Synthetic Biology & Biotech - Open Learning Campus

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Synthetic Biology & Biotech - Open Learning Campus
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Synthetic Biology
                                                  KEY INSIGHT                            EXAMPLES                                       DISRUPTIVE IMPACT                            EMERGING PLAYERS

                                                                                         Researchers are developing standardized        Imagine a future where you no longer         • Twist Bioscience
                                                  Synthetic biology is a                 biological parts, redesigning proteins,        take medication—instead, your cells are
                                                                                                                                                                                     • SynBioBeta
                                                  relatively new interdis-               developing new microbes, and produc-           simply reprogrammed to fight off what-
                                                                                         ing enzymes and other products—even            ever ails you. Or you bite into a thick,     • JCVI
                                                  ciplinary field of sci-                                                               juicy tomahawk steak that’s grilled to
                                                                                         designing and building unique genomes.                                                      • Synthego
                                                  ence that combines en-                 In January 2008, the J. Craig Venter           perfection—and vegan-friendly, because
                                                                                                                                        it’s made from plant-based proteins. Syn-    • Sherlock Biosciences
                                                  gineering, design, and                 Institute (JCVI) created the first synthetic
                                                                                                                                        thetic biology will someday help repair      • George Church’s lab at
                                                                                         bacterial genome, Mycoplasma genitali-
                                                  computer science with                  um JCVI-1.0, representing the largest          defective genes, rid the planet of toxins,     Harvard University
                                                  biology. Researchers                                                                  destroy cancer cells, and help mass-pro-
                                                                                         synthetic DNA structure ever created.                                                       • Keasling Lab at the Lawrence Berkeley
                                                                                                                                        duce proteins for our consumption. In
                                                  design or redesign or-                 Two years later, they announced the                                                           National Laboratory
                                                                                                                                        the last decade, investors put $26 billion
                                                                                         world’s first synthetic life form, a sin-
                                                  ganisms on a molecular                 gle-celled organism made from laborato-
                                                                                                                                        into synbio startups, according to SynBio-
                                                                                                                                        Beta, the synthetic biology industry hub.
                                                  level for new purposes,                ry chemicals. Swiss researchers showed
                                                                                                                                        Products now underway could generate
                                                                                         it’s possible to program mammalian cells
                                                  making them adaptable                  to do basic math. Researchers at the
                                                                                                                                        $4 trillion by 2031.
                                                  to different environ-                  University of California, San Francisco,
                                                  ments or giving them                   engineered E. coli to be programmed to
                                                                                         find and move along designated paths.
                                                  different abilities.

Syn 3.0 has only 473 genes.

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                                                     KEY INSIGHT                            EXAMPLES                                     DISRUPTIVE IMPACT                              EMERGING PLAYERS

                                                                                            Last year, Jennifer Doudna, a biochemist     Scientists hope CRISPR will help boost         • Mammoth Biosciences
                                                     CRISPR, which stands                   at the University of California, Berkeley,   our immune systems, whether it’s fight-
                                                                                                                                                                                        • Verve Therapeutics
                                                     for clustered regular-                 and Emmanuelle Charpentier, director         ing off tumor cells with fewer side effects
                                                                                            of the Max Planck Unit for the Science       than chemotherapy or entirely disabling        • Plantedit
                                                     ly interspaced short                                                                cancer cells themselves. Expect wide-
                                                                                            of Pathogens, won the 2020 Nobel Prize                                                      • Caribou Biosciences
                                                     palindromic repeats,                   in chemistry for the codevelopment of        spread clinical use of the technology this
                                                                                                                                                                                        • Vertex Pharmaceuticals
                                                     allows scientists to edit              CRISPR-Cas9. Human trials will test
                                                                                            CRISPR’s potential to treat numerous
                                                     precise positions on                   genetic diseases, including congenital
                                                     DNA using a bacterial                  blindness, muscular dystrophy, Alzhei-
                                                     enzyme. The technology                 mer’s disease, and sickle cell anemia.

