The genealogy of honey bees in the United States

Page created by Elizabeth Zimmerman
The genealogy of honey bees in the United States
by Scott McArt

                              The genealogy of honey bees in the United States

       he Western honey bee, Apis             that the pedigree of your bees matters      this diversity and differentiation that
       mellifera, is not native to the        since those genes are passed down           provides the raw material necessary
       United States. Most beekeep-           from the previous generation. In other      for breeding.
ers know this.                                words, knowing the genetics and ge-            So, when and where were honey
   But do you know the genealogy              nealogy of honey bees can help us un-       bees first introduced to the United
of A. mellifera (hereafter, the “honey        derstand their history, but it can also     States? 1622 in Jamestown, Virginia
bee”) in the United States? In other          allow us to understand their future in      (see Figure 1). If you’re sitting in Vir-
words, do you know the full story of          terms of the diversity of traits that can   ginia right now and reading this ar-
when honey bees came to the USA,              be improved through breeding.               ticle, you’re sitting in the region that’s
how many times they were intro-                  For their study, Carpenter and           enjoyed the longest history of honey
duced, where each of those intro-             Harpur tapped into two major re-            bees in the USA, starting with the first
ductions occurred, how quickly they           sources. First, they did some good          introduction by the Virginia Compa-
spread from one part of our country to        old-fashioned work in the library.          ny from England.
another, and which lineages are most          Because honey bees have been in-               Three other locations were relative-
abundant in your neighborhood as a            tensively managed for nearly 11,000         ly quick to follow. Honey bees were
result of this history? These are the         years, we humans have been pretty           introduced by English colonists to
topics for our fortieth Notes from the        good about noticing them and writ-          Plymouth and Boston, Massachusetts
Lab, where we summarize “Genetic              ing down our observations. So, if           in 1637 and 1640, respectively, and by
past, present, and future of the hon-         you want to know when and where             English colonists to Long Island, New
ey bee (Apis mellifera) in the United         honey bees were present, you can            York in 1670 (Figure 1). Between 1670
States of America,” written by Made-          read old documents to see when and          and 1845, only two additional impor-
line Carpenter and Brock Harpur and           where someone mentions them in              tation records exist; Pensacola, Florida
published in Apidologie [2021].               historical records. The authors pored       in 1763, and Mobile, Alabama in 1773.
   More than 25 million people have           over thousands of documents, ul-               During this time, honey bees spread
used 23andMe,, or oth-           timately finding nearly 200 records         west to the Mississippi by two mecha-
er genetic tests to trace their genealo-      that indicated the first time honey         nisms: trade among humans and nat-
gies. Many of us are clearly curious          bees were observed in a particular          ural swarming. For example, in the
about where our great-great-great-            geographic location in the USA.             1700s, it was common for “bee trees”
grandparents came from! Similarly,               Second, nearly two dozen honey           to be found throughout the Carolinas
I can assure you from talking with            bee population genetic studies have         and Pennsylvania. Then, in the mid-
hundreds of beekeepers over the               been conducted in the United States         1800s, importations started to pick up
years that every single one of us is in-      to date, and more studies are in the        in the western United States. In 1845,
terested in the genealogy of our bees.        works. Carpenter and Harpur sum-            honey bees were imported to Texas by
   Some beekeepers are simply curious         marized all existing scientific litera-     German settlers, and numerous intro-
to know the lineage of their bees. Do         ture on this topic. Ultimately, these       ductions occurred on the west coast
I have Italian bees? Are my bees Carnio-      genetic studies allow us to under-          (California, Oregon, Washington) and
lans? But many beekeepers also know           stand how introductions of various          Hawaii in the 1850s (Figure 1).
that specific traits, such as varroa resis-   lineages have shaped the genetic di-           Which lineages were introduced?
tance, have a genetic basis (e.g., Pur-       versity and differentiation of honey        At least nine subspecies from four of
due “mite biting” bees). This means           bee populations across the USA. It is       the five A. mellifera lineages have been

