TELEMATICS 2019 LIFE SCIENCES - Grade 12 - Directorate: Curriculum FET - WCED

Page created by Rhonda Oliver
Directorate: Curriculum FET

            TELEMATICS 2019

                LIFE SCIENCES

                        Grade 12

Life Sciences Telematics resource Grade 12                                                   2019

          Date                Time                                    Topics
                                             Scientific investigations,
 18 February 2019        16h00 – 17H00
                                             Protein synthesis, mutations
 04 March 2019            15h00 – 16h00      Meiosis
 15 April 2019            16h00 – 17h00      Senses and homeostasis
                                             Natural selection, Punctuated equilibrium and
 22 July 2019            15H00 – 16h00

           The external examination for Life Sciences consists of two (2) question papers of 150
            marks each. Each question paper covers a variety of content topics. Ask your teacher for
            an outline of the content topics and weighting of each topic in each question paper.
           The duration of each question paper is 2½ hours and all questions are COMPULSORY.
           Each Life Sciences question paper consists of THREE sections i.e. SECTION A (50
            marks), SECTION B (two questions of 40 marks) and SECTION C (20 marks).

           When answering a multiple choice question in Section A read the question and four options
            carefully, evaluate each option and eliminate each incorrect option.

           In questions that require only a LETTER you only need to write down a LETTER e.g. ‘Give
            only the LETTER of the molecule that carries the amino acid’. Other questions might
            require you to write down both the LETTER and a NAME, for example of a part from a
           Use the correct spelling when you use biological terminology in your answers. Use
            scientific names in terminology and avoid using common names e.g. .

           You need to do all your drawings and graphs in pencil and labels should be in blue or black
            ink. You may not use graph paper when drawing graphs.
           Make sure that you have all the necessary stationery for your examination e.g. blue or
            black pens, a pencil, an eraser, a ruler, a non-programmable calculator, protractor and a

Life Sciences Telematics resource Grade 12                                                         2019

What is a hypothesis?

A hypothesis is an attempt to explain some event or observation using whatever information is
currently available. It is a testable statement that may be accepted or rejected.

A hypothesis must:

(a)       have two variables (dependent and independent variables);
(b)       state the relationship between the two variables;
(c)       be testable; and
(d)       state the independent variable first (cause) and then the dependent variable (effect).

Controlled / fixed variable – refers to the factors that should be kept constant so that the results of
an investigation can be considered valid.

Independent variable – refers to the factor that is being investigated. This factor is usually
manipulated by the investigator either at the start of or during the course of the investigation. The
independent variable appears on the X-axis of a graph.

Dependent variable – refers to the effect of the independent variable. This effect is usually measured
in some way and appears on the Y-axis of a graph

                                                                             NOTE: Independent
                                                                             and dependent
                                                                             variables should be
                                                                             identified from the
                                                                             AIM of the

What is reliability?

         The idea behind reliability is that any significant results of an investigation must be more than a
          once-off finding and be repeatable.
         For the questions which required learners to state how the reliability of the investigation could
          have been improved, the following answers apply: Repeat the investigation OR Increase the
          sample size.

What is validity?

         Validity questions show how the experiment/investigation was carried out. It is important to be
          sure that all the factors/variables have been controlled/ fixed except the variable/factor being
         In questions which require learners to suggest some factors that might have decreased the
          validity of an investigation, the answers should centre on the criticism of the scientific process;
          for example, some factors/variables that were not fixed/controlled when carrying out the


Life Science
           es Telematic
                      cs resource Grade
                                  G     12                                                        201

      1. Scientists condu ucted a surve
                                      ey to establis
                                                   sh the relatio
                                                                onship betw
                                                                          ween the age
                                                                                     e of the moth
                                                                                                 her and
         the risk
             r of her ha  aving a babyy with Down syndrome. T   They record
                                                                          ded the numbber of babies born
         with Down syndrrome (per 5 000 births) over
                                                   o                       and recorded the age off the
                                                        a one-yyear period a
         mothher. Their fin
                          ndings are su
                                      ummarised in the table b  below.

               ge of mothe
                         er (years)                       Numbe  er of babiess born with
                                                          Down syndrome (per 5 000
                                 25                                        100
                                 35                                        155
                                 45                                       3000

