The Russian Invasion of Ukraine: A Guide for - Navigator Research

Page created by Phyllis Cortez
The Russian Invasion of Ukraine: A Guide for - Navigator Research
Thursday, March 10th
The Russian Invasion of
Ukraine: A Guide for
   Nationwide surveys of registered voters; Each wave represents approximately 1,000 interviews taken over the prior three-five days.

   Latest wave conducted March 3-March 7, 2022. For more info, visit
• Americans are closely following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and feel Biden and
  Congress need to be focused on it – and feel like they are prioritizing it.

• Americans are most worried about human rights violations and deaths in
  Ukraine, and increased gas prices resulting from sanctions – though worries
  about gas prices do not deter support for sanctions against Russia.

• As Putin and Russia remain deeply disliked across partisan lines, Donald Trump is
  seen as more pro-Russia than pro-Ukraine in the current conflict while Biden and
  Democrats in Congress are seen decisively as pro-Ukraine.

• The strongest messaging on Biden’s response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine
  focuses on deterrence and Russia’s violation of core principles of peace and
Nationwide surveys of registered voters; Each wave represents approximately 1,000 interviews taken over the prior three-five days.
Latest wave conducted March 3-March 7, 2022. For more info, visit
Majorities Are Following the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
 Closely in the News
 At least four in five Fox News viewers (85%), MSNBC viewers (89%), and CNN viewers (88%) report following the news closely, while
 just 74% of social media news consumers say the same.
 How closely would you say you are following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in the news?

                                    Very closely                                                     Somewhat closely                      Not too/At all closely   Total Closely
                            Overall 37                                                                    41                                                  22         78

                      Democrats          39                                                                         39                                       22          78
                   Independents          27                                                        41                                                        33          67
                     Republicans         38                                                                          44                                      18          82

                             Black       27                                                         41                                                       31          69
                          Hispanic       36                                                                    39                                            25          75
                            White        40                                                                          41                                      19          81
                             AAPI        31                                                                45                                                24          76

Social media news consumers              31                                                               43                                                 26          74
           Fox News viewers              42                                                                               43                                 15          85
             MSNBC viewers               50                                                                                     39                           11          89
               CNN viewers               47                                                                                    41                            12          88

 Nationwide survey
 Nationwide  surveysofof  registered
                        1,000        voters;
                              registered     Each
                                         voters   wave represents
                                                conducted         approximately
                                                          March 3-March  7, 2022. 1,000 interviews taken over the prior three-five days.
 For more
 Latest   info,
        wave    visit
             conducted     March 3-March 7, 2022. For more info, visit
Foreign Policy Is Seen as a Growing Priority for Biden and
    Congress, and Americans See Them Meeting the Moment
    Since early February, there has been a 24-point increase in the share who say that “national security and foreign policy” is one of the
    most important issues for Biden and Congress to focus on, and 46% say they see it as Biden and Congress’s focus.

    Select the top four issues that you feel are most important for President Joe                                        Which of these issues do you feel President Joe Biden and Congress
    Biden and Congress to focus on.                                                                                      are actually most focused on?

