Page created by Gary Rogers
                                                                                 LE PROFESSEUR DE MUSIQUE CANADIEN
                                                                                 VOLUME 65 - NUMBER/NUMÉRO 2 - JANUARY/JANVIER 2015

                                        CANADIAN FEDERATION
                                        OF MUSIC TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATIONS
                                        FÉDÉRATION CANADIENNE DES ASSOCIATIONS
                                        DE PROFESSEURS DE MUSIQUE

a semaine de la musique canadienne

    November 16- 22, 2014
    Celebrating the best of Canadian
    music, culture and creativity.
    Live performances and events across the country.

    Visit for details.

                                                                                    Providing Leadership in Music Education across Canada
                                                                                         Chef de file de l’éducation musicale au Canada
Yamaha has been a strong supporter of the Canadian Federation of Music
   Teacher’s Association and would like to thank all teachers for their dedication
   to the arts and music education. Yamaha continues to support music festivals,
   music education and art foundations and is proud to have Yamaha pianos
   featured in international piano competitions, played by top artists and found
   in top institutions and concert halls around the world.

 Y A M A H A                              P L A T I N U M                               P I A N O                     D E A L E R S
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Vancouver              Victoria                  Richmond              Edmonton               Saskatoon               Regina                Winnipeg
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                                                                                              PROUD SUPPORTER OF

                                                                                                                      CANADIAN FEDERATION
                                                                                                                      OF MUSIC TEACHERS’

                                                                                                                      FÉDÉRATION CANADIENNE
                                                                                                                      DES PROFESSEURS
                                                                                                                      DE MUSIQUE

                                                                                                    The Glenn Gould

               FB: Yamaha Piano Canada
               Twitter: @YamahaCanMusic

Ontario                                                                                                                              Quebec                      Nova Scotia
Ottawa Piano & Organ   Toronto Piano Group             Toronto Piano Group        Toronto Piano Group          D & S Pianos          Archambault                 Doctor Piano
1412 Bank Street       100 Steeles Ave West. Unit 35   75 Watline Ave. Unit 140   1099 Kingston Road Unit 5B   1700 Hyde Park Road   500 Rue Saint-Catherine E   6426 Bayers Road
Ottawa                 Thornhill                       Missisauga                 Pickering                    London                Montreal                    Halifax
(T) 613-731-5678       (T) 905-731-7725                (T) 905-361-5664           (T) 905-831-6388             (T) 519-641-4343      (T) 514-849-6201            (T) 902-455-0880

     CFMTA/FCAPM Vancouver 2015 National Conference
      Pathways to . . . Collaboration - Performance - Wellness
             July 8 - 11, 2015      Vancouver B.C. Canada

            Welcoming all members to Vancouver

Sara Davis Buechner              James Parker         Janet Scott Hoyt

              Early Bird Deadline is January 31, 2015
WHAT’S INSIDE . . .                                                     PUBLICATION INFORMATION
                                                           Official Journal of the CANADIAN FEDERATION OF MUSIC
                                                           TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATIONS / FÉDÉRATION CANADIENNE
                                                           DES ASSOCIATIONS DES PROFESSEURS DE MUSIQUE
6    Greetings from CFMTA/FCAPM President
                                                           CIRCULATION approx. 3500 -            FOUNDED IN 1935
8    Hello from the Editor
                                                           UPCOMING EDITIONS OF
                                                           The Canadian Music Teacher/ Le professeur de musique canadien
9    The CFMTA Certificate of Recogntion for
       Professional Achievement                            Spring (Printemps) Edition 2015
                                                                    • Publication: May 2015
                                                                    • Submission Deadline: April 1, 2015
10   Call for Compositions
                                                           Fall (Automne) - Canada Music Week® Edition 2015
11   Attention Branch and Provincial Executives!                    • Publication: September 2015
                                                                    • Submission Deadline: August 15, 2015
12   CFMTA/FCAPM Vancouver 2015 Conference                 Winter (Hiver) Edition 2016
                                                                   • Publication: January 2016
14   William Andrews Canada Music Week® Awards                     • Submission Deadline: December 1, 2015
         North Shore - BC
         Barrie - Ontario                                  SEND ALL MATERIALS FOR EDITIONS TO:
                                                                 Dina Pollock
                                                                 Phone 604.614.3298
17   Canada Music Week® - Coast to Coast                         Fax      604.859.9855
26   Branching Out in 2014 - 2015
                                                           Send all advertising inquiries and orders to:
28   CFMTA/FCAPM National Essay Competition                          Dina Pollock
                                                                     Phone 604.614.3298
29   Mark your Calendar                                              Fax      604.859.9855

31   Tribute to Mr. Udo Kasemets                           The official journal of the Canadian Federation of Music Teachers’
                                                           Associations/Fédération canadienne des associations des professeurs
34   Using Recordings to Enhance the Study of Repertoire   de musique is published three times a year. Its purpose is to inform
         The DREAM Website                                 music teachers about the Association’s activities, provide a forum for
                                                           discussion and supply information of topical interest.
                                                           Inclusion of items in this journal does not imply endorsement or
35   What's New at the Conservatories?
                                                           approval by the CFMTA/FCAPM.
                                                           All opinions are those of the authors and may differ from those of
38   Review of Publications                                CFMTA/FCAPM.

44   Delegates and Officers Directory
46   Please Support our Advertisers
                                                           Non-members may receive a subscription
                                                           by submitting an annual fee to:
                                                                   Natasha Frid Finlay, Secretary / Treasurer
                                                                   21 Allen Ave, Toronto, ON M4M 1T5

                                                           The fee for Canadian residents is $ 20.00 per year,
                                                                     and $ 30.00 for non-residents.
                                                           Make cheque payable to CFMTA/FCAPM.

 Hiver   2015    -     Le professeur de musique canadien                                                                            5
                 Charline Farrell

Happy New Year!

New beginnings are always exciting.           We hope that our students enjoy many             obligations of providing an instrument
We welcome new activities, new ideas,         opportunities during the year, such as           and a quiet place in the home to
and are filled with hope for the year         recitals, festivals, student workshops,          practice, help the student organize time
ahead.                                        master classes and musical social events.        for quality practice, pay for books and
                                              It is becoming increasingly evident that         lessons, and provide transportation. The
We hope that our students continue to         our Ministries of Education see less and         student has but one obligation in this
progress, and we hope they will practise!     less value in music education for every          trio….practise, practise, practise!
Our branch colleagues are always there        student. This is a discussion for another
with ideas to help motivate student           day, but in the meantime, let’s give our         Have a wonderful, and musical, 2015!
practice. Attending meetings gives us         students every opportunity to enjoy              We hope to see many of you at our
valuable professional development.            music as a social activity. A large part         National Conference in July 2015 in
Every branch has teachers who stand           of the enjoyment of music is sharing it          Beautiful British Columbia!
out as wise pedagogues, and we owe            with others.
them our respect. They, in turn, give us                                                       Blessings,
advice of the most practical nature. We       We hope that parents will realize the            Charline Farrell, President
can become increasingly better teachers       importance of music education for                CFMTA/FCAPM
because these connections provide us          their children. We can facilitate this
with free continuing education.               knowledge by having ongoing contact
                                              with the parents of our students.
We hope that we have opportunities            There are three people involved in
to network with our fellow teachers           music lessons. The job of the teacher
at workshops, master classes, festivals,      is to share his/her knowledge, suggest
concerts/recitals and Provincial and          repertoire choices that are best suited
National Conferences. Our profession,         to a particular student, find ways to
while satisfying, can be somewhat             motivate when a plateau is reached,
“lonely”, so the opportunities for            always find positive ways to suggest
networking are not only rewarding, but        improvement, and keep the parent
necessary. We all are blessed because of      informed. The parent has the practical
our association with fellow teachers.

