The helsinki-UUsimaa Regional PRogRamme - Vision and strategy 2040, strategic Priorities 2014-2017 - Uudenmaan liitto

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The helsinki-UUsimaa Regional PRogRamme - Vision and strategy 2040, strategic Priorities 2014-2017 - Uudenmaan liitto
The Helsinki-Uusimaa
                                                    Regional Programme
                 Vision and Strategy 2040, Strategic Priorities 2014–2017

Publication of the Uusimaa Regional Council A31 - 2014
The helsinki-UUsimaa Regional PRogRamme - Vision and strategy 2040, strategic Priorities 2014-2017 - Uudenmaan liitto
Publication of the Uusimaa Regional Council A31 - 2014
ISBN 978-952-448-388-9 (pdf)
ISSN 1236-679X

Translation: Tiina Sjelvgren
Layout: Anni Levonen
Pictures: Tuula Palaste-Eerola

Helsinki, Finland 2014

Uusimaa Regional Council // Helsinki-Uusimaa Region
Esterinportti 2 B • 00240 Helsinki • Finland
+358 9 4767 411 • •
The helsinki-UUsimaa Regional PRogRamme - Vision and strategy 2040, strategic Priorities 2014-2017 - Uudenmaan liitto
The Helsinki-uusimaa
regional programme
      Vision and Strategy 2040
   Strategic Priorities 2014–2017

     Publication of the Uusimaa Regional Council A31 - 2014
The helsinki-UUsimaa Regional PRogRamme - Vision and strategy 2040, strategic Priorities 2014-2017 - Uudenmaan liitto
Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme

    The HELSINKI-UUSIMAA region – ON TOP OF THE BALTIC SEA REGION                6

    What is The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme?                             7
     Regional programming in Finland                                             7

    THE VISION OF HELSINKI-UUSIMAA REGION 2040                                   9
    ” Helsinki-Uusimaa – On Top of the Baltic Sea Region”                        9

    STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2040                                                   10
      Cradle for Smart Growth                                                   10
      Easy to Reach and Live and Work In                                         11
      Clean and Beautiful Helsinki-Uusimaa Region                               12

    STRATEGIC PRIORITIES FOR 2014–2017                                          13
      Smart Specialisation as the Framework for Strategic Choices               14
      Implementing and Monitoring the Programme                                 14
      Impact Assessment                                                         14

    STRATEGIC PRIORITy 1 : Opportunities for Growth                             15
      1.1. Open Development Environments and Intelligent Services               16
      1.2. Regenerating Business                                                17
      1.3. Environmental Business – Cleantech                                   17
      1.4. Urban Food Services                                                  18
      1.5. Growth from the East                                                 19

    STRATEGIC PRIORITy 2: Well-functioning Everyday Life                        20
      2.1. Intelligent and Smooth Traffic                                        21
      2.2. Comfortable Housing and Living Environment                           22
      2.3. Good Work!                                                           23
      2.4. Immigration and Integration                                          23
      2.5. Localness, Local Democracy and Youth Participation                   24

    STRATEGIC PRIORITy 3: Sustainable Ecology                                   25
      3.1. Natural Diversity and Natural Resources                              26
      3.2 Improving the State of Waterways and the Baltic Sea                   26
      3.3. Environmentally Smart Lifestyle                                      27
      3.4. Carbon Neutral Helsinki-Uusimaa Region                               28

    Financial Sources for the Implementation
    of the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme                                  29

    Environmental Report: A Summary                                             30

    Matrix for Impact Assessment                                                31

    Appendix 1. Premises of Development                                         32

    Appendix 2. Smart Specialization of Helsinki-Uusimaa Region                 47

    Appendix 3: Terms Used in the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme           48

4                                     The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme
The helsinki-UUsimaa Regional PRogRamme - Vision and strategy 2040, strategic Priorities 2014-2017 - Uudenmaan liitto
Outline description of publication
   The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme – Vision and Strategy 2040 – Strategic Priorities 2014–2017

  Uusimaa Regional Council

Report written by
  Eero Venäläinen, Lauri Kuukasjärvi, Vesa Lipponen

Title of series and publication no.
   Publication of the Uusimaa Regional Council A31 - 2014

Date of publication

   978-952-448-388-9 (pdf)


Language of publication

No. of pages

  The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region has reviewed and clarified its regional planning. The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional
  Programme has been drawn up as a co-operation between The Uusimaa Regional Council and The Centre for
  Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY). The programme includes a vision and a strategy
  2040 as well as strategic choices for 2014-2017.
   The programme is based on nationwide regional development and usage targets, Uusimaa regional plan 2033,
   regional land use plans as well as other regional plans that have an impact on regional development. When the
   programme was drawn up, its impact on the work of municipalities, regional authorities and the regional council of
   Uusimaa was ascertained.
   The vision for 2040 is ”The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region – on top of the Baltic Sea Region”. This means creating and
   taking advantage of economic and mental growth, enabling a practical everyday life for the inhabitants and arranging
   activities in an ecologically and economically sustainable way.
   There are three strategic developments goals for 2040. ”Platform for intelligent growth” is based on sustainable
   development and intelligent solutions. ”Easy to reach and live and work in” puts an emphasis on effortless transport,
   working and functioning, and an agreeable living environment. ”Clean and beautiful Helsinki-Uusimaa Region”
   emphasizes a sensible use of natural resources, maintenance of natural diversity, and becoming carbon neutral.
   The strategic choices for 2014–2017 are ”Opportunities for Growth”, ”Practical Everyday Life” and ”Sustainable
   Ecology”. These choices are based on the premises presented in the vision and strategy of the Helsinki-Uusimaa
   Regional Programme, and on the special characteristics and opportunities of region. The choices are geared towards
   a balanced development of the different areas in the region. The municipalities’ strategic development objectives
   are also a part of the foundation of the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme. The choices focus on the division
   of labour between various EU funding instruments and national funding, and to the utilisation of different funding

Key words
   Regional planning, Uusimaa, Helsinki-Uusimaa region, Strategic planning, Opportunities for growth, Practical everyday
   life, Sustainable ecology, The Uusimaa Regional Council, The Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the
   Environment (ELY)

  A PDF version of the publication can be found on our website: The publication is
  published both in Finnish and in Swedish.