                                                     is transforming cancer
Jennifer Doudna (right) and Emmanuelle Char-
pentier won the 2020 Nobel Prize in chemistry
                                                     treatment, preventing
for codeveloping the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing        the spread of disease,
                                                     and addressing global

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mRNA Vaccines
                                                       KEY INSIGHT                            EXAMPLES                                      DISRUPTIVE IMPACT                              EMERGING PLAYERS

                                                                                              Last year marked the first time a mar-        Researchers can design and test mRNA           • BioNTech
                                                       As genetic material that               keted drug used mRNA vaccines. Unlike         vaccines more quickly than traditional
                                                                                                                                                                                           • Moderna
                                                                                              traditional vaccines, which use weakened      ones. This new biotechnology can be
                                                       contains instructions for                                                            manufactured synthetically, rather than        • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
                                                                                              bits of a live virus or bits of dead virus,
                                                       making proteins, mes-                  the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna               through cultured cell lines or other living    • U.S. National Institutes of Health
                                                       senger RNA is revolu-                  COVID-19 vaccines instead used mRNA           cells such as chicken eggs (a common
                                                                                                                                            human allergen). Synthetic biology sys-        • Intellia Therapeutics
                                                                                              to overwrite the code in our cells. This
                                                       tionizing vaccine devel-               breakthrough technology falls under the       tems can automate the design-test-build
                                                       opment.                                umbrella of synthetic biology. Research-      sequence for rapid learning, targeting
                                                                                                                                            variants and making adjustments as
                                                                                              ers believe that sending new instruc-
                                                                                              tions into our cells could help protect us
                                                                                              against a number of viruses in the very
                                                                                              near future. An mRNA vaccine to fully
                                                                                              immunize people against malaria is in the

Vaccines with messenger RNA are quick to design
and test.

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                                                                                                Perpetual Puppies

                                                                                                Mid-future pessimistic scenario
                                                                                                Advances in synthetic age reversal find an off-brand use:
                                                                                                our pets. Not only do we rush to keep the pets we love
                                                                                                alive for longer, but some are never even allowed to
                                                                                                age. Socialites biohack puppies and kittens to keep them
                                                                                                purse-sized, preventing them from physically matur-
                                                                                                ing. Even though these pets look adorable, their biology
                                                                                                resists the changes we make, leading to complications and
                                                                                                in some cases shortening their lifespans instead of extend-
                                                                                                ing them. The constant tension between keeping them
                                                                                                young and keeping them alive is a biological balancing act
                                                                                                that torments the animals and leaves them in a near-cata-
                                                                                                tonic state. Animal rights activists push back, but with no
                                                                                                regulation and few enforceable nonhuman rights, perpet-
                                                                                                ually young pets perpetually suffer.

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Synthetic Biology and Biotech Trends

                                                                                                             Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism                be removed from a living person. As an         Assembloids
                                                                                                             (SNP) Profiling                               alternative, scientists are creating or-       Miniature snippets of the nervous system
                                                                                                             Researchers are developing a new tech-        ganoids—tiny blobs grown from human            are being used to create miniature blobs
                                                                                                             nique that might someday enable people        stem cells that could grow into tissues.       of brain tissue. When put together, lab-
                                                                                                             to upgrade their children before birth.       In 2008, researchers created the first         grown muscles and brains can establish
                                                                                                             Think of an SNP as a single genetic letter    cerebral organoids that provided some          neural highways and process informa-
                                                                                                             (A, T, C, G). Tinkering with the order        more understanding of brain functions.         tion. Researchers at Stanford University
                                                                                                             of those letters could optimize human         Cerebral organoids have since been used        are experimenting with self-assembling
                                                                                                             genetic code for the best possible out-       in research on autism and other diseases,      tissue that responds to stimuli. In one in-
                                                                                                             comes. This doesn’t mean creating babies      such as the Zika virus. Researchers at         stance, the tissue twitched on command.
                                                                                                             with a certain hair or eye color but rather   Stanford University and the Chan Zuck-
                                                                                                             lowering the odds of future heart disease     erberg Biohub created human forebrain
                                                                                                                                                           organoids. The forebrain is the part           Organoids for COVID-19
                                                                                                             or perhaps acquiring diabetes. The pro-                                                      Research
                                                                                                             cedure requires in vitro fertilization for    of the brain responsible for thinking,
                                                                                                             now: Embryos can be SNP-profiled, and         perceiving, and evaluating our surround-       Lab-grown lung and brain tissues are
                                                                                                             the best possible combination would be        ings. Research is underway elsewhere           being used to research the lasting effects
                                                                                                             used for the pregnancy. Future genera-        that would transplant bits of human            of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes
                                                                                                             tions would pass those traits forward.        brain organoids into rats, raising ethical     COVID-19. Miniature guts and livers
                                                                                                                                                           concerns. Organoids aren’t conscious           are also being grown in high-security
                                                                                                                                                           (yet), and as experimentation progresses,      labs and infected with the virus, as are
                                                                                                             Organoids                                     scientists must develop ethical standards.     combinations of different organs (called a
                                                                                                             It’s difficult and dangerous for scien-       The Brainstorm Project at the National         “body on a chip”).
                                                                                                             tists to study how living human tissue        Institutes of Health will bring together
                                                                                                             responds to viruses, medications, or          scientists and ethicists to develop a set of
A tiny bioengineered human liver organoid grows in the lab with pluripotent stem cells.
                                                                                                             other stimuli: Brain or heart tissue can’t    recommendations.
Image credit: Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.