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The genealogy of honey bees in the United States
Fig. 1 Estimated A. mellifera population expansions in the mainland United States. Locations have been recorded or estimated from
digitized importation records of European colonialists or their accounts of swarm sightings. Sightings are given a specific location if
possible; otherwise, the date text is larger and imposed over the state or area the sighting occurred. Color gradients are proposed
ranges estimated by combining known sightings and introductions with an estimation of average yearly spread as (50 years – es-
tablishment date) x 16.5 km. Alaska has been excluded because honey bees were first introduced to the state in 1924 and cannot be
attributed to a source population. Dates before 1859 are exclusively A.m. mellifera sightings, but dates after 1859 can be attributed
to A.m. ligustica, A.m. mellifera, A.m. ligustica x A.m. mellifera hybrids, and/or various A. mellifera hybrids.

introduced to the USA. But for over            northern Europe and central Asia            were the next to arrive, imported in
200 years (between 1622 and 1859),             and include the English “dark bees,”        1859 to New York City and Philadel-
the only honey bee subspecies pres-            which were the first honey bees to ar-      phia from Germany and Switzerland
ent in the United States was A.m. mel-         rive in Jamestown.                          (Figure 2, red square). In the 1860s,
lifera (Apis mellifera mellifera). Bees from     Italian bees (A.m. ligustica; lineage     Italian queens were imported to sev-
this lineage (lineage M) come from             C, from central and southern Europe)        eral locations in the USA from the

Fig. 2 Seven subspecies were introduced to the mainland United States between 1859 and 1922: A.m. ligustica (1859), A.m. la-
marckii (1866), A.m. carnica (1877), A.m. cypria (1880), A.m. syriaca (1880), A.m. caucasica (1882), and A.m. intermissa (1891). Here,
we have highlighted the first 5 years of a recorded importation of a given subspecies into the mainland United States. The excep-
tions are A.m. caucasica and A.m. cypria, both of which were imported sporadically or for a short time before importations ceased
and were continued under Benton. One series of A.m. cypria and A.m. syriaca importations to Beeton (now New Tecumseth),
Canada is recorded because these were the source of importations to the USA. The boxes represent large-scale operations in Ohio
(Rev. L.L. Langstroth); Washington, D.C. (Frank Benton); and Canada (D. A. Jones).

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The genealogy of honey bees in the United States
Fig. 3 Summary of locations, methods, and sample sizes of honey bee genetic studies in the U.S., as well as lineages or subspe-
cies (when identifiable) detected. Both managed and feral populations are included in each state, but there is considerable — if
not complete — overlap between lineages and/or mitotypes found within a state’s feral and commercial colonies. The studies
represented in this figure specified the ancestry of individual samples. Overall, the figure highlights two major shortcomings in U.S.
honey bee genomics: small sample sizes (11 states have fewer than 11 samples) and biases toward either managed or feral colonies
within states. Furthermore, despite the documented presence of AHB in Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, and Georgia, sampling
methods have missed them there.

