The Austrian Strategy for the Prevention and Countering of Violent Extremism and De-radicalisation

Page created by Amber Ryan
The Austrian Strategy
for the Prevention and
 Countering of Violent
        Extremism and

Radicalisation and extremism pose a major threat          de-radicalisation in Austria. Federal ministries, civil
for Austria, as they jeopardise the national security.    organisations and the federal provinces are the
For this reason, it is of particular concern to me        members of BNED.
in my function as Minister of the Interior to take
appropriate and effective counter measures in this        The “Austrian Strategy for the Prevention and
context.                                                  Countering of Violent Extremism Prevention and
                                                          De-radicalisation” substantiates the “fight against
In order to inhibit radicalisation from arising in the    subversive extremism and subversive radicalisation”,
first place and to promote de-radicalisation, it is       as it is laid down in the government programme
particularly necessary to enact preventive measures       2017-2022. It supports the development of
alongside the repressive measures, which are only         interdisciplinary prevention and de-radicalisation
taken when concrete threats arise. The Austrian           measures in the fields of internal security and
security authorities have adopted a national              integration in Austria.
approach in order to strengthen the interdisciplinary
prevention and de-radicalisation measures.                I am particularly pleased that around 70 members
                                                          of BNED as well as experts from various areas of
The present “Austrian Strategy for the Prevention         society have been involved in the preparation of this
and Countering of Violent Extremism and De-               strategy. It is a testimony of the great willingness to
radicalisation” marks a milestone in this context.        address radicalisation and extremism at a national
It is the first time that a nationally developed and      level and to meet these challenges together. The
coordinated strategy on handling radicalisation and       present strategy is an essential cornerstone in this
extremism is available. This strategy is intended to      context.
serve as an incentive and guide for all actors involved
in prevention and de-radicalisation work in Austria.      I would like to sincerely thank all actors involved
                                                          in compiling this strategy and I look forward to our
The “National Network for Prevention and                  continued excellent co-operation.
Countering Violent Extremism and De-radicalisation”
(BNED), founded by the Federal Ministry of the            Herbert Kickl
Interior in summer 2017 and coordinated by the            Federal Ministry of the Interior
Federal Agency for State Protection and Counter
Terrorism, marked the starting point for this strategy.
The BNED provides an overview on the respective
strategies and pools the single measures of all actors
working in the field of extremism prevention and
// HISTORICAL BACKGROUND   In a reaction to growing radicalisation and
                           recruitment tendencies in Austria, an increasing
                           number of prevention and radicalisation measures
                                                                                    all members of the Federal Network interested in
                                                                                    this task. Moreover, external experts from the fields
                                                                                    of research, civil society, people with practical
                           were taken in Austria over the last couple of years.     experience, organisations, etc. were integrated into
                                                                                    the creation process.
                           One major step was founding the “National Network
                           for Prevention and Countering Violent Extremism          The present strategy is a general and broad approach
                           and De-radicalisation” (BNED) and including as many      meant to be a guideline and offer orientation
                           relevant players as possible, in order to regularly      to all Austrian actors dealing with the topics of
                           exchange views on current questions concerning           preventing violent extremism and de-radicalisation.
                           prevention and countering of violent extremism as        Based on the present strategy, measures for the
                           well as de-radicalisation work. It is the aim of this    most important aspects of Austrian prevention
                           network, to establish and legitimise new measures        and de-radicalisation work will subsequently
                           throughout Austria by adopting a national approach.      be substantiated, the aim being to reinforce the
                                                                                    strategic concept outlined in this present document
                           At the request of BNED members, the Austrian             by practical solutions.
                           Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) in its function
                           as initiator and coordinator of the network
                           initiated a process aimed at developing an
                           Austrian Strategy on “Prevention and Countering
                           of Violent Extremism and De-radicalisation”. This
                           was the first measure taken by BNED. Compared
                           to international standards, Austria is one of the
                           few countries which had not had such an official
                           PVE/CVE strategy. This situation has been changed
                           by the present document. The fact that a large
                           number of actors were included into the developing
                           process emphasises the intention to view extremism
                           prevention and de-radicalisation as an issue which
                           concerns society as a whole.

                           This Austrian Strategy was developed in the course
                           of a participative and transparent process involving
// SUMMARY   The “Austrian Strategy for the Prevention
                    and Countering of Violent Extremism and De-
                    radicalisation” pools experiences and handling
                                                                             context are human rights and the protection of
                                                                             human dignity, the diversity of a democratic society
                                                                             and the values of coexistence negotiated within a
                    practices of various occupational groups who             society, such as respect, freedom of opinion, freedom
                    are familiar with the subject of “PVE/CVE and            from violence and a high level of individual freedom
                    de-radicalisation” and it shall make a significant       rights. Any ideology which approves violence and
                    contribution to developing a responsible way of          rejects human rights and democratic values poses
                    dealing with this topic. The present document            a risk to social cohesion. Thus, the central focus for
                    concentrates on all forms of extremism and               all players entrusted with extremism prevention
                    describes individual areas of activity that are          and de-radicalisation work in Austria is to counter
                    particularly relevant for preventing violent             extremist tendencies with all determination, without
                    extremism and de-radicalisation work.                    undermining the guidelines defined in the present
                    Extremism originates from radicalisation processes
                    which can make individuals susceptible to an             When compiling the present strategy, Austria
                    extremist ideology, finally causing them to use          used a large number of international and EU
                    violence as a means for reaching their goals. This       recommendations for orientation. Exemplary in
                    challenge can be countered by PVE/CVE and de-            this context are the “United Nations Global Counter
                    radicalisation, which are comprehensive tasks, since     Terrorism Strategy” from 2015, the EU directive
                    all forms of extremism strive to weaken democracy        “Preventing Radicalisation to Terrorism and Violent
                    and the constitutional state and they mostly are         Extremism: Strengthening the EU's Response” from
                    co-dependent. Thus, in order to be able to meet this     2014 and a “Policy Paper” by the “Radicalisation
                    challenge, it seems absolutely necessary to find a       Awareness Network” (RAN) on the subject of
                    solution involving society as a whole. It requires the   “Development of a local prevention framework and
                    co-operation of a large number of various players        guidelines”.
                    to be able to view and analyse the reasons for
                    radicalisation from different perspectives and to        The core concepts concerning extremism prevention
                    resolutely counter them.                                 and de-radicalisation were included into the strategy,
                                                                             based on international and European documents.
                    Successful PVE/CVE and de-radicalisation work in         The term “extremism” has been defined broadly and
                    Austria is based on the fundamental principles of        generally refers to all forms of extremism.
                    the constitutional state and must serve as the basis
                    for all players involved. The essential basis in this