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Synthetic Biology and Biotech Trends

                                                      Super-Fast Molecule Discovery                   Ciotat,” a black-and-white French short       Computational Biology                          difficult for their offspring to reproduce.
                                                      Scientists now use synthetic biology to         from 1896. Last year, Chinese scientists      Advancements                                   Male mosquitoes don’t bite, and the U.S.
                                                      discover and produce molecules on de-           at Tianjin University stored 445KB of         Proteins are essential to life. These large,   Environmental Protection Agency says
                                                      mand. The Defense Advanced Research             data in an E. coli cell. The Intelligence     complex molecules contain chains of            they pose no human threat. Local author-
                                                      Project Agency and the MIT-Broad Insti-         Advanced Research Projects Activity, a        amino acids and come in unique shapes.         ities, who have been dealing with steadily
                                                      tute Foundry tested whether new mole-           group within the Office of the Director       A protein’s structure determines its job,      growing cases of dengue fever and West
                                                      cules could be generated for practical use.     of National Intelligence, intends to store    whether it’s transporting oxygen or            Nile virus, hope that a smaller mosquito
                                                      By combining artificial intelligence and        an exabyte of data—roughly a million          protecting the body from pathogens. Re-        population will curb the diseases without
                                                      synthetic biology, the team delivered six       terabyte-sized hard drives—in a blob          searchers at DeepMind developed an AI          insecticides or poisonous chemicals.
                                                      out of the 10 requested designer mole-          of DNA. A weird branch of biological          system to understand protein structures.
                                                      cules in just 90 days.                          science, yes, but human computing has         Called AlphaFold, it accurately predicts       Genetically Modified
                                                                                                      practical purposes: DNA could solve our       the shape of a protein from its amino          Cephalopods
                                                                                                      future data storage problems. It’s durable,   acid sequence. This discovery will ac-
Researchers assembled a working model of a            DNA Storage                                     too: Evolutionary scientists routinely                                                       Last year, scientists created the first
human brain-to-muscle nerve circuit in a dish.                                                                                                      celerate research, giving scientists more      genetically modified squid using CRISPR.
                                                      In 2018, scientists from Microsoft              study DNA that is thousands of years old      precise information about how proteins
Image credit: Jimena Andersen/Pasca Lab.
                                                      Research and the University of Wash-            to learn more about our human ances-                                                         Research on cephalopods is particularly
                                                                                                                                                    function inside cells.                         important because squids are highly in-
                                                      ington achieved a new milestone: They           tors. Twist Bioscience, a DNA storage
                                                      discovered how to create random access          startup, discovered how to make hyper-                                                       telligent, have complex nervous systems,
                                                      memory on DNA at scale. They encoded            dense, stable, affordable DNA storage. By     Engineered Mosquitoes                          and communicate using sophisticated
                                                      200 megabytes of data on human DNA—             depositing microscopic drops of nucle-        This year, millions of genetically engi-       signals that scientists don’t understand.
                                                      including 35 video, image, audio, and           otides onto silicon chips, Twist’s robots     neered mosquitoes will be released in the      Researchers could use gene editing to
                                                      text files ranging from 29KB to 44MB.           can create a million short strands of DNA     Florida Keys. The Florida Keys Mosquito        study and learn more about cephalopod
                                                      To date, scientists have stored a $50 Am-       at a time. The end result will be a tiny,     Control District Board of Commission-          brains. At the Massachusetts-based Ma-
                                                      azon gift card, an operating system, and        pill-sized container that could someday       ers approved a pilot project to intro-         rine Biological Laboratory, researchers
                                                      a film, “L’arrivée d’un train en gare de La     hold hundreds of terabytes of capacity.       duce male mosquitoes that have been            successfully mapped a squid genome and
                                                                                                                                                    engineered to pass on a gene making it         edited embryos to create a transparent
                                                                                                                                                                                                   creature. (Typically, this variety of squid
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Synthetic Biology and Biotech Trends