                                Take notice that the Annual Meeting of the members of the
                                Canadian Federation of Music Teachers’ Associations will be held in
                                Vancouver, British Columbia - July 8th & 9th, 2015
                                Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel - 7551 Westminster Highway, Richmond, BC
                                           Business to be conducted includes:
                                           Complete the business of the current year
                                           Transact business as it is brought before the meeting
                                           Appoint Auditors.
                                           By order of Charline Farrell, President - Natasha Frid Finlay, Secretary/Treasurer
                                           Dated at Toronto, Ontario, this 15th day of August, 2014

6                                                                            The Canadian Music Teacher             -      Winter   2015
Bonne et heureuse année à toutes et à tous !

Les nouveaux commencements sont                 provinciaux. Même si notre profession             Le professeur a pour fonction de
toujours excitants. Nous accueillons de         est satisfaisante, elle est toutefois             partager ses connaissances, de suggérer
nouvelles activités, de nouvelles idées         solitaire et les possibilités d’échanges          du répertoire qui sera bénéfique pour
toutes deux remplies d’espoir devant la         ne sont pas seulement gratifiantes mais           un élève en particulier, de trouver des
nouvelle année qui s’offre à nous.              nécessaires. Nous sommes privilégiés              moyens de motivation lors de moments
Nous espérons que vos élèves                    de faire partie d’une association qui             difficiles, de suggérer des améliorations
continuent leur progression et qu’ils           favorise tout cela.                               de façon positive et de tenir les parents
vont pratiquer ! Nos collègues sont             Nous espérons que nos élèves                      informés de la progression. Les parents
toujours présents auprès de leurs jeunes        apprécieront tout au long de l’année les          ont des obligations plus pratiques en
étudiants pour les aider et les motiver à       occasions d’aller encore plus loin dans           procurant un instrument adéquat qui
travailler. Par contre, les jeunes ne sont      leur apprentissage par le biais de récitals,      sera placé dans un endroit propice à la
pas les seuls à cheminer dans leur art          festivals, classe de maitre et divers             pratique, aider son enfant à organiser un
puisque les réunions de nos différents          événements musicaux. Il est de plus en            temps de pratique de qualité, payer pour
comités nous permettent à nous aussi            plus évident que notre gouvernement               les leçons et les livres et lui permettre
d’avancer et d’améliorer notre expertise        se préoccupe de moins en moins de                 de se rendre à son cours d’instrument.
professionnelle. Dans toutes nos                la valeur que peut avoir l’éducation              L’élève a seulement une obligation dans
régions, nous avons des professeurs se          musicale pour tous. Comme il s’agit               ce trio….pratiquer, pratiquer, pratiquer !
démarquant par leur pédagogie aiguisée          ici d’un long débat, concentrons-nous             Que l’année 2015 vous apporte joie
que nous respectons au plus au point.           sur les opportunités que nous pouvons             et musique ! Nous espérons vous
Ils nous donnent des avis qui s’avèrent         offrir à nos jeunes élèves afin qu’ils            rencontrer en grand nombre lors de
des plus pratiques pour notre propre            puissent trouver plaisir à faire de la            notre « National Conference » en juillet
évolution. Nous pouvons ainsi devenir           musique une activité sociale. Une large           prochain dans la si belle Colombie-
de meilleurs professeurs puisque ces            part de ce plaisir est certes le partage de       Britannique !
échanges nous permettent de profiter            la musique avec les autres.                       Amicalement,
d’une formation continue.                       Nous espérons que les parents                     Charline Farrell, Présidente
Nous espérons que nous aurons                   réaliseront l’importance de l’éducation           CFMTA/FCAPM
l’opportunité de partager nos                   musicale pour leurs enfants. Nous
connaissances avec nos collègues de             pouvons faciliter cette réalité en
partout à travers le pays grâce aux             développant les contacts avec les parents
ateliers, classes de maitre, festivals,         de nos élèves. Il y a trois personnages
concerts, récitals et congrès national et       impliqués dans les leçons de musique.

                                 Veuillez prendre note que l'Assemblée annuelle des membres de la
                                 Fédération canadienne des associations de professeurs de musique aura lieu à
                                 Vancouver, British Columbia - 8 et 9 juillet 2015
                                 Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel - 7551 Westminster Highway, Richmond, BC
                                             Voici les points qui seront abordés :
                                             Compléter les affaires de l'année en cours
                                             Traiter des sujets qui seront soumis avant la rencontre
                                             Procéder à la nomination d'un vérificateur.
                                             Par ordre de la présidente, Charline Farrell - Natasha Frid Finlay, secrétaire-trésorière
                                             En date du 15e jour du mois d'août 2014 à Toronto, en Ontario.

Hiver     2015     -     Le professeur de musique canadien                                                                                7
            MOT DE L'ÉDITRICE
                 Dina Pollock

                                                                                                                                                               New Brunswick
                                                                                                                                                                  - more info on page 24

Hello Everyone and Happy New Year!
                                                                                                                                                               British Columbia
Everytime I start a new layout I am impressed                                                                                                                      - more info on page 14
by all the programs that we have available to
our members and to our students. I hope I do
include sufficient information on them for you.                                                                                                                Ontario
                                                                                                                                                                  - more info on page 16
Lots of great information in this issue, program deadlines, information
about the upcoming Conference in Vancouver (looking forward to
seeing everyone) and Canada Music Week® reports.
                                                                                                                      CANADIAN FEDERATION
                                                                                                                      OF MUSIC TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATIONS
                                                                                                                      FÉDÉRATION CANADIENNE DES ASSOCIATIONS
                                                                                                                      DE PROFESSEURS DE MUSIQUE

I am really pleased about the reviews that are included. We have
                                                                                                                                                               Canada Music Week Poster
reviews for methods, supplemental material, reference books, a new            la semaine de la musique canadienne

Counterpoint method and something new - reviews on APPS (all                      November 16- 22, 2014
                                                                                  Celebrating the best of Canadian
                                                                                  music, culture and creativity.

platforms - iPad,Android, Windows and Mac). Thank you to BJ, Jean,
                                                                                  Live performances and events across the country.

                                                                                  Visit for details.

Joyce, Judith, Laureen, Laurel, Nancy, Peter and Sarah for all your
time and skills at getting these done for us.
                                                                                                                                                                  - more info on page 21
I hope you enjoy this issue - Dina
                                                                                                                                                                  - more info on page 20

                   We are a national organization that provides leadership in music education across Canada.
                We promote and support high standards of teaching among our provincial and territorial members.

          But what does being a member of CFMTA really mean?
          • Communication with colleagues and a pedagogical network across the nation.
          • Local and provincial acknowledgement at the national level through provincial representation.
          • A unified body to support, promote and mentor music educators and music education at the
              provincial, national and international level.
          • Biennial conventions that create opportunities for learning, inspiration, competition and fellowship.
          • A national magazine published three times per year, including articles, reviews and new developments
              in our musical landscape.
          • Access to national scholarships for students in the areas of performance and composition.
          • Access to national awards for teachers and branches.
          • Liability insurance, optional home and auto insurance.
          As independent music teachers our members have access to a national organization that provides an
          invaluable opportunity to impact, and be impacted by, the rest of the nation.