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// SECURITY, THE PENAL SYSTEM AND                         the possibility to take part in social processes creates   required in this context must be guaranteed on              market, and by doing so, can significantly contribute
RESOCIALISATION                                           a feeling of belonging to an open and democratic           a sustainable basis. Moreover, spaces have to be            to the prevention of radicalisation and extremism.
                                                          society. Such a society stands united against anti-        created, where the players involved can exchange            Moreover, increased promotion of qualification offers
Violent extremism in all its manifestations poses a       democratic and extremist forces and has enough             target-oriented information.                                and employment promotion can create perspectives
considerable threat to the Austrian society. Apart        resilience to also meet the challenges of the future.                                                                  for disadvantaged, marginalised individuals and
from the security authorities, which play a key role                                                                 Setting up a central point of coordination against          groups. Hence, the sense of social security and social
in repression, preventive measures have increased                                                                    radicalisation and extremism would be an effective          integration is strengthened, which, in turn, removes
in importance. In order to reinforce the aspect of        // CO-OPERATION AND RESOURCES                              approach for offering the widest possible range             the basis for politically radical arguments, making a
prevention, co-operation of all institutions relevant                                                                of awareness-raising measures and trainings                 contribution to combatting marginalisation that way.
in this field is necessary. One essential objective of    In order to be able to counter extremist ideologies,       concerning radicalisation and extremism to a broad
a macrosocial approach to fight extremism is the          networking and co-operation is not only necessary          target group and to support individuals prone to
prevention of criminal acts and the containment of        on an international level but also on the national         radicalisation in the best possible way and in due          // SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND HEALTH
radicalisation processes preceding relevant offences,     level. Mutual solidarity and co-operation is needed        time. There is widespread agreement that raising
and thus, threatening social cohesion in Austria.         between the federal government, the federal                awareness concerning subjects like extremism and            When analysing the reasons for radicalisation,
                                                          provinces and the communities. Responding to               terrorism is the basis at all levels for taking effective   exclusion mechanisms based of a societal and
In order to guarantee resilience of the population        the challenge of guaranteeing a stable democratic          counter measures.                                           structural nature have to be considered. Social
and the state to radicalisation and extremism in the      society in order to maintain social peace means                                                                        responsibility and health comprise areas such as
best way possible, it is necessary, on the one hand, to   that this aim needs to be continuously pursued, a                                                                      the labour market, professional education, the
have national authorities, which, according to their      large amount of commitment has to be displayed             // EDUCATION, LABOUR MARKET AND                             social security system, child and youth welfare,
protective function, effectively and proactively react    so that the dialogue between all players involved is       RESILIENCE                                                  social work at schools, youth work as well as health
to possible offences, so that the desired effect caused   promoted.                                                                                                              promotion and health care. Likewise, different forms
by extremist offences cannot be brought about. On                                                                                                                                of discrimination, on grounds of an individual’s sex or
                                                                                                                     Education, be it either formal or non-formal, can
the other hand, it is necessary to continue adopting      Federal networks have proven to be appropriate                                                                         gender identity, sexual orientation, origin or religion
                                                                                                                     considerably contribute to making individuals
the preventive macrosocial solution approach              for the exchange between the federal ministries,                                                                       are usually considered separately from each other.
                                                                                                                     more resilient to radicalisation and extremism. In
already initiated in Austria, alongside with practical    the federal provinces and some specialist bodies                                                                       When countering radicalisation and extremism, it
                                                                                                                     this context, education has to be understood in a
methods offering individuals a way out of extremist       active across Austria. It would be a strong signal of                                                                  is important to specifically focus on these societal,
                                                                                                                     broader sense, as vocational training or the transfer
environments.                                             co-operation and jointly assumed responsibility, if                                                                    social and health aspects.
                                                                                                                     of knowledge, since it offers the possibility to remove
                                                          the federal government, the federal provinces as
                                                                                                                     inequalities and to promote inclusion on the job
                                                          well as the cities and communities established the
                                                                                                                     market.                                                     // SCIENCE AND RESEARCH
// POLITICS AND DEMOCRATIC CULTURE                        respective networks in the near future by formulating
                                                          concrete objectives and establishing key activities                                                                    One of the essential objectives of prevention
                                                                                                                     An inclusive education and labour market policy
Strengthening democracy and democratic awareness          in order to guarantee continuous and consistent                                                                        of violent extremism and de-radicalisation is to
                                                                                                                     supporting individuals in their abilities and needs
is one of the essential prerequisites for cracking        extremism prevention and a targeted promotion                                                                          develop a responsible way of dealing with extremist
                                                                                                                     can provide disadvantaged individuals with
down on extremism. Interest in social matters and         of democracy and human rights. The resources                                                                           ideologies and to pool the respective methods which
                                                                                                                     adequate access to education, training and the job

