The role of Toxoplasma gondii in multiple sclerosis: A matched case-control study

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Neurology Asia 2021; 26(2) : 333 – 339

The role of Toxoplasma gondii in multiple sclerosis:
A matched case-control study
  Masoud Keighobadi, 2Nafise Danesh Alokandeh, 3Seyed Mohammad Baghbanian,
  Narges Karimi
 Toxoplasmosis research center, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari; Iran;2Mazandaran
University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran; 3Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Mazandaran
University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran; 4Department of Neurology, Toxoplasmosis research center,
Immunogenetics Research Center, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran


Background & Objectives: Toxoplasma (T.) gondii is an intracellular parasite that has recently been
reported in association with multiple sclerosis (MS) and other autoimmune diseases, with an unidentified
function. The aim of this project was to investigate the seroprevalence of T. gondii in MS patients
in comparison with healthy people. Method: This case-control prospective study was conducted on
90 patients with MS and 90 age and gender-matched healthy participants. All patients and healthy
individuals filled a sociodemographic questionnaire and MS patients were evaluated for clinical
status. The presence of specific IgG and IgM antibodies against T. gondii was explored by using an
enzyme immunoassay test in the sera of the participants. Results: The mean age of MS patients was
34.47±8.74. Out of 90 MS patients, 70 (77.8%) were female. No significant difference was observed
between both groups with respect to age and gender. Anti-T. gondii IgG antibodies were found in 47
(52.2%) of the 90 cases and in 79 (87.8%) of the 90 controls (P = 0.0001). Mean age and disease
duration of the seropositive MS patients were 36.76±7.78 and 5.12±3.64 years, respectively. There
was significant association between T. gondii seropositivity and age and also disease duration (P=0.009
and 0.033, respectively).
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the seroprevalence of T. gondii in MS patients
is lower than the healthy group. These results suggest that there is a negative association between
infection with T. gondii and MS and toxoplasmosis can be considered as a possible protective factor
for the development of MS.

Keywords: Toxoplasmosis, multiple sclerosis, prevalence, IgG antibody, IgM antibody

INTRODUCTION                                                               research has established that parasitic infections
                                                                           may be accompanied with a lower possibility
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, inflammatory,
                                                                           of MS.7-8 Also, some earlier studies evaluated
and demyelinating multifocal disease that affects
                                                                           the association between toxoplasmosis and MS
the central nervous system (CNS).1-2 The etiology
                                                                           and found contradictory findings.9-12 Toxoplasma
of MS, similar to other autoimmune diseases,
                                                                           Gondii (T. gondii) is an intracellular parasite that
is still unclear; but the combination of genetic
                                                                           can cause a lifelong chronic infection in the host.13
proneness and environmental influences can lead
                                                                           The prevalence of T. gondii infection in humans
to creating of the development of this disease.3-4
                                                                           worldwide, based on IgG measured against T.
One of the most prominent environmental factors
                                                                           gondii, has been reported to be around 6 billion.13
in MS pathogenesis is infectious agents such
                                                                           Daryani et al. showed that the general prevalence
as human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6), Epstein-Barr
                                                                           of T. gondii infection in the Iranian population
virus (EBV), and Chlamydia pneumoniae. 5
                                                                           is approximately 40%.14 Moreover, data from
Recently, there has been growing interest in
                                                                           several studies suggest that chronic T. gondii
the correlation between parasitic infections and
                                                                           infection may have a role in some disorders, such
autoimmune disorders such as MS. This issue
                                                                           as cognitive impairment, cryptogenic epilepsy,
has been studied widely since 1989.6 Previous
Address correspondence to: Narges Karimi, Department of Neurology, Pasdaran Boulevard, Bou Ali Sina Hospital, Sari city, Mazandaran province,
4815838477 Iran. Tel: +981133343018; Mobile: +989122029074; Email:
Date of Submission: 4 December 2020; Date of Acceptance: 22 January 2021