                                       The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme                                             5
The helsinki-UUsimaa Regional PRogRamme - Vision and strategy 2040, strategic Priorities 2014-2017 - Uudenmaan liitto
    Helsinki-Uusimaa reviews and clarifies its regional             development objectives based on regional features
    planning. For the first time, vision and strategy               and possibilities, as well as actions needed in order
    (regional plan for 2040) and strategic priorities               to achieve the objectives for future development.
    (regional development programme 2014–2017)                          The Programme is based on nationwide regional
    have been drawn up in a joint process and as a co-              development and land use targets, regional
    operation between Uusimaa Regional Council and                  strategies according to sectors to administrate,
    The Centre for Economic Development, Transport                  regional strategies, Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional
    and the Environment for Uusimaa (ELY). During the               Plan 2033, regional land use plans as well as other
    process, the objectives of the next regional land use           regional plans that have an impact on regional
    plan have also been identified. The work has resulted           development. When the Programme was drawn up,
    in the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme.                     its impact on the work of municipalities, regional
    The so called implementation plan is a part of the              authorities and Uusimaa Regional Council was
    programme. The plan includes a list of priority                 ascertained.
    projects for implementing the programme.                            The newest strategies adopted by the
        Regional development is mainly the responsibility           municipalities and regions in Helsinki-Uusimaa
    of the municipalities and the state agencies. The               Region, the scenario work Uusimaa 2040
    practical development work is extensive and done                implemented in the metropolitan area in 2012,
    in co-operation across administrative boundaries.               and the future study Siivet ja juuret (Wings and
    Different actors in the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region                 roots) have all built a strong strategic foundation
    play an important role in this work. The feasibility of         for the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme.
    plans and actions is higher when different authorities          The European Union’s strategy 2020 and the smart
    and actors are working in close collaboration with              specialization approach have been an important
    each other. Co-operation is needed when drawing                 frame of reference in the preparation of the
    up development plans and programmes, and                        programme.
    implementing projects and actions. In addition,                     Setting up the programme has been an inspiring
    the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme is an                   journey and an ambitious move towards a new way
    instrument for the implementation of regional land              of regional planning. The Uusimaa Regional Council
    use plans.                                                      and the Centre for Economic Development, Transport
        The Programme has been developed in an                      and the Environment in Helsinki-Uusimaa Region
    open interaction with municipal decision-                       for Uusimaa (ELY) will support the strategic priorities
    makers, business developers, enterprises, the                   made in this Programme. We hope that the good
    educational sector, NGOs, and inhabitants. The                  collaboration continues, that regional actors make
    aim is to describe the general approach and strategic           good use of the programme and that the result of this
    guidelines for regional development, the regional               is Helsinki-Uusimaa – on top of the Baltic Sea Region.

    Helsinki, 11 December 2013

    Ossi Savolainen                      Rita Piirainen
    Regional Mayor                       Director General
    Helsinki-Uusimaa Region              Centre for Economic Development,
                                         Transport and the Environment in for Uusimaa

6                                               The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme
The helsinki-UUsimaa Regional PRogRamme - Vision and strategy 2040, strategic Priorities 2014-2017 - Uudenmaan liitto
What is The Helsinki-Uusimaa
Regional Programme?

The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme is a                   Regional programming in Finland
Regional Strategic Plan and a Programme of the
Helsinki-Uusimaa Region. It sets out the general               In Finland, there are altogether 18 regional councils,
long-term development aims and associated                      which are formed by municipalities. The councils
strategies for the region. The programme also                  have two main functions laid down by law: regional
outlines the central development projects and other            development and regional land use planning. In
activities for the following four-year period.                 their planning, the regional councils take account
    The programme is produced by The Uusimaa                   of the national targets set by the Government and
Regional Council in close co-operation with the                ministries.
regions municipalities and other actors in the
region. The target of the programme is to lift put             All regional councils produce:
Helsinki-Uusimaa Region among top actors in the                    •    Regional Strategic Plan (long-term)
Baltic Sea Region by 2040.                                         •    Regional Programme (four-year period)
    The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme                        •    Regional Land Use Plan (long-term)
combines two major instruments of the Finnish                      •    Regional Implementation Plans (annual)
regional development: a long-term Regional
Strategic Plan and a four-year period Regional                 The plans and programs of regional councils have
Programme, which are combined into one single,                 mandatory legal consequences. Local and national
effective programme.                                           government authorities must take account of the
    The aims of The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional                  councils’ plans and programmes in their own action.
Programme are carried out with the help of a                      Regional development is intersectoral in nature.
more detailed, annual Regional Implementation                  The better the cooperation between different
Plan. It outlines the actors for individual projects           administrative sectors, the more effective the
and preliminary project budgets stated in the                  measures employed.

                                       The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme                                          7
The helsinki-UUsimaa Regional PRogRamme - Vision and strategy 2040, strategic Priorities 2014-2017 - Uudenmaan liitto
Government and Public Sector in Finland
                                Summary of Main Institutions

                                                  President’s Office

                                                      Ministries (12)

                                                                                    Regional State
        Centres For Economic Development,
        Transport and the Environment (15)                                     Administrative Agencies (6)
                                                                        - Basic public services, legal rights and permits
         - Business and industry, the labour force,
                                                                                  - Occupational safety and health
             competence and cultural activities
                                                                                      - Environmental permits
               - Transport and infrastructure
                                                                           - Fire and rescue services and preparedness
         - The environment and natural resources
                                                                                               - Police

                                    Regional Coordination Committees (18)
                                                      Regional priorities

        The Association of Finnish Local                                               Regional Councils (18)
                                                                                   Regional & land-use planning,
           and Regional Authorities                                                  cross-border cooperation

                                                 320 Municipalities

    Uusimaa Regional Council                                              Helsinki-Uusimaa Region
    •   Serves as regional development                                    •     Is home to almost 1, 6 million inhabitants,
        authority in the Helsinki-Uusimaa                                       which is more than a quarter of the
        Region                                                                  country’s total population.
    •   Is responsible for developing the only                            •     Is the most urbanized area in Finland, but
        metropolitan region in Finland                                          outside the metropolitan region there
                                                                                are still small towns, villages and rural
    •   Consists of 26 municipalities situated
        in southern Finland
                                                                          •     Is situated on the south coast of Finland,
    •   Is governed by a regional assembly
                                                                                with the Baltic Sea playing a major role
        and a regional board assisted by the
                                                                                in the region’s life
        council office, run by Regional Mayor
        Ossi Savolainen

