Teacher Assessed Grades 2021 Year 11 - Coloma Convent ...

Page created by Amy Gray
Teacher Assessed Grades 2021 Year 11 - Coloma Convent ...
Teacher Assessed Grades
        Year 11
Teacher Assessed Grades 2021 Year 11 - Coloma Convent ...
Teacher Assessed Grades ......................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Timeline......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Art .................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Biology ........................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Business ........................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Chemistry ................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Computer Science .................................................................................................................................................... 14
Design and Technology............................................................................................................................................ 16
Drama .......................................................................................................................................................................... 18
English Language ........................................................................................................................................................ 19
English Literature ...................................................................................................................................................... 20
Food Preparation & Nutrition................................................................................................................................ 21
French .......................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Geography .................................................................................................................................................................. 24
German ....................................................................................................................................................................... 26
History......................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Mathematics (Higher) ............................................................................................................................................... 29
Mathematics (Foundation)....................................................................................................................................... 31
Music ............................................................................................................................................................................ 33
Physical Education ..................................................................................................................................................... 35
Physics ......................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Religious Studies ........................................................................................................................................................ 39
Science Combined Trilogy (Higher) ..................................................................................................................... 41
Science Combined Trilogy (Foundation) ............................................................................................................. 44
Spanish ......................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Results Day ................................................................................................................................................................. 48
Teacher Assessed Grades 2021 Year 11 - Coloma Convent ...
Dear Parents and Students,

In response to the disruption to education, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the government decided
that there would be no GCSE or A-level examinations in summer 2021. Following a consultation
process it was concluded that schools were best placed to judge the performance of their students and
as such exam boards will award grades based on teacher assessment this summer. Students and parents
will no doubt have been anxious about this process and how it will affect their grades and progression
into further and higher education. Unfortunately, the Department for Education, Ofqual and the exam
boards have been slow in releasing guidance about the process and this has heightened concern.

In determining the process by which the school will assess students and to ensure the credibility of the
grades awarded by the exam boards it is our overriding aim that;
     the grades awarded are an accurate reflection of a student’s current performance
     all students have an equal opportunity to perform at their highest standard
     no student will be disadvantaged in any way by the evidence selected for assessment

Each teacher assessed grade will be a professional judgement, balanced on different sources of evidence
and data. Students will be notified in advance of the evidence that each subject intends to use in making
these judgements. The primary evidence will be based on short tests and non-examination assessment
(NEA) for those subjects to which it applies. These tests will take place between 4th – 28th May

These tests will be an objective method of determining the subject knowledge, skills and abilities that a
student would normally gain by studying the full course and hence will produce reliable evidence for
the exam boards. The tests will only cover specific topics from within each subject specification and will
only include topics that have been taught in the classroom.

This booklet outlines the topics and skills that will be assessed by these tests so that students are able
to direct their studies and seek support from their teachers where necessary. An alternate timetable
will run during this period and it may be the case that students will be expected to study at home at
certain times. Further details on specific dates and times of tests will be sent in due course.

We are expecting further guidance from Ofqual at the end of this month along with support materials
from the exam boards. The latest information from the DfE is that these support materials will be
available to schools from the end of March and the general public after the Easter holiday.

Following the assessment period, a detailed grading process will be carried out by each department.
This will be subject to rigorous multi-layered internal and external quality assurance procedures to
ensure that the final grades issued by the exam boards meet the aims set out at the start of this letter.

It is essential that staff are not approached by students or parents on the matter of the grading process.
Such actions could be seen by Ofqual as an attempt to interfere with the grading process and may lead
to a malpractice investigation and potentially a change in the grades awarded.

We recognise the concerns of all students and parents surrounding the implementation of teacher
assessed grades and we will endeavour to keep you regularly updated throughout the whole process.

Yours sincerely

Mrs A Stott
Deputy Headteacher
Teacher Assessed Grades 2021 Year 11 - Coloma Convent ...
What’s happening and when?

Teacher assessments will replace exams in summer 2021. This applies to assessments for GCSEs and
A-levels, as well as some vocational and technical qualifications (VTQs).

What's the timeline?

      End of March – exam boards will release optional assessment materials on all subjects
       (except art and design)
      May 4th – 28th Students will be assessed in their various subjects
      Before 18th June – Teachers will mark and moderate tests and consider additional evidence
       before deciding on a Teacher Assessed Grade. There will also be a period of internal quality
      18th June - deadline for the school to submit student results to exam boards
      June and July - exam boards will conduct external quality assurance by checking evidence
       for a sample of schools and subjects. It'll also follow up on any concerns it has about schools'
       internal quality assurance processes
      10th August - A-level and Level 3 BTEC results day
      12th August - GCSE results day
      After results are released – there will be a window for students to appeal if they think their
       grade is incorrect.
Teacher Assessed Grades 2021 Year 11 - Coloma Convent ...
Teacher Assessed Grades in Art will be based on the coursework they have submitted
over the last two years.

There is no art examination this year, 100% of the student’s mark will be based on the
students’ coursework submission.

Students’ best work will be compiled into a Digital portfolio of evidence which will be presented as a
PowerPoint, this will be submitted for marking to the Art Department by 6th May. A selection of the
students’ portfolios will then be submitted to Edxecel for external moderation as it would be normally.

From the beginning of Year 10 students at Coloma complete three units of coursework, all of which
address the four Assessment Objectives (AO’s). This ensures that students’ have a complete body of
work that shows progression in skill and ability while addressing all assessment objectives.
Students have completed two of these units and are currently working on the third which should be
completed and submitted by 6THMay

The areas that students will be assessed on are:

AO1- Develop ideas through investigations, demonstrating critical understanding of sources.

AO2 –Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media, materials,
techniques and processes.

AO3- Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions as work progresses.

