The combination of virgin olive oils and refined marine oils - beneficial effects - Olivita

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B. ØSTERUD1, E.O. ELVEVOLL2         The combination of virgin olive oils and
                                    refined marine oils – beneficial effects

VOL. 10, N. 4, 00-00, 2008          Summary
                                    The traditional extraction technique of marine oils from marine products
                                    involves heating or steam stripping of the raw material in order to release
TITOLO                              the lipids. In addition, marine oils are refined. Removal of molecules to
La combinazione di oli vergini      improve sensory attributes or safety of the marine oil may destroy potent
di oliva e oli marini raffinati -   antioxidants and may as well remove components with potential beneficial
effetti benefici                    effects. Indeed, in several clinical studies performed on marine oils we have
                                    observed that this is associated with loss of anti-inflammatory effects pro-
KEY WORDS                           bably mediated by removal of beneficial antioxidants. Based on these fin-
Olive oils, marine oils,            dings a clinical study with combined cold pressed olive oil with refined seal
antioxidants, beneficial effects    oil or fish oil was performed. Healthy subjects were given 15 ml/day of the
                                    combined oils for 10-14 weeks. These recombined oils appeared to regain
PAROLE CHIAVE                       properties and behave more like the cold pressed marine oils. The anti-in-
Olio di oliva, oli marini,          flammatory effects were seen in reduction of MCP-1 (monocyte chomo-
antiossidanti, effetti benefici     tactic protein-1), C-reactive protein (CRP), as well as thromboxane B2
                                    and leukotriene B4 in the seal oil combined with olive oil, and reduction in
                                    cytokines in the fish oil combined with olive oil. Similar changes were not
                                    seen in the marine oils without the presence of olive oil or olive oil alone.
                                    In conclusion, cold pressed olive oil has the ability to regain beneficial ef-
                                    fects lost during refinement of marine oils.

                                    La tradizionale tecnica di estrazione degli oli marini dai prodotti del mare
  Department of Biochemistry,
Institute of Medical Biology,       coinvolge il riscaldamento o lo stripping a vapore dalle materie prime al fi-
Faculty of Medicine,                ne di rilasciare i lipidi. Inoltre, gli oli marini vengono raffinati. La rimozio-
University of Tromsø, Norway        ne di molecole dall’olio marino per migliorarne gli attributi sensoriali o la
  Department of Marine              sicurezza possono distruggere gli antiossidanti e rimuovere anche i compo-
Biotechnology, University of        nenti con potenziali effetti benefici. Infatti, in diversi studi clinici effettuati
Tromsø, Norway                      sugli oli marini abbiamo osservato che questo è associato con la perdita de-
Dr. Bjarne Østerud                  gli effetti anti-infiammatori probabilmente a causa della rimozione degli
Department of Biochemistry          antiossidanti. Sulla base di queste evidenze è stato allestito uno studio cli-
Institute of Medical Biology
Faculty of Medicine                 nico utilizzando la combinazione di olio di oliva pressato a freddo con olio
University of Tromsø                di foca o di pesce raffinato. Soggetti in salute hanno assunto 15 ml/die del-
9037 Tromsø, Norway
Telephone: 47 776 44730             l’olio combinato per 10-14 settimane. Quest’olio combinato sembra recu-
E-mail:        perare le proprietà e comportarsi come l’olio marino pressato a freddo. Gli


                                              effetti anti-infiammatori sono stati osservati come riduzione della MCP-1
                                              (proteina chemotattica dei monociti-1), della proteina C-reattiva (PCR),
                                              come pure del trombossano B2 e del leucotriene B4 nell’olio di foca in
                                              combinazione con l’olio d’oliva, e come riduzione delle citochine nell’olio
                                              di pesce in combinazione con l’olio d’oliva. Simili cambiamenti non sono
                                              stati osservati negli oli marini senza la presenza di olio d’oliva o di olio d’o-
                                              liva da solo. In conclusione, l’olio d’oliva pressato a freddo ha la capacità di
                                              riacquistare gli effetti benefici persi durante la raffinazione degli oli marini.