                                                                                           Feb. 22      Feb. 7                                                                 Feb. 22   Feb. 7
                      Jobs and the economy           52%                                       52         52                         The coronavirus pandemic       49%          52       55
Nat. security & foreign policy, inc. Ukraine*        51                                        30         27     Nat. security & foreign policy, inc. Ukraine*      46           29       25
                                        Inflation    42                                        46         40            Climate change and the environment          34           31       30
                                   Immigration       31                                        30         27                             Jobs and the economy       30           31       33
                  The coronavirus pandemic           29                                        40         46                                        Voting rights   25           28       31
                                    Health care      25                                        27         31                                            Inflation   20           19       20
      Climate change and the environment             25                                        26         27                                        Immigration     15           18       18
               Social Security and Medicare          24                                        25         27                                         Health care    13           16       14
                  Corruption in government           23                                        28         26                                           Abortion     12           12       11
                                          Crime      22                                        24         23                      Social Security and Medicare      11           12       12
                                  Voting rights      15                                        18         19                         Corruption in government       9            11       10
                                      Education      12                                        12         13                                          Education     8            9         9
                                       Abortion      8                                         8           8                                              Crime     6            9        11
    *Previous     surveysofofthis
              iterations      registered
                                                    this wave represents
                                                         as “National     approximately
                                                                      security and foreign1,000  interviews
                                                                                           policy.”         takenevents,
                                                                                                    Given recent  over the
                                                                                                                         we prior
                                                                                                                            added three-five
    specify the situation
    Latest wave           in Ukraine.
                  conducted    March 3-March 7, 2022. For more info, visit
    Nationwide survey of 1,000 registered voters conducted March 3-March 7, 2022.
    For more info, visit
Americans Split Close to Evenly on Which Party is Trusted on
  National Security and Foreign Policy Issues
  Biden and Democrats have a narrow advantage on “maintaining strong alliances with countries around the world” over Republicans (+4)
  while Republicans have a narrow advantage over Democrats on “protecting national security” (+5).

  Below is a list of issues. Please indicate who you trust more to handle each one.
                                                                                                                                            Net Biden and the Democratic Party
                                            Biden and the                                          The Republican
                                                                                                                              Overall       Dem   Ind   Rep   Black Hisp. White AAPI
                                            Democratic Party                 Don’t know                    Party
    Maintaining strong alliances
with countries around the world
                                            45                                      14                                41         +4         +72   +2    -74   +61   +6    -11    +50

    Making decisions about war
                                            43                                    15                                  42         +1         +68    -2   -74   +56   +17   -14    +38
                    and peace

          Handling foreign policy           42                                   16                                   42          0         +67    -7   -74   +53   +5    -13    +34

     Protecting national security           41                                 13                                     46          -5        +61    -2   -79   +52   -11   -17    +27

  Nationwide survey   of 1,000
                surveys        registeredvoters;
                          of registered   voters Each
                                                 conducted March 3-March
                                                      wave represents     7, 2022. 1,000 interviews taken over the prior three-five days.
    more wave
          info, visit
                conducted     March 3-March 7, 2022. For more info, visit
Majorities Say Biden Making the Right Decisions on Ukraine –
Including a Third of GOP – But Approval Is More Polarized
When asked to rate the decisions Biden has made on the situation in Ukraine, majorities of Democrats (81%), independents (54%),
and nearly two in five Republicans say he has made the right decisions (36%). But, when asked if they approve of the job Biden is
doing handling Ukraine, just 71% of Democrats, 30% of independents, and 13% of Republicans say they approve.
So far, do you feel President Biden has made the right decisions or the                                       Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling the
wrong decisions when it has come to the situation in Ukraine?                                                 situation in Ukraine?

                    Right decisions                     Wrong decisions Net Right Decisions                    Approve              Not sure          Disapprove   Net Approval

        Overall      59                                                   41             +18                    43                         8                 49        -6

   Democrats         81                                                   19             +62                    71                                    10     19       +52
Independents         54                                                   46              +8                    30                12                         58        -28
  Republicans        36                                                   64              -28                   13     7                                     80        -67