8                                            The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme
The helsinki-UUsimaa Regional PRogRamme - Vision and strategy 2040, strategic Priorities 2014-2017 - Uudenmaan liitto
” Helsinki-Uusimaa – On Top of the Baltic Sea Region”
In 2040, Helsinki-Uusimaa Region will be on                                  as the regional centres of Viikki–Biomedicum–
top of the Baltic Sea Region when it comes to                                Pasila-Kalasatama in Helsinki. In addition,
creating and taking advantage of socio-economic                              Western, Central and Eastern Helsinki-Uusimaa
growth, enabling a well-functioning everyday life                            Region interlink in the spearhead triangle with
for its inhabitants and arranging activities in an                           their own strengths forming the growth triangle of
ecologically and economically sustainable way.                               Helsinki-Uusimaa Region.
    Global economy and the challenges it poses is                                The development triangle of the metropolitan
the starting point for future work. The development                          area consists of the regions of Häme, Päijät-Häme
of Asia, USA and the so called BRIICS countries is                           and Helsinki. When the perspective is further
important even for the economic growth and business                          extended, the result is the future triangle of the Gulf
development in Helsinki-Uusimaa Region. The                                  of Finland, which consists of the cities of Tallinn,
development objective of the EU countries has been                           Helsinki and Saint Petersburg. Helsinki and Tallinn
defined in the EU2020 strategy. Helsinki-Uusimaa                             regions are in close collaboration with each other,
Region plans its activities and estimates the results                        and daily contacts are vital for both. The twin city of
of these activities on a regional level, as a part of                        Tallinn–Helsinki is already a fact.
Finland’s economic and innovation system, in the                                 Northern Growth Corridor Stockholm–Saint
Gulf of Finland and in the Baltic Sea Region, as a part                      Petersburg connects Helsinki-Uusimaa Region
of Europe and in relation to Russia and Asia.                                with two of its most important trading partners
    The triangles in the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional                           and re-establishes a historical connection between
Programme describe the direction of growth and                               the East and the West. Growing trade, tourism and
collaboration in the coming years. The core is the                           interaction means that a triplet city of Tallinn–
spearhead triangle of the metropolitan area formed                           Helsinki–Saint Petersburg is becoming more and
by the T3 area in Espoo (T3 stands for the economy,                          more a reality in the future.
art and science), the Aviapolis area in Vantaa as well

  Figure 1. Growth and co-operation triangles in Helsinki-Uusimaa Region (see appendix 1 on page 31)



                                             KUUMA municipalities

                                                  Aviapolis            Eastern Helsinki-
                                                                       Uusimaa Region                      Russia/Saint Petersburg
                                                  Uusimaa      Viikki
                                                  Helsinki     Biomedicum
              Western Helsinki-   Otaniemi
              Uusimaa Region      T3


                                                  The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme                                              9
The helsinki-UUsimaa Regional PRogRamme - Vision and strategy 2040, strategic Priorities 2014-2017 - Uudenmaan liitto

          The strategic development objectives of the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region
          for the period up to 2040 are to make the Region:

          1. CRADLE FOR SMART GROWTH – foundation in sustainable development and intelligent solutions.

          2. EASY TO REACH AND LIVE AND WORK IN – emphasis on effortless transport,
          working and functioning, and an agreeable living environment.

          3. CLEAN AND BEAUTIFUL – sensible use of natural resources, maintenance of biodiversity,
          and becoming carbon neutral.

     Cradle for Smart Growth

     In 2040, the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region will be:                  international competitiveness are especially relevant
     • the most competitive region in the Baltic Sea                in this region. Maintaining and enhancing economic
         Region.                                                    competitiveness requires continual economic
     • one of the most important information                        investment and competence development, and the
         technology utilising innovation hubs for                   Helsinki-Uusimaa Region has good prerequisites
         sustainable growth.                                        to grow and to sustain that growth. The decisions
     • making the most of its logistic position in the              taken in this region are vital for the future of entire
         future triangle of the Gulf of Finland.                    Finland.
                                                                        An important strategic development objective
     The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region is the centre of                   of the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme is to
     Finland’s economic activity. Its strengths are skilled         generate intelligent and sustainable growth and to
     people; a research and education environment that is           secure the region’s place among the leading thriving
     of high international quality; and a versatile business        areas in Europe. The successful achievement of this
     landscape and the basis it creates for innovations.            objective requires enhancing the region’s innovation
     There is a concentration of small and medium-                  ability and regional and national innovation
     sized enterprises (SMEs) and large companies in                systems; maintaining a high-quality competence
     the area – both Finnish and international ones. The            base; creating an encouraging atmosphere for new
     region’s industrial structure is extremely versatile           companies and start-ups; favouring renewable
     and its population structure highly international.             energy; and improving the services and logistics
     In fact, 55% of Finland’s non-Finnish speakers                 systems necessary for business.
     reside in the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region. The region                  Intelligent and sustainable growth requires
     is easily accessible both on the national and regional         the utilisation of the region’s full potential and
     level. It is, nevertheless, vital to ensure and develop        particular attention to its three largest innovation
     connections to international markets. To this end,             hubs. Internationally significant investments that
     the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region has a fast rail link               focus on Espoo, Helsinki and Vantaa provide an
     to Russia, good flight connections to Europe and               excellent growth base for innovations. With the right
     Asia, and frequent maritime connections to Tallinn,            measures and policies, the entire Helsinki-Uusimaa
     Stockholm and Saint Petersburg.                                Region will be able to reap the benefits.
         The challenges that concern Finland’s

