The Serum- and Glucocorticoid-Inducible Kinase Sgk-1 Is Involved in Pulmonary Vascular Remodeling
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The Serum- and Glucocorticoid-Inducible Kinase Sgk-1 Is Involved in Pulmonary Vascular Remodeling Role in Redox-Sensitive Regulation of Tissue Factor by Thrombin Rachida S. BelAiba, Talija Djordjevic, Steve Bonello, Ferruh Artunc, Florian Lang, John Hess, Agnes Görlach Abstract—The stress-responsive serum- and glucocorticoid-inducible kinase Sgk-1 is involved in osmoregulation and cell survival and may contribute to fibrosis and hypertension. However, the function of Sgk-1 in vascular remodeling and thrombosis, 2 major determinants of pulmonary hypertension (PH), has not been elucidated. We investigated the role of Sgk-1 in thrombin signaling and tissue factor (TF) expression and activity in pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (PASMC). Thrombin increased Sgk-1 activity and mRNA and protein expression. H2O2 similarly induced Sgk-1 expression. Antioxidants, dominant-negative Rac, and depletion of the NADPH oxidase subunit p22phox diminished thrombin-induced Sgk-1 expression. Inhibition of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, and phosphoinositide-dependent kinase-1 prevented thrombin-induced Sgk-1 expression. Thrombin or Sgk-1 overex- pression enhanced TF expression and procoagulant activity, whereas TF upregulation by thrombin was diminished by kinase-deficient Sgk-1 and was not detectable in fibroblasts from mice deficient in sgk-1 (sgk1⫺/⫺). Similarly, dexamethasone treatment failed to induce TF expression and activity in lung tissue from sgk1⫺/⫺ mice. Transcriptional induction of TF by Sgk-1 was mediated through nuclear factor B. Finally, Sgk-1 and TF proteins were detected in the media of remodeled pulmonary vessels associated with PH. These data show that thrombin potently induces Sgk-1 involving NADPH oxidases, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase, and phosphoinosi- tide-dependent kinase-1, and that activation of nuclear factor B by Sgk-1 mediates TF expression and activity by thrombin. Because enhanced procoagulant activity can promote pulmonary vascular remodeling, and Sgk-1 and TF were present in the media of remodeled pulmonary vessels, this pathway may play a critical role in vascular remodeling in PH. (Circ Res. 2006;98:828-836.) Key Words: sgk-1 䡲 thrombin 䡲 tissue factor 䡲 NADPH oxidase 䡲 coagulant activity 䡲 pulmonary vascular remodeling 䡲 pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells 䡲 nuclear factor B P ulmonary hypertension (PH) is a complex progressive disorder characterized by remodeling of the lung vascu- lature with hypertrophy of the media.1 Moreover, a prothrom- ing vascular cells by involving mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway, and reactive oxygen species (ROS).4,5 botic state is frequently associated with PH, which may be The serum- and glucocorticoid-inducible kinase-1, Sgk-1, propagated by enhanced thrombogenicity of the injured is a known downstream effector of the PI3K cascade. Sgk-1 pulmonary vascular wall, increased thrombin activity, and an belongs to the “AGC” family of serine-threonine kinases and imbalance between prothrombotic and antithrombotic factors. shares approximately 45% to 55% homology with Akt in its The observation that antithrombotic treatment can improve catalytic domain.6 In contrast to Akt, Sgk-1 is also regulated the survival rate in patients with PH points toward the at the transcriptional level in response to various hormones, importance of thrombosis in the pathogenesis of this growth factors, and extracellular stresses in a cell type– disorder.1,2 dependent manner, allowing Sgk-1 to be available for its Thrombin is generated by a series of proteolytic events that targets only when needed.7,8 are initiated when tissue factor (TF) binds to plasma factor Sgk-1 was originally cloned from murine mammary tumor VIIa.3 Interestingly, thrombin has been described to regulate cells as a glucocorticoid-responsive gene.6 Human Sgk-1 was its own generation by promoting TF transcription and TF- subsequently cloned as a cell volume-sensitive gene upregu- dependent procoagulant activity in several cell types includ- lated by hypertonic cell shrinkage.9 Increasing evidence Original received March 3, 2005; resubmission received October 25, 2005; revised resubmission received January 4, 2006; accepted February 3, 2006. From the Experimental Pediatric Cardiology (R.S.B., T.D., S.B., J.H., A.G.), Department of Pediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Disease, German Heart Center Munich at the Technical University Munich; and Institute for Physiology I (F.A., F.L.), University of Tuebingen, Germany. Correspondence to Agnes Görlach, MD, Experimental Pediatric Cardiology, Department of Pediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Disease, German Heart Center Munich at the Technical University Munich, Lazarettstr. 36, D-80636 München, Germany. E-mail © 2006 American Heart Association, Inc. Circulation Research is available at DOI: 10.1161/01.RES.0000210539.54861.27 828 Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