has dark spots.) Because cephalopods are            cells to perform useful tasks will still take     2018, scientists at the California Institute   DIY Biohacking Projects                       new ways to engineer food and fabric. A
so intelligent, research is highly regulated        time—we’re not talking about engineer-            of Technology built a DNA-based ver-           Biohacking is a socio-technological           team of biohackers created vegan cheese
in the European Union and in Canada,                ing synthetic humans, yet—but there are           sion of tic-tac-toe with self-assembling       movement bringing together citizen            from engineered yeast. They used the
but there are fewer protections in the              many thought-provoking possibilities.             DNA origami tiles. In the future, molec-       scientists, academic researchers, tech-       yeast to develop milk proteins, which
U.S. As scientists begin editing the genet-         The future of synthetic biology might, by         ular robotics will offer new opportunities     nologists, data scientists, and others        they combine with water and vegan oil to
ic code of squid and other sea life, they           design, include a self-destruct switch to         to advance medicine and agriculture.           interested in life sciences. Biohackers       make vegan milk, and then continued on
must consider the ethical implications.             be used after a completed task—or after                                                          are developing DIY solutions for dis-         with a more traditional cheese-making
                                                    we’ve changed our minds.                          Cloning and Synthesizing Viruses               eases and illnesses, and they’re driven       process. The recipe is open source and
Designer Cells                                                                                                                                       by disenchantment with consolidation          free. AlgiKnit uses kelp to make apparel
                                                                                                      Early in the global pandemic, a team at                                                      and footwear and has developed yarn for
Researchers have already developed                  Molecular Robotics                                the University of Bern published the           in the pharmaceutical industry, long
                                                                                                                                                     regulatory processes, and slow product        a number of different textiles. Modified
artificial cells that come very close to the        Molecular robotics will someday be                code for a synthetic SARS-CoV-2 virus.                                                       yeasts, proteins, and other bits of DNA
real thing. But last year, University of            used on all life forms to provide targeted        Anyone could go online and order the           development. Some create novel en-
                                                                                                                                                     hancements. Openness and collabora-           could be hard to control, however. Novel
California, San Diego, scientists dis-              therapies as well as genetic augmen-              required ingredients—which included the                                                      organisms ingested or released into the
covered a technique to create cells that            tation. Scientists at the Wyss Institute          virus’s genomic instructions and yeast.        tion are valued. Biohackers share their
                                                                                                                                                     protocols, research, and materials online,    world could violate the United Nations
could send protein signals to other cells           for Biologically Inspired Engineering at          The journal Nature published the paper,                                                      Biological Weapons Convention, even
and trigger behavior—mimicking what                 Harvard University discovered that both           which terrified national security experts      much as technologists share their code
                                                                                                                                                     on GitHub. A group of Bay Area bio-           if the biohack isn’t itself intended to be
biological cells do on their own. Artificial        robots and our DNA can be programmed              concerned that $30,000 and access to a                                                       a weapon. Some worry that the open-
cells will soon have practical applications         to perform tasks. Molecules can also              certified lab would allow anyone to build      hackers launched Open Insulin, a project
                                                                                                                                                     based on the idea that insulin should be      source ethos of biohacking could lead to
in precision medicine, or the custom-               self-assemble and react to their environ-         their own experiments. The Bern team                                                         a new class of biological weapons.
ization of health care. But as synthetic            ments. A team of scientists at Arizona            had a different perspective: By democ-         free. Diabetes affects 422 million people
biology evolves, the implications of                State University and Harvard University           ratizing access to the novel coronavirus,      worldwide, and the project aims to devel-
future designer cells are unpredictable.            created single-stranded DNA that can              more labs could create diagnostic tests,       op the “first freely available, open or-      DIY Vaccines
New generations of cells that randomly              self-fold into origami-like shapes. It turns      treatments, and vaccines.                      ganisms for insulin production that will      Last summer, the U.S. prepared for a
mutate could function in ways we’ve not             out that RNA can be used, too—and both                                                           be practical for small-scale, locally based   new school year with no Covid vaccine
yet imagined. Programming individual                can be produced inside living cells. In                                                          groups to use.” Biohacking also seeks         in sight, and a group of citizen scientists