10                                               The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme
environmental sustainability.
                                                                                          These can be impacted on the
                                                                                          regional level for example by
                                                                                          steering the development work
                                                                                          of municipalities and other
                                                                                          parties using programmes,
                                                                                          projects and planning.
                                                                                              The themes of inclusion
                                                                                          and participation concern all
                                                                                          citizens, but especially young
                                                                                          people and immigrants.
                                                                                          Attention is focused on matters
                                                                                          related to young people’s
                                                                                          participation, enhancement of
                                                                                          the employment rate, inclusion
Easy to Reach and Live and Work In
                                                                  of immigrants, and everyday safety while observing
In 2040:                                                          the crucial role of work and entrepreneurship in the
• Helsinki-Uusimaa Region will have an                            prevention of exclusion. Employing young people
    intelligent public transport system in                        is an effective means to strengthen inclusion and
    operation.                                                    participation. Participation and local democracy
• Helsinki-Uusimaa Region’s urban structure                       bring about multiple benefits, such as a better
    will be integrated.                                           engagement of residents to their living environment
• the living conditions in the Helsinki-                          and its development, enhanced safety and a smoothly
    Uusimaa Region will be at the leading edge                    running everyday life.
    internationally.                                                   The dependency ratio in the Helsinki-Uusimaa
                                                                  Region is the best in the country, and the volume
The second strategic objective of the Helsinki-                   of working age population keeps growing, mainly
Uusimaa Regional Programme concerns the                           thanks to the increase in immigrant population.
residents, housing, working and leisure in the                    The working population needs affordable housing
region. Its most important dimensions are work                    that is located close to public transport and services.
and livelihood, smooth transport, good housing                    As the demographic change progresses, the need
and living environments, and active participation                 of workforce in the social and health care sectors
in the immediate surroundings and society at                      continues to grow, and these industries will need
large. Transport impacts the daily lives of families              a significant increase in the number of employees
and other residents; the objective of the Helsinki-               to secure their service provision for the needs of the
Uusimaa Regional Programme is therefore to                        welfare society.
ensure smooth transport connections that are easy                      The strengths of the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region
to use and environmentally sustainable. Ease of                   are bilingualism, internationality and skilled
use is pursued with continual and comprehensive                   population. The region has both metropolitan
enhancement of the system that guides traffic and                 and non-urban features. To attract new jobs and
transport flows, and sustainability is pursued by                 employees in the future, the region should invest
favouring public transport, cycling and walking.                  particularly in quality-of-life issues, life-long
    Housing and living environments are the                       education, a working culture that adapts to different
foundation of a well-functioning r everyday life.                 life situations, and a good living environment. It also
Crucial to this are a versatile housing base and the              needs to reduce the share of workforce on disability
central location of accommodation, jobs, services and             pensions and to facilitate access to working life
green areas so as to reduce the need for transportation           for young people, immigrants and people who are
altogether. A better integration of urban structure               disadvantaged on the job market.
also positively impacts the provision of housing,
services and other everyday functions as well as

                                         The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme                                            11
Clean and Beautiful
     Helsinki-Uusimaa Region

     In 2040,                                                         entire region. The planning and improvement of
     • the state of waterways will be good.                           green spaces is particularly important in urban and
     • the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region will be carbon                     residential areas, where the volume of available land
         neutral (by 2050).                                           is reducing while the population is growing.
     • natural diversity will be safeguarded in                           The Baltic Sea is one of the worst polluted seas in
         Helsinki-Uusimaa Region.                                     the world, and the Gulf of Finland is its most heavily
                                                                      burdened area. Finland is not alone in carrying the
     The third strategic objective of the Helsinki-                   responsibility for the Baltic Sea, but the current state
     Uusimaa Regional Programme for 2040 is a                         of the coastal waters in the Gulf of Finland is mainly
     clean and beautiful Helsinki-Uusimaa Region.                     the consequence of our own actions. One of the main
     This is pursued from the perspectives of carbon                  sources of nutrients and causes of eutrophication
     neutrality, cleanliness of waterways, and natural                in the Baltic Sea is agriculture. Improving the state
     diversity. Generating and retaining the beauty and               of the Baltic Sea is a matter of local, national and
     cleanliness of the environment requires controlled               international priority.
     population growth and brisk economic activity, as                    Environmental challenges can be solved with
     well as sufficient attention to the quality of the living        regulations, taxation, agreements, and other
     environment and to the efficient resource utilisation            means. The power of citizens, consumers and
     of production activities in urban, residential and               various other players has been found to be highly
     non-urban areas alike.                                           effective: it steers policymakers, entrepreneurs,
        Becoming carbon neutral is both an opportunity                authorities and all other players towards heightened
     and strength for the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region:                    environmental responsibility. Awareness also
     fossil fuels are mainly imported goods. To enhance               motivates people to make sustainable choices and
     versatility, diversified energy production is                    pursue a sustainable lifestyle. The promotion of
     developed, and the use of renewable energy sources               environmental awareness forms the backbone
     and fuels is increased without compromising                      of promoting the other sustainable development
     the benefits of heat and electricity cogeneration.               objectives as well. The currently valid government
     Increasing consumers’ awareness of energy use and                programme includes the objective of making Finns
     energy efficiency supports the objective of becoming             the world’s most environmentally aware people. The
     carbon neutral.                                                  Helsinki-Uusimaa Region is a pioneer in the Baltic
        Forests, fields, waterways and other natural                  Sea area and takes up on the challenge of increasing
     environments form the green backbone of the                      environmental awareness.

12                                                The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme

The strategic priorities of the Helsinki-Uusimaa                      Regional Programme acknowledged the fact that
Region form sets of measures for implementing                         the Regional Development Act (602/2002) and the
the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region vision and the most                       Structural Fund Act (1401/2006) were under review
important objectives.                                                 when this programme was written. The ongoing
    The strategic priorities of the 2014–2017                         municipality reform has also impacted the drafting
Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme are:                              of this programme. However, assessing the impact
Opportunities for Growth, Practical Everyday Life,                    of the upcoming unified administration model in
and Sustainable Ecology. These priorities are based                   the Helsinki metropolitan area is more difficult.
on the premises presented in the vision and strategy                  The strategic priorities of this programme can
of the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme, and                       nevertheless be implemented in a flexible manner,
on the special characteristics and opportunities of                   independently of the upcoming administration
region. The priorities are geared towards a balanced                  reforms. Broad strategic development projects in the
development of the different areas in the region.                     collaboration area (entailing the Helsinki, Kanta-
The municipalities’ development objectives are also                   Häme and Päijät-Häme regions) have been prepared
a part of the foundation of the Helsinki-Uusimaa                      based on the futures review work (Siivet ja juuret,
Regional Programme: the work is based on an                           ‘Wings and roots’) and will be highlighted in the
analysis of municipalities’ strategic development                     programme’s implementation plan.
objectives and priorities. From the programme                             The following issues were observed when
implementation perspective, the choices focus on                      selecting the strategic priorities: enhancing people’s
the division of labour between various EU funding                     engagement and resources; making use of the
instruments and national funding, and to the                          Baltic Sea area and responding to its challenges;
utilisation of different funding programmes.                          and regional specialisation and collaboration.
    The preparation of the Helsinki-Uusimaa                           These permeating perspectives were identified

Figure 2. The vision, strategy and strategic priorities of the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme govern its implementation.