AO4- Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and demonstrates
understanding of visual language.
Teacher Assessed Grades 2021 Year 11 - Coloma Convent ...
Teacher Assessed Grades for Biology will include evidence from two equally weighted

Test 1:         Duration: 45 mins

Total mark: 45

Test 2:         Duration: 45 mins

Total mark: 45

Both tests have 50% weighting. All content from the AQA GCSE Biology textbook/Kerboodle:

Test 1 Content & Structure:

      B1.1 World of microscopes                  B3.5 Factors affecting enzyme action
      B1.3 Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells      B3.6 How the digestive system works
      B1.4 Specialisation in animal cells        B3.7 Making digestion efficient
      B1.5 Specialisation in plant cells         B4.6 Tissues and organs in plants
      B1.6 Diffusion                             B4.7 Transport systems in plants
      B1.7 Osmosis                               B4.8 Evaporation and transpiration
      B1.8 Osmosis in plants                     B4.9 Factors affecting transpiration
      B1.9 Active transport                      B5.2 Pathogens and disease
      B1.10 Exchanging materials                 B5.9 Human defence responses
      B2.1 Cell division                         B5.10 More about plant diseases
      B3.1 Tissues and organs                    B5.11 Plant defence responses
      B3.3 The chemistry of food                 B6.1 Vaccination
      B3.4 Catalysts and enzymes                 B6.2 Antibiotics and painkillers
                                                 B6.4 Developing drugs

      Question types                          Skills Assessed
      Multiple choice, structured, closed           Demonstrate knowledge and
      short answer and open response.                  understanding of: scientific ideas;
                                                       scientific techniques and procedures.
                                                    Apply knowledge and understanding
                                                       of: scientific ideas; scientific enquiry,
                                                       techniques and procedures
                                                    Analyse information and ideas to:
                                                       interpret and evaluate; make
                                                       judgments and draw conclusions;
                                                       develop and improve experimental
Teacher Assessed Grades 2021 Year 11 - Coloma Convent ...
Test 2 Content & Structure:

     B8.1 Photosynthesis                          B13.10 Screening for genetic disorders
     B8.2 The rate of photosynthesis              B14.1 Variation
     B8.3 How plants use glucose                  B14.2 Evolution by natural selection
     B8.4 Making the most of photosynthesis       B14.5 Cloning
     B13.1 Types of reproduction                  B14.6 Adult cell cloning
     B13.2 Cell division in sexual reproduction   B16.3 Distribution and abundance
     B13.3 The best of both worlds                B16.4 Competition in animals
     B13.7 Inheritance in action                  B16.5 Competition in plants
     B13.8 More about genetics                    B16.7 Adaptation in animals
     B13.9 Inherited disorders                    B16.8 Adaptation in plants

     Question types                               Skills Assessed
     Multiple choice, structured, closed short          Demonstrate knowledge and
     answer and open response.                             understanding of: scientific ideas;
                                                           scientific techniques and
                                                        Apply knowledge and
                                                           understanding of: scientific ideas;
                                                           scientific enquiry, techniques and
                                                        Analyse information and ideas to:
                                                           interpret and evaluate; make
                                                           judgments and draw conclusions;
                                                           develop and improve experimental
Business GCSE
Teacher Assessed Grades for Business will include evidence from two equally weighted

There will be two assessments which will last for 40 minutes each. Each assessment has a 50%
weighting. For each assessment, you will be given:

       5 multiple choice questions
       1 three mark question
       1 four mark question
       1 six mark question
       1 nine mark question
Total marks: 27

GCSE Business Assessment 2021 Revision List
Test Content:

You must focus your revision on the key areas below:
 3.1.2 Business ownership      Understand the different legal structures that           Test 1 &
 Sole traders                  businesses adopt                                         Test 2
 Partnerships                  Analyse the benefits and drawbacks of each legal
 Private Limited Companies     structure
 Public Limited Companies      Understand the concept of limited liability
 Not for Profit organisations Evaluate which legal structure would be most
                               appropriate for a variety of business examples
 3.1.7 Expanding a business    Understand the benefits of growth in terms of unit       Test 1 &
 Economies and                 costs advantages due to economies of scale and           Test 2
 diseconomies of scale         drawbacks of growth due to diseconomies of scale.

                               Understand the meaning of purchasing and technical
                               economies of scale.

                               Calculate and interpret average unit costs.
 3.2.3 The economic climate    Students should be able to demonstrate and               Test 1 &
 on businesses                 understand how businesses might be affected by           Test 2
                               changes in the rate of interest.
 How fluctuating interest
 rates can affect businesses   Students should be able to Identify how and why
 that rely on overdrafts and   businesses might be affected by changes in levels of
 loans for finance.            employment.
 How fluctuating interest
 rates can affect consumer     Students should be able to discuss how demand for
 and business spending.        products and services may change as incomes
 Level of employment

 Consumer spending
 3.2.6 Competitive             Understand the risks the business face and the reasons   Test 1 &
 environment                   why all businesses face uncertainty.                     Test 2
 Uncertainty and risks
 businesses face
3.3.1 Production processes   Be familiar with job and flow production methods and       Test 1
Methods of production        understand when each is appropriate.
      Job
      Flow
Efficiency in production     How production might be made more efficient by the         Test 1
      Lean production       use of lean production techniques
      Just in time (JIT)
3.3.2 The role of            Evaluate the use of managing stock using JIT to a given    Test 1
procurement                  business.

Managing stock               The benefits of reduced costs must be balanced
    Just in time            against the cost of more frequent deliveries and lost
    Just in case            purchasing economies of scale.

                             The benefits of having spare stock to satisfy demand
                             balanced against the cost of holding buffer stock.
3.3.4 Good customer          Understand the sales process.                              Test 1
                             Methods of good service:
                                 Product knowledge
                                 Customer engagement (creating a positive
                                   experience for the customer)
                                 Post sales service (e.g. user training, help lines,

                             Benefits of good customer service including:
                                 Increase in customer satisfaction
                                 Customer loyalty
                                 Increased spend
                                 Profitability

                             Dangers of poor customer service including:
                                 Dissatisfied customers
                                 Poor reputation via word of mouth
                                 Reduction in revenue

3.4.1 Organisational         Understand Internal organisational structures, span of     Test 1
structures                   control, chain of command, delayering and delegation.
Centralisation and
decentralisation             Understand why businesses have internal
                             organisational structures, including an understanding of
                             different job roles and responsibilities throughout the

                             The impact that having a tall or flat organisational
                             structure has on how business is managed.

                             How organisational structure may affect the different
                             ways of communication.
3.4.2 Recruitment and          Understand the difference between internal and            Test 1
selection of employees         external recruitment and the benefits and drawbacks
                               of each approach.
The need for recruitment
and selection of employees     Outline the main stages in the recruitment and
                               selection process, including an understanding of job
                               analysis, job description, person specification and
                               selection methods.

                               Analyse the benefits of having an effective recruitment
                               and selection process for a business including high
                               productivity, high quality output or customer service
                               and staff retention.
3.4.4 Training                 Explain the benefits of training employees for a          Test 1
                               business, including increased productivity, ability to
Importance of training the     deal with changes in technology, increased motivation,
workforce                      staff retention, production of higher quality goods and
                               good customer service.
Types of training undertaken
by businesses                  Understand the methods of training undertaken by
                               businesses including induction training, on-the-job
                               training, and off-the-job training.

                               Explain the benefits of induction training.

