THE DEAL FOR DEZIWA August 2020 - CNMC, Gécamines and the future of DRC's copper trade - Global Witness
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THE DEAL FOR DEZIWA CNMC, Gécamines and the future of DRC’s copper trade August 2020 Michael Fuller / Getty Images
CONTENTS Deziwa in January 2020. 2 CNMC, a broadly diversified Chinese State-Owned Enterprise Is CNMC the next big player in DRC’s Mining (SOE), now appears to be setting itself up to sector? ................................................................ 1 become a major player in DRC’s copper and cobalt business, with Deziwa the centre piece in a Chinese expansion into DRC’s mining sector ... 3 growing network of mines and offtake deals CNMC’s entry into DRC ...................................... 4 across the country. Siu Kam’s influential brother ............................. 4 CNMC’s two billion dollar deal with DRC, which reportedly covers five different sites including CNMC’s mega deal ............................................. 6 Deziwa, remains shrouded in secrecy. Barely any The Deziwa contract: an innovative deal? ......... 7 documents relating to the deal have been made public; only one contract for CNMC’s Deziwa deal Reasonable Profit? ........................................ 8 has been published, and it does not tell the whole Signature Bonus ............................................ 8 story of even that specific project. The key details, including costs and potential profit from Handover ....................................................... 9 the Deziwa deal, are left to subsequent contracts Under Wraps .................................................. 9 that remain unpublished. Even then, the figures that are in the contract could be misunderstood. Conclusion .......................................................... 9 For example, the contract indicates that Annex 1: Detailed analysis of contract ............ 10 Gécamines will receive a $55 million dollar signature bonus for Deziwa, but the deal it signed The Key Terms: ............................................ 10 means it is effectively only getting half of that. The Loan ...................................................... 12 Even less has been published on the other projects in the two billion dollar mega deal. Annex 2: Extent of CNMC’s mining business in the region ......................................................... 12 CNMC had been active in DRC in the years before signing its accord with Gécamines. A pivotal DRC CNMC’s mining licences in DRC ................... 13 fixer in that period appears to have been Siu Kam Building Work - 15MCC .................................... 13 NG, a little-known mineral trader and CNMC’s Third Partner: Chebib Mouckachar14 businessman who has bragged in Chinese media about bribing DRC officials to ease CNMC’s path Annex 3: A History of Deziwa........................... 14 into DRC’s mining sector. Siu Kam Ng is currently a major shareholder in several of CNMC’s DRC Endnotes .......................................................... 16 businesses. His brother and occasional business partner, Siu Hong, is an influential member of the Chinese diaspora in Africa, with links to senior IS CNMC THE NEXT BIG PLAYER IN political figures in China and across the African DRC’S MINING SECTOR? continent. In 2015, China Nonferrous Metal Mining Group The contract for Deziwa estimates the project (CNMC) signed a deal reportedly worth two billion should cost $800m to set up, all of which will be dollars with Gécamines, the Democratic Republic funded by a loan from CNMC. This is equivalent to of Congo’s (DRC) state-owned mining company. 10 percent of DRC’s overall foreign borrowing. This deal included access to Gécamines’ flagship This is particularly important as the IMF has site, the Deziwa mine. 1 The resulting joint venture recently evaluated DRC for possible debt relief, company officially launched production at taking into account its levels of indebtedness. GLOBAL WITNESS AUGUST 2020 The Deal for Deziwa 1
However, it appears that this significant debt may The shift in ownership, away from predominantly not have been included in the IMF’s figure for DRC western companies, does not seem to have led to debt, which could possibly have skewed the a radical change in how business is done in DRC. results of its evaluation of the health of DRC’s Global Witness’ investigation into CNMC’s deal for finances. 3 Deziwa has found that corporate and contractual secrecy, colourful middlemen and questionable Deziwa has already been the subject of deals by the Congolese state are still the order of controversy due to debts run up to acquire it. the day. After an unsuccessful attempt at a joint venture project, with a different partner, to bring Deziwa Aside from the Deziwa project, CNMC has built a online drew to a contested close, Gécamines huge copper smelter and acquired rights to reacquired full control of Deziwa by buying out its several mining licences covering parts of DRC’s partner using a 2012 loan of almost $200m from a rich seam of copper and cobalt. These metals are company belonging to the controversial mining strategically important to China as it seeks to magnate Dan Gertler. 4 develop its high tech manufacturing industries. They are also a key component in many of the The collateral for this loan included Gécamines’ renewable technologies that can help tackle the rights to receive payments, known as ‘royalties’, climate crisis, and could be central to a from a different mining project called KCC. 5 KCC sustainable and more equitable future. is a huge copper and cobalt mine owned and operated by the Swiss commodities giant When Global Witness contacted Gécamines and Glencore; royalties from the project are CNMC for their response to our research, neither potentially worth several tens of millions of party was willing to talk. DRC’s mineral reserves dollars per year. 6 Gécamines reportedly defaulted should place it at the centre of the renewable on its loan, and in January of 2015, in an energy revolution and could be a significant undisclosed arrangement, ceded its rights to source of revenues for the country. Yet as this those payments to one of Gertler’s offshore report shows, very little is known about how companies. 7 Gécamines appears to have paid a these minerals are being sold off and what the steep price for its deal to resume control of Congolese people stand to gain in reality. Deziwa, making it even more important that the Global Witness wrote to all the parties mentioned state-owned company brokers a good deal for in this report, in order to put to them the factual the site in its agreement with CNMC. points and allegations concerning their activities CNMC is far from the only Chinese mining and give them the opportunity to comment on company in DRC. The past decade has seen the findings. Most did not respond at all; where billions of dollars of Chinese investment pour into we received responses we have included them. DRC mining. By 2017 over a quarter of all payments by mining companies to the DRC government came from companies owned by Chinese investors. 8 DRC’s mining sector has long been affected by corruption, opacity and mismanagement, and there are ongoing high- profile corruption investigations underway in the UK, Switzerland and US linked to past mining deals in the country. 9 This does not seem to have put off Chinese investors. GLOBAL WITNESS AUGUST 2020 The Deal for Deziwa 2
