Page created by Eugene Fox
APRIL   18   ISSUE 04

AUDIO WORLD                              CATCH MORE AWARD
Find A Rhythm That Moves You      WINNING MOVIES THIS MONTH-
and Latest Audio Books To           Coco, Blade Runner, Dunkirk, Three
Stimulate The Mind On-Board SAA      Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri


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tourism and thanks to positive changes in water-wise
tourism, we continue to welcome the world to all parts
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making a daily effort to be water wise in everything you do and
in turn helping us win the fight.

Visit www.waterwesterncape.com for more information on how            Explore more at
to play your part and become a water-wise tourist.                    southafrica.net

South Africa is ready to meet the future of responsible tourism.   #MeetSouthAfrica
                                                                                                    Me Myself and I

                                                                                   April Highlights
                                                                                   New Releases
                                                                                   African Choice
                                                                                   Film Collection
                                                                                   Kids Movies

                                                                              12 Worldwide
                                                                                   Asian Collection
                                                                                   TV Series
                                                                                   TV Features
                                                  The African Ladies Troupe   18
South African Airways is proud to offer our passengers a wide selection            Audio on Demand
of movies, TV programmes and music tunes to keep you entertained
throughout your flight. Young or old, you will enjoy the latest comedy             Games
shows and fun kids programming, while for the more discerning tastes          22
we offer a fine variety of Wildlife, Business and Sport reports with a mix
of our Worldwide and Asian titles. Besides the latest Blockbusters and
old favourites, SAA continuously expands the African choice to support
our local talent and provide other nationals with a glimpse into the
heart of our nation. We invite you to sit back and relax while we take
care of everything else.

Refer to the inside back cover for assistance using your remote.
    If you boarded your long distance flight with     Now that we’ve made you aware of the temp-       film about four African Australian refugee
    the intention of people-watching, daydream-       tation that awaits you, the choice to page       women who each tell their stories of sur-
    ing, introspecting or perhaps even catching       through or put this entertainment guide away     viving violence and sexual abuse in their
    up on some reading or sleep, let us quick-        rests entirely with you [chuckles]. Whatever     respective countries through the help and
    ly bring something to your attention: this        your decision, we guarantee you that a great     guidance of Director Ros Horin. Also high
    month, our in-flight entertainment guide is       experience awaits you nonetheless.               on our list of favourites is Inside Africa —
    packed with four must-watch movies that                                                            Morocco Fossil Find, a riveting 2017 doc-
    also happen to be 2017’s best and biggest         We caught up with Gersh Kgamedi, the direc-      umentary about the discovery of the oldest
    releases — think Jumanji: Welcome to the          tor of She Is King — also the latest addition    Homo sapiens fossils and tools in the Mo-
    Jungle, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, The Great-      to our African Choice category. This South Af-   rocco archeological site of Jebel Irhoud.
    est Showman, The Mountain Between Us              rican film about a young woman from a rural      The fossils are believed to have rewritten
    and Ferdinand, which is bound to be such a        KwaZulu Natal village, who moves to Johan-       history and questioned the existing theories
    hit with the little ones.                         nesburg in search of fame and hopefully for-     on the origins of human ancestry.
                                                      tune, tackles the subject of African feminism.
    The recent 90th Academy Awards probably                                                            A quick read through our guide will open a
    left most of us wanting to catch up on watch-     The lead character successfully auditions        world of quality entertainment that you can
    ing the nominated films as well as those that     for a role in a musical about Zulu Princess      access by simply making your selection on
    earned the most nods on the night. You’ll be      Mkabayi kaJama, and is forced on a jour-         the seat-back screens. Be it our films, tele-
    happy to know that five of the titles currently   ney of self-discovery when she finds herself     vision series, documentaries, sports reports,
    on our entertainment schedule — Shape Of          starring alongside seasoned professionals.       business content, comedy shows, wild-
    Water, Coco, Blade Runner 2049, Dunkirk           Kgamedi shares some lovely personal in-          life, lifestyle, destination guide and travel
    and Three Billboards Outside Ebbing               sights about the South African film indus-       shows, you’re guaranteed to find something
    Missouri — were each recognized for their         try as well as his thoughts on 2018’s most       that will tickle your fancy. Remember to
    unique creative contribution to the 2017 film     anticipated film, Marvel Studios’ Black          also check out our music mixes and radio
    landscape. We hope that this will be proof of     Panther. Read his interview on page 5.           shows all put together by some of the world’s
    SAA’s commitment to always bring you pre-                                                          best on-air personalities and club Djs.
    mium content. Featured on our cover this          Feel like broadening your general knowledge
    month is fantasy romance Shape Of Water           with some researched content and cultural        Here’s to a relaxed and fun-filled journey
    which emerged the biggest winner at the           documentaries? After all, a diet of entertain-   aboard our SAA flights. We can’t wait to en-
    2018 Oscars after winning in four categories      ment content alone isn’t good for the mind.      tertain you on your next international trip.
    namely Best Achievement in Production De-         Check out our Arts and Culture section which
    sign, Best Achievement in Music Written for       features four powerful documentary style
    Motion Pictures, Best Motion Picture of the       films. We recommend The Baulkham Hills
    Year and Best Achievement in Directing.           African Ladies Troupe, a 2016 documentary

Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle

Gersh Kgamedi has worn many
                                                                                                                        hats during his 20-year tenure
                                                                                                                        in the TV and ilm industry. He
                                                                                                                        has directed everything from
                                                                                                                        TV commercials for big brands,
                                                                                                                        music videos for some of South
                                                                                                                        Africa’s revered jazz artists to
                                                                                                                        popular documentary series.

                                                                                                                        He chats to us about directing
                                                                                                                        his irst ever feature ilm, She
                                                                                                                        Is King.

Airscape : What was the inspiration behind She Is King?

    Gersh : The story was developed by a producer friend of mine Nico-
            la Rauch. She had this vision of creating an empowering story
            where all the female characters would be heroines in their own
            right. Together we came up with the story of a young woman who
            leaves her rural hometown of Nongoma in KwaZulu Natal for Jo-
            hannesburg to audition for a musical play about Princess Mkabayi
            kaJama, who was the matriarch and strategic brains behind the
            Zulu Kingdom.

Airscape : Given that this was your feature film directing debut, what was
           the experience like?
    Gersh : Fortunately, I’ve been working with a production house called Pic-
            ture Tree for almost 20 years directing documentaries as well as
                                                                                                           GERSH KGAMEDI
            TV and cinema commercials. Working on She Is King wasn’t, at
            all, different from what I’d done previously except that I had to      Airscape : What drew you to the film industry?
            stretch my concentration span to much longer periods.
                                                                                     Gersh : In my teens, I used to do voice overs on what is now known as
                                                                                             Thobela Fm, as well as voice dubbing for the international sitcoms
Airscape : Do you think there’s a need for South African filmmakers to start
                                                                                             that the SABC used to purchase in the 80s — my passion for
           telling lighter and happier stories?
                                                                                             the film industry grew from there. From afar, it seemed like an
    Gersh : There needs to be a balance in how we tell all local stories. For                industry with very few prospects as there weren’t that many black
            instance, my mission is to tell as many historical stories as I pos-             people working behind the scenes. While studying towards my
            sibly can — and not just our political history. I’m personally not a             architecture degree at the University of the Witwatersrand, my
            fan of what I call ‘poverty porn’, a trend in which people of colour             artistic voice would get awakened every time I saw the carefree
            are always showcased in extremely harrowing situations. On She                   drama students on campus. Just like that, I switched degrees
            Is King, we consciously decided not to present Johannesburg as                   without my parents’ knowledge. They only learnt of this change
            grisly and grimy. We wanted a refreshing narrative about people                  on graduation day when my name was called amongst the drama
            of colour who didn’t know where their next meal would come from                  and film graduates [chuckles].
            but who, instead, were smart, articulate and driven.
                                                                                   Airscape : As a filmmaker, what did a movie as epic as Marvel Studios’ Black
Airscape : How would you sell She Is King to those who missed it at the                       Panther mean to you?
                                                                                     Gersh : It was a motivational and groundbreaking film, one that made me
    Gersh : On the one hand, it is a musical that goes back in time and cele-                realise that there is a huge demand for content that features peo-
            brates South Africa’s yesteryear pop culture. The ensemble cast                  ple of colour and celebrates their rich history. I also loved that the
            — including the likes of Aubrey Pooe, Khabonina Qubeka, Mike                     subtext was political but was treated lightly, while also not com-
            Mvelase, Sophie Ndaba, Khanyi Mbau and newcomer Gugu Zulu                        promising the message the movie sought to convey. Lastly, it left
            — is just brilliant. Trust me, it’s a must-see.                                  me wondering how far Africa would be had it not been conolised.

