Tailor: A Prompt-Based Approach to Attribute-Based Controlled Text Generation
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Tailor: A Prompt-Based Approach to Attribute-Based Controlled Text Generation Kexin Yang♠ ∗ Dayiheng Liu♠ Wenqiang Lei♦ Baosong Yang♠ Mingfeng Xue Boxing Chen♠ Jun Xie♠ ♠ Alibaba Group ♦ National University of Singapore {kexinyang0528, losinuris}@gmail.com Abstract efforts for attribute-based CTG can be roughly di- vided into two types: fine-tuning and utilizing ex- Attribute-based Controlled Text Generation tra attribute classifiers. The first type usually fine- (CTG) refers to generating sentences that sat- tunes a pre-trained language model (PLM) on the arXiv:2204.13362v1 [cs.CL] 28 Apr 2022 isfy desirable attributes (e.g., emotions and attribute-specific data (Ziegler et al., 2019), yet topics). Existing works often utilize fine- tuning or resort to extra attribute classifiers, stores a full copy of the PLM for each desirable yet suffer from storage and inference time in- attribute. To partly address this issue, control codes creases. To address these concerns, we ex- are introduced to generate various styles of sen- plore attribute-based CTG in a prompt-based tences with one PLM, such as keywords (Keskar manner. In short, the proposed Tailor repre- et al., 2019) and numerical sequence (Lyu et al., sents each attribute as a pre-trained continu- 2021). However, re-training whole PLMs could ous vector (i.e., single-attribute prompt) and be expensive (Yang and Klein, 2021) and they guides the generation of a fixed PLM switch rarely attend to multi-attribute CTG. The second to a pre-specified attribute. We experimentally find that these prompts can be simply concate- type introduces extra attribute classifiers to guide a nated as a whole to multi-attribute CTG with- PLM, such as back-propagating gradients of clas- out any re-training, yet raises problems of flu- sifiers (Dathathri et al., 2020) or weighting output ency decrease and position sensitivity. To this logits (Krause et al., 2021; Yang and Klein, 2021). end, Tailor provides a multi-attribute prompt Such a paradigm shows encourage improvement, mask and a re-indexing position-ids sequence while the text fluency tends to decrease (see § 4.2) to bridge the gap between the training (one and inference time increase (Qian et al., 2022). prompt for each task) and testing stage (con- catenating more than one prompt). To fur- To overcome the aforementioned limitations, we ther enhance such single-attribute prompt com- propose a Text-attribute controllor (Tailor) — a binations, Tailor also introduces a trainable prompt-based approach to attribute-based CTG. prompt connector, which can be concatenated The key idea is to represent each attribute as a pre- with any two single-attribute prompts to multi- attribute text generation. Experiments on 11 trained continuous vector (hereinafter known as the attribute-specific generation tasks demonstrate single-attribute prompt) to control a fixed GPT-2 strong performances of Tailor on both single- for single-attribute CTG, and effectively concate- attribute and multi-attribute CTG, with 0.08% nate such single-attribute prompts as a whole for training parameters of a GPT-2. multi-attribute CTG. This allows Tailor to be easily expanded by training the corresponding attribute 1 Introduction prompt if a new attribute emerges, while avoiding re-training the whole PLM. In detail, the single- Attribute-based CTG (Zhang et al., 2022) focuses attribute prompt is concatenated with the input on generating sentences satisfying pre-specified at- prefix and then guides the generation of a fixed tributes such as topic and sentiment, which remains GPT-2 switch to a pre-specified attribute. More im- extremely challenging in recent progress (Dathathri portantly, we experimentally find that such single- et al., 2020). Especially multi-attribute CTG, it is attribute prompts could be simply concatenated to typically unsupervised since no example of a sen- generate sentences with multi attributes. However, tence with specified attributes could be obtained this manner always suffers from fluency decrease during training. (Lample et al., 2019). Existing and position sensitivity, i.e., the PLM tends to focus ∗ Work is done during internship at DAMO Academy more on the single-attribute prompt that is closer to