Neurology Asia                                                                                    June 2021

headache, and neurodegenerative disorders,              consuming anti-parasitic drugs, having immune
which may be due to direct parasite attack or           deficiencies (leukemia, lymphoma, malignancy,
immunological damage affected by the parasite           and AIDS) and other neurological disorders such
or both.15-18 There is evidence that interferon-        as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease,
gamma (IFNγ), produced by microglial cells,             epilepsy, and diabetes mellitus.
plays a crucial role in immunological protection           This study was approved by the Institutional
against toxoplasmosis.19 However, IFNγ may              Research Ethics Review Board of Mazandaran
result in the production of nitric oxide (NO)           University of Medical Sciences (IR. MAZUMS.
that is a key element of tissue damage.19-20 On         REC.1398.3570). The study has been extracted
the other hand, Rozenfeld et al. reported that          from a medical student thesis with the project
activated microglia produce interleukin-10 (IL-         number, 3570.
10) and indirectly induce astrocyte activity and           All patients and healthy individuals filled a
also prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) production.21 It           sociodemographic questionnaire, which included
has been conclusively shown that PGE2 may               such information as age, gender, place of
play a neuroprotective role, as a result of the         residence, educational level, occupation, marriage
extinguishing Th1 pro-inflammatory cytokine, the        status, and cat keeping or touching. In addition,
inducing Th2 cytokines like the interleukin- 10,        other information was obtained from the patients
and the decreasing NO production via activated          regarding disease duration, annualized relapse
microglia.22 This mechanism is indicated as             rates, extended disability status scale (EDSS),
an indirect protective effect of neurons by             pattern of MS, and type of medication consuming.
toxoplasmosis.21 The main challenge faced by               Venous blood samples (5 ml) were achieved
many researchers is disagreement on the role            from all participants for serological tests. Sampling
of T. gondii in MS. While several researchers           was done in MS clinic and testing was carried out
identified T. gondii as a protective factor, others     at the university Clinic Laboratory (Bagheban).
reported it as a risk factor.10-12,23 A meta-analysis   All blood samples were stored at −20°C and
study demonstrated a lower prevalence of T.             analyzed for anti-toxoplasma IgG and IgM
gondii in MS patients compared to control               antibodies using enzyme-linked immunosorbent
group, but no significant relationship was found        assay (ELISA) (ELISA Kit, Toxo IgG & IgM,
between toxoplasmosis and MS.24 Thus, the actual        Pishtazteb, Iran). The sensitivity of both IgG and
relationship between toxoplasmosis and MS               IgM kits was 100%, and the specificity of IgG
remained uncertain. Therefore, the aim of this          and IgM kits was 100 and 99%, respectively.
study was to evaluate the role of T. gondii in MS.      Repeated freezing and defrosting were avoided
                                                        for all samples. We used automatic ELISA reader
METHODS                                                 with capacity of optical density at 450 nm, and
                                                        the results were interpreted according to the
This case-control prospective study was conducted
                                                        related guidelines. The IgM values at 0.90 IU/
on 90 patients with clinically definite diagnosis
                                                        mL were interpreted as negative, those at 0.91
of MS and clinically isolated syndrome (CIS)
                                                        to 1.09 IU/mL as borderline, and those at 1.10
according to McDonald’s criteria for diagnosing
                                                        and above as positive. The IgG values at 8 IU/
MS.25 All patients were randomly selected, then
                                                        mL were considered as negative, 11 IU/mL and
assessed and followed up in the outpatient clinic
                                                        above as positive, and between 8.1-11 IU/mL as
of MS at Bou-Ali Sina Hospital, Mazandaran
province, Iran over one year from December 2017
to January 2019. Meanwhile, the control group
                                                        Sample size and statistical analysis
included a total of 90 healthy volunteers matched
with cases for age and gender; all individuals were     For the sample size calculation, we used the
randomly selected from the population referring         following values: a 95% confidence level, a
to the clinic.                                          power of 80%, a 1:1 proportion of cases and
   The inclusion criteria were definite diagnosis       controls, and a reference seroprevalence of
of MS and CIS based on McDonald’s criteria,             55%25 as the expected frequency of exposure in
aged 18 years and older, and the patients in the        controls and 33.9% in intervention group. Thus,
remission period who accepted to participate in         a total of 90 cases and 90 controls were randomly
the study.                                              selected. Statistical analysis was performed using
   The exclusion criteria were receiving                SPSS software version 24 (SPSS Inc., Chicago,
intravenous corticosteroids in the past 3 months,       Illinois, USA). Continuous data were stated as

