Page created by Tina Solis

                  With the support of
                        Policymakers and legislators in Brussels and across
                        the bloc have been mapping out Europe’s emergence
                        out of the coronavirus pandemic with a series of
                        commitments for how tomorrow’s digital world should
                        function for citizens across the continent.

                        From a bolstered programme for digital skills and
                        education to increased cybersecurity standards for
                        critical infrastructure, from a push to next-generation
                        telecommunications infrastructure to building up
                        the bloc’s regulatory landscape for digital services
                        and introducing competition reforms to foster the
                        bloc’s SME landscape, over the coming years, Europe’s
                        technology sector will be subjected to a profound

                        This special report, produced in partnership with
                        Vodafone, analyses the current state of play for
                        Europe’s digital vision of the future in a radically
                        transformed post-coronavirus world. It draws on the
                        expertise of high-level politicians and policymakers,
                        industry experts and business leaders, in order to
                        chart the coming revolution in Europe’s technological
  Ministers to chart Europe’s digital future
        with post-COVID19 commitments           4
                       Connecting Europe’s
                         forgotten regions      7
           MEP: Europe’s digital education
          strategy is key to future recovery    10
      Commission charts new competition
               tool ‘fit for the digital age’   13
How a truly digital approach can accelerate
         the post-Covid economic recovery       15

   Ministers to chart Europe’s digital
future with post-COVID19 commitments
                                     B y S a m u e l S t o l t o n | E U R A C T I V. c o m

                                                                                              [ Shutterstock / mixmagic ]

         n Tuesday (9 June), EU member        As part of the commitments                    The text, which has gone through
         states are set to sign off on a   outlined in the final version of a text      a series of iterations, was discussed
         series of broad commitments       seen by EURACTIV, entitled Shaping           by EU Telecoms Ministers on Friday (5
to transform the bloc’s digital agenda,    Europe’s Digital Future, nations on the      June).
in the aftermath of Europe’s battle        bloc will back plans to accelerate the           The aim is to adopt it by written
with the coronavirus that has once         digital transformation as an “essential      procedure on Tuesday, when member
again highlighted the vital importance     component of the EU’s response to            states will formally call on the EU to
of digital technology.                     the economic crisis generated by the
                                           COVID-19 pandemic.”                          Continued on Page 5

Continued from Page 4                       worked from home.                          EU’s digital transition across many
                                                This percentage is almost certain      different sectors having a sweeping
analyse the experiences gained from         to increase in the long-term future,       impact on the future skills required in
the coronavirus pandemic, “in order         according to Eurofound, the EU             the workplace.
to draw conclusions for the future that     agency for the Improvement of Living           “We should therefore focus to re-
will inform the implementation of           and Working Conditions, who say            skill workers in the economic sectors
current and future Union policies in        that due to the changes imposed on         that will mostly suffer from the
the digital domain.”                        working customs as a result of the         incoming technological changes so
    Revisions have been made to the         pandemic, “it is likely that rates of      that they will be able to shift towards
text throughout Europe’s quarantine         telework in Europe, and as a result        the expanding digital sectors,” he said.
period, during which time the               employer/employee relationships, will
increased reliance on technology has        be changed permanently.”                      RECOVERY AND
brought to light the importance of                                                        RESILIENCE
developing several key initiatives in          LEAVE NO-ONE BEHIND
the digital world.                                                                         On this point, member states will
    Those include the broader                   However, in order for such             adopt an unambiguous stance on
availability of online public services,     predictions to become a reality, Europe    Tuesday, calling on the EU to “put in
the creation of a common EU digital         should take note of the areas across       place all the necessary measures to
identity, the digital transformation of     the bloc which were exposed for a lack     re-skill and up-skill the workforce for
health and care, the up-skilling and        of digital infrastructure during the       the digital age, diversify the workforce
re-skilling of EU citizens in digital       coronavirus outbreak, believes S&D         and attract highly skilled ICT and
capacities, and deploying high-             MEP Brando Benifei.                        technology specialists, including
capacity connectivity across rural              “I believe that these months           Europeans who have migrated, while
areas.                                      of lockdown will play out as an            also adapting digital workplaces for
                                            accelerator to the transition to a more    workers and providing reliable and
   MAKE THE GAINS                           digital European economy,” Benifei         fast internet connections to schools
   ‘PERMANENT’                              told EURACTIV.                             in order to promote the use of digital
                                                “Nevertheless, we are witnessing       educational resources.”
    “A major share of the economy and       first-hand how the lack of digital             Along this axis, the Commission
society has shifted to digital during the   infrastructures      excludes     many     plans to present a revised Digital
pandemic,” Oleg Butković, Croatian          European citizens from accessing           Education Action Plan in the autumn
Minister for the Sea, Transport             services,     education      and    job    and updated skills agenda in Q3,
and Infrastructure, said on Friday          opportunities, deepening the social        which could well benefit from the
following the meeting between EU            and economic inequalities that             Commission’s recently revised long-
telecoms ministers chaired by Croatia.      already existed.”                          term budget, as well as a recovery
    “We agreed today that we should             “This highlights the need to           package designed to ensure Europe’s
not let this opportunity pass but           rebuild an economy that is not only        stable emergence from the economic
make these gains permanent through          made future-proof with a consistent        setback imposed by the coronavirus
increased efforts on the digitalisation     digitalisation but that also doesn’t       crisis.
of businesses and public services as        leave anyone behind in the process.”           Indeed, Digital Europe, the
well as the security and capacity of our        For Benifei, the up-skilling of EU     EU’s funding framework for digital
networks,” he said.                         citizens in the fundamentals of digital    capacity building, is set to be in for an
    Ministers also highlighted the          literacy also serves a public purpose in   outlay of €8.2 billion as part of the new
“necessity of further investment,           extending the access to key services       budget proposal, an increase of €1.5
especially in order to overcome the         across communities more broadly.           billion after the European Council had
digital gap that still exists, which can        “Nowadays a minimum level of           marked it down in February.
have a limiting effect on access to         digital literacy is becoming essential         During a recent online event with
e-health and long-distance learning         to function as an active member of our     Brussels legislators, Anthony Whelan,
and working.”                               societies,” he said.                       the digital adviser to President Ursula
    On the last point, recent figures           Moreover, the mobility of workers      von der Leyen, noted that the intention
published by Eurostat revealed that in      in the EU’s single market requires         behind this increase in resources was
2019, approximately 5.4% of employed        more and more dependence on such
persons in the EU, aged 15-64, usually      digital skills, Benefei believes, the      Continued on Page 6