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Synthetic Biology and Biotech Trends

                                                                                                            began work on their own inoculation us-        testing drugs, the FDA doesn’t techni-        the genetic sequences of parents, along
                                                                                                            ing a DIY approach. The Rapid Deploy-          cally have oversight over Radvac’s DIY        with cells retrieved during a biopsy, to
                                                                                                            ment Vaccine Collaborative (Radvac) in-        vaccine kits.                                 generate an embryo’s entire genome.
                                                                                                            cludes technologists, scientists, and other                                                  Next, they use algorithms to calculate
                                                                                                            researchers who believe in an open-sci-        Cheaper Genome Sequencing                     the probabilities of certain ailments.
                                                                                                            ence approach. The group, working in                                                         Couples can then select the embryos they
                                                                                                            borrowed labs using ingredients readily        The first human genome cost roughly           like, based on those results. While both
                                                                                                            found online, created a formula meant          $2.7 billion and took 13 years to com-        companies are disease focused for now,
                                                                                                            to be mixed at home and self-adminis-          plete. Today, you can sequence your           it is also possible to calculate scores and
                                                                                                            tered. They subsequently delivered the         genome from the comfort of your own           optimize for other genetic traits such as
                                                                                                            materials to 70 people. Radvac members,        home for less than the price of a cheap       height and intelligence. Genomic Pre-
                                                                                                            most of whom work anonymously for              TV. Nebula Genomics, a spinout from a         diction provides genetic report cards
                                                                                                            fear of repercussions from their univer-       Harvard University lab run by synthetic       to would-be parents: They can review
                                                                                                            sities, research labs, or funders, pub-        biologist George Church, offers a $299        risk assessment grades for heart attacks,
                                                                                                            lished a white paper detailing both the        test that returns a complete genetic code.    certain cancers, and diabetes. They can
                                                                                                            group’s research and their instructions and 23andMe offer geno-          also identify those embryos that could
                                                                                                            for mixing coronavirus peptides—tiny           typing tests, which look only at a part of    have extremely low intelligence as adults
Researchers hope that engineered Aedes aegypti mosquitoes will reduce the total population in Florida.
                                                                                                            fragments of genetic information that          the genome, for $99 to $199.                  or become among the shortest 2% of the
                                                                                                            cannot cause Covid independently. What                                                       population.
                                                                                                            about regulators? There is no regulatory       Gattaca Baby Tests
                                                                                                            framework governing the distribution of        New genetic screening techniques that         Artificial Human Genomes
                                                                                                            research, instructions, and supplies for       test embryos before implantation are
                                                                                                            DIY biohacking projects. While the U.S.                                                      Researchers at the University of Tartu,
                                                                                                                                                           making their way into fertility centers.      Estonia, use neural networks to develop
                                                                                                            Food and Drug Administration requires          California-based MyOme and New Jer-
                                                                                                            a stringent set of criteria for creating and                                                 novel segments on human genomes. Be-
                                                                                                                                                           sey-based Genomic Prediction now use          cause genetic data is sensitive, the hope

