The Hitchhiker's Guide to Planets - EXPLORE: MERCURY VENUS SATURN AND MORE!

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The Hitchhiker's Guide to Planets - EXPLORE: MERCURY VENUS SATURN AND MORE!
The Hitchhiker’s Guide
                 to Planets
                  AND MORE!
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Planets - EXPLORE: MERCURY VENUS SATURN AND MORE!
Voyage to a world
                                                                                                                                 A world of
                                                                                                                               both fire and
                                                                                                                                ice, Mercury
                                                                                                                                 excites and
                                                                                                                               scientists. The
                                                                                                                                 probe aims
                                                                                                                                  to make
                                                                                                                                sense of this

                                                                                                                         of extremes
                                                                                                                                by Ben Evans

Color explodes from Mercury’s surface in this enhanced-color mosaic taken through several filters.
The yellow and orange hues signify relatively young plains likely formed when fluid lavas erupted from
volcanoes. Medium- and dark-blue regions are older terrain, while the light-blue and white streaks
represent fresh material excavated from relatively recent impacts. ALL IMAGES, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED: NASA/JHUAPL/CIW

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Planets - EXPLORE: MERCURY VENUS SATURN AND MORE!
    Mercury is a land of contrasts. The solar system’s                                                                                                                               Upper left: Explosive eruptions
    smallest planet boasts the largest core relative to its size.                                                                                                                    driven by superheated volcanic
                                                                                                                                                                                     gases left behind these bright
    Temperatures at noon can soar as high as 800 degrees                                                                                                                             yellow deposits in Mercury’s
    Fahrenheit (425 degrees Celsius) — hot enough to melt                                                                                                                            southern hemisphere. This
    lead — but dip as low as –290 F (–180 C) before dawn.                                                                                                                            cluster of volcanic vents ranks
                                                                                                                                                                                     among the largest on Mercury.
    Mercury resides nearest the Sun, and it has the most
    eccentric orbit. At its closest, the planet lies only 29 mil-
                                                                                                                                                                                     Lower left: When planetary
    lion miles (46 million kilometers) from the Sun — less                                                                                                                           scientists first saw this
    than one-third Earth’s distance — but swings out as far                                                                                                                          oddly bumpy and grooved
    as 43 million miles (70 million km). Its rapid movement                                                                                                                          landscape, they informally
                                                                                                                                                                                     dubbed it “weird terrain.” The
    across our sky earned it a reputation among ancient                                                                                                                              region formed when seismic
    skywatchers as the fleet-footed messenger of the gods:          Italian scientist Giuseppe “Bepi” Colombo                                                                        waves from the mammoth
                                                                    helped develop a technique for sending a space                                                                   impact that created the Caloris
    Hermes to the Greeks and Mercury to the Romans.                 probe to Mercury and having it execute multiple                                                                  Basin converged on the planet’s
       Even though Mercury lies tantalizingly close to              flybys. The European Space Agency honored                                                                        opposite side.
    Earth, it is frustratingly hard to get to. Only two space-      his contributions by naming the BepiColombo
                                                                    spacecraft after him. ESA
    craft have ever visited this barren world. But that is                                                                                                                           Right: Bright blue depressions
    set to change October 19, when the international                                                                                                                                 litter the floor and mountain
    BepiColombo spacecraft begins a decade-long odyssey             Before the Space Age, telescopic observa-                                                                        peaks in the Raditladi
                                                                                                                                                                                     impact basin. These shallow
    to unlock the secrets of a planet that seems to defy            tions indicated that Mercury was tidally                                                                         “hollows” typically have
    common sense.                                                   locked to the Sun, rotating once for each                                                                        smooth floors unmarked by
       The mission’s namesake — Italian scientist, math-            88-day orbit and thus perpetually show-                                                                          impact craters, suggesting
                                                                                                                                                                                     that they are among Mercury’s
    ematician, and engineer Giuseppe “Bepi” Colombo                 ing the same hemisphere to its parent                                                                            youngest features. Scientists
    (1920–1984) — was instrumental in devising a means to           star. But in the 1960s, radar measure-                                                                           created this five-image mosaic
    deliver a spacecraft from Earth, via Venus, to Mercury.         ments pegged its actual rotation at                                                                              by merging high-resolution
                                                                                                                                                                                     black-and-white photos with
    Scientists already knew that a planet’s gravitational field     58.6 days, two-thirds of its orbital period.                                                                     a lower-resolution image in
    could bend the trajectory of a passing spacecraft and           In essence, the planet spins about its axis                                                                      enhanced color.
    enable it to rendezvous with another celestial body. In         three times for every two solar orbits.
    the early 1970s, Colombo showed that if a spacecraft               As Colombo first described, this
    encountered Mercury, it would end up with a period              means a day on Mercury lasts twice as                 A STRANGE, OLD WORLD                         craters that occur in chains and
    almost twice that of the planet’s orbital                       long as its year. Day and night each last             Mariner 10 revealed an ancient terrain of    clusters, covering the highlands.
    period. He suggested that a pre-                                     a mercurian year apiece, with new                rugged highlands and smooth lowlands,           In contrast, the sparsely cratered
    cisely targeted flyby would                                               sunrises arriving every 176 days            strikingly reminiscent of our Moon. Yet      lowlands formed near the end of the
    present a possibility for                                                     — the same as the six-month             the similarities aren’t even skin deep.      Late Heavy Bombardment, about
    an economical second                                                            interval between Mariner              Mercury’s craters differ markedly from       3.8 billion years ago. Mariner 10 data
    encounter.                                                                        10 flybys. So, the Sun              lunar ones, because their impact ejecta      suggested that the lowlands formed
       NASA confirmed                                                                  illuminated the same               blankets a smaller area, partly due to       either from volcanic activity or from the
    the idea and used it to                                                              hemisphere of                    the planet’s much stronger gravity. The      molten material splashed onto the sur-
    send the Mariner 10                                                                   Mercury during all              highland regions are less saturated with     face after large impacts. Although the
    spacecraft past the                                                                   three encounters,               craters; instead they are mixed with roll-   spacecraft found no obvious smoking
    innermost planet                                                                      and the spacecraft              ing “intercrater plains” that constitute     gun for volcanism — such as lava
    three times. The                                                                      was able to map only            one of the oldest-known surfaces on the      flows, volcanic domes, or volcanic
    probe encountered                                                                     about 45 percent of             terrestrial planets.                         cones — it did uncover strong cir-
    Mercury in March                                                                     the planet’s surface.               The plains were laid down some            cumstantial evidence.
    1974, September 1974,                                                                                                 4.2 billion years ago during the Late           Mariner 10’s successor, NASA’s
    and March 1975. Its                                                                                                   Heavy Bombardment, when remnants             MESSENGER spacecraft, provided the
    photographs gave                                                                    Although Mercury appears          from the solar system’s birth rained         proof. During its initial flyby in January
    humanity its first close-up                                                        mostly gray to the human eye,      down on the infant planets. Mercury was      2008, the probe revealed a fractured
                                                                                    scientists often enhance the colors
    views of the world, and the                                                 in images to heighten differences in      only a few hundred million years old,        region of ridges and furrows within the
    last ones we would see for                                              chemical, physical, and mineralogical         and the plains obliterated older craters,    huge Caloris Basin. MESSENGER would
    a generation.                                                     properties among surface rocks. The circular        buried several large basins, and carved      go on to fly past Mercury twice more, in
                                                                    tan feature at upper right is the giant Caloris
       Sadly, Mariner 10 provided only a partial view               Basin. The center of this hemispheric view lies       many of the pits and bowls seen today.       October 2008 and September 2009, and
    because of a quirk in Mercury’s orbital parameters.             at 0° latitude and 140° longitude.                    The plains boast groups of secondary         then orbit the inner world for four years