Continued from Page 5                      with a series of political commitments        “Amid this crisis, we have had
                                           concerning the digitisation of public     a full-scale crash test of everything
to “reverse the cuts in the draft MFF      services and health care, the up-         digital,” she said. “Digital learning,
that were being discussed in February,     skilling of citizens, and bridging        digital working, digital socialising,
to which we then added a whole range       Europe’s connectivity divides.            everything, and obviously e-commerce
of draft budgetary instruments, one of         In this regard, the digital policy    has increased substantially.”
which is advanced skills.”                 agenda of the EU has no doubt been            “Now we have a new baseline. Now,
    “The whole idea is to learn from       bolstered as a result of the public       let’s make the most of that. Because
the crisis how we can improve our          health crisis.                            now we all know much more about
approach to the development of                 In its wake, it leaves a new          how different tools work.”
various digital skills,” Whelan added,     benchmark for the future growth and
noting also that the €750 billion          acceleration of key technologies that
recovery fund put forward by the           have become so useful to those who
Commission could also go towards           have had access to them, while also
areas including connectivity and up-       exposing the nations who have not
skilling, although this will ultimately    had the means to employ these tools
be determined by member states             of resilience.
themselves.                                    In a recent interview with
    If the conclusions to be adopted by    EURACTIV, the Commission’s Vice-
EU member states are anything to go        President for Digital, Margarethe
by, Europe’s digital infrastructure over   Vestager, noted how the crisis has
the next few years will be in for a far-   given the bloc new digital standards to
reaching transformation, in parallel       aim for in the future.

                           Connecting Europe’s
                            forgotten regions
                                    B y S a m u e l S t o l t o n | E U R A C T I V. c o m

                                                                                         [ Shutterstock / Cienpies Design ]

       U member states will renew their       However, previous EU attempts to            This led the EU’s digital czar,
       commitment to bridging the         bridge such connectivity gaps have           Margrethe Vestager to put pressure on
       gap across Europe’s connectivity   hit a series of obstacles as part of the     EU telecoms ministers in May, telling
divides on Tuesday (9 June), as certain   coronavirus crisis in Europe, including      them to “limit as much as possible”
territories on the continent continue     delays to 5G spectrum auctions in            any delays to their 5G spectrum
to be isolated from more developed        countries including Spain, Austria,
parts of the bloc.                        Portugal, and the Czech Republic.            Continued on Page 8

