The ledger - COVID-19 guidelines and the 2022-23 academic year Summer job opportunities for students

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The ledger - COVID-19 guidelines and the 2022-23 academic year Summer job opportunities for students
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COVID-19 guidelines and the 2022-23 academic year Page 3
Summer job opportunities for students Page 3
The ledger - COVID-19 guidelines and the 2022-23 academic year Summer job opportunities for students
2        May 31, 2022           THE LEDGER                                                                                                                                                                                                                     NEWS

                           This year’s new registered student organizations
The 2021-22 school year saw the birth of multiple student clubs and organizations that intend to carry on into the next school year.
By Andrew Anderson                         public speaking. Their meetings are                      members in the first place.”                            currently enrolled UW Tacoma stu-                        Those wanting to learn more
News Editor                                held at the University Y in room UWY                         Another new club that was formed                    dents to serve as officers, a UW Tacoma                 about the Student Involvement
                                           307 on Mondays.                                          this last school year is the Formerly In-               faculty or staff member willing to serve               events can find more information
    UW Tacoma is home to over 100             The Wordlings Club, which is a lit-                   carcerated Students Association (FISA)                  as an advisor and must create a written                             here at:
registered student organizations and       erary-based organization that encour-                    which was made to support the people,                   constitution for the organization.
clubs that provide students with op-       ages creativity, is also new this year.                  programs and priorities of the formerly                     Approved clubs need to have at                               involvement/rso-events
portunities to engage with the Tacoma      The group meetings take place in the                     incarcerated student community. Their                   least two officers attend orientation
community, connect with alumni and         Tacoma Paper and Stationery building                     main goals are to create a community                    sessions held throughout the school                       Students who wish to register
possible job opportunities or simply       in TPS 110 every Tuesday where they                      for such students to improve retention,                 year or at Club Camp, a program held                      an organization can find more
interact with their fellow classmates.     share weekly prompts and readings.                       degree completion and to make a pos-                    in mid-September each year. Along                            information and help at:
While some organizations did not re-          “I would say my experience running                    itive impact on the campus and com-                     with Club Camp, Student Involvement          
turn for the 2021-22 school year, others   a club,” Elijah Prater, the president of                 munity. These meetings are held in the                  hosts a variety of events for and along-
were created.                              Wordlings said when asked about his                      University Y as well in room UWY 105.                   side student organizations including                      Students wanting a complete,
    One of the new clubs created this      experiences, “...can be summed up by us                      For students with an interest not                   involvement fairs, a block party, and                   current list of student registered
year was the “Bark No Bite” Public         doing and attending as many events as                    supported by one of the organizations                   others.                                                  organizations and their contact
Speaking Club, a club that was formed      we can, because the hardest part about                   on campus, however, there are steps to                                                                         information can find them here at:
with the intention of encouraging stu-     reviving the club hasn’t been managing                   create one of their own, although all
dents to practice and improve on their     everything, but instead getting new                      new organizations require to have five

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               PHOTO BY ALEXA CHRISTIE
A photo of three students laughing and walking by the Mattress Factor towards the rest of the UW Tacoma campus.

        The Ledger
                                                                                le                              Office: MAT 151                                              Managers                                                   Design


                                                                                                              Phone: 253-692-4428                           Distribution Manager..............Raj Kumar            Page Designer...............Trisha Carandang

    UWT’s weekly student publication                                                                          Email:                          Web Manager.................Morgan Morgans             Page Designer..................Anuvir Dhaliwal

    May 31, 2022 | Vol. 26, Issue 32                                                                                                                        Layout Manager..............Morgan Morgans

                                                         Office Hours:                                                  Editors                                            Staff Writers                                                   Art
                                                     Monday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.                                                                                 News Reporter..........Leslie Gonzalez Cruz
                      Tuesday 8 a.m. - 9 a.m. &                        Editor-in-Chief ..................Madeline Hiller                                                              Illustrator ...............................Jaida Noble
                                                       10:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.                          Managing Editor .................Madi Williams          A&E Columnist....................Angelo Alegre         Photographer......................Alexa Christie
                                                   Wednesday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.                        News Editor....................Andrew Anderson          Film Critic..............................Ryan Mantle
                                                   Thursday 8 a.m. - 9 a.m. &                       Opinion Editor .....................Remi Frederick
                                                        11 a.m. - 5 p.m.                            A&E Editor..................Josephine Trueblood
            @uwtledger                              Friday 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.                                                                                                Cover Art                                                 Advisor
                                                                                                    Copy Editor.................................Raj Kumar
                                                                                                                                                                           by Alexa Christie                       Publications Manager............Daniel Nash
                                                          Zoom Link:
            @uwtledger                             https://washington.zoom.
The ledger - COVID-19 guidelines and the 2022-23 academic year Summer job opportunities for students
NEWS                                                                                                                                                                            THE LEDGER           May 31, 2022              3

