The Impact of Escobar and the Procurement Collusion Strike Force on Procurement-Related False Claims Act Settlements

Page created by Gabriel Sharp
The Impact of Escobar and the Procurement
          Collusion Strike Force on Procurement-Related
          False Claims Act Settlements
          By Samuel B. Knowles, Dawn E. Stern, and Thomas E. Daley

                                                                                                                                  Collusion Strike Force
                                                                                                                                  (PCSF) to focus on anti-
                                                                                                                                  trust issues in the procure-
                                                                                                                                  ment context. The PCSF is
                                                                                                                                  an interagency partnership
                                                                                                                                  consisting of prosecutors
                                                                                                                                  from U.S. Attorney’s Of-
                                                                                                                                  fices and the Department of
                                                                                                                                  Justice Antitrust Division,
                                                                                                                                  as well as investigators from
                                                                                                                                  the Federal Bureau of Inves-
                 Samuel B. Knowles                             Dawn E. Stern                             Thomas E. Daley          tigation and a broad range
                                                                                                                                  of federal agencies. As of
          Introduction                                                                             March 2021, the PCSF reportedly had uncovered con-
          The civil False Claims Act (FCA) has long been a signif-                                 duct that led to approximately 35 related investigations.
          icant enforcement tool available to government authori-                                     To gauge the impact of Escobar and the PCSF through
          ties and relators. As discussed below, the FCA prescribes                                an objective lens, we reviewed publicly available infor-
          penalties that may be multiples of the actual damages                                    mation related to FCA settlements for procurement-relat-
          or, in rare cases, even the underlying contract value. Al-                               ed fraud from 2011 to 2014 and 2018 to 2020. Although
          though the premise of the FCA—punishing those seek-                                      there are discernable differences from year to year in
          ing to defraud the government for personal gain—makes                                    the number, dollar value, and type of FCA procurement
          sense, many contractors believe that the government                                      settlements, our analysis demonstrates that the overall
          has turned the FCA into an enforcement mechanism                                         landscape has not significantly changed.
          under which the government seeks disproportionate                                           For example, with the exception of three unusually
          damages in cases that merely reflect gaps in contractor                                  large settlements in 2011 and 2014, the total amount of
          compliance programs or that otherwise should be ad-                                      procurement-related settlements generally was between
          dressed as a breach of contract.                                                         $200 and $300 million each year. Also, settlements relat-
              In particular, under the FCA “implied certification”                                 ed to pricing and billing allegations and multiple award
          theory, the government could receive the bargained-                                      schedule allegations consistently accounted for the great-
          for benefits under the contract for a fair and reasonable                                est number of settlements each year—approximately
          price, yet still seek to recover treble damages and penal-                               70% of the total annually. These numbers indicate that,
          ties based on allegedly knowing regulatory noncompli-                                    while contractors should continue to monitor the im-
          ance. In 2016, the U.S. Supreme Court addressed the                                      portant developments related to Escobar and the PCSF,
          viability of the implied certification theory in Univer-                                 they should understand that the greatest risk, by far, re-
          sal Health Services, Inc. v. United States ex rel. Escobar.1                             mains the traditional risk: the routine pricing and billing
          Many observers hailed Escobar as a defining moment in                                    of government contracts. Escobar has arguably provided
          FCA jurisprudence, predicting significant curtailment in                                 a more detailed roadmap for contractors seeking to miti-
          enforcement actions, heavier burdens for plaintiffs, and                                 gate FCA risks, but the enforcement machinations and
          more potential defenses.                                                                 resulting settlements have largely continued unabated.
              More recently, in 2019, the U.S. Department of Jus-
          tice has focused on another type of misconduct in gov-                                   I. Background
          ernment acquisition, establishing the Procurement                                        As relevant to this article, the FCA imposes liability
                                                                                                   on an individual or entity that “knowingly presents, or
                                                                                                   causes to be presented, a false or fraudulent claim for
          Samuel B. Knowles and Dawn E. Stern are Washington, D.C.–                                payment or approval” or “knowingly makes, uses, or
          based partners with DLA Piper. They assist companies with a range
          of government contract matters. Thomas E. Daley is an associate in                       causes to be made or used, a false record or statement
          the same office; he is a member of the firm’s Government Contracts                       material to a false or fraudulent claim.”2 A party liable
          practice.                                                                                under the FCA is subject to a “civil penalty of not less

