The mechanisms of subnational population growth and decline in
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Natalie Jackson and Lars Brabyn The mechanisms of subnational population growth and decline in New Zealand 1976-2013 The broader rationale for the Tai Timu Tangata project is outlined by Jackson (infra). Essentially, current New Zealand has a relatively young and rapidly growing Introduction: population. However, widespread subnational depopulation between 1996 This article summarises key findings from the strand of and 2013 saw one-third of the nation’s TAs decline in size; Auckland and 12 TAs the Tai Timu Tangata. Taihoa e? project that examined the shared 90 percent of growth, while the mechanisms of subnational population change in New remaining 10 percent of growth was spread very thinly across 32 TAs. The Zealand for 143 towns, 132 rural centres and 66 territorial situation has led to some towns being authority areas (hereafter TAs), for the 37-year period disparagingly labelled as ‘zombie towns’ (NBR 2014), and contrasted against their 1976-2013. Because of space constraints we present the more successful growing counterparts. With two large cities among those information as a set of 10 summary observations. For the declining (Dunedin and Invercargill), and underlying analyses please refer to Jackson, Brabyn and Maré structural ageing known to drive a reduction in natural increase (the (2016); Jackson and Cameron (2017), Jackson, Brabyn, Maré, difference between births and deaths), we wished to better understand why some Cameron and Pool (forthcoming); and Jackson and Brabyn areas are growing and others not. (forthcoming). Specifically, we wished to know whether parts of subnational New Zealand might Dr Natalie Jackson was Professor of Demography at Waikato University and Adjunct Professor of be following their international Demography at Massey University during the period of this research. She is also Director, Natalie Jackson Demographics Ltd ( Dr Lars Brabyn is Senior Lecturer, counterparts in declining from what is School of Geography, University of Waikato ( proposed as a ‘new’ and increasingly Page 22 – Policy Quarterly – Volume 13, Supplementary Issue – June 2017
intractable form of population decline Figure 1: Percentage of Territorial Authority Area, Town and Rural Centre (where net migration loss is accompanied Populations experiencing net migration gain or loss, 1976-2013 by natural decrease), as opposed to the Net Migration Gain ‘old’ form, where natural increase is 90.0 positive but fails to offset net migration loss (Bucher & Mai 2005, cited in Matanle 80.0 & Rausch 2011: 19-20, 46-47). 70.0 The question was not merely academic. 60.0 51.7 Globally, population growth is theorized 51.5 51.0 Percentage to end around the end of the present 50.0 century, but much sooner across the 40.0 developed world (Lutz, Sanderson & Sherbov 2004; Davoudi, Wishardt & 30.0 Strange 2010; Reher 2007, 2011, Lee & 20.0 Reher 2011). Reports from newly depopulating countries such as Japan are 10.0 largely negative, indicating reduced 0.0 investment in local infrastructure, TAs (N=66) Towns (N=143) Rural Centres (N=132) widespread abandonment of schools, 1976-81 1981-86 1986-91 1991-96 1996-01 2001-06 2006-13 homes and business, and general social, Net Migration Loss economic and environmental damage 90.0 78.8 78.8 outside of the main cities; at the same 74.2 80.0 time, opportunities arising from a 71.2 potential ‘depopulation dividend’ 70.0 62.2 (Matanle 2017) need to be engaged with 57.6 60.0 in a timely manner, long before local 50.3 50.3 49.2 Percentage councils and similar agencies are 50.0 overwhelmed with sustained depopulation 40.0 that they have not been anticipating (Matanle & Sato 2010; Audirac 2012; 30.0 Martinez-Fernandez, Kubo, Noya & 20.0 Weyman 2012; McMillan 2016). 10.0 Indeed, if subnational New Zealand is following its international counterparts 0.0 while at the same time being relatively TAs (N=66) Towns (N=143) Rural Centres (N=132) youthful and growing strongly at national 1976-81 1981-86 1986-91 1991-96 1996-01 2001-06 2006-13 level, we asked if there could be broader Source: Jackson and Brabyn (forthcoming). Notes: These data were first published in Jackson et al. 2016. Proportions here differ slightly, due to database revisions. theoretical implications that would contribute to a theory of depopulation, New Zealand’s coding. The demographic Our 143 towns and 132 rural centres and thereby support councils and other components of change (births, deaths, conform to Statistics New Zealand’s agencies to plan for this eventuality in a natural increase) for each area were then ‘urban areas’. This means that our ‘towns’ more positive way (McMillan 2016). retrospectively modelled using TA-level range in size from major (>30,000 Because the data we needed for the fertility and survivorship rates. An people) to minor (1,000 – 9,999 people) exercise were not available for many estimate of net migration (total and by urban areas, and our ‘rural centres’, from subnational jurisdictions, or for the age) was then extracted via the 300 to 999 people, in terms of their size in period required, or on consistent conventional residual method (net change 1976. Under these arrangements, geographical boundaries, we had to first minus natural increase = net migration). Auckland is divided into four zones, extract them via statistical means. The The exercise permitted us to develop while data for rural districts is excluded. methodology for creating this unique births, deaths, natural increase and The latter was an unfortunate necessity, database is briefly described in the population by age data, both with and reflecting the large number of small units attached Appendix, with more detail without migration. Although the baseline that would have needed to be analysed; available in Jackson et al., (2016). Key data and all rates for modelling have been however, where possible we note trends methodological points are that ‘usually sourced from statistics New Zealand, the for the aggregate rural district resident population’ data for all census resulting output has been developed for population. years 1976-2013 were aggregated to 2013 the purposes of this project, and should Methodologically it should also be geographic boundaries based on Statistics not be seen as official statistics. noted that each data point carries equal Policy Quarterly – Volume 13, Supplementary Issue – June 2017 – Page 23