                                              Summer job opportunities for students
          With the school year coming to an end multiple job opportunities and internships have become available for students.
By Andrew Anderson                            edge and information in general about
News Editor                                   student work opportunities and how
                                              to develop their career on campus can
    The 2021-22 school year has drawn         also visit the UW Tacoma Career De-              Students wanting to visit the
to a close with classes ending for stu-       velopment & Education center online             UWHR student employee portal
dents, but many job opportunities for         or email questions to            and find employment relevant
students in the summer and the 2022-              Last week Mindy Kornberg, the              information can visit the website
23 school year have begun to open up.         Vice President for Human Resources                            at:
    The Student Activities Board has          for UW, sent out an email to students
opened applications for students who          advertising UWHR’s new student em-
want to become a coordinator for the          ployee website portal that gathers all            Any student wishing to look
organization. The three positions they        information relevant to student em-               at student job opportunities
have open are the Staple Events Coor-         ployees and their managers. The web-            that are currently available and
dinator, the Husky Life Coordinator           site offers information about student           accepting applications can visit
and the Mascot Ambassador. All three          employment in general, getting started              the Handshake portal at:
positions are paid positions and can be       as a student employee, finding work
found online at the Handshake portal          and more.                                                       postings
for UW Tacoma.                                    Those wishing to focus on work for
    There are also various internship         the summer specifically can learn more           Those wanting to learn about
opportunities for the summer listed           on June 23 when the UW Career and                  UW Tacoma student career
through the Handshake portal as well          Internship Center will host the UW             opportunities or development can
as some open to students of all pro-          Tri-Campus Summer Job and Intern-               visit the Career Development &
grams. Examples are the Social Justice        ship Fair remotely via Handshake. Stu-                 Education center at:
Summer Internship Program by the              dent registration will open on June 2 at
Center for Equity and Inclusion and           8 a.m. and those with questions about
the New Directions Internship by the          the event can email the Center at cicev-
Community Youth Services.                                                                                                                                                             PHOTO BY ALEXA CHRISTIE

    Students who want more knowl-                                                                                                            A photograph showing West Coast Grocery on the UW Tacoma campus.

                     COVID-19 guidelines and the 2022-23 academic year
       As COVID-19 continues UWT will be taking the necessary precautions to keep students, faculty and staff safe along with
                                                   following CDC guidelines.
                                                                                                                                             By Leslie Gonzalez Cruz                        Due to high vaccination rates at UW
                                                                                                                                             News Reporter                              and broader communities, the CDC
                                                                                                                                                                                        framework for public health guidance
                                                                                                                                                 As the 2021-22 academic year           asks for the public to remain up to date
                                                                                                                                             comes to an end, the 2022-23 academ-       with vaccinations and booster shots,
                                                                                                                                             ic year approaches along with new          while UWT will still be requiring all
                                                                                                                                             COVID-19 guidelines.                       students and employees to be vaccinat-
                                                                                                                                                 This academic year the COVID-19        ed against COVID-19 unless medical
                                                                                                                                             guidelines allowed the return to in-per-   or religious exemptions are provided.
                                                                                                                                             son classes after over a year of online        Though the new fall quarter will
                                                                                                                                             classes and mandatory use of masks to      continue to have in-person classes, flex-
                                                                                                                                             the now optional but recommended use       ibility among classes will vary.
                                                                                                                                             of masks on campus for spring quarter.         As COVID-19 continues, the uni-
                                                                                                                                                 As reported by the Centers for Dis-    versity’s researchers along with top
                                                                                                                                             ease Control and Prevention (CDC),         health experts will continue to guide
                                                                                                                                             COVID-19 cases have been declining         the university. Should new COVID-19
                                                                                                                                             and continue to decline, thus minimiz-     problems surge, the university will im-
                                                                                                                                             ing the need for mandatory measures.       plement needed guidelines.
                                                                                                                                                 As COVID-19 cases continue to              UWT recommends students to stay
                                                                                                                                             decline in Pierce County, UWT will         home if they are experiencing symp-
                                                                                                                                             continue to work alongside the county      toms or have been exposed to the virus,
                                                                                                                                             and the CDC to implement guidance          along with wearing masks and getting
                                                                                                                                             as needed.                                 vaccinated.
                                                                                                                                                 With fall quarter beginning Sept.
                                                                                                                                                                                           For students who are seeking
                                                                                                                                             28, 2022, UWT will continue to rec-
                                                                                                                                                                                          more information on COVID-19
                                                                                                                                             ommend the use of face masks such as
                                                                                                                                                                                         testing on campus they can visit:
                                                                                                                                             KF94, KN95, N95 or surgical masks to
                                                                                                                                             keep each other safe. The use of masks
                                                                                                                                             inside will not be mandatory but is                  coronavirus/testing
                                                                                                                                             strongly recommended.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Further COVID-19 resources can
                                                                                                                                                 “I do think we still need to try and             be found at:
                                                                                                                                             social distance though.” said Alex
                                                                                                                   PHOTO BY ALEXA CHRISTIE   Mathena, in response to UWT’s 2022-
The Husky Coronavirus testing center has self-test kits for pick up along with an option for students to report their symptoms.              23 COVID-19 guidelines.                                 index.html
The ledger - COVID-19 guidelines and the 2022-23 academic year Summer job opportunities for students
4       May 31, 2022            THE LEDGER                                                                                                                                                           OPINION