                               Analyse the benefits and drawbacks of on-the-job and
                               off-the-job training and evaluate which would be the
                               most appropriate method for a variety of businesses.
3.5.3 The purpose and          Understand why businesses conduct market research,        Test 2
methods of market research     such as to identify market opportunities and to get a
Purpose of market research     better insight into their customers and competitors.
Collect information about:
     Demand
     Competition
     Target market

Methods of market research     Understand the difference between qualitative and         Test 2
to include primary and         quantitative market research.
      Questionnaires          Identify the benefits and drawbacks for various market
      Surveys                 research techniques and select the best method for a
      Interviews              given business.
      Focus groups
      Internet research
      Printed press e.g.
3.5.4 The elements of the      Understanding of the main features of pricing methods     Test 2
marketing mix                  and the impact they will have on a business including:
                                    Price skimming
                                    Price penetration
                                    Competitive pricing
                                    Loss leader
                                    Cost-plus
Product portfolio              Understand how and why businesses might broaden              Test 2
                               and balance their product portfolio using the Boston
                               Be able to identify and explain the full categories of the
                               Boston matrix.
3.6.2 Cash flow                Understand the consequences of cash flow problems   Test 2
Importance of cash to          and the effect of a positive cash flow
Interpreting cash flow      Understand how and why cash flow forecasts are
forecasts                   constructed.
Difference between cash and
profit                      Complete and interpret sections of a cashflow forecast
                            (this includes an understanding of cash inflows, net
                            cash flow and the opening and closing balance.
                            Students are not expected to be able to construct an
                            entire cash flow forecast).

                               Evaluate possible solutions to cash flow problems,
                               including re-scheduling payment overdrafts, reducing
                               cash inflow, increasing cash inflow and finding new
                               sources of finance.
3.6.3 Financial terms and      Understand the difference between variable costs,            Test 2
calculations                   fixed costs and total costs.
Basic financial terms
Basic financial calculations   Understand the concept of revenue, costs, profits and
Break-even                     loss.

                               Be able to calculate revenue, total costs, profit/loss.

                               Understand the meaning of the term break-even
                               output and interpret break-even charts.

                               Identify the break-even level of output and margin of
                               safety from a break-even chart.

                               Evaluate the use of using break-even analysis to a

Teacher Assessed Grades for Chemistry will include evidence from two equally weighted

Test 1:         Duration: 45 mins

Total mark: 45

Test 2:         Duration: 45mins

Total mark: 45

Test Content:

Test 1 Content:                              Test 2 Content:
C1 Atomic structure                          C3 Structure and bonding
C1.2 Chemical equations                      C3.1 States of matter
C1.6 Structure of the atom                   C3.2 Atoms in ions
C1.7 Ions, atoms, and isotopes               C3.3 Ionic bonding
C1.8 Electronic structures                   C3.4 Giant ionic structures
C4 Chemical calculations                     C3.5 Covalent bonding
C4.1 Relative masses and moles               C3.6 Simple molecules
C4.2 Equations and calculations              C3.7 Giant covalent structures
C4.3 From masses to balanced equations       C3.8 Fullerenes and graphene
C4.4 Yield of a chemical reaction            C3.9 Bonding in metals
C4.5 Atom economy                            C3.10 Giant metallic structures
C4.6 Expressing concentrations               C3.11 Nanoparticles
C4.7 Titrations                              C3.12 Applications of nanoparticles
C4.8 Titration calculations                  C8 Rates and equilibrium
C4.9 Volumes of gases                        C8.1 Rate of reaction
C7 Energy changes                            C8.2 Collision theory and surface area
C7.1 Exothermic and endothermic reactions    C8.3 The effect of temperature
C7.2 Using energy transfers from reactions   C8.4 The effect of concentration or pressure
C7.3 Reaction profiles                       C8.5 The effect of catalysts
                                             C9 Crude oil and fuels
                                             C9.1 Hydrocarbons
                                             C9.2 Fractional distillation of oil
                                             C9.3 Burning hydrocarbon fuels
                                             C9.4 Cracking hydrocarbons
                                             C10 Organic reactions
                                             C10.1 Reactions of the alkenes
Test Structure:

  Question types                              Skills Assessed
  Multiple choice, structured, closed short         Demonstrate knowledge and
  answer and open response.                            understanding of: scientific ideas;
                                                       scientific techniques and procedures.
                                                    Apply knowledge and understanding of:
                                                       scientific ideas; scientific enquiry,
                                                       techniques and procedures
                                                    Analyse information and ideas to:
                                                       interpret and evaluate; make judgments
                                                       and draw conclusions; develop and
                                                       improve experimental procedures.
Computer Science
Teacher Assessed Grades in Computer Science will include evidence from two equally
weighted tests.

Test 1 – Duration: 35 mins                          Test 2 – Duration: 35 mins
Total mark: 25                                      Total mark: 25

All content from the GCSE Computer Science Specification J276/01

Test 1


 1.1 Systems Architecture
      a. The purpose of the CPU.
      b. Von Neumann Architecture:
             o MAR (Memory Address Register)
             o MDR (Memory Data Register)
             o Program Counter
             o Accumulator
      c. Common CPU Components and their function:
             o ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit)
             o CU (Control Unit)
             o Cache
      d. The function of the CPU as fetch and execute instructions stored in memory
      e. How common characteristics of CPUs affect their performance:
             o Clock speed
             o Cache size
             o Number of cores
      f. Embedded systems:
             o Purpose of embedded systems
             o Examples of embedded systems

 1.4 Wired and wireless networks
     a. Types of networks:
             o LAN (Local Area Network)
             o WAN (Wide Area Network)
     b. Factors that affect the performance of networks
     c. The different roles of computers in a client-server and peer-to-peer network
     d. The hardware needed to connect stand-alone computers into a Local Area Network:
             o Wireless Access Points
             o Routers/Switches
             o NIC (Network Interface Controller/Card)
             o Transmission media
     e. The internet as a worldwide collection of computer networks:
             o DNS (Domain Name Server)
             o Hosting
             o The Cloud
     f. The concept of virtual networks
Test 2


 2.2 Programming Techniques
      a. The use of variables, constants, operators, inputs, outputs and assignments
      b. The use of the three basic programming constructs used to control the flow of a
             o Sequence
             o Selection
             o Iteration (count and condition controlled loops)
      c. The use of basic string manipulation
      d. The use of basic file handling operations:
             o Open
             o Read
             o Write
             o Close
      e. The use of records to store data
      f. The use of SQL to search for data
      g. The use of arrays (or equivalent) when solving problems, including both one and two
          dimensional arrays
      h. How to use sub programs (functions and parameters) to produce structured code
      i. The use of data types:
             o Integer
             o Real
             o Boolean
             o Character and string
             o Casting
      j. The common arithmetic operators
      k. The common Boolean operators
Design and Technology
Teacher Assessed Grades for Design & Technology will include evidence from two equally
weighted tests and a non-examined component (NEA).

