The Kingdom College of Natural Health

Page created by Jim Payne
The Kingdom College of Natural Health
The Kingdom College
      of Natural Health
                                        - Newsletter -
                                            May-June 2021

“If your dreams don’t scare you, they are not big             Here at KCNH we encourage big
enough.” _Ellen Johnson Sirleaf                             dreams, dreams that can come true
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s path to becoming Liberia’s
                                                             when you apply all your efforts to
first female president was not an easy one. In
speaking up against the nation’s inequalities early in     seeing them through. The studies are
her career, she endured periods of exile, prison, and       designed to help you envision your
near-executions. But her commitment to a better           future in natural health and plan for a
future for her country never wavered, and as                 way to reach people through your
president she championed education, development,             services. Dreaming about helping
and free elections. “My experience sends a strong
message that failure is just as important as
                                                           people prevent unnecessary suffering
success,” said Sirleaf in her 2011 commencement               due to ailments and age-related
speech at Harvard. She reminds us that the dreams           illnesses, or relief from illness and
that come with risks are worth pursuing, no matter           diseases, those are good dreams.
how daunting they may seem in the beginning. In           Planning to help change someone’s life
fact, often what limits us is not the obstacles in our
path but the fears and doubts that stop us from
                                                          for the better is doing God’s work here
dreaming big in the first place.                              on earth. At Kingdom College of
                                                           Natural Health, we have a passion for
                                                          making it possible to see these dreams
                                                          come to fruition. We work every day to
                                                               improve our courses and offer
                                                          programs to support your passion and
                                                          your dreams. And we love to hear from
                                                           you and help you make your dreams
                                                                         come true.

Letter from the Director
Greetings to all Students, Alumni, Professors and Interested Parties,

We have so many exciting developments here at KCNH! Our work includes a
regular look at how we can make improvements and offer more tools to help you
The Kingdom College of Natural Health
grow bigger and better businesses and help more people through your specialized

The CBD Coaching program is available now and we have worked hard to make a
tool for students and graduates to incorporate into their businesses. CBD is such a
blessing; it is a natural product that has helped so many people. My own dear wife
has suffered for years with severe pain in her hands and wrists, due to a crippling
auto-immune disease. Despite trying many things, this natural product is the only
thing that allowed her to play the piano again. She is a Christian singer and song
writer who is often called upon to perform, yet her issues held her back. We found a product that works for
her! We pray that more people can find relief without harsh medications and encourage more people to learn
about the way to choose and use this miraculous cure.
We have some other wonderful news to share since we are always working on improvements, we are now
offering two new elective courses, one on Healing Lyme Disease, and another on Reading Body Language.
We appreciate each and every single one of you and thank you for the trust you place in us for your future.

Be well,
Dr. Henry Harbuck
Director KCNH

            Announcements and News
                     Coronation Coaching Programs
Starting June 1, 2021, the price will go back up to $1,290.00 for the coaching programs. Then,
after a student graduates from a diploma, bachelor, master, or doctorate program, they may
enroll in the coronation program for $975.00 ($315.00 discount). Others will receive a
$50.00 discount.

Coronation Coaching Programs:
CBD Coaching – Special program on how to coach clients how to choose and use
CBD oils. It will teach you all about the benefits and how to make the choice of
which oils to advice clients on, and why. Coaching clients is a different approach,
yet it has such an empowering process that can enrich lives while helping
support educated decisions. You will learn how to read the “Certificate of
Analysis” and why this is important. This is a “must have” for all students and
graduates who are using or are going to use the power of CBD for clients. Learn
more and get advice on whether this program could work for your business to
add extra income as well as attract clients who need assistance to make the best
of informed decisions. Please call Dr. Sally: 601-952-9765 or email:

New restrictions: From here on, no more enrolled students are permitted to double up
degree programs and the coronation programs. Due to a policy change, please wait until you
have completed your current programs. Students must complete one program before
enrolling in another one.

                                     Graduation 2021
                Please note there will be NO graduation ceremony
The Kingdom College of Natural Health
this year due to COVID-19.
           We congratulate all our wonderful graduates of 2021
                     and celebrate their achievements!
         You may walk in the graduation ceremony any time to have
           commemorative photos and to meet faculty and staff.
            Your official diploma or degree will be mailed to you
                upon your completion of all your programs
                         coursework and payments.

                                    Program Feature:
Here at Kingdom College of Natural Health, holistic health and nutrition is important, as is teaching how real
food, herbs and lifestyle choices affect real health and wellbeing for every single body. For those busy
professions who know a lot about natural health, work in a medical job and want to earn a degree in the field
of natural and holistic health without years of study, we have an examination program. We call it the
AHPLEX (Alternative Health Professional Level Examination ). We have many professionals who have
graduated from this program within a month and increased their practices to include holistic health services.

What is the AHPLEX?
This is the name of KCNH’s professional testing method for our degrees. If you are already a
professional in the field, such as an MD, nurse, chiropractor etc., and do not want to invest 4
years of study to earn your degree, then we have a testing method to earn your degree. If you
do not quite make the scores required, you will take those specific courses, complete them in
a record breaking time, and then be qualified for a degree.

The AHPLEX covers a variety of subjects that natural health and medical professionals should
know, including natural healing/alternative medicine, old and new therapies, diseases,
anatomy & physiology, herbs and homeopathy, integrative medicine, immunity and nutrition,
western medicine, pathophysiology, microbiology, psychiatric and personality disorders,
cancer and cardiovascular disease.