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Planets - EXPLORE: MERCURY VENUS SATURN AND MORE!
suspect it could not retain an atmo-
                                                                                                                                                                sphere. But Mercury is full of surprises.
                                                                                                                                                                Mariner 10 discovered a thin layer of
                                                                                                                                                                loosely bound atoms, known as an exo-
                                                                                                                                                                sphere, albeit with a surface pressure tril-
                                                                                                                                                                lions of times less than that at sea level on
                                                                                                                                                                Earth. It contains hydrogen and helium
                                                                                                                                                                atoms captured from the solar wind —
                                                                                                                                                                the stream of charged particles emanat-
                                                                                                                                                                ing from the Sun — together with oxygen
                                                                                                                                                                atoms liberated from the surface by
                                                                                                                                                                micrometeoroid impacts. Spectroscopic
                                                                                                                                                                observations also revealed sodium, potas-
                                                                                                                                                                sium, calcium, magnesium, and silicon.
                                                                                                                                                                Caloris and the weird terrain appear to
                                                                                                                                                                be key sources of sodium and potassium,
                                                                                                                  The raven-colored rim of Poe Crater stands    indicating that impacts can release gases
                                                                                                                  out from the smooth volcanic plains inside
                                                                                                                  Caloris Basin. Note the hundreds of tiny      from below the surface.
                                                                                                                  blue-white hollows that dot the rim of this
                                                                                                                  48-mile-wide (77 km) crater.                  DIGGING DEEPER
                                                                                                                                                                Farther down, the planet’s interior
As Mercury’s interior cooled, the planet’s radius shrank by up to 4 miles (7 km). The contraction                                                               remains a puzzle. Before Mariner 10,
buckled the surface and left behind steep cliffs, including Carnegie Rupes, seen here cutting through           starting in March 2011. While in orbit,         scientists assumed Mercury had a solid
Duccio Crater. The colors in this perspective view highlight elevation changes, with red indicating
the highest terrain and blue the lowest.                                                                        the spacecraft discovered at least nine         interior that produced no intrinsic mag-
                                                                                                                overlapping volcanic vents, each up to          netic field. They did realize, however,
                                                                                                                5 miles (8 km) across and a billion years       that the planet has an inordinately high
                                   Mercury Planetary Orbiter                                                    old, near Caloris’ southwestern rim.
                                                                                                                Elsewhere on Mercury, MESSENGER
                                                                                                                                                                density. Overall, Mercury’s density aver-
                                                                                                                                                                ages 5.4 times that of water, close to those
                                                         MPO’s 11 instruments, some of which have               uncovered residue from more than                of the much larger Earth (5.5 times
                                                         multiple components, include cameras, an               50 ancient pyroclastic flows — violent          water) and Venus (5.2 times water). But
                                                         altimeter, a magnetometer, a particle analyzer,
                                                                   Instruments inside                           outbursts of hot rock and gas — tracing         the gravity of these bigger worlds crushes
                                                         and several
                                                                       spacecraft:        It will concentrate
                            (spectrometer)               mainly onISA
                                                                    Mercury’s surface chemistry and             back to low-profile shield volcanoes,           their interiors to far higher densities than
                                                         geology. (See  text on p. 26 for instrument            mainly within impact craters.                   they would have otherwise.                      Caloris Basin spans about 960 miles (1,550 kilometers) and ranks among the oldest and largest impact
                                                         descriptions.)                                                                                                                                         features in the solar system. Lava eventually flooded the floor to a depth of about 1.6 to 2.2 miles
                                                                   MGNS ASTRONOMY: ROEN KELLY, AFTER ESA
                                                                                                                    Caloris itself is an impressive relic           The only reasonable way to explain          (2.5 to 3.5 km). The lava appears orange in this enhanced-color mosaic; more recent impact craters
                                                                                                                from Mercury’s tumultuous early days.           Mercury’s high density is with the pres-        exposed darker material (blue) from below.
    SERENA                                                                                                      The Sun illuminated only half the basin         ence of heavy elements — some 70 per-
                                                                                                                during Mariner 10’s visits, so it was left      cent iron and nickel overall — with most
                                                                                                                to MESSENGER to fully reveal its struc-         of them concentrated in the planet’s giant      rotational axis by 20 percent of Mercury’s         temperatures can drop as low as
                                                                                                                ture. Caloris spans 960 miles (1,550 km),       core. This makes Mercury by far the             radius and suggested that the planet pos-          –370 F (–225 C). In November 2012,
                                                                                                                placing it among the largest impact fea-        most iron-rich planet in the solar system.      sesses a partially molten outer core that          MESSENGER identified up to 1 trillion
        MERTIS                                                                                                  tures in the solar system, and it is ringed     Scientists think the winding cliffs that        surrounds a solid inner core.                      tons of water ice near the poles —
                                                                                                                by a forbidding chain of mountains that         reach up to a mile high and run for                 Astronomers still aren’t sure what             enough to encase Washington, D.C., in
          SIMBIO-SYS                                                                                            rises 1.2 miles (2 km) above the sur-           hundreds of miles formed when the               keeps the core in an electrically conduc-          a frozen block 2.5 miles (4 km) deep.
          (high-resolution         BELA
          camera)          SIMBIO-SYS
                                                                                                                roundings. Beyond its walls, ejecta radi-       surface buckled as the interior cooled          tive, semi-liquid state. Perhaps it is the
                                                                    Instruments inside
                           (stereo camera)
                           SIMBIO-SYS                               the spacecraft:                             ate in meandering ridges and grooves for        and contracted. Despite this shrinkage,         slow decay of the radioactive elements             BEPICOLOMBO
                           (spectrometer)                           ISA                                         more than 600 miles (1,000 km). The             MESSENGER revealed that Mercury’s               Mercury was born with. The Sun’s grav-             COMES ON THE SCENE
                                                                    MGNS                                        impact that created Caloris was so glob-        core stretches to within 250 miles              ity, which raises tides as the planet fol-         Despite Mariner 10’s and MESSENGER’s
                                                                                                                ally cataclysmic that strong seismic waves      (400 km) of its surface.                        lows its eccentric orbit, could flex the           incredible discoveries, scientists still have
    SERENA                                                                                                      pulsed through Mercury’s interior and               Scientists also were surprised when         interior and play a contributing role.             many questions about this enigmatic
                                                                                MPO-MAG                         fragmented the landscape on the planet’s        Mariner 10 discovered a magnetic field              Despite this internal heat and the             world. That’s where BepiColombo comes
                                                                     SIXS                                       opposite side, leaving a region of jumbled      together with a small magnetosphere that        blazing Sun above, Mercury also appears            in. The European Space Agency (ESA)
                                                                                                                rocks, hills, and furrows that some scien-      weakly deflects the solar wind around           to be a land of ice. In the 1990s, ground-         initially envisioned three spacecraft for
                                                                                                                tists have dubbed “weird terrain.”              the planet. A solid, slowly rotating planet     based radar observations revealed a                this ambitious venture: The Mercury
          MIXS                                                                                                      Despite Caloris’ huge dimensions,           shouldn’t be able to generate the strong        number of bright spots within 6.5° of              Planetary Orbiter (MPO) and Mercury
                                                                                                                Mercury itself is quite small — just            internal dynamo needed to create an             the planet’s north and south poles. Many           Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO) would
                                                SERENA                                                          3,032 miles (4,879 km) in diameter. The         intrinsic field, even one that’s just 1 per-    scientists interpreted these findings as           work in tandem to unlock Mercury’s
             (high-resolution         BELA                             PHEBUS                                   planet’s small size and high temperature        cent as strong as Earth’s. MESSENGER            evidence for ice deposits on the floors            mysteries from above, and the Mercury
             camera)          SIMBIO-SYS                                                                        led mid-20th-century astronomers to             showed the field is offset along the            of permanently shadowed craters, where             Surface Element (MSE) would explore the
                              (stereo camera)

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The Hitchhiker's Guide to Planets - EXPLORE: MERCURY VENUS SATURN AND MORE!
Beneath two planets’ skin
                                                                                                             MESSENGER took this mosaic in October 2008,
                                                       Mercury                                               moments after it flew past Mercury for the second
                                                                                                             time. The probe captured the first image (at left)
                                                                                                             nine minutes after closest approach; subsequent
Mercury’s interior differs significantly from                               Crust                            images came with the probe farther away (and
Earth’s. The inner world’s gigantic core starts                              Mantle                          thus show more area) and the Sun higher in the
just 250 miles (400 kilometers) below the                                                                    planet’s sky. This equatorial swath spans about
                                                                             Solid iron-sulfide layer
surface and is surrounded by a relatively thin                                                               1,200 miles (1,950 km).
mantle and crust. Most of Earth’s volume                                      Liquid middle core
resides in its mantle. The liquid parts of both                              Solid inner core
planets’ cores help generate their magnetic


