the areas of        approach to an overtly confrontatio-

The Shift in Turkey’s Foreign Policy

                                                                                                                                         FOKUS | 3/2021

nal foreign policy over the last couple          Even though nowadays Turkey is pursuing                             15) Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP): Turkey, the EU
                                                                                                                     and the Eastern Mediterranean Crisis (2020), https://www.
of years. Nowadays, Ankara seems to              a more resolute and dangerous foreign                     
reject the regional status quo ante and          policy strategy, it remains an important                            mediterranean-crisis/
                                                                                                                     16) Ekathimerini: EU to toughen sanctions on Turkish drilling,
is pursuing an expansion of its sphere           player on many current global challen-                              draft summit statement says (2020), https://www.ekathimerini.
of influence. This significant change in         ges, like migration and regional stability.                         com/260080/article/ekathimerini/news/eu-to-toughen-sanc-
Turkey’s foreign policy can be traced back       Therefore, the EU should engage more                                tions-on-turkish-drilling-draft-summit-statement-says
                                                                                                                     17) Lowy Institute: What is Turkey’s endgame in Libya? (2020),
to two main points: Especially after the         actively and steer its relationship with                  
limited solidarity in relation to the 2016       Ankara in a constructive direction, in order                        end-game-libya
                                                                                                                     18) Foreign policy Research Institute: Why Turkey Intervened in
failed coup attempt, Ankara established          to find common ground instead of simply                             Libya (2020),
the narrative that it can no longer trust its    downplaying Turkish concerns.                                       intervened-in-libya/
                                                                                                                     19) Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP): Comment:
Western partners.44 It also perceives the
                                                                                                                     Turkey Shifts the Focus of Its Foreign Policy, https://www.
West to be in (geopolitical) decline, largely    AIES Authors                                              
due to the power vacuum created by the           Sofia Maria Satanakis, M.E.S                                        org/10.18449/2020C06/
                                                                                                                     20) Politico: Turkish parliament approves troop deployment to
US withdrawal from various multilateral          Katrin Süss, MSc.                                                   Libya (2020),
commitments under the Trump admi-                                                                                    approves-troop-deployment-to-libya/
                                                                                                                     21) Foreign policy Research Institute: Why Turkey Intervened in
nistration. Additionally, a more assertive                                                                           Libya (2020),
foreign policy deflects domestic attention                                                                           intervened-in-libya/
from the country’s deteriorating economy.                                                                            22) Middle East Institute: Turning the Tide. How Turkey won
                                                                                                                     the War for Tripoli (2020),
Although Ankara’s actions can be interpre-                                                                           turning-tide-how-turkey-won-war-tripoli
ted as an attempt to establish Turkey as                                                                             23) Foreign policy Research Institute: Why Turkey Intervened in
                                                                                                                     Libya (2020),
a major regional power with an autono-           Endnotes                                                            intervened-in-libya/
mous foreign policy, at the same time                                                                                ter/what-turkey-s-end-game-libya
                                                 1) The New York Times: Turkish Aggression is NATO’s ‘Elephant in    24) VOA News: Why is Turkey involved in Libyan conflict? (2020),
they also expose the country’s increasing
                                                 the Room’ (2020),
international isolation.45                       europe/turkey-nato.html                                             involved-libyan-conflict
                                                 2) BBC News: US removes Turkey from F-35 fighter jet                25) Middle East Institute: Turning the Tide. How Turkey won
                                                 programme (2019),                the War for Tripoli (2020),
From a European perspective, a (future)          canada-49023115                                                     turning-tide-how-turkey-won-war-tripoli
common line regarding Turkey seems un-           3) Reuters: NATO puts defence plan for Poland, Baltics into         26) Lowy Institute: What is Turkey’s endgame in Libya? (2020),
                                                 action, officials say (2020),
likely – as it is the case also with Syria and   nato-baltics-turkey-idUSKBN24320B                                   end-game-libya
Libya. Some European countries, such as          4) U.S. Embassy & Consulate in Greece: The United States Sanc-      27) Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP): Turkey, the EU