8                                                                     The Canadian Music Teacher                                                                        -      Winter       2015

CFMTA/FCAPM is a professional               The Canadian Federation of Music            in advertising. Please note that this
organization of music educators             Teachers’ Associations has set up a         is a voluntary program for individual
throughout Canada. In order to              program in which those who show             members and is in no way part of the
promote continued professional growth       professional development/practice           membership process, which is handled
by our members, we are offering             throughout the year be rewarded             by our provincial organizations. For
  The CFMTA/FCAPM Certificate               with a certificate. The certificate is      more information, go to our website,
   of Recognition for Professional          renewable every two years. A fee of, click on professional
            Achievement                     $10.00 to cover the administrative cost,    development. Here you will find the
                                            certificate and postage must accompany      form which can be downloaded and
presented by CFMTA/FCAPM,                   the application form. These high            completed electronically. Certificates
to encourage members to grow as             quality certificates could be displayed     will be mailed once all the information
musicians, educators and mentors.           in studios and the recognition used         is received via regular mail.

     Professional Development • Perfectionnement professionnel
    			 CFMTA Certificate of Achievement • Certificat d'accrèditation FCAPM
    				                                     Page down to Appication form • Bas de page à la forme Appication

                   Nous sommes un organisme national chef de file en éducation musicale à travers le Canada.
           Nous encourageons et appuyons des standards d' éducation élevés chez nos membres provinciaux et territoriaux.

        Que signifie devenir membre de la FCAPM?
        • Une communication entre collègues et un réseau pédagogique à travers le pays.
        • Une reconnaissance régionale et provinciale au niveau national grâce à une représentation provinciale.
        • Un organe unifié qui soutient et conseille les professeurs de musique, et qui encourage et fait la promotion
             de l'enseignement musical aux niveaux provincial, national et international.
        • Des congrès bisannuels qui offrent l'opportunité d'apprendre, d'être inspiré, de participer à des concours et
             d'échanger entre collègues.
        • Un magazine national publié trois fois l'an qui comprend des articles, des critiques et les nouveaux
             développements qui prennent place dans notre paysage musical.
        • Un accès aux bourses nationales pour les élèves dans les domaines de l'interprétation et de la composition.
        • Un accès aux distinctions et prix nationaux pour les professeurs et les associations régionales.
        • Une assurance responsabilité, et des assurances auto et habitation optionnelles.
        En tant que professeurs de musique indépendants, nos membres ont accès à une association nationale qui leur
        offre la possibilité d'avoir un impact national et d'être influencé par le reste du pays.

Hiver    2015     -     Le professeur de musique canadien                                                                     9
                • deadline March 1, 2015

 For performance during Canada Music Week® November 16 – 22, 2015
                        Seront jouées lors de la Semaine de la musique canadienneMD du 16 au 22 novembre 2015

 One Piano Solo: Grades 3 – 4                                                                                                                     Un solo pour piano : 3e-4e années
 One Piano Solo: Grades 5 – 6                                                                                                                     Un solo pour piano : 5e-6e années
 One Junior Choral Work                                                                                                                      Une œuvre pour chœur de niveau junior

 Deadline Date: March 1, 2015 Entry fee: None                                                                       Date limite : 1er mars 2015 Frais d’inscription : Aucun

 CFMTA holds a Call for Compositions each year to                                                               Chaque année, la FCAPM lance un appel à compositions afin
 celebrate Canada Music Week®. The Call is open to                                                              de célébrer la Semaine de la musique canadienne. Ce concours
 Canadian composers and invites submissions of new,                                                             est ouvert à tous les compositeurs canadiens et il les invite à
 unpublished piano solos and junior choral works.                                                               soumettre leurs œuvres inédites pour piano solo et chœurs
 Selected compositions are available to be downloaded                                                           juniors. Les compositions sélectionnées peuvent ensuite être
 for all to enjoy at                                                                             téléchargées sur le site pour que tous puissent
                                                                                                                en bénéficier.

 Please direct submissions and questions to:                                                                    Pour envoyer une œuvre ou obtenir de plus amples informations :
      Po Yeh                                                                                                        Po Yeh
      Canada Music Week Chairperson                                                                                 Présidente du comité Semaine de la musique canadienne                                                                                        

                                             CANADIAN FEDERATION OF MUSIC TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATIONS                                                                 FÉDÉRATION CANADIENNE DES ASSOCIATIONS DE PROFESSEURS DE MUSIQUE
                                             FÉDÉRATION CANADIENNE DES ASSOCIATIONS DE PROFESSEURS DE MUSIQUE                                                    CANADIAN FEDERATION OF MUSIC TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATIONS

                    CALL FOR COMPOSITIONS                                                                                             APPEL DE COMPOSITIONS
                                  FOR PERFORMANCE DURING CANADA MUSIC WEEK®                                                     SERONT JOUÉES LORS DE LA SEMAINE DE LA MUSIQUE CANADIENNEMD
                        NOVEMBER 22-28 2015                                                                                                DU 22 AU 28 NOVEMBRE 2015

                  One Piano Solo: Grades 3 – 4                                                                                  Un solo pour piano : 3e-4e années
                       One Piano Solo: Grades 5 – 6                                                                                  Un solo pour piano : 5e-6e années
                  Deadline Date: March 1, 2015 Entry fee: None                                                                  Date limite : 1er mars 2015 Frais d’inscription : Aucun
                  The competition is open to any Canadian resident.                                                             La compétition est ouverte à tous les résidents canadiens. Il doit
                  Submissions must be new, unpublished pieces, not previously                                                   s’agir d’œuvres inédites n’ayant jamais été enregistrées, peu
                  recorded in any form. One submission per composer per                                                         importe le format.
                  category.                                                                                                     Solos pour piano : Les pièces doivent pouvoir être jouées par les
                  Piano Solos: For performance by students studying at the                                                      élèves du niveau de conservatoire spécifié. Un sujet ou un thème
                  specified conservatory grade level. A Canadian topic or theme                                                 canadien est suggéré.
                  is suggested.                                                                                                 La composition sera choisie par un comité de sélection dont les
                  The composition will be chosen by a selection committee from                                                  membres proviennent des quatre coins du Canada. Des honoraires
                  across Canada. An honorarium will be awarded to each                                                          seront remis à tous les compositeurs sélectionnés. Le
                  successful composer. The chosen composition will be                                                           compositeur conservera les droits d’auteur rattachés à sa
                  published on the CFMTA/FCAPM website until                                                                    composition.
                  November 30, 2015.                                                                                            La composition sélectionnée sera publiée et pourra être
                                                                                                                                téléchargée par le public directement sur le site de la
                  For information contact:
                                                                                                                                CFMTA/FCAPM jusqu’au 30 novembre 2015.
                                                                                                                                Pour envoyer une œuvre ou obtenir de plus amples
                                                                                                                                informations :
             Progams & Competitions • Progammes et concours
     		                        Call for Compositions • appel à compositions
     				Page down for full information • Page vers le bas pour une information complète

10                                                                                                                      The Canadian Music Teacher                                                                                  -   Winter   2015

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               CANADIAN FEDERATION OF MUSIC TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATIONS

 Did you know that CFMTA/FCAPM has a wide selection of resources to make
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               FÉDÉRATION CANADIENNE DES ASSOCIATIONS DE PROFESSEURS DE MUSIQUE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Branching Out           IN SUPPORT OF
 your job of planning local and provincial events and competitions easier?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Canadian Music
     We have:
     Press Releases [pre and post-event]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         STUDENT
     Certificate templates                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     COMPETITION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES IS APRIL 15
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Providing leadership in music education across Canada

 Available for the provincial and national rounds of all CFMTA/FCAPM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The NBRMTA Student Composer Competition
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    invites submissions in the following categories:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                8 years and under
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                11 years and under
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                15 years and under

 projects and competitions:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       CLASS 1 - To write an original composition for solo instrument
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                or any combination of instruments

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          CLASS 2 - To write an original composition for voice,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    with or without accompaniment

     Piano Competition
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           19 Years and Under; and Open Category
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 CANADIAN FEDERATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 OF MUSIC TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   CLASS 1 - To write an original composition for any instrument or any combination
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 FÉDÉRATION CANADIENNE DES ASSOCIATIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 DE PROFESSEURS DE MUSIQUE                           of instruments, or voice(s) or combination of voice(s) and instruments with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       accompaniment when accompaniment is necessary for the performance.

     Student Composer Competition
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Prizes awarded in each class. Recommended submissions will advance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               to the CFMTA National Student Composer Competition.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               For more information please visit                                                                                                                                 BCRMTA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               or contact Irma Mulherin

     Canada Music Week®                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Piano
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            NEW BRUNSWICK REGISTERED
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            MUSIC TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               CANADIAN FEDERATION OF MUSIC TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATIONS                                          L’ASSOCIATION DES PROFESSEURS DE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               FÉDÉRATION CANADIENNE DES PROFESSEURS DE MUSIQUE                                             MUSIQUE DU NOUVEAU BRUNSWICK

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Providing leadership in music education across Canada            |   C h e f d e f i l e d e l ’é d u c a t i o n m u s i c a l e a u C a n a d a

     Branching Out                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          IAN PARKER ADJUDICATOR

     Essay Competition                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      September 27, 2014
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            North Vancouver
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Holiday Inn and Suites

     Young Artists
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            700 Old Lillooet Rd.
                                                                                                                                           la semaine de la musique canadienne                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Semi-Finals 2:30 pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Finals 7:30 pm

                                                                                                                                                       November 16- 22, 2014

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            semi-final round - $20
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            final round - $20
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            both rounds - $35

                                                                                                                                                       Celebrating the best of Canadian                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Available at the door
                                                                                                                                                       music, culture and creativity.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       or contact
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             CANADIAN FEDERATION OF                                                                         or 604-988-9313
                                                                                                                                                       Live performances and events across the country.                                                                                                                                      MUSIC TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             FÉDÉRATION CANADIENNE DES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              PRESENTS/PRÉSENTE                                                              ASSOCIATIONS DE PROFESSEURS DE MUSIQUE

                                                                                                                                                       Visit for details.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              2014 ATLANTIC
                                                                                                                                                         LE CONCOURS

                                                                   NATIONAL                                                                                                                                                                                   YOUNG ARTIST CONCERT TOUR
                                                                                                                                                                                                DE RÉDACTION

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              SÉRIE DE CONCERTS 2014 DES JEUNES ARTISTES DE L’ATLANTIQUE                                                                                                                                                   CANADIAN FEDERATION OF

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           MUSIC TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATIONS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         WILLEM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           FÉDÉRATION CANADIENNE DES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ASSOCIATIONS DE PROFESSEURS DE MUSIQUE

                                                                           FC                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 BLOIS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                PHOTO CREDIT - TRUDY MORSE


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Sunday, September 28
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              3:00 pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Margaret Norrie McCain Hall
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              St. Thomas University

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Fredericton, NB
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Saturday, October 4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              11:00 am
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Cecelia’s Retreat

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Mahone Bay, NS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Tuesday, October 7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              7:30 pm

 Please email for assistance.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Dr. Steel Recital Hall

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Charlottetown, PEI
                                                                                                                                                        Dans le cadre du Concours national de rédaction de la
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Wheelchair Accessible
                                                                                                                                                        FCAPM, vous êtes invités à soumettre une dissertation
                                                                                                                                                        sur un thème lié à l’enseignement de la musique,                                                                                                                                      Sunday, October 19
                                                                                                                                                        la pédagogie ou la préparation au spectacle.                                                                                                                                          2:00 pm
                                                                                                                                                        Ce concours est gratuit et est ouvert à tous les                                                                                                                                      Denton Auditorium

                                                                                                                                                        résidents canadiens élèves d’écoles secondaires et aux
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Acadia University
                                                                                                                                                        étudiants de premier et deuxième cycles.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Wolfville, NS
                                                                                                                                                        Prix commandités par Lorna Wanzel :
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Monday, October 20
                                                                                                                                                        PREMIER ET DEUXIÈME CYCLES                                                                                                                                                            8:00 pm
                                                                                                                                                        1er prix 1000$ chacun                                                                                                                                                                 Brunton Auditorium
                                                                                                                                                        2e Prix 500$ chacun                                                                                                                                                                   Mount Allison University
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Sackville, NB
                                                                                                      FÉDÉRATION CANADIENNE DES                         ÉCOLE SECONDAIRE
                                                                                                      ASSOCIATIONS DE PROFESSEURS DE MUSIQUE                                                                                                                                                                                                  Wednesday, October 22
                                                                                                                                                        1er prix 500$
                                                                                                      CANADIAN FEDERATION OF
                                                                                                                                                        2e Prix 250$                                                                                                                                                                          7:00 pm
                                                                                                      MUSIC TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATIONS                                                                                                                                                                                                            The Music Room
                                                                                                                                                        Date limite : 1er mai 2015                                                                                                                                                            Halifax, NS
                                                                                                                                                        Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements,                                                                                                                                           Saturday, November 29
                                                                                                                                                        consultez ou communiquez avec                                                                                                                                           6:30 pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Suncor Hall
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              MUN School of Music
                                                            C h e f d e f i l e d e l ’é d u c a t i o n m u s i c a l e a u C a n a d a   | Providing leadership in music education across Canada
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              St. John’s, Nfld


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                                              OF MUSIC, CANADA
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Hiver    2015     -     Le professeur de musique canadien                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 11
July 8 - 11, 2015
                      Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel
                         7551 Westminster Hwy - Richmond, BC
                                  604 - 273 - 7878
             • Piano Competition • Workshops • Trade Show • Meals & Gala Banquet
                                      Rooms starting at $ 149
                         Mention CFMTA/FCAPM Conference 2015 to get reduced rate

                  Take the pathway through the park to our other venue. . .

                                      Gateway Theatre
       6500 Gilbert Road - Richmond, BC - Venue for our Opening Night Gala

                                    CONFERENCE PRICES
                Registration rates will be the same for members of CFMTA/FCAPM and MTNA
                                     All full Conference packages include
                 3 breakfasts (Thursday, Friday, Saturday) - 1 lunch (Friday) and coffee breaks
      Please note - Banquet ticket and CFMTA/FCAPM Lunch are not included with Conference package.