                                                                                                          study the role of the solar wind in weath-
                                                                                     Upper mantle
                                                                                     Lower mantle
                                                                                                          ering the planet’s surface.
                                                                                      Liquid outer core       MPO carries two instruments to help                     JAPAN LENDS A HAND
                                                                                      Solid inner core    understand why Mercury has so much                          The mission drew more international          mercurian surface; the Mercury Plasma          hold regular joint meetings. Some of our
                                                                                                          iron and what this reveals about its evo-                   collaboration when the Japan Aerospace       Particle Experiment (MPPE), to scrutinize      science goals can only be reached if we
                                                                                                          lutionary history. The Italian Spring                       Exploration Agency (JAXA) joined the         the planet’s magnetic field and its interac-   work closely together.”
                                                                                                          Accelerometer (ISA) and Mercury                             project. JAXA developed the 630-pound        tion with particles in the solar wind and          The final element of the spacecraft is
                                                                                                          Orbiter Radioscience Experiment                             (285 kg) MMO spacecraft. Earlier this        particles coming from Mercury; and the         the Mercury Transport Module (MTM).
                                                                                                          (MORE) will investigate the planet’s                        year, the space agency renamed the craft     Plasma Wave                                    It holds four British-built xenon-ion
                                                                                                          global gravitational field to understand                    Mio, which comes from a Japanese word        Investigation (PWI),                           engines, 24 chemical thrusters, and two
surface. ESA                                                                   The Bepi­                  the size and nature of the core as well as                  meaning “waterway” or “fairway.”             to study the planet’s                          large solar arrays that will provide elec-
planned to                                                                Colombo Laser                   the structure of the mantle and crust.                          Mio carries five science instruments,    electric and magnetic fields as well as look   trical power to keep MPO and Mio alive
land the MSE                                                           Altimeter (BELA)                   MPO also houses one-half of the                             including the second half of MERMAG.         for evidence of aurorae and radiation belts.   during their seven-year journey to the
near the day-night                                                 and the Spectrometers and              Mercury Magnetometer (MERMAG)                               Its other tools are the Mercury Sodium           “The collaboration with our Japanese       Sun’s closest planet. “Solar electric pro-
terminator and have it                                        Imagers for MPO BepiColombo                 that will study the magnetic field for                      Atmosphere Spectral Imager (MSASI), to       colleagues goes very well; we almost feel      pulsion [SEP] allows very significant
survive for about a week in the                      Integrated Observatory System (SIMBIO-               clues to the dynamo lurking inside.                         study the origin and extent of sodium in     as one team,” says Reininghaus. “However,      autonomous capabilities for readjusting
harsh environment. The lander would                  SYS) will create digital terrain models to               MPO carries a 24.6-foot-long                            the exosphere; the Mercury Dust Monitor      the two spacecraft were designed and built     the interplanetary trajectory, avoiding
carry heat-flow sensors, a spectrometer,             quantitatively map Mercury’s geology,                (7.5 meters) solar array with integrated                    (MDM), to explore space dust in the plan-    totally independently, although we had to      altogether large midcourse maneuvers,”
a magnetometer, a seismometer, a soil-               elemental composition, and surface age.              optical reflectors designed to keep the                     et’s vicinity and how it weathers the        agree on interfaces. In the science area, we   says Reininghaus.
penetrating device, and a tiny rover.                Together with the Mercury Radiometer                 spacecraft at a temperature below 390 F
   Unfortunately, budget considerations              and Thermal Infrared Spectrometer                    (200 C). When in orbit around Mercury,
forced ESA to abandon the lander in
November 2003. “The decision to cancel
                                                     (MERTIS), Mercury Gamma-Ray and
                                                     Neutron Spectrometer (MGNS), and
                                                                                                          the array must continuously rotate to bal-
                                                                                                          ance MPO’s power requirements with the
                                                                                                                                                                      Mio (Mercury                                                                            MMO-MAG
the lander was a loss for the mission,”
says BepiColombo project scientist
                                                     Mercury Imaging X-Ray Spectrometer
                                                     (MIXS), they will identify key rock-
                                                                                                          need to keep the probe
                                                                                                          under its redline tem-      PWI
                                                                                                                                                                      Magnetospheric                       MPPE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mio’s five instruments will focus on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mercury’s magnetic field and the
Johannes Benkhoff. “What we miss is a
so-called ‘ground truth.’ We can do many
                                                     forming minerals, measure global surface
                                                     temperatures, and address competing
                                                                                                          perature. Meanwhile,
                                                                                                          a radiator angled toward the planet will
                                                                                                                                                                      Orbiter)                                                                                            solar wind environment. Several
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          of the instruments have multiple
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          components. For example, the Mercury
                                                                                                                                                                                          MPPE                                                                            Plasma Particle Experiment (MPPE)
things remotely with our instruments,                theories of the planet’s origin and evolu-           reflect the intense infrared radiation                                          MPPE                                                                            has six sensors, one of which has two
which are already on the other spacecraft,           tion. These tools also will search for addi-         coming from Mercury’s searing surface.                                                                                                                          components. (See text above for
but the measurements of a lander would               tional ice deposits and other volatile                   “The solar arrays will be exposed to                                                                      MPPE                                              instrument descriptions.)
have been used to calibrate them, and                substances at high latitudes as well as pro-         high-frequency, high-intensity ultraviolet                                                                                                                      ASTRONOMY: ROEN KELLY, AFTER ESA

that can unfortunately not be recovered.”            vide insights into the role of volcanism.            radiation, combined with high tempera-
   The rest of the mission continued,                   To analyze the composition, structure,            tures, which was discovered to induce an                                                                                               MDM
however. ESA led the development of the              and formation of Mercury’s exosphere,                unexpectedly fast degradation in solar-                 MMO-MAG
2,535-pound (1,150 kilograms) MPO                    MPO provides BepiColombo’s Probing                   cell performance,” explains BepiColombo
spacecraft. The probe’s 11 instruments               of Hermean Exosphere by Ultraviolet                  project manager Ulrich Reininghaus.
were fabricated by 35 scientific and                 Spectroscopy (PHEBUS) and Search for                 “This was resolved by a complex method
industrial teams in Switzerland,                     Exosphere Refilling and Emitted Neutral              of continuous solar array steering con-
Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom,                  Abundances (SERENA) instruments.                     trol, in order to maintain the temperature
Russia, Finland, Sweden, Austria,                    Meanwhile, the Solar Intensity X-Ray                 always below an allowed maximum, and                                                                                                         MPPE
France, and the United States.                       and Particles Spectrometer (SIXS) will               by a specific redesign of the solar cells.”                                                                              MPPE MPPE

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The Hitchhiker's Guide to Planets - EXPLORE: MERCURY VENUS SATURN AND MORE!
Left: Despite its proximity to the Sun, Mercury
                                                                                                 boasts some of the coldest spots in the solar
                                                                                                 system. The colors in this view of Mercury’s south
                                                                                                 pole show the fraction of time that specific
                                                                                                 regions lie in sunlight. The black areas are
                                                                                                 those in permanent shadow, the largest of
                                                                                                 which is the crater Chao Meng-Fu. MESSENGER
                                                                                                 found solid evidence that abundant water ice
                                                                                                 exists in this crater.

                                                                                                 Below: This enhanced-color view shows the
                                                                                                 half of Mercury centered at 0° latitude and
                                                                                                          320° longitude. The bright bluish rays
                                                                                                                 that drape across this hemisphere
                                                                                                                     stretch more than 600 miles
                                                                                                                        (1,000 km) and emanate
                                                                                                                           from the relatively fresh
                                                                                                                             impact crater Hokusai
                                                                                                                              at upper right.