BelAiba et al Sgk-1 Regulates Tissue Factor 829 suggests that expression, enzymatic activity, and cellular Procoagulant Activity Assay localization of Sgk-1 are regulated in response to various The surface procoagulant activity was evaluated in PASMC trans- stimuli controlling not only cell volume and epithelial trans- fected with Sgk-1-WT and Sgk-1-DK expression vectors or in extracted lung protein as described.19,20 port, but also cardiac action potential and cell proliferation, survival, and apoptosis.7,8 Excessive transcription of Sgk-1 Immunoprecipitation and Sgk-1 Activity Assay has been shown to parallel diabetic nephropathy,10 glomeru- PASMC were transfected with an Sgk-1 expression vector and lonephritis,11 hepatic cirrhosis,12 pulmonary fibrosis,13 and stimulated for different time points with 3 U/mL thrombin. Immu- polymorphisms of the Sgk-1 gene correlated with hyperten- noprecipitation was performed using a GFP antibody as described.21 sion.14 Despite the wide tissue distribution of Sgk-1 and its Sgk-1 activity assay (Stressgen) was performed according to the instructions of the manufacturer. sensitivity to various stimuli, the role of Sgk-1 in the cardiovascular and pulmonary system remained ill defined. Immunofluorescence Because heparin, an inhibitor of thrombin formation, has Immunofluorescence was performed as described.22 The p50 anti- been shown to decrease Sgk-1 mRNA in aortic smooth body was from Santa Cruz Biotechnology, the GFP antibody and the muscle cells,15 we hypothesized that Sgk-1 may play a role in secondary antibodies coupled to Alexa 488 or 594 were from Mobitech. thrombin signaling in human pulmonary artery smooth mus- cle cells (PASMC), the main cell type involved in PH. We Immunohistochemistry found that Sgk-1 is activated and induced by thrombin, that it Archival lung tissue was obtained from patients with secondary PH regulates TF expression and activity in PASMC, and that it is with and without signs of pulmonary vascular remodeling or from present in remodeled pulmonary vessels with media hyper- lung tumor resections lacking apparent pulmonary vascular remod- eling. Tissue was formalin fixed under vacuum and paraffin embed- trophy associated with PH. ded. Immunohistochemistry was performed using the LSAB2 HRP Systems (Dako) and antibodies against Sgk-1 (Upstate), TF (Amer- Materials and Methods ican Diagnostica), and actin (Dako). Counterstaining was performed using Hemalum. Reagents Deoxycytidine 5⬘-␣32P-triphosphate (3000 Ci/mmoL) was from Am- Northern Blot Analysis ersham. Human ␣-thrombin was from Hemochrom Diagnostika. All Total RNA was isolated as described.17 RNA (10 g) was subjected other chemicals were from Sigma. to Northern blot analysis, and hybridizations were performed with 32 P-labeled cDNA fragments for human Sgk-1 (1338 bp), human TF Animal Experimentation (1820 bp),17,19 or 18S. Mice deficient in Sgk-1 (sgk1⫺/⫺) were generated as described.16 Wild-type (sgk1⫹/⫹) and sgk1⫺/⫺ (6 weeks old) mice were treated Western Blot Analysis with dexamethasone (10 g/g body weight) for 4 days or vehicle Western blot analysis was performed as described.17 The antibody (daily SC injection) and euthanized. Lungs were dissected and snap against human TF (3D1) was provided by Dr T. Zioncheck (Genen- frozen in liquid nitrogen. tech). The antibody against mouse TF was from American Diagnos- tica. The antibody against pSer422-Sgk-1 was provided by Sir P. Cohen (Dundee University). The antibody against pThr256-Sgk-1 Cell Culture was from Santa Cruz Biotechnology. The antibody against p22phox Human PASMC were from Cambrex and cultured in the medium was provided by Dr D. Roos (University of Amsterdam, Sanquin provided as recommended. PASMC were serum deprived for 24 Research, and Landsteiner Laboratory, Academic Medical Center, hours before stimulation with thrombin (3 U/mL).17 Because Amsterdam, The Netherlands). The antibodies against actin or the PASMC do not efficiently express luciferase constructs, A7r5 rat c-myc epitope were from Sigma. smooth muscle cells (rSMC) were used for reporter