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are based on experience and practical knowledge.         at the prevention of violent extremism and de-            Over the last years, Austria has taken a large
It is important to continue to analyse extremist         radicalisation.                                           number of initiatives and has set various actions to
tendencies and their causes and to formulate joint                                                                 counter extremism. Therefore, thanks to a broad
solutions in order to adequately deal with this          It is important to deal with extremist contents in        understanding of prevention of violent extremism
complex subject. Threats have to be specifically dealt   various media in a competent way. Both, technical         and de-radicalisation and a co-operative interaction
with by applying secondary and tertiary prevention       and sociopolitical measures have to be taken. For         between the civil society players, official institutions,
measures, without condemning and stigmatising            this purpose, international networks are required,        security authorities and the federal provinces, we
individual groups of the population as a whole.          since not only media providers but also some              have arrived at an innovative and future-oriented
                                                         extremist players are active across borders. It is in     approach. One of the essential prerequisites for
In order to be able to establish a systematic and        this area that practical implementation, but also         successful prevention work is the successful co-
interdisciplinary type of extremism research, which      research measures must take a stand, in order to          operation of a large number of players. In the
concentrates on a comprehensive examination of the       guarantee that the respective measures can take           years to come, it will be important to establish and
subject fields identified and which is able to produce   effect. In addition, the respective authorities and       consolidate these structures in order to be able to
knowledge-based inputs for practical and political       internet service providers need to interact in order to   continue to counter violent extremism by preventive,
use, the respective structures need to be created        create standardised regulations, as far as the use of     or, whenever necessary, by reactive measures.
first.                                                   the internet is concerned. In this context, the focus
                                                         shall not only be on the fact that the media increase
For this purpose, it could be useful to set up           their competence but also on increasing their
a publicly accessible data base on extremist             responsibility.
organisations and relevant results in this context.
However, another idea would be to establish an
independent, scientific competence centre to better      // GENDER
coordinate research activities and to use scientific
resources and resources available to the authorities     In the field of prevention of violent extremism
more efficiently.                                        and de-radicalisation, the role of gender equality
                                                         is often regarded as only marginally important.
                                                         Radical groups partly take advantage of this fact.
// INTERNET AND THE MEDIA                                Apart from that, societies with higher gender
                                                         equality are more resilient to extremism. Hence, it
When analysing radicalisation processes, it becomes      seems to be crucial to dedicate more attention to
clear that the media promote these processes in          this subject in the prevention of violent extremism
many ways and can facilitate spreading extremist         and de-radicalisation work and to consider it as an
positions. Likewise, the media can be used for           interdisciplinary issue in all measures to be taken.
counter measures and alternative measures aimed

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// TABLE OF CONTENTS   // PREFACE................................................................................................................................... 3
                               // HISTORICAL BACKGROUND..................................................................................................... 4
                               // SUMMARY.................................................................................................................................. 6
                               // TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................... 12

                               1.1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 14
                               1.2. Guidelines for prevention of violent extremism and de-radicalisation in Austria.......... 16
                               1.3. International recommendations on prevention of violent extremism and de-radicalisation.. 18
                               1.4. Definition of terms............................................................................................................... 20

                               2. Security, the penal system and resocialisation.................................................................... 23
                               3. Politics and democratic culture............................................................................................. 29
                               4. Co-operation and resources................................................................................................... 33
                               5. Education, labour market and resilience.............................................................................. 38
                               6. Social responsibility and health............................................................................................. 42
                               7. Science and Research............................................................................................................. 46
                               8. Internet and the media........................................................................................................... 48
                               9. Gender...................................................................................................................................... 51

                               // REFERENCES............................................................................................................................ 54

                               // LEGAL NOTICE.......................................................................................................................... 58

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1.1. INTRODUCTION                                       individuals with practical experience in prevention       // PREVENTION OF VIOLENT EXTREMISM                        many ideologies. Their ideas focus on feelings such
                                                        of violent extremism and de-radicalisation work           AND DE-RADICALISATION AS COMPLEX                          as fear, mistrust and rejection. Sustainable strategies
                                                        as well as scientists agree upon the fact that                                                                      and raising awareness in all sectors of society are
Extremism in all its manifestations causes                                                                        TASKS
concern across Europe and is seen as a major            different influencing factors can mutually intensify                                                                necessary to reduce the operative ability to act
challenge. The population, the constitutional           radicalisation processes and affect their course.                                                                   and the geographical scope of extremist/terrorist
                                                                                                                  What all forms of extremism have in common is
system as well as the institutions and bodies of a      This is reflected in the wide variety of requirements                                                               associations.
                                                                                                                  their negative attitude towards the democratic
democratic state and community can be impaired          imposed on prevention of violent extremism and de-
                                                                                                                  constitutional state. Fundamental democratic
or paralysed by extremism, terrorist acts (as a         radicalisation work.                                                                                                Security authorities, people with practical
                                                                                                                  principles, such as the plurality of interests, the
method of extremist actors) and hate crimes.                                                                                                                                experience in prevention of violent extremism and
                                                                                                                  multiparty system as well as the right to opposition
                                                        There is broad consensus that curbing extremism                                                                     de-radicalisation work as well as representatives
                                                                                                                  are being negated. Extremist groups pose a particular
The “National Strategy for Prevention of Violent        in all its manifestations and containing its causes                                                                 from the field of science have determined numerous
                                                                                                                  challenge to the democratic order. These groups are
Extremism and De-Radicalisation” contributes to         pose a challenge not be met by repressive methods                                                                   challenges and threats which are relevant for
                                                                                                                  based on anti-democratic ideologies, whose aim is to
structuring and sustainably tackling this challenge.    alone. On the contrary, numerous actors have to                                                                     conceptualising and implementing future prevention
                                                                                                                  undermine democracy and social cohesion.
The present document pools the experience and           co-operate and such co-operation shall be based on                                                                  and de-radicalisation measures in Austria. Therefore,
handling practices of various occupational groups       a macrosocial solution approach. The aim shall be to                                                                it can be assumed that anti-democratic ideologies
                                                                                                                  Therefore, when analysing and developing strategies
familiar with the topic of “prevention of violent       analyse and evaluate extremist tendencies and their                                                                 and attitudes will not lose their appeal in the
                                                                                                                  in the field of prevention of violent extremism
extremism and de-radicalisation” and shall make         causes from different points of view and to formulate                                                               future. Progressive radicalisation tendencies and
                                                                                                                  and de-radicalisation, you cannot focus solely on
a significant contribution to handling this topic       macrosocial strategies and solution approaches,                                                                     an increasing number of recruiting attempts have
                                                                                                                  individual manifestations of extremism. As a matter
responsibly.                                            which live up to the complexity of the topic.                                                                       to be viewed as a realistic scenario, regardless of
                                                                                                                  of fact, extremism is based on approaches and
                                                                                                                                                                            any specific form of extremism. Particular attention
                                                                                                                  attitudes which are mutually dependent, which show
                                                        The effectiveness of these strategies and approaches                                                                must be paid to the fact that offences cannot only
                                                                                                                  reciprocal dynamics and which even provoke each
                                                        essentially depends on how and to which extent                                                                      be committed by groups but also by radicalised
// A MACROSOCIAL APPROACH AS A                                                                                    other. Taking into account the similarity in character,
                                                        public and civil society institutions and organisations                                                             single perpetrators, as it has increasingly been the
SOLUTION MODEL                                          can be connected and if permanent, binding and
                                                                                                                  it is thus necessary to select a broad term for
                                                                                                                                                                            case. Therefore, the population, the constitutional
                                                                                                                  extremism to contain radicalisation and extremism.
                                                        target-oriented co-operation alliances can be                                                                       system as well as the institutions and bodies of the
The starting point of extremism, in all its                                                                       In order to prevent subversive extremism, a holistic
                                                        established. The need for this endeavour exists at all                                                              democratic state and community will continue to
manifestations, lies within a radicalisation process.                                                             and macrosocial approach is ultimately required,
                                                        levels of action as well as at the local and national                                                               be confronted with scenarios in the future, calling
They make individuals susceptible to extremist                                                                    integrating the inter-ministerial, institutional,
                                                        level.                                                                                                              for active counteraction taken as early as possible.
ideologies and ultimately to violence as a legitimate                                                             administrative, non-governmental and scientific
                                                                                                                                                                            These actions shall be taken on the premise of a
tool for achieving their goals. When analysing                                                                    levels. This has to be taken into account when
                                                                                                                                                                            macrosocial solution approach. The present strategy
these processes, it becomes evident that they are                                                                 conceiving counter-measures.
                                                                                                                                                                            shall be regarded as a foundation for these actions
very complex phenomena, which always have                                                                                                                                   and shall serve as a means of orientation.
to be regarded in the context of socio-economic                                                                   Moreover, hostilities and a dichotomous pattern of
and global-political factors. Security authorities,                                                               “friend-enemy” provide the ideal breeding ground for