                                                                                                                The Greatest Showman

The Greatest Showman                     PG - Edited     York that went on to become a world sensation.
                                                         Most biographical films are guilty of omitting cer-
Drama, Musical – 105 min                                 tain pivotal details and The Greatest Showman
Language: English, German, Japanese
Subs: English Closed Captions
                                                         is no different. Just like previous films that at-
Cast: Hugh Jackman, Michelle Williams                    tempted to celebrate Barnum’s life, The Greatest
                                        Latest arrival   Showman did a half-hearted attempt at capturing
                                                         the true events leading up to Barnum establish-
Although critics haven’t had a lot of constructive       ing the Barnum and Bailey Circus. The film left
things to say about The Greatest Showman, we             out parts of his life that were widely publicised.
found it to be quite a refreshing film in an age         For instance, Barnum was accused of mistreating
where violence inspired storylines constantly            his circus animal exhibits and buying an 80-year-
dominate box offices worldwides. Seasoned actor          old black slave for £1,000 in 1835, whom she          Star Wars: The Last Jedi        PG-13
Hugh Jackman leads the cast in this clean-fun            later made millions out of by exhibiting while
and feel-good film perfect for the entire family —       alive and after death. He was also widely criti-      Action, Adventure – 152 min
                                                         cised for exhibiting conjoined twins as part of his   Language: English, French, Braz
you won’t have to worry about cringing the way
you usually do when a sex scene appears, unex-           freak show. For his misconducts, Barnum later         Subs: English Closed Captions
pectedly, while you’re watching TV with children.        rebranded himself as an anti-slavery campaigner       Cast: Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher
                                                         and philanthropist.
The Greatest Showman is a musical biography                                                                    The Last Jedi heroes join the galactic
                                                                                                               legends in an epic adventure.
that chronicles the life of 19th Century circus          Perhaps all these details were left out to keep                                Latest arrival
maestro T Barnum, also the man often described           the storyline light and idealistic. The script was
by history as having “invented showbusiness”.            co-written by Bill Condon, the director of hit mu-
The film starts off with the overdone rags-to-rich-      sical Dreamgirls so the music is definitely worth
es angle showing a bit of his childhood in Con-          writing home about.
necticut. Some parts of the story are rushed to
make way for more scenes showcasing his adult            While The Greatest Showman won’t go down in
life with his content childhood sweetheart, their        history as the most epic musical of the 21st Cen-
two daughters and his desk job. Barnum had al-           tury, it delivered a soundtrack that is worthy of a
ways dreamt of opening a business that would             Grammy nomination. The cast is also dedicated,
help people escape their realities and thus came         from start to end, to deliver performances that are
up with the idea of the American Museum in New           sure to leave you feeling nostalgic.

Coco                                PG                                            Captain Underpants: The First
                                                                                                                                  Epic Movie                 PG
                                                Adventure, Animation –109 min
                                                Language: English, Latin Spanish,                                                 Animation, Comedy – 89 min
                                                Japanese                                                                          Language: English, Latin Spanish,
                                                Subs: English Closed Captions                                                     Braz Portuguese
                                                Cast: Anthony Gonzalez, Gael                                                      Cast: Kevin Hart, Thomas Middle-
                                                García Bernal                                                                     ditch

                                                Aspiring musician Miguel teams up                                                 Follows two mischievous boys who
                                                with charming trickster Héctor on                                                 turn their principal into Captain Un-
                                                an extraordinary journey through the                                              derpants, a bumbling superhero of
                                                Land of the Dead to unlock the story                                              their own creation.
                                                behind Miguel’s family history.
    Jumanji: Welcome to the                                                               Blade Runner 2049            R-Edied
    Jungle            PG-13 - Edited
                                                                                                                                  War for the Planet of the Apes
                                                Wonder                      PG - Edited   Sci-Fi, Thriller – 156 min                                     PG-13 - Edited
    Action, Adventure – 118 min                                                           Language: English, Latin Spanish,
                                                Drama, Family - 113 min                   Japanese                                Action, Adventure – 138 min
    Language: English, Latin Spanish,
                                                Language: English, French, Braz           Subs: English Closed Captions           Language: English, German,
                                                Portuguese                                Cast: Harrison Ford, Ryan Gosling       Japanese
    Subs: English Closed Captions
                                                Subs: English Closed Captions                                                     Subs: English Closed Captions
    Cast: Dwayne Johnson, Karen Gillan
                                                Cast: Julia Roberts, Owen Wilson          A new blade runner unearths a           Cast: Andy Serkis, Woody Harrelson
    Four high school kids discover an old                                                 long-buried secret that leads him on
                                                August Pullman, a boy with facial         a quest to find Rick Deckard.           The third chapter of the critical-
    video game console and are drawn
                                                differences who enters fifth grade,                                               ly acclaimed blockbuster trilogy,
    into the game's jungle setting.
                                                                                                                                  which sees the battle between man
                               Latest arrival   attends a mainstream school for the       Kingsman: The Golden Circle
                                                first time.                                                          R - Edited   and ape reach its epic conclusion.

                                                                                          Action, Comedy – 141 min                The House                  R - Edited
                                                Justice League          PG-13 - Edited    Language: English, French,
                                                                                          Japanese                                Comedy – 88 min
                                                Action – 119 min                          Subs: English Closed Captions           Language: English, Latin Spanish,
                                                Language: English, French, German         Cast: Taron Egerton, Colin Firth        German
                                                Subs: English Closed Captions                                                     Subs: English Closed Captions
                                                Cast: Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot              When the Kingsman headquarters          Cast: Will Ferrell, Amy Poehler
                                                                                          are destroyed, the agents’ journey
                                                Bruce Wayne enlists the help of his       leads them to the discovery of an       After Scott and Kate lose their
                                                newfound ally Diana Prince. Togeth-       allied spy organisation in the US.      daughter Alex’s university fund,
                                                er they recruit a team of metahu-                                                 they become desperate to earn it
                                                mans to face an even greater enemy.                                               back. With the help of their neigh-
                                                                                          The LEGO Ninjago Movie             PG
                                                                                                                                  bour Frank, they decide to start an
    Ferdinand                   PG - Edited     The Shape of Water           R - Edited   Action, Animation – 101 min             illegal casino in his basement.
                                                                                          Language: English, Latin Spanish,
    Adventure, Animation – 108 min              Drama, Fantasy – 124 min                  German                                  Wonder Woman           PG-13 - Edited
    Language: English, French, Japanese         Language: English, Latin Spanish,         Subs: English Closed Captions
    Subs: English Closed Captions               Braz Portuguese                           Cast: Jackie Chan, Dave Franco          Action, Adventure – 134 min
    Cast: John Cena, Kate McKinnon              Subs: English Closed Captions                                                     Language: English, French,
                                                Cast: Sally Hawkins, Octavia              The battle for Ninjago City calls to    Japanese
    The tale of Ferdinand, a giant bull         Spencer                                   action young Lloyd, aka the Green       Cast: Gal Gadot, Chris Pine
    who prefers flowers to fighting.                                                      Ninja, along with his friends. Led
                               Latest arrival   In the hidden high-security govern-       by Kung Fu master Wu, they must         Diana, trained warrior and princess
                                                ment laboratory where they work,          defeat the evil warlord Garmadon.       of the Amazons, leaves her seclud-
                                                Elisa and Zelda disc over a secret                                                ed island paradise behind to fight
                                                classified experiment.                                                            alongside man in the war to end
                                                                                                                                  all wars.

                                                                                                                                  King Arthur: Legend of the
                                                                                                                                  Sword             PG-13 - Edited

                                                                                                                                  Action, Adventure – 127 min
                                                                                                                                  Language: English, German,
                                                                                                                                  Subs: English Closed Captions
                                                                                                                                  Cast: Charlie Hunnam, Jude Law

                                                                                                                                  Robbed of his birthright, Arthur
    The Mountain Between Us                                                               Dunkirk                PG-13 - Edited   comes up the hard way in the back
                             PG-13 - Edited                                                                                       alleys of the city. But once he pulls
                                                Three Billboards Outside                  Action, Drama – 107 min
                                                                                                                                  the sword from the stone, he is
    Adventure, Drama – 111 min                                                            Language: English, Latin Spanish,
                                                Ebbing, Missouri       R- Edited                                                  forced to acknowledge his true lega-
    Language: English, French, Japanese                                                   Braz Portuguese
                                                                                                                                  cy - whether he likes it or not.
    Subs: English Closed Captions               Comedy, Drama – 115 min                   Cast: Fionn Whitehead, Mark Rylance
    Cast: Idris Elba, Kate Winslet              Language: English, French, Latin                                                  Everything, Everything
                                                Spanish                                   Hundreds of thousands of British                               PG-13 - Edited
    Stranded after a crash, two strangers       Subs: English Closed Captions             and Allied troops are surrounded by
    must forge a connection to survive          Cast: Frances McDormand, Woody            enemy forces. Trapped on the beach      Drama, Romance – 96 min
    the extreme elements of a remote            Harrelson                                 with their backs to the sea they face   Language: English, German, Braz
    mountain.                                                                             an impossible situation as the ene-     Portuguese
                              Latest arrival
                                                The story of Mildred Hayes, a wom-        my closes in.                           Subs: English Closed Captions
                                                an in her early 50s, who goes to war                                              Cast: Amandla Stenberg, Nick
                                                against her local police force, believ-                                           Robinson
                                                ing them to be too inept to solve the
                                                murder of her daughter.                                                           The unlikely love story of Maddy,
                                                                                                                                  an 18 -year-old who due to an ill-
                                                                                                                                  ness cannot leave the hermetical-
                                                                                                                                  ly sealed environment within her
                                                                                                                                  house, and Olly, the boy next door
                                                                                                                                  who won't let that stop them.