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Synthetic Biology and Biotech Trends

is that an artificial human genome will             and implanted synthetic ovaries in mice          Prime Editing                                 In the future, if we can quantify aging        Building Full Chromosomes
allow researchers to study DNA without              that resulted in a successful pregnancy.         A new gene-editing technique, which           at a cellular level, we might be able to       The Human Genome Project-read
infringing on anyone’s privacy.                     Researchers at the Children’s Hospital of        scientists call “prime editing,” could make   reverse it. Meanwhile, George Church           (HGP-read)—an initiative to sequence
                                                    Philadelphia created an artificial womb          the process much more precise and result      and a team at Harvard’s Wyss Institute         the human genome and improve the
Genetic Research’s Bias Problem                     called a “biobag” and used it to success-        in more accurate modifications. As im-        combined into a single compound three          technology and costs associated with
                                                    fully keep premature lambs alive and             pressive as CRISPR is, it can sometimes       different gene therapies related to cellular   sequencing DNA—wrapped up in 2004.
Less than 2% of people who have had                 developing normally for 28 days. We are                                                        decay. The intent: reverse obesity and
their genomes sequenced are from                                                                     change the wrong genes or accidentally                                                       But now there’s a new initiative: the Hu-
                                                    still years away from synthesizing and           break apart strands of a DNA’s double         diabetes while also improving kidney and       man Genome Project-write (HGP-write).
Africa. Overwhelmingly, the majority                growing a full-size organic womb—but                                                           heart function. Remarkably, the tech-
of sequences come from affluent, Cau-                                                                helix. The refinement to CRISPR affords                                                      This is a synthetic biology initiative, and
                                                    the biobag represents an intervention that       more precision and versatility.               nique seemed to work—in mice.                  it’s a grand-scale collaboration to synthe-
casian Americans and Europeans. This                could help the thousands of premature
excludes an enormous number of people                                                                                                                                                             size new species of microbes, plants, and
                                                    babies born before 25 weeks each year.                                                         Superbugs                                      animals.
from the benefits of genetic research.                                                               Synthetic Age Reversal
A decade-long Three Million African                                                                  The source code for humanity is stored        Months before the pandemic, researchers
Genomes project is underway to locate               Gene Vandalism                                                                                 at Johns Hopkins University ran a simula-      A Shortage of Genome Storage
                                                                                                     in our DNA. As we age, the sequence
missing genetic variants from ancestral             Sometimes the gene editing process               might stay constant, but there are            tion of a hypothetical, treatment-resistant    One of the fastest-growing datasets in
genomes in Africa. It would build an                results in breaking the double strands           chemical changes that occur to our DNA.       coronavirus outbreak spawned at a Bra-         the world comprises human genetic data.
African biobank of clinical information             of a DNA’s helix. That results in what           Observing those changes could lead to         zillian pig farm. In the simulation, 65 mil-   By 2025, we may be out of data storage
and could lead to a more equitable future           synthetic biologist George Church calls          new techniques to halt or even reverse        lion people died in just 18 months. When       space for human genomes, according to
of genetic research.                                “gene vandalism.” As cells try to repair the     age-related disease. Columbia University      SARS-CoV-2 became a global pandemic            estimates by the University of Illinois
                                                    break, it often results in unintended mod-       researchers discovered that it might be       last year, it joined a host of superbugs       at Urbana-Champaign. As precision
Creating Synthetic Wombs                            ifications and mutations that cannot be          possible to record and store information      already rampant elsewhere in the world.        medicine, CRISPR, and gene therapy
                                                    easily controlled and could be dangerous.        about cells as they age. The technique, a     Each of them holds potential for massive       technologies continue to advance and
In an experiment at Northwestern                    Gene vandalism is on the rise as more                                                          spread, and yet despite these hypothetical
University’s Feinberg School of Med-                                                                 sort of biological DVR, uses the CRIS-                                                       improve, our storage needs will explode,
                                                    researchers experiment with CRISPR.              PR-Cas system over a period of days.          risks, most governments underspend on          along with the computing power and
icine, researchers successfully printed                                                                                                            emerging disease research.                     requirements for acquiring, distributing,

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Synthetic Biology and Biotech Trends

