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EXCLI Journal 2021;20:1096-1105 – ISSN 1611-2156
                                            Received: April 26, 2021, accepted: June 10, 2021, published: June 14, 2021

                                                  Review article:


Hadi Emamat1 , Hadith Tangestani2                    , Mojgan Behrad Nasab3              , Hamid Ghalandari4     ,
Azita Hekmatdoost5*
    Student Research Committee, Department of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of
    Nutrition Sciences and Food Technology, National Nutrition and Food Technology
    Research Institute, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
    Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Health and Nutrition, Bushehr University of Medical
    Sciences, Bushehr, Iran
    Nutritionist, Emam Reza Hospital, AJA University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
    Department of Clinical Nutrition, Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Shiraz
    University of Medical Sciences
    Department of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Nutrition Sciences and Food
    Technology, National Nutrition and Food Technology Research Institute, Shahid Beheshti
    University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

* Corresponding author: Azita Hekmatdoost, Department of Clinical Nutrition and
  Dietetics, Faculty of Nutrition and Food Technology, National Nutrition and Food
  Technology Research Institute, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, No 7,
  West Arghavan St., Farahzadi Blvd., Zip Code:1981619573, P.O.Box: 19395-4741,
  Tehran, Iran. Tel: +98 21 22360658; Fax: +98 2122360657;

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License

The prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has significantly risen all around the world. Although
visceral fat mass has been identified as an independent risk factor for NAFLD, the association of other ectopic fat
depots, such as Epicardial adipose tissue (EAT), with the disease has not been fully elucidated. The aim of the
current study was to systematically review all available human studies conducted on the associations between EAT
and NAFLD. All human studies published in English, which examined the association between the thickness or
the volume of EAT and the incidence of NAFLD were systematically searched on PubMed, Scopus, and Google
Scholar search engines, from inception up to April 2021. Eighteen studies that met inclusion criteria were included
in the final review. A total of 86 studies were found through searching the databases. After excluding duplicates,
seventy six remained studies were scanned by title and abstract, out of which, 58 were excluded. Finally, eighteen
articles (thirteen cross-sectional studies and five case-control studies) published between 2008 and 2021, were
included in the review. According to the results of the reviewed articles, EAT was associated with the presence
and progression of NAFLD. Furthermore, NAFLD patients with thicker EAT may need a more intensive hepatic
follow-up. However, we suggest further investigation to find out the underlying mechanisms describing the ob-
served association.

Keywords: Epicardial adipose tissue, epicardial fat, NAFLD, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, visceral fat

EXCLI Journal 2021;20:1096-1105 – ISSN 1611-2156
                                          Received: April 26, 2021, accepted: June 10, 2021, published: June 14, 2021