                                                                                                                        Vaselentjie                NR - Edited

                                                                                                                        South Africa
                                                                                                                        Drama –123 min
                                                                                                                        Language: Afrikaans with English
                                                                                                                        Cast: Nicole Bond, Marguerite van

                                                                                                                        A young girl experiences the harsh
                                                                                                                        realities of the state welfare system
                                                                                                                        when she is sent to an orphanage in

                                                                                                                        Love by Chance             NR - Edited

                                                                                                                        South Africa
                                                                                                                        Romance, Comedy – 105 min
                                                                                                                        Language: English
                                                                                                                        Cast: Clifton Powell, Altovise
                                                                                                 She is King            Lawrence

                                                                                                                        Two budding South African actors
She is King             NR - Edited   Beyond the River                   NR
                                                                                                                        who are trying to make a name for
                                                                                                                        themselves in Hollywood meet by
South Africa                          South Africa
                                                                                                                        chance. Their heavy workload and
Musical Drama – 95 min                Drama – TBC
                                                                                                                        everyday struggles initially get in the
Language: English                     Language: English
                                                                                                                        way of a potential romance.
Cast: Gugu Zulu, Khanyi Mbau          Cast: Lemogang Tsipa, Garth
                                                                                                                        Keeping up with the
A young woman from a rural vil-
                                      Tells the true story of two men, sep-                                             Kandasamys                         NR
lage moves to Johannesburg with
dreams of stardom. She wins a role    arated by everything except their de-
                                      termination to win gold in one of the                                             South Africa
in a musical about Zulu Queen Mk-
                                      world’s toughest river races: the Dusi                                            Comedy, Drama – 95 min
abayi and finds herself up against
                                      Canoe Marathon.                                                                   Language: English
seasoned professionals.
                                                                                                                        Cast: Jailoshini Naidoo, Maeshni
                                                                                The Wedding Party                NR
    CRITIC’S          CHOICE          Pop, Lock and Roll         NR - Edited                                            Naicker

                                                                                Nigerian                                The feuding matriarchal rivals of
                                      South Africa                              Comedy, Romance – 110 min
Frontières              NR - Edited   Drama, Romance – 87 min                                                           neighbouring families come together
                                                                                Language: English                       to try and end the budding romance
                                      Language: English                         Cast: Alibaba Akporobome, Zainab
Algeria                               Cast: Maurice Paige, Lionel Newton                                                between their young adult children.
Drama – 90 min                                                                  Balogun
Language: French with English sub-    When an ambitious dancer from a                                                   T-Junction                         NR
titles                                                                          Chaos prevails when a family pre-
                                      poor neighbourhood falls in love with     pares for a lavish wedding. As their
Cast: Naki Sy Savane, Unwana          the wife of the gangster-come-pro-                                                Tanzania
Udobang                                                                         big day arrives, a couple's wed-
                                      ducer who is helping to propel his        ding plans turn into a nightmare of     Drama – 106 min
                                      career, he is forced to risk success      exes, fighting parents and uninvited    Language: Swahili with English
Four women from contrasting back-     to find true happiness.                                                           subtitles
grounds find themselves on the                                                  guests.
                                                                                                                        Cast: Hawaa Ali, Magdalena
same bus journey across Western       Hakkùndé                           NR                                             Christopher
Africa. They encounter breakdowns,                                              93 Days                   NR - Edited
traffic jams, highway robbers and     Nigerian                                                                          Fatima meets Maria at a local hospi-
corrupt customs officers.             Comedy, Drama – 99 min                    Nigeria                                 tal and is transfixed by Maria's story
                                      Language: English                         Drama – 123 min                         of her life in a community based at
                                      Cast: Tomi Adesina, Oluseyi Asurf         Language: English                       a T-junction in downtown Dar es Sa-
                                                                                Cast: Danny Glover, Bimbo Akintola      laam, Tanzania.
                                      An out of work graduate gambles on
                                      relocating when an opportunity aris-      A case of a virulent and deadly dis-
                                      es. However, after it falls through, he   ease is detected in Lagos, leaving Dr
                                      is faced with the difficult decision of   Stella Ameyo Adadevo and her team
                                      fighting it out or returning home as      in a race against time to stop a pan-
                                      a failure.                                demic from occurring.

    Collection                                                                                                                      X-Men: Apocalypse        PG-13 - Edited

                                                                                                                                    Action, Fantasy – 143 min
                                                                                                                                    Language: English, Latin Spanish,
                                                                                                                                    Subs: English Closed Captions
                                                                                                                                    Cast: James McAvoy, Michael

                                                                                                                                    When the world's first and most pow-
                                                                                                                                    erful mutant, Apocalypse, wakes after
                                                                                                                                    thousands of years, the X-Men must
                                                                                                                                    unite to prevent him and his mu-
                                                                                                                                    tant army from destroying mankind.

                                                                                                                                    Bad Moms                      R - Edited

                                                                                                                                    Comedy – 101 min
                                                                                                                                    Language: English, French, Latin
                                                                                                                                    Cast: Mila Kunis, Kathryn Hahn

                                                                                                                                    A group of overworked mums begin a
                                                                                                                                    quest to liberate themselves from con-
                                                                                                                                    ventional responsibilities, putting them
                                                                                                                                    on a collision course with Gwendolyn
                                                                                                                                    and her clique of devoted perfect mums.

                                                                                                                                    Music and Lyrics         PG-13 - Edited

                                                                                                                                    Romance, Comedy – 104 min
                                                                                                                                    Language: English, French, German
                                                                                                                                    Cast: Hugh Grant, Drew Barrymore
                                                                                                                                    Cast: Colin Farrell, Jeff Bridges
                                                                                                                                    Washed-up '80s pop star Alex is
    Moonlight                  R - Edited     The Heat                      R - Edited   Ali (2001)                            R
                                                                                                                                    given a chance at a comeback, but
    Drama – 110 min                           Action, Comedy – 115 min                   Action, Drama – 157 min                    must come up with a hit in a matter
    Language: English, Latin Spanish,         Language: English, French                  Language: English                          of days. Enter Sophie, whose flair
    Braz Portuguese                           Cast: Melissa McCarthy, Sandra             Cast: Will Smith, Jamie Foxx               for words strikes a chord with the
    Cast: Mahershala Ali, Shariff Earp        Bullock                                                                               struggling songwriter.
                                                                                         A biopic of late boxing legend Mu-
    Chronicles three stages of a young        Uptight FBI agent Sarah Ashburn            hammad Ali, from his early days to         The Artist                       PG-13
    black man's life as he struggles to       and foul-mouthed Boston cop Shan-          his famous battle against George
    find his place in a rough Miami           non Mullins must overcome their            Foreman in 1974 to regain his              Comedy, Drama, Romance – 100 min
    neighbourhood.                            differences when they're paired to-        championship title.                        Language: English
                                              gether to bring down a ruthless drug                                                  Cast: Jean Dujardin, Bérénice Bejo
         CRITIC’S          CHOICE             lord.                                      Men in Black 3           PG-13 - Edited
                                                                                                                                    In 1920s Hollywood, the advent
                                              How to be Single               R- Edited   Action, Adventure – 106 min                of the talkies means big changes
    A Fish Called Wanda         R – Edited
                                                                                                                                    for movie star George Valentin and
                                                                                         Language: English, French, Braz
                                              Comedy, Romance – 109 mins                 Portuguese                                 young extra Peppy Miller.
    Comedy – 106 mins                         Language: English, German,                 Cast: Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones
    Language: English, German,                Japanese
                                                                                                                                    Spectre                  PG-13 - Edited
                                              Cast: Dakota Johnson, Rebel Wilson         Agent J travels back in time to 1969,
    Cast: John Cleese, Jamie Lee Curtis
                                                                                         where he teams up with a younger           Action, Adventure – 141 min
                                              Alice is taken under the wing of her       version of Agent K to stop an evil alien   Language: English, French, German
    After pulling off a jewel heist in        wild co-worker who teaches her the art     from destroying the future.                Cast: Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz
    London's Hatton Gardens, a gang           of being a single lady in New York City.
    of thieves - Wanda, Otto, Ken and
                                                                                         Masterminds               PG-13 - Edited   After receiving a cryptic message
    George - start to turn on each other.
                                              The Perfect Storm         PG-13 - Edited                                              from the past, James Bond goes on
                             Latest arrival
                                                                                         Comedy, Action – 92 min                    a rogue mission to Mexico City and
                                              Action, Adventure – 130 min                Language: English, Latin Spanish,
    The Island             PG-13 - Edited                                                                                           Rome.
                                              Language: English, German,                 Braz Portuguese
                                              Japanese                                   Cast: Zach Galifianakis, Kristen Wiig      The Girl on the Train         R- Edited
    Action, Thriller – 130 min                Cast: George Clooney, Mark Wahlberg
    Language: English, Braz Portu-                                                                                                  Drama, Thriller – 112 mins
                                                                                         A bored security van driver is
    guese, Japan                              An epic drama based on a true sto-                                                    Language: English, French,
                                                                                         tempted into pulling off a massive
    Cast: Ewan McGregor, Scarlett             ry about a cataclysmic storm at sea                                                   German
                                                                                         heist, but the successful robbery
    Johansson                                 and its consequences to the ships                                                     Subs: English Closed Captions
                                                                                         soon unravels.
                                              and crews in its path.                                                                Cast: Emily Blunt, Haley Bennett
    Two residents of a seemingly utopi-
    an futuristic community go on the                                                                                               A commuter glimpses something shock-
    run when they learn the macabre                                                                                                 ing during her journey and soon finds
    truth behind their existence, with                                                                                              herself caught up in a mystery.
    the powers that be in hot pursuit.
                             Latest arrival