                                                          The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region
                                                     – On the top of the Baltic Sea Region

      Strategic                         Cradle for Smart                Easy to Reach and Live        Clean and Beautiful
 objectives for 2040                        Growth                           and Work in            Helsinki-Uusimaa Region

 Strategic priorities                  Opportunities for                    Well-functioning
    for 2014–2017                                                                                      Sustainable Ecology
                                          Growth                             Everyday Life


                                              The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme                                           13
as important for the future in the scenario                  Implementing and Monitoring the
     work preceding the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region                   Programme
                                                                  The strategic priorities for 2014–2017 presented in
                                                                  this document are collected into sets of spearhead
     Smart Specialisation as the Framework
                                                                  projects and measures in the Helsinki-Uusimaa
     for Strategic Choices
                                                                  Regional Programme’s 2014–2015 implementation
     The European Commission has actively highlighted             plan. The implementation of the Helsinki-Uusimaa
     the regional design of research and innovation               Regional Programme will be complemented on
     strategies for smart specialisation (RIS3) in the            a rolling basis in accordance with the decisions
     preparation for the 2014–2020 programming                    and guidelines of the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region
     period. The Finnish Ministry of Employment and               Collaboration Board. The implementation is
     the Economy has also emphasised the importance               monitored annually based on the strategic choices,
     of smart specialisation for growth, and instructed           implemented actions and achieved results.
     the Finnish regions to use these strategies in the              The region’s development is monitored with
     preparation of their regional programmes.                    approximately 20 indicators that describe the state
         Smart specialisation is a strategic approach to          of well-being, the economy and the environment,
     economic growth, which uses carefully targeted R&D           and are collected together into a single GPI indicator.
     investments. On the regional level, the objective            The region’s general economic development is
     of smart specialisation is to utilise the region’s           described with GDP.
     competence potential. This requires creating a                  The impacts and results of the sets of spearhead
     vision, identifying competitive advantages, and              projects presented in the implementation plan are
     making strategic choices.                                    evaluated on a project level.
         The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme
     is based on the choices and solutions of the entire
                                                                  Impact Assessment
     region and its individual areas, which have been
     presented for example in the Helsinki-Uusimaa                The environmental and other impacts of the
     Region competitiveness strategy, Open Cities                 Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme were
     programme, growth agreements of towns and cities,            assessed during the programme’s preparation. A
     and the preparation documents of the Innovative              summary and an evaluation matrix of these impacts
     Cities Programme. The smart specialisation choices           can be found on pages 28-29. The full environmental
     in the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region are presented in a            declaration is an independent document.
     matrix, which can be found in Appendix 2.

14                                            The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme
Opportunities for Growth

The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region is the most important                 the opportunities that information technology, open
hub of economic activity and population in Finland.               data, participation and new innovation platforms
The strengths of the region are a versatile business              (real life development environments) provide for
landscape and an educational environment that is of               services and business. The Helsinki-Uusimaa
international high quality, both of which lay a firm              Region is the most well-equipped region in Finland
foundation for innovations. The region’s competitive              to utilise creative economy and creative competence.
advantage comes from high competence,                             For example, both media and gaming industries are
comprehensive services and innovative product                     new, rapidly growing industries that operate directly
development. The focus of development in industrial               in international markets.
and commercial activity lies in knowledge-                            The greatest opportunity for new growth in the
intensive fields. To this end, the universities and               Helsinki-Uusimaa Region is brought about by the
the universities of applied sciences play a crucial               move to a global digital economy. Digital services
role as they nurture experts for the future. They                 are the most rapidly growing area of business in the
create the preconditions for innovations and for the              world. Almost half of the world’s population – up to
development of working life and the operations of                 three billion people – will be online by the year 2016.
businesses and organisations.                                     The impact of intelligent digital services and the
    Increasing collaboration between municipalities               internet also extends to traditional livelihoods across
is needed in order for the metropolitan area to                   geographical borders. The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region
function as a ‘smart region’ and for the strengths of             is well prepared to make use of this international
the different areas in the region to be fully utilised. A         opportunity. The development and application of
smartly specialising metropolitan area makes use of               ICT requires constant attention because the industry

                                          The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme                                           15
is undergoing significant changes and is a growth                 open operational model that is based on real-life
     enabler for most industries.                                      development environments, which can, for their
         The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region is Finland’s                      part, actively support both local and international
     strongest entrepreneurial area. Even so, it needs                 R&D projects. The model brings together
     new, young entrepreneurs. Nurturing an atmosphere                 collaboration between universities, universities of
     that is conducive to entrepreneurship and                         applied sciences, municipalities, and SMEs.
     integrating entrepreneurial education at different                    The spearhead triangle of strong and
     levels of education promote the development of a                  internationally significant innovation centres in the
     flourishing entrepreneurial culture. The Helsinki-                Helsinki-Uusimaa Region is formed by the T3 area in
     Uusimaa Region needs many kinds of entrepreneurs:                 Espoo (T3 stands for the economy, art and science),
     existing businesses need new hands on deck in their               the Aviapolis area in Vantaa and the Forum Virium,
     succession, and the region needs more start-ups and               Viikki, Arabianranta, Biomedicum and Kumpula
     companies driven towards exports. Immigrants are                  hubs in Helsinki. Other regionally significant
     also often potential new entrepreneurs.                           innovation centres include the Technology Center
         The EU has made a decision about the construction             Techvilla in Hyvinkää, NOVAGO in Western
     of a significant LNG (liquefied natural gas) terminal             Helsinki-Uusimaa Region, HighTechCenter in
     in the Baltic Sea region; the terminal is currently being         Kirkkonummi, and STOK-Electrical building
     planned. In the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region, potential                services centre in Eastern Helsinki-Uusimaa Region
     locations include (primarily) Inkoo and (secondarily)             as well as the Kilpilahti area, cleantech innovation
     the Porvoo area. Thanks to the terminal, Finland’s                environment in Porvoo. The development work is
     energy production can become more diversified and                 conducted not only in these large centres but also in
     the much-needed competition in energy generation                  projects related to everyday work and in premises
     and import can be created. If realised, the project will          where new innovations are tested in everyday life
     enhance opportunities for economic growth also in                 conditions. Open development environments allow
     the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region.                                      innovators to experiment, succeed and fail; to do
         The Ring Rail Line and the western metro                      everything required to create successful innovations.
     (Länsimetro) line extension are highly significant                    Opening GIS data, maps and other information
     transport solutions that impact traffic, housing                  sources enables the development of municipal
     construction and location of businesses. These                    services for example in construction, public
     nationally significant infrastructures must be utilised to        transport, waste management, energy distribution
     the fullest in generating economic growth in the region.          and the well-being sector. The harmonisation of
         The logistical situation in Helsinki-Uusimaa                  open data also increases new business opportunities.
     Region is excellent thanks to direct flight connections
     that enable the region to act as a gateway between                Objective
     Europe and Asia. Measured by sales turnover, Russia
     is Finland’s most important export country. Russia’s              The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region will be an
     economic significance has recently declined, but it               international centre of innovations and a pioneer in
     is worth looking east for internationalisation and                the deployment of innovative products and services.
     growth as the economic crisis in Europe continues.
     Finnish businesses are interested in Russian and                  Measures
     Asian markets for example in the cleantech and food
     industries. Private consumption in Russia keeps                   1. Support business and innovation through
     growing, which increases food consumption and the                    urban planning.
     demand for processed foodstuffs.                                  2. Support actions to remodel and network
                                                                          the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region’s innovation
     1.1.	Open Development Environments
                                                                       3. Promote the development of new service
     and Intelligent Services
                                                                          solutions by utilising open data and societal
     The strengths of innovation activity in the Helsinki-                and social innovations.
     Uusimaa Region stem from a user-driven and

