The Future of Democracy - Internationale Politik

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The Future of Democracy - Internationale Politik
The Future of Democracy

              The Future
             of Democracy
32 | IP Special • 2 /2021
The Future of Democracy - Internationale Politik
The Populists and the Pandemic

                  The Populists
                and the Pandemic
        At first glance, it may seem that the coronavirus has
          dealt populist governments a blow. Yet a closer
        look reveals how many have managed to capitalize
        on the pandemic. And the causes of populism will if
           anything be further exacerbated by the crisis.
                                                By Aline Burni

          any of the countries led by populist govern-     consistently played down the seriousness of the
          ments have been among the hardest hit by         disease. Their approach fostered a politicization
          the COVID-19 pandemic. By October 2020,          of the crisis, an increase in social polarization,
the United States, Brazil, Russia, and India ranked        and encouraged supporters to disrespect social
as the top four countries in terms of the total number     distancing, the use of facemasks, and compliance
of infections. Joined by the United Kingdom and            with other preventive measures.
Mexico, these populist-led nations were all among             Against this background, some observers have
the current ten most affected by the coronavirus           argued that the pandemic exposed the limits of
outbreak, according to the list compiled by the            populists in government. Their anti-elite style
Johns Hopkins University in mid-October.                   and hostility toward science prevented effective
   In spite of variations in their responses, there        policy responses and, therefore, populists would
are plausible reasons to associate the reactions of        be expected to drastically lose credibility in the
populists with a particularly rapid and harmful            aftermath of the crisis.
spread of the coronavirus among their countries’              However, does that necessarily mean that the
population. Although more systematic studies still         COVID-19 pandemic is triggering an end to pop-
need to be conducted, populist governments are             ulism around the globe? On the contrary, in spite
generally considered to have performed worst in            of their failures in managing the crisis, it remains
terms of their ability to limit the spread of the virus.   unlikely that populists will vanish because of the
Attitudes of populist leaders seem to have played          outbreak, as their support is driven by forces that
a role. For instance, US President Donald Trump            are structural and long-term. Those drivers will
and his Brazilian counterpart, Jair Bolsonaro, have        likely be aggravated by the pandemic, creating

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                            favorable conditions for an upsurge of           the case of a medical emergency. Populists
                            populist support.                                have failed in most of these tasks. There
                                It is important when talking about           is some evidence that populist-led govern-
                            populism to agree on what we mean by             ments took relatively longer to react and
                            the term. According to a widely accepted         prepare for the outbreak, although in the
                            definition, the populist worldview sepa-         single aspect of closing the borders, they
                            rates society on moral grounds into two          have been, unsurprisingly, faster. Some
                            homogeneous and antagonistic groups:             populists neglected the seriousness of
                            “the pure people” versus “the corrupt            COVID-19, others treated the crisis as a
                            elite.” Populists argue that politics should     security issue, adopting draconian mea-
                            be the expression of the “general will” of       sures. Some disregarded the recommen-
                            the people, and portray themselves as the        dations of health authorities and experts,
                            only alternative to represent such a will.       and have personally endorsed drugs and
                            Populists are the anti-elite, they frame the     treatments in the absence of scientific ev-
                            elite as a self-interested group that takes      idence about their efficacy.
                            decisions which adversely affect the peo-
                            ple and their sovereignty. Populism is of-       Denial, Law and Order, Power Grabs
                            ten combined with other host ideologies,         The coronavirus pandemic is an unfolding
                            such as socialism, neoliberalism, or na-         crisis. Systematic analyses still have to be
                            tivism. As such, populist politicians and        developed in order to establish a clear cor-
                            movements can be located across the po-          relation between the type of regime and
                            litical-ideological spectrum, mostly either      the effectiveness of crisis response. Hence,
                            on the extreme left or extreme right.            it is not fully determined to what extent
                                Here, I will focus on radical right popu-    populist leadership has caused particular-
                            lists. Two additional features characterize      ly negative outcomes related to COVID-19.
                            this variety: nativism and authoritarian-        Other factors beyond regime type or lead-
                            ism. Nativism attributes an exclusionary         ership style can also play a significant role,
                            nature to the populist appeal and can            such as pre-existing health infrastructure,
                            be understood as the search for a homo-          wealth, safety nets, demographic density,
                            geneous community, either in cultural,           or even aspects of the civic culture. A study
                            ethnical, linguistic, or religious terms. In     by the Kiel Institute for the World Econo-
                            the nativist view, what is “non-native” is       my, for example, indicates that, in general,
                            perceived as a threat. Authoritarianism          populist and non-populist governments
                            refers to the belief in a strictly ordered so-   have implemented similar containment
                            ciety, which values hierarchy and severe         policy measures. Among populist gov-
                            punishment of violations against social          ernments, not all have responded in the
                            conventions and the law.                         same way. According to an analysis by
Aline Burni                     Effective crisis management entails a        the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change,
is a political scien-       forward-looking assessment of the seri-          12 out of 17 populist governments currently
tist and research-
er at the Research          ousness of the situation, transparent com-       in power have taken the COVID-19 crisis
Program “Inter-             munication, trust building, and unity, as        seriously. As a whole, it appears that three
and Transnational           well as the ability to make difficult policy     main types of responses have character-
Cooperation” at
                            choices and learn with constantly updat-         ized populist regimes during the corona-
the German Devel-
opment Institute            ing information. In this process, relying on     virus outbreak: denial, focussing on law
(DIE).                      scientific evidence is crucial, especially in    and order, and power grabbing.