The mechanisms of subnational population growth and decline in New Zealand 1976-2013 Figure 2: Percentage of TAs, Towns and Rural Centres experiencing net migration and deaths, while mobility theories by loss, and actually declining, 1976-2013 definition deal with ‘open’ populations Territorial Authority Areas affected by migration, and are applied sub- 78.8 78.8 nationally, nationally and globally. To avoid 80.0 getting tangled in theoretical constructs 70.0 57.6 (but see but see Pool, infra; Jackson and 60.0 Pool, forthcoming), we proceed here on 50.0 the basis that the New Zealand population Percentage 60.6 40.0 is in fact both ‘open’ as in mobility theories, 30.0 47.0 and is ageing structurally, as theorised in demographic transition (following Dyson 20.0 28.8 2011). 10.0 Following are ten key observations 0.0 drawn from the project. These are 1976-81 1981-86 1986-91 1991-96 1996-2001 2001-06 2006-13 necessarily brief, but, as noted, more Net Migration loss Actually Declined Towns formally elaborated in the referenced 80.0 papers. We conclude the article with a 70.0 short summary and consideration of 62.2 related policy implications. 60.0 50.3 50.3 50.0 Percentage Observation 1: The majority of areas 40.0 55.9 experience net migration loss rather than gain 30.0 Figure 1 compares the percentage of TAs, 20.0 35.7 towns, and rural centres experiencing 28.7 net migration gain or loss from 1976- 10.0 0.0 2013. The majority of TAs and rural centres experienced somewhat greater 1976-81 1981-86 1986-91 1991-96 1996-2001 2001-06 2006-13 Net Migration loss Actually Declined net migration loss than gain at most observations. For towns the split was Rural Centres 80.0 typically close to 50:50, although net 74.2 72.7 70.0 loss was somewhat greater than gain between 1986 and 1991, and 1996 and 60.0 50.0 2001. Recalling that rural district data 50.0 62.9 were not analysed in detail for this Percentage 59.8 40.0 project, their aggregate suggests a slightly 47.0 different story, with slightly more years of 30.0 gains than losses, and those gains being 20.0 sustained since 2001. 10.0 0.0 Observation 2: Net migration loss does not 1976-81 1981-86 1986-91 1991-96 1996-2001 2001-06 2006-13 Net Migration loss Actually Declined always result in population decline Source: Jackson and Brabyn (forthcoming) Figure 2 shows the percentage of TAs, towns and rural centres experiencing net weight, irrespective of size. This was a communities. The exclusion of rural migration loss from 1976 to 2013, and deliberate choice, in that our research is districts from our detailed analyses the percentage actually declining. The concerned with the extent to which means that such communities have only difference between the two measures individual jurisdictions – all of which broad trends on which to deliberate. is accounted for by natural increase have implications for such things as rates One major theoretical conundrum also (births minus deaths), discussed further and resources – are affected, rather than needs to be acknowledged. As outlined in below. On average 59 percent of TAs what proportion of the total New the introduction to this Issue, the project experiencing net migration loss actually Zealand population is affected (Jackson has been informed by both demographic declined; for towns and rural centres & Cameron 2017). For example, TA level and mobility transition theories. the proportions were 70 and 84 percent patterns and trends are of interest to TA Demographic transition theory (Davis respectively. These data indicate that TAs councils, while those for towns and rural 1945) is a ‘global and national’ level theory and towns have been more able than rural centres are of interest to local councils, that essentially treats populations as centres to cover their net migration loss and their respective planners and ‘closed’, that is, changing only due to births with natural increase, and conversely, that Page 24 – Policy Quarterly – Volume 13, Supplementary Issue – June 2017
net migration loss is a stronger predictor Figure 3: Percentage of Territorial Authority Area, Town and Rural Centre of net decline for rural centres than towns Populations Growing/Declining 1976-2013 by impact of migration on size and TAs. 100 90 Observation 3: The majority of areas are 25.8 32.6 smaller with, than without, migration 80 39.2 In total, 62 percent of TAs, 66 percent of towns and 50 percent of rural centres were 70 larger in 2013 than in 1976. However, 17.4 60 Percentage 36.4 because net migration was often negative, a proportion of those growing across the 50 27.3 period was smaller with migration than 40 they would have been without. By ‘with migration’ we mean population change due 30 49.2 to both migration and natural increase; by 37.9 33.6 ‘without migration’ we mean population 20 change due to natural increase only (see 10 Appendix). Thus, those growing, but smaller than they would have been without 0 Territorial Authority Areas Towns (N=143) Rural Centres (N=132) migration, owe much of their growth to natural increase. We elaborate on these Group 1 (growing, Group 2 (growing, Group 3 (declining, Declined both with and larger with migration smaller with migration smaller with migration without migration (1) interactions further below. than without) than without) than without) The exercise generated three groups of Source: Jackson and Brabyn (forthcoming). Notes: (1) refers to one rural centre (Waitati) which declined both with and without migration, but slightly less 'with' interest (Figure 3): Group 1: Areas that grew between 1976 Figure 4: Percentage of Territorial Authority Area, Town and Rural Centre Populations experiencing natural increase or natural decrease, 1976-2013, and projected and 2013 and were larger with for TAs to 2043 migration than without. This Natural Increase situation pertained to 26 percent of Projected TAs 100.0 TAs, 39 percent of towns, and 33 percent of rural centres. 80.0 Group 2: Areas that grew between 1976 and 2013, but were smaller in 2013 60.0 with migration than without. These Percentage areas experienced periods of net 40.0 migration loss, but it was either partially or fully offset by natural 20.0 increase. This situation pertained to 36 percent of TAs, 27 percent of 0.0 towns, and 17 percent of rural TAs (N=66) Towns (N=143) Rural Centres (N=132) centres. In the aggregate it also 1976-81 1981-86 1986-91 1991-96 1996-01 2001-06 2006-13 pertained to rural districts, the total 2013-18 2018-23 2023-28 2028-33 2033-38 2038-43 population of which was larger in Natural Decrease 2013 (513,951) than in 1976 70.0 Projected TAs (398,436), but smaller than it would 60.0 have been in the absence of migration (599,218). 50.0 Group 3: Areas that declined in size 40.0 Percentage between 1976 and 2013, all of which were also smaller in 2013 with 30.0 migration than without. In most cases 20.0 these areas experienced natural 10.0 increase, but it was completely offset by net migration loss. This situation 0.0 TAs (N=66) Towns (N=143) Rural Centres (N=132) pertained to 38 percent of TAs, 44 percent of towns, and 39 percent of 1976-81 1981-86 1986-91 1991-96 1996-01 2001-06 2006-13 2013-18 2018-23 2023-28 2028-33 2033-38 2038-43 rural centres. Policy Quarterly – Volume 13, Supplementary Issue – June 2017 – Page 25
