Temporal Mental Health Dynamics on Social Media

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Temporal Mental Health Dynamics on Social Media

                        Tom Tabak1                Matthew Purver 1 2
                     School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
                               Queen Mary University of London
                  Department of Knowledge Technologies, Jožef Stefan Institute
             tabaktom360@gmail.com                      m.purver@qmul.ac.uk

                     Abstract                           is either technologically savvy, which may lend
                                                        to a generational bias, or those that can afford the
    We describe a set of experiments for building a
    temporal mental health dynamics system. We          financial cost of the technology, which may lead
    utilise a pre-existing methodology for distant-     to a demographic bias. However, the richness and
    supervision of mental health data mining from       diversity of the available data’s content make it an
    social media platforms and deploy the system        attractive data source. Quantifiable data from social
    during the global COVID-19 pandemic as a            media platforms is by nature social and crucially
    case study. Despite the challenging nature of       (in the context of our cases study) virtual.
    the task, we produce encouraging results, both
                                                           Quantifiable social media data enables re-
    explicit to the global pandemic and implicit
    to a global phenomenon, Christmas Depres-
                                                        searchers to develop methodologies for distant men-
    sion, supported by the literature. We propose       tal health diagnosis and analyse different mental
    a methodology for providing insight into tem-       illnesses (De Choudhury, Counts & Horvitz 2013a).
    poral mental health dynamics to be utilised for     Distant detection and analysis enables researchers
    strategic decision-making.                          to monitor relationships of temporal mental health
                                                        dynamics to adverse conditions such as war, eco-
1   Introduction
                                                        nomic crisis or a pandemic such as the Coronavirus
Mental health issues pose a significant threat to       (COVID-19) pandemic.
the general population. Quantifiable data sources          COVID-19, a novel virus, proved to be fatal in
pertaining to mental health are scarce in compar-       many cases during the global pandemic that started
ison to physical health data (Coppersmith et al.        in 2019. Governments reacted to the pandemic
2014). This scarcity contributes to the complex-        by placing measures restricting the movement of
ity of development of reliable diagnoses and ef-        people on and within their borders in an attempt to
fective treatment of mental health issues as is the     slow the spread of the virus. The restrictions came
norm in physical health (Righetti-Veltema et al.        in the form of many consecutive temporary poli-
1998). The scarcity is partially due to complexity      cies that varied across countries in their execution.
and variation in underlying causes of mental illness.   We focus on arguably the most disruptive measure:
Furthermore, the traditional method for gathering       The National Lockdown. This required individu-
population-level mental health data, behavioral sur-    als, other than essential workers (e.g. healthcare
veys, is costly and often delayed (De Choudhury,        professionals) to remain in their own homes. The
Counts & Horvitz 2013b).                                lockdown enforcement varied across countries but
   Whilst widespread adoption and engagement in         the premise was that individuals were only per-
social media platforms has provided researchers         mitted to leave their homes briefly for essential
with a plentiful data source for a variety of tasks,    shopping (food and medicine). This policy had far
including mental health diagnosis; it has not, yet,     reaching social and economic impacts: growing
yielded a concrete solution to mental health diagno-    concern towards individuals’ own and their fam-
sis (Ayers et al. 2014). Conducting mental health       ilies’ health, economic well-being and financial
diagnosis tasks on social media data presents its       uncertainty as certain industries (such as hospital-
own set of challenges: The users’ option of convey-     ity, retail and travel) suspended operations. As
ing a particular public persona posts that may not      a result, many individuals became redundant and
be genuine; sampling from a sub-population that         unemployed which constrained their financial re-
sources as well as being confined to their homes,        2010) which allows users to evaluate texts based
resulted in excess leisure time. These experiences       on word counts in a variety of categories. More
along with the uncertainty of the measures’ dura-        recent and larger scale computational linguistics
tion reflected a unique period where the general         have been applied in conversational counselling
public would be experiencing a similar stressful         by utilising data from an SMS service where vul-
and anxious period, which are both feelings associ-      nerable users can engage in therapeutic discussion
ated with clinical depression (Rickels & Schweizer       with counsellors (Althoff et al. 2016). For a more
1993, Hecht et al. 1989).                                in-depth review of uses of natural language pro-
   In this paper, we investigate the task of detecting   cessing (NLP) techniques applied in mental health
whether a user is diagnosis-worthy over a given          the reader is referred to Trotzek et al. (2018).
period of time and explore what might this appro-
priate time period be. We investigate the role of        2.2   Social Media as a Platform for Mental
balance of classes in datsets by experimenting with            Health Monitoring
a variety of training regimes. Finally, we examine       The widespread engagement in social media plat-
the temporal mental health dynamics in relations         forms by users coupled with the availability of
to the respective national lockdowns and investi-        platforms’ data enables researchers to extract
gate how these temporal mental health dynamics           population-level health information that make it
varied across countries highly-disrupted by the pan-     possible to track diseases, medications and symp-
demic. Our main contributions in this paper are: 1)      toms (Paul & Dredze 2011). The use of social me-
We demonstrate an improvement in mental health           dia data is attractive to researchers not only due to
detection performance with increasingly enriched         its vast domain coverage but also due to the cheap
sample representations. 2) We highlight the im-          methodologies by which data can be collected in
portance of the balance in classes of the training       comparison to previously available methodologies
dataset whilst remaining aware of an approximated        (Coppersmith et al. 2014). A plethora of mental
expected balance of classes in the unsupervised          health monitoring literature have utilised this cheap
(test) dataset. 3) We analyse empirically proven re-     and efficient data mining methodologies from a
lationships between populations’ temporal mental         variety of social media platforms such as: Red-
health dynamics and respective national lockdowns        dit (Losada & Crestani 2016), Facebook (Guntuku
that can be used for strategic decision-making pur-      et al. 2017) and Twitter (De Choudhury, Gamon,
poses.                                                   Counts, & Horvitz 2013).
                                                            Twitter user’s engagement in the popular social
2     Related research                                   media platform give way for the creation of so-
                                                         cial patterns that can be analysed by researchers,
2.1    Natural Language Processing for Mental
                                                         making this platform a widely used data source
       Health Detection
                                                         for data mining. Additionally, the customisable
