The AI Doctor Is In: A Survey of Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems for Healthcare Applications

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The AI Doctor Is In: A Survey of Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems for Healthcare Applications
The AI Doctor Is In: A Survey of Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems for
                          Healthcare Applications
                                      Mina Valizadeh and Natalie Parde
                                     Natural Language Processing Laboratory
                                        Department of Computer Science
                                         University of Illinois at Chicago
                                       {mvaliz2, parde}

                          Abstract                               gap (Newman-Griffis et al., 2021) between cutting-
                                                                 edge, foundational work in dialogue systems and
        Task-oriented dialogue systems are increas-              prototypical or deployed dialogue agents in health-
        ingly prevalent in healthcare settings, and have
                                                                 care settings. This limits the proliferation of scien-
        been characterized by a diverse range of ar-
        chitectures and objectives. Although these               tific progress to real-world systems, constraining
        systems have been surveyed in the medical                the potential benefits of fundamental research.
        community from a non-technical perspective,                  We move towards closing this gap by conducting
        a systematic review from a rigorous compu-               a comprehensive, scientifically rigorous analysis of
        tational perspective has to date remained no-            task-oriented healthcare dialogue systems. Our un-
        ticeably absent. As a result, many important             derlying objectives are to (a) explore how these sys-
        implementation details of healthcare-oriented
                                                                 tems have been employed to date, and (b) map out
        dialogue systems remain limited or under-
        specified, slowing the pace of innovation in
                                                                 their characteristics, shortcomings, and subsequent
        this area. To fill this gap, we investigated an          opportunities for follow-up work. Importantly, we
        initial pool of 4070 papers from well-known              seek to address the limitations of prior systematic
        computer science, natural language process-              reviews by extensively investigating the included
        ing, and artificial intelligence venues, identi-         systems from a computational perspective. Our
        fying 70 papers discussing the system-level              primary contributions are as follows:
        implementation of task-oriented dialogue sys-
        tems for healthcare applications. We con-                   1. We systematically search through 4070 papers
        ducted a comprehensive technical review of                     from well-known technical venues and iden-
        these papers, and present our key findings in-
                                                                       tify 70 papers fitting our inclusion criteria.2
        cluding identified gaps and corresponding rec-
                                                                    2. We analyze these systems based on many fac-
                                                                       tors, including system objective, language, ar-
1       Introduction
                                                                       chitecture, modality, device type, and evalua-
Dialogue systems1 have a daily presence in many                        tion paradigm, among others.
individuals’ lives, acting as virtual assistants (Hoy,
2018), customer service agents (Xu et al., 2017),                   3. We identify common limitations across sys-
or even companions (Zhou et al., 2020). While                          tems, including an incomplete exploration of
some systems are designed to conduct unstructured                      architecture, replicability concerns, ethical
conversations in open domains (chatbots), others                       and privacy issues, and minimal investigation
(task-oriented dialogue systems) help users to com-                    of usability or engagement. We offer prac-
plete tasks in a specific domain (Jurafsky and Mar-                    tical suggestions for addressing these as an
tin, 2009; Qin et al., 2019). Task-oriented dialogue                   on-ramp for future work.
systems can potentially play an important role in
                                                                    In the long term, we hope that the gaps and op-
health and medical care (Laranjo et al., 2018), and
                                                                 portunities identified in this survey can stimulate
they have been adopted by growing numbers of
                                                                 more rapid advances in the design of task-oriented
patients, caregivers, and clinicians (Kearns et al.,
                                                                 healthcare dialogue systems. We also hope that the
2019). Nonetheless, there remains a translational
                                                                 survey provides a useful starting point and synthe-
    We follow an inclusive definition of dialogue systems,       sis of prior work for NLP researchers and practi-
encompassing any intelligent systems designed to converse
with humans via natural language.                                        A full listing of these papers is provided in the appendix.