Chinese expansion into DRC’s mining by for many prospective investors. But Chinese sector companies backed by the state were willing to CNMC’s arrival in DRC was part of a broader commit, especially when it came to mining for expansion of Chinese foreign investment across metals that were considered strategically the globe since 1999, under the country’s ‘Going important to China’s manufacturing industry. 18 19 Out’ policy. Chinese companies have risen to the 20 As in many nations, Chinese SOE’s play a key level of global competitors in the international role in pursuing the country’s commercial and market for commodities and now control a political objectives at home and abroad. 21 The proportion of the world’s natural resource assets that is comparable to their western counterparts. 10 The pace and scope of investments has slowed in recent years and the ‘Going Out’ strategy has shifted from natural resources to focus more on high technology and consumption-oriented sectors. 11 12 However, places rich in the kind of metals that are central to China’s domestic tech ambitions and its role as a manufacturer for global goods continue to be a key focus for investments. 13 One such place is DRC’s Copperbelt in the south of the country, which produced 64 percent of the global cobalt supply in 2018 and is home to half of the world’s The sun sets on one of the open pit copper mines in the Zambia - estimated cobalt reserves. 14 15 DRC Copperbelt, where the Deziwa mine is located. Paul Almasy /Getty Images Around 2002, DRC began pursuing a policy of opening the country up to foreign investment in trend – of Chinese capital funding acquisitions of the mining sector, under pressure from the World mining assets when other buyers were Bank and IMF. The first wave of companies to unavailable – was further magnified by a arrive in the country were, for the most part, downturn in the price of metals from 2011 to based in the US, Switzerland, UK and Australia. 2015. 22 Moreover, in that same period, there was However, it was not long before Chinese increased scrutiny of corrupt practices by large companies were on the scene. The first mega deal western mining firms in DRC, including a huge came in 2007 in the form of a $9 billion mines-for- fine handed out to Och-Ziff Capital Management infrastructure collaboration known as Sicomines for alleged bribery and the imposition of US (it was later scaled down to $6 billion). 16 sanctions on mining magnate Dan Gertler citing Since then, Chinese firms have become “opaque and corrupt mining and oil deals”. This increasingly important in the Congolese mining made DRC a more risky and complicated sector. While Swiss commodities giant Glencore proposition for investors in Europe and the US. 23 is still a huge copper and cobalt producer in DRC, In total, Chinese mining enterprises invested at Chinese owned companies market share has least US$10.5 billion in DRC’s formal copper grown dramatically. Today the largest copper mining sector between 2005 and 2018, with the mine and two of the top five cobalt mines in the majority of these investments coming after 2012. country are run by Chinese owned companies. 17 The result is that today, in a sector once almost In the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis, completely dominated by European and cash for risky mining projects was hard to come American firms, a mix of Chinese state-owned GLOBAL WITNESS AUGUST 2020 The Deal for Deziwa 3
enterprises (SOEs) and private companies are Zambian subsidiaries and Siu Kam Ng, as part of now responsible for a large proportion of copper the deal to get access to the mining operations and cobalt production in DRC. 24 held by Siu Kam Ng’s company. CNMC’S ENTRY INTO DRC Siu Kam Ng’s partnership with CNMC is apparently very lucrative. Two of CNMC’s projects CNMC’s arrival into DRC was an important part of in which he has shares – Huachin Leach and the growth of Chinese SOEs in the country. In CNMC Huachin Mabende – produced almost $300 order to access DRC’s mining riches, CNMC million worth of copper cathode in 2018, needed the help of people who had connections accounting for just over half of CNMCL’s in the country. In 2010, several years before Congolese and Zambian production. 30 CNMC managed to land its mega deal with Gécamines, it signed several deals with Siu Kam CNMCL’s annual report also states that Siu Kam Ng. 25 This partnership resulted in a processing Ng is the majority shareholder of Mabende plant being established in DRC, largely using Mining, a DRC company from which CNMC CNMC’s money, but under the guidance of Siu purchased $14 million worth of copper ore in Kam Ng and his business partners. 2018 and over $60 million dollars’ worth of ore in the past five years. 31 32 33 Siu Kam Ng has been active in the DRC mining trade for over a decade. Yet he remains an obscure figure, rarely giving interviews or making SIU KAM’S INFLUENTIAL public appearances. Originally from Fujian BROTHER Province in China, Siu Kam Ng reportedly moved Siu Kam Ng is not the only member of his family from Hong Kong to South Africa in the late to have a stake in DRC copper mining. Siu Kam nineties before moving onto Zambia and then Ng’s brother, Siu Hong NG (also known as Wu DRC in pursuit of minerals, where he has enjoyed Shaokang), is also involved. Together the considerable success. brothers own Huachin Minerals SA, registered in South Africa. 34 CNMC signed a deal with Siu Kam Ng in 2010, which gave it access to contractual rights held by Siu Hong is a wealthy businessperson and an his company, Huachin Mining Sprl. 26 In a influential member of the Chinese diaspora in the foreshadowing of subsequent deals struck with region. 35 36 He is the sole director of a South Gécamines, Siu Kam Ng provided mining rights African company called FLT Holdings. 37 On its and a supply of ores in return for CNMC investing website, FLT describes itself as one of the earliest to build facilities and supplying the technical privately-owned Chinese companies to have knowhow to operate them. invested in Africa. 38 It claims that it has been operational in DRC since 2004, working under the The majority of CNMC’s operations in DRC and trading name of Huachin Minerals, where it is in Zambia (with the notable exception of Deziwa), joint ventures with CNMC in Likasi and are held by its publicly listed Hong Kong Mabende. 39 subsidiary, China Nonferrous Mining Corporation Limited (CNMCL). 27 According to CNMCL’s annual Siu Hong is also the honorary president of the reports, Siu Kam Ng owns shares in three of ‘The All-Africa China Peaceful Reunification CNMCL’s six DRC subsidiaries. 28 Siu Kam NG Promotion Association’, a local chapter of the indirectly holds 32.5 percent of Huachin Leach ‘Council for the Promotion of the Peaceful Metal SA and 35 percent of CNMC Huachin Reunification of China’. (CPPRC). 40 The CPPRC Mabende. 29 These two companies were originally has chapters in dozens of countries across the formed as joint ventures between one of CNMC’s globe, which work to “support China's peaceful GLOBAL WITNESS AUGUST 2020 The Deal for Deziwa 4