     Although the solar electric thrusters       60 percent                                                                    propulsive
 provide low thrust, they operate over a         greater than                                                                   intervention
 long time, delivering what rocket scien-        Earth’s,                                                                       from the
 tists call high impulse. In fact, the           demanding                                                                      spacecraft.
 thrusters will accumulate the greatest          a substantial                                                                  “These flybys
 total impulse ever achieved by a space          velocity                                                                      depend on the
 mission. This posed considerable chal-          change and                                                                  [arrangement]
 lenges during preflight testing. “[We           correspondingly                                                            of the planets,
 resolved this through] multiple test cam-       high fuel                                                                and that is the
 paigns in different chambers and with           consumption.                                                          reason for the long
 different test articles, combined with a            To overcome these                                              duration,” says
 sophisticated modeling approach that            obstacles, BepiColombo ini-                                   Benkhoff. “The flybys pro-
 allowed us to accurately predict end-           tially will enter an orbit similar to                vide almost half of the needed energy
 of-life performance of the thrusters,”          Earth’s, using its high-impulse, low-           to go to Mercury. The SEP engine will be
                                                                                                                                                              Molten lava once covered Mercury’s vast northern volcanic plains. Lava nearly filled the 181-mile-wide (291 km) Mendelssohn impact basin, which lies at
 explains Benkhoff.                              thrust xenon-ion engines to slowly              used for about 50 percent of the time.”                      the lower right of this enhanced-color image. As the lava cooled, it formed large ridges that appear particularly prominent at bottom left. Meanwhile, the
                                                 decelerate against solar gravity and                Six flybys of Mercury between                            bright orange region near the scene’s top shows the location of a volcanic vent that unleashed one of the planet’s largest pyroclastic flows.
 GETTING THERE                                   adjust its orbital plane. “Solar electric       October 2021 and January 2025 will slow
 Like Mariner 10 and MESSENGER                   propulsion was the only option to reach         BepiColombo’s inbound trajectory until
 before it, BepiColombo will take a circu-       Mercury,” says Benkhoff. “In principle,         its orbit nearly matches that of the planet.                 from its protective sunshield and part               least-known worlds in the solar system.              gravitational field in detail and provide a
 itous route to reach Mercury. The space-        one can fly a mission to Mercury with           Finally, in December 2025, Mercury will                      company with Europe’s MPO. Three                     MPO will occupy a looping, 2.3-hour orbit            rigorous test of Albert Einstein’s general
 craft will launch from Kourou, French           chemical propulsion, but it all depends         weakly capture the spacecraft into a                         months later, the pair will commence                 at a distance that ranges from 300 miles             theory of relativity.
 Guiana, atop a giant Ariane 5 rocket,           on the thrust-to-mass ratio. SEP is about       polar orbit that comes within 420 miles                      autonomous operations, the former con-               (480 km) to 930 miles (1,500 km); Mio                    Although the spacecraft’s roundabout
 perhaps as early as October 19 (the first       eight times more efficient than chemical        (675 km) of the planet’s surface and                         trolled from the Usuda Deep Space                    will follow a highly elliptical path that            route to Mercury is hardly in keeping
 chance during a six-week launch win-            fuel. Thus, for BepiColombo, we would           swings out to 110,600 miles (178,000 km).                    Centre in Nagano, Japan, and the latter              will carry it as close to Mercury’s surface          with the fleet-footed nature of the plan-
 dow). It will depart Earth 7,770 mph            have needed at least 2 tons more mass to        This so-called weak-stability-boundary                       from the Cebreros ground station near                as 365 miles (590 km) and as far away                et’s mythological namesake, the mission
 (12,510 km/h) faster than the escape            accommodate this.”                              technique adds flexibility compared with                     Madrid, Spain. “However, from the                    as 7,230 miles (11,640 km) during a                  and the god do share some similarities.
 velocity from our planet. Although                  The spacecraft will complete 1.5 cir-       traditional approaches, where a single                       standpoint of science operations, coordi-            9.3-hour orbit.                                      Both will deliver an abundance of learn-
 impressive by many standards, this speed        cuits of the Sun, returning to Earth in         engine firing typically brings a spacecraft                  nation planning will be maintained                       Scientists expect the baseline mission           ing, and both will accomplish their goals
 is problematic for a spacecraft heading         April 2020 to pick up a gravitational           into orbit. BepiColombo’s chemical                           among the principal investigators of the             to last until May 2027, but there’s a good           through ingenuity, an element of trick-
 directly into the Sun’s powerful gravita-       boost. This will propel it to Venus for         thrusters will stabilize the orbit gradually                 two spacecraft, and a certain amount of              chance ESA will grant a one-year exten-              ery, and a pinch or two of old-fashioned
 tional field. In fact, the energy needed to     rendezvous in October 2020 and August           and, after traveling 5.5 billion miles                       joint observations will certainly take               sion. As a bonus, BepiColombo will                   good fortune.
 get to Mercury is larger than it would be       2021, which will reduce BepiColombo’s           (8.9 billion km), the mission will at last                   place,” explains Reininghaus.                        make precise measurements of Mercury’s
 to reach Pluto and leave the solar system.      perihelion to about the same distance as        be underway.                                                    All told, the two spacecraft will bring           orbital parameters. Because the planet               British spaceflight writer Ben Evans authored
 Moreover, Mercury’s orbital velocity            Mercury. Critically, this ingenious use             After the MTM separates from the                         about 275 pounds (125 kg) of scientific              lies so close to the Sun, this should                the multivolume History of Human Space
 of 105,900 mph (170,500 km/h) is                of gravitational fields requires little         probes, Japan’s Mio will be spring-ejected                   instruments to bear upon one of the                  allow astronomers to chart our star’s                Exploration, published by Springer-Praxis.

 On the road to         Launch:                Earth flyby:         First                 Second                 First                    Second           Third                 Fourth                  Fifth                  Sixth                  Arrival at Mercury:    End of nominal         End of extended

                        October 19, 2018       April 6, 2020        Venus flyby:          Venus flyby:           Mercury flyby:           Mercury flyby:   Mercury flyby:        Mercury flyby:          Mercury flyby:         Mercury flyby:         December 5, 2025       mission:               mission?
                                                                    October 12, 2020      August 11, 2021        October 2, 2021          June 23, 2022    June 20, 2023         September 5, 2024       December 2, 2024       January 5, 2025                               May 1, 2027            May 1, 2028
                        Mission planners expect to launch BepiColombo as early as October 19, 2018. As long as
                        the mission commences by November 29, subsequent timeline dates will remain the same.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Planets - EXPLORE: MERCURY VENUS SATURN AND MORE!
Through the clouds

New missions aim to untangle the mysteries
of how the planet’s scorching surface and
violent clouds came to be. by Jesse Emspak

THE FIRST SPACECRAFT TO PULL                   might have much to tell us about our past,
into Venus’ orbit in nearly a decade arrived   our future, and even current exoplanets.
in December 2015, hailing from Japan.              Venus wasn’t always so unloved. From
Akatsuki was five years late for its rendez-   1960 to 1984, more than 20 spacecraft
vous, but Venus has gotten used to wait-       investigated Venus — nearly as many as
ing. The European Space Agency’s (ESA)         Mars up to that point. The USSR’s Venera
Venus Express visited the thickly shrouded     and Vega programs resulted in no less than
world in April 2006, and that was the first    18 orbiters and landers (though not all mis-
mission to Venus since NASA’s Magellan         sions were successful), and the U.S. added
arrived in 1990. Named for the Roman           five spacecraft.
goddess of love, Venus wasn’t feeling much         Two new NASA missions to Venus are
of that from space agencies on Earth. Our      in advanced planning stages, with their
planet’s more favored neighbor, Mars,          fates to be decided this year. Both ESA and
had hosted roughly a dozen visitors in the     the Russian Space Agency have designs on
same period.                                   the drawing board. And of course, there’s
    “Venus exploration is behind sched-        the current science from Akatsuki finally
ule,” says David Grinspoon, senior scien-      streaming to Earth. All in all, things are
tist at the Planetary Science Institute in     looking up for Venus exploration, and
Washington, D.C., and author of the book       upcoming missions — mostly orbiters but
Venus Revealed. “Our understanding of          some with plans for landers or craft that
Venus is about the same as it was with         will dive into the atmosphere — could
Mars in the 1970s.”                            answer fundamental questions that plan-
    Some planetary scientists are trying to    etary scientists still have about Venus, and
change that. For years, Venus lost out to      provide hard evidence to nail down their
Mars because of the tantalizing possibil-      current theories.
ity of finding life on the Red Planet. Yet
in some respects, Venus is more similar to     The twin paradox
Earth than Mars is, and our inner neighbor     Venus is often referred to as Earth’s twin
                                                                                              Magellan arrived at Venus
                                               for a reason: The two planets’ most basic      in August 1990 and orbited
Jesse Emspak is a science writer who lives     physical properties are nearly identical.      for four years, imaging 98 percent
in New York.                                   “If we found Venus around a sunlike star,      of the planet’s surface. NASA/JPL