           Black     76                                                   24             +52                    66                                   12      22       +44
      Hispanic       57                                                   43             +14                    41                         11                48        -7
          White      55                                                   45             +10                    38                     7                     55        -17
           AAPI      75                                                   25             +50                    50                              19           31       +19
Nationwide survey
Nationwide  surveysofof  registered
                       1,000        voters;
                             registered     Each
                                        voters   wave represents
                                               conducted         approximately
                                                         March 3-March  7, 2022. 1,000 interviews taken over the prior three-five days.
For more
Latest   info,
       wave    visit
            conducted     March 3-March 7, 2022. For more info, visit
“Foreign Policy Swing,” Who Disapprove But Say Biden Making
Right Decisions, Are Male, High-Earning, & Less Ideological GOP
Those who say they disapprove of Biden’s handling of the situation in Ukraine but say he has made the right decisions so far are more
likely to be Republicans, especially those who don’t watch Fox News, are men, and earn more than $100,000 annually.
• They tend to give Biden low ratings overall, on the pandemic, and to have voted for Trump in 2020 – but on specific Biden
    policies, they do support his and Democrats’ new economic plan and trust him to choose the next Supreme Court Justice.
Foreign policy swing:
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling the situation in
Ukraine? Disapprove, &                                                                                                                             Democrats    Independents                Republicans    Net
So far, do you feel President Biden has made the right decisions or the wrong                                            Party identification       26           11                                 63     -37
decisions when it has come to the situation in Ukraine? Right decisions
                                                                                                                                                   Liberal            Moderate            Conservative
                             Overall      14%                                                                                         Ideology      23                34                            43     -20
                                                                                                                                                   Joe Biden    Another candidate        Donald Trump
                                                                                                                           2020 vote choice         33                                              65     -32
                       Republicans        20                                                                                                       Approve     Not sure                     Disapprove
   Non-Fox News Republicans               24                                                                        Biden overall approval          20                                              78     -58
                                                                                                                                                   Approve      Not sure                    Disapprove
      Rep.: HH Income $100K+              24
                                                                                                                Biden pandemic approval             34                                              64     -30
                  Republican men          23                                                                                                       Support                       Not sure      Oppose
                                                                                                                        Support for Biden’s
              2020 Trump voters           19                                                                                economic plan           61                              11              28     +33
                                                                                                                                                   Trust                                     Don’t trust
         White suburban moms              25                                                                          Trust in Biden to pick
                                                                                                                         SCOTUS nominee             58                                              42     +16
Americans Are Most Worried About the Violation of Human
Rights & Loss of Life in Ukraine and Increased Gas Prices
Democrats and foreign policy swing* are most worried about the violation of human rights and the death of civilians, while independents
and Republicans are most worried about increased gas prices as a result of sanctions on Russia.
Please indicate how worried you are about each one.
                                                                                                                                                                          % Very Worried
                                                                                                          Very worried           Somewhat worried             Dem   Ind    Rep   Foreign policy swing*
              The violation of human rights and the death of innocent civilians in Ukraine                 63                                      29        8 64   55     64              66
                                       Increased gas prices as a result of sanctions on Russia             63                                     26        11 57   61     70              63
   Increased inflation as the world economy is disrupted by Russia's invasion of Ukraine                   53                                  35           12 43   52     64              60
                         An increase in Russian aggression because of support from China                   50                                35             15 48   46     52              41
                                                      Russia invading other countries in Europe            46                               37              17 45   47     47              38
The global economy falling into a recession because of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and
                                                                  consequent sanctions
                                                                                                           45                               39              16 41   37     51              44
                        The threat Russia's invasion poses to democracy around the world                   45                              37               18 42   47     47              35
                                                                         The threat of nuclear war
                                                                                                           44                              38               18 46   40     43              33
 The American economy falling into a recession because of Russia's invasion of Ukraine
                                                           and consequent sanctions                        42                             39                19 37   43     48              39
             Russia eventually attacking the United States or targeting American citizens                  36                         37                    27 35   38     36              26
*”Foreign     surveys
            policy     of registered
                   swing”             voters;
                           are those who  giveEach  wave represents
                                               a negative              approximately
                                                           rating of the               1,000handling
                                                                          job Biden’s doing   interviews
                                                                                                      the taken   over
                                                                                                           situation in the prioroverall,
                                                                                                                         Ukraine  three-five
                                                                                                                                          but days.
                                                                                                                                              feel he has
Latest all or mostly
        wave         the right
               conducted       decisions
                           March  3-Marchon 7,
                                                situation. Nationwide
                                                      For more          survey
                                                                 info, visit    of 1,000 registered voters conducted March 3-March 7, 2022.
For more info, visit
Overwhelming Majorities Support the Economic Sanctions
        Imposed Against Russia and Sending Military Aid to Ukraine
        Bipartisan majorities and foreign policy swing* support sending military aid to Ukraine and the sanctions so far against Russia.
        • Even among those say they are “very worried” about “increased gas prices as a result of sanctions on Russia” on a separate
           question, 86% support the sanctions including 60% who strongly support them.
        As you may know, President Biden and leaders of other major countries have joined together                                        Do you support or oppose the United States sending military aid
        to place initial economic sanctions on Russia as a way to discourage further military action                                      including arms and air support to Ukraine to fight against Russia?
        against Ukraine. Do you support or oppose the economic sanctions so far against Russia?