      1.1          State FOOUR planningg steps that need to be cconsidered ffor this surve
                                                                                         ey.             (4)
      1.2          State the
                           e independennt variable                                                       (1)
      1.3          State the
                           e dependent variable                                                          (1)
      1.4          State ONNE way of im
                                      mproving the reliability off the results.                          (1)
      1.5          State a conclusion
                           c          th
                                       hat can be made
                                                   m    of the rresults of thiss survey.                 (2)


1.1         Conssult with various hospita
                                        als / maternitty homes to gather and uuse the data
                                                                                         a they can prrovide/
            get permission
                p           frrom hospitalls / maternity
                                                       y homes
            Get permission
                p            from
                             f    the motthers to use the data 
            Decide how large the sample   e should be / sample sizze 
            Makee sure the sa ample includ
                                         des expectant mothers o              ges 
                                                                  of various ag
            Decide on how they will reco ord the data 
            Decide on the timme period thhey will use to
                                                       t gather datta

1.2         Age of the mothe
1.3         Num
              mber of babiees born with Down syndrrome 
1.4         Cond
               duct the surv
                           vey over mo ore than one year / rep peat the survvey
            Use more than 5 000 births / increase the sample size
1.5         The older the mo
                           other, the hig
                                        gher the risk
                                                    k of having a baby with D          ome  
                                                                             Down syndro

Type the folllowing link http://wcedepo
                                                               61 in your brrowser OR sc
                                                                                       can the QR c
below for moore practice questions on n scientific investigation
                                                    i          ns:

Life Sciences Telematics resource Grade 12                                                2019

                                        The nucleus of the
                                         cell consists of the
                                        nuclear membrane,
                                           nucleolus and
                                         chromatin network
                                            (which forms

                  RNA is found in the
                     niucleus and        structure               DNA is found in the
                                                                nucleus of the cell and
                  cytoplasm of a cell
                                                                     forms part of
                  and plays a role in
                  protein synthesis
                                          (Grade                    chromosomes

                                          Ribosomes are
                                         mainly found in the
                                        cytoplasm of the cell
                                          and are sites of
                                         protein synthesis

Protein synthesis is the process whereby proteins are made in living cells of an organism to form
enzymes, hormones and new structures for cells. Amino acids are the basic building blocks of
proteins. The nucleic acids DNA and RNA are involved in protein synthesis. The main steps of protein
synthesis are transcription and translation.

Life Sciences Telematics resource Grade 12                                                        2019

Name and describe the process occurring in the nucleus which results in the formation of an mRNA

Alternative question: Describe the process of transcription.
                                                                                     Write down the
Answer:                                                                              answer without
The process is transcription                                                            further
The double helix DNA molecule unwinds                                                discussion
When the hydrogen bonds break
the DNA molecule unzips/2 DNA strands separate
One strand is used as the template to form mRNA
using free RNA nucleotidesfrom the nucleoplasm
The mRNA is complementary to DNA/A-U, C-G
This process is controlled by enzymes

Question:                                                                             State in words
                                                                                     the main points
                                                                                     of a process or
Describe the process of translation.                                                   structure or

Each tRNA carries a specific amino acid
tRNA carries the amino acid to the ribosome
When the anticodon on the tRNA
matches the codon on the mRNA
Amino acids become attached in the sequence determined by the mRNA
by peptide bonds
to form the required protein

                              Note: When answering questions with diagrams:
                                      Read the introductory statement/s of the
                                      It will tell you what the diagram is about.
                                      Study the diagram and write the missing
                                       labels on the diagram before looking at the
                                       questions based on it.
                                      This will help you to focus on the topic.
                                      Now read through the questions and answer
                                       each question

Life Science
           es Telematic
                      cs resource Grade
                                  G     12                                                        19

A species off bacteria co
                        ontains a typ
                                    pe of protein,, called prote
                                                               ein 1. A muttation occurrred which resulted in
tthe formation of a secon
                        nd type of prrotein called protein 2, in
                                                               nstead of pro
                                                                           otein 1.