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Planets - EXPLORE: MERCURY VENUS SATURN AND MORE!
to take the carbon dioxide out of the air
                                                                                                                                                       and replace it with oxygen, as on Earth,
                                                                                                                                                       the water and carbon dioxide — powerful
                                                                                                                                                       heat-trapping gases — caused a runaway
                                                                                                                                                       greenhouse effect.
                                                                                                                                                           The situation wasn’t helped by the
                                                                                                                                                       planet’s slow rotation. On Earth, our
                                                                                                                                                       relatively rapid spin creates a dynamo
                                                                                                                                                       effect in our planet’s iron core. This
                                                                                                                                                       in turn generates a magnetic field that
                                                                                                                                                       protects our home world from the solar
                                                                                                                                                       wind, the stream of energetic particles the
                                                                                                                                                       Sun flings in all directions. As the wind
                                                                                                                                                       whipped by unprotected Venus, it stripped
                                                                                                                                                       the hydrogen from the atmosphere, leav-
                                                                                                                                                       ing fewer ingredients for the planet to
                                                                                                                                                       have any hope of reforming its water, even
                                                                                                                                                       if conditions were to miraculously become
                                                                                                                                                       more temperate.
  The VERITAS spacecraft, if selected by NASA for approval, would fly in                                                                                   Yet the data from Venus Express and
the early 2020s. Like the previous Magellan mission, VERITAS would orbit                                                                               the Magellan probe don’t seem to tell the
Venus, but it would study the planet in much greater detail. NASA/JPL-CALTECH                                                                          whole story — and that’s where the new
  The proposed DAVINCI spacecraft would parachute to Venus’ surface,                                                                                   missions come in.                                           The Venus Express mission imaged clouds swirling above Venus’ south pole at dizzying
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   speeds. The high-altitude clouds, like those seen here, can travel 60 times faster than
taking data during an hourlong descent. NASA/GSFC
                                                                                                                                                       Many mission options                                        the planet rotates, contributing to the polar vortex Venus Express studied in detail during
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   its eight-year stay. ESA/VIRTIS-VENUS EXPRESS/INAF-IAPS/LESIA-OBS. PARIS/G. PICCIONI
                                                                                                                                                       NASA is considering two missions this
[astronomers would] be jumping up and                  the Sun is a diffuse                                                                            year. The Deep Atmosphere Venus
down saying we found another Earth,” says              splotch of bright-                                                                              Investigation of Noble gases, Chemistry,
Colin Wilson, deputy project scientist on              ness, appearing                                                                                 and Imaging (DAVINCI) will focus on
Venus Express.                                         as it does on an                                                                                atmospheric chemistry. It involves an              the atmosphere, but they couldn’t give sci-         2016 whether DAVINCI, VERITAS, or
    How similar are they? Venus has                    overcast day on                                                                                 atmospheric probe — “Huygens for Venus,”           entists a good handle on the composition            both will fly.
a radius of 3,760 miles (6,050 kilome-                 Earth. That bright                                                                              quips Lori Glaze, a scientist at NASA’s            with respect to altitude, and that’s what’s             From ESA, there’s EnVision, an orbiter
ters), and Earth’s radius is 3,960 miles               patch takes 117                                                                                 Goddard Space Flight Center and the mis-           needed to understand the kinds of reac-             also equipped with advanced radar, and it
(6,370km). Venus’ mass is 82 percent                   Earth-days to cross                                                                             sion’s principal investigator — that will          tions that occur in Venus’ cloudy skies.            likely won’t launch until 2029, says Richard
that of Earth, and its surface gravity is 91           the sky. Venus takes 243 Earth-days to          features that look like dune fields exist.      measure the atmosphere’s makeup at dif-                  NASA’s other option is the Venus              Ghail, a lecturer in engineering geology at
percent of the terrestrial norm. The two               make a complete rotation — longer than          Some areas have coronae — pancake-like          ferent layers during an hourlong descent to        Emissivity, Radio Science, InSAR,                   Imperial College London, who proposed
planets’ densities are also almost identical.          the planet’s year, which is 225 Earth-days.     structures that can spread over 100 miles       the venusian surface.                              Topography, and Spectroscopy (VERITAS)              the mission. Aside from a more advanced
That means their bulk composition should               The daylight period is shortened slightly       (160km).                                           “It doesn’t need to survive hitting the         mission. The VERITAS orbiter would                  set of radars than Magellan, EnVision
be about the same, especially since both               because the planet has a retrograde rota-           Venus also is bone-dry. If the planet       surface,” Glaze says. She notes that the           operate similar to Magellan, but the big            will be able to “spotlight” small areas to
planets formed in the same region of the               tion — the Sun rises in the west. The slow      did form with similar amounts of water as       Pioneer Venus and Vega missions looked at          difference would be that its radars will            image them in greater detail. “Instead of
solar nebula. Their evolution also should              rotation also means Venus lacks a magnetic      Earth, as seems likely, it’s clear that water                                                      have much better resolution, able to spot           100-meter [300 feet] resolution, we can
have been similar.                                     field of any significance.                      isn’t there anymore.                                                                               features as small as about 100 feet (30m)           get down to 6 meters [20 feet],” Ghail says.
    But thanks to subtle differences, that                 When it rains on Venus, the droplets            How did Venus become a toxic hells-                                                            across compared with Magellan’s more                That is enough to see day-to-day changes
didn’t happen. Present-day Earth has liquid            evaporate before they reach the ground.         cape while Earth stayed relatively cool?                                                           than 300 feet (100m). It also will measure          on the surface. Spotlighting can get that
water and an atmosphere dominated by                   Besides a forecast of “cloudy with a chance     The prevailing model is that Venus’ water                                                          the planet’s gravity and how the surface            resolution down to 10 feet (3m).
nitrogen and oxygen. Argon accounts for                of sulfuric acid rain,” there doesn’t seem to   turned into vapor as the Sun, which was                                                            emits heat, which means it can see “inside”             While there is some overlap with a
nearly 1 percent, but carbon dioxide and               be much in the way of weather at ground         much dimmer billions of years ago, bright-                                                         some geological formations and discover,            craft like VERITAS, Ghail says having the
other gases exist only in trace amounts.               level. Surface pressures are so high —          ened and warmed the planet. While there’s                                                          for example, whether the coronae are filled         VERITAS mission go actually would free
The Venus of today is covered by a dense               90-plus atmospheres — that it’s like being      some debate as to whether Venus ever                                                               with magma. VERITAS also will be able to            up EnVision to do more spotlighting of
atmosphere — 90 times more massive than                underneath more than half a mile (900m)         shared Earth’s vast oceans, it seems likely                                                        measure how the composition of surface              specific areas and less global-scale map-
Earth’s — consisting of 97 percent carbon              of ocean, and the carbon dioxide there          the planet was cool enough for substantial                                                         rocks differs.                                      ping, since VERITAS will have accom-
dioxide, with the rest as nitrogen and trace           begins to behave as a supercritical fluid, a    liquid water in its early days. But as the                                                               “We’ll be looking for surface mineral-        plished that already.
gases. Carbon dioxide is a powerful green-             strange hybrid of liquid and gas.               temperature climbed, any water evapo-                                                              ogy variations,” says Suzanne Smrekar of                The Russian proposal is called Venera
house gas that keeps Venus’ surface tem-                   Previous missions found that Venus’         rated, and once it reached the upper atmo-                                                         the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the principal        D. This spacecraft would bear some resem-
perature at an average of 864° F (462° C). A           terrain is as varied as Earth’s. Highland       sphere, the Sun’s ultraviolet light broke                                                          investigator on VERITAS. “We’re trying to           blance to the Vega missions because it
                                                                                                                                                       The Akatsuki space probe, launched by Japan’s
visitor to Venus could pour a glass of liquid          regions called tesserae consist of ridges and   apart water (H2O), and it quickly reformed      space agency, entered venusian orbit in            understand chemical variation, if there are         involves a combined orbiter and lander. It
zinc or lead.                                          folds in the crust that extend for miles and    into hydrogen (H2), hydroxide (OH), and         December 2015. By March, the spacecraft was        continents like on Earth, active volcanism          might even include a balloon probe, also
    Unlike Earth, Venus’ surface is invis-             form tile-like patterns. The lowlands seem      oxygen (O2). Much of the oxygen stayed          sending images back to Earth from its infrared     . . . also to see if there are tectonic features,   like the Vega missions. Like many missions
                                                                                                                                                       cameras, and in April it officially assumed full
ible from above — at least in visible light.           to be basalts, cut with what might be lava      aloft because it is less dense than carbon      science observations. This image shows Venus’
                                                                                                                                                                                                          and to try to understand thermal evolu-             before it, Venera D would focus on Venus’
It’s covered with highly reflective sulfuric           channels. Some mountains appear peaked          dioxide, but some descended and reacted         night side from one of Akatsuki’s two near-        tion — temperature variations in the litho-         atmosphere and investigate the origins of
acid clouds that never break. On Venus,                with a kind of metallic “frost,” and even       with surface rocks. Absent any biology          infrared cameras. JAXA                             sphere.” NASA will decide in September              the planet’s unusual atmospheric rotation