                INTRODUCTION                                        MATERIAL AND METHODS
     Epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) is a dis-                Data source and search strategy
tinct type of ectopic visceral adipose tissue                      This systematic review was conducted ac-
existing in considerable amounts around the                   cording to the Preferred Reporting Items for
sub-epicardial coronary arteries (Mazurek et                  Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses
al., 2003; Nerlekar et al., 2020). The EAT is                 (PRISMA) guidelines (Moher et al., 2009).
located in a layer between the pericardium                    Comprehensive search strategies were used to
and the myocardium tissues surrounding the                    identify reports of human studies indexed in
heart (Hirata et al., 2011). It plays various                 PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar search
metabolic, thermogenic, and mechanical (car-                  engines (from inception up to April 2021).
dio-protective) roles in physiological terms                  The keywords were used to search studies rel-
(Iacobellis, 2015). Increased cardiac visceral                evant to our study objectives were: ("epicar-
fat, particularly the EAT, has been proposed                  dial fat"[tiab1] OR "epicardial adipose"[tiab])
as a new cardio-metabolic risk factor                         AND ("fatty liver"[Mesh] OR "fatty
(Iacobellis et al., 2005), so that measuring its              liver"[tiab] OR NAFLD [tiab] OR NASH
thickness or volume has been suggested as a                   [tiab] OR steatosis[tiab] OR steatohepati-
reliable indicator of visceral adiposity and a                tis[tiab] OR "hepatic triglyceride"[tiab]).
potential tool for diagnosing people with met-                Moreover, the reference lists of the obtained
abolic syndrome (MS) (Iacobellis et al., 2003;                studies were manually verified to find more
Iacobellis and Leonetti, 2005).                               related studies.
     The prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty
liver disease (NAFLD) has grown worldwide,                    Study selection
affecting up to 30 % of the general population                    All human studies published in English
(Dowman et al., 2010). In recent years, the                   investigating the association between EAT
global growth of obesity and the consequent                   thickness or volume and the incidence of
increase in diabetes have been associated with                NAFLD were included. The condition in
an increase in the prevalence of NAFLD                        which the results of a study were reported in
(Younossi et al., 2018). Although visceral fat                more than one article, the one reporting the
mass has been identified as an independent                    most complete results was included in the re-
risk factor for NAFLD (van der Poorten et al.,                view.
2008; Perseghin, 2011), the association of                        The following study patterns were ex-
other ectopic fat depots, such as EAT, with                   cluded: 1) not original research (reviews, edi-
this disease has not been fully elucidated. So                torials, non-research letters); 2) case reports
far, several observational studies have been                  or case series; 3) ecologic studies; 4) cell-cul-
conducted in this field indicating a positive                 ture or experimental (animal) studies.
association between EAT and NAFLD                                 Two reviewers (H. E. and H. T.) inde-
(Fracanzani et al., 2016; Kim et al., 2016;                   pendently screened the title and the abstracts
Colak et al., 2012); however, the results have                of obtained studies to detect potentially eligi-