    Cardio-protective properties of           human subjects have been given va-        instance destroy potent antioxi-
    seafood – lost due to processing?         rious dietary supplements, and the        dants or remove other components
                                              endpoints of our studies has been         with potential beneficial effects.
    The groundbreaking observations           measurements of serum fatty acids,        Modern meal preparing techniques
    of reduced mortality due to CVD           lipids and lipoproteins and various       may also lower the content of bio-
    in Greenland Eskimos with a tradi-        parameters associated with cardio-        logically active components, and
    tional diet consisting substantial        vascular/thrombotic diseases (6-          losses of low molecular weight
    amounts of meat and fat (blubber)         13). We have investigated various         compounds, due to preparing tech-
    from seal and whales, suggest that        questions related to these marine         niques are well known. Previous
    high intakes of n–3 fatty acids from      products, such as: Which marine           studies in our laboratories indicate
    fish and sea mammals prevent              oil/oil combinations have the most        (1) up to 70% loss of biological ac-
    CVD (1). This is in contrast with         beneficial effects? Does processing       tive components when preparing
    the high frequency of cardiovascu-        of the marine oils influence the          traditional (Norwegian) fish pro-
    lar disease in Western populations,       health benefits? Are there additio-       ducts (14), and (2) that there are
    who have low fish intakes and high        nal benefits from eating whole fish       protective substances, the effect of
    intakes of cholesterol and saturated      compared to fish oils? Are fish oils      which disappears when products
    fat. Consumption of fish and mari-        more efficiently taken up from            are subjected to rough processing
    ne PUFAs is associated with a re-         complete fish compared to fish oil        conditions such as cooking or refi-
    duced risk of cardiovascular events       capsules? Indeed, in a recent study,      ning (7, 9).
    and mortality, in part caused by a        we found that the long-chain n-3
    decreased risk of sudden death (2-        PUFAs were almost 3-times more
    5). We have previously performed          efficiently taken up from complete        Marine oils – Cardiovascular risk
    various studies of the effects of in-     fish than from cod liver oil (13).        protection?
    take of fish, seal and whale oils, fish   The main task of modern food refi-
    fillet, and fish paste enriched with      ning processes is to make edible          The objectives of our experiments
    taurine and the n-3 PUFAs EPA             and stable products. Refining pro-        have been, by mimicking parts of
    and DHA in healthy human volun-           cedures to improve sensory attribu-       the traditional Eskimo diet, to ex-
    teers. In all these studies, healthy      tes or safety of marine oils may for      plore the beneficial effects of raw or


less processed food items on para-       related to changes in blood cells       vered. The nutritional quality of the
meters related to development of         but not to changes in LPS-induced       food depends on quantity as well as
CHD. In our studies, healthy vo-         products. Our investigations seem       availability of such molecules. The
lunteers ingested cold pressed “vir-     to indicate that there may be pro-      time and temperature of processing,
gin” versus refined marine oils (seal,   tective substances, relevant for the    product composition and storage
whale, cod liver). These studies ha-     development of CHD, in seafood          are all factors that substantially im-
ve revealed that there may be addi-      and marine oils, the effect of which    pact the status of our foods.
tional to n-3 fatty acids, beneficial    disappears when these products are      Fish oils are extracted from whole
components of relevance for car-         subjected to rough processing con-      fish, fish liver (mainly cod liver) or
diovascular diseases in marine oils.     ditions such as blanching, cooking      by-products from the fisheries in-
Non-refined (cold pressed or “vir-       or refining. This supports our          dustry (mainly salmon). Marine
gin”) marine oil had additional po-      hypothesis that n-3 fatty acids are     mammal oils are produced from
sitive effects on parameters related     not the only products of the Eski-      blubber, external adipose tissue. The
to development of CHD despite a          mo diet preventing cardiovascular       traditional extraction technique in-
lower content of n-3 fatty acids (7,     diseases.                               volves heating or steam stripping of
9, 12).                                                                          the raw material in order to release
                                                                                 the lipids. Marine oils are highly
In a recent investigation, one hun-      Oil processing/refining                 unsaturated and the application of
dred and thirty one healthy subjects                                             high temperatures during extraction
were randomly divided into               The main task of modern processes       may cause undesired effects like; ini-
7groups receiving 15 ml/day for 8        for making cod liver/fish oil pro-      tiation of oxidation reactions, de-
weeks cold pressed or refined wha-       ducts is to make them edible and        struction of antioxidants and extrac-
le- seal- or fish oils and one group     stable. Removal of molecules that       tion of molecules that causes taste
which did not receive any oil (con-      causes off- flavours or taste to im-    and smell in the oil fraction. It is
trol group) [unpublished]. A multi-      prove sensory attributes may, for in-   inevitable that during heat extrac-
variate analysis showed that intake      stance, destroy potent antioxidants.    tion of the oil, detectable changes
of particularly whale oil was asso-      Processing (including preparation)      occur in the different lipid compo-
ciated with a strong positive corre-     makes food healthier, safer, tastier    nent, as compared with their “virgin”
lation between changes in EPA and        and more shelf-stable. While the        state in the cells (8). Marine oils for
changes in HDL-cholesterol               benefits are numerous, processing       human consumption are normally
(r=0.63 for refined and 0.40 for         can also be detrimental, affecting      subjected to additional refining pro-
cold-pressed whale oils). This was       the nutritional quality. The content    cedures. The main objectives of this
less pronounced in the CLO               of biological active molecules of       process are to remove pesticides and
groups. Changes in EPA in the            foods subjected to processing or        to make an edible and stable pro-
cold-pressed CLO group were ne-          preparing is influenced by several      duct. To achieve a stable, sensory ac-
gatively correlated to changes in        factors. The chemical stability of      ceptable and safe product the remo-
WBC, platelets, cytokines and            such molecules in the food is of im-    val of a number of components
proinflammatory eicosanoids, whe-        portance as well as the extent of       (proteins, peptides, amino acids, free
reas in the refined CLO group            processing, environmental factors       fatty acids, phospholipids, pigments,
changes in EPA was negatively cor-       and form in which the food is deli-     sterols, transformation products,