The mechanisms of subnational population growth and decline in New Zealand 1976-2013 Table 1: Combination of components of change that deliver net growth or net decline decrease is as yet barely evident at TA Outcome Combination of Components level, the projections (medium variant) GROWTH A: Natural Increase and Net Migration are both positive indicate that it will be the experience of the majority (61 percent) of TAs by 2043, B: Natural Increase offsets Net Migration Loss and thus of many of the towns and rural C: Net Migration Gain offsets Natural Decrease centres which comprise them (see also DECLINE D: Net Migration Gain fails to offset Natural Decrease Jackson & Cameron 2017, and Cameron E: Natural Increase fails to offset Net Migration Loss infra). F: Natural Decrease and Net Migration Loss ZERO GROWTH G: Natural Increase = Net Migration Loss Observation 5: There are complex H: Natural Decrease = Net Migration Gain interactions between net migration and Source: Jackson, Cameron and Pool (2015). Notes: By ‘offset’ we mean to ‘completely conceal’ natural increase/decrease Net migration and natural increase In sum, migration is not a panacea for hold that the emergence of natural decrease or natural decrease interact in several growth, while growth per se may not is initially ‘incipient’ (intermittent onset), different ways to generate three different reflect net migration gain, but rather, be 47 towns and rural centres (17 percent) outcomes: growth, decline, and zero the result of natural increase offsetting experienced natural decrease across more growth. Our project has identified three underlying net migration loss. than one five-year period between 1976 combinations that generate growth, three and 2013, and 22 (8 percent) experienced that result in decline, and two that result Observation 4: The majority of areas it across five or more periods. In 2013, 19 in zero growth (Jackson, Cameron & Pool experience natural increase – but this will towns (13 percent) and 20 rural centres 2015). We refer to these as Types A-C soon change, with profound implications (15 percent) were regularly experiencing growth, Types D-F decline, and Types G During the period 1976-2013 the natural decrease; for towns this had and H zero growth (Table 1, and Figures vast majority of TAs, towns and rural increased slightly, and for rural centres, 5 and 6). centres experienced natural increase, reduced. These findings reflect those For the policy community the typology with levels in 2013 slightly higher for for the counties of the United States is important because it provides ‘advance towns than rural centres (Figure 4, left and Europe (Johnson, Field & Poston warnindding end notdg’ of the permanent panel). In the aggregate, rural districts 2015), and confirm that New Zealand is ending of growth (see also Jackson 2014). also experienced natural increase across following its older counterparts, but is as Type A growth, where both elements are each five-year period. Natural decrease yet at a much earlier stage. positive, is more robust than either Type B thus remains relatively low (right panel). Attempting to extend the analysis or C growth, where one or other element However, supporting the main tenets of forward, we drew on projections at TA is negative, and is likely to be sustained for demographic transition theory, which level.1 These data show that while natural much longer. In particular, areas growing Figure 5: Percentage of Territorial Authority Areas by Cause of Growth and Decline, 1976-2013, and Projected 2013-2043 (Medium Variant) Observed Projected 100% 21 21 21 17 30 27 80% 33 39 6 44 41 50 48 11 18 67 21 20 60% 32 26 32 21 24 26 29 40% 24 29 20 17 11 18 20% 61 23 20 45 18 27 42 14 32 29 20 30 24 0% 1976-81 1981-86 1986-91 1991-96 1996-01 2001-06 2006-13 2013-18 2018-23 2023-28 2028-33 2033-38 2038-43 A: Growth from both positive components B: Natural Increase offsets Net Migration Loss C: Net Migration Gain offsets Natural Decrease D: Net Migration Gain fails to offset Natural Decrease E: Natural Increase fails to offset Net Migration Loss F: Decline from both negative components Zero Growth Source: Jackson and Brabyn (forthcoming). Page 26 – Policy Quarterly – Volume 13, Supplementary Issue – June 2017
because of Type B growth, where natural Figure 6: Percentage of Towns and Rural Centres by Cause of Growth and increase is completely concealing net Decline, 1976-2013 migration loss, are highly vulnerable to Towns (N=143) 100% decline as natural decrease emerges, and their growth should not be seen in the 90% same light as Type A. Type D decline 80% 37 34 37 (where net migration gain fails to offset 38 40 40 44 natural decrease) is more ‘preferable’ to 70% Type E or F decline, in that the former has 60% 7 a good chance of reverting to population 16 17 growth, at least in the short-term. By 50% 20 15 16 contrast, Type E decline typically indicates 22 40% that natural increase is becoming very low, while Type F decline, the ‘new’ form 30% 52 of population decline, foreshadows a self- 20% 36 32 reinforcing and increasingly intractable 29 32 27 27 type of depopulation. In order to ‘extend’ 10% the period covered in our 1976-2013 0% analysis to indicate what will unfold for 1976-81 1981-86 1986-91 1991-96 1996-01 2001-06 2006-13 towns and rural centres, we include TA A: Growth from both positive components B: Natural Increase offsets Net Migration Loss level projections to 2043 (medium C: Net Migration Gain offsets Natural Decrease D: Net Migration Gain fails to offset variant). E: Natural Increase fails to offset Net Migration Loss Natural Decrease Zero Growth F: Decline from both negative components Type A Growth: Across the period 1976- 2013 the majority of TAs and towns Rural Centres (N=132) grew from ‘Type A’ growth, where 100% both net migration and natural 90% 20 17 24 increase were positive, although there 30 34 37 35 80% was an anomalous period, nationally, 12 15 between 1996 and 2001, when this 70% 11 cause of growth was overwhelmed by 8 60% 9 Type E decline (see below). The 11 17 percentage of TAs growing from Type 50% A growth increased overall across the 40% period, from 21 to 41 percent (Figure 55 51 5). For towns, Type A growth 30% 43 44 remained relatively stable, at 38 37 34 20% 38 percent of towns in 1976 and 37 percent in 2013; for rural centres, 10% Type A growth declined across the 0% period, from 30 to just 17 percent of 1976-81 1981-86 1986-91 1991-96 1996-01 2001-06 2006-13 rural centres (Figure 6). In the A: Growth from both positive components B: Natural Increase offsets Net Migration Loss aggregate, rural districts also grew C: Net Migration Gain offsets Natural Decrease D: Net Migration Gain fails to offset E: Natural Increase fails to offset Net Migration Loss Natural Decrease from Type A growth between 1991 Zero Growth F: Decline from both negative components and 1996, and 2001-2013. The TA level projections in Figure 5 show this Source: Jackson et al. (forthcoming) form of growth increasing until 2018, then steadily diminishing across the respectively. For rural centres the downwards, and over the next few period, pertaining to just 17 percent proportions were 8.3 and 15 percent. decades will increasingly leave areas in 2043. In the aggregate, rural districts experiencing net migration loss, Type B Growth (where natural increase experienced this type of growth ‘unprotected’. TA projections indicate completely conceals net migration between 1981 and 1991, and 1991- that this form of growth will diminish loss) declined across the period for 1996. This type of growth places as the proportion experiencing TAs and towns but increased for rural affected areas in a somewhat more natural decrease grows, with Type B centres. For TAs it pertained to 32 vulnerable position than Type A growth accounting for as few as percent in 1976 and 29 percent in growth, because as indicated above, 6 percent of TAs in 2043. 2013; for towns, 22 and 17.5 percent natural increase is trending Policy Quarterly – Volume 13, Supplementary Issue – June 2017 – Page 27
The mechanisms of subnational population growth and decline in New Zealand 1976-2013 Figure 7: Percentage of Territorial Authority Area, Town and Rural Centre Populations population change for either towns or by impact of migration on structural ageing (as indicated by percentage rural centres. Instead, the long- aged 65+ years, with and without migration) theorized arrival of zero growth as the 100.0 ‘end point’ of demographic transition has been shown in our project – as it 90.0 has internationally – to be a 80.0 transitional stage through which most 70.0 areas pass on their journey from 66.4 growth to decline, and in a few Percentage 60.0 78.8 84.7 temporary cases, vice versa. 50.0 In sum, the TA level projections 40.0 provide advance warning of the ongoing impact of structural ageing, with both 30.0 Type A and B growth steadily diminishing 20.0 and Type C growth (net migration gain 33.6 10.0 21.2 15.3 offsetting natural decrease) ultimately taking over as the main cause of growth. 0.0 Territorial Authority Areas (N-66) Towns (N=143) Rural Centres (N=132) Type D, E, and F decline each grow, with Younger/same with Migration Older with Migration Type F decline (both components Source: Jackson and Brabyn (forthcoming). negative) taking over as the main cause of decline around the mid-2030s, and of Type C Growth (where net migration gain to 29 percent; and for towns and rural population change per se in 2043 (Jackson offsets natural decrease) has as yet centres, increased from 27 to 32 et al., 2016). been the experience of relatively few percent, and 47 to 60 percent, areas, because natural decrease itself respectively. Aggregate data for rural Observation 6: The vast majority of TAs, is as yet not widespread. However, TA districts suggests they experienced towns and rural centres are older as a result level projections indicate that Type C this combination between 1976 and of migration growth will now become more 1981 only. TA projections indicate Across the period 1976-2013, migration prominent, pertaining to around 20 this form of decline will remain a caused the majority of TA, town and percent by 2043, and becoming the common experience for the towns rural centre populations to have older largest driver of growth and the and rural centres which comprise age structures than would have been the second-largest driver of population them, although will diminish over case in the absence of migration (Figure change. Type C growth may be a more time as it gives way to Type F decline 7). That is, migration either removed robust driver of growth than Type B, (see below). This is the shift from the young people and/or added older people, at least in the short-term, because ‘old’ form of depopulation referred to causing the proportion aged 65+ years while migration remains positive it by Bucher and Mai (2005) to the ‘new’ to be greater than it would have been has a good chance of offsetting form, where both elements are without migration.2 underlying natural decrease. negative. This is known as ‘age-selective’ Type D Decline (where net migration gain Type F Decline (where both elements are migration (see below), which has also fails to offset natural decrease) is as negative) has so far played a minor been shown internationally to accelerate yet similarly uncommon, not yet role in New Zealand’s subnational structural ageing as much as the experienced at TA level and population change, albeit more conventional driver, low fertility rates pertaining to less than 3 percent of evident for rural centres than towns. (Johnson et al., 2015). towns and 4 percent of rural centres At TA level the combination has not The greatest ‘juvenescent’ (youth- in 2013. TA projections indicate that yet been experienced. However, imparting) impact was for towns, only 15 this form of decline will become projections indicate that it will percent of which had populations younger noticeable from around 2028 and become notable at TA level from the with, than without, migration. The same pertain to around 6 percent of TAs in early 2030s, become the major driver situation pertained to one-fifth of TAs 2043. of decline, and be the main cause of and one-third of rural centres. This means Type E Decline (where natural increase population change per se, by 2043 that, by contrast, 79, 85, and 66 percent of fails to offset net migration loss), has, – when it will account for around 27 TAs, towns, and rural centres respectively by contrast, been very common across percent of TAs. were older with, than without, migration. New Zealand’s TAs, towns and rural Zero Growth: No cases of zero growth Notably this was not the case for New centres, although diminishing for the were observed at TA level during 1976 Zealand’s rural districts, which, in the former and increasing for the latter. to 2013, although a few came very aggregate, had an almost identical For TAs, the proportion fell from 45 close. It was also a minor cause of percentage aged 65 and older in 2013 both Page 28 – Policy Quarterly – Volume 13, Supplementary Issue – June 2017