 Scientists determined
            d           the
                        t   amino acid
                                  a    sequennce of each  h protein. Thhey then ussed the amino acid
ssequence too find the DN
                        NA base seq
                                  quences thatt coded for p            hese proteinss.
                                                          portions of th

The results are shown in
                       n the tables below.

                                              ON OF PROT
                                         PORTIO        TEIN 1
                   S                       Lysine     S erine              Proline        Cysteine
          A BASE SE
                  EQUENCE                   TTT        T
                                                       TCA                  GGT            ACG

                                              ON OF PROT
                                                       TEIN 2
                   S                       Lysine     S erine              Proline       Tryptopha
          A BASE SE
                  EQUENCE                   TTT        T
                                                       TCA                  GGT             ACC

1.     Give
          e the DNA triplet for the third
                                    t     amino acid from th e left in the sequence fo
                                                                                     or protein 2.     (1)
2.     Give
          e the codon for
                       f lysine.                                                                       (1)
3.     Give
          e the anticod
                      don for serine                                                                   (1)
4.     Desc
          cribe how thhe mutation caused a ch  hange in the structure off the protein..                (4)


1.     GGTT
2      AAAA
3,     UCAA
4.     One of the base triplets on th
                                    he DNA hass changed
          m ACG to AC   CC
       The triplet ACG codes for the amino acidd cysteine
       The triplet ACC codes
                         c    for the
                                    e amino acid
                                               d tryptophan
       This result in a change
                        c      in the
                                    e sequence of amino a

Copy the folllowing link in
                         i your intern
                                     net browser http://wcedep
                                                                                      296 OR scan the QR
code below and downloa   ad more pracctice questio
                                                 ons on proteiin synthesiss:

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           es Telematic
                      cs resource Grade
                                  G     12                                       201

         ND MEIOSIS

            Revision of MITOSIIS which was
                                        w covere  ed in Grade
                                                            e 10.
                     There are four phase
                                        es during mitosis

          omatin netw
                    work shorte
                              ens and beccome visible
                                                    e as chrom
                                                             mosomes. A
        chromosome consists off two chrom
                                        matids joined by a centtromere)

                                Metapha ase
                  es arrange in a single row on the equator off the cell)

         mere divides into two and
                               a chroma atids sepera
                                                   ate and mo
                                                            ove to opposite

                                Telopha  ase
        osomes arra
                  ange at polles of cell, cytokinesis
                                          c           occurs and
                                                               d two identical
                    daughterr cells have e been form

                                                   m of a doublle –
                                                    d chromosoome



Life Science
           es Telematic
                      cs resource Grade
                                  G     12                                                         201

Meiosis is a type of cell division whe
                                     ereby a diplo oid cell (som
                                                               matic cell) un
                                                                            ndergoes divvisions to forrm
haploid cells
            s (gametes oro sex cells). It is a continuous proce ess which iss divided into
                                                                                         o the first me
d          eiosis I) and the second meiotic divis
division (Me                                       sion (meiosiss II)


1.      Stud
           dy the diagra
                       am of a phas
                                  se during me
                                             eiosis below..

1.1     Iden
           ntify the phase in the dia
                                    agram above
                                              e.                                                 (1)

1.2     Give
           e TWO visiblle reasons fo
                                   or your answ
                                              wer to QUES
                                                        STION 1.1.                               (2)

1.3     How w many chrom
        (a)    are prese
                       ent in EACH cell in the diagram
                                                 d                                               (1)
        (b)    were present in the original
                                   o        cell at
                                                 a the start o
                                                             of meiosis                          (1)

1.4  The cells in the diagram
                      d       are NOT identic
     (a)    Name TW   WO processes during meiosis that leead to the ceells being
            different from one an
                                nother.                                                          (2)
     (b)    Explain the
                      t significance to a spe
                                            ecies of the ccells being d
            from one another.                                                                    (3)

1.1     Telophase II

1.2     Therre are 4 cells
           h cell containns only a sin
                                     ngle set of un           /single stra
                                                  n-replicated           anded chrom

Life Science
           es Telematic
                      cs resource Grade
                                  G     12                                                   201

1.3   (a)    Two/2
     (b)    Four/4//2 pairs

1.4   (a)    Crossing over
           Random arrangemen
                             ntof chrom
                                       mosomes on the equator