                                     MTNA                       Non
                                     Members                    Members                    Students
     Register before Jan 31           $ 349                     $ 399                      $ 299
     Register Feb 1 - Mar 31          $ 379                     $ 429                      $ 329
     Register Apr 1 - May 31          $ 409                     $ 459                      $ 359
     Register after June 1            $ 439                     $ 489                      $ 389

     DAY PASSES                       A ticket to the Opening Night Gala is included with each Day Pass
     Thursday only                    $ 159                     All events including Breakfast
     Friday only                      $ 199                     All events including Breakfast and Lunch
     Saturday (half day only)         $ 89                      All events including Breakfast

     SINGLE TICKETS                                             ADULTS             STUDENTS/SENIORS
     Opening Night Gala (Wed)                                   $   20                     $   15
     Piano Competition Semi-Finals (Thur)                       $   20                     $   15
     CFMTA/FCAPM Lunch - Information Session (Thur)             $   25                     $   25
     Piano Competition Finals (Fri)                             $   25                     $   20
     Gala Banquet & Entertainment (Sat)                         $   69                     $   69

12                                       The Canadian Music Teacher            -      Winter        2015
           First Name

           Last Name


                                                                                              MAIL TO:
           City                                                                                Kevin Thompson
                                                                                               Registrar - Conference 2015
           Province/State                                                                      15042 Royal Avenue
                                                                                               White Rock, BC V4B 1L9
           Postal Code/Zip Code                                                      

           Country                                                                                   PLEASE MAKE CHEQUES PAYABLE TO
                                                                                                       CFMTA/FCAPM Conference 2015
                                                                                                      Use this form to register by mail.
           Telephone                                                                                   To register online please go to
           Would you like to be sent Conference updates by email - Yes / No

                   All full Conference packages include - Opening Night Gala, Piano Competition, Workshops, Master Classes, Trade Show
             All complete packages include the following meals: THURSDAY - Breakfast • FRIDAY - Breakfast & Lunch • SATURDAY - Breakfast
                                Please note - Banquet ticket and CFMTA/FCAPM Lunch are not included in complete package

           Registration Type: (please circle below)
                                                 CFMTA/FCAPM - MTNA                      Non
cut here

            COMPLETE PACKAGES                          Members                           Members                            Students
            Register before Jan 31                        $ 349                          $ 399                               $ 299
            Register Feb 1 - Mar 31                       $ 379                          $ 429                               $ 329
            Register Apr 1 - May 31                       $ 409                          $ 459                               $ 359

            Register after May 31                         $ 439                          $ 489                               $ 389

            DAY PASSES                                    A ticket to the Opening Night Gala is included with each Day Pass
            Thursday only                                 $ 159    Breakfast, Piano Competition (Semi-Finals), Workshops, Trade Show
            Friday only                                   $ 199    Breakfast, Lunch, Piano Competition (Finals), Workshops, Trade Show
            Saturday (half day only)                      $ 89     Breakfast, Master Classes, Workshops, Trade Show

            SINGLE TICKETS                                                  ADULTS                               STUDENTS/SENIORS
            Opening Night Gala (Wednesday)                                  $   20   _____x   $ 20               $     15   _____x     $ 15
            Piano Competition Semi-Finals (Thursday)                        $   20   _____x   $ 20               $     15   _____x     $ 15
            CFMTA/FCAPM Lunch - Information Session (Thur)                  $   25   _____x   $ 25               $     25   _____x     $ 25
            Piano Competition Finals (Friday)                               $   25   _____x   $ 20               $     20   _____x     $ 20
            Gala Banquet & Entertainment (Saturday)                         $   69   _____x   $ 69               $     69   _____x     $ 69

            Allergies - Yes / No
            If yes - please detail
                     TERMS OF SALE - Please inital each box ( if not initaled - registration cannot be processed. )
                      Please note that in the event of your cancellation, there will be a non-refundable fee of $75.
                      No refunds will be issued after May 31st, 2015.
                      Photographs and Video consent, waiver, indemnity and release for the Canadian Federation of Music Teachers’
                      Associations (CFMTA). CFMTA/FCAPM is granted the right to publish and use any photographs and to exhibit audio
                      or video in which I or my works appear for the purposes of CFMTA/FCAPM archives, marketing, publicity and public
                      relations projects. I guarantee that any material recorded during this event will not be used in any commercial endeavor
                      whatsoever without the written permission of CFMTA/FCAPM and all persons involved in the performance/recording.
           Hiver     2015       -      Le professeur de musique canadien                                                                         13
               North Shore - British Columbia

     Third William Andrews Canada Music Week® Award Win for North Shore Branch, BCRMTA

                                                                    he North Shore Branch, BCRMTA, is
                                                                    delighted to have been given one of the
                                                                    “William Andrews CMW Award” for 2014
                                                             by the CFMTA/FCAPM. This is the third win for
                                                             the North Shore Branch under the leadership of
                                                             CMW Co-ordinator Dr. Carolyn R. Finlay; the
                                                             North Shore also won this national CFMTA award
                                                             in 2008 and 2013.
                                                             To celebrate our 10 years of commemorating
                                                             Canada Music Week® (2005-2014), CMW North
                                                             Shore organized events to reflect our increasingly
                                                             multi-cultural student community. Continuing
                                                             our 10 year long tradition of commissioning guest
                                                             composers both to write new works and to mentor
        BACK ROW from L to R: Student composers Denise       student composers, our CMW guest composer
        Kerney, Annudesh Liyanage, Julia Tancon and Sarah    2014 was Mark Armanini, Artistic Director of
       Haysom; Mark Armanini, CMW guest composer; JoAnn      The Vancouver Inter-Cultural Orchestra (VICO),
                  Primeau, Dr. Carolyn R. Finlay.
                                                             producer of the BC Chinese Music Ensemble, and
          SEATED from L to R: Musicians Charlie Lui - dizi   currently on Faculty at Capilano University, North
                     and Song Yun - erhu.
                                                             Vancouver. With Mr. Armanini we also invited two
                                                             professional guest performers: Ms. Song Yun, erhu
                                                             (Chinese string instrument) and Charlie Lui, dizi

        Inspiring Musicians since 1906
        World-class Faculty | World-class Facilities | World-class Students