                    Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
                                           Volume 1: Long Papers, pages 6638 - 6660
                             May 22-27, 2022 c 2022 Association for Computational Linguistics
The AI Doctor Is In: A Survey of Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems for Healthcare Applications
tioners entering this critical yet surprisingly under-       Screening
                                                                          ACM    IEEE    ACL    AAAI     Total
studied application domain.                                  Process
                                                                          1050    1400   1020      600   4070
2   Related Work                                             Title
                                                                           151     273    106       55    585
Dialogue systems in healthcare have been the focus           Abstract
                                                                            32      45     26        8    110
of several recent surveys conducted by the medical           Screening
and clinical communities (Vaidyam et al., 2019;              Final
                                                                            21      31     16        2     70
Laranjo et al., 2018; Kearns et al., 2019). These            Screening
surveys have investigated the real-world utiliza-
                                                         Table 1: The number of papers included from each
tion of deployed systems, rather than examining
                                                         database in each step of the paper screening process.
their design and implementation from a technical
perspective. In contrast, studies examining these
systems through the lens of AI and NLP research          3        Search Criteria and Screening
and practice have been limited. Zhang et al. (2020)
                                                         We designed search criteria in concert with our goal
and Chen et al. (2017) presented surveys of recent
                                                         of filling a translational information gap between
advances in general-domain task-oriented dialogue
                                                         fundamental dialogue systems research and applied
systems. Although they provide an excellent holis-
                                                         systems in the healthcare domain. To do so, we
tic portrait of the subfield, they do not delve into
                                                         retrieved articles from well-respected computer sci-
aspects of particular interest in healthcare settings
                                                         ence, AI, and NLP databases and screened them for
(e.g., system objectives doubling as clinical goals),
                                                         focus on task-oriented dialogue systems designed
limiting their usefulness for this audience.
                                                         for healthcare settings. Our target databases were:
   Vaidyam et al. (2019), Laranjo et al. (2018),         (1) ACM,3 (2) IEEE,4 (3) the ACL Anthology,5 and
and Kearns et al. (2019) conducted systematic            (4) the AAAI Digital Library.6 ACM and IEEE are
reviews of dialogue systems deployed in mental           large databases of papers from prestigious confer-
health (Vaidyam et al., 2019) or general healthcare      ences and journals across many CS fields, including
(Laranjo et al., 2018; Kearns et al., 2019) settings.    but not limited to robotics, human-computer inter-
Vaidyam et al. (2019) examined 10 articles, and          action, data mining, and multimedia systems. The
Laranjo et al. (2018) and Kearns et al. (2019) exam-     ACL Anthology is the premier database of publica-
ined 17 and 46 articles, respectively. All surveys       tions within NLP, hosting papers from major con-
were written for a medical audience and focused on       ferences and topic-specific venues (e.g., SIGDIAL,
healthcare issues and impact, covering few articles      organized by the Special Interest Group on Dis-
from AI, NLP, or general computer science venues.        course and Dialogue). The AAAI Digital Library
   Montenegro et al. (2019) and Tudor Car et al.         hosts papers not only from the AAAI Conference on
(2020) recently reviewed 40 and 47 articles, re-         Artificial Intelligence, but also from other AI con-
spectively, covering conversational agents in the        ferences, AI Magazine, and the Journal of Artificial
healthcare domain. These two surveys are the clos-       Intelligence Research. We applied the following
est to ours, but differ in important ways. First,        inclusion criteria when identifying papers:
our focus is on a specific class of conversational
agents: task-oriented dialogue systems. The sur-              • The main focus must be on the technical de-
veys by Montenegro et al. (2019) and Tudor Car                  sign or implementation of a task-oriented dia-
et al. (2020) used a wider search breading their abil-          logue system.
ity to provide extensive technical depth. We also
                                                              • The system must be designed for health-
reviewed more papers (70 articles), which were
                                                                related applications.
then screened using a more thorough taxonomy as
part of the analysis. Some aspects that we consid-            • The article must not be dedicated to one spe-
ered that differ from these prior surveys include the           cific module of the system’s architecture (e.g.,
overall dialogue system architecture, the dialogue            3
management architecture, the system evaluation                4
methods, and the dataset(s) used when developing              5
and/or evaluating the system.                         

the natural language understanding compo-
       nent of a health-related dialogue system).