mean±standard deviation (SD), whereas frequency                between the two groups (P=0.45). The results of
data were presented as percentages (%). The                    sociodemographic characteristics in two groups
Chi-square and Student’s t-test were used to test              are illustrated in Table 1. The mean of EDSS score
statistically significant differences for parametric           and mean disease duration was 2.62 ±1.91 (range:
data. P-values less than 0.05 were considered                  1-7.5) and 6.05±4.29 (range: 0.50-20) years,
statistically significant.                                     respectively. Also, the annualized relapse rate
                                                               (ARR) was 0.62±0.91 (range: 0-4). Regarding the
RESULTS                                                        patterns of disease progression, 66 (73.33%), 16
                                                               (17.77%), 10 (11.11%), and 4 (4.44%) of patients
A total of 180 subjects (90 MS patients and 90
                                                               were relapsing-remitting (R-R), CIS, secondary
healthy controls) participated in this study. The
                                                               progressive (S-P), and primary progressive (P-P),
mean age of MS patients and healthy controls
                                                               respectively. All MS patients received disease-
was 34.47±8.74 and 34.25±8.11, respectively.
                                                               modifying therapies (DMTs) who, 34 (37.8%)
Out of 90 MS patients, 70 (77.8%) were female.
                                                               patients administrated interferon-beta and 27
No significant difference was observed between
                                                               (30%) received rituximab. The remaining patients
the two groups with respect to age and gender
                                                               29 (32.2%) obtained oral DMTs.
(P=0.86 and P=0.71, respectively). Regarding
the place of residence, 68 patients (75.6%) and
                                                               Seroprevalence and titer of anti-T. gondii IgM
73 healthy people (81.1%) lived in urban areas,
                                                               and IgG
and no significant difference between the two
groups was reported (P=0.47). In terms of being                The results obtained for anti-T. gondii IgG titer
in contact with cats, none of the participants                 were among 0 to 276 IU/mL with the mean value
kept a cat in the house but 36 patients (40%)                  of 67.51±86.21 IU/mL in the case group, and 0 to
and 42 controls (46.7%) stated that they had                   260 IU/mL with the mean of 97.74±72.59 in the
touched cats. No significant difference was found              control group. There was a significant differences

Table 1: Demographic data and serologic characteristics of participants
Variables                                     MS patients                  Healthy group           * p-value
Age; Mean± SD                                  34.47±8.74                    34.25± 8.11               0.86
Gender; n (%)
Male                                           20(22.2)                      17(19.9)
Female                                         70(77.8)                      73(81.1)                  0.71
Educational level; n (%)
Illiterate                                     4(4.4)                        6(6.7)
Primary school                                 6 (6.7)                       1(1.1)
Under diploma                                  30 (33.3)                     32(35.6)
Diploma                                        11(12.2)                      10(11.1)
University education                           39(43.3)                      41(45.5)                  0.51
Place of residency; n (%)
Urban                                          68(75.6)                      73(81.1)
Rural                                          22 (24.4)                     17(18.9)                  0.47
Occupation; n (%)
Housewife                                      51(56.7)                      58(64.4)
Employed                                       14(15.6)                      17(18.9)
Unemployed                                     25(27.8)                      15(16.7)                  0.19
Touched cat; n (%)
Yes                                            36(40)                        42(46.7)
No                                             54(60)                        48(53.3)                  0.45
  Seropositivity IgM; n (%)                     1(1.1)                       1(1.1)                    0.75
  Seropositivity for IgG; n (%)                47(52.2)                      79(87.8)                  0.0001
IgG titer; Mean ±SD                            67.51±86.21                   97.74±72.59               0.012
IgM titer; Mean ±SD                            0.15±0.63                     0.18±0.74                 0.76
* p-value
Neurology Asia                                                                                           June 2021