Unlike physical health conditions that often show        parameters querying available in the Application
physical symptoms, mental health is often reflected      Programmable Interface (API) allows researchers
by more subtle symptoms (De Choudhury, Counts            to monitor specific populations and/or domains
& Horvitz 2013a, Chung & Pennebaker 2007).               (De Choudhury, Counts & Horvitz 2013b).
This yielded a body of work that focused on linguis-
tic analysis of lexical and semantic uses in speech,     2.3   Mental Health Monitoring During
such as diagnosing a patient with depression and               COVID-19 Pandemic
paranoia (Oxman et al. 1982). Furthermore, an            In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, we
examination of college students’ essays, found an        found a handful of projects with similar intentions
increased use of negative emotional lexical content      as our own, to monitor depression during the pan-
in the group of students that had high scores on         demic. Li et al. (2020) gather large scale, pandemic-
depression scales (Rude et al. 2004). Such findings      related twitter data and infers depression based on
confirmed that language can be an indicator of an        emotional characteristics and sentiment analysis
individual’s psychological state (Bucci & Freed-         of tweets. Zhou et al. (2020) focus on detecting
man 1981) which lead to the development of Lin-          community level depression in Australia during
guistic Enquiry and Word Count (LIWC) software           the pandemic. They use the distant-supervision
(Pennebaker et al. 2003, Tausczik & Pennebaker           methodologies of Shen et al. (2017) to gather a
balanced dataset, they utilise the methodology of       indicating that the user has history/is currently deal-
Coppersmith et al. (2014) to model the rates of         ing with a clinical case, e.g. “I was diagnosed with
depression and observing the relationship with the      depression”, rather than expressing depression in a
number of COVID-19 infections in the commu-             colloquial context. Human annotators were then in-
nity. Our work differs from this in three main areas:   structed to remove tweets that are perceived to have
1) We investigate the implication of different sam-     made a non-genuine statement regarding the users’
ple representations to provide more context to our      own diagnosis, most of these were referring to a
classifier. 2) We retain an imbalance in our de-        third party. Examples of genuine and non-genuine
velopment dataset. 3) We investigate European           tweets encountered can be seen in Table 1.
countries (France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the
United Kingdom) that experienced a relatively high                     Table 1: Annotation Example
number of COVID-19 infections.                           Diagnosis indication   Example tweet
                                                                                “I was diagnosed with severe depression and
3     Diagnosis Classifier Experiments                                          went through the works of treatment for it.”
                                                                                “It’s official. My guinea pig has
                                                                                been diagnosed with depression”
We describe the data mining methodology used to
build a distantly supervised dataset and the classi-
fier experiments conducted on this dataset.                We then collect all (up to 5,000 most recent)
                                                        tweets made public by the remaining users between
3.1    Data
                                                        the start of 2015 and October 2019. Further filter-
To conduct the proposed experiments, we construct       ing includes removal of all users with less than 20
a distantly supervised development dataset for each     tweets during this period or those whose tweets do
country, to be used in training and validation of       not meet our major language of instruction bench-
the classifier. The data mining methods follow the      mark. This benchmark requires 70% of the tweets
novel distant-supervision methodology proposed in       collected to be written in the major language of
Coppersmith et al. (2014) as it is relatively cheap     instruction of the country of interest (i.e. United
but also well-structured for clinical experiments.      Kingdom is English, Italy is Italian etc.). Follow-
   We follow the wide-accepted methodology              ing this filtering process and some preprocessing
proposed by Watson (1768) where diagnosed               on the tweet level, which includes medial capital
(Diagnosed) and non-diagnosed (Control),                splitting, mention white-space removal (i.e. if an-
groups are created. In this paper we will only be       other user was mentioned this will be shown as
exploring depression as a mental health condition,      a unique mention token), the same has been done
accordingly we will have a single Diagnosed             with URLs, all uppercase and non-emoticon related
group for each country’s development dataset.           punctuation were removed.
However, if multiple mental issues were to be
explored, then the same number of different             3.1.2 Control Group
Diagnosed groups would be required for each             We gather 10,000 public tweets with a geoloca-
country’s dataset.                                      tion in the country of interest, posted during the
                                                        same two-week period as Diagnosed in 2019
3.1.1 Diagnosed Group
                                                        and remove any tweets made by Diagnosed
We gather 200 public tweets with a geolocation          users. We then follow a similar process to that
inside the country of interest, posted during a two-    of Diagnosed collection methodology by col-
week period (1 July 2019 - 15 July 2019). As we         lecting up to 5,000 most recent tweets for each user
are searching for a depression Diagnosed tweets,        from the period mentioned above.
this two-week period needs to be chosen strategi-          As can be seen in Table 2, we construct imbal-
cally, as we want to capture users that have been       anced datasets. World Health Organisation (WHO)
diagnosed with depression rather than seasonal af-      claim 264 million people suffer from depression
fect disorder (SAD), a separate albeit a condition      worldwide2 . Whilst, at the time of writing, the
with similar symptoms. Tweets collected via Twit-
ter’s API1 , were retrieved based on lexical content        2
                                                              World Health Organization, “Depression,” 2020, [Online].
                                                        Available:      https://www.who.int/news-room/
    Twitter API:   https://developer.twitter.           fact-sheets/detail/depression[Accessed: 26
com/en/docs                                             July 2020]
Table 2: Composition of Development Datasets                 Diagnosed group but rather rely on the so-
                                                                cial stigma around mental illness whereas it
 Country       Group         No. Users    No. Tweets
                                                                could be regarded as unusual for a user to
             Diagnosed          57         190, 447
  France                                                        tweet about a diagnosis of a mental health
              Control         1, 041      2, 861, 580
             Diagnosed          53         160, 864             illness that is fictitious.
              Control         1, 138      2, 802, 959       4. Control is likely contaminated with users
             Diagnosed          38         132, 743            that are diagnosed with a variety of conditions,
              Control         1, 051      2, 514, 483          perhaps mental health related, whether they
             Diagnosed          53         107, 833            explicitly mention this or not. We have made
              Control         1, 013      2, 564, 966
                                                               no attempt to remove such users.
             Diagnosed          98         289, 624
              Control         1, 365      3, 319, 201       5. Twitter users may not be entirely representa-
                                                               tive sample of the population.