with and without migration (13.0 and Figure 8: Percentage of Territorial Authority Area, Town and Rural Centre Populations 13.1 percent respectively). by extent of impact of migration on structural ageing (as indicated by reduction or increase in percentage aged 65+ years, with and without migration) Only a minority of TAs, towns and 100.0 rural centres have thus become more youthful as the result of migration, a 1.5 finding which, at least in terms of 80.0 10.5 international migration, runs counter to 21.2 many governmental pronouncements on 60.0 13.6 35.7 Percentage the issue (see McDonald & Kippen 1999 17.4 and Kippen & McDonald 2000 for a 40.0 36.4 refutation of this perception for Australia; 17.4 and Jackson & Cameron 2017 for New 20.0 29.4 Zealand). 13.6 11.4 4.2 Moreover, many jurisdictions are 0.0 -4.9 -9.1 decidedly older as a result of migration -10.6 -3.5 -4.5 -4.2 -7.6 (Figure 8). At TA level, 36 percent had -20.0 -4.5 -12.1 populations that were between 20 and 50 percent older because of migration, and -40.0 31 percent, between 50 and 100 per cent Territorial Authority Areas (N-66) Towns (N=143) Rural Centres (N=132) older. By contrast, just one was more than 50% younger 50 percent younger (Wellington City). 100% older Almost 30 percent of New Zealand towns Source: Jackson and Brabyn (forthcoming). had populations between 20 and 50 percent older as the result of migration; percent of rural centres (and 15 percent of gains of those of parenting age and thus 36 percent, between 50 and 100 percent TAs) had greater than 20 percent of their also their children – and reinforced by loss older; and 10 percent, more than 100 respective populations aged 65+ years. at the oldest ages. By contrast, the towns percent older. Rural centres had larger As a result, towns are on the one hand experiencing the greatest ageing effect proportions than towns that were both currently less likely than rural centres from migration all see net losses at 15-19 more than 100 percent older (13.6 to be experiencing natural decrease (as or 20-24 years, and make their gains at the percent) and more than 50 percent noted above, in 2013, 13 and 15 percent older ages, particularly ‘early retiree’ age. younger (4 percent compared with 3 respectively), but on the other, seeing a The reverse effect from age 75 is also very percent for towns), as the result of more rapid shift to that situation. As both clear, reflecting the classic move many migration. Rural centres also had greater Pool and Brabyn (this issue) propose, older people make ‘back’ towards health proportions in each of the ‘younger with tertiary education and jobs are attracting services and/or family. migration’ groups. young people to the larger cities, while Although not studied in detail, lifestyle and amenity factors are attracting aggregate data for rural districts suggests Observation 7: Towns are more likely than older people from both the rural centres an age migration profile that falls between rural centres to have more than 20 percent and the larger towns to the smaller towns. the two extremes. On the one hand the aged 65+ years data show consistent net loss at 15-19 and The finding of greater proportions of rural Observation 8: Age-selective migration is 20-24 years, but on the other, in most centres than towns being younger as a accelerating structural population ageing in years, net gains at the main parental and consequence of net migration is one of the most areas child ages, offset by net loss at age 65 and more surprising findings of this project. Figure 9 shows the age distribution of above. Similar to Rolleston and We had theorised that rural centres would migration for the five towns experiencing Arrowtown, this combination leads to a be more affected by the loss of young the greatest juvenescent impact of relatively low percentage aged 65+ years, adults and have greater levels ‘ageing- migration (left figures) and the five and further indicates that the structural in-place’, and this combination would towns experiencing the greatest ageing ageing of rural districts is primarily due to have caused those areas to age faster. The impact (right figures). The respective left- ageing-in-place, albeit in some cases the explanation is that while the populations and right-hand skews clearly illustrate ageing of past migrants, but not direct in- of rural centres are, on average, older than the difference in impact. Queenstown, migration at older ages. those of towns (in 2013, 17 and 14 percent Rolleston, Wellington, Arrowtown and As also proposed, these migration age aged 65+ years respectively), there is a Central Auckland all gain a disproportion profiles are typically altered by natural greater proportion of towns with more of migrants at the younger ages, albeit increase, both the net difference between than 20 percent aged 65 years (Jackson et Rolleston and Arrowtown experience births and deaths, and change in the size al., forthcoming, Tables 3 and 4).3 In 2013, minor net loss at 20-24 and 15-19 years of individual cohorts as they age. That is, 41 percent of towns compared with 29 respectively, but this is offset by substantial when larger cohorts take the place of Policy Quarterly – Volume 13, Supplementary Issue – June 2017 – Page 29
Age Distribution (%) Age Distribution (%) Age Distribution (%) Age Distribution (%) Age Distribution (%) -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 -4.0 -2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 -20.0 -10.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 -300.0 -200.0 -100.0 0.0 100.0 200.0 300.0 400.0 Rolleston 0-4 Arrowtown 0-4 0-4 0-4 Queenstown 0-4 5-9 5-9 5-9 5-9 Wellington Zone 5-9 10-14 10-14 10-14 10-14 10-14 15-19 15-19 15-19 Central Auckland Zone 15-19 15-19 20-24 20-24 20-24 20-24 20-24 Notes: Different scales on Y-axis 25-29 25-29 25-29 25-29 25-29 30-34 30-34 30-34 30-34 30-34 35-39 35-39 35-39 35-39 35-39 40-44 40-44 40-44 40-44 40-44 45-49 45-49 45-49 45-49 45-49 50-54 50-54 50-54 50-54 50-54 55-59 55-59 55-59 55-59 55-59 60-64 60-64 60-64 60-64 60-64 65-69 65-69 65-69 65-69 65-69 70-74 70-74 70-74 70-74 Towns experiencing the greatest youthful impact from migration 70-74 75-79 75-79 75-79 75-79 75-79 80-84 80-84 80-84 80-84 80-84 Page 30 – Policy Quarterly – Volume 13, Supplementary Issue – June 2017 85-89 85-89 85-89 85-89 85-89 90-94 90-94 90-94 90-94 90-94 95+ 95+ 95+ 95+ 95+ Age Distribution (%) Age Distribution (%) Age Distribution (%) Age Distribution (%) Age Distribution (%) Tairua -15.0 -10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 -10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 -10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 -20.0 -15.0 -10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 Waimate -300.0 -250.0 -200.0 -150.0 -100.0 -50.0 0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 0-4 0-4 0-4 0-4 0-4 Whangamata 5-9 5-9 5-9 5-9 5-9 10-14 10-14 10-14 Mangawhai Heads 10-14 10-14 Katikati Community 15-19 15-19 15-19 15-19 15-19 20-24 20-24 20-24 20-24 The mechanisms of subnational population growth and decline in New Zealand 1976-2013 20-24 25-29 25-29 25-29 25-29 25-29 30-34 30-34 30-34 30-34 30-34 35-39 35-39 35-39 35-39 35-39 40-44 40-44 40-44 40-44 40-44 45-49 45-49 45-49 45-49 45-49 impact and the five towns experiencing the greatest ageing impact from net migration, 1976-2013 50-54 50-54 50-54 50-54 50-54 55-59 55-59 55-59 55-59 55-59 60-64 60-64 60-64 60-64 60-64 65-69 65-69 65-69 65-69 65-69 70-74 70-74 70-74 70-74 70-74 Towns experiencing the greatest ageing impact from migration 75-79 75-79 75-79 75-79 75-79 80-84 80-84 80-84 80-84 80-84 Figure 9: Net migration age distribution (percentage of migrants at each age) for the five towns experiencing the greatest youthful 85-89 85-89 85-89 85-89 85-89 90-94 90-94 90-94 90-94 90-94 95+ 95+ 95+ 95+ 95+