Test 1 – Duration: 35 mins                               Test 2 – Duration: 35 mins
Total mark: 30                                           Total mark: 33

Mark Allocation

                Test 1                                                           25%
                Test 2                                                           25%
                NEA                                                              50%

Content from the AQA Design Technology GCSE Specification

Test 1 Content:

3.1.1      - Sustainability                              3.1.4 - Systems approach to designing
3.1.1      - Environment                                 3.1.5 - Mechanical devices
3.1.1      - How the critical evaluation of new - Paper and boards
             and emerging technologies informs                   - Natural and manufactured timbers
             design decisions                                    - Polymers
3.1.2      - Fossil fuels                                3.2.8 - Specialist techniques and processes
3.1.2      - Renewable energy                            3.3     - Designing and making principles:
3.1.2      - Batteries                                             Quality control

Test 1 Structure:

        Question Types:                      Skills Assessed
        7 x 1 mark: multiple choice          Knowledge
        3 x 2 mark                           Costing
                                             Knowledge of properties of materials
                                             Knowledge of industrial practice
        1 x 3 mark:                          Knowledge of forces
        1 x 6 mark: Describe and identify    Knowledge of equipment and processes
        1 x 8 mark: Analyse and evaluate     Research and analysis of environmental issues relating
                                             to the subject
Test 2 Content:

3.1.1   - New and emerging technologies:     3.2.9   - Surface treatments and finishes
          Culture                            3.3     - Designing and making principles
          Society                            3.3.4   - Design strategies - Material properties                3.3.5   - Communication of design ideas
3.2.1 - Selection of materials and

Test 2 Structure:

        Question Types:                      Skills Assessed
        1 x 2 marks                          Maths: Calculation
        4 x 3 marks                          Maths: Calculation
                                             Knowledge: Surface finishes
        2 x 4 marks (analyse and evaluate)   Knowledge: Specifications and suitability
                                                            Inclusion and safety
        1 x 5 marks                          Communication of design ideas
        1 x 6 marks (discuss and suggest)    Knowledge and research
Teacher Assessed Grades for Drama will include evidence from one test and two non-
examined components (NEA).

Test 1 – Duration: 35 mins
Total mark: 20

NEA 1 – Devising Drama (Devised                        NEA 2 – Texts in Practice (Scripted
Monologue + Devising Log                               Monologue)

Mark Allocation/weighting

             Test 1                                                              40%
             NEA - Devising Drama                                                40%
             NEA - Texts in Practice                                             20%

Test 1 Content: from the AQA GCSE Drama Specification

Component 1: Understanding Drama – Set Text
3.1.1. Knowledge and Understanding
Characteristics of performance text and dramatic work.
• genre                                              • the creation of mood and atmosphere
• structure                                          • the development of pace and rhythm
• character                                          • dramatic climax
• form                                               • stage directions
• style                                              • the practical demands of the text.
• language                                           • the social, cultural and historical context in
• sub-text                                             which the performance text is set
• character motivation and interaction

Test 1 Structure:

    Question Type                              Skills Assessed

    One essay style question from a choice     Knowledge of the set text.
    of two based on an extract from the        Understanding and practical application of acting
    set text BLOOD BROTHERS.                   OR design skill relating to the extract and to the
                                               play as a whole.
    Acting – Performing a role                 Understanding of performance skills: -
                                               vocal and physical interpretation of character
                                               • use of performance space and spatial
                                               relationships on stage
                                               • relationships - performers and audience

    Design – Technical skill to support        Understanding of one technical skill: -
    performance                                • the design of set and props
                                               • the design of costume including hair and makeup
English Language
Teacher Assessed Grades for English Language will include evidence from two equally
weighted tests.

Test 1 – will be based on Reading Paper 1 and will consist of:

      One 4 mark question information retrieval        Q1
      One 8 mark question analysis of language         Q2
      One 8 mark question analysis of structure        Q3
      One 20 mark question all skills evaluation       Q4

Example paper https://filestore.aqa.org.uk/sample-papers-and-mark-schemes/2017/june/AQA-87001-

Total mark: 40                 Duration: 1 hour

Test 2 – will be based on Writing Paper 1 and will consist of:

      One extended writing question            Q5

        (24 marks for content, 16 marks for technical accuracy)

      You will have a choice of a descriptive or narrative option

       Total marks: 40         Duration: 45 minutes
English Literature
Teacher Assessed Grades for English Literature will include evidence from two equally
weighted tests.

Tests in English Literature will be based on Literature Paper 1 Shakespeare and the 19th
Century novel

See example https://filestore.aqa.org.uk/sample-papers-and-mark-schemes/2018/june/AQA-

Test 1 – will be based on Macbeth and will consist of an extract related to Lady Macbeth

Total marks: 30      Duration: 35 minutes

Test 2 – will be on your 19th Century novel

Total marks: 30      Duration: 35 minutes
Food Preparation & Nutrition
Teacher Assessed Grades for Food Preparation & Nutrition will include evidence from
two equally weighted tests and a non-examined component (NEA).

Test 1 – Duration: 35 mins                             Test 2 – Duration: 35 mins
Total mark: 30                                         Total mark: 20

Mark Allocation

               Test 1                                                          25%
               Test 2                                                          25%
               NEA                                                             50%

Content from the AQA GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition specification

Test 1 Content:   - Protein                           - Fats and Oils: Emulsification &   - Carbohydrates                                         aeration   - Vitamins                          - Raising agents: Mechanical   - Selecting appropriate cooking     - Food labelling
            methods                                    3.5.3 - Sensory evaluation   - Carbohydrates: Dry methods        - Food and the environment: Organic   - Water                                                food.   - Why food is cooked: How heat is   - Food and the environment: Food
            transferred to food                                  waste   - Proteins: Coagulation and         - Sustainability of food

Test 1 Structure:

    Question Types:                           Skills Assessed
    10 x 1 mark: multiple choice              Knowledge.
    1 x 3 mark                                Knowledge of hydration and function of water in
                                              the diet.
    3 x 4 mark: Describe, suggest &           Evaluation and application of results in industry
    explain                                   Research and analysis of ecological and
                                              environmental conditions
                                              Research and discuss environmental impact and
                                              sustainability of food.
    1 x 5 mark: Describe                      Knowledge: Functional and chemical properties of
Test 2 Content: - Diet, nutrition and health: Diabetes - Factors which influence food choice - Food sources: Organic and conventional farming

Test 2 Structure:

   Question Types: Open ended questions          Skills Assessed
   1 x 8 marks (analyse and evaluate)            Knowledge: How diet can affect health and
                                                 how nutritional needs change in relation to
                                                 health risks.
   2 x 6 marks (discuss and suggest)             Knowledge and research: Explain, justify and
                                                 suggest cost and income in relation to food
                                                 Research and comparing lifestyle choices.
Teacher Assessed Grades in French will include evidence from two equally weighted

