The Corona Debt Conundrum in the Eurozone - Stiftung ...

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The Corona Debt Conundrum in the Eurozone - Stiftung ...
NO. 23 MARCH 2021               Introduction

The Corona Debt Conundrum
in the Eurozone
Limits to Stabilisation by Monetary Policy and the Search for Alternatives
Paweł Tokarski and Alexander Wiedmann

One of the most serious economic and social consequences of the pandemic is the
higher public debt of the Eurozone countries. The massive interventions of the Euro-
system have lowered borrowing costs to record lows. For some time to come, the
sustainability of the public finances of the most indebted Eurozone countries will
depend on expansionary monetary policy. However, this approach raises questions.
It is uncertain how long monetary policy can support the debt market of the EU-19,
whether there are effective alternatives, and what impacts the high debt levels and
the interventions of the European Central Bank (ECB) will have on the foundations
of the Eurozone.

The Corona pandemic has hit Europe hard.        have increased even more and many com-
In many states, public life was – and in        panies would have had to fear insolvency.
some places continues to be – almost com-       All this would have had devastating social
pletely shut down. Businesses have had          consequences, especially for the poorest.
to close and curfews have been imposed.         At the same time, the states would face a
Consequently, the Corona crisis has also        financing problem because the number
been a major shock to the European econo-       of employees subject to social security con-
my. The member states of the Eurozone had       tributions, and thus tax revenues, would
no choice but to massively counteract the       fall and social spending would increase. In
collapse of some economies. With liquidity      addition, there would be higher expendi-
assistance, they have been trying to support    tures on health care. However, the states
the population groups and economic sec-         can, at best, try to mitigate the consequences
tors most affected by the crisis. To make       of the crisis, but they cannot prevent an
these state interventions possible, the Euro-   economic collapse as European economies
pean Commission activated the general           have experienced the largest recessions in
escape clause of the Stability and Growth       decades. Those euro area countries still
Pact. These support measures were neces-        struggling with the aftermath of the euro
sary and continue to be so. Without them,       crisis, including high public debt levels, are
unemployment in the Eurozone would              at the same time particularly affected by
the pandemic, as the vital tourism sector        record levels. This raises questions about
                 in southern Europe has largely come to a         debt sustainability and the stability of the
                 standstill. Falling economic growth, com-        euro area. However, the view on govern-
                 bined with higher government spending            ment debt is also changing. Unlike in the
                 levels, has caused government debt to rise.      previous Eurozone crisis, no actors can be
                 According to European Commission fore-           blamed today for the excessive debt due
                 casts, in 2021 the debt ratio in France will     to their misconduct. Rather, the increased
                 rise to around 118 per cent of gross domes-      public debt resulting from the Corona pan-
                 tic product (GDP) – compared to 98 per           demic serves to mitigate its enormous nega-
                 cent in 2019 – and in Italy even to 160 per      tive economic and social impacts and to en-
                 cent. For Spain, the Eurozone country most       able a quicker return to economic growth.
                 affected by the Corona crisis, an increase of       The question for the post-Corona period
                 26 percentage points to 122 per cent of GDP      is whether the rapid growth of public debt
                 has been predicted. In Greece, the debt level    will be a challenge for recovering econo-
                 will reach the 200 per cent mark. There,         mies. Previously, it was said that with debt
                 public finances are also under pressure          ratios above 90 per cent of GDP, rising
                 from military spending. Not even Germany         government debt would have particularly
                 still meets the Maastricht criterion of 60 per   negative consequences for future economic
                 cent of GDP, as its debt ratio is now 70.1 per   growth, as private investment would be
                 cent (see Figure 1).                             crowded out and public finances burdened
                     The negative fiscal impacts of the pan-      by debt-servicing costs. Many Eurozone
                 demic will be exacerbated in 2021 by the         members, including Greece, Italy, France,
                 need to maintain restrictions on the econo-      Spain, and Portugal, have far exceeded this
                 my, at least until the second quarter. On        level. However, as debt-servicing costs are
                 the other hand, the cost of servicing public     currently low, the problematic consequenc-
                 debt in euro area countries is still at near     es of debt for public finances are also rather
                 record lows. The reasons for this are the in-    limited at the moment, as the pressure to
                 terventions of the Eurosystem, which con-        cut other investment-enhancing govern-
                 sists of the ECB and the 19 national central     ment spending is weak.
                 banks of the Eurozone. For this purpose, a          To assess the risk of excessive public
                 special purchase programme was launched,         debt, it is not enough to calculate only the
                 mainly for government bonds (the pan-            debt-to-GDP ratio. The main consideration
                 demic emergency purchase programme,              should be whether the economy will be
                 PEPP). Can rising government debt never-         able to service higher levels of debt in the
                 theless become a pressing problem for the        future, for example thanks to higher growth
                 Eurozone?                                        rates. What is important is whether its eco-
                                                                  nomic model is flexible enough to adapt to
                                                                  new challenges such as digitalisation and
                 Growing Public Debt and the                      green transformation. Future debt sustain-
                 Stability of the Eurozone                        ability also depends on the balance sheet of
                                                                  the public sector. This includes assets such
                 Already since the 1970s, public debt has         as shares in state-controlled enterprises and
                 been growing in the developed European           financial assets, but also (especially long-
                 economies. The introduction of the euro          term) liabilities. It should be noted that the
                 helped to lower interest rates on govern-        negative consequences of the Corona crisis
                 ment bonds and put government debt on            for public finances will only become appar-
                 a sustainable path. However, the global          ent later. In many countries, they will mani-
                 financial crisis and the euro crisis caused      fest themselves, for example, in poorer
                 the debt-to-GDP ratio to rise again signifi-     demographic development, including sharp
                 cantly in most euro area countries. Now the      declines in birth rates. This may cause
                 current pandemic has caused debt to reach        implicit debt to rise, for example costs for