global population stands at approximately 7.8 bil-        3.2     Methodology
lion3 . This would suggest that 1 in 30 individuals       We describe the experiments conducted in classi-
suffer from depression. However, these figures are        fier training of depression diagnosis. The trained
approximations. Therefore, the extent to which            classifier is deployed in Section 4 for classifying
our datasets are imbalanced is not an attempt to          samples from an unsupervised experiment dataset
create datasets that are representative of the ex-        which is then used in analysing temporal mental
pected balance of classes, as these are unverifi-         health dynamics.
able. Nevertheless, our datasets present ratios of
Control:Diagnosed samples between 23.78:1                 3.2.1    Sample Representation
and 11.46:1, which came about from the data min-          We investigate the most appropriate sample repre-
ing methods previously described. We accept these         sentation of our distantly supervised dataset. We
ratios to retain imbalanced datasets in a similar or-     are posed with these considerations:
der of magnitude as the expected balance whilst             1. Symptoms’ temporal dependencies: as the
achieving reasonable classifier performance.                   tweets gathered come from a variety of days,
                                                               weeks, months and even years, symptoms may
3.1.3   Caveats                                                only be present in specific time-dependant
We inherit the limitations of the distant-supervision          samples. However, when represented by over-
approach of Coppersmith et al. (2014):                         whelming tweet-enriched samples the classi-
                                                               fier performance is traded-off with retaining
  1. When sampling a population we always run                  the symptoms’ temporal dependencies.
     the risk of only capturing a subpopulation of
     Control or Diagnosed that is not fully                 2. As our final task will be to monitor and anal-
     representative of the population, especially              yse the temporal mental health dynamics, we
     considering that the Diagnosed group are                   are interested in modelling the rate of depres-
     identified based a single affirming tweet about            sion as fine-grained as possible.
     an intimate subject – this attribute may not         Therefore, the ability to accurately identify
     generalise well to the entire population.            Diagnosed samples and correctly discriminate
                                                          between Control and Diagnosed with the
  2. We supervise all tweets of a unique user based       least tweet-enriched samples will be vital in mod-
     on a single affirming tweet. Hence, this may         elling a fine-grained rate of depression in the de-
     result in different tweets with identical, or sim-   ployment stage of the final task where conclusions
     ilar, meaning representations being assigned         could be drawn in the context of the national lock-
     different labels.                                    downs. The sample representations we examined:
  3. We do not implement a verification of
     the method used to identify users in the                • Individual – each sample constitutes of a
                                                               single tweet.
   Worldometer.     2020.    Worldometer - Real Time
World Statistics. [online] Available at: https://www.        • U ser day - each sample constitutes of all
worldometers.info [Accessed 19 August 2020].                   tweets by a unique user during a given day.
• U ser week – each sample constitutes of all                    two classes. Classifier architectures included
     tweets by a unique user during a given week.                   in our experimentation: SV M : SVM as used
   • All user - each sample constitutes of all                      in Section 3.2.1. This classifier will serve as
     tweets collected from a unique user.                           our benchmark; AV EP LEF C 4 : Average pool-
                                                                    ing layer; CN N -M XP LEF C : CNN5 and a
We examine the performance of a benchmark, Sup-                     Max-pooling layer; BILST MEF C : Bi-directional
port Vector Machine (SVM) with a linear kernel                      LSTM (Hochreiter & Schmidhuber 1997); CN N -
function (Peng et al. 2019), on the different sam-                  BILST MEF C : CNN and Bi-directional LSTM;
ple representations datasets where the benchmark                    CN N -AT T : CNN, Attention (Vaswani et al.
classifier inputs are sparse many-hot encoding rep-                 2017) and Average pooling layers; BILST M -
resentations of the samples’ lexical content. As we                 SELF A: Bi-directional LSTM and Self-attention
are working with imbalanced datasets we need to                     layer; and BERT : Pretrained BERTBase 6 fine-
think about the metrics we use to assess the clas-                  tuned on our dataset (Devlin et al. 2018). All
sifiers’ performance. We will be assessing class                    classifiers use an Adam optimiser (Kingma & Ba
specific Precision (P) and Recall (R) as well as                    2015) and were trained for a single epoch on
Macro F1 score. By having a more class-specific                     a training:validation split of 4:1 with weighting
breakdown of the classifiers’ performance we can                    the Diagnosed samples as 5 times more valu-
better understand the strengths and limitations of                  able than those of Control. Training on a sin-
our classifiers and hence make a more informed                      gle epoch was chosen in line with our theme of
decision when choosing the highest performing                       quick development (also conveyed in the distant-
classifier.                                                         supervision), we argue that performance could be
Table 3: SVM Performance on Varying Sample Repre-                   improved by further training. The sample weight-
sentations of U.K. Development Datasets                             ing factor was chosen following empirical evidence
                                                                    showing that the chosen factor yielded similar
 Sample               Control             Diagnosed         Macro
                                                                    Diagnosed Precision and Recall measures.
 Representation    P     R    F1        P     R   F1          F1
 Individual*      0.92 0.99 0.95       0.27 0.05 0.08        0.52
 User                                                               Table 4: Classifiers’ Performance on U.K. Develop-
                  0.74   0.96   0.84   0.36   0.06   0.1    0.52
 day                                                                ment Dataset
                  0.92   0.97   0.94   0.26   0.11   0.15   0.55
                                                                                             Control         Diagnosed     Macro