Test 1: Reading Paper Duration: 50 mins

Test 2: Writing Paper Duration: 50 mins

Test Content:
Speciation sub-themes to be covered for French GCSE

      Family
      Free time
      Healthy and Unhealthy Eating + Charity work
      School

    Reading Paper        Variety of reading exercises – multiple choice, answering in target
    50 mins              language and English (38%)
    50%                  +
                         Translation into English (12%)
    Writing Paper        Writing of 1 essay of at least 90 words responding to 4 bullet points.
    50 mins              A more developed response of at least 150 words is likely to attract
    50%                  higher marks. Choice of 3 essay tasks. (32%)
                         Translation of certain sentences (with grammatical features) from
                         English into the target language. (18%)
Teacher Assessed Grades for Geography will include evidence from two equally weighted

Test 1 – Duration: 45 mins                            Test 2 – Duration: 45 mins
Total mark: 40                                        Total mark: 40

All content from the AQA Geography GCSE Specification

Test 1 Content:
3.1.1 Section A: The challenge of natural hazards   Natural hazards                    Hot deserts   Tectonic hazards                            3.1.3 Section C: Physical landscapes in the
3.1.2     Section B: The living world                 UK   Ecosystems                         Coastal landscapes in the UK   Tropical rainforests

Test 1 Structure:

     Question Types                                 Skills Assessed

     1 x 1 mark                                     A03
     1x 2 mark                                      AO3
     3 x multiple choice                            A03, A04
     1 x 4 mark                                     A01, A02
     2 x 6 marks                                    A02, A03
     2 x 9 mark                                     A01, A02, A03

Test 2 Content:

3.2 Challenges in the human environment               3.2.3 Section C: The challenge of resource
3.2.1 Section A: Urban issues and challenges          management
                                             Resource management
Test 2 Structure:

     Question Types                                 Skills Assessed

     2 x 1 mark                                     A01
     1 x 2 mark                                     A01, A02
     3 x multiple choice                            A04
     1 x 3 mark                                     A02
     3 x 6 mark                                     A01, A02, A03 & A02, A04 & A01, A02
     1 x 9 mark (+ 3 SPaG)                          A01, A02, A03
AO1: Demonstrate knowledge of locations, places, processes, environments and different scales
AO2: Demonstrate geographical understanding of: concepts and how they are used in relation to
places, environments and processes; the interrelationships between places, environments and
AO3: Apply knowledge and understanding to interpret, analyse and evaluate geographical information
and issues to make judgements
AO4: Select, adapt and use a variety of skills and techniques to investigate questions and issues and
communicate findings
Teacher Assessed Grades in German will include evidence from two equally weighted

Test 1: Reading Paper Duration: 50 mins

Test 2: Writing Paper Duration: 50 mins

Test Content:
Speciation sub-themes to be covered for German GCSE

      Family
      Free time
      Healthy and Unhealthy Eating
      School

    Reading Paper        Variety of reading exercises – multiple choice, answering in target
    50 mins              language and English (38%)
    50%                  +
                         Translation into English (12%)
    Writing Paper        Writing of 1 essay of at least 90 words responding to 4 bullet points.
    50 mins              A more developed response of at least 150 words is likely to attract
    50%                  higher marks. Choice of 3 essay tasks. (32%)
                         Translation of certain sentences (with grammatical features) from
                         English into the target language. (18%)
 Teacher Assessed Grades for History will include evidence from two equally weighted

 Test 1 – Duration: 45 mins                            Test 2 – Duration: 45 mins
 Total mark: 24                                        Total mark: 24

 All content from the Edexcel GCSE

 Test 1 Content: Crime and Punishment through time c, 1000-1700

 1000-1500: Crime and punishment in Medieval England

        Nature and Changing definitions of criminal activity: Anglo-Saxon, Norman or Early medieval
         and Later Medieval
        The nature of law enforcement and punishment: Anglo-Saxon, Norman or Early medieval and
         Later Medieval
        Case Study on the Church

 1500-1700: Crime and Punishment in early modern England

        Nature and Changing definitions of criminal activity 1500-1700
        The nature of law enforcement and punishment 1500-1700
        Case Studies on the Gunpowder Plot and on Witchcraft

  Test 1 Structure:
Question Types      Skills Assessed
1 X 16 mark          A decision to make between two choices.
Extended writing     Wide range of knowledge applied, including the case studies.
(analysis, argument  Arguments are analysed and compared to form a chain of reasoning with an
evaluation,              end judgement.
Judgement)           Clear sense of how factors interlink to show awareness of connections
2 X 4 mark           Ability to show skills of change and continuity or similarity and difference
(Change and              between two time periods using specific knowledge.
Test 2 Content: Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939

    The origins of the Republic, 1918-1919
    The early challenges to the Weimar Republic 1919-23
    The recovery of the Republic 1924-1929
    Changes in Society 1924-29
    Early development
    of the Nazi Party,1920–22
    The Munich Putsch and the lean years,1923–29
    The growth in support for the Nazis, 1929–32
    How Hitler became
    Chancellor, 1932–33
    The creation of a dictatorship, 1933–34

Test 2 Structure:

    Question Types      Skills Assessed
    1 X 12 mark         Extended writing in which causation is the key skill being developed and
    Explain why         supported by specific knowledge
    1 x 8 mark source   Source analysis skills (provenance) supported by specific knowledge
    1 x 4 mark          Ability to infer (surmise) evidence from an unknown source and to select
    inference           appropriate material to support it.
Mathematics (Higher)
Teacher Assessed Grades in Mathematics will include evidence from two equally
weighted tests.

Test 1 – Duration: 45 mins – Non-calculator paper
Total mark: 35

Test 2 – Duration: 45 mins – Calculator paper
Total mark: 35

Content and Structure

   Number                                       Ratio and Proportion
   Upper and Lower Bounds                       Using ratio for recipe questions
   Surds                                        Value for Money
   Indices, negative Indices and fractional
                                                Exchanging Money
   Algebra                                      Sharing Using Ratio

   Solving linear equations and inequalities    Introduction to Proportion

   Factorise quadratic expression               Direct and Inverse Proportion
   Solve quadratic equations by Factoring,
   completing the square and quadratic          Geometry and Measures

   Solve simultaneous equations                 Pythagoras' Theorem

   Finding the equations of a straight line     Trigonometry, Exact Trigonometric values
                                                Surface Area and Volume of a Prism,
   Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
                                                Spheres, Pyramids, Cones and Frustums
   Iteration                                    Statistics & Probability

   Rearranging formulae                         Frequency Tables and Diagrams
   Algebraic fractions                          Histograms
   Algebraic Proof                              Averages from a Table
   Inverse functions                            Cumulative Frequency and Box Plots
   Composite functions                          Venn Diagrams
Question Types                             Skills Assessed

A mixture of 2 3, 4 and 5-mark questions         Construct chains of reasoning to
asking about the elements of Maths with           achieve a given result
relation to a set work.
                                                 Demonstrate and apply Mathematical
Mathematics (Foundation)
Teacher Assessed Grades in Mathematics will include evidence from two equally
weighted tests.

