The Brain on Fire: A Case Study on Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis - Exeley

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The Brain on Fire: A Case Study on Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis - Exeley
Australasian Journal of Neuroscience                            Volume 29 ● Number 1 ● May 2019

The Brain on Fire: A Case Study on Anti-NMDA Receptor
Grissel B Crasto 1.
Toronto Western Hospital, Ontario


Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis is a rare disease that occurs when antibodies produced by the
body’s own immune system attack the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in the brain
(Dalmau, 2016). For a relatively rare condition, one academic hospital in an urban centre noted four
cases of anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis in one single year. Patients develop a multistage condi-
tion that progresses from psychosis, memory deficits, seizures, respiratory difficulties, abnormal
catatonic movements and language disintegration into a state of unresponsiveness (Dalmau, Lan-
caster, Hernandez, Rosenfeld and Gordon, 2011).

This case study will focus on the pathologies and medical journeys of three female patients diag-
nosed with anti-N-NMDA receptor encephalitis at this hospital. This paper will discuss the presen-
tations of each of the cases and the individualized nursing care plans developed to address the
needs of this patient population. More specifically, it will highlight the importance of ensuring patient
and staff safety in the development of these care plans. The need for implementing ongoing evalua-
tions of these nursing care plans to address the developing needs of patients as they proceed
through the diverse and complex phases of the condition will also be discussed.

Key Words

Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, autoimmune encephalitis, encephalitis, N-methyl-d-aspartate re-