gene assays, as described.17 Fibroblasts harvested from the tail of sgk1⫹/⫹ and Statistical Analysis sgk1⫺/⫺ mice were identified by positive staining for fibronectin and Values are presented as means⫾SD. Results were compared by used in experiments as described.16 ANOVA for repeated measurements followed by Student–Newman– Keuls t test. P⬍0.05 was considered statistically significant. Plasmids and Transfections Expression vectors encoding wild-type Sgk-1 (Sgk-1-WT) or kinase- Results deficient Sgk-1 (Sgk-1-DK) fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP) have been described.12 Expression vectors encoding mitogen-acti- Thrombin Stimulates Expression and Activity vated protein kinase kinase 3 (MKK3), kinase-deficient MKK3 of Sgk-1 (MKK3KD), myc-tagged phosphoinositide-dependent kinase-1 To investigate whether Sgk-1 is regulated by thrombin, (PDK1), kinase-deficient (K111A/D223A) PDK1 (PDKKD), myc- PASMC were stimulated with thrombin and Sgk-1 mRNA tagged RacT17N or RacG12V, and the TF promoter constructs and protein levels were determined. Sgk-1 mRNA levels were pTF636 and pTF111 have been described.17,18 PCR-directed mu- tagenesis was performed on pTF636 to generate pTF636AEm with peaking after 0.5 hour of exposure (Figure 1A and 1B) and mutations in all AP-1 and EGR-1 sites and on pTF636NFm with a Sgk-1 protein levels peaked after 2 hour stimulation (Figure mutated nuclear factor B (NFB) site. NFB-Luc was from 1A and 1B). Pretreatment with cycloheximide or actinomycin Clontech and I␣B-dn was from Becton Dickinson. The siSTRIKE D decreased Sgk-1 protein induction indicating that thrombin U6 Hairpin Cloning System (Promega) was used to create vectors regulates Sgk-1 at the transcriptional level and via de novo encoding for small interference RNA (siRNA) targeting p22phox or synthesis (Figure 1C). To evaluate whether thrombin is also for unspecific, nonsilencing siRNA. Transfection of PASMC or rSMC and luciferase assays were performed as described.17 The able to activate Sgk-1, PASMC were transfected with a vector transfection efficiency was controlled by fluorescence microscopy encoding Sgk-1 and stimulated with thrombin for increasing and Western blot analysis revealing on average 40%. time periods. Sgk-1 was immunoprecipitated and Western Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
830 Circulation Research March 31, 2006 blot analyses were performed to detect phosphorylation of Sgk-1 at serine 422 and threonine 256, which are required for full Sgk-1 activity. In both cases, thrombin rapidly stimulated the phosphorylation of Sgk-1 after only 1 minute of exposure (Figure 1D). Similarly, thrombin enhanced Sgk-1 enzyme activity within 1 minute (data not shown). ROS Are Involved in Thrombin-Stimulated Sgk-1 Expression ROS have been described as important signaling molecules in the response to thrombin.5 To determine whether Sgk-1 expression is mediated by ROS, PASMC were exposed to H2O2. Sgk-1 protein levels were maximally increased at a dose of 50 mol/L (Figure 2A) and an exposure time of 2 hours (Figure 2B). Pretreatment with the antioxidants vitamin C and N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) or the nonspecific NADPH oxidase inhibitor diphenyleneiodonium (DPI) prevented in- duction of Sgk-1 by thrombin (Figure 2C). To further delineate the role of NADPH oxidases in this response, constitutively active (RacG12V) or dominant-negative (RacT17N) mutants of Rac, which is required for ROS production by NADPH oxidases, were expressed in PASMC. Active Rac further enhanced thrombin-stimulated Sgk-1 pro- tein, whereas dominant-negative Rac inhibited Sgk-1 upregu- lation by thrombin (Figure 2D). Furthermore, transfection of siRNA targeting the NADPH oxidase subunit p22phox down- regulated thrombin-stimulated Sgk-1 protein levels (Figure 2E). Thrombin-Stimulated Sgk-1 Expression Involves p38 MAPK, PI3K, and PDK1 Because ROS and NADPH oxidases are known to activate MAPKs5,19,23 we determined their involvement in the regu- lation of Sgk-1. Pretreatment of PASMC with the p38 MAPK (p38MAPK) inhibitor SB220025 (5 to 20 mol/L) dimin- ished thrombin-induced Sgk-1 (data not shown) with a maximal effect at 10 mol/L (Figure 3A), a concentration that blocked p38MAPK phosphorylation by thrombin (data not shown). In addition, overexpression of MKK3, an up- stream kinase of p38MAPK, enhanced Sgk-1 protein levels, whereas kinase-deficient MKK3 decreased thrombin-induced Sgk-1 protein (Figure 3B). In contrast, application of the c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) inhibitor SP600125 (5 to Figure 1. Thrombin induces Sgk-1 expression and