reunification” as well as foster cooperation Indeed, this seems to be what Siu Kam Ng saw as between China and foreign countries. 41 Siu Hong the basis for his partnership with CNMC. He spoke is involved in not just a South African chapter of cryptically at times in the interview, but implied the organisation, but the overarching branch for that CNMC provided financing which he then the African continent. He has a lengthy biography used to pay off DRC officials, while he and his on the CPPRC’s website, where he is praised for associates actually made the payments: his commitment to furthering China’s image and “CNMC could operate here without me, but they aims abroad. would have accomplished none of this without Siu Kam Ng has described his partnership with me…because they are in charge of (the factory) CNMC as critical to the company’s success in DRC, and we coordinate the external affairs. Whenever claiming that it had tried and failed three times to money is involved, they are responsible for enter the country before teaming up with him. 42 paying it. Take a look at the past few years since In an extraordinary interview with Chinese media CNMC came to invest here. Who has come to in 2016, Siu Kam Ng claimed that his trouble them? But they have to pay for it.” understanding of how best to bribe Congolese In June 2012, when CNMC Group floated CNMCL officials had been one of the factors underpinning on the Hong Kong stock exchange, the company CNMC’s success in DRC. 43 While CNMC and Siu published several contracts for deals it has struck Kam Ng are partners in several DRC mining with Siu Kam Ng. These contracts go some way to operations, he does not appear to be directly confirming his characterisation of his general role involved in the Deziwa deal. There is no evidence in the partnership. CNMC have instructed or encouraged him in any way to pay illegal bribes on their behalf. One of the contracts sets out the terms for a joint- venture between Siu Kam Ng and CNMC. The The interview, published by the outlet Netease partnership aims to exploit mining operations News, covers the colourful history of Siu Kam that Siu Kam Ng’s company has secured. 44 The Ng’s entry into mining in sub-Saharan Africa. It contract states that CNMC will fund the majority quotes Siu Kam Ng saying that he would take of the operation and Siu Kam Ng will be Congolese officials out for dinner but that they responsible for ensuring that the operations of would usually tell him “why not just give me the the newly formed joint-venture company “will money”. Siu Kam Ng elaborates in his interview: not be terminated or cancelled by authority of “I’m now used to doing this and think it’s simpler DRC”. 45 If he fails in this, the contract will be than in China. It’s quite straightforward [in DRC]. terminated and Siu Kam Ng will be made to Make it clear how much money he wants, and refund all investments made by CNMC. then just give it to him in a formal way.” Another contract sets out a deal in which Siu Kam Siu Kam Ng told the Netease journalist that Ng and CNMC will create a joint-venture to build a managers of Chinese state-owned companies copper processing plant. 46 47 Under the terms of faced difficulties paying “tips” to Congolese the contract, CNMC will again provide almost all officials, because they must report even low level of the finance and the technical skills while Siu payments to Beijing. He then indicated that his Kam Ng will prepare the environmental impact value to CNMC was that he did not need to report assessments, secure tax exemptions and deal such “tips”, saying: “Could state-owned with other administrative and regulatory companies make it [in DRC] in such a context? As documents. Once again, CNMC provides the cash the private owner of a company, I can make it.” and Siu Kam Ng deals with the officials and paperwork. GLOBAL WITNESS AUGUST 2020 The Deal for Deziwa 5
Even though these contracts pre-date the Deziwa deal, and it does not seem the Siu Kam Ng is involved in CNMC’s Deziwa project, he still remains a significant partner of the company in DRC. Siu Kam Ng’s comments about his style of doing business should be a cause for concern for CNMC. CNMC’s partnership with Siu Kam Ng raises serious questions about the kind of practices the company is willing to accept from its partners, as well as how it has been able to secure and maintain its licences in DRC. Global Witness contacted CNMC about its relationship with Siu Kam Ng, asking if he acted as a fixer for the company or bribed DRC officials on their behalf, but they did not respond to our questions. Global Witness contacted Siu Kam Ng asking if he used corrupt connections to DRC officials to obtains mining rights, if he acted as a fixer for CNMC or paid bribes on their behalf, but he did not respond to our questions. CNMC’S MEGA DEAL Alongside the Deziwa mine, CNMC has opened a huge copper smelter in Lualaba. This project, aims to produce 120,000 tonnes Deziwa is not a standalone deal; it sits inside a of blister copper annually. Anders Pettersson/Getty Images much broader understanding between Gécamines and CNMC. In the middle of 2015, several years after CNMC had established a Given the history of chronic corruption and foothold in DRC, the company struck a ‘strategic mismanagement at Gécamines, the opacity cooperation agreement’ with Gécamines, around its deals with CNMC is a cause for covering five mining projects. The deal was concern. The DRC government has not published enormous, potentially worth over two billion any of the contracts between Gécamines and dollars, and constitutes a significant piece of CNMC, despite a legal obligation to do so. 50 The bilateral cooperation between China and DRC. 48 A Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative deal on this scale has important implications for (EITI) has released some of these contracts, DRC’s mining sector, and therefore its economy however they lack the key details required to fully more broadly. However, the terms of this accord understand the deals. It is worth noting that the remain closely guarded secrets, despite DRC mining law requires contracts to be stipulations in DRC’s mining law that mining published on the website of the Ministry of Mines, contracts be published within 60 days of being publication by third parties such as EiTi, does not signed. 49 Global Witness asked Gécamines and constitute compliance by the government. CNMC to provide details of the accord but they The Congolese government has not officially did not respond to our request. confirmed which five projects make up the cooperation agreement, let alone the terms agreed with CNMC. Gécamines representatives have justified this opacity by saying that the deal is an ‘accord’ rather than a contract, and GLOBAL WITNESS AUGUST 2020 The Deal for Deziwa 6