Bird                                    R    Aloha                    PG-13 - Edited

                                                                                           Music – 110 min                              Comedy, Romance – 105 min
                                                                                           Language: English                            Language: English, German,
                                                                                           Cast: Forest Whitaker, Diane Venora          Japanese
                                                                                                                                        Cast: Bradley Cooper, Rachel
                                                                                           A biographical film set during the           McAdams
                                                                                           1930s, '40s, and '50s that traces the
                                                                                           life of jazz saxophonist Charlie "Bird"      A military contractor returns to Honolu-
                                                                                           Parker - from his Bebop Jazz, to his         lu and reconnects with a long-ago love
                                                                                           drug problem and legal difficulties.         while unexpectedly falling for the Air
                                                                                                                                        Force watchdog assigned to him.
                                                                                           Four Weddings & a Funeral               R

Hacksaw Ridge                  R - Edited    Win Win                PG-13 - Edited         Romance, Comedy – 118 min
                                                                                           Language: English, French, German
Drama, War – 131 min                         Comedy, Drama, Sport – 106 min                Cast: Hugh Grant, Andie MacDowell
Language: English, French, Latin             Language: English, French, Braz
Spanish                                      Portuguese                                    Charlie is always the best man but never
Cast: Andrew Garfield, Sam Worth-            Cast: Paul Giamatti, Amy Ryan                 the groom, something that's never both-
ington                                                                                     ered him until he sets eyes on the girl of
                                             A wrestling coach thinks he's found           his dreams at a wedding, only to discover
The extraordinary true story of Des-         the answer to his prayers when he             she's already engaged to be married…
mond Doss, who, in Okinawa during            stumbles upon a star athlete.
the bloodiest battle of WWII, saved                                                        Groundhog Day                         PG
75 men without firing or carrying a                CRITIC’S             CHOICE
gun.                                                                                       Comedy, Romance – 102 min
                                                                                           Language: English, Latin Spanish,            The Descendants               R - Edited
                                             The King's Speech               R – Edited
                                                                                           Braz Portuguese
     CRITIC’S              CHOICE                                                          Cast: Bill Murray, Andie MacDowell           Comedy, Drama - 115
                                             Drama, History – 119 min
                                             Language: English, German, Braz                                                            Language: English, French, German
Deepwater Horizon         PG-13 – Edited     Portuguese                                    During his annual coverage of                Cast: George Clooney, Shailene
                                             Cast: Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush              Groundhog Day, jaded weatherman              Woodley
Action, Thriller – 104 min                                                                 Phil Connors is forced to live the
Language: English, Latin Spanish,                                                          same terrible day over and over until        Land baron and indifferent husband
Braz Portuguese                              Based on the true story of George VI and      he finally gets it right.                    and father Matt King attempts to re-
Cast: Mark Wahlberg, Kurt Russell            his friendship with a speech therapist who                                                 connect with his two daughters after
                                             helps the stammering King find a voice.                                                    his wife is involved in a boating ac-
                                                                                           La La Land                PG-13 - Edited
Reveals the brave acts of the men and                                                                                                   cident.
women who rose to the challenge—and          Fantastic Beasts and Where To                 Comedy, Drama – 128 min
risked everything to lead others to safety   Find Them               PG-13                 Language: English, Latin Spanish,            Suicide Squad            PG-13 - Edited
during the Deepwater Horizon disaster.                                                     German                                       Action – 123 min
                                             Adventure, Family – 128 min                   Subtitles: English Closed Captions           Language: English, German, Japa-
Florence Foster Jenkins                      Language: English, Braz Portu-                Cast: Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone               nese
                          PG-13 – Edited     guese, Japanese                                                                            Subtitles: English Closed Captions
                                             Subs: English Closed Captions                 An actress and a jazz musician chase         Cast: Will Smith, Margot Robbie
Comedy, Drama – 111 min                      Cast: Eddie Redmayne, Katherine               their dreams in this heart-lifting, mu-
Language: English, French, Latin             Waterston                                     sic-filled paean to the musicals of the      A secret government agency assem-
Spanish                                                                                    40s and 50s.                                 bles a team of the world's most dan-
Cast: Meryl Streep, Hugh Grant               The adventures of Newt Scamander                                                           gerous, incarcerated super villains,
                                             in New York's secret community of                                                          and sends them on a mission to defeat
Florence Foster Jenkins, a wealthy           witches and wizards.                                                                       an enigmatic entity.
woman in high-society New York
City in the early 20th century, uses         When Harry Met Sally             R- Edited
her relationships and her fortune to
gain traction as a singer. Trouble is,       Comedy, Drama – 95 min
she can’t sing.                              Language: English, Latin Spanish,
                                             Braz Portuguese
The Dresser                           NR     Cast: Billy Crystal, Meg Ryan

Drama – 105 min                              Chronicles Harry Burns and Sally Al-
Language: English, Latin Spanish             bright's journey from hate at first sight
Cast: Anthony Hopkins, Ian McKellen          to becoming the best of platonic pals.
                                                                                           Gravity                   PG-13 - Edited
During World War II, a troupe of             Thelma & Louise                  R- Edited
touring actors stage a production of                                                       Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller – 91 min
Shakespeare's King Lear. With the            Drama – 126 min                               Language: English, Latin Spanish,
                                             Language: English, French, German             Japanese                                     John Wick                     R - Edited
lead actor missing, Norman must
rally to keep the show alive.                Cast: Susan Sarandon, Geena Davis             Cast: Sandra Bullock, George Clooney         Action, Thriller – 99 min
                                                                                                                                        Language: English, German
                                             Best friends Thelma and Louise take           Two astronauts find themselves adrift        Cast: Keanu Reeves, Michael Nyqvist
The Darjeeling Limited R – Edited            time off from the men in their lives to hit   in space with no chance of rescue.
                                             the road for a weekend of freedom. When                                                    A former hit man comes out of re-
Drama, Adventure – 91 min
                                             events take a nasty turn, however, they                                                    tirement to track down the gangsters
Language: English, French, German                                                          Miss Peregrine's Home for
                                             find themselves on the run from the law.                                                   who took from him everything he
Cast: Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody                                                            Peculiar Children   PG-13 - Edited
                                                                                                                                        cared about in life.
A year after their father's death, three
                                             Dave                        PG-13 - Edited    Adventure – 127 min
estranged brothers set off on a train                                                      Language: English, Latin Spanish,
                                             Comedy, Romance – 110 min
journey across India in an attempt to                                                      Japanese
                                             Language: English, Braz Portu-
bond with each other.                                                                      Subtitles: English Closed Captions
                                             guese, Japanese
                                                                                           Cast: Eva Green, Asa Butterfield
                                             Cast: Kevin Kline, Sigourney Weaver
                                                                                           When Jake discovers clues to a mys-
                                             When the president is incapacitated
                                                                                           tery that spans alternate realities
                                             by a stroke, two of his advisers con-
                                                                                           and times, he uncovers a secret
                                             spire to secretly bring in a presiden-
                                                                                           refuge known as Miss Peregrine’s
                                             tial look-alike, whom they believe
                                                                                           Home for Peculiar Children.
                                             they can manipulate to do their will.

                                                                                                                                Trolls                                PG

                                                                                                                                Animation, Comedy – 92 min
                                                                                                                                Language: English, German, Japanese
                                                                                                                                Subs: English Closed Captions
                                                                                                                                Cast: Anna Kendrick, Justin Timberlake

                                                                                                                                After the Bergens invade Troll Vil-
                                                                                                                                lage, Poppy and the curmudgeonly
                                                                                                                                Branch set off to rescue her friends.

                                                                                                                                The Nut Job                           PG

                                                                                                                                Adventure, Animation – 86 min
                                                                                                                                Language: English
                                                                                                                                Cast: Will Arnett, Katherine Heigl

                                                                                                                                Animated comedy that follows a mis-
                                                                                                                                chievous squirrel and his rat friend,
                                                                                                                                and their plans to stage a nutty heist.