 All user         0.94   0.99   0.96   0.5    0.14   0.22   0.59     Classifier
                                                                                          P     R    F1     P    R   F1      F1
                                                                     SV M                0.92 0.9 0.91    0.27 0.05 0.08    0.52
                                                                     AV EP L             0.94 0.95 0.94   0.33 0.26 0.29    0.62
   The results in Table 3 suggest that our                           CN N -M XP L        0.94 0.95 0.94   0.31 0.25 0.28    0.61
                                                                     BILST M             0.94 0.95 0.94    0.3 0.33 0.31    0.63
benchmark classifier improved in identifying                         CN N -BILST M       0.93 0.97 0.95    0.3 0.15 0.2     0.57
Diagnosed, with increasingly tweet-enriched,                         CN N -AT T          0.94 0.94 0.94   0.31 0.3   0.3    0.62
                                                                     BILST M -SELF A*    0.94 0.94 0.94   0.32 0.31 0.31    0.63
samples. However, the U ser day sample represen-                     BERT                0.94 0.66 0.78   0.12 0.52 0.2     0.47
tations shows a decrease in performance when com-
pared with the F1 scores of both Individual and
U ser week sample representations. Barring this                         Table 4 shows all classifiers achieve signifi-
decrease, we can say that we are able to achieve im-                cantly higher performance on Control than the
proved performance when using increasingly tweet-                   Diagnosed. The first observation is with respect
enriched samples. However, our final task is bias                   to the poor performance of BERT with a Macro
towards the two fine-grained sample representa-                     F1 of 0.47, lower than our benchmark SV M clas-
tions, Individual and U ser day. The benchmark                      sifier. We argue that this poor performance can
classifier achieves superior performance on the                     be attributed to the extensively trained word em-
Individual sample representation, we will adopt                     beddings of the BERT classifier remaining under-
this representation in further experiments, as de-                     4
                                                                          All uses of XEF C indicate a learned embedding layer,
noted by the asterisk in Table 3.                                   after the input, and 3 Fully Connected layers, with Rectified
                                                                    Linear (ReLU), directly prior to the output layer.
3.2.2   Classifier Experiments on U.K.                                  5
                                                                          All CNNs are unigram-level with 1 f ilter and kernel
        Development Dataset                                         size of 1.
                                                                          Exact pretrained BERTBase version implementation
We must now build and train a classifier ar-                        available here: https://tfhub.dev/google/bert_
chitecture that best discriminates between our                      uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12/1
utilised due to our classifier’s input, which con-                                  The Balanced-Balanced training regime
tains many spelling errors. Admittedly, this hy-                                 achieves an encouraging Precision-Recall trade-
pothesis is mere conjecture and we leave this                                    off, for both classes, as well as the Macro F1 score.
topic for future work. As we are trying to cor-                                  This shows that the problem is reasonably linguisti-
rectly detect Diagnosed samples and discrim-                                     cally achievable, when the imbalance challenge is
inate between the two classes, we prioritise the                                 removed. The Imbalanced-Imbalanced training
Diagnosed Precision and Macro F1 score met-                                      regime shows that adjusting the sample weight-
rics. Based on these 2 chosen metrics to guide our                               ing is a successful measure that we can imple-
classifier selection process 3 candidates emerge:                                ment to adjust the Precision-Recall trade-off in
AV EP L, BILST M and BILST M -SELF A                                             our class of interest (Diagnosed). Our classi-
achieving {Diagnosed Precision, Macro F1}                                        fier performs significantly worse in the Balanced-
scores of: {0.33, 0.62}; {0.3, 0.63} and {0.32,                                  Imbalanced regime when compared to the perfor-
0.63} respectively. Whilst the performance of these                              mance on the Imbalanced-Imbalanced regime,
classifiers is similar, BILST M -SELF A is the                                   this performance is reduced by the introduction
highest performance combination of the desired                                   of sample weighting. Therefore, when training
metrics (indicated by the asterisk) and as such we                               on a Balanced dataset our classifier is less ro-
will be adopting this classifier in further experi-                              bust to an Imbalanced validation dataset. Finally,
ments.                                                                           whilst our classifier experiences a significant im-
                                                                                 provement in performance on the Imbalanced-
3.2.3        Dataset Balance Experiment                                          Balanced training regime when sample weighting
In this section we investigate the distribution of                               is introduced due to our final depression diagnosis
our datasets in training and validation of our clas-                             task in which we expect an Imbalanced dataset
sifier. By conducting this experiment we intend to                               (see Section 3.1.2) the training regimes implement-
gather an in-depth understanding of our task from                                ing Balanced validation datasets are not suitable
a linguistic standpoint. We train and validate the                               approximations of our classifier’s depression diag-
classifier on datasets with varying balances to in-                              nosis performance. Therefore, the Imbalanced
vestigate the role of our imbalanced dataset in the                              training, with suitable sample weighting, yields
depression diagnosis task. This experiment anal-                                 more desirable and robust depression diagnosis per-
yses the performance of the BILST M -SELF A                                      formance as it is exposed to a broader range of data
classifier on a number of different training regimes:                            examples in training (i.e. no sub-sampling).