Continued from Page 7                       is likely to reveal widening gaps in      Europe, the lowest ranking country
                                            Europe’s connectivity, as some of         overall was Bulgaria. 25% of the
assignments.                                the more advanced nations begin           country’s workforce has no digital
    On Tuesday, as part of an agreement     to pull away from those unable            skills whatsoever, while 51% of the
on new Council conclusions on the           to build up their next-generation         population have no software-related
bloc’s digital future, the “need for fast   telecommunications infrastructure.        skills and 47% of internet users
and ubiquitous connectivity” will be            This week, Finland, with its          used computers or computerised
cited as an area which has provided         reputable standing in technological       equipment at work.
resilience to more modernised areas         development, has made gains on                And for some in Brussels, ensuring
of Europe, while at the same time           lesser developed member states, after     that such lesser developed regions of
exposing the digital shortfalls in less     the country’s Ministry of Transport       Europe do not miss out on the digital
developed areas.                            and Communications announced the          transition is vital.
    In order to gain a broader picture      granting of 5G licences, while Nokia          Prominent Bulgarian EPP MEP Eva
of the issue at hand here, the European     announced a surge in demand for their     Maydell believes this needs to change.
Commission aims to analyse the              broadband services amid the uptake        She is co-founder of Education
technological clout of member states        in digital tools during the coronavirus   Bulgaria 2030, a platform that aims to
with the publication of its 2020 Digital    lockdown period.                          analyse and respond to the challenges
Economy and Society Index, due for              While some EU member states           the education system faces in the
publication before the end of June.         storm ahead with the deployment           country.
    The ‘Connectivity’ banner of the        of next-generation connectivity, it is        “The latest project we are involved
2019 edition analysed the demand and        Europe’s rural areas that are likely to   in is with the Ministry of Education,
the supply side of fixed and mobile         suffer the most. The 2019 DESI index      on developing Science, technology,
broadband – assessing the availability      revealed that 13% of rural homes are      engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
as well as the take-up of basic, fast,      not covered by any fixed network          environment at schools,” she told
and ultrafast broadband. Mobile             and 48% by any ‘fast’ broadband           EURACTIV.
broadband examination included the          connections. And while mobile                 “We see a great interest from
availability of 4G in member states, as     broadband has slightly increased          teachers and headmasters to get on
well as a 5G ‘readiness index.’             across rural areas, it is still widely    board and be active, because they
    As part of the assessment on fixed      regarded as a ‘complementary’             saw just how easy it is to implement
broadband, the Netherlands and              technology rather than a like-for-like    remote online learning.”
Luxembourg are the best performing          substitute.                                   Maydell also believes that the
EU member states, while Greece,                 This is a political issue; a lack     wider benefits of the EU single market,
Poland and Croatia all fall towards         of connectivity across such areas         such as the freedom to live and work
the bottom. For mobile broadband,           results in a lack of jobs, industrial     in any member state, are dependent
meanwhile, Finland, Denmark, Latvia         development, less advanced public         on the uptake of digital solutions at an
and Italy all perform well, while           services, and lower importance of         equal rate across the continent.
Romania and Hungary came in with            digital skills and education.                 “Bridging the digital divide for
the lowest scores.                              As part of the 2019 DESI report
    The 2020 edition of the index           on digital inclusion and skills in        Continued on Page 9