smaller ones, and vice-versa, the net percent, accelerating since 2001 (+29 towns the relationship is negative (the change for those age groups may be less or percent). Rural centres are thus more higher the natural increase, the lower greater than indicated by migration alone. vulnerable than towns to the loss of the net change, and vice-versa), but it is However for the most part, it is the natural increase via decreased births, not statistically significant after 1996. For concentration of migration at either while towns are becoming more rural centres the relationship is significant younger or older ages, and particularly the vulnerable to it from increased deaths. at only three observations, and it is level of net out-migration around age 15- Mirroring the trends at 15-44 years is positive (the higher the natural increase, 24 years, and/or in-migration at 50+ the equally strong but negative correlation the higher the net gain). years, that determines the ‘speed’ of between the percentage aged 65+ years By contrast, the correlation between structural ageing. and natural increase7, indicating that the net growth and net migration gain is both higher the percentage aged 65+ years, the very strong and positive, and never below Observation 9: The proportion of women lower the natural increase. Although to +0.92 (p=0.01 for all observations, for aged 15-44 is a stronger driver of natural some extent auto-correlated with the both towns and rural centres). Thus, areas increase or decrease than the total fertility proportion of women aged 15-44 years, with higher net migration gain have rate this relationship was similarly found for higher growth – and vice-versa. Conventionally, the shift from natural the United States and European counties The analysis confirms that net increase to natural decrease is associated by Johnson et al., (2015: 665-666). The migration is the stronger ‘predictor’ of net with a total fertility rate (TFR)4 of less relationship is somewhat stronger for change; however, the foregoing analyses than 2.1 births per woman, for around a generation (c. 25 years). New Zealand’s TFR is still around 2 births per woman, What has been missing from the debate although at TA level it ranges from 1.5 for Queenstown-Lakes District to 3.3 is an understanding of the widespread for Opotiki District (Statistics New Zealand 2016). However, reflecting the nature of decline across the country, and age-selective migration patterns above, in particular, an understanding that it is we found a much stronger relationship5 between natural increase and the not limited to small rural towns. percentage of women aged 15-44 years6, than with the TFR (Jackson et al., forthcoming). Although we have reliable subnational TFR data for only three observations, our findings concur with Johnson et al., (2015: 667-669), whose New Zealand’s towns than rural centres, demand that a caveat be added: only when study on the counties of the United States reflecting the finding that many towns migration is examined as a discrete and Europe showed that the higher/lower have relatively old age structures, with variable. the proportion of women at the main proportions at older ages presumably Moreover, another important finding childbearing ages, the more/less likely it increasing the number of deaths. While a from the correlation analysis is that net is for them to sustain the natural increase greater proportion of towns than rural migration and natural increase are required to offset migration loss. centres have been experiencing natural negatively correlated. That is, the higher Also important is our finding that the increase, the proportion is falling at a the net migration gain, the lower the national percentage of women aged 15-44 faster rate than for rural centres. natural increase, and vice-versa. For towns years (for New Zealand) peaked in 1991 at the correlation is statistically significant 46.6 percent and has since fallen to 39.8 Observation 10: Net migration explains most (p=0.01) at all but one observation. percent, the latter almost identical to that of the variance in net change, but natural Although more modest for rural centres, for the USA and Europe. Unless fertility increase determines whether the outcome is and statistically significant at just three rates rise substantially, diminishing positive or negative observations (p=0.01), the negative proportions of women at reproductive We found that net migration explains correlation is a salutary finding, as it age mean diminishing birth numbers. The around 95 percent of the variance in the appears that migration does not proportion of towns with lower than the net population change of towns and rural necessarily mean ‘more births’, as is often national proportion of women in these centres across the period 1976-2013. This believed. Rather, it may reflect recent childbearing age groups increased from is because natural increase is somewhat trends in the composition of migrants, 77 percent in 1976 to 87 percent in 2013 more even across these jurisdictions, and from primarily families, to primarily non- (+14 percent). For rural centres the is mostly positive. At the same time, we family workers (students and others on proportion (lower than the national found that natural increase has a relatively temporary visas and/or early retirees average) has increased from 70 to 90 weak relationship with net change. For moving for lifestyle reasons). That is, not Policy Quarterly – Volume 13, Supplementary Issue – June 2017 – Page 31