activity. PASMC were incubated for different time periods with throm- 20 mol/L) did not significantly inhibit thrombin-induced bin (3 U/mL). A, Sgk-1 mRNA levels were determined by Sgk-1 protein (Figure 3A). In addition, exposure to different Northern blot using a Sgk-1 probe, or Sgk-1 protein levels doses of the PI3K inhibitor LY294002 (10 to 50 mol/L) were determined by Western blot analysis using a human Sgk-1 antibody (n⫽3; *P⬍0.05 vs Ctr). B, Representative abolished Sgk-1 expression at a dose of 20 mol/L (Figure Northern and Western blots. C, PASMC were pretreated with 3A). Because the PI3K downstream target PDK1 has been cycloheximide (CH) (100 mol/L) or actinomycin D (AcD) shown to phosphorylate Sgk-1,24 we explored whether PDK1 (5 mol/L) for 30 minutes and stimulated with thrombin for 2 is also involved in the control of Sgk-1 expression by hours. Sgk-1 protein levels were determined by Western blot (n⫽3; *P⬍0.05 vs Ctr, #P⬍0.05 vs thrombin-stimulated Ctr). thrombin. Thrombin rapidly phosphorylated PDK1, peaking D, PASMC were transfected with an expression vector at 2.5 minutes (data not shown). Overexpression of PDK1 encoding for Sgk-1 (Sgk-WT) and stimulated with thrombin increased Sgk-1 protein levels, whereas expression of kinase- for different time periods. Immunoprecipitation was performed using a GFP antibody. Western blot analyses were performed deficient PDK1 blunted the effect of thrombin on Sgk-1 with antibodies against p-ser422 or p-thr256 Sgk-1. Blots are expression (Figure 3C). Furthermore, kinase-deficient PDK1 representative of 3 experiments. prevented induction of Sgk-1 by MKK3, suggesting that p38MAPK acts upstream of PDK1 in regulating Sgk-1 levels (Figure 3D). Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
BelAiba et al Sgk-1 Regulates Tissue Factor 831 Figure 2. Sgk-1 regulation is redox sen- sitive and involves Rac and p22phox. PASMC were incubated with different doses of H2O2 (A) or for different time periods with 50 mol/L H2O2 (B). Sgk-1 protein levels were determined by West- ern blot (n⫽3; *P⬍0.05 vs Ctr,). C, PASMC were pretreated with vitamin C (VitC) (100 mol/L), DPI (10 mol/L), or NAC (5 mmol/L) and stimulated with thrombin. Sgk-1 protein levels were determined by Western blot analysis (n⫽3; *P⬍0.05 vs Ctr, #P⬍0.05 vs thrombin-stimulated Ctr). D, PASMC were transfected with control vector (Ctr) or expression vectors encoding for active RacG12V (V12) or dominant-negative RacT17N (N17). Sgk-1 protein levels were determined by Western blot. Expression of the Rac constructs was controlled using an antibody against the c-myc epitope (n⫽3; *P⬍0.05 vs Ctr, #P⬍0.05 vs thrombin-stimulated Ctr). E, PASMC were transfected with p22phox siRNA (sip22) or nonsilencing siRNA (siNo). Sgk-1 and p22phox protein levels were determined by Western blot (n⫽3; *P⬍0.05 vs siNo, #P⬍0.05 vs thrombin- stimulated siNo). Sgk-1 Is Involved in Tissue Factor Expression and moter: pTF111 contains the promoter sequence ⫺111 to Activity by Thrombin ⫹121 bp including a proximal enhancer with EGR-1 and Sp1 Because thrombin has been shown to upregulate TF mRNA consensus sites. pTF636 contains in addition a distal enhancer and protein in PASMC,17 we investigated the role of Sgk-1 in containing an NFB and 2 AP-1 sites (Figure 5A). thrombin-stimulated TF expression and activity. Sgk-1 over- Thrombin and Sgk-1-WT significantly increased luciferase expression enhanced TF mRNA and protein levels and TF activity of pTF636, but not of pTF111, whereas in the activity. In contrast, kinase-deficient Sgk-1 prevented presence of Sgk-1-DK thrombin-stimulated pTF636-driven thrombin-induced TF (Figure 4A through 4C). Furthermore, luciferase activity was diminished (Figure 5A). Because TF protein was not detected in fibroblasts from Sgk-1 pTF636 harbors a NFB site, which is not present in pTF111, knockout (sgk1⫺/⫺) mice stimulated with thrombin for 8 hours we investigated whether Sgk-1 could regulate TF expression but was upregulated in sgk1⫹/⫹ cells (Figure 4D). To assess via NFB. Overexpression of dominant-negative I␣B (IB- the involvement of Sgk-1 in vivo, TF expression and activity dn), which prevents NFB activation, diminished thrombin- were determined in lungs from sgk1⫺/⫺ or sgk1⫹/⫹ mice. stimulated TF mRNA and protein levels (Figure 5B). Expres- Because thrombin stimulation induces multiple side effects sion of Sgk-1-WT, but not of control vector, resulted in the and is thus not advisable for in vivo treatment, mice were translocation of the NFB subunit p50 to the nucleus (Figure treated with dexamethasone, known to induce Sgk-1 and 5C). Thrombin induced the translocation of