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The Hitchhiker's Guide to Planets - EXPLORE: MERCURY VENUS SATURN AND MORE!
lightning in Venus’ clouds, so Akatsuki will
                                                                                                                      try to clinch those observations.
                                                                                                                          One of the problems Akatsuki will
                                                                                                                      study is the “superrotation” of the atmo-
                                                                                                                      sphere. Venus’ atmosphere zooms around
                                                                                                                      the planet at hundreds of kilometers per
                                                                                                                      hour in the upper regions. That’s not
                                                                                                                      unusual — other planets show the same
                                                                                                                      thing from time to time. But why the
                                                                                                                      superrotation should be orders of mag-
                                                                                                                      nitude faster than the planet’s rotation is
                                                                                                                      unexplained. “We cannot yet accurately
                                                                                                                      model superrotation numerically,” Limaye
                                                                                                                                                                     Venus Express captured this image of clouds
                                                                   Venus’ Idunn Mons is likely an active volcano,     says. Akatsuki can help tackle this ques-      in 2011, five years into its planned two-year
                                                                   with infrared imaging revealing hot spots along    tion by creating a better picture of how the   investigation. It finally plunged to its end in
                                                                   the peak’s summit and cascading over the side in
                                                                   flows. ESA/NASA/JPL                                upper atmosphere differs from the lower        2014, after five mission extensions. ESA/MPS/DLR/IDA
                                                                                                                      and how the two interact.

                                                                   Venus now                                          A smoking gun for                              material — are dark. Venus Express’ cam-
                                                                   Current Venus research is already on a             volcanism                                      eras also caught some changes in surface
                                                                   delayed schedule. Japan’s Akatsuki probe           Venus Express and Pioneer Venus both           temperature that looked like signs of recent
                                                                   was supposed to arrive at Venus in 2010,           found sulfur compounds — primarily             lava flows. Finally, images from Magellan’s
                                                                   but it missed its orbital insertion. Instead,      sulfur dioxide, which must continually         radar maps show features that look pretty
                                                                   it took a cruise around the Sun for five           enter the atmosphere somehow in order          clearly like volcanoes, and even lava.
                                                                   years until engineers could steer it into an       to be observed, because sunlight breaks            But none of these is absolute proof,
                                                                   alternate orbit, more elliptical than origi-       it up fairly quickly. “That provides pretty    Glaze says. What’s needed is a picture from
                                                                   nally planned. Recovering the spacecraft at        good evidence that Venus is volcanically       one day to the next, or one week to the
                                                                   all was a major achievement. Akatsuki cur-         active,” Grinspoon says. “There’s a lot of     next, showing the changes in topography.
Venus Express’ cameras sent back many views                        rently orbits Venus in a 13-day ellipse that       sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere, and that     That could show that volcanoes are active
of Venus, revealing different layers of the
planet’s clouds. Here, the spacecraft imaged                       takes it from closest approach at 260 miles        sulfur would not stay without a source.”       today, as opposed to in the distant past.
the night side in infrared (upper, red layer),                     (400km) out to 273,000 miles (440,000km).          Volcanism on the surface would do it. But          Volcanic activity is a big piece of the            Researchers constructed this elevation map of Venus using mosaicked data from Magellan. Blue
showing clouds lower in the atmosphere, about                      Sanjay Limaye, senior scientist at the Space       Venus Express hasn’t provided the smoking      overall Venus puzzle because it offers                 ­represents lower elevations and red higher elevations. NASA/JPL/USGS
28 miles (45 kilometers) in altitude. Clouds closer                Science and Engineering Center of the              gun, as it were. “We see a lot of volcanoes,   a way to resurface the planet periodi-
to 40 miles (60km) appear in ultraviolet imaging
(lower, blue) on the planet’s day side. ESA/VIRTIS-                University of Wisconsin-Madison, says sci-         but we don’t know if they are still active,”   cally. Previous imaging missions showed
VENUSX IASF-INAF, OBSERVATOIRE DE PARIS (R. HUESO, UNIV. BILBAO)   ence goals actually will be enhanced by the        Grinspoon adds.                                Venus doesn’t have many impact craters.                than deuterium, and a high ratio of deute-        rock. Basalt is a dark rock, granite is a light
                                                                   improvised orbit, which allows for longer              There are three strong lines of evidence   Assuming the craters are randomly dis-                 rium should mean the primordial hydrogen          rock, and they have different temperatures
                                                                   periods of observation as Akatsuki swings          of active volcanoes on Venus, Wilson           tributed, that means something made older              was stripped away somehow, probably by            as a function of altitude.”
as well as its chemistry. The lander would                         out to its farthest position.                      says. First is the way the detected sulfur     ones disappear — the surface is getting                the solar wind. The hydroxide is a product            To make granite, you need water. “If
allow for soil analysis, provided it survives                          Two of Akatsuki’s cameras work in the          behaves. In the first year of Venus Express’   rebuilt every so often, perhaps as little as           of the dissociation, or chemical breakup, of      you don’t have water, you end up with
long enough. The longest any lander has                            near-infrared and study the planet’s sur-          observations, sulfur levels spiked and then    every couple of hundred million years or as            water by ultraviolet light. But Venus sur-        things that approach granite but never
lasted on Venus was barely two hours — a                           face, the motion of clouds, and the particles      decreased tenfold over five to six years.      much as 750 million to 800 million years.              prised the scientists. “We’d expect it to lose    get that far,” Ghail notes. Finding granite,
record held by the Soviet Venera 13 mis-                           that comprise them. A long-wave infrared           That points to a source that “burped”          And given that the craters are on average              water faster,” says Wilson. “But the escape       therefore, would mean Venus once had
sion, so history is on Russia’s side. The                          camera tracks the temperatures at the cloud        sulfur, as volcanoes do. A second clue is      hundreds of miles apart, whatever is resur-            rate is less than on Earth. That came as a        oceans — or at least enough water to allow
Russian Space Agency hasn’t made any                               tops, about 40 miles (65km) above the plan-        the infrared surface emission. Darker sur-     facing the planet also must exist in the               surprise.” Further atmospheric and geologi-       for the reactions that make granite.
firm commitments to the mission, but if it                         et’s surface. The other two instruments are        faces emit more heat as infrared radiation     same well-distributed pattern, Ghail says.             cal studies might shed some light on this             Ghail says the way the higher terrain
did, it would be the first post-Soviet plan-                       an ultraviolet imager and a lightning and          (think about asphalt on a hot day), and            If there are active volcanoes — and                by narrowing down the rate of outgassing          looks — such as Aphrodite, Lakshmi, and
etary mission of its kind. Launch wouldn’t                         airglow camera. Venus Express showed tan-          fresh unweathered basalts — such as from       Ghail thinks there are — then this resur-              water from the surface, for example.              Ishtar Terra — is tantalizing. “Aphrodite
happen any earlier than 2024.                                      talizing glimpses of what might have been          recently spewed and hardened volcanic          facing is a constant, steady process. But if               Speaking of water, geological tests by        looks like ancient, heavily formed conti-
                                                                                                                                                                     volcanoes aren’t currently active, then the            VERITAS can help scientists understand            nental-like material,” he says. Furthermore,
                                                                                                                                                                     resurfacing is likely to be something big              better how much water Venus has now.              these regions seem to cover about the same
                                                                                                                                                                     and sudden, covering huge chunks of the                Such tests also could reveal if Venus once        area that geologists think was covered by
                                                                                                                                                                     planet. VERITAS and EnVision could go a                had something like plate tectonics or             continental crusts on Earth soon after it
                                                                                                                                                                     long way toward providing a clear answer.              formed a surface resembling that of early         formed and the first oceans filled up.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Earth. By looking closely at what kind of             Knowing what Venus was like in the
                                                                                                                                                                     Where’s the water?                                     rock makes up some of the higher-altitude         distant past will offer a lot of insight into
                                                                                                                                                                     The other big question mark is water. Venus            terrain, such as the tesserae, it will be pos-    why Earth’s twin grew up so different from
                                                                                                                                                                     Express’ atmospheric analyses showed the               sible to see if it is made of crust that looks    its temperate sister. “Venus, in my mind,
                                                                                                                                                                     ratio of deuterium (hydrogen that carries              like continents on Earth. “That is critical       is an incredibly rich place to learn about
                                                                                                                                                                     an extra neutron) to ordinary hydrogen                 to answering the question,” Smrekar says.         Earth,” Glaze says. “The planets are so
Venera 13 survived on Venus for 2 hours, 7 minutes, and took this picture of the venusian surface (and parts of itself) on March 1, 1982. The Vega missions
in June 1985 also deployed landers, but Vega 1’s instruments activated while it was still 12 miles (20km) above the surface, so it returned only limited data.       is quite large, and that hydroxide is in the           “What you’re measuring is surface tem-            similar — how did biology form here and
Vega 2 successfully transmitted data from the surface, but lasted only 56 minutes. NASA HISTORY OFFICE                                                               atmosphere. Ordinary hydrogen is lighter               perature in relation to the composition of        not there?”