Test 1 – Duration: 45 mins – Non-calculator paper
Total mark: 35

Test 2 – Duration: 45 mins – Calculator paper
Total mark: 35

Content and Structure

   Number                                           Geometry and Measures
   Multiplying and Dividing Decimals                Pythagoras' Theorem
   Rounding and Estimating                          Trigonometry and Exact Trigonometric values
   Changing terminating decimals to fractions       Metric Conversions
   Converting between Fractions, Decimals and
                                                    Surface Area of a prism

   Ordering Fractions, Decimals and Percentages     Volume of a prism

                                                    Reflections, Rotations, Translations and
   Increase/Decrease by a Percentage
   Percentage Change and Reverse Percentage
                                                    Plans and Elevations
   Algebra                                          Bisecting an Angle and Bisecting a Line
   Solving Equations and inequalities               Constructing Perpendiculars - From any Point
   Expanding Single and Double Brackets             Draw a Triangle Using Compasses
   Factorising and Solving Quadratics               Loci
                                                    Area of a Circle and Circumference of a
   Solve simultaneous equations
   Cubic and Reciprocal Graphs                      Sectors of a Circle
   Finding the Equation of a Straight Line -
                                                    Statistics & Probability
   Ratio and Proportion                             Frequency Tables and Diagrams
   Using ratio for recipe questions                 Representing Data - Stem and leaf
   Value for Money                                  Averages from a Table
   Exchanging Money                                 Venn Diagrams
   Sharing Using Ratio                              Probability
Question Types                             Skills Assessed

A mixture of 2 3, 4 and 5-mark questions         Construct chains of reasoning to
asking about the elements of Maths with           achieve a given result
relation to a set work.
                                                 Demonstrate and apply Mathematical
Teacher Assessed Grades for Music will include evidence from two tests and two non-
examined components (NEA).

Test 1 – Duration: 35 mins                        NEA 1 – Performance (3 mins)
Total mark: 24                                    Total mark: 30

Test 2 – Duration: 30 mins                        NEA 2 – Composition (1 mins)
Total mark: 12                                    Total mark: 30

All content from Edexcel Music Specification

Mark Allocation

     Component        Weighting        Raw Marks        Scaling Factor    Scaling Mark
     Mini Tests       40%              36               1.11              40
     Performance      30%              30               1                 30
     Composition      30%              30               1                 30

All content – from the Edexcel Music Specification

Test 1

AO3 - Demonstrate and apply musical knowledge
AO4 - Use analytical and appraising skills to make evaluative and
critical judgements about music

     Question Types                             Skills Assessed

     2 x Set work question                      Demonstrate and apply musical
     A mixture of 1, 2, and 3-mark questions    knowledge
     asking about the elements of music with
     relation to a set work.

     I x unfamiliar listening                   Use analytical and appraising skills to
     A mixture of 1, 2, and 3-mark questions    make evaluative and
     asking about the elements of music with    critical judgements about music
     relation to an unfamiliar piece of music
Test 2

AO4 - Use analytical and appraising skills to make evaluative and
critical judgements about music

    Question Types                             Skills Assessed

    1 x 12-mark essay                          Use analytical and appraising skills to
                                               make evaluative and critical judgements
                                               about music


AO1 - Perform with technical control, expression and

    Question Types                             Skills Assessed

    1 x 3-minute performance                   Interpret musical ideas through
                                               performing, with technical
                                               and expressive control and an
                                               understanding of style and


AO2 - Compose and develop musical ideas with technical control
and coherence

    Question Types                             Skills Assessed

    1 x 1-minute composition                   Compose and develop musical ideas
                                               with technical control
                                               and coherence.
Physical Education
Teacher Assessed Grades for Physical Education will include evidence from two equally
weighted tests, a non-examined component (NEA) and a Practical Sports Performance

Test 1 – Duration: 35 mins                           Test 2 – Duration: 35 mins
Total mark: 25                                       Total mark: 25

Mark Allocation/weighting

             Test 1                                                           30%
             Test 2                                                           30%
             Written NEA                                                      10%
             Practical Sports Performances                                    30%

All content from the AQA Physical Education GCSE Specification

Test 1 Content: The structure and functions of the musculoskeletal system
     Muscles of the body
     How the major muscles and muscle groups of the body work antagonistically on the major
         joints of the skeleton to affect movement in physical activity at the major movable joints The structure and functions of the cardio-respiratory system
     Gaseous exchange
     Blood vessels Anaerobic and aerobic exercise
      Understanding the terms aerobic exercise (in the presence of oxygen) and anaerobic exercise
          (in the absence of enough oxygen) Planes and Axes of movement
      Identification of the relevant planes (frontal, transverse, sagittal) and axes (longitudinal,
          transverse, sagittal) of movement used whilst performing sporting actions The components of fitness, benefits for sport and how fitness is measured and improved
      The components of fitness
      Linking sports and physical activity to the required components of fitness
      Demonstration of how data is collected for fitness testing The principles of training and their application to personal exercise/training programmes
     Types of training
     Identification of the advantages and disadvantages (the effects on the body) of training types
         linked to specific aims
Test 1 Structure:

   Question Types                      Skills Assessed
   2 x multiple choice                 Knowledge AO1
   1 x data 1 mark                     Knowledge and use of data AO1
   1 x 2 mark (justify)                Knowledge AO1, AO2
   1 x 6 mark (state and explain)      Knowledge applied to the sporting action AO1, AO2
   1 x 4 mark
   1 x 4 mark (describe)               Knowledge applied to specific sports AO1, AO2
   1 x 6 mark (analysis)               Knowledge applied to sports. Analysed to demonstrate
                                       reasoning. i.e. This means that ……
                                       This is good because ……
                                       It is clear that…
                                       The use of…
                                       AO1, AO2, AO3

Test 2 Content: Classification of skills (basic/complex, open/closed)
          Classifications of skill The use of goal setting and SMART targets to improve and/or optimise performance
          The use and evaluation of setting performance and outcome goals in sporting examples
          The use of SMART targets to improve and/or optimise performance Commercialisation of physical activity and sport
          Commercialisation Ethical and socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport
          Prohibited substances
          Drugs subject to certain restrictions (beta blockers)
          Which type of performers may use different types of performance enhancing drugs
             (PEDs) with sporting examples
          The advantages and disadvantages for the performer of taking PEDs
          The disadvantages to the sport/event of performers taking PEDs Energy use, diet, nutrition and hydration
      Reasons for maintaining water balance (hydration)

Test 2 Structure:

   Question Types                         Skills Assessed
   2 x multiple choice                    Interpretation of data AO1
   1 x identify                           Knowledge AO1
   1 x 4 mark identify and apply          Knowledge and application to the sporting scenario
                                          AO1 AO2
   2 x 4 mark (state and explain)         Knowledge applied to the sporting scenario AO1
   1 x 4 mark describe                    Knowledge applied to specific sports AO1 AO2
   1 x 6 mark (evaluation)                A decision to make between two choices.
                                          Knowledge applied to the case study. Analysed to
                                          form a chain of reasoning with an end judgement.
                                          AO1 AO2 AO3
Teacher Assessed Grades for Physical Education will include evidence from two equally
weighted tests.