not always been consistent (Psychari et al.,                  ble ones. A third reviewer (A. H.) made the
2016).                                                        final decision about any discrepancies raised
     The aim of the current study was to sys-                 between reviewers.
tematically review all available human stud-
ies on the associations between the EAT and                   Data extraction and quality assessment
NAFLD.                                                           A data extraction of the following infor-
                                                              mation was conducted: the first author’s
                                                              name, publication year, study origin, study

 truncation character (wildcard) [tiab] = limit to title
or abstract

EXCLI Journal 2021;20:1096-1105 – ISSN 1611-2156
                                     Received: April 26, 2021, accepted: June 10, 2021, published: June 14, 2021

design, sample size, participants’ age and              graphy; in the rest, EAT volume was assessed
gender, imaging system, EAT thickness or                using CT or MRI methods (Brouha et al.,
volume, and findings. The Newcastle-Ottawa              2018; Granér et al., 2015; Ledda et al., 2021;
scale was used to assess the quality of in-             Meng et al., 2018). The characteristics of
cluded studies. Selection of the study group            studies are shown in the Table 1.
(maximum 4 stars), quality of the adjustment
for confounders (maximum 2 stars), and as-              Main results
sessment of outcome (maximum 3 stars) were              Case-control studies
evaluated (Wells et al., 2008).                             Five of the studies were case-control stud-
                                                        ies. Iacobellis et al. (2014) showed that EAT
                   RESULTS                              thickness in obese people with NAFLD was
Search results and study selection                      significantly higher than healthy obese people
    The flowchart diagram of the selection              (p < 0.01). Moreover, the EAT thickness in
process is depicted in Figure 1. Out of 86 ar-          patients with severe hepatic steatosis was
ticles, 10 were duplicates and were excluded.           higher than those with moderate steatosis (9.7
Overall, 76 studies were screened. A total of           ± 0.2 and 8 ± 0.7 mm, respectively; p < 0.01).
58 articles were excluded because they did              Colak et al. (2012) observed that the EAT
not meet the inclusion criteria. Finally, 18 ar-        thickness was significantly higher in patients
ticles (thirteen cross-sectional studies (Fra-          with NAFLD compared to the age- and sex-
canzani et al., 2016; Brouha et al., 2018; Cho          matched controls (0.58 ± 0.18 and 0.36 ± 0.17
et al., 2017; Kim et al., 2016; Psychari et al.,        cm, respectively; p < 0.001). Similarly, Yil-
2016; Petta et al., 2015; Granér et al., 2015;          maz et al. (2011) reported that the thickness
Topuz et al., 2014; Turan, 2020; Lai et al.,            of EAT in the control group was significantly
2012; Ledda et al., 2021; Iacobellis et al.,            lower than NAFLD group (0.54 ± 0.10 and
2008; Meng et al., 2018) and five case-control          0.64 ± 0.13 cm, respectively; p < 0.001). EAT
studies (Iacobellis et al., 2014, Colak et al.,         thickness was significantly higher in NAFLD
2012, Yilmaz et al., 2011, Sunbul et al., 2014,         patients than in controls in the research con-
Oğuz et al., 2016), published between 2008              ducted by Sunbul et al. (0.32 ± 0.06 and 0.26
and 2021, which met our inclusion criteria              ± 0.04 mm, respectively; p < 0.001) (Sunbul
were reviewed. Out of these, fourteen studies           et al., 2014). Finally, Oğuz et al. (2016) re-
measured EAT thickness using echocardio-                ported that NAFLD patients have a signifi-