Continued from Page 8                      digital    strategy    communication,     “supported with adequate financing
                                           adopted in February this year, also       measures, based on funds both
me means making sure that every            notes the importance of updating the      from the Multi-annual Financial
company or organisation has access to      Broadband Cost Reduction Directive,       Framework and the EU recovery fund,”
digital solutions and can participate in   which aims to make broadband              which will take into account the delays
the digital economy,” she said.            network deployment more cost-             in deployment across certain member
    “The broader benefit of this           efficient.                                states.
would be to empower Europeans to               And in the European Council’s             The     €750    billion   recovery
work and live wherever they want           Shaping Europe’s Digital Future           fund recently put forward by the
and that citizens will not have to         paper set to be adopted this week,        Commission will ultimately be at
leave their hometowns due to lack          EU member states renew calls for the      the behest of EU member states
of opportunities,” she continued,          EU “to reduce the costs of network        themselves, but the Commission has
adding that the coronavirus lockdown       deployment and facilitate the roll-out    previously suggested ‘connectivity’
period has demonstrated that many          of very high capacity infrastructures,”   could be a ‘major winner’ in the new
businesses are agile enough to run         as well as support “emerging network      outlay.
their firms remotely, “if they have the    deployment needs by the end of                So, while the bloc continues to
right infrastructure, processes and        2021, including the Broadband Cost        wrestle with how best to chart its path
skills.”                                   Reduction Directive.”                     out from the coronavirus outbreak,
    In order to make these gains and           On the revision of the broadband      ‘connectivity’ is widely being touted
ensure a more digitally connected          guidelines, member states want            as an area that could bring multiple
Europe, EURACTIV has recently              the Commission to introduce more          benefits to many of Europe’s less
learnt that the executive aims to          flexibility “as soon as possible, in      developed regions, and could be
launch a review of its state aid policy    order to facilitate the necessary         an opportunity for them to finally
with regards to the public financing       public financing, including for the       mobilise resources to accelerate
of broadband networks across EU            deployment of very high capacity          themselves into Europe’s digital
member states, resulting in a relaxing     connectivity in rural and remote          transition.
of the 2013 Broadband Guidelines,          areas.”                                       “This is empowerment and
which could allow for more pubic               On 5G, EU member states continue      an advantage,” MEP Maydell told
investment into high capacity              to follow divergent paths towards         EURACTIV. “Now, it is our chance to
networks.                                  Commission objectives of launching        bridge the digital divide and avoid
    The 2013 guidelines currently          5G services in all EU member states       intensifying further the division lines
apply strict conditions to the public      by the end of 2020 and a ‘rapid build-    between front runners and laggers
funding of broadband networks, in          up’ that will ensure “uninterrupted       or core members and the periphery
order to foster a competition-friendly     5G coverage in urban areas and along      across Europe.”
environment. The Commission is             main transport paths by 2025,” as
currently preparing the groundwork         outlined in the 2016 5G Action Plan
for a public consultation and a study      for Europe.
on the guidelines.                             In this context, EU ministers want
    Moreover,      the    Commission’s     a new Action Plan for 5G and 6G,

                                                     IN TERVIEW

                    MEP: Europe’s digital
       education strategy is key
          to future recovery
                                    B y S a m u e l S t o l t o n | E U R A C T I V. c o m

                                                                                     S&D MEP Victor Negrescu. [CC BY 2.0]

         s part of the European Com-         Victor Negrescu is a Romanian             For many of us, digital tools have
         mission’s recently revised       MEP affiliated to the Socialists and         allowed to maintain a sense of
         long-term budget proposal,       Democrats (S&D) group in the European        normality during the lockdown
an increased outlay could go towards      Parliament. He has recently been             by allowing to keep contact with
the digital up-skilling and re-skilling   appointed rapporteur for the Culture         colleagues and loved ones. How do you
of citizens. EURACTIV caught up with      Committee’s report on the EU digital         reflect on Europe’s resilience during the
MEP Victor Negrescu to talk about         education strategy.                          outbreak?
why this issue has risen to the top of
the EU agenda.                                                                         Continued on Page 11