p50 in sgk1⫹/⫹, TF.7,25 TF protein levels were enhanced in lung tissue derived but not in sgk1⫺/⫺ fibroblasts (Figure 5D). Consistently, from dexamethasone-treated sgk-1⫹/⫹ but not from sgk1⫺/⫺ NFB-dependent luciferase activity was enhanced in the mice (Figure 4E). Similarly, TF activity in lung extracts presence of Sgk-1-WT or thrombin, whereas thrombin- derived from sgk1⫹/⫹, but not from sgk1⫺/⫺ mice, was stimulated NFB-dependent luciferase activity was reduced significantly enhanced by dexamethasone (Figure 4F). by Sgk-1-DK (Figure 5E). Sgk-1 overexpression and throm- bin promoted IB degradation (Figure 5F), whereas IB-dn NFB Mediates Sgk-1–Dependent Tissue significantly diminished Sgk-1–induced pTF636-driven lucif- Factor Expression erase activity (Figure 5G). To confirm that Sgk-1– dependent To investigate the role of Sgk-1 in the transcriptional regu- expression of TF is mediated by NFB, Sgk-1-WT was lation of TF by thrombin, reporter gene assays were per- coexpressed with either pTF636AEm, where the AP-1 and formed in the presence of Sgk-1-WT or Sgk-1-DK using the EGR-1 sites were mutated, or pTF636NFm, where the luciferase constructs containing 2 fragments of the TF pro- NFB element was mutated. No difference in luciferase Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
832 Circulation Research March 31, 2006 activity was observed between pTF636 and pTF636AEm, whereas pTF636NFm-driven luciferase activity was signifi- cantly diminished (Figure 5H). Sgk-1 Is Expressed in Remodeled Pulmonary Vessels Finally, we assessed whether Sgk-1 is also associated with pulmonary vascular remodeling. To this end, lung tissue was obtained from patients with PH (n⫽5) or lung carcinoma (n⫽1) and evaluated for media hypertrophy as sign of pulmonary vascular disease. Immunohistochemistry revealed that Sgk-1 was expressed in the bronchial epithelium (Figure 6A), as described.26 In addition, in all tissue samples with apparent vascular disease (n⫽3), strong expression of Sgk-1 was found in the media of small vessels (Figure 6A). In contrast, in tissue samples lacking vascular remodeling (n⫽3), Sgk-1 protein was almost undetectable in the smooth muscle cell layer (Figure 6B). Similarly, Sgk-1 could not be detected in airway smooth muscle (Figure 6A), suggesting that Sgk-1 is specifically expressed in remodeled pulmonary vessels. In addition, TF protein colocalized with Sgk-1 in the media of small vessels (Figure 6C), further emphasizing a role of Sgk-1 in pulmonary vascular remodeling. Discussion In this study, we identified Sgk-1 as a novel element in the regulation of TF expression and activity by thrombin which required activation of NFB, whereby thrombin induced Sgk-1 by stimulating NADPH oxidases, PI3K, p38MAPK, and PDK1. This was based on the following findings. (1) Thrombin stimulated phosphorylation as well as de novo synthesis of Sgk-1. (2) Sgk-1 induction by thrombin was redox sensitive and diminished by dominant-negative Rac and depletion of p22phox. (3) Inhibition of PI3K, MKK3/ p38MAPK, and PDK1 prevented Sgk-1 induction by throm- bin. (4) Sgk-1 overexpression increased TF expression and activity, whereas TF expression and activity were diminished in PASMC expressing kinase-deficient Sgk-1, in cultivated sgk1⫺/⫺ cells or in lungs derived from sgk1⫺/⫺ mice treated with dexamethasone. (5) Sgk-1 and thrombin enhanced deg- radation of IB and promoted NFB nuclear translocation and activity. (6) Sgk-1–induced TF promoter activity was diminished by dominant-negative I␣B or a mutation in its NFB binding site. Because Sgk-1 and TF proteins were Figure 3. Thrombin-stimulated Sgk-1 expression is dependent detected in the media of vessels with pulmonary vascular on p38MAPK, PI3K, and PDK1. A, PASMC were pretreated with disease these pathways may be involved in pulmonary vas- LY294002 (LY) (10 mol/L), SP600125 (SP) (20 mol/L), or SB220025 (SB, 20 mol/L) for 30 minutes and stimulated with cular remodeling in PH. thrombin for 2 hours. Sgk-1 protein levels were determined by Western blot (n⫽3; *P⬍0.05 vs Ctr, #P⬍0.05 vs thrombin- Thrombin Stimulates Sgk-1 Activity stimulated Ctr). B, Sgk-1 protein levels were determined in and Expression PASMC expressing MKK3 (MKK) or kinase-deficient MKK3 (MKKKD) (n⫽3; *P⬍0.05 vs Ctr, #P⬍0.05 vs thrombin- Pulmonary vascular remodeling is a common complication of stimulated Ctr). Expression of the constructs was controlled PH and is associated with in situ thrombosis and increased using an antibody against the FLAG epitope. C, Sgk-1 protein procoagulant activity.1,2 The coagulation factors thrombin levels were determined in PASMC expressing wild-type