    Introduction                                         plasticity affecting learning and memory (Day,
                                                         High, Cot, & Tang-Wai, 2011).
    Literature Review
                                                         Due to the pathology, patients may develop
    In 2005, Dr. Josep Dalmau described a con-           psychiatric symptoms, seizures, memory defi-
    dition in four young women with ovarian tera-        cits and abnormal movements (Ding, et al.,
    tomas and precipitating antibodies generated         2015). Focal neurological signs of the condi-
    against antigens highly expressed in the hip-        tion include decreased level of conscious-
    pocampus        called    N-methyl-d-aspartate       ness, weakness in limbs, seizures, altered
    (NMDA) receptors (Dalmau et al., 2011).              behavioural patterns, memory loss and confu-
    NMDA receptors are concentrated in the hip-          sion (Dalmau et al., 2007). Patients present
    pocampus and play a vital role in synaptic           with psychiatric symptoms such as changes
    adaptation processes that affect learning,           in personality, irritability or behavioural
    memory, personality, movement and auto-              changes such as violence, agitation and par-
    nomic regulation (Newcomer, Farber &                 anoid thoughts. These symptoms are often
    Olney, 2000). Antibodies are formed in re-           misdiagnosed as their clinical presentation is
    sponse to antigens presented by a teratoma           consistent with psychosis and schizophrenia
    often found in the reproductive organs such          (Dalmau et al., 2007). The disruption of
    as the ovaries or gonads and in some cases           NMDA receptor activity also leads to disturb-
    the antibodies formed are in response to neo-        ances in respiratory drive that cause
    plastic related antigens (Dalmau, 2016).             hypoventilation (requiring ventilatory support)
    These antibodies cross the blood brain barri-        and impedes the body’s autonomic functions
    er (BBB) and bind with NMDA receptors dis-
    rupting their synaptic functionalities and caus-    Questions or comments about this article should be
                                                        directed to Grissel Crasto
    ing neurobehavioural pathology (Ding, Jian,         Email address:
    Stary, Yi and Xiaoaxing, 2015). The down
    regulation of NMDA receptor activity in the         DOI: 10.21307/ajon-2017-014
    hippocampus results in changes in synaptic          Copyright © 2019ANNA
The Brain on Fire: A Case Study on Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis - Exeley
Australasian Journal of Neuroscience                             Volume 29 ● Number 1 ● May 2019
  that cause bradyarrhythmias (Dalmau et al.,              adults of all ages (Dalmau et al., 2011). Ap-
 2016). Moreover, patients are then admitted               proximately 60 percent of diagnosed cases
 to psychiatric facilities instead of acute care           are associated with tumours, but there are
 facilities, which prolongs timely diagnosis and           many documented cases with no detectable
 intervention (Dalmau et al., 2007). Alterna-              tumour. It tends to occur in both males and
 tively, when patients are admitted to acute               females, however 80 percent of the diag-
 care facilities, the condition is often also mis-         nosed cases as yet have been women
 taken for viral infections (Day et al., 2011).            (Dalmau, 2016). The condition has recently
                                                           gained more attention in popular media. Su-
 Studies have linked early intervention and                sanah Cahalan, a journalist who worked for
 treatment with complete recovery. However,                the New York Post shared a powerful narra-
 delay in treatment could result in death                  tive of her personal experiences with the con-
 caused by neuronal degeneration, respiratory              dition in the book, ‘The Brain on Fire’. For a
 and/or cardiac failure (Dalmau, 2016). The                relatively rare condition, one academic hospi-
 risk of relapse has been noted in 20 to 25                tal in an urban centre treated four cases in a
 percent of patients without teratomas, but this           single year.
 risk increases in patients if the teratomas
 have not been resected and treated appropri-              Clinical Presentation