16                                                 The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme
4. Create pioneering markets for high                           Objective
   competence products and SME services.
5. Add intelligence to public transport services and            The position of the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region as a hub
   systems (digital services, etc.).                            for innovative business activity will be strengthened.
6. Support actions to raise the universities in the
   region among top universities in the world.                  Measures

                                                                1.   Strengthen the region’s status as an
1.2. Regenerating Business
                                                                     international hub for start-ups. Promote
The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region – like the entire                        measures that create incentives and small-
Finland – has relatively few SMEs that are looking                   scale financing instruments for early-phase
to grow, irrespective of measures implemented to                     start-ups. Support the networking and
promote start-up entrepreneurship. There is also                     internationalisation efforts of start-ups.
a shortage of venture capital for the growth phase.             2.   Increase interest in entrepreneurship among
Even so, the start-up activities of universities and                 young people and students at all levels of
universities of applied sciences can create more                     education. Supporting an entrepreneurial
potential for generating new start-ups; Finland has,                 culture and student entrepreneurship
in fact, become a European centre for technology                     strengthens entrepreneurial foundations
start-ups in particular. Entrepreneurship in                         and enables the successful succession of
general is the prerequisite for growth. A diversified                businesses.
business structure secures service provision; the               3.   Promote the renewal and internationalisation
significance of entrepreneurship in the promotion                    of traditional industry and technology industry
of employment continues to grow.                                     SMEs and support new operational models to
    In addition to supporting start-up creation, the                 retain competitiveness.
renewal of existing businesses must be supported.               4.   Support measures for stepping up business
The structural change in global economy reflects                     advisory services and pilot a business advisory
strongly on the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region, and                         service targeted especially at entrepreneurs
businesses are undergoing a continuous structural                    with an immigrant background.
change. The most significant change on the                      5.   Support the development of new intelligent
structures of the economy concerns the technology                    service concepts in well-being and health
industry, and the diverse ICT industry in particular.                services.
The utilisation of the open data approach in business           6.   Support corporate internationalisation
can generate new opportunities for start-ups                         projects in accordance with the Team Finland
with the will and the ability to seek growth. Also,                  strategy.
the increasing demand for well-being, health
and education services creates new business
                                                                1.3. Environmental Business – Cleantech
opportunities both in Finland and abroad.
     Internationalisation and the availability of               Cleantech is part of the green economy and can be
competent workforce are critical factors for the                applied in various industries. It is one of Finland’s
competitiveness and growth of SMEs. The Helsinki-               fastest growing industries and highly export-driven:
Uusimaa Region features solid primary industry: it is           key markets can be found in developed and newly
important to renew this sector because it already has           industrialised countries. The current international
ready-made structures for innovating completely                 business potential of the cleantech industry comes
new business. An increase in population means an                from enhancing energy efficiency.
increase in the demand for services, thus generating                Cleantech SMEs need help to support their
opportunities to offer new services on the domestic             internationalisation and business development. In
market.                                                         the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region, the most important
                                                                environmental technology competence area is

                                       The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme                                           17
energy efficiency. Other important competence                 7. Support the municipalities’ actions to
     areas include recycling and waste processing, water              develop their procurement so that it supports
     treatment, and sustainable traffic. The strengths of             sustainable development.
     the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region are a solid business
     base, a concentration of cutting-edge research
                                                                   1.4. Urban Food Services
     competence and educational institutions in the area,
     and a broad consumer base.                                    The food industry is a growth business: there are
        The cleantech industry has the ability to use new          twice as many growth companies in the food sector
     innovations open-mindedly, and collaboration                  than there are in the Finnish business landscape on
     between the cleantech and ICT industries can create           average, and almost 90 businesses are increasing
     new business. Significant business opportunities              their net sales by more than 10% annually. Measured
     could also be found in renewable energy, energy               by the value of production, the food industry is
     efficient buildings, intelligent grids, energy                Finland’s fourth important industrial sector.
     warehousing, etc. Thanks to international regulation              Food preparation and consumption impact
     and the EU’s climate policy, the markets for clean            climate almost as much as housing or traffic.
     energy are growing significantly.                             Comprehensive development of the food chain aims
        In line with the Finnish government’s decision-            at combating climate change, which can be achieved
     in-principle, national and local governments                  by reducing the amount of generated waste and by
     must observe cleantech solutions in their public              using the waste effectively.
     procurement. According to the decision, public                     It is also important to anticipate consumer
     procurement must move from old practices towards              behaviour. Local food, organic food and awareness
     new, energy-efficient solutions. The Helsinki-                of food and foodstuff origins and healthiness are
     Uusimaa Region must be a pioneer also in the                  current trends whose significance will only grow in
     procurement of resource-efficient, clean technology.          the future. The significance of local food was also
                                                                   recognised in the Finnish government’s ‘Local Food
     Objective                                                     Programme 2020’. The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region
                                                                   has excellent opportunities for increasing local food
     A resource-efficient model of operations will be              production: the distribution routes are short, the
     deployed in different products and services and               demand is present in large cities, and a broad group
     incorporated into business.                                   of consumers with purchasing power and quality
                                                                   awareness is close at hand.
     1.   Generate locally significant business to achieve
          resource-efficiency and the climate objectives           The environmental load caused by foodstuffs will
          set for urban environments.                              be reduced and the market share of local food
     2.   Launch experiments and pilot projects related            increased.
          to the use and production of renewable energy.
     3.   Start extensive projects on enhancing the                Measures
          energy efficiency of buildings, and promote
          urban wood construction and resource-                    1. Build new, consumer-driven food solutions for
          efficient urban construction.                               eating, food business and logistics.
     4.   Accelerate the re-use and recycling of excess            2. Reduce food waste by employing new
          masses and demolition materials.                            technologies to reduce and utilise co-streams.
     5.   Commercialise competence in urban air                    3. Develop measures to make the Finnish food
          quality monitoring for international markets.               safety excellence into an exportable product.
     6.   Create prerequisites for business in the                 4. Support the networking of small local
          bioeconomy and water sectors.                               food producers and the development of