PDK1 (PDK), or kinase-deficient PDK1 (PDKKD) (n⫽3; *P⬍0.05 vs Ctr, and TF have been shown to interact with the vascular wall #P⬍0.05 vs thrombin-stimulated Ctr). Expression of the con- and to activate signaling pathways and gene expression thus structs was controlled using an antibody against the c-myc being key players in promoting vascular remodeling epitope. D, PASMC were transfected with vectors encoding for processes.27 MKK3 (MKK), kinase-deficient PDK (PDKKD), or control vector (pcDNA3). Sgk-1 levels were determined by Western blot analy- In this study, we identified Sgk-1 as a target for thrombin. sis. Blots are representative of 3 independent experiments. In PASMC, thrombin rapidly phosphorylated overexpressed Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
BelAiba et al Sgk-1 Regulates Tissue Factor 833 Figure 4. Sgk-1 induces TF expression and procoagulant activity. PASMC were transfected with control vector (Ctr) or expression vectors for Sgk-1 (WT) or kinase-deficient Sgk-1 (DK) and stimu- lated with thrombin. A, TF mRNA levels were determined by Northern blot analy- sis using a human TF cDNA probe. B, TF protein levels were determined by West- ern blot analysis using an antibody against human TF. Expression of the constructs was controlled using a GFP antibody. C, TF activity was evaluated using a chromogenic assay. Values⫾SD represent the percentage of induction of TF mRNA, protein, or procoagulant activ- ity, respectively (n⫽3; *P⬍0.05 vs Ctr, #P⬍0.05 vs thrombin-stimulated Ctr). D, Fibroblasts from control (sgk1⫹/⫹) or sgk-1 knock-out (sgk1⫺/⫺) mice were stimulated with thrombin for 8 hour. Western blot analysis was performed using antibodies against TF or Sgk-1. Blots are representative of 3 experi- ments. E, sgk1⫹/⫹ or sgk1⫺/⫺ mice were treated with dexamethasone (10 g/g body weight) for 4 days or with vehicle (daily SC injection). TF protein levels were determined in lung extracts by Western blot using a TF antibody (n⫽3; *P⬍0.05 vs vehicle [sgk1⫹/⫹]). F, TF activity was determined in lung extracts from sgk1⫹/⫹ or sgk1⫺/⫺ mice treated with dexamethasone (n⫽3; *P⬍0.05 vs vehicle [sgk1⫹/⫹]). as well as endogenous (data not shown) Sgk-1 at serine 422 p38MAPK was involved in Sgk-1 upregulation by hyperos- and threonine 256, which is required for activation of Sgk- motic stress and transforming growth factor- in different 1.7,24 In addition, thrombin transiently enhanced Sgk-1 cell types7,8,10,12,13,30 and by interleukin 6 in cholangiocarci- mRNA and protein levels, consistent with previous findings noma.31 Because p38MAPK can be activated by thrombin that Sgk-1 is regulated at the level of activity and involving ROS and NADPH oxidases,19,23 stimulation of expression.7,8 NADPH oxidases by thrombin may activate p38MAPK and subsequently induce Sgk-1. Although inhibition of ERK1/2 NADPH Oxidases and ROS Mediate Sgk-1 also reduced Sgk-1 consistent with previous findings,32 rela- Upregulation by Thrombin tively high doses of PD98059 were required to downregulate Our results further indicate that ROS are critically involved in Sgk-1 (data not shown). Together with the observation that the upregulation of Sgk-1 because H2O2 time- and dose- JNK inhibition did not affect Sgk-1 induction by thrombin, dependently enhanced Sgk-1 levels similar to previous ob- these data further emphasize the role of p38MAPK in servations in murine mammary glandular cells.28 Consis- regulating Sgk-1 expression by thrombin. tently, the antioxidants vitamin C and NAC as well as the In addition, inhibition of PI3K blunted Sgk-1 upregulation unspecific NADPH oxidase inhibitor DPI diminished by thrombin, consistent with previous observations.21,30 Fur- thrombin-induced upregulation of Sgk-1 expression in thermore, PDK1, a downstream kinase of PI3K, which can PASMC. In addition, depletion of the NADPH oxidase phosphorylate Sgk-1,21 was also involved in thrombin induc- subunit p22phox or dominant-negative Rac, known to inhibit tion of Sgk-1. Thus, in addition to PI3K and p38MAPK, thrombin-induced ROS formation,17,19,22 prevented upregula- which have been shown to both activate and induce Sgk- tion of Sgk-1 by thrombin, indicating that NADPH oxidases 1,7,8,21,24,31,33 our data indicate that PDK1 is able to activate are the source of ROS promoting induction of Sgk-1. Simi- and upregulate Sgk-1. Because activation of PI3K and PDK1 larly, RacG12V activated Sgk-1 in MDCK cells, although was shown to be redox sensitive,33,34 MKK3-stimulated RacT17N failed to prevent activation of Sgk-1 in response to Sgk-1 expression was inhibited by kinase-deficient PDK1 in integrins.29 PASMC, and LY294002 inhibited phosphorylation of PDK1, but not of p38MAPK, in PASMC (data not shown), our Thrombin-Induced Sgk-1 Is Controlled by PI3K, results suggest a model whereby thrombin induces Sgk-1 via PDK1, and p38MAPK stimulation of NADPH oxidases and activation of PI3K or Our studies further showed that MKK3 and p38MAPK MKK3/p38MAPK followed by PDK1 activation (Figure 7). contribute to upregulation of Sgk-1 by thrombin. Similarly, This model is further supported by our previous observations Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