Figure 1: An overview of MAP connector to multi-attribute CTG. MAP connector concatenates single-attribute prompts (i.e., underlines), then continues with a pre-specified input prefix to the fixed GPT-2. Note that, it is able to the unseen combination (e.g, sentiment of Positive and topic of Mexican food). the input prefix (see § 4.3). To address these issues, connector’s training stage. The main contributions the key lies in bridging the gap between the training are as follows: and the testing stage. In detail, the single-attribute prompt only attends to itself in the attention matrix • We propose Tailor, a prompt-based approach while training, since it is individually trained by to attribute-based CTG. To jointly include the attribute-specific data. However, when it comes both single-attribute and multi-attribute CTG to the testing stage, the second prompt also attends in an unified paradigm, Tailor employs a set to the first one in the concatenation, with the simul- of pre-trained continuous prefixes to guide taneous change of the position-ids sequence1 . a fixed PLM to switch to a pre-specified at- tribute, and effectively concatenating them to To fill this gap, Tailor introduces a Multi- generate multi-attribute sentences. Attribute Prompt mask (MAP mask) and a Re- indexing Position-ids sequence (RP sequence) for • We experimentally reveal the combining abil- the fixed GPT-2. MAP mask prevents distinct ity of continuous prompts. To enhance single-attribute prompts from cross-attention, and this combination, we explore two effective RP sequence ensures stable position-ids informa- strategies without training (MAP mask + RP tion for the PLM after swapping, by individually sequence) or with training (MAP connec- numbering each prompt. As such non-training tor) after single-attribute CTG. Especially, method partly addresses the issue, the text flu- MAP connector achieves strong performances ency still decrease, since there is no multi-attribute on six multi-attribute generation tasks, even specific training stage for these single-attribute works to the unseen ones. prompts to adapt to work together. Inspired by the role of ‘and’ in connecting parallel phrases for nat- 2 Related Work ural sentences (Rudolph, 1989), Tailor further pro- Attribute-Based CTG focuses on generating sen- vides a training method that contains a continuous tences containing pre-specified attributes, such as connector to connect two single-attribute prompts sentiment and topic. As a vital demand for intelli- as a whole to multi-attribute CTG. As shown in Fig- gent writing (Zhang et al., 2022), various attempts ure 1, the proposed Multi-Attribute Prompt connec- have been made in this area, including fine-tuning tor (MAP connector) can be concatenated with any PLMs and utilizing extra attribute classifiers. The two singe-attribute prompts and hint a GPT-2 to first type usually fine-tunes separately and stores multi-attribute CTG. Meanwhile, a pseudo-prompt a full copy of PLM for each desirable attribute based strategy is also provided for training the con- (Ziegler et al., 2019). To alleviate the storage prob- nector in unsupervised settings. With MAP connec- lem, CTRL (Keskar et al., 2019) provides 55 kinds tor, the combinations show strong performances of control codes (i.e., special keywords) to fine-tune on multi-attribute CTG on the popular benchmark one PLM for generating sentences of various styles. YELP dataset (Lample et al., 2019). Furthermore, StylePTB (Lyu et al., 2021) also proposes several MAP connector can get encouraging improvements style transfer tokens (i.e., a sequence of numbers) for the combinations even if they are unseen in the to guide a GPT-2 (Radford et al., 2019) to multiple 1 In this case, position-ids sequence denotes position in- styles transfer. GSum (Dou et al., 2021) introduces dexes of input tokens in the position embeddings for GPT-2. four guidance signals (e.g., keywords and relations)