14                                                             The Canadian Music Teacher        -     Winter     2015
(Chinese flute). VICO, founded in 2001      the Moon on Second Lake by Abing         “The VICO Sounds Global Ensemble”
and one of the first concert orchestras     (1893-1950), a work now regarded as      under the direction of Farshid
of its kind in the world, specializes in    a masterpiece of traditional Chinese     Samandari, composer in residence,
commissioning and performing new            music. Ms. Song and Mr.Lui then gave     VICO and BC Chinese Music
inter-cultural music performed on           the premiere performances of the four    Association. Performances of six new
both Western and an eclectic variety of     duets for erhu and dizi written by the   pieces by the adult student composers
non-Western musical instruments. The        student composers:                       who had participated in the “VICO in
Georgia Straight newspaper writes that        Morning Birds                          the Schools” programme with support
VICO performs “music that sounds like                by Sarah Haysom                 from Capilano University were given by
Vancouver looks.”                             Reflections                            Lan Tung, erhu; Bic Hoang, dan bau;
CMW/North Shore 2014 consisted of                    by Denise Kerney                Saina Khaledi, santur; and Jonathan
four interconnected events; the first was     D Dorian Rhapsody                      Bernard, percussion.
a demonstration recital in April 2014                by Annudesh Liyanage            Our CMW 2014 Recital was a feast of
with Mr. Armanini, Song Yun, erhu,            Oriental Gardens                       sounds unlike anything we had ever
and Charlie Lui, dizi. Ms. Song and                  by Julia Tancon.                undertaken before and sought to reflect
Mr. Lui demonstrated the performance        This was followed by performances by     the increasing global influences upon
techniques of their respective              student composers of works for solo      Canadian music and our composers.
instruments, and Mr. Armanini               piano:                                   Just as our neighbourhoods are
explained the particular challenges of        Planet X                               becoming increasingly multi-cultural,
writing and notating music for them.                by Martin Barnes                 so, too, is our music being enriched not
Four student composers undertook to           Sweet Trauma                           only by Western musical traditions,
write their own erhu/dizi duets to be               by Sasha Chudinsky.              but by those of an ever-widening global
performed by Song Yun and Charlie           Congratulations to all of these          cultural heritage.
Lui at the CMW recital in November.         student composers for writing works      Submitted by
Mr. Armanini, Song Yun and Charlie          of remarkable accomplishment and         Dr. Carolyn R. Finlay
Lui met again with all the student          musical imagination. Special thanks      CMW Coordinator
composers at two further composition        to Mark Armanini for the thoughtful      North Shore Branch - BCRMTA
workshops held in June and October          advice and encouragement which he
2014. Compositions-in-progress for          gave to each of our students, and to
both solo piano and for erhu/dizi duet      the sensitive attention given to each
were submitted to our guest composer        composition by our guest performers.
and performers in advance. Each             The premiere performance of Red
student’s composition went through the      Leaves, commissioned by us for CMW
process of revision and refinement in       2014 from guest composer Mark
consultation with Mr. Armanini and          Armanini, was given by Song Yun and
the players who were to perform them.       Charlie Lui. Mr. Armanini wrote this
Our 10th Anniversary CMW Recital            delicate and evocative erhu/dizi duet
was held on Sunday, November 16,            as a tribute to the season, and to the
2014, opening with students of RMT          cultural links between Canadian and
teachers performing works from the          Chinese music.
Canadian repertoire. Following these,       Our CMW Recital 2014 concluded
Song Yun, erhu, and Charlie Lui, dizi,      with performances by special guests
performed Er Quan, or Reflection of

Hiver    2015      -     Le professeur de musique canadien                                                                15
                Barrie - Ontario

                             Celebrate Canadian Music! - November 22, 2014
                             featuring Martha Hill Duncan and Red Leaf Pianoworks

       his year the Barrie Branch          The composition workshop was
       of ORMTA put together a             very engaging and seven students
       wonderful afternoon to celebrate    ranging in age from 8 to 18 took
the rich Canadian repertoire that is       part. Martha had wonderful tips in
available to us and to nurture our own     the masterclass as well. Overall it
budding composers. Our celebration         was a great afternoon of Canadian
opened with a student recital featuring    music! Our sincere thanks to
all Canadian compositions and              CFMTA/FCAPM for selecting
students’ own compositions. We were        us, and to William Andrews for
so pleased to have Martha Hill Duncan      generously providing this award.
of Red Leaf Pianoworks joining us for      We look forward to growing on
a composition workshop and piano           the successes of this event in the
masterclass, as well as a showcase of      years to come!
new piano compositions from all nine
composers of Red Leaf Pianoworks.
Our hope in including a workshop and
a masterclass rather than just a recital
this year was that the celebration of
Canadian music would be open to more
of our students, and would highlight
the joys of the composing and learning
process throughout our studios in
addition to the recital performances. As
teachers we also enjoyed learning from
the workshop and being introduced
to more great Canadian compositions
from Red Leaf Pianoworks.
Fifteen students shared pieces by
Anne Crosby, Nancy Telfer, Linda
Niamath, Ruth Watson Henderson,
Stephen Chatman, Janet Gieck, Tyler
Seidenberg, and Pamela Cioroch
performed her own composition as well.
Several students and teachers stayed
and enjoyed Martha’s presentation of
Red Leaf Pianoworks compositions and
bought books to use in their studios.

16                                                                 The Canadian Music Teacher   -   Winter   2015
        				Coast to Coast
        				 d'un océan à l'autre

Canada Music Week® was celebrated in the          Premier from the Abbotsford Branch..
Yukon Territory with a Canadian music               Remembrance by Kathleen Feenstra.
student concert, featuring students from          Congratulations! To all of those students who
six to sixteen years old, playing and singing     have now joined the ranks of our National
a variety of selections that included works       Composers!
by Boris Berlin, Christine Donkin, Renee
                                                  Several Branches had accomplished Canadian
Christopher, Donna Rhodenizer, and Anne
                                                  Composers either in attendance, giving
Crosby. The effort made by teachers to expose
                                                  workshops, or premiering one of their own
their students and the public to Canadian
                                                  works! During the course of four events
composers and their music is greatly
                                                  spread throughout the year, the North Shore
                                                  Branch availed themselves of the expertise of
Submitted by Annie Avery          3               Mr Armanini, Song Yung, and Charlie Lui
                                                  in the art of playing two traditional Chinese
                                                  instruments – the ‘dizi’ (a Chinese flute) and
BRITISH COLUMBIA                                  the ‘erhu’ (a Chinese stringed instrument).
This November, our beautiful Province             Mark Armanini’s work ‘ Red Leaves ‘was
was most creative in its celebration of our       premiered at the November Recital. The event
National culture through its music! Of our        concluded with six performances of student
twenty Branches, fifteen reported delighting      compositions by the VICO Sounds Global
audiences with a Canada Music Week®               Ensemble under the direction of Farshid
Recital. Some Branches took this opportunity      Samandari of the VICO and BC Chinese
to present student awards for excellence in       Music Association.
both Theory as well as Practical exams. Most      The South Okanagan Branch feted Ernst
were followed with a time of fellowship and       Schneider with a milestone birthday cake.
refreshment. During the various Recitals          His work Nocturne was premiered and well
across the province, six Branches featured over   enjoyed on this occasion. In Vernon, Canadian
70 compositions by the students of Branch         Composer, Imant Raminsch, attended the
members!                                          recital where his Trio for violin, piano and
Seven of those compositions given special         cello, Love Songs from Work Chants, was
mention were:                                     performed to the delight of all. In Victoria,
Duets from the North Shore Branch written         Nicholas Fairbank enthralled the audience with
for ‘erhu’ and ‘dizi’                             a power-point presentation titled North of the
  Morning Birds by Sarah Haysom                   Arctic Circle, Sept 28 - Oct 15, 2012, Svalbard
  Reflections by Denise Kerney                    and the Creation of Isbjorn. As the featured
  D Dorian Rhapsody by Annudesh Liyanage          composition must be performed by multiple
  Oriental Gardens by Julia Tancon                choirs, it was enjoyed by means of a recording.
Solos from the North Shore Branch....             Ours is a culture well worth celebrating, and
  Planet X by Martin Barnes                       the BC Branches were very dedicated and
  Sweet Trauma by Sasha Chudinsky                 creative in this endeavour! Thank-you all!
                                                  Submitted by Sonia Hauser         3
Hiver    2015     -     Le professeur de musique canadien                                           17
        SEMAINE DE LA MUSIQUE CANADIENNE d'un océan à l'autre