    metals and possible toxic agents) are      olive oil (low in polyphenols), and a   cumulates, their lipids and proteins
    normally necessary.                        mixture of the 2 oils in equal parts    undergo oxidation and glycation.
    In conclusion, removal of molecules        were studied by Covas et al. (16).      Cells in the vessel wall seem to in-
    to improve sensory attributes or sa-       Two hundred healthy young men           terpret the change as a dangerous
    fety of the oil may destroy potent         consumed 25 mL of an olive oil          sign, and they call for reinforcement
    antioxidants and may as well remo-         daily for 3 weeks followed by the       from the body defense system. The-
    ve components with potential be-           other olive oils in a randomly assi-    se events appear to promote upre-
    neficial effects.                          gned sequence. Olive oils with          gulation of adhesion molecules on
                                               greater polyphenol content led to a     the endothelial cells (ECs), particu-
                                               slight increased high density lipo-     larly vascular cell adhesion molecu-
    Virgin olive oil                           protein (HDL) cholesterol levels        le-1 (VCAM-1) and intercellular
                                               and decrease in serum markers of        adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1).
    Virgin olive oils produced by di-          oxidation. A linear decrease in total   Thus monocyte and lymphocyte re-
    rect-press or centrifugation me-           cholesterol-HDL cholesterol ratio       cruitment is initiated, leading to en-
    thods have higher phenolic con-            and oxidative biomarkers (conjuga-      hanced transmigration of monocy-
    tent. Phenolic compounds in olive          ted dienes, hydroxy fatty acids, and    tes, upregulated exposure of adhe-
    oil show strong antioxidant proper-        circulating oxidized LDL) in asso-      sion molecules on a variety of cells
    ties and at the same time oxidized         ciation with the phenolic content       and chemoattractant production
    low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is           of the olive oils was observed. The     and release. These are all essential
    damaging to the arterial wall.             greatest within-group effects on in-    elements of the transfer of monocy-
    Improvements in endothelial                creasing HDL cholesterol levels         tes to the intima and the concurrent
    dysfunction and the lipid profile ha-      and decreasing oxidative biomar-        differentiation of these cells into
    ve been reported for dietary poly-         kers were also measured after high      macrophages. Available LDL is a
    phenols and the Mediterranean              polyphenol olive oil consumption.       prerequisite for the further conver-
    diets health benefits are suggested        These authors have also concluded       sion of macrophages into lipid loa-
    to be due to a synergism of phyto-         that virgin olive oil have greater      ded macrophages, major residents
    chemicals and fatty acids (15-18).         health benefits than refined olive      of the fatty streak formed just un-
    Olive oil (rich in oleic acid fatty        oil (16).                               derneath the endothelium of the
    acid), is the main fat of the Medi-                                                vessel wall. Modified forms of LDL
    terranean diet and most of the pro-                                                (oxidized, acylated etc.) are of parti-
    tective effect of olive oil has been at-   Why is it important to prevent          cular interest, since the modifica-
    tributed to its high monounsatura-         oxidation in the vessel wall?           tion of LDL is associated with in-
    ted fatty acid content. However, the                                               flammatory reactions, amplifying
    minor components, particularly the         Recruitment of monocytes and            proinflammatory events already ini-
    phenolic compounds, in olive oil are       lymphocytes from the peripheral         tiated due to the adherence and
    recently documented to contribute          blood to the intima of the vessel       transmigration of monocytes and
    to the health benefits derived from        wall is a primordial event in athero-   lymphocytes into the intima.
    the Mediterranean diet (15-18).            genesis, an event that appears to de-   Polyunsaturated fatty acids, as e.g.
    The effect of consuming virgin oli-        pend on the local presence of high      the omega-3 fatty acids, are also
    ve oil (high in polyphenols), refined      amounts of LDL. As the LDL ac-          incorporated in LDL-particles, i.e.