SWP Comment 23
March 2021

Figure 1

Source: European Commission

health care, social care, and the pension        ing the business cycle and debt sustainabil-
system. Unfavourable in this context are         ity. Finally, if the government is no longer
the prospects of highly indebted euro area       able to meet some or all of its debt obliga-
countries such as Italy, Portugal, and Greece.   tions on time, it risks losing access to finan-
There, the old-age dependency ratio – that       cial markets. Currently, the entire debt sus-
is, the ratio of the over-65s to the 20 to       tainability of the over-indebted Eurozone
64-year-olds – is rising in a worrying way.      countries is based solely on the expansion-
    The higher the public debt levels, the       ary monetary policy of the Eurosystem.
more sensitive public finances are to the in-
creased servicing of their costs. In the event
of a downturn, fiscal policy-makers would
be faced with a dilemma between stabilis-

                                                                                                   SWP Comment 23
                                                                                                       March 2021

ECB to the Rescue:                               capital key, which it officially abandoned
                 Risks and Alternatives                           with the PEPP but has been trying to adhere
                                                                  to (see Figure 2).
                 With the announcement of the €1,850
                 billion PEPP, the ECB has implicitly com-        Risks of the ECB’s Involvement
                 mitted itself to keeping government bond
                 interest rates low. So far, the ECB’s strategy   However, the strategy of basing Eurozone
                 has been successful, as member states can        debt stabilisation on monetary policy could
                 currently finance their debt at record low       also entail risks for the Eurozone. One
                 levels. Even the recent political crisis in      major problem is the distribution of risk in
                 Italy has not led to an increased premium        the Eurosystem. This is highly decentral-
                 on Italian government bonds. The crucial         ised, and part of the risk is the responsi-
                 question is how long the ECB can continue        bility of the participating central banks.
                 to stabilise the Eurozone debt market. The       Similar to previous public-sector asset pur-
                 ECB’s Governing Council has announced            chase programmes, the PEPP is character-
                 that the purchase of government bonds will       ised by limited risk sharing. This covers
                 last until at least March 2022, when the         only 20 per cent of the purchases of govern-
                 Covid-19 crisis phase is over and the capital    ment bonds under the PEPP. The bulk of
                 payments due from government bonds will          the risks are borne by the national central
                 be reinvested by the end of 2023. However,       banks. The Italian central bank, for exam-
                 it is hard to imagine that the asset purchas-    ple, has to buy mostly Italian securities on
                 es will be stopped in the final phase of the     the secondary market, taking on the entire
                 presidential elections in France in 2022.        risk. If a central bank holding a large quan-
                 Moreover, the economic consequences of           tity of national sovereign debt had to accept
                 the pandemic, such as higher debt and un-        losses, the continued participation of this
                 employment levels, will require monetary         bank in the Eurosystem would be in ques-
                 and fiscal policy support for much longer.       tion.
                     Inflation is the key factor in determining      Another, more significant problem is the
                 whether the ECB can support the Eurozone         danger that the ECB – if it owns a signifi-
                 debt market for a longer period. As long         cant part of a state’s debt – intervenes as
                 as inflation remains well below the ECB’s        an actor in national politics. This could