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         17
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Planets - EXPLORE: MERCURY VENUS SATURN AND MORE!
Land O’Lakes

        Secrets from
       seas                 By probing “magic islands”
                       and seafloors, astronomers are
                                                                                                                  These images show Titan, from
                                                                                                                  left to right, in October and
                                                                                                                  December 2005 and January
                                                                                                                  2006. The view from December

                       learning more than ever about                                                              is roughly the opposite side
                                                                                                                  of the moon from the October
                                                                                                                  and January flybys, but careful
                        the lakes and seas on Saturn’s                                                            inspection of Titan’s polar regions
                                                                                                                  shows how dynamic and variable

                    largest moon. by Alexander G. Hayes                                                           the polar weather can be. NASA/JPL/
                                                                                                                  UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA

IMAGINE YOURSELF                             standing at the shoreline     and organic material like plastic shavings or Styrofoam beads. On
of a picturesque freshwater lake, surrounded by soft grass and leafy       closer inspection, the lake holds not water, but a liquid not unlike
trees. Perhaps you are enjoying a peaceful lakefront vacation. In the      natural gas. And you’d better be holding your breath because the
calm water, you see the mirror-like reflection of a cloudy sky just        surrounding air has no oxygen.
before it begins to rain. Now, let the surrounding vegetation disap-           If you can picture all of this, welcome to the surface of Saturn’s
pear, leaving behind a landscape you might more reasonably expect          largest moon, Titan.
to see in the rocky deserts of the southwestern United States. The             Titan is the only extraterrestrial body known to support standing
temperature is dropping too, all the way down to a bone-chilling           bodies of liquid on its surface and the only moon with a dense atmo-
–295° F (92 kelvins). The air around you feels thicker, although you       sphere. It is also an explorer’s utopia, supporting landscapes that are
yourself feel seven times lighter, courtesy of reduced gravity. As the     uncannily similar to those found on Earth while also presenting a
clouds pass overhead, you notice that the lake surface now reflects        seemingly endless supply of intriguing mysteries, with fresh ques-
a hazy orange sky with the brightness of early twilight. After the         tions following each new discovery. Two recent findings in particu-
clouds have moved on, you finally begin to feel rain hitting your          lar have revolutionized our understanding of Titan’s lakes and seas:
hands. However, the rain falls much slower than normal and the             their unexpected transparency to microwave radiation and the
drops are bigger, with large splashes following each impact. The           appearance of mysterious “magic islands,” which our research team
ground you stand on is a loose sandy mixture of broken-up water ice        has been privileged to bring to light. But Titan’s environment
                                                                           amazed well before these latest discoveries.
Alexander G. Hayes is an assistant professor of astronomy at Cornell                                                                                    This Titan mosaic taken by the Cassini
University. He and his research group focus on comparative planetology     Strange but familiar                                                         spacecraft shows the seas that speckle
                                                                                                                                                        its north polar region and sunlight that
and solar system exploration, specializing in the development and opera-   In many ways, Titan’s landscapes are eerily similar to their ter-            glints off of them. NASA/JPL-CALTECH/UNIVERSITY
tion of remote sensing instruments on unmanned planetary spacecraft.       restrial counterparts. You can find sand dunes similar in both               OF ARIZONA/UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO

18                                                                                                                                                                                                  19
Hot, short southern summers
                                                                                                                         Ligeia                                                                                                                                                     Spring N
                                                                                                        North            Mare
                                                        Ligeia                                          pole                                                                                                                                                                     Titan

                                                                                                                                                                    ASTRONOMY: ROEN KELLY, AFTER NASA/JPL-CALTECH/UNIV. OF ARIZONA/

                                                                                                          Mare                                                                                                                                                                                                                  N
                                               North                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Sun
                                 Evaporate                       Kraken Mare                                                                                                                                                                                                                                9.06 AU

                                                                                                                                                                    CASSINI IMAGING & RADAR SCIENCE TEAMS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      N                                                                          Winter
                                                                                                                                  Kraken-1                                                                                                                               10.10 AU
                                 MacKay               Mare   Jingpo                                                                       The Throat of Kraken

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      NASA/JPL/SPACE SCIENCE INSTITUTE
                                  Lacus                       Lacus                                                                                                                                                                       Summer
                                                                                                                                   Kraken-2                                                                                                                                                             N