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The Populists and the Pandemic

   Brazil and the United States typify a       creased the level of repression toward
denial response. Both Trump and Bol-           the population, leading to the arrest of
sonaro played down the lethality of the        protesters, journalists, and human rights
coronavirus and discouraged citizens           activists. The Filipino government ordered
from complying with social distancing          the police to accompany medics and trans-
rules. Moreover, they disrespected health      fer infected patients to isolation facilities,
measures imposed by their own govern-          while citizens have been encouraged to re-
ments, supported popular protests, and         port infected neighbors in hiding. Duterte
lacked the transparency to release official    recently extended the nationwide “state
information. Ironically, despite being in-     of calamity” by a year, claiming it would
fected by COVID-19 themselves, neither         allow the government to draw emergency
Trump nor Bolsonaro changed their ap-          funds faster. As public criticism toward the
proach to it. Both leaders have engaged        government increased, Duterte sharpened
in conflicts with former health ministers      his tone. He censured health workers for
and advisors, encouraged the use of un-        publicly criticizing the administration and
proven substances as cures, and blamed         warned that a revolution would be “more
regional authorities for the economic im-      dangerous than COVID-19.”
pact following the lockdown measures,              India also experienced one of the strict-
which they actively opposed. As a result,      est lockdowns. Prime Minister Naranda
the US and Brazil experienced the longest      Modi took the drastic move of declaring
plateaus of COVID-19.                          a national lockdown for 21 days with only
   Illustrative of the law-and-order re-       four hours’ notice. The lockdown was
sponse are countries like India and the        imposed without warning, planning, or
Philippines. In the latter, President Rodri-   transparency about the deliberations and
go Duterte imposed one of the longest and      scientific advice behind it. Such draconi-
severest lockdowns in the world. This stark    an measures hugely affected internal mi-
response has been coupled with a largely       grant workers, who became trapped. The
punitive and militaristic implementation       lockdown further worsened the problem
of COVID-19 measures. Duterte ordered          of vigilantism and violence against Mus-
quarantine violators to be shot and in-        lims accused of spreading the virus with
                                               religious gatherings. Shutting down the
                                               country also opened the way to sending
                                               activists and journalists to jail.
                                                   Finally, Hungary and Poland are ex-
                                               amples of attempts to grab power. Both