                                            LETTER TO THE EDITOR
                                                        TWRT 388 Writing for Social Change
                                                               Submitted by students of TWRT 388
    Dear Editor-in-Chief,                 cifics that go into it. As far as what    were just empty land. They were           as a lease rather than a permanent        Two Spirit People… Particularly
                                          I’ve unlearned, I think I’ve grown to     home to multitudes of Native Amer-        sale. This led to many tribes such as     which tribes recognize two spirit
    This spring a group of 23 stu-        be more comfortable with the idea of      ican tribes and communities. - Frank      the Blackfeet, Seminole, and Miwok        people and which don’t.
dents in Dr. Cassie Miura’s TWRT          embodied rhetoric; after all, that is         I learned that transcribing lan-      tribes’ boundaries getting pushed                         Action:
388: Writing for Social Change            the whole purpose. -Celia                 guage is important for future genera-     back and they were not allowed back           UW can definitely afford to pay
course completed a short unit on              I have learned that the lens by       tions to be able to learn/study it.       to the places they once used to hunt,     real rent- Seattle campus, I’m look-
Indigenous Rhetorics which was de-        which we look at things needs to              Some new information I learned        gather and worship.                       ing at you! - Alicia, Malina
veloped as part of UWT’s inaugural        shift, I can never know what it is ac-    is how the trade/purchase/lease hap-          I unlearned the fact that I own           No kidding! I love that idea. Like,
Indigenizing Pedagogy Institute di-       tually like to be in the type of situa-   pened between settlers and natives.       the land that I live on, that my house    if we are going to really acknowledge
rected by Dr. Robin Starr Zape-tah-       tion the indigenous were and are in.      There was information about the           doesn’t belong to me, or my parents.      the land, let’s REALLY acknowledge
hol-ah Minthorn. Student groups               I have unlearned my colonial per-     misunderstanding of what the deal         The house I live in belongs to the in-    the land. I would be proud to be at-
researched land and language recla-       spective of land and that it means a      was, and some deals were not fair.        digenous peoples’ that roamed this        tending a school that did something
mation, two-spirit people, and em-        lot more than the resources within or         I’d like to know more about how       part of the country, along with ev-       like that - Brian Rolstad
bodied rhetorics such as fasting, pro-    on it. -Scott                             land reclamation works. Would re-         erything else in the city. We need to         I third that sentiment. Every pub-
tests, and flash mobs. We are writing         I want to learn more about the        naming and relocating lands be more       pay our dues.                             lic University should be paying rent.
to share our collective reflections       value of native peoples lands in          symbolic, or would entire national            I would like to learn more about      -Scott
about what we have learned, what we       America and how to provide more           parks (like Glacier National Park, as     the specific tribe that I grew up             EVERY professor should include
have unlearned, and what we would         land and resources to the tribes with     was discussed in class) be given back     with in Ferndale. Lummi Nation            a Land Acknowledgement at the be-
like to learn and do more about.          limited land and resources. - Max         to native people?                         is a tribe north of here, and I had a     ginning of every quarter and in the
    Learning and Unlearning:                  My favorite example of embodied           I learned that land acknowledge-      lot of friends who lived on the res-      syllabus. Additionally, A Land Ac-
    I learned that history about indig-   rhetoric is the flashmob in the mall      ments are not as impactful as they        ervation. I would like to know more       knowledgement could be done at the
enous people is intentionally erased.     at Redding, California- Trinity.U.        should be. If we acknowledge that we      about their teachings, their culture      beginning of every event and posted
The renaming of lakes erased their            That these communities have           are stealing native people’s land, then   and their overall history and com-        publicly for display. - Ellen
significance and culture as well as       more history than what people teach       why don’t we just give it back to them    pare it to other tribes I learned about       UW Tacoma budget should be re-
their presence on their own land.         in public schools- Alex                   instead of keeping what is not ours in    in class.                                 directed in ways beyond student fees
What I have unlearned is that each            I unlearned peaceful protests are     the first place?                              I would love to learn more about      to support Native American com-
tribe is not the same. Each one em-       the only ways to make social changes          The thing that I unlearned is the     the language, Lushootseed, and look       munities such as hiring more faculty
bodies a different cultural signifi-      and fight back.                           fact that two-spirit people is not just   more into the resources that dif-         and staff representing various tribes
cance and faces their own challenges.         I learned about the Puyallup          a term for people who identify them-      ferent tribes provide to learn more       and scholarships for Native Ameri-
I’d like to learn more about what we      tribe in much more detail through         selves as both male and female, it’s      about this language.                      can students. - Ellen
can do as a community to actually         these presentations. A great way to       also for people who have combined             I learned how hard it is for the          We should have community signs
help the indigenous communities           learn about why the language, Lu-         traits of male and female or none.        Indigenous tribes in our country          around UWT acknowledging the
that we live among. - Leslie              shootseed, needs to be reclaimed is           Flash mobs are actually effective,    to be heard and how involved the          Puyallup Tribe in English and Lush-
    I personally learned more about       by watching the Cushman Boarding          I was taught that these types of em-      Federal government is in the whole        ootseed. - Trinity U.
embodied rhetoric and how it is used      School Project by the Puyallup Tribe.     bodied rhetoric never work and were       process— particularly with land rec-
to promote social change. I’ve defi-          I learned about what embodied         just for attention but in reality, they   lamation -- even IF the name of Mt.           **Two Ledger staff members are
nitely become more willing to par-        rhetorics are and how they can be uti-    work pretty well. I want to learn         Rainier is proposed to change, the        enrolled in the class that authored this
ticipate in embodied rhetoric now         lized to create awareness about press-    more about traditional dance. -Alex       Bureau of Land Management and             letter**
after learning more about the spe-        ing issues and call for action. - Frank       I learned that in many land deals,    Congress have the final say.
                                              I unlearned that National Parks       indigenous tribes thought of the deal         I would like to know more about