                           86 studies identified through
                                 database search

             Duplicated studies
                  (n= 10)

             Studies screened                                       Studies excluded (n=58):
                  (n=76)                                       Not exposure or outcome of interest
                                                                      Animal studies (n=4)
                                                                      In vitro studies (n=6)
                                                                     Review articles (n=21)

  Studies included in qualitative synthesis
        (systematic review) (n=18)
Figure 1: Flowchart of identification of included studies

EXCLI Journal 2021;20:1096-1105 – ISSN 1611-2156
                                                                                                  Received: April 26, 2021, accepted: June 10, 2021, published: June 14, 2021

Table 1: Characteristics of the studies in this systematic review
  Author       Coun-     Sex    Age      Study       Participants and        EAT-t/v   Imaging                                 Findings                                NOS
  (year)        try                      design        sample size                      system                                                                         score

  Fracan-                                cross-                                        Echocar-
                                                                                                     EAT-t was independently associated with steatosis grade 2
 zani et al.    Italy    M/F   61 ±13     sec-      512 NAFLD patients       EAT-t      diog-
                                                                                                     (p = 0.01) and 3 (p = 0.04) and fatty liver index (p = 0.001).
   [2016]                                tional                                         raphy
                                                   62 obese subjects with                                                                                               9
 Iacobellis                                                                            Echocar-      EAT is a good predictor of liver steatosis in obese subjects.
                                          case-    NAFLD and 62 control
    et al.      Italy    M/F   43.96                                         EAT-t      diog-         EAT predicts NAFLD better than BMI or waist circumfer-
                                         control   obese subjects without
   [2014]                                                                               raphy                      ences (R2 = 0.77, p < 0.001).
                                                                                                     The EFV was significantly higher in the NAFLD group com-           6
 Brouha et                     59.2 ±              95 diabetic individuals                              pared to the non-NAFLD group (126.5 ml vs. 85.4 ml,
                USA      M/F              sec-                               EAT-v       CT
 al. [2018]                     11.0                without known CHD                               p = 0.002). Liver fat content and liver fibrosis were correlated
                                                                                                                               with EFV.
                                                                                                     In NAFLD patients, EAT-t was higher, especially in patients        7
                                         cross-                                        Echocar-     with MS (MS with NAFLD, EAT-t = 7.5 ± 4.4 mm; MS without
 Cho et al.                    53.4 ±
               Korea     M/F              sec-          772 patients         EAT-t      diog-         NAFLD, EAT-t =4.9± 3.0 mm; non-MS with NAFLD, EAT-t
  [2017]                        9.7
                                         tional                                         raphy       =5.9± 3.6 mm; and non-MS without NAFLD, EAT-t =4.4 ±3.5
                                                                                                                            mm, p < 0.001).
                                                                                                      In the group with NAFLD EAT thickness was significantly
                                         cross-                                        Echocar-
 Kim et al.                                                                                           higher than that in the group without NAFLD (3.27 mm vs
               Korea     M/F   44 ± 9     sec-         1473 subjects         EAT-t      diog-
  [2016]                                                                                            3.07 mm, p = 0.003). EAT is significantly associated with the
                                         tional                                         raphy
                                                                                                          presence of NAFLD (OR= 1.705 [CI: 1.211, 2.40]).
                                                   57 patients with NAFLD              Echocar-       EAT thickness was significantly higher in NAFLD patients          7
 Colak et                      44.2 ±     case-
               Turkey    M/F                        and 30 age- and sex-     EAT-t      diog-        compared with the controls ( 0.58 ± 0.18 vs. 0.36 ± 0.17 cm,
 al. [2012]                     9.4      control
                                                      matched controls                  raphy                               p < 0.001).
  Psychari                               cross-    57 patients with NAFLD              Echocar-                                                                         7
                                                                                                      EAT was not thicker in NAFLD patients, but was positively
    et al.     Greece    M/F   50 ± 13    sec-      and 48 age-matched       EAT-t      diog-
                                                                                                       related to indices of insulin resistance and inflammation.
   [2016]                                tional            controls                     raphy
                                                                                                     EAT thickness was higher in patients with severe vs. milder        9
                                         cross-                                        Echocar-
  Petta et                                                                                          fibrosis (8.5±3.0 vs. 7.2±2.3 mm; p = 0.006); this association
                Italy    M/F   48 ± 12    sec-      147 NAFLD subjects       EAT-t      diog-
 al. [2015]                                                                                           was maintained (OR= 1.22, [CI: 1.01-1.47]; p = 0.04) after
                                         tional                                         raphy
                                                                                                                  adjusting for confounding factors.
                                         cross-                                                                                                                         7
 Granér et                                                                                                EFV increased with increasing amount of liver fat
               Finland   M      43±8      sec-      75 non-diabetic men      EAT-v       MRI
 al. [2014]                                                                                                                (p < 0.001).