834 Circulation Research March 31, 2006 Figure 5. Sgk-1 induces TF via NFB. A, rSMC were cotransfected with expression vectors encoding wild-type (WT) or kinase-deficient (DK) Sgk-1 or control vector (Ctr) and the human TF promoter luciferase constructs pTF636 or pTF111 (A indicates AP-1; S, Sp-1; NF, NFB; E, EGR-1) and stimulated with thrombin (n⫽3; *P⬍0.05 vs Ctr, #P⬍0.05 vs thrombin-stimulated Ctr). B, PASMC were transfected with a vector encoding dominant-negative I␣B (IBdn) or control vector (Ctr) and stimulated with thrombin. TF mRNA and protein levels were determined by Northern and Western blot analysis, respectively. Blots are representative for 3 experiments. C, PASMC were transfected with control vec- tor (Ctr) or expression vectors for Sgk-1 (WT). Immunofluorescence was performed with antibodies against the NFB subunit p50 and GFP. D, Fibroblasts from sgk1⫹/⫹ or sgk1⫺/⫺ mice were stimulated with thrombin. Immunofluorescence was performed using a p50 antibody. Each image is representative for 3 experiments. E, rSMC were cotransfected with a luciferase construct containing five NFB elements in front of the SV40 promoter and expression vectors encoding for Sgk-1 (WT), kinase-deficient Sgk-1 (DK), or with control vector (Ctr) and stimulated with thrombin. Luciferase activity was measured (n⫽3; *P⬍0.05 vs Ctr, #P⬍0.05 vs thrombin-stimulated Ctr). F, PASMC were transfected with an expression vector for Sgk-1 (WT) or control vector (Ctr) and stimulated with thrombin for 2 hours. IB levels were investigated by Western blot. Expression of the constructs was controlled using a GFP antibody. Blots are representative for 3 experiments. G, rSMC were cotransfected with vectors for Sgk-1 (WT), dominant-negative I␣B (IBdn), or control vector (Ctr) and pTF636 (n⫽3; *P⬍0.05 vs Ctr, #P⬍0.05 vs Sgk-1– overexpressing cells). H, rSMC were cotransfected with wild-type Sgk-1 (WT) and pTF636 or the corresponding con- structs pTF636AEm, where all AP-1 and EGR-1 sites were mutated, or pTF636NFm, where the NFB element was mutated (n⫽3; *P⬍0.05 vs Sgk-1-WT transfected with pTF636). that inhibition of MKK3 prevents thrombin-stimulated PDK1 by thrombin in PASMC. However, further studies, which are phosphorylation.18 beyond the scope of this study, are required to dissect the Although to date only limited data exist with regard to the transcription factors involved in Sgk-1 regulation by transcriptional machinery regulating Sgk-1,7 it has been thrombin. suggested that p38MAPK either directly or indirectly acti- vates a Sp1 transcription factor protein complex on the Sgk-1 Tissue Factor Expression Is Mediated by Sgk-1 promoter.30 Because Sp1 is redox sensitive and can be and Involves NF-B activated by thrombin35 and PDK1,36 one might thus specu- We further showed that Sgk-1 is involved in the regulation of late that such a pathway also contributes to Sgk-1 regulation TF expression and activity by thrombin in PASMC. More- Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
BelAiba et al Sgk-1 Regulates Tissue Factor 835 Figure 7. Proposed model of regulation of Sgk-1 and TF by thrombin. Thrombin stimulates ROS production by NADPH oxi- dases, leading via activation of PI3K, p38MAPK, and PDK1 to the induction of Sgk-1, resulting in activation of NFB and increased TF expression and activity, which may lead to the for- mation of thrombin (dashed line) and thus a thrombogenic cycle. thrombin stimulation17 and contributes to TF expression. Recently it has been shown that Sgk-1 interacts with and activates IK in MDA231 cells by phosphorylating serine 181, thus allowing the degradation of IB.37 Together with the findings that Rac is able to activate NFB and to control TF expression,17 this suggests that activation of NADPH oxidases, PI3K, p38MAPK, and PDK1 is required for induc- tion of Sgk-1, which then phosphorylates IK, allowing degradation of IB, nuclear translocation of NFB, and transcriptional activation of TF (Figure 7). Figure 6. Sgk-1 is expressed in the media of remodeled pulmo- nary vessels. Immunohistochemistry was performed using an antibody against Sgk-1 