     Opinion Editor: Opinion Editors help reporters in the opinion section create persuasive articles that are relevant to the UW Tacoma campus, and edit said
    articles before they go on to the Managing Editor and Editor-in-Chief. The Opinion Editor is responsible for all stories and artwork in their section. They addi-
                                                                tionally produce one article per issue.
    Film Critic: The position involves reviewing at least one movie (or series) per issue. Reimbursement is available for movie admission prices accrued on the job. We
                                                                do not reimburse streaming subscriptions.
                               Opinion Columnist: Opinion Reporters create persuasive articles that are relevant to the UW Tacoma campus.
    Illustrator: Graphic Designers/Illustrators create art to adorn the cover of the Ledger and accompany articles. They are responsible for completing all weekly
                         assignments under the direction of the Layout Manager and Editor-in-Chief in accordance with Ledger style rules.
    Layout/Design Manager: The Layout Manager is responsible for directing the design and layout of the student newspaper, the Ledger. The Layout Manager
                               oversees all page designers, and works directly with the Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor.
    A&E Editor: A&E Editors help reporters in the opinion section create persuasive articles that are relevant to the UW Tacoma campus, and edit said articles be-
    fore they go on to the Managing Editor and Editor-in-Chief. The A&E Editor is responsible for all stories and artwork in their section. They additionally produce
                                                                        one article per issue
          Distribution: Distributes paper around campus at The Ledger newspaper stands. Keeps track of how many copies are being taken from the stands.

                    The Ledger is Hiring for the                                                           Go to Handshake to see all open positions and apply!
                                                                                                                   DEADLINE June 30, 2022 5:00 PM
                      2022/23 school year!
The ledger - COVID-19 guidelines and the 2022-23 academic year Summer job opportunities for students
OPINION                                                                                                                                                            THE LEDGER         May 31, 2022                 5
                                                                                                                                                                                           ILLUSTRATION BY JAIDA NOBLE