EXCLI Journal 2021;20:1096-1105 – ISSN 1611-2156
                                                                                                                 Received: April 26, 2021, accepted: June 10, 2021, published: June 14, 2021

   Author        Coun-     Sex        Age        Study       Participants and sam-        EAT-t/v     Imaging                                   Findings                                  NOS
   (year)         try                            design              ple size                          system                                                                             score

                                                            54 patients with NAFLD                    Echocar-      EAT thickness was significantly higher (0.64 ± 0.13 vs. 0.54            7
  Yilmaz et                                       case-
                Turkey     M/F      47 ± 10                  and 56 age- and sex-          EAT-t       diog-         ± 0.10 cm, p < 0.001) in patients with NAFLD than in con-
  al. [2011]                                     control
                                                               matched controls                        raphy                                   trols.
                                                               100 patients with                                                                                                            7
  Sunbul et                                       case-       NAFLD and 50 age-                                      EAT-t was significantly higher (0.32 ± 0.06 vs. 0.26 ± 0.04
                Turkey     M/F        44.9                                                 EAT-t       diog-
  al. [2014]                                     control     and sex-matched con-                                      mm, p < 0.001) in NAFLD patients than in controls.
                                                                                                      Echocar-         NAFLD patients exhibited a significantly higher EAT-t                7
   Oğuz et                                        case-     41 patients with NAFLD
                Turkey     M/F        36.2                                                 EAT-t       diog-         (0.51±0.25 vs. 0.29±0.09 cm, p < 0.001) than control sub-
  al. [2016]                                     control    and 37 control subjects
                                                                                                       raphy                                  jects.
                                                 cross-      105 patients who were                    Echocar-                                                                              7
  Topuz et                                                                                                          In patients with NAFLD, EAT was thicker than non-NAFLD
                Turkey     M/F      57 ± 11       sec-        hospitalized for coro-       EAT-t       diog-
  al. [2014]                                                                                                           patients (0.90 ± 0.19 cm; 0.58 ± 0.18 cm, p < 0.001).
                                                 tional        nary angiography                        raphy
                                                 cross-     109 patients with CAD                     Echocar-                                                                              7
    Turan                                                                                                                   The NFS was positively correlated with EAT
                Turkey     M/F     59.2±9.4       sec-      and 50 patients without        EAT-t       diog-
    [2020]                                                                                                                            (r= 0.224, p = .019).
                                                 tional               CAD                              raphy
                                                            359 asymptomatic sub-                                                                                                           9
                                                 cross-                                               Echocar-        EAT-t was independently associated with NAFLD. With
  Lai et al.                                                 jects who participated
                Taiwan     M/F        51.6        sec-                                     EAT-t       diog-        severer degree of fatty liver, there was an ordered increase
   [2012]                                                      in a cardiovascular
                                                 tional                                                raphy                       of EAT thickness (p < .001).
                                                                  health survey
                                                 cross-                                                            A moderate positive correlation was found between EFV and                7
  Ledda et
                  Italy    M/F         63         sec-          1182 individuals          EAT-v        CCTA         MLD (ρ=0.368, p < 0.001). EFV was significantly higher in
  al. [2021]
                                                 tional                                                                        HS+ than in HS− group (p < 0.001).
                                                             57 HIV+MS+ patients,                                                                                                           9
  Iacobellis                                     cross-                                               Echocar-      EAT was correlated with AST/ALT ratio (r = 0.77, p < 0.01),
                                                              52 HIV+MS− and 57
     et al.       Italy    M/F       18-70        sec-                                     EAT-t       diog-         ALT (r = 0.58, p < 0.01), and AST (r = 0.56, p < 0.01) in
                                                             HIV−MS+, as control
    [2008]                                       tional                                                raphy                            HIV+MS+patients.
                                                                                                                    NAFLD patients showed significant association with higher               8
  Meng et                                                    2238 participants from                                EAT volume, after adjusting for main cardiovascular disease
                 China     M/F     55.6±7.8       sec-                                    EAT-v          CT
  al. [2018]                                                   general population                                                          risk factors
                                                                                                                                (OR= 1.407, [CI: 1.117, 1.773]).
Note: M: Male, F: Female, NAFLD: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, EAT-t: Epicardial adipose tissue thickness, EAT-v: Epicardial adipose tissue volume, BMI: Body mass index, CHD: Coronary heart
disease, CT: Computed tomography, EAT: Epicardial adipose tissue, EFV: Epicardial fat volume; MS: Metabolic syndrome, MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging, CAD: Coronary artery disease, NFS:
NAFLD Fibrosis Score, CCTA: Coronary computed tomography angiography, MLD: Mean liver density; HS: Hepatic steatosis, HIV: Human immunodeficiency virus, AST: Aspartate transaminase, ALT:
Alanine aminotransferase