      (b)    The gametes that forrm will be ge enetically diff
           leading to
                      o variation in            ng/increas ing the gene
                                   n the offsprin                      e pool
             This incre
                      eases a spe ecies chance es of surviva l

2.    The diagram below shows crossing overr during mei osis.

                                                                                     Express you ur
                                                                                     answer in a
                                                                                     cause-effecct or
                                                                                     statement aand

2.1   Namme the phasee of meiosis during whichh the processs representted above
          s place.                                                                        (1)
2.2   Desccribe the pro
                      ocess of cro
                                 ossing over.                                             (3)
2.3   Expllain the impo
                      ortance of crossing overr.                                          (2)


2.1      phase I 

2.2   Hom
        mologous chrromosomes lie next to each other  
         omatids overrlap/touch at points called chiasma
      Chro                                              ata
      and genetic inforrmation is ex

2.3   Crosssing over introduces ge
                                 enetic variatio
                                               onin gam  metes
      It ma
          ay lead to ne
                      ew characterristics which are favouraable
      or ne
          ew characteristics whichh are unfavouurable
          efore affectin
                       ng the chanc
                                  ces of surviv
                                              val of the org         atural selection.
                                                           ganism/ na

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           es Telematic
                      cs resource Grade
                                  G     12                                                     201


      Mista akes can occcur during meiosis
      Durin ng Anaphase e I one or more
                                     m     homolog gous pairs o
                                                              of chromosommes may no ot separate. AAlso
       calleed non-disjunnction
      Durin ng Anaphase e II sister ch
                                      hromatids of one or moree chromosom mes may no ot separate
      If the
            ere is non-dis
                         sjunction of chromosom  me pair 21 in humans it le
                                                                          eads to the fformation of an
       abno ormal gamette with an ex  xtra copy of chromosome
                                                   c           e 21
      If a normal
            n        gameete fuses witth a gamete with an extrra copy of ch
                                                                          hromosome 21 the resullting
       zygo ote will have 3 copies of chromosom  me 21 (47 chrromosomes instead of 4 46)
      This leads to Down syndrom     me

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code below and downloa   ad more pracctice questio
                                                 ons on meiossis:

        EYE AND EA

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           es Telematic
                      cs resource Grade
                                  G     12                                                     201


1.    The diagram below represen
                               nts the struc
                                           cture of the h
                                                        human eye.

1.1   State
          e ONE functtion of part:
      (a)    A                                                                                        (1)
      (b)    C                                                                                        (1)

1.2                  als sleep durring the day and are acti ve at night.
      Noctturnal anima
      Expllain how parrt:

      (a)                        als will differ from that fo und in anima
             B of noctturnal anima                                       als that are active during
                                                                                                  g the
             day                                                                                     (2)
      (b)    C of noctturnal anima                                       als that are active during
                                 als will differ from that fo und in anima                        g the
             day                                                                                     (2)

1.3   Desc cribe how th he iris contro
                                     ols the amou
                                                unt of light en           eye when a person is exxposed
                                                              ntering the e
      to brright light.                                                                            (4)


1.1   (a)    A       Refraction
                     R          of lightOR  R
                     Focus light ra
                                  ays on the reetina
      (b)    C       Converts
                     C                          mpulses
                              light stimuli to im       OR
                     Forms images

1.2   (a)    The pupil/part B can dilate more
             to allow more
                      m    light to            ye
                                  o enter the ey

      (b)                        s more rods
             The retina/part C has
             enabling them to seee in dim lightt

1.3                                s relax
      The radial muscles of the iris
Life Science
           es Telematic
                      cs resource Grade
                                  G     12                                                 201

      Circu                        ontract
          ular muscle of the iris co
      The pupil constricts
      and less light enters the eyee


2.    The diagram below represen nts a human
                                           n eye when tthe person iss looking at a
                                                                                 an object tha
                                                                                             at is 6
         ers away. Ob
                    bject A is pla
                                 aced 3 mete
                                           ers away andd Object B iss placed 8 mmeters awayy.

