The medical writer's role in health technology assessment submissions
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The medical writer’s role in health technology assessment submissions Jo Whelan1, Tina Krieger2 1 HEOR Ltd., Cardiff, UK 2 HEOR, Germany Correspondence to: Jo Whelan Abstract Writing health technology assessment (HTA) submissions is a challenging and rewarding area of medical writing, being part of the process of giving patients access to new medicines. Submission requirements differ between countries but all require clear communication of the new product’s value. This article looks at the medical writer’s role in UK and German submissions, but many of the points covered will be generalisable to other jurisdictions. n H ealth technology assessments (HTA) help inform payer decisions about what medicines and other technologies to fund, and at what price. These may be carried out by official national bodies, such as England’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), France’s National Authority for Health (HAS), and Germany’s Federal Joint Committee (G- BA), or at local and regional levels. Medical writers play an important role in the writing and managing of dossiers submitted by manu- facturers to the decision-making bodies. This article outlines the medical writer’s role in HTA submissions (also known as reimbursement submissions) and examines how we can add value in the quest for a successful appraisal, one which culminates in patient access to novel medicines and reimbursement at a satisfactory price for both the manufacturer and the health system. Writing HTA submissions is a challenging and rewarding role that sits somewhere between 68 | September 2021 Medical Writing | Volume 30 Number 3
Whelan and Krieger | The medical writer’s role in HTA submissions regulatory medical writing and medical submissions are sometimes handled in-house by The medical writer is typically responsible for all communications. The medical writer is a key part the pharmaceutical or device company, but more of these aspects. of a submission team that also includes health typically the sponsor company (often called the economists, data analysts, market access “manufacturer”) will engage a consultancy to The medical writer’s role professionals, and systematic reviewers. HTA carry out the economic modelling, advise on The medical writer’s role in HTA submissions has strategy, and create the submission dossier. This three main aspects: populating the clinical article is written from the perspective of the sections of the dossier template, supporting the authors’ experience in writing UK and Irish HTA health economists/analysts, and managing the submissions (to NICE, the Scottish Medicines dossier. We will now look at each of these more Consortium, All Wales Medicines Strategy closely. Group, and the National Committee for Pharma- coeconomics), but many of the principles Writing the clinical section covered are transferrable to other jurisdictions. Each HTA body has its own submission template Tina Krieger looks more closely at the writer’s and an accompanying user guide. Be sure to role in German HTA submissions. download these freshly for each submission in case there have been changes, and follow the user What makes a good HTA submission? guide carefully. In the UK system – and in a few other countries To write a successful clinical section, the including the Netherlands, Sweden, Canada, and writer must gain a good understanding of the Australia – economic modelling is central to the disease area, the current treatment pathway, and HTA process. In the UK, this takes the form of the new treatment and its trial data. From this, it cost-effectiveness analysis. Health economists is essential to construct a clear “value story”. attempt to represent the disease and its treatment What is the unmet medical need? How does this within established modelling approaches such as product address it? What advantages (i.e., what Markov models or partitioned “added value”) does it offer over survival analyses. The primary current treatment – to patients, inputs to these economic models A good caregivers, health services, and are the relative efficacy of the submission has (perhaps) from a societal per- treatment under assessment a consistent spective? Sometimes the manu- versus the designated comparators facturer will already have a clear (the current treatments that the narrative that story and may have developed new technology would be brings out the materials such as a global value expected to displace), the costs product’s value. dossier to help communicate it. of the treatments (including But in a drive to give patients acquisition costs but also the costs access to new medicines as quickly of administration, monitoring, treatment of as possible, HTA dossiers are often prepared adverse events, and any other costs or cost savings before regulatory approval has been granted, and associated with the treatments), and the effects sometimes no clear value story has been set out. of the different choices on patients’ health-related It is important to be clear on these issues within quality of life (HRQoL). These are (usually) the submission team, or the submission will lack modelled over a lifetime horizon, requiring the a coherent argument. The clinical section of the use of statistical techniques to extrapolate beyond submission should give a balanced picture of the the term of the trial. health condition but should focus particularly on However, the HTA submission is more than the needs that the new product meets, from both just the economic modelling. A good submission the patient and the healthcare system dossier has a consistent narrative that argues the perspectives. It is also crucial for the medical case for the new treatment – from the burden of writer to understand how the condition is going the disease and the unmet medical need, through to be represented in the economic model. For to the benefits of the new treatment to patients, example, the health states in an economic model Photo: Marek Studzinski its innovative nature (if applicable), and why it of HIV might be based on CD4+ cell count. The represents a good use of healthcare resources. clinical section of the submission must therefore In addition, the clinical evidence and the econ- explain the importance of the CD4+ count and omic modelling must both be clearly communi- its relationship to clinical outcomes and health- cated, and someone must manage the dossier. related quality of life. Volume 30 Number 3 | Medical Writing September 2021 | 69
