The Road to COP27 SEC Newgate UK Green & Good

Page created by Don Hudson
The Road to COP27 SEC Newgate UK Green & Good
The Road
to COP27
SEC Newgate UK
Green & Good
The Road to COP27 SEC Newgate UK Green & Good
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Transitioning to a                                                                                              Key agenda items for the
                                                                     SEC Newgate UK has in-depth
                                                                     knowledge of the key issues and
                                                                     expertise in policy areas such as
                                                                                                                Conference in November
Net Zero economy
                                                                     climate finance regulation, the
                                                                     renewable energy sector, electric
                                                                     vehicles and the infrastructure
                                                                     network they require.                      2022 will include:
Expectations for what constitutes ‘good’                             Developing a viable carbon
                                                                     offset market, implementing ESG            -   Emissions: What Nationally Determined Contributions

business have changed forever. Profit matters
                                                                     reporting standards and                        (NDCs) are countries going to commit to in order to cut
                                                                     understanding how concepts such                their carbon emissions and limit global warming to 1.5C?
                                                                     as Scope 3 emissions and embodied
but so does social and environmental                                 carbon can best be understood are
                                                                     just some of the many issues to be
                                                                                                                -   Carbon trading: Can agreement be reached on developing
                                                                                                                    carbon trading (and voluntary carbon markets) on the back

impact and purpose. Organisations are                                faced in the next 12 months.                   of the Paris Rulebook agreement struck at COP26? These
                                                                                                                    set a framework for creating a global carbon pricing and
                                                                                                                    trading agreement that allows countries with large forests
expected to deliver for all stakeholders,
                                                                     The challenges facing the
                                                                     delegates at COP27 involve                     and natural resources to get paid for preserving these as
                                                                     business at every level. It’s a critical       carbon sinks and sources of biodiversity by those countries

not just investors and owners.                                       moment to engage fully with this
                                                                     high-profile agenda. The
                                                                                                                    that emit higher levels of carbon.

                                                                     SEC Newgate ESG Monitor global             -   Just transition: How do we secure a just transition to a
                                                                     report has shown public opinion                net zero economy that sees the G20 providing the
                                                                     demands it.                                    long-promised $100 billion a year aid package to
                             It’s the most important public                                                         developing countries to help them achieve economic
                             debate of our times. 2022 will be a     Shareholder activism, litigation and           growth using sustainable technologies?
                             transformational year for the           divestment campaigns are evident
                             responsibility of business to the       and growing pressures.                     -   Carbon offsetting: What further progress will be made
                             environment, with a number of key       Understanding how government                   in setting global standards for carbon offsetting as a
                             events and milestones that present      policy is being shaped has never               transition to full decarbonisation and a solution for hard
                             opportunity and challenges for the      been more important.                           to abate emissions and sectors?
                             corporate and financial world.
                                                                                                                -   Ending coal power: How do we accelerate the agreement
                             Why? Because COP26 (the UN                                                             reached to ‘scale-down’ coal use and accelerate the switch
                             Climate Change Convention that                                                         to renewables?
                             took place in Glasgow in
                             November 2021) achieved more                                                       -   Green finance: What role will business and finance play
                             than it has generally received credit                                                  in funding and delivering solutions that help achieve a
                             for and set in place an agenda for                                                     net zero future, on the back of the landmark agreement
                             COP27 which requires business and                                                      achieved by GFANZ at COP26 which saw $130 trillion
                             the global economy to decarbonise                                                      committed to investing in projects that will deliver the
                             faster and transition to net zero.                                                     net zero transition?

                                                                     These and other issues around setting
                                                                     global agreements on carbon reduction and
                                                                     environmental preservation will all take the
                                                                     attention of delegates at COP27.
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                                                                                                             What will
                                                                                                             COP27 and
                                                                                                             2022 mean
                                                                                                             for business?