                                                                                                                                Storks                        PG - Edited

                                                                                                                                Animation, Comedy – 87 min
                                                                                                                                Language: English, French, German
                                                                                                                                Subs: English Closed Captions
                                                                                                                                Cast: Andy Samberg, Katie Crown

                                                                                                                                When an order for a baby appears,
                                                                                                                                Storks must scramble to make their
                                                                                                                                first baby-drop.

                                                                                                                                Scooby-Doo                            PG

                                                                                                           Ferdinand            Adventure, Comedy – 85 min
                                                                                                                                Language: English, Latin Spanish,
     Ferdinand                  PG - Edited    Sinbad: Legend of the Seven              Captain Underpants: The First           German
                                                                                                                                Cast: Matthew Lillard, Freddie Prinze Jr.
                                               Seas                       PG            Epic Movie                  PG
     Adventure, Animation – 108 min
     Language: English, French,                                                                                                 Scooby-Doo and the Mystery Inc.
                                               Animation, Adventure, Comedy –           Animation, Comedy – 89 min
     Japanese                                                                                                                   gang meddle their way into a bona
                                               86 min                                   Language: English, Latin Spanish,
     Subs: English Closed Captions                                                                                              fide mystery
                                               Language: English                        Braz Portuguese
     Cast: John Cena, Kate McKinnon            Cast: Brad Pitt, Catherine Zeta-Jones    Cast: Kevin Hart, Thomas Middleditch
                                                                                                                                Cloudy with a Chance of
     The tale of Ferdinand, a giant bull       An animated adventure, in which          Follows two mischievous boys who        Meatballs 2           PG - Edited
     who prefers flowers to fighting.          Legendary swashbuckler Sinbad            turn their principal into Captain Un-
                                                                                                                                Animation, Family – 85 min
                                               faces off against the Goddess of         derpants, a bumbling superhero of
                                                                                                                                Language: English, Latin Spanish,
         CRITIC’S           CHOICE             Chaos.                Latest arrival     their own creation.
                                                                                                                                Braz Portuguese
                                                                                                                                Cast: Bill Hader, Anna Faris
                                               Coco                                PG   Shrek                             PG
     Madagascar 3: Europe's
     Most Wanted          PG - Edited          Adventure, Animation –109 min                                                    When Flint's food machine starts turn-
                                                                                        Family, Animation – 90 min              ing out weird, the inventor and his
                                               Language: English, Latin Spanish,
                                                                                        Language: English, Latin Spanish,       friends embark on a mission to save
     Action, Adventure, Animation – 90         Japanese
                                                                                        German                                  the world.
     min                                       Subs: English Closed Captions
                                                                                        Cast: Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy
     Language: English, French, German         Cast: Anthony Gonzalez, Gael
     Cast: Ben Stiller, Chris Rock             García Bernal                                                                    The BFG (2016)                        PG
                                                                                        In order to regain his swamp, an ogre   n/a on SXG & SXH
                                                                                        named Shrek travels with an annoy-
     Whilst travelling through Europe,         Aspiring musician Miguel teams up                                                Adventure, Family – 117 min
                                                                                        ing donkey to bring a princess to a
     Alex the Lion, Marty the Zebra, Gloria    with charming trickster Héctor on                                                Language: English, German, Braz
                                                                                        scheming lord.
     the Hippo, and Melman the Giraffe         an extraordinary journey through the                                             Portuguese
     go undercover in a travelling circus.     Land of the Dead to unlock the story                                             Cast: Mark Rylance, Ruby Barnhill
                              Latest arrival   behind Miguel’s family history.          The Pirates! Band of Misfits      PG

                                                                                                                                After spotting the BFG through her
     Middle School: The Worst                                                           Adventure, Animation, Comedy –
                                               The LEGO Ninjago Movie         PG                                                bedroom window, ten-year-old Sophie
                                                                                        88 min
     Years of My Life                    PG
                                                                                        Language: English, German, Braz
                                                                                                                                is whisked away to Giant Country.
                                               Action, Animation – 101 min
     Comedy – 92 min                           Language: English, Latin Spanish,                                                Inside Out (2015)                     PG
                                                                                        Cast: Hugh Grant, Salma Hayek
     Language: English                         German                                                                           n/a on SXG & SXH
     Cast: Griffin Gluck, Lauren Graham        Subs: English Closed Captions
                                                                                        A group of pirates journey to London    Animation, Comedy – 102 min
                                               Cast: Jackie Chan, Dave Franco
                                                                                        and meet Charles Darwin, a talking      Language: English, Latin Spanish,
     Rafe has an epic imagination and a
                                                                                        chimp named Mister Bobo and an          Japanese
     problem with authority. Both collide      The battle for Ninjago City calls to
                                                                                        enemy looking to wipe them out.         Cast: Amy Poehler, Phyllis Smith
     when he transfers to a rule-crazy         action young Lloyd, aka the Green
     middle school. Rafe and his friend        Ninja, along with his friends. Led
     Leo hatch a plan to break every rule.     by Kung Fu master Wu, they must                                                  When young Riley moves with her fam-
                              Latest arrival   defeat the evil warlord Garmadon.                                                ily to San Francisco, her emotions fall
                                                                                                                                out about life in a scary new city.

                                                                                                                                  Jugend ohne Gott           NR - Edited

                                                                                                                                  Crime, Drama – 114 min
                                                                                                                                  Language: German with English
                                                                                                                                  Cast: Jannis Niewöhner, Fahri Yardim

                                                                                                                                  In an elite German school, adoles-
                                                                                                                                  cents struggle for good grades in an
                                                                                                                                  indifferent system. When a murder
                                                                                                                                  occurs during the assessment camp,
                                                                                                                                  the fragile elite society threatens to
                                                                                                                                  destroy itself.

                                                       Una Especiede Familia (A Sort of a Family)
Una Especiede Familia                                                               Siete Semillas                 NR - Edited
(A Sort of a Family) NR - Edited
                                                                                    Drama – 130 min
Thriller, Drama, Crime – 95 min                                                     Language: Latin Spanish with
Language: Latin Spanish with                                                        English Subtitles
English Subtitles                                                                   Cast: Carlos Alcántara, Javier Cámara         Wilde Maus                 NR - Edited
Cast: Bárbara Lennie, Daniel Araoz
                                                                                                                                  Comedy, Drama – 103 min
                                                                                    Ignacio prioritises work over his home
                                                                                                                                  Language: German with English
A middle age doctor who is adopting a                                               life. After being hospitalised, he visits a
baby is blackmailed by the surrogate                                                spiritual guide who helps him realise
                                                                                                                                  Cast: Josef Hader, Pia Hierzegger
mother.                                                                             the importance of family.
                                                                                                                                  When Georg loses his job, he con-
    CRITIC’S           CHOICE                                                                                                     ceals the fact from his wife. Instead,
                                         Gauguin - Voyage de Tahiti                                                               he embarks upon a campaign of re-
Dr. Knock                  NR - Edited                                NR - Edited                                                 venge against his former boss and
                                                                                                                                  begins to renovate a roller-coaster
Comedy – 102 min                         Biography, Drama – 102 min                                                               with an old school friend.
Language: French with English            Language: French with English
subtitles                                Subtitles
Cast: Omar Sy, Alex Lutz                 Cast: Vincent Cassel, Tuheï Adams

A scheming doctor tries to trick the     Paul Gauguin travels half-way round
healthy inhabitants of a village that    the world to Tahiti in search of his
they are in fact sick, in the hopes      soul and a yearning for original purity.
that he can make a fortune from their    He meets Tehura, his muse, who will
trust in his authority.                  inspire his most iconic works of art.      Casting                                NR

                                                                                    Drama, Comedy – 91 min
Barbara                    NR - Edited   L'embarras du choix          NR - Edited
                                                                                    Language: German with English
                                         n/a on SXG & SXH
Biography, Drama – 98 min                                                           subtitles
Language: French with English            Comedy – 95 min                            Cast: Toby Ashraf, Milena Dreißig
Subtitles                                Language: French with English
Cast: Jeanne Balibar, Mathieu            Subtitles                                  A man who works as a line reader
Amalric                                  Cast: Alexandra Lamy, Arnaud Ducret        during a movie production believes
                                                                                    he has caught his big break when the
An actress who becomes con-              A woman who relies on others to            male lead actor has to back out.
sumed by the character she is por-       make decisions for her, must now
traying bewitches the film’s director,   choose for herself which man she
but is he obsessed with her or the       likes the most.
character she is playing?

                                                                                                                                          Reset                        NR - Edited

                                                                                                                                          Action, Sci-Fi – 140 min
                                                                                                                                          Language: Mandarin with English
                                                                                                                                          Cast: Yang Mi, Wallace Huo

                                                                                                                                          When her son is kidnapped by a
                                                                                                                                          mysterious man, Xia Tian takes a
                                                                                                                                          risk and travels back in time an hour
                                                                                                                                          and fifty minutes earlier in hopes of
                                                                                                                                          saving her son.