                              Support                                          Not sure         Oppose           Net Support              Support                            Not sure         Oppose   Net Support
               Overall        83                                                                 7 10                  +73                  68                                    12             20        +48

          Democrats           87                                                                    6    7             +80                  72                                           11      17        +55
       Independents           74                                                           11           15             +59                  59                                  17               24        +35
         Republicans          81                                                                7       12             +69                  66                                    11             23        +43

                Black         74                                                           11         15               +59                  67                                       14          19        +48
             Hispanic         74                                                           9          17               +57                  65                                   9               26        +39
               White          86                                                                    6 8                +78                  70                                       9           21        +49
                AAPI          84                                                                    9 7                +77                  66                                        22         12        +54

Foreign policy swing*         88                                                                    5 7                +81                  69                                       9           22        +47
        *”Foreign    surveys
                  policy      of registered
                          swing”            voters;
                                  are those who  giveEach  wave represents
                                                       a negative              approximately
                                                                   rating of the                1,000handling
                                                                                  job Biden’s doing   interviews
                                                                                                              the taken   over
                                                                                                                   situation in the prioroverall,
                                                                                                                                 Ukraine  three-five
                                                                                                                                                  but days.
                                                                                                                                                      feel he
        has made
        Latest    all conducted
               wave   or mostly the right 3-March
                                  March   decisions7,on2022.
                                                        the situation.
                                                             For moreNationwide      survey of 1,000 registered voters conducted March 3-March 7, 2022.
                                                                         info, visit
        For more info, visit
Across Party Lines, Ukraine, Zelensky, and NATO Are Viewed
      Favorably While Russia and Putin Are Overwhelmingly Disliked
      Ukrainian President Zelensky’s favorability increases 20 points (from net +43 to +63) when he is described with his title.

      Please indicate how favorable or unfavorable you are to…

                                                                                                                                                            Net Favorability
                                 **/† Split sample    Favorable                   Unfamiliar                   Unfavorable          Mar. 7      Dem   Ind     Rep    Black     Hisp.   White   AAPI

                                          Ukraine 77                                                              10        13       +64        +61   +54     +71    +38       +59     +70     +76

†Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky 73                                                                       17         10       +63        +59   +46     +72    +24       +52     +73     +75

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or
                                           58                                                          21                   21       +37        +50   +26     +24    +30       +15     +40     +70

                        **Volodymyr Zelensky 56                                                           31                13       +43        +44   +39     +44    +15       +39     +50     +37

                                            Russia 9          7                                                             84       -75        -77   -68     -74    -65       -56     -79     -80

                                  Vladimir Putin 6          9                                                               85       -79        -81   -67     -79    -58       -65     -84     -79

      Nationwide survey
      Nationwide  surveysofof  registered
                             1,000        voters;
                                   registered     Each
                                              voters   wave represents
                                                     conducted         approximately
                                                               March 3-March  7, 2022. 1,000 interviews taken over the prior three-five days.
      For more
      Latest   info,
             wave    visit
                  conducted     March 3-March 7, 2022. For more info, visit
Putin Is Deeply and Increasingly Disliked Across Party Lines
Putin’s favorability has dropped a net 16 points since late January (from net -63 to -79).
• There is no partisan group in which Putin has strength: he is at net -81 among Democrats (down -12 since late January), net -67
   among independents (down -13), and net -79 among Republicans (down -21).

Please indicate how favorable or unfavorable you are to: Vladimir Putin.