Lake Maggiore region of northern              ing, and/or defensive behavior. This         potentially arrive. Finally, since 2009
Italy, until it became more common in         is why most readers in the USA have          there have been at least 11 USDA-ap-
the 1890s to import from Milan and            probably rarely heard of Cyprian,            proved importations of germplasm to
Bologna.                                      Syrian, Egyptian, or Tellian bees; they      Washington State for use in breeding
   Carniolan bees (A.m. carnica; lin-         are not common lineages of bees in           efforts.
eage C) were first imported in 1877           the United States due to their impor-           Which subspecies of honey bees
to Hamilton, IL (Figure 2, red circle)        tation history.                              are most common in the USA right
by none other than Charles Dadant,               Well, there were certainly a lot          now? Italians and Carniolans. Or,
the founder of Dadant & Sons, which           of introductions, especially in the          more precisely, current genetic evi-
publishes the fine magazine you’re            1800s! What’s happened since then?           dence shows the two most common
currently reading. Carniolan bees             Two events in the early 1900s reduced        mitotypes of honey bees in the United
were imported throughout the late             honey bee importations in the USA.           States are C1 (A.m. ligustica) and C2
1800s from areas in Dalmatia and              Isle of Wight disease (1906-1916) and        (A.m. carnica), as shown in Figure 3.
Carniola (modern-day Croatia and              World War I (1914-1918) dramatically            The fact that lineage C (A.m. li-
Slovenia) and Hungary.                        reduced the number of colonies im-           gustica and A.m. carnica) is currently
   Caucasian bees (A.m. caucasica;            ported from Europe; the former ul-           more common than lineage M (A.m.
lineage O, from the Middle East and           timately led to the Bee Act of 1922,         mellifera) likely says something about
western Asia) were first imported in          which forbade the importation of live        how popular Italian and Carnio-
1883 to upstate New York (Figure 2,           honey bees and hive products to the          lan bees were in the late 1800s and
blue circle). These bees were initially       USA. This act was expanded in the            how popular some of their traits are
imported from beekeepers in Ger-              1960s to include germplasm, due to           with beekeepers today. Even though
many, but in the early 1900s, queens          concern about Africanized honey              A.m. mellifera was the only subspe-
were imported directly from opera-            bees (AHB) from South and Central            cies present in the USA for over 200
tions on the shores of the Black and          America. In 1987, importations from          years (between 1622 and 1859), the
Caspian seas.                                 Canada were also restricted over con-        late 1800s saw a dramatic increase
   Four additional subspecies of A.           cerns about AHB.                             in importation and distribution of
mellifera have been imported to the              Limited importations commenced            A.m. ligustica and A.m. carnica. That
USA: The Cyprian honey bee (A.m.              again in 1989 after the identification       period in the late 1800s appears to
cypria; lineage O), Syrian honey bee          of varroa-resistant strains in Europe.       have had a large and lasting impact
(A.m. syriaca; lineage O), Egyptian           Importation of varroa-tolerant strains       on present-day honey bee genetics in
honey bee (A.m. lamarkii; lineage A,          were also allowed from Russia be-            the United States.
from Africa), and Tellian honey bee           tween 1997 and 2002. From 2004-                 Is there enough genetic diver-
(A.m. intermissa; lineage A). Records         2010, importations from New Zea-             sity and differentiation to select for
indicate they weren’t distributed             land and Australia occurred, but were        traits that will keep my bees strong
widely because each of the lineages           halted in 2010 out of concern that the       and healthy? This, of course, is the
was prone to swarming, abscond-               Eastern honey bee, Apis cerana, could        million-dollar question. Can it be

April 2021                                                                                                                       419
The genealogy of honey bees in the United States
answered? Well, on the one hand,           Reference:
the study by Carpenter and Harpur          Carpenter, M. H. and B. A. Harpur. Genet-
shows we definitely need more genet-         ic past, present, and future of the honey
                                             bee (Apis mellifera) in the United States
ic and genomic data for honey bees in
                                             of America. Apidologie (2021). https://doi.
the United States (for example, see          org/10.1007/s13592-020-00836-4
the big blank areas in Figure 3).
   But on the other hand, genetic di-      Scott McArt, an
versity of honey bees in the USA is        Assistant Professor
high. Several studies have shown that      of Pollinator Health,
genetic diversity of bees in the USA is    helps run the Dyce
just as high as (or higher than) genetic   Lab for Honey Bee
                                           Studies at Cornell
diversity in Europe. In addition, new      University in Ithaca,
genomic studies show there are re-         New York. He is par-
gional differences in honey bees, and      ticularly interested
genetically unique feral populations       in scientific research that can inform man-
exist. Thus, the evidence to date indi-    agement decisions by beekeepers, growers
cates honey bees in the USA have high      and the public.
genetic diversity and differentiation.     Email:
   In other words, breeders have quite     Lab website:
a bit of raw material to work with         Pollinator Network:
when selecting for traits in their bees.   Facebook:
While it’s impossible to know wheth-
er it will be enough raw material giv-
en all the current and future stresses
that bees may face, it certainly seems
promising. Especially if we recognize
the importance of good breeders (and
genetic/genomic researchers!) and
give them as much support as we can.
   Until next time, bee well and do
good work.
   Scott McArt

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The genealogy of honey bees in the United States The genealogy of honey bees in the United States The genealogy of honey bees in the United States The genealogy of honey bees in the United States The genealogy of honey bees in the United States
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