                                                                                     Volume 57, Number 2    The Procurement Lawyer                                                  3  
Published in The Procurement Lawyer, Volume 57, Number 2, Spring 2022. © 2022 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion
thereof may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.
than $5,000 and not more than $10,000” per violation,                                    request payment, but also makes specific representations
          as adjusted for inflation, “plus 3 times the amount of                                   about the goods or services provided; and second, the
          damages which the Government sustains because of the                                     defendant’s failure to disclose noncompliance with ma-
          act of that person.”3                                                                    terial statutory, regulatory, or contractual requirements
              The FCA, however, “is not an ‘all-purpose antifraud                                  makes those representations misleading half-truths.”14 In
          statute or a vehicle for punishing garden-variety breaches                               reaching its conclusion, the Supreme Court stated that
          of contract or regulatory violations.’”4 To establish liabil-                            it “need not resolve whether all claims for payment im-
          ity, the government must prove that there was “(1) a false                               plicitly represent that the billing party is legally entitled
          statement or fraudulent course of conduct; (2) made with                                 to payment” because “[t]he claims in this case do more
          the requisite scienter; (3) that is material; and (4) that re-                           than merely demand payment.”15 The Supreme Court ex-
          sults in a claim to the Government or conceals, decreas-                                 plained that the claims at issue in Escobar “fall square-
          es, or avoids an obligation to pay the Government.”5 The                                 ly within the rule that half-truths—representations
          FCA defines materiality as “having a natural tendency                                    that state the truth only so far as it goes, while omit-
          to influence, or be capable of influencing, the payment or                               ting critical qualifying information—can be actionable
          receipt of money or property.”6                                                          misrepresentations.”16
              Prior to the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2016 decision in                                       The Supreme Court then addressed whether, under an
          Escobar, the circuit courts of appeals disagreed as to the                               implied certification theory, a party should be liable only if
          scope of the implied certification theory under the FCA,7                                the party fails to disclose a contractual, statutory, or regu-
          which imposes liability when a party, in requesting pay-                                 latory violation that the government expressly designat-
          ment, makes certain representations that “are mislead-                                   ed as a condition of payment.17 The Supreme Court stated
          ing because of the omission of violations of statutory,                                  that the FCA “does not impose this limit on liability” but
          regulatory, or contractual requirements.”8 As discussed                                  that “not every undisclosed violation of an express condi-
          below, the Supreme Court in Escobar recognized the va-                                   tion of payment automatically triggers liability.”18 Rather,
          lidity of the implied certification theory, provided that                                the focus should be on the “materiality requirement.”19
          the omission is “material.”9 Many contemporaneous ob-                                        The Supreme Court described the materiality require-
          servers posited that the “new” definition of “materiality”                               ment as “rigorous” and “demanding.”20 A misrepresenta-
          set forth in Escobar, and attendant effect on the govern-                                tion is not material if it is “minor or insubstantial,” as the
          ment’s burden of proof, could impact the frequency and                                   False Claims Act is not designed to punish all types of
          dollar value of procurement-related FCA settlements.                                     fraud.21 The “Government’s decision to expressly iden-
              As also discussed below, another post-Escobar de-                                    tify a provision as a condition of payment is relevant [to
          velopment in the FCA context that could conceivably                                      the materiality inquiry], but not automatically disposi-
          impact the frequency and dollar-value of procurement-                                    tive.”22 Proof of materiality may include, “but is not nec-
          related FCA settlements is the establishment of the De-                                  essarily limited to, evidence that the defendant knows
          partment of Justice’s PCSF in 2019. Although the PCSF                                    that the Government consistently refuses to pay claims
          is focused on procurement-related violations of antitrust                                in the mine run of cases based on noncompliance with
          law such as bid-rigging and price-fixing, the government                                 the particular statutory, regulatory, or contractual re-
          may assert that such a violation also forms the basis for                                quirement.”23 On the other hand, a misrepresentation
          an FCA action if, for example, the government is fraudu-                                 may not be material “if the Government pays a particu-
          lently induced into entering a contract or the contractor                                lar claim in full despite its actual knowledge that certain
          submits “false” invoices under a resulting contract.10                                   requirements were violated” or “if the Government regu-
                                                                                                   larly pays a particular type of claim in full despite actual
          A. Escobar and Its Aftereffects                                                          knowledge that certain requirements were violated.”24
          In Escobar, the Supreme Court “granted certiorari to                                         Commentators hailed Escobar as “one of the most im-
          resolve the disagreement among the courts of appeals                                     portant [FCA] decisions in recent history”25 and a “wa-
          over the validity and scope of the implied false certifi-                                tershed moment in FCA jurisprudence”26 because of its
          cation theory of liability.”11 The Supreme Court noted                                   discussion of the implied certification theory and mate-
          that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit                                   riality. Since the issuance of Escobar, courts have con-
          “had rejected this theory, reasoning that only express                                   tinued to address “open questions regarding falsity and
          (or affirmative) falsehoods can render a claim ‘false or                                 materiality.”27
          fraudulent,’” while others “have accepted the [implied                                       In addition, in 2018, the Department of Justice made
          certification] theory” but differed in its application.12                                changes in response to Escobar, issuing what has come
             The Supreme Court determined, as an initial matter,                                   to be known as the “Granston Memo.”28 In order to help
          that “the implied false certification theory can, at least                               “curb[] meritless” qui tam actions, the Granston Memo
          in some circumstances, provide a basis for liability.”13 Ac-                             provides a nonexhaustive list of factors that the gov-
          cording to the Supreme Court, the implied certification                                  ernment should consider when seeking dismissal of qui
          theory may serve as a basis for liability when at least two                              tam actions pursuant to 31 U.S.C. § 3730(c)(2)(A).29
          conditions are satisfied: “first, the claim does not merely                              The Granston Memo identifies the following factors: (1)

          4 The Procurement Lawyer    Spring 2022
Published in The Procurement Lawyer, Volume 57, Number 2, Spring 2022. © 2022 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion
thereof may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.
whether the qui tam complaint is facially lacking in merit,                                  From the public FCA settlements, we identified the
          (2) whether the action duplicates a preexisting govern-                                  “procurement-related” settlements. Generally, a procure-
          ment investigation, (3) whether the action threatens to                                  ment-related FCA settlement is a settlement that re-
          interfere with an agency’s policies or administration of its                             solves an alleged violation of the FCA relating to either
          programs, (4) whether dismissal is necessary to protect                                  (i) a prime contract between the government and a con-
          the Department of Justice’s “litigation prerogatives,” (5)                               tractor or (ii) a subcontract between a prime contrac-
          whether dismissal is necessary to safeguard classified infor-                            tor and a subcontractor that supports a prime govern-
          mation and national security interests, (6) whether the ex-                              ment contract.39 The definition of a procurement-related
          pected costs are likely to exceed any expected gains, and                                FCA settlement used for this article does not include, for
          (7) whether there are procedural errors.30                                               example, settlements related to billing for prescription

          B. Procurement Collusion Strike Force
          In 2019, the Department of Justice created the Procure-
          ment Collusion Strike Force (PCSF), which focuses “on
          deterring, detecting, investigating and prosecuting anti-                                             The full impact of the PCSF
          trust crimes, such as bid-rigging conspiracies and relat-
          ed fraudulent schemes, which undermine competition                                                   remains to be seen, as most
          in government procurement, grant and program fund-
          ing.”31 The PCSF is an interagency partnership consist-                                               investigations are ongoing.
          ing of prosecutors from the Department of Justice Anti-
          trust Division, prosecutors from U.S. Attorney’s Offices,
          investigators from the Federal Bureau of Investigation,
          the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General,
          the U.S. Postal Service Office of Inspector General, and                                 medications that were not actually dispensed40 or settle-
          other partner federal Offices of Inspector General.32 Ac-                                ments related to false claims made in connection with a
          cording to Daniel Glad, the Director of the Procurement                                  research grant.41
          Collusion Strike Force, the PCSF “stands ready, able,                                        As outlined below, for purposes of this article, we di-
          and willing to investigate and prosecute procurement                                     vided the procurement-related FCA settlements into
          fraud at any level.”33                                                                   nine distinct categories. The examples provided in the
             As of November 2020, the PCSF had trained over 500                                    list below are illustrative and do not contain an exhaus-
          federal, state, and local agencies on recognizing collu-                                 tive list of all the types of settlements that could be in-
          sion risks in the procurement process.34 In 2020, the PCSF                               cluded in the categories.
          trained over 8,000 agents, investigators, and auditors on
          the heightened risks of collusion and fraud attributable to                                  1. Pricing and Billing: These settlements include Truth
          the COVID-19 pandemic.35 The PCSF also created a new                                            in Negotiations Act violations, inflated labor
          “form of data analysis that uses sophisticated algorithms                                       hours, misbilling of costs, billing of unallowable
          that continuously learn as they are exposed to new data.”36                                     costs, and inaccurate rates, prices, or expenses.
             According to the Department of Justice, as of March                                       2. Statutory Compliance: This type of settlement in-
          24, 2021, the PCSF had “uncovered conduct” that led to                                          cludes false claims made in connection with laws
          approximately 35 related investigations.37 To date, the                                         such as the Buy American Act, Trade Agreements
          PCSF appears to be focused on core antitrust issues such                                        Act, Berry Amendment, Service Contract Act,
          as bid-rigging and price-fixing. The full impact of the                                         Davis-Bacon Act, and Byrd Amendment.
          PCSF, however, remains to be seen, as most of its investi-                                   3. Compliance with Specifications: Settlements in this
          gations are ongoing.38                                                                          category relate to product substitution, failure to
                                                                                                          meet specifications, falsified or improper testing,
          C. Methodology of FCA Settlement Analysis                                                       inaccurate engineering calculations, and counter-
          As discussed above, we analyzed FCA settlements                                                 feit or defective products and parts.
          for calendar years 2011 through 2014, as well as 2018                                        4. Multiple Award Schedule: In this category, we in-
          through 2020. We choose those calendar years in order                                           cluded settlements related to alleged failures to
          to determine what effect, if any, the Supreme Court’s                                           comply with the requirements of a multiple award
          2016 decision in Escobar and the creation of the PCSF                                           schedule contract, including the Price Reductions
          have had on the frequency or amounts of procurement-                                            clause and the obligation to disclose commercial
          related FCA settlements. To do this, we compiled and                                            sales practices. This category also includes other
          reviewed publicly available FCA settlements that were                                           alleged false claims involving a multiple award
          announced during those years on the Department of Jus-                                          schedule contract, such as defective pricing and in-
          tice’s website, as well as settlements announced on the                                         accurate billing.
          websites of individual U.S. Attorney’s Offices.                                              5. Small Business Regulation: Settlements in this