It is a doctorate level test administered to qualified professionals who have been interviewed
“one-to-one” and pre-qualified by an official of Kingdom College of Natural Health (KCNH).
Pre-qualification for the AHPLEX is obtained through a review of the professional’s academic
training, previous experience, and licensure relevant to his/her background and experience in
a health-related field. The AHPLEX is administered only to practicing full or part time
professionals that are licensed in various health fields such as western or oriental medicine,
homeopathic medicine, natural health, chiropractic, osteopathy, nursing, respiratory
therapy, physical therapy, biochemistry, pharmacy, hematology, massage, psychology,
microbiology, and others.

                      Featured Graduates
AHPLEX graduate Dr. Joyce Peters
As a young adult with an Associate degree in
business I applied for a job as an office
manager at a chiropractic office, within a year I
was not only running that office, but I also
trained as a chiropractic assistant, physical
therapist and x-ray technician when the owner
The Kingdom College of Natural Health
broke his back falling off a horse, he hired an
associate         chiropractor    to   fill   in    while   he
recovered. That "fill-in" doctor was amazed at all
the "hats" I wore in the practice and began a
courtship with me and a year later we married
and started our own practice which evolved into
a chain of wellness centers, and with our great
staff, I had the freedom to get an education in
nursing and a naturopathic doctorate from Trinity
College of Natural Health. After 10 years, California changed the licensing laws, so I got a job offer working in
Plastic Surgery centers as a nutritional consultant and weight loss counselor, that also evolved in their paying
for my education in medical aesthetics our staff was on "The Doctors" and "The Swan", which led to another
job offer and I went to work for StarMed Medical Wellness Centers franchise while I completed studies in
Mind Body Medicine and Weight Loss Specialist at Harvard. I began setting up weight loss programs as a
program director in hospitals and medical well-care centers. I trained the staff of nurses and dietitians, then
tragically my boss died of cancer and the company dissolved. I was the spokesperson for Beautiful Image, so
I opened up a training center which evolved into Beverly Hills Anti-Aging & Wellness, but I wanted to add
more functional wellness services and that is when I found Kingdom College of Natural Health, and I am
forever grateful as it allowed me to expand my education and practice at a crucial time in my career evolution.
I completed my PhD in Functional Medicine in the spring of 2018, at that time my practice mostly thrived on
aesthetics such as facials and cellulite treatments. I am so thankful for Kingdom College because within 24
months of passing the exam and earning my PhD, COVID-19 struck the nation, and all facial services and
non-essential business were ordered to close to slow the spread of COVID. Till this day Beverly Hills has a
mandatory mask mandate and I haven't been permitted to do any facial treatments. The education I
received at Kingdom College saved my practice during COVID. I have focused on helping clients boost their
immune system and improve their resistance to illnesses, naturally, at a time that it is much needed. I also
wrote three books during COVID and hope that it helps people around the globe to improve their health. My
books are available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble and I was sure proud to have my Kingdom College
PhD added to the author title. Thank you, Dr. Harbuck and all my professors including the staff at
Kingdom College of Natural Health.

Dr. Rebecca Michael
I   opened            Tularosa   center       for
Naturopathic Medicine in October
and have acquired a chiropractor
Dr. Sam Hammel and a behavioral
therapist. My clinic is the only one in
Tularosa New Mexico. I am board
Certified with AANWP. I do lifestyle
evaluations, practice prevention and
wellness and offer Chi Gung, and
Thai Che. I was a Physician’s
Assistant on a Helicopter in the
Navy and wanted to be a drugless
practitioner, so I choose Kingdom
College. I also work full time for the
Alameda           Park     Zoo    as      their
Education Coordinator and Part-
time       for    the     Tularosa     Police
Department. I am a reserve police
officer.         My      work    email        is
The Kingdom College of Natural Health
We would LOVE to Feature YOU in
our Newsletter!
If you would like to be featured in future KCNH Newsletters,
please get in touch with Dr. Sally.

We love to feature students and graduates in each KCNH
Newsletter. Anyone who has a practice and who would be
interested in sending in a short article about how they are doing, how KCNH has helped their
practice, and some good information to share with existing or potential students. If you have
some good news to share, please also let me know!

As the year progresses and we are seeing a resurgence of businesses opening across the country, what are
your plans for increasing your clients, or growing your business? Are any of you blogging or writing articles? If
so, please send us your links to your work, so we can share them here in the Newsletter.

One of the best methods of attracting new attention is to be authentic and share your story. Did you have an
ailment or disease that you struggled to recover from but could get little help from specialists? Did you decide
to study natural health after doing the research and healing yourself? We hear similar stories from you, our
students, and encourage you to share your story in different ways to help more people find the alternative
ways to heal.

Want to see some examples on how to do this? I am reading a book called: “ Turn Words into Wealth” by
Aurora Winter, MBA – available via Amazon, free kindle edition. It has good advice on how to implement
good leadership habits (I find these are useful even if you are a sole practitioner!) Understand that your brand
is your story – and the story of people you have helped. Did you solve a problem, make someone whole, find a
way to cure yourself of an ailment, save someone’s life, save your own life, find a great product that helped
more than anything ever did (like CBD) and you just want everyone to know about any of these things – then
this is your story. To accomplish the aforementioned, figure out how to share your story with as many people
as possible. The good news is: “This book will assist you in sharing the way people may attain healing and
enjoy beneficial health results.”
Copy and paste this link:

Dr. Sally

                  Professional Associations, Board Certifications and registrations
                               help boost and promote your business!
The Kingdom College of Natural Health

  "Lord Jesus, come and restore our
 land. May we raise up a generation
   loyal to Your Word. Protect them
from being deceived that they might
be Your leaders in their generation."
             -Angie Tolpin-

                Kingdom College of Natural Health
                PO Box 27499
                Barrigada, GMF, 96921

                Phone Number: 1-888-295-7304 | Email:

             WEBSITE                                     ​    ​       ​
The Kingdom College of Natural Health
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