2.1   Expllain the role of structure
                                   es P and Q to
                                               o ensure a cclear image if the person
                                                                                   n moves his focus
      from object B to object A.                                                                 (6)


2.1   P/Cilliary muscles contract
      Ciliary body mov  ves closer to
                                    o lens
      Q/Su uspensory liggaments sla acken
      Tens sion on the le
                        ens decreas ses
      Conv vexity of lens
                        s increases//lens become more convvex
      Incoming light raays are refracted more


3.    The diagram below represen
                               nts a part of the human e

3.1   Nam
        me the part of
                    o the brain th
                                 hat receives impulses fro
Life Sciences Telematics resource Grade 12                                                 2019

      (a)    Parts A and B                                                                        (1)
      (b)    Part C                                                                               (1)
3.2   Name the receptor found in part C.                                                          (1)
3.3   Explain TWO ways in which part A in the diagram is structurally suited to maintain
      balance.                                                                                    (4)


3.1   (a)    Cerebellum
      (b)    Cerebrum

3.2   Organ of Corti

3.3   The semi-circular canals/part A contain fluid/endolymph
      which moves when the person moves
      There are cristae present
      which convert the stimulus to an impulse/are sensitive to the
      movement of the fluid
      The canals lie on three different planes
      to detect movement in any direction

4.    While walking in the bush a boy hears a sound which he thinks is the roar of a lion. He
      immediately runs to safety. Describe how he hears the sound.


4.    The pinna traps/directs the sound wavesinto the ear canal/meatus 
      This causes the tympanic membrane to vibrate
      The vibration is transmitted to the auditory ossicles
      The ossicles amplify the vibrationand transmit it to the oval window
      The oval window vibratescreating wavesin the fluid/endolymph of the cochlea
      which stimulates the Organ of Cortito convert the wave into an impulse
      The impulse travels along the auditory nerveto the cerebrumwhere sound is interpreted 

Life Science
           es Telematic
                      cs resource Grade
                                  G     12                                                   201

        S       N, PUNCTUT       UILIBRIUM AND SPEC
                         TATED EQU                CIATION

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                         i your intern
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                                                                                      306 OR scan the QR
code below and downloa   ad more pracctice questio
                                                 ons on natura
                                                             ral selection a
                                                                           and speciatiion:

Jean–Baptiiste de Lam
                    marck used tw
                                wo ‘laws’ to explain evo

      ‘Laww’ of use and disuse – the t more an n organism uuses a musccle or an orga
                                                                                    an the stronger the
       musc  cle or organ will develop
                                     ped. Muscle and organ tthat were no
                                                                       ot used wouldd simply disappear
       afterr several gen
      ‘Laww’ of the inhheritance of acquired characterist ics – the strronger musccle acquired in the
       organism’s life time will be passed
                                     p      on to the next ge

Lamarck’s approach using
                   u     the giraffe as an example:

      All giraffes had short
                        s      necks originally
      Girafffes frequently stretched
                                    d/used their necks
                                                 n      to rea
                                                             ach for leave
                                                                         es of tall tree
      caussing their nec
                        cks to becomme longer
      The characteristics of long necks
                                    n      acquired in this wa
      was then passed  d on to the next
                                    n     generation
      forming offspringg with longerr necks than
                                                n the generattion before

Why Lamarrck’s theory
                    y is not acce

      Acqu
          uired charac
                     cteristics can
                                  nnot be pass
                                             sed from onee generation
                                                                    n to the next..
      Orga
          anisms do noot evolve beecause they want
                                              w    to evollve/Lamarckk’s theory is deterministicc

Life Science
           es Telematic
                      cs resource Grade
                                  G     12                                                        201

Charles Darwin’s theo
                    ory of evoluttion by natu           on using the giraffe as
                                            ural selectio                     s an examplle

      Therre is a great deal of gene
                                    etic variation
                                                 n in the girafffe population
      some e giraffes ha
                        ave longer necks than otthers
      Whe en there is a change in th
                                    he environm ment/competiition for reso ources
      the giraffes
            g       with shorter neck
                                    ks will die
      and those with loonger necks will survive since they ccould reach the leaves o   of tall trees
      The giraffes withh longer neck
                                    ks will pass on the allelee for longer nnecks to the
                                                                                       eir offspring
      In this way each the next generation of giraffes
                                                 g        have e a higher prroportion of individuals wwith
       long necks.

         d Equilibrium
                     m explains the
                                t speed att which evolu
                                                      ution takes p

      Evolution involve
                       es long perio
                                   ods of time where
                                               w       specie
                                                            es do not chhange or chaange gradua
           ugh natural selection
                       s         (kn
                                   nown as equ uilibrium).
      This alternates with
                       w (is punc  ctuated by) short periodss of time whe
                                                                        ere rapid cha
                                                                                    anges occurr
           ugh natural selection
      durin
           ng which neww species may
                                  m form in a short period   d of time.