Continued from Page 10                              We in the S&D Group have very          market needs. The current Skills
                                                clear priorities in this area.             Agenda mentions a concept which
    Luckily, Europe has had access to a             • Firstly, we believe we must work    sounds pretentious, but describes a
certain level of digital infrastructure               more together, in creating a true    real necessity – “skills intelligence”,
which has enabled societies not only                  common European Education            that is understanding the current
to continue many work activities, but                 Area, which would allow for          trends in demands for jobs and skills.
also to maintain a significant degree                 more equal development across        There are skills shortages in many
of social interaction, compensating, at               countries and regions, sharing       economic sectors, both traditional
least partially, the effects of mandatory             resources and best practices,        (like construction) and new, and we
social isolation.                                     but also very concrete benefits,     need to build cooperation networks to
    Unfortunately, this infrastructure                such as faster EU-wide diploma       address them – including education
is not available equally across                       recognition.                         institutions, companies, trade unions.
Europe, so we need to invest                        • Secondly, we support the creation       These networks are currently not
more in access to broadband, 5G                       of instruments to develop            developed or functional enough, and
connections, robotization but also                    digital competencies across          I hope the adjusted agenda proposes
in the digitalization of our public                   generations.                         solutions for that. The documents
administrations.                                    • And thirdly, we firmly believe      released by the Commission on their
    This same period has highlighted                  in supporting the educational        proposal for a recovery plan show
several prominent problems that                       process         through      more    that the needs for investments in
our societies will continue to face,                  resources, by increasing the         social infrastructure at EU level have
irrespective of the digital transition.               funding of education both at         raised by 60% while in education
    First of all, not all jobs and activities         EU and at national level. We         and livelong learning alone we speak
can be performed online. Additionally,                consider that education should       additionally about more than 15 billion
in many instances, these jobs are                     be mainstreamed across all           euro per year.
precarious, and staff are overworked                  EU policy fields, and digital            Of course, an obvious skills-
and underpaid. Also, some sectors of                  education plays a special role in    related necessity, emphasised by the
our societies, such as education and                  this.                                COVID-19 crisis, is developing digital
healthcare, can undoubtedly benefit                 My report will ask for clear funding   competencies widely and across
from a better digital infrastructure,           for the digitalisation of education        all age groups, as there are huge
while some activities will not be able          at the EU level and will emphasise         discrepancies between EU regions in
to move online entirely – at least for          the concept of parents, students and       this respect.
the foreseeable future. And these               teachers as co-creators of the digital         We are asking for support from the
are the sectors that have suffered, in          educational process, which must be         EU budget to national initiatives on
many countries, from staff reductions,          harmonised and coordinated with the        digital education, training, up-skilling
budget cuts and austerity over the past         classic education process.                 and re-skilling of workers, as well
decades.                                                                                   as for enshrining media and digital
                                                We’re also expecting the Commission to     literacy on all educational levels –
You’ve recently been appointed                  present an update to the skills agenda     this is a problem for all generations
Parliament Rapporteur on the EU                 in Q3. Do you think the coronavirus        and, especially in times of crises, it
digital education strategy, which the           pandemic has taught us anything about      becomes critical. Digital skills are
Commission will be presenting in Q3.            the specific skills that the executive     needed in many fields and occupations
What are your priorities for the report?        should prioritise in terms of Europe’s     now, in farming as well as in business
                                                future growth?                             start-ups, in healthcare as well as in
   The European Union’s digital                                                            e-government or cultural heritage
education strategy is one of our most              Half of the current workforce will      protection.
prominent instruments in addressing             need to update their skills within the
many of the challenges brought                  next five years – this was highlighted     How does the landscape vary across
forward by this intense period. The             in a recent Commission document.           Europe in terms of the digital skills of
digital transition risks exacerbating           Needless to say, the digital and           citizens? Do we see large variances
inequalities already present in                 green transition will pose additional      across member states?
our systems, but at the same time               challenges from this point of view.
digital education is a huge tool for               The big challenge is matching
modernisation.                                  qualifications with actual labour          Continued on Page 12

Continued from Page 11                          All in all, if we are looking to       ensuring full access to all European
                                             boost up Europe’s ICT capabilities        children to education and healthcare,
    The level of individuals’ digital        and development, we need to do that       but again in the Commission proposal
skills varies greatly across the EU. The     in a manner that does not enhance         for the future we do not see any clear
latest average for EU-27, according to       or reproduce the inequality and           commitments, just a possibility to
Eurostat data from 2019, is 56%, but         exclusion patterns our societies try to   have it somewhere starting 2021.
in the Netherlands it’s 79%, while in        overcome.                                 If we remain behind the pay wall,
Bulgaria it’s 29%. And it’s not only                                                   then we are in fact institutionalising
about skills, but also the access to         You’ve also recently developed an         inequality.
digital equipment and infrastructure         educational tablet for use in schools.        It is for this reason that I called
which can help greatly with the              What was the motivation behind this,      for the creation of EU-wide digital
acquisition of skills: in Sweden, almost     and what are the broader objectives for   education instruments, such as a
all students have access to highly           this technology?                          truly European educational digital
digitally equipped and connected                                                       platform, created by pooling together
schools, while in Romania their                  The idea behind setting-up this       resources, capable of supporting the
percentage is below 20.                      campaign starts from this reality, that   national education systems. I believe
                                             moving education in the digital sphere    that allocating more resources for
How bad is Europe’s digital divide? Are      enhances systemic inequalities. Quite     education is one of the main paths
the differences seen not only across         simply put, a high proportion of          towards preparing the next EU
member states but also across genders,       children in my country do not have the    Generation for the future.
ages, social classes and ethnicities?        devices or internet access needed to
                                             attend school online – many teachers
    We know for example that digital         are also in the same situation, which
skills are lower for EU citizens living in   meant that during the school closures,
rural areas (48%), compared to people        they were (and still are) cut off from
living in cities (where the figure rises     the educational process.
to 62%) – according to 2019 data. This           Alongside several partners from
is an average, but in certain countries      the tech and NGO sphere, we tried
the gap between these categories is          to help, and developed the first
much wider.                                  Romanian educational tablet, which is
    We do need more data regarding           being made available, through a social
the main variables influencing the           program, to children coming from
digital divide, and a closer look at         underprivileged backgrounds.
its relation with income levels. We              However, the systemic problems
do have a somewhat clearer picture           need a strong Europeans response. We
regarding gender. The Commission’s           cannot talk about developing digital
“Women in the digital age” 2018 study        skills when a large part of European
emphasised that only 24 out of every         children does not have access to
1000 female tertiary graduates had an        digital education. One of the solutions
ICT related subject and only six went        resides in implementing faster
on to work in the digital sector.            the European Children Guarantee,