18                                             The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme
municipalities’ food procurement practices.
    Develop distribution chains to increase the                attractiveness. The Finnish government’s decision
    market share of local and organic food.                    to capitalise Finavia enables billions of euros’ worth
                                                               of investments in the expansion and development of
                                                               the Helsinki Airport.
1.5. Growth from the East
                                                                   Tallinn and Helsinki are – virtually speaking – a
As the economic crisis continues in Europe,                    joint economic area. The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region
it is worth turning to Russia and Asia for                     depends on Estonian workforce in certain sectors,
internationalisation and growth. Measured by                   such as construction and social and health care
sales turnover, Russia is Finland’s most important             industries. The planned Rail Baltica and Via Baltica
export country. Finnish businesses are also                    would also significantly improve connections to
interested in Russian markets for example in the               Central Europe.
cleantech, health and food industries. SMEs in
particular should be encouraged and supported in               Objective
their Russian business. Tourism from Russia to the
Helsinki-Uusimaa Region is growing strongly and                The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region’s logistical position
there is much potential for further growth. It has             and business opportunities in Russia and Asia will
been estimated that should the visa exemption be               be utilised.
implemented, the volume of Russian tourism could
multiply within a few years.                                   Measures
    Functional logistics are essential for trade and
industry. The challenge is that logistics companies            1.    Promote the entry of Helsinki-Uusimaa
are moving further away from the capital city region                 Region’s SMEs to Russian markets by creating
and the existing logistics areas are spread wide                     a targeted business service.
apart – they have not merged into internationally              2.    Take advantage of peak seasons in Russian
significant logistics hubs. Collaboration and the                    tourism, create new and attractive events and
centralisation of existing and planned logistics                     cultural tourism products, and improve the level
centres should continue to be supported in the                       of service.
Helsinki-Uusimaa Region.                                       3.    Increase interest towards Russia among Finnish
    The Northern Growth Corridor is a central                        university students by creating new Russian
route that connects the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region                      study modules and increasing the number of
to Sweden and Russia; it is aimed at transports                      exchange programmes available.
to Russia and Saint Petersburg in particular. The              4.    Support actions to develop the Northern Growth
attractiveness of the Corridor and the development                   Corridor business and to improve traffic to
of intelligent traffic solutions must be ensured                     Russia (Ring Road III and Ring Road V).
through different measures. The Northern Growth                5.    Support improvement measures for the
Corridor also functions as a frame for important                     Helsinki-Tallinn connection.
business hubs, such as Techvilla in Hyvinkää,                  6.    Form a uniform view on logistical solutions in
Aviapolis in Vantaa, and Kilpilahti in Porvoo.                       urban planning and other areas.
    The position of the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region                7.    Promote the matching and division of labour in
is excellent thanks to direct flight connections,                    measures concerning Chinese markets among
and the region acts as a gateway between Europe                      development companies in the Helsinki-
and Asia. Ensuring the operational preconditions                     Uusimaa Region.
of the Helsinki Airport is vital for the region’s

                                       The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme                                          19
     Well-functioning Everyday Life

     The basic preconditions of a well-functioning                   moving about does not consume inordinate amounts
     everyday life are work and livelihood; comfortable              of time. An important objective of urban planning is
     housing and a pleasant living environment; and                  to enable transport that causes least damage to the
     flexible transportation. One of the most important              environment and is equal for different population
     objectives of urban planning is to achieve safe,                groups. An integrated urban structure offers the
     smooth, equal and sustainable transport. Agreeable              best prerequisites for this. An integrated urban
     and affordable housing that suits people’s life                 structure also enables the generation of private local
     situations is important both for people who live                services and the cost-effective organisation of public
     in the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region and for people                   services, and improves people’s possibilities to move
     who are moving to the area. A well-functioning                  around by bike and by foot. In non-urban areas,
     everyday life is also experienced through work and              compact communities support the organisation of
     participation of the community. The well-function of            public transportations and the retention of local
     everyday life facilitates the coordination of work and          services.
     family life. Everyday life of families can be supported             Effective use of a transport system requires
     with services that work across municipal borders.               influencing people’s transport choices as well as
     Cultural services can also prevent exclusion and                developing the services required by sustainable
     enhance people’s well-being and the ability to work.            traffic and accelerating their marketing. The key
         An integrating urban structure promotes                     elements of effective transport are compatible
     effective transport. Everyday life runs smoothly when           transport system plans and their updates, and
     there are several alternatives for safe transport and           accessible public transport. The sustainability