between the two groups (t (178)= -2.54, P=0.012).            patients were statistically significant (P=0.80
All participants were negative for anti-T. gondii            and P=0.20, respectively). The mean of EDSS
IgM with the exception of one participant in                 in seropositive and seronegative MS patients
both case and control groups, who had anti-T.                was 2.61±1.95 and 2.62±1.89, respectively.
gondii IgM titer above 1.1 IU/mL (6.1 and 7.1                Also, there was no significant difference between
IU/mL, respectively). T-tests found no significant           EDSS and anti-T. gondii IgG (P=0.99). But there
differences in mean scores of anti-T. gondii IgM             was a significant difference between anti-T.
titer between the two groups (P=0.76). Overall,              gondii IgG seropositivity and mean disease
47 patients (52.2%) and 79 controls (87.8%) had              duration, so that seropositive MS patients had a
anti-T. gondii IgG titer of 11 IU/mL and above.              shorter disease duration (t(88)=-2.19; P=0.033).
Also, there was a significant difference between             Table 2 demonstrates the correlation between
the two groups (OR: 0.15; 95% CI: 0.72–0.32;                 anti-T. gondii IgG and characteristics of MS
P=0.0001, Chi-square test). Table 1 presents the             patients. Out of 47 seropositive MS patients,
obtained results of the serological data of the two          34 (72.3%) were R-R, 7 (14.9%) CIS, 2 (4.3%)
groups. In terms of positive and negative T. gondii          P-P, and 4 (8.5%) S-P. There was no significant
IgG with sociodemographic data in both groups,               difference between seropositivity and type of
overall, no significant association was observed.            disease (P=0.67). Regarding the patients receiving
                                                             DMTs, out of 34 (44.1%) patients receiving
The relationship of and anti-T. gondii IgG with              interferon-beta, 15 were seropositive; and out of
demographic data among MS patients                           27 patients receiving Rituximab, 18(67.7%) were
                                                             seropositive. There was no significant difference
The mean score for age was 36.76± 7.78 and
                                                             between seropositivity and kind of DMTs received
31.97± 9.13 in anti-T. gondii IgG seropositive
                                                             (P=0.37). Figure 1 presents the frequency of
and seronegative MS patients, respectively.
                                                             seropositive and seronegative anti-T. gondii IgG
There was a significant differences between the
                                                             based on type of MS and DMTs received.
two groups (t(88)=2.68, P=0.009). Out of 47
seropositive MS patients, 32 (68.1%) were female
and 15 were male (31.9%). Also, there was a
significant difference between seropositive and              The role of T. gondii infection in MS is still
seronegative MS patients with gender (OR:3.56;               not completely clear. Currently, there are few
95%CI:1.16-10.87; P=0.021). The relative risk of             studies about this association. Meanwhile, several
seropositivity in men was 2.7 times higher than              studies have described contradictory outcomes.
that of women. In addition, out of 47 seropositive           Accordingly, this study set out with the aim of
MS patients, 12 (25.5%) lived in the rural areas             assessing the frequency and serum levels of
and 22 (46.8%) had a history of touching cats.               toxoplasma antibodies (IgG and IgM) in MS
None of these differences, with regard to either             patients compared to healthy population. Our
residence place or contact with cats, in the two             findings indicated lower seroprevalence of T.
groups of seropositive and seronegative MS                   gondii infection and lower antibody titers of anti-T.

