The Effect of Combination of Turmeric and Black Pepper Extracts in Osteoarthritis of the Knee - Open Journal Systems

Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, July-September 2021, Vol. 15, No. 3   4507

     The Effect of Combination of Turmeric and Black Pepper
              Extracts in Osteoarthritis of the Knee

                           Zahraa Matheel Nasir1, Haidar M. Jawad1, Sami S. Salman2
              1MSc   Student, Prof., Pharmacologist, College of Medicine, University of Baghdad/Iraq,
                        Prof., Rheumatologist, College of Medicine, University of Baghdad/Iraq

    The management of osteoarthritis (OA) remains a challenge. Curcumin is basically a spice that is known
    for its anti-inflammatory properties. In vitro studies suggest that curcumin could be beneficial for cartilage
    in OA. Piperine, derived from black pepper, is added to Curcumin to increase its bioavailability. The aim
    of this randomized, double blind trial was to evaluate the effects of combination curcumin plus piperine in
    knee OA patients.

    A total of 43patients were randomly assigned to receive the fixed dose combination (curcumin 500 mg plus
    piperine 5 mg) or placebo twice daily for three months and was evaluated using a Western Ontario MacMaster
    (WOMAC) score. Results revealed the serum levels of High Sensitivity C - reactive protein (HS-CRP)and
    Human Cross Linked C-Telopeptide of Type II Collagen (CTX-II) were changedafter 3 months of treatment.
    In conclusions: The treatment with curcumin was globally well tolerated. It significantly decreased the
    WOMAC score and NSAIDS uses. Serum level of CTXII significantly reduced (p
4508   Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, July-September 2021, Vol. 15, No. 3

     In an arthritis animal model study, piperine                             Curcuma longa andBlack pepper powder purchased
inhibits the IL-6, MMP-13, activator protein 1 (AP-1)                     from local market in Baghdad, Iraq and identified by the
and reduces PGE2 in a dose-dependent manner, and                          National Iraqi Institute for Herbs and was extracted by
significantly reduced nociceptive and arthritic symptoms                  Soxhelt apparatus with 70 % ethanol,in Baghdad College
in piperine-treated rats.(9).Comblain et al 2015 found that               laboratory of pharmacy,according tothe reference
curcuminoids decreased the gene expressions of MMP-                       method.(12,13).Then tested by Gas chromatography–mass
3, COX-2, PGE-2, and IL-6(10).Ultimately, curcumin’s                      spectrometry (GC-MS).
cartilage-protective and anti-inflammatory activity may
                                                                              Patients were interviewed to assess the symptoms of
be derived from its activity on the NF-3B system that
                                                                          OA and the total WOMAC index score was calculated
mediates the inflammatory cellular response. It phosph/
                                                                          at baseline and after 1, 2, and 3 months. Furthermore,
orylates IKB and, through ubiquitination, causes it to
                                                                          the use of NSAIDS (Etoricoxib 60 mg), number and
degrade. The liberated NF-βB complex then reaches
                                                                          duration was reported. HS-CRP level and CTXII level in
the nucleus and transfers to inflammation-responsible
                                                                          serum and body mass index were calculated at baseline
                                                                          and after 3 months.
                  Patients and Methods
                                                                               Statistical analysis of data was performed using SAS
     A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled                       (Statistical Analysis System - version 9.1). Independent
study in two treatment groups: curcumin extract and                       and dependent t test was used to assess significant
placebo. Patients were recruited from the outpatient                      differences between means. P
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, July-September 2021, Vol. 15, No. 3   4509

  Cont... Table 1: Demographic and baseline clinical characteristics of patients in the two treatment groups

         Body mass index (Kg/m2)                        29.15±4.78                        29.83±5.08                     0.65NS

          CTXII serum level ng/ml                       1.81±0.66                         2.06±0.67                      0.22 NS
 High sensitive-C-Reactive protein (mg/ml)
                                                        7.12±3.44                         8.77±2.20                      0.06NS
                serum level

     The primary symptom outcome measure represented               in the placebo group improved, albeit less dramatically,
by the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities                   and the differences between the group averages showed
(WOMAC) score index of severity for OA of the knee in              a non significant differences of WOMAC scores at
the patients treated over 1, 2 and 3 months are depicted           baseline and after 1 month follow up between both study
in table (2 ). There was a progressive and significant             groups. Ahighly significant improvement in WOMAC
improvement in the primary symptom outcome measure                 score in form of reduction of pain, decrease stiffness and
in the patients receiving curcumin who were assessed               increase functional capacitywas found after 2 ,3 month
for 1, 2, and 3 months. However, symptoms of patients              follow up between both groups and within group B than
                                                                   that with group A (p
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the palliative impact of avoiding cognitive impairment, energy loss / exhaustion, mood changes and anxiety.(18)

                                   Table 3 : (NSAID) uses at baseline and after treatment

            NSAID                               Placebo                             Curcumin                    P-value

        After 1 month                          19.95±7.20                           18.43±2.06                  0.37 NS

           2 months                            16.90±4.05                            6.65±2.87
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, July-September 2021, Vol. 15, No. 3    4511

did not show any deterioration, the percentage change           MMP-9.Combination treatment with curcumin and
in curcumin group with dose (160 mg/day) showed less            piperineleads to important protective value on articular
dispersion or in other words more consistent results.           cartilage. Incurrent study curcumin treatment for patient
While in current study use combination of curcumin              with OA, was correlated with a highly significantly
extract 1000 mg plus 10 mg piperine. Fengyan Gong et            decline in body mass index BMI by 1.77%, while
al (23), showed that administration of piperine improved        significant increase in placebo group as shown in Table
the morphological structure of tendon, increased                6.This study may point toward that curcuminoids plus
glycosaminoglycans and hydroxyproline levels, and               piperine has a role in weight reduction and, hence, lower
inhibited the expression and activities of MMP-2 and            risk of OA.

                                 Table 6 : Effect of BMI before and after 3 months

             BMI                       Placebo A                         Curcumin B                             P-value

           Baseline                    29.15±4.87                         29.83±5.08                            0.65 NS

        After 3 months                 29.75±4.97                         29.30±5.00                            0.76 NS

        Rate of change                   1.09%                              -1.77%

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