The medical writer’s role in HTA submissions | Whelan and Krieger Furthermore, it is important to define the population for which the new technology should be funded, and to provide an estimate of population size. Linked to this, there must be a clear description of the current treatment pathway based on national clinical guidelines and protocols, and of where in the pathway the technology will sit and what (if any) current treatments it is expected to displace. These treatments are known as the comparators. Unlike clinical trials, where there is typically a single comparator, payers compare new technologies against all current treatments. The clinical section of the dossier also presents the pivotal clinical trial. This section should give the HTA body a clear understanding of the trial methodology and population so that they can critically appraise the results. The medical writer must use their judgement about what to include, within the template require- versus one or more comparators or a lack of data clinical section – or vice versa – so that conflicts ments. Decision-making committees have on health-related quality of life, should be stated, can be resolved early. limited time to spend on each submission, so the and the way that these issues will be addressed in The economic section of the submission case must be made clearly and succinctly. the submission should be explained. This means template is usually drafted by the health However, in most jurisdictions the submission working closely with the health economics team economists, but the medical writer should review will also be scrutinised by a technical review body to understand the approach being taken so that it from both a communication and an editorial that will advise the committee, so they must be the clinical section provides the information and standpoint to ensure that the economic concepts given sufficient detail to form a good under- argumentation needed to support it. Close are clearly communicated and are anchored in standing. The key question is “Will this infor- cooperation with the team at the sponsor the relevant literature and guidelines. mation aid the payer in their decision-making?”, company is also important. either as key data or as context. If not, better to Medical writers also have an important role Managing the dossier leave it out so that the core narrative does not get in the post-submission phase, which involves The medical writer will typically have editorial lost in a welter of additional detail. The Clinical providing clarifications and responses to responsibility for the dossier, including Study Report will usually be supplied as a questions from the HTA body. formatting, confidentiality marking, and creation reference. of the reference pack. This can be time- The final element of the clinical section Supporting the health economics team consuming, and it is important to allow sufficient focuses on interpretation and contextualisation As a result of researching and writing the clinical time for dossier finalisation in the project plan. of the clinical data. It is important to show payers section, the medical writer is usually the team that the trial data are repre- member with the most knowledge Medical writing for German sentative of the likely effects in the Frequent cross- of the disease and its treatment. reimbursement submissions local real-world population. How Writers can thus be an important The German process is not an HTA process per generalisable are the trial data to talk between sounding board for health se as usually no economic evaluation is required. the health system in question? Is writing and economists when the latter are Therefore, I will refer to the dossier as a the trial population comparable to modelling teams developing modelling assump- reimbursement dossier. As described by Kohler patients who will receive the is needed to tions and inputs (validation of the & Christoph in this issue of Medical Writing technology in local clinical modelling approach by clinical (p. 22), new drugs are reimbursed in Germany as practice? This can be addressed by optimise the experts is also key). Frequent soon as they receive marketing authorisation; comparing the population with submission. cross-talk between the writing and (see the article for further details of the German that of country-specific registries modelling teams improves the reimbursement process). A reimbursement or publications of large national or regional case ability of both specialisms to optimise the overall dossier needs to be submitted to the German series. Any differences should be explored and submission and can avert problems such as the G-BA on the day the product is brought onto the contextualised, for example by comparing modelling team using an assumption that is open market, or within 3 months in the case of a new outcomes in the comparator arm with those from to clinical challenge. Writers need to be able to indication for an approved drug. The more representative trials or series. Any evidence spot when arguments made in the economic pharmaceutical drug is compared against an gaps, such as the absence of head-to-head data section are not compatible with those in the appropriate comparative therapy (ACT); this 70 | September 2021 Medical Writing | Volume 30 Number 3