to enhance the controllability of PLMs in the text rarely explored yet has demonstrated great poten- summarization. Although they make successful tial (Qian et al., 2022). In this paper, we experimen- attempts in single-attribute CTG and partially ad- tally reveal the potential of combining continuous dress the storage issue (Yang and Klein, 2021), prompts to accomplish multi-attribute CTG. Af- it might not be directly usable for multi-attribute terward, we propose MAP connector to enhance CTG. To improve the flexibility and extensibility this combination. Extensive experiments verify the of the CTG model, the second type makes efforts effectiveness of Tailor on both controllability of in the inference stage. In short, utilizing extra at- attributes and text quality. tribute classifiers to guide PLMs in each generating step. PPLM (Dathathri et al., 2020) iteratively mod- 3 Methodology ifies latent representations of a GPT-2 referring to the gradient of attribute classifiers, yet notably in- 3.1 Tailor for Single-Attribute CTG creasing the inference time. To solve this problem, Different from fine-tuning a full copy of PLMs Fudge (Yang and Klein, 2021) uses an attribute pre- for each attribute, our basic idea is to guide the dictor to adjust the output probabilities of a PLM. generation of a PLM with a set of pre-trained con- Similarly, GeDi (Krause et al., 2021) uses smaller tinuous vectors, namely single-attribute prompts. PLMs as generative discriminators to hint a larger Meanwhile, each prompt represents a desirable at- PLM generating sentences that satisfy desirable tribute. As shown in Figure 2 (top), we fix the attributes. Despite their progress, the fluency of parameters of a GPT-2 and train each prompt on generating sentences tends to decrease compared attribute-specific data. After training, these single- with the original PLM (see § 4.2) and extra infer- attribute prompts can act as plug-ins for desirable ence time costs still existed. In comparison, with attribute-based text generation. For the conditional Tailor, PLMs can enjoy the benefits of the con- prefix “Once upon a time”, the GPT-2 can continue trollability from combinations of single-attribute with “I had to order my tacos ...” with a prompt prompts with a negligible decrease of text quality. representing the Mexican food topic or “ the food was good” with a prompt representing the positive Prompt Learning is a new paradigm in NLP sum- sentiment. In this way, our method can be easily marised as “Pre-train, Prompt and Predict” (Liu expanded: if a new attribute emerges, we only need et al., 2021a). In short, it can guide a single PLM to train an attribute prompt and then control a PLM to solve various downstream tasks by reformulating to generate attribute-specific sentences. these tasks into a text-to-text manner. Early works To be exact, we use language modeling learn- explore prompt formatting as discrete-word tem- ing object to train such a set of single-attribute plates (Petroni et al., 2019; Schick and Schütze, prompts. In detail, k-th single-attribute prompt Sk 2021; Shin et al., 2020; Houlsby et al., 2019). with length lk is first initialized randomly, where Recently, continuous prompt has attracted atten- Sk ∈ Rlk ×demb . demb is the word embedding tion (Gu et al., 2021; Liu et al., 2021b, 2022), which dimension of the GPT-2. Meanwhile, given an usually forms as a set of continuous task-specific attribute-specific sentence x = {x1 , x2 , ..., xn } vectors to the input. Unlike discrete prompts may with length n, we get a word sequence matrix face difficulties of optimizing, continuous prompts Xemb ∈ Rn×demb after being embedded by GPT- could be trained expressively on downstream task 2. Then, Sk is concatenated with Xemb to form data (Li and Liang, 2021). Despite their encour- a input matrix as [Sk ; Xemb ] ∈ R(lk +n)×demb , and aging progress, the prompt composition is rarely this matrix is fed into a fixed GPT-2. Finally, the explored but undoubtedly important in prompt learning object is: learning. In that case, a composable task could be accomplished by composing various subtasks with multiple sub-prompts (Liu et al., 2021a). To n X achieve it, PTR (Han et al., 2021) introduces man- Lsingle = log Pθg ;θSk (xt |Sk , x
