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DOI: 10.1590/1413-81232022273.21822021     951

                                The SARS-CoV-2 vaccination campaign in Brazil

                                                                                                                                   free themes
                                and the invisibility of science evidences

Ethel Maciel ( 1
Michelle Fernandez ( 2
Karina Calife ( 3
Denise Garrett ( 4
Carla Domingues ( 5
Ligia Kerr ( 6
Margareth Dalcolmo ( 7

                                Abstract This paper reflects on the vaccination
                                campaign against COVID-19 in Brazil in light
                                of the consideration of scientific evidence in the
                                decision-making process. Brazil has one of the lar-
                                gest and most complete vaccination programs in
                                the world, the National Immunization Program
                                (Programa Nacional de Imunizações or PNI).
                                Unfortunately, in the current context, with the
                                political interference of the federal government,
                                the PNI lost its role in conducting the vaccination
                                campaign against COVID-19. Despite being a
  Programa de Pós-              vaccination campaign with a lot of potential and
Graduação em Saúde
Coletiva, Centro de Ciências    one of the most accepted by the population among
da Saúde, Universidade          countries in the world, it presented many problems
Federal do Espírito Santo.      and left several gaps in the Brazilian scenario. In
Av. Marechal Campos 1.468,
Maruípe. 29040-091 Vitória      this sense, it is essential that the quality scientific
ES Brasil.                      evidence produced during this period can guide          a constant remodeling of the vaccination strate-
  Instituto de Ciência
Política, Universidade de       gy. Four points deserve to be highlighted: 1) the
Brasília. Brasília DF Brasil.   interval between doses; 2) the interchangeability
  Santa Casa de São Paulo.      between vaccines; 3) vaccination in children and
São Paulo SP Brasil.
  Sabin Vaccine Institute.      adolescentes; and 4) the need for better eviden-
Washington, D.C. EUA.           ce to define the vaccination strategy in certain
  Consultora Independente.      groups and age groups.
Brasília DF Brasil.
  Departamento de Saúde         Key words COVID-19, Vaccine, Vaccination
Comunitária, Faculdade          campaign, Brazil
de Medicina, Universidade
Federal do Ceará. Fortaleza
CE Brasil.
  Escola Nacional de Saúde
Pública Sérgio Arouca,
Fiocruz. Rio de Janeiro RJ
Maciel E et al.