these particles are thereby more su-     Table 1 - The stabilit of various oils when hated 70°C and exposed to oxidation
sceptible for oxidation. Since this is
one of the major reactions in the
                                         Oil                    Hours before start                  “Second” reaction
early phase of atherogenesis19 (re-
                                                                  of oxidation
view), a prevention of the oxidation
may prevent foam cell formation in       OliVita                        38
the intima, the early event in athe-     Olive oil                     >60
rogenesis. Thus, antioxidants have       Soya oil                      1,1
been shown to reduce lesion for-         Cod liver oil (CLO)            0,5                                9,6
                                         Seal oil                      2,1                                12,5
mation in animal models 20 (re-
                                         Conc. of EPA+DHA

    Table 2 - Administration of marine oils; 10 weeks

    Parameter                                                     Control         Seal     Cod liver    Seal+CL      Whale
      triacylglycerol (TG)                                           -             L*           -          -           -
      total cholesterol                                              “             -            -          -           -
      HDL cholesterol                                                “             -            -          H*         H***
    Coagulation factors:
      Prothrombin F1+2                                               “             -            -           -          L*

    Lipopolysaccharide stimulated (LPS) whole blood:
      tumor necrosis factor- TNF α (monocytes)                       “             -            -          -           L*
      tissue factor activity (TF) (monocytes)                        “             -            -          L*          L*
      thtomboxane B2 (TXB2)                                          “             -            -          -           L**

                                                                                         antioxidants and other contami-
    Table 3 - Diet added 15 ml cod liver oil (CLO) or OliVita, changes in para-          nants, with extra virgin olive oils,
    meters related to coronary heart disese (CHD) before and after intake                we obtain a synergistic effect bet-
                                                                                         ween the marine polyunsaturated
    Groups HDL-chol           hsCRP          MCP-1         TxB2             LTB4         fatty acids, particularly EPA and
                                                                                         DHA, and the antioxidants and
    CLO           (+)            -             +             ++              ++          probably other components in the
    OliVita       ++            +++           +++            ++              ++          olive oil. This effect mimics the si-
                                                                                         gnificant beneficial effect of cold
                                                                                         pressed whale oil that appears to be
    reactions in the test subjects had       The major difference between fish           largely lost during the refinement
    been altered in a very positive way.     oil in combination with olive oil as        process. The unique effects of the
    Furthermore, HDL-cholesterol, the        compared to seal oil and olive oil,         combination of the refined marine
    good cholesterol, was increased by       was the latter’s combined oil had a         oils and the olive oil are strongly
    about 8 percent in the group consu-      significantly higher rise in the good       dependent on the ratio between the
    ming seal oil/olive oil. This confirms   HDL-cholesterol compared to the             marine oils and the olive oil in ad-
    our earlier observation that marine      combination of fish oil and olive oil.      dition to the quality of the extra
    oils from blubber of mammalian                                                       virgin olive oil.
    animals has a very good effect on
    HDL-cholesterol 9. As expected           Conclusions
    was the production of thromboxane
    B2 and leukotriene B4 reduced by         Our studies suggest that by recom-          1. Dyerberg J, Bang HO, Stoffersen E,
    both CLO and seal oil/olive oil.         bining refined marine oils, avoid of           Moncada S, Vane JR. Eicosapentanoic


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