therefore not covered by the transparency THE DEZIWA CONTRACT: AN legislation in DRC’s mining law. 51 However, this INNOVATIVE DEAL? seems to be a purposefully narrow interpretation of a law designed to shed light on mining deals. Gécamines framed the deal it struck with CNMC as an innovative new way to exploit its assets. 58 Despite this lack of official clarity over the five The contract is certainly structured quite projects, some details have emerged. Most differently to most other mining contracts in DRC, notably, the jewel in the crown of the strategic but the complexity of the deal, coupled with a accord is the Deziwa mine site in Kolwezi. Deziwa lack of transparency from Gécamines, make it is one of the largest greenfield copper discoveries difficult for observers and citizens to understand ever made in DRC and has been described by its ramifications for DRC. Gécamines in the past as its ‘flagship’ project. 52 53 It was hoped that the site could power a In return for rights to extract and sell a portion of turnaround in the company’s ailing fortunes by the copper at the Deziwa mine, CNMC committed becoming a source of substantial revenues. 54 to build and run the mine and to construct a However, the story of Deziwa’s development has refinery on the site, which it will eventually hand not been smooth, and it has involved several over to Gécamines. This will be funded by a loan decisions by Gécamines (See Annex 3) that cast from CNMC that will be paid back from the mine’s doubt on its ability to use this flagship to sail out profits. of troubled water. This type of deal structure is known as ‘Build Own The mine sites and projects covered by the Operate Transfer’ (BOOT) financing. It is more accord could give a good indication as to CNMC’s commonly found in public-private-partnerships plans for DRC and as such, possibly the future to build large infrastructure, such as toll shape of the DRC mining copper mining as a highways or railways, which, once handed back whole. Media reports from 2016 that discussed to a government, can act as long-term, relatively Deziwa named a smaller refinery at Kambove as fixed income streams. It is less common for so- another of the projects connected to the called ‘consumable’ assets that have a limited accord. 55 The EITI later published documents lifespan, such as a copper mine. 59 Global Witness linked to both Deziwa and Kambove, as well as a asked Gécamines why they had opted for a BOOT contract from November 2015 in which CNMC is model but they did not respond. granted the right to process mineral tailings at a The only document available in public records site known as Panda; this therefore appears to be relating to the US$880 million deal for Deziwa is a a third project linked to the accord. 56 In 2016 joint-venture convention between CNMC and CNMC began building a large copper processing Gécamines, and even this was only published plant in Lualaba in partnership with another online by independent transparency initiative Chinese SOE, the Yunnan Copper Group, 57 which EITI, rather than by the Congolese government or is perhaps the fourth project. The fifth remains Gécamines. unconfirmed. Global Witness contacted both Gécamines and CNMC asking them to confirm the The convention lays out the rules for establishing five projects that make up the accord, but they the joint-venture company, called Somidez, that did not respond. will build and run Deziwa, and sets out the basic relationship between CNMC and Gécamines during the project. However, much of the detail is left to subsequent, underlying contracts that are mentioned in the convention but have not been published. GLOBAL WITNESS AUGUST 2020 The Deal for Deziwa 7
Under the agreement, CNMC will loan the money needed to develop the mine and refinery to Signature Bonus Somidez, the joint venture company. CNMC will Global Witness’s analysis has raised concerns then manage Somidez and the site, using over the true value of the $55 million signature revenues from Deziwa’s mineral sales to bonus paid to Gécamines for Deziwa. 60 The reimburse the loan, including interest. convention states that the signature bonus will Reasonable Profit? be paid by the joint-venture company Somidez for the rights granted to CNMC. 61 In mining, Once the debt is paid in full, the mine and refinery signature bonuses are usually an agreed payment should be transferred entirely to Gécamines. directly from a contracting company (in this case Before handing over the project to Gécamines, CNMC) to the owner of the mining licence however, CNMC is also entitled to make a (Gécamines) upon the signature of an agreement ‘reasonable profit’. No details have been for the contractor to exploit the licence. published on what constitutes a ‘reasonable’ profit, and in the absence of such information, it The agreement provides that the signature bonus is extremely difficult to assess the fairness of this payment will come from the loan that CNMC has deal for DRC. made to Somidez. 62 As Gécamines owns 49% percent of Somidez, it is responsible for paying The reasonable profit is clearly a crucial aspect of back 49% of Somidez’s loans – presumably the contract, as it is the trigger for the transfer of including the money used to pay the signature CNMC’s shares in Somidez to Gécamines. Without bonus. a more detailed explanation of what constitutes ‘reasonable profit’, the term is meaningless. In practice, then, the so-called ‘signature bonus’ Although it is a key concept in the convention, it for Gécamines is not $55m, but rather 51% of is not defined, so it remains unclear. Instead, the $55m – approximately $28m. The balance – contract states that ‘reasonable profit’ will be around $27m – is effectively a form of loan to determined by a feasibility study, which itself will Gécamines. This is further impacted by the fact contain a financial model for the initial phase of that interest will be owed to CNMC on the initial the project. The feasibility study, and therefore loan, which could further reduce the net amount the financial model, has not been published. received by Gécamines. These key documents remain secret. Furthermore, by adding $55m to the overall loan, According to the convention, the feasibility study the repayment period is necessarily extended, was due to be led by an expert unilaterally delaying the point at which Gécamines can take selected and arranged by CNMC. The initial full control of Somidez, and the point at which it feasibility study was done prior to the signing of can maximise profits from the operations at the convention. Under the convention Gécamines Deziwa. Or, put another way, the increase in the accepted that it would have no say in the process value of the loan (as a consequence of the or the selection of the expert. The convention signature bonus being part of it) is likely to states that once the partners have signed the reduce Somidez’s eventual profits distributable covering agreement for Deziwa, a financial expert to its shareholders. will be appointed to review the feasibility study, At a minimum, how the signature bonus seems to calculate the loan repayment period, and be structured has provided a sizeable headline propose a final figure for the ‘reasonable profit’, figure of $55m, when in reality Gécamines will net on which both sides will then sign off. around half – or even less – of that sum. For the people of DRC to understand the value of the GLOBAL WITNESS AUGUST 2020 The Deal for Deziwa 8
