The presentation will start shortly - Middlesex-London Health ...

Page created by Bertha Terry
The presentation will start shortly - Middlesex-London Health ...
The presentation will start shortly
The presentation will start shortly - Middlesex-London Health ...
Community Stakeholder
 Middlesex and London Region
       August 17, 2021
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    Dr. Alex Summers
Associate Medical Officer of Health
  Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Surveillance Report
As of August 17th:
• Over 207.1 million COVID-19 cases and over 4.3 million deaths
  have been reported worldwide
• Over 4.4 billion vaccine doses administered worldwide
• 556,087 cases of this illness confirmed in Ontario, including 9,418
• Locally:

Data source: Ontario Ministry of Health (Ministry) Public Health Case and Contact Management Solution (CCM), extracted
2021-08-17. Data current as of the end of day 2021-08-16.
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Cases by Reported Date

Data source: Ontario Ministry of Health (Ministry) Public Health Case and Contact Management Solution (CCM), extracted
2021-08-17. Data current as of the end of day 2021-08-16.
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Outbreaks (as of Aug 16, 2021):
• Congregate Setting = 0
• LTCH/RH/Hospital = 1
• Schools/Child Care/Post-secondary = 0

   – Continue to see outbreaks among groups who
     are gathering indoors and among those who
     are unvaccinated
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Vaccination Status of Cases

Data source: Ontario Ministry of Health (Ministry) Public Health Case and Contact Management Solution (CCM), extracted 2021-08-17.
Data current as of the end of day 2021-08-16.
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Variant of Concern (VOC) update

Data source: Ontario Ministry of Health (Ministry) Public Health Case and Contact Management Solution (CCM), extracted 2021-08-17.
Data current as of the end of day 2021-08-16.
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COVID-19 Vaccine Update

Data source: Ontario Ministry of Health (Ministry) Public Health Case and Contact Management Solution (CCM), extracted 2021-08-17.
Data current as of the end of day 2021-08-16.
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COVID-19 Vaccine Coverage

Data source: Ontario Ministry of Health (Ministry) Public Health Case and Contact Management Solution (CCM), extracted 2021-08-17.
Data current as of the end of day 2021-08-16.
Provincial COVID-19 vaccination data
• Data updated daily including:
  – Vaccination status of cases,
    hospitalized and in ICU
  – Vaccine administered by age and
  – First and second doses,
  – Case numbers and spread,
  – Testing volumes and results,
  – Likely source of infection, and
  – Long-term care homes
Reaching the Unvaccinated

            Coming by mail soon…

            • Select unvaccinated individuals in
              the Middlesex-London region will
              soon be receiving a postcard
              promoting the COVID-19 vaccine.
COVID-19 Fixed Vaccination Clinics
• Appointments continue to be low
• Walk-in options for 1st and 2nd doses of vaccine continue at all four
  mass clinics
• Earl Nichols and NLOCC are operating with shorter hours
• Mt Brydges moves to reduced hours TODAY, while the Agriplex will
  on September 2nd
COVID-19 Vaccine Mobile and Pop-up Clinics
                      • New dates and locations
                        for mobile and pop-up
                        clinics continue to be
                        created – check our
                        website for updates
                      • Coming soon:
                        Masonville Mall, London
                        Air Show and Pride
Updated Virtual Care Resources
          for LTCHs
Updated COVID-19 Guidance
for Child Care, Before and After School
Programs, EarlyON, and Family Centres
COVID-19 School Guidance for Case,
Contact, and Outbreak Management
– Fully vaccinated:
   • Symptomatic, previously positive (within the past
     90 days and have since been cleared), household
     members of symptomatic individuals or contacts of
     a confirmed or probable case:
      – MUST self-isolate for TEN days from last exposure to the
        symptomatic individual until they receive a negative
        COVID-19 test result or are provided with an alternative
        diagnosis by a healthcare professional.
      – SHOULD be tested as soon as possible.
COVID-19 School Guidance for Case,
 Contact, and Outbreak Management
– Fully vaccinated:
   • Asymptomatic, previously positive (within the past
     90 days and have since been cleared), high-risk
     contacts, household members of symptomatic
     individuals, or contacts of a confirmed or probable
      – DO NOT have to quarantine
      – SHOULD be tested as soon as possible
COVID-19 School Guidance for Case,
Contact, and Outbreak Management
– Not fully vaccinated:
   • Asymptomatic, previously positive, high-risk
     contacts, household members of symptomatic
     individuals, contacts of a confirmed or probable
      – MUST self-isolate for TEN days from last exposure to the
        symptomatic individual (regardless of negative COVID-19
        test result).
      – SHOULD be tested on or after day SEVEN of their
        isolation period.
           » If tested before day seven of self-isolation, a REPEAT
             test on or after day seven is recommended.
COVID-19 School Guidance for Case,
Contact, and Outbreak Management

– Exposures:
  • The day of the last known exposure to a confirmed
    case is when an individual’s isolation period and
    testing dates should be counted from.
  • For unknown exposures, the isolation period
    should begin from the last exposure to the cohort.
Step Three of Roadmap
• Ontario will remain in Step Three
   • 80% of the eligible population
     aged 12 and over has received
     one dose of a COVID-19
     vaccine, and
   • 75% have received their
     second, with
   • No public health unit having
     less than 70% of their eligible
     population aged 12 and over
     fully vaccinated.
Exiting the Roadmap
• Details of what exiting the roadmap will look like for the
  Ontario include:
   o Continued masking for publicly accessible indoor spaces
   o Capacity limits lifted
   o Physical distancing or plexiglass continues in public spaces
   o Active or passive screening as directed by the Office of the
     Chief Medical Officer of Health or other public health
   o Safety plans required by businesses
Out of Province/Out of Country COVID-19
            Vaccine Reporting
Individuals who received one OR both doses of COVID-19 vaccine
outside of Ontario OR Canada can now submit their vaccine
records to MLHU online!
MLHU Info and Contact
• Weekly webinars held on Tuesdays at 12:30 p.m.
  to 1:00 p.m.

• Please send your questions to

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