 OPINION: Fatphobia and the medical bias that surrounds it
The fact of the matter is that doctors would rather treat all cases of being overweight as the disease itself rather than a symptom.
By Andrew Anderson                       wanted me to go back on the pills.          years old, it can be used as a base for    as morbidly obsese, do face health        was unable to even stand or move
News Editor                                  This is only a small example of the     doing further research on the argu-        concerns. The problem is when that        from my bed. The doctors never ex-
                                         fatphobia that exists across our country.   ment that the medical fields are dis-      weight is not a simple case of over-      plained this to me. Instead, they said,
    When I was 16, both of my par-           There is a very distinct bias           missive of overweight people.              eating or overindulging.                  “Try losing 20 pounds and come
ents and I saw an informative docu-      against overweight people when it               Other research studies, such as a          The truth is that many doctors are    back after that.”
mentary about gastric bypass surgery     comes to asking for and receiving           study done by the Ohio State Univer-       either not trained to look past those         When genetic arthritis began ap-
and how it can help save the lives of    medical care.                               sity and reported on by Science Dai-       with higher weights or do not inform      pearing in my body, instead of x-rays
those who are morbidly obese. I was          The majority of doctors will treat      ly in 2021 titled “Survival tip: Start     their patients of cases where that        or any medical tests being done, the
in the living room, sitting on the       being overweight as the disease itself      at normal weight and slowly add            weight is a symptom.                      doctor looked at my weight on my
couch, and watching the two dis-         rather than a symptom, as it can be in      pounds’’ discusses how adults with             In my own personal case, I have       chart and said the pain in my knees
cuss the possibility of getting it for   multiple diseases, issues and chronic       a normal body mass index (BMI)             what is known as insulin resistance,      was from being overweight. I lost 60
me, listening to them say, “Maybe it     conditions. An example would be             who later move to being labeled as         which both myself and my parents          pounds over the next seven months
would be good for them to get the        someone with breathing problems             overweight in their later adult lives      were aware of when they discussed         and the pain grew worse, but upon
surgery. It will help them stop eating   who is overweight being told to lose        tend to have a higher life expectancy.     gastric bypass surgery. Due to doc-       going back they told me to try losing
so much all the time!”                   weight rather than being tested for         This does not include those who are        tors not informing us what this truly     another 20 pounds.
    For a sixteen-year-old who had       asthma. Spoiler alert: this was me          labeled as morbidly obsese or have         meant, we didn’t understand how it            From the doctors to the world
no support network outside of their      and yes, I had asthma.                      overweight BMIs in early childhood         affected me. I didn’t learn until my      around us, the world is not designed
immediate family, if they wanted to          A large number of claims that           or adulthood.                              third year of college that being insu-    for those who are overweight.
get me the surgery, then I would have    are said to be common knowledge                 Another article on the American        lin resistant meant my body did not           Seatbelts on airplanes often require
been unable to say no and, as a child,   are actually ones that, with research,      Psychological Association published        break down food correctly.                extenders, of which there are only a
they had the final medical say.          have been disputed or proven false.         in 2018, titled “Why do dieters re-            I was not diabetic like many, in-     few on board, rides at amusement
    Gastric bypass surgery is a proce-       A research article by Paul Cam-         gain weight?” and written by Traci         cluding some doctors, believed. My        parks are unable to be boarded or at-
dure in which they surgically change     pos, Abigail Saguy, Paul Ernsberger,        Mann, a psychology professor at the        body still produces insulin, but it       tendants have to ask people to step off
the size of your stomach to make it      Eric Oliver and Glenn Gaesser titled        University of Minnesota, reveals that      does not know how to correctly use        the ride, and even plus size clothing
smaller and thus feel full with less     “The epidemiology of overweight and         calorie deprivation such as those          it. Instead of storing half the caloric   stores will tell overweight people to
food. My parents’ reaction to my         obesity: public health crisis or moral      seen in dieters leads to changes in        energy from what I eat and process-       look online for the right size.
overweight size as a teenager, when      panic?” published in Volume 35 of the       hormones, metabolism and cogni-            ing the other half like in the average,       The truth, or at least what feels
my body didn’t respond like it sup-      International Journal of Epidemiolo-        tive/attentional functions that make       healthy body, my body would store         like the truth, is that the average
posedly should have to doctor-sug-       gy does an excellent job as an intro-       it difficult to enact the behaviors        everything. This meant that all food      doctor would rather their patients
gested diets, was to consider surgery.   ductory resource towards combating          needed to keep weight off.                 I ate went directly to my fat stores      die skinny than live fat.
    After they saw the insurance         fatphobia in the medical field.                 All of this is not to say that being   and I was constantly left feeling faint       Anyone interested in learning
wouldn’t pay for it, they put me on          The article argues against claims       morbidly obese does not come with          and weak as my body broke down            more about fatphobia, the dangers of
weight loss pills. This led to me los-   such as there being an obesity pan-         its own dangers. There are times           those fat stores rather than getting      how it affects people and their men-
ing 100+ pounds in under a month         demic, obesity increasing mortal-           where weight loss surgery is a valid       energy from what I immediately ate.       tal health and how to combat the
and being unable to gather the en-       ity rates and significant long-term         and even safe option for people to             My body is genetically designed       stereotypes surrounding it can read
ergy to even leave my bed. After go-     weight loss being a practical goal for      consider, especially if they’re hun-       to delay any energy I get while mak-      a recommended list of books here at:
ing off the pills I rapidly gained the   better health. All of these claims are      dreds of pounds past the ideal and         ing me fat. So when I was on weight       https://www.charisbooksandmore.
weight back as my body was allowed       supported by the research that was          healthy weight for their body spe-         loss pills that made me unable to eat,    com/anti-fatphobiabody-imagefood.
to eat and process the food correctly.   available when it was published in          cifically. Those with a BMI of 40 or       it meant that I had no energy and no
A few months after that, my parents      2006. While the article is roughly 16       higher, which is when one is labeled       reserves to get backup energy and
The ledger - COVID-19 guidelines and the 2022-23 academic year Summer job opportunities for students
6       May 31, 2022               THE LEDGER                                                                                                                                                                     OPINION

            OPINION: Abella Pizzeria or Zeeks: The Ledger staff is split
                                                          Zeeks pizza is the best pizza near UWT and I will die on this hill.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            PHOTO BY ALEXA CHRISTIE
Abella Pizzeria is located on the corner of Pacific Ave. and 21st. Zeeks is located on the corner of Pacific Ave. and 17th.