Commission charts new competition
    tool ‘fit for the digital age’
                                         B y S a m u e l S t o l t o n | E U R A C T I V. c o m

                                                                                             Google,    Intel,    Qualcomm        and
                                                                                                Nevertheless, at the start of her
                                                                                             mandate in November 2019, Vice-
                                                                                             President Margrethe Vestager was
                                                                                             tasked by President Ursula von der
                                                                                             Leyen with reevaluating the EU’s
                                                                                             competition       policy     framework,
                                                                                             making it “fit for the digital age”.

                                                                                                  A ‘MARKET OPTIMISATION

                                                                                                 In this regard, the Commission now
                                                                                             recognises that there are gaps within
                                                                                             the current framework and a new
                                                                                             tool is required to facilitate “timely
                                                                                             and effective intervention against
                                                                                             structural competition problems
                                                                                             across markets”, as stated by an
                                                                                             inception impact assessment recently
                                                                                             published by the EU executive.
                                                                                                 In this vein, Nicolas Petit, Joint
                                                                                             Chair in Competition Law at the
              Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President of the European Commission.
                                   [EPA-EFE/STEPHANIE LECOCQ]                                European University Institute and the

                                                                                             Robert Schuman Center for Advanced
         new competition tool ‘fit for               Article 101 prohibits agreements        Studies, recognises the plans as
         the digital age’ is set to be           between      firms      which      stifle   improving the conditions of markets,
         unveiled by the European                competition in the EU. Article 102          rather than penalising specific
Commission before the end of this year,          is designed to address the abuse of         anticompetitive practice.
which has prompted stakeholders to               dominant market position within                 “The point is to create a market
begin analysing the wider impact that            the internal market, honing in on           optimisation tool, to solve competition
it could have on fostering competition           practices such as unfair trading            problems that currently fall through
across the EU’s market economies.                terms, limits to production at the          the cracks of Treaty provisions.
                                                 disadvantage of consumers, and              Existing rules catch bad conduct,
    The move would see an extension              inconsistent conditions applied by          understood as business behaviour
of the Commission’s competition                  certain firms for different clients.        with anticompetitive purpose or
capacities defined within the current                The current rules have led to           effects,” he told EURACTIV.
antitrust framework, the legal basis             billions in antitrust fines being               “The Commission seems to believe
for which is Articles 101 and 102 of the         slapped on some of the world’s largest
treaty of the EU.                                companies in recent years, including        Continued on Page 14