                                                                                                                                          Mumon: The Land of Stealth
                                                                                                                                                                       NR - Edited

                                                                                                                                          Action, Romance - 120 min
                                                                                                                                          Language: Japanese with English
                                                                                                                                          Cast: Satoshi Ohno, Yuri Chinen

                                                                                                                                          A ninja named Mumon murders an-
                                                                                                                                          other ninja in the hope of claiming a
                                                                                                                                          reward, but the killing sets off a vio-
                                                                                                                                          lent series of repercussions.

                                                                                                                                          Gintama                      NR - Edited

                                                                                                                                          Action, Comedy - 130 min
                                                                                                                                          Language: Japanese with English
                                                                                                                                          Cast: Shun Oguri, Takayuki Yamada

                                                                                                                    Mubarakan             Aliens invade Japan during the Edo peri-
                                                                                                                                          od, forcing the Samurai to put down their
                                                                                                                                          swords. One former Samurai is tasked
     Mubarakan                     NR - Edited   Raees                          NR - Edited                                               with locating a cursed sword to ensure
                                                                                                                                          peace within the country.
     Comedy – 157 min
     Language: Hindi with English                Action, Crime – 143 min
     Subtitles                                   Language: Hindi with English
     Cast: Anil Kapoor, Arjun Kapoor             Subtitles
                                                 Cast: Shah Rukh Khan, Mahira
     Charan and Karan both have girlfriends      Khanm Nawazuddin Siddiqui
     and are in love. When Karan’s family
     insist he marry the daughter of a very      Threat looms over local bootlegger Raees
     wealthy family, he persuades them to of-    Alam and his business after ACP Majmu-
     fer Charan as the groom instead.            dar decides to get the better of him. In or-
                                                 der to survive and keep his trade thriving,
         CRITIC’S             CHOICE             Raees must overcome the tough cop.
                                                                                                The Adventurers             NR - Edited    © 2015 “BAKUMAN.” Film
                                                 Paradox                        NR - Edited                                                Partners All Rights Reserved.
     Jolly LLB 2                   NR - Edited                                                  Action, Adventure – 107 min
                                                 Action – 101 min
     Comedy, Crime, Drama – 137 min                                                             Language: Cantonese with English          Bakuman                      NR - Edited
                                                 Language: Mandarin with English
     Language: Hindi with English                                                               Subtitles
     Subtitles                                                                                  Cast: Andy Lau, Shu Qi                    Drama - 119 min
                                                 Cast: Louis Koo, Yue Wu
     Cast: Akshay Kumar, Huma Qureshi                                                                                                     Language: Japanese with English
                                                                                                A thief who was sent to prison for a      subtitles
                                                 Hong Kong cop Lee partners with Thai
     Jagdishwar Mishra, aka Jolly, is an ambi-                                                  misjudged robbery is released after       Cast: Takeru Satoh, Ryûnosuke Ka-
                                                 Chinese police officers Chui-Kit and Tak
     tious, bumbling lawyer who finds himself                                                   three years. He immediately turns his     miki
                                                 to locate his daughter who went missing
     suffering from a guilty conscience after                                                   attention to a new heist, knowing full
                                                 in Thailand.
     the death of one of his clients.                                                           well he is being watched by an old        School boy Moritaka teams up with
                                                                                                adversary.                                his fellow classmate Akito to pursue
                                                 Justice, My Foot!              NR - Edited
                                                                                                                                          careers as manga artists.
     Dangal                                 NR
                                                                                                Miss Sunshine               NR - Edited
     Drama – 161 min                             Comedy – 102 min
     Language: Hindi with English                Language: Cantonese with English               Comedy, Romance – 99 min
     subtitles                                   subtitles                                      Language: Mandarin with English
     Cast: Aamir Khan, Sakshi Tanwar             Cast: Stephen Chow, Anita Mui                  Subtitles
                                                                                                Cast: Kai-Chung Cheung, Maggie
     The true story of former wrestler Ma-       An unscrupulous man and his wife,              Cheung
     havir Singh Phogat, who goes against        who happens to be a kung-fu master,
     the grain of Indian gender-expecta-         team up to bring order to the imperial         Four old friends who have not seen
     tions to train his daughters, Geeta         court.                                         each other in years are reunited at Jia
     and Babita, as professional wrestlers.                                                     Xin’s wedding. However, when Jia Xin
                                                                                                runs away, all four friends are forced
                                                                                                to come to terms with their own per-
                                                                                                sonal issues.
                                                                                                                              Lethal Weapon
                                                                                                                              El Gringo Loco

                                                                                                                              Murtaugh follows Riggs down to
                                                                                                                              Mexico, where he plans to avenge
                                                                                                                              his wife’s death.

                                                                                                                              Lethal Weapon
                                                                                                                              Dancing in September

                                                                                                                              Riggs and Murtaugh uncover a drug
                                                                                                                              ring at a wellness clinic while investi-
                                                                                                                              gating a plastic surgeon's death.

                                                                                                                              Lethal Weapon
                                                                                                                              Born to Run

                                                                                                                              Riggs and Murtaugh investigate the
                                                                                                                              death of a famous singer's bodyguard.

                                                                                                                              Lethal Weapon
                                                                                                                              Let It Ride

                                                                                                                              Murtaugh and Riggs investigate a
                                                                                                                              death that occurs moments before
                                                                                                                              the victim's bet wins a horse race.

                                                                                                                              Lethal Weapon
                                                                                                                              Gold Rush

                                                                                                                              Riggs is reunited with old friends and
                                                                                                                              realises they might be mixed up in
                                                                                                                              the case he and Murtaugh are inves-
                                                                                                     Young Sheldon
                                                                                                                              Lethal Weapon
This is Us                               Young Sheldon                              Young Sheldon                             Birdwatching
Pilot                                    Pilot                                      A Patch, a Modem, and a Zantac®
Drama                                                                                                                         Riggs and Murtaugh investigate the
                                         9-year-old Sheldon Cooper learns           Sheldon pursues theoretical physics       death of a surfer. Meanwhile, Mur-
As Rebecca goes into an early labour,    that having a brilliant mind doesn't       to prove a point against a NASA sci-      taugh grows suspicious of Trish’s
Randall finds his biological father,     always help growing up in Texas.           entist.                                   new friend.
Kevin faces a personal and profes-
sional crisis, whilst his twin sister,   Young Sheldon                              Me Myself and I                           Blindspot
Kate, finds herself at a low point.      Rockets, Communists, and the Dewey         Pilot                                     Pilot
                                         Decimal System                                                                       Drama
This is Us                                                                          Alex Riley experiences defining mo-
The Big Three                            To appease his worried mother, Shel-       ments at different points in his life.    Jane Doe is found and together with
Drama                                    don employs the techniques of a self-                                                a team of FBI agents, they try to dis-
                                         help book to try and make a friend.        Me Myself and I                           cover her past and who she is.
Jack and Rebecca struggle with                                                      The First Step
raising their family, Beth grows sus-    Young Sheldon                                                                        Blindspot
picious of William, Kate stresses over   Poker, Faith and Eggs                      Mid-life Alex attempts to date again,     A Stray Howl
her weight loss plans, and Kevin                                                    young Alex finds friendship, and older    Drama
must make an important decision.         George Sr. is rushed to the emer-          Alex goes on a first date with Eleanor.
                                         gency room; Meemaw babysits; the                                                     A tattoo points to an Air Force pilot with
This is Us                               kids have an adventure getting to the      Me Myself and I                           a difficult past. Meanwhile, a disturb-
Kyle                                     hospital.                                                                            ing memory haunts Jane, and Weller
                                                                                    The Card
Drama                                                                                                                         believes he knows Jane's identity.
                                         Young Sheldon                              Young Alex gives away a prized pos-
Rebecca pays a surprise visit, Kevin     A Therapist, a Comic Book, and a                                                     Blindspot
                                                                                    session, mid-life Alex struggles to
makes plans to move, and Toby pre-       Breakfast Sausage                                                                    Eight Slim Grins
                                                                                    find money, and older Alex makes
pares a special day for Kate.                                                                                                 Drama
                                                                                    birthday plans.
                                         Sheldon fears solid food after chok-
This is Us                               ing on a sausage; Sheldon discovers                                                  A member of a jewel heist crew is
The Pool                                                                            Me Myself and I
                                         his first comic book.                      Star Wars                                 caught during a robbery and physical
Drama                                                                                                                         evidence shows he has unknown ties
                                         Young Sheldon                              Mid-life Alex is devastated to learn      to Jane Doe.
Jack and Rebecca take their kids to      A Solar Calculator, a Game Ball, and
the community pool, Kevin experienc-                                                that Ron showed Abby his favourite
                                         a Cheerleader's Bosom                      movie, Star Wars, first.                  Blindspot
es his first Broadway audition, Kate                                                                                          Bone May Rot
obsesses over Toby's ex, and Randall     Sheldon struggles with newfound                                                      Drama
                                                                                    Me Myself and I
learns more about William's past.        popularity after utilising statistics to   Family Tree
                                         help the football team.                                                              Patterson and her puzzle-expert boy-
                                                                                    Midlife Alex is tempted to find his bi-   friend, David decode a tattoo clue
                                                                                    ological father; older Alex meets older   that sends the team to the Centres
                                                                                    Abby's new boyfriend.                     for Disease Control.