                 target (below but close to 2 per cent), it can   encourage reckless behaviour by national
                 justify its accommodative monetary policy.       actors due to economic disincentives (moral
                 Otherwise, it would have to choose between       hazard). Even if market pressure was not
                 the monetary policy target and the stability     a decisive factor for long-term structural
                 of the monetary union. Currently, inflation      reforms, it was useful in keeping govern-
                 in the euro area is at a low level. It is true   ments on the reform path. Once the ECB
                 that the five-year inflation swaps – an indi-    owns a large part of a country’s public
                 cator of inflation expectations – have risen     debt, the government there could not only
                 steadily in recent months. But whether           reverse structural reforms. In an extreme
                 inflation will really grow significantly and     case, it could loosen public fiscal policy,
                 come close to the ECB target is disputed         knowing that the ECB will intervene in the
                 among economists.                                debt market to avoid a possible destabilisa-
                     Another kind of challenge is the situa-      tion of the entire Eurozone. However, a
                 tion in the US market. The recent plans          massive show of financial support for the
                 of the US government for a massive fiscal        euro debt market would again raise legal
                 stimulus package caused the interest rates       questions – for example about the limi-
                 of US bonds to skyrocket. As a result, Euro-     tation of purchases per issuer or about the
                 pean bond rates also rose. This will force       ECB’s capital key – as the ruling of the
                 the ECB to buy more expeditiously and per-       German Federal Constitutional Court in
                 haps detach the purchases from the ECB’s         May 2020 showed. A similar legal problem,

SWP Comment 23
March 2021

Figure 2

Source: ECB

namely the need for the ECB to specify the    such as banks would be forced to accept
concrete time horizon of its intervention,    the losses. Another option would be to take
would arise if the bonds purchased under      advantage of the fact that the government
the PEPP were extended indefinitely by the    bonds were issued under national law. This
Eurosystem, thus constituting a kind of       could be changed, for example, to extend
“perpetual debt”.                             the maturities of bonds (local law advan-
                                              tage). However, such a move would trigger
Possible Alternatives                         very negative reactions in the financial
                                              markets and drive up the financing costs of
The question is whether there could be an     other highly indebted Eurozone countries.
alternative solution to stabilise the Euro-      In recent months, the suggestion has
zone debt market. It is hardly likely that    often been made, especially in France, that
the GDP of the most indebted states will      the ECB should go further in supporting
grow fast enough to reduce their debt         public finances, and that all Corona-related
levels. Even before the pandemic, growth      public debt bought by the ECB should be
rates in the Eurozone were modest. An-        cancelled. Even though Article 123 of the
other way to reduce government debt is        Treaty on the Functioning of the European
through restructuring. Bonds of euro area     Union does not directly prohibit monetary
members are issued under national law,        financing, debt cancellation by the Euro-
and the recent reform of the collective       system would be contrary to the spirit of
action clauses in bond covenants has made     the Treaty. Such a precedent could make
restructuring easier. However, in the case    investors who buy government bonds fear
of Italy, where domestic investors buy the    that the bonds they hold will one day also
bulk of government bonds, this could desta-   be cancelled. This would inevitably lead
bilise the financial system, as investors     to higher interest rates on the debt. Such