deal, the actual amount should be clear and Gécamines’ ‘flagship’ while leaving the state unambiguous. That is far from the case in this company with comparatively little to show for it, agreement. Global Witness asked CNMC and all while the joint-venture company Somidez is Gécamines about the structure of the signature spending money borrowed against the value of bonus and the implications of the deal for DRC, DRC’s sovereign mineral wealth. Global Witness but they did not respond. asked Gécamines and CNMC to clarify the full value of the loan for Deziwa, its repayment Handover period, what was meant by reasonable profit and Finally, one of the central conditions of the deal is the expected net value of the signature bonus for that when CNMC returns the site to Gécamines it Gécamines and to respond to the concerns over must still contain commercial viable volumes of the value and fairness of the deal for Gécamines copper. 63 However, the convention does also and DRC, but they did not reply. leave open the option for a second phase of the A clear step towards avoiding the risk of agreement after the initial loan has been repaid. 64 mismanagement of this crucial asset would be to This would mean that CNMC could continue to make the full terms of the deal public, including run Somidez and expand production capacity, in all the additional contracts and underlying return for lending Gécamines more money agreements, so that the Congolese people know against the volume of copper left in Deziwa. In what they are getting in return for their copper effect, Gécamines may opt to never regain and cobalt. control of Deziwa. Gécamines’ track record – it has frequently chosen to accept money now CONCLUSION rather than invest in long-term productive assets – makes this a very real possibility. In this DRC’s finances are largely dependent on mining instance, if Gécamines chooses not to take full revenues, and specifically earnings from its control of Deziwa, it may miss out on the full copper and cobalt assets. Sales of those two potential of the site. minerals alone constituted around 70 percent of its export earnings in 2017. 65 To have a major Annex 1 contains a detailed analysis of other stake in DRC’s mining sector is to have a aspects of the Deziwa convention between CNMC significant role in DRC’s economy as a whole. and Gécamines. The management of mining revenues by the DRC Under Wraps government and Gécamines will go a long way to Gécamines officials promote the deal for Deziwa determining whether the people of DRC benefit as a new business model that will allow the as they should from this mineral wealth. This company to resurrect its fortunes. Yet, despite report is, therefore, as much about the system in the deal being heralded as a positive win-win, the which CNMC operates – DRC’s notoriously corrupt majority of the key aspects of the agreement mining sector – as it is about CNMC itself. remain under wraps and cannot be assessed. CNMC’s importance in DRC is only set to rise, as The opacity around the total size of the loan, its the Deziwa mine moves into production and its repayment period, the value of CNMC’s Lualaba smelter comes online. CNMC is a state- ‘reasonable profit’ and the ambiguous nature of owned company, and one of the first to take part the signature bonus casts serious doubt over the in China’s ‘Going Out’ strategy: it could be fairness of this contract for Gécamines and for considered a standard-bearer for Chinese DRC. There is a risk that the deal might allow companies abroad. CNMC to extract a vast amount of profit from GLOBAL WITNESS AUGUST 2020 The Deal for Deziwa 9
In the past a few years, the Chinese government The metal CNMC extracts from DRC will find its has introduced regulations and guidance for way into many of the devices that dominate the Chinese companies working abroad, 66 requiring everyday lives of people around the world. It is them to comply with the laws and regulations in the responsibility of both the DRC government host countries and resist bribery, 67 as well as and CNMC that these minerals are mined and calling on all parties in the Belt and Road sold in a fair and equitable manner, so that the Initiative (BRI) to develop a transparent people of DRC benefit from their country’s framework of rules and governance for BRI. mineral wealth. Equally, the industries which buy the minerals, have a duty to ensure their supply CNMC should ensure all of its investments in DRC chains are transparent and free from comply with the Congolese mineral law and urge exploitation. its local partner Gécamines to publish all of the contracts it has signed with CNMC. The company CNMC’s partnership with Gécamines is based in should also ensure that its investments in DRC large part on the present and future value of are in line with the principles set out by the China copper and cobalt, crucial minerals in the Chamber of Commerce of Metals Minerals & technologies that can help ease the world’s Chemicals Importers & Exporters (CCCMC) in its dependence on fossil fuels. The deal represents ‘Guidelines for Social Responsibility in Outbound an opportunity for DRC to be a major economic Mining Investments’, although it appears that the beneficiary of a green technology revolution, yet company is not a member, nor is it required to the risks of opacity, corruption and be. 68 In particular, and as part of a move towards mismanagement could jeopardise these greater transparency over its business practices prospects. in DRC, CNMC should clarify its relationships with brokers and middlemen in DRC and produce detailed information on the source of all of its ANNEX 1: DETAILED ANALYSIS OF copper and cobalt. CONTRACT The DRC government should publish all the The Key Terms: contracts Gécamines has signed with CNMC (and other mining partners), in line with its own laws Financial model and its commitments to EITI, including the Perhaps the most important document financial model that underpins the modalities of mentioned in the Deziwa convention between the initial phase of Deziwa project. This would Gécamines and CNMC is a ‘financial model’, give observers, including the Congolese public which apparently sets out the length of the and civil society, a clear figure for the ‘reasonable repayment period, how much copper should be profit’ that CNMC expects to make before used to repay the CNMC loan, and how much handing the reins over to Gécamines. ‘reasonable profit’ CNMC should make during the repayment period. 69 According to the convention, As the project proceeds, the areas of concern this model sits within a ‘feasibility study’ that (detailed in Annex 1) around metals sales, should explain, among other things, the precise subcontracting and the eventual return of Deziwa to Gécamines must all be addressed. Finally, amount of the loan from CNMC to Somidez, the minimum annual production required for the Gécamines should explain how much Somidez repayment and the maximum operational has borrowed and what it expects to make from expenses allowed. 70 the Deziwa deal. An initial version of the feasibility study, including the financial model, had already been drawn up GLOBAL WITNESS AUGUST 2020 The Deal for Deziwa 10