        ON THROUG
                GH GEOGRA
                        APHIC ISOL

TThere was variation
            v         in neck
                         n    length in a population of Galapa              es. The orig
                                                                agos tortoise           ginal population from
tthe mainlandd was separrated onto twwo islands with
                                                   w different environmen  ntal conditionns. Many years later
 it was estab
            blished that speciation
                         s          off the tortoise
                                                   es had occurrred.

Describe th
          he role of varriation in the
                                     e speciation of
                                                  o the Galap
                                                            pagos tortoisses.                            (8)

 Speciation occurred
            o         thro
                         ough geograaphical isolation.The o riginal population was sseparated byy the
ssea/a body y of water an
                         nd there wass no gene floow betwee en the two po opulations. T
                                                                                       There was vvariation
 in neck leng
            gth within eac
                         ch populatio
                                    on. Each po  opulation waas exposed to different eenvironmenttal
 conditions and underw went natural selection inddependentlyy. Over a lo ong period oof time the tw
 populations became diffferent geno otypically an
                                                 nd phenotyp ically.
WWhen the twwo populations were mix xed againth  hey were unnable to interrbreed to pro
                                                                                       oduce fertilee
 offspringtthus indicating the forma
                                    ation of a neew species

Life Sciences Telematics resource Grade 12                                                                      2019


                                                control of

                              Nutrition:      (Grade 11)     Excretion:
                              control of
                                                              control of
                                                              water and

Homeostasis is the process of maintaining a constant internal environment within the body. The
internal environment refers to the blood and tissue fluid that surrounds the cells of the body.
Homeostasis enables the body to function efficiently, despite changes that might occur in the external
or internal environment.
Changes in temperature, glucose levels, carbon dioxide levels, water levels and salt levels of the
internal environment affects the homeostatic balance of the body. Negative feedback mechanisms
operate in the human body to detect changes or imbalances in the internal environment and to restore
the balance.

Homeostatic control of blood sugar levels

The pancreas, located just below the stomach, is composed of two types of cells:

      Normal pancreatic cells that secrete digestive juice (pancreatic juice) which contains `enzymes
       for digestion.
      The islets of Langerhans that secrete two hormones, namely insulin and glucagon.

                  Hormones are organic chemical                            Exocrine glands release their
                  messengers secreted by endocrine                         secretions in ducts.
                  glands into the bloodstream where it is
                  transported to cells and organs on which                 Endocrine glands release
                  it has a specific regulatory effect.                     their secretions directly into the

The pancreas is both an exocrine gland (secretes pancreatic juice into a pancreatic duct which opens
in the duodenum) and endocrine gland (secretes the hormones namely, insulin and glucagon directly
into the bloodstream).

Life Sciences Telematics resource Grade 12                                                         2019

Control of blood sugar levels (glucose concentration in blood)

      When the glucose level in the blood increases above normal, the pancreas is stimulated
      The pancreas secretes insulin into the blood
      Insulin travels in the blood to the liver and stimulates the conversion of glucose to glycogen
       which is then stored
      The glucose level in the blood decreases and returns to normal

      When the glucose level in the blood decreases below normal levels, the pancreas is
      The pancreas secretes glucagon into the blood
      Glucagon travels in the blood to the liver and stimulates the conversion of stored glycogen to
      The glucose level in the blood increases and returns to normal.