                                                                                             SWP Comment 23
                                                                                                 March 2021

a solution is also likely to encourage the       to the increase in debt. The banking sector
                 tendency towards moral hazard. Instead           is likely to be hit hard by the pandemic
                 of initiating difficult structural reforms on    because of problems in the real economy.
                 their own, the highly indebted countries         The extent of such difficulties will be re-
                 could continue to expect the ECB to cancel       vealed by the stress test coordinated by the
                 their debts. Therefore, this option should,      European Banking Authority. The results
                 at best, be considered as a last resort for      of the test are expected at the end of July
                 possible extreme cases, for instance if the      2021.
                 current pandemic proves to be permanent.             Currently, there is no effective alterna-
                 This would require a profound restructur-        tive to debt stabilisation through monetary
                 ing of the sectors affected by the pandemic      policy, which allows member states to focus
                 and would cause debt to rise dramatically        on fighting the pandemic. Under current
                 once again.                                      conditions, it is crucial to continue active
                     Another proposal is to involve the Euro-     fiscal policy at least until 2023 to support
                 pean Stability Mechanism (ESM) in debt           the post-pandemic recovery. It is also im-
                 stabilisation. This instrument could take        portant that Germany maintains an active
                 over the portion of the bonds bought by the      fiscal policy for as long as possible. A quick
                 Eurosystem, and thus enable an exit from         return of the largest economy in the Euro-
                 expansionary monetary policy. However,           zone to normal growth rates could help
                 such a solution would contradict the cur-        other member states.
                 rent model of ESM operations, which con-             It is also essential to limit the use of
                 sists of granting financial aid to certain       monetary policy in the debt market as
                 member states only under strict conditions.      much as possible so as to encourage re-
                 If the ESM is to be involved in debt stabili-    sponsible economic policy-making of the
                 sation, the ESM Treaty, which lies outside       member states. It is important to use public
                 the EU legal system, would have to be            resources effectively to combat the effects
                 amended. Such a solution would have to           of the pandemic in order to maintain
                 be agreed by all members and ratified by         labour force participation and create a
                 all national parliaments. In order for this      broader basis for economic growth through
                 instrument to play a more important role         productive investment. Above all, invest-
                 in stabilising the debt market, it would first   ments should be made in human resources,
                 and foremost have to be removed from             especially digital skills. Only faster eco-
                 the direct control of the member states and      nomic growth offers the chance for stabili-
                 made into an EU institution. At present,         sation, and possibly debt reduction. Spend-
                 this is difficult to imagine.                    ing efficiency is important, especially in the
                                                                  case of the reconstruction fund. It is the net
                                                                  contributors who assess it. If the countries
                 Monetary and Fiscal Policy As the                most affected by the pandemic fail to use
                 Core of the Stabilisation Strategy               EU funds effectively for growth-enhancing
                                                                  stimulus and structural reforms, they will
                 The euro area will have to deal with high        face the same problems after the pandemic,
                 levels of debt among its member states for       but with much higher public debt levels.
                 a long time. Current projected levels are        Particular attention should be paid to how
                 likely to rise further in many of the EU-19      Italy uses the reconstruction fund. The new
                 countries as the pandemic continues and          government under former ECB chief Mario
                 vaccination progresses more slowly than          Draghi offers a good chance that these
                 expected. It is not only higher levels of        funds will be planned and used effectively.
                 spending and lower revenue streams that          On the other hand, Italy’s medium-term
                 will put more pressure on public finances.       political outlook is a cause for concern,
                 The need for public support for the banking      especially as a right-wing populist coalition
                 sector, among others, may also contribute        is expected in the next elections. All this