 ately (Ding et al., 2015). This further makes
 the case for anti-NMDAR encephalitis to be                A notable clinical manifestation of anti-NMDA
 considered as a differential diagnosis when               receptor encephalitis involves a triad of spe-
 patients present with autonomic dysregula-                cific features that present as epilepsy, dyski-
 tion, seizures and psychiatric features (Day              nesia and psychiatric symptoms (Omura et
 et al., 2011).                                            al., 2015). A list of general clinical features
                                                           such as focal neurological signs, psychiatric
 Objective                                                 signs and autonomic instability noted in vari-
                                                           ous documented cases to date are listed in
 The purpose of this case study is to raise                the Table 1.
 awareness about this condition. It aims to
 encourage nurses, and other clinicians to                 Diagnostics
 consider it as a differential diagnosis in pa-
 tients presenting with signs of fever, psychiat-          An analysis of serum and cerebrospinal fluid
 ric symptoms, seizures, memory deficits, ab-              (CSF) via lumbar puncture (LP) is conducted
 normal movements and autonomic dysfunc-                   to detect the presence of specific NMDA anti-
 tion.                                                     bodies (Dalmau, 2016). In addition, brain im-
                                                           aging via computer tomography (CT) is used
 Epidemiology                                              to detect changes in the brain and magnetic
                                                           resonance imaging (MRI) is used to detect
 The first anti-NMDAR encephalitis case was                any underlying teratomas, particularly in the
 reported in 2005, but it was only character-              ovaries, gonads and mediastinal regions
 ized as a condition by Dr. Josef Dalmau in                (Dalmau, 2016). Sometimes the tumours are
 2007 (Ding et al., 2015). The exact incidence             undetectable and in these cases, a positron
 of the condition is still not known (Kelly &              emission tomography (PET) scan may also
 Sexton, 2016). Anti-NMDAR encephalitis has                be done (Kelly & Sexton, 2016). Further-
 been known as the most common cause of                    more, an electroencephalogram (EEG) may
 autoimmune encephalitis after acute demye-                reveal abnormal and/or focal slowing with
 linating encephalomyelitis (Dalmau, 2016).                epileptiform discharges (Kelly & Sexton,
 This condition has been noted in children and             2016).

Table 1. Clinical features noted in patients with Anti-NMDAR receptor encephalitis

 Focal neurological signs          Weakness in limbs, seizures, altered behaviour, memory loss,

 Psychiatric signs                 Auditory, visual and olfactory hallucinations; irritability, agitation,
                                   aggression and violent behaviour; catatonia

 Autonomic instability             Fever, tachycardia/bradycardia, hypotension/hypertension,
Australasian Journal of Neuroscience                      Volume 29 ● Number 1 ● May 2019

          Treatments                                          lone, dexamethasone and prednisolone to
                                                              reduce inflammation in the brain. Concurrent
          In patients with primary tumours, the first         treatment with H2 receptor antagonists such
          course of treatment involves tumour resec-          as ranitidine or pantoprazole are given to pre-
          tion (Halbert, 2016). As these tumours have         vent steroid induced mucosal damage
          predominantly been noted in the ovaries of          (Omura et al., 2015). In addition, immuno-
          female patients, a laparascopic oophorecto-         therapies like intravenous immunoglobulin
          my can be performed (Dalmau et al., 2007).          (IVIg) are administered to decrease inflam-
          Patients are treated with first-line immuno-        mation of the meninges and inhibit the bind-
          therapy treatment. This includes corticoster-       ing of anti-NMDA antibodies. Also, plasma
          oid therapy agents such as methylpredniso-          exchange may be used for treatment by
         Table 2. Clinical presentations, treatments and outcome of cases seen at our hospital