    Although a narrower scope—e.g., developing im-
proved methods for slot-filling—is common when
publishing in the dialogue systems community,
these papers tend to place more emphasis on tech-
nical design irrespective of application context, of-
fering less coverage of the system-level charac-
teristics that are the target of this survey. We fol-
lowed four steps in our screening process. First (Ini-
tial Search), we applied a predefined search query
to the databases to populate our initial list of pa-
pers. To generate the query, we used the keywords
“task-oriented,” “dialogue system,” “conversational
agent,” “health,” and “healthcare,” and synonyms                Figure 1: Research domains and corresponding subcat-
and abbreviations of these keywords. We short-                  egories for the included papers. Parentheses indicate
listed papers using these keywords individually as              the number of papers belonging to the (sub)category.
well as in combination with one another.
    Next (Title Screening), we performed a prelimi-
nary screening through the initial list of papers by            subsections, grouped into thematic categories: on-
reading the titles, keeping those that satisfied the            tology (§4), system architecture (§5), system de-
inclusion criteria. Then (Abstract Screening), we               sign (§6), dataset (§7), and system evaluation (§8).
went through the list of papers remaining after the
                                                                4     Ontology
title screening and read the abstracts, keeping those
that satisfied the inclusion criteria. Lastly (Final            We map each paper to its domain of research (§4.1),
Screening), we read the body of the papers remain-              system objective (§4.2), target audience (§4.3), and
ing after the abstract screening and kept those that            language (§4.4), and present our findings.
satisfied the inclusion criteria.
    These funnel filtering processes were conducted             4.1    Domain of Research
by a computer science graduate student (a fluent                Task-oriented dialogue systems can potentially im-
L2 English speaker) using predefined search and                 pact many facets of healthcare in society (Bick-
screening guidelines. Questions or uncertainties                more and Giorgino, 2004). We define a domain of
regarding a paper’s compliance with inclusion cri-              research as the healthcare area in which the sys-
teria were forwarded along to the senior project                tem operates. We identify both broad domains
lead (a computer science professor and fluent L1                and more specific subcategories thereof based on
English speaker with expertise in NLP) and final                the systems surveyed, outlined in Figure 1. Broad
consensus was reached via discussion among the                  domain categories include mental health, physi-
two parties. We detail the number of papers remain-             cal health, health information, patient assistance,
ing after each screening step in Table 1. Overall,              physician assistance, cognitive or developmental
this screening process combined with our subse-                 health, and other (comprising subcategories not
quent surveying methods spanned eight months,                   easily classifiable to one of the broader domains).
covering papers published prior to January 2021.                   Systems in the mental health domain supported
    In total, 70 papers (21 from ACM, 31 from IEEE,             individuals with mental or psychological health
16 from ACL, and 2 from AAAI7 ) satisfied the in-               conditions, and systems in the cognitive or devel-
clusion criteria. We survey papers meeting our                  opmental health domain were a close analogue
inclusion criteria according to a wide range of pa-             for individuals with conditions impacting memory,
rameters, and present our findings in the following             executive, or other cognitive function. Systems
     Papers about task-oriented dialogue systems published at   in the physical health domain were targeted to-
AAAI often focus on one specific component of the system        wards individuals with specific physical health con-
from a technical perspective, rather than proposing a conver-
sational agent as a whole. Therefore, only two papers from      cerns, including infectious (e.g., Covid-19), non-
the AAAI Digital Library satisfied the inclusion criteria.      infectious (e.g., cancer), and temporary (e.g., preg-
System Objective    # Papers                              Target Audience         # Papers
             Diagnosis               7                                 Patients                  59
             Monitoring              8                                 Caregivers                 3
             Intervention           13                                 Patients & Caregivers      2
             Counseling              5                                 Clinicians                11
             Assistance             12
                                                           Table 3: Distribution of the target audiences of the sys-
             Multi-Objective        25
                                                           tems described in the surveyed papers.