at the time the convention was signed. It was Without transparent and public tendering there prepared by specialists hired by CNMC. 71 The are risks for example that these contracts could convention states that both parties will be quietly awarded to companies that benefit ultimately approve the feasibility study before it local politicians or elites, rather than to the best is sent to an independent expert, who will use it value providers. as the basis for the final financial model. 72 Once Global Witness asked CNMC and Gécamines the parties agree on the financial model, the about all these concerns and risks, and also project will advance based on its calculations. 73 asked if they would publish the EPC contract, the Work on Deziwa began in 2018, so these Initial Budget and Plan and subcontracting documents have presumably already been agreements relating to Deziwa so that their terms agreed upon and concluded. They must now be could be subject to scrutiny, but they did not made public. Until they are, the true value of this respond. deal for DRC will remain unclear. Global Witness Without knowing which suppliers and asked both Gécamines and CNMC if they would subcontractors have been hired to build and publish the feasibility study, including the maintain Deziwa, it will be impossible to know financial model, but they did not respond. where a large portion of the CNMC loan provided Subcontractors to Somidez has ended up. To ensure good value subcontracting, the EPC contract, Initial Budget The convention between CNMC and Gécamines and Plan, list of approved sub-contractors and cites two documents that cover the building and the deals struck with them should all be made maintenance of Deziwa. These are presumably public. the two most significant costs to be financed by the loan. One is an ‘Engineering, Procurement Sales of metals and Construction’ (EPC) contract to be drawn up The convention states that CNMC will have an between Somidez and CNMC for the construction exclusive right to purchase all minerals produced of the refinery at Deziwa. 74 The other is the ‘Initial at Deziwa until the loan is fully reimbursed and Budget and Plan’, which lays out the activities for the project is handed over to Gécamines. The the first year, along with a detailed budget of all sales will be at rates that will be determined by investments, acquisitions and planned loans or Gécamines, including any ‘haircuts’. 77 The term credits. 75 The plan will include a list of the ‘haircuts’, commonly used in finance, indicates subcontracting agreements to be concluded, and the reduction in the calculated value of an asset the companies deemed eligible to carry out the used as collateral for a loan, to take into account work. 76 potential future devaluation of the asset. 78 CNMC has subcontracted its own subsidiaries to In addition to its right to purchase all minerals carry out the majority of the building work at during the loan-repayment period, CNMC can Deziwa. This means CNMC is on both sides of also arrange the sale of Somidez products to a these subcontracting deals: it is running Somidez third party. In such instances, Somidez will give a and hiring its own companies to work on the site. percentage of the value of the sale to CNMC. 79 This kind of arrangement can present a risk that The full details of mineral sales will be governed project costs could be inflated or not properly by a contract between Somidez and CNMC controlled. referred to in the convention at the ‘offtake The subcontracting arrangements for other agreement’, which is also unpublished. 80 aspects of running Deziwa, such as cleaning or catering services, are potentially lucrative. GLOBAL WITNESS AUGUST 2020 The Deal for Deziwa 11
There are two other documents relating to mining company, a well run handover is as mineral sales mentioned in the convention, these important as the revenue that Gécamines will will have started being produced now that the receive. mine is active. One is a record of all Somidez customers and the volumes they have The Loan purchased. 81 The other is Somidez’s quarterly At the heart of this deal is the money borrowed by accounts, which will include details of minerals Somidez on behalf of Gécamines. Publically filed sold and the royalties paid to Gécamines. 82 The Somidez documents, with details of the loan, royalties are calculated as two percent of show more precise figures, which have not been Somidez’s annual gross sales, which, given reported elsewhere. projected production, would be a significant The joint-venture convention, signed in 2016, income stream for Gécamines. 83 estimates that the project would require a loan of It is encouraging that Gécamines is responsible $800 million. 87 By April 2018 CNMC officials for setting the price at which Somidez will sell reportedly stated that the company’s investment minerals, as this should ensure that the price that in the project was $880 million. 88 The documents CNMC in effect sells to itself is set fairly. If copper seen by Global Witness show a figure roughly in were to be sold to CNMC below market prices, line with this; the total loan available to Somidez Somidez would lose out and CNMC could pocket is $735 million for construction and other set up the profits. Keeping the details of all sales and costs plus $70 million for initial running costs, 89 buyers open to public scrutiny would limit this with the maximum interest payable capped at possibility. between eight and nine percent of the value of the loan. 90 This means the total loan offered is Furthermore, given Gécamines’ history of opacity $805 million, and Somidez would repay around around the mining revenues it receives, it is $880 million. important that Somidez publishes precise details of its quarterly royalty payments to Gécamines, The same, Somidez internal documents state that so that the Congolese public have a record of the maximum Somidez will pay CNMC for exactly what has been paid to the company. 84 building Deziwa’s refinery is $636,595,730, almost $100 million less than the loan it can take out to Return of Deziwa to Gécamines cover construction and project set up costs. 91 The handover of the project to Gécamines is We asked CNMC and Gécamines how much had covered by two sets of agreements. One is the actually been borrowed and what it was being handover contract, which will have the spent on, but they did not respond to our ‘conditions and modalities’ of Gécamines enquiries. receiving all the shares in Somidez after the repayment period. 85 The second sets out the The difference between the potential value of the transfer of technology and know-how to loan Somidez has taken and the actual cost of Gécamines staff so that they can run the site building Deziwa’s refinery exposes the sheer scale effectively. 86 of the project and cuts to the heart of why is it so important that the full details of the deal are The detail of these handover contracts is made public. important, as the successful transmission of the required skills and knowledge to Gécamines staff ANNEX 2: EXTENT OF CNMC’S is central to the viability of the project following the handover. If Deziwa is truly going to revitalise Gécamines and transform it into a world-class GLOBAL WITNESS AUGUST 2020 The Deal for Deziwa 12