Case       Symptoms                   Treatment      Adjunct therapies     Complications          Outcomes

F, 25,     Aphasia, posturing         Bilateral      ECT,                  Intubation,            Complex care
A          (rigid), myoclonus         Oopherectomy   Methylprednisolone,   ventilator             rehab,
           jerks, tonic-clonic                       IVIG, Rituximab,      associated             discharged
           seizures,                                 Tetrabenzene,         pneumonia,             home
           opsoclonus,                               Quetiapine,           bacteremia, status
           decreased level of                        Haloperidol,          epilepticus, febrile
           consciousness,                            Olanzapine,           neutropenia
           respiratory                               Ketamine and
           difficulties, loss of                     Cyclophosphamide
           tone, agitation,

F, 22,     Confusion,                 Bilateral      AEDs, Acyclovir,      Manic symptoms,        Repatriation,
B          hallucinations, global     Oopherectomy   IVIG,                 psychosis              cognitive
           aphasia, agnosia,                         plasmapheresis,       (Psychiatry            rehab,
           prosopagnosia,                            methylprednisolone    consulted for          discharged
           memory deficits,                                                unresolved mania)      home
           posturing, myoclonus
           and seizures

           Behavioural issues
           like cursing, spitting,
           yelling, agitation and

F, 30,     Brocca’s aphasia           Right          Methylprednisolone,   UTI, allergic          Cognitive
C          progressed to global       Oopherectomy   IVIG                  reaction to            rehab,
           aphasia, parasthesia       RRR                                  methylprednisolon      discharged
           in arms, generalized                                            e (Psychiatry          home
           seizures,                                                       consulted for
           hallucinations,                                                 unresolved
           sensitivity to light and                                        catatonia)
           noise, agnosia,
           falling spells and
Australasian Journal of Neuroscience                      Volume 29 ● Number 1 ● May 2019
 removing anti-NMDA antibodies from the              hospital and discharged home. She was
 blood (Dalmau et al., 2007). Second-line im-        found unresponsive at home and re-admitted
 munotherapies such as rituximab or cyclo-           the following day. She also presented with
 phosphamide, or both are used for patient           posturing, rigidity and severe myclonus. Belle
 showing little or no response to first-line im-     was treated with anti-epileptic drugs and Acy-
 munotherapies (Dalmau, 2016).                       clovir for suspected viral encephalitis. Her
                                                     MRI was normal, but her cerebrospinal fluid
 Case Studies                                        (CSF) tested positive for Anti-NMDA receptor
        Our first patient in 2016, whom we will      antibodies at the community hospital. Upon
 refer to as Anna, was a 25-year-old, universi-      confirmation of the diagnosis, she was trans-
 ty student who presented to a community             ferred to the ICU at our centre.
 hospital with agitation, aggression, myoclo-                Belle’s symptoms were similar to
 nus jerks, generalized tonic clonic seizures,       Anna’s symptoms. They both had hallucina-
 opsoclonus and tremors. Due to her psychiat-        tions, agnosia and prosopaganosia as men-
 ric symptoms, she was initially misdiagnosed        tioned in Table 2. Furthermore, Belle present-
 and treated with antipsychotic medications.         ed with severe psychosis. She was cursing,
 She also received six sessions of electrocon-       spitting, yelling, was often whispering, agitat-
 vulsive therapy. However, after noting a fe-        ed and aggressive. Belle was treated with
 ver, rigidity and decreased level of con-           IVIG, plasmapheresis and steroid therapy,
 sciousness, a lumbar puncture was per-              but continued to have seizures. She was
 formed. Anna tested positive for anti-NMDA          treated with multiple anti-epileptic medica-
 receptor encephalitis. Although her MRI             tions. Her MRI showed no evidence of a tera-
 showed no signs of a teratoma, she was still        toma. Despite this, the physicians chose a
 treated with methylprednisolone and IVIg.           bilateral oophorectomy as she was deterio-
 After no improvements were noted, she was           rating quickly. Her symptoms improved dras-
 transferred to our Intensive Care Unit (ICU).       tically after surgery. The pathology of her
 She spent the next nine months in the ICU           ovaries later revealed a microscopic terato-
 where she received plasma exchange and              ma. She was started on hormone therapy for
 rituximab. She was further treated with tetra-      surgically induced menopause and trans-
 benzine, quetiapine, haloperidol, olanzapine        ferred to our inpatient unit. Despite improve-
 and ketamine to suppress the myoclonus              ments in her symptoms, her manic symptoms
 jerks, yet no improvement was noted. Upon a         had not yet improved. A plan was needed to
 repeat MRI, a tiny right cystic teratoma was        address Belle’s manic symptoms, behaviour-
 noted on her ovary. Due to the severity of her      al issues, her safety and the safety of staff
 symptoms and to prevent relapse, Anna re-           caring for her during the agitated periods.
 ceived a bilateral oophorectomy and was
 subsequently treated for surgical meno-             Our last patient (whom we will call Cathe-
 pause.                                              rine), was a 30- year old female whose symp-
                                                     toms began with facial twitching and pares-
        Anna went on to develop several com-         thesia in her right arm. She reported having
 plications in the ICU including bacteremia,         some word finding difficulty for a week. Later
 ventilator associated pneumonia, status epi-        in the week, she had a tonic-clonic seizure
 lepticus and febrile neutropenia. Due to her        and fell down at a baseball game. Post-
 slow recovery and following further consulta-       seizure, Catherine was brought to our emer-
 tion with Dr. Josef Dalmau, she was started         gency department for her progressive apha-
 on a monthly treatment of cyclophosphamide.         sia and a new onset of focal seizures. Her
 After nine months, she was finally transferred      brain MRI and CT were unremarkable. An
 to the inpatient unit where she presented with      EEG showed diffused slowing, but no abnor-
 the symptoms outlined in Table 2. Her opso-         malities. However, Catherine continued to
 clonus myoclonus and seizures were uncon-           present with global aphasia, visual hallucina-
 trollable and putting her at high risk for falls.   tion, agnosia, falling spells and a sensitivity to
 We will refer to the next patient as Belle. She     light and noise (Table 2). Unlike Anna and
 was a 22-year old female, who initially devel-      Belle, she did not exhibit agitation nor ag-
 oped changes in her personality and started         gression.
 neglecting her personal hygiene following a         A pelvic MRI revealed a 5cm ovarian terato-
 vacation in Cuba. Belle was initially misdiag-      ma and an LP further confirmed the presence
 nosed with a psychiatric illness, started on        of anti-NMDAR antibodies in her CSF. She
 anti-psychotic medications in a community           was started on IVIG treatments and her
Australasian Journal of Neuroscience                     Volume 29 ● Number 1 ● May 2019
 teratoma was resected within eight days of         improvement. Brain injury can ensue as early
 her admission. She was also started on IV          as the five minutes into sustained seizure
 steroid therapy, but developed a reaction to       activity (Ramazan, et al., 2017). As a result, it
 it. As a result, the steroids were discontinued.   is imperative to prepare for the administration
                                                    of medications like IV lorazepam, phenytoin,
 Nursing Implications                               midazolam and diazepam to manage status
 Acute Confusion Management                         epilepticus effectively (Matata et al, 2015).