Table 2: Distribution of system objectives across the
surveyed papers. Additional details regarding multi-       signed for more than one target objective. Among
objective papers are provided in the appendix.             multi-objective systems, those that were designed
                                                           for both diagnosis and assistance had the highest
                                                           frequency (7/25); we provide additional details re-
nancy) conditions. Systems providing health in-
                                                           garding these systems in Table 8 of the appendix.
formation performed general-purpose actions such
                                                              Separately, we also considered the role of en-
as offering advice or suggesting disease diagnoses.
                                                           gagement as an objective of each system. We de-
Finally, systems performing patient assistance or
                                                           fine this as a goal of engaging target users in in-
physician assistance supported specific patient- or
                                                           teraction, irrespective of underlying health goals.
physician-focused healthcare tasks. Dialogue sys-
                                                           Engagement may be of particular interest in health-
tems designed for mental health, physical health,
                                                           care settings since it can be critical in encouraging
and health information were the most prevalent,
                                                           adoption or adherence with respect to healthcare
covering 51 of the 70 included papers.
                                                           outcomes (Montenegro et al., 2019). Surprisingly,
                                                           almost 60% of the papers (41 of the 70 surveyed)
4.2 System Objective
                                                           did not mention any goals pertaining to engaging
Task-oriented dialogue systems define value rela-          users in more interactions.
tive to the goals of a target task. We define the
system objective as the healthcare task for which a        4.3    Target Audience
system is designed. Some system objectives may             The final consumers of healthcare systems often
be closely aligned with a single domain, whereas           fall into three groups: patients, caregivers, and
others may occur in many different domains (e.g.,          clinicians. Table 3 shows the number of systems
monitoring mental, physical, or cognitive condi-           surveyed that focus on each category. We find that
tions). Thus, although the domain of research and          out of 70 task-oriented dialogue systems, 59 are
system objective may frequently correlate, there is        designed specifically for patients.
not by necessity a direct association.
                                                           4.4    Language
   Included systems were categorized as being de-
signed to: diagnose a health condition (e.g., by pre-      Most general-domain dialogue systems research
dicting whether the user suffers from cognitive de-        has been conducted in English and other high-
cline); monitor user states (e.g., by tracking their di-   resource languages (Artetxe et al., 2020). Ex-
ets or periodically checking their mood); intervene        panding language diversity may extend the ben-
by addressing users’ health concerns or improv-            efits of health-related dialogue systems more glob-
ing their states (e.g., by teaching children how to        ally. As shown in Figure 2, among the systems
map facial expressions to emotions); counsel users         included in our review a majority (56%) are de-
without providing any direct intervention (e.g., by        signed for English speakers. Encouragingly, sev-
listening to users’ concerns and empathizing with          eral of the included systems did focus on lower-
them); or assist users by providing information or         resource languages, including Telugu (Duggenpudi
guidance (e.g., by answering questions from users          et al., 2019), Bengali (Rahman et al., 2019), and
who are filling out forms). Many systems were also         Setswana (Grover et al., 2009).
categorized as multi-objective, meaning that they
were designed for more than one of those goals.
                                                           5     System Architecture
   Table 2 shows the number of systems having              We investigate both the general architecture of the
each objective. Many systems (25/70) were de-              system (§5.1), and if applicable, the dialogue man-
Dialogue Management Architecture   # Papers
                                                                   Rule-based                            17
                                                                   Intent-based                          20
                                                                   Hybrid Architecture                   21
                                                                   Corpus-based                          0

                                                             Table 5: Distribution of dialogue management archi-
                                                             tectures across the surveyed papers. This table does
                                                             not include papers describing end-to-end architectures
                                                             (n = 2) or for which system architecture was not spec-
                                                             ified (n = 10).