Whelan and Krieger | The medical writer’s role in HTA submissions contrasts with the NICE process, where all drugs must be submitted in German. Module 1 is a the drug of interest and the ACT. approved in the indication are taken into summary of modules 2 to 4 with word Once the reimbursement dossier is sub- consideration. restrictions and is comparable to the NICE mitted, the preparation for the written statements The G-BA sends all reimbursement dossiers document A. Module 5 contains all the starts; the purpose of this statement is to provide for non-orphan drugs to the Institute for Quality references cited in modules 1 to 4. Module 2 is a responses or clarifications to points in the and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) for rather small document and contains general IQWiG assessment, where this is considered assessment. IQWiG provides recommendations information such as the drug’s mode of action necessary. There are only 3 weeks between the within 3 months on the additional benefit of the and the approved indications. The information is publication of the IQWiG assessment on the drug. The extent of the additional benefit is the usually found in the Summary of Product G-BA website and the possibility to provide basis for the price negotiation with the statutory Characteristic and in regulatory documents. written statements to the G-BA. It is advisable to health insurance (SHI). For orphan drugs, the More information needs to be provided in summarise all possible points that may need to assessment is done directly by the G-BA. module 3. The ACT needs to be named and its be addressed and prepare for them in advance. The reimbursement process starts before appropriateness justified. The derivation of the After submitting the written statements, the dossier submission. The G-BA provides the patient population is an important section and of pharmaceutical company receives a date for an opportunity to address specific questions in an interest for the price negotiation later in the oral hearing at the G-BA for which preparations early advice meeting. An application needs to be process. The attention is on the target population are also required. The company must prepare for completed prior to the meeting where all and specifically the population for which an different scenarios that might emerge during the questions relating to the submission can be put, additional benefit is expected. The meeting, and the medical writer is often involved specifically which is considered the appropriate website ( in researching and formulating responses. The therapy, whether trial design can be considered _inhalt.html) is a good source to get overall G-BA decides on the additional benefit appropriate, the patient relevance of endpoints, patient numbers, with more specific numbers considering the IQWiG assessment, the written or whether the subgroups have been chosen provided by trial registries or in the published statements, and the outcome of the oral hearing. correctly based on the data available. The literature. This module also contains a section on The writing work on German submissions is pharmaceutical company should provide its the cost of the therapy and its ACT, which are quite challenging as there is no economic response with all the arguments for or against a listed in the Lauer-Taxe database (not free of modelling, so the case for the degree of specific statement. Preparing this application charge). additional benefit is made solely on the basis of requires a lot of discussion, research, and medical Module 4 contains the results – the medical clinical efficacy. writing. The submission team members discuss benefit and the medical added benefit when and agree upon what questions to ask and comparing to the ACT. The result section is the Acknowledgements research the replies. The research for these critical part of the submission together with the The authors would like to thank Beverley Jones, questions includes the review of recent national section about the final assessment of the Senior Manager (HTA) HEOR Ltd, for helpful (or where not available, European or inter- additional benefit, including its probability from comments. national) guidelines, to identify the ACT, and the the pharmaceutical company’s view. These identification of previous assessments in this or sections require a lot of medical writing as all Disclaimers a similar indication to identify whether the the results for all endpoints measured in the The opinions expressed in this article are the endpoints chosen are patient-relevant, or to described trials, preferably randomised authors’ own and not necessarily shared by their address other questions of interest. controlled trials, need to be presented and employers or EMWA. There is a template for the reimbursement interpreted. The primary sources of information dossier on the G-BA website. The dossier consists are the clinical study reports available for the Conflicts of interest of five modules (see Kohler & Christoph) and drug of interest and any published literature on The authors declare no conflicts of interest. Author information Jo Whelan is a Principal Medical Writer at Tina Krieger is an HTA Consultant at HEOR HEOR Ltd. She has worked on numerous Ltd. She has worked on numerous European UK HTA submissions, both at HEOR Ltd HTA submissions, at HEOR Ltd and, and previously as a freelance medical previously, at other consultancies. writer, and teaches EMWA workshops on writing skills and global value dossiers. Volume 30 Number 3 | Medical Writing September 2021 | 71
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