SWP Comment 23
March 2021

is likely to have a negative impact on the                   forming the fiscal rules. In addition to the
country’s fiscal stability. It is also likely to             long-proposed simplification, the rules
dampen the willingness of other euro area                    will have to be based less on specific bench-
countries to engage in further fiscal inte-                  marks and be tailored more to the situa-
gration.                                                     tions of specific economies, their business
    In terms of debt management, govern-                     cycles, and their systemic importance for
ments of the most indebted euro area coun-                   the stability of the euro area. However, this
tries should make the most of the current                    “individualisation” of fiscal rules risks fur-
low interest rate environment to issue debt                  ther politicising them. The high level of
with the longest possible maturities. This                   debt and the need to relieve the Eurosystem
would help ensure the sustainability of                      of the task of stabilising it will necessitate a   © Stiftung Wissenschaft
public finances in the face of short-term                    partial post-Corona debt mutualisation. The        und Politik, 2021
fluctuations in financial markets.                           Eurozone – in its current form as a fiscally       All rights reserved
                                                             decentralised monetary union – is vulner-
                                                                                                                This Comment reflects
                                                             able to debt crises in its most indebted mem-
                                                                                                                the authors’ views.
Prospects: Foundations of the                                ber countries. Such crises can quickly trig-
Eurozone under Pressure                                      ger a domino effect throughout the Euro-           The online version of
                                                             zone. Before any joint issuance, however,          this publication contains
The stabilisation of public debt will be one                 plans for the post-Corona period must be           functioning links to other
                                                                                                                SWP texts and other relevant
of the most pressing issues on the euro area                 accompanied by discussions on how sustain-
agenda in the coming years. It will influ-                   able the economic models of the southern
ence two important debates on the founda-                    euro countries are, and what conditions            SWP Comments are subject
tions of the monetary union: the design of                   should apply to reforms.                           to internal peer review, fact-
the current fiscal policy framework and                         Rising government debt will also largely        checking and copy-editing.
the review of the ECB’s monetary policy                      determine the current debate on the ECB’s          For further information on
                                                                                                                our quality control pro-
strategy.                                                    monetary policy strategy. The main ele-
                                                                                                                cedures, please visit the SWP
    Rising debt levels challenge existing fis-               ments of this strategy – such as the defini-       website: https://www.swp-
cal rules. In most of the cases, public debt                 tion of the inflation target, the way infla-
levels will be far higher than the Maastricht                tion is measured, and the monetary policy          quality-management-for-
reference value of 60 per cent of GDP. There-                horizon – will also have a major impact            swp-publications/
fore, it is in doubt whether this framework                  on the Eurosystem’s ability to stabilise debt.
is tenable. Examples are the rule adopted in                 It would be beneficial if monetary policy          Stiftung Wissenschaft und
2011, which requires an annual reduction                     were given more flexibility in supporting          Politik
of the debt ratio by one-twentieth of the dif-               economic policy, as is the case worldwide          German Institute for
ference between the actual debt ratio and                    today. Monetary policy alone, however, will        International and
the 60 per cent threshold, or the limitation                 not be able to permanently stabilise the           Security Affairs

of the budget deficit to 3 per cent. Although                euro area as long as the most glaring struc-
                                                                                                                Ludwigkirchplatz 3–4
there is undoubtedly a need to make the                      tural deficits persist in the largest euro area    10719 Berlin
fiscal rules in the Eurozone more realistic,                 countries. In the short term, the ECB faces        Telephone +49 30 880 07-0
it does not seem to be a good idea to start                  the challenge of stabilising interest rates on     Fax +49 30 880 07-100
this discussion now. Due to the unfavoura-                   the sovereign debt of Eurozone members.  
ble political situation (elections will take                 Indeed, after the announcement of the US
place in Germany in 2021, in France in                       fiscal stimulus package, these interest rates      ISSN (Print) 1861-1761
2022) and very different positions, it would                 were sharply increased due to rising US            ISSN (Online) 2747-5107
hardly lead to a constructive solution.                      bond yields. In the longer term, the ECB           doi: 10.18449/2021C23
    It would be best to extend the currently                 will have to master an even more difficult
valid general escape clause of the Stability                 task. It is a matter of intervening in debt        (English version
                                                                                                                of SWP-Aktuell 24/2021)
and Growth Pact at least until the end of                    stabilisation while keeping national fiscal
2022. However, sooner or later, Germany                      policy from dominating supranational
will also have to face a discussion on re-                   monetary policy.

Dr Paweł Tokarski is a Senior Associate in the EU / Europe Research Division.
Alexander Wiedmann worked as an intern in the EU / Europe Research Division.                                         SWP Comment 23
                                                                                                                         March 2021

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