                  Introduction                                          litical support for this pharmaceutical measure,
                                                                        which promoted a disorganized vaccination
                  The pandemic generated by SARS-CoV-2, de-             strategy in the country at the national level6. Ad-
                  creed by the World Health Organization (WHO)          ditional events were the exacerbated health crisis,
                  on March 11, 2020, brought enormous needs for         the decreased adherence to non-pharmacological
                  a speedy production of knowledge in the glo-          measures to contain and block transmission, and
                  balized world and in looking at health needs.         the delayed vaccination, with only 22.8% of the
                  Uncertainties regarding the transmission type,        population vaccinated with two doses or a single
                  the spread rate speed, and the high fatality rates    dose of the vaccine and 52.9% with the first dose
                  among the most vulnerable groups have become          of vaccine3 in the first six months of the cam-
                  significant challenges in combating the pandem-       paign. We should remember that, in November
                  ic.                                                   2020, European countries with more than 80% of
                      Non-pharmacological measures have been            vaccinated people once again faced a significant
                  established worldwide to contain the virus circu-     elevation in cases, especially with the arrival of
                  lation and reduce its transmission while waiting      the Delta variant, which makes it essential to pay
                  for the development of safe and effective vac-        attention to vaccination against SARS-CoV-2.
                  cines. Some non-pharmacological measures are               From this setting, we present a descriptive
                  the use of masks, social distancing, hand hygiene,    situation about the vaccination campaign against
                  room ventilation, extensive COVID-19 testing,         COVID-19 in Brazil, pinpointing the principal
                  lockdowns and border closures1, and broad im-         errors of this process per the current scientific
                  plementation of active Epidemiological Surveil-       evidence.
                  lance measures, such as active identification of
                  infection sources, adequate testing, and contact         The PNI and the first steps of the
                  control. All these measures are still encouraged         vaccination campaign against COVID-19
                  by the WHO2.                                             in Brazil
                      Faced with the health crisis in Brazil and the
                  slow pace of the vaccination process throughout            Brazil has one of the largest and most com-
                  2021 (less than 25% of the population immu-           plete vaccination programs globally as an inte-
                  nized with two doses or a single dose in the first    gral part of the Brazilian Unified Health System
                  six months of the campaign)3, non-pharmaco-           (Sistema Único de Saúde [SUS]). Since its creation
                  logical measures, testing, and contact monitoring     in 1973, the National Immunization Program
                  were crucial measures to contain the virus. While     (Programa Nacional de Imunizações [PNI]) has
                  countries such as New Zealand and other Euro-         been instrumental in significantly curbing cases
                  pean countries controlled the pandemic early by       and deaths from vaccine-preventable diseases.
                  carrying out mass testing campaigns, tracking              Although the use of vaccines in the country
                  confirmed cases and their contacts, and using         dates back to 1804, with the introduction of the
                  measures such as lockdown and border closure4,        smallpox vaccine, the consolidation of the PNI,
                  in Brazil, denialist beliefs disseminated by the      based on the legacy left by the Smallpox Erad-
                  Federal Government led to low adherence to iso-       ication Campaign, was fundamental for elimi-
                  lation measures, devaluation of mask use, low         nating poliomyelitis and urban yellow fever and
                  testing and contact screening, resulting in one of    reducing other infectious diseases and fighting
                  the worst epidemiological curves in the world,        against the H1N1 pandemic. Thus, the PNI con-
                  with a high moving average of cases and deaths        tributes decisively to increasing life expectancy
                  for an extended period, making the country the        in the country7-9. Unfortunately, within the cur-
                  third in the absolute number of registered cases      rent government, with the lack of investments in
                  and the second in the ranking of deaths from the      the SUS and the neglect of fundamental public
                  disease globally5. Thus, the denialist posture that   health policies, the PNI has lost its leading role
                  permeated the more than twenty months of the          in the vaccination campaign against COVID-19.
                  virus in the country and the lack of incisive con-    While having a campaign with enormous poten-
                  trol and uniformity in addressing the pandemic        tial and one of the best responses from the local
                  resulted in the population’s hesitation in adopt-     population globally, the Brazilian strategy was
                  ing control measures, hindering the containment       ridden by several problems and left several gaps
                  of contagion risk behaviors.                          in the vaccination process against COVID-19.
                      The health crisis setting persisted on the ar-         The government had many setbacks and
                  rival of vaccines due to the lack of federal po-      clashes related to the vaccine and the vaccina-