                                                                                                                                                 Net Favorability
                                              Favorable                   Unfamiliar               Unfavorable           Mar. 7      Dem   Ind     Rep    Black     Hisp.   White   AAPI

                             March 7th        6     9                                                            85        -79       -81   -67     -79    -58       -65     -84     -79

                       Pre-Invasion                                                                                     Feb. 22      Dem   Ind     Rep    Black     Hisp.   White   AAPI

                      February 22nd           10        14                                                       76        -66       -67   -51     -69    -43       -48     -74     -54

                                                                                                                         Jan. 24     Dem   Ind     Rep    Black     Hisp.   White   AAPI

                        January 24th          10         17                                                      73        -63       -69   -54     -58    -49       -50     -67     -75

Nationwide surveys of registered voters; Each wave represents approximately 1,000 interviews taken over the prior three-five days.
Latest wave conducted March 3-March 7, 2022. For more info, visit
Trump Is Seen as Pro-Russia in the Current Conflict, While
Biden & Democrats in Congress Are Pro-Ukraine
Pluralities of Americans overall (-8 net pro-Ukraine), Democrats (-53), independents (-15), and foreign policy swing* (breaking even) see
Donald Trump as pro-Russia rather than pro-Ukraine in the current conflict.
• While a majority (64%) say Democrats in Congress are pro-Ukraine (net +53), just 47% say the same of Republicans (47%, net +27).
Please indicate whether you believe each individual or group is pro-Russia or pro-Ukraine in the current conflict.
                                                                                                                                                            Net Pro-Ukraine
                                             Pro-Ukraine                    Don’t know                 Pro-Russia             Overall             Dem        Ind        Rep   Foreign policy swing*

                          Joe Biden 66                                                             22            12             +54                +76       +48       +30            +66

    Democrats in Congress 64                                                                       25            11             +53                +72       +45       +35            +63

  Republicans in Congress 47                                                             33                      20             +27                 -2       +22       +59            +41

                          Fox News 41                                                  38                        21             +20                 -8       +23       +51            +38

                   Donald Trump 33                                          26                                   41               -8               -53       -15       +45             0

                  Tucker Carlson 26                                              51                              23              +3                -29        +7       +37             +4

*”Foreign     surveys
            policy     of registered
                   swing”             voters;
                           are those who  giveEach  wave represents
                                               a negative              approximately
                                                           rating of the               1,000handling
                                                                          job Biden’s doing   interviews
                                                                                                      the taken   over
                                                                                                           situation in the prioroverall,
                                                                                                                         Ukraine  three-five
                                                                                                                                          but days.
                                                                                                                                              feel he has
Latest all or mostly
        wave         the right
               conducted       decisions
                           March  3-Marchon 7,
                                                situation. Nationwide
                                                      For more          survey
                                                                 info, visit    of 1,000 registered voters conducted March 3-March 7, 2022.
For more info, visit
Vast Majorities Agree With Statements About Standing Up to
       Russia and Disagree With Isolationist Statement
       Roughly nine in ten agree with statements about standing up to Russia, whether to protect democracy abroad or to stop Russia’s
       violent aggression. On a statement that the U.S. should stay out of Ukraine, 56% disagree, including 62% of foreign policy swing*.
       • Among independents on statements about standing up to Russia, 77% agree with one focused on protecting democracy, while
           86% agree with one focused on stopping Russian aggression.
                          It is critical that America and its allies stand                 It is critical that America and its allies stand                  The United States has no business getting
                         up to Russia in favor of protecting democracy                          up to Russia to stop Russia’s violent                      involved in Ukraine and we should stay out to
                                 abroad in countries like Ukraine.                               aggression against other countries.                        protect American interests and the economy.
                                                                                     Do you agree or disagree with that statement?
                          Agree                                        Disagree            Agree                                        Disagree               Agree                         Disagree
               Overall    88                                                    12         90                                                    10            44                                  56

           Democrats      89                                                    11         94                                                       6          40                                  60
       Independents       77                                                    23         86                                                    14            51                                  49
         Republicans      89                                                    11         88                                                    12            47                                  53