Germany, follow a more cautious policy to-       tions Turkey Under CAATSA 231 (2020), https://gr.usembassy.         and the Eastern Mediterranean Crisis (2020), https://www.
wards Ankara, while others, like France and      5) BBC News: US imposes sanctions on Turkey over Russian            mediterranean-crisis/
Austria, resolutely call for heavy sanctions     weapons (2020),             28) Politico: The Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict explained (2020):
or are in favour of officially terminating       6) Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP): Problema-               explained-armenia-azerbaijan/
the EU accession process.46 Events like the      tic Prospects for US-Turkish Ties in the Biden Era (2020),          29) Ibid.
                                                    30) Ibid.
gas dispute in the Mediterranean or the
                                                 comments/2020C60_USTurkishTies.pdf                                  31)‘ Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies (EDAM):
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict have clearly           7) BBC News: Turkey-Greece tensions escalate over Turkish           Resuming a Frozen Conflict: Escalating Tensions on the
shown how vulnerable peace and stability         Med drilling plans (2020),          Azerbaijani-Armenian border,
                                                 europe-53497741                                                     of-a-frozen-conflict-escalating-tensions-on-the-azerbaijani-
really are. Although the relationship bet-       8) Ekathimerini: Seven countries launch East Med gas forum          armenian-border/
ween Turkey and the EU has been strained         (2020),       32) Stockholm International Peace Research Institute: Escalating
                                                 rini/business/seven-countries-launch-east-med-gas-forum             violence in Nagorno-Karabakh: Local solutions offer the main
during the past year due to several rifts,       9) European Parliament: Parliamentary Questions; Con-               hope (2020),
Ankara is currently trying to set a more         sequences of the agreement between Turkey and Libya                 comment/2020/escalating-violence-nagorno-karabakh-local-
conciliating tone. Despite the fact that         [GNA] (2020),                 solutions-offer-main-hope
                                                 document/E-9-2019-004522_EN.html                                    33) Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP): Turkey-Russia
talks, which are aimed to resolve the dis-       10) Euronews: Turkish research ship at centre of drilling row       Partnership in the War over Nagorno-Karabakh (2020), https://
agreement between Ankara and Athens,             with Greece set to return to Mediterranean (2020), https://www.
                                               34) New York Times: Armenia And Azerbaijan: What Sparked
have restarted on January 25th this year,        of-drilling-row-with-greece-set-to-return-to-mediterra              War and Will Peace Remain? (2020),
Turkey still shows latent hostility. This was    11) Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP): Turkey, the EU         article/armenian-azerbaijan-conflict.html
                                                 and the Eastern Mediterranean Crisis (2020), https://www.           35) Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP): Turkey-Russia
made clear by the warning it voiced to-
                                               Partnership in the War over Nagorno-Karabakh (2020), https://
wards Greece to avoid any steps that could       mediterranean-crisis/                                     
cause further escalation.47 Therefore, it is     12) Hürriyet Daily News: Energy import bill down more than four     36) BBC News: Viewpoint: Russia and Turkey – unlikely victors
                                                 percent (2020),           of Karabakh conflict (2020),
imperative that the EU pursues a careful         import-bill-down-more-than-4-percent-151819                         europe-54903869
balancing act between successfully con-          13) Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP): Turkey, the EU         37) Middle East Eye: Why Turkey returned to the Caucasus after
                                                 and the Eastern Mediterranean Crisis (2020), https://www.           a hundred years (2020),
fronting Turkey’s unilateralism and at the        turkey-azerbaijan-armenia-caucasus-return-why
same time preventing bilateral tensions          mediterranean-crisis/                                               38) BBC News: Viewpoint: Russia and Turkey – unlikely victors
from influencing effective policymaking at       14) Deutsche Welle: France joins Greece’s naval exercises amid      of Karabakh conflict (2020),
                                                 Turkey row (2020),              europe-54903869
the EU level.                                    greeces-naval-exercises-amid-turkey-row/a-54700105                  39) New York Times: Turkey Jumps Into Another Foreign

The Shift in Turkey’s Foreign Policy

                                                                                  FOKUS | 3/2021

Conflict, This Time in the Caucasus (2020), https://www.nytimes.
40) Stockholm International Peace Research Institute: Escalating
violence in Nagorno-Karabakh: Local solutions offer the main
hope (2020),
41) Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP): Turkey-Russia
Partnership in the War over Nagorno-Karabakh (2020), https://
42) New York Times: Turkey Jumps Into Another Foreign
Conflict, This Time in the Caucasus (2020), https://www.nytimes.
43) Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP): Turkey-Russia
Partnership in the War over Nagorno-Karabakh (2020), https://
44) Reuters: Turkey’s Erdogan slams West for failure to show
solidarity over coup attempt (2016),
45) Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP): Turkey, the EU
and the Eastern Mediterranean Crisis (2020), https://www.
46) Deutsche Welle: EU foreign ministers eye sanctions against
Turkey, ahead of summit (2020),
47) ABC News: Turkey says its ready to repair frayed ties with
Europe (2021),

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