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1.2. GUIDELINES FOR PREVENTION                                     prerequisites without which a democratic society           the needs of the population. Building on this, the             Issues regarding identity and affiliation are
                                                                   cannot work.                                               protection and promotion of human rights and                   not only dealt with at a normative but also at a
                                                                                                                              the respect for human dignity should be in the                 material-structural level. They are linked to social,
RADICALISATION IN AUSTRIA                                          Extremist tendencies often originate from a small          focus of prevention and de-radicalisation work. In             economic, political and cultural possibilities of
                                                                   minority within a society. However, under certain          this way, orientation is offered for all discourses            participation. A normative discussion on coexistence
In order to manage prevention of violent                           conditions, they can have the potential of radicalising    and all macrosocial negotiation processes which                of individuals must also tackle the issues of
extremism and de-radicalisation work in Austria                    large parts of society. If a society can firmly trust in   centre around the preservation and promotion of                inclusion and participation against the background
successfully, basic principles and guidelines                      its democratic system, this confidence can serve as        democratic norms.                                              of social inequalities, barriers and discrimination.
need to be defined, which offer orientation for all                a fundamental protective shield against extremism                                                                         In prevention of violent extremism and de-
players involved. In the following, it is intended                 in all its various manifestations. If citizens are given   On the basis of human rights it is specified that group        radicalisation work, topics such as sensitivity and the
to give an overview of the basic principles and                    the opportunity to actively participate in democratic      rights must not violate the dignity and rights of the          significance of gender as an interdisciplinary issue
guidelines which shall serve as a basis for the                    processes, extremist tendencies can be proactively         individual and, thus, are subordinate to the rights of         have to be considered accordingly.
present strategy and for the implementation                        counteracted. For this reason, the overriding              the individual. Conversely, this means that collective
of concrete prevention and de-radicalisation                       principles of prevention and de-radicalisation work        rights, which safeguard the dignity and the rights of
measures in Austria.                                               must be to strengthen the democratic constitutional        the individual and promote his or her participation in         // CIVIL LIBERTIES AS A BASIS FOR
                                                                   state and to safeguard the conditions under which it       society, are to be welcomed and protected.                     COEXISTENCE WITHIN A SOCIETY
One of the biggest challenges for a democratic                     can work.                                                  Children’s rights2 have a particular status.
constitutional state is how to deal with anti-                                                                                Promoting these central rights of children and
democratic (up to extremist) tendencies. In order to                                                                                                                                         Democratic, pluralist societies are characterised
                                                                   In their daily work, all players involved in prevention    young individuals, developing their possibilities of
be able to counter such tendencies in our society,                                                                                                                                           by a high degree of individual civil liberties which
                                                                   and de-radicalisation activities have to consider the      participating in and shaping social life and protecting
rules and mechanisms are required which make it                                                                                                                                              form the basis of our coexistence. Civil liberties can
                                                                   guidelines outlined and sustainably comply with            children and young individuals are top priorities.
possible to act against anti-democratic and extremist                                                                                                                                        be restricted by the state authorities, in order to
tendencies, without damaging the basic principles of                                                                                                                                         maintain public order and to ensure the security of
the constitutional state.                                                                                                                                                                    the people. At the same time, the state authorities,
                                                                                                                              // IDENTITY, DIVERSITY AND AFFILIATION                         in compliance with the principle of proportionality,
                                                                   // HUMAN RIGHTS AND HUMAN DIGNITY                                                                                         are obliged to guarantee that the benefit of such
The Austrian federal constitution and the
                                                                   AS BASIC PRINCIPLES                                        In a democratic society, diversity needs to                    measures outweighs the restrictions caused by them.
constitutional values derived from it form the
                                                                                                                              be reflected and proactively promoted in all                   Particularly, if the freedom of children and young
foundation for a peaceful coexistence in Austria. At
                                                                   Human rights, as defined in the Universal Declaration      educational, social and security-relevant service              individuals is restricted by certain measures, the
the same time, basic principles like liberalism, the
                                                                   of Human Rights1, and human dignity as it is laid          sectors. This aim is to be pursued while bearing               focus must be on the children’s well-being and the
rule of law, democracy, the republic state, federalism
                                                                   down therein, form the normative basis for all             in mind that societal diversity requires jointly               opportunities of development for children and young
and the separation of powers, but also fundamental
                                                                   societies which are based on social and liberal            negotiated values and rules for coexisting, such               individuals.
values such as justice, respect, tolerance, gender
                                                                   principles. They guarantee that the constitutional         as respect, freedom of opinion and freedom from
equality and sociopolitical participation as well
                                                                   state is oriented towards the common good and              violence, in order to promote a respectful, social
as ensuring social security are further central
                                                                                                                              coexistence and equal opportunities for all.