Both tests have 50% weighting. All content from the AQA GCSE Physics Specification and Kerboodle
text book.

Test 1: 45 mins                                     Test 2: 45 mins

Total mark:45                                       Total mark: 45

Test 1 Content:

P1 Conservation and Dissipation of Energy
P1.1 Changes in energy stores                       Test 2 Content:
P1.2 Conservation of energy
P1.3 Energy and work                                P6 Conservation and Dissipation of Energy
P1.5 Kinetic energy and elastic energy stores       P6.1 Density
P1.6 Energy dissipation                             P6.2 States of matter
P1.7 Energy and efficiency                          P6.3 Changes of state
P1.8 Electrical appliances                          P6.4 Internal energy
P1.9 Energy and power                               P6.5 Specific latent heat
P3 Energy Resources                                 P6.6 Gas pressure and temperature
P3.1 Energy transfer by conduction                  P6.7 Gas pressure and volume
P3.2 Energy from wind and water                     P12 Wave Properties
P3.3 Power from the sun and the Earth               P12.1 The nature of waves
P3.4 Energy and the environment                     P12.2 The properties of waves
P3.5 Big energy issues                              P12.3 Reflection and refraction
P4 Electric Circuits                                P12.4 More about waves
P4.1 Electrical charges and fields                  P12.5 Sounds waves
P4.2 Current and charge                             P12.6 The uses of ultrasound
P4.3 Potential difference and resistance            P12.7 Seismic waves
P4.4 Component characteristics                      P13 Electromagnetic Waves
P4.5 Series circuits                                P13.1 The electromagnetic spectrum
P4.6 Parallel circuits                              P13.2 Light, infared, microwaves and
P14 Light                                           radio waves
P14.1 Reflection of light                           P13.3 Communications
P14.2 Refraction of light                           P13.4 UV, X-rays and gamma rays
P14.3 Light and colour                              P13.5 X-rays in medicine
P14.4 Lenses
P14.5 Using lenses
Test Structure:

  Question types                              Skills Assessed
  Multiple choice, structured, closed short         Demonstrate knowledge and
  answer and open response.                            understanding of: scientific ideas;
                                                       scientific techniques and procedures.
                                                    Apply knowledge and understanding of:
                                                       scientific ideas; scientific enquiry,
                                                       techniques and procedures
                                                    Analyse information and ideas to:
                                                       interpret and evaluate; make judgments
                                                       and draw conclusions; develop and
                                                       improve experimental procedures.
Religious Studies
Teacher Assessed Grades in Religious Studies will include evidence from two tests.

Test 1 – Duration: 35 mins                             Test 2 – Duration: 35 mins
Total mark: 36 + 3 SPaG                                Total mark: 36 + 3 SPaG

Content: From AQA Religious Studies Specification B (8063)

Test 1 content:
3.1.3 – The Triune God, Mission and Prayer
                  Forms of expression – music and the glory of God
                  Beliefs and teachings
                  Sources of authority
                  Practices
Theme A – Religion, Relationships and Family
Theme C – Religion, Human Rights and Social Justice.

Test 2 content: - Judaism

                    Beliefs and teachings:
                      Key beliefs
                      The Covenant and the Mitzvot
                    Practices
                      The synagogue and worship
                      Family life and festivals

Structure: Both tests will have the same structure

 Question Type                       Skills Assessed
                                     AO1:1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of religion
 2 x 1 mark question                 and belief, including beliefs, practices and sources of authority.
                                     AO1:1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of religion
 2 x 2 mark question                 and belief, including beliefs, practices and sources of authority.
                                     AO1:3 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of religion
 2 x 4 mark question                 and belief, including similarities and differences within and/or
                                     between religions and beliefs.
                                     AO1:1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of religion
 2 x 5 mark question                 and belief, including beliefs, practices and sources of authority
                                     AO2: Analyse and evaluate aspects of religion and belief,
 1 x 12 mark question                including their significance and influence.
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG):

Spelling, punctuation and grammar will be assessed in 12 mark questions against the following criteria:

 Level                Performance Descriptor                                      Marks Awarded
 High performance     • Learners spell and punctuate with consistent accuracy            3
                      • Learners use rules of grammar with effective control
                        of meaning overall
                      • Learners use a wide range of specialist terms as

 Intermediate         • Learners spell and punctuate with considerable                     2
 performance            accuracy
                      • Learners use rules of grammar with general control of
                        meaning overall
                      • Learners use a good range of specialist terms as

 Threshold            • Learners spell and punctuate with reasonable                       1
 performance            accuracy
                      • Learners use rules of grammar with some control of
                        meaning and any errors do not significantly hinder
                        meaning overall
                      • Learners use a limited range of specialist terms as

 No marks             • The learner writes nothing                                         0
 awarded              • The learner’s response does not relate to the question
                      • The learner’s achievement in SPaG does not reach the
                        threshold performance level, for example errors in
                        spelling, punctuation and grammar severely hinder
Science Combined Trilogy (Higher)
Teacher Assessed Grades in Combined Science (Trilogy) will include evidence from six
equally weighted tests.

All tests will last 30 mins.

There will be two tests in each science each with a total mark of 30 marks.

All content for all tests can be found in AQA GCSE Biology/Chemistry/Physics text
books and Kerboodle.

All tests will have the same structure:

 Question types                              Skills Assessed
 Multiple choice, structured, closed short         Demonstrate knowledge and
 answer and open response.                            understanding of: scientific ideas; scientific
                                                      techniques and procedures.
                                                   Apply knowledge and understanding of:
                                                      scientific ideas; scientific enquiry,
                                                      techniques and procedures
                                                   Analyse information and ideas to: interpret
                                                      and evaluate; make judgments and draw
                                                      conclusions; develop and improve
                                                      experimental procedures.