Figure 2: The overview of Tailor to attribute-based CTG. To keep in line with previous works, we ask the fix GPT-2 to continue writing with some attribute-unrelated input prefixes (e.g., Once upon a time) in the testing stage. Notably, the different colored text boxes denote different attribute-specific sentences. For multi-attribute sentences, we use bi-colored text boxes to highlight them. 3.2 Tailor for Multi-Attribute CTG above problems of simply concatenation. After- ward, a training method is further provided to Inspired by composition of discrete prompts (Han greatly enhance the combinations. We elaborate et al., 2021) to accomplish a complex task, our in- the two methods separately as follows. tuitive idea is to combine single-attribute prompts as a multi-attribute prompt to hint a PLM for multi- 3.2.1 Non-Training Method attribute CTG. To enjoy the benefit of our paradigm To make the better use of single-attribute prompts in single attribute CTG, we first consider simply to multi-attribute CTG without any retraining, re- concatenate several single-attribute prompts as a ducing disparities between the training (a single- whole multi-attribute prompt. Surprisingly, such a attribute prompt for each task) and the testing multi-attribute prompt can guide a GPT-2 to gener- stage (concatenating more than one single-attribute ate sentences containing multi attributes of interest, prompts) is undoubtedly important. Specifically, and get encouraging performances in unsupervised the single-attribute prompt only attends to itself in settings without any training (see § 4.2). Despite the attention matrix while training, as each prompt the progress, this straightforward method suffers is individually trained by the attribute-specific data. from notably decreasing fluency of final text com- However, while in the testing stage for multi- pared with single-attribute CTG. Meanwhile, it is attribute CTG, the second prompt also focuses on position sensitive, i.e., the PLM tends to focus more the first one in the concatenation, with the simul- on the single-attribute prompt that is closer to the taneous change of the position-ids sequence. To input prefix (see § 4.3). fill this gap, MAP mask and RP sequence are in- To polish such paradigm while keeping plug-and- troduced to the fixed PLM while generating. MAP play and storage-friendly advantages, as shown in mask avoids cross-attention between representa- Figure 2 (bottom), Tailor introduces a non-training tions of single-attribute prompts to approximate the method to quickly and effectively alleviate the condition in the single-attribute CTG training stage.
Meanwhile, RP sequence keeps stable prompt po- decrease the performance. To fill this gap, we pro- sition for swapping, preventing such concatenating vide a training method—MAP connector, which is paradigm from position sensitivity. The details are trained for combining two single-attribute prompts as follows. to multi-attribute text generation. To utilize only MAP Mask For the ease of implementation, we single-attribute sentences for multi-attribute CTG, introduce MAP mask matrix Mp to the softmax we propose a pseudo-attribute prompt based train- logits of GPT-2. Given a vanilla attention module: ing strategy for MAP connector. Therefore, we first detail the pseudo-attribute prompt building method QK > and then the workflow of MAP connector. A = Softmax( √ ) ∈ Rn×n , (2) d where n is the length of input sentence x and Q,K denote representations of query and key, respec- tively2 . As to the new attention mask, given two single-attribute prompts Su with length lu and Sv with length lv , the new attention module is: QK > A = Softmax( √ + Mp ) ∈ R(lp +n)×(lp +n) , d ( Figure 3: An overview of building persuade-attribute −∞ i ∈ [lu , lv ] and j ∈ [0, lu ], Mpij = prompt. 