By Remi Frederick
Opinion Editor

    There has been a huge debate in The Ledger
office recently. It all started with a debate between
the website editor and layout manager, Morgan
Morgans and me about the best pizza place near
campus. This has led to several heated discus-
sions and snide comments, always done with love
of course.
    So, I write this to decide once and for all
which pizza place by campus is better: Abella Piz-
zeria or Zeeks.
    In total transparency, I had never had Abella’s
before pitching this article idea but- and hear me
out here- I’d already tried Zeeks and fallen in love. I
have since tried Abella’s and I defend my position.
    I also got as close to the same pizza as possi-
ble. I love Zeeks chicken club pizza with no red
onions so I got Abella’s chicken bacon ranch piz-
za. Both of these pizzas have very similar ingredi-
ents but Zeeks has in addition to bacon, chicken
and ranch, spinach and red onions.
    Before I explain my reasoning for my position                                                                                                                                                         PHOTO BY ALEXA CHRISTIE

I would like to say that both pizza places are very
good and this article is only made for fun and in jest.         But here is why I disagree with that ruling.          the way that Zeeks presents their ranch, they put it   which may not seem like much but getting more
    Abella’s is good and in fact, most of The Led-              For one, the pizzas themselves are similar but        on the side whereas Abella Pizzeria doesn’t.           for cheaper is a big win for Abella’s.
ger staff and their friends prefer it over Zeeks. In       still have their differences.                                 Though Zeeks does get a mark off for fre-               By my count, this is two wins for Zeeks and
fact, on a tally made on The Ledger whiteboard                  The pizza I order at Zeeks comes with spin-           quently forgetting that I don’t want red onions on     two wins for Abella’s. So, the tiebreaker is up to
for Ledger staff, Zeeks polled at two tallies and          ach already on it whereas Abella’s considers spin-         my pizza. This could be a serious issue for some-      you, which one do you think is better?
Abella’s had five tallies.                                 ach an add-on and it costs about a dollar more.            one who has an allergy and if they don’t notice            Ultimately, my opinion doesn’t really matter.
    In addition to this, a poll put on the Ledger          Though the Abella’s pizza isn’t super expensive,           the ingredient on their pizza.                         These are both really good pizza places that are
Instagram account came out to be 14 votes for              I am of the opinion that spinach shouldn’t be a               Abella’s wins in pricing though. When I go to       close to campus and relatively affordable.
Abella’s and 8 for Zeeks. Which isn’t as bad a loss        dollar to add to a small pizza.                            Zeeks, my pizza and tip comes out to around $22.
as I thought it would be.                                       In addition to this, Abella's ranch is not my fa-     I went to Abella’s and it was around $17. Abella's
                                                           vorite. It feels like a bland ranch to me. I also prefer   small pizzas are 10 inches and Zeeks are 9 inches
OPINION/A&E                                                                                                                                                                         THE LEDGER          May 31, 2022           7

                An anime that went under the radar: “Ya Boy Kongming”
     Music anime is underappreciated as there is an abundance of idol music but less representation of other genres, but “Ya Boy
                            Kongming” challenges the norm and does its own thing and does it great.
By Angelo Alegre
A&E Reporter

     It is now seven weeks into the spring
season of anime and every show that
was expected to be good turned out
great. As people tend to be drawn to-
wards the big names of this season such
as “Spy x Family” and “Kaguya-sama:
Love Is War,” it was easy to miss out on
some shows that don’t get as much at-
tention. “Ya Boy Kongming” was one of
those shows that was not talked about
much at the start of the season and it is
still not talked about enough now.
     There are two major reasons why it
has fallen under the radar for many an-
ime watchers: the genre and its stream-
                                                                                                                                                                                           PHOTO COURTESY OF P.A. WORKS VIA HIDIVE
ing platform. The genre of the anime
                                              Show Poster of “Ya Boy Kongming”
“Ya Boy Kongming'' includes music and
reincarnation. Both genres perform well
                                              it makes sense that the anime has not         to attain victory, and in his new life,        however, when he learns that Eiko is      pens and more in just the first episode.
when done on their own, however there
                                              reached the eyes of as many people as         Kongming has decided to use these              discouraged as she does not have many     With six more episodes after this, and
have almost been no preceding anime
                                              the more mainstream anime.                    strategies to aid a young and upcoming         fans, Kongming appears and tells her      five more to be released, there are many
that combines the two genres as “Ya Boy
                                                  For those who don’t know what “Ya         singer named Eiko Tsukimi. Kongming            that she is standing in front of one.     more topics to be touched on such as
Kongming'' treads uncharted waters.
                                              Boy Kongming” has to offer, it is about       decided to help her as when we awoke           With this newfound motivation, Eiko       rap and rivalries. With this interesting
The other big thing is where the anime
                                              the reincarnation of Zhuge Liang, oth-        to the current era of Tokyo, 1800 years        decides to not give up on her dreams      premise, it should without a doubt be in
is being streamed, which is the platform
                                              erwise known as Kongming, who was             after his original life’s death, he believed   and is now doing all that she can with    the watchlist of many people across the
called HIDIVE. It has a much smaller
                                              a military strategist during the Three        that he woke up in hell. The one thing         the help of Kongming to get there.        globe, but with factors such as the genre
library of shows when compared to its
                                              Kingdoms period. During his previ-            he found salvation in during the night            Although this may sound like a         and streaming platform, that idea may
competitors, Crunchyroll, Funimation,
                                              ous life, he had a plethora of strategies     he woke up was the singing of Eiko;            huge chunk of spoilers, all this hap-     never come to fruition.
and Netflix. With the smaller library,