                                                                                                         Cassini’s RADAR instrument took this detailed                                                                                Seasons on both Earth and Titan are caused by each world’s tilt, so that one side receives more
                                                                                                       image of Titan’s north pole and the many lakes                                                                                 direct sunlight. But on Titan, Saturn’s eccentricity varies how far Titan orbits the Sun by more than
                                                                                                       and seas that cover its surface. NASA/JPL-CALTECH/ASI/USGS                                                                     an astronomical unit (AU; the average Earth-Sun distance), as well as speeding it up and down.          Titan’s “purple haze” of an atmosphere is thanks
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      This means the hemispheres don’t share equal seasons, so the south has hotter, shorter summers          to a thick shroud of methane, which separates
                                                                                                          Many of Titan’s intriguing details are visible in                                                                           than the north, driving liquid to the upper pole over eons.                                             into distinct layers upon closer inspection.
                                                                                                       this Cassini infrared image. The surface appears
                                                                                                       largely in green, while dry lakebeds show up in
                                                                                                       orange. The lakes and seas that dot Titan’s north-
                                                                                                       ern hemisphere are the darkest regions. NASA/JPL-                                                                              Cassini carries a radar mapper capable of obtaining images of the                The Cassini RADAR discovered Titan’s lakes and seas in the
                                                                                                       CALTECH/UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA/UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO                                                                              surface at a resolution of 1,000 feet (300m). The RADAR works by                 north polar region during a flyby in July 2006, during north-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      sending out bursts of microwave energy and measuring how much                    ern winter. Since then, Cassini has discovered more than 300
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      reflects back. Cassini contains two additional infrared instruments              liquid-filled depressions that range in size from moderately sized
size and shape to the largest in the dune fields of the Saharan and            upper atmosphere). The methane splits into hydrogen, which escapes                                                                                     it uses to study Titan’s surface, but their resolution is usually less           lakes at the limits of detection (about 90 acres, or 0.4 square km)
Namibian sand seas of Africa. Alluvial fans (cone-shaped sediment              into space, and highly reactive compounds that quickly recombine                                                                                       than that of the RADAR. The Cassini orbiter also carried an ESA-                 to vast bodies larger than Earth’s Great Lakes. The three larg-
flows left behind by rivers, streams, and landslides) resemble those           to form more complex hydrocarbons like ethane and propane. These                                                                                       provided probe, Huygens, which landed on Titan’s surface in early                est, Kraken Mare, Ligeia Mare, and Punga Mare, hold the title
found in the Atacama Desert of central Chile, and mountain chains              hydrocarbons rain out onto the surface and, over geologic time,                                                                                        2005. Because at the time the surface of Titan was a mystery, engi-              “mare,” which is Latin for sea. Collectively, the lakes and seas
are formed by tectonic forces similar to those responsible for the             rework themselves into the solid particles that make up Titan’s dunes                                                                                  neers designed Huygens either to touch down on a solid surface                   cover 1 percent of Titan’s surface and lie mostly in the northern
Himalayas that span southern Asia. Perhaps most astonishingly,                 and coat the world’s surface. Carl Sagan referred to laboratory-                                                                                       or to land in an ethane sea. The probe touched down near Titan’s                 hemisphere, where they cover 35 times more area than in the
lakes and seas scatter the polar landscape with shoreline features             generated versions of the kinds of compounds Titan’s atmosphere                                                                                        equator on what appears to be a flood plain strewn with rounded                  south. We believe Saturn’s eccentric orbit around the Sun causes
reminiscent of both marine and freshwater coastal environments                 generates as “tholins” and noted that they are similar to the organic                                                                                  cobblestones about 4 inches (10cm) in diameter.                                  this contrast between north and south.
found across our planet.                                                       material that may have been important to the development of life                                                                                                                                                                            Saturn is closest to the Sun during summer in Titan’s south-
    However, the dunes are not silicate sand; they are instead organic         on Earth. On Titan, these tholin-like materials form haze layers that                                                                                  Seasons and sunlight                                                             ern hemisphere, when it tilts areas below the equator toward our
materials more like plastic than quartz. Rather than rock fragments            obscure the surface from visible-light cameras, such as those on                                                                                       The Saturn system tilts by 27° from the plane of its orbit, and                  star’s most direct light. Northern summer, on the other hand,
delivered by flowing water, alluvial fans on Titan are a mixture of            board the Pioneer 11 and Voyager 1 spacecraft.                                                                                                         thus Titan, like Earth, has seasons. Saturn and Titan, however,                  happens to occur when the Saturn system is farther from the
water ice and organic sediment delivered by flowing hydrocarbon                                                                                                                                                                       take 30 years to circle the Sun, so their seasons are 7.5 years long.            Sun. As a result, southern summers are both hotter and shorter,
liquids (methane and ethane). The mountains are broken-up sec-                 Close encounters                                                                                                                                                                                                                        with more intense sunlight than their northern counterparts.
tions of dirty water ice, and the lakes and seas are vast pools of liquid      The presence of a thick atmosphere makes Titan unique among                                                                                                                                                                             Over many seasons and years, the stronger, hotter sunlight in the
hydrocarbons. Despite these differences, the same mechanisms (such             the moons in our solar system. It also made the saturnian moon                                                                                                                                                                          south drives methane and ethane toward the northern hemi-
as wind and rain) sculpt and transport sediment across the land-               one of the primary targets for exploration by Voyager 1. In fact, in                                                                                                                                                                    sphere. But if this is the explanation for Titan’s lake distribution,
scape on Titan as they do on Earth. The similarities make Titan a              order to reach Titan, Voyager 1 had to follow a specialized trajec-                                                                                                                                                                     we should also note that it changes with time. The position of
natural laboratory for studying the processes that shape our own               tory that eliminated the possibility of visiting Uranus or Neptune                                                                                                                                                                      Titan’s seasons on Saturn’s eccentric orbit varies over periods of
planet, including extreme conditions impossible to recreate in earth-          as Voyager 2 did on its “grand tour” of the solar system. While the                                                                                                                                                                     50,000 years. In fact, 35,000 years ago, the situation was the exact
bound laboratories.                                                            cameras on Voyager 1 were not able to see down to Titan’s surface,                                                                                                                                                                      opposite of today’s scenario: Northern summers were hotter and
    The forces that sculpt Titan’s landscapes resemble Earth’s water           the spacecraft was able to use radio instruments to determine the                                                                                                                                                                       shorter than southern summers. This suggests that the liquid in
cycle, except that the key liquid is methane. Near the surface, meth-          surface pressure (1.5 times that of Earth) and temperature (92K).                                                                                                                                                                       Titan’s polar regions shifts between the poles over timescales of
ane makes up 5 percent of Titan’s nitrogen-dominated atmosphere                Following the Voyager encounter, scientists knew liquid methane                                                                                                                                                                         50,000 to 100,000 years. And, in fact, there are large-scale depres-
and, like water on Earth, condenses out of the atmosphere as rain              and ethane were raining down and stable on Titan’s surface but                                                                                                                                                                          sions in the south that include features reminiscent of old shore-
and can persist as a liquid on the surface. If all of the methane in           had no idea how they were distributed.                                                                                                                                                                                                  lines along their borders. These paleo-seas encompass an area
Titan’s atmosphere were to fall down to the surface, it would make a               Prompted by the exciting results of the Voyager mission and                                                                                                                                                                         similar to the northern maria and suggest that Titan’s south pole
global layer 23 feet (7 meters) deep. If you were to do the same thing         the near two decades of ground-based imaging campaigns that                                                                                                                                                                             once looked similar to the north. This orbitally driven mecha-
to the water in Earth’s atmosphere, the layer would be only 1 inch (3          followed, NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) launched                                                                                                                                                                             nism is analogous to the cycles on Earth that drive the frequency
centimeters) thick. On Titan, methane rain falls from the sky, flows           the Cassini/Huygens mission to Saturn in 1997. As a multipur-                                                                                                                                                                           and duration of the ice ages.
on the surface, cuts channels into the bedrock, and fills depressions          pose mission, Cassini must divide its limited orbits around Saturn
to form polar lakes and seas.                                                  between many different moons (as well as the planet itself) and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Titan poses here in front of Saturn’s rings with its much smaller sibling
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Wind and waves
    High in Titan’s atmosphere, sunlight breaks apart methane in a             carefully allot its close flybys, but the spacecraft came specially                                                                                    moon Dione. The fuzzy outline of Titan is due to its thick, hazy atmosphere.     For most of Cassini’s mission, its instruments observed Titan’s
process called photolysis (this also happens to methane in Earth’s             prepared for Titan. In order to penetrate Titan’s thick atmosphere,                                                                                    NASA/JPL-CALTECH/SPACE SCIENCE INSTITUTE                                         lakes and seas to be calm and flat, with vertical deviations of

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