Figure 2: Language diversity across the surveyed sys-
tems. A small percentage (10%) of papers do not spec-        we afford it special attention. In rule-based ap-
ify the system’s language.                                   proaches, the system interacts with users based on
                                                             a predefined set of rules, with success conditioned
            System Architecture     # Papers                 upon coverage of all relevant cases (Siangchin and
            Pipeline                   58                    Samanchuen, 2019). Intent-based approaches seek
            End-to-End                  2                    to extract the user’s intention from the dialogue,
            Not Specified              10                    and then perform the relevant action (Jurafsky and
                                                             Martin, 2009). In hybrid dialogue management
Table 4: Distribution of papers describing systems with      architectures, the system leverages a combination
pipeline or end-to-end architectures, or that do not spec-   of rule-based and intent-based approaches, and fi-
ify the architecture.                                        nally corpus-based approaches mine the dialogues
                                                             of human-human conversations and produce re-
agement architecture specifically (§5.2).                    sponses using retrieval methods or generative meth-
                                                             ods (Jurafsky and Martin, 2009). As shown in Ta-
5.1 General Architecture                                     ble 5, among papers reporting on dialogue manage-
Task-oriented dialogue systems are generally de-             ment architecture, we observe a fairly even mix of
signed using pipeline or end-to-end architectures.           rule-based, intent-based, and hybrid architectures.
Pipeline architectures typically consist of separate
components for natural language understanding, di-           6     System Design
alogue state tracking, dialogue policy, and natural
                                                             6.1    Modality
language generation. The ensemble of the dialogue
state tracker and dialogue policy is the dialogue            Modality, the channel through which information
manager (Chen et al., 2017). End-to-end architec-            is exchanged between a computer and a human
tures train a single model to produce output for a           (Karray et al., 2008), can play an important role in
given input, often interacting with structured ex-           dialogue quality and user satisfaction (Bilici et al.,
ternal databases and requiring extensive training            2000). Unimodal systems use a single modality
data (Chen et al., 2017). As shown in Table 4,               for information exchange, whereas multimodal sys-
only 2.85% of papers (2 of the 70 surveyed) imple-           tems use multiple modalities (Karray et al., 2008).
mented an end-to-end system; this is unsurprising            Systems reviewed in this survey operated using one
given the limited training data available in most            or more of several modalities. In text-based or spo-
healthcare domains. We also found that 14% (10               ken interaction, users interact with the system by
papers) did not directly specify the architecture of         typing or speaking, respectively. In interaction via
their developed system.                                      graphical user interface (GUI), users interact with
                                                             the system through the use of visual elements.
5.2 Dialogue Management Architecture                            In general, multimodal dialogue systems can be
Unlike other pipeline components that impact user            flexible and robust, but especially challenging to
experience and engagement but not fundamental                implement in the medical domain (Sonntag et al.,
decision-making, the dialogue manager is central             2009). We find that 49 papers describe unimodal
to overall functionality (Zhao et al., 2019); thus,          systems and 21 describe multimodal systems. Ta-
Unimodal             Multimodal                      Evaluation Type                  # Papers
    Category   # Papers   Category        # Papers              Human Evaluation                    28
    Text          23      Spoken + Text      14                 Automated Evaluation                7
    Spoken        25      Spoken + GUI        4                 Human & Automated Evaluation        9
    GUI            1      Text + GUI          3                 Not Specified                       26

Table 6: Distribution of modality type across the uni-    Table 7: Distribution of evaluation methods across the
modal (49 total, left) and multimodal (21 total, right)   surveyed papers.
systems surveyed.

                                                             We reviewed each paper for information regard-
                                                          ing the data used during system development, fo-
                                                          cusing on dataset size, availability, and privacy-
                                                          preserving measures. Only 20 papers provide de-
                                                          tails about the data used (two papers provided a link
                                                          to the dataset, and the remaining 18 discussed the
                                                          dataset size). Unfortunately, the remaining papers
                                                          did not provide rationale for their lack of data or
                                                          other replicability information. Our assumption is
                                                          that often the data contained sensitive information,
Figure 3: Distribution of device type across the sur-     preventing authors from releasing specific details,
veyed papers.                                             but only 19 of the 70 included papers provided in-
                                                          formation about data-related privacy or ethical con-
                                                          siderations. Only 10 mentioned Institutional Re-
ble 6 provides more details regarding their distribu-     view Board (IRB) approval for their dataset and/or
tion across modalities.                                   task, despite IRB (or equivalent) review being a
6.2 Device                                                crucial step towards ensuring that research is con-
                                                          ducted ethically and in such a way that protects
Dialogue systems may facilitate interaction using a
                                                          human subjects to the extent possible (Amdur and
variety of devices (Arora et al., 2013), ranging from
                                                          Biddle, 1997).