India imposed a
                                               governments have regarded the pandemic
                                               as an opportunity to expand their exec-
                                               utive powers and undermine democratic

draconian lock-                                institutions, although in different ways.
                                               In Hungary, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán
                                               implemented a state of emergency and
down with four                                 passed legislation allowing tighter control
                                               of information as well as the imprisonment

hours’ notice
                                               of journalists publishing allegedly false
                                               or distorted facts about COVID-19. Addi-

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                            tionally, the central government took away     ered the election legitimate, but the elec-
                            financial resources from local administra-     tion observing office of the Organization
                            tions and placed important state compa-        for Security and Cooperation in Europe
                            nies under partial military supervision.       (OSCE) judged the election not fair due to
                                To a lesser extent, in Poland there were   the unequal access of candidates to the
                            also attempts by the ruling Law and Justice    media during the campaign.
                            (PiS) party to expand powers and improve           A distinctive feature of populist regimes
                            its political advantage. Presidential elec-    at this stage of the pandemic is the higher
                            tions had been scheduled to take place on      risk they pose to the quality of democracy,
                            May 10, in the middle of the pandemic.         either by eroding institutions, centraliz-
                            However, it became clear that campaign-        ing executive powers, shrinking the space
                            ing in the normal way would put peoples’       left to opposition, manipulating the me-
                            health and lives at risk. Despite the lock-    dia, or fostering social polarization. An
                            down and the suspension of campaigning         analysis from the V-Dem Institute shows
                                                                           that government responses to COVID-19
                                                                           may accelerate anti-democratic trends.
                                                                           Indeed, from the cases mentioned, most
                                                                           have experienced major violations of dem-
                                                                           ocratic principles and are at high risk of
                                                                           backsliding (Brazil, the US, Hungary, the
                            Most populist-led                              Philippines, and India), while others suf-
                                                                           fered some violations and are under medi-

                            countries are not
                                                                           um risk (Poland and Russia). Hence, most
                                                                           populist-led countries are not among the
                                                                           world’s safer democracies.

                            among the safer                                Pandemic Popularity
                                                                           The pandemic is posing huge challenges
                            democracies                                    to all types of governments around the
                                                                           world. Despite the particular struggle of
                                                                           populist leaders to manage it appropri-
                                                                           ately, COVID-19 does not mean a defeat
                                                                           for them. It is not certain that populists
                                                                           in power will lose their support, and in
                                                                           many of those countries, public opinion
                            by candidates, PiS leaders initially refused   data shows that the population has most-
                            to support the state of emergency and          ly supported their governments’ actions
                            the postponing of the vote, before it was      against the spread of the coronavirus, at
                            eventually delayed until June 28. Then,        least during the first wave of infections.
                            the government adopted a rapid change          In fact, in some cases, their approval
                            of the electoral voting system, replacing      ratings have even increased during the
                            in-person voting with a postal ballot. In      pandemic, as happened with President
                            the second round of voting on July 12, An-     Bolsonaro in Brazil, President Recep
                            drzej Duda was re-elected with a narrow        Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey and Prime
                            margin. The Polish Supreme Court consid-       Minister Modi in India. There are at least

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The Populists and the Pandemic

The Indian lockdown worsened the problem of vigilantism and violence against Muslims, who were accused of spreading the virus
with religious gatherings. The government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi also used it as an opportunity to silence critics