                                     Glasgow was seen as the ‘business COP’; the              Greenwash is once again the reputational

COP27 will also be ‘Africa’s COP’
                                     point at which diplomats stopped arguing about           bogeyman and business will be expected to
                                     climate science (and what constitutes ‘dangerous’        deliver beyond the minimum standards of ESG

so we can expect renewed
                                     levels of global warming) and started looking at         reporting and compliance, and demonstrate that
                                     solutions to transition the world to net zero.           it can make a serious contribution to making the

pressure on the G20 nations
                                                                                              world a more sustainable, equitable and fair place
                                     For business, COP27 will be an opportunity to            for all its citizens.

(which account for around 80%
                                     capitalise on the huge transformation in its role
                                     and reputation that was achieved at COP26.               It will also be expected to have credible plans to

of carbon emissions) from African
                                                                                              decarbonise operations and supply chains to align
                                     The role of business and finance to lead the net         with Paris Agreement goals of 1.5C global

countries and others which face
                                     zero transition was widely regarded as critical to       warming and to have plans to enhance nature
                                     the success of the Glasgow Conference. Business          and biodiversity through its operations and

the most extreme impacts from
                                     is now seen as having solutions to tackling climate      impact plans.
                                     change and keeping ‘1.5 alive’ rather than being

climate change yet have done the
                                     largely perceived as a cause of the global               As we look at the road to COP27, the key
                                     warming crisis.                                          milestones provide an opportunity for business to

least to create the conditions for
                                                                                              engage and influence the debate, but they also
                                     Among the greatest successes was the GFANZ               provide an inflexion point for renewed corporate

it. Russia and China (which did
                                     (Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero) pledge         scrutiny and criticism.
                                     to fund $130 trillion in net zero transition projects,

not send leadership delegations
                                     providing a ‘wall of money’ that GFANZ Chair             As a final thought, COP27 is already attracting
                                     (Mark Carney) has said will be enough to finance         some controversy with questions arising around

to Glasgow) are also likely to be
                                     the delivery of net zero by 2050 targets.                freedom to protest and whether the Egyptian
                                                                                              authorities will allow the global activist gatherings

more engaged with COP27 given
                                     Yet 2022 will also bring challenges. Many                that we saw at COP26.
                                     businesses will face renewed scrutiny from

the geopolitical importance of
                                     activists, NGOs, governments, consumers and              If they do not then the protests will still take place, in
                                     business partners based on the pledges they              other cities, online and through direct action targeting

Africa to both.
                                     make and the impact delivered.                           organisations (particularly businesses) that are
                                                                                              perceived to be part of the problem.
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The Road to COP27:
Key milestones
Covid restrictions have forced the
rescheduling of some key global events
(notably the World Economic Forum’s Davos
meeting which has been moved from January
2022 to ‘early summer’ – date to be

This gives some breathing space to
consider how and where to engage, but not
a lot. The agenda for change set at COP26
will continue to ramp up and the UK retains
its Presidency of COP26 until the Egypt
Conference opens. Alok Sharma (COP26
President) has already made it clear that his
mission in the remaining 11 months will be to
persuade countries to come to COP27 with
far more ambitious targets for carbon
reduction that allow the 1.5C target to
be achieved.

Delivering that will fall heavily on companies
and consumers. Talk is cheap, the world is
now expecting action and transparent,
measurable plans from businesses.
The Road to COP27 SEC Newgate UK Green & Good
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Key events on the road to COP27:

February 2022                                                              June 2022                           25th June–3rd July, London            July 2022                            November 2022
                                       World Economic Forum
                                                                                                               Climate Action Week: This will
IPCC Climate Assessment                DAVOS meeting:                      1st June, CITES COP19 (Costa                                              5th–15th July 2022, High-level       7th–18th November 2022,
                                                                                                               be a focal point for discussions
Report: This will provide an           Rescheduled from January            Rica): 19th meeting of the COP                                            Political Forum on Sustainable       COP27, Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt):
                                                                                                               around the UK’s role in driving
update (based on analysis from         is now set to take place in         to the Convention on the                                                  Development (HLPF) 2022:             Global leaders will gather in the
                                                                                                               the net zero transition and also
the world’s leading climate            ‘early summer’ with COP27           International Trade in                                                    Tenth session of the HLPF (UN’s      opening days with the first
                                                                                                               a likely draw for climate activists
change scientists) on the impact       and the net zero transition         Endangered Species of Wild                                                sustainable development forum)       week likely to see a focus for
                                                                                                               and protests. Will see around
that the existing carbon               a key agenda point.                 Fauna and Flora. With the                                                 will review the Sustainable          announcements and corporate
                                                                                                               250 events with climate
reduction commitments are                                                  previous CITES COP18 revising       professionals and communities         Development Goals with               activity. Week two will see the
making on efforts to limit global                                          trade rules for dozens of           looking at new solutions              participation from UN member         diplomatic hard-yards as the
warming to 1.5C. The analysis       March, IUCN Africa Protected           threatened wildlife species, this   to tackle the climate crisis.         states and civil society             Egyptian hosts seek to get
will provide renewed focus and      Areas Congress (APAC),                 year’s CITES COP19 will likely                                            organisations.                       agreement on emissions
urgency for the net zero.           (Rwanda): The first ever               review such lists and consider      26th–28th June, G7 Leaders’                                                reductions that deliver the Paris
                                    continent-wide gathering of            amendments to encourage the         Summit (Germany): Climate                                                  Agreement of limiting global
                                    African leaders, citizens, and         progression of conservation         change will be a key pillar of the    September 2022                       warming to 1.5C.
March 2022                          interest groups to discuss the         efforts.                            discussions alongside
                                    role of protected areas in                                                 strengthening multilateralism         13th–27th September 2022,
3rd March, UN World Wildlife                                               2nd–3rd June, Stockholm+50:
                                    conserving nature, safeguarding                                            and democratic resilience. As the     77th: Session of UN General
Day: Focused on promoting                                                  The UN General Assembly’s                                                                                         Q4: Announcements
                                    Africa’s iconic wildlife, delivering                                       new G7 chair, Germany plans to        Assembly: The key issues that
biodiversity and protecting                                                two-day international meeting,                                                                                    expected around
                                    vital life-supporting ecosystem                                            “greatly expand” G7’s mission to      will be discussed in this
endangered wildlife and                                                    Stockholm+50, will mark the                                                                                       mandatory net zero
                                    services, promoting sustainable                                            climate change mitigation,            session are yet to be announced,
habitats. Will likely build on                                             50th anniversary since the UN                                                                                     transition plans for UK
                                    development while conserving                                               placing importance upon energy        although green issues and
COP26 discussions around                                                   Conference on the Human                                                                                           businesses to come into
                                    Africa’s cultural heritage and                                             and climate partnerships. Will        solutions are likely to feature at
biodiversity and nature-based                                              Environment. It will focus on                                                                                     effect in 2023. All listed
                                    traditions. Will provide an                                                give insights into the position       the top of the agenda.
solutions to global warming.                                               ways to ensure a ‘healthy                                                                                         businesses are likely to
                                    Africa-wide gathering ahead of         planet for the prosperity of all’   and progress likely to be seen
                                                                                                                                                     TBC late September 2022,                have to report net zero
                                    the Egypt COP27 meeting.               and looks likely to pick up from    at COP27 from the world’s
March, TCFD: Premium listed                                                                                                                          Climate Week NYC 2022:                  transition plans for scrutiny
companies in the UK will be                                                Davos and COP15 in taking           leading economies.
                                                                                                                                                     This annual event provides an           by investors, activists and
required on a ‘comply or explain’                                          forward some of the agenda                                                                                        other stakeholders and
                                    April 2022                                                                                                       opportunity for businesses and
basis for 2021 results (so March                                           points that will frame COP27.                                                                                     observers.
                                                                                                                                                     organisations to showcase
will be the first reporting                                                                                                                          leading climate action.
                                    25th April, COP15 – Biodiversity       5th June, World Environment
season using TCFD as a
                                    summit: The summit is                  Day: The theme will be “Only
mandatory standard).
                                    expected to address targets on         One Earth” mirroring the motto
                                    plastic pollution, pesticide use       of the Stockholm Conference
IPCC socio economic climate
                                    and harmful subsidies.                 50 years ago and promoting the
pathways report: This follow-up
                                    However, although already              need for humans to live
report will examine how these
                                    postponed three times                  harmoniously with nature.
pathways would influence the
                                    previously, Omicron could              Coming on the back of the
                                    threaten the April summit again        Stockholm+50 conference, it is
                                    with rumours of a further delay.       likely to be a focus for climate
23rd March, World
Meteorological Day: The Ocean                                              activism as attention starts
will be the focus of this year’s                                           building towards COP27.
World Meteorological Day. The
Ocean transports 90% of the                                                8th June, World Oceans Day:
world’s trade, and sea-bound                                               focuses on raising awareness
economic activity is forecast to                                           of overfishing, and creating
increase rapidly, therefore there                                          actionable outcomes to support
will be a focus on progressing                                             sustainable fishing and ocean
ocean research to continue                                                 conservation.
economic activity sustainably.
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Supporting your goals