                                                            analyzing, encrypting, and safeguard-             purportedly eliminated the CCR5 gene in        into effect, industrial pig farmers couldn’t   the first for China. The United States and
                                                            ing our genomics data. As technology              a pair of twin girls. That modification, the   upgrade their facilities fast enough,          South Korea are other existing markets
                                                            increasingly intertwines with biology,            scientists hoped, would make the twins         which led to farm closures and a rerout-       for pet cloning, but the practice hasn’t
                                                            inadequate storage capacity and insuffi-          resistant to HIV, smallpox, and cholera        ing of the pork supply. Sick pigs were         taken off there. In China, some worry, it
                                                            cient technology workflows for storing            throughout their lives. It would also be       shipped throughout the country, fueling        could become more common.
                                                            all that data become evermore urgent              the first instance of genetically modified     the disease spread. China consumes a
                                                            issues—and the lack of planning so far            humans—despite there being no global           tremendous amount of pork, and it will         De-Extincting Animals
                                                            becomes ever clearer. Australia’s Garvan          norms and standards yet for this sort of       take years to rebuild the swine popula-
                                                            Institute of Medical Research is looking          human enhancement. In December 2019,           tion. Enter genome editing: Dozens of          In 2017, researchers plunged into the
                                                            into processes and workflows to reduce            Chinese state media revealed that He’s         gene-editing experiments and research          waters off Lizard Island on the north-
                                                            the genomic data footprint in the future.         work had resulted in additional births         projects are now underway in China to          eastern coast of Australia with some
                                                                                                              beyond the twins. Authorities arrested         develop new breads of disease-resistant,       unexpected equipment in tow—a set of
                                                                                                              him and sentenced him to three years in        climate-acclimating, super pigs intended       underwater loudspeakers. Their destina-
                                                            China’s Genetically Edited Babies                                                                                                               tion was a coral reef that had been all but
                                                                                                              prison for “illegal medical practices.”        for consumption. The research could
                                                            In 2015, Chinese researchers edited the                                                          have a spillover effect in other areas of      abandoned by a once-thriving population
                                                            genes of a human embryo. It was done in                                                          agriculture and medicine, and could ulti-      of sea life. The researchers hoped that
                                                            a petri dish, but it quickly led scientists to    Super Pigs                                                                                    by broadcasting the telltale sounds of a
                                                                                                                                                             mately speed along new regulations.
                                                            sound alarms about the potential of using         In 2019, a major outbreak of swine fever                                                      healthy reef, they might lure back some
                                                            CRISPR to modify embryos during the               devastated China’s stock and killed nearly                                                    of its vital inhabitants. Remarkably, it
                                                            in vitro fertilization process. Since then,       a quarter of the global pig population.        Unregulated Pet Cloning                        worked. This experiment was a unique
                                                            plenty of experimentation on human em-            Though the disease was first reported in       Sinogene, a Beijing-based commercial           instance of rewilding, a holistic approach
                                                            bryos has ensued in China. In late 2018, a        August 2018, it took the Chinese govern-       pet cloning company, sequenced, cloned,        to conservation that focuses on restoring
The longfin inshore squid on the left is unmodified,
with its original red dots visible. The right was
                                                            team of researchers led by Dr. He Jiankui         ment a long time to act. Paradoxically,        and delivered a cat named Garlic for a         the natural phenomena of wilderness
edited using CRISPR-Cas9 to make it completely              at the Southern University of Science and         the disease spread because the Chinese         22-year-old businessman. Pet cloning is        ecosystems, providing connective corri-
translucent.                                                Technology in Shenzhen used CRISPR in             government took positive steps to curb         an unregulated business, and while Garlic      dors between wild spaces, and reintro-
Image credit: Karen Crawford.                               conjunction with in vitro fertilization and       pollution. After new regulations went          wasn’t the world’s first cloned pet, he was    ducing keystone species to their natural