    Rome Study Abroad comes to an end
                                              Already missing the food.
By Josephine Trueblood                        more fun recipes.                             and horrible. I had to persevere through
A&E Editor                                        On the subject of food, being able        the first few weeks of rain, attending
                                              to stumble into any restaurant and get        outdoor classes at the Roman Forum
    As my ten weeks in Rome come to           a fantastic meal is something I take for      drenched and still walking to the gro-
an end, I am so glad I decided to join        granted here. Fast food is pizza made         cery store every day. I hope to continue
a study abroad program, mostly for the        with quality ingredients; suppli, which       walking everywhere and staying active
chance to live like a local outside the       are fried mozzarella, rice and tomato         on campus during the winter.
United States for a short period of time.     balls; along with fresh fruit vendors scat-       When I return to Tacoma, I’ll im-
    Here are the things I will miss most      tered across piazzas and farmers mar-         mediately be getting pho from Pho Bac
about Rome and definitely keep in             kets. Simple, good ingredients are valued     on Hilltop. But in the long term, I will
mind for daily life in the States.            all across Italy, and I strongly notice the   be trying to incorporate more aspects
    Roman grocery stores are small and        difference from the US, both in how I         of my amazing study abroad into my
maze-like, often in basements and have        feel and how easy it is to venture out.       daily life.
a limited selection of each item - practi-        Taking a step back from the Amer-
cally the polar opposite of massive stores    ican lifestyle allowed me to notice how
like Costco and Walmart. While you can        “stuff-driven” life is in the States. Even
only walk through one way- and don’t          the nicest apartments in Rome don’t
dare try and go backwards- the Italian        have much furniture, opting for function
grocery store aesthetic is unparalleled.      over style and an aesthetic that Ameri-
Pink-lit salami fridges, amazing pro-         cans would see as extreme minimalism.
duce, every kind of pesto imaginable          Cheap, accessible furniture stores don’t
and massive chunks of pecorino roma-          really exist here, like TJ Maxx and Target.
no for $3; they are pretty much a dream.      Instead, gorgeous tile, stained glass, long
Everything is shockingly inexpensive          windows and high ceilings are staples of
compared to American grocery stores. It       Italian apartments, not an excess of ma-
is rare to find an item over three or four    terial things.
dollars, and weekly grocery trips often           I think some additional pieces to my
cost me less than $30. I will deeply miss     successful study abroad were walking
the fresh pasta section, gorgeous arti-       everywhere and getting more sun. Rome
chokes and perfectly sweet yogurt. But I      has basically been a Vitamin D reboot,
will definitely keep with the Italian trend   and I’ve learned the importance of stay-                                                                                                             PHOTOS BY JOSEPHINE TRUEBLOOD

                                              ing active even when Tacoma is rainy          Sunny Day in Trastevere.
of using what is in season by learning
8        May 31, 2022             THE LEDGER                                                                                                                                                                           A&E

                             “Dance Fever” is an emotional ride worth taking
                                             I don’t see many people dancing to it, but “Dance Fever” is Florence at her best.