                                                                                     Volume 57, Number 2    The Procurement Lawyer                                                  5  
Published in The Procurement Lawyer, Volume 57, Number 2, Spring 2022. © 2022 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion
thereof may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.
category relate to alleged false claims regarding                               paid $199,500,000 to settle allegations that it failed to
                   small business status and eligibility for other socio-                          comply with the price reductions clause of its General
                   economic programs.                                                              Services Administration (GSA) Schedule contract and
              6.   Proposal Misrepresentation: This category addresses                             failed to provide GSA with current, accurate, and com-
                   false claims made in connection with a proposal,                                plete information about its commercial sales practic-
                   such as misrepresenting a corporate relationship or                             es.42 At the time, the Department of Justice touted the
                   misrepresenting that key personnel possess active                               settlement as “the largest False Claims Act settlement
                   security clearances.                                                            that the GSA has ever obtained.”43 Earlier that year, in
              7.   Improper Conduct: These settlements include those                               April 2011, a telecommunications company paid $93.5
                   involving, among other things, antitrust viola-                                 million in connection with a GSA contract. Specifical-
                   tions, bribery, improper hiring of a government                                 ly, GSA alleged that the telecommunications company
                   official, failure to disclose a contingent fee on a                             overcharged the government when it invoiced GSA for
                   foreign military sales contract, and mislabeling                                various federal, state, and local taxes and surcharges in
                   country of origin.                                                              violation of the terms of its contract.44 Combined, these
              8.   Labor Qualifications: This category involves claims                             two settlements account for $293 million, or more than
                   that the contractor or subcontractor used employ-                               half of the total settlements paid in 2011 (and more than
                   ees who lacked the required qualifications, train-                              all of the settlements in 2013). Notably, removing these
                   ing, or clearances.                                                             two settlements from the analysis puts the overall 2011
              9.   Kickbacks: As the title indicates, this category in-                            payments at $245 million, which is in line with pay-
                   cludes FCA settlements related to a contractor                                  ments in the other years.
                   providing or receiving kickbacks.                                                   Similarly, in December 2014, a subsistence contractor
                                                                                                   pled guilty to criminal charges of major fraud against the
             When a settlement did not fit into one of the above-                                  United States in connection with a contract to supply
          identified categories, we labeled it as Miscellaneous for                                food and water to troops in Afghanistan. In addition to
          purposes of our analysis. Additionally, when a settlement                                pleading guilty to the criminal charges, the subsistence
          related to more than one category, we assigned it to the                                 contractor paid $146 million to settle three civil matters
          category that appeared to be the primary allegation in                                   alleging that it overcharged the Department of Defense
          the case.                                                                                for costs related to the transport of fuel, food, water, and
             After sorting the procurement-related FCA settle-                                     cargo in Afghanistan. This settlement accounts for over
          ments into the appropriate categories, we determined the                                 a third of the overall payments in 2014 and, once again,
          frequency and monetary amounts for each of the calen-                                    removing this settlement from the calculation puts the
          dar years addressed in this article. As discussed below, we                              2014 total payments at approximately $279 million,
          identified noteworthy trends among the years analyzed.                                   which is consistent with payments in the other years.
                                                                                                       In addition to the differences in the overall totals, the
          II. Analysis of Settlement Data                                                          above chart demonstrates that there were above-average
          The trends observed during the 2011–2014 time period                                     settlement totals in a few categories across each of the
          and the 2018–2020 time period are summarized below.                                      years. Once again, it appears that these differences are
          Additionally, the lack of an identifiable impact related                                 driven by a few large settlements in the relevant catego-
          to the Supreme Court’s 2016 decision in Escobar and the                                  ries rather than by a shift in the types of cases pursued by
          PCSF on procurement-related FCA settlements, as re-                                      the government. First, the settlements involving the soft-
          flected in a comparison of procurement-related FCA set-                                  ware company and the subsistence contractor account
          tlements occurring during 2011–2014 and 2018–2020, is                                    for the higher-than-average settlement amounts under
          discussed in Section III.C below.                                                        the 2011 Multiple Award Schedule category and the 2014
                                                                                                   Pricing and Billing category, respectively.
          A. Trends from the 2011–2015 Time Period                                                     Similarly, the $122 million settlement total related to
          1. Summary of 2011–2015 Settlements                                                      kickbacks in 2011 was driven by two large settlements
          The chart on the facing page summarizes the procure-                                     that year out of the Eastern District of Arkansas. Spe-
          ment-related FCA settlements occurring during calen-                                     cifically, a professional services company agreed to pay
          dar years 2011–2015.                                                                     $63.675 million to resolve allegations that it received
                                                                                                   kickbacks in connection with its recommendation of cer-
          2. Differences Across 2011–2015 Settlements                                              tain hardware and software to the government, as well
          The most noticeable difference among the years sum-                                      as inflated prices and rigged bids in connection with cer-
          marized in this chart is the government’s significantly                                  tain technology contracts.45 That same year, a computer
          higher recoveries in 2011 and 2014. A review of under-                                   technology company entered into a $46 million settle-
          lying data demonstrates that the difference is directly at-                              ment to resolve claims that its recently purchased subsid-
          tributable to two large settlements in 2011 and one in                                   iary paid kickbacks to system integrator companies in ex-
          2014. Specifically, in October 2011, a software company                                  change for recommendations that government agencies