EXCLI Journal 2021;20:1096-1105 – ISSN 1611-2156
                                   Received: April 26, 2021, accepted: June 10, 2021, published: June 14, 2021

cantly higher EAT thickness (0.51 ± 0.25 vs.          correlated with EAT (r= 0.224, p = .019)
0.29 ± 0.09 cm, p < 0.001) than controls.             (Turan, 2020). In asymptomatic participants
Therefore, these studies consistently indi-           enrolled in a cardiovascular health survey,
cated that the thickness of EAT is markedly           there was an orderly increase in EAT thick-
higher in patients with NAFLD, compared to            ness as fatty liver severity increased (p < .001)
healthy and/or non-NAFLD individuals.                 (Lai et al., 2012). Eufrasia Ledda et al.
                                                      showed that the EAT volume positively cor-
Cross-sectional studies
                                                      related with mean liver density (MLD) (p =
    Thirteen cross-sectional studies were re-
                                                      0.368, p < 0.001). Furthermore, the EAT vol-
viewed. Fracanzani et al. (2016) reported that
                                                      ume was significantly higher in the group
the mean value of EAT in subjects with or
                                                      with hepatic steatosis (HS) (p < 0.001)
without      non-alcoholic       steatohepatitis
                                                      (Ledda et al., 2021). In another study, EAT
(NASH) (5.9 ± 2.5 and 4.0 ± 2.4, respectively;
                                                      was correlated with AST (aspartate amino-
p = 0.001) and with or without fibrosis score
                                                      transferase)/ALT (alanine amino-transferase)
> 2 (6.9 ± 2.3 and 4.7 ± 2.5, respectively; p =
                                                      ratio (r = 0.77, p < 0.01), ALT (r = 0.58, p <
0.0001) was significantly different. In another
                                                      0.01), and AST (r = 0.56, p < 0.01) in
study in diabetic individuals without known
                                                      HIV+MS+ subjects (Iacobellis et al., 2008).
CHD, the EAT volume was significantly
                                                      Another study was able to show that NAFLD
higher in NAFLD patients compared to non-
                                                      patients have higher EAT volume than
NAFLD patients (126.5 ml and 85.4 ml, re-
                                                      healthy individuals (Meng et al., 2018). Psy-
spectively; p = 0.002). Additionally, both
                                                      chari et al. stated that the EAT was not thicker
liver fat content and liver fibrosis positively
                                                      in NAFLD patients; however, it was posi-
correlated with EAT volume (Brouha et al.,
                                                      tively related to indices of insulin resistance
2018). Cho et al. (2017) found that NAFLD
                                                      and inflammation (Psychari et al., 2016).
patients, especially those with MS, have
higher EAT-t (thickness) in comparison to
subjects without NAFLD (MS with NAFLD,                                  DISCUSSION
EAT-t = 7.5 ± 4.4 mm; MS without NAFLD,                   The aim of the present study was to sum-
EAT-t =4.9 ± 3.0 mm; non-MS with NAFLD,               marize the existing evidence on the associa-
EAT-t =5.9 ± 3.6 mm; and non-MS without               tion between EAT and NAFLD conducted on
NAFLD, EAT-t =4.4 ± 3.5 mm, p < 0.001).               human subjects. The pooled data of the exist-
Kim et al. (2016) reported that the EAT thick-        ing literature postulate that the increased EAT
ness in NAFLD group was significantly                 might be associated with the presence and
higher than in non-NAFLD individuals (3.27            progression of NAFLD and/or its related indi-
mm vs 3.07 mm, p = 0.003). Moreover, EAT              cators such as insulin resistance or inflamma-
was significantly associated with the inci-           tion.
dence of NAFLD (OR= 1.705 [CI: 1.211,                     The majority of included studies consist-
2.40]). In addition, EAT was higher in sub-           ently showed a positive association between
jects with severe vs. milder fibrosis (8.5 ± 3.0      EAT and NAFLD. Only one study failed to
vs. 7.2 ± 2.3 mm; p = 0.006) (Petta et al.,           show a positive association between epicar-
2015). Granér et al. observed that the EAT            dial fat thickness and NAFLD (Psychari et al.,
volume increased with increasing amount of            2016). However, researchers in the latter
liver fat (p < 0.001) in non-diabetic men             study were able to detect a positive correla-
(Granér et al., 2015). Among participants who         tion between epicardial fat thickness and the
were hospitalized for coronary angiography,           indices of insulin resistance and inflamma-
those with NAFLD have thicker EAT than                tion, both of which could be counted as un-
non-NAFLD patients (0.90 ± 0.19 cm and                derlying triggers in the pathogenesis of
0.58 ± 0.18 cm, respectively; p < 0.001)              NAFLD (Manco, 2017; Asrih and Jornayvaz,
(Topuz et al., 2014). Another study stated that       2013). Increasing evidence shows that vis-
NAFLD Fibrosis Score (NFS) was positively             ceral adipose tissue is a causative risk factor

EXCLI Journal 2021;20:1096-1105 – ISSN 1611-2156
                                    Received: April 26, 2021, accepted: June 10, 2021, published: June 14, 2021