telephones (Garvey and Sankaranarayanan, 2012)
to computers (McTear, 2010) to any other technol-
                                                          8   System Evaluation
ogy that allows interaction (e.g., VR-based avatars
(Brinkman et al., 2012b; McTear, 2010)). We cate-         We examined the means through which systems
gorized the included systems as mobile, telephone,        were evaluated both qualitatively and quantita-
desktop/laptop, in-car, PDA, robot, virtual environ-      tively (Deriu et al., 2019; Hastie, 2012). We de-
ment, or virtual reality (including virtual agents        fined human evaluation, often implemented in prior
and avatars) systems, considering systems as multi-       work through questionnaires (Grover et al., 2009;
device if they leveraged multiple devices for inter-      Holmes et al., 2019; Parde and Nielsen, 2019;
action. As shown in Figure 3, we found that multi-        Wang et al., 2020) or direct feedback from real-
device and mobile-based dialogue systems were             world users (Deriu et al., 2019), as an evaluation
most popular. Table 9 in the appendix provides            that relies on subjective, first-hand, human user
additional details regarding multi-device systems.        experience. In contrast, automated evaluation pro-
                                                          vides an objective, quantitative measurement of
7   Dataset
                                                          one or more dimensions of the system from a
Data is crucial for effective system development          mathematical perspective (Finch and Choi, 2020).
(Serban et al., 2015), but many datasets for training     Some metrics used for automated evaluation of
dialogue systems are smaller than those used for          the reviewed systems include measures of task per-
other NLP tasks (Lowe et al., 2017). This is even         formance (Ali et al., 2020) and completion rates
more pronounced in the healthcare domain, in part         (Holmes et al., 2019), response correctness (Ros-
due to the risk of data misuse by others or the lack      ruen and Samanchuen, 2018), and response time
of data sharing incentives (Lee and Yoon, 2017).          (Grover et al., 2009).
In Table 7, we observe that nearly half of the        tion. However, it is well-established that individ-
papers conducted human evaluations; however, a           uals from certain demographic groups are more
large percentage (37%) also did not discuss evalua-      comfortable conversing with dialogue systems via
tion at all. We further analyzed papers conducting       speech (Tudor Car et al., 2020). Text-based sys-
human evaluations and found that they included           tems may also be more likely to violate privacy
an average of 26 (mode = 12) participants. More          considerations (Tudor Car et al., 2020). Thus, we
details regarding the human and automated evalua-        recommend that researchers engage in further ex-
tions are provided in Tables 10, 11, and 12 of the       ploration of multimodal or spoken dialogue sys-
appendix. In a follow-up analysis of system usabil-      tems when applicable and appropriate.
ity, defined as the degree to which users are able to       Many of the surveyed systems were also imple-
engage with a system safely, effectively, efficiently,   mented on mobile phones. Although an advantage
and enjoyably (Lee et al., 2019), we observed that       of mobile-based systems is that they are readily
33 papers explicitly evaluated the usability of their    available using a technology familiar to most users,
system.                                                  Lee et al. (2018) found that users significantly re-
                                                         duced their usage over time when engaging long-
9   Discussion                                           term with mobile health applications. Tudor Car
                                                         et al. (2020) suggest that one way to overcome this
We identify common limitations across many sur-
                                                         limitation in mobile-based systems is by directly
veyed systems, accompanied by recommendations
                                                         embedding them in applications or platforms with
for addressing them in future work.