0 otherwise, (3) Building Pseudo Single-Attribute Prompt Our key idea is to build another pseudo-attribute prompt where lp = lu + lv . for each single-attribute sentence, thus MAP con- RP Sequence Simply concatenation of single- nector could be trained in a multi-attribute circum- attribute prompts always suffers from position sen- stance. An overview of our building method is sitivity. To address this issue, we propose a simple demonstrated in Figure 3, where a sentence with but effective method to ensure performance con- the topic of Mexican food is used as a showcase3 . sistency while swapping. In short, we modify the To be exact, we first train an attribute classifier on position-ids sequence of the PLM while concate- the same single-attribute CTG training set. Thus, nating. Given the original position-ids sequence: such a classifier with nclass classes corresponds to the pre-trained single-attribute prompt set S = id = { 1, ..., lu , lu + 1, ..., lp , lp + 1, ..., lp + n}, {S1 , S2 , ..., Snclass }. Given an attribute-specific | {z } | {z }| {z } sentence x of other attribute category, we first get Length of Su Length of Sv Length of input prefix the class probabilities set p = {p1 , p2 , ..., pnclass }. (4) Then, the pseudo single-attribute prompt can be the RP sequence can be defined as: obtained by two methods: idRP = { 1, ..., lu , 1, ..., lv , lv + 1, ..., lv + n}. | {z } | {z } | {z } Length of Su Length of Sv Length of input prefix Sa = SIndex(arg max(p)) , (5) nX class In that case, swapping dose not bring any (6) Sw = pz Sz , changes, since the position of prompts is fixed by z=1 the RP sequence while avoiding cross-attention by the MAP mask. where argmax-pseudo prompt method obtains pseudo single-attribute prompt Sa by using a single- 3.2.2 Training Method attribute prompt corresponding to the predicted While the non-training method partly addresses sentiment, Index(·) means getting the correspond- the issues of combination, the inconsistency be- ing index. In contrast, weighted-pseudo prompt tween the training and testing stage would still 3 In the implementation for multi-attribute CTG, we use 2 The multi-head mechanism is omitted for illustration pur- YELP data of two sentiments attributes (Positive / Negative) poses. and three kinds of food type (Mexican / American / Asian)
method utilizes the predicted probability distri- et al., 2020), we use 15 attribute-unrelated prefixes4 bution to multiply corresponding single-attribute and ask model to continue writing with them (100 prompts, respectively. Then these weighted prompt sentences for each) while satisfying pre-specified form a whole prompt Sw by element-wise addition. attribute as the final results5 . The MAP Connector Workflow Figure 2 bottom Evaluation Metrics Follow (Yang and Klein, illustrates the workflow of MAP connector. In the 2021; Dathathri et al., 2020), we automatically eval- training stage, we unify sentences containing dif- uate generation results from three aspects: (1) Cor- ferent single attributes to train MAP connector, rectness. We used RoBERTaLarge (Liu et al., 2019) each of which is added an extra pseudo single- based attribute classifiers to compute the fraction of attribute prompt (boxes edged in black) by em- final sentences that contains pre-specified attribute, ploying the aforementioned method. Specifically, details in Appendix C. (2) Text Quality. Gram- for each training sample, we first concatenate two mar (GRAM) (Warstadt et al., 2019) indicates the single-attribute prompts (real and pseudo), MAP averaged grammaticality probabilities of all final connector and the input sentence to a sequence, sentences, evaluated by a RoBERTa-based CoLA and then feed it into a fixed GPT-2. It is worth grammaticality model (Yang and Klein, 2021). Per- noting that only parameters of MAP connector are plexity (PPL), we average the scores from GPT- updated in the training stage. Therefore, given two 2Base , GPT-2Medium and GPT-2Large version of GPT- single-attribute prompt Su and Sv , MAP connector 2 (Radford et al., 2019) as the final result. (3) C with the length lC , C ∈ RlC ×demb , we concate- Diversity. Following Li et al. (2015), we report nate Su , Sv , C and the input sentence matrix Xemb the distinctness of the final results. Specifically, to form a input matrix as [Su ; Sv ; C; Xemb ]. The we count the number of unigrams, bigrams and tri- learning object is: grams and then normalize them by the total number n of words (i.e., Dist-1 / Dist-2 / Dist-3). Tailor Settings To facilitate description, for single- X Lmulti = log Pθ (xt |Su , Sv , C, x