  Universal Declaration of Human Rights (A/RES/217, UN-Doc. 217/A-(III)),                                                                                                     2
                                                                                                                                                                                  Convention on the Rights of the Child
URL:, 24/01/2018                                                                                                                      aspx?src=TREATY&mtdsg_no=IV-11&chapter=4&lang=en, 24.01.2018

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// DEVALUATION IDEOLOGIES AND                                           of non-violent communication are observed in all                           The “United Nations Global Counter Terrorism                                 private sector,
GROUP-FOCUSED MISANTHROPY                                               public discourses and that the means for promoting                         Strategy”, which was adopted in 2015 and adapted in                     •    further research on radicalisation tendencies
                                                                        them are reinforced. In order to render prevention                         July 2016, constitutes an example in this context. The                       and evaluation of existing practices,
                                                                        of violent extremism and de-radicalisation work                            focus of this strategy rests upon four pillars:                         •    closer co-operation with partner countries to
Any ideology which supports violence and rejects
                                                                        sustainable, the borders between verbal violence and                       •     the identification of influencing factors                              prevent and combat radicalisation within and
a society which is based on human rights and
                                                                        the freedom of opinion should be clearly defined,                                facilitating the propagation of terrorism;                             outside of the European Union5.
democratic values, poses a risk to social cohesion.
                                                                        explained, communicated and executed.                                      •     measures to prevent and combat terrorism;
Thus, any form of extremism must receive due
                                                                                                                                                   •     the establishment of national resources to                        In addition to these two official documents, the
attention. The focus of prevention of violent
                                                                        To summarise, the central guideline for sustainable                              prevent and combat terrorism as well as                           European Union published a policy paper of the
extremism and de-radicalisation work is not only on
                                                                        prevention and de-radicalisation work in Austria                                 strengthening the role of the United Nations in                   “Radicalisation Awareness Network” (RAN) in 2016,
groups and individuals advocating violence, but also
                                                                        shall be to decisively counter extremist tendencies                              this field;                                                       entitled “Developing a local prevention framework
on individuals who advocate and spread tendencies
                                                                        while preferably including all relevant players,                           •     respecting human rights and the rule of law4.                     and guiding principles”. This document specifically
which are racist, sexist or hostile to pluralism.
                                                                        without undermining the basic principles of the                                                                                                    highlights the importance of co-operating at a local
                                                                        constitutional state and the fundamental values                            At the European level, the most relevant directive                      level.
Group-focused misanthropy and devaluating
                                                                        derived from it.                                                           in this context is the one from the year 2014, “The
attitudes form the breeding ground for extremism.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           The following points are included in the report:
They can assume disintegrating proportions, which                                                                                                  prevention of radicalisation leading to terrorism and
might even threaten democracy. For this reason,                                                                                                    violent extremism: reinforcement of the EU action”.                     •    a suggestion for a common framework for
joint efforts are needed at all structural and societal                 1.3. INTERNATIONAL                                                         The document indicates that the responsibilities for                         structuring prevention and action points to
levels, in order to find solutions which can be used                    RECOMMENDATIONS ON                                                         designing and implementing measures to prevent                               develop a local strategy or an action plan;
to effectively counter devaluation ideologies and                       PREVENTION OF VIOLENT                                                      and combat radicalisation lie with the member                           •    practical advice on specific problems in the field
ideologies of inequality. In order to contain these                     EXTREMISM AND DE-                                                          states, but that the phenomenon of radicalisation                            of prevention;
                                                                                                                                                   is, in many ways, supranational. This directive                         •    concrete practical experiences concerning the
problem areas, specific measures in the fields of                       RADICALISATION
prevention, information and research as well as                                                                                                    focusses, among other things, on the following                               definition of problems and guiding principles,
in the fight against the phenomena are required,                                                                                                   recommendations for preventing radicalisation:                               which, in the form of a “checklist”, will
                                                                        Over the last couple of years, an increasing
among other things.                                                                                                                                                                                                             subsequently support individuals doing practical
                                                                        number of countries have developed national                                •     prevention of radicalisation by consolidating
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                work in developing their own action plans or
                                                                        strategies and action plans for the prevention                                   expert knowledge,
Freedom of opinion is the basic condition of any                                                                                                                                                                                strategies6.
                                                                        of violent extremism and de-radicalisation.                                •     training in the prevention of radicalisation,
freedom and it is constitutive for a functioning                                                                                                   •     development of exit strategies for violent                        As early as in 2014, the European Commission
                                                                        Therefore, numerous international and EU
democracy. Limitations on the freedom of opinion                                                                                                         extremism,                                                        called upon member states to develop their own
                                                                        recommendations provide guidance to Austria
are to be set, when individuals or groups are being                                                                                                •     closer co-operation with civil society and the                    prevention strategies7. This demand is met by the
                                                                        with regard to establishing its own prevention and
discriminated and degraded on grounds of certain
                                                                        de-radicalisation structures3.                                  4
                                                                                                                                            Translated from English; see UNGCTS, July 2016 (A/RES/70/291) :,
characteristics. It must be seen to it that the rules                                                                                                                                                                                                                              25/05/2018
                                                                                                                                                   See communication of the European Commission, January 2014
 See, among others, “United Nations Global Counter Terrorism Strategy“ (UNGCTS; A/70/674, dated 24/12/2015, also adapted in July                                                                                                    com(2013)0941_/com_com(2013)0941_de.pdf, 25/05/2018
2016 (A/RES/70/291)); EU directive “The prevention of radicalisation leading to terrorism and violent extremism: reinforcement of the                                         6
                                                                                                                                                                                See RAN strategy paper 2016:
EU action” (15/01/2014); Communication of the European Commission “The prevention of radicalisation leading to terrorism and                    radicalisation_awareness_network/ran-papers/docs/policy_paper_developing_local_prevent_framework_guiding_112016_de.pdf, 25/05/20187
violent extremism: reinforcement of the EU action” (15/01/2014) as well as the policy paper of the Radicalisation Awareness Network             7
                                                                                                                                                  See communication of the European Commission, January 2014:
(RAN) “Developing a local prevent framework and guiding principles” (November 2016).                                                                                                                                                com(2013)0941_/com_com(2013)0941_de.pdf. 28/05/2018