          6 The Procurement Lawyer    Spring 2022
Published in The Procurement Lawyer, Volume 57, Number 2, Spring 2022. © 2022 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion
thereof may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.
purchase the subsidiary’s software products.46 Moreover,                                 settlements remained relatively consistent across the
          the two largest settlements in 2015, a $75.5 million pay-                                years—2011, 35 settlements; 2012, 29 settlements; 2013,
          ment by a cloud computing company and its distributor,47                                 33 settlements; 2014, 38 settlements; and 2015, 27 settle-
          account for the entire Multiple Award Schedule category                                  ments—and there does not appear to be a single, identi-
          for that year, and a $30 million settlement by an informa-                               fiable reason for the slight increase in 2014 or the lower
          tion security company (and its parent company) for alleg-                                number in 2015. Further, as discussed above, other than
          edly failing to comply with contractual quality require-                                 the three large settlements that drove the higher gov-
          ments48 explains the higher-than-average value in the                                    ernment recoveries in 2011 and 2014, the total amount
          Compliance with Specifications category for 2015.                                        of procurement-related settlements was consistently be-
             Thus, while there were differences in the values of                                   tween $200 million and $300 million each year. In addi-
          certain settlement categories and in the total settlements                               tion, the average amount per settlement is relatively con-
          paid during 2011–2015, the differences were driven by                                    stant; indeed, when removing the three large settlements
          large settlements rather than a trend in particular areas.                               in 2011 and 2014 discussed above, the average for each of
                                                                                                   those years is $7.4 million and $7.5 million, respectively,
          3. Similarities Across 2011–2015 Settlements                                             making the range in the average settlement amount even
          Although there are outliers in some of the categories                                    smaller (from $5.8 million to $11.2 million).
          across the 2011–2015 time frame, there also are nota-                                       There also are important trends when looking across
          ble instances in which the government’s recoveries re-                                   the years within each category. Most notably, the Mul-
          mained consistent. The number of procurement-related                                     tiple Award Schedule and Pricing and Billing categories

                                                     Procurement-Related FCA Settlements, 2011–2015

                                                  2011 Total                2012 Total                2013 Total                2014 Total                2015 Total
                                                  Amount of                 Amount of                 Amount of                 Amount of                 Amount of
            Category                              Settlements               Settlements               Settlements               Settlements               Settlements
            Compliance with                       $26,586,493               $68,477,160               $15,799,228               $31,500,000               $73,680,000
            Kickbacks                             $122,575,000              $3,000,000                $5,700,000                $5,227,200                $0
            Labor Qualifications                  $400,000                  $702,000                  $0                        $14,800,000               $12,750,000
            Misc. (OCI)                           $0                        $0                        $0                        $1,500,000                $0
            Misc. (Supervision of                 $5,635,000                $0                        $0                        $0                        $0
            Misc. (Unequal access                 $24,676,000               $0                        $0                        $0                        $0
            to information)
            Multiple Award                        $220,240,000              $70,628,000               $72,750,000               $35,450,000               $75,500,000
            Pricing & Billing                     $122,506,239              $145,335,242              $78,197,500               $301,998,807              $78,825,000
            Proposal                              $0                        $0                        $9,250,000                $0                        $0
            Small Business                        $5,600,000                $6,750,000                $4,969,947                $15,578,000               $9,450,000
            Statutory Compliance                  $9,870,216                $3,450,000                $7,063,902                $19,580,000               $9,600,042
            Total                                 $538,088,948              $298,342,402              $193,730,577              $425,634,007              $259,805,042
            Total # of Settlements                35                        29                        33                        38                        27
            Avg. Amt. Per                         $15,373,970               $10,287,669               $5,870,624                $11,200,895               $9,622,409

                                                                                     Volume 57, Number 2    The Procurement Lawyer                                                  7  
Published in The Procurement Lawyer, Volume 57, Number 2, Spring 2022. © 2022 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion
thereof may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.
consistently contained the highest procurement-related                                   2. Differences Across 2018, 2019, and 2020 Settlements
          settlement payments in each year. In fact, across all years,                             The government’s higher recovery amounts in 2018 are
          these two categories account for 70% of the total settle-                                due, in large part, to the differences in Improper Con-
          ments paid. The third-highest category was Compliance                                    duct settlements occurring in 2018 versus 2019 and
          with Specifications. In general, the other categories repre-                             2020. The government recovered significantly more in
          sented small percentages of the overall recovery each year,                              2018 for Improper Conduct cases ($133,339,000) than
          and any spikes in a given year were attributable to a spe-                               in 2019 ($52,313,250) and 2020 ($88,057,577). Much
          cific settlement. For example, the Statutory Compliance                                  of this difference, as well as much of the difference in the
          category was consistently less than $10 million, with the                                average settlement values in these years, is attributable
          exception of 2014, when there was $19.5 million in settle-                               to three related settlements that occurred in 2018. Spe-
          ments in that category. Of that total, $8.3 million was paid                             cifically, three South Korean companies agreed to pay a
          by a medical equipment company to resolve claims that it                                 total of $120,669,000 to settle FCA violations related to
          sold products that did not comply with “country of origin”                               the companies’ “decade-long bid-rigging conspiracy” for
          requirements.49 Similarly, while there were generally no re-                             fuel contracts at bases in South Korea.51 For their roles
          coveries related to Unequal Access to Information in most                                in the alleged bid-rigging conspiracy, the three compa-
          years, the $24 million recovered in 2011 relates to one pro-                             nies agreed to pay $42,621,000,52 $71,866,000,53 and
          curement in which government officials allegedly shared                                  $6,182,000,54 respectively. Note that these antitrust-re-
          nonpublic information in order to ensure that the contrac-                               lated settlements preceded—and presumably motivat-
          tor and its teaming partners were awarded a contract.50                                  ed—the establishment of the Procurement Collusion
              The one exception is that the 2014 spike in settle-                                  Strike Force in 2019.
          ments related to Small Business Regulation is attributed                                     Another area where settlements varied during 2018–
          to six unrelated cases on this issue involving settlements                               2020 is the Pricing and Billing category. In each of those
          ranging from $400,000 to $4.5 million. Thus, unlike in                                   years, there were approximately eight Pricing and Billing
          the other areas, this outlier is not driven by one case.                                 settlements. The government recovered $53,406,613 in
                                                                                                   2018 and $76,382,865 in 2020 from such settlements, but
          B. Trends from the 2018–2020 Time Period                                                 only recovered $13,574,056 from such settlements in 2019.
          1. Summary of 2018–2020 Settlements                                                          This difference was caused by a few large settlements.
          The below chart summarizes the procurement-related FCA                                   For example, in 2018, a defense contractor agreed to pay
          settlements during calendar years 2018, 2019, and 2020.                                  $27.45 million to resolve claims that it allegedly violated