20                                               The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme
of traffic can be emphasised by highlighting the                  line from Leppävaara forwards, and constructing
significance of cycling and walking for everyday                  the Helsinki City Rail Loop. Urgent projects in
exercise.                                                         the transverse traffic in the capital city region are
    For questions of transport, housing and land                  the construction of the express rail link between
use, the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region has put together                 eastern Helsinki and Espoo, and the organisation
a letter of intent between the municipalities and                 of the transverse bus route across city. Ensuring
the state (MAL) for the years 2012–2015 defining                  the functionality of public transport requires many
the objectives of housing production, the planning                other solutions, too: comprehensive information
principles of municipalities, and the measures                    systems, a harmonised ticketing system, park-and-
related to the development of the transportation                  ride facilities, the construction of well-operating
system. Their implementation can significantly                    transfer connection sites, and the extension of the
improve the smooth running of the everyday lives                  metro network.
of Helsinki-Uusimaa Region’s residents.                               Transport system plans (for the Helsinki,
    The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region is Finland’s most                 Eastern Helsinki-Uusimaa Region and Western
international, multicultural and rapidly growing                  Helsinki-Uusimaa Regions) are important tools for
region. Its population growth stems largely from                  governing transport system-related measures and
immigration. Growth and cultural diversification                  for enhancing the vitality and competitiveness of the
bring about many new challenges and opportunities.                region. A good example of the interaction between
For the growth of the region and the smooth running               land use and transport planning is the transport
of the society, it is important that all population               system plan for the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region (HLJ
groups are engaged in society.                                    2015), which is being prepared in collaboration with
    The themes of inclusion and engagement                        the region’s joint land use plan.
have been incorporated in the Helsinki-Uusimaa                        The growth of population and the number of jobs
Regional Programme as a mean to enhance                           in the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region creates the need
social cohesion. The key measures to strengthen                   to develop and maintain roads to ensure smooth
social engagement are the improvement of                          and safe traffic. Attention must be paid to the
youth employment opportunities, the successful                    smoothness of bus traffic especially in areas where
integration of immigrants, and the activation of                  there is no rail transport available. The maintenance
local activities. Reshaping working life is also crucial          and repair of traffic routes (surfaces of heavily
in preventing exclusion.                                          trafficked roads, bridge renovations, etc.) take up
                                                                  the majority of basic road maintenance funding, but
                                                                  are essential for securing smooth and safe traffic.
2.1. Intelligent and Smooth Traffic
                                                                  Basic road maintenance funding at its current level
Finland has national projects to develop a                        is not, however, enough to secure the maintenance
functioning public transport system where                         of the lower level road network. A growing region
municipalities and the government work together                   needs investments in its road and rail network; the
to optimise their resources. These projects include               electrification of the railroad between Hanko and
public transport information systems, harmonised                  Hyvinkää is an example of this.
payment and ticketing systems, and increasing the                     To improve the smoothness and safety of
trip chaining approach in planning (park-and-                     cycling, cycling routes in city centres in particular
ride, good transfer connections, etc.) Customer                   need improvements. Bicycle parking needs to
perspective and the compatibility of systems are                  be developed in city centres, but also on public
integral to these reforms. Financing questions and                transport stops and stations.
long-term agreements are essential in responding to
the upcoming challenges in public transport.                      Objectives
    In regional development, priority is on those
residential areas that can easily be reached by public            The share of sustainable transport forms will be
transport. Important and urgent development                       increased and the smoothness and safety of the
targets include raising the capacity of the Pasila–               transport system improved.
Riihimäki rail route, constructing an urban rail

                                          The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme                                         21
Measures                                                        need to prevent the segregation of neighbourhoods
     1.   Implement low-key and cost-effective                       in the region. In the future, island living could
          development measures in the traffic network                be an ecological and natural way of life that
          in the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region (transport                  combines housing and work by utilising the latest
          system plan, small and cost-effective projects,            communication and environmental technology.
          HLJ KUHA 2013–2016).                                           In addition to the prerequisites of housing
     2.   Support the implementation of the most urgent              production, it is necessary to ensure the quality of
          rail projects in the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region.              the living environment, cultural environment and
     3.   Promote the implementation of other transport              the retention of natural diversity. Natural diversity
          projects (transport system plans and transport             lays the foundation for services provided by the
          policy report).                                            ecosystem. Ecosystem services comprehensively
     4.   Strengthen collaboration between the                       highlight the benefits of green areas. Securing
          municipalities and the government in                       these areas is important for people’s well-being.
          public transport development projects;                     Our knowledge base on these topics must be
          implementation of the new ticketing system, etc.           complemented so that it can be used, for example,
     5.   Improve the cycling and walking route network              in urban planning and in the drafting of the
          and bicycle parking in city centres, public                region’s green strategy that brings together regional
          transport stops and stations.                              objectives. National parks and the region’s green
                                                                     belts are important for natural diversity and the
                                                                     recreation of residents.
     2.2. Comfortable Housing and Living
                                                                         The quality of immediate surroundings and
                                                                     recreational areas considerably impacts the
     Population continues to grow in the Helsinki-                   attractiveness of living and moving about in one’s
     Uusimaa Region. The growth sustains the need for                immediate surroundings. Of all quality factors,
     housing construction particularly in the capital city           valuable cultural environments are particularly
     region and surrounding municipalities. There are                important for Helsinki-Uusimaa Region’s identity
     differences in the municipalities’ role as actors in            and strengthen the residents’ relationship with their
     housing policy. Migration to the municipalities                 living environment. For this reason, it is important
     surrounding Helsinki is selective: many educated                to improve the abilities of various parties to work
     people with jobs and middle class incomes                       for the good of the immediate surroundings and
     seek to move. Families favour the surrounding                   valuable cultural environments.
     municipalities, where the number of immigrants is
     low but the share of single households is growing.              Objective
     The surrounding municipalities are equipped to
     handle the need for rental housing that is work-                The prerequisites of healthy life will be improved
     related or generated within the municipalities                  through high-quality housing and agreeable living
     themselves, but are unable to tackle the shortage of            surroundings.
     rental housing that exists in the capital city area in
     general. The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council                  Measures
     aims at developing the region’s land use policy
     so that the region’s ability to respond to plot and             1. Implement the measures in accordance with
     housing issues will be improved.                                   the MAL Agreement (land use, housing and
         The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region needs more                         traffic).
     housing that suits different life situations and                2. Combat the segregation of neighbourhoods.
     is agreeable, affordable and well-situated. The                 3. Use various measures to increase affordable
     elderly people need the possibility to continue                    housing production in the region.
     living at home even when their ability to function              4. Draft a green strategy for the region to
     deteriorates, while families wish for more space and               support regional planning, and include the
     a safe environment. Single households need housing                 perspectives of nature, recreation and cultural
     that suit their situation. At the same time, there is a            environments in the strategy.

22                                               The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme
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