   • Balanced:   a dataset containing all                                        3.3     Results
     Diagnosed samples and downsampling                                          We train separate BILST M -SELF A classifiers
     from Control.                                                               on each of the respective countries’ imbalanced
                                                                                 development datasets following the Individual
   • Imbalanced: a dataset of the development
                                                                                 sample representation (see Table 7 Appendix A.1).
     dataset’s distribution (See Table 2).
                                                                                 We observe that the BILST M -SELF A architec-
                                                                                 ture achieved similar performance on the remain-
   Furthermore, we explore the effects of sample
                                                                                 ing countries’ datasets. Whilst the BILST M -
weighting by weighting Diagnosed samples as
                                                                                 SELF A classifier architecture achieved the high-
5 times more valuable than the Control samples
                                                                                 est performance of all our classifier architectures,
as mentioned in Section 3.2.2. The performance of
                                                                                 a combination of 0.32 Diagnosed Precision and
the BILST M -SELF A classifier on the different
                                                                                 0.63 Macro F1 leaves much to be desired. As such,
training regimes can be seen in Table 5.
                                                                                 we perform an error analysis and examine the sig-
Table 5: BILST M -SELF A Performance on Varying                                  nificance of the results.
Training Regimes                                                                 3.3.1    Error Analysis
Training     Validation
                          Weighting    P
                                             R    F1     P
                                                               R   F1
                                                                                 Table 6 shows the input samples, Text, the Pre-
                                      0.69 0.69 0.69
                                      0.93   1   0.96
                                                        0.69 0.69 0.69
                                                        0.72 0.11 0.19
                                                                                 diction type as well as the Sigmoid Output which
                                      0.94 0.94 0.94
                                      0.95 0.63 0.76
                                                        0.32 0.31 0.31
                                                        0.14 0.66 0.23
                                                                                 is the output layer of the classifier and is respon-
                                      0.99 0.13 0.23
                                      0.53   1   0.69
                                                        0.09 0.98 0.16
                                                        0.98 0.11 0.2
                                                                                 sible for the final classification of the samples.
Imbalanced   Balanced     Weighted    0.58 0.96 0.72    0.88 0.29 0.44    0.58   The Sigmoid Output is normalised in the range of
[0, 1] ∈ R, where an output of 0.5 represent the de-                                                                   of the respective randomly distributed benchmarks
cision boundary, and is interpreted as complete un-                                                                    have not been drawn from the same distribution.
certainty with regards to the sample’s classification.
A Sigmoid Output of 1 is complete certainty that                                                                       4     Monitoring and Analysis
the sample should be classified as Diagnosed                                                                           We prepare the unsupervised dataset and deploy the
and 0 is complete certainty in Control.                                                                                previously trained BILST M -SELF A classifier
                                                                                                                       to annotate this dataset. We analyse the relation-
  Table 6: Classification Examples for Error Analysis
                                                                                                                       ships between the temporal mental health dynamics
                                                                                                                       and respective national lockdowns.
              “hi davenport handmade is a small one man business i make handmade wooden bowls pens
              jewellery boxes and other wooden items in a workshop that i built myself it started as a way    0.999
              of overcoming depression and has taken over my life”                                                     4.1    Data
              “im too depressed lol”                                                                          0.507
              ”i miss you too man its actually depressing me”                                                 0.19
                                                                                                                       We discuss the procedure for constructing the un-
              “half term kids camps are up on wandsworth common with a dedicated kids football camp”          0.001    supervised experiment dataset, to be used for mon-
                                                                                                                       itoring the temporal mental health dynamics.
   The true positive example mentions having                                                                           4.1.1 Experiment Dataset
“overcoming depression” which implies that the                                                                         We gather tweets made public by users during the
user has recovered from depression, as one over-                                                                       first two weeks of 2020 with a geolocation within
comes other health issues. The Sigmoid Output is                                                                       the country of interest. We then follow the same
0.999 which is extremely high certainty by the clas-                                                                   methodology as outlined in Section 3.1, for the pe-
sifier that this is a Diagnosed. Whilst, the true                                                                      riod of 1 December 2019 until 15 May 2020. The
negative is unrelated to depression nor its under-                                                                     composition of these experiment datasets can be
lying symptoms, as such it is classified as part of                                                                    seen (Table 9 in Appendix A.3) along with key dates.
Control with a Sigmoid Output of 0.001. How-                                                                           The key dates specified observe the official date
ever, the Texts of the misclassified samples are sim-                                                                  announcements of the commencement of and of
ilar. Both use words stemming from the word ‘de-                                                                       the first step towards easing of national lockdowns,
press’ in colloquial contexts, with no indication of                                                                   rather than the first official data implementing these
clinical appropriations of depression. The Sigmoid                                                                     measures as we anticipate that the announcements
Outputs of these samples are less polarised than                                                                       would provoke users to express their opinion more
those correctly classified, the Sigmoid Output of                                                                      than the implementation of the measures. We ac-
the false positive sample is marginally misclassi-                                                                     knowledge caveats to the methodology with rela-
fied. However, these misclassified samples reflect                                                                     tions to the respective national lockdowns:
the complexity of the task.
                                                                                                                           1. The activity-level of users whose lifestyles