Biology Test 1 Content                   Biology Test 2 Content:
B1.1 World of microscopes                B5.9 Human defence responses
B1.2 Animal and plant cells              B6.1 Vaccination
B1.3 Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells    B11.5 Human reproduction
B1.4 Specialisation in animal cells      B11.6 Hormones and menstrual cycle
B1.5 Specialisation in plant cells       B11.7 Artificial control of fertility
B1.6 Diffusion                           B11.8 Infertility treatments (IVF)
B1.7 Osmosis                             B13.1 Types of reproduction
B1.8 Osmosis in plants                   B13.2 Cell division in sexual reproduction
B1.9 Active transport                    B13.7 Inheritance in action
B1.10 Exchanging materials               B13.8 More about genetics
B2.1 Cell division                       B13.9 Inherited disorders
B3.1 Tissues and organs                  B14.2 Evolution by natural selection
B3.2 The human digestive system          B14.3 Selective breeding
B3.3 The chemistry of food               B16.3 Distribution and abundance
B3.4 Catalysts and enzymes               B16.4 Competition in animals
B3.5 Factors affecting enzyme action     B16.5 Competition in plants
B3.6 How the digestive system works      B16.7 Adaptation in animals
B3.7 Making digestion efficient          B16.8 Adaptation in plants

Test 1 Content:                          Test 2 Content:
C1 Atomic structure                      C7 Energy changes
C1.2 Chemical equations                  C7.1 Exothermic and endothermic reactions
C1.6 Structure of the atom               C8 Rates and equilibrium
C1.7 Ions, atoms, and isotopes           C8.1 Rate of reaction
C1.8 Electronic structures               C8.2 Collision theory and surface area
C3 Structure and bonding                 C8.3 The effect of temperature
C3.1 States of matter                    C8.4 The effect of concentration or pressure
C3.2 Atoms in ions                       C8.5 The effect of catalysts
C3.3 Ionic bonding                       C9 Crude oil and fuels
C3.4 Giant ionic structures              C9.1 Hydrocarbons
C3.5 Covalent bonding                    C9.2 Fractional distillation of oil
C3.6 Simple molecules                    C9.3 Burning hydrocarbon fuels
C3.7 Giant covalent structures           C9.4 Cracking hydrocarbons
C3.8 Fullerenes and graphene
C3.9 Bonding in metals
C3.10 Giant metallic structures
C4 Chemical calculations
C4.1 Relative masses and moles
C4.2 Equations and calculations
C4.3 From masses to balanced equations
C4.6 Expressing concentrations

Test 1 Content:                                 Test 2 Content:
P1 Conservation and Dissipation of              P6 Conservation and Dissipation of
Energy                                          Energy
P1.1 Changes in energy stores                   P6.1 Density
P1.2 Conservation of energy                     P6.2 States of matter
P1.3 Energy and work                            P6.3 Changes of state
P1.5 Kinetic energy and elastic energy stores   P6.4 Internal energy
P1.6 Energy dissipation                         P6.5 Specific latent heat
P1.7 Energy and efficiency                      P6.6 Gas pressure and temperature
P1.8 Electrical appliances
P1.9 Energy and power                           P12 Wave Properties
P3 Energy Resources                             P12.1 The nature of waves
P3.1 Energy transfer by conduction              P12.2 The properties of waves
P3.2 Energy from wind and water                 P12.3 Reflection and refraction
P3.3 Power from the sun and the Earth           P12.4 More about waves
P3.4 Energy and the environment
P3.5 Big energy issues
P4 Electric Circuits
P4.2 Current and charge
P4.3 Potential difference and resistance
P4.4 Component characteristics
P4.5 Series circuits
P4.6 Parallel circuits
Science Combined Trilogy (Foundation)
Teacher Assessed Grades in Combined Science (Trilogy) will include evidence from six
equally weighted tests.

All tests will last 30 mins.

There will be two tests in each science each with a total mark of 30 marks.

All content for all tests can be found in AQA GCSE Biology/Chemistry/Physics text
books and Kerboodle.

All tests will have the same structure:

 Question types                              Skills Assessed
 Multiple choice, structured, closed short         Demonstrate knowledge and
 answer and open response.                            understanding of: scientific ideas; scientific
                                                      techniques and procedures.
                                                   Apply knowledge and understanding of:
                                                      scientific ideas; scientific enquiry,
                                                      techniques and procedures
                                                   Analyse information and ideas to: interpret
                                                      and evaluate; make judgments and draw
                                                      conclusions; develop and improve
                                                      experimental procedures.
Test 1 Content:                        Test 2: Content
B1.1 World of microscopes              B5.9 Human defence responses
B1.2 Animal and plant cells            B6.1 Vaccination
B1.4 Specialisation in animal cells    B11.5 Human reproduction
B1.5 Specialisation in plant cells     B11.7 Artificial control of fertility
B1.6 Diffusion                         B13.7 Inheritance in action
B1.7 Osmosis                           B13.8 More about genetics
B1.8 Osmosis in plants                 B13.9 Inherited disorders
B1.9 Active transport                  B14.2 Evolution by natural selection
B1.10 Exchanging materials             B14.3 Selective breeding
B2.1 Cell division                     B16.2 Organisms in their environment
B3.1 Tissues and organs                B16.3 Distribution and abundance
B3.2 The human digestive system        B16.4 Competition in animals
B3.3 The chemistry of food             B16.5 Competition in plants
B3.4 Catalysts and enzymes             B16.7 Adaptation in animals
B3.5 Factors affecting enzyme action   B16.8 Adaptation in plants
B3.6 How the digestive system works
B3.7 Making digestion efficient

Test 1 Content:                        Test 2 Content:
C1 Atomic structure                    C7 Energy changes
C1.2 Chemical equations                C7.1 Exothermic and endothermic reactions
C1.6 Structure of the atom             C8 Rates and equilibrium
C1.7 Ions, atoms, and isotopes         C8.1 Rate of reaction
C1.8 Electronic structures             C8.2 Collision theory and surface area
C3 Structure and bonding               C8.3 The effect of temperature
C3.1 States of matter                  C8.4 The effect of concentration or pressure
C3.2 Atoms in ions                     C8.5 The effect of catalysts
C3.3 Ionic bonding                     C9 Crude oil and fuels
C3.4 Giant ionic structures            C9.1 Hydrocarbons
C3.5 Covalent bonding                  C9.2 Fractional distillation of oil
C3.6 Simple molecules                  C9.3 Burning hydrocarbon fuels
C3.7 Giant covalent structures         C9.4 Cracking hydrocarbons
C3.8 Fullerenes and graphene
C3.9 Bonding in metals
C3.10 Giant metallic structures
C4 Chemical calculations
C4.1 Relative masses and moles
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