MINING BUSINESS IN THE REGION International, 96 Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt Co., Ltd, 97 Sheng Tuen Mining98 and MMG. 99 CNMC has a sprawling network of assets in DRC, including exploration licences, mines, smelters, 15MCC has also been involved in construction at refineries and trading companies, while in Roan Tailings Reclamation project, known as neighbouring Zambia it runs yet more mines, a Metalkol, which is owned by Kazakh mining large refinery and farms. These businesses trade company Eurasian Resources Group (ERG). 100 101 among themselves under complex offtake In 2015 ERG entered in an agreement with China agreements. CNMC’s construction arm has been Nonferrous Industry’s Foreign Engineering and involved in several prominent mines in DRC, and Construction Co (NFC), a subsidiary of CNMC, to CNMC has put in place deals to buy up the develop the Metalkol site. 102 production of several other major producers in As part of the deal, NFC arranged financing for the the country. When these different aspects of its project from Chinese banks. 103 A key stipulation business are taken into account, CNMC has a of this financing was that ERG sell all of Metalkol’s much wider and deeper reach in DRC’s mining copper cathode production to NFC. An additional sector than is immediately obvious. condition was that ERG would pledge shares in CNMC’s mining licences in DRC another of its DRC projects, the Frontier Mine, to 1. Société Miniere De Deziwa Sas (Somidez SAS) NFC as collateral. 104 While it is not clear how 1.1. Permis d’exploitation 660 much control, if any, the share pledge could give 2. Huachin Metals Leach SA NFC over Frontier Mine, it could potentially mean 2.1. Permis d’exploitation de la Petite Mine that ERG would have to hand over control of 6307 Frontier mine to CNMC’s subsidiary NFC if it failed 3. CNMC Huachin Mabende Mining SPRL to repay its debt. 3.1. Permis d’exploitation 13119 4. Sylver Back Resources SARL (SBR) / Silver Though the financing from NFC required ERG to Back Resources sell Metalkol’s copper to NFC, the Kazakh 4.1. Permis d’exploitation 5276 company put in place a scheme to buy the copper 5. Lualaba Copper Smelter SAS back. Company records publicly available in DRC 5.1. Permis d’exploitation 14044 show that, alongside the offtake agreement 6. Kambove Mining SAS pledging Metalkol’s output to NFC, a parallel 6.1. Permis d’exploitation des Rejets 13229 offtake agreement was drawn up at the same 6.2. Permis d’exploitation des Rejets 13230 time. It states that all of the copper cathode 6.3. Permis d’exploitation 465 purchased by NFC will then be sold back to ERG. 6.4. Permis d’exploitation 13832 This would mean that the copper passes from ERG’s Metalkol to NFC then back to another ERG Building Work - 15MCC company. The major construction arm of CNMC in DRC is China No.15 Metallurgical Construction Group Furthermore, in June of 2016 ERG announced a Co., Ltd. (15MCC). 15MCC has been involved in deal under which the Frontier mine would supply building work at Deziwa. According to its website, a CNMC smelter in Zambia with the majority of its 15MCC has also been involved in projects across output. 105 Taken together, the terms of these DRC’s Copperbelt, including mines owned by contracts have arguably put NFC, and therefore Sicomines, 92 MKM Mining Co., Ltd, 93 China CNMC, in a position of significant influence in Railway Resources Group Co., Ltd (CREC), 94 The relation to ERG’s copper production. ERG could Shanghai Pengxin Group, 95 Norinco be considered one of CNMC’s main competitors in the sector, but it appears that after ERG obtained GLOBAL WITNESS AUGUST 2020 The Deal for Deziwa 13
financing from Chinese banks for Metalkol’s Mabende Mining is jointly owned by Siu Kam Ng development, it has drawn closer to CNMC’s DRC and Mouckachar. 108 According to sources network. consulted by Global Witness, Mabende Mining sources ore by trading with artisanal miners, We contacted ERG to ask about its relationship through either spot purchases or small-scale with CNMC and the logic behind the double supply contracts. 109 Mabende Mining shares an offtake agreement. They did not provide specific address with Green Mining, a company made up answers on the offtake mechanism and refuted of three artisanal mining cooperatives that is run any suggestion that CNMC was in a position of by a man who appears to be a relative of Chebib influence over their copper production, saying Mouckachar. These factors taken together appear “ERG’s copper business operates under the sole to lend some weight to the suggestion that control of the Group and is delivering on its Mabende Mining’s business depends at least in production plan and fulfilling commercial orders part on artisanal material. 110 to customers.” According to DRC’s online mining cadastre, Green It is possible that CNMC and its construction Mining owns a mining licence just to the south of subsidiaries have other offtake agreements CNMC’s Mabende operation. The three artisanal linked to the financing and construction of cooperatives that make up Green Mining are competitors’ mines in DRC. However, as these are called Hopra, Renaissance and Heshima. 111 largely private it is not possible to know. We asked CNMC how much copper and cobalt it Mabende Mining, the company run by Chebib bought from other producers annually and about Mouckachar, is selling a large quantity of whether it was in a position of influence over minerals to CNMC. It is therefore possible that the ERG’s copper production in DRC, however they source of some of the copper being bought by did not respond to our questions. CNMC is untraceable, or that it is blending its industrial production with artisanal production. CNMC’s Third Partner: Chebib The sourcing of minerals with artisanal origins Mouckachar can potentially bring in environmental, human rights and corruption risks to downstream Alongside Siu Kam Ng, CNMC has another partner companies’ supply chains. in its DRC business: Abu Chebib Mouckachar, a Lebanese businessperson who is a director of We asked CNMC about its purchases from CNMC’s subsidiary CNMC Huachin Mabende Mabende Mining and the source of these Mining SA, a company in which he holds a five minerals, but it did not respond. We asked Chebib percent stake. 106 Mouckachar about Mabende Mining’s relationship with Green Mining, if Mabende Chebib Mouckachar is also the director of Mining sources ore by trading with artisanal Mabende Mining, a company from which CNMC miners and if it was able to trace the source of all has bought millions of dollars’ worth of ore in the the minerals it sold to CNMC, but he did not past five years, in order to feed the leaching plant respond to our enquiries. run by Huachin Mabende Mining SA. 107 Mouckachar has been active in DRC mining for ANNEX 3: A HISTORY OF DEZIWA some time. Chebib Mouckachar was a Following the end of the Second Congo War in shareholder in Huachin Mining Sprl, the company 2003, a transitional government led by President controlled by Siu Kam that assigned its mining Joseph Kabila and advised by the World Bank and rights to CNMC in 2012, at the start of CNMC’s IMF pioneered a liberalisation of DRC’s mining entry into the Congolese copper business. sector. In previous decades, mining sites had GLOBAL WITNESS AUGUST 2020 The Deal for Deziwa 14