Table 2: The association between characteristics of MS patients with anti- T. gondii IgG.
 Variables                         IgG positive (N=47)             IgG negative (N=43)              * p- value
 Age; mean±SD                             36.76±7.78                        31.97±9.13                   0.009
 Gender; n (M/F)                          15/32                             5/38                         0.021
 Touch the cat; n (yes/ no)               22/25                             14/29                        0.20
 Residency; n(urban/rural)                35/12                             33/10                        0.80
 Disease duration; mean±SD                5.12±3.64                         7.06 ±4.73                   0.031
 EDSS score; mean±SD                      2.61±1.95                         2.62±1.89                    0.97
 ARR; mean±SD                             0.63±0.89                         0.60±0.96                    0.86
* p-value
Figure 1: frequency seropositive and seronegative anti-T. gondii IgG in according to type of MS and type of DMTs.
          R-R=relapse-remitting; S-P=secondary-progressive; P-P=primary-progressive; CIS=clinical isolated

gondii IgG in MS patients than age- and gender-           kappa B (NF-jB) through inducing of TGF-β
matched healthy controls. Therefore, these results        functions.20-21,28 Contrary to this study, other
may support hygiene hypothesis. According                 studies demonstrated a higher seroprevalence
to the ‘hygiene hypothesis’, the diminishing              of T. gondii antibody in MS patients than in
incidence of infections in early childhood can            healthy controls; and therefore these studies
play an important role in the development of              suggested that T. gondii is a possible risk factor
both autoimmune and allergic diseases due to              for MS development.10,12  But a study conducted in
inappropriate response of the immune system and           Kurdistan, Iran rejected any association between
the dysregulation of Th1 and Th2 cell activity.26         T. gondii infection and MS.29 Furthermore, a
In line with the present study, some previous             meta-analysis of five studies about the role of T.
studies demonstrated a negative association               gondii in MS revealed a lower seroprevalence of T.
between infection with T. gondii and MS.9,11              gondii in the MS patients compared to the healthy
Koskderelioglua et al. conducted a study in Izmir,        group; but no significant correlation was found
Turkey and reported a low T. gondii seropositivity        between toxoplasmosis and MS.24 It is unclear
(33.9%) in MS patients in contrast to the control         why there were dissimilarities and controversy in
group (55%); also, Stascheit et al. found low levels      the relationship between MS and seroprevalence
of antibodies against T. gondii in MS patients in         of toxoplasmosis in the mentioned studies. This
Berlin, Germany.9,11 In a recent study, Nicoletti         is presumably due to the discrepancy in study
et al. reported a low level of anti-T. gondii             population and prevalence of toxoplasmosis in
antibodies in MS patients (29.5%) compared to             the general papulation in certain regions. In the
healthy participants (45.4%).27 Accordingly, the          current study, there was no significant relationship
low prevalence of toxoplasmosis in MS patients            between the residence place and contact with cats
may represent a protective effect of this infection       with the presence of anti-T. gondii. The findings
on MS. As mentioned in the literature review, the         of this study are similar to those of the study
neuroprotective property of toxoplasmosis can             by Koskderelioglua et al. and contrary to the
be related to the indirect effect of infection on         results of Stascheit et al.9,11 In our study, similar
the microglia and astrocytes and the secretion of         to some previous studies, almost two thirds of
transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β), PGE2,            the participants lived in urban areas. Hence, it
and IL10. Beside, other protective factors may            could be hypothesized that the prevalence of
include the reducing of IL-2 due to the activation        toxoplasmosis depends on individuals’ lifestyle
of the forkhead box P3 (FoxP3) T cells as an              and hygiene habits rather than place of residence.
immune-suppressive element, and suppressing of            In this study, we investigated the relationship
the inflammatory molecules including inducible            between seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis and MS.
actin filament (F-actin) depolymerization, nitric         Our findings showed that there was a significant
oxide synthase (iNOS) and nuclear factor-                 difference in age and gender between seropositive

Neurology Asia                                                                                             June 2021

and seronegative MS patients. Older age and male       DISCLOSURE
gender had higher seropositivity rates among MS
                                                       Financial support: This work was partially
patients. However, previous studies found no
                                                       supported by a grant from the Mazandaran
significant difference between age and gender with
                                                       University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran.
serological status of MS patients.9,11 One study in
Germany reported that older age and male gender
                                                       Conflict of interest: None
are independent risk factors for seropositivity of
toxoplasmosis.30 In terms of disease duration, we
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