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Synthetic Biology and Biotech Trends

habitats. A term coined more than 30                Microbiome Extinction                            of meat available—means that we’re            learn about fecal microbiomes. Investors      The Post-Natural Age
years ago, rewilding has gained renewed             A mass extinction event is happening             ingesting compounds that are helping to       have poured more than $1 billion into         In the 20th century, biologists focused
attention in the past few years as the cli-         right now in our guts and in the environ-        destroy our own microbiomes.                  microbiome startups since 2016.               on taking things apart—things such as
mate crisis has grown more dire and new             ment. The widespread use of antibiotics,         Humans are complex, composite or-                                                           tissues, cells, and proteins—to learn how
technologies have promised to protect               along with diets rich in processed foods,        ganisms, made up of layers and layers         Building a Comprehensive Human                they function. This century, synthetic
and rehabilitate ecosystems.                        have led to a staggering decline of micro-       of cells. Researchers now think that our      Cell Atlas                                    biologists are focusing on intentional
                                                    organisms in wealthy nations. During the         gut microbiome is directly linked to our                                                    design—improving organisms or con-
                                                                                                                                                   Researchers are building the first-ever
Microbe-Engineering as a Service                    past 12,000 years of human evolution,            metabolism, our immune systems, our                                                         structing new materials from life’s build-
                                                                                                                                                   comprehensive map of all 37.2 trillion
Synthetic biology is an emerging field              we’ve shifted nature’s balance—our diets         central nervous systems, and even the                                                       ing blocks. We are transitioning from
                                                                                                                                                   human cells in the body. A large team
                                                    are now relatively narrow, compared to           cognitive functions inside our brains. It’s                                                 natural selection to artificial selection to
that builds new life: replacement organs                                                                                                           of scientists—including 130 software
                                                    our far-distant ancestors. Recently, sci-        an inherited problem: Most of our mi-                                                       intentional design facilitated by synthetic
and soft tissue, as well as entirely new                                                                                                           engineers, mathematicians, computa-
kinds of organisms never before seen                entists studied modern hunter-gatherer           crobiomes come to us from our mothers                                                       biology. The more powerful and more
                                                                                                                                                   tional scientists, biologists, clinicians,
on Earth. Zymergen, based in the Bay                tribes in Tanzania, Peru, and Venezuela          as we pass through the birth canal. A         and physicists hailing from Israel, the       refined that software design tools and
                                                    and found their microbiota had 50%               number of researchers are now looking                                                       DNA technologies become, the more
Area, is developing original microbes for                                                                                                          Netherlands, Japan, the UK, the U.S., and
                                                    more bacterial species than those in the         at the future of our microbiomes. Ve-                                                       complex biological creations developers
making specialty polymers, which have                                                                                                              Sweden—are mapping the human body
                                                    West today. Unlike those tribes, we no           danta Biosciences is making gut bacteria                                                    will build. We have opened the door to
applications in military equipment and                                                                                                             on a cellular level. Although a cell atlas
                                                    longer hunt and eat wild flora and fauna.        that can be turned into drugs and counts                                                    the post-natural age.
electric vehicles. It raised $400 million in                                                                                                       has long been theorized, new biological
                                                    Those from wealthier countries now eat           the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as
its third round of funding from SoftBank                                                                                                           tools and more powerful computers have
                                                    very little dietary fiber, a limited variety     one of its investors. Startup uBiome has
Vision Fund, Goldman Sachs, Hanwha                                                                                                                 turned this one-time vision into a reality.
                                                    of fruits and vegetables, and only four          launched several at-home microbiome
Asset Management, and others. Syn-                                                                                                                 These scientists believe a comprehensive
                                                    species of livestock: sheep, poultry, cattle,    tests—although currently a subscription
thetic biologists at Ginkgo Bioworks                                                                                                               reference map for all human cells in the
                                                    and pigs. Worse, widespread use of anti-         is required for a test. The American Gut
build custom-crafted microbes for their                                                                                                            body will give the medical community a
                                                    biotics in farm animals—used not neces-          Project, the American Gastroenterolog-
customers. An example: designer bacteria                                                                                                           new way of understanding how our bod-
                                                    sarily to prevent disease but to increase        ical Association, and OpenBiome will
enabling crops to fertilize themselves.                                                                                                            ies work and will help diagnose, monitor,
                                                    weight gain and therefore the volume             track 4,000 patients over 10 years to         and treat disease.

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