 Each of these patients presented with unique       Non-convulsive status epilepticus (NCSE) in
 and unpredictable symptoms making their            patients with an altered mental status have
 medical management incredibly complex.             also been noted in this population (Day et al.,
 Matata et al. (2015) suggests it is important      2011). Hassan (2016) describes NCSE as a
 for nurses to ensure a thorough Mini-mental        prolonged seizure without perceptible motor
 status exam and Glasgow Coma Scale                 signs but with an altered mental status and
 (GCS) assessment is performed to establish         continuous epileptiform EEG changes. NCSE
 a patient’s baseline on admission. Thereafter,     should be monitored closely for changes and
 a Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) and            communicate updates to the team as they
 GCS must be performed regularly every shift        may need continuous EEG monitoring and
 in coordination with the physician’s order.        might need to be treated with anti-epileptic
 These tests enable nurses to detect minute         medications.
 changes in the patient’s physiological and         Memory Loss
 psychological status, and enhance communi-
 cation to the team for psychiatric manage-         Long term cognitive effects such as memory
 ment. Matata et al. (2015) suggest that pa-        loss, disinhibition and impulsiveness, impair-
 tients with this condition often develop para-     ments in executive function such as inatten-
 noia. Thus, patients may benefit from nurses       tion, poor organization and planning difficul-
 clustering their interventions to minimize         ties have been noted in this population
 stress and decrease stimulation (Matata et         (Bach, 2014). As a result, patients may re-
 al., 2015). In addition, Matata et al. (2015)      quire total assistance with activities of daily
 also suggest that the concerns of family or        living (ADL). Occupational therapy and Physi-
 relatives at the bedside be taken seriously as     otherapy may be required to help manage
 they could be an indicator of the patient de-      and to develop a plan care around the pa-
 veloping subtle psychiatric features. Nurses       tient’s general physical deconditioning
 can play a crucial role in advocating for refer-   (Tham, 2012).
 rals to psychology, neuropsychology and
 mental health services within the interdiscipli-   All three of the previously discussed cases
 nary team.                                         developed agnosia (inability to process sen-
                                                    sation and recognize objects), prosopagnosia
 Seizure Management                                 (inability to recognize faces), receptive apha-
                                                    sia (inability to comprehend language) and
 According to Dalmau et al., (2007), seizures       expressive aphasia (inability to speak) in
 are a characteristic symptom of the condition.     some capacity (Dalmau et al., 2007). In addi-
 Focal seizures, generalized seizures, status       tion, the patients also exhibited dysphagia
 epilepticus and non-convulsive status epilep-      and communication deficits, requiring a
 ticus have all been noted in patients with Anti    Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) consult.
 -NMDAR encephalitis (Dalmau, 2016). Nurs-
 es should monitor the patients closely for         Patient Safety, Staff Safety and Transition-
 changes in behaviour and confusion as they         al Care
 could be signs of seizures. It is also important
 to prepare the bedside with safety equipment       All our patients’ families were quite involved
 such as airway management equipment and            in their care and tried to stay at the bedside
 intravenous (IV) access to allow for quick and     as much as possible. However, when the
 effective seizure management in order to pre-      families were unable to do so, a plan was
 vent brain injury.                                 developed for every single patient to ensure
                                                    that their unique medical and psychosocial
 Guven, Aydin & Kaykis (2017) define status         needs were being met, especially in regards
 epilepticus as a critical condition in which a     to patient safety. The nurse to patient ratios
 seizure lasts for more than five minutes or        on the inpatient unit is one to five versus one
 when two or more seizures occur without any        on one in the ICU. Their transitional needs
Australasian Journal of Neuroscience                          Volume 29 ● Number 1 ● May 2019
 became more apparent during their transition           routine, providing non-slip slippers, placing
 from ICU to the inpatient unit. Families may           the bed to the wall and de-cluttering the bed-
 have difficulty adjusting to the fact that the         side space were quite useful in preventing
 care provided on the inpatient unit is no long-        falls in these patients.
 er on a one-on-one basis.
                                                        Some patients with this condition may be-
 Families will require additional emotional sup-        come quite violent and aggressive during the
 port. Organizing family meetings can be help-          psychosis stage. It is recommended that a
 ful in communicating ongoing updates and               behavioural safety alert and plan be imple-
 establishing the goals of care. Nurses play a          mented to ensure the safety of the patient,
 crucial role in initiating the discharge planning      family members and all staff in the interdisci-
 process from the point of admission and ad-            plinary team. All possible options must be
 vocating for patients to receive all the appro-        explored before the use of physical restraints
 priate referrals and services prior to dis-            such as soft mitts, restraint jackets and wrist
 charge. Nursing representation at family               restraints. It is recommended that chemical
 meetings is also critical to help ensure fami-         and physical restraints be used with caution
 lies understand the plan and goals of care.            to prevent patients from harming themselves,
                                                        their families and staff. In addition to medical
 Due to the possibility of tonic-clonic seizures,       and safety concerns, another downside to the
 posturing and myoclonus jerks, patients with           use of restraints is the distress it may cause
 anti-NMDAR are at high risk of falls. Strate-          to both patients and their family members.
 gies such as bed alarms, placing falls mats            Nurses should provide ongoing emotional
 on the floor, ensuring the patient’s belongings        support to distressed family members as a
 were within reach, establishing a toileting