                                                                                                              Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 27(3):951-956, 2022
tion process. Since the onset of the pandemic,             We know from these premises that the Na-
in mid-2020, the Federal Government created           tional Immunization Program did not operate
diplomatic crises with China and India, the larg-     per its potential during the COVID-19 pandem-
est global producers of active pharmaceutical         ic. In this sense, although the technical staff used
ingredients, which impacted Brazil’s ability to       quality scientific evidence in the decision-mak-
produce vaccines5. The two largest Brazilian vac-     ing process, the country’s political actors took
cine-producing institutions, the Butantan Insti-      political decisions that disregarded all these as-
tute, responsible for the CoronaVac, and Fiocruz,     pects. Despite the setbacks, vaccination has cur-
for AstraZeneca, were deeply affected. In 2020,       rently escalated, and CoronaVac, AstraZeneca,
the Federal Government could have ordered             Pfizer, and Jansen doses have been distributed
200 million doses from the COVAX facility, the        and applied in the country, and Brazil exceeded
World Vaccine Alliance formed by 165 countries        the vaccination coverage in the United States.
that sought to ensure their vaccines, but it re-      However, had the management of the pandem-
fused to be part of this coalition and, at the last   ic been streamlined and the due priority given
minute, joined the group ordering only 42.5 mil-      to vaccination, the nation could have started to
lion doses, not enough even for priority groups.      face this pandemic in 2021 with 316 million dos-
Pfizer offered to sell 70 million doses of the vac-   es sufficient to vaccinate 78% of the population,
cine, and the government never responded to the       and 75% of Brazilian lives lost to the COVID-19
company’s repeated queries10. In October 2020,        virus could have been saved17.
the then Minister of Health, Eduardo Pazuello,             Besides the inefficient and incompetent pur-
announced the purchase of 46 million doses of         chase of vaccines, the lack of organization and
CoronaVac but was disallowed by the President         political decision interfered with the frustrated
of the Republic and suspended the purchase11.         purchases of vaccination campaign inputs, with
The Ministry of Health also did not sign a con-       no planned purchase of high-precision syring-
tract with Janssen in 2020, even with the com-        es, which avoids wasting vaccine doses. In the
pany stating that Brazil would be a priority for      process of investigating the problems of feder-
the delivery of vaccines as it hosted phase 3 of      al management in dealing with the pandemic,
the clinical trial10. As of December 2020, Brazil     the Senate Parliamentary Inquiry Commission
had only established an agreement with Astra-         on COVID-19 pointed out issues such as mis-
Zeneca to transfer technology to Fiocruz12. Thus,     guided choices and suspected vaccine purchase
the weakening process of the National Immuni-         overpricing. Many mistakes were made since the
zation Program during the COVID-19 pandemic           onset of the vaccination campaign – and some
in Brazil is evident in this context.                 persist today – associated with inertia and slow
                                                      decision-making, the inability to correspond in
   The advance of the vaccination campaign            real-time to information provided by emerging
   in Brazil and the use of scientific evidence       scientific evidence. It is crucial to look at this
                                                      evidence to strengthen and step-up vaccination
    Making decisions in the management of             against COVID-19 in the country.
health services is not a simple task. Faced with           Some issues drew attention during the vac-
moments in which knowledge is lacking for de-         cination process. These include information to
cision-making, or there is sufficient knowledge,      the press of priority groups with defined phases
but decisions are not taken in due time, and          and, later, the withdrawal of phases and creating
those in which decisions are necessary even in        a large priority group consisting of almost 78
the face of scarce evidence, the decision-making      million people. Furthermore, the late vaccination
process in health issues is very complex13. From      of pregnant and postpartum women in a coun-
the 1970s onwards, the use of scientific knowl-       try with eight out of ten maternal deaths from
edge began to inform decision-making in for-          COVID-19 globally was started and then stopped
mulating and implementing public policies14.          by a single case of severe side effects. Contrary
Since then, a growing interest in ensuring the        to scientific evidence, this fact removed preg-
development of scientific knowledge-informed          nant women from the groups to be vaccinated,
policies15 has been observed in health, which is      including later only those with comorbidities,
because evidence-based health policies improve        causing a delay of more than two months before
the performance of the public health system and       the vaccination of this group was resumed. In a
avoid inequalities arising from poorly formulat-      short space of time, these changes enabled states
ed policies16.                                        and municipalities to define their priorities and
Maciel E et al.