Blindspot                                Lucifer                                  Before 30                                   Riverdale
     Split the Law                            My Little Monkey                         Love or Stability?                          Chapter Nine: La Grande Ilusion
     Drama                                    Drama                                    Drama                                       Drama

     After a seemingly straightforward        After the man convicted of killing       Temi’s mother intervenes to get Temi        Archie reluctantly agrees to escort
     hostage situation turns out to have      Chloe's father is murdered, new          and Akin back together. Nkem’s break        Cheryl to her family's official start of
     deeper international implications,       clues suggests he was framed.            up with Emeka sends her on a down-          maple syrup tapping because he gets
     the CIA and FBI find themselves                                                   ward spiral, and Temi tries to get to the   an offer that could help his future.
     racing against each other to ap-         Lucifer                                  bottom of it.
     prehend the same criminal with a         The Weaponizer                                                                       Riverdale
     dark history.                            Drama                                                                                Chapter Ten: The Lost Weekend
                                                                                       Riverdale: Season 1                         Drama
     Blindspot                                Lucifer's brother Uriel shows up as      Chapter One: The River's Edge
     Cede Your Soul                           he investigates the murder of his fa-    Drama                                       When Fred decides to finalise the
     Drama                                    vourite action hero.                                                                 divorce with Archie's mother Mary,
                                                                                       As a new school year begins, the            Archie hides his true feelings. Then,
     When an assassination leads the                                                   town still reels from Jason Blossom's       Archie tries to win Valerie back with a
                                              Before 30: Season 1
     team to a dangerous app that allows                                               tragic death; Archie decides to pur-        romantic evening.
                                              Two Weddings and a Dream
     criminals to track government vehi-                                               sue a career in music; Cheryl Blos-
     cles, they have to work with the app's                                            som stirs up trouble.                       Riverdale
     surprising creator to take it down.                                                                                           Chapter Eleven: To Riverdale and
                                              After attending a wedding with her
                                              boyfriend Ayo, Temi is sure he’s go-     Riverdale                                   Back Again
     Blindspot                                                                         Chapter Two: A Touch of Evil
                                              ing to propose. Instead, he breaks up                                                Drama
     Persecute Envoys                                                                  Drama
     Drama                                    with her. Temi makes a vow to herself
                                              to be married before she turns 30.                                                   Betty is busy overseeing Homecom-
                                              Now the countdown begins.                Archie pleads with Ms Grundy to come        ing and Reunion weekend, but Alice
     After a police officer is murdered,                                               forward with what they heard; Cher-         wants her to help with the Jason
     Patterson unlocks a disturbing tattoo                                             yl deals with the pressure of Jason's
     that appears to have predicted his
                                              Before 30                                                                            Blossom investigation.
                                              Some Mothers Do Have Em                  death; Jughead stumbles upon Ar-
     killing, and the team chases a violent                                            chie's secret.                              Riverdale
     clue trail to stop further attacks.                                                                                           Chapter Twelve: Anatomy of a Murder
                                              Temi bounces back by boldly asking       Riverdale                                   Drama
     Blindspot                                                                         Chapter Three: Body Double
     Authentic Flirt                          out an attractive man named David.
                                              Their chemistry together is undeni-      Drama                                       Archie and Veronica are shocked
                                              able. He seems to have everything                                                    to learn of the arrest, but know they
                                              she wants, but he shares an apart-       Cheryl comes clean about when she           need to come clean to their parents
     Jane and Weller go undercover as a
                                              ment with his mother.                    last saw Jason; Betty and Jughead in-       about what they uncovered.
     top-notch assassin couple in order
                                                                                       vestigate Jason's death; Veronica and
     to protect some lethal information.                                                                                           Riverdale
                                              Before 30                                Ethel investigate a shame book.
     Meanwhile, David tries to repair his                                                                                          Chapter Thirteen: The Sweet
                                              How Many Is Too Many?
     relationship with Patterson.                                                                                                  Hereafter
                                              Drama                                    Riverdale
                                                                                       Chapter Four: The Last Picture Show
     Lucifer                                  Temi’s mother takes a liking to Da-      Drama
     Everything's Coming Up Lucifer           vid, which causes some awkward                                                       Archie and Veronica continue to
     Drama                                    but comedic consequences when                                                        grow closer. Betty is tired of her fam-
                                                                                       Jughead fights to keep the local drive-
                                              Temi breaks up with him. Mean-                                                       ily acting as if nothing has happened
                                                                                       in open; Betty and Veronica investigate
     Lucifer and Chloe look into the mur-     while, Ama is in a dilemma over how                                                  and confronts her mother. Jughead
                                                                                       Ms Grundy, uncovering some startling
     der of a stand-in actress. Chloe's       much to share of her own romantic                                                    finds himself in an unexpected sit-
                                                                                       information about her past.
     faith in Lucifer is tested.              past with her current boyfriend.                                                     uation, leaving Archie and the gang
                                                                                       Riverdale                                   scrambling.
     Lucifer                                  Before 30                                Chapter Five: Heart of Darkness
     Liar, Liar, Slutty Dress on Fire         Love, Death and Marriage                 Drama
                                                                                                                                   The Mysteries of Laura
                                              Drama                                                                                The Mystery of The Triple Threat
                                                                                       The Blossom family move forward with        Drama
     Lucifer suspects his mother may          Temi starts a new relationship with      Jason's funeral, and a secret agenda;
     be involved in a ghastly murder for      Akin, a gorgeous, pro bono client from   Hermonie seeks Fred's help; Betty           Laura looks into two different love
     which she claims she's innocent.         work. Aisha returns early from a trip    dives deeper into Jason's death.            triangles. One is hers and one may
     Lucifer                                  to Brazil with Sherif to support Ama.                                                have ended with murder.
                                              Before 30                                Chapter Six: Faster, Pussycats! Kill!
     Drama                                                                             Kill!                                       The Mysteries of Laura
                                              Messy Pants and Cleaning House
                                                                                       Drama                                       The Mystery of the Downward Spiral
     Lucifer and Chloe investigate a grue-                                                                                         Drama
     some murder after a video of the crime                                            Valerie's efforts to help Archie leads
     surfaces on social media. When a sec-    Temi discovers that Akin is techni-      to a major fallout with Josie; Betty and    When a perfume magnate is killed
     ond video appears, they realise they     cally married to a Ghanian woman         Jughead's investigation brings them         violently, the detectives aren't sure
     have a serial killer on their hands.     whom he is divorcing. Temi meets         face-to-face with Polly.                    who they can trust.
                                              Akin’s wife and finds that she likes
     Lucifer                                                                                                                       The Mysteries of Laura
                                              her, which makes Akin meeting her        Riverdale
     Lady Parts                                                                                                                    The Mystery of the Unwelcome
                                              parents much more awkward.               Chapter Seven: In a Lonely Place
     Drama                                                                                                                         Houseguest
                                              Before 30                                                                            Drama
     After the bodies of two young            Art is Love                              When a major piece of evidence is
     Los Angeles newcomers are found          Drama                                                                                A shocking development puts Laura
                                                                                       mysteriously destroyed, new rumours
     poisoned, Chloe and Lucifer hunt for                                                                                          in danger and makes it clear that a
                                                                                       begin to swirl as to who was really be-
     the killer.                              Temi and her friends each have their                                                 murder case is unresolved.
                                                                                       hind Jason's murder.
     Lucifer                                  own private revelations while viewing
     The Weaponizer                           art in a gallery. Temi has a different   Riverdale                                   The Mysteries of Laura
     Drama                                    epiphany about her life and loves        Chapter Eight: The Outsiders                The Mystery of the Morning Jog
                                              with every painting and sculpture        Drama                                       Drama
     Lucifer's brother Uriel shows up as      she sees.
     he investigates the murder of his fa-                                             As Fred and his crew are about to start     A sports doctor, who was supposed
     vourite action hero.
                                              Before 30                                construction, he loses his crew, which      to be moving to Europe with his fam-
                                              The Finale                               could put his livelihood in jeopardy.       ily, is pushed in front of a bus and
     Lucifer                                  Drama                                    Wanting to help his dad, Archie and         killed. Different family members are
     Monster                                                                           his friends pitch in to help.               under suspicion, including his step-
     Drama                                    Ayo comes back into Temi’s life and                                                  son.
                                              has a huge fight with a jealous Akin.
     Lucifer clashes with Chloe during an     Temi is torn between the two. Aisha
     investigation, leading her to partner    and Sherif separate, with Aisha mov-
     with Dan.                                ing back to her parents’ home.