for fatty liver, rather than overall obesity           This study, which included 13 observational
(Schäffler et al., 2005; Thomas et al., 2005).         studies, showed that EAT was higher in sub-
Epicardial fat is significantly correlated with        jects with NAFLD than in non-NAFLD sub-
intra-abdominal visceral fat and can be con-           jects (EAT, SMD: 0.73, 95 % CI 0.51–0.94,
sidered as a measurable indicator instead              p < 0.001) (Liu et al., 2019). In the current
(Iacobellis et al., 2003). Epicardial fat, similar     study, we included all human studies and five
to other visceral adiposity, acts as an endo-          new studies were taken into account.
crine or paracrine organ and produces proin-               In the studies reviewed in this article,
flammatory adipokines and interleukins such            EAT thickness and volume measurement
as vaspin, TNF-α, interleukin-6, interleukin-          were performed using ultrasound echocardi-
17, and angiotensin (Lana et al., 2016); all of        ography and Computed tomography (CT) or
which are involved in the development and              magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), respec-
progression of cardiovascular and fatty liver          tively. CT and MRI, especially, are the gold
disease (Şengül and Özveren, 2013). On the             standard techniques, and accurate methods to
other hand, the epicardial fat releases almost         estimate visceral fat and have high spatial res-
twice as much fatty acids as other fat depots          olution, which make them suitable for volu-
such as the perirenal and pericardial depots           metric assessments (Bertaso et al., 2013).
(Marchington et al., 1989). It has been ob-            Nevertheless, they are expensive and CT re-
served that epicardial fat correlates with free        quires radiation exposure. Recently, the ultra-
fatty acid levels in humans (Kankaanpää et             sound technique has come into play as a cheap
al., 2006), leading to increased flux of free          and easy-to-perform method (Iacobellis et al.,
fatty acids to the liver, which disrupts the           2003). This method is valid, safe, easily re-
function of hepatocytes in the management of           producible, non-invasive, and can be rou-
fats, inducing lipotoxicity and NAFLD (Li et           tinely implemented (Salazar et al., 2016;
al., 2018). Additionally, the existing literature      Iacobellis et al., 2003). Echocardiographic
shows the EAT is associated with hepatic ste-          EAT clearly shows visceral fat mass rather
atosis (Iacobellis et al., 2014, Brouha et al.,        than general obesity. It correlates with meta-
2018, Granér et al., 2015, Fracanzani et al.,          bolic syndrome, insulin resistance, coronary
2016), fatty liver index (Fracanzani et al.,           artery disease, and atherosclerosis; therefore,
2016), liver fibrosis (Petta et al., 2015, Turan,      it might serve as a valuable tool for cardi-
2020), mean liver density (MLD) (Ledda et              ometabolic risk assessment (Iacobellis and
al., 2021), and serum liver enzymes                    Willens, 2009).
(Iacobellis et al., 2008). Iacobellis et al. were
even able to show that the correlation between                          CONCLUSION
EAT and liver steatosis is stronger than that              In summary, evidence shows that EAT is
of BMI or waist circumference (R2 = 0.77, p            associated with the presence and progression
< 0.001) (Iacobellis et al., 2014). Therefore,         of NAFLD. EAT is also associated with se-
we can speculate that the increase in EAT              rum liver enzymes concentration, hepatic ste-
might increase the incidence of NAFLD. Ac-
                                                       atosis, and fibrosis in NAFLD patients. Fur-
cording to a systematic review, EAT thick-             thermore, NAFLD patients with higher EAT
ness > 5 mm, or a volume > 125 mL or 68                may need a more intensive hepatic follow-up.
mL/m2 might be considered as a risk factor for         Then, EAT measurement can be used as a
metabolic syndrome and coronary artery dis-            prognostic indicator for NAFLD. However,
ease (Bertaso et al., 2013). However, further          further studies are needed to determine ex-
studies are needed to determine exactly how            actly how much an increase in EAT worsens
much an increase in epicardial fat worsens the         the progression of NAFLD.
progression of NAFLD.
     Recently, a meta-analysis was conducted
to examine the same possible correlation.

EXCLI Journal 2021;20:1096-1105 – ISSN 1611-2156
                                          Received: April 26, 2021, accepted: June 10, 2021, published: June 14, 2021

Acknowledgments                                              Fracanzani AL, Pisano G, Consonni D, Tiraboschi S,
    This study is related to the project NO.                 Baragetti A, Bertelli C, et al. Epicardial Adipose Tissue
                                                             (EAT) thickness is associated with cardiovascular and
1398/10133 from Student Research Commit-                     liver damage in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. PloS
tee, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical                   One. 2016;11:e0162473.
Sciences, Tehran, Iran. We also appreciate the
“Student Research Committee” and “Re-                        Granér M, Nyman K, Siren R, Pentikäinen MO,
                                                             Lundbom J, Hakkarainen A, et al. Ectopic fat depots
search & Technology Chancellor” in Shahid                    and left ventricular function in nondiabetic men with
Beheshti University of Medical Sciences for                  nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Circ Cardiovasc Imag-
their financial support of this study.                       ing. 2015;8(1):e001979.

                                                             Hirata Y, Tabata M, Kurobe H, Motoki T, Akaike M,
Disclosure statement
                                                             Nishio C, et al. Coronary atherosclerosis is associated
   The authors report no conflict of interest.               with macrophage polarization in epicardial adipose tis-
                                                             sue. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2011;58:248-55.
Authors' contribution
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and wrote the manuscript. H.T., M.B. and H.                  crinol. 2015;11:363-71.
G. contributed to drafting of the manuscript.
All authors approved the final version of the                Iacobellis G, Leonetti F. Epicardial adipose tissue and
manuscript.                                                  insulin resistance in obese subjects. J Clin Endocrinol
                                                             Metab. 2005; 90:6300-2.

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