                                                                         Glucose – a carbohydrate and
                                                                         building block of some
                                                                         Glycogen – a carbohydrate and the
                                                                         storage form of glucose
                                                                         Glucagon –hormone that increases
                                                                         the blood glucose level

Homeostatic control of breathing

      Receptor cells in the carotid artery and in the wall of the aorta are very sensitive to changes in
       the carbon dioxide concentration in the blood.
      When the carbon dioxide level in the blood increases e.g. after or during exercise, the receptor
       cells in the carotid artery and wall of the aorta are stimulated
      These receptors send nerve impulses to the medulla oblongata in the brain
      The medulla oblongata sends nerve impulses to the diaphragm and intercostal muscles
       (breathing muscles) to contract more actively and increasing the rate and depth of breathing
      The medulla oblongata also sends nerve impulses to the heart muscle to increase the heart
      More carbon dioxide is transported to the lungs and exhaled from the lungs
      The carbon dioxide level in the blood returns to normal.

Homeostatic control of water content of the blood (osmoregulation)

      The hormone ADH (anti-diuretic hormone), secreted by the hypophysis (pituitary gland),
       regulates the water content of the blood.

                                                               The hypophysis is an
                                                               endocrine gland at the
                                                               base of the brain that
                                                               secretes a number of
                                                               hormones in the blood.

Life Sciences Telematics resource Grade 12                                                 2019

       When the blood has less water than normal e.g. when a person is active and sweating a lot
       or taking in very little liquids
      The hypothalamus is stimulated and sends impulses to the hypophysis to secrete more ADH
      ADH travels in the blood to the kidneys and makes the walls of the distal convoluted tubules
       and collecting ducts more permeable to water
      More water is re-absorbed from the tubules and is passed to the surrounding blood vessels
      Urine becomes more concentrated and its volume decreases
      The water level in the blood increases and returns to normal

       When the blood has more water than normal e.g. when a person is inactive and sweating
       less or taking in a lot of liquids
      The hypothalamus is stimulated and sends impulses to the hypophysis to secrete less ADH
      Less ADH travels in the blood to the kidneys and the walls of the distal convoluted tubules and
       collecting ducts become less permeable to water
      Less water is re-absorbed from the tubules and is passed to the surrounding blood vessels
      Urine becomes less concentrated (dilute) and its volume increases
      Large amount of water is excreted in the urine
      The water level in the blood decreases and returns to normal

    Homeostatic control of salt balance of the blood

      The hormone aldosterone, which is secreted by the adrenal gland regulates the
       concentration of salts e.g. sodium ions in the blood.

                                                     Adrenal glands
                                                     are endocrine
                                                     glands located at
                                                     the top of each

       When the salt concentration in the blood becomes too low
      The adrenal gland is stimulated to secrete more aldosterone
      Aldosterone increases the re-absorption of sodium ions from the distal convoluted tubules and
       collecting duct into the surrounding blood vessels
      The concentration of sodium ions in the blood vessels increases and returns to normal.

       When the salt concentration in the blood becomes too high
      The adrenal gland is stimulated to secrete less aldosterone
      The re-absorption of sodium ions from the distal convoluted tubules and collecting duct into the
       surrounding blood vessels decreases
      The concentration of sodium ions in the blood vessels decreases and returns to normal.

Life Science
           es Telematic
                      cs resource Grade
                                  G     12                                                   201

The proces  ss of temperrature regulation:
Role of swe eating, vaso
                       odilation and
                                   d vasocons
                                            striction in n
                                                         negative feed
                                                                     dback mech
                                                                              hanism for
controlling te

A man was accidentally locked in a cool room in                      e was 8 oC. H
                                              n which the ttemperature           He was onlyy
released after six hours when a co-w
                                   worker heard his cries fo
                                                           or help.
Describe ho
          ow his body maintained
                        m          h temperatture at 37 oC
                                   his                    C.                                  (8)

Body tempe erature is reg
                        gulated by th
                                    he hypothala
                                               amus of the e brain
The hypotha alamus send ds impulses to the blood vessels oof the skin
Blood vesse              (become narrow)/vaso
           els constrict           n          oconstrictionn occurs
Less blood flows
            f     to the skin
           s lost from the skin
Less heat is
Less blood is
            i sent to the
                        e sweat glannds
Sweat gland ds become le ess active//Less sweat is released
There is less
            s evaporatioon of sweatand less co
                                               ooling of the skin

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