                  ended up generating misalignment and lack of             tries in the vaccination campaign throughout the
                  coordination between the Federal Government,             first half of 2021 administered the Pfizer vaccine
                  states, and municipalities in the established vac-       as recommended by the manufacturer, with an
                  cination strategy18,19.                                  interval of 21 days between doses.
                      It is the first time since the creation of the PNI        Countries including Canada, England, and
                  that an information campaign is not preceding            other European nations have used heterologous
                  an extensive vaccination campaign on vaccines,           vaccination schedules as a public health pro-
                  the need to vaccinate priority groups, and vacci-        gram regarding vaccine interchangeability21. Ev-
                  nation-linked adverse events. Also, problems in          idence indicates that such mixed or combined
                  the organization of the work process and logistics       COVID-19 vaccination regimens can trigger im-
                  of the vaccination campaign, including lack of           mune responses more robust than two doses of a
                  team training and coordinated and transparent            single vaccine22, while simplifying immunization
                  communication, are notorious and negatively              efforts for countries facing fluctuating stocks of
                  influenced the population’s vaccination process          multiple vaccines23. Studies have been published
                  and the quality of work of the responsible health        on the efficacy of homogeneous versus heteroge-
                  professionals. We have vaccines with different in-       neous regimens. In Germany, boosting heterol-
                  tervals and possible adverse events. There was no        ogous vector-mRNA induced a strong humoral
                  clear training and guidance for health profession-       and cellular response with an acceptable reacto-
                  als in a centralized and coordinated way, which          genicity profile24. In Spain, in a study with 676 in-
                  led to vaccine administration errors, sometimes          dividuals, researchers showed that a second dose
                  making the population feel insecure about get-           of Pfizer in people vaccinated with AZ induced a
                  ting vaccinated.                                         robust immune response with an acceptable and
                      Moreover, even with the large amount of              manageable reactogenicity profile25.
                  quality evidence produced in the period since the             Brazilian researchers should conduct popula-
                  onset of the Brazilian vaccination campaign, this        tion studies with the vaccines used in the coun-
                  information was not used timely, which would             try, including CoronaVac, to define the safety,
                  have been fundamental to reshaping our vacci-            infection rate, hospitalization, and death of each
                  nation strategy, accelerating campaign benefits,         combination and, to this end, the Science and
                  and better informing and protecting citizens.            Technology Secretariat of the Ministry of Health
                  Four points deserve to be highlighted among              and the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innova-
                  the remodeling actions: dose intervals, vaccine          tions, and Communications should open public
                  interchangeability, adolescent vaccination, and          notices for research funding in these areas.
                  the need for better evidence to define vaccination            We should also turn our attention to the vac-
                  strategy in specific age ranges and groups.              cination of children and adolescents. An essential
                      As for the intervals between doses, we point         point in this discussion was the approval by AN-
                  out that the evidence regarding the impact of            VISA of the Pfizer vaccine for adolescents aged 12
                  new variants on existing vaccines increased              years and over and, recently, of the vaccination of
                  throughout 2021. In a UK study, investigators            children aged 5 to 11 years by the same company.
                  showed that the Delta variant decreases the vac-         Although vaccination of children and adolescents
                  cine’s efficacy mainly in people who received            has become imperative due to the significant
                  only one dose20. Furthermore, the efficacy against       number of deaths and hospitalizations in this last
                  symptomatic disease decreased to approximately           age group, the government has acted promptly in
                  33% for people with only one dose, with high ef-         favor of denialist groups. Vaccination in these two
                  ficacy of around 88% with both doses. Therefore,         groups is vital to protect them and help reduce
                  extending the interval from the one approved by          viral transmission and contribute to collective
                  the vaccine manufacturer leaves people vaccinat-         immunity, ensuring a safer return to face-to-face
                  ed with only one dose more susceptible. Also, the        classes26.
                  fewer people vaccinated with the second dose,
                  the greater the probability of keeping high viral
                  circulation and, thus, the greater the likelihood of     Conclusion
                  variants emerging that could bypass the vaccines.
                  Due to scientific evidence, some countries, in-          Vaccination is a group strategy, and better orga-
                  cluding Portugal and the United Kingdom, have            nization based on the best available scientific ev-
                  reduced the AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine interval to         idence will be required to continue curbing cases
                  eight weeks. Most of the most advanced coun-             and deaths and avoid the possible transmission

                                                                                                                    Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 27(3):951-956, 2022
of new strains in the country. In this sense, the        The Brazilian PNI has always been a leader in
Brazilian vaccination strategy needs to join with    the Americas, introducing vaccines into the Vac-
science. We should also be aware of how other        cination Calendar to address public health prob-
vaccination programs worldwide are organizing        lems regarding vaccine-preventable diseases, es-
their campaigns according to the specifics of each   pecially in a pandemic, when the population is at
vaccine available. In this sense, the PNI must ur-   imminent risk of illness and death. In this sense,
gently evaluate new paradigms for the vaccina-       we should seriously continue to assist the Ministry
tion campaign with the newly generated scien-        of Health’s immobility in decision-making timely
tific evidence and, mainly, communicate updated      and, often, acting in a way that confuses the pop-
changes to society, establishing greater vaccine     ulation. We should strategically strengthen the
confidence.                                          PNI to protect the population until COVID-19 is
                                                     effectively controlled in our country.

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