                                                                                                                                                                                             PHOTO COURTESY OF POLYDOR RECORDS
“Dance Fever” by Florence and the Machine

By Ryan Mantle                                out through frequent reference to God        invasion, making the argument even          song taps into feelings of a deep depres-
Film Critic                                   and the devil, with Florence seeming         stronger. Ultimately, everyone has to       sion and isolation, or what I like to call
                                                                                                                                                                                        A beat that seems fit for the big
                                              to lean towards the latter in a world        find a way to get past that guilt and       my early 20’s (too much?). The chorus
                                                                                                                                                                                    screen, Florence alternates between
    After a four-year break, Florence         that is full of so much suffering.           Florence does that through dancing.         lines of “and it’s good to be alive crying
                                                                                                                                                                                    high and low notes to add to the com-
and the Machine recently released                 The third section sees the use of        It’s a heavy subject but the song never     into cereal at midnight,” and “when I
                                                                                                                                                                                    plexity of the song. Where “High as
their fifth studio album, “Dance Fe-          Florence haunting each song with quiv-       really feels that way when you’re listen-   decided to wage holy war it looked very
                                                                                                                                                                                    Hope” showed Florence finding joy
ver.” It is an interesting name for an        ering background vocals. The songs           ing because it’s easy to get caught up in   much like staring at my bedroom floor”
                                                                                                                                                                                    after getting sober, “Daffodil” is about
album that does not have many truly           continue the use of God and the devil        the drum line and the punchy guitar.        captures a low point and the persever-
                                                                                                                                                                                    how COVID put a stop to that. Simple
danceable songs, but it builds off of the     to represent good and evil, but the tide                                                 ance it takes sometimes to simply exist.
                                                                                                                                                                                    activities were no longer accessible and
sadness and hunt for joy in little things     begins to turn as there are hints of opti-                                               A subtle harp and more of Florence’s
                                                                                                          CHOREOMANIA                                                               the constant change from lockdown to
that the last album, “High as Hope,”          mism culminating in “Daffodil.”                                                          voice in the background complete this
                                                                                               A reference to an obscure, but real,                                                 maybe, possibly opening up again, fol-
featured in a beautiful way.                      The final section seems like an awk-                                                 near perfect song.
                                                                                           plague in 1518 where people uncon-                                                       lowed by more lockdown, weighs on
    The album seems to be divided into        ward fit with the rest of the album. The
                                                                                           trollably danced until they collapsed is                                                 the song through references of a pos-
distinct sections with certain themes         songs are enjoyable, but they lose some
                                                                                           music to this history major’s ears. How-                  DREAM GIRL EVIL                sible spring. The ending is the loudest
running throughout. The first section         of the magic that the middle of the al-
                                                                                           ever, this track is highlighted by peaks        This is officially a petition to         part of the album and feels like a ca-
ends with the song “Choreomania,”             bum possesses.
                                                                                           and valleys. The chorus is catchy and       have Stevie Nicks sing “Dream Girl           tharsis of pent-up frustration.
and subsequently ends the dancing
                                                                                           enjoyable, but I can’t help but giggle      Evil” with Florence. Hearing this
theme of the album. It builds the good
                                                                  FREE                     when I hear the verse “like if Jesus came   song makes me think of “Gold Dust               “Dance Fever” is just another ex-
vs evil narrative that weaves through-
                                                  One of the poppier songs on the al-      down in a beautiful dress, and all the      Woman” by Fleetwood Mac, which               ample of Florence and the Machine’s
out the sections and ties it all together.
                                              bum, “Free” is touching on Florence’s        evangelicals were like oh yeah, oh yes.”    is a compliment of the highest order.        continued     excellence.   Florence
This dancing section features bright,
                                              anxiety and the guilt that comes with        It could be such a powerful thing to        “Dream Girl Evil” eviscerates the ex-        Welch has a voice that would allow
fast-paced instruments that mask the
                                              it. The upbeat tune contrasts with the       imagine if Jesus came back as a woman,      pectations that society puts on wom-         her to coast with generic songs, but
anxiety-ridden lyrics.
                                              chorus of “…it picks me up, puts me          but then the lyrics end the thought with    en with a mocking tone on lines like         she chose to dive deep into complex
    The second section changes the
                                              down a hundred times a day.” Anxiety         the equivalent of sad trumpets.             “did mommy make you sad.” Florence           emotions and situations to make tru-
tone of the album completely, with
                                              can be crippling and with lyrics like “to                                                uses the theme of good vs. evil to           ly incredible music. Let’s just hope
slower songs like “Back in Town” that
                                              exist in the face of suffering and death                GIRLS AGAINST GOD                highlight how society wants women            the next album doesn’t take another
slowly build into the finale of “Dream
                                              and somehow still keep singing?”, she           A simple guitar line and lyrics about    to just be like their mother was, hint-      four years to make.
Girl Evil.” Florence relies heavily on her
                                              is revealing how frivolous it seems to       being in quarantine, what is this, a Bo     ing at an Oedipus complex, and firm-
vocals to replace instruments, which is
                                              make art when there are people dy-           Burnham special? Nope, it's better. I am    ly rejecting the role.                                  STAR RATING: 4.5/5
a good game plan if you can sing like
                                              ing senselessly. The music video was         not ashamed to admit that I cried in the
her. The good vs. evil narrative plays
                                              filmed in Kyiv shortly before Russia’s       car while listening to this song. This
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