The mechanisms of subnational population growth and decline in New Zealand 1976-2013 only is migration not a panacea for glaringly evident over the next few and projections at TA level indicate that it growth, but it may further hasten the end decades, as natural increase gives way to will become increasingly prevalent from of natural increase, a finding also noted ageing-driven natural decrease. As Brabyn 2028. By 2043 it is projected to affect for the United States and Europe by (infra) argues, the contribution of natural around 27 percent of TAs, and to be the Johnson et al., (2015) and for Europe over increase to population change has thus far largest cause of depopulation and the a very long period by Murphy (2016: 239). been relatively even across New Zealand, single largest cause of population change with the result that migration accounts per se. Type A growth will by then have Summary and discussion for 95 percent of variation. However, as diminished to around 17 percent of TAs. Over the past few years, population change we show in this article, the actual level of Answering our second research question, in New Zealand has attracted much media growth or decline is heavily dependent on the various combinations delivering and political attention. Areas experiencing whether natural increase augments or population growth and decline also do more rapid growth have been contrasted with offsets that net migration gain or loss. than simply affect population size; they also so-called ‘zombie towns’ (NBR 2014), We have shown here that there are have a profound effect on the age structure the latter usually singling out a few rural several combinations of natural increase of each population. Net loss at younger towns that have experienced precipitous and net migration, three of which deliver ages typically makes age structures older, decline. What has been missing from growth, three decline, and two, zero and net gain, younger. Net in-migration at the debate is an understanding of the growth. The distinction between the older ages further accelerates – or, where negative, slows – structural ageing. This ... the question as to whether the ‘age-selective’ migration has resulted in just 15 percent of New Zealand towns ending of population growth and onset having populations in 2013 that were younger as the result of migration across of depopulation will be ‘good’ or ‘bad’ the period 1976-2013; conversely, 85 has as yet been subjected to very percent of towns were older. The latter situation also pertains to two-thirds of little serious research – or theoretical rural centres and four-fifth of TAs. Only a minority of our study areas have thus development ... become more youthful as the result of migration, a finding which, at least in terms of international migration, runs counter to many pronouncements on the widespread nature of decline across growth and decline types is important for topic. Moreover, in many cases areas are the country, and in particular, an policy purposes. Type A growth, where substantially older (or, in fewer cases, understanding that it is not limited to both elements are positive, is somewhat substantially younger). small rural towns. Both Dunedin and more robust than Type B growth, where Again, these effects have policy Invercargill cities, for example, are smaller natural increase conceals net migration implications, as areas gaining young now than they were in 1976, despite their loss, and the two should not be conflated. adults (especially from internal migration) annual gains of many of the nation’s As natural decrease unfolds, areas are at the same time playing a role in the tertiary education students. Also missing currently growing from Type B growth ageing of the towns and rural centres they from the commentary is that in many will become increasingly vulnerable to have left. Akin to ‘watering the neighbour’s cases, growing towns and rural centres overall decline. Type E decline, on the garden’ (Attané & Guilmoto 2007), future are growing only, or largely, because of other hand, where natural increase fails to policy may need to consider having natural increase – the difference between conceal net migration loss (the widely younger/growing areas compensate their births and deaths; this component experienced, ‘old’ type of decline), has the ageing/declining counterparts. This is regularly rendered invisible. Even potential to revert to Type B growth, if proposition is strongly supported by Auckland’s growth has been primarily the migration in those areas turns positive. correlations that show the relative size of result of natural increase, accounting for Type E decline is also less perverse than the population of women aged 15-44 58 percent of the region’s growth over the the ‘new’ type of depopulation, Type F years is a critical factor in sustaining past 25 years (Jackson 2016). decline, where there is both net migration natural increase. Second only to the strong The widespread perception of loss and natural decrease. Answering our positive correlation between net migration migration as the primary driver of growth main research question, we found that this and net change, the correlation for women and decline has diverted attention away new, ‘dual’ form of depopulation is as yet aged 15-44 years and natural increase from the all-important population affecting a relatively small number of New shows that the higher the former, the replenishing role of natural increase (see Zealand’s towns and rural centres (13-15 higher the latter. Conversely, the lower the also Cochrane & Pool, infra, on the critical percent), and is not yet evident at TA level. percentage of women at these ages, the role of Mäori), a deficit that will become However, it is emerging intermittently, lower the natural increase. This very Page 32 – Policy Quarterly – Volume 13, Supplementary Issue – June 2017
strong correlation, which concurs with Zealand’s relatively high birth rates and age considerably (Atoh 2000; Lutz, that found for the United States and currently very high per capita levels of net Sanderson & Sherbov 2004; Reher 2007, Europe (Johnson et al., 2016), has also international migration may suggest to 2011; World Bank 2009; Haartsen & strengthened over time, and more so for some that the ageing-driven ending of Venhorst 2009; Audirac 2010; Lee & Reher rural centres, where the loss of women population growth is ‘over the horizon’, 2011; Matanle and Rausch 2011; aged 15-44 years is greater than for towns. and thus may be paid less attention in the Martinez-Fernandez et al., 2012, among Moreover, the correlation between short term. We emphasise that this is not many others). In many cases there is the women aged 15-44 years and natural the case at the subnational level (see also potential for a ‘depopulation dividend’, if increase is also substantially stronger than Matanle 2017, which compares New the situation is accepted and engaged with that between natural increase and the Zealand with Japan). Although the decline positively and in a timely manner total fertility rate, for