ALBERTA                                                                              SASKATCHEWAN
In Calgary on an April Sunday,            community, and geared toward those         Saskatoon’s Contemporary showcase
esteemed teacher and examiner, Linda      who wanted to encourage student            2014 took place on Saturday, November
Kundert-Stoll, shared her favorite        composers in their studios. The            14. The thirty-eight participants
Canadian music selections for students    workshop was informative and well-         involved played in classes from pre-
as early teacher preparation for Canada   enjoyed by those in attendance.            grade 1 to grade 10 level. It was a
Music Week®.                                                                         very festive day with several door
The Calgary music community                                                          prizes, balloons and refreshments.
celebrated with Roberta Stephen,                                                     Several students were selected by the
ARMTA teacher, mentor, publisher                                                     adjudicator, Peggy L’Hoir, to participate
(Alberta Keys), and promoter of                                                      in the SRMTA’s CMW recital held the
Canadian composers, in a September                                                   next day in Convocation Hall on the U
recital featuring her former students                                                of S campus.
and colleagues performing her                                                        The Battlefords Branch presented a
compositions. In addition, Roberta                                                   student recital at Logie Hall, Third Ave.
received the Alberta Music Education                                                 United Church, on Sunday, November
Foundation’s Recognition Award at         Hosted by Innovations Music,               16. The recital was titled “Music in
Music Conference Alberta in October.      Edmonton teachers gathered on              Motion” with special guests “the Dance
As Roberta winds down her publishing      November 1 to share favorite Canadian      Connection Musical Theatre Ensemble”
career, Alberta Keys music will now be    music to use with students, and            under the direction of Virginia
carried by Palliser Music Publishing.     concluded with a wine and cheese           Winterhalt and Dianne Gryba. It was a
                                          reception. Shelagh Scott played            lovely afternoon of music with students
                                          Christine Donkin, Deborah Gallant          performing twenty-six piano and
                                          played Janet Gieck, Joan Ritchie           vocal selections. The musical theatre
                                          played Martha Hill Duncan, Wuensch         selections were Forget about the boy from
                                          Canaduets were performed by Leslie Bai     Thoroughly Modern Millie by Tesori
                                          and Paulette Pelland, Leanne Regehr        and Scanlan, and Matilda by Minchin.
                                          played Jean Coulthard, and Janna           Students of Sarah Clark Gregory and
                                          Olson played David McIntyre.               Kelly Stein of the Yorkton Branch
                                          On November 22, Lethbridge                 celebrated CMW with a joint recital.
Calgary Branch was very pleased to        combined the performance of Canadian       Most of the students composed their
sponsor a workshop with Christine         music with their annual awards             own pieces which they performed, and
Donkin in association with Calgary        recognition for top exam marks.            others presented music by Canadian
Contemporary Showcase. A well-known       Twenty-one students performed works        composers.
Canadian composer whose work spans        featuring Linda Niamath, Anne Crosby,      The RMTs of Swift Current celebrated
many levels of student performance        Nancy Telfer, Christine Donkin and         CMW by hosting several events
on many instruments, Christine’s          Pierre Gallant. Janelle Bykowski, Elani    throughout the city. Both students and
presentation was entitled “Opening        Bykowski and Anna Jeong received           teachers participated in these events,
the Door to Creativity: Composition       ARMTA Provincial Recognition Fund          all of which were open and free to the
Activities for Music Students”. It was    Awards.                                    public. The week began with
open to all members of the teaching       Submitted by Beth Olver 3

18                                                                    The Canadian Music Teacher        -     Winter     2015
                                                      SEMAINE DE LA MUSIQUE CANADIENNE

                                                        SASKATCHEWAN - cont.
                                                        free music classes at the public library to show
                                                        what fun music lessons can be. African drumming,
                                                        Music for Young Children – piano, and guitar for
                                                        beginners were presented. A series of noon hour
                                                        “listen @ lunch” performances by various music

Flex eExams                                             teachers were also held at the library, which were
                                                        well attended. The popular Jazz and Java night
                                                        returned to the Urban Ground Coffee House on
                                                        Friday evening. Finally, the week concluded with a
                                                        student showcase recital on Sunday, Nov. 23 at the
        Music without borders                           Art Gallery. Here, students were acknowledged for
                                                        awards and accomplishments from the past year.
   CONSERVATORY CANADA™ has pushed the
                                                        The West Central Branch began their CMW week
 frontiers of innovation and is employing a unique
                                                        end on Friday with an inspiring and informative
 technology that enables us to reach out to music       workshop with Cherith Alexander. She spoke on
     students all over Canada. Not only can we          developing creativity, musical form, and what
      connect with students across the country,         makes an inspiring teacher. A master class with two
       but we are willing to connect with them          intermediate students followed. Saturday produced
                                                        a showcase with forty entries from across west
                ANYWHERE, ANYTIME!
                                                        central Sask., including piano, vocal and percussion
  At CONSERVATORY CANADA™ we will enable                students. Running concurrently in another area
                                                        were drum workshops with percussionist Helen
 students to take exams whenever they are ready
                                                        Barkley. Students had great fun learning rhythms
    with our new Flex eExams. To find out more,         and composing sound scapes as a group.
                 contact our office.

                                                        Submitted by Dorothy Hamm          3

              Music for Life
1-800-461-5367 |
20                   The Canadian Music Teacher        -       Winter   2015
Coast to Coast
        d'un océan à l'autre

MANITOBA                                                                                ONTARIO
A grand celebration                                          inspired to explore more   Owen Sound Branch’s recital had
of thirty various                                            Canadian works, in         about twenty students performing
Canadian works took                                          particular those from      works by Canadian composers
place on the afternoon                                       Manitoba!!                 (including local composer Debra
of Sunday November                                          Thanks so much for the      Wanless) and a fabulous audience
16th to kick off                                            team effort, MRMTA          turnout. Afterwards, there was a draw
Canada Music Week®.                                         members, in particular:     for two paintings, generously donated
The venue was Fort                                         Laureen Reeds, Julianne      by composer Rémi Bouchard. The
Garry Mennonite Fellowship Church           Warkentin Dick, Eleanor Lwiwski,            reception was a hit as always, due to the
in Fort Richmond where a lovely recital     Tiffany Wilson, Vivian Klosse, Audrey       enormous celebratory cake and take-
was followed by a reception, rewarding      Belyea, Petra and Christina (singer and     home Canadian souvenirs.
the young players and singers with          volunteer!) Thanisch-Smith, and all
cake!                                       those who attended and supported the
Two Manitoban composers, Remi               event.
Bouchard, and Julianne Warkentin            Submitted by Leanne Hiebert        3
Dick were in attendance, with Mr.
Bouchard’s nephew Edwin Todd
painting a beautiful and haunting
picture of his piano piece entitled
The Gray Wolf. Remi Bouchard’s                                                          Ottawa Region Branch’s recital
Variations on an Icelandic Air was                                                      included 39 young voice, harp, and
artfully played by Angela Ng and                                                        piano students. Included were original
two pieces of Julianne Warkentin                                                        compositions by Ottawa composers
Dick were performed (Black Panther                                                      Kelly-Marie Murphy, Colin Mack,
and Snow Stomp). Other composers                                                        Claudia Cashin-Mack, Anita Schlarb
from Manitoba whose works were                                                          and young composer Abbey Sugars-
represented included Maryanne                                                           Keen. To further their ONMC/
Rumancik (Fireworks), Dr. Kenneth                                                       ORMTA collaboration, pianist
Nichols (Helen’s Waltz), and Tiffany                                                    Catherine Donkin closed the concert
Prochera (Doodly Doo).                                                                  with two pieces of Christine Donkin’s.
                                                                                        Participants received a certificate and
Four budding young composers also
                                                                                        “Obama” cookies!
shared their own compositions which
were all very unique and offered some
wonderful pop and jazz influences.
Thank you to the eleven teachers
from the MRMTA who prepared
their students so well and to the team
of volunteers that made this recital
a success! I think we all went home