                                                      Procurement-Related FCA Settlements, 2018–2020

                                                                          2018 Total                           2019 Total                           2020 Total
                                                                          Amount of                            Amount of                            Amount of
            Category                                                      Settlements                          Settlements                          Settlements
            Pricing & Billing                                             $53,406,613                          $13,574,056                          $76,382,865
            Statutory Compliance                                          $2,525,000                           $30,500,000                          $702,000
            Compliance with Specifications                                $94,180,003                          $74,939,820                          $18,596,924
            Multiple Award Schedule                                       $0                                   $21,570,000                          $26,087,789
            Small Business Regulation                                     $19,120,264                          $31,424,714                          $10,753,309
            Proposal Misrepresentation                                    $10,760,000                          $3,000,000                           $4,950,000
            Improper Conduct                                              $133,339,000                         $52,313,250                          $88,057,578
            Labor Qualifications                                          $0                                   $900,000                             $962,747
            Kickbacks                                                     $124,440                             $2,158,718                           $12,738,684
            Total                                                         $313,455,320                         $230,380,558                         $239,231,896
            Total # of Settlements                                        37                                   37                                   38
            Avg. Amount Per Settlement                                    $8,471,765.41                        $6,226,501.57                        $6,295,576.21

          8 The Procurement Lawyer    Spring 2022
Published in The Procurement Lawyer, Volume 57, Number 2, Spring 2022. © 2022 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion
thereof may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.
the FCA by “overstating the number of hours its em-                                      2019 versus 2020 was that there was not a Compliance
          ployees worked on two battlefield communications con-                                    with Specifications settlement in excess of $30 million
          tracts.”55 Also in 2018, a shipping services company agreed                              in 2020. Indeed, in 2020, the value of Compliance with
          to pay $20 million to resolve FCA claims that it “knowing-                               Specifications settlements typically was a few million
          ly overbill[ed] the U.S. Navy under contracts for ship hus-                              dollars or less. One Compliance with Specifications set-
          banding services.”56 In 2020, a team of government con-                                  tlement that was an outlier in 2020 concerned a mining
          tractors collectively paid $57.75 million to resolve claims                              equipment company that paid $10,896,924 to resolve al-
          that the companies “fraudulently overcharged the U.S.                                    legations that the company had “produced and sold sub-
          Department of Energy (DOE) in connection with its oper-                                  standard steel components for installation on U.S. Navy
          ation of the Hanford Waste Treatment Plant (WTP) proj-                                   submarines.”61
          ect” by submitting inflated labor hours and by billing for                                  There also was some consistency among the Small
          work that was not actually performed.57                                                  Business Regulation settlements in 2018 ($19,120,263.90
              The Pricing and Billing settlements in 2019 were gen-                                in settlements) and 2019 ($31,424,714.20). The amount
          erally smaller than in 2018 and 2020; for instance, in
          2019, an aerospace company paid $2.6 million “after self-
          disclosing its overbilling of the government and its prime
          contractors.”58 The total value of the aerospace compa-
          ny’s settlement is similar to the other Pricing and Billing
          settlements that occurred in 2019.                                                             While there were differences in the
              Thus, while there were differences in the total values                                       total values of certain settlement
          of certain settlement categories during 2018, 2019, and
          2020, the differences were primarily driven by large set-                                      categories during 2018, 2019, and
          tlements. The varying size of the settlements was a sig-
          nificant factor as to why the government recovered more                                      2020, the differences were primarily
          than $300 million in 2018 but only approximately $230
          million in 2019 and 2020, respectively.                                                               driven by large settlements.
          3. Similarities Across 2018, 2019, and 2020 Settlements
          There were a number of similarities between the gov-
          ernment’s recoveries in 2018, 2019, and 2020. As noted
          above, the total number of procurement-related settle-
          ments in 2018 (37 settlements), 2019 (37 settlements),                                   the government recovered per settlement for alleged vi-
          and 2020 (38 settlements) was remarkably consistent.                                     olations of small business regulations during 2018 and
          The total value of procurement-related FCA settle-                                       2019 was roughly $3,750,000 per settlement. There were
          ments in 2019 ($230,380,558) and 2020 ($239,231,896)                                     several higher-value Small Business Regulation settle-
          was also very similar. The value of such settlements was                                 ments during 2018 and 2019, including a settlement be-
          higher in 2018 ($313,455,320), but, as discussed above,                                  tween the government and the majority owner and
          that is primarily due to a few large settlements occurring                               former chief executive officer of a military equipment
          during 2018.                                                                             supplier who agreed to pay $20 million to settle claims
             In 2018 and 2019, the government recovered a sub-                                     that the former chief executive officer “caused [the com-
          stantial amount from settlements related to Compliance                                   pany] to falsely represent that it qualified as a small busi-
          with Specifications, recovering $94,180,003 in 2018 and                                  ness concern when it failed to do so.”62
          $74,939,820 in 2019. The government had at least one                                        As with the Compliance with Specifications settle-
          Compliance with Specifications settlement in excess of                                   ments, the value of the Small Business Regulation set-
          $30 million in both 2018 and 2019. In 2018, the govern-                                  tlements again dipped in 2020. The government only
          ment executed a settlement with a Japanese company                                       recovered $10,753,309 from Small Business Regulation
          and its American subsidiary under which the companies                                    settlements in 2020, even though there were a higher
          agreed to pay $66 million to resolve claims that the com-                                number of such settlements in 2020 than in either 2018
          panies violated the FCA by selling “defective Zylon fiber                                or 2019. In fact, in 2020, there were multiple Small Busi-
          used in bullet proof vests.”59 In 2019, a contractor agreed                              ness Regulation settlements with values of less than
          to pay $34.6 million to resolve claims that it allegedly                                 $750,000. Examples of those settlements include a settle-
          “caus[ed] a government contractor to invoice [the Missile                                ment in which a joint venture paid $310,000 to resolve
          Defense Agency] and NASA for aluminum extrusions                                         claims that it took “advantage of the Disadvantaged
          that did not comply with contract specifications.”60                                     Business Enterprise (DBE) program”63 and a settlement
             The value of Compliance with Specifications settle-                                   in which an engineering company and two of its em-
          ments dipped in 2020 to $18,596,924. The main differ-                                    ployees paid $672,352 to settle allegations that the com-
          ence between the value of these settlements in 2018 and                                  pany improperly obtained funds from the Small Business