Correctness Text Quality Diversity TP (%) Method (%) ↑ GRAM ↑ PPL ↓ Dist-1/Dist-2/Dist-3 ↑ FT (Food) 87.53 0.78 40.60 0.04 / 0.22 / 0.42 100.00 FT (Sent) 97.95 0.76 42.83 0.04 / 0.21 / 0.41 Adapter (Food) 74.70 0.75 43.85 0.04 / 0.23 / 0.46 0.10 Adapter (Sent) 93.32 0.74 47.01 0.04 / 0.22 / 0.45 PPLM (Food) 60.64 0.34 105.33 0.16 / 0.53 / 0.80 0.001 PPLM (Sent) 69.37 0.36 75.59 0.15 / 0.53 / 0.82 GeDi (Food) 99.82 0.28 278.22 0.42 / 0.79 / 0.95 100.00 GeDi (Sent) 87.37 0.32 517.87 0.27 / 0.85 / 0.97 Tailor-S (Food) 83.89 0.71 45.79 0.05 / 0.35 / 0.71 0.08 Tailor-S (Sent) 93.80 0.71 46.20 0.06 / 0.35 / 0.70 Table 1: The main results of single-attribute CTG. Due to space constraints, Sent and Food denote averaging the evaluation scores of all sentiment attributes and topics of food type, respectively. TP denotes training parameters as the percentage of the fine-tuning model (FT). ↑ means higher score is better where ↓ is exactly the opposite. Correctness (%) Text Quality Diversity TP (%) Method Avg ↑ Sent ↑ Food ↑ GRAM ↑ PPL ↓ Dist-1/Dist-2/Dist-3↑ 100.00 FT 69.80 74.03 65.57 0.69 46.54 0.04 / 0.23 / 0.42 0.60 Adapter 69.10 74.10 64.10 0.77 37.89 0.03 / 0.21 / 0.42 0.60 Adapter (Pseudo) 81.71 89.95 73.46 0.75 45.63 0.04 / 0.22 / 0.45 0.00 CONCAT 76.20 87.88 64.51 0.63 55.02 0.05 / 0.33 / 0.68 0.00 Tailor-C 78.82 87.54 70.10 0.63 52.76 0.05 / 0.32 / 0.68 0.08 Tailor-W 83.98 93.27 74.68 0.68 51.41 0.05 / 0.33 / 0.69 0.08 Tailor-A 87.15 92.97 81.32 0.69 52.73 0.05 / 0.33 / 0.69 Table 2: The main results of multi-attribute CTG. Due to space constraints, we average the scores of six combina- tions (two sentiment attributes × three topic attributes of food type) as the final results for each method. Due to space constraints, the implementation de- without any training, especially on correctness, tails of baselines and Tailor can be found in § A. outperforms fine-tuning (+ 13.51% Sentiment / + 4.53% Food) and Adapter (+ 13.44% Sentiment / 4.2 Main Results + 6.00% Food), yet text quality decrease. Besides, Single-Attribute CTG As shown in Table 1, our training methods Tailor-W and Tailor-A show Tailor-S outperforms PPLM and GeDi to a great improvements on all scores compared with Tailor- extend on both correctness and text quality. Mean- C, e.g., + 4.58% / + 11.22% correctness on the while, compared with other parameter-efficient topic of food type attribute. Meanwhile, Tailor also learning model Adapter, Tailor-S also gets improve- outperforms Adapter with the same pseudo label ments on both on both correctness (e.g, + 9.19% strategy on both correctness and diversity, with a of Food) and diversity (e.g, + 0.02% / + 0.12% / notable scale discrepancy of training parameters + 0.25% of Food) with a similar scale of training (1:7.25). parameters. However, with 0.08% training parame- ters of the GPT-2, Tailor-S still has a performance 4.3 Further Discussions gap with FT, e.g., - 4.14% correctness on Food. Few-Shot Learning We conduct a few-shot learn- Fortunately, as the length of Tailor-S increases (see ing setting to further analyze the effectiveness of § 4.3), this gap appears to narrow (- 0.33%, Tailor-S Tailor. In detail, following Li and Liang (2021), with length of 256). we randomly sample from full dataset and obtain Multi-Attribute CTG As shown in Table 2, we the few-shot dataset (training / validation / testing: compare three instantiations of Tailor and strong 150 / 20 / 20). Specifically, we sample three dif- baselines in the single-attribute CTG experiment. ferent few-shot datasets and average the scores of First, Tailor-C shows encouraging performances each method on three datasets as the final results.