Foreign policy swing*     87                                                    13         88                                                    12            38                                  62
       *”Foreign    surveys
                 policy      of registered
                         swing”            voters;
                                 are those who  giveEach  wave represents
                                                      a negative              approximately
                                                                  rating of the                1,000handling
                                                                                 job Biden’s doing   interviews
                                                                                                             the taken   over
                                                                                                                  situation in the prioroverall,
                                                                                                                                Ukraine  three-five
                                                                                                                                                 but days.
                                                                                                                                                     feel he
       has made
       Latest    all conducted
              wave   or mostly the right 3-March
                                 March   decisions7,on2022.
                                                       the situation.
                                                            For moreNationwide      survey of 1,000 registered voters conducted March 3-March 7, 2022.
                                                                        info, visit
       For more info, visit
Statements About Deterrence and Russia’s Violation of Global
  Peace Are Most Convincing to Support Biden’s Response
  Among foreign policy swing*, messaging that focuses on deterrence to prevent Putin from doing more and Russia’s violation of global
  peace and security are the most convincing reasons to support Biden’s response to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.
  Please indicate how convincing each statement is as a reason to support the Biden administration’s response to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.
                                                                    **/† Split sample
                                                                                      Very       Somewhat           Not          Total Convincing
                                                                                      convincing convincing  convincing Overall Dem Ind Rep FP swing*
**If we let authoritarians and dictators like Putin win when they invade a free, democratic country, Putin will only be
                            encouraged to do more and will push to the border of Poland and other NATO countries             44                                33   23   77   82   69   72   80
 †If we let authoritarians and dictators like Putin win when they invade a free, democratic country, Putin will only be
      encouraged to do more and will push to the border of Poland and other NATO countries that have American                43                                34   22   78   84   64   74   85
                                                                                                       troops in them
   Russia has violated the core principles that uphold global peace and security, seeking to change the borders of a
       sovereign country by force, and needs to be held accountable: Biden and America's allies are doing just that
                                                                                                                             39                               34    27   73   85   60   62   80
      Biden and America's allies are protecting global democracy by standing up to Putin and Russia: with it, they
    protect freedoms like voting, freedom of speech, and the right to live a life free from dictatorship and violence
                                                                                                                             30                        37           33   67   86   60   46   68
 Biden and America's allies are taking the fight to Putin and his inner circle. Their sanctions and other actions have
    cut Russia off from global markets, frozen any assets they have in the U.S., and blocked their travel to the U.S.
                                                                                                                             29                        41           30   70   85   60   56   72
  Biden has cut Russia off from American industries that create things like semiconductors, lasers, communications
               equipment, and sea technology, which will choke Russia's economy, defense, and military operations            29                        40           31   69   86   58   52   70
       Biden and America's allies' sanctions against Russia have been devastating: Russia is experiencing a weaker
currency, rising inflation, and reduced access to global financial markets, and their stock market has lost 40% of its       28                       40            32   68   84   61   52   66
                                                                                value and trading remains suspended
Biden has committed to not sending American soldiers to fight in Ukraine, and instead will continue his support for          28                       39            33   67   81   61   51   70
                        Ukraine through financial assets, sanctions against Russia, and any other tools at his disposal
Donald Trump has praised Putin as a "genius" for his invasion of Ukraine: the U.S. is lucky to have a reliable leader
     like Joe Biden who doesn't support dictators and instead is focused on protecting global peace and security
                                                                                                                             26                 23                  52   48   69   40   28   45
Republicans are so blinded by their hateful partisanship that instead of supporting America and its allies, President
                                            Biden, and Ukraine, they are pro-Putin, pro-Russia, and anti-democracy
                                                                                                                             21               25                    54   46   68   40   24   41