been largely operated by the state-owned mining a loan from the controversial businessman Dan company, Gécamines, which produced half a Gertler. 117 As collateral for the loan, Gécamines million tonnes of copper a year at its peak. Under used interests in two other valuable projects, Kabila that would change. Glencore’s Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) and Eurasian Resource Group’s (ERG) Metalkol From 2003, while Gécamines did still operate project. 118 some mines, its primary focus of business would be in bringing international mining companies to Gécamines failed to keep up with its repayments DRC in joint-venture agreements. Under this on its debt to Gertler. 119 Media reports have model, Gécamines would sell off rights to mining suggested that Gécamines has ceded its rights to licences and take a stake in a joint-venture royalties from KCC to Gertler, as a result of company set up with the private mining firm that defaulting on this loan. The status of the rights to would lead exploration and exploitation payments from Metalkol also remain unclear. In operations. The mining company entering into order to regain Deziwa, it appears Gécamines has partnership with Gécamines would usually pay a lost out on lucrative royalty rights from the huge signature bonus upon completion of the joint- KCC project, and it may have also lost out on its venture contract, and Gécamines would normally rights to income from Metalkol as well. Global be entitled to receive royalty payments and a Witness asked Gécamines about the loan and the share of eventual profits. consequences of defaulting on it but they did not respond. Gécamines will presumably hope that Deziwa is one of the key mines that Gécamines the deal with CNMC over Deziwa will prove so sought to monetise in this way. In 2005 money-spinning that it justifies these losses. Gécamines struck a deal with a company called However, the preceding analysis of the scant Platmin Congo Limited to explore the Deziwa site. available documentation does nothing to Platmin was a subsidiary of Copperbelt Minerals encourage such hopes. Limited, a company with unknown owners, registered in the British Virgin Islands. 112 After exploration produced promising results, Gécamines and Platmin set up a joint-venture to further explore and exploit the discovery. By 2010, with significant reserves confirmed, Platmin opted to seek to sell its stake in the project, and attempted to strike a deal with Chinese mining firm Zijin. 113 However, the deal was reportedly blocked by the Congolese state, which claimed it had not been properly informed about the sale. 114 After several years of wrangling, a settlement was reached in which, rather than allowing Platmin to sell its stake to a third party, Gécamines agreed to buy Platmin’s share of the project for a reported US$185 million. 115 116 At the time the settlement was reached Gécamines did not have the cash to pay Platmin, so in order to fund the purchase Gécamines took GLOBAL WITNESS AUGUST 2020 The Deal for Deziwa 15
ENDNOTES 1 Congo Copper Deal With China May Draw $2 Billion of 7 Trouble in the Congo: The Misadventures of Glencore, Investment, Bloomberg, 15/08/16 Bloomberg, 16/11/18, 15/congo-copper-deal-with-china-may-draw-2-billion-of- 16/glencore-s-misadventure-in-the-congo-threatens-its- investment cobalt-dreams 2 Lualaba : SOMIDEZ va lancer sa production de cuivre et Congo Signs Over Potential $880m Of Royalties In cobalt ce 15 janvier 2020 Glencore Project To Offshore Company Belonging To une/lualaba-somidez-va-lancer-sa-production-de-cuivre- Friend Of Congolese President, Global Witness, 15/11/16. et-cobalt-ce-15-janvier-2020/amp/ Accessible here: releases/congo-signs-over-potential-880m-royalties- RDC : Deziwa, symbole de résistance de Gécamines et de glencore-project-offshore-company-belonging-friend- reprise de son destin minier 15/01/20 https://zoom- congolese-president/ gecamines-et-de-reprise-de-son-destin-minier/ 8 ‘Rapport de conciliation ITIE-RDC 2017’pg 71 available online here ‘Dizwa Mining has been fully completed and put into production’, 16/01/20, 9 Och-Ziff to Pay Over $400 Million in Bribery Settlement from News section of k/och-ziff-bribery-settlement.html 3 A report from September 2019 on DRC’s finances by the Serious Fraud Office investigates Glencore over suspected International Monetary Fund (IMF) calculated that the bribery country’s total foreign debt stood at $6.4 billion dollars. The report states that 40 percent ($2.56 billion) of DRC’s ous-fraud-office-investigates-glencore-over-suspected- foreign debt is in relation to a single ‘infrastructure for bribery minerals’ deal signed with Sicomines in 2007. There is no indication that the figure includes the loan from CNMC to Glencore under investigation by US commodities build Deziwa, or any other part of CNMC’s $2 billion regulator accord with Gécamines. In May of 2020 the IMF told Global 11e9-9adc-98bf1d35a056 Witness it relies on debt data provided by DRC authorities 10 “Devised at the turn of the century, the [Going Out] to ascertain the company’s debt. The IMF estimated policy encouraged Chinese enterprises, backed by the Gécamines’s total debt to be $532 million based on debt country’s foreign-exchange reserves, to acquire assets data running to December 2018 shared by Gécamines. At and expand business overseas.” … “Over the past decade, the time of asking the IMF did not think that this figure Chinese companies ‘Going Out’ have fixated around included debts linked to Deziwa but said they were acquisitions of natural resource assets” ‘China ‘Going Out’ looking into this aspect. Democratic Republic of the 2.0: Dawn of a New Era for Chinese Investment Abroad’ Congo : 2019 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff The Huffington Post, 04/11/2015 Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for the Democratic Republic of the Congo, IMF, 2019 pg 54/55 dawn-o_b_7046790 04/Democratic-Republic-of-the-Congo-2019-Article-IV- “The rise of China was arguably the biggest economic Consultation-Press-Release-Staff-Report-and-48648 story of the 2000s … China's state-owned companies went on an investment spree in Latin America and Africa, 4 Gertler Group loaned Congo’s Gécamines $196 ml for in an attempt to secure mines, cropland, and raw mine buyout, Reuters, 29 April 2014. Accessible here: materials.” How China’s appetite for raw materials is transforming the world, The Washington Post, February mining-loan/gertler-group-loaned-congos-gecamine-196- 13, 2014 mln-for-mine-buyout-idUSL6N0NL67P20140429 Treasury Sanctions Fourteen Entities Affiliated with 02/13/how-chinas-hunt-for-raw-materials-is-changing- Corrupt Businessman Dan Gertler Under Global Magnitsky the-world/ Rise in Chinese FDI since 2005 is shown in UNCTAD 5 Gertler Group loaned Congo’s Gécamines $196 ml for statistics, Country Fact Sheet, China, World Investment mine buyout, Reuters, 29 April 2014. Accessible here: Report 2019, UNCTAD mining-loan/gertler-group-loaned-congos-gecamine-196- _fs_cn_en.pdf mln-for-mine-buyout-idUSL6N0NL67P20140429 11 “Chinese companies have become net sellers of global 6 Glencore to buy out Israeli billionaire Dan Gertler’s assets this year for the first time since corporations from mining stakes, The Financial Times, 13/02/17 the country became big players in international mergers and acquisitions a decade ago.” … “a Financial Times bd8e7d3a18db analysis of Dealogic’s data indicates that China has been a net buyer of overseas assets since at least 2009.” ‘Chinese Congo Signs Over Potential $880m Of Royalties In groups turn seller to shed $40bn in global assets’ Glencore Project To Offshore Company Belonging To Financial Times 15/09/2019 Friend Of Congolese President, Global Witness, 15/11/16. Accessible here: 77216ebe1f17 releases/congo-signs-over-potential-880m-royalties- glencore-project-offshore-company-belonging-friend- congolese-president/ GLOBAL WITNESS AUGUST 2020 The Deal for Deziwa 16
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