18 \\                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  // 19
present document. Following international and EU                     religious or any other ideological world view aiming                             or an international organisation and is defined                       // SECONDARY PREVENTION
recommendations, the topic of de-radicalisation and                  at bringing about fundamental changes in the                                     as a criminal act according to national law, if it is
prevention of violent extremism cannot be analysed                   classification system of a society. Radicalisation                               committed with the aim                                                As for secondary prevention, this target group can be
seperately for each member state. On the contrary,                   does not inevitably result in the use of violence and                                                                                                  defined more accurately and support for challenging
                                                                                                                                                      I.   of seriously intimidating a population or
it appears expedient to continuously exchange                        violation of the law. In a democratic state based on                                                                                                   life situations is offered. This target group generally
                                                                                                                                                      II.  unduly compelling a government or an
views on this topic through co-operation within                      the rule of law, the mere conviction about a radical                                                                                                   comprises individuals who are at risk of radicalising
                                                                                                                                                           international organisation to perform or abstain
the international association and to create suitable                 idea per se is not criminally relevant. Extremism often                               from performing an act or                                        themselves and who engage with individuals
networks in this context. The focus should not only                  comes in when violence is used to push through an                                III. seriously destabilising or destroying the                        showing the first signs of radicalisation. This target
be on the co-operation at the “policy level” but also                individual conviction.                                                                fundamental political, constitutional,                           group has not yet committed any acts relevant to
on the promotion of co-operation between science                                                                                                           economic or social structures of a country or an                 criminal law. That is why the aim is to consider the
and civil society. These demands and experiences                     // EXTREMISM                                                                          international organisation8.                                     social, legal and the socio-psychological situations
form the basis and guidelines for the present                                                                                                                                                                               of the individuals concerned and to counter any
Austrian strategy for the prevention of extremism and                The term extremism derives from the Latin word                                                                                                         violations of legal norms. On the one hand secondary
de-radicalisation.                                                   “extremus” meaning “utmost”. “Extremism”, thus,                                                                                                        prevention addresses the individual difficulties
                                                                                                                                                      // PREVENTION
                                                                     describes a political, religious or ideological attitude                                                                                               of these people, while on the other hand anti-
                                                                     which has arrived at its “utmost” form. The aim is                                                                                                     discrimination training programmes are offered to
                                                                                                                                                      In the context at hand, prevention refers to the
1.4. DEFINITION OF TERMS                                             to completely change the classification system of                                identification and conception of strategies and                       the identified groups of individuals.
                                                                     a society. In order to achieve this goal, the use of                             measures which aim at containing the risk of
In the following chapter the essential terms                         violence and force is a legitimate tool in extremism.                            radicalisation and extremism.
relevant for the present strategy are defined.                       The present strategy does not list individual forms                                                                                                    // TERTIARY PREVENTION
These terms are to be regarded as working                            of extremism. In this way, it is made clear that it
definitions and are oriented towards European                        is essential not to focus on individual forms of
                                                                                                                                                      // PRIMARY PREVENTION                                                 Tertiary prevention is aimed at individuals having
and international documents dealing with                             extremism when implementing prevention and de-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            committed offences punishable under criminal law.
prevention of violent extremism and de-                              radicalisation measures, but to always keep an eye
                                                                                                                                                      Primary or universal radicalisation prevention aims                   The intent is to prevent them from resuming their
radicalisation.                                                      on extremism in all its various manifestations.
                                                                                                                                                      at reaching as many social groups as possible. The                    extremist patterns of behaviour. This target group
                                                                                                                                                      objective is to build awareness of the general risks of               comprises, among others, individuals stemming from
// RADICALISATION                                                    // TERRORISM                                                                                                                                           pertinent extremist environments and persons who
                                                                                                                                                      radicalisation among the target groups addressed.
                                                                     The term “terrorist act” refers to one of the                                    For primary prevention this means strengthening                       want to leave this environment. Tertiary prevention
Radicalisation is the process of individual, cognitive                                                                                                social security, democratic culture and human rights                  aims at re-integrating and re-socialising individuals
                                                                     intentional acts listed below, which, given their
and behaviour-based adaptation to a political,                                                                                                        education. Primary prevention is not addressed to                     by offering social, legal and socio-psychological care
                                                                     nature or context, may seriously damage a country
                                                                                                                                                      any specific target group.                                            facilities on the one hand and ideology-critical work
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            and discussions on violent-extremist views of the
  Siehe Mitteilung der EU Kommission, Jänner 2014:
com(2013)0941_de.pdf, 25.05.2018                                                                                                                                                                                            world on the other.
  Siehe RAN-Strategiepapier, November 2016:
network/ran-papers/docs/policy_paper_developing_local_prevent_framework_guiding_112016_de.pdf, 25.05.2018
  Siehe Mitteilung der EU-Kommission, Jänner 2014:
com(2013)0941_de.pdf. 28. 05. 2018                                                                                                                                 8
                                                                                                                                                                       Council Common Position of 27 December 2001 on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism, 2001/931/GASP