                                                                                     Volume 57, Number 2    The Procurement Lawyer                                                  9  
Published in The Procurement Lawyer, Volume 57, Number 2, Spring 2022. © 2022 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion
thereof may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.
Innovation Research and Small Business Technology                                        that the Department of Justice continues to scrutinize
          Transfer programs.64                                                                     and hold contractors accountable based on a broad range
              One other area where there was some consistency                                      of alleged improprieties to the tune of hundreds of mil-
          among the settlements in 2018–2020 was the Proposal                                      lions of dollars annually. Thus, the legislative push to
          Misrepresentation category. The government recovered a                                   amend the FCA through the False Claims Amendments
          relatively modest amount in proposal misrepresentation                                   Act of 2021,67 is not supported by the post-Escobar settle-
          settlements in 2018 ($10,760,000), 2019 ($3,000,000), and                                ment data; rather, the legislation appears to be a solution
          2020 ($4,950,000). These settlements typically involved                                  in search of a problem.
          a contractor paying to resolve claims that the contractor                                   The settlement data also do not reflect any impact, as
          misrepresented the materials it would use under a con-                                   yet, of the PCSF. This is not surprising, of course, as the
          tract.65 There also were settlements in which a contrac-                                 PCSF was formed in 2019 and was undoubtedly slowed in
          tor paid to resolve allegations that it misrepresented, in                               2020 and beyond by the COVID-19 pandemic. It is not
          its proposal, that it did not have an organizational con-                                hard to imagine, however, that the PCSF will result in
          flict of interest.66                                                                     an increased number of antitrust-related settlements in
                                                                                                   the Improper Conduct category in the future, similar to
          C. Impact of Escobar and the Procurement Collusion Strike                                those that occurred in 2018. What is unclear is wheth-
          Force on Procurement-Related FCA Settlements                                             er such an increase also will increase the government’s
          It is often the case that contemporaneous predictions of                                 total recoveries in future years or, instead, simply reflect
          paradigm shifts and far-reaching, or “watershed,” impli-                                 a realignment of enforcement priorities without a net in-
          cations tied to a single event turn out to be overstated.                                crease in total recoveries.
          With approximately five years of perspective since Escobar, it                              The data suggest that annual fluctuations in settle-
          is perhaps early to draw a definitive conclusion as to the                               ment amounts, numbers of settlements, average settle-
          long-term significance of the case, but the settlement                                   ment amounts, and types of FCA allegations settled are
                                                                                                   attributable to the distinct complexities of individu-
                                                                                                   al FCA cases and to prosecutorial discretion. As noted
                                                                                                   above, large settlements can skew averages and dispro-
                                                                                                   portionately affect metrics for specific years and catego-
                                                                                                   ries, and it is these large settlements that are responsible
                Predictions from the plaintiff’s bar                                               for most of the material fluctuations in FCA settlement
                                                                                                   statistics over time. Although tempting to speculate
                  that Escobar would diminish the                                                  or draw inferences as to the impact of Escobar and the
                   government’s FCA enforcement                                                    PCSF, the available information does not show a clear
                                                                                                   connection. Rather, the settlement data suggest a consis-
                 actions have not come to fruition.                                                tent number of FCA settlements each year, across a rela-
                                                                                                   tively consistent set of compliance issues, with substan-
                                                                                                   tial recoveries by the government.

                                                                                                   III. Conclusion
                                                                                                   In sum, Escobar was a significant decision for FCA juris-
          data that we reviewed suggest that the impact of Esco-                                   prudence, and creation of the PCSF was a noteworthy en-
          bar does not lie in reduced or materially different FCA                                  forcement focus that likely will increase antitrust-related
          enforcement patterns. Escobar has justly received much                                   FCA settlements in the future. However, based on the
          attention from the contractor community based on its                                     data we reviewed from 2011 to 2014 and 2018 to 2020, nei-
          careful consideration of the “implied certification” theo-                               ther has yet had a significant impact on the amount or fre-
          ry and its delineation of factors relevant to a materiality                              quency of procurement-related FCA settlements.
          determination. Still, as measured by FCA settlements,
          life under the FCA for federal contractors and govern-                                   Endnotes
          ment enforcement authorities is proceeding, in many re-                                      1. 136 S. Ct. 1989, 1998 (2016).
                                                                                                       2. 31 U.S.C. § 3729(a)(1)(A)–(B).
          spects, without substantial change.                                                          3. Id. § 3729(a)(1).
              Notably, predictions from the plaintiff’s bar that Esco-                                 4. United States ex rel. Janssen v. Lawrence Mem’l Hosp., 949
          bar would diminish the government’s FCA enforcement                                      F.3d 533, 540 (10th Cir.) (quoting Universal Health Servs., Inc.
          actions have not come to fruition. As the post-Escobar                                   v. United States ex rel. Escobar, 136 S. Ct. 1989 (2016)), cert. de-
          settlement information illustrates, the FCA continues                                    nied, 141 S. Ct. 376 (2020).
                                                                                                       5. Id. at 539 (emphasis in original) (citation omitted).
          to be a powerful enforcement tool, and initiatives such                                      6. 31 U.S.C. § 3729(b)(4). The False Claims Amendments
          as the PCSF and the recent creation of the Civil Cy-                                     Act of 2021 (S. 2428, 117th Congress (2021)), which current-
          ber-Fraud Initiative confirm the government’s continu-                                   ly is awaiting a vote in the Senate, proposes to amend the FCA
          ing commitment to such enforcement. The data indicate                                    by, among other things, changing the statutory definition of