                                                         which users already engage habitually (e.g., Face-
9.1 Incomplete Exploration of System Design              book Messenger). This more ambient dissemina-
                                                         tion approach may facilitate easier and more lasting
We observed little system-level architectural di-        integration of system use in individuals’ daily lives.
versity across the surveyed systems, with most
                                                            Finally, we identified that most systems (84%)
(83%) having a pipeline architecture. This architec-
                                                         target only patients, with research on systems tar-
tural homogeneity limits our understanding of good
                                                         geted towards clinicians and caregivers remaining
design practice within this domain. Recent stud-
                                                         limited. We recommend further exploration of sys-
ies demonstrate that end-to-end architectures for
                                                         tems targeted towards these critical audiences. This
task-oriented dialogue systems could compete with
                                                         may offer broad, high-impact support in under-
pipeline architectures given sufficient high-quality
                                                         standing, diagnosing, and treating patients’ health
data (Hosseini-Asl et al., 2020; Ham et al., 2020;
                                                         issues (Valizadeh et al., 2021; Kaelin et al., 2021).
Bordes et al., 2017; Wen et al., 2016). However, the
external knowledge sources often leveraged in end-
                                                         9.2   Replicability Concerns
to-end systems are notoriously complex in many
healthcare sub-domains (Campillos-Llanos et al.,         Data accessibility restrictions reduce the capacity
2020). Additionally, for healthcare applications         of public health research (Strongman et al., 2019),
interpretability is highly desired (Ham et al., 2020),   and these limitations may be partially responsible
but explanations are often obfuscated in end-to-end      for the imbalance of pipeline versus end-to-end
systems (Ham et al., 2020; Wen et al., 2016). Fi-        architectures (§9.1). Only a small percentage of pa-
nally, users of these systems may seek guidance on       pers surveyed (29%) ventured to discuss the quan-
sensitive topics, which can exacerbate privacy con-      tity or characteristics of the data used during sys-
cerns (Xu et al., 2021). Any system trained on large,    tem development in any way. A lack of data trans-
weakly curated datasets may also learn unpleasant        parency hinders scientific progress and severely
behaviors and amplify biases in the training data, in    impedes replicability. We call upon researchers to
turn producing harmful consequences (Dinan et al.,       publish data when permissible by governing pro-
2021; Bender et al., 2021). We recommend fur-            tocol, and descriptive statistics to the extent allow-
ther experimentation with architectural design, in       able when circumstances prevent data release. We
parallel with work towards developing high-quality       also view the development of high-quality, pub-
healthcare dialogue datasets, which to date remain       licly available datasets as an important frontier in
scarce (Farzana et al., 2020).                           translational dialogue systems research (§9.1).
   We noticed that a considerable number of the             Many of the surveyed papers also lack important
systems (33%) allowed only text-based interac-           implementation details, such as evaluation meth-
ods (34%). This prevents the research community        languages brings up various challenges (López-
from replicating developed systems and general-        Cózar Delgado and Araki, 2005), but solving this
izing study findings more broadly (Walker et al.,      problem could have have tremendous benefit for
2018). Well-established guidelines exist and are       individuals in non-English speaking communities
being increasingly enforced within the NLP com-        with minimal or unreliable healthcare access. The
munity to prevent reproducibility issues (Dodge        systems developed by Duggenpudi et al. (2019),
et al., 2019). The disregard of reproducibility best   Rahman et al. (2019), and Grover et al. (2009) pro-
practices observed with many healthcare dialogue       vide case examples for how such systems may be
systems may be partially attributed to the most com-   implemented. We also note that while troubling,
mon target venues for this work, which may place       a 56% share of systems targeted towards English
less emphasis on replication. This validates a cen-    speakers is consistent with linguistic homogeneity
tral motivator for publishing this survey—without      in the field in general, and actually slightly low
adequate inclusion of target domain and techni-        relative to many other NLP tasks (Mielke, 2016;
cal stakeholders in interdisciplinary, translational   Bender, 2009). Healthcare dialogue systems may
research, progress will remain constrained. We         on some level offer a case example for how appli-
strongly urge researchers in this domain to provide    cations originally designed for high-resource (i.e.,
implementation details in their publications.          English-language) settings can be adapted and re-
                                                       engineered to provide better coverage of the di-
9.3 Potential Ethical and Privacy Issues               verse, real-world potential user base.
Real-world medical data facilitates the devel-
opment of high-quality healthcare applications         9.5   Minimal Investigation of Usability or
(Bertino et al., 2005; Di Palo and Parde, 2019;              User Engagement
Farzana et al., 2020), but protecting the rights       Finally, more than 50% (37/70) of the included
and privacy of contributors to the data is critical    papers did not evaluate system usability or gen-
for ensuring ethical research conduct (Institute of    eral user experience. Usability testing can improve
Medicine, 2009), as is proper treatment of copy-       productivity and safeguard against errors (Rogers
right protections. We screened all included papers     et al., 2005), both of which are critical in healthcare
for coverage of privacy and ethical concerns, and      tasks. Therefore, we urge the research community
observed that only 27% of the surveyed papers con-     to consider and assess usability when designing for
sidered participant or patient privacy in the design   this domain. The systems among those surveyed
of their system. Moreover, only 14% of the sur-        that do this already (e.g., those developed by Wang
veyed papers documented any evidence of Institu-       et al. (2020), Lee et al. (2020b), Wei et al. (2018),
tional Review Board (or IRB-equivalent) approval.      or Demasi et al. (2020)) provide case examples for
   Research involving healthcare dialogue systems      how it might be done.
is unquestionably human-centered, and as such the         Almost 60% of the surveyed systems were not
absence of ethical oversight in the design of such     explicitly designed to engage users, despite this
systems is a grave concern. Although technical         being a common objective in the general domain
researchers entering this space may be unfamiliar      (Ghazarian et al., 2019). Healthcare dialogue sys-
with human subjects research and protocol, we urge     tems may stand to benefit particularly well from
all dialogue systems researchers to submit their       such measures (Parde, 2018), since patient engage-
experimental design and protocol for review by an      ment is predictive of adoption and adherence to
appropriate external review board. We also ask that    healthcare outcomes (Montenegro et al., 2019). To
researchers consider the potential harms from use      increase user satisfaction and system performance,
or misuse of their systems, following guidelines       we recommend that the research community more
established by the ACM Code of Ethics.8                purposefully consider engagement when designing
                                                       their healthcare-oriented dialogue systems.
9.4 Room for Increased Language Diversity
We observed that most systems (56%) targeted En-       10    Conclusion
glish speakers. Developing multilingual dialogue
                                                       In this work, we conducted a systematic technical
systems or systems for speakers of low-resource
                                                       survey of task-oriented dialogue systems used for
   8              health-related purposes, providing much-needed
analyses from a computational perspective and nar-       often observed among human healthcare providers
rowing the translational gap between basic and ap-       (FitzGerald and Hurst, 2017). Systems trained to
plied dialogue systems research. We comprehen-           perform healthcare tasks using datasets that are not
sively searched through 4070 papers in computer          representative of the target population may exhibit
science, NLP, and AI databases, finding 70 papers        poorer performance with users who already experi-
that satisfied our inclusion criteria. We analyzed       ence marginalization or are otherwise vulnerable,
these papers based on numerous technical factors         impeding or even reversing benefits. We call upon
including the domain of research, system objective,      researchers to examine, debias, and curate their
target audience, language, system architecture, sys-     training data such that task-oriented dialogue sys-
tem design, training dataset, and evaluation meth-       tems for healthcare applications elevate, rather than
ods. Following this, we identified and summarized        diminish, outcomes for the historically underserved
gaps in this existing body of work, including an         users which they are best poised to benefit.
incomplete exploration of system design, replica-
bility concerns, potential ethical and privacy issues,   12   Acknowledgements
room for increased language diversity, and mini-         This material is based upon work supported by
mal investigation of usability or user engagement.       the National Science Foundation under Grant
Finally, we presented evidence-based recommen-           No. 2125411, and by a start-up grant from the
dations stemming from our findings as a launching        University of Illinois at Chicago. Any opinions,
point for future work. It is our hope that inter-        findings, and conclusions or recommendations are
ested researchers find the information provided in       those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect
this survey to be a unique and helpful resource          the views of the National Science Foundation. We
for developing task-oriented dialogue systems for        thank the anonymous reviewers for their insightful
healthcare applications.                                 suggestions, which further strengthened this work.

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