20 \\                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 // 21
// DE-RADICALISATION                                     2. SECURITY, THE PENAL SYSTEM                                               // THREAT ANALYSIS WITH REGARD TO
                                                         AND RESOCIALISATION                                                         RADICALISATION AND EXTREMISM
De-radicalisation comes in, if the degree of
radicalisation is very advanced and the risk arises                                                                                  Violent extremism in all its manifestations poses a
                                                         // THE MEANING OF SECURITY AS A
that individuals endanger themselves and/or others.                                                                                  considerable threat to the Austrian society. Timely
Efforts are made to initiate a dialogue with these
                                                         CENTRAL TASK OF THE STATE                                                   detection and aversion of threats, which can be
people, to motivate them to accept changes and                                                                                       posed by radicalised individuals or groups, are the
to trigger processes inducing them to distance           Security is a fundamental human need. As it is                              challenges the state needs to tackle.
themselves from ideologies.                              the case with all basic needs, it only acquires
                                                         individual meaning, if it is non-existent or                                Long-term trend descriptions provided by
                                                         severely lacking. The prosperity and quality of life                        the Austrian security authorities dealing with
                                                         of a society considerably depend on the security
// DISENGAGEMENT                                                                                                                     security-related developments indicate a growing
                                                         prevailing in a country. Social security, social                            polarisation and fragmentation of our society.
                                                         justice and the protection of fundamental human                             These circumstances can provide the respective
Disengagement rather refers to the behavioural than
                                                         needs are prerequisites for social peace in a                               breeding ground for radicalising groups, which are
to the cognitive level and signifies dissociation from
                                                         society and can, therefore, be essential resilience                         also prepared to use violent extremist methods to
extremist or terrorist activities.
                                                         factors against radicalisation and extremism.                               articulate their goals. An increasing number of social
                                                                                                                                     tensions, disenchantment with politics, ethnical
                                                         For this purpose, on the one hand measures to                               conflicts within the society, challenges posed by
// ALTERNATIVE NARRATIVES                                avert dangers are required. The threat analysis                             local separatist movements (mostly in the urban
                                                         forms the respective foundation for managing the                            environment9) and the acceleration of change
Alternative narratives are positive alternatives         use of means and resources and for a crisis-proof                           processes caused by digitalisation (e.g. filter bubbles,
to extremist propaganda. They primarily aim at           management structure of the state. On the other                             parallel societies, objective facts or pseudo-truths)
deconstructing or at de-legitimising extremist           hand an increased focus should also be put on the                           all are manifestations of this development. On the
narratives.                                              psychological component when conveying a sense                              one hand globalisation increases the importance of
                                                         of security. This component substantially influences                        internationality and its consequences on daily life,
                                                         the way dangerous situations are being dealt with.                          but on the other hand, it also leaves parts of the
                                                         In addition to this, and by providing objective                             society with a feeling of powerlessness and being
                                                         information, the threat analysis shall also oppose                          on the losing side. Another trend to be observed
                                                         false, socially effective narratives, which can lead to                     concerns the dwindling role of the state vis-à-vis its
                                                         an inaccurate threat assessment, followed by fighting                       own society. This role could partially be taken on by
                                                         the wrong causes.                                                           other actors.

                                                             Developing so-called “No Go Areas”, to which public organisations and security authorities do not have any access (or just restricted access).
                                                                      These areas can be based on an ethnic background or a(n) (organised) criminal background. In most cases, it is a mixture of both.

22 \\                                                                                                                                                                                              // 23
The polarisation perceived in public discourse is                          potential. As a consequence of structures which                          // TAKING MACROSOCIAL ACTION AGAINST                      Individuals who have already attracted attention
particularly relevant in terms of security and is one                      are perceived as being more and more motivated                           RADICALISATION AND EXTREMISM                              due to their divergent and dangerous behaviour,
of the increasing challenges for the entire Austrian                       by politics and ideologies and which are formed                                                                                    with regard to extremism, need to be provided
society when it comes to maintaining public                                apart from public and democratic processes, it has                                                                                 with an individually tailored support service as
                                                                                                                                                    The sustainable achievement of goals requires a
peace, order and security. Continuous analyses                             become increasingly necessary to implement an                                                                                      early as possible. This support service shall offer
                                                                                                                                                    number of national measures, which are entrenched
and preventive measures adapted to the latest                              additional number of prevention measures to avert                                                                                  the possibility to work on their criminal behaviour
                                                                                                                                                    in different governmental and non-governmental
development tendencies are required to successfully                        radicalisation and recruitment processes. In recent                                                                                and shall provide them with perspectives and
                                                                                                                                                    sectors. At the same time, target-group oriented
deal with these developments also in future.                               years, this approach has been progressively adopted.                                                                               alternatives to their actions so that they can live their
                                                                                                                                                    and awareness-raising measures promoting a better
                                                                                                                                                                                                              lives according to the principles of the European
                                                                                                                                                    understanding of violent extremism play a central
When analysing and planning measures, it is                                Prevention work has to be based on the approach of                                                                                 Convention on Human Rights.
                                                                                                                                                    role, but so do specific interdisciplinary, cross-
essential to comprehend the phenomenon of                                  thinking globally and acting locally, as the borders
                                                                                                                                                    ideological and multiprofessional de-radicalisation
extremism at a social and individual level. The                            between internal and external security become                                                                                      Tertiary prevention can only be successful, if
                                                                                                                                                    measures adopted by qualified professionals.
concrete danger always emanates from individuals;                          increasingly blurred. Security agencies, which due                                                                                 essential protective factors for social rehabilitation
they either instrumentalise other people or carry out                      to statutory regulations are assigned the task of                                                                                  and/or reintegration are provided and reinforced.
                                                                                                                                                    The essential goal at the individual level is to detect
acts of violence themselves.                                               safeguarding public peace, order and security,
                                                                                                                                                    and stop the propensity to violence. Individually
                                                                           continuously monitor and analyse the security                                                                                      In order to reach these goals, a professional and
                                                                                                                                                    tailored decisions on implementing support
In the radicalisation process of an individual,                            situation outside of Austria and in Europe in order to                                                                             interdisciplinary approach is required as well as a
                                                                                                                                                    measures and necessary coercive measures are
numerous aspects play an important role, which                             be able to offer appropriate responses to threats.                                                                                 qualified and interlinked staff. A continuous and
                                                                                                                                                    essential. When implementing individual measures,
can also be highly influenced by external actors10                                                                                                                                                            transparent exchange between the professionals
                                                                                                                                                    it is important to evaluate the resource- and
and an individual’s social environment. Therefore,                         An effective threat prevention is only possible, if                                                                                involved and of their observations is an essential
                                                                                                                                                    solution-oriented approach and to bear in mind the
a reflective discussion about the topic of security                        radicalisation and extremism are dealt with at a                                                                                   prerequisite for reducing further delinquencies.
in Austria cannot be held without addressing the                           national (“Whole of Government Approach”) and/                                                                                     Strengthening the resources and pinpointing risks
external influences and the social situation in Austria.                   or macrosocial (“Whole of Society Approach”) level.                                                                                seems to be the essential task and in order to
                                                                                                                                                    Individuals who do not have sufficient and complete
                                                                           The Austrian security authorities have considerable                                                                                complete this, a deliberate use of primary, secondary
                                                                                                                                                    access to the economic opportunities in our society
                                                                           interest in regularly exchanging views with as                                                                                     and tertiary prevention is required as well as a
                                                                                                                                                    and who do not have a determining influence
// PREVENTION AS A TOOL FOR THREAT                                         many actors from the field of prevention of violent
                                                                                                                                                    on society are particularly vulnerable to being
                                                                                                                                                                                                              clear understanding on the part of the institutions
MITIGATION                                                                 extremism and de-radicalisation work as possible                                                                                   concerned and interdisciplinary thinking on the part
                                                                                                                                                    compromised by extremism.
                                                                           in order to ensure a high degree of quality when                                                                                   of the stakeholders. In addition to this, working in
Alongside classic repressive measures taken by a                           processing this subject matter.                                                                                                    a connected work environment and being familiar
                                                                                                                                                    However, education and the possibility to participate
state, which are specifically used to avert danger                                                                                                                                                            with the tasks, orders and objectives of the other
                                                                                                                                                    alone do not guarantee that individuals do not
and to minimise the damage, prevention as an                                                                                                                                                                  institutions also is beneficial.
                                                                                                                                                    become radicalised. There are many current and
instrument has assumed an increasingly important                                                                                                    historical examples proving that extremist groups are
role being an additional tool for mitigating the threat                                                                                                                                                       A fundamental prerequisite for a successful
                                                                                                                                                    also led by educational elites.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              prevention of radical and extremist tendencies is
   These external actors (states, state-like and other organisations disposing of instruments of violence and having violent potential) are to
be allocated outside of the Austrian society and they want to fight it, no matter the national territory they are currently in. Thus, every actor
taking action against the Austrian state and its society in a structural fashion is to be regarded as an external actor.