in lung tissue with media hypertrophy Sgk-1 Is Associated With Pulmonary and vascular remodeling (A) or without signs of remodeling (B), Vascular Remodeling obtained from a lung tumor resection. Smooth muscle cells In addition to our findings in cultivated PASMC, Sgk-1 were identified using a SMC-␣ actin antibody. C, Immunolocal- ization of TF was determined in remodeled pulmonary tissue. protein was detected in the media of small vessels in lung tissue with vascular remodeling and PH. In contrast, Sgk-1 over, TF expression was not detectable in sgk1⫺/⫺ fibroblasts was not expressed in airway smooth muscle cells or in lung vessels without signs of pulmonary disease, suggesting the stimulated with thrombin or in lung tissue from sgk1⫺/⫺ mice specific upregulation of Sgk-1 in remodeled vessels. Interest- treated with dexamethasone, known to stimulate TF25 and ingly, Sgk-1 has been implicated in vasculogenesis in mouse Sgk-1.7 The importance of Sgk-1 for thrombin-induced TF development during embryonic days 8.5 to 12.5.26 Moreover, expression is further supported by our previous findings that although Sgk-1 was increased in fibrotic lungs in particular in TF mRNA and protein expression peak at 4 and 8 hours of bronchi, lung epithelial cells or lung fibroblasts, Sgk-1 was stimulation with thrombin in PASMC, respectively,17 thus barely detectable in nondiseased lung vessels.13 In addition, clearly following the upregulation of Sgk-1. In addition, TF protein colocalized with Sgk-1 in the media of small treatment with the antioxidants vitamin C or NAC (data not vessels, further indicating that Sgk-1 and TF are involved in shown), expression of dominant-negative Rac or depletion of pulmonary vascular remodeling in PH. p22phox prevented thrombin-induced TF expression in Taken together, our data provide evidence that thrombin PASMC and other smooth muscle cells.17,19 Moreover, sim- activates NADPH oxidases to generate ROS, thus leading to ilar concentrations of PI3K or p38MAPK inhibitors were activation of PI3K or p38MAPK followed by activation of required to prevent TF upregulation by thrombin, whereas PDK1 and subsequent induction of Sgk-1. Furthermore, inhibition of ERK1/2 was not effective,18,19 and MKK3 and Sgk-1 is involved in upregulation of TF by activating NFB. PDK1 have been shown to regulate TF expression by throm- Because activated TF increases the formation of thrombin, bin in PASMC.18 and Sgk-1 and TF proteins were present in pulmonary vessels The importance of Sgk-1 for controlling TF expression was with vascular disease, this pathway may contribute to the confirmed by our findings that Sgk-1 activates the NFB prothrombotic state and vascular remodeling in PH. pathway in PASMC by promoting IB degradation, thus allowing translocation of NFB to the nucleus and that NFB Acknowledgments is required for Sgk-1–mediated activation of the TF promoter. This work was supported by Deutsches Forschungsgemeinschaft Consistently, NFB activation is sensitive to ROS and GO709/4-4 and GRK438 and Fondation Leducq (to A.G.). We Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
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The Serum- and Glucocorticoid-Inducible Kinase Sgk-1 Is Involved in Pulmonary Vascular Remodeling: Role in Redox-Sensitive Regulation of Tissue Factor by Thrombin Rachida S. BelAiba, Talija Djordjevic, Steve Bonello, Ferruh Artunc, Florian Lang, John Hess and Agnes Görlach Circ Res. 2006;98:828-836; originally published online February 16, 2006; doi: 10.1161/01.RES.0000210539.54861.27 Circulation Research is published by the American Heart Association, 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231 Copyright © 2006 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0009-7330. Online ISSN: 1524-4571 The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the World Wide Web at: Permissions: Requests for permissions to reproduce figures, tables, or portions of articles originally published in Circulation Research can be obtained via RightsLink, a service of the Copyright Clearance Center, not the Editorial Office. Once the online version of the published article for which permission is being requested is located, click Request Permissions in the middle column of the Web page under Services. Further information about this process is available in the Permissions and Rights Question and Answer document. Reprints: Information about reprints can be found online at: Subscriptions: Information about subscribing to Circulation Research is online at: Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
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