Hiver    2015     -      Le professeur de musique canadien                                                                    21
        SEMAINE DE LA MUSIQUE CANADIENNE d'un océan à l'autre

ONTARIO - cont.
Every year for Canada Music Week®,          Kingston Branch’s Canada Music             Central Toronto Branch hosted
the North York/York Region Branch           Week® Festival included performances       a Composition Master Class.
gives a special trophy for the highest      on a Friday and Saturday. Adjudicator      Eight composers, from teens to
mark of the performance of a Canadian       Susan Griesdale offered encouraging        adults, had their works (for various
composition during the Fall Auditions       words to the students who participated,    instrumentations) critiqued by Dr.
(which fall during Canada Music             whose love and care for their music        Roger Bergs. Dr. Bergs kept everyone
Week®). All levels are involved, and one    showed that contemporary Canadian          engaged as he gave advice on dealing
performer of each Junior, Intermediate      music clearly resonates with our youth.    with issues of form, phrasing, notation,
and Senior Piano and Voice will receive     The finale concert on Sunday included a    building energy,etc. There were
a special trophy. Thus six trophies are     draw for tickets for Kingston Frontenacs   participants and auditors from other
awarded. 		                                 hockey games.                              branches, and one of the teenage
Students who received honour marks          The Hanover-Walkerton Branch               composers participated by Skype from
in examinations throughout the year         started an innovative initiative called    Thunder Bay!
were invited to perform at North Bay        Patriotic Performance Partners. With       Submitted by Alice Dearden        3
Branch’s Honour Recital. Students           a large geographical area, the branch
who received the highest marks in           felt that it was time to offer a way for
practical and theory examinations were      students to share music in a supportive,
presented with certificates and awards.     motivating environment. On a carefully
The Mayor presented a Proclamation,         chosen website, students, matched
and the Supreme Ruler of the Elks           by age, share videos of themselves
                        Lodge presented     performing Canadian pieces. It’s hoped
                        the Grade Ten       this initiative will continue
                        award to Gabriel    throughout the year.
                        Lavoie, who         At the Hamilton-Halton
                        also received the   Branch’s annual recital,
                        ARCT Piano          20 vocalists (and only 10
                        and Advanced        pianists!) performed music by
                        Theory awards.      Canadian composers. Branch
Newmarket and Area Branch spread            member Keisha Bell-Kovacs
their activities throughout the year.       performed Place St. Henri by
At their branch luncheon in June,           Oscar Peterson and several
branch members performed some of            vocal students performed
their own piano works. A September          songs written by their teacher,
workshop with Red Leaf Composers            Linda Fletcher. The Spurrell
Susan Griesdale and Martha Hill             Studio Choir and Training       "How Well Do You Know Your Canadian Composers?"
                                                                                       board - Newmarket and Area
Duncan presented music by several           Chorus gave a stunningly
contemporary Canadian composers. In         beautiful performance of two
November, eighty students took part in      pieces. Afterwards, a Canada Music
three recitals with piano, vocal, harp,     Week® cake was devoured by all.
cello, and flute performances.

22                                                                    The Canadian Music Teacher          -     Winter    2015
La semaine de la musique canadienne          important afin d’assurer la vitalité de la   The Gala concert featured the works
à Montréal 2014 a enchanté une fois          musique canadienne. Comme le prouve          of several well-established Canadian
de plus son fidèle public. Dimanche le       les acclamations d’un public ravit, la       composers, as well as compositions
16 Novembre, environ soixante jeunes         semaine de la musique canadienne fut         from composers that were attending the
musiciens âgés de 5 à 17 ans ont exécuté     une réussite. L’événement a encore une       gala, Alexandra Delgado, Marybelle
des œuvres pour piano, violon ainsi          fois excellé dans sa mission à mettre        Frappier and Mélina Claude. A
que voix, lors de 3 récitals au Cégep de     valeur la richesse de notre répertoire.      special mention was made to Leo
Saint-Laurent. Hormis les classiques de      Mélina Claude, coordonnatrice,               Purich who won a second place in the
notre répertoire, certaines pièces ont été   rapport- 2014 (Français)                     FCAPM music writing competition,
entendues pour la première fois à cet                                                     in the solo instrument category, for
événement et se sont avérées de belles                                                    his piece titled Konzertstucke op. 109.
découvertes. Le juge Michel Fournier                                                      Our young musicians certainly were
a sélectionné une trentaine d’élèves et                                                   true ambassadors and promoted with
ceux-ci ont performé avec brio lors du                                                    brio the works of various Canadian
concert gala du Samedi 22 Novembre.                                                       composers that evening.
Ce concert gala fut vivement apprécié.                                                    The Quebec’s Canadian Music general
3 compositeurs dont les pièces furent                                                     director Sonia Paquet attended the
interprétées étaient présentes, soit                                                      Gala. She was thrilled by the event and
Alexandra Delgado, Marybelle Frappier                                                     spoke with heart-warming cheering
et Mélina Claude. Une mention spéciale                                                    words to everyone involved. Many
a été faite à l’attention de Léo Purich,                                                  thanks to her generosity, scores were
qui s’est vu octroyer le second prix du                                                   presented to all thirty performers.
concours de composition de la FCAPM                                                       The music is selected to appeal to the
dans la catégorie instrument solo, avec                                                   students and they are all excited about
sa pièce « Konzertstucke op.109 ».                                                        the idea of learning new Canadian
Sonia Paquet, directrice générale du                                                      pieces for next year’s event. Each
Centre de musique Canadienne à                                                            participant also received a small
Montréal était présente et a chaudement                                                   scholarship offered by the QMTA.
salué et encouragé tous les organisateurs                                                 The Canada Music Week® event this
et participants. Grâce à sa générosité,                                                   year has succeeded in its mission to
de superbes partitions de compositeurs                                                    support the greatness of Canadian
canadiens ont été remises aux                                                             music. The motivation and talent of
interprètes, qui avaient hâte de pouvoir                                                  our young musicians as well as the
les interpréter. Ces partitions étaient      The Canadian music week welcomed             dedication of the teachers supporting
jumelées à une petite bourse offerte par     over sixty students to the event.            them is still going strong. The cheering
l’APMQ.                                      Pianists, violinists and singers             audience demonstrated once again
Tout cela ne serait pas possible sans        performed at three recitals on Sunday,       eloquently, how much this music is very
la motivation des étudiants ainsi que        November 16. Approximately thirty            much appreciated in Quebec.
la dévouement de leurs professeurs.          among them from several different            Submitted by Mélina Claude       3
Comme il s’agit souvent des mêmes            proud teachers were chosen by Judge
professeurs, nous tenons à souligner         Michel Fournier, to perform at the gala
tout particulièrement leur belle             recital held on Saturday, November 22.
persévérance. Nous encourageons              This took place at Cégep de St-Laurent,
fortement tous les professeurs membres       well reknown for its great music
de l’apmq à participer. Votre apport est     education program.

Hiver    2015      -     Le professeur de musique canadien                                                                     23
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