24 \\                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            // 25
offering people perspectives, enabling them to            sentenced to conditional imprisonment shows that,        be taken in the preliminary stages, apart from de-       further action. The determination of the necessary
participate in social standards. Social security can      compared to other extremist manifestations, there        radicalisation and dissociation measures, although       security measures shall also be included.
only be established, if the goal of our society is        have been significantly more convictions pursuant to     they have comparatively little influence.
inclusion and the necessary future perspectives are       the National Socialism Prohibition Act.                                                                           The aim is to adopt an individualised approach
offered to arrive at this aim. At the same time, it has                                                            Even though experience has been gathered within          with a differing indication, whereas the individual
to be ensured that the perspectives offered are also      It is also relevant for the penal system to know         the penal system over the last decades of how            decisions concerning the indication always depend
accepted.                                                 the reasons for radicalisation and the formation         to deal with political extremism, various forms          on the estimated danger the respective detainee
                                                          of cognitive and violent extremism. Ultimately,          of religious extremism sometimes still pose new          poses (no binary characteristic, but a continuous,
                                                          appropriate de-radicalisation and dissociation           challenges. As extremists do not form a homogenous       multidimensional one). Particularly with extremist
// THE PENAL SYSTEM AND SOCIAL                            measures (in the sense of “disengagement”) can           group in prison either, the motivation and problem       detainees with very distinct risk features, being
REHABILITATION                                            only be taken, if reliable scientific answers to these   areas to be taken into account when developing           expressed in different areas of life, prisons are
                                                          questions exist. Especially dissociation measures        de-radicalisation and dissociation measures are          required to provide interdisciplinary team work
                                                          must be of particular importance for the penal           manifold. That is why the individualisation principle    on the common basis of the case concept. A
Compared to the rest of Europe, the Austrian
                                                          system, as their goal is to ensure the legal conduct     has to be applied in the penal system, insofar as        professional co-operation between the judicial police
legal situation and jurisdiction set forth that
                                                          of the convicted offender following his or her release   possible and appropriate. Since neither general          and the specialist departments as well as through
individuals who are detained for having conducted
                                                          from prison. Alongside the numerous challenges           crime-conducive factors can already provide              the support of external experts and centres providing
(or attempted to commit) offences relating to
                                                          posed by detainees accused or already convicted for      sufficient explanations for radicalisation processes     follow-up support, alternatives to the extremist
extremism and terrorism are dealt with relatively
                                                          extremism motivated offences, a major problem is         nor can the mere establishment of correlations           explanation and indoctrination patterns have to
strictly. The number of individuals detained (in
                                                          constituted by the fact that detainees in general are    between social or socio-economic prerequisites and       be presented, offering an escape from fatal group
provisional detention or in prison) for the most
                                                          more responsive to extremist patterns and systems of     the different manifestations of cognitive and violent    dynamics.
relevant extremist offences (pursuant to § 278b to f
                                                          interpretation.                                          extremism in its own right form a solid basis for
and 282a of the Austrian Penal Code) has constantly
                                                                                                                   differentiated and specific counter-measures.            However, it always has to be considered that alleged
been increasing and poses new challenges for the
                                                          Prisons are always institutions in which risk factors                                                             or real injustices and experiences of helplessness or
Austrian law enforcement authorities. Nevertheless,
                                                          tend to culminate. At these institutions, troublesome    Especially in prison environments, the vast majority     humiliation can easily be seen as a confirmation of a
the members of this group amount to less than one
                                                          individuals are detained under difficult conditions,     of individuals show a certain type of characteristics    personal and/or structural disadvantage experienced
percent of all prison inmates (as of July 2018), which
                                                          which are often also partially caused by the large       or a combination of characteristics, which is why        due to an ideology, giving rise to an acceleration of
is a manageable number.
                                                          share of foreign detainees (over 50 % in 2018).          concepts following the disintegration theory             concepts of the enemy on the part of the detainee.
                                                          For this reason, prisons always have to be seen as       (marginalisation, alienation, discrimination, etc.)      Such a momentum can effect and impede the efforts
Also, the reports and convictions for National
                                                          critical locations with regard to radicalisation and     only have a subordinate explanatory value. With          made for social rehabilitation even until after an
Socialist reactivation pursuant to the National
                                                          the formation of cognitive or violent extremism          particular regard to the role of the political and/      individual’s release from prison or custody.
Socialism Prohibition Act have increased over the
                                                          and they are significant areas of recruitment. Even      or religious ideology and the significance of group
last couple of years and hate and slander have not
                                                          though it cannot be assumed at the moment that           dynamic processes, an ideographic theory, a pattern      However, it is in any case essential to acknowledge
only become a pressing problem on the Internet. The
                                                          radicalisation in prisons is numerically relevant,       of the conditions and/or a case concept have to be       that acquiring a full understanding of de-
amount of support services provided for individuals
                                                          appropriate secondary measures always have to            developed for every single detainee as a basis for any   radicalisation and taking into account all forms of

26 \\                                                                                                                                                                                                                       // 27
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