          10 The Procurement Lawyer    Spring 2022
Published in The Procurement Lawyer, Volume 57, Number 2, Spring 2022. © 2022 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion
thereof may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.
“materiality.” The proposed amendment seeks to add language                              justice-department-announces-procurement-collusion-strike-
          providing that, “[i]n determining materiality, the decision of the                       force-coordinated-national-response.
          Government to forego a refund or to pay a claim despite actual                             32. Id.
          knowledge of fraud or falsity shall not be considered dispositive if                       33. Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Just., Director of the Procure-
          other reasons exist for the decision of the Government with re-                          ment Collusion Strike Force Daniel Glad Delivers Remarks at
          spect to such refund or payment.”                                                        ABA Section of Public Contract Law’s Public Procurement Sym-
             7. Jason M. Crawford & Brian Tully McLaughlin, Materiality                            posium (Oct. 13, 2021),
          Rules! Escobar Changes the Game, 59 Gov’t Contractor, no. 18,                            director-procurement-collusion-strike-force-daniel-glad-deliv-
          May 10, 2017, ¶ 135.                                                                     ers-remarks-aba-section (Remarks as Prepared for Delivery: The
             8. United States v. Tilton, 880 F.3d 1302, 1313 (11th Cir. 2018).                     Procurement Collusion Strike Force: A Whole-of-Government
             9. Id.                                                                                Approach to Combating a Whole-of-Government Problem).
            10. Courts have stated that fraud-in-the-inducement is a well-                           34. Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Just., Assistant Attorney Gen-
          established theory for recovering damages under the FCA. See In                          eral Makan Delrahim Delivers Remarks on the Future of Antitrust
          re Baycol Prod. Litig., 732 F.3d 869, 876 (8th Cir. 2013) (“The Su-                      (Nov. 12, 2020),
          preme Court first recognized fraud-in-the-inducement as a viable                         torney-general-makan-delrahim-delivers-remarks-future-antitrust
          theory of FCA liability” in United States ex rel. Marcus v. Hess, 317                    (Remarks as Prepared for Delivery at the American Bar Associa-
          U.S. 537 (1943)). Recently, however, a judge of the U.S. Court of                        tion Antitrust Law Section Fall Forum: “Here I Go Again”: New
          Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit issued a concurring                         Developments for the Future of the Antitrust Division).
          opinion questioning whether fraud-in-the-inducement was a valid                            35. Id.
          theory under the FCA, as the “text of the FCA does not readily sug-                        36. Id.
          gest liability for fraudulent inducement as a separate cause of ac-                        37. PCSF Expansion and Early Success, U.S. Dep’t of Just.,
          tion.” See United States ex rel. Cimino v. Int’l Bus. Machs. Corp., 3          
          F.4th 412, 424 (D.C. Cir. 2021) (Rao, J., concurring).                                   spring-2021/pcsf-expansion-and-early-success (Mar. 24, 2021).
            11. Universal Health Servs., Inc. v. United States ex rel. Esco-                         38. The Department of Justice recently announced the cre-
          bar, 136 S. Ct. 1989, 1998 (2016).                                                       ation of a Civil Cyber-Fraud Initiative. The goal of this initiative
            12. Id. at 1998–99.                                                                    is to “utilize the False Claims Act to pursue cybersecurity related
            13. Id. at 1999.                                                                       fraud by government contractors and grant recipients.” Press Re-
            14. Id. at 2001.                                                                       lease, U.S. Dep’t of Just., Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Mona-
            15. Id. at 2000.                                                                       co Announces New Civil Cyber-Fraud Initiative (Oct. 6, 2021),
            16. Id.; see also id. at 2000–01 (“By using payment and other                
          codes that conveyed this information without disclosing Ar-                              monaco-announces-new-civil-cyber-fraud-initiative. The impact
          bour’s many violations of basic staff and licensing requirements                         of this initiative remains to be seen, but its creation opens the pos-
          for mental health facilities, Universal Health’s claims constituted                      sibility that DOJ will pursue this as another area for FCA exposure
          misrepresentations.”).                                                                   for government contractors under the implied certification theory.
            17. Id. at 2001.                                                                         39. Our scope of review did not include court-issued judgments
            18. Id.                                                                                in which the government recovered damages as a result of viola-
            19. Id.                                                                                tions of the FCA.
            20. Id. at 2003.                                                                         40. See Press Release, U.S. Att’y’s Off., E. Dist. of Pa., Philadel-
            21. Id.; see also id. at 2004 (“We emphasize, however, that                            phia-Based Pharmacy Owners Agree to Pay $400,000 to Resolve
          the False Claims Act is not a means of imposing treble damag-                            False Claims Act Liability (July 23, 2019), https://www.justice.
          es and other penalties for insignificant regulatory or contractual                       gov/usao-edpa/pr/philadelphia-based-pharmacy-owners-agree-
          violations.”).                                                                           pay-400000-resolve-false-claims-act-liability.
            22. Id. at 2003.                                                                         41. See Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Just., Duke University to Pay
            23. Id.                                                                                U.S. $112.5 Million to Settle False Claims Act Allegations Re-
            24. Id. at 2003–04.                                                                    lated to Scientific Research Misconduct (Mar. 25, 2019), https://
            25. David L. Douglass & Robert T. Rhoad, Lessons Learned on the              
          Second Anniversary of Universal Health Servs., Inc. v. U.S. ex rel.                      lion-settle-false-claims-act-allegations-related.
          Escobar, 60 Gov’t Contractor, no. 21, June 6, 2018, ¶ 174.                                 42. Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Just., Oracle Agrees to Pay
            26. Andy Liu & Robert T. Rhoad, The False Claims Act: Yesterday,                       U.S. $199.5 Million to Resolve False Claims Act Lawsuit (Oct.
          Today and Tomorrow—What a Long Strange Trip It’s Been—Part II—                           6, 2011),
          Today, 61 Gov’t Contractor, no. 39, Oct. 23, 2019, ¶ 309.                                1995-million-resolve-false-claims-act-lawsuit. At a high level, the
            27. Joshua S. Bolian, Escobar and the False Claims Act: Clearer                        Price Reductions clause requires contractors to disclose to GSA
          After a Year of Interpretation, Am. Bar Ass’n: Com. & Bus. Litig.,                       discounts given to its commercial customers and to pass along re-
          Dec. 18, 2017,                            ductions in such discounts to its government customers.
          committees/commercial-business/articles/2017/fall2017-escobar-                             43. Id.
          false-claims-act-clearer-after-year-interpretation/.                                       44. Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Just., Verizon Communications
            28. See Memorandum from Michael D. Granston, Dir., Com.                                Pays United States $93.5 Million to Resolve False Claims Act Al-
          Litig. Branch, Fraud Sec., U.S. Dep’t of Just., Factors for Evalu-                       legations (Apr. 5, 2011),
          ating Dismissal Pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 3730(c)(2)(A) (Jan. 10,                            communications-pays-united-states-935-million-resolve-false-
          2018),                            claims-act-allegations.
          mo-for-Evaluating-Dismissal-Pursuant-to-31-U-S.pdf.                                        45. Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Just., Accenture Pays
            29. Id.                                                                                U.S. $63.675 Million to Settle False Claims Act Allega-
            30. Id.                                                                                tions (Sept. 12, 2011),
            31. Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Just., Justice Department                             accenture-pays-us-63675-million-settle-false-claims-act-allegations.
          Announces Procurement Collusion Strike Force: A Coordi-                                    46. Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Just., Oracle America to Pay
          nated National Response to Combat Antitrust Crimes and                                   United States $46 Million to Resolve False Claims Act Allega-
          Related Schemes in Government Procurement, Grant and Pro-                                tions Against Sun Microsystems (Jan. 31, 2011), https://www.
          gram Funding (Nov. 5, 2019),                                                                                 continued on page 26