Correctness (%) instance, NE attribute get a 3.14% improvement if TP (%) Method Avg↑ Sent↑ Food↑ we put the corresponding prompt close to the input prefix. However, it also brings a 3.4% decrease for Single-Attribute CTG AM attribute as being away from input prefix at the FT 54.08 - 54.08 100.00 same time. In contrast, Tailor-C keeps the same FT 85.28 85.28 - Adapter 55.79 - 55.79 performance after swapping. 0.10 Adapter 77.91 77.91 - Tailor-S 66.23 - 66.23 Correctness (%) 0.08 Method Combination Tailor-S 89.27 89.27 - Avg↑ Sent↑ Food↑ Multi-Attribute CTG NE-AM 68.40 76.93 59.87 100.00 FT 60.60 73.45 47.75 CONCAT AM-NE 68.27 80.07 56.47 0.60 Adapter 57.15 68.44 45.85 NE-AM 69.90 79.07 60.73 0.60 Adapter (Pseudo) 67.27 78.66 55.88 Tailor-C AM-NE 69.90 79.07 60.73 0.00 Tailor-C 68.09 74.38 61.79 0.08 Tailor-W 70.32 84.18 56.46 Table 4: The results on multi-attribute CTG of gener- 0.08 Tailor-A 71.41 83.63 59.18 ating sentences satisfying negative sentiment (NE) and topic of American food (AM). NE-AM denotes putting Table 3: The main results of few-shot learning. Note the positive attribute prompt in first and American food that TP for multi-Attribute CTG means the extra train- attribute prompt in later when concatenating them, in ing parameters as the percentage of the fine-tuning contrast to AM-NE. model (FT) after single-Attribute CTG. Due to space constraints, we average the scores of six combinations (two sentiment attributes × three topic attributes of Ablation Study of Tailor-C Whether Tailor-C en- food type) as the final results for each method. joys the benefits from the MAP mask and the RP sequence is also of concern. As shown in Table 5, both the MAP mask and the RP sequence are impor- tant to Tailor-C. More importantly, they are comple- mentary to each other—using these two strategies simultaneously can improve the performance while avoiding the position sensitivity problem. Correctness (%) Method Figure 4: The results of using Tailor-S and Tailor-A Avg↑ Sent↑ Food↑ with different lengths. The x-axis is the prompt length and the y-axis is the averaging correctness score (%). Tailor-C 78.82 87.54 70.10 - APA Mask 78.36 87.39 69.34 - RP 77.77 88.33 67.21 As shown in Table 3, three types of Tailor outper- - Both 76.20 87.88 64.52 forms other baselines on correctness, with 0.00% / 0.08% extra training parameters of the GPT-2 after Table 5: The ablation study on using the APA mask and single-attribute CTG. the RP sequence (RP) of Tailor-C. ‘-’ denotes remov- ing the corresponding module from Tailor-C. Note that, Length of Tailor As shown in Figure 4, we ex- exchanging the concatenating order of prompts would plore the length of both Tailor-S and Tailor-A. For bring different performances, except for Tailor-C. Thus, singe-attribute prompt Tailor-S, the performances we average the scores from these two situations of six increase alongside the length. But for Tailor-A, it attributes combinations as the final result. obtains the best performances with the length of 128, and the performances have a slight drop when Unseen Combination In this part, we analyze the we continue to increase the length. combining ability of Tailor on the unseen combi- Position Sensitivity We investigate the position nation, which does not appear in Tailor’s training sensitivity problem when concatenating two single- stage. In implementation, we randomly select one attribute prompts. As shown in Table 4, for simply combination and remove the corresponding data concatenation, the GPT-2 tends to focus more on from the training set for the MAP connector, and the prompt that is closer to the input prefix (i.e., then test the performance of the MAP connector the attribute behind the dash in the Table 4). For on this multi-attribute generation task. As shown
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(2020). In detail, γ = 1.5, γgm = 0.9, λkl = Attribute PO NE All 0.01, iterations=3 and step size=0.02. ME 25,169 89,411 114,580 In inference, to keep in line with previous AM 72,641 299,293 371,934 works (Dathathri et al., 2020; Krause et al., 2021), AS 47,680 185,551 233,231 we use top-k sampling with k=10, and fix the ran- dom seed as 42 for all models to get the final results, All 145,490 574,255 719,745 while the maximum generation length is set to 128. Table 8: The number of reviews for each attribute in B Yelp Dataset Yelp dataset. In this section, we elaborate the workflow of fil- tering, pre-processing and sub-sampling to get training two classifiers, the