3.3.2 Significance of Results                                                                                                 have been highly disrupted by the national
We perform a χ2 significance test to investigate                                                                              lockdowns may be overstated during this pe-
the significance of our classifiers’ results. Our null                                                                        riod, due to increased leisure time.
hypothesis, H0 , states that both sets of data, our                                                                        2. The language filtering component excludes
classifiers’ predictions (DP ) and the distribution it                                                                        certain users of the population, such as
is being tested against (DT ), have been drawn from                                                                           stranded tourists/expatriates, that use a non-
the same distribution (D).                                                                                                    majority languages. Such samples may con-
                                                                                                                              tain a bias towards a higher rate of depression.
                                H0 : DP ∩ DT ⊆ D                                                             (1)
                                                                                                                       4.2    Methodology
We compare the distribution of the classifiers’ pre-                                                                   To monitor and analyse temporal mental health
dictions against a random uniformly distributed set                                                                    dynamics we must deploy our trained BILST M -
(Uniform) and against a random distributed set fol-                                                                    SELF A on the respective countries’ experiment
lowing the distribution of the development datasets                                                                    datasets. Once we have the classifier’s predictions,
(Weighted). All classifier results in Table 7 are                                                                      we calculate the rate of depression at any given day,
statistically significant from the random baselines,                                                                   Rt :
according to the χ2 significance test (see Table 8                                                                                              PNt
in Appendix A.2). Therefore, we reject H0 and                                                                                                       Φ(xi )
conclude that the classifiers’ predictions and those                                                                                     Rt = i=1                        (2)
Where Φ represents our trained classifier, xi is      by the Imperial College COVID-19 response team8
the input, Nt is the total number of samples on day      estimated that the the current combative approach
t. The output of the classifier, Φ(xi ) takes the form   taken up by the U.K. government would result in
[0, 1] ∈ N. Rt is a normalised continuous value          250,000 deaths. The report was well-publicised
between 0 and 1, interpreted as the proportion of        by the British media and was arguably a factor in
tweets at t that classify as Diagnosed: 0 meaning        the pivot by the U.K. government.. This is some-
all samples belong to Control and 1 meaning all          what supported by the change in RU K during the
samples belong to Diagnosed.                             U.K. National Lockdown where we see a sustained
                                                         decrease over the majority of the period.
4.3   Results                                               The rates of depression of France (RF R ), Ger-
Figures 1 and 2 (see Appendix A.4) display the tem-      many (RDE ), Italy (RIT ) and Spain (RES ) be-
poral mental health dynamics for the countries un-       have differently from RU K . Firstly, RIT increases
der investigation. The Rt across different countries     sharply by over 100% in the initial days of the Ital-
is a function of the country specific development        ian National Lockdown. This can be interpreted
dataset’s distribution on which the classifier was       as anxiety and concern as at this point Italy was
trained. As such, the Rt across countries are not        regarded as the global epicentre of the pandemic.
directly comparable but are rather analysed by the       This was coupled with economic turmoil and great
momentum of how Rt of a country changed over             concern over the capacity of hospitals to handle the
time and its divergence from Rt of other countries.      high requirements for intensive care units9 .
                                                            Similarly, a sharp increase in RF R over the ini-
4.4   Discussion                                         tial days of the French National Lockdown period,
Foremost, we categorically cannot, nor do we,            after-which RF R rises throughout the lockdown pe-
state that the temporal mental health dynamics are       riod at a lower and inconsistent rate. A similar story
caused by the respective national lockdowns nor          could be tailored to RES . The major increase in
other measures, taken by governments to combat           RDE occurs in the preceding month, whilst during
the spread of the virus. In this section, we offer in-   the German National Lockdown, RDE increases in
terpretations in line with relationships discovered.     the initial days, albeit at a lower rate. RDE then
                                                         plateaus and decreases - creating a turning point in
   In the U.K. rate of depression (RU K ), we firstly
                                                         RDE during the German National Lockdown.
observe the sharp, unsustained, increase of over
50% on Christmas day, before decreasing back                Furthermore, the R of respective countries fol-
to the status quo the next day. Upon further in-         lowing the easing of respective lockdowns can be
vestigation we find that this phenomenon is well-        interpreted as the countries’ outlook on the easing
documented (Hillard & Buckman 1982) and see-             of restrictions. The French and Spanish populations
ing that our classifier identified this phenomenon,      experienced a reduction in symptoms of depression,
without explicitly being aware of its existence, is      such as anxiety, as is evidenced by the clear reduc-
encouraging. On March 9th , Italy National Lock-         tion in RF R and RES respectively. We therefore
down begins onward we observe a sharp, sustained         conclude by, tentatively, stating that the easing of
increase in RU K until March 23rd , U.K. National        restrictions were received by an improvement in the
Lockdown begins, where RU K somewhat plateaus.           mental state of the general populations of France
We interpret this as an increase in anxiety amongst          8
                                                               Ferguson, N., Laydon, D., Nedjati-Gilani, G., Imai, N.,
the U.K. population as neighbouring countries take       Ainslie, K., Baguelin, M., Bhatia, S., Boonyasiri, A., Cu-
decisive measures to slow the spread of the virus.       cunubá, Z., Cuomo-Dannenburg, G., Dighe, A., Dorigatti, I.,
                                                         Fu, H., Gaythorpe, K., Green, W., Hamlet, A., Hinsley, W.,
A key theme in the build up to the U.K. national         Okell, L., van Elseland, S., Thompson, H., Verity, R., Volz,
lockdown implementation was the intentional delay        E., Wang, H., Wang, Y., Walker, P., Walters, C., Winskill, C.,
                                                         Donnelly, C., Riley, Steven, R. and Ghani, A. 2020. Report
so that to ensure maximum utility from the policy7 .     9: Impact Of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (Npis) To Re-
However, a report published on the 16th of March         duce COVID-19 Mortality And Healthcare Demand. [online]
                                                         Imperial.ac.uk. Available at: https://tinyurl.com/
   7                                                     imperial-college-covid19 [Accessed 1 September
     ITV News. 2020. Coronavirus: Boris Johnson
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Spread, Youtube.  [online] Available at: https:                CIDRAP 2020. Doctors: COVID-19 Pushing Italian
//www.youtube.com/watch?v=2U1YoKujYeY&                   ICUs Toward Collapse. [online] Available at: https://
list=PLFXSE3NhAYiZdb2qijJ7uemIB-IAYK5-y&                 tinyurl.com/italians-covid19 [Accessed 8 Au-
index=893&t=0s [Accessed 1 September 2020].              gust 2020].
Figure 1: U.K. rate of depression before and during the National Lockdown. Noise in the rate of depression has
been smoothed with a 7-day moving average.