SEC Newgate UK Green & Good is working with clients
in the lead up to COP27 and during the Conference to
deliver programmes including the following elements:

           Digital campaigns that could
           include audience targeting;

                                          Integrated communications
                                          strategy and delivery

                                                                              Public affairs engagement
                                                                              and strategic advice in the

                                                                                                             Reputation management
                                                                                                             advice around an event that

                                                                                                                                           Support on the
                                                                                                                                           development of virtual
           geolocation ads; support       including strategy and              run up to COP27 including      will bring heightened         events and meetings
           running digital campaigns;     messaging development;              advice on engaging with UK     scrutiny and activist         before and during the
           or development of virtual      content creation; thought           delegates.                     activity around               COP27 conference,
           fringe events and thought      leadership and media and                                           environmental issues.         including all supporting
           leadership.                    stakeholder relations to                                                                         communications, content
                                          position organisations and                                                                       production and media
                                          brands effectively                                                                               relations.
                                          around COP27.
The Road to COP27 SEC Newgate UK Green & Good
SEC Newgate UK Green & Good

                                                                        SEC Newgate UK’s Green & Good team
                                                                        works with organisations to define,
                                                                        articulate and communicate their
                                                                        environmental and social purpose.
                                                         Andrew Adie

                                                                        We help organisations to interact with all
                                                                        the stakeholders (internal, commercial,
                                                                        political, consumer and activist) that
                                                                        surround them in order to build trust and
                                                                        secure buy-in for strategies that deliver
                                                                        purpose as well as profit and which will
Imogen Shaw        Dafydd Rees         Tom Flynn         Amelia Beale

                                                                        help the transition to a net zero world.

                                                                        We work with business and other
                                                                        organisations to set strategy, build
                                                                        messages and create and target content
                                                                        at specific audience groups through
                                                                        media and social channels and through
Elisabeth Cowell   Valeria Orezzi      Sophie Morello    Gareth Jones

                                                                        direct engagement, advocacy
                                                                        and events.

                                                                        If you’d like to discuss the challenges and
                                                                        opportunities that lie ahead for business
                                                                        in the transition to net zero and during
Polly Warrack      Tim Le Couilliard   Alistair Kellie   Ian Morris
                                                                        the year ahead, please do contact us:

The team                                                                Andrew Adie
                                                                        Head of SEC Newgate UK Green & Good
                                                                        07970 256 512                                                                                   
                                       Greg Rosen        Devi Shanton


                                                                        The document and the material contained in it is the property of SEC Newgate UK and is given to you on the understanding that such material
                                                                        and the ideas, concepts and proposals expressed in it are the intellectual property of SEC Newgate UK and protected by copyright. It is
                                                                        understood that you may not use this material or any part of it for any part of it for any reason unless we have entered into a further agreement
                                                                        for its use. The document is provided to you in confidence and on the understanding it is not disclosed to anyone other than
                                                                        those of your employees who need to evaluate it.
The Road to COP27 SEC Newgate UK Green & Good The Road to COP27 SEC Newgate UK Green & Good The Road to COP27 SEC Newgate UK Green & Good
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