learning rate is set to the attribute-specific dataset for training all mod- 5e-5 and the warm-up steps is set to 200. The els and the classifiers For correctness evaluation. performances on the testing set can be found in First of all, we get the YELP dataset from Lample Table 7. et al. (2019). In detail, each sample of the YELP D Case Study dataset contains a review and the corresponding attributes10 . Then, we select the restaurant reviews To intuitively display the effects of various at- sub set as our original dataset. For dataset filtering, tributes, we show some generation results of single- we use the dataset setup scripts offered by Lample attribute CTG in Table 9 and multi-attribute CTG et al. (2019), which contains a fastText(Joulin et al., in Table 10, respectively. 2017) classifier to filter sentences that not written in English. After that, we filter the sentences with rated 3 stars, since they could be neutral in senti- ment (Shen et al., 2017). Finally, we get the pre- processed dataset as illustrated in Table 8. For the classifiers that are used in correctness evaluation, we use the full dataset and details in § C. Aside from it, for training Tailor and baselines, we ran- domly sample 30,000 / 3,000 sentences as training / validation data set for each attribute. Model F1 Score Food Type Classifier 83.40 Sentiment Classifier 97.10 Table 7: The Performances of two classifiers on Yelp dataset. C Classifiers For Correctness Evaluation We use the RoBERTaLarge based model to train two classifiers for both sentiment and topic of food type attributes. To obtain a balanced dataset, we randomly over-sampling the raw dataset. Finally, we get 1500k / 15k / 15k topic-specific sentences and 1380k / 1k / 1k sentiment-specific sentences for training / validation / testing, respectively. For 10 The format can be found via https://github.com/shrimai/ Style-Transfer-Through-Back-Translation
Attribute Method Generation Results FT Once upon a time, i was very disappointed . The meat was bland and the beans tasted as if they had been sitting out all day... Adapter Once upon a time in the restaurant it was still dark and people weren ’t even talking... PPLM Once upon a time, computers would have been able read, interpret and write, NE and listen, listen and read... GeDi Once upon a time you either enter base build states or begin switching context switches and magic spells that alter your manifest... Tailor-S Once upon a time, you had to order your dinner. the food came out cold with no seasoning or flavor whatsoever... FT Once upon a time I’ve had the spicy tofu dish , but that was my only meal. It came out cold and tasted awful... Adapter Once upon a time i was craving something spicy, it tasted like the best Chinese food out there... PPLM Once upon a time I made a stone of silver ring mail "Garden of the Winds AS Winds"... GeDi Once upon a time bamboo noodles were the classical medicine and lemongrass fetish... Tailor-S Once upon a time, I got here for the sushi roll . After getting home from work at 4pm and finding... Table 9: Samples of single-attribute CTG with input prefix ‘Once upon a time’. NE and AS denotes generating sentences satisfying negative sentiment and topic of Asian food, respectively. We highlight different attribute- specific words or phrases for better view. Attribute Method Generation Results FT Once upon a time I was greeted, sat and waited patiently. the food took forever and there were only 6 of us that got our appetizers... Adapter Once upon a time I got my food and was told that the service is slow . then they came over to me with an "error" ... Adapter (P) Once upon a time, I would never recommend eating this place. the NE - AS sushi was terrible and they... Tailor-C Once upon a time, my mom had to order the fried rice at night and she said that it was so bad ... Tailor-A Once upon a time, I’ve had my rice and noodles at the Japanese buffet . They were so bland that... Tailor-W Once upon a time I had the spicy ramen . It was too sweet and salty , but now its like they have been replaced with something else... Table 10: Samples of multi-attribute CTG with input prefix ‘Once upon a time’. NE-AS denotes generating sentences satisfying negative sentiment and topic of Asian food. Adapter (P) denotes using the same argmax- pseudo labeled sentences (see § 3.2.2) to train the Adapter. We highlight different attribute-specific words or phrases for better view.
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