                                                                                  Volume 57, Number 2                            The Procurement Lawyer                           11  
Published in The Procurement Lawyer, Volume 57, Number 2, Spring 2022. © 2022 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion
thereof may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.
                                                                                                   download (last visited Nov. 5, 2020).
                                                                                                     54. Hanjin Transp. Co., Ltd. Settlement Agreement, U.S. Dep’t
                                                                                                   of Just.,
                                                                                                   download (last visited Nov. 5, 2020).
                                                                                                      55. Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Just., Northrop Grumman Sys-
                                                                                                   tems Corporation to Pay $27.45 Million to Settle False Claims
                                                                                                   Act Allegations (Nov. 2, 2018),
                                                                                                      56. Press Release, U.S. Att’y’s Off., D.C., United States Settles
                                                                                                   Lawsuit Alleging That Contractor Falsely Overcharged the Unit-
                                                                                                   ed States Navy for Ship Husbanding Services (May 29, 2018),
                                                                                                      57. Press Release, U.S. Att’y’s Off., E. Dist. of Wash., Bechtel &
                                                                                                   Aecom, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Contractors, Agree to
                                                                                                   Pay $57.75 Million to Resolve Claims of Time Charging Fraud at
                                                                                                   Doe’s Hanford Waste Treatment Plant (Sept. 22, 2020), https://
                                                                                                      58. Press Release, U.S. Att’y’s Off., E. Dist. of N.Y., Long Island
                                                                                                   Aerospace and Defense Contractor Agrees to Repay $2.6 Million
                                                                                                   in Overbillings to the United States (Sept. 4, 2019), https://www.
                                                                                                      59. Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Just., Japanese Fiber Manufac-
                                                                                                   turer to Pay $66 Million for Alleged False Claims Related to De-
                                                                                                   fective Bullet Proof Vest (Mar. 15, 2018),
          IMPACT OF ESCOBAR                                                                        opa/pr/japanese-fiber-manufacturer-pay-66-million-alleged-false-
          continued from page 11                                                                   claims-related-defective-bullet.
                                                                                                      60. Press Release, U.S. Att’y’s Off., E. Dist. of Va., Com-
                          pany Agrees to $46 Million Penalty for Falsifying Test Re-
          resolve-false-claims-act-allegations-against-sun.                                        sults (Apr. 23, 2019),
            47. Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Just., VMWare and Carahsoft                           company-agrees-46-million-penalty-falsifying-test-results.
          Agree to Pay $75.5 Million to Settle Claims That They Con-                                  61. Press Release, U.S. Att’y’s Off., W. Dist. of Wash., Bradken
          cealed Commercial Pricing and Overcharged the Government                                 Inc. Pays $10.8 Million to Settle False Claims Act Allegations
          (June 30, 2015),                              and Enters into Deferred Prosecution Agreement (June 15, 2020),
          commercial-pricing.                                                                      lion-settle-false-claims-act-allegations-and-enters-deferred.
            48. Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Just., U.S. Investigations Ser-                          62. Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Just., Former CEO of Virginia-
          vices Agrees to Forego at Least $30 Million to Settle False Claims                       Based Defense Contractor Agrees to Pay $20 Million to Settle
          Act Allegations (Aug. 19, 2015),                         False Claims Act Allegations Related to Fraudulent Procurement
          us-investigations-services-agrees-forego-least-30-million-settle-                        of Small Business Contracts (Aug. 20, 2019), https://www.justice.
          false-claims-act-allegations.                                                            gov/opa/pr/former-ceo-virginia-based-defense-contractor-agrees-
            49. Igor Kossov, Smith & Nephew to Pay $8M                                             pay-20-million-settle-false-claims-act.
          to Settle FCA Suit with VA, Law360 (Sept. 3,                                                63. Press Release, U.S. Att’y’s Off., E. Dist. of Pa., Two Compa-
          2014),                                           nies in Business Together Agree to Pay $310,000 to Resolve DBE
          smith-nephew-to-pay-8m-to-settle-fca-suit-with-va.                                       Fraud Allegations Arising from Platt Memorial Bridge Paint-
            50. Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Just., SAIC and Others to Pay                         ing Project (Oct. 26, 2020),
          U.S. More Than $22.6 Million to Resolve False Claims Allega-                             pr/two-companies-business-together-agree-pay-310000-resolve-
          tions (Sept. 29, 2011),                         dbe-fraud-allegations-arising.
          others-pay-us-more-226-million-resolve-false-claims-allegations;                            64. Press Release, U.S. Att’y’s Off., Dist. of Kan., Engineering
          Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Just., Lockheed Martin to Pay $2 Mil-                       Firm in Kansas to Pay $672,352 to Settle False Claims Allegations
          lion to Resolve Allegations Resulting from Fraudulent Submission                         (Nov. 23, 2020),
          of Government Contract (Jan. 24, 2011),                         firm-kansas-pay-672352-settle-false-claims-allegations.
          opa/pr/lockheed-martin-pay-2-million-resolve-allegations-result-                            65. See, e.g., Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Just., Asphalt Contrac-
          ing-fraudulent-submission-government.                                                    tor to Pay $4.25 Million to Settle Claims That It Misled the Gov-
            51. See Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Just., Three South Korean                         ernment as to the Materials Used to Pave Road (Sept. 10, 2020),
          Companies Agree to Plead Guilty and to Enter into Civil Settle-                
          ments for Rigging Bids on United States Department of Defense                            lion-settle-claims-it-misled-government-materials-used-pave.
          Fuel Supply Contracts (Nov. 14, 2019),                             66. See Press Release, U.S. Att’y’s Off., Dist. of Colo., U.S. At-
          opa/pr/three-south-korean-companies-agree-plead-guilty-and-en-                           torney Announces $110,000 Settlement with Tech Company and
          ter-civil-settlements-rigging-bids.                                                      Its CEO to Resolve Allegations of False Claims on Defense Pro-
            52. GS Caltex Corp. Settlement Agreement, U.S. Dep’t of Just.,                         curement Contract (Dec. 17, 2018),
          (last visited Nov. 5, 2020).                                                             and-its-ceo-resolve-allegations.
            53. SK Energy Co., Ltd. Settlement Agreement, U.S. Dep’t of                               67. S. 2428, 117th Cong. (2021).

          26 The Procurement Lawyer    Spring 2022
Published in The Procurement Lawyer, Volume 57, Number 2, Spring 2022. © 2022 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion
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