both towns and experienced across the period 1976-2013 (Matanle 2017). Accordingly, it is time for rural centres – although we have only was disproportionately the result of net our policy makers to begin revisiting our three observations on which to base this migration loss, that loss and its age- policies and the (growth) principles on proposition. While also positive, selective nature has greatly accelerated the which most are based (United Nations indicating that the higher/lower the TFR, structural ageing of affected areas. These 2000:4). the higher/lower the natural increase, the areas will struggle to return to long-term 1 These and all projections used in this article are based on relatively weak correlation values indicate population growth, as the increased Statistics New Zealand (2015e). They thus predate the that there is as yet very little relationship proportions at older ages and decreased latest ‘2013-base - 2043 Update’ (2017) projections which became available after the article was written. Comparison between the two. Accordingly, we can at proportions at reproductive age afford indicates that population growth will be slightly higher in the first decade of the projection, but thereafter the outcomes are least tentatively conclude that age- little chance of resurrecting the natural almost identical to those presented here. selective migration is the major driver of increase they once enjoyed. As natural 2 It should be recalled that both ‘with’ and ‘without’ migration includes natural increase. New Zealand’s current shift to natural increase diminishes, more and more 3 In 2013, the percentage of the usually resident population aged 65+ years ranged, for towns, from 3 percent (Waiouru, decrease, rather than the conventional migrants will be required simply to largely a military camp area) to 36 percent (Tairua, a North driver, low fertility. maintain each population at the same Island east coast beach town), and for rural centres from 0.5 percent (Burnham Military Camp) to 44 percent (Pauanui, This finding is further supported in size. This may happen for popular also a North Island east coast beach town, immediately another, even more surprising finding, retirement towns, but not most towns. adjacent to Tairua). 4 The Total Fertility Rate is a ‘synthetic’ measure of the average which shows that net migration and Ageing and declining areas thus require number of children a woman would have across her lifetime if she were to experience all of the age-specific fertility rates natural increase are negatively correlated. regionally-specific migration policies that occurring in that particular year. Although the correlations are relatively give primacy to local, rather than national, 5 In order to summarise the patterns and trends we examined the relative strength of key relationships, by applying the weak, they are consistently negative and demographics. Pearson Correlation Coefficient ‘r’ to various combinations of the data. The Pearson Correlation Coefficient measures indicate that the higher the net migration, Finally, the question as to whether the the linear strength of the relationship between two arrays of the lower the natural increase, and vice- ending of population growth and onset of data, with +1.00 meaning that each item moved in exactly the same direction at the same rate of change (whether versa – a finding also reported for the USA depopulation will be ‘good’ or ‘bad’ has as positively or negatively), and -1.00 meaning that each item and Europe (Johnson et al., 2015; Murphy yet been subjected to very little serious moved in the opposite direction. 6 p(0.01) for all observations for both towns and rural centres. 2016). Migration may thus not be the research – or theoretical development (see By contrast the TFR was significant at either 0.01 or 0.05 for two of the three observations, for both towns and rural ‘bringer of babies’ that many believe. Matanle, infra). The end of population centres. These findings are important from a growth is likely to have both positive and 7 p(0.01) at all observations for both towns and rural centres. 8 Description: The baseline data was created by Dave Maré migration policy perspective, not least negative outcomes – positive, for example, (Motu Research) under microdata access agreement with Statistics New Zealand, MAA2003/18. dave.mare@motu. because they have implications for the in terms of fewer people to consume The tables contain counts of the 1976, 1981, ideal composition of international resources and damage the environment, 1986, 1991, 1996, 2001, 2006 and 2013 usual resident population by age and sex, grouped by 2013 geographic migrants; that is, perhaps low growth/ and potentially the development of a area boundaries (Territorial Authority and Urban Area). The declining areas need more who are likely greater sense of community. However, its Urban Area classification has been extended to identify rural centres (ua13=501) separately (using 2013 Area Unit to have families, and fewer merely to negative outcomes will include the loss of codes). 9 Disclaimer: Access to the data was provided by Statistics ‘work’, especially in rural centres. many economies of scale that have been New Zealand under conditions designed to give effect to the Similarly, where areas are gaining enjoyed in the growth phase, and plausibly security and confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act 1975. The results presented in these tables are the work of older people, either through migration or the loss of value of many assets, such as the authors, not Statistics New Zealand. They are not ‘official statistics’. ageing-in-place, or alternatively are losing housing. In New Zealand it will have them to other areas, there are social policy major implications for the way in which implications in terms of the type of rate revenue has historically been gathered Acknowledgment resources and services that are needed; by local government councils (Jackson We wish to thank Dr Anne Pomeroy and one-size-fits-all policies are to be avoided. 2004; Jackson & Cameron 2017). Dr Etienne Nels, both of the University The same point pertains to areas gaining Ultimately the ending of growth and of Otago, for their most helpful and or losing families and children; their onset of depopulation is expected to be insightful comments on an earlier version needs are very different. the dominant situation across most of this article. Any remaining shortfalls In terms of policy development countries of the developed world by mid- are our own. regarding structural ageing per se, New century; prior to that our populations will Policy Quarterly – Volume 13, Supplementary Issue – June 2017 – Page 33
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