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Australasian Journal of Neuroscience                     Volume 29 ● Number 1 ● May 2019
 part of the discussion about the goals of care     Discussion
 for such patients. Other alternatives may be
 explored and agreed upon in discussion with        Prior to 2005, undiagnosed and untreated
 family members at family meetings. For ex-         patients with this condition often developed
 ample, constant observers or “sitters” were        complications such as infections, cognitive
 organized for patients whose family members        and motor dysfunction, life long impairments
 were distressed by the use of restraints for       and even death (Dalmau et al., 2007). In a
 our patients.                                      multi-institutional observation study Titulaer
                                                    et al. (2013) reported that out of 577 patients,
 Although medicine is more informed about           495 became bedridden and 440 were admit-
 the condition today than ever before, patients     ted to the ICU at some point, 394 went on to
 and families may struggle to cope with the         reach good outcomes and 30 patients ended
 rarity of the condition, the lack of information   up dying. The patients in this case study pre-
 about the condition and the devastating ef-        sented with both neurological and psychiatric
 fects of a oophorectomy or hysterectomy,           features similar to those noted in literature.
 early menopause and possible life altering         However, thanks to the advances made by
 changes. The families of all three patients        Dr. Josef Dalmau, in comparison to cases
 were provided ongoing emotional support            prior to 2005, the patients in this case study
 and offered spiritual care services or referred    faired relatively well with two going back to
 to hospital chaplains. They were also referred     work and one returning home to live with her
 to support groups such as the Anti-NMDA            family. The value of early diagnosis and treat-
 Receptor Encephalitis Foundation and social        ment is colossal to the successful recovery of
 services when appropriate.                         patients suffering from anti-NMDAR enceph-
 Patient Outcomes
                                                    In summary, the triad noted often in this pa-
 Anna was transferred to a Complex Care Re-         tient population is seizures, psychosis and
 habilitation facility and moved back home          dyskinesia (Dalmau, 2016). Based on their
 with her family. Although, Anna did not return     observational study, Titulaer et al. (2013)
 completely back to her baseline, she is            suggest that early diagnosis and timely inter-
 healthy again and doing very well. Her family      vention is predictive of improved outcomes in
 says that her cognition has improved, and          this patient population. Nurses, physicians
 that she is talking and walking again. Her         and allied health professionals especially in
 family also mentioned she is attending day         community health, emergency and neurology
 programs three times a week and spending a         departments, family medicine and psychiatric
 lot of time engaged in activities with family      facilities play an integral role in recognizing
 and friends.                                       symptoms earlier on and facilitating or deliv-
 A Psychiatry consult was arranged for Belle        ering timely medical intervention to these pa-
 and she was started on anti-psychotic medi-        tients. Nurses in particular play a crucial role
 cations to manage her agitation and violent        in supporting patients and their families
 behaviour. Upon successful medical and psy-        through this rare and distressing neurological
 chological management, Belle was repatriat-        condition. Nursing implications include regu-
 ed to a community hospital in her hometown         larly communicating ongoing neurological
 for further monitoring. She received cognitive     developments to the team, acute confusion
 rehab for two months and she is still receiv-      management, seizure management, respira-
 ing treatment on an outpatient basis. She is       tory and cardiac monitoring, making appropri-
 currently working through a program offered        ate referrals, patient advocacy, providing
 by the March of Dimes of Canada. The com-          emotional support, coordinating additional
 munity based rehabilitation program helps          support services, educating patients and fam-
 people with disabilities transition back into      ilies, ensuring patient and staff safety and
 the work force. As per family, she has almost      discharge planning.
 returned back to her baseline and hopes to         Acknowledgements
 attend college next year.
                                                    The      patients and     their    families,
 Following her improvement, Catherine was           Arlene Vasconcelos,     Adassa      Wilson,
 discharged to a cognitive rehabilitation centre    Aline Ha, Charmaine Arulvarathan, Nadia
 close to her family home. She has almost           Walfall, George Crasto and Valerian Gladys
 completely recovered, has returned to work         Crasto
 at her previous position. She continues to be
 followed by Neuropsychiatry at our hospital.
Australasian Journal of Neuroscience                    Volume 29 ● Number 1 ● May 2019
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                                                   NeuroRehabilitation. 30 (2) 109-112.
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