  *”Foreign     surveys
              policy     of registered
                     swing”             voters;
                             are those who  giveEach  wave represents
                                                 a negative              approximately
                                                             rating of the               1,000handling
                                                                            job Biden’s doing   interviews
                                                                                                        the taken   over
                                                                                                             situation in the prioroverall,
                                                                                                                           Ukraine  three-five
                                                                                                                                            but days.
                                                                                                                                                feel he has
  Latest all or mostly
          wave         the right
                 conducted       decisions
                             March  3-Marchon 7,
                                                  situation. Nationwide
                                                        For more          survey
                                                                   info, visit    of 1,000 registered voters conducted March 3-March 7, 2022.
  For more info, visit
Strongest Rebuttals Against Republican Criticism of Biden’s
  Handling of Ukraine Focus on Sanctions, Protecting Democracy
  When testing a range of Democratic defenses of Biden’s handling of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, lanes that focus on Putin losing and
  Biden not sending any troops to the conflict are less effective than sanctions and protecting democracy and freedom.
  Which side do you find more convincing?
    Statement 1: Republicans who say Biden is showing weakness in the situation in Ukraine: Putin never would have invaded Ukraine if he felt America had a
    strong leader, and the initial sanctions have done nothing to stop the invasion

    Statement 2: Democrats who say                        Statement 3: Democrats who say                         Statement 4: Democrats who say            Statement 5: Democrats who say
    Biden has led the U.S. and its allies                 Biden is protecting democracy and                      because of Biden's leadership, Putin      Biden is taking on Putin
    in imposing powerful and                              freedom, ensuring countries like                       is losing in this conflict: he's failed   economically, punishing Russia with
    immediate economic sanctions that                     Ukraine can continue to live freely                    to take the Ukrainian capital, he         sanctions as we should be, but he's
    punish Russia, cutting off its access                 without threats of violence and have                   can't even open his stock market,         still managing to hold Russia
    to vital resources, weakening its                     fair elections without interference                    and his people are protesting             accountable without sending any
    industrial base, and undercutting its                 from autocratic countries like Russia                  against him                               American troops to the conflict.
    strategic ambitions

       Statement 1:               39%                         Statement 1:               42%                        Statement 1:               40%           Statement 1:          43%
       Statement 2:               45%                         Statement 3:               47%                        Statement 4:               42%           Statement 5:          45%
     Net Statement 2:               +6                     Net Statement 3:                +5                     Net Statement 4:             +2          Net Statement 5:          +2

  Nationwide survey   of 1,000
                surveys  1,395 registeredvoters;
                          of registered   voters Each
                                                 conducted December
                                                           March 3-March
                                                      wave represents 3-December
                                                                          7, 2022.
                                                                             10, 22,
                                                                                      1,000 interviews taken over the prior three-five days.
    more wave
          info, visit
                conducted     March 3-March 7, 2022. For more info, visit
About Navigator                                                                                                                             For Press inquiries contact:
In a world where the news cycle is the length of a tweet, our leaders often lack the real-time public-sentiment                   
analysis to shape the best approaches to talking about the issues that matter the most. Navigator is designed to
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guidance to inform allies, elected leaders, and the press. Navigator is a project led by pollsters from Global                              To learn more about Navigator:
Strategy Group and GBAO along with an advisory committee, including: Arkadi Gerney, The Hub Project; Joel
Payne, The Hub Project; Christina Reynolds, EMILY’s List; Mike Podhorzer, AFL-CIO; Jesse Ferguson, progressive                    
strategist; Navin Nayak, Center for American Progress Action Fund; Stephanie Valencia, EquisLabs; and Melanie
Newman, Planned Parenthood Action Fund.                                                                                                     @NavigatorSurvey on Twitter

About the Study
Global Strategy Group conducted public opinion surveys among a sample of 1,395 registered voters from March
3-March 7, 2022. 100 additional interviews were conducted among Hispanic voters. 74 additional interviews
were conducted among Asian American and Pacific Islander voters. 103 additional interviews were conducted
among African American voters. 100 additional interviews were conducted among independent voters. The
survey was conducted online, recruiting respondents from an opt-in online panel vendor. Respondents were
       Nationwide surveys of registered voters; Each wave represents approximately 1,000 interviews taken over the prior three-five days.
verified against
       Latest wave a voter file
                   conducted     and3-March
                              March    special   care For
                                              7, 2022. wasmore
                                                                info,to  ensure
                                                                      visit        the demographic composition of our sample
matched that of the national registered voter population across a variety of demographic variables.
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