and Spain, the mental state of the Italian and Ger-        manipulate the publicly available data. This could
man general populations deteriorated, whilst the           come in the form of these individuals contributing
U.K. was agnostic to the easing of restriction.            high-volume data with the sole aim to skew and
   We are hesitant to state the changes in Rt had          corrupt the data that will be mined and used for the
been caused by the imposition/easing of national           decision-making of the governments.
lockdowns. To make such a claim we would be                   This creates a trade-off dilemma between ethical
required to undertake a more fine-grained causality        principles currently within the social media plat-
study which is beyond the scope of this paper, how-        forms user agreements stating that users have the
ever we note this for future work. We can however          right to know how their data is being used with the
claim to have discovered clear relationships be-           need for partial secrecy in the exact mining method-
tween the drastic changes in the behaviour of rates        ologies and their end use which lacks transparency.
of depression during the periods of the build-up to,          A prospective equilibrium to this trade-off would
during and in the aftermath of national lockdowns.         be the establishment of accountable Ethics Review
                                                           Boards (ERBs) at the social media network com-
4.5   Ethical Principles                                   panies that will be tasked with reviewing proposed
As we are proposing a public data driven approach          systems, judged to be too sensitive to publicly ex-
for decision-making, we offer a discussion on              pose, developments and implementations. Further-
ethics relating to possible exploitation of the sys-       more, these ERBs should be audited externally pe-
tem:                                                       riodically to ensure of their integrity. High-level de-
                                                           tails of this proposed equilibrium should be added
   One such exploitation could arise where a
                                                           to the social media networks’ user agreements to
pharmaceutical company, focused on the anti-
                                                           ensure that transparency, to the extent possible, is
depressants market, utilising the methods proposed
and analyse the rate of depression increasing in a
particular country with no other access to an anti-        5   Conclusion
depressants supplier. The company could then pro-
ceed to monopolise the market and overcharge for           Our set of experiments have been conducted with
their products thereby constraining the individuals        the aim of providing organisations with a method-
financially, this may in turn increase levels of stress,   ology for monitoring and analysing temporal men-
anxiety and depression in the country. This would          tal health dynamics using social media data. We
create an unethical reliance on the product arising        examine sample representations and their ability
directly from the implementation of the system.            to impact classifier performance. We investigate
   Another, yet reversed, form of exploitation could       the role of an imbalanced dataset in the classifier
arise by taking the scenario examined in the paper,        training regime. Our classifier achieves encourag-
if it was publicly known that the government of a          ing performance on two fronts: the ability to dis-
country were to utilise the methods to decide how          criminate, with reasonable performance, between
to proceed in the easing/re- implementation of the         Diagnosed and Control samples and identi-
national lockdown, it is reasonable to assume that         fied the Christmas Depression phenomenon. Fi-
a third-party with a vested interest in the policy set-    nally, we analyse the rates of depression and their
ting of the government could engage in activities to       relationships with respective national lockdowns.
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A     Appendix
A.1      Classifier Results on All Countries’
         Development Datasets