                                                                                                                                Inside Africa
                                                                                                                                Morocco Fossil Find

                                                                                                                                Track the discovery of bones and
                                                                                                                                tools found in the Jebel Irhoud in
                                                                                                                                Morocco, which may hold the se-
                                                                                                                                crets to humankind.

                                                                                                                                My Africa

                                                                                                                                Follow Kenyan-American artist and
                                                                                                                                designer Wawi Amasha as she trav-
                                                                                                                                els through the streets of Nairobi to
                                                                                                                                the outskirts of Kenya’s capital, giv-
                                                                                                                                ing viewers a taste of her favourite
                                                                                  The African Ladies Troupe                     people, places and things to do in
                                       Teen Titans Go: Mr Butt /Man                 The Middle
                                                                                                                                Cloud Challenge
 Kids                                  Person                                       The Graduate
                                       Blackfire pays a surprise visit to her       Sue prepares for her graduation and
Justice League Unlimited               sister Starfire, saying she wants to         worries the day won't go perfectly.         From stage design to interactive audi-
Dead Reckoning                         spend some quality time with her.            Meanwhile, Brick gets the opportu-          ence concert experiences we take a look
                                       / Beast Boy is distressed by his big         nity to skip a year in school and Axl       at how the arts can benefit from technol-
The ghost of a circus performer        new battle scar, until Cyborg con-           grows concerned about Devin's fun           ogy and a creative use of the cloud.
convinces Superman, Batman and         vinces him that the scar makes him           summer pictures she posted on so-
Wonder Woman to help him retrieve      look tough and manly.                        cial media.                                 The African Ladies Troupe
stolen souls.

                                       Elana of Avalor: First Day of                Modern Family                               Four African Australian refugee
Be Cool Scooby Doo                                                                  Blindsided                                  women perform their stories of sur-
Mystery 101                                                                                                                     vival in a professional theatre pro-
                                       On the day Elena officially becomes          The Dunphys and Pritchetts compete          duction.
The dean of a prestigious university                                                when Luke decides that his best shot
                                       Crown Princess, she must rescue
wants the Scooby gang to figure out                                                 at getting into college is to win the se-
                                       her sister Isabel from aboard a
why a ghost is haunting their halls.                                                nior class president election against
                                       missing ship.
Shimmer and Shine
                                       Star Wars Rebels: Path of The                Mom
The Sweetest Thing
                                       Jedi                                         Bad Hand and British Royalty
Leah wishes for help making cup-
                                       Ezra must face a great challenge as          Christy and Bonnie have their hands full
cakes, but she and the genies find
                                       part of his growth as a member of            when Adam's hard-partying friends come
themselves stuck with some unhelp-
                                       the team.                                    to visit.
ful items.

Superman Animated
Last Son Of Krypton Part One
                                        Comedy                                       Arts & Culture
                                       The Big Bang Theory                          African Voices
Jor-El, unable to convince the Kryp-
                                       The Hot Tub Contamination                    Changing Melodies
tonian government of the pending
destruction of the planet, plans to                                                                                             Hugh Masekela and Friends
                                       Sheldon and Amy go through a peri-           Meet the pioneering musicians that
save his son, whilst Brainiac makes
                                       od of adjustment with their new living       are using their art to spread a mes-        The concert, an aide-mémoire of
him a fugitive.\
                                       arrangement. Howard and Berna-               sage of change.                             Masekela's illustrious 50-year music
                                       dette are forced to vacation at home                                                     career, features some of his most
                                       when she falls ill and keep it a secret,                                                 popular songs.
                                       unaware Raj and Stuart planned to
                                       use their hot tub.

Brent Owens
      Wildlife                                                                                                                 Soweto

                                                                                                                               From Nelson Mandela’s neighbour-
                                                                                                                               hood to tucked-away eateries, cooling
                                                                                                                               and stories of tragedy and triumphs,
                                                                                                                               Brent Owens visits South Africa.

                                             TrailBlazers                            The Road to Russia                        MAURITIUS
                                             Tinie Temper                            Episode 19
                                                                                                                               In this seven-minute destination vid-
     Blue Planet II                          Trailblazers goes urban cool in Lon-    The ultimate World Cup preview. This      eo you’ll get a chance to see some
     Coral Reefs                             don with rapper Tinie Tempah.           episode looks at Egypt and Nigeria's      of the most stunning tourist spots
                                                                                     qualifying teams.                         in Mauritius, including its stunning
     Crazy, colourful, vibrant. The reefs                                                                                      beaches, lagoons and reefs.
     are like a metropolis. How do you get   How It's Made
     ahead in the most crowded place in      Skateboard Wheels, Baklava and          Mandelas World Cup
     the ocean?                              Honeycomb Candles                                                                 MUNICH
                                                                                     An inspiring journey of hope
                                             See how skateboard wheels are           demonstrating the power of football       Fly in and discover the Jewels of Ro-
                                             manufactured, how baklava is            to overcome prejudice and unite a         mantic Europe! Experience Munich,
                                             made and how honeycomb candles          continent.                                which is well known for its charm,
                                             are produced.                                                                     outstanding museums, world fa-
                                                                                                                               mous theatres and orchestras,
                                                                                     Gears, Grease and Glory
                                             First Class                                                                       magnificent churches and palaces,
                                                                                     Cuban Dragsters
                                             Hong Kong                                                                         lovely parks and gardens and more.
                                                                                     They’re the symbols of modern
                                             Would you spend $160,000 a night        Cuba – the rusting American Buicks,
                                             on a hotel suite? Well in Hong Kong                                               PERTH
                                                                                     Chevys and Dodges that throng Hava-
                                             you can. First Class takes you plac-    na, the product of decades of com-
                                             es only the über wealthy can afford.                                              In this short destination video you’ll
                                                                                     munist isolation from the outside         get a glimpse of some of the best
                                                                                     world. Now, these ancient monsters        tourist spots in Perth.
                                                                                     have spawned a new sport – drag-rac-
     Dian Fossey:                            Going Green                             ing, Cuban-style.
     Secrets in the Mist                                                                                                       WASHINGTON
                                             Meet the everyday heroes spear-
                                             heading change in their communi-        South Africa Mountain Biking              Take in some of the most striking sights
     Investigates the murder of wildlife
                                             ties. Meet the man who built a vil-     Mecca                                     of Washington in this short destination
     icon Dian Fossey, who fought to save
                                             lage from plastic bottles in Panama                                               video. Some of the choice tourist spots
     mountain gorillas from extinction.
                                             to the woman in Copenhagen who          A small town in South Africa that         including the Capitol Building
                                             has changed government policy on        is known for grape growing and its
                                             food waste.                             craggy mountain slopes has be-
     Blue Planet II                                                                  come the ideal playground for seri-       SOUTH AFRICA
     One Ocean                                                                       ous off-road cyclists.
                                             Passion to Portfolio
                                             Episode 6                                                                         Three short destination videos in
     New worlds and animal behaviours                                                                                          which you’ll get to see some of the
     are uncovered on a journey from the                                             Regatta                                   choicest tourist spots in all of South
     equator to the poles.                   Meet the entrepreneurs channel-
                                             ling their intense passion and                                                    Africa.
                                                                                     Board the regatta for a thrilling ocean
                                             shaking up the marketplace. We          quest, and discover how a group of
      Business                               feature innovators like hip hop
                                             mogul Russell Simmons, CEO of
                                                                                     amateur yacht racers manage to live,      FRANKFURT
                                                                                     work, and compete for the top spot in
      Channel                                Virgin Hotels Raul Leal, and Atlan-
                                             ta chef and restaurateur Ford Fry.
                                                                                     some of the world’s biggest nautical
                                                                                                                               In Frankfurt you’ll find much to dis-
                                                                                                                               tract you, such as The Römerberg
                                                                                                                               (Frankfurt’s Old Town Center), Art
                                                                                                                               City: The Frankfurt Museum of Mod-
                                              Sport Report                             Lifestyle &                             ern Art and much, much more.

                                                                                       Travel                                  HONG KONG

                                                                                                                               Take a trip through Hong Kong’s vi-
                                                                                     Durban Goes Green
                                                                                                                               brant and bustling cities. You’ll find
                                                                                                                               striking architectural landmarks, night
                                                                                     Durban is an African city that is
                                                                                                                               markets, and some great shopping op-
                                                                                     fast re-inventing itself by creating
                                                                                     an environment that is conducive to
                                                                                     a host of outdoor activities. Only in
                                                                                     Africa can you experience free-rang-
                                                                                     ing African wildlife in reserves that
     Marketing, Media, Money                                                         are within the city precincts.
     David Beckham

     Emily Tan meets wellness insurer                                                Exploring a Coastal Zone
     AIA's CMO Stuart Spencer, as well as
                                             HSBC Golfing World
     AIA's new face, David Beckham.                                                  Judy Mann from the South African
                                             Episode 93
                                                                                     Association for Marine Biological
                                             All of the latest news, player inter-   Research explores a fascinating eco-
                                             views and exclusive insights into the   system of living creatures along the
                                             lives of top golfers.                   rocky shores of the KwaZulu-Natal

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