three reasons why the phenomenon of                     This means that support for populist
populism itself is unlikely to end with              parties cannot be simply explained as a
the coronavirus.                                     protest vote, but rather is a result of ad-
   First, the rise of populism has structur-         hesion to specific ideas and programs.
al and long-term drivers. Several academic           Economic insecurity and injustices
studies demonstrate that economic and/or             caused by globalization, which gener-
cultural factors explain the populist surge,         ates “winners” and “losers,” and per-
occasionally in combination. Among the               ceptions of relative deprivation (not
causes, there is a longstanding transfor-            only in terms of income and economic
mation of the main dimensions of politi-             status but also socially and politically)
cal conflict, which increasingly focuses on          play a major role. Furthermore, popu-
cultural cleavages and allows emphasis on            lism is intrinsically linked to the per-
identity politics. In many countries, social         ception that democratic regimes have
divisions and polarization have deepened.            failed and that political elites are un-
Support for right-wing populists often               trustworthy. For years, there has been
reflects a cultural backlash against the             declining trust in political elites and
growth of post-materialist and liberal               public institutions, even in consolidat-
values among younger generations.                    ed democracies.

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                                Second, some of the drivers of populism    hold the president responsible for the hun-
                            are likely to be aggravated by the pandem-     dreds of thousands of deaths caused by
                            ic. Most nations will fall into economic re-   COVID-19.
                            cession. The downturn is projected to be           In general, social media has given pop-
                            significantly deeper than the latest global    ulists the freedom to articulate and spread
                            financial crisis. Economic growth will con-    their ideology. Studies have shown that
                            tract in every world region. Unemployment      the emergence of fake news is among the
                            will drastically rise in most countries, and   explanatory factors for the growing suc-
                            inequality is expected to increase.            cess of populists. As expected, COVID-19
                                The economic shock will reverse many       has been linked to the emergence of a
                            years of progress in the direction of glob-    series of new conspiracy theories and, in
                            al development goals and tens of millions      many cases, these are directly related to
                            of people will return to extreme poverty.      populist movements and leaders around
                            This means that socio-economic grievanc-       the world.
                            es will persist or be aggravated in a post-        Populist regimes have not all responded
                            COVID-19 world. Vulnerable populations         in the same way to the COVID-19 pandemic
                            and constituencies that feel unrepresented     and they will possibly suffer different im-
                            by the major parties are likely to perceive    pacts in the course of the outbreak. The
                            they have been left behind. As political       populist surge around the globe of recent
                            dissatisfaction increases, chances are         years cannot be explained by one single
                            that those “left behind” will opt for rad-     cause. Context-specific aspects must be
                            ical changes and support (supposedly)          taken into account. In fact, the rise of popu-
                            anti-establishment politicians.                lism is often explained by a convergence of
                                                                           factors, including socio-economic transfor-
                            An Opportunity to Amplify                      mations, the strategies and organizational
                            Third, populists have made instrumental        abilities of leaders and movements, as well
                            use of the pandemic to centralize powers       as changing political preferences and at-
                            and try to mobilize by formenting discon-      titudes of individuals, mainly toward de-
                            tent and insecurity, denouncing the crisis     mocracy and traditional political elites.
                            as the failure of globalization, “open bor-        One of the reasons why populism can-
                            ders,” international organizations, and        not be considered overcome at this point
                            liberalism. The coronavirus pandemic           is that most populists in power have taken
                            offers them an opportunity to amplify the      the opportunity to accelerate authoritarian
                            use of communication and mobilization          measures. Still, this is not the only rea-
                            strategies that have proven beneficial to      son for their expected resilience. The root
                            the diffusion of their ideas. This includes    causes of populism remain in place and
                            the dissemination of fake news, conspir-       are likely to be aggravated in the aftermath
                            acy theories, and fact-free “information.”     of the pandemic. The crisis of liberal de-
                               For example, Bolsonaro has appeared         mocracy, social and economic grievances,
                            in weekly livestreaming videos on social       as well as the political use of mechanisms
                            media as a direct communication chan-          of radicalization and the spread of false
                            nel with his followers. His message has, at    information are factors that allowed pop-
                            least in part, proven effective in framing     ulism to flourish in the first place. They
                            the coronavirus pandemic. A significant        need to be addressed if populism is to be
                            number of Brazilians (47 percent) do not       contained in the years to come. 

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