Continued from Page 13                      search results are still non-resolved         Vice-President Vestager noted
                                            issues with many competitors that          in May that the tool would feature
that some markets display structural        doesn’t exit any longer.”                  prominently in the EU’s package of
problems, short of bad business                 The first task at hand for policy      reforms which will attempt to regulate
conduct. The point is to allow the          experts within DG COMP will be to          the online ecosystem.
Commission to intervene in order to         define the criteria for what constitutes      “We should focus on the digital
improve market competition, not to          a ‘tipping market,’ a specific area        sector and the new competition
remove bad business behaviour,” Petit       in which bureaucrats are currently         rule should be directly linked to the
said.                                       investing a lot of time, EURACTIV          Digital Services Act (DSA) ex-ante
   He added that the goal of the            understands.                               general ground rules where basic
executive in this regard is to act “below       Nicolas Petit said it would be         principles are given to the platforms,”
the threshold required for standard         “very hard to say” what would entail       Avram, who has regularly pressed the
competition infringements, and below        a fair definition of a tipping market,     Commission for answers on dominant
the radar of of strict judicial review.”    adding that “for instance, is the          platform abuse, told EURACTIV.
                                            videoconferencing market prone to             “In particular the systemic
   ‘MARKET TIPPING’                         ‘market tipping’? No one can really say    platforms     in     instances    where
                                            today.”                                    you cannot self-preference your
    Along this axis, the new tool will          “We forget that we often talk          own services over the services of
be designed to mitigate structural          of market tipping with the benefit         competitors and where you cannot
risks in markets as well as intervene in    of hindsight. That’s why a more            prevent the consumer from switching
situations whereby a market is close to     promising target for the tool is to        or choosing another service or
‘tipping.’                                  focus the tool towards markets that        competing app.”
    In     competition     terminology,     have tipped to one or a small firms,          “Greater transparency and control
market tipping refers to the situation      like perhaps app stores,” Petit, who is    should also be given to the consumers
where one company obtains high              soon publishing a book entitled Big        over their choice over their data and
monopoly       profits   and     market     Tech and the Digital Economy, added.       data portability,” she added.
share, creating an anti-competitive             “In this sense, a tipped market can       Consultations on the tool were
environment for other firms.                be defined as one in which a product,      launched at the beginning of June, and
    The Commission envisages that           firm or standard has won the game,         are open until 8 September.
the tool would impose structural            uncertainty has disappeared, and              Competition policy is an area of
remedies to competition imbalances,         there is a lot of inertia meaning little   the Commission’s DSA initiatives in
but will not rule on infringements or       entrepreneurial effort, investment         which tech giants are said to be most
establish fines.                            and innovation,” he said.                  concerned about the EU’s future
    Furthermore, ‘speed’ in responding                                                 direction.
to markets nearing such conditions             DIGITAL SECTOR                             While President von der Leyen
would be another function of the tool,                                                 made it a priority at the beginning of
and such an aspect would be a welcome            While publicly DG COMP is             her term to achieve European digital
addition to the EU’s competition            pitching the new tool as a general         sovereignty, the functioning of the
policy framework, believes S&D MEP          purpose instrument, its application        new competition tool could go a long
Carmen Avram, shadow rapporteur on          is likely to be most evident across the    way toward rebalancing markets that
the Parliament’s annual competition         platform economy – digital markets         are currently dominated by firms
report.                                     harbouring many of the characteristics     that suppress the growth of European
    “The main objective for the new         such as ‘extreme economies of scale        players in the digital ecosystem.
competition tool is to be able to deal      and scope, strong network effects, zero
more effectively and faster with            pricing and data dependency’ that the
digital antitrust and merger cases in       Commission would like to address.
particular,” she told EURACTIV.                  For MEP Carmen Avram, minds
    “As we have seen with the Google        should be focused on the structural
shopping antitrust case, the case           problems to the digital sector in
started over 10 years ago and we are        particular, and she would like to seek
still waiting for the end of the case, in   complementarity between the new
the meantime fair competition, self-        competition tool and the upcoming
referencing or non-discrimination in        Digital Services Act.

                                     PROMOTED CONTENT / OPINION

       DISCLAIMER: All opinions in this column reflect the views of the author(s), not of EURACTIV Media network.

           How a truly digital approach
          can accelerate the post-Covid
               economic recovery
                                           B y N i c k R e a d | Vo d a f o n e

                                                                                        In a matter of days and weeks, we
                                                                                    implemented significant changes
                                                                                    which, in other circumstances, would
                                                                                    likely have taken months. We also
                                                                                    made donations and provided benefits
                                                                                    in kind valued at €100m.
                                                                                        We all hope that the pandemic’s
                                                                                    worst is now behind us. But even if
                                                                                    this is the case, the crisis is far from
                                                                                    over. The European Commission’s
                                                                                    economic forecast augurs significant
                                                                                    challenges ahead, with real GDP
                                                                                    declining 7.4% in the EU this year and
                                                                                    unemployment approaching 10%. The
                                                                                    everyday struggles to make ends meet
                                                                                    for European families and businesses
                                                                                    must be a concern to us all. In Africa,
                                                                                    another key region for Vodafone, over
                                                                                    20 million people will be pushed into
                                               Nick Read, CEO of Vodafone.
                                                       [Vodafone]                   extreme poverty.
                                                                                        The shadow of COVID is likely to be

                                                                                    long, and, along the way, it has exposed
            hen I presented our annual        To care for our employees, we         vulnerabilities in society, business,
            results last month, I spoke   moved 95% of Vodafone’s workforce         and governments that are imperative
            about the speed of our        from the office to home. For our          to tackle.
business continuity planning amid         customers,       eHealth,    eLearning,       Bold action is required, drawing
the Covid pandemic. This allowed us       and remote working were deployed          upon the hard-earned learnings from
to focus on a comprehensive 5-point       at scale. We helped governments           this crisis.
plan to support our customers and         and health authorities reach out to           The EU recovery plan announced
society in this crisis.                   citizens with essential information       recently is a good start. When the
                                          and services. To respond to a near 50%    Commission President Ursula von der
    Nick Read is the Chief Executive      spike in traffic, we expedited network
Officer of the Vodafone Group.            investments.                              Continued on Page 16