Table 7: BILST M -SELF A Classifier Performance
on Countries’ Development Datasets

                 Control         Diagnosed      Macro
              P     R    F1     P    R   F1       F1
 France      0.96 0.94 0.95   0.29 0.37 0.33     0.64
 Germany     0.96 0.96 0.96    0.3 0.32 0.31     0.63
 Italy       0.97 0.96 0.97   0.38 0.4 0.39      0.68
 Spain       0.97 0.97 0.97   0.35 0.38 0.36     0.67
 U.K.        0.94 0.94 0.94   0.32 0.31 0.32     0.63

A.2      Significance of Results

Table 8: Significance in Predictions of BILST M -
SELF A Classifier

 Country     Comparison   Significance
             Uniform      χ2 = 1, 311, 459 (p
A.3        Experiment Dataset Composition

      Table 9: Composition of Experiment Datasets

                 Restrictions         Restrictions            No.      No.
                 Begin                Eased                   Users    Tweets
 France          17 March 20201a      11 May 20202a           1, 351   945, 919
 Germany         22 March 20203a      6 May 20204a            1, 643   998, 248
 Italy           9 March 20205a       27 April 20206a         1, 725   764, 089
 Spain           14 March 20207a      28 April 20208a         2, 060   1, 012, 847
 U.K.            23 March 20209a      30 April 202010a        2, 883   2, 050, 554

        The Independent. 2020. France Imposes 15-Day Lock-
down And Mobilises 100,000 Police To Enforce Coronavirus
Restrictions. [online] Available at: https://tinyurl.
com/independent-covid19-france [Accessed 12
July 2020].
        BBC News. 2020. France Eases Lockdown After Eight
Weeks. [online] Available at: https://www.bbc.co.
uk/news/world-europe-52615733 [Accessed 12
July 2020].
        BBC News. 2020. Germany Bans Groups Of More
Than Two To Curb Virus. [online] Available at: https://
[Accessed 4 August 2020].
        BBC News. 2020. Germany Says Football Can Re-
sume And Shops Reopen. [online] Available at: https://
[Accessed 4 August 2020].
         CNN. 2020.       All Of Italy Is In Lockdown
As Coronavirus Cases Rise.          [online] Available at:
index.html [Accessed 12 July 2020].
          BBC News.        2020.     Coronavirus: Italy’s
PM Outlines Lockdown Easing Measures.              [online]
Available at: https://www.bbc.com/news/amp/
world-europe-52435273 [Accessed 12 July 2020].
        The Guardian. 2020. Spain Orders Nationwide Lock-
down To Battle Coronavirus. [online] Available at: https:
[Accessed 12 July 2020].
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Normal’ By End Of June. [online] Available at: https://
[Accessed 12 July 2020].
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Stay At Home’ UK Public Told - BBC News. [online]
Available at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/
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Says PM. [online] Available at: https://www.bbc.co.
uk/news/uk-52493500 [Accessed 12 July 2020].
A.4   Temporal Mental Health Dynamics

Figure 2: France, Germany, Italy and Spain rates
of depression before and during respective national
lockdowns. Noise in rates of depression have been
smoothed with 7-day moving averages
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