Continued from Page 15                       hardware costs.                             game-changer will only happen
                                                 The task ahead is clear: No matter      by governments adopting a new
Leyen launched the plan, she said:           where they live and their income            comprehensive approach. There is
                                             levels, citizens must have the digital      a need to address scale: the 640m
    “The recovery plan turns the immense     access and tools, as well as literacy, to   European mobile connections are
challenge we face into an opportunity,       be successful in a digital world.           dispersed among approximately 40
not only by supporting the recovery              Second,         businesses      must    or more operators; in China there are
but also by investing in our future: the     recognise a new reality: diminished         three operators for 1.3bn connections,
European Green Deal and digitalisation       physical interaction with customers         whereas in the U.S. there are 400m
will boost jobs and growth, the resilience   or employees. E-commerce will be            connections across the four – and soon
of our societies and the health of our       even more virtual. Small and Medium         to be three – main operators.
environment.”                                Sized Enterprises (SMEs) are the EU’s           It is high time to face up to policy
                                             economic growth engine, yet these           choices driving the poor returns
    These are sentiments I fully             businesses, which employ about two-         on digital investments in Europe.
embrace. Our collective ability              thirds of the EU workforce, must be         Governments must put an end to
to recover from challenges and               able to function digitally to be able to    extractive spectrum auctions, promote
difficulties—resilience—will          also   flourish in the future.                     sustainable competition without
require strong leadership by the                 Poor levels of digitisation means       artificial interventions in the market,
EU institutions and governments.             limited ability to adapt and, especially    as well as leverage subsidies and in
We must rebuild our societies and            for SMEs, this can jeopardise their         other ways actively support more
economies to be more resilient, more         survival. In Italy, there are early         efficient ways of deploying networks.
sustainable, more digital, and more          examples of attempts to overcome                With the pandemic hopefully
inclusive.                                   this, for example a proposed SME            nearing its end, the European Union
    Accelerated digitisation must play       digitalisation voucher scheme. We           will need to get serious on charting
a central role, recognising the essential    now look to the EU’s recovery plan to       a new course to enhance its digital
lifeline that digital infrastructure,        codify and expand such schemes for          infrastructure and accelerate the
services and tools have played for the       companies of all sizes throughout the       digitisation of all citizens, businesses
vast majority of European citizens           EU.                                         and key government services —for the
and businesses during the health                 Third, we need to accelerate the        benefit of society, its resilience and its
crisis. Also, when the U.S. and China        provisioning of critical government         future competitiveness.
are increasing their investments in          services through digital means.                 We must act fast and be bold. We
digitisation, it is essential that Europe    While e-government have been on             did so during the peak of the health
does the same. We need the strength          the agenda for a long time, COVID19         crisis. We are able to do it again to
of a modern, competitive Europe on           has revealed both its potential and the     overcome the economic crisis. As
the global stage. Specifically, based on     remaining gaps.                             Vodafone, a European company
the scars Covid19 has left on the face of        Governments also need to deepen         operating networks in 24 countries
society, I believe that there are four key   their ability to understand and make        around the world with 75% of our
elements we must focus on now:               use of mobility data insights—              revenue in Europe, we are ready to
    First, we must acknowledge               anonymised and aggregated—to steer          play our part.
that this crisis touches us all very         policy interventions, finding new and
differently. Far too many of our fellow      better ways to partner with businesses
citizens are left behind, and their          that already have the relevant big data
low—or sometimes non-existent—               capabilities. Our own experience of
level of digitisation is an unseen           closely collaborating with authorities
dividing line. Resilience is important       in Spain and Italy shows that it is
but it must benefit everyone. During         possible to forge such partnerships.
the lockdowns, many EU children have             Finally, it is long overdue to bridge
endured without education for lack of        the perpetual digital infrastructure
basic Internet. Approximately 10% of         investment gap which, in its recovery
the 8.2m students forced to do their         plan, the Commission has estimated to
classwork from home in Spain do not          be €42bn annually.
